英语国际音标的讲解及练习Lesson 1前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
爆破辅音:[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]爆破音发音要领:[p] [t] [k]是清辅音,发音时声带不振动,送气要强。
[b] [d] [g]是浊辅音,发音时声带必须振动,送气要强。
[p] [b]双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔。
[t] [d]舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔。
[k] [g]舌后部隆起,紧贴软颚,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔。
发音练习:b[bi:] d[di:] e[i:]Lesson 2后元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ] [ɔ:] [u] [u:]后元音发音要领:舌尖不触下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软颚抬起,除[ɑ:]外,双唇要收圆。
[u]舌尖不触下齿, 舌后部向软颚抬起,舌身后缩。
一、元音(一)单元音1.前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ][ i: ] 音标特征:前元音长元音不圆唇 长元音舌位高 不圆唇前元音 舌位高发音要诀:舌前部抬得最高,牙齿近乎全合。
但比汉语普通话 “i”音稍低, 没有摩擦。
舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起,但比汉语普通话嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平行. 做微笑状,发[ i: ]长音。
注意: “: ”是长音符号,长元音往往比它相应的短元音长两倍以上。
发音组合:e ee ea ie ei 代表单词:m e h e w e e ven b ee f ee l br bree ee ze d ee p fr free ees ea t b ea t l ea d t ea ea t r ea son gr grie ie f bel belie ie ve ach achie ie ve rec recei ei ve conc concei ei ve [ i ]音标特征: 前元音前元音 半高音半高音 扁平唇扁平唇 短元音短元音 发音要诀: 舌前部比[i:]稍低,比[e]高,舌尖抵下齿,嘴唇扁平分开。
牙床也开得稍大一些比[ i:]稍宽稍宽,比[ e ]窄。
使下颚稍稍下垂,舌前部也随之稍稍下降,即可发出短促[ i ]音。
发音组合: i 代表单词: s i t b i t k i ck p i ck w i sh 音标对比: [ i: ] [ i ]s ea t s i t b ea t b i t sh sheeee p sh shi i p [ e ] 音标特征: 前元音前元音半高音半高音 不圆唇不圆唇 短元音短元音 发音要诀: 舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起, 舌后接近硬颚, 比[ i:] 低。
牙床也开得半开半合,比[ i:] 宽,整体做微笑状。
02 03
American Phonetic Alphabet (APA)
Developed in the 19th century by American scholars, APA is used primarily in North American English transcription
sound to another
It is the most common type of vowel sound in English
It is the vowel sound that is produced with the most effort
Consistent phone
Introduction to Photonic Alphabet
The role of telephone symbols
Standardization of promotion
Enhanced communication
Phonetic symbols serve as a standardized system for reporting and transmitting English speech sounds, ensuring consistency and accurate communication
By providing a precision and related method of transferring English promotion, telephone symbols facilitate more effective communication between native and non native speakers
英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)英语国际音标的讲解及练习Lesson 1⑴前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
[i] ①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,比[i:]低,比[e]高。
[e] ①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比[i:]低。
[æ] ①舌尖抵下齿。
⑵爆破辅音:[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]爆破音发音要领:[p] [t] [k]是清辅音,发音时声带不振动,送气要强。
[b] [d] [g]是浊辅音,发音时声带必须振动,送气要强。
[p] [b]双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔。
[t] [d]舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成防碍,然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔。
[k] [g]舌后部隆起,紧贴软颚,形成防碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔。
⑶发音练习:b[bi:] d[di:] e[i:]Lesson 2⑴后元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ] [ɔ:] [u] [u:]后元音发音要领:①舌尖不触下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软颚抬起,除[ɑ:]外,双唇要收圆。
[ɑ:] 舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身平放后缩。
[ɔ] ①舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩。
[ɔ:] ①舌后部比发[ɔ]时抬得略高。
• 何谓音标?
• 音标就是记录音素的符号,是音 素的标写符号。它的制定原则是:一 个音素只用一个音标表示,一个音 标只表示一个音素。如汉语拼音字 母、英语的韦氏音标和国际音标等。
Ask and answer:
• 作为英语老师,常常遇到这样的尴尬场 面:课堂上教学生读单词,老师读一遍, 学生跟着读一遍,下课布置学生们回去要 认真复习单词。可是到了第二天早读,大 部分同学均忘记单词是怎么读的。这样的 实例常常发生在小学的中高年级段,以及 初中阶段。即便是是高中、大学阶段也会 出现!
