

v1.0 可编辑可修改—What is it in particular you're interested in


A. Your kitchenware, I suppose.

B. We have placed the order.

C. The kitchenware will be exported to the UK.

—We would like to place an order for some of your C&Z desk units.


A. Thank you very much. We keep a large supply in stock.

B. Certainly, delivery dates depend on your location.

C. We recommend payment by letter of credit.

After having seen the _________ and samples, Jenny makes the specific inquiry.

A. category

B. catalog

C. calculation

Our terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange,

documents_______ payment.

A. against

B. for

C. in

The payment is made by an irrevocable _______ letter of credit in our favor.

A. light

B. bright

C. sight

1. International trade exchanges goods and services between different countries and regions. T

2.Every kind of goods and services can be found on the global market. 回答


3. A product that is bought from the global market is an export.

4.International trade may easily affect world economy.

5.Political change in one country has nothing to do with international trade. 回

—It includes merchandise, packaging and shipping, duty if required, any taxes and insurance.

A. Could I get an estimate before placing an order

B. What does the estimate include

C. How many would you like to order

—What about the commission

A. It’s a general practice everywhere else.

B. Of course, I’d give you our lowest quotation.

C. I’m afraid you have to tell me, first, how large your order is going to be.

Of course, I’d give you our lowest ________.

A. quota

B. quantity

C. quotation

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer ______ could supply us with a large quantity of smart phones for the teenager market.

A. whose

B. which

C. who

Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while _______ attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out

or into that country.

A. to pay

B. paying

C. being paid

1.International trade refers to both import and export.

2.Only after the local customs department agrees, could you start your own business

in the field of import and export.

3.Foreign embassies do nothing to help promote exporting.

4.If you are exporting, you can turn to no one for help.

5.Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country. 回答

— What does CIF refer to

A. It refers to cost, investment and freight

B. It refers to cost, insurance and flight

C. It refers to cost, insurance and freight

A letter of ________ is a document issued by a financial institution.

A. credit

B. complaint

C. inquiry

International trade gives consumers and countries the

opportunity to ________ goods and services not available in their own countries.

A. expose to

B. be exposing to

C. be exposed to

All the prices on the list are subject ________ to our final confirmation.

A. to

B. at

C. on

International trade is the _________ of goods and services between countries.

A. change

B. exchange

C. expression

—They refer to the royalties, including patent right, copy right, trademark right, and so on.

A. What are intangible assets

B. What about the tax base

C. How about the tax rate

—What is the criminal limit

A. The amount exceeds 10% of the amount that he should declare.

B. My company has been fined.

C. It depends on different taxes.

Does that include the turnover_________ in advance

A. to receive

B. received

C. receiving

Assets appear on your balance ________.

A. sheet

B. flow

C. statement

It does in the ________ of transfer of intangible assets or immovable property.

A. circumstances

B. operation

C. case

1. Which of the following is NOT physical asset

A. Filing cabinets.

B. Accounts receivable.

C. Delivery vans.

2. According to the passage, where do the assets appear

A. The balance sheet

B. The income statement

C. The cash flow

3. What do you think an accountant is responsible for

A. An accountant is responsible for hair design.

B. An accountant is responsible for computer repair.

C. An accountant is responsible for bookkeeping.

4. According to the passage, which of the following is INCORRECT

A. Every business has assets

B. Assets can be in different forms.

C. Every businesscan bring in sales without assets.

5. What is the passage discussing about

A. Every business has assets.

B. Assets can be in different forms.

C. Assets appear on the balance sheet.

—For individual income tax, it is within the first 7 days.

A. What do you mean by taxable services

B. What is the deadline for tax declaration

C. What do you think of the deadline for tax declaration —__________________

—Alright, I will try my best.

A. Do you know about business tax

B. What do you think about business tax

C. Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax It means you can ________ online with us.

A. transact

B. transport

C. translate

We are engaged in the development of real ________.

