
课程思政案例:InterpretingII(口译二)一、课程简介InterpretingII是口译进阶课程,面向英语专业修过口译I 并已掌握基础口译技能的大三、大四学生,属于专业选修课;多数学生出于喜欢口译、想进一步提高口译技能、有志于往口译专业深造或毕业后从事相关工作等而修读本课程。

Good evening everyone.It’s a very great honor and pleasure to be with you here in Donguan this evening and to pay tribute to this quite remarkable development which um… has left me amazed and impressed and desiring to return again to this wonderful place, thank you.I’d also like to tell you that for me um…China has a special place in my heart and in my family. My brother is actually married to a Chinese lady, a very wise choice. And my little boy, that’s Stuart, um… he is just seven years old, and he’s begun to study Chinese in his school back in London. So who knows, maybe in 40 years’ time he will come along and address you in perfect Chinese. But to the moment NIHAO is all I can say.Now, um… I would like to talk to you reasonably briefly and I understand we’re gonna to have time to take questions and answers, um.. so please feel free then to ask me any questions you want, I will be pleased trying to give you as good answers as I can.But I’d like to, in my remarks to you, address the… this question really, which is how do we develop our economy and society both in countries like this and in countries like mine so that we maximize the potential of our countries and our people.//And I believe there are a number of ways that we have to do this. The first is that we have to have the right partnership between government and business. And I would like to congratulate you, MR vice mayor and all those who are engaged in government in this province, for the very wise and intelligent way that you have partnered the private sector in the developments that have come about. I think that has made a big difference to this region. Thank you, Sir.I also believe that it is only when government and industry work together that we can deal with some of the major questions of planning and urban development that are so critical in making sure we are offering opportunities to everybody in our society, not simply a few.The biggest problem in any modern country today is how do we ensure that the benefits of the wealth that we create are spread amongst the whole of the population. And, in order to do that, we need the closest possible cooperation between those who work in government and those who work in business. I have to… seeing Mr. Chen’s amazing development just a short distance from here, to which congratulations, err…it’s an incredible achievement. But I know that that could not have been done unless with the right cooperation and partnership between those in positions of government and those like yourself who are entrepreneurs. So that’s the first thing, the partnership between public and private sector. //The second thing is the importance of education. I think for all our countries today, the thing that we can do most is to build the knowledge and capability of our people. In every one of our societies, at the moment, there are people of talent and ability. But unless they get the education opportunities that they need, they will never be able to fulfill that opportunity properly. I would like to think in years to come, that there would be partnerships, for example, between the universities and scientific institutes in a country like the UK. And how you develop your university sector and science here? I think for Europe, there is much much more that we can do, to try to make sure that Europe and China work more closely together in developing the knowledgeeconomy of the future.The third thing is that, I think, we need to pay attention to scientific and technological development. And we need to make sure that we are always trying to get to the next phase of innovation and development. I found in my life just over the ten years that I was prime minister of the United Kingdom that the pace and scope and the scale of change was so fast and the scientific development altering so quickly that governments and companies and people constantly have to upgrade their skills, have to retrain, have to find the new frontiers of knowledge and explore them. And I think today, more than anything else, it would be education that is the key to the success or failure of our countries and our economies. //And finally, what we need to do is to pay attention, as we develop our economy, to the environment. This is a concern now everywhere in the world. How do we make sure that the development that we have is sustainable, that it is responsible, that it pays attention to the needs of the environment, to the needs to curb pollution, and provide better quality of life for our people, at the same time must give them the growth and the jobs and prosperity that they need. So these questions are right at the heart of how successful countries develop today: the partnership between public and private sector, the education and knowledge economy of the future, the development of science and technology, and ensuring that as we develop, we pay attention to the environment around us. I think these would be the big questions that dominate economic development here but also right around the world.One other thing I think that is important: we can learn a lot from each other. It’s true that in your economic