商务英语口译Unit 5 Operation and Management[精]




Company Operation and Management 第一单元公司运作与管理1.1Teamwork 团队合作Teamwork 团队合作,团队精神Team-based 以团队为基础的Horizontal organization structure 横向企业结构Corporate goals 企业目标Charter 规章,章程Be accountable for 对…负有责任Creative innovation 创新改革,创新发明创新精神Reward system 奖励制度Pay back 回报,报偿Individuality 个性Independent thinking 独立的思想Group decision-making 集体决策Managerial skill 管理技能Coordinate 使协调,调整Interpersonal relationship 人际关系Mutual trust 相互信任Bring out the potentials 充分发挥潜能Closely-knit (关系)密切的Keep track of 跟踪,追踪Time-consuming 花费时间的Line manager 部门经理,业务经理(与行政经理相对)Pre-building 团队建设Nurture 培养,教育,发展Nurture team dynamics 培养团队活力Promote team spirit 提倡团队精神Drive team success 驱使团队成功Minimize 将…减少到最少,最小化Inhibit 约束,抑止Liven up 使…有生气Training session 一场训练,培训课期Rafting 漂流Rock climbing 攀岩Teammate 队友Impact 影响,效果Complementary 补充的,互补的Revitalize 使新生,给予新的活力Trait (个人性格方面的)特征,显著的特点Commitment 敬业精神Interpersonal communication skills 人际交际技能,亦作interpersonal skills Address 处理(事情)Creative innovation 创新精神How to Make Teams Effective如何组建精锐的团队People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to create the experience of teamwork or how to develop an effective team.在各种工作场合,人们都在谈论团队建设、团队合作、自己的团队,但是却很少有人真正理解如何体验团队合作以及如何组建一支精锐的团队。

商务现场口译第五单元Unit 5 Business Interview(商务访谈)

商务现场口译第五单元Unit 5 Business Interview(商务访谈)
由于中国学生的礼貌和热情,我克服了公开发言的恐惧感,变得自信起来。最为重要的是,我遇到了许多 优秀的人并结识了众多要好的朋友。
也许,中国的教育体制确实是过于注重死记硬背的学习方法。尽管如此,我却发现这并没有反映出中国学 生的天性。我遇到的这些学生只要拥有一个适当的课堂氛围、获得一个进行热身练习的机会,就会很自然地 进行互动,而且不由自主地享受着表演的乐趣。在我们进行一些角色扮演的活动时,有些学生就过于投入他 们的角色,以至于他们都快分不清演戏和现实的界限了!
在西方社会,学生生活包含学习与社会交往两个部分,而侧重点则是社会交往!中国学生的这种付出和干劲 确实给我留下了深深的印象。当我还是一个学生的时候,我几乎不会为了与学习相关的活动而牺牲我的业余 时间。除非是为了迎接考试,否则我的周末全都用于玩乐或者用于做兼职。我的中国学生却截然不同,他们 似乎是只要不睡觉,就总是在学习。我明白,在中国大学里竞争是极其激烈的。尽管这样,他们的精力和干 劲还是使我觉得羞愧。
1. May I ask you to comment upon your experiences of doing business with China? 2. What is the difference between a project contract and an ordinary sales and purchase contract? 3. How do you account for the success? Is it due to marketing strategy, good management or something else? 4. Insurance is the backbone of international trade. International trade and insurance have developed together and without it, we would find the economies of the world in a very sorry state. 5. She has a perfect command of the Chinese language, and is very popular with the legal and business circles 5 business interview



常用物流商务英语常用物流商务英语有哪些,总结如下,供参考:1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最冲动人心的工作。

2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。

3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。

4.Logis tics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。

5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。

6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc. 物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略方案和客户效劳等方面。

7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information. 物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。



商务英语口译教案教案标题:商务英语口译教案教案目标:1. 培养学生在商务英语口译方面的听、说、读、写能力。

2. 帮助学生掌握商务英语口译的基本技巧和策略。

3. 提高学生在商务场景下的口译能力和应变能力。

教学内容:1. 商务英语口译的基本概念和特点2. 商务英语口译的常见场景和相关词汇3. 商务英语口译的技巧和策略4. 商务英语口译的实践训练和模拟演练教学步骤:1. 导入(5分钟)- 引入商务英语口译的概念和重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 知识讲解(15分钟)- 介绍商务英语口译的基本概念和特点,解释商务场景中常见的词汇和表达方式。

3. 技巧讲解(20分钟)- 分析商务英语口译的技巧和策略,如快速理解、准确表达、注意语调和语气等。

4. 实践训练(30分钟)- 提供商务英语口译的实际案例,让学生进行口译练习,并给予实时的反馈和指导。

5. 模拟演练(20分钟)- 分组进行商务英语口译的模拟演练,模拟真实商务场景,让学生在实践中提高口译能力和应变能力。

6. 总结与反思(10分钟)- 总结本节课的要点和学习收获,鼓励学生反思自己的不足和进步,并提出改进建议。

7. 作业布置(5分钟)- 布置相关的口译作业,如翻译商务文件、口译商务会议等,以巩固所学知识和技能。

教学资源:1. 商务英语口译教材2. 商务英语口译案例和练习题3. 商务英语口译模拟场景材料4. 录音设备和播放设备评估方式:1. 口译练习中的实时反馈和指导2. 模拟演练中的口译表现评估3. 口译作业的评分和点评教学建议:1. 鼓励学生多听、多读、多练,提高商务英语口译的语感和技巧。