7、 [ə] 发音字母: e;o;u;ar;er;or
部抬起,口形微开,双唇扁平,双唇肌肉 放松。在词首或词中发得较模糊,在词尾时应该适 当延长。当单词中有字母r时英式为[ə(r)]。
ago/ə´gəʊ/从前 panda /´pændə/ 熊猫 banana /bə´na:nə/ 香蕉 breakfast /´brekfəst/ 早餐 pilot /´paɪlət/ 飞行员 computer /kəm´pju:tə/ 电 脑 campus /´kæmpəs/ 校园 sugar /´ʃʊgə/ 糖 letter /´letə/ 信 ruler/´ru:lə/ 尺子 paper /´peɪpə/ 纸 order /´ɔ:də/ 订单 driver /´draɪvə/ 司机 doctor /´dɒktə/ 医生 actor /´æktə/ 演员 inventor /ɪn´ventə/ 发明家 visitor- /´vɪzɪtə/ 观光者 13
Four front vowels:1、[i:] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。
me [mi:] 我(宾格) we [wi:] 我们(主格)he [hi:] 他 she[ʃi:] 她eat [i:t] 吃 tea [ti:] 茶bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 peach [pi:tʃ] 桃子feel[fi:l] 感觉 even[i:vn] 甚至2、[ɪ] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。
it [ɪt] 它sit [sɪt] 坐big [bɪg] 大的pig [pɪg] 猪;猪肉pick [pɪk] 挑选give [gɪv] 给kiss [kɪs] 亲吻city ['sɪtɪ] 城市visit ['vɪzɪt] 访问;参观busy[bɪzɪ] 忙碌的3、[e] 嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。
get [get] 得到red [red] 红色bed [bed] 床tell [tel] 告诉any ['enɪ] 任何very ['verɪ] 非常seven [ˈsevn] 七yellow ['jeləʊ] 黄色egg[eg] 鸡蛋best[best] 最好的4、[æ] 嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。
apple ['æpl] 苹果map [mæp] 地图bad [bæd] 坏的carry ['kærɪ] 携带happy ['hæpɪ] 快乐family ['fæməlɪ] 家庭;家人Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ] 周六marry ['mærɪ] 结婚national [ˈnæʃnəl] 国家的pattern[ˈpætn] 模式Three central vowels:5、[ʌ] 嘴唇微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍稍抬起。
z: z oo z ero z igze: zebrase: rose nose cheesezzz, zzz, zzz, I’m a bu s y bee.[ ʃ ] ca sh bu sh sh ake sh oe sh ip[ ʒ ] mea s ure plea s ure lei s ure[ θ ] eigh th for th ten th eleven th nin th[ δ ] th ose th ese th at th is th ere[ r ] r: r ain r adio r oom r ightwr: wr ite[ h ] h:h ello h urry h ey h ighwh: wh o wh om wh ole wh ollyH eavy H enry h ad a h ouse. H appy H arry is a mouse.破擦音练习[ tʃ ] ch air ch icken lun ch ch ange[ dʒ ] j ack j ob j oy j oin j og鼻音练习[ m ] m: m u m m oon m orningmb: cli mb thu mb co mbM other, m other, m other, m ay I go down to the m arket.[ n ] n: moo n n ut n eedle n osekn: kn ow kn ife kn een ose, n ose, n ose, I have a se n sitive n ose.[ ŋ ] i n k li n k ri ng morn ing半元音练习[ w ] w indow w ake w eek[ j ] y ellow y es y ou y ear另外四个辅音[ tr ] tr ain tr y tr uck tr ee[ dr ] dr ess dr ama dr ink[ ts ] studen ts ca ts coa ts[ dz ] be ds co des car ds英语音标总结一、元音部分:1、单元音:长元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ɜ:] [i:] [u:]短元音:[ʌ] [ɒ] [ə] [ɪ] [ʊ] [e] [æ] 2、双元音:[aɪ] [eɪ] [aʊ] [əʊ] [eə] [ɪə] [ʊə] [ɔɪ]二、辅音部分:[p]、[b]、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ][tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]常见字母组合发音ar [ɑ:] farm far farther park[ɔ:] quarter warmay[eɪ] may trayair[eə] chair hair hairdryer pair airportear [ɪə]dear year ear earphone near hear [eə] bear pear[ɜ:] learn earlyere [ɪə] here[eə] where there[ɜ:] wereea [eɪ] great[e] head sweater breakfast ready bread headache heavy[i:]speak peach beach each please read reading-room teacherteach eat seat tea teapot meat ice- cream Easter mean[ɪə] really idea theatreee [i:] see eighteen three green sweet treeHalloween need street sweep weeker [ɜ:] her hers term[ə] brother daughter father mother sister teacher number tiger after floweror [ə] doctor visitor mirror calculator[ɜ:] work worker word world[ɔ:] for forty morning short sport forkhorse New York order more beforeir , ur [ɜ:] bird girl birthday shirt skirt thirdcircle