
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 1. Manufacturing accouted for just 17.5 per cent of global gross doMestic product in 2007, but much activity in the considerably larger area of services, for instance, in retailing, distribution, transport and communications, depends on it. • 2. Labor costs are rising fast in China and India and it is no longer always clear that the great lurch east makes commercial sense. • 3. Even if oil prices return to less scary levels, the cost of transportation and the delays created by extended supply chains all have to be taken into account. • 4. Investing in China will often be a much less straightforward task for a Western multinational than committing to France or Germany.
English-Chinese Interpretation
• 6. 一般来说,我们只按到岸价交易,保水渍险。 • 7. 根据合同条款,货物装船后,我方已经马上通过航空寄给你 方一整套不可转让的单据。 • 8. 很遗憾,我方不能按你方要求于4月初装船,因为直达班轮每 月22日左右才开往你方港口。 • 9. 因厂方所接订单甚多,我们不能在规定日期前装运。 • 10. 我方无法许诺11月前发货,因为我们的厂家目前的交货任务 压得很紧。
世纪商务英语口译教程Unit 3

观光口译要求口译员在事前做好充分的准备工作,如对行程、景点和随行人员 非常熟悉。尤其是参观名胜古迹,更要像导游一样对历史和掌故了然于心。这些都 要求口译员查阅大量资料。观光口译属于社交场合下的口译,气氛轻松愉快,因此 只要口译员准备充分就可以轻松应对。如果出现自己不熟悉或者没有准备的内容, 可以大胆按照内涵发挥,在这类场合下,流利和达意往往比准确和优美更重要。另 外,和中方领导或者主要陪同人员的沟通也很重要,事先了解中方代表可能想要介 绍哪些景观,可以节省大量准备时间。
Expansion 扩展材料
Supplementary Reading 补充阅读
Directions: Work in groups of six, one acts as the instructor and reads the figures while the others do the figure training exercise according to the requirements before each group of numbers.
Is the production line fully automated?
I see. How do you control the quality?
What’s the monthly output?
Unit Three
Sightseeing, Product Introduction and Departure
1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section

E-C Interpretation (Passage 1)
China is a great civilization, a great power, and a great nation.
词序调整 增词:拥有; great的翻译; 建议:在翻译英语/汉语同一个词时,要注意
Vocabulary Work
新领军者年会:Annual Meeting of the New Champions; 建立世界经济新秩序:establish a new international economic
order; 从封闭半封闭经济到开放型经济的转变:from a closed and
建议:注意诺贝尔奖颁奖发言时的一些惯用的表 达方式。
Sight Interpretation 〔2〕
方兴未艾:show a continuous, upward trend; 住房:housing; 私家车:private car; 境内外旅游:domestic and oversea tourism; 新的消费热点:new highlights of consumption; 消费资料:production material; 生活资料:livelihood material; 人均GDP:the per capita GDP;
Note-taking 〔2〕
研修班:session; seminar; 驻华使节:diplomatic envoys to China;
建议:汉语的表达有时候比较复杂,如“认真负 责、勤恳踏实、周到热情〞,翻译时只要根本达 意就行,不必词与词对应翻译。

口译三人对话材料人物:A:美国商人 B:中国企业家 C:中英文口译员场景设定:一场中美商务会谈,A和B分别代表各自国家的企业,他们需要通过口译员进行交流。
A: (英语) Good morning, Mr. Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you.C: (中文) 王先生,早上好。
B: (中文) 早上好,A先生。
C: (英语) Mr. Wang said he's delighted to meet you.A: (英语) Thank you. I'm excited to discuss the potential business opportunities between our companies.C: (中文) 王先生说他非常高兴能和您讨论我们两家公司之间的潜在商业机会。
B: (中文) 我也十分期待这次会谈。
C: (英语) Mr. Wang is looking forward to the discussion and hopes for win-win cooperation.A: (英语) That's exactly what we're aiming for. We believe that by combining our strengths, we can achieve great success in the market.C: (中文) A先生表示,我们的目标正是如此。
B: (中文) 我完全同意这一点。
C: (英语) Mr. Wang agrees and emphasizes the importance of mutual efforts and mutual benefits.A: (英语) Absolutely. I believe that with open communication and mutual respect, we can achieve a fruitful partnership.C: (中文) A先生认为,通过开放的沟通和相互尊重,我们可以达成富有成效的合作伙伴关系。