development, you can learn from Europe, and countries like the UK, that we can also learn from some of the extraordinary developments that are occurring here. 20 years ago, I went to Guangzhou and visited that for the first time. And I suspect 20 years ago, this was a very very different city here. In that period of time, there has been virtually a revolution in terms of the change and transformation to the wonderful place that we have here today. And that came about because people had the leadership and the vision and the foresight to make the changes necessary to bring it about. And if I had any single lesson from my time as leader of my political party but also as prime minister of my country is this: change is the most difficult thing to do, but in today’s world, the most necessary. And the more we are prepared to open up, the more we are prepared to learn from each other, the more we are prepared to embrace the world of globalization and understand its impact, then the better we will be at dealing with its consequences.And I found in my time as leader of my country that every time I had a difficult decision to make about change, and I failed to make the change, I regretted it; and every time I managed to make the change, it was difficult and tough and hard and people objected to it, but in the end it was the right thing to do for the country. And you know it, as business people and as people involved in government, there is nothing harder than to persuade people of the need to change. But my experience has been that persuading them of that need and then doing the change is about as important as active leadership as is possible to imagine. So, it wasn’t always easy, it never is, but I think it’s necessary to do. I suppose, as a leader, you should always expect the unexpected.//I think if you told me, 20 years ago, when probably I traveled through here on my way further north, and it was virtually nothing that would have been here recognizable today, if you said to me then, in 20 years time, you would be in this extraordinary ball room, in this amazing hotel, in the middle of this wonderful development, I would have said: you may have a little too much wine. But I am here, and I am here in part because of what I heard about Dongguan, what I know your future is gonna be, what I can see happening here is as exciting in its possibilities as anything happening in the world today. And you should be very proud of what you’ve created. And then you should ask, what is the next step? How do we reach the next level? Because one other thing I learned at my time as leader, which is never be satisfied with standing still. By all means congratulate yourself on the success that has been achieved, but then think of the next goal, the next objective, the next thing that can be done. And I think you carry that attitude in mind, and carry it with optimism, that what you believe you want to do you can actually do, then I think the possibilities are without limit. There is nothing that you cannot achieve.So it’s a real honor and privilege to be with you here this evening to say these few words of introduction and now to engage in question and answer with you. And above all else, let me thank you for the warmth of your welcome here today. Thousands of miles from my home, it means a very great deal to me. And I shall carry back to my family the most happy memory of my visit here, of your kindness and your warmth, and the good welcome that you have given me. And I shall be telling my people back in Britain: forget all these other places, get out to Dongguan, because that’s where it’s happening. Thank you.。

1516 口译课视译材料

2015-2016 口译课期末考试中译英视译材料1、Shanghai Disney Resort A很久以前,华特迪士尼公司创始人华特迪士尼先生梦想建造出比普通游乐园更激动人心的场所。
”Once upon a time, Walt Disney-the founder of the Walt Disney Company-dreamed about building something much more exciting than a standard amusement park、“At that time, my two daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddy's day、So I'd take them to the merry-go-round and different places to play、As I sit while they rode the merry-go-round, I suddenly had an idea and I felt that there should be something built where parents and children could have fun together、And eventually this idea contributed to the birth of the Disneyland、”2、Shanghai Disney Resort B如今,上海迪士尼度假区以新颖特别的方式延续着这种精神,打造了全新的主题园区以及众多独一无二的游乐项目与体验,包括全球迪士尼主题乐园中最大的城堡。

• 3. 数字统计 • Thousand 可写为t • Million 可写为ml • Billion 可写为bl • 汉语可直接写阿拉伯数字,每四位划道斜线,英语
• 4. 英汉数字统计和口译中英译汉最惯用是“点—线 ”法,听到million, billion, thousand即写逗号,写 完后从右到左每四位写道横线即可
千 千万 千亿
Hundred Hundred thousand Hundred million Hundred billion
阿拉伯数字 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000
10,000,000,000 100,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000
• 32,4/57,82/6,937
• 汉译英最惯用是“线--点” 法,听到亿,万时划/ 记录完成后从右到左每三位划逗号
• 如:六亿四千六百二十三万零九百四十五可记为 6/4623/0945,加逗号为6/46,23/0,945
• 5. 数字统计和口译时,通常能够采取只译最高段位 再移动小数点方法
• 翻译以下数字 • 二千三百八十一 八千五百六十九 • 六千四百七十七 二千三百零八 • 五万四千三百 九万六千一百二十 • 四万六千五百八十六 七万八千六百五十三 • 八十九万六千 七十七万六千五百六十 • 一百二十三万四千五百六十五
• 实践是训练数字互译根本路径。口译 教学要集中一段时间专门进行数字口 译训练。译员只有经过大量重复数字 口译实践才能掌握英汉数字互译不一 样特点和规律,到达数字互译脱口而 出,快速、准确程度。

1. 演讲录音或视频:选择一些不同主题和风格的演讲,可以是政治、经济、文化等领域的演讲,也可以是不同口音和语速的演讲。
2. 会议录音或视频:从各种国际会议、商务会议、学术研讨会等场合中获取会议录音或视频,这些材料通常涉及多个议题和领域,有助于拓宽知识面和训练记忆力。