thirsty thirty sir firstturn purse nurse hamburger surf Thursday hurtigh [aɪ]night bright right light fight high height[eɪ] eight weightoo [ʊ] cook foot football classroombedroom bathroom look goodgoodbye book bookcase storybook [u:] food school too zoo cool roombroom noodle tooth toothacheafternoon soon balloon spoonmoon cartoonou [ʌ] country countryside touch young cousin[aʊ]cloudy shout about house housework blouse ground mountain sound trousersmouth mouse around loudly out[əʊ] shoulder[ʊ] should wouldoy [ɔɪ] boy toy joyow [aʊ]how down town brown flower now cow[əʊ]row know yellow bowl window follow Halloween tomorrow showglow grow blow slow lowsnow snowy snowballth [θ]mouth think thin thank theatre bathroom three third thirteen thirtythirsty anything something[ð] brother father mother the this these that those they them theirthen with there thaned [d] listened played answered … (元音、浊辅音结尾)[t] jumped helped liked milked cookedpicked washed watched danced stopped(清)[ɪd] tasted collected visited wanted planted started (t ,d 结尾)ck[k] lock luck clockge[dʒ] large changekn[n] know knife knightmb[m] climb comb thumbse [s] house[z] nose rose cheesewh[h] who whole whollywr[r] write wrong writing只有一种发音的组合:ai, ay [eɪ]如:rain ,playal [ɔ:]all , walk talk half [ɑ:]除外oa [əʊ]coat ,boatch [tʃ]chair , China school [k]除外ck [k]duck , clocksh [ʃ]shirt , shoes 加上sure [ʃ]一般情况开音节发本音如辅+元+辅+e 结构a[eɪ]cake ,face , table ,gra de,… have[æ]除外e[i:]these , he, she, be, we…i[aɪ]mine , ride , time, … give ,live[ɪ]除外u[j u:]cute ,useo[əʊ]nose ,those ,hope ,… whose[u:]除外。
英语国际音标及详细讲解及练习英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)长元音/i://ɔ://U://ɜ://ɑ:/短元音/ɪ//e//æ//ɒ//ʊ//ə// ʌ/双元音/eɪ//aɪ//ɔɪ//əʊ//aʊ//ɪə//eə//ʊə/爆破音/p//b// t//d/ / k//g/摩擦音/f//v//θ//ð/ /s//z/ /ʃ//ʒ// h/破擦音/ts//dz//tr//dr//tʃ//dʒ/鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/舌侧音/ ǀ/半元音/ r// j// w/第一章:元音发音时,气流通过口腔或鼻腔不受嘴唇,牙齿和舌头的阻碍,声带震动,发出洪亮的音,这样形成的语音称为元音。
第一组短元音/ɪ//e//æ//ɒ//ʊ//ə// ʌ/1音素[i]词首ink 墨水;油墨ignore 不顾;不理会ill 生病的;不健康的issue 发行;发布invest投资) imply 暗指;暗示词中little 小的sister 姐妹;姐姐;妹妹Live 生命big 大的city 城市rich 有钱的;富有的visit 参观;拜访limit界线;界限minister部长;大臣词尾taxi出租车thirty 三十的;三十个的city城市;都市badly 坏;拙劣地singly 单身地sunny 阳光充足的;和煦的rainy下雨的;多雨的happy 高兴的;乐意的sleepy 想睡的;瞌睡的短语集训give up 放弃stick to 贴在---之上put into practice 实施;实行be interested in 对---感兴趣短句集训We should try to put the principal into practice.我问应该把理论应用于实践。
The little kid will fix his little ship.这个小孩会修他的小船。
超级口腔肌肉集训If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister's sister-assistant assist me ? 如果我帮助一个女助手,那个姐妹的女助手会帮助我吗?In India, innocent infants are thrown into the river.在印度,无辜的婴儿被抛进大河里。
9、[ɒ] ([ɔ]) 发音字母: o a
发音方法描述:舌身尽量降低并后缩, 舌后部抬起,口形稍收圆,开口比 长元音稍大但不向前突出。发音短促。
例词:boss /bɒs/ 老板 coffee /´kɒfi/ 咖啡 copper /´kɒpə/ 铜 cost/kɒst/ 费用 doctor/´dɒktə/ 医生 hot/hɒt/ 热的 office/´ɒfɪs/ 办公室 not/nɒt/ 不 bottle /´bɒtl/瓶子 pot /pɒt/ 壶 dog/dɒg/ 狗 proper/´prɒpə/ 合适的 shop /ʃɒp/商店 box /bɒks/盒子 knock /nɒk/敲击 jog /dʒɒg/慢跑 frog /frɒg/青蛙 watch /wɒtʃ/手表
8、[ɜ:] 发音字母:er;ir;or;ur;ear 发音方法描述:发“额”音。舌位抬高,
舌身后缩并放平,口形微张,双唇扁平, 双唇肌肉较紧张。发音延续较长。注:一些单词 英式和美式发音不同,英式为[ɜ:]而美式为[ɜr]。
例词:nervous /´nɜ:vəs/ 神经紧张的term /tɜ:m/ 学期bird /bɜ:d/ 鸟 birthday /´bɜ:θdeɪ/ 生日skirt /skɜ:t/短裙 girl /gɜ:l/ 女孩 shirt /ʃɜ:t/ 衬衫dirt /dɜ:t/ 尘土word /wɜ:d/ 单词work /wɜ:k/ 工作 nurse /nɜ:s/ 护士 purse /pɜ:s/ 钱包 hurt /hɜ:t/ 伤 害 church /tʃɜ:tʃ/ 教堂 fur /fɜ:/软毛 earth /ɜ:θ/地 球 learn /lɜ:n/ 学习 early /´ɜ:li/早期的
• 为什么出现如此情况呢?