A. establishment

B. state

C. estate

That can lead _______ a bigger personal income-tax bill.

A. to

B. on

C. in

1. Accounting mistakes cannot be avoided.

2. With a lot of credit sales, your company may have no cash at hand. 回答

3. It is recommended not to pay bills too soon.

4. Business money and personal money can be mixed up.

5. Try your best to know your costs before you set product or service prices. 回

—According to law, they refer to transportation, construction, finance, insurance and the like.

A. Do you know taxable services

B. How do you like taxable services

C. What do you mean by taxable services

________ you have said is very important to us.

A. What

B. That

C. Whose

According to law, taxable services refer to transportation, ________, finance, insurance and the like.

A. instruction

B. construction

C. introduction

Generally _________, business tax is based on taxable services, the transfer of intangible assets and sale of immovable property within China.

A. speak

B. to speak

C. speaking

If the case reaches the criminal limit, the taxpayer my be accused _______ criminal responsibilities.

A. at

B. on

C. of

— Don't hesitate to click on our website when you need us.

—. Thank you.

A. Yeah, I can

B. Sure, I will

C. Of course, I know

—Hello, this is Steven Smith. Nice to hear your voice again.

—Hi, Mr. Smith.

A. Do you know the coverage of your freight forwarding business

B. Please tell me the coverage of your freight forwarding business.

C. I would like to know about the coverage of your freight forwarding business.

You can get the goods to your door so quickly nowadays.

A. deliver

B. delivering

C. delivered

The total cost in logistics in China is still higher than in many other industrialized countries.

A. it

B. that

C. those

The manager asked me I could finish my work before the weekend.

A. what

B. whether

C. which

is so important that .

A. it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions

B. managers can only make decisions blindly without it

C. managers will know nothing without it


A. could be used to gather and deliver information to make decisions

B. can be used to determine whether to order more chips

C. is necessary to make a good decision


A. help customers to know many things but not product availability.

B. not be used to reduce human resource requirements

C. help to refine channel relationships

you are a manager, you will use information to .

A. order more chips

B. help improve customer service

C. know which staff is not on duty and should be laid off

main point of this passage is about.

A. how to use information

B. the importance of information

C. where to gather information

—We offer special services such as personal belongings, express, holiday pick-up and delivery services and so on.

A. What kind of special services do you offer

B. How would you offer your special services

C. Why do you offer your special services

—Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery

—. Modern logistics is more about effective and efficient flow of materials and information.

A. Yes, you're right

B. No, it's not the whole story

C. No, you're wrong

That is the reason we've lost so many customers.

A. why

B. that

C. which

We work closely every large airline like Air China, Air France and American Airlines.

A. with

B. to

C. in

1. After a commercial transaction is done, logistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective


A. 在完成商业交易后,物流将执行商品从卖方到买方的转移,为了最低成本和最高效率。

B. 在完成商业交易后,物流将以最低成本和最有效的方式将商品从卖方运输到买方。

C. 在完成商品交易后,物流将以最低费用和最有效的礼仪将商品从卖方转移到买方。

2. Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer process, which is called the

storage of logistics.

A. 商品在流转过程中往往有处于停滞状态的时候,这被称为物流存储。

B. 转移过程中的商品往往静止不动,这被叫做物流储存。

C. 变化过程中的商品往往停滞不前,这被定义为物流储存。

3. Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods.回答

A. 有时,分配过程会改变商品的包装形式。

B. 有时,分销流程会改变产品的包裹样式。

C. 有时,配送加工会改变商品的包装形态。

4. Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers

use to make decisions.

A. 信息很重要,因为它提供了事实,以便供应链管理者决策。

B. 信息很重要,因为它提供了供应链管理者用以决策的事实。

C. 信息很重要,因为供应链管理者可以利用它提供信息进行决策。

5. With the rapid economic growth in China, the logistics industry is expanding


A. 随着中国经济的快速发展,物流行业也极大发展。

B. 凭借迅速发展的中国经济,物流行业迅速扩大。

C. 在中国,随着快速发展的经济,物流行业飞速延伸。

—Good morning. Far East Logistics

Company. .