3. 新闻报道:选择一些国际或国内的新闻报道,可以是政治、经济、文化等方面的新闻,通过听力和笔记法的训练,提高记忆力和口译能力。
4. 文学作品:选择一些不同主题和风格的文学作品,可以是小说、散文、诗歌等,通过阅读和记忆的训练,提高记忆力和语言表达能力。
5. 专业术语和词汇:针对不同的领域和主题,整理和记忆专业术语和词汇,例如医学、法律、科技等领域,这些词汇的记忆和应用有助于提高口译准确性和效率。

提高口译员的听力水平,使其能够快速准确 地捕捉源语言信息。
加强口语训练,提高口译员用目标语言表达 的准确性和流畅性。
教授有效的笔记方法,帮助口译员在快速翻 译过程中记录关键信息和细节。
培养口译员具备应对紧张和压力的能力,以及快速适应不同环境 和场景的应变能力。
• 口译简介 • 口译技巧 • 口译实务 • 口译质量评估 • 口译人才培养 • 口译行业展望
口译是一种通过口头表达形式将一种 语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行 为。
口译员需要具备扎实的语言基础、良 好的听力理解能力、快速的语言组织 能力和准确的表达能力。
在口译过程中,可能会遇到各种突发情况,如发言人语速过快、突 然中断等。译员需要学会控制自己的情绪,保持冷静和专注。
在遇到突发情况时,译员需要具备快速反应的能力,能够迅速调整 自己的口译策略和表达方式。
译员需要具备强烈的合作意识,与发言人和其他相关人员密切配合, 确保口译工作的顺利进行。
全球范围内口译人才储备不足,高素质口译人才 稀缺。
口译服务机构不断提升服务品质,满足客户 多样化、个性化的需求。
人工智能、机器学习等技术在口译领域的应 用逐渐普及,提高翻译质量和效率。
口译行业全球化趋势明显,跨国合作和交流 成为常态。

咏春拳(wing chun ;Wing Chun Kung Fu ;Ving Tsun)
Wing chun is a conceptbased Chinese martial art and form of self-defense utilizing both striking and grappling while specializing in closerange combat .
短跨项目 sprint and hurdle events 中长跑项目 middle and long distance events 障碍跑项目 steeplechase events 公路跑项目 road race events 接力跑项目 relay events 越野跑项目 cross country events
Let’s do some exercises
Fall in! (集合)On two ranks!(分成两列队)
Back in march 1959, at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships held in Germany, the table-tennis player Rong Guotuan won for china its first world title in sporting history. It was followed by many more successes.
Sports Category
A. Athletics / Track and Field B. Ball Games
C. Indoor Sports
D. Winter Sports E. Water Sports

Lesson oneText ALadies and Gentlemen,Good morning!I am very happy to be here for the opening of the XVI international AIDS Conference,which we are honored to host in Canada this year. This conference will give us a wonderful opportunity to form a lasting bond of fellowship.I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you who have traveled from far and wide. Your efforts will remind us that life is our most precious possession and that we need to find a planet-wide approach if we are to have any hope of protecting it.I would even go so far as to say that we need to globalize our efforts to fight the threat of AIDS;a kind of globalization, with the sole purpose of saving lives, gives us the opportunity to rethink the world in the spirit of a true global community.I can still recall the fear, the hostility felt by some when we first began to hear about AIDS some twenty-five years ago. And when I heard people around me saying that this disease was the result of "deviant" behaviour, a punishment against those who are condemned, I could barely contain my anger. AIDS brought with it a shame that could not be named.But as we now know, AIDS knows no boundaries, nor has it any regard for our prejudices or the ways in which we ostracize and abandon one another. Is that not reason enough to put those prejudices to rest and come together to fight this universal threat?AIDS is now the fourth leading cause of death in the world. AIDS indiscriminately strikes children, women, and men; AIDS devastates national economies; AIDS destabilizes communities around the world.Take for example sub Saharan Africa, where the situation is the most alarming. Just over one tenth of the world's population lives in that area, including nearly 64 per cent of all people living with HIV. Two million of them are children under the age of fifteen.The situation is dire. We must act now. We cannot remain indifferent to the devastating attack that the AIDS is taking. Those of us who live in such affluent countries have a moral responsibility to do something and work together.Cananda is among the countries that answered the United Nations' call in June 2001 to halt the spread of AIDS, and signed the Declaration of Commitment on HIV\AIDS. We support a coordinated effort on all fronts, from governments, the private sectors, communities, researchers, and individuals. And it is our firm belief that the rights and dignity of those living with HIV must be recognized, respected and defended.We must be relentless in our fight against discrimination, which breeds fear and ignorance, we must ensure that people living with this disease are not treated like pariahs, and let me be frank:to give up would be irresponsible, simply unforgivable.The battle against AIDS is a battle for life. Every life is precious, in every corner of this world. Everyone is entitled to freedom and dignity. Today, I have the opportunity to applaud your efforts and ,on behalf of all Canadians, I think all of you here.It is with great pride that i now declare the XVI International AIDS Conference officially open.Text BDistinguished Guests,Dear Colleagues,Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, as we are to bid farewell to the old year and greet the new year, on behalf of the Foreign Ministry and in my own name, I wish to extend a warm welcome and best New Year wishes to you.In the past year, the Chinese people forged ahead and dedicated themselves heart and soul to comprehensively promote the nation's socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural constructions well as the establishment of a harmonious society.The national economy is growing fairly fast with quiet good benefit, stable prices and invigorated vitality.The various social undertakings are