新概念英语第二册复习笔记 第四课 课文讲解

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just 搭配现在完成时

receive a letter from sb 相当于hear from sb 收到……来信

write to sb 给…..写信

Australia n.澳大利亚Australian adj. 澳大利亚的

Italy n. 意大利Italian n. 意大利语

for six months

He went there six months ago. 半年前他去那儿了。

He has been there since six months ago. 自从半年前他就去哪儿了。

He has been there for six months. 他已经在哪儿半年了。

for + 一段时间

since + 时间的一点

engineer n. 工程师,建筑师,机械师,火车司机

engine n. 发动机;引擎,机车,火车头

a steam engine 蒸汽机车

engine-driver (Br) 火车司机

engineer (U.S) 火车司机

a number of + n.( pl.) + are……许多的,大量的

eg. A large number of books are stolen. 大量的书籍被盗。

The number of + n.( pl.) + is….. ……的数量是

eg. The number of stolen books is 25. 被偷的书的数目是25本。

eg. A number of people apply for this job. 许多人申请这份工作。

eg. The number of applicants is 70. 申请者的数目是70人。

number n. 号码,数字,数目

eg. My telephone number is 6229897. 我的电话号码是6229897.

No. ( short term 缩略形式)

eg. The company is No. One in the oil business. 这家公司在石油领域是最棒的。eg. There is safety in numbers. 人多势众。

bought : buy-bought-bought sell-sold-sold bring-brought-brought

have gone to 去了……have been to 去过……

eg. where is Jackson? Jachson去哪儿了?

He has gone to Canada, and he has been there a great number of times.


fly fly-flew-flown

1) 飞,飞行,航行

eg. Birds fly. 鸟会飞。

2) 飞行器,飞行,航行操纵,乘坐飞行器飞行

fly a kite 放风筝

fly a plane 驾驶飞机

fly to Paris 乘飞机去巴黎

fly the Atlantic 飞越大西洋

eg. The children flew to meet their mother. 孩子们飞奔去接妈妈。

eg. It’s late now. I must fly. 天很晚了,我必须抓紧时间。

eg. How time flies! 时光飞逝!

fly n. 苍蝇

eg. There is a fly in the soup. 汤里有只苍蝇。

The bird has flown (警察语)要抓的人跑了。

Pigs might fly. 即使有奇迹也不大可能出现(表示对某事不相信)

eg. Tom gives up smoking? 汤姆戒烟了?

Yes, pig might fly! 哼,我决不相信!


1) prep. 在……之前

before lunch 午饭前

before 10 o’clock 在十点钟前

2) conj. 在…..之前

eg. Do it before you forget it. 在遗忘之前把事情做了。

3) adv. 以前,过去

eg. I’ve seen the film before. 我以前看过这部电影。

eg. He has never been abroad before. 他以前从来没有出过国。

find + 宾语+ 补语

eg. I find English difficult but interesting. 我发现英语很难但很有趣。

eg. I find the room empty. 我发现房子是空的。

eg. They find the girl diligent and beautiful. 他们发现这女孩既勤奋又漂亮。


have/has + 动词的过去分词


表示不确定时间:already, yet, just, never……

表示一段时间:so far, up till now, since, for a long time,

in the last few years, these days……


The bell is ringing. 铃正在响。

The bell has just rung. 铃刚刚响过。

1. He is leaving the house. 他正要离开房间。

He has just left the house. 他刚刚离开房间。

2. He is having breakfast. 他正在吃早饭。

He has just had breakfast. 他刚刚吃过早饭。

3. She is writing a letter. 她正在写一封信。

She has just written a letter. 他刚刚写完一封信。

4. My sister is turning on the radio. 我的姐姐正在打开收音机。

My sister has just turned on the radio. 我的姐姐刚刚打开收音机。

5. My mother is making the bed. 我妈妈正在铺床。

My mother has just made the bed. 我妈妈刚刚铺完床。

6. She is buying a new hat. 她正在买一顶新帽子。

She has just bought a new hat. 她刚刚买了一顶新帽子。

He is still having breakfast. 他仍在吃早饭呢。

He hasn’t had breakfast yet. 他还没有吃早饭。