2. 提供丰富的商务英语口译素材,让学生在不同场景下进行口译训练。

3. 引导学生积极参与讨论和互动,提高口译能力和应变能力。

教学扩展:1. 组织学生参观商务会议或商务活动,让他们亲身体验商务英语口译的实际应用。

2. 鼓励学生参加商务英语口译比赛或演讲比赛,提高口译水平和自信心。



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改写句子1.“This is the first line business in97years of our history to be run outside the U.S,”——In the 97 years of the company’s history, never had a particular kind of product or merchandise been managed outside the U.S.2.But the assault on its services business led by a trio of Indian outsourcing upstarts threatenedto do serious damage to what Mr.Palmisano expected to be one of his main sources of growth.——posed a big threat to the field that might be the main sources of growth for the company as expected by Mr. Palmisano.4.A 2007 study of China‘s top 200 publicly traded companies found that the best businesses in China are not yet on a par with the world’s foremost ones.——that it is still difficult even for the leading companies in China to compete with those global giants.5. American multinationals now have a “ferocious interest in attracting non-Americans to the board”, but as yet even Europeans are a rarity, let alone directors from emerging markets.——but they can find only a few qualified executives from the European countries, not to mention those from emerging markets.6.Little more than a decade earlier, both Mr. Jobs’ career and Apple, the company he had co-founded, were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.——More than ten years ago, it was highly speculated that both Mr. Job‘s career and Apple, the company he had co-founded would fail in the competition7. Mr Gates himself championed a tablet computer nearly a decade ago, though the stylus needed to write on its screen and the PC-like interface generated little demand.——however it was not well-received by the market due to its need of a stylus to write on its screen and the PC-like interface.8. A spirituality guided by his training in Zen Buddhism has played a central part in his life, even prompting him to eschew formal medical treatment for a period during his battle with pancreatic cancer.——and with such spiritual belief he even avoided using medical treatment for a period while struggling against pancreatic cancer.9. Compromise seems too strong a word, but the greater sense of expediency reflects Apple’s new place in the world.——but now as a world leader in this business, Apple has become more pragmatic.10. After antitrust authorities took an interest this year, Mr. Jobs backed off a requirement that forced developers to use Apple’s software tools to create apps, barring rival Adobe’s technology – though the reversal also seemed calculated to appease developers who might otherwise turn more attention to creating apps for phones running Google’s software.——nevertheless this change of strategy seemed to be designed intentionally to please software developers11. To limit litigation risk it is therefore critical for the client to perceive counsel as being not merely a tool to get things done, but as an objective and dispassionate advocate for reason and prudence.——an impersonal and impartial supporter for sound sense and good discretion.12. To the extent that the counsel can prevail upon the client to take the long view of its business associations, there isa greater prospect that risks will be more easily identified and provided for.——the counsel can persuade the client;risks can be easily ascertained and prepared for.13. For the most part, however, I would say that most contingency-fee-based lawyers are more discriminating than is popularly believed and are more likely to take on a client only when the prospects of victory are significant.——more biased than is generally perceived to be and are more likely to work for a client only when there is a fairly good chance of victory.14. What the corporate client often fails to appreciate is the lesson that just because a party may have a weak or non-existent case does not necessarily preclude it from commencing an action.——even if a party probably has a feeble or untrue case, it is possible for it to begin a legal action.15. The purpose of this kind of litigation is not necessarily to win on the merits but to create costs that will be so burdensome that a favorable settlement can be extracted.——is not just about winning based on the facts presented in evidence but about creating heavy burden of high costs which compels a favorable settlement.16.Your BMW dealer will be happy to oblige with as many changes as you care to make, until a cutoff point: six days before your particular car goes into production.——Your BMW dealer will be happy to do a favor by making as many changes as you like until the point of termination17.This ability to cater to fickle tastes is just one manifestation of an extraordinary flexibility that BMW has injected intoa company that sold nearly 1.4 million cars last year, bringing in $65 billion in revenues.——The ability to satisfy capricious customer tastes is just one indicator of a remarkable adaptability that BMW has instilled into a company19.Its most striking feature is a conveyor belt that meanders inside the building just below roof level, carrying a steady stream of cars from the body shop to the paint shop.——Its most impressive characteristic is a conveyor belt that winds its way inside the building;carrying a continual succession of cars20. BMW’s main weakness is that life is getting ever narrower in the premium segment, and it needs volume growth.——its life is getting harder, marked by a limited prospect for future development in the market segment of prestige brands and luxury products and its calls for rapid growth in sales volume.21. For all that to happen, Sirtris, like most biotic startups, must wend through a minefield that will take many years to traverse.——Sirtris must spend many years to overcome the difficulties of this area that may obstruct its progress.22. Three years ago one such paradox strolled into the Harvard lab that put resveratrol on the map and set in motion events that may in time radically transform the way we age…——one such conflict happens in the Harvard lab, through which some people started to develop the application of resveratrol, and began to initiate some activities23.In fact, just about the only time anyone can recall the boss giving his blackberry a breather was during a few startling minutes last November.——the only time that employees can remember when Westphal didn’t use his mobile phone to send messages to talk 24. At first glance, Westphal’s frenetic personal resembles attention deficit disorder. But in his case it’s probably better described as bandwidth-coming-out-of-the-ears syndrome.——it‘s probably better to describe him as a person who has a wide variety of interests and can do many different things at the same time.25. When a TV news team showed up one day, he put on a white lab coat and safety glasses before going on camera—a nerdy affectation that caused much mirth at Sirtris.——a kind of dressing that science geeks love and that caused much sensation among Sirtris‘s employees.26.In reality, a company’s culture is defined by what the top executives actually do. Employees model – that is, they emulate their boss’ behavior. (decide; imitate)——In fact, it is what the management actually does that decides a company’s culture because staff would imitate and follow their leaders’ behavior.29. Renowned for effectively focusing the organization on just five key objectives each quarter—and being relentless about achieving them, Wiles encouraged employees to do everything possible to carry out their goals. (persistent; accomplish)——Wiles was famous for his effective concentration of the company business on five key objectives each quarter and for his persistent pursuit of the five goals. He encouraged staff to try every means to accomplish their goals.30. Without trust in the leader, the instinct for survival takes over and the cost to the organization in misexecution, chaos, and rebuilding is huge.(disorder)——If employees do not trust their leaders, they would prioritize their individual interest. As a result, there’ll be huge cost in poor operation, company disorder, and in restructuring.翻译1.This ambitious strategy was a response to fierce competition from the emerging markets.这一雄心勃勃的策略是对来自新兴市场的激烈竞争做出的回应。