constantly developing and the living standard keeps improving. Actively developing partnership with all the other countries in the world and making every endeavor to promote the solution of major international and regional issues, China has played a constructive role in maintaining world peace and promoting common development.China people of all ethnic groups are creating a happier life and a brighter future with their diligence and wisdom.Currently, the world is undergoing profound changes,with peace, development and cooperation becoming the trend of our times.With the interdependency and cooperation between the countries increasing, the human society is faced with new opportunities.Meanwhile, the uncertain factors influencing the world peace and development are also increasing. The sporadic regional war and conflicts the widening gap between the developing and the developed countries, as well as the growing prominence of global issues - such as terrorism, transnational crime,environmental pollution and highly communicable diseases - constitute severe challenges to the development of human society. Therefore, advancing multilateralism has become the common aspiration and pursuit of the international community.The multilateral system with the United Nations at the core is tasked to realize the dream if the human society to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity. Over the past 61 years, the United Nations has come an extraordinary way and played a prominent role in maintaining world peace and promoting common development. China is one of the founding members of the United Nations and is a staunch supporter of the multilateral system. China will, under the guidance of the UN Charter, continue to unite in a concerted effort with the United Nations and other international agencies as well as other members of the international community "to promote social progress and better living standards in larger freedom".In the present-day world, people in many countries and regions are still tortured by wars poverty and diseases. The Chinese people feel deep sympathy for them and are ready to offer them all the assistance our country can summon. The Chinese people love peace andLong for a beautiful life. We sincerely hope to unite as one with the world people to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Now please join me in a toastTo world peace and developmentTo the health of all out guests, friends and colleagues presentCheers!Wish you a pleasant and enjoyable evening!Lesson TwoText ALadies and Gentlemen,Education holds the key to the success of a society.If a society is to prosper, our students must optimize their potentials and our people must upgrade themselves. We cannot do this without education.Taking into account the initiatives we have been taking forward since 2000, I think I can say with confidence and pride, that we have put in place the strategy and the infrastructure required for the delivery of quality education. Our priority for the short to medium term is to sustain the momentum of the Education Reform and to implement the various measures announced.To begin with, we will make all the preparations that are necessary to implement in 2012 the new academic structure. The three years pf senior secondary education will be followed by a four-year undergraduate program starting from 2012. This is an important structure change which better addresses the diverse needs of our secondary school students,broadens their outlook, reduces the pressure of public examinations and makes learning more rewarding,Secondly, on professional development, we have scaled up our school-based professional support services with the creation of Education Development Fund in July 2004.With the concerted effort of principals, teachers and academics, we hace successfully launched a number of government funded programs. Together they have rendered support to 442 primary schools and 589 secondary school in the past two years. This area of our work well remain our priority.Schools today are serving a more heterogeneous student cohort with diverse abilities and needs than they did before. It is important that we provide schools with the necessary resources to cater for students' needs, It is equally important that schools have a culture of respecting and accommodating individual differences. We will continue to strengthen teacher training programs to equip our teachers with the knowledge and skills to address the specific learning needs of their students,I want to emphasize that the challenges for the coming years are not just a matter for people in the educational sector. In this fast-changing era, schools are no longer the only source of information and inspiration for our students,people from all walks of life have a part to play in educating our youngsters. I appeal to the different organizations in our community to exercise their social responsibility, to provide various kinds of resources and cooperate with schools in offering a wide range of activities. Whichever way you wish to contribute, it will be most welcome, because we do need your generous support to help nurture our younger generation.Finally, I hope our cities will not be disappointed when I say that our priority for the coming years is to