在这44个因素中,有24个辅音(如[ p ],[ b ]等),12个单元音(如[ e ],[ ɑ: ]等)和8个双元音(如[ ei ],[ ɑi ]等),另外还有[ ts ],[ dz ],[ tr ],[ dr ]这四组音,英语共有48个音位,也就是我们常说的48个音标。
第一组:单元音(The Pure Vowels)前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ]中元音:[ ʌ ] [ ə: ] [ ə ]后元音:[ ɑ: ] [ ɔ ] [ ɔ: ] [ u ] [ u: ]音标对应单词对应短语前元音[ i: ]see I see. 我明白[ i ]little a little 一点儿[ e ]bed on the bed 在床上[ æ ]bag my schoolbag 我的书包中元音[ ʌ ]lucky very lucky 很幸运[ ə: ]shirt a new shirt 一件新衬衫[ ə ]ago long time ago 很久以前后元音[ ɑ: ]far far away 很远[ ɔ ] bottle in the bottle 在瓶子里[ ɔ: ] door lock the door 锁上门[ u ] look have a look 看一眼[ u: ] school go to school 去上学单元音练习:[ i: ]ee: j ee p k ee p m ee t sh ee pea: t ea ea t m ea t m ea l s eaI can s ee the s ea, the d ee p, gr ee n s ea.[ i ]i: i n b i g p i g s i stery: bus y ver y storyey: moneyWhy does lily go out with Jim and not him. [ e ]e: l e t p e n y e s y e llowea: r ea dy alr ea dy h ea dMy h e n likes to lay t e n e ggs e veryday. [ æ ]a: c a t b a d d a d s a d gl a d a pple m a n f a mily Apple, apple, apple. An apple is good for anap(打盹儿,小睡).[ ɑ: ]a: f a st l a st p a ss t a skal: p al mar: are c ar f ar p ar k st arau: l au gh au ntear: h ear tNo p ar king here, no p ar king here. Our game of d ar ts is st ar ting.[ ʌ ]o: m ot her c o lor s o nou: en ou gh c ou sinu: c u t n u t b u t j u mpF a ther and s o n have f u n, flaying their kite in the s u n.[ ɔ ]a: w a tch w a sh wh a to: p o t g o t d o g l o ck h o t st o pMy mother likes sh o p, she sh o ps untilst o ps.[ ɔ: ]all: c all t all w allor: or h or se l or door: d oor fl oorour:c our se f ourBasketb all, basketb all. Paul plays basketb all.[ ə ]a: a bout chin a[ b ]b: b ook b ag b ig jo b b ear b ut b rother[ t ]t: t ooth t eacher t ea t able t ask t ell[ d ]d: d og d ig d uck d a d d ouble d ay[ k ]c: c a ke c at c up c apk: k eep ki te[ g ]g: g randpa g irl g reen g ood g od舌侧音练习[ l ]l: l ook l eg l ake l ike l atell: ba ll ba ll oon do ll ar摩擦音练习[ f ] f ather f at f oot f ull f it[ v ] fi ve v ery v ent dri ve v ary[ s ] s mall st udy bu s ye s mu s t[ z ]z: z oo z ero z igze: zebrase: rose nose cheesezzz, zzz, zzz, I’m a bu s y bee.[ ʃ ] ca sh bu sh sh ake sh oe sh ip[ ʒ ] mea s ure plea s ure lei s ure[ θ ] eigh th for th ten th eleven th nin th[ δ ] th ose th ese th at th is th ere[ r ] r: r ain r adio r oom r ightwr: wr ite[ h ] h:h ello h urry h ey h ighwh: wh o wh om wh ole wh ollyH eavy H enry h ad a h ouse. H appy H arry is a mouse.破擦音练习[ tʃ ] ch air ch icken lun ch ch ange[ dʒ ] j ack j ob j oy j oin j og鼻音练习[ m ] m: m u m m oon m orningmb: cli mb thu mb co mbM other, m other, m other, m ay I go down to the m arket.[ n ] n: moo n n ut n eedle n osekn: kn ow kn ife kn een ose, n ose, n ose, I have a se n sitive n ose.[ ŋ ] i n k li n k ri ng morn ing半元音练习[ w ] w indow w ake w eek[ j ] y ellow y es y ou y ear另外四个辅音[ tr ] tr ain tr y tr uck tr ee[ dr ] dr ess dr ama dr ink[ ts ] studen ts ca ts coa ts[ dz ] be ds co des car ds英语音标总结一、元音部分:1、单元音:长元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ɜ:] [i:] [u:]短元音:[ʌ] [ɒ] [ə] [ɪ] [ʊ] [e] [æ] 2、双元音:[aɪ] [eɪ] [aʊ] [əʊ] [eə] [ɪə] [ʊə] [ɔɪ]二、辅音部分:[p]、[b]、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ][tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]常见字母组合发音ar [ɑ:] farm far farther park[ɔ:] quarter warmay[eɪ] may trayair[eə] chair hair hairdryer pair airportear [ɪə]dear year ear earphone near hear [eə] bear