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Translation: on different occasions, such as library, study, even in toilet.
4. Interpretation: can judge the meaning from the intonation and gesture, etc. Translation: can only judge the meaning from the context 5. Interpretation: paraphrase Translation: literal translation 6. Interpretation: no time to make the sentences perfect. Translation: more literal .
♦ to grasp the thoughts, meanings and
intentions of the speaker ♦ A) pronunciation ♦ Non-standard English: ♦ thing, sing ♦ road, load ♦ B.E.&A.E. : ♦ can’t, answer ♦ B) logic and order ♦ Reorganization is needed at first.
words naturally and vividly
8. Excellent psychological quality: (良好的心理素质 良好的心理素质) 良好的心理素质
♦ No stage fright. ♦ have the competence to deal with
3. China will not be a threat to other countries when it becomes developed itself, because it is a socialist country.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
IV. The qualifications of an interpreter: 1. Strong responsibilities (强烈的责任感) observe the professional morality 2. Steady linguistic foundation(扎实的语言功 底) ♦ e.g. ----- A) keep one’s memory green ♦ B) Everybody knows that John lost his shirt when that business he had invested in failed. ♦ lose one’s shirt 失去一切
b. Simultaneous interpretation (同声传译) 同声传译) 1) sight interpretation (视阅传译)
♦ 2) whispering interpretation(耳语传译) ♦ 3) audio-visual interpretation(电化传译) ♦ 2. Direction of interpretation: ♦ a. one-way interpretation ♦ b. two-way interpretation
1. Note-taking in interpretation:
♦ 2. Interpreting numbers: ♦ 3.Interpreting idioms: ♦ 4.Interpreting addressing: ♦ 5.Interpreting quotations:
things on time. ♦ 分期付款买东西 ♦ e.g. ----- He carried on a business, but brought his pigs to the wrong market. ♦ 找错了门路
♦ 6.
Super-strong comprehension: 超强的理解力) (超强的理解力)
客人: 不见得,不见得。 译:You are not allowed to see. You are not allowed to see. Fluency: ♦ 中国是社会主义国家,它的发展不会对 其他国家构成威胁。 ♦ 1. As a socialist country, the development of China will constitute no threat to other countries. ♦ 2. The socialist nature makes it impossible for China, even when developed, to pose any threat to other countries.
7. Fluent expressive competence: 流畅的表达力) (流畅的表达力)
♦ to speak clearly without any pet phrase ♦ to speak in a moderate speed ♦ to know how divide the sentence ♦ to use short sentences frequently ♦ to express the meanings of the speaker’s
♦ input→comprehension→output ♦ 输入→理解→输出 ♦ accepting→decoding→memorizing→making
codes expressing codes→expressing
♦ 接收→解码→记忆→编码→表达
VII. Difficulties in interpretation:
7.Interpretation: use some colloquial words, use
more simple sentences. Translation: use some formal words, use more long and complex sentences.
VI. The process of interpretation:
Brief introduction to English Interpretation
I. The features of interpretation:
1. immediateness 2. Individuality. 3. Comprehensiveness (即时性) (个体性) (综合性)

The statistics for marriage and divorce in Britain do not present a happy picture, but they do reflect the changing role of the family within our society today. Of all the people aged over 16 years in Britain today, 59% are married, 26% are single, 9% are widowed and 6% are divorced. In 1988, there were 400,000 marriages, 36% of which were remarriages. ♦ (从英国结婚、离婚的统计数字来看,情况并不乐观, 但它们确实反映了当今社会中家庭作用的变化。现在 在所有年满16岁的英国公民中,有59%是已婚的,26% 是独身的,9%是寡居的,还有6%是离异的。在1988年 结婚的40万对夫妇中,有36%是再婚的。)
♦ V.
Differences between interpretation and translation:
♦ 1. Interpretation: get information by “Listening”. ♦ Translation: get information by “Reading”. ♦ 2. Interpretation: limited time ♦ Translation: much more time ♦ 3. Interpretation: usually on public occasions
dress) ♦ 英:be dressed in white ♦ B) 汉:白日 ♦ 英:a white day (吉日)
3. Broad and profound knowledge(渊博的知识) (渊博的知识) An interpreter should know something of everything. 4. Outstanding memory: (出众的记忆力) ♦ Memory exercise:
III.The criteria of interpretation:
Quickness, accuracy, fluency. 快,准,顺 Quickness & accuracy: A small humorous story: Host: Your wife looks so graceful this evening. 译:您的夫人今晚很漂亮。 您的夫人今晚很漂亮。 客人:哪里,哪里 客人:哪里 哪里. 哪里 译:Where? Where? Host: Everywhere. 译:全身哪儿都好看。 全身哪儿都好看。 迅速、准确、 迅速、准确、通顺
Examples about the color “white”:
汉: 白璧无瑕 白头偕老 英: days marked with a white stone (幸福的日 子) , the white-headed boy (宠儿) A)
♦ B) 汉:白色恐怖 白旗 ♦ 英:white terror, white flag. white ♦ 汉、英意思不同。 ♦ A) 汉:一身缟素 (be in white mourning
II. Types of interpretation:
1. Form: a. Consecutive interpretation (接续翻译, 交替 传译) Tourism and shopping, toast in a banquet, speech, news conference, press conference, commercial negotiation, etc.
♦ 5. Prompt thinking:(敏捷的思维) (敏捷的思维) ♦ simultaneous interpretation: 9000 words/h, ♦ 30 times of translation ♦ consecutive interpretation : 5000 words/h, ♦ 17 times of translation ♦ e.g. ----- It’s popular these days to buy