商务英语口译词组翻译Business interpretingUnit1Reach a record high 创纪录 a big margin 大幅增长Show room 样品间 embroidered tablecloth 抽纱台布The price list 价目表 well-illustrated catalogues 精美插图的目录The supplies 供货商 quotation 报价FOB 离岸价 packaging model 包装样品Commission 佣金 eye-catching 吸引人的Place an order 订货 cardboard boxes 木板箱Packaging 包装 wooden cases 木箱Transparent plastic bag 透明塑料袋 to get an edge over 超过比...好The design 装潢设计 to honor a claim for 理赔Sample 样品 pilferage 偷盗Catalogue 商品目录 insurance company 保险公司Outer packaging 外包装 compensation 赔偿Waterproof 防水 head office 总部Be lined with plastic sheets 内衬塑料布 royalty 提成WAP 水渍险 specification 规格Net weight 净重Gross weight 毛重Delivery 交货Industrial property right 工业产权Know-how/expertise 专有技术Royalty rate 提成率Initial down payment 入门费Net sales price 净销售价To render good for good 以德报德Unit2golden autumn season of October 金秋十月 continue to do sth 一如既往China Import and Export fair 中国进口商品交易会business community 商业界rename as 更名ancient Chinese saying 古话historical starting point 历史起点 trade council 贸易理事会from all over the world 五湖四海 serve as a bridge 桥梁作用give 赋予 technical advantage 技术优势historical connotations 历史内涵 have a massive land 幅员辽阔assume responsibilies 肩负重任economic returns 经济回报率harmonious society 和谐社会quadruple 翻两番Enhance service awareness 增强服务意识 investment fever 投资热Organizer 承办者 be profitable/have a good profit of gain 有利可图International practice 国际惯例 control over 控管Set sail for 启航 infrastructure 基础设施Change our notion 转变观念capital construction 基本建设The foundation of success 取胜之本 essential commodity 基本物质Clearly set forth 明确提出 internationalization 国际化进程congratulate...before hand on the complete success 预祝..圆满成功You honor/majesty/excellency 尊敬的...先生阁下Gracious hospitality 友好款待 Warm greetings 热情问候Convey 传达 Good wishes 良好的祝愿Bosom friends 知己 Business and financial giant 商业和金融巨头Long-term project 长期项目 trade volume 贸易额The Pearl River Delta 三角洲 sustained growth 持续增长Through partnership with 与..携手 on the occasion of 借..的机会Consultancy service 咨询服务机构 on behalf of 代表Transnational corporation 跨国公司 hectic trip 紧张的行程Last but not least 最后 phenomenal success 非凡成就In person 亲身 share the sentiments 报有同感Official invitation 正式邀请 welcome address 欢迎辞Worldwide economic recession 世界经济萧条the setting of the workshop 研讨会场的布置Unit3Business summit 工商峰会magnificent welcome 盛情欢迎Internalization-based引进消化吸收 blessed with a proud history 拥有悠久的历史Re-innovation 再创新 trade routes贸易之路At the beginning of the new year新年伊始 terracotta warriors 兵马俑Innovative country创新型国家 Muslim quarter清真寺Get together齐聚一堂 cell phones 手机Research center研发中心 home to film makers 电影制片人的故乡On a high vision 立意高远 people of every description各界人士Technology alliances技术合作dawning in ……到来;……的开始;破晓 Strategy alliances 战略联盟 shared reverence 共有的尊敬Develope rapidly 突飞猛进 commitment to 致力于Resource-conserving 能源节约型aspire to 渴望;盼望;热切的期望Waves of innovation 创新浪潮 pass on 流传‘传递Environmentally-friendly环境友好型 far greater strides 取得长足的进步Fast catching-up奋起直追 common destiny 共同的命运Renewable energy可再生能源技术 Books of rites 礼记Sound and rapid economic development又好又快发展Cooperation in the protection of intellectual property rights 知识产权合作Original innovation 原始创新 A strong assurance 坚实的后盾Integrated innovation 集成创新When the great way is followed,all under heaven will beequal大道之行也天下为公Unit 4Continental container systems "大陆货运“系统公司pharmaceutical company 制药公司Stock holders meetings 股东大会 desk research 案头调查;书面调查Record dividends 绩优配股 all-share merger 全股合并The board of trustees 董事会 exclusive instruction 独家指导Proposal 提案 financial effects 财务影响A new transportation site 新运站 to fill the vacancy 填补空缺Officers cadre 干部 dividends 配股;红利The local business climate 本地商情 a neutral location 中立的位置Minutes 大会记录 the same science-based culture相同的以科技为本的文化Podium 主席台 with the utmost discretion 最严格Financial report 财政报告 common vision 相同的理念Two way investments 双向投资 curriculum vitas 个人简历Important stages 重要舞台 to begin with 首先International visibility 国际知名度 a short list 短清单Reap multiple fruits 丰硕的成果 an enhanced ability 增强的能力International capital flows 国际资本流动 remuneration 抽金;报酬Independent innovation 自主创新 to deliver the full potential 发挥全部潜能Industrial upgrading 产业升级 billed in 3installments 按三期收到的账单Balanced regional development 区域协调发展worldwide presence 全球范围Outward investment 对外投资 retainer 雇佣定金Inviting in 引进来 innovation-led growth 创新性增长Going global 走出去 upon submission of the short list 提交清单后From all over the world 五湖四海 a combined R&D spend 在研发方面的投资金额Headhunting 猎头 a completion free完工费Synergies协同作用;增效作用 key players 重要角色;重要作用At a strategic level 在战略上 cost-efficient 成本减少Sizeable operational efficiencies 可观的运营效率Restructuring areas of duplication 整合重要领域otherwise unavailable 除非另有 Chief executive 行政总裁deliver the top performance 追求上进Executive search 经理人搜索 be accessed in any other way 从其他渠道获得Agency recruitment 代理招聘 skill shortages 人才短缺。