—Good morning. This is Maggie Bonner. I would like to know more about your products.

A. Who is that calling

B. What do you want

C. May I help you

physical flow process of goods from the seller to the buyer. 回

2. and standardization are needed during the transfer


3. Storage creates the location value for goods.

can be valued differently at different times and locations. 回


—Hello! __________________

—Hello, this is Michael from Tianjin Vanguard Trading Inc.

A. Who are you

B. What are you

C. Who is that

—What is your opinion for promotion of our products


A. Why don’t we try the online ads for our products

B. Our main goal is to establish our brand name.

C. These buzz words will pop up when people search about beer. We usually keep a large supply _______ stock.

A. at

B. on

C. in

We will _____ an order with your company for digital cameras.

A. reserve

B. book

C. place

Too many debts in a company easily _______ bankruptcy.

A. result from

B. result on

C. result in

1. Based on that, we’ll decide whether to run full-page ads.




2. A sales department consists of many people who are based in different parts of

the country or the world.




3. I look forward to hearing from you by return.




4. Although successful salespeople often have special talents and an outgoing

personality, the skills they employ are used by us all.


5. Export companies often have a separate export sales force, whose travel and

accommodation expenses may be very high.




—May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1


A. What do you mean

B. Isn't it a very new idea here in this city

C. Great. We can start to prepare for the big event.

—I think a bus stop advertisement is a very wise chance to promote our products.—.

A. You said it.

B. Our products are popular.

C. I don’t like advertisement.

They are talking about how to make use of advertising to________ the products.

A. produce

B. promote

C. process

They have signed the _______ to export textiles.

A. content

B. contract

C. contact

Too many debts in a company easily _______ bankruptcy.

A. result from

B. result on

C. result in

1. It is very important to understand buyers'behavior.

2. Marketers usually use different selling methods.

3. Marketers ignore transporting costs and services.

4. Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of



1:— I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not. 答案:Why not consult with your manager? 2:— It’s nice to meet you in my office. 答案: I am here today to discuss the trademark transfer with you. 3:— We are planning to register the trademark of Red Dragon for your new product. 答案:I suggest that you should give it up. 4:— We think $55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark. 答案:Oh, my goodness. 5:— What’s the purpose of your visit today? 答案:I’m intending to ask for your advice on brand design. 6:The question 答案:whether we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. 7:Do you think you could cut it 答案:by 30%? 8:Few people realized the value of a brand, 答案:did they ? 9:For Europeans, red can 答案:stand for danger. 10:I’ve learned 答案:something new 11:It is a fact 答案:that today. his wife, Josephine Dickson, always had some minor accidents. 12:Many companies spend a lot of money and time 答案:registering their trademarks. 13:We’ll let your know when we 答案:make a decision. 14:You are planning to export this product to Europe, ______? 答案:aren’t you 15:You won’t choose this brand name, 答案:will you ? 二、翻译:从以下 A、B、C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 1. I am very sorry for coming late, but something urgent came up at the last minute.{A; B; C} 答案:子问题1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:C 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 1. Why did John pay a visit to Miller?{A; B; C} 答案:子问题1:C; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。 When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes,you should think about which kind of 答案:子问题1:A; 子问题2:B; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Earle Dickson worked for a company manufacturing gauze and tape called Johnson & 子问题1:B; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:C; 子问题4:B; 子问题5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为 T,错误为 F。 Brand refers to names, logos and slogans. For example, Nike is known for its slogan _Just do it_ 答案:子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:F


