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A.most B.nothing C.broke D.cold


A.warmB.garden C.party D.hard


A.foot B.school C.good D.cook


A.capital B.clean C.car D.cinema


A.who B.whom C.what D.whose


6.(1分)(2014•西藏)I can’t find my pen.Could you help_________find it?()

A.me B.her C.him D.then

7.(1分)(2014•西藏)Lin Shuhao is ________good basketball player in the NBA.()

A.\ B.an C.the D.a

8.(1分)(2014•西藏)There_________an apple and some oranges in the box.()

A.has B.have C.is D.are

9.(1分)(2014•西藏)We planted______trees last year.()

A.hundreds of B.hundred of

C.five hundreds D.five hundreds of

10.(1分)(2014•西藏)﹣What is Miss Gao’s


﹣She in always in blue.Don’t you know?()A.movie B.book C.singer D.color

11.(1分)(2014•西藏)Everyone knows that Diaoyu Island belongs________China.()

A.with B.to C.in D.or

12.(1分)(2014•西藏)Don’t__________the bus until it has stopped.Safety in frist.()

A.get off B.get to C.get along D.get on 13.(1分)(2014•西藏)Smile to the world,_________the world will smile back to you.()

A.nor B.but C.or D.and


arrived_______Shanghai________a cold morning.()A.in;in B.in;on C.at;on D.at;in 15.(1分)(2014•西藏)My uncle doesn’t like first food,so he________eats it.()

A.always B.often C.sometimes D.seldom

16.(1分)(2014•西藏)Most of the people in Tibet are getting__________.()A.more and more rich B.more rich and more rich C.richer and richer D.richer and richest

17.(1分)(2014•西藏)Oh,it___________so nice.What beautiful music it is.()

A.smells B.sounds C.tastes D.looks

18.(1分)(2014•西藏)﹣______________will you finish doing the work?

﹣In a few weeks.()

A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 19.(1分)(2014•西藏)Which of the two subjects do you like,art or music?

_________.They are really interesting.()A.Neither B.Both C.None D.All

20.(1分)(2014•西藏)After a long walk,the old

man__________be tired now.()

A.can B.has to C.must D.need

21.(1分)(2014•西藏)Sandy was too nervous_________the teacher’s question.()

A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.answers 22.(1分)(2014•西藏)“___________________”“I want some eggs()

A.What can I do for you?B.What do you want to buy C.Can you help me?D.How do you do?

23.(1分)(2014•西藏)﹣My mother and I will go do Guangdong this summer.

﹣.Shall we go together?()

A.So do I B.So can I C.So am I D.So will I 24.(1分)(2014•西藏)The SmithsChina since the summer of 2000.()

A.has been in B.have been in C.has been to D.Have been to

25.(1分)(2014•西藏)room is big and bright,They like it very much.()

A.Mike and Sam B.Tom’s and Sam

C.Tom and Sam’s D.Tom’s and Sam’s

26.(1分)(2014•西藏)Li Ming has won the first prize in the competition.We are veryhim.()

A.busy with B.proud of C.famous for D.good at 27.(1分)(2014•西藏)He invited some classmates to come to his party,butcame.()

A.a little B.little C.a few D.few

28.(1分)(2014•西藏)﹣It’s sunny today,Let’s go mountain climbing,___________?

﹣Good idea!()

A.shall we B.Will you C.won’t you D.do we 29.(1分)(2014•西藏)Do you know _________?Last year.()

A.when he come here B.when did he come here C.when he will come here D.when will he come here 30.(1分)(2014•西藏)﹣I have a cold,so I can’t go for a picnic with you.


A.Clad to here that B.That’s good

C.I hope so D.I’m sorry to hear that