sustain and to implement. Although "sustaining" and "implementing"should not carry ant surprises, it does not mean that we will not look into initiatives which are more visionary. As the Government has openly remarked, we will map out strategies for developing our city into an education hub for the region. This ambition is backed up by the remarkable achievements made by our tertiary institutions in the international arena. By now, there of our universities are ranked as among the top 100 universities in "The Top 100 Global Universities 2006"in Newsweek International.Ladies and gentlemen, education is by nature an ongoing process,and so is our endeavor toimprove education.We have gone a long way in mapping out a shared vision. We have gone a long way in building for our education arena a strong foundation, a foundation for embracing changes and for sustainable development. Let us learn from,and take heart in , what we have achieved so far and move forward.Text BChairman , Chancellor, Distinguished Guests,On behalf of my fellow honorary graduates and myself, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the University for the high honors which have been conferred on us and for the generous citations today.We receive the award with humility and we are proud to be admitted to the rank of honorary graduates of this distinguished University.It is an award which we shall treasure.With its global vision and its mission to combine teadition with modernity and to bring together China and the West,the University is a unique institution that makes an invaluable contribution.The University must be congratulated on what it has achieved. I am confident that it will go from strength to strength and I wish it every success in its endeavors.On this happy occasion, I would like to offer some remarks to our young graduates. You have received much from the University and i trust that you will do your part to contribute to the development of your Alma Mater in future years. Youth is the trustee of posterity. Looking into the future, how can our young people, prepare ourselves for the exciting challenges ahead?We must believe in and practice learning for life, so as to ensure that we would have the knowledge and skills required from time to time. Success, and indeed survival, would depend on the life-long pursuit of education in all respects.Things taught at schools and universities are not an education bur only a means to an education and there are no limits and boundaries to learning and we must be keen to continue to learn from the experience in the university of life.Besides, most importantly, amongst rapid and accelerating changes, it is of fundamental importance that we should have the strength of character to live by our values and principles.we must abide always by the enduring values of honesty and integrity. We must have faith and courage to tackle what life throws at us.As we progress through life’s journey, there will be many ups and downs.Sometimes, the sun will shine on us. But at other times, life can be stormy. Sometimes the sailing will be plain, at other times, the territory will be rugged. It is important always to move in, with the determination to overcome adversity. And we must remember that we make a living by what we get . But we make a life by what we give. Be generous and ready to share with others and have the welfare of the under privileged in mind.Ships are safe anchored in the harbor. But this is not what shops are made for. With the excellent education you have received here, graduates of this distinguished University are well prepared to continue to life's journey and to face life's many challenges. I wish you every success and happiness.Lesson ThreeText ALadies and Gentlemen,It is a matter of particular satisfaction to be here today, among the premier business representatives and organizations of the two countries. This provides me the opportunity to share with you my thoughts and views on what undeniably is one of the focus areas in our growing relationship, that is, our economic ties.Creating awareness and understanding about each other’s economic, industrial and commercial capabilities is a crucial requirement of any bilateral economic relationship. Exhibitions like the Made in India Show make a valuable contribution in promoting business to business linkages between the two countries. Through the Made in India Show, the India private sector brings to China the Made in India brand that has already achieved international recognition.Sustained high economic growth in China over more than two decades has been a phenomenon that has engaged the interest of analysts all over the world. You are the fastest growing economy in the world and the second largest in purchasing power parity. China’s plans for future economic growth are ambitious, but given China’s past record, it would no be surprising if these are achieved within your defined scheduled ime frames. China’s achievements have truly been remarkable.The India economy has also registered impressive expansion and growth in the last wo decades. Over the last 12 years, the India economy has maintained an average annual growth of over 6%.our interest rates are falling, inflation has been kept down and foreign exchange reserves are growing