国家开放大学《商务英语3》形考任务(单元测试1)参考 答案 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 1、—Why did you choose our company? —__________________________ A. Please speak up a little bit. B. I'm afraid I can't understand you. C. Sorry, I didn't catch that. Would you say it again? 2、—Can you show me the schedule? —__________________________. A. You won't miss the plane B. Sure, a tight schedule as usual C. Don't worry. I can help you with that 3、I was __________ devising sales strategies and targets for the West Region. A. responsible with B. responsible for C. responsible in 4、The following hints may help you stay energized, or at least ___________ until you can make the time for rest. A. get you going

B. get you go C. get you gone 5、I led and _________a sales team of 20 people. A. suggested B. motivated C. moved 6、Good manners may be varied ________cultural backgrounds. A. since B. because C. due to 7、Is ________ possible to take a 10-minute break during the meeting tomorrow morning? A. now B. that C. it 8、—You need to pay a visit to our important customers from Chamberlain Automation Systems Company in Washington. —_____________________________ A. Sorry, can you repeat the name of the company? B. Can't you repeat the name of the company? C. What's the name of the company? 9、—Morning, Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career


精心整理 国开(中央电大)专科公共课《管理英语2》网上形考试题及答案 单元自测1试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目:-How’syourmotherdoing? —_____________________. Sheisverywell 题目:— —_________________.Goahead. Notatal 题目:— —_________________. Congratulations! 题目:— haveto 题目:—’vespilledsomecoffeeonthetable. —_________________. Itdoesn’tmatter 题目:—Wouldyouliketogototheconcertwithus?

— _________________,butI’vepromisedtohelpJimwithhisChinese.Thankyouallthe same. IwishIcould 题目:―Whosetextbookisthis? ―It_______John’s.Ithashisnameonit. mustbe 题目:Heis________thiscompany. inchargeof 题目:’sfeelings. regardlessof 题目: generous 题目:. 题目: appliedfor 题目:Oneday,ourdreamswill____________reality. turninto 题目:Theenemyhasstrengthenedtheir______position. defensive


商务英语4(形考作业七) 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 —Amy, do you shop online often? —______________. 选择一项: A. No, I don't think so B. That's a good idea C. Yes. It's very convenient and the price is often lower than in store 题目2 —________________ , but I still have the feeling that it's not safe enough. —I couldn't agree more. That's why I only do street shopping. 选择一项: A. Paying online is much unsafe than before B. Paying online is less safer than before C. Paying online is much safer than before 题目3 ______ friends and colleagues greeted each other with that day was “Bought anything today?”

选择一项: A. That B. Who C. What 题目4 I couldn't agree more. That's ______ I only do street shopping. 选择一项: A. whether B. because C. why 题目5 Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related information, and then go to a physical store to do the ______ shopping. 选择一项: A. virtual B. simulated C. actual 二、阅读理解/翻译/完形填空(题型随机)(共50分) 题目6 阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(每题10分)。


管理英语2 形考任务1-8单元Self-test参考答案 题目顺序是随机的,请对照原题并使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索 自测一 题目:-How’s your mother doing? 答案:She is very well 题目:—Do you mind if I record your lecture?—_________________. Go ahead. 答案:Not at al 题目:—I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A. 答案:Congratulations! 题目:—Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 答案:have to 题目:—I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table. 答案:It doesn’t matter 题目:—Would you like to go to the concert with us? 答案:I wish I could 题目:―Whose textbook is this? ―It _______ John’s. It has his name on it. 答案:must be 题目:He is ________ this company. 答案:in charge of 题目:He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do, ________ other people’s feelings. 答案:regardless of