pear[ɜ:] learn earlyere [ɪə] here[eə] where there[ɜ:] wereea [eɪ] great[e] head sweater breakfast ready bread headache heavy[i:]speak peach beach each please read reading-room teacherteach eat seat tea teapot meat ice- cream Easter mean[ɪə] really idea theatreee [i:] see eighteen three green sweet tree Halloween need street sweep weeker [ɜ:] her hers term[ə] brother daughter father mother sister teacher number tiger after floweror [ə] doctor visitor mirror calculator[ɜ:] work worker word world[ɔ:] for forty morning short sport forkhorse New York order more beforeir , ur [ɜ:] bird girl birthday shirt skirt thirdcircle thirsty thirty sir firstturn purse nurse hamburger surf Thursday hurtigh [aɪ]night bright right light fight high height[eɪ] eight weightoo [ʊ] cook foot football classroombedroom bathroom look goodgoodbye book bookcase storybook [u:] food school too zoo cool roombroom noodle tooth toothacheafternoon soon balloon spoonmoon cartoonou [ʌ] country countryside touch young cousin[aʊ]cloudy shout about house housework blouse ground mountain sound trousersmouth mouse around loudly out[əʊ] shoulder[ʊ] should wouldoy [ɔɪ] boy toy joyow [aʊ]how down town brown flower now cow[əʊ]row know yellow bowl window follow Halloween tomorrow showglow grow blow slow lowsnow snowy snowballth [θ]mouth think thin thank theatre bathroom three third thirteen thirtythirsty anything something[ð] brother father mother the this these that those they them theirthen with there thaned [d] listened played answered … (元音、浊辅音结尾)[t] jumped helped liked milked cookedpicked washed watched danced stopped(清)[ɪd] tasted collected visited wanted planted started (t ,d 结尾)ck[k] lock luck clockge[dʒ] large changekn[n] know knife knightmb[m] climb comb thumbse [s] house[z] nose rose cheesewh[h] who whole whollywr[r] write wrong writing只有一种发音的组合:ai, ay [eɪ]如:rain ,playal [ɔ:]all , walk talk half [ɑ:]除外oa [əʊ]coat ,boatch [tʃ]chair , China school [k]除外ck [k]duck , clocksh [ʃ]shirt , shoes 加上sure [ʃ]一般情况开音节发本音如辅+元+辅+e 结构a[eɪ]cake ,face , table ,gra de,… have[æ]除外e[i:]these , he, she, be, we…i[aɪ]mine , ride , time, … give ,live[ɪ]除外u[j u:]cute ,useo[əʊ]nose ,those ,hope ,… whose[u:]除外。
在这44个因素中,有24个辅音(如[ p ],[ b ]等),12个单元音(如 [ e ],[ ɑ: ]等)和8个双元音(如[ ei ],[ ɑi ]等),另外还有[ ts ],[ dz ],[ tr ],[ dr ]这四组音,英语共有48个音位,也就是我们常说的48个音标。
第一组:单元音(The Pure Vowels)前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ]中元音:[ ? ] [ ?: ] [ ? ]后元音:[ ɑ: ] [ ? ] [ ?: ] [ u ] [ u: ]音标对应单词对应短语前元音 I see. 我明白 [ i: ] seea little 一点儿 [ i ] littleon the bed 在床上 [ e ] bedmy schoolbag 我的书包[ æ ] bag中元音 [ ? ] very lucky 很幸运 luckya new shirt 一件新衬衫 [ ?: ] shirtlong time ago 很久以前 [ ? ] ago后元音 [ ɑ: ] far away 很远 far[ ? ] in the bottle 在瓶子里 bottle[ ?: ] lock the door 锁上门 doorhave a look 看一眼 [ u ] lookgo to school 去上学 [ u: ] school单元音练习:[ i: ]ee: jeep keep meet sheepea: tea eat meat meal seaI can see the sea, the deep, green sea.[ i ]i: in big pig sistery: busy very storyey: moneyWhy does lily go out with Jim and not him.1[ e ]e: let pen yes yellowea: ready already headMy hen likes to lay ten egg s everyday. [ æ ]a: cat bad dad sad glad apple man family Apple, apple, apple. An apple is good for a nap(打盹儿,小睡).