rapidly. Our foreign trade is also growing healthily. We have targeted an 8%growth over the next five years, and we aim to double the GDP within the growing and accessible domestic market and rich pool of human resources. We are alsoone among the leaders in man state-of-the-art technologies. Our vision 2020 is not too different from yours but that is hardly surprising.India and China are two of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding economies in the world. Both of us have continent-sized markets. Many of our individual strengths complement and industry. This matches well with recognized Indian capabilities in the knowledge sector, our strengths in software, the financial sector and entrepreneurship.Our commonalities are generating potentially rewarding synergies that must be tapped. I am convinced that the logic of economic would bring to the fore the strengths that are inherent in our economic relationship. India and China are also going to be important players in harnessing the opportunities and mitigating the negatives emerging ou of the process of economic globalization.India looks o China as a business partner, not as a competitor. The recent visit of India Prime Minister to china in June this year has imparted a new thrust and direction to the entire gamut of the India-China relationship, including to our economic ties. We must both adopt a forward looking approach in building our economic relationship that is mutually beneficial and rewarding.Ladies and gentlemen,In terms of utilizing the myriad opportunities that exist for developing the India-China economic partnership we have barely scratched the surface. While governments on both sides could work to address infrastructural issues such as passenger and cargo links, trade facilitation measures including harmonization of standards and appropriate banking support structure, it is the business and service sectors of the two countries that must make a concerted effort to implement and utilize them. The process should be proactive and mutually reinforcing.Text BThe development of China generates important opportunities for Asia. As the world’s biggest potential market ,China has become the third largest importer globally and the largest importer in Asia in past 25 years with its steadily expanding and maturing market growing at an average annual rate of over 15 percent. Last year ,China imported from the rest of Asia a total of 272.9 billion US dollars worth of merchandise ,up by 42.4percent year on year ,with imports from ASEAN, Japan , ROK and India increasing by over 35 percent.. Direct investment in the rest of Asia by China has risen at an average annual rate of 20 percent in recent years .Last year ,more than 20 million outbound visits were made by Chinese nationals ,as more and more Chinese tourist made Asian countries and regions their choice destinations.With China’s development ,the size of its market and its overseas investment will grow even larger and still more Chinese will travel to the other parts of Asia for sightseeing, business and visit. China’s economy will integrate still more closely with Asian economy , giving rise to a new type of partnership characterized by mutual benefit, mutual complement and mutual assistanceChina’s development injects fresh vigor to regional cooperation in Asia. China has been extensively involved in the various mechanism of Asian-based regional cooperation, emphasizing its cooperation and coordination with all the parties and promoting regional economic integration. China has joined the fellow Asian countries in discussing the possibility of free trade areas, conducting various forms of security dialogues and cementing cooperation on the bilateral level while promoting regional cooperation.China is ready to develop all-round economic cooperation with fellow Asian countries with emphasis on trade,investment, natural resources, information, pharmaceuticals, health service, environmental protection, transportation,science and technology, agriculture,poverty alleviation, and development of human resources .China will continue taking practical steps to help other developing Asian countries with their economic development through preferential policies. China will encourage its enterprises to take Asia as their principal destination for "going global" strategy, and combines its western development strategy and the Northeast rejuvenation strategy with strengthened economic cooperation with the neighboring countries.China will promote cultural interaction and personnel exchanges.China is committed to stronger cultural exchanges in Asia, and encourages media cooperation to jointly build an Asia-wide cultural exchanges in Asia, and encourages media cooperation to jointly build an Asia-wide cultural market.China supports inter-culture and inter-religion dialogues in Asia, and advocates greater understanding and tolerance. China is ready to work with other Asian countries in promoting youth exchanges, and providing greater convenience for people's travel in public, business and tourist purposes.China’s development cannot be achieved in isolation of Asia, and Asia’s prosperity also needs China.China will follow a peaceful development path holding high the banners of peace, development and cooperation, join the other Asian countries in bringing about Asian rejuvenation, and making greater contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development in the world.。