最新国家开放大学电大《商务英语基础(1)》教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案 100%通过 2016年秋期电大把《商务英语基础(1)》纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 一单选题 1. Can I ____a message or would you like to ring him on his mobile phone? (5.00分) A. make B. leave C. have D. take 2. The engineer recommended________ (5.00分) A. when we look at this question. B. that values his new ideas. C. that the process can be made simpler. D. which is the Mark 2 project. 3. Shall we get straight ________to business? (5.00分) A. in B. down C. over D. for 4. We’ll do our _____to make your visit worthwhile.(5.00分) A. best B. much C. most D. worst 5.We very much appreciate your efforts________(5.00分) A. our production costs must be no more than 15 percent. B. has done damage to our reputation C. to negotiate with you D. to make this product possible 6.Because we can’t find a compromise________(5.00分)A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. and there are two hundred and sixteen thousand employees worldwide. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 7. I have the authority________(5.00分) A. to negotiate with you B. has done damage to our reputation C. to make this product possible D. what seemed an impossible problem 8.Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second?(5.00分) A. up B. on C. down D. over 9. Could you _________the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? (5.00分) A. find through B. find C. find over D. find out 10.The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. or it will have to look elsewhere. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 11. I have a small token of our gratitude________ (5.00分) A. that the process can be made simpler. B. when we look at this question. C. which is the Mark 2 project. D. which I would like you to have. 12.I wonder __________you could check Mr. Sakai’s European itinerary.(5.00分)


1:— Hello, Sally. What’s the matter with you? You look worried. 答案:What shall I do if a customer doesn’t pay up on the due date? 2:— Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working. 答案:Sure, why do you need it? 3:— The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can’t stop 答案:Ok, see you later. 4:— What if he still doesn't pay up? 答案:If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we… 5:— You need to work with other colleagues to look after that. 答案:Thanks.I’m grateful for your suggestions. 6: 答案:It 7: is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative. 答案:Unless 8:A week ago, I sent him a statement 答案:showing the amount overdue. 9:After that, we have to post 答案:a series of letters. 10:Don’t worry so much -- 答案:worrying is my job! 11:For larger sums we take legal steps to 答案:recover the money. 12:He didn’t seem to 答案:take any actions. 13:I have to 答案:work out the profit from last month. 14:Those numbers come to mean the world to you 答案:because they give you the record of how 15:We are usually very prompt 答案:in settling your accounts. 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为 T,错误为 F。 1. Lily’s calculator is not working.{T; F} 答案:子问题1:F; 子问题2:T; 子问题3:F; 子问题4:T; 子问题5:T 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。 PURPOSE OF ACCOUNTING 答案:子问题1:B; 子问题2:A; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:C; 子问题5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 ACCOUNTING IS MORE THAN NUMBERS 答案:子问题1:A; 子问题2:C; 子问题3:B; 子问题4:A; 子问题5:C 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 Dear Sirs,_ 答案:子问题1:C; 子问题2:E; 子问题3:A; 子问题4:D; 子问题5:B


1:— 答案:Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks? 2:— — It arrives by mail, I suppose. 答案:How does your remittance come? — Besides Bank of China, you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and 3:— Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China? 答案:Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank. 4:— How long does the remittance take from New York? 答案:I ’m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose. 5:— — Today ’s rate is listed on the board here. 答案:What ’s the exchange rate today? 6:18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins 答案:since 7:I ’ll the remittance for you in our records. 答案:check up 8:I ’ll get your RMB for you while you ’re 答案:filling out these forms. 9:If you want to pay 答案:for 10:The question 答案:whether 11:This is a real bank 答案:which something in another currency, you have to change your money we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old. 12:This story is about some American students 答案:who 13:We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can 答案:convert learnt business skills by operating their 17 kinds of currencies into 14:We ’re sorry to tell you that your remittance 答案:hasn ’t arrived yet. 15:Wherever you go, exchanging money 答案:puts you in touch with international finance. 二、翻译:从以下 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 1. Precious metals such as gold and silver have been used as money.{A; B; C} 答案:子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容填入相应的句子或短语。 1. Remittance is the common way of {A; B; C; D; E}. 答案:子问题 1:D; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:E; 子问题 5:B 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。 All children want to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain 答案:子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American 答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为 T ,错误为 F 。 Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as 答案:子问题 1:F; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:T; 子问题 4:F; 子问题 5:T