中国人宴请宾客,餐桌上佳肴满目,主人却还说:“今晚没什么好菜,请大家不要客 气,随便吃。”这是把对菜品的赞词留给客人去说。而在西方,情况则完全不同。如果 在餐馆请客,主人会说:“这是本城最佳厨师烧的最好的菜。”如果举行家宴,主人会 说:“这是我太太最拿手的菜。”他是想向客人表明,他已是竭尽全力了。
When the hospitable Chinese host proposes a toast, if much excited, he usually says “Bottom up!” and drinks down all the wine at one breath. Then he wants the guests to do the same, thinking in this way the guests will prove to be true friends. In the West, people also toast, but it is up to the guests how much they drink. It is wise not to force women guests to drink up all the wine. Care should also be taken when you offer others cigarettes. In western countries, the host only leaves the cigarettes on the table and lets the guests make their decision. If you offer your guests one cigarette after another, they will feel embarrassed instead of thanking you for that.

Unit Three Business NegotiationText Passage One进出口商品交易会import and export commodities fair销售部经理sales managersupply department采购部brochure宣传小册子scope of business经营范围machine tool机床workmanship工艺make an inquiry询价quotation报价 C.I.F Seattle西雅图到岸价(*cost,insurance.freight)调整价格adjust the price competitive具有竞争力bulk很大substantially大大地展台exhibition stand1.欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。
Welcome to Shanghai Import and Export Commodities Fair.My name is Ming Chen.I am Sales manager of the Shanghai Machinery Company Inc..2.Hi,Mr.Chen.My name is Sean Hudson.I am from Seattle,USA.I am in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.您好,陈先生!我叫肖恩•哈德逊,来自美国西雅图,是太平洋贸易有限公司的采购部主任。
I am very pleased to meet you,Mr.Hudson.Please sit down and allow me to introduce our company and its products.4.Thank you!I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business,especially the variety of machinery tools you manufacture.I believe my customers will like your new products.谢谢。

商务英语口译Unit 3 Business Negotiation

1.合适的地点时间 2.虚张声势的阵法 3.充分的披露信息 4.巧妙地否定对手 5.内外兼美的包装 6.行云流水的沟通 7.灵活的迂回战术
New Words &Expressions
divergent [ dai'və:dʒənt, di- ] adj. 相异的,分歧 的;散开的
destabilize [ di:'steibilaiz ] vt. 使动摇
At no time can the feed system destabilize an otherwise stable. 供应系统决不会使一个在其它状态下稳定的燃烧过程变得 不稳定。
appease [ ə'pi:z ] vt. 使平息;使满足;使和; 对…让步
A divergent section of a river, especially near the mouth.
detach [ di'tætʃ ] vt. 分离;派遣;使超然
A number of soldiers were detached to guard the building.
1.谈判成功的基石:尊重与信任 2.谈判的本质 3.认识主要的目的 4.学习失去的感觉 5.善于当个好听众 6.积极的肯定对手 7.一流的谈判好手的三好
1.了解对方的文化 2.友善的入乡随俗 3.培养分析的能力 4.科学的抽丝剥茧 5.理性的追根究底 6.遏止问题的扩大 7.自我认知的能力 8.培养超人的耐心 9.诚信走得万里路
Our children's education is at stake. 我们孩子的教育好坏无法预料。
商务英语口译Unit 3 Business Negotiation

