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2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2013年 科研热词 模数转换器 高精度 电磁信号 fpga 采样保持 逆变器 脑电信号 绝对值电路 精度高 片上系统 数字信号处理器 工业应用 嵌入式 太阳能 处理器 声音定位 声达时延 右腿驱动 剩余电压 信号控制 信号处理技术 便携式 低功耗 伺服闭环控制 usb2.0 usb2 labview机器人 adc 推荐指数 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
推荐指数 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2009年 序号ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
科研热词 高精度 电池供电 测试技术 模数转换器 模拟单元 数据采集系统 抗辐射 动态参数 传感器激励
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
科研热词 推荐指数 模数转换器 3 预放大锁存比较器 2 超低噪声 2 电路功能 2 接收机前端 2 抗混叠滤波器 2 开关电容流水线adc 2 差分放大器 2 fpga 2 高速模数转换器 1 驱动器 1 非线性误差 1 邻道及次邻道泄漏功率比 1 通信基础设施 1 输入 1 超声系统 1 设计人员 1 红外探测器 1 现场可编程门阵列 1 数据采集 1 数字预失真 1 插入损耗 1 接收器 1 性能 1 应用 1 工业仪器仪表 1 宽带接收机 1 多合体功率放大器 1 噪声 1 可变增益放大器 1 变压器 1 反馈通道 1 准确度 1 低噪声放大器 1 低压差分信号 1 低功率 1 优势图 1 串并转换 1 td-scdma多载波信号 1 switched-capacitor pipeline adc 1 serial-to-parallel convert 1 preamplifier-latch comparator 1 i/q解调器 1 ir detector 1 data acquisition 1 adi公司 1 adi 1 8通道 1



TI使医疗影像与无线通信系统日趋小型化德州仪器(TI) 宣布推出业界功耗最低、尺寸最小的全新10-12 位8 通道模数转换器(ADC) 系列。


ADS5281 系列产品具有高分辨率、高采样率(最高可达65MSPS)、低噪声及先进数字功能等优异特性,而这些特性对诸如便携式超声波和MRI 等敏感型影像设备至关重要。

TI 高性能模拟业务部高级副总裁Art George 指出:随着医疗影像系统日趋便携和小型化,制造商在设计这些日益复杂的系统时面临的挑战也越来越多,而TI 则致力于为他们解决各种难题。

TI ADS5281 ADC 系列和8 通道放大器在不影响性能与影像质量的条件下可提供这些系统所要求的超低功耗与高密度等优异特性。

业界最低功耗充分满足高密度系统要求ADS5281、ADS5282 及ADS5287 系列ADC 具有业界领先的最低功耗,比同类产品降低了30%。

在65 MSPS 的最高采样率下,ADS5281 系列每通道功耗仅为77 mW。

该新型产品系列凭借其动态缩放功能,在采样率为30MSPS 时,每通道的功耗可低至48 mW。

ADS5281 系列可与TI 新型8 通道可变增益放大器VCA8500 相连。

VCA8500 的功耗及输入噪音分别仅为每通道63 mW 和0.8 nV/sqrt Hz。

将上述两种产品进行完美组合可得到一款完整的医学信号链解决方案,与目前市场上同类解决方案相比,不仅具有更出色的降噪性能,而且功耗极低,在采样率为50MSPS 的条件下,每通道功耗还不足130 mW。




科研热词 fpga 高速雷达 高速a/d 静态相位调整 采样 转移猜测 超标量流水线 超声波 视频监视 蒙哥马利乘法 结构设计 现场可编程门阵列 流水线 模乘算法 数据采集系统 数据采集与传输 数据格式 数字隔离器 录井 嵌入式微处理器 实时数据采集 字偏移 图像旋转 可编程逻辑阵列 双线性插值 动态调度 动态相位调整 加解密协处理器 位偏移 专用集成电路 vhdl usb rsa mcu fifo dsp cordic adc08200 8051单片机
2012年 序号 1 2 3 4
科研热词 锁相环 抖动比 压控振荡器 cmos工艺
推荐指数 1 1 1 1
2013年 序号
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1lp
科研热词 正交频分复用 时间同步 高速数据转换电路 高速 集成电路 超高速ad 缓冲器 红外测距仪 电容复用 模/数转换器 标志冗余位 时钟补偿 时钟 数据传输 固有延时 分频器 信号处理 低抖动 串行 w5100 tlk2711 tdc-gp21 tcp/ip ieee 802.11p ieee fpga fft devices cmos图像传感器 aurora ip ads5400 adi adc有效位
2011年 科研热词 信号完整性 高清视频监控 锁相环 邻域图像并行处理机 轨对轨 资源共享 线性调频 直接数字频率合成 直接存储器访问 毫米波雷达 查找表 智能车 抛物线插值 差分时钟信号 多通道视觉 反正弦函数 全景视觉 光相位检测 仿真 中值滤波器 三次变频 △-∑调制器 virtex-5 td-lte s3c6410 pci mimo中频接收机 matlab建模 locailink hyperlynx fpga fifo express dsp ddr2 sdram cordic aurora协议 ads5287 a/d转换 推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CC1310 Skyworks 433MHz PA参考设计说明书