一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 —Oh,buthowlongwillittaketoreachLA? — 选择一项: https://www.360docs.net/doc/038982739.html,uallyittakesaround12days. B.IttakesalongtimetoreachLA. https://www.360docs.net/doc/038982739.html,isveryfarfromhere. —Goodmorning.FarEastLogisticsCompany.ThisisLinHanxue.MayIhelpyou? —. 选择一项: A.Goodmorning,Ms.Lin.Nicetomeetyou. B.No,thankyou. C.Goodmorning,Ms.Lin.ThisisDanielAndersonspeaking. —Whencanyoueffectshipment?I’mworriedaboutlateshipment. — 选择一项: A.Theshipmentwillbeeffectedsoon. B.Theshipmentwon’tbelate. C.AboutinJune. Asarule,thebuyerisresponsibleforashiporbookingtheshippingspace. 选择一项: https://www.360docs.net/doc/038982739.html,ing B.chartering C.making

I’dliketoknowwhattimewecangetthecontaineritisintheport. 选择一项: A.why B.when C.where 二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1.Weusuallymakeadirectshipmentunlessthecustomersrequiretransshipment.回答B A.我们通常直接制造船只,除非客户要求间接制造。 B.我们通常采取直运,除非客户要求转运。 C.我们通常采取直运,这样客户才要求转运。 2.Ittakesaroundtwoworkingdaystounloadthecontainers.回答A A.卸下这些集装箱大概需要用两个工作日。 B.卸下这些集装箱需要工作两天。 C.卸下这些集装箱工人们需要围绕其工作两天。3.Transportplaysanimportantpartininternationalbusinessbecausegoodsproduced havetobedeliveredtothebuyersabroad.回答C A.运输在国际贸易当中担当着重要任务,因为国外的买者需要 发送生产出的产品。 B.运输在国际贸易当中承担重要的部分,因为制造产品需要发 送给国外的购买者。 C.运输在国际贸易当中起着重要的作用,因为生产出的产品需 要发送给国外的购买者。


题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F )进行搜索 题目:— Can you stay here longer?—, but I have to be back tomorrow. 答案:I ’ d love to The 题目:—Did the medicine make you feel better?—No. more I feel. 答案: medicine I take; the worse 题目:— How do you like living in Beijing? 答案: I love it. Beijing is such a beautiful city 题目:— I am sorry. Now what were we talking about? 答案: You were saying that you used to be a teacher 题目:— This jacket is so good. ? — It ’ s 20 yuan. I can give you special 20% discount on it. 答案: How much is it 题目:— What do you think of your mother’ s advice? 答案: It doesn’ t fit us, actually 题目: Her article is ____ in her class. 答案: the best 题目: I didn’ t dolast week. 答案: anything 题目: I have coffee breakfast time. 答案: at 题目: I like cooking for my friends in free time. 答案: my 题目: I would rather ______ two weeks earlier. 答案: you had come here 题目: Look! __________. 答案: Here comes the bus 题目: The music like the singing of a bird. 答案: sounds 题目: They have learned about ______ in recent years. 答案: hundreds of English words 题目: You ’ d better have your hair _____ before going to your friend’ s wedding. 答案: cut 二、翻译:从以下 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 子问题 1:C; 子问题2:B; 子问题 3:A;子问题 4 : B; 子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、 B、C 三个选项中选出一 个最佳选项。 Everyone wants to healthy and happy.When illness does come,the whole family is 子问题 1:B. affected;子问题 2 :C. but;子问题3: A. strain;子问题4: C. assumed; 子问题 5 :A. consequently 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、 B、C 三个选项中选出一 个最佳选项。