BEC商务英语高级写作 报告Report

BEC商务英语高级写作 报告Report
Developing Your Potential Trends in Electronic Commerce Managing People Reducing Costs
Your company’s Training Mnager has asked you to write a short report about the training.
Business Report
Give a description of the business activities, including buying, selling, services and company’s functions or information about these to someone or some groups.
To earn more and take more market share, I recommend Operation Management and Advertising instead of Developing Potential and Managing People. Operation Management should help our production-line building, which would help us to produce more efficiency and to reduce maintenance cost against the old production-line.



商务英语写作常见物流英语50句1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。

2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。

3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流不是新鲜事。

4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。

5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。

6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。

7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。

8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics.物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。



商务英语口译王艳答案【篇一:商务英语阅读第二版(王艳主编)chapter1-4 课后答案详解】汉chapter1sluggish economy 冷清的经济full employment 充足就业trade deficit 贸易赤字in-depth analysis 深入的剖析industrialized countries 工业化国家free-trade agreement 自由贸易协议international specialization 国际专业化product differentiation产品差异trade surplus 贸易盈余determinative factor 决定性因素chapter2consumer-goods 花费品discount retailers 折扣零售商brand equity 品牌财产价值advertising budget 广告估算real-time sales data 及时销售数据sales promotion 促销profit margin 盈余scanner data 扫描数据chapter3privileged minority 享有特权的少量人gas station 加油站marketing research 市场检查professional competence 专业技能a sales point 卖点product design 产品设计potential consumer 潜伏顾客business disaster 商业灾害chapter4mobility of people 人口流动supplier networks 供给商网络standardized items 标准零配件specialist manufacturing technology 特别制造技术complementary economies 互补经济体anti-japanese sentiment 反日情绪foreign affiliates 外方合伙人,外国隶属公司go public 上市二、汉翻英chapter1经济共赢economic win-win 关税壁垒tariff barrier收入不一样等wage inequality 劳动生产率labor productivity辞退工人lay off works 生产因素factor of production双边协议bilateral deal 回归剖析regression analysis市场准入market access 世界经济复苏world economic recoverychapter2价钱溢价price premium 基线销售base-line sales减价price reductions 广告支出advertising spending营销组合marketing mix 销量溢价quantity premium产品数目(种类)product-line variety 美元分派allocation of dollarschapter3平常生活daily life 广告活动advertising campaigns物理特色physical characteristic 视觉想象visual imagination 国内媒体national media 销售增加sales increase销售渠道distribution system 产品到导向型的广告product- orientated advertisingchapter4公司并购mergersand acquisition 国外扩充overseas expansion全世界化战略globalization strategy 保护主义举措protectionist measures 市场准入access of market 知识产权intellectual property right 贸易伙伴trading partners三、完形填空chapter 1chapter 2chapter 3chapter 4资本投入capital investment【篇二:商务英语口译教课纲领】文摘:商务英语口译王艳答案)程教课纲领一、课程基本信息1.课程名称:商务英语口译课程英文名称:business english interpretation 2 .讲课专业:外语系3.学时/学分:34 学时/2 学分4.开课学期:第七学期5.面向对象:本科大四学生二、课程性质与任务课程性质:专业选修课程。