CC1310 Skyworks 433MHz PA参考设计说明书

Application ReportSWRA528–May2017 CC1310Skyworks433MHz PA Reference Design Albin Zhang and Richard WallaceABSTRACTThe frequency range426MHz-435MHz is designated for ISM applications in several countries.This frequency range is commonly known as the433MHz band.Each country has their specific frequency band range and the China ISM band defined by SRRC is430MHz-432MHz and433.00MHz-434.79 MHz.CC1310reference design[8]operates from420MHz to510MHz with15dBm output power.If higher output power is required in the433MHz band,TI provides a reference design[3]with Skyworks Solutions.The combination of CC1310wireless MCU[2]and SKY66115-11FEM[4],addresses customers’needs for easy-to-use,long-range,low-power and low-cost solutions serving applications across the Internet of Things(IoT).The reference design covered in this application report can support up to+20dBm TX power with high power efficiency at433MHz.Contents1Introduction (2)2Design (2)3Measurement Results (8)4Summary (11)5References (11)List of Figures1CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Board (2)2CC1310Block Diagram (3)3Schematic-CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Rev2_0_x (4)4CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Layout (5)5DIO Configuration in SmartRF Studio7 (6)6Tx Mode Configuration (7)7Rx mode configuration (8)8Matching of the Antenna With ANT1and ANT2Components (10)9Antenna Bandwidth at VSWR:2 (10)List of Tables1SKY66115-11Truth Table (6)2Conducted Output Power and Harmonics,3.3V (8)3TX Output Power,Current Consumption vs.Power Table,3.3V (9)TrademarksSmartRF is a trademark of Texas Instruments.Cortex is a registered trademark of ARM Limited.Introduction 2SWRA528–May 2017CC1310Skyworks 433MHz PA Reference Design1IntroductionThe design covered in this application note is based on the CC1310from the CC13xx family.It provides a range extension solution with the FEM from Skyworks (SKY66115-11)and a compact on-board helical PCB antenna.Figure 1310EM-SKY66115-4051Board2DesignWhen designing a wireless system,the maximum range between the transmitter and receiver is one of the most important parameters that will dominate the system configuration and installation.In the AMR system,the range is critical so that all households’meters can be read otherwise this must be done manually or adding more concentrators,which is expensive.To achieve a long range the output power can be increased to the maximum limit specified by the regulations and the data rate reduced as much as possible for the application.One of the efficient approaches to increase range is to increase the TX power.2.1CC1310The CC1310has been specifically designed for long range,city-wide low power networks.This is used in home automation,building automation and outdoor wide-area networks.The main advantages of CC1310are high sensitivity (-124dBm with a 0.625kbps data rate),strong co-existence (up to 80dB blocking),lowest power consumption (61µA /MHz ARM Cortex M3).CC1310can be basically split into four low-power sections as shown in Figure 2:•Main CPU with Cortex ®-M3•RF Core with radio controller.The RF core is a highly flexible and capable radio system that interfaces the analog RF and base-band circuits,handles data to and from the system side,and assembles the information bits in a given packet structure. Design •General Peripherals•Sensor ControllerFor more in-depth information on the CC1310,see the CC1310SimpleLink™Ultra-Low-Power Sub-1GHz Wireless MCU Data Sheet(SWRS181).1310Block Diagram2.2SchematicThe RF core of CC1310is highly configurable and the radio front-end can be set to differential or single ended.With a differential output configuration,the maximum output is14dBm.With a single endedoutput,the maximum output is11dBm.Several customers have requested an output power up to20dBm, the CC1310transmitter was configured as a single ended port(RF_P set to Tx)connected to an external FEM with an integrated amplifier,see Figure3.If an output power of14dBm is sufficient then thestandard reference design for420MHz to510MHz can be used[8].The schematic shown in Figure3is a general schematic(Rev2.0.x)to cover the ISM frequency bands from400MHz to510MHz;the BOM is specified for three different ISM frequency bands:•470MHz–510MHz:BOM-CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Rev2.0.1•420MHz–440MHz:BOM-CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Rev2.0.2•400MHz–420MHz:BOM-CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Rev2.0.3Design 4SWRA528–May 2017CC1310Skyworks 433MHz PA Reference DesignThe FEM used is from Skyworks (SKY66115-11).The SKY66115-11consists of an amplifier and a switch contained in the package.It also includes a shutdown mode to minimize power consumption.The transmit path contains an amplifier optimized for saturated performance.SKY66115-11is internally matched for CC1310,which enables optimum transmit output power and efficiency for 50Ωload impedance.The transmit path passes through a low-pass filter before being entering to one side of the SPDT switch.The receive path has a bypass function from the other side of the SPDT switch.The reference design [3]shown in Figure 3is based upon 3.3V supply voltage.Two RF output options are available.Mounting C72,the RF path is routed to the RF connector (J1)that allows an externalantenna or conductive RF testing.Mounting C63,connects the compact PCB antenna.ANT1,ANT2and ANT3compose of the antenna matching circuit.A low-pass filter (C484,C485,C486and L332)is incorporated on the ANT port to provide additional filtering and/or limit unwanted signals from entering the receive path.CC1310can support several RF port options,described in the wiki page [7].For better Rx sensitivity,the reference design adopts a single-end,external-bias RF front-end design.L1is used for the external bias circuit.C11,L11and L12compose a matching circuit to optimize the RX sensitivity.The reference design [3]utilizes noise decoupling on the power and control lines of the SKY66115-11.Figure 3.Schematic -CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Rev2_0_x Design 2.3LayoutThe design[3]is based on a0.8mm thick,two-layer PCB.The top layer and bottom layer are shown in Figure4.All components are positioned on the top layer apart from the evaluation module(EM)connectors.The CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051is based upon the7x7QFN package.The RF frond-end design can be re-used for5x5QFN and4x4QFN packages.A PCB helical antenna is incorporated in the EM design.The antenna is routed on both the top andbottom layers.It is important to incorporate the matching components(ANT1,ANT2and ANT3)as well if the antenna structure is to be copied to another design.Changing the PCB thickness will change theresonance of the antenna and this would require new antenna matching values for ANT1and ANT2(ANT3:DNM).1310EM-SKY66115-4051LayoutThe top view is shown on the left side;the bottom view is shown on the right side.Design 6SWRA528–May 2017CC1310Skyworks 433MHz PA Reference Design2.4SmartRF™StudioTo evaluate the reference design it is recommended to use the EM on the SmartRF06EB with SmartRF Studio software.The supported functions are continuously being updated and the software can be downloaded [6].With SmartRF studio 7(version 2.4.3),new features have been added to support 433MHz –510MHz reference designs.•Default recommended setting on 430-510MHz band.•DIOs configuration based on the truth table of the FEM.•RF front-end mode configuration.For more information on SmartRF Studio7,see /tool/smartrftm-studio .Figure 5,Figure 6and Figure 7illustrate how to configure the CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051board.2.4.1DIO ConfigurationBased on the truth table of the SKY66115-11shown in Table 1,SmartRF Studio should have the DIO configured as shown in Figure 5.Table 1.SKY66115-11Truth TableDIO_1(CTX):LOW &DIO_30(CSD):HIGH ---->Rx DIO_1(CTX):HIGH &DIO_30(CSD):HIGH ---->Tx DIO_1(CTX):X &DIO_30(CSD):LOW ---->SleepFigure 5.DIO Configuration in SmartRF Studio 7 Design 2.4.2RF Front-End ConfigurationFigure6and Figure7show the configuration of Tx and Rx modes separately.This is configured in the CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SE radio operation commands.For the Tx path configuration shown in Figure6,RF_P is set to single-end option.The txpowerparameters should also be configured based on Table3.For the Rx path shown in Figure7,RF_N is set to single-end option.Figure6.Tx Mode ConfigurationMeasurement Results 8SWRA528–May 2017CC1310Skyworks 433MHz PA Reference DesignFigure 7.Rx mode configuration3Measurement ResultsAll measurements results were performed on the CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051at 433MHz (BOM Rev 2.0.2)EM mounted on the SmartRF06EB.Software control is based on SmartRF Studio Output Power and HarmonicsThe output power was measured at 433.92MHz.The harmonics were measured up to the 10th harmonic.The txpower register is set to 0x1CC7.Table 2.Conducted Output Power and Harmonics,3.3VHamonics fc 2fc 3fc 4fc 5fc 6fc 7fc 8fc 9fc 10fc Frequency (MHz)433.92867.841301.761735.682169.62603.523037.443471.363905.284339.2Level (dBm)20.5-37-49-55-55-55-55-55-55-55 Measurement Results 3.2Tx Output Power Dynamic Range and Current ConsumptionOutput power and current consumption were measured across the power table at433.92MHz.Theaverage results are shown in Table3.In the CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP,the power can be configured in the txpower register,which is shown in Figure6.Table3.TX Output Power,Current Consumption vs.Power Table,3.3VPower Table0x08C00x00410x10C30x10430x14C40x18C50x18C60x1CC7Output power12.316.31818.919.319.619.820dBm 5262.871.475.978.179.781.682.4mA CurrentconsumptionThe SKY66115-11maximum input power rating on the PIN_TX is limited 1310should limit the TX Power control IB bit of txpower register below0x07.3.3Rx Current ConsumptionThe static Rx current consumption was measured at6.3mA with3.3V power supply.3.4SensitivityThe sensitivity was measured with50kbps datarate setting on CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051at433MHz (BOM Rev2.0.2)to-106.4dBm during normal temperature and3.3V power supply.If the data rate is reduced from50kbps and Long Range Mode utilized,then the following sensitivitylevels can be achieved on the on CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051at433MHz(BOM Rev2.0.2)Ref Design:●5kbps sensitivity:-117dBm● 2.5kbps sensitivity:-119dBm● 1.25kbps sensitivity:-120dBm●0.625kbps sensitivity:-121dBm3.5Antenna DesignThe PCB helical antenna shown in Figure4has been matched to433.92MHz with ANT1:6.8pF and ANT2:91nH.For more information,see Figure8.The antenna is matched for the complete band of470 MHz–510MHz.For more information,see Figure8and Figure9.This antenna design,matching tuning and testing results are based on the CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051 board at433MHz(BOM Rev2.0.2)plugging on the SmartRF06EB board with the free spaceenvironment.In antenna design theory,some of the nearby materials will impact the antennaperformances,for example,grounded conductor,plastic/rubber cases,and so forth.For a realistic product antenna design,it is necessary to consider the mechanical case impacts and do proper tuning.Measurement Results 10SWRA528–May 2017CC1310Skyworks 433MHz PA Reference DesignFigure 8.Matching of the Antenna With ANT1and ANT2ComponentsFigure 9.Antenna Bandwidth at VSWR:2 Summary 11SWRA528–May 2017Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2017,Texas Instruments Incorporated CC1310Skyworks 433MHz PA Reference Design 4SummaryThe CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051reference design at 433MHz (BOM Rev 2.0.2)is a low cost,easy-to-use,high efficiency solution with 20dBm output power for 3.3V supply.Tx current consumption at 20dBm is approximately 82mA.The antenna is also integrated into the PCB that provides a compact,costless antenna solution.5References1.Achieving Optimum Radio Range (SWRA479)2.CC1310SimpleLink™Ultra-Low-Power Sub-1GHz Wireless MCU Data Sheet (SWRS181)3.CC1310EM-SKY66115-4051Reference Design (Rev:2.0.x)(SWRC334)4.SKY66115-11Data Sheet 5.Antenna Quick Guide (SWRA351)6.SmartRF Studio Download 7.CC1310Front-end Configurations Wiki page 13xxEM-7XD-4251Rev1_1_1IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TI DESIGN INFORMATION AND RESOURCESTexas Instruments Incorporated(‘TI”)technical,application or other design advice,services or information,including,but not limited to, reference designs and materials relating to evaluation modules,(collectively,“TI Resources”)are intended to assist designers who are developing applications that incorporate TI products;by downloading,accessing or using any particular TI Resource in any way,you (individually or,if you are acting on behalf of a company,your company)agree to use it solely for this purpose and subject to the terms of this Notice.TI’s provision of TI Resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable published warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products,and no additional obligations or liabilities arise from TI providing such TI Resources.TI reserves the right to make corrections, enhancements,improvements and other changes to its TI Resources.You understand and agree that you remain responsible for using your independent analysis,evaluation and judgment in designing your applications and that you have full and exclusive responsibility to assure the safety of your applications and compliance of your applications (and of all TI products used in or for your applications)with all applicable regulations,laws and other applicable requirements.You represent that,with respect to your applications,you have all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards that(1) anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,(2)monitor failures and their consequences,and(3)lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate actions.You agree that prior to using or distributing any applications that include TI products,you will thoroughly test such applications and the functionality of such TI products as used in such applications.TI has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular TI Resource.You are authorized to use,copy and modify any individual TI Resource only in connection with the development of applications that include the TI product(s)identified in such TI Resource.NO OTHER LICENSE,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER TI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT,AND NO LICENSE TO ANY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT OF TI OR ANY THIRD PARTY IS GRANTED HEREIN,including but not limited to any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation regarding or referencing third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services,or a warranty or endorsement e of TI Resources may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.TI RESOURCES ARE PROVIDED“AS IS”AND WITH ALL FAULTS.TI DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,REGARDING TI RESOURCES OR USE THEREOF,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS,TITLE,ANY EPIDEMIC FAILURE WARRANTY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.TI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND SHALL NOT DEFEND OR INDEMNIFY YOU AGAINST ANY CLAIM,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INFRINGEMENT CLAIM THAT RELATES TO OR IS BASED ON ANY COMBINATION OF PRODUCTS EVEN IF DESCRIBED IN TI RESOURCES OR OTHERWISE.IN NO EVENT SHALL TI BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL,DIRECT,SPECIAL, COLLATERAL,INDIRECT,PUNITIVE,INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF TI RESOURCES OR USE THEREOF,AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.You agree to fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages,costs,losses,and/or liabilities arising out of your non-compliance with the terms and provisions of this Notice.This Notice applies to TI Resources.Additional terms apply to the use and purchase of certain types of materials,TI products and services. These include;without limitation,TI’s standard terms for semiconductor products /sc/docs/stdterms.htm),evaluation modules,and samples(/sc/docs/sampterms.htm).Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2017,Texas Instruments Incorporated。