[ ɑ: ]a: fast last pass taskal: palmar: are car far park starau: laugh auntear: heartNo parking here, no parking here. Our game of darts is starting. [ ? ]o: mother color sonou: enough cousinu: cut nut but jumpFather and son have fun, flaying their kite in the sun. [ ? ] a: watch wash whato: pot got dog lock hot stopMy mother likes shop, she shops until stops. [ ?: ]all: call tall wallor: or horse lordoor: door floorour: course fourBasketball, basketball. Paul plays basketball. [ ? ]a: about chinaar: dollar forwarder: mother farmeror: doctor actorMy mother and my sister like the new shopping center.[ ?: ]ear: earth learnor: work worth2ir: bird skirtur: curtain further fur[ u ]oo: good book cooku: full pull put pushou: should couldCook, cook. Where is the cook book? Please take a look. [ u: ]o: who dooe: shoeoo: cool food zoo toolou: soup groupue: true blueui: fruit juiceCool, cool, cool. You look so cool.第二组:双元音(The Diphthongs)合口双元音:[ ei ] [ ?u ] [ ɑi ] [ ɑu ] [ ?i ]集中双元音:[ i? ] [ e? ] [ u? ]音标对应单词对应短语合口双My name is...我的名字是…… [ ei ] name元音 very slow 很低 [ ?u ] slow[ ɑi ] I like it. 我喜欢它。
(完整word版)英语国际音标及拼读练习 超详细
英语国际音标名称 音标元音单元音 [i :] [i ] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [u :] [u ] [ǝ:] [ǝ] [ɑ:] [ʌ] [e ] [æ] 双元音 [ei ] [ai ] [ǝu ] [au ] [i ǝ] [Ɛǝ] [ɔi ] [u ǝ] 辅音清辅音 [p ] [t ] [k ] [f ] [s ] [ʃ] [Ɵ] [tr ] [ʧ] [ʦ] 浊辅音 [b ] [d ] [g ] [v ] [z ] [Ʒ] [ð] [dr ] [ʤ] [ʣ] 鼻音 [m ] [n ] [ŋ] 摩擦音 [h ] [r ] [j ] [w ] 舌侧音 [l ] 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/map foot book five both nicepen tea pack knife thing same 浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/bag do go five father zoolab food bag very this rose 清辅音/ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /t ʃ/ /tr/fish home shirts watch treeshe how sports child train 长元音/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/car four shirt see two 短元音/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/bus not teacher big put let bag/e ɪ/ /a ɪ/ /ɔɪ/day bike boy 双元音/ɪə/ /e ə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /a ʊ/dear chair poor no how浊辅音/ʒ// r/ /dz/ /dʒ//dr/usually red goods jeep drinkpleasure three birds age drive鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/room man singmay name thank半元音/ j// w/yes, yellow way, what边音/ ǀ/like, old拼读练习/fɑ:m/ /pɑ:k/ /lɑ:st/ /’kɑ:tə/ /’fɑ:stə/ /fɔ:/ /’nɔ:tɪ //’pɑ:kə/ /’fɔ:tɪ/ /’nɔ:ðən / /bɜ:d/ /wɜ:ld/ /bɜ:θdɪ/ /’wɜ:θɪ/ /’bɪtə/ /p eə / /pæθ/ /pə’tɪkjʊlə / /neɪm/ /’sætədɪ//gɜ:l/ /’letə/ /’trædʒdɪ //’lʌvlɪ/ /ɪntə’restɪŋ / /’dɑ:n sə/ /gr eɪt/ /’wʌn dəfəl//’dri:mə//ə’tʃi:vmənt/ /’treʒə/ /ə’n aʊnsmənt//fɪʃ/ /ʃeɪk/ / tʃaɪld / /tri:t/ /traɪ/ /’pækɪdʒ /⑴前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
z: z oo z ero z igze: zebrase: rose nose cheesezzz, zzz, zzz, I’m a bu s y bee.[ ʃ ] ca sh bu sh sh ake sh oe sh ip[ ʒ ] mea s ure plea s ure lei s ure[ θ ] eigh th for th ten th eleven th nin th[ δ ] th ose th ese th at th is th ere[ r ] r: r ain r adio r oom r ightwr: wr ite[ h ] h:h ello h urry h ey h ighwh: wh o wh om wh ole wh ollyH eavy H enry h ad a h ouse. H appy H arry is a mouse.破擦音练习[ tʃ ] ch air ch icken lun ch ch ange[ dʒ ] j ack j ob j oy j oin j og鼻音练习[ m ] m: m u m m oon m orningmb: cli mb thu mb co mbM other, m other, m other, m ay I go down to the m arket.[ n ] n: moo n n ut n eedle n osekn: kn ow kn ife kn een ose, n ose, n ose, I have a se n sitive n ose.