Text Understanding
The government believed that France’s complex and inflexible labor laws—a high minimum wage, high payroll taxes, generous benefits, and an onerous labor code, all enshrined in many different contracts and numerous collective bargaining agreements; served as a disincentive to hiring young, untested workers.
Translation 这项拟议中的法律旨在应对法国高达22.2%的青年失业率,将给予公司在任期 头两年内以试用方式雇佣26岁以下员工的自由,在此期间,雇主也可以比在现 行法律许可下更容易地解雇员工。
Text Understanding
The government believed that France’s complex and inflexible labor laws—a high minimum wage, high payroll taxes, generous benefits, and an onerous labor code, all enshrined in many different contracts and numerous collective bargaining agreements; served as a disincentive to hiring young, untested workers.
Text Understanding



Unit1Phrase InterpretingA1. to recover from the jet lag2. thoughtful arrangement3. hospitality4. souvenir5. accommodations6. to claim baggage7. to proceed through the Customs 8. itinerary9. farewell speech 10. to adjust to the time difference1.倒时差2.周到的安排3.热情好客4.纪念品5.食宿6.提取行李7.进行海关检查8.活动安排9.告别词10.适应时差B1.为……设宴洗尘2.向……告别3.不远万里来到… 4.很荣幸……5.久仰大名6.欢迎词7.赞美8.回顾过去9.展望未来10.美好回忆1. to hold a banquet in honor of...2. to bid farewell to...3. to come all the way to...4. to be/feel honored...5. I have long been looking forward to meeting you.6. a welcoming address7. to pay tribute to 8. to look back9. to look ahead 10. happy memoryDistinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you very much for your gracious welcoming speech. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient nation has long been my dream. This visitwill give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. I wishto say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management practice between Chinese and Americans. We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions. I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. After all,there are strong points and weak points in both types of management. In recent years, moreand more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management.It is a great pleasure that I can exchange views and information with you, and reach common ground here. And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days to come. Thank you!尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们:非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。



Skills Focus
Key Vocabulary
recruit advertise goods services manufacture wholesaler consumer supermarket department store the internet TV shopping channels mail-order catalogues margin apply for covering letter letter of application curriculum vitae short list hire interview recruitment agency
1. Listening to the tape after class. 2. Reciting the new words and the text of key vocabulary. 3. Writing a company profile for TESCO using the notes on page 15.
I’ve known her for three months.
I’ve known her since July.
We often use the present perfect with these adverbs:
just ever never lately so far up to now
Past Simple We use the past simple to talk about actions and events which happened in a finished period of time in the past. Pasteur made important medical discoveries. Did you go to the meeting yesterday?