NETGEAR GS728TS, GS728TPS, GS752TS, GS752TPS Smart Switch™Start HereVerify Package Contents• NETGEAR Smart Switch• Rubber footpads for tabletop installation • Power cord• Rack-mount kit for installing the switch in a 19-inch rack • Installation Guide• Smart Switch Resource CD that includes the Smart Control Center Utility andHardware Installation Guide. (A link to the online Software Administration Manual is on the Resource CD.)Prepare a PC with an Ethernet adapter and a CD ROM drivePrepare a PC with an Ethernet adapter and a CD ROM drive.Install the Smart Control Center Utility on a PC1. Insert the Resource CD into your CD drive.2. Run the Setup program to install the Smart Control Center Utility. TheInstallation Wizard will guide you through the installation.Connect Your Smart Switch in the Correct OrderThese instructions assume you are using DHCP in your network. If you are using static IP addressing in your network, configure the switch IP address before connecting it to your network. In the absence of a DHCP server, the switch will default to for its IP address. To configure the switch before connecting it to your network:1. Set up the PC with a Static IP address in the 192.168.0.x subnet, and connectthe PC to the switch. Then, use the Smart Control Center Utility to configure the switch.2. Connect each PC to an RJ-45 network port on the switch front panel.Use category 5 (Cat5) unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable terminated with anRJ-45 connector to make these connections.3. Connect the switch to your network.4. Power on the switch.5. Verify that the PC with the Smart Control Center Utility is on the same subnetas the switch.Configure the Switch with the Smart Control Center Utility1. Double-click the Smart Control Center Utility icon on your desktop or inWindows Start menu Programs to run the utility and view this screen.2. Click Discover to find your switch in the network.November 2011This symbol was placed in accordance with the European Union Directive 2002/96 on the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (the WEEE Directive). If disposed of within the European Union, this product should be treated and recycled in accordance with the laws of your jurisdiction implementing the WEEE Directive.NETGEAR, the NETGEAR logo, and Connect with Innovation are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. Information is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of theirrespective holders. © 2011 NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.The Smart Control Center Utility finds the switch and displays its MAC Address, IP Address, and model number. If you cannot configure your switch, verify that the cable connections are secure, that the IP address configuration of the PC is in the same subnet as the switch, and click the Discover button.3. Click to select the line displaying the details of your switch. If there are multipleswitches in your network, be sure to select the one you want to configure.4.Click Web Browser Access to view the switch log in screen.5. Enter the default password of password in lower case letters and click Login.The switch will display the switch settings main page. Configure the switch for your network. Consult the Reference Manual on the Resource CD or the online help in the switch for assistance with configuration procedures.After you log in to the switch, the main Web Browser Access menu displays.Use the configuration menu options to configure your switch.Troubleshooting TipsHere are some tips for correcting simple problems you may have.• Be sure to power on your PC and switch in the correct sequence.Follow this sequence. Turn off the switch and computer. First, turn on the switch and wait two minutes. Next, turn on the computer. • Make sure the Ethernet cables are securely plugged in.For each powered on computer connected to the switch with a securely plugged in Ethernet cable, the corresponding switch LAN port status light will be lit.• Make sure the network settings of the computer are correct.In most cases, computers should be configured to obtain an IP address via DHCP. For help with this, refer to the Reference Manual; a link to the online Reference Manual is on the Resource CD.If your network uses static IP addresses, be sure the switch and computer are configured with valid IP addresses.Technical SupportThank you for selecting NETGEAR products.After installing your device, locate the serial number on the label of your product and use it to register your product at /register. Registration is required before you can use the telephone support service. Registration via our website is strongly recommended.Go to for product updates, documentation, and support .For additional information about setting up, configuring, and using your GS7xxTS/TPS, see the Software Administration Manual .For complete DoC please visit the NETGEAR EU Declarations of Conformity website at: /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/For GNU General Public License (GPL) related information, please visit /app/answers/detail/a_id/2649WARNING!!DO NOT stack equipment, or place equipment in tight spaces, or in drawers. Be sure your equipment is surrounded by at least 2” of air space.。



TCS34725 Color Sensor User Manual

TCS34725 Color Sensor User Manual

TCS34725 Color SensorUser Manual OVERVIEWThis is a color sensor module based on TCS34725, will output RGB data and light intensity through the I2C interface. Its advantages include high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, accurate measuring, etc.SPECIFICATIONWorking voltage: 3.3V/5VController: TCS34725FNIO voltage: 3.3V/5VInterface:I2CDimension:27 x 20(mm)INTERFACEPIN DescriptionVCC 3.3V/5VGND GroundSDA I2C Data InputSCL I2C Clock InputINT Interrupt Output(Open drain output)LED LEDOverview (1)Specification (1)Interface (1)Hardware (3)Controller (3)Communication protocol (3)I2C write (3)I2C Read (4)I2C address (4)How to use (5)Download examples (5)examples (5)Raspberry Pi (5)STM32 (10)Arduino (12)FAQ (14)CONTROLLERTCS34725 is used for color sensing. TCS34725 is an I2C bus-based color light-to-digital converter with IR filter, provides a digital return of red, green , blue (RGB) and clear light sensing values. The high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and IR blocking filter make the TCS34725 an ideal color sensor solution for use under varying lighting conditions and through attenuating materials.COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLI2C bus has two lines, one is data line (SDA) and another is lock line (SDL). There are three kinds of signals when communicating, Start signal, Stop signal and Answer signal.Start signal: When SCL is High, SDA change from High to Low, it start to transmit data Stop signal: When SCL is High, SDA change from Low to High, it stop transmitting. Answer signal: Every time IC send back a certain Low plus to sender after it receives 8 bits data.I2C WRITEWhen working, Raspberry Pi (hereafter named as Master) will first send a Start signal, then send a byte to TCS34725(hereafter named as Slaver), whose first 7bits are address of Slaver and 1 bit write bit. Slave response with Answer signal every time it receives any data. Master send command register address to Slaver, then data of command register. Stop signals is sent to slave to stop communicating.I2C READWhen working, Master will first send a Start signal, then send a byte to Slaver, whose first 7bits are address of Slaver and 1 bit write bit. Slave response with Answer signal every time it receives any data. Master send command register address to Slave. After that, Mater will send a Start signal again, and then send a byte (7bits address and 1bit read bit) to Slaver. Slaver response and send data of the register to Master, master answer as well. Stop signals will be sent to stop communicating.I2C ADDRESSThe I2C device address of TCS34725 is 0x29TCS3472 datasheet page 34Note: 0x29 is 7bit in fact, therefore, when you set the I2C address, you should left-shift one bit, turn it to 0x52HOW TO USEDOWNLOAD EXAMPLESFind and download examples from Waveshare wiki:Extract the 7z you get:Arduino: examples for ArduinoRaspberry Pi: examples for Raspberry Pi(wiringPi, python, bcm2835)EXAMPLESRASPBERRY PIInsert the SD card (Raspbian installed)Copy the Raspberry Pi examples to SD card:Insert SD card to Raspberry Pi and power on, you can find the folder is listed in /bootCopy the examples to /home/pi and change its permission:INSTALL LIBRARIESTo run the examples, you need to first install libraries (wiringPi, bcm2835 and python) and enable I2C interface, otherwise example cannot work properly.BCM2835/mikem/bcm2835/Download the library from bcm2835 libraries and install:Note: The xx is the version number you download, for example, if the version you download is bcm2835-1.52. then the command you should execute is sudo tar zxvf bcm2835-1.52.tar.gzwiringPi libraries:Python libraries:Enable I2C interface:sudo raspi-configReboot Raspberry Pi and check I2C devices:HARDWARE CONNECTIONRUNNING EXAMPLEBCM2835 exampleWiringPi examplepython exampleNote: If you get error information that files are not exist when running BCM2835 or wiringpi example, please execute make command and try again.EXPECTED RESULTThe expected result of three examples are similar, here we take python codes as example:R, G, B value are printed in RGB888 format (DEC), C is light value without processing, RGB565 and RGB888 are HEX data printed in certain format. LUX is light value processed. CT is color temperature. (https:///wiki/Color_temperature) If you want to measure CT, please turn off LED. INT is interrupt, 1: light value is over threshold.You can turn the RGB value to color with tools below:https:///w/upload/5/53/Infrared-Temperature-Sensor-Code.7zSTM32Open STM32 project with Keil uVision5. The example is based on HAL libraries. Development board used is Waveshare XNUCLEO-F103RB, the chip isSTM32F103RBT6. Example uses UART2 (PA2, PA3) to print data, 115200, 8N1. HARDWARE CONNECTIONEXPECTED RESULTThis is the output when testing redYou can turn the RGB value to color with tools below:https:///w/upload/5/53/Infrared-Temperature-Sensor-Code.7zARDUINOThe development board used is Waveshare UNO PLUS(Compatible with Arduino UNO ), set serial monitor to 115200HARDWARE CONNECTIONEXPECTED RESULTThis is the output when testing redYou can turn the RGB value to color with tools below:https:///w/upload/5/53/Infrared-Temperature-Sensor-Code.7z1.Q: Raspberry Pi example initializing failed?A: Please check if you connect sensor correctly, and check i2C device withcommand i2cdetect -y 1Please correct connecting and restart2.Q: What happened when running example by mistake?A: If you find that python or bcm2835 examples cannot work properly afterrunning wiringpi codes, please just restart Raspberry Pi can test again3.Q: Data output are incorrect when using STM32 and Arduino examples?A: Please check if you choose the correct COM port (according to device manager).If all the setting are correct, please exchange RXD and TXD and try again.4.Q: Why the RGB data outputted are all 0A: Please check if you connect device correctly then press reset button5.Q: The RGB data output are all 253?A: The light intensity value is over measure range, you can try to modify the gain parameter in initial codes, or add statementTCS34725_Set_Gain(TCS34725_GAIN_16X))following initialize part.6.Q: Color detect is abnormal after modifying integrate timeA: The integrate time is relate to maximum data of RGB channels. If the color turns darker or lighter after modification, please try to change the brightness of LED 7.Q: Why interrupt cannot be triggered or be triggered all the time after modifyingintegrate timeA: Interrupt is relate to data of Clear channel. Data of Clear channel is influenced by integrate time. When gain is 60:Therefore, you should modify the threshold value if sample rate is fast. And please increase brightness of LED when you set integrate time to 2.4ms.。

Spansion S25FL128SAGMFI00替代Winbond W25Q128JVSxM或W2

Spansion S25FL128SAGMFI00替代Winbond W25Q128JVSxM或W2

PCNDue to supply chain constraints, the Spansion S25FL128SAGMFI00 is being replaced by the Winbond W25Q128JVSxM or W25Q128JVPxM on several Digilent products starting the PCA revisions listed in the table below.The W25Q128JV is not functionally equivalent to the S25FL128S and might require changes to customer applications (embedded software) depending on the board support package in use (OS, drivers, and libraries).A non-exhaustive list of the differences between the W25Q128JV and the S25FL128S:•Manufacturer & Device ID: “EF h 70h 18h” vs. “01h 20h 18h”•3x256-B Security Registers vs. 32x32-B OTP Array•Security Register Read command 48h vs. OTP Read command 4Bh•Memory organization: 256 64KB or 4096 4KB uniform erase sectors vs. 32 4-KB bottom and 256 64-KB hybrid erase sectors•Security Registers do not have manufacturer-programmed random number vs. OTP Array that does•Maximum clock frequency for QPP, 4QPP commands: 133 MHz vs. 80MHz. Practically however, the system board limit is usually lower. Generally, 100 MHz for read and 50 MHz for write should work an all Digilentboards, unless a lower limit is specified in the reference manual.Embedded software work-arounds depending on the board support package:•Stand-alone environments should be modified if special non-standard commands are in use. For example, OTP read/write features should account for opcode and address changes. Standard flash array read and writecommands, single or quad are compatible between the two.•The MAC address for the Gigabit Ethernet port needs to be read out using the Read Security Registers (48h) command and the address range [001000h;001005h]. The byte order is the same as before, ie. the first byte in transmission byte order is at the lowest address.•Xilinx tools such as Vitis and Vivado support the W25Q128JV once the correct part number is chosen when targeting the Flash memory. Choose the “w25q128fv-qspi-x4-single” option which is an alias for the“w25q128jv-qspi-x4-single”. Support for w25q128jv is available in version 2018.3 and above.•U-boot and Linux kernel built using the “jedec,spi-nor” compatibility string for the flash node needs no changes, as the part is identified during probe. If the old way of specifying a fixed part is used, it is recommended that the compatibility string is replaced with “jedec,spi-nor”.Affected products:。