[ ŋ ] i n k li n k ri ng morn ing半元音练习[ w ] w indow w ake w eek[ j ] y ellow y es y ou y ear另外四个辅音[ tr ] tr ain tr y tr uck tr ee[ dr ] dr ess dr ama dr ink[ ts ] studen ts ca ts coa ts[ dz ] be ds co des car ds英语音标总结一、元音部分:1、单元音:长元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ɜ:] [i:] [u:]短元音:[ʌ] [ɒ] [ə] [ɪ] [ʊ] [e] [æ] 2、双元音:[aɪ] [eɪ] [aʊ] [əʊ] [eə] [ɪə] [ʊə] [ɔɪ]二、辅音部分:[p]、[b]、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ][tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]常见字母组合发音ar [ɑ:] farm far farther park[ɔ:] quarter warmay[eɪ] may trayair[eə] chair hair hairdryer pair airportear [ɪə]dear year ear earphone near hear [eə] bear pear[ɜ:] learn earlyere [ɪə] here[eə] where there[ɜ:] wereea [eɪ] great[e] head sweater breakfast ready bread headache heavy[i:]speak peach beach each please read reading-room teacherteach eat seat tea teapot meat ice- cream Easter mean[ɪə] really idea theatreee [i:] see eighteen three green sweet treeHalloween need street sweep weeker [ɜ:] her hers term[ə] brother daughter father mother sister teacher number tiger after floweror [ə] doctor visitor mirror calculator[ɜ:] work worker word world[ɔ:] for forty morning short sport forkhorse New York order more beforeir , ur [ɜ:] bird girl birthday shirt skirt thirdcircle thirsty thirty sir firstturn purse nurse hamburger surf Thursday hurtigh [aɪ]night bright right light fight high height[eɪ] eight weightoo [ʊ] cook foot football classroombedroom bathroom look goodgoodbye book bookcase storybook [u:] food school too zoo cool roombroom noodle tooth toothacheafternoon soon balloon spoonmoon cartoonou [ʌ] country countryside touch young cousin[aʊ]cloudy shout about house housework blouse ground mountain sound trousersmouth mouse around loudly out[əʊ] shoulder[ʊ] should wouldoy [ɔɪ] boy toy joyow [aʊ]how down town brown flower now cow[əʊ]row know yellow bowl window follow Halloween tomorrow showglow grow blow slow lowsnow snowy snowballth [θ]mouth think thin thank theatre bathroom three third thirteen thirtythirsty anything something[ð] brother father mother the this these that those they them theirthen with there thaned [d] listened played answered … (元音、浊辅音结尾)[t] jumped helped liked milked cookedpicked washed watched danced stopped(清)[ɪd] tasted collected visited wanted planted started (t ,d 结尾)ck[k] lock luck clockge[dʒ] large changekn[n] know knife knightmb[m] climb comb thumbse [s] house[z] nose rose cheesewh[h] who whole whollywr[r] write wrong writing只有一种发音的组合:ai, ay [eɪ]如:rain ,playal [ɔ:]all , walk talk half [ɑ:]除外oa [əʊ]coat ,boatch [tʃ]chair , China school [k]除外ck [k]duck , clocksh [ʃ]shirt , shoes 加上sure [ʃ]一般情况开音节发本音如辅+元+辅+e 结构a[eɪ]cake ,face , table ,gra de,… have[æ]除外e[i:]these , he, she, be, we…i[aɪ]mine , ride , time, … give ,live[ɪ]除外u[j u:]cute ,useo[əʊ]nose ,those ,hope ,… whose[u:]除外。
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英语国际音标的讲解及练习⑴前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
[i:] ①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向硬颚抬起。
She tea easy teach sleep agree three weeks, green tea, team leadersSeeing is believing. Jean is as busy as a bee.[i]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,比[i:]低,比[e]高。
It this pig city coffee begin a big ship, bit by bit, little by litteA little learning is a dangerous thing.His six-year old sister is as fit as a fiddle.[e]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比[i:]低。
Egg else dress best again energy seven beds, ten desks, the next lessenLet’s get ready for the test.All’s well that ends well.[æ]①舌尖抵下齿。