Unit1词汇:Recruitment n.招聘课文例句:, the pioneer of online recruitment, shows how electronic marketplaces reach more people and can offer more efficiency than physical markets. Physical n.有形的;物质的Profitability n.盈利课文例句:It also shows that money can be made in such markets: Monster has a long record of profitability.Launch vt.将(新产品等)投放市场课文例句:Jeff Taylor, who launched the site in 1994, says that the name is the firm’s “single most important success factor”.Budget n.预算课文例句:Supporting the brand is a big advertising budget which accounts for a quarter of the firm’s costs.Account for 占(一定数量或比例)Key adj.极其重要的Super Bowl 超级碗(美国橄榄球比赛)Scan vt.浏览Post vt.(在网上)公布消息,发帖子Speed up (使)加快速度Accuracy n.准确性课文例句:The main contribution of Monster has been to speed up hiring and vastly increase the accuracy of the job-searching process.Filter n.过滤程序Revenue n.收益= proceeds课文例句:Monster is a serious threat to newspapers, which historically made 40% of their revenues from carrying ads, up to half of which were for staff.Headhunting firm n.猎头公司Unit2词汇:Distract vt.使分心University of Surrey (英国)萨里大学Breach n.违反= violation课文例句:A survey of more than 2,100 CFOs ranks “being distracted during meetings”the most common breach of workplace etiquette (see the table). Collaboration n.合作;协作= co-operation课文例句:Most jobs today require teamwork and strong collaboration skills, and that means following the unwritten rules of office protocol.Protocol n.礼仪= courtesy = etiquette课文例句:同上句Courtesy n.礼貌= protocol = etiquette课文例句:Courtesy is no longer something that is so much respected in our society.Stuffy adj.古板的Junior adj.资历较浅的Dramatic adj.显著的课文例句:Mr. Jacobs says, “and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment and your relationships with others.”Apply vi.应用Status n.地位Hierarchy n.等级制度Unit3词汇:Workhorse n.主力课文例句:That reliable workhorse of capitalism—the joint-stock company—looks surprisingly durable. But pressure on it is increasing.Joint-stock company n.股份公司课文例句:同上句Durable adj.持久的John Kenneth Galbraith (美国经济学家名)The New Industrial State 《新工业国》Hierarchical adj.分等级的课文例句:These were hierarchical and bureaucratic organizations making long runs of standardised products.Bureaucratic adj.官僚的standardise vt.使...标准化Regularity n.规律性Customise vt.定制;定做课文例句:Most have shifted their production systems from high-volume to high-value, from standardized to customised.Flatten vt.使扁平化Takeover n.收购;接管课文例句:The first is that a handful of giant companies are engaged in a “silent takeover” of the world.Couple n.一些;几个Decade n.十年Merage n.合并课文例句:The past couple of decades have seen a record number of mergers. Warehouse n.仓库= stockroom课文例句:Monorail owns no factories, warehouses or any other tangible assets. Tangible asset n.有形资产课文例句:同上句Lease vt.租用;租借= rent课文例句:It operates from a single floor that it leases in an office building in Atlanta. Freelance adj.做自由职业的课文例句:Freelance workers are designing the computers while demand is still low.Entrepreneur n.企业家课文例句:Groups of entrepreneurs form such a network to market an idea.Bidder n.出价人课文例句:They then sell it to the highest bidder and move on to produce another idea and to create another firm, with the money being supplied all the time by venture capitalists.Venture capitalist 风险投资家课文例句:同上句Subcontract out 分包;转包Liaise vi.联络Oversee vt.监管In-house adj.机构内部的Press release n.新闻稿Unit4词汇:Masculine adj.男性的Click with 合得来Undisputed adj.公认的Achilles’ heel 薄弱环节;致命的弱点Air Jordan 飞人乔丹(耐克公司旗下品牌)Skechers 斯凯奇(美国第二大鞋类品牌)Skateboarding n.滑板运动Buddy n.朋友;伙伴Sign up 签约雇佣课文例句:For much of its history, Nike’s destiny was controlled by its founders, Phil Knight and his running buddies, who signed up athletes in locker rooms and made the executive decisions.Locker room 更衣室Seniority n.资历课文例句:But by throwing together a diverse team of people with different backgrounds and different levels of seniority, Nike has found that it can keep many of its core attributes while adding new sources of inspiration.Core adj.核心的Attribute n.特质Apparel n.服装Ralph Lauren 拉夫·劳伦(美国时尚品牌)Icon n.标志;偶像Pitch vt.推销= promote课文例句:Then Grossman, whose career has included helping make Ralph Lauren into a retail icon, pitched the design ideas to Nike’s top retailers as stores within stores.Turnoff n.令人扫兴的东西In step with 与...一致= in line / accordance with课文例句:Nike’s footwear designers worked on 18-month production cycles—which made it hard to stay in step with the new styles and colors for women.Traffic n.客流量课文例句:For John Hoke, the real power of Nike Goddess is not about traffic at stores.Galvanise vt.使振奋Take off 突然取得成功课文例句:It was an opportunity to redefine and re-energise our entire brand around a market that was taking off.Neatly adv.整齐地Square n.正方形Map out 计划Exploit vt.充分利用Unit5词汇:Manipulate vt.操纵= handle课文例句:Are we being manipulated into buying brands?Corrupt vt.使堕落Grim adj.糟糕的;令人担忧的Showcase vt.展现Aspiration n.渴望Premium n.加付款;额外费用课文例句:For that, consumers were prepared to pay a premium.Marlboro 万宝路(香烟品牌)Lead n.领先地位Bombard vt.向...大量提供信息课文例句:Consumers are now bombarded with choices.Commercial n.商业广告课文例句:They are “commercials veterans” experiencing up to 1,500 pitches a day. Veteran n.经验丰富的人课文例句:同上句Pitch n.(美口)商品广告Cynical adj.愤世嫉俗的;爱嘲笑的Stamp n.特点;特质;Project vt.展现;确立(形象)课文例句:Not only will they need to be a stamp of product quality and a promise of a more desirable lifestyle but they will also have to project an image of social responsibility.Asset n.有利条件Distinctive adj.与众不同的Sophisticated adj.复杂的Emotional appeal n.情感诉求;感染力Couple vt.结合Embed vt.嵌入Catch-up TV 点播电视Exposure n.宣传Account for 是...的原因Unit6词汇:Corporate governance 公司治理Royal Ahold (荷兰)皇家阿霍德集团Scandal n.丑闻Overwhelming adj.难以应付的Apart adv.除去...Aggressive earnings management 激进性盈余管理Irregularity n.违规行为课文例句:That apart, the similarities between the two are striking, from the very bad corporate governance, aggressive earnings management and accounting irregularities to auditors whose role must be called into question.Auditor n.审计员课文例句:同上句Resignation n.辞职课文例句:On 24 February 2003 Ahold announced the resignation of its chief executive and finance director after finding that it had overstated its profits by more than C463m ($500m).Overstate vt.夸大课文例句:同上句Plunge vi.突然地下降课文例句:Its market value plunged by 63 per cent that day, to C3.3bn. In late 2001, it exceeded C30bn.Applaud vi.为...鼓掌表示赞赏Absolve vt.免除...的责任课文例句:Such a claim absolves Ahold’s bosses of responsibility for their acquisitions and dishonesty and ignores the persistent, firm-wide tendency to test the limits of acceptable accounting.In bulk 大批地课文例句:Most firms that buy in bulk get discounts from suppliers if they meet sales targets.Rebate n.(作为减免或折扣的)部分退款课文例句:The issue is how those rebates are accounted for.Book vt.登记Unit7词汇:(go) down the drain 白白浪费掉Disorienting adj.令人迷惘的Straightforward adj.直接的Sponsor vt.赞助课文例句:They range from public relations to direct mail and include consumer promotions (such as special offers), in-store displays, business-to-business promotions (like paying a retailer for shelf space), telemarketing, exhibitions, sponsoring events, product placements and more.Product placement 植入式广告Glossy adj.(杂志等)用高光纸印刷的Specialist adj.专门的Splurge vt.挥霍课文例句:And is it better to buy a series of ads on a specialist cable TV channel or splurge $2.2m on a single 30-second commercial during this year’s Super Bowl? Arm n.分支机构课文例句:Rupert Howell, Chairman of the London arm of McCann Erickson, points out that TV never killed radio, which in turn never killed newspapers.McCann Erickson 麦肯(广告集团公司)Relentlessly adv.持续地Cause n.事业;理想Shot n.画面;照片Plains n.大平原Intrepid adj.勇敢的Reassuring adj.令人安心的Sack vt.解雇。