VGS 15V 10V 8.0V 7.0V 6.0V 5.5V 5.0V BOTTOM 4.5V TOP
20µs PULSE WIDTH TJ = 25 °C
1 10 100
10 0.1
10 0.1
20µs PULSE WIDTH TJ = 175 °C
1 10 100
VDS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
VDS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
Fig 1. Typical Output Characteristics
Fig 2. Typical Output Characteristics
ID = 71A
RDS(on) , Drain-to-Source On Resistance (Normalized)
Max. 82
58 280 230 1.5 ± 20 43 23 5.9 -55 to + 175 300 (1.6mm from case ) 10 lbf•in (1.1N•m)
A W W/°C V A mJ V/ns °C
Thermal Resistance
RθJC RθCS RθJA Junction-to-Case Case-to-Sink, Flat, Greased Surface Junction-to-Ambient
I D , Drain-to-Source Current (A)
TJ = 25 ° C TJ = 175 ° C

standard c528 操作手册

standard c528 操作手册

standard c528 操作手册【原创实用版】目录1.标准 C528 操作手册概述2.C528 的功能特点3.安装与配置 C5284.C528 的基本操作方法5.C528 的高级操作技巧6.C528 的维护与故障排除7.总结正文一、标准 C528 操作手册概述C528 是一款功能强大、易于操作的设备,适用于各种行业和领域。

本手册旨在帮助用户更好地了解和操作 C528,发挥其最大性能。

二、C528 的功能特点C528 具有以下主要功能特点:1.高性能:C528 采用先进的技术和设计,保证了其在各种工况下的稳定运行。

2.多功能:C528 具备多种功能,满足用户在不同场景下的需求。

3.易于操作:C528 的操作界面直观简洁,用户可以快速上手。

三、安装与配置 C5281.安装:根据设备提供的安装指南,按照步骤进行安装。

2.配置:根据实际需求,对 C528 进行相关配置。

四、C528 的基本操作方法1.开机:按下设备上的电源按钮,开启 C528。


3.操作:根据需求,对 C528 进行相关操作。

五、C528 的高级操作技巧本部分将介绍一些高级操作技巧,以帮助用户充分发挥 C528 的性能:1.技巧一:利用快捷键进行快速操作。


六、C528 的维护与故障排除1.维护:定期对 C528 进行维护,确保设备正常运行。


七、总结本手册详细介绍了 C528 的操作方法和相关技巧,帮助用户更好地使用和维护设备。



推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
科研热词 推荐指数 马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛算法 1 长期演进 1 链路自适应 1 误码传播 1 联合发送 1 缝隙耦合 1 混合自动请求重传(harq) 1 最小均方误差软干扰消除算法 1 智能天线 1 存储要求 1 天线互耦 1 多输入输出系统 1 多输入多输出(mimo) 1 多输入多输出 1 多用户mimo-ofdm 1 基带系统 1 吉布斯采样 1 双极化 1 信号检测 1 wlan 1 v-blast算法 1 td-scdma 1 mimo基站端 1 mimo信道 1 mimo 1 mc-cdma 1 fpga 1
2014年 科研热词 预编码 非合作博弈 块对角化 功率分配 mimo cr 推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1
2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
科研热词 推荐指数 mimo 2 频率选择性信道 1 预编码 1 译码复杂度 1 空分复用 1 球形译码 1 正交频分复用 1 导频间隔 1 多输入多输出系统 1 多输入多输出 1 多径 1 多包接收 1 多入多出 1 发射分集 1 信道估计器 1 信号检测 1 传输模式 1 zf算法 1 zf algorithm 1 v—blast算法 1 v-blast algorithm 1 transmit diversity 1 transmission mode 1 td—lte 1 td-lte 1 sphere decoding detection 1 spatial multiplexing 1 signal detection 1 pilot spacing 1 ofdm 1 multiple-input multiple-output1 system multi-packet reception 1 mmse算法 1 mmse algorithm 1 ml算法 1 ml algorithm 1 mimo系统 1 mimo system 1 estimation 1 decoding complexity 1



1、2046 是4线式触摸屏控制器ADS7846的替代产品,支持1.5V~5.25V低压I/O界面,与现有的ADS7846 可实现100%的PIN to PIN 替换,使用相同的插座产品特性:
2.2V TO 5.25V 工作电压范围
1.5V TO 5.25V 数字输入输出
内置2.5V 参考电压
直接电池电压检测功能(0V to 6V)
PDA 个人数字助理


3、触摸屏驱动IC UH7843可完全替换TCS2046 AR7643及AKM4812 特点:4 wire Touch Panel interface,12-bit analog to digital converter up to 125KHZ conversion,SSOP-16 QFN-16以及客户要求的封装