1:—D o you have any suggest ions about it? 答案:After I read it in detai l,I wi l l te l l you m y opinion. 2:—Hi Bob,I’d l ike to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project. 答案:Thank you,John.I t is real ly an interest ing project. 3:—Let m e sho w you ho w to use the printer. 答案:Thanks for your help. 4:—Mr.Taylor,this is the project plan you asked m e to m ake last w eek. 答案:Sure.That’s a quick job. 5:—W o uld you please let m e kno w so m ething m ore about the project? 答案:O K,I have div ided m y report into three parts,the f i rst part is an overview of the project. 6:Actual ly,buyers are the group of people 答案:who w a nt to buy certain goo ds or services. 7:I have f in ished 答案:reading 8:I hope our plan wi l l 答案:be approved 9:I’m sure you can 答案:stra ighten your project plan. by the board. things out. 10:It see ms that the ne w project in Nanj ing wi l l be even 答案:better than your current project. 11:M arkets are the syste m that 答案:br idges so m e people’s de m a n ds and som e other people’s 12:N o w,we have enlarged and 答案:consol idated our do m est ic market and European m arket. 13:Prices m ay change quickly i f supply or de m a n d 答案:changes . 14:So m eti mes buyers only purchase so m e 答案:assets ,tangible or intangible. 15:The third part is the 答案:expected results. 二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 1.No proble m,I wi l l handle it for you.{A;B;C} 答案:子问题1:C;子问题2:A;子问题3:B;子问题4:A;子问题5:C 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。 1.In the conversat ion Bob and John talk about three projects in total.{T;F} 答案:子问题1:T;子问题2:F;子问题3:F;子问题4:T;子问题5:T 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 C U ST O M E R REFERR AL 答案:子问题1:C;子问题2:A;子问题3:C;子问题4:B;子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 You m ay get consu m ers w h o want very high qual i ty serv ices sat isf i ed,but at a higher pr ice. 答案:子问题1:A;子问题2:C;子问题3:A;子问题4:B;子问题5:B 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 JO H N:It see ms that the ne w project in Nanj ing wi l l be even better than your current project.... 答案:子问题1:C;子问题2:D;子问题3:E;子问题4:A;子问题5:B


—What is it in particular you're interested in? —. A. Your kitchenware, I suppose. B. We have placed the order. C. The kitchenware will be exported to the UK. —We would like to place an order for some of your C&Z desk units. —__________________ A. Thank you very much. We keep a large supply in stock. B. Certainly, delivery dates depend on your location. C. We recommend payment by letter of credit. After having seen the _________ and samples, Jenny makes the specific inquiry. A. category B. catalog C. calculation Our terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents_______ payment. A. against B. for C. in The payment is made by an irrevocable _______ letter of credit in our favor.

管理英语2形考任务答案 (1)

题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索 题目:-How’s your mother doing? 答案:She is very well 题目:— Do you mind if I record your lecture?— _________________. Go ahead. 答案:Not at al 题目:— I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A. 答案:Congratulations! 题目:—Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 答案:have to 题目:—I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table. 答案:It doesn’t matter 题目:—Would you like to go to the concert with us? 答案:I wish I could 题目:―Whose textbook is this? ―It _______ John’s. It has his name on it. 答案:must be 题目:He is ________ this company. 答案:in charge of 题目:He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do, ________ other people’s feelings. 答案:regardless of 题目:He was always ______ in sharing his enormous knowledge. 答案:generous 题目:His action is always ______ with his words. 答案:consistent 题目:More than 30 people ______ the position. 答案:applied for 题目:One day, our dreams will ____________ reality. 答案:turn into 题目:The enemy has strengthened their ______ position. 答案:defensive 题目:We think that Smith should be told about his ______ condition as soon as possible. 答案:physical 二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The houses we live in are very {A. expensive; B. important; C. huge}. They keep us from being 子问题 1:B. important; 子问题 2:C. where; 子问题 3:A. care for; 子问题 4:B. sizes; 子问题 5:C. built 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 There are more ants than any other kinds of land animals in the world. They range from 0.1 to 子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:A; 子问题 3:C; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:A