广西民族师范学院外国语学院课程教案课程代码:总学时/周学时:34/2开课时间:2017年2月23日第1周至第17周授课年级、专业、班级:英语(师范教育)2014级4班使用教材:口译基础教研室:英语教研室授课教师:阳琼Lecture1ABriefIntroductiontoInterpreting◇TeachingObjectivesHelpthestudentsachieveabasicunderstandingofinterpreting:itsnature,classification, evaluationcriteria,qualitiesofinterpreter,etc.◇Important&DifficultPoints1.Thenatureandevaluationcriteriaofinterpreting;2.Therequirementsofqualifiedinterpreter.◇Teaching MethodsCommunicativeteachingapproach◇Teaching ProceduresStep1Greeting(3mins)TheTeacherintroducesherselfStep2Lead-in(10mins)Coursedescription.?Step3Overview?of?Interpretation(40mins)1.Definition?of?InterpretationInterpretation?is?a?vocal?translation?to?the?information?delivered?by?vocal?utterance ?and?text.?2.Characteristics?of?Interpretation?*?Unpredictability??*?Bearing?on?big?pressure??????*?Independency??*?Comprehensive?language?and?skill?operations???????*?Extensive?communicative?information3.?Criteria?of?Interpretation?*accuracy?*fluency??4.?Process?of?Interpretation5.InterpreterQualificationRequirementsConformtotheForeignaffairsdisciplineSolidbilingualbasisCompleteabilityofutteranceQuick-mindedLearnedGoodmannerStep4Practices:Dialogue&passageinterpreting(30mins)会展中心介绍Vocabulary:国际会展中心InternationalExhibitionCenter仓储warehousing室内展厅indoorexhibitionarea室外展厅outdoorexhibitionarea中国国际投资贸易洽谈会ChinaInternationalFairforInvestmentandTrade国际石材展InternationalStoneFair体博会Sports&LeisureGoodsFair大堂lobby拖车trailer展位both多功能multi-functional装卸平台loadingplatformStep5Assignments(2mins)PreviewthecontentofUnit1.Lecture2IdentifyingKeyWordsinSentences◇TeachingobjectivesAttheendofthelesson,studentsshouldbeableto:1.identifykeywordsinsentenceswhilelisteningtothesourcelanguage;2.masterkeywords,expressionsandsentencesonareception3.improveinterpretingskillsandpractice◇Keypointstheabilitytoidentifykeyinformationthroughkeywords◇TeachingAllotment:2periods◇TeachingMethods:communicativeapproach;audio-lingualapproach◇TeachingProcedures:Step1Greeting&Warming-upStep2Interpretingskills(10mins)PleasegothroughPart1quicklyandfindtheanswerstothefollowingquestions.1)Whatstandardsdointerpretershavetomeetasforlistening?2)Whatistheso-called“keyword”inasentence?3)Fromwhichfourperspectivescanweidentifykeywordsinasentencetograspthekeyinformation?Step3Practices(65mins)(1)Sentenceinterpreting(15mins)1)对不起,您是来自英国电信(BritishTelegraph)的LisaAnderson女士吗?2)自上次在巴黎匆匆一晤,我们都好几年没见面了。

同声传译(simultaneous interpretation): 又称同步口译,是译员在不打断讲话者演讲 的情况下,不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听 众的一种口译方式。因为译员的口译与讲话 者的发言几乎同步进行,所以这种口译也被 称之为同步口译。同声传译的最大优点在于 高效率,可以保证讲话者作连贯发言,不影 响或中断讲话者的思路,有利于听众对发言 全文的同篇理解。同时传译被认为是最有效 率的口译形式,是国际会议所采用的最基本 的口译手段。同声传译有时也用于学术报告, 授课讲座等场合。
第七讲 口译技能训练之六:旅游与观光(Week 7) Travel and Sightseeing 第八讲 口译技能训练之七: 经济与发展(Week 8) Economy and Development 第九讲 口译训练技能之八:娱乐与大众传媒 (Week 9) Entertainment and Mass Media 第十讲 口译训练技能之九:卫生与健康(Week 10) Sanitation and Health 第十一讲 对外关系(Week 11) Foreign Relations 第十二讲 科技与进步(Week 12) Science, Technology and Progress 第十三讲 交通与事故(Week 13) Traffic and Accidents
An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionares of interpreting
口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口 头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)
最新口译第三次课 教案

教案章节无笔记陪同口译(1)欢迎光临&景点游玩Welcome& Tourism unit 1&3教学目的和要求Teaching Aims:After this lecture, the students should1. Know how to receive western guests at the airport.2. Know how to tour around the scenic spots with the western guests.3. Master some common words and expressions about reception and tourism.教学重点难点Difficult Points:1. How to receive western guests at the airport.2. How to introduce the famous scenic spots for the guests.教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学方法、帮助手段)I. Lead-in Part:(20’)A. In this part, the teacher aims to tell students how to make preparations before the interpreting.1. Why should we do preparations before the interpreting?(Answers: interpreting includes various kinds of areas, such as economy, politics, technology, culture, etc., therefore, the interpreter should be Jack of all trades.)2. How to do preparation before the interpreting?(Answers: (1) Collect the background information of the speaker and the topic.(2) Prepare for the professional words and expressions of the topic.(3) Communicate with the speaker.(4) Have good psychological qualities.B. professional words and expressions of the topic(1) welcome(2) tourism (page 10-11)II. In-Class Activities: (70’)The 1st part aims to help students know how to receive western guests at the airport. In this part, the students will hear two dialogues about the reception at the airport, and the students need to interpret the English one into Chinese, and vice versa. (30’)A.Task 1 (Mr. Huang receives Susan at the airport.)Susan: Nice to meet you, Mr. Huang.译员: 很高兴见到你,黄先生。

《口译基础》课程教学大纲课程英文名称Basic Interpretation Skills课程代码:课程性质:专业方向理论课,选修适用专业:英语开课学期:5总学时数:32 总学分数:2编写年月:2006 年 6 月修订年月:2007 年6 月执笔:一、课程的性质和目的本课程是英语专业学生的主干课程之一,主要通过讲授口译基本理论、口译背景知识以及对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练,使学生初步掌握口译程序和基本技巧,初步学会口译记忆方法、口译笔记、口头概述、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译基本策略,培养学生关心时事的信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法;培养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和双语表达能力,提高学生跨文化交际的能力和英汉两种语言互译的能力,为进入下一阶段讨论式、按照口译语类对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练做准备。