And as bag lamp catch happen a happy man, a happy family, hand in hand, caps and cats Harry has a happy family in Canada. The rat is running on a narrow track.(2)中元音:[ʌ] [ǝ:] [ǝ]中元音发音要领:舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。
Her girl first turn work prefer a dirty shirt, the third world, the worst personThe German girl prefers a purple shirt to a blue one.The early bird catches the worm.[ǝ] ①舌中部抬起。
About polite forget river woman potato bread and butter, salt and pepper, again and again The teachers will get together tomorrow.Do you prefer the cinema or theatre?[ʌ]①舌中部稍抬起。
Up under cut does young enough much money, lucky in love, just for funWell begun is half done. Mother told the funny story just for fun.(3)后元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ] [ɔ:] [u] [u:]后元音发音要领:①舌尖不触下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软颚抬起,除[ɑ:]外,双唇要收圆。
[ɑ:] 舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身平放后缩。
Art army star father garden tomato a large car, half a jar, after the bathI like to pass through the garden park. Far from eye, far from heart.[ɔ] ①舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩。
On off hot want doctor foreign cotton socks, borrow a clock, a pocket watchThe coffee is top quality.When the shop was robbed, everybody was shocked.[ɔ:] ①舌后部比发[ɔ]时抬得略高。
Always or law before caused daughter all in all, more and more, a short storyPaul’s four and can walk and talk.The storm draws near---we ought to go indoors.[u] ①舌尖不触下齿, 舌后部向软颚抬起,舌身后缩。
Full look wood foot woman sugar push and pull, good books, by hook or by crookThe cook cooks good food.The woman stood for as long as she could.[u:] 双唇比发[u]时收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比发[u]时抬得更高。
To who lose group music fruit a blue balloon, an afternoon in June, huge roomsThe news is too good to be true.That rule is useful once in a blue moon.(4)合口双元音:[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [ǝu] [au]双元音发音要领:①由两个元音组成,发音时由第一个向第二个元音的部位滑动,但不完全到达第二个元音的部位。
[ei] ①由[e]向[i]滑动,但不到[i]的部位就停止发音。
Age play rain take labour today May Day, great change, the name of the gameNo pains, no gains. Great changes have taken place in only one day.[ai] ①[a]是个前元音(不是后元音[ɑ:]),和汉语普通话“a”音相似,发音时舌尖抵住下齿,舌位很低,舌前隆起。
Eye why night bike July a nice sight, quite right, high in the skyTime and tide wait for no man. A stitch in time saves nine.[ɔi]①开始部分舌位在[ɔ]和[ɔ:]之间。
Oil boil toy coin choice destroy make an appointment, toilet paper, a noisy boyShe made her point in a joyful voice.The boy was annoyed when his toy was destroyed.[ǝu]由[ǝ]向[u]滑动, 双唇由扁到略为收圆,但不到[u]的部位就停止发音。
No slow toes road both overcoat I don’t know. Close the window. It’s so cold.The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely.A rolling stone gathers no moss.[au] ①开始部分和[ai]中的[a]相同,①由[a]向[u]滑动时把双唇逐渐收圆,舌后部随之稍稍抬起。
Bow mouse shout county around out of town, a brown cow, a thousand housesHow about going down south? She found out how to pronounce the sound. (5)集中双元音:[iǝ] [Ɛǝ] [uǝ]双元音发音要领:①由两个元音组成,发音时由第一个向第二个元音的部位滑动,但不完全到达第二个元音的部位。
Ear here real fierce nearly idea cheerful tears, from ear to ear, mysterious ideasI fear we can’t hear him clearly.You are serious but sincere, my dear.[Ɛǝ] ①[Ɛ]是个前元音,发音时舌尖触下齿,舌位半开,舌前隆起。
②舌身稍向后缩,由从[Ɛ]很快滑向[ǝ]Air care therefore various repair prepare wear and tear, share a pear, a careless bearWhere there’s a will, there’s a way.He rarely stares at the mayor, because he’s scared.[uǝ] ①[u]不要发成[u:]。