Selden had retained her hand, and continued to scrutinize her with a strange sense of foreboding.
赛尔登一直紧握着她的手,用预感到大祸临头的惊恐目光仔 细观察她。
For him to concede that his ability to govern had been impaired would accelerate the assault on his Presidency. 如果他承认他治理国家的能力已受到损害,必将招致对他作为总 统的更多攻击。
courteous [ 'kə:tjəs ] adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的
1.合适的地点时间 2.虚张声势的阵法 3.充分的披露信息 4.巧妙地否定对手 5.内外兼美的包装 6.行云流水的沟通 7.灵活的迂回战术
New Words &Expressions
divergent [ dai'və:dʒənt, di- ] adj. 相异的,分歧 的;散开的
If I can reciprocate at any time, please be sure to call on me. 如果将来我能为您做些什么,请直言。
culprit [ 'kʌlprit ] n. 犯人,罪犯;被控犯罪的人
He has only been home once, sir, since the day of the examination of that culprit. 自从那个罪犯受审之后,阁下,他只回过一次家。

商务现场口译答案Unit3Unit 3Phrase Interpreting A 1. business luncheon 2. soft drink 4. gourmet 5. preservative-free 7. to propose a toast 8. continental breakfast 10. French fries 1.工作午餐2.软饮料3.冷餐招待会4.美食家5.不含防腐剂6.备受青睐7.致祝酒词8.欧式早餐9.垃圾食品 10.炸薯条 B. 1.款待 2.美味佳肴 3.忌讳 4.招牌菜5.晚宴6.菜系7.用筷子8.用餐举止9.酸辣汤10.酸奶1. entertain 2. delicacies, 4. specialty 5. banquet 7. to handle chopsticks 8. table manners 10. yogurt 3. buffet reception 6. to gain popularity 9. junk food 3. taboo 6. major cuisines 9.hot& sour soup Sentence Interpreting A 1. Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot. 2. Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients. 3. The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table are the typical characteristics of Chinese food.4. Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/cooking.5. May I propose a toast to the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme. Smith? 1.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著称。

Material 3 for Business English InterpretationSentence Interpretation (E to C)1.On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my appreciation to the hostfor this opportunity to address the meeting/symposium on the topic of….2.I am greatly honored to be invited to attend and speak at the opening ceremony of thissymposium/conference.3.May I begin with my high respects and warm greetings from my countrymen to all therepresentatives present at this conference.4.I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to be discussing with you my personaltentative/preliminary thoughts on the prospects of Sino-British economic and trade relationship in the next decade or so.5.It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this meeting and present my views on theissues of mutual concern and mutual interest.6.It does give me much pleasure to be together with my Chinese young friends in such adiscussion on how mankind should rise up to address the challenges arising in the new century and how human beings should build a better future.7.I am greatly honored /It is my great honor to speak at this meeting to my Australiancolleagues on how to further improve the friendly relationship and how to cement the friendship between the peoples of China and Australia.8.Here, I wish to share with all of you some of my thoughts on the issue of China’s currentpolicies, hoping to give you a better understanding and overall picture of China’s economic development in the past decade.9.This forum’s theme is “China, the next 50 years”, which will give you a general picture ofhow China will develop itself into an economic giant in the international community.10.In closing, I would like to express again on behalf of the members of the delegation ourprofound gratitude for your thoughtful itinerary and warm hospitality to us during our visit to this great country.11.As an English saying goes, “Seeing is believing,” and our visit to this great country of yourshas fully proved that China has witnessed unbelievable changes since 1980s, which itself is a great contribution to the world over.12.The current annual meeting will provide us with an ideal arena to exchange our views ofmutual concern so as to reach consensus on important bilateral issues.13.I would like to conclude my speech with my best regards to Mr…., one of the importantfriends in my life and I wish him a speedy recovery/an early return to the office.14.Thank you very much for taking your time off the tight schedule to come in person to attendthe ceremony of launching of the new product, which is the result of the joint efforts between our two enterprises.dies and gentlemen, it goes without saying that the opening ceremony of Shanghai GeneralMotors will symbolize another new step for Shanghai’s opening to the outside world and this will surely mean a great deal a great deal to the booming of the economy of both countries. 16.We are here to witness another important symbolic event in the development of the metropolisof Shanghai.17.The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th month of China’s lunar calendar is set asideand celebrated in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan.18.The moon-cake, a special food of China’s Mid-autumn Festival, is a round pastry filled withnuts, candied preserved fruits, bean paste, duck egg yolks, etc., symbolizing completeness and perfection, and by extension, family reunion.19.The Chinese lunar New Year, the Spring Festival, is celebrated according to the lunar calendar,and generally occurs sometime in the first half of February.20.We sincerely welcome personalities of all walks of life at home and abroad to join, inwhatever form, the partnership with the co-operation in its business operations.Sentence Interpretation (C to E)1.女士们,先生们,请允许我代表大会组委会宣布“上海城市建设国际研讨会”现在开幕。
商务英语口译Unit 3 Terms of Payment