二、课程教学内容及学时分配单元主要教学内容学时分配作业数量及答疑安排备注讲课实验上机23 第二十三单元新闻发布(2)口译实践-分组围绕指定专题准备新闻发布会并进行现场口译现场录像分析讨论总结模拟考试2 从口译试题库中选一份试题作为样题供学生模考24 第二十四单元期末考试 2三、课程教学的基本要求1、利用学生已经获得的语言交际能力,帮助他们掌握双语思维的转换和交流技能。

Unit 1 Reception and Ceremonial SpeechI. Vocabulary尊敬的来宾distinguished guests代表on behalf of以……的名义in the name of …热情好客gracious hospitality盛情邀请gracious invitation大会conference研讨会seminar座谈会,论坛forum峰会summit招待会reception开幕辞opening speech闭幕辞closing speech祝酒辞toast能够……我深感荣幸I’m honored and privileged to ….向…表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to sb.我提议为…干杯I’d like to propose a toast to sthII. Passage for ExercisesPassage 1:I am delighted to be here this evening, and I am glad that you could all join us to mark the opening of this splendid new exhibition. This is one of a regular series of exhibitions in the IMF Visitor Center, and on this occasion we are very grateful to have the Smithon National Museum of American history as co-sponsor. Without access to this one of the largest such collections in the world, I think the displays would have looked somewhat less enticing than they do![参考译文]我很高兴今晚来到这里,也很高兴你们大家能够和我们一起参加这次精彩展览的开幕式。

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口译课材料【culture】1. 现代化的交通、电信与大众传媒手段使世界越来越小,国际社会如同一个地球村,居住在地球村里的各国人民在文化交流和冲撞中和睦相处、彼此尊重、共求发展。
1. Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.2. 我赞同这种的看法:当代社会的民族文化不可能在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。
2. I’m with the view that in this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation. And I believe that different cultures should learn from each other’s strength s to offset their own weaknesses. Of course, the culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures. Cultural exchange, I think, is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.3. People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.3.不同文化背景的人在一起有时会做出一些令对方感到不舒服的事――他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己都未察觉。
4. Most Americans have never been out of the country and have very little experience with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally.4.大多数美国人从未走出国门,几乎没有同外国人打交道的经验。
5. They tend to use first names in most situations and speak freely about themselves. So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel. Most people will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you feel uncomfortable again.5.他们在大部分场合倾向于直呼其名,毫无拘束地谈论2自己。
6. Many travelers find it easier to meet people in the United States than in other countries. They may just come up and introduce themselves or even invite you over before they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be superficially friendly. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just having a good time. Just like anywhere else, it takes time to become real friends with people in the United States.6.许多旅行者感到在美国结识人比在其他国家来得容易,美国人可能会直接向你走去,向你做自我介绍,甚至在未真正认识你之前便邀请你去作客。
【Economy】1. 现在北京人特别有这种感觉,一到过年过节啦,保姆都要回家,就不得了了,家里面没人管孩子,就成了很大的问题。
)Beijing people often have such an experience: When the housekeeper leaves to spend Chinese New Year or festivals with her family, th ey’ll fell very inconvenient because no one will take care of the child.2. 根据建设社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我们将继续全方位地对外开放。
In accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy, we will continue to open to the outside world in all directions. We should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability and cultivate a unified and open market system with orderly competition.3. 我们要制定明确的产业政策引导投资投向。
We should formulate well-defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment. We will increase our effort in introducing foreign investment and in particular, encourage foreign investment in China’s infrastructure, ba sic industries and industries of high and new technology.4. 在投资环境不断改善的条件下,我们对外商投资要坚持竞争择优的原则,并按照国际惯例对外资企业实行国民待遇。
As the environment for investment continues to improve, we should follow the principle of selecting only the best of the competing offers for foreign business investment. We should adopt a practice which is compatible with international convention and treat foreign-founded enterprise the same way as their Chinese counterparts. Meanwhile, we will protect according to the law the legitimate rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign investors and business employees.5. 必须指出,中外合资是一种互补互惠的合作关系。
It must be pointed out that a Sino-foreign joint business is one of complementary and mutually beneficial partnership. Business partners in a joint venture can maximize their strengths. This type of investment, so to speak, will certainly yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.6. Welcome to the Official Launch of Simens of ChongQing, I regarded it as a great honor that you are here with us at this important occasion in the history of the Simens cooperation. May I take this opportunity to outline our history, our strategy towards the Chinese market and our objective for the future business dealings in this country.欢迎诸位光临西门子重庆公司的揭牌典礼,各位愿意在此与我们一起度过西门子公司历史上的这一重要日子,我感到万分荣幸。