CH_A0CH_A1CH_B0CH_B1CH_C0CH_C1CH_D0CH_D1REFIOParallelor SerialData BusControlSignalBusADS8528ADS8548ADS8568 SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED OCTOBER2011 12-,14-,16-Bit,Eight-Channel,Simultaneous SamplingANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERSCheck for Samples:ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADS8528/48/68contain eight low-power,12-,•Family of12-,14-,16-Bit,Pin-and14-,or16-bit,successive approximation register Software-Compatible ADCs(SAR)-based analog-to-digital converters(ADCs)with •Maximum Data Rate Per Channel:true bipolar inputs.These channels are grouped in–ADS8528:650kSPS(PAR)or four pairs,thus allowing simultaneous high-speedsignal acquisition of up to650kSPS.480kSPS(SER)–ADS8548:600kSPS(PAR)or The devices support selectable parallel or serial 450kSPS(SER)interface with daisy-chain capability.Theprogrammable reference allows handling of analog –ADS8568:510kSPS(PAR)orinput signals with amplitudes up to±12V.400kSPS(SER)The ADS8528/48/68family supports an auto-sleep •Excellent AC Performance:mode for minimum power dissipation and is available –Signal-to-Noise Ratio:in both QFN-64and LQFP-64packages.The entire ADS8528:73.9dBfamily is specified over a temperature range of–40°C ADS8548:85dB to+125°C.ADS8568:91.5dB–Total Harmonic Distortion:ADS8528:–89dBADS8548:–91dBADS8568:–94dB•Programmable and Buffered InternalReference:0.5V to2.5V or0.5V to3.0VSupports Input Voltage Ranges of Up to±12V•Selectable Parallel or Serial Interface•Scalable Low-Power Operation UsingAuto-Sleep Mode:Only32mW at10kSPS•Fully Specified Over the Extended IndustrialTemperature RangeAPPLICATIONS•Protection Relays•Power Quality Measurement•Multi-Axis Motor Control•Programmable Logic Controllers•Industrial Data AcquisitionPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.FAMILY/ORDERING INFORMATION(1)MAXIMUM DATA RATE:RESOLUTION PAR/SER SNR THD PRODUCT(Bits)(kSPS/ch)(dB,typ)(dB,typ)ADS852812650/48073.9–89ADS854814600/45085–91ADS856816510/40091.5–94(1)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or visit thedevice product folder at .ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)Over operating free-air temperature range,unless otherwise noted.VALUE UNIT HVDD to AGND–0.3to18VHVSS to AGND–18to0.3VSupply voltageAVDD to AGND–0.3to6VDVDD to DGND–0.3to6V Analog input voltage HVSS–0.3to HVDD+0.3V Reference input voltage with respect to AGND AGND–0.3to AVDD+0.3VDigital input voltage with respect to DGND DGND–0.3to DVDD+0.3V Ground voltage difference AGND to DGND±0.3VInput current to all pins except supply±10mA Maximum virtual junction temperature,T J+150°CHuman body model(HBM)±2500V JEDEC standard22,test method A114-C.01,all pinsESD ratingsCharged device model(CDM)±500V JEDEC standard22,test method C101,all pins(1)Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.THERMAL INFORMATIONADS8528/48/68THERMAL METRIC(1)RGC PM UNITS64PINS64PINSθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance2248.5θJCtop Junction-to-case(top)thermal resistance9.09.4θJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 3.621.9°C/WψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter0.10.3ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 2.921.4θJCbot Junction-to-case(bottom)thermal resistance0.3n/a(1)For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics,see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report,SPRA953.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568 SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED OCTOBER2011 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:ADS8528All minimum/maximum specifications are at T A=–40°C to+125°C,specified supply voltage range,VREF=2.5V(internal),V IN=±10V,and f DATA=max,unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A=+25°C,HVDD=15V,HVSS=–15V,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=3.3V.ADS8528PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SAMPLING DYNAMICSConversion time Internal conversion clock 1.33μsSerial interface,all four SDOx active480kSPS Throughput rate f DATAParallel interface650kSPSDC ACCURACYResolution12BitsNo missing codes12Bits Integral linearity error(1)INL–0.75±0.20.75LSB Differential linearity error DNL–0.5±0.20.5LSB Offset error–1.5±0.5 1.5mV Offset error matching–0.650.65mV Offset error drift±3.5μV/°C Gain error Referenced to voltage at REFIO–0.5±0.250.5%Between channels of any pair–0.20.2%Gain error matchingBetween any two channels–0.40.4%Gain error drift Referenced to voltage at REFIO±6ppm/°C AC ACCURACYSignal-to-noise ratio SNR At f IN=10kHz7373.9dB Signal-to-noise ratio+distortion SINAD At f IN=10kHz7373.8dB Total harmonic distortion(2)THD At f IN=10kHz–89–84dB Spurious-free dynamic range SFDR At f IN=10kHz8492dB Channel-to-channel isolation At f IN=10kHz120dBIn4VREF mode48MHz–3dB small-signal bandwidth BWIn2VREF mode24MHz (1)Integral nonlinearity is defined as the maximum deviation from a straight line passing through the end-points of the ideal ADC transferfunction expressed as the number of LSBs or percentage of the specified full-scale range.(2)Calculated on the first nine harmonics of the input frequency.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:ADS8548All minimum/maximum specifications are at T A=–40°C to+125°C,specified supply voltage range,VREF=2.5V(internal),V IN=±10V,and f DATA=max,unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A=+25°C,HVDD=15V,HVSS=–15V,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=3.3V.ADS8548PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SAMPLING DYNAMICSConversion time Internal conversion clock 1.45μsSerial interface,all four SDOx active450kSPS Throughput rate f DATAParallel interface600kSPSDC ACCURACYResolution14BitsNo missing codes14Bits Integral linearity error(1)INL–1±0.51LSB Differential linearity error DNL–1±0.251LSB Offset error–1.5±0.5 1.5mV Offset error matching–0.650.65mV Offset error drift±3.5μV/°C Gain error Referenced to voltage at REFIO–0.5±0.250.5%Between channels of any pair–0.20.2%Gain error matchingBetween any two channels–0.40.4%Gain error drift Referenced to voltage at REFIO±6ppm/°C AC ACCURACYSignal-to-noise ratio SNR At f IN=10kHz8485dB Signal-to-noise ratio+distortion SINAD At f IN=10kHz8384dB Total harmonic distortion(2)THD At f IN=10kHz–91–86dB Spurious-free dynamic range SFDR At f IN=10kHz8692dB Channel-to-channel isolation At f IN=10kHz120dBIn4VREF mode48MHz–3dB small-signal bandwidth BWIn2VREF mode24MHz (1)Integral nonlinearity is defined as the maximum deviation from a straight line passing through the end-points of the ideal ADC transferfunction expressed as the number of LSBs or percentage of the specified full-scale range.(2)Calculated on the first nine harmonics of the input frequency.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568 SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED OCTOBER2011 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:ADS8568All minimum/maximum specifications are at T A=–40°C to+125°C,specified supply voltage range,VREF=2.5V(internal),V IN=±10V,and f DATA=max,unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A=+25°C,HVDD=15V,HVSS=–15V,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=3.3V.ADS8568PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SAMPLING DYNAMICSConversion time Internal conversion clock 1.7μsSerial interface,all four SDOx active400kSPS Throughput rate f DATAParallel interface510kSPSDC ACCURACYResolution16BitsNo missing codes16BitsAt T A=–40°C to+85°C,QFN package(RGC)–3±1.53LSBAt T A=–40°C to+125°C,QFN package(RGC)–4±1.54LSB Integral linearity error(1)INLAt T A=–40°C to+85°C,LQFP package(PM)–4±1.54LSBAt T A=–40°C to+125°C,LQFP package(PM)–4.5±1.5 4.5LSBAt T A=–40°C to+85°C–1±0.75 1.75LSB Differential linearity error DNLAt T A=–40°C to+125°C–1±0.752LSB Offset error–1.5±0.5 1.5mV Offset error matching–0.650.65mV Offset error drift±3.5μV/°C Gain error Referenced to voltage at REFIO–0.5±0.250.5%Between channels of any pair–0.20.2%Gain error matchingBetween any two channels–0.40.4%Gain error drift Referenced to voltage at REFIO±6ppm/°C AC ACCURACYAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C9091.5dB Signal-to-noise ratio SNRAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C8991.5dBAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C8790dB Signal-to-noise ratio+distortion SINADAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C86.590dBAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C–94–90dB Total harmonic distortion(2)THDAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C–94–89.5dBAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+85°C9095dB Spurious-free dynamic range SFDRAt f IN=10kHz,T A=–40°C to+125°C89.595dB Channel-to-channel isolation At f IN=10kHz120dBIn4VREF mode48MHz–3dB small-signal bandwidth BWIn2VREF mode24MHz (1)Integral nonlinearity is defined as the maximum deviation from a straight line passing through the end-points of the ideal ADC transferfunction expressed as the number of LSBs or percentage of the specified full-scale range.(2)Calculated on the first nine harmonics of the input frequency.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:GENERALAll minimum/maximum specifications are at T A=–40°C to+125°C,specified supply voltage range,VREF=2.5V(internal),V IN=±10V,and f DATA=max,unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A=+25°C,HVDD=15V,HVSS=–15V,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=3.3V.ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOG INPUTRANGE pin/RANGE bit=0–4VREF4VREF V Bipolar full-scale range CHXXRANGE pin/RANGE bit=1–2VREF2VREF VInput range=±4VREF10pF Input capacitanceInput range=±2VREF20pF Input leakage current No ongoing conversion–11μA Aperture delay5ns Aperture delay matching Common CONVST for all channels100ps Aperture jitter50ps Power-supply rejection ratio PSRR At output code FFFFh,related to HVDD and HVSS–78dB REFERENCE VOLTAGE OUTPUT(REF OUT)2.5V operation,REFDAC=3FFh 2.485 2.5 2.515V2.5V operation,REFDAC=3FFh at+25°C 2.496 2.5 2.504V Reference voltage VREF3.0V operation,REFDAC=3FFh 2.985 3.0 3.015V3.0V operation,REFDAC=3FFh at+25°C 2.995 3.0 3.005V Reference voltage drift dVREF/dT±10ppm/°C Power-supply rejection ratio PSRR At output code FFFFh,related to AVDD–77dB Output current IREF OUT DC current–22mA Short-circuit current(1)I REFSC50mA Turn-on settling time t REFON10msAt REF_xP/N pins 4.710μF External load capacitanceAt REFIO pin100470nF Tuning range REFDAC Internal reference output voltage range0.2VREF VREF V REFDAC resolution10Bits REFDAC differential nonlinearity DNL DAC–1±0.11LSB REFDAC integral nonlinearity INL DAC–2±0.12LSB REFDAC offset error V OSDAC VREF=0.5V(DAC=0CDh)–4±0.654LSB REFERENCE VOLTAGE INPUT(REF IN)Reference input voltage VREF IN0.5 2.5 3.025VInput resistance100MΩInput capacitance5pF Reference input current1μA (1)Reference output current is not limited internally.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568 SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED OCTOBER2011 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:GENERAL(continued)All minimum/maximum specifications are at T A=–40°C to+125°C,specified supply voltage range,VREF=2.5V(internal),V IN=±10V,and f DATA=max,unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A=+25°C,HVDD=15V,HVSS=–15V,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=3.3V.ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DIGITAL INPUTS(2)Logic family CMOS with Schmitt-TriggerHigh-level input voltage0.7DVDD DVDD+0.3VLow-level input voltage DGND–0.30.3DVDD VInput current V I=DVDD to DGND–5050nA Input capacitance5pF DIGITAL OUTPUTS(2)Output capacitance5pF Load capacitance30pFHigh-impedance-state output current–5050nA Logic family CMOSHigh-level output voltage V OH I OH=100μA DVDD–0.6VI OH=–100μA DGND+Low-level output voltage V OL V0.4POWER-SUPPLY REQUIREMENTSAnalog supply voltage AVDD 4.5 5.0 5.5V Buffer I/O supply voltage DVDD 2.7 3.3 5.5VInput positive supply voltage HVDD negative supply voltage HVSS–16.5–15.0–5.0VADS8528,f DATA=maximum37.950.1mAADS8548,f DATA=maximum37.349.3mAADS8568,f DATA=maximum36.648.4mAf DATA=250kSPS,auto-sleep mode20.330.0mAf DATA=200kSPS,auto-sleep mode17mA Analog supply current IAVDDf DATA=10kSPS,normal operation30mAf DATA=10kSPS,auto-sleep mode 4.6mAAuto-sleep mode,no ongoing conversion,7.0mAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.03mAf DATA=maximum0.5 2.0mAf DATA=250kSPS0.5 1.4mAf DATA=200kSPS0.5mABuffer I/O supply current IDVDD f=10kSPS0.4mADATAAuto-sleep mode,no ongoing conversion,0.35mAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.01mAADS8528,f DATA=maximum 3.0 4.2mAADS8548,f DATA=maximum 2.8 3.9mAADS8568,f DATA=maximum 2.3 3.2mAf DATA=250kSPS 1.8 2.4mAInput positive supply current IHVDD f=200kSPS 1.5mADATAf DATA=10kSPS0.4mAAuto-sleep mode,no ongoing conversion,0.45mAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.01mA (2)Specified by design.ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:GENERAL(continued)All minimum/maximum specifications are at T A=–40°C to+125°C,specified supply voltage range,VREF=2.5V(internal),V IN=±10V,and f DATA=max,unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A=+25°C,HVDD=15V,HVSS=–15V,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=3.3V.ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT POWER-SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS(continued)ADS8528,f DATA=maximum 3.4 4.5mAADS8548,f DATA=maximum 3.3 4.4mAADS8568,f DATA=maximum 2.7 3.6mAf DATA=250kSPS 2.1 2.6mAInput negative supply current IHVSS f=200kSPS 1.7mADATAf DATA=10kSPS0.4mAAuto-sleep mode,no ongoing conversion,0.35mAinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.01mAADS8528,f DATA=maximum287.1430.1mWADS8548,f DATA=maximum279.7419.1mWADS8568,f DATA=maximum259.7389.4mWf DATA=250kSPS,auto-sleep mode161.7255.2mWf DATA=200kSPS,auto-sleep mode151.2mW Power dissipation(3)f DATA=10kSPS,normal operation163.3mWf DATA=10kSPS,auto-sleep mode36.3mWAuto-sleep mode,no ongoing conversion,53.6mWinternal conversion clockPower-down mode0.6mWOperating ambient temperatureT A–4025+125°C range(3)Maximum power dissipation values are specified with HVDD=15V and HVSS=–15V.CONVST_xBUSY(C27 = C26 = 0)FSSCLKSDO_xXCLK (C29 = 1)SDI or DCIN_xADS8528ADS8548ADS8568SBAS543A –AUGUST 2011–REVISED OCTOBER 2011PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONTIMING CHARACTERISTICSFigure 1.Serial Operation Timing Diagram (All Four SDO_x Active)ADS8528ADS8548ADS8568SBAS543A–AUGUST2011–REVISED PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION(continued)Table1.Serial Interface Timing Requirements(1)(2)ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568TESTPARAMETER CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNITCONVST_x high to XCLK rising edget SCVX CLKSEL=16ns setup timeADS852866.67nst XCLK External conversion clock period ADS854872.46nsADS856885.11nsADS8528115.0MHz External conversion clock frequency ADS8548113.8MHzADS8568111.75MHz External conversion clock duty cycle4060%t CVL CONVST_x low time20nst ACQ Acquisition time280ns1920t CCLK or t XCLKADS8528,1.33μsCLKSEL=0t CONV Conversion time ADS8548,1.45μsCLKSEL=0ADS8568,1.7μsCLKSEL=0t DCVB CONVST_x high to BUSY high delay25nst BUFS BUSY low to FS low time0nsADS85280ns Bus access finished to next conversiont FSCV ADS854820ns start timeADS856840nst SCLK Serial clock period0.02210μs Serial clock frequency0.145MHzSerial clock duty cycle4060%t DMSB FS low to MSB valid delay12nst HDO Output data to SCLK falling edge hold time5nsSCLK falling edge to new data validt PDDO17ns propagation delayt DTRI FS high to SDO_x three-state delay10nst SUDI Input data to SCLK falling edge setup time3nst HDI Input data to SCLK falling edge hold time5ns(1)Over recommended operating free-air temperature range T A,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=2.7V to5.5V,unless otherwise noted.(2)All input signals are specified with t R=t F=1.5ns(10%to90%of DVDD)and timed from a voltage level of(V IL+V IH)/2.CONVST_xBUSY (C27 = C26 = 0)CSDB[15:0]RDFigure2.Parallel Read Access Timing DiagramTable2.Parallel Interface Timing Requirements(Read Access)(1)(2)ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568TESTPARAMETER CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNITt CVL CONVST_x low time20nst ACQ Acquisition time280ns1920t CCLK or t XCLKADS8528,1.33µsCLKSEL=0t CONV Conversion time ADS8548,1.45µsCLKSEL=0ADS8568,1.7µsCLKSEL=0t DCVB CONVST_x high to BUSY high delay25nst BUCS BUSY low to CS low time0nsADS85280ns Bus access finished to next conversiont CSCV ADS854820ns start time(3)ADS856840nst CSRD CS low to RD low time0nst RDCS RD high to CS high time0nst RDL RD pulse width20nst RDH Minimum time between two read accesses2nsRD or CS falling edge to data valid propagationt PDDO15ns delayt HDO Output data to RD or CS rising edge hold time5nst DTRI CS high to DB[15:0]three-state delay10ns(1)Over recommended operating free-air temperature range T A,AVDD=5V,and DVDD=2.7V to5.5V,unless otherwise noted.(2)All input signals are specified with t R=t F=1.5ns(10%to90%of DVDD)and timed from a voltage level of(V IL+V IH)/2.(3)Refer to CS signal or RD,whichever occurs first.CSDB[15:0]WRR = 200SER WR = 130SW WR = 200WR = 130C = 20pFS C = 20pFS CH_XXAGNDInput range:2VREF±R = 200SERWR = 130SW WR = 200WR = 130C = 10pFS C = 10pFS CH_XXAGNDInput range:4VREF±Figure 3.Parallel Write Access Timing DiagramTable 3.Parallel Interface Timing Requirements (Write Access)(1)(2)ADS8528,ADS8548,ADS8568PARAMETERMIN TYPMAXUNIT t CSWR CS low to WR low time 0ns t WRL WR low pulse width15ns t WRH Minimum time between two write accesses 10ns t WRCS WR high to CS high time0ns t SUDI Output data to WR rising edge setup time 5ns t HDI Data output to WR rising edge hold time5ns(1)Over recommended ambient temperature range T A ,AVDD =5V,and DVDD =2.7V to 5.5V,unless otherwise noted.(2)All input signals are specified with t R =t F =1.5ns (10%to 90%of DVDD)and timed from a voltage level of (V IL +V IH )/2.EQUIVALENT CIRCUITSFigure 4.Equivalent Input Circuits12345678910111213141516484746454443424140393837363534331718192021222324252627282930313264636261605958575655545352515049HVDD CH_A1REFAN AVDD AGND REFAP CH_A0/SW CONVST_D CONVST_C CONVST_B CONVST_A ASLEEP BUSY/INT RANGE/XCLK DB0/DCIN_DHW HVSS CH_D1REFDN AVDD AGND REFDP CH_D0/SERRESET REFEN//AVDD AGNDDB15/SDO_DSTBY RD CS PAR WRFS C H _C 0R E F C PA G N DA V D DR E F C NC H _C 1A G N DA V D DR E F I OR E F NC H _B 1R E F B NA V D DA G N DR E F B P C H _B 0D B 14/S D O _CD B 13/S D O _BD B 12/S D O _AD B 11/D B 10/S C L KD B 9/S D ID B 8/D CE ND G N DD V D DD B 7D B 6/SE L _BD B 5/SE L _C DD B 4D B 3/D C I N _AD B 2/D C I N _BD B 1/D C I N _C REF B U F E N7.3-mm x 7.3-mm Exposed Thermal PadPIN CONFIGURATIONSRGC PACKAGEQFN-64(TOP VIEW)48474645444342414039383736353433HVDD CH_A1REFAN AVDD AGND REFAP CH_A0/SW CONVST_D CONVST_C CONVST_B CONVST_A ASLEEP BUSY/INT RANGE/XCLK DB0/DCIN_DHW 12345678910111213141516HVSS CH_D1REFDN AVDD AGND REFDP CH_D0/SERRESET REFEN//AVDD AGNDDB15/SDO_DSTBY RD CS PAR WRFS C H _C 0R E F C PA G N DA V D DR E F C NC H _C 1A G N DA V D DR E F I OR E F NC H _B 1R E F B NA V D DA G N DR E F B P C H _B 0D B 14/S D O _CD B 13/S D O _BD B 12/S D O _AD B 11/D B 10/S C L KD B 9/S D ID B 8/D CE ND G N DD V D DD B 7D B 6/SE L _BD B 5/SE L _C DD B 4D B 3/D C I N _AD B 2/D C I N _BD B 1/D C I N _CR E F B U F E N1718192021222324252627282930313264636261605958575655545352515049PM PACKAGE LQFP-64(TOP VIEW)PIN DESCRIPTIONSDESCRIPTIONPIN#NAME TYPE(1)PARALLEL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=0)SERIAL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=1)Negative supply voltage for the analog inputs.1HVSS PDecouple according to the Power Supply section.Analog input of channel D1.The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by the Configuration Register 2CH_D1AI(CONFIG)bit C19(RANGE_D)in software mode.This pin can be powered down using CONFIG bit C18(PD_D)in software mode.Decoupling capacitor input for reference of channel pair D.3REFDN AIConnect to the decoupling capacitor and AGND according to the Power Supply section.4,14,Analog power supply.45,52,AVDD PDecouple according to the Power Supply section.57,615,15,44,51,AGND P Analog ground;connect to the analog ground plane.58,62Decoupling capacitor input for the channel pair D reference.6REFDP AIConnect to the decoupling capacitor according to the Power Supply section.Analog input of channel D0.7CH_D0AI The input voltage range is controlled by the RANGE pin in hardware mode or by CONFIG bit C19(RANGE_D)insoftware mode.This pin can be powered down using CONFIG bit C18(PD_D)in software mode.Interface mode selection input.8PAR/SER DIWhen low,the parallel interface is selected.When high,the serial interface is enabled.Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):standby mode input.When low,the entire device is powered down(including the internal conversion clock source and reference).When high,the device operates in normal mode.9STBY DISoftware mode(HW/SW=1):connect to DGND or DVDD.The standby mode can be activated using CONFIG bit C25(STBY).Reset input,active high.10RESET DI This pin aborts any ongoing conversions and resets the internal Configuration Register(CONFIG)to000003FFh.A valid reset pulse should be at least50ns long.Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):internal reference Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):internal referenceenable input.enable input.When high,the internal reference is enabled(the When high,the internal reference is enabled(thereference buffers are also enabled).reference buffers are also enabled).When low,the internal reference is disabled and an When low,the internal reference is disabled and an 11REFEN/WR DI/DI external reference is applied at REFIO.external reference is applied at REFIO.Software mode(HW/SW=1):write input.Software mode(HW/SW=1):connect to DGND orThe parallel data input is enabled when CS and WR areDVDD.The internal reference is enabled by CONFIG bitlow.The internal reference is enabled by CONFIG bitC15(REFEN).C15(REFEN).Read data input.12RD DI/DI When low,the parallel data output is enabled(if CS=0).Must be connected to DGND.When high,the data output is disabled.Chip select input.Frame synchronization.13CS/FS DI/DI When low,the parallel interface is enabled.When high,The FS falling edge controls the frame transfer.the interface is disabled.When SEL_CD=1,this pin is the data output forData bit15(MSB)input/output.16DB15/SDO_D DIO/DO channel pair D.Output is sign extension for the ADS8528/48.When SEL_CD=0,this pin should be tied to DGND.When SEL_CD=1,this pin is the data output forData bit14input/output.17DB14/SDO_C DIO/DO channel pair C.Output is sign extension for the ADS8528/48.When SEL_CD=0,this pin should be tied to DGND.When SEL_B=1,this pin is the data output for channelData bit13input/output.pair B.When SEL_B=0,this pin should be tied to 18DB13/SDO_B DIO/DO Output is sign extension for the ADS8528and MSB forDGND.When SEL_CD=0,data from channel pair Dthe ADS8548.are also available on this output.Data output for channel pair A.When SEL_CD=0,data from channel pair C are alsoData bit12input/output.19DB12/SDO_A DIO/DO available on this output.Output is sign extension for the ADS8528.When SEL_CD=0and SEL_B=0,SDO_A acts assingle data output for all eight channels.(1)AI=analog input;AIO=analog input/output;DI=digital input;DO=digital output;DIO=digital input/output;and P=power supply.DESCRIPTIONPIN#NAME TYPE(1)PARALLEL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=0)SERIAL INTERFACE(PAR/SER=1)Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):reference bufferenable input.When low,all internal reference buffers are enabled(mandatory if internal reference is used).DB11/REFBUFE Data bit11input/output.When high,all reference buffers are disabled.20DIO/DIN Output is MSB for the ADS8528.Software mode(HW/SW=1):connect toDGND or DVDD.The internal reference buffers are controlled by bit C14(REFBUFEN)in the Configuration Register(CONFIG). 21DB10/SCLK DIO/DI Data bit10input/output Serial interface clock input.Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):connect to DGND.22DB9/SDI DIO/DI Data bit9input/outputSoftware mode(HW/SW=1):serial data input.Daisy-chain enable input.When high,DB[3:0]serve as daisy-chain inputs23DB8/DCEN DIO/DI Data bit8input/outputDCIN_[A:D].If daisy-chain mode is not used,connect to DGND.24DGND P Buffer I/O ground,connect to digital ground planeBuffer I/O supply,connect to digital supply.25DVDD PDecouple according to the Power Supply section.26DB7DIO Data bit7input/output Must be connected to DGNDSelect SDO_B input.When low,SDO_B is disabled and data from all eightchannels are only available through SDO_A.27DB6/SEL_B DIO/DI Data bit6input/outputWhen high and SEL_CD=0,data from channel pairs Band D are available on SDO_B.When SEL_CD=1,data from channel pair B are available on SDO_B.Select SDO_C and SDO_D input.When high,data from channel pair C are available onSDO_C while data from channel pair D are available onSDO_D.When low and SEL_B=1,data from channel 28DB5/SEL_CD DIO/DI Data bit5input/outputpairs A and C are available on SDO_A while data fromchannel pairs B and D are available on SDO_B.Whenlow and SEL_B=0,data from all eight channels areavaiable on SDO_A.29DB4DIO Data bit4input/output Connect to DGNDWhen DCEN=1,this pin is the daisy-chain data input 30DB3/DCIN_A DIO/DI Data bit3input/output for SDO_A of the previous device in the chain.WhenDCEN=0,connect to DGND.When DCEN=1and SEL_B=1,this pin is the31DB2/DCIN_B DIO/DI Data bit2input/output daisy-chain data input for SDO_B of the previous devicein the chain.When DCEN=0,connect to DGND.When DCEN=1and SEL_CD=1,this pin is thedaisy-chain data input for SDO_C of the previous32DB1/DCIN_C DIO/DI Data bit1input/outputdevice in the chain.When DCEN=0,connect to DGND.When DCEN=1and SEL_CD=1,this pin is thedaisy-chain data input for SDO_D of the previous33DB0/DCIN_D DIO/DI Data bit0(LSB)input/outputdevice in the chain.When DCEN=0,connect to DGND.Hardware mode(HW/SW=0):analog input voltage range select input.When low,the analog input voltage range is±4VREF.When high,the analog input voltage range is±2VREF.34RANGE/XCLK DI/DI/DO Sofware mode(HW/SW=1):this pin is an external conversion clock input if CONFIG bit C29=1(CLKSEL);or aninternal conversion clock output if CONFIG bit C28=1(CLKOUT_EN).If this pin is not used,connect to DGND.When CONFIG bit C27=0(BUSY/INT)this pin is a converter busy status output.This pin transitions high when a conversion has been started and transitions low for a single conversion clock cycle(t CCLK)whenever a channel pair conversion is completed and stays low when the conversion of the last channel pairhas completed.35BUSY/INT DOWhen bit C27=1(BUSY/INT in CONFIG),this pin is an interrupt output.This pin transitions high after a conversionhas been completed and remains high until the next read access.This mode can only be used if all eight channelsare sampled simultaneously(all CONVST_x tied together).The polarity of the BUSY/INT output can be changedusing bit C26(BUSY L/H)in the Configuration Register.。