Part Three
Unit 3 Terms of Payment
• Section One Situational Dialogue • Direction: Students must be able to recite these dialogues
fluently and understand them. • Dialogue One In Li’s Office • (Li Hua, the sales manager of Guangzhou Textiles
商务英语口译Unit 3 Terms of Payment

Unit 3 Terms of Payment
• This unit will be focused on one of the important sections in business negotiation process—payment. In this unit, the students should master the relevant knowledge of payment, and learn to use the knowledge in real business negotiation.
Part Three
Unit 3 Terms of Payment
• L: That’s great! Is that an irrevocable Letter of Credit?
• J: Yes, we did as your requirement.
• L: Good, it’s advisable for you to open the covering Letter of Credit as early as possible so as to enable us to effect shipment in due time.
arrange that. • L: To be sure, we only accept confirmed irrevocable L/C.

Performing --Decoding (Note-taking)
பைடு நூலகம்
Performing --Memorizing (Story-retelling)
3. Does every state make its own laws about the sale of alcohol in America?
4. How much tip is usually expected in American restaurants?
Preparing --Skills Presentation
1. 款待 2. 美味佳肴 3. 忌讳 4. 招牌菜 5. 晚宴 6. 菜系 7. 用筷子 8. 用餐举止 9. 酸辣汤 10. 酸奶
1. entertain 2. Delicacies 3. taboo 4. Specialty 5. banquet 6. major cuisines 7. to handle chopsticks 8. table manners 9. Hot & Sour Soup 10. Yogurt
出不穷,不可悉数。 5. 为史密斯大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯。
B. Chinese to English
1. I’d like to thank Mr. Smith for his very warm welcoming remarks. Many thanks also go to the Europe-China Business Association for the gracious invitation and warm hospitality.
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 3

13.The boss has been promising to give us an increase in salary, but nothing has happened so far.
5.We seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.
6.We will implement the strategy of developing the country through science and technology.
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 3
Section A
Get Your Pronunciation Right
这个环节的练习将通过对比学习,进一步了解 和掌握一些英语单词随着词性的转化而发生变 音现象,主要表现在重音移位和元音变音。
1.From recorded time, man has been fascinated with music.
8.You can go to my office to fetch some reference book.
9.These represent humanity’s deepest aspirations for security and personal fulfillment: We want peace. We want freedom. We want a better life.
口译unit 3

2. An Evil
However, for many interpreters, note taking is said to be
a necessary evil(必要之恶). It is regarded as an evil because it calls for a certain amount of distribution of attention and it might interfere in one‟s listening. The fact that taking notes diverts(转移)attention and interferes with listening poses the first obstacle. The second problem is that untrained interpreters are often at a loss what notes should be taken and in which way the notes should be taken. The most essential aspects of consecutive interpreting are the processes of listening, understanding, analysis and re-expression. If these processes are not well carried out, even the best notes in the world will not produce good interpretation. Therefore, note-taking is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Notes are meaningless if they do not function well as aids in the processes of interpreting.
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Business Travel
Jean:Hey Kyle, guess what! The boss is sending me to the West coast for a marketing seminar next month.
Jean: Yeah, and he said there’ll be more coming up, so I should get a corporate card .Problem is,
I don’t know how to proceed, and I didn’t want the boss to know that. Can you fill me in? Kyle:当然了,没问题。
Jean: Will I use the card for everything?
Jean: Do I pay out of my own pocket?
Jean:Will the company reimburse everything?
Kyle: 不,有每日最高限额。
Jean:Anything else?
非常高兴能在整个旅程中陪伴各位, 如果大家现在或在旅行中有什么问题请随时向我提出来。