Unit1 P81.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。



4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。


6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。

7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。

8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。

9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。

10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。

Unit1 P91.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details.2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment.4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present.5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter.6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount.7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services.8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that we have settled the price.9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom.10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month.Unit1 P101、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。



商务英语口译教程第二版教师用书pdfIn the ever-evolving landscape of global business, the ability to effectively communicate across linguistic barriers has become increasingly crucial. The Commercial English Interpretation Tutorial Second Edition Teacher's Manual pdf serves as a comprehensive guide for educators and professionals seeking to enhance their skills in the realm of business interpreting. This comprehensive resource delves into the nuances of language mediation, providing a wealth of practical insights and strategies to ensure seamless cross-cultural communication.At the heart of the manual lies a deep understanding of the unique challenges that arise in the business interpreting context. The authors recognize that interpreting in a commercial setting demands a specialized skill set, one that goes beyond mere linguistic proficiency. The manual meticulously addresses the intricate balance between linguistic accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to navigate complex professional dynamics.One of the standout features of the Commercial EnglishInterpretation Tutorial Second Edition Teacher's Manual pdf is its emphasis on the development of active listening skills. Effective interpreting hinges on the interpreter's ability to comprehend the nuances of the source message, and the manual provides a comprehensive framework for honing this crucial competency. Through a series of exercises and case studies, readers are guided through the process of actively listening, analyzing, and faithfully reproducing the intended meaning, all while maintaining a keen awareness of cultural and contextual factors.The manual also delves into the importance of maintaining professional etiquette and ethics in the interpreting profession. Interpreters often find themselves in delicate situations where the stakes are high, and the manual equips readers with the necessary tools to navigate these challenges with integrity. Detailed guidelines on confidentiality, impartiality, and the management of conflicts of interest provide a solid foundation for aspiring and seasoned interpreters alike.One of the standout strengths of the Commercial English Interpretation Tutorial Second Edition Teacher's Manual pdf is its emphasis on the development of specialized terminology and domain-specific knowledge. The manual recognizes that effective business interpreting requires a deep understanding of industry-specific jargon, concepts, and practices. To this end, the manualoffers a comprehensive glossary of relevant terms, as well as strategies for building and maintaining a robust knowledge base in various business sectors.The manual's pedagogical approach is also noteworthy, as it seamlessly blends theory and practice. Readers are not merely presented with a set of abstract principles, but are also given the opportunity to apply their knowledge through a series of interactive exercises and role-playing scenarios. This hands-on approach allows learners to develop their skills in a realistic and engaging manner, better preparing them for the demands of the real-world interpreting environment.Another key aspect of the Commercial English Interpretation Tutorial Second Edition Teacher's Manual pdf is its adaptability to diverse learning styles and teaching contexts. The manual is designed to be versatile, catering to the needs of both individual self-study and classroom-based instruction. Educators will find a wealth of resources, including lesson plans, assessment tools, and multimedia materials, that can be tailored to suit the specific requirements of their educational settings.Perhaps one of the most valuable contributions of the Commercial English Interpretation Tutorial Second Edition Teacher's Manual pdf is its emphasis on the importance of continuous professionaldevelopment. The manual acknowledges that the field of business interpreting is constantly evolving, and it provides guidance on strategies for staying current with industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices. This forward-thinking approach ensures that readers are equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of global business communication.In conclusion, the Commercial English Interpretation Tutorial Second Edition Teacher's Manual pdf is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for educators, professionals, and aspiring interpreters alike. Its holistic approach to business interpreting, encompassing linguistic proficiency, cultural awareness, ethical considerations, and specialized knowledge, sets it apart as a premier guide in the field. By empowering readers with the necessary skills and strategies, this manual serves as a vital tool for enhancing cross-cultural communication and facilitating successful business interactions in the global marketplace.。











(二)团队合作课堂上经常以2至3人小组进行协作训练,课后自由组合6人或者3人小组, 分别担任演讲者、口译员和评价者的角色,进行持续的练习。



所以训练前应说明评判标准, 先指定一至两位评价员,操练一结束即由指定评价员先评,接着由学生自由补充评,然后由教师评,最后请口译者及演讲者自评,让学生自己也有机会进行不断的反思和改进。



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New Lecture
• 经营管理(Operation and Management)是指 在企业内,为使生产、营业、劳动力、财 务等各种业务,能按经营目的顺利地执行、 有效地调整而所进行的系列管理、运营之 活动。
New Lecture
• 经营和管理的联系与区别 通常对经营和管理可以这样理解,企业运
• procurement [prəˈkjʊəment] n.(尤指为政府 或机构)采购 commercial procurement 商业采购
Sight Interpretation
• We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers. Our offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations. This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?
New Words &Expressions
• Utilitiy [juˈtiliti] n. 功用;效用 adj.实用的;多用的
A fur coat has more utility in winter than in autumn. 毛皮外衣在冬天比在秋天更有用。 marginal utility 边际效用 a utility knife 万能刀
New Words &Expressions
• lodging, [ˈlɔdʒɪŋ] 借宿 a fee for board and lodging. 伙食和房租费
• Lodge n.乡间小屋 v.留宿, 使留宿
She seldom lodges the tourists. 她很少留宿游人。
New Words &Expressions
• B: Of course, Debbie. Let me look at my schedule, -- I have some free time on the 12th. That’s this Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
• A: All right. That’ll be fine. Can you put together a rough idea of the kind of money I’ll have available for the next year?
Sight Interpretation
• 你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这 是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以 看下。 请告诉我们贵方对规格、 数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快 制定出报价。
Sight Interpretation
• A: Roger? Would it be possible to meet with you to discuss my department’s budget?
营都会包括经营和管理这两个主要环节,经营 是指企业进行市场活动的行为,而管理是指企 业理顺工作流程、发现问题的行为。
经营管理是相互渗透的,我们也经常把经 营管理放在一起讲,实际情况也是经营中的科 学决策过程便是管理的渗透,而管理中的经营 意识可以讲是情商的体现。把经营和管理严格 区分开来是误区,也是务虚的表现。
New Words &Expressions
• supplier [səˈplaɪə] n. 供应商
• 拓展:
Contractor 承包商
Wholesaler 批发商
New Wordsห้องสมุดไป่ตู้&Expressions
• functionality [ˌfʌŋkəʃəˈnæ liti] n. 功能性 new software with additional functionality 增加了功能性的新软件
• Function n.功能,官能,机能 Bridges perform the function of providing access across water. 桥梁起到提供水上通路的作用。
New Words &Expressions
• horizon [həˈraizən] n.地平线;范围 the horizon of knowledge 知识范围
New Words &Expressions
• arm [ɑrm] n. 分部,职能部门 the political arm of the separatist group. 分裂主义集团的政治部
• scope n. [skəup] 范畴,范围 Such questions go well beyond the scope of this book. 此类问题大大超出本书的范围。
Unit 5 经营管理
Operation and Management
1. New Lecture 2. Useful Expressions 3. Exercises
Teaching Goals By learning this unit, you are supposed to be able to: 1. Understand the basic concepts of operation and management. 2. Form a general idea on the difference between operation and management. 3. Master the frequently used phrases, sentence patterns and etc.
• miscellaneous [ˌmɪsəˈleɪni:əs] adj. 不同种类 的,多种多样的,混杂的 He picked up the miscellaneous papers in the tray. 他从收文盒里拿起种类各异的文件。
近义词: assorted, diverse, mixed, motley varied,various.