1.R T B R e a l T i m e B i d d i n g[r i l t a i m b d]实时竞价2.SSP Supply Side Platform [splai said pltf:m ] 供应方平台3.Ad Exchange [d iksteind ] advertisement exchange广告交易平台4.DSP Demand-Side Platform [dmnd said pltf:m ] 需求方5.DMP Data-Management Platform [det mndmnt pltf:m ]数据管理平台6.Direct-Response Advertising [[direkt rispns dvtaz]直接反应广告7.SEM Search Engine Marketing [ s:t endin mɑ:kt]搜索引擎营销8.SMO Social media optimization [sul mi:dj ptimaizein]社会媒体优化9.P2P Peer-to-Peer [pi tu pi ]点对点10.ROI Return On Investment [rit:n n investmnt]回报率11.ROI Relevance、Originality、Impact [relvns rdnlti: impkt]关联性、原创性、震撼力12.PPS广告 pay per sale [pei p: seil ]根据网络广告所产生的直接销售数量而付费的一种定价模式13.PPL广告 pay per link [pei p: lik ]根据每次通过网络广告产生的引导付费的定价模式14.PPC广告 pay per click [pei p: klik ]根据点击广告或者电子邮件信息的用户数量来付费的一种网络广告定价模式15.CPP Cost Per Purchase [kst p: p:ts ] 每购买成本16.CPR Cost Per Response [kst p: rispns ] 每回应成本17.CPL Cost Per Leads [kst p: ledz ] 以搜集潜在客户名单多少来收费18.DMS Destination Marketing System [destinein mɑ:kt sistm ]旅游目的地营销系统19.Ambush Marketing [mb mɑ:kt] 伏击营销20.CPM Cost Per Mille [kst p: mili: ] 千人成本21.ESP Emotional Selling Proposition [imunl seli prpzin ] 情感销售主张22.Viral Marketing [varl mɑ:kt] 病毒性营销23.Mini-site [mni sait ] 微型网站24.DAGMAR模式 Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results[difaini dvtaz ɡul z f: med dvtaz rizlts]为度量结果而确定广告目标25.Ad words [d w:dz] 关键词广告26.Digital Marketing [diditl mɑ:kt] 数字营销27.Differentiated Marketing [difrenieitid mɑ:kt] 差异化营销28.Online Marketing [nlain mɑ:kt] 在线营销29.Pareto principle [pretu prinspl]马特莱定律,又称“二八定律”30.GC营销 Good Choice [ɡud tis ]31.RSS Really Simple Syndication [rili simpl sindikein ] 简易信息聚合32.电子广告 Electronic Advertising [ilektrnik dvtaz ]33.置入性行销 Placement Marketing [plesmnt mɑ:kt]34.直接营销 Direct Marketing [direkt mɑ:kt]35.显示广告Display Advertising [displei dvtaz ]36.7Ps营销理论The Marketing Theory of 7Ps [e mɑ:ktθiri v sevnpi:s ]7P: People [pi:pl](人)、Process [pruses](过程)、Physical Evidence [fizikl evidns](物质环境)、Product [prdkt](产品)、 Price [prais](价格)、 Promotion [prmn](促销)、 Place [pleis](渠道)。



光源:lED Class 1 设备(617纳米)(黄褐色)
接口:RS232、RS485 (IBM)、USB、键盘插口
打印对比度:最小15% MRD
射频Bluetooth v2.1 Class 2 射频
数据率3.0Mbit/s (2.1Mbit/s) Bluetooth v2.1 射频范围330英尺/100米(视线)



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2011年 科研热词 高分辨率 远程控制 软件无线电 超声波温度计 视频转换 衰落 蓝牙技术 脉搏信号波形特征量 细分算法 监控 物业 检测仪 数字波束合成 接口组件 报警 总线信号 开关量 嵌入式 分集 信号完整性 vga分配 vga-tv sopc plc mimo中频接收机 hyperlynx fs401 fpga ads5287 a/d转换 推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Anritsu 28 29系列高精度终端操作和维护手册说明书

Anritsu 28 29系列高精度终端操作和维护手册说明书

Anritsu Company 490 Jarvis DriveMorgan Hill, CA 95037-2809USA PN: 10100-00004Revision: MPrinted: September 2008Copyright 1983–2008 Anritsu CompanyOPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALFOR PRECISION TERMINATIONS1.INTRODUCTIONThis manual describes the 28 series 50-ohm terminations and the 29 series offset-referenceterminations. It provides specifications, performance verification instructions, and a list of precautions the user should observe when using terminations.2.DESCRIPTIONThe 28 series terminations consist of precision resistors housed in Type N, GPC-7, WSMA, K, V and W1 precision-connector bodies. The 29 series are precision terminations housed in GPC-7, WSMA and K bodies that produce a 15 or 20 dB reflection of radio and microwave frequency energy. 3.SPECIFICATIONSTable 1 provides performance specifications for the 28 series terminations, and Table 2 providesspecifications for the 29 series offset terminations.4.PRECAUTIONSAnritsu terminations are high-quality, precision laboratory instruments and should receive the same care afforded other such instruments. Complying with the following precautionary notes will guarantee longer component life and less equipment downtime due to connector failure. Also, such compliance will ensure that termination failures are not due to misuse or abuse, two failure modes not covered under the Anritsu warranty.a.Beware of Destructive Pin Depth on Mating Connectors. Before mating, measure the pin depth (Figure 2) of the device that will mate with the termination, using a pin depth gauge(Figure 3) or equivalent. Based on terminations returned for repair, destructive pin depth ofmating connectors is the major cause of failure in the field. When the termination is mated with a connector having a destructive pin depth, damage will likely occur to the termination. (A destructive pin depth has a center pin that is too long in respect to the connector’s reference plane.)Figure 1. Model 28K50 50 Ohm Termination and Model28NF50-2 50 Ohm TerminationFigure 2. N Connector Pin Depth Definition19812PN: 10100-00004 Revision M 28/29 Series Terminations OMMTable 1. Performance Specifications for 28 Series Precision TerminationsAll Models: Max. Input Power: 0.5 watts (+27 dBm)Characteristic Impedance is 50 OhmsModelFrequency Range (GHz)Test Port Connector SWR28N50-3DC to 8 N Male1.0328NF50-3 N Female 28N50-2DC to 18 N Male1.02 Max.28NF50-2 N Female 28A50 DC to 18 GPC-7 1.01 + 0.001F (F in GHz)28A50-1 1.01 + 0.001F, 1.02 Max. (F in GHz)28S50-1 DC to 26.5 WSMA Male 1.020 to 18.5 GHz1.153 to 26.5 GHz 28SF50-1 DC to 26.5WSMA Female1.020 to 18.5 GHz 1.153 to 26.5 GHz28K50DC to 40 K Male1.040 to 18.5 GHz1.070 to 26.5 GHz1.135 to 40 GHz 28KF50 K Female K210DC to 40K Male1.106 to 18 GHz1.253 to 40 GHz V210 DC to 65 V Male1.120 to 18 GHz 1.253 to 26.5 GHz 1.329 to 40 GHz 1.432 to 65 GHz28V50C DC to 67V Male1.018 to 26 GHz 1.030 to 20 GHz 1.050 to 50 GHz 1.080 to 65 GHz1.100 to 67 GHz 28VF50C V Female 28W50DC to 110W1 Male1.046 to 20 GHz 1.058 to 65 GHz 1.330 to 110 GHz28WF50 W1 Female 1.052 to 20 GHz1.066 to 65 GHz1.500 to 110 GHzTable 2. Performance Specifications for 29 Series Offset-Reference TerminationsAll Models: Max. Input Power: 0.25 watts (+24 dBm)ModelFrequency Range (GHz)Test Port ConnectorReturn Loss (dB)29A50-20DC to 18GPC-720 ± 0.5 to 1 GHz 20 ± 1.0 to 4 GHz 20 ± 1.5 to 18 GHz 29S50-20 DC to 26.5 WSMA Male 20 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 20 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 29SF50-20DC to 26.5WSMA Female20 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 20 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 29K50-15 DC to 40 K Male15 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 15 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 15 ± 3.5 to 40 GHz 29KF50-15 DC to 40 K Female15 ± 1.5 to 18.5 GHz 15 ± 2.5 to 26.5 GHz 15 ± 3.5 to 40 GHz28/29 Series Terminations OMM PN: 10100-00004 Revision M 3The center pin of termination connectors has a precision pin depth tolerance. Connectors on test devices that mate with terminations may not be precision types and may not have the proper depth. They must be measured before mating to ensure suitability. When gauging pin depth, if the test device connector measures out of tolerance (Table 3) in the “+” region of the gauge (Figure 3), the center pin is too long. Mating under this condition will likely damage the termination connector. On the other hand, if the test device connector measures out of tolerance in the “–” region, the center pin is too short. While this will not cause any damage, it will result in a poor connection and a consequent degradation in performance.b.Avoid Over Torquing Connectors. Overtorquing connectors is destructive; it may damage the connector center pin. See Table 4 for torque recommendations. c.Do Not Disturb Tuning Washers on Connector Center Pins. The center conductor on some terminations contains a small tuning washer located near the point of mating (interface) (Figure 4). This washer compensates for minor impedance discontinuities at the interface. The washer’s location is critical to the RF component’s performance. Do not disturb it.d.Avoid Applying Excessive Power. The 28 series terminations have a maximum power rating of 0.5 watts. The 29 series, 20 dB offset terminations are rated at 0.25 watts. Applying power levels beyond these values, for even short durations, can damage the termination resistor.e.Avoid Mechanical Shock. Terminations are designed to withstand years of normal benchhandling. However, do not drop or otherwise treat them roughly. They are laboratory-qualitydevices, and like other such devices, they require careful handling.Figure 3. Pin Depth Gauge ScaleTable 3. Terminations Pin-DepthPort / Conn. TypePin Depth (Inch)GPC-70.000–0.003N Male 0.2070.000+0.003N Female 0.2070.000−0.003WSMA Male –0.0025–0.0035WSMA Female0.0000–0.0010K Male0.000–0.003K Female V Male 0.000–0.002V Female W1 Male 0.0000–0.0012W1 FemaleTable 4. Torque Wrench RecommendationsConn. TypeTorque Wrench Model #Torque Spec (in-lbs)Open End Wrench Model #GPC-701-20012 NAN SMA / 3.5 mm 01-201801-204K (2.92 mm)V (1.85 mm)W1 (1 mm)01-504401-505Figure 4. Tuning Washer on GPC-7 ConnectorNote:The tuning washer is shown on a GPC-7 connector. A similar washer may be installed on any Anritsu precision connectors.f.Keep Termination Connectors Clean. Theprecise geometry that makes the termination’s high performance possible can be disturbed bydirt and other contamination adhering toconnector interfaces. When not in use, keep the termination connectors covered.Connector CleaningOver time the outer conductor mating interface will build up a layer of dirt and metal chips that can severely degrade the connector’s electricaland mechanical performance. The build up also tends to increase the coupling torque which can damage the mating interface. The cleaning ofconnectors is essential for maintaining goodelectrical performance. The connectors should be checked for cleanliness before making anymeasurements (or calibration). The cleaningprocedure is listed below:Required Items:1. Low pressure compressed air (solvent free)2. Lint-free cotton swabs3. Isopropyl alcohol4. MicroscopeCleaning Procedure:1. Remove loose particles on the mating surfacesand threads etc. using low-pressure compressedair.2. The threads of the connector should becleaned with a cotton swab. When theconnector threads are clean, the connectionscan be hand-tightened to within a half a turnof the proper torque.3. Clean mating plane surfaces using alcohol oncotton swabs (Figure5). Pay close attention tothe size of the cotton swab. Use only enoughsolvent to clean the surface. Use the leastpossible pressure to avoid damaging connectorsurfaces. Do not spray solvents directly on toconnector surfaces or use contaminatedsolvents.g.Maintenance. Anritsu recommends that nomaintenance other than cleaning be attempted by the customer. The termination should be returned to Anritsu for repair and/or service when needed. Figure5. Cleaning Technique Using Cotton Swabs CautionIf installed, do not disturb the tuningwasher on the center conductor.See paragraph 4c.4PN: 10100-00004 Revision M28/29 Series Terminations OMM5.PERFORMANCE VERIFICATIONThe performance of precision terminations can be verified using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). With proper calibration, measurements are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Table5 lists the recommended Anritsu calibration kit and calibration type for each termination interface.(1)Sliding terminations are unavailable for the N and W1 interface.A sliding termination calibration is recommended in cases when high return loss accuracy is required. While the quality of the termination enters into the error terms of a VNA calibration, it is the directivity that suffers the most if the termination’s return loss degrades with increasing frequency as is the case with broadband loads. The directivity after a fixed load calibration is in the 25 dB range at 50 GHz whereas the same calibration done with a sliding load would yield directivity in the 34 dB range. Therefore, when neglecting other sources of error, measuring a 20 dB return loss device in a system having a directivity of 25 dB would have a maximum absolute error of 7.20 dB. The same device measured in a system having a directivity of 34 dB would have a maximum absolute error of 1.95 dB. Clearly, the sliding termination is the better calibration standard when measuring precision terminations.Refer to the network analyzer operation manual for a complete step-by-step procedure on how to perform a sliding termination calibration.Table 5. Recommended Calibration KitTermination Interface Calibration KitModel Number Calibration TypeSMA / 3.5 mm 3650-1 Sliding terminationGPC-7 3651-1SlidingterminationN 3653 SOLT(1)K 3652-1SlidingterminationV 3654C SlidingterminationW1 3656Offsetshort(1)28/29 Series Terminations OMM PN: 10100-00004 Revision M5WARRANTYAnritsu terminations are warranted against defects in materials andworkmanship for one year from the date of shipment. Anritsu’s obligation coversrepairing or replacing products which prove to be defective during the warrantyperiod. Buyers shall prepay transportation charges for equipment returned toAnritsu for warranty repairs. Obligation is limited to the original purchaser.Anritsu is not liable for consequential damages.LIMITATION OF WARRANTYThe foregoing warranty does not apply to Anritsu connectors that have faileddue to normal wear. Also, the warranty does not apply to defects resulting fromimproper or inadequate maintenance by the Buyer, unauthorized modificationor misuse, or operation outside of the environmental specifications of theproduct. No other warranty is expressed or implied, and the remedies providedherein are the Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies.NOTICEAnritsu Company has prepared this manual for use by Anritsu Companypersonnel and customers as a guide for the proper installation, operationand maintenance of Anritsu Company equipment and computer programs.The drawings, specifications, and information contained herein are theproperty of Anritsu Company, and any unauthorized use or disclosure of thesedrawings, specifications, and information is prohibited; they shall not bereproduced, copied, or used in whole or in part as the basis for manufactureor sale of the equipment or software programs without the prior written consentof Anritsu Company.6PN: 10100-00004 Revision M28/29 Series Terminations OMM28/29 Series Terminations OMM PN: 10100-00004 Revision M7Printed on Recycled Paper with Vegetable Soybean Oil InkAnritsu Company490 Jarvis Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809USA 。

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Tape and Reel
Tape and Reel
(1) For the most current package and ordering information see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI web site at .
MODEL ADS5281 ADS5282 ADS5287 ADS5270 ADS5271 ADS5272 ADS5273 ADS5242
– Clock Duty Cycle Correction Circuit (DCC) • Programmable Digital Gain: 0dB to 12dB • Serialized DDR LVDS Output • Programmable LVDS Current Drive, Internal
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments, Inc.
The ADS5287 is a high-performance, low-power, octal channel analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Available in a 9mm × 9mm QFN package, with serialized low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) outputs and a wide variety of programmable features, the ADS5287 is highly customizable for a wide range of applications and offers an unprecedented level of system integration. An application note, XAPP774 (available at ), describes how to interface the serial LVDS outputs of TI's ADCs to Xilinx® field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The ADS5287 is specified over the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C.
ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
Termination • Test Patterns for Enabling Output Capture • Straight Offset Binary or Two's Complement
Output • Package Options:
– 9mm × 9mm QFN-64
(1) Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not supported.
¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼
Clock Buffer
10-Bit ADC
10-Bit ADC
CHANNELS 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4
–40°C to +85°C
Channels 2 to 7
Digital Gain (0dB to 12dB)
Output Format Test Patterns Drive Current
• Power Dissipation: – 46mW/Channel at 30MSPS – 53mW/Channel at 40MSPS – 62mW/Channel at 50MSPS – 74mW/Channel at 65MSPS
• 61.7dBFS SNR at 10MHz IF • Analog Input Full-Scale Range: 2VPP • Low-Frequency Noise Suppression Mode • 6dB Overload Recovery in One Clock • External and Internal (Trimmed) Reference • 3.3V Analog Supply, 1.8V Digital Supply • Single-Ended or Differential Clock:
(2) These devices meet the following planned eco-friendly classification: Green (RoHS and No Sb/Br): Texas Instruments defines Green to mean Pb-free (RoHS compatible) and free of bromine (Br)- and antimony (Sb)-based flame retardants. Refer to the Quality and Lead-Free (Pb-Free) Data web site for more information. These devices have a Cu NiPdAu lead/ball finish.
(3) Refer to the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document for specific transport media and quantity information.
–0.3 to +0.3
External voltage applied to REFT pin External voltage applied to REFB pin Voltage applied to analog input pins
–0.3 to +3 –0.3 to +2 –0.3 to minimum [3.6, (AVDD + 0.3)]
Voltage applied to digital input pins
–0.3 to minimum [3.9, (AVDD + 0.3)]
Peak solder temperature
Junction temperature
Storage temperature range
–65 to +150
Xilinx is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc.