
股权转让协议中英文模板(二)股权转让协议中英文模板股权转让协议(英文版)Agreement for the Transfer of Equity本协议由下列各方于(日期)签署:This Agreement is entered into on (date) by and among the following parties:甲方(Transferor)姓名/公司名称:地址:法定代表人/负责人:电话:传真:电子邮件:Party A (Transferor)Address:Legal representative/Responsible person:Phone:Fax:乙方(Transferee)姓名/公司名称:地址:法定代表人/负责人:电话:传真:电子邮件:Party B (Transferee)Address:Legal representative/Responsible person: Phone:Fax:注册地:公司地址:法定代表人/负责人:电话:传真:电子邮件:Registered place:Legal representative/Responsible person: Phone:Fax:鉴于:Whereas:1. 甲方即(Transferor)为乙方(Transferee)现持有的位于(公司注册地)的(公司名称)的(股权比例)的股权转让有意愿。
2. 乙方(Transferee)同意购买甲方(Transferor)所持有的股权,并为此支付一定金额。
Whereas Party B (Transferee) agrees to purchase the equity held by Party A (Transferor), and will pay a certain amount for this purpose.各方经协商一致,达成如下协议:Now, therefore, in consideration of their mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:第一条股权转让Article 1 Transfer of Equity1.1 股权转让说明Instructions for the Transfer of Equity1.1.1 甲方(Transferor)同意将其在(公司名称)所持股份中的(转让数量)股权转让给乙方(Transferee)。

M EMBER I NTEREST P URCHASE A GREEMENT成员权益购买协议T HIS M EMBER I NTEREST P URCHASE A GREEMENT(this “Agreement”) is entered into, effective upon execution by the parties and delivery of consideration set forth in Section 1.2, by and between [],(“Buyer”), and[], (“Seller”).本成员权益购买协议(“本协议”)由[],(“买方”)与[],(“卖方”)订立,本协议自双方签署且交付第1.2条约定的对价时生效。
R ECITALS:序言:W HEREAS, pursuant to that certain Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement (the “LLC Agreement”) of [](the “Company”) dated January 1, 2008, Sel ler is the record and beneficial owner of 400,000 Units constituting a forty percent (60%) Member Interest (as defined in the LLC Agreement) in the Company (the “Transferred Interest”);鉴于,根据2008年1月1日签署的[]的经修订及重述的有限责任公司协议(“有限公司协议”),卖方系拥有代表公司百分之四十(60%)成员权益(如有限公司协议所定义)的600,000股权单位的记录及实益拥有人(“转让权益”);W HEREAS, Seller and Buyer have entered into that certain Settlement Agreement and Release (“Settlement Agreement”), dated September _____, 2009, pursuant to which the Seller and Buyer agreed that Seller will sell to Buyer, and Buyer will purchase from Seller, the Transferred Interest on the terms and conditions set forth herein;鉴于,卖方和买方已于2009年9月日订立了特定的和解及解除协议(“和解协议”),根据该协议,卖方和买方同意卖方将出售给买方且买方将从卖方处购买基于本协议所载条款和条件规定的转让权益。

D R A F TEQUITY INTEREST TRANSFER AGREEMENT股权转让协议This Equity Interest Transfer Agreement (“this Agreement”), dated this __ day of [insert month] 2009 (the “Execution Date”) is entered into by and between:本股权转让协议(下称“协议”)于2009年_ [请填写月份] __日由下列各方签署:1. Sino Dutch Water Investment Group Ltd., a limited liability company organizedand existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its registered address at Suite 2311, Shell Tower, Times Square #1, Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (“SDWIG”); and1. 中荷水务投资集团有限公司,一家根据香港法律成立并存续的有限责任公司,其注册地址位于香港铜锣湾勿地臣街1 号时代广场蚬壳大厦2311号套间(以下简称“中荷水务”);与2. Berlinwasser China Holdings Limited, a limited liability company organized andexisting under the laws of Hong Kong, with its registered address at 15/F OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road,Hong Kong (“BCH”).2.柏林水务中国控股有限公司,一家根据香港法律成立并存续的有限责任公司,其注册地址位于香港告士打道160号海外信托银行大厦15楼(以下简称“柏林中国”。

有关股东协议中英文版5篇篇1股东协议SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT本股东协议(以下简称“协议”)由以下各方于XXXX年XX月XX 日在_____签署:This Shareholder Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and signed on ____ by the following parties:1. [股东名称A], 身份证号:XXX-XXXX-XXXX,地址:(以下简称“股东A”);Shareholder A, ID Number: XXX-XXXX-XXXX, Address: * (hereinafter referred to as “Shareholder A”)2. [股东名称B],统一社会信用代码:XXX-XXXX-XXXX,地址:(以下简称“股东B”);Shareholder B, Unified Social Credit Code: XXX-XXXX-XXXX, Address: * (hereinafter referred to as “Shareholder B”)鉴于各方共同投资设立_____有限公司(以下简称“公司”),为明确各方权利义务,确保公司顺利运营,经友好协商,达成以下协议条款:In view of the joint investment in establishing _____ Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), in order to clarify the rights and obligations of each party and ensure the smooth operation of the Company, the following terms and conditions are agreed upon through friendly negotiation.第一条股东信息及其他基本信息(以下逐条列出具体内容)Article 1 Shareholder Information and Other Basic Information (specific details shall be listed one by one)第二条公司宗旨和目标(详细阐述公司成立的宗旨、目标和业务范围)Article 2 Purpose and Objectives of the Company (describein detail the purpose, objectives and business scope of the company’s establishment)第三条出资金额及持股比例(明确每位股东的出资额、出资方式、出资时间、持股比例等)Article 3 Capital Contribution and Shareholding Percentage (specify the amount of capital contribution, method of contribution, timing of contribution, shareholding percentage of each shareholder, etc.)第四条管理结构(明确公司的管理结构,包括董事会、管理层等)Article 4 Management Structure (specify the management structure of the company, including the board of directors, management layer, etc.)第五条财务及会计事项(规定财务管理制度、审计、财务报告等)Article 5 Financial and Accounting Matters (stipulate financial management system, auditing, financial reports, etc.)第六条业务运营(规定公司业务的运营方式、决策机制等)Article 6 Business Operation (stipulate the operation mode and decision-making mechanism of the company’s business)篇2股东协议SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT本协议由以下股东于XXXX年XX月XX日在____________(地点)共同签署。
股权购买协议 中英文

股权购买协议中英文协议名称:股权购买协议Equity Purchase Agreement本协议由以下双方于(日期)签署,即买方(以下简称“买方”)和卖方(以下简称“卖方”)。
一、背景1.1 买方是一家注册于(国家/地区)的公司,主要从事(业务领域),合法存在并有效运营。
1.2 卖方是一家注册于(国家/地区)的公司,主要从事(业务领域),合法存在并有效运营。
二、定义在本协议中,除非上下文另有所指,下列术语应具有以下含义:2.1 “股权”指卖方持有的公司股份,具体包括但不限于普通股、优先股等。
2.2 “购买价格”指买方购买股权所支付的金额。
三、股权购买3.1 卖方同意向买方出售其持有的(公司名称)的股权,买方同意购买该股权。
3.2 股权的购买价格为(金额)。
3.3 股权的交割将在本协议签署之日起(天数)内完成。
四、保证与陈述4.1 卖方保证其对所出售的股权拥有合法的、有效的、不受限制的所有权,并有权将其出售给买方。
4.2 卖方保证其对所出售的股权的所有权没有被任何第三方主张或争议。
4.3 卖方保证其在(公司名称)中的股权没有被质押、冻结、抵押或以其他方式限制其转让的任何权利。
4.4 卖方保证其在(公司名称)中的股权没有受到任何法律、法规、合同或其他协议的限制。
4.5 卖方保证其提供的任何文件、信息或材料真实、准确、完整,并且没有隐瞒任何重要事实。
五、交割5.1 买方在收到卖方股权交割的同时,应向卖方支付购买价格。
5.2 股权交割完成后,卖方应将所有与该股权相关的权益转让给买方。
5.3 买方和卖方应共同努力确保股权交割的顺利进行,并履行与交割相关的一切必要手续。
六、保密6.1 买方和卖方同意在签署本协议后对协议内容以及交易过程中获得的任何商业、财务、技术或其他机密信息予以保密。
6.2 未经对方事先书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方透露本协议的内容。
七、争议解决7.1 本协议的解释和执行应受到(国家/地区)法律的管辖。

英文股权转让合同范本(精选3篇)英文股权转让篇1本股权转让协议(以下称“本协议”) 由以下各方于20xx年月日在北京签署:This Equity Interest Transfer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) is made on , by and between the following parties:甲方:Party A乙方:Party B以上甲方称“转让方”,乙方称“受让方”,各签署方单独称为“各方”。
The above parties hereinafter are referred to as “Parties” collectively and as “Party” individually. Party A hereinafter is referred to as “Transferor”, Party B hereinafter is refer red to as “Transferee”.鉴于:WHEREAS(1) 甲方于年月日投资设立北京幸运南风餐饮管理有限公司,公司注册资本为100.01万元人民币,已全部缴清。
1. Party A established Beijing Xinyunnanfeng Restaurant Management Co., Ltd on . The registered capital of the company is 100,000,001RMB, which has been fully paid-up. Party A holds 50% of the shares in the company respectively.(2) 甲方拟出售其现持有的公司股权;受让方愿意购买转让方欲出售的股权。
2. Party A now intends to sell his % company shares; Party B is willing to buy the shares.甲乙双方现根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及相关法律法规的规定,本着平等互利、友好协商的原则,达成如下协议,以兹共同遵守:NOW, according to the Contract Law of the People’sRepublic of China and other related laws and regulations, and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:第一条转让条件和价款支付ARTICLE 1 EQUITY INTEREST TRANSFER1.1 依据本协议条款,甲方同意将其持有的公司100%股权出售于受让方;受让方同意购买该全部股权。

股权转让协议 (中英版本)1. 引言此股权转让协议(简称“协议”)是由双方按照有关法律法规的规定,就甲方(简称“转让方”)转让乙方(简称“受让方”)所持有的股权事宜达成的一致意见。
2. 背景2.1 转让方甲方为公司(简称“公司”)的现任股东,持有公司总股本的%的股权。
2.2 受让方乙方对于公司的经营情况、财务状况和发展前景有一定的了解,并表达了对公司的投资意向。
3. 转让事项转让方同意将其持有的 %的股权转让给受让方,并受让方同意接受并购得这部分股权。
4. 转让条件4.1 转让价款受让方同意以 X 元的价格购买转让方所持有的股权。
4.2 转让方式双方同意依法将股权转让进行公证手续,并办理相关股权过户手续。
4.3 转让期限转让事项应在双方签署本协议之日起天内完成。
5. 转让后的义务5.1 转让方的义务转让方保证其转让的股权没有被出卖、转让或抵押给第三方,并且不存在违反公司章程或相关法律法规的情况。
5.2 受让方的义务受让方在转让完成后应按照公司章程的规定履行股东的权益和义务。
6. 违约责任如果一方违反本协议的任何条款,应向对方支付违约金,违约金数额为合同金额的 %。
7. 法律适用和争议解决本协议适用的法律。
8. 其他约定8.1 整体协议本协议构成双方之间的全部协议和约定,任何有关本协议的修改或补充必须以书面形式进行。
8.2 协议生效本协议自双方签字或盖章之日起生效。
8.3 协议副本本协议一式两份,受让方和转让方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
8.4 其他事项本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商决定。
9. 语言本协议以中文和英文两种语言书写,两种版本具有同等效力。
Equity Transfer Agreement (Chinese and English Version)1. IntroductionThis Equity Transfer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the。

股东协议中英文版5篇篇1A Shareholders' Agreement is a key document that outlines the agreements and obligations between shareholders of a company. The purpose of a Shareholders' Agreement is to protect the interests of the shareholders and ensure that the company operates smoothly and efficiently. Below is a sample of a Shareholders' Agreement in both English and Chinese:Shareholders' AgreementThis Shareholders' Agreement is entered into on [Date] by and between the shareholders of [Company Name] (the "Company").1. ShareholdersThe shareholders of the Company are as follows:[Shareholder Name] – [Number of Shares][Shareholder Name] – [Number of Shares][Shareholder Name] – [Number of Shares]2. Shareholding StructureThe shareholding structure of the Company is as follows:- [Shareholder Name] owns [Percentage] of the shares- [Shareholder Name] owns [Percentage] of the shares- [Shareholder Name] owns [Percentage] of the shares3. ManagementThe shareholders agree that the day-to-day management of the Company shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of [Number] directors, with each shareholder entitled to appoint a representative to the Board.4. Decision MakingMajor decisions affecting the Company, such as the sale of assets, mergers, or significant changes in business operations, shall require the approval of [Percentage] of the shareholders.5. Transfer of SharesAny transfer of shares by a shareholder must be approved by a majority vote of the shareholders. In the event of a shareholder's death or incapacity, their shares shall be transferred to their heirs or appointed representatives.6. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute between shareholders, the parties agree to resolve the dispute through mediation or arbitration.7. ConfidentialityThe shareholders agree to keep all information regarding the Company confidential and not disclose any sensitive information to third parties.8. TerminationThis Shareholders' Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by mutual agreement of the shareholders.This Agreement is executed as of the date first written above.[Signature of Shareholder] [Date][Signature of Shareholder] [Date][Signature of Shareholder] [Date]股东协议本股东协议由[日期]签署,双方为[公司名称](以下简称“公司”)的股东。

英文版股权转让协议3篇篇1Stock Transfer AgreementThis Stock Transfer Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [Agreement Date], by and between [Transferor Name], a [Transferor Jurisdiction][corporation/limited liability company] (the “Transferor”) and [Transferee Name], a [Transferee Jurisdiction][corporation/limited liability company] (the “Transferee”).WHEREAS, the Transferor owns [Number of Shares] shares of the common stock of [Company Name] (the “Company”);WHEREAS, the Transferor desires to sell, assign, transfer, and convey to the Transferee, and the Transferee desires to purchase and acquire from the Transferor, [Number of Shares] shares of the common stock of the Company;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby agree as follows:1. Transfer of Stock. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Transferor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, and conveys to the Transferee and the Transferee hereby purchases and acquires from the Transferor [Number of Shares] shares of the common stock of the Company.2. Purchase Price. The purchase price for the shares of stock shall be [Purchase Price] USD, which shall be paid by the Transferee to the Transferor at the Closing (as defined below).3. Closing. The closing of the purchase and sale of the shares of stock (the “Closing”) shall take place on [Closing Date] at the offices of [Transferor Address]. At the Closing, the Transferor shall deliver to the Transferee a written assignment of the shares of stock, duly executed by the Transferor.4. Representations and Warranties. The Transferor represents and warrants to the Transferee that: (a) the Transferor is the lawful owner of the shares of stock and has full power and authority to transfer the shares of stock to the Transferee; (b) the shares of stock are free and clear of all liens, claims, and encumbrances; (c) there are no agreements, options, or rights of first refusal that would restrict or prevent the Transferor from transferring the shares of stock to the Transferee; and (d) the Transferor has not taken any action or failed to take any actionthat would render any representation or warranty of the Transferor in this Agreement untrue or inaccurate.5. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [Governing Law State].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Stock Transfer Agreement as of the date first above written.Transferor: [Transferor Name]By: ____________________________Name: __________________________Title: __________________________Transferee: [Transferee Name]By: ____________________________Name: __________________________Title: __________________________This Stock Transfer Agreement is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the Company and any necessary regulatory approvals.篇2Stock Transfer AgreementThis Stock Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Seller], a company organized and existing under the laws of [State], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Seller"), and [Buyer], a company organized and existing under the laws of [State], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Buyer").1. Transfer of Shares. Seller hereby agrees to sell, assign, and transfer to Buyer [Number] shares of common stock of Seller (the "Shares") for a purchase price of [Purchase Price]. Buyer hereby agrees to purchase the Shares from Seller for the purchase price.2. Representations and Warranties of Seller. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that:a) Seller is the lawful owner of the Shares and has full power and authority to sell, assign, and transfer the Shares to Buyer;b) The execution, delivery, and performance by Seller of this Agreement does not violate any agreement, law, regulation, or court order applicable to Seller;c) The Shares are free and clear of any liens, encumbrances, or other restrictions on transfer;d) Seller has obtained all necessary approvals and consents to enter into this Agreement and to transfer the Shares;e) Seller has the legal capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder.3. Representations and Warranties of Buyer. Buyer represents and warrants to Seller that:a) Buyer has the legal capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder;b) The execution, delivery, and performance by Buyer of this Agreement does not violate any agreement, law, regulation, or court order applicable to Buyer;c) Buyer has obtained all necessary approvals and consents to enter into this Agreement and to purchase the Shares;d) Buyer has the financial capacity to complete the purchase of the Shares.4. Indemnification. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses arising out of or related to any breach of the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement.5. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the transfer of the Shares and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Seller: ________________________Buyer: ________________________[Signature][Printed Name][Title][Date]篇3Stock Transfer AgreementThis Stock Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement") is made effective as of the [Date], by and between [Seller], with anaddress of [Seller Address] (the "Seller"), and [Buyer], with an address of [Buyer Address] (the "Buyer").WHEREAS, Seller owns [Number of Shares] shares of [Company Name] (the "Company") common stock, with a par value of $[par value] per share (the "Shares");WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell and transfer the Shares to Buyer, and Buyer desires to purchase the Shares from Seller, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:1. Sale and Transfer of Shares. Seller agrees to sell, assign, transfer, and deliver the Shares to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase the Shares from Seller, for the purchase price of $[Purchase Price] (the "Purchase Price").2. Delivery of Shares. Seller shall deliver to Buyer a certificate or certificates representing the Shares, duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by stock powers duly executed in blank or with signatures guaranteed, with all necessary stock transfer stamps attached.3. Closing. The closing of the sale and transfer of the Shares contemplated by this Agreement shall take place at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the parties.4. Representations and Warranties. Seller represents and warrants that: (a) Seller is the lawful owner of the Shares, with full power and authority to sell and transfer the Shares; (b) the Shares are free and clear of any liens, claims, or encumbrances; (c) the sale and transfer of the Shares do not violate any agreement, law, or regulation; and (d) Seller has not granted any option, warrant, or other right to purchase the Shares to any third party.5. Indemnification. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or in connection with any breach of Seller's representations and warranties under this Agreement.6. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Seller]By: _______________________Name: [Seller Name]Title: [Seller Title]Date: [Date][Buyer]By: _______________________Name: [Buyer Name]Title: [Buyer Title]Date: [Date]This Stock Transfer Agreement is entered into as of the date first above written.[Company Name]By: _______________________Name: [Company Name]Title: [Company Title]。

有关股东协议中英文版6篇篇1股东协议SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT本协议由以下各方于XXXX年XX月XX日签订:此协议由以下各方在____年__月__日共同签署:一、定义与解释Article 1: Definitions and Interpretation1. 股东:本协议中的股东指的是为公司投资并拥有公司股份的个人或实体。
Shareholder: The shareholder in this agreement refers to the individual or entity that invests in the company and owns shares of the company. The shareholder shall enjoy the rights and bear the obligations specified in this agreement.二、公司的组建和股份分配Article 2: Formation of the Company and Allocation of Shares公司由各股东按照约定比例共同出资组建。
The company is jointly funded by shareholders according to agreed percentages. The specific allocation of shares is as follows: … (Detailed list of each shareholder’s name or entity name, and their respective percentage of ownership) Each shareholder enjoys corresponding rights and bears corresponding obligations based on their shares.三、股东权利与义务Article 3: Rights and Obligations of Shareholders包括投票权、分红权、任命董事或监事等权利及相应义务,所有股东必须遵守公司章程及公司法律文件中的规定。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年股权变更协议(中英文本)本合同目录一览1. 第一条股权变更协议的定义与范围1.1. 第二条股权变更的条件与程序1.1.1. 第三条股权变更的具体操作1.1.1.1. 第四条股权变更的生效时间1. 第五条股权变更的登记与备案1. 第六条股权变更后的股东权益1. 第七条股权变更对公司的影响1. 第八条股权变更后的经营管理1. 第九条股权变更后的财务报表1. 第十条股权变更后的利润分配1. 第十一条股权变更后的决策权1. 第十二条股权变更后的股东大会1. 第十三条股权变更后的董事会1. 第十四条股权变更后的监事会第一部分:合同如下:1. 第一条股权变更协议的定义与范围1.1. 第二条股权变更的条件与程序1.1.1. 第三条股权变更的具体操作1.1.1.1. 第四条股权变更的生效时间1. 第五条股权变更的登记与备案1. 第六条股权变更后的股东权益1. 第一条股权变更协议的定义与范围1.2. 本协议所涉及的股权是指转让方在公司中持有的所有股权,包括但不限于股权对应的股份、权益和利益。
1.3. 本协议的范围包括股权转让、受让、过户、支付转让款、股权变更登记等相关事宜。
2. 第二条股权变更的条件与程序2.1. 股权变更的条件2.1.1. 转让方应为公司合法股东,且所持股权不存在任何权利瑕疵或负担。
2.1.2. 受让方应具备公司法及相关法律法规规定的股东资格,具备投资能力和商业信誉。


)鉴于各方共同投资设立____________有限公司(以下简称“公司”),为明确各方的权益和责任,更好地实现公司的业务目标与价值,达成以下股东协议:一、公司名称、注册地址及业务范围(略)二、股东出资及持股比例1. 甲方以现金出资______万元,持有公司______%的股权。
2. 乙方以现金出资______万元,持有公司______%的股权。
3. 丙方以现金出资______万元,持有公司______%的股权。
)四、股权转让及优先权1. 股东之间可以相互转让其股权。
2. 任何一方对外转让股权,需经其他股东同意。

公司股权转让协议(中英文)XXX interest in the Company。
and they XXX。
and the XXX interest。
subject to the XXX Agreement.鉴于,转让方是公司股权的合法和受益所有人,他们希望将这些股权转让给受让方,而受让方希望在本协议规定的条款和条件下收购这些股权。
and the XXX Transferors。
all of the Transferors’ rights。
and interest in and to the equity interest in the Company (the“Transferred Equity”).转让方同意将协议股权的所有权、所有权和利益转让给受让方,受让方同意从转让方收购协议股权的所有权、所有权和利益。
2.Payment of the Transfer Price2.转让价款的支付XXX Agreement.协议股权的转让价款应根据本协议规定的条款和条件由受让方支付给转让方。
3.Closing3.交割XXX shall take place on the Closing Date at the offices of the Company or at such other place as the Parties may agree in writing.协议股权的转让交割应在交割日在公司办公室或各方书面同意的其他地点进行。
4.XXX Closing4.交割的先决条件XXX:各方履行本协议所规定的交易的义务应受以下先决条件的满足或豁免:5.ns and Warranties5.陈述与保证Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party as follows:各方向另一方陈述和保证如下:6.XXX6.权利和义务Each Party shall have the XXX Agreement.各方应拥有本协议规定的权利和义务,并应遵守与本协议所涉及的交易相关的所有适用法律和法规。

股权转让协议(中英文对照版)股权转让协议目录一、前言二、定义和术语1. 股权转让方2. 股权受让方3. 股权4. 股权转让价格5. 股权转让日三、股权转让1. 股权转让方同意将其持有的股权全部转让给股权受让方。
2. 股权受让方同意购买并支付股权转让价格。
四、股权转让价格和支付方式1. 股权转让价格2. 支付方式五、股权转让的交付和过户1. 股权转让的交付2. 股权转让的过户六、陈述、保证和承诺1. 股权转让方的陈述、保证和承诺2. 股权受让方的陈述、保证和承诺七、违约责任八、争议解决九、适用法律十、合同的修改和终止十一、合同的生效、修订和解除十二、保密条款十三、通知十四、附件1. 股权转让方的身份证明文件2. 股权受让方的身份证明文件3. 股权转让价格的支付凭证4. 其他相关文件以下是股权转让协议的具体内容:一、前言本股权转让协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下双方于______年______月______日签订:1. 股权转让方:_________(以下简称“转让方”)2. 股权受让方:_________(以下简称“受让方”)鉴于:1. 转让方是_________公司(以下简称“公司”)的股东,持有公司_________%的股权。
2. 转让方愿意将其持有的股权全部转让给受让方。
3. 受让方愿意购买并支付股权转让价格。
根据上述情况,双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,达成如下协议:二、定义和术语1. 股权转让方:指本协议中将其持有的股权转让给受让方的公司股东。
2. 股权受让方:指本协议中购买转让方持有的股权的公司或个人。
3. 股权:指转让方持有的公司股权,包括股权比例和相应的权益。
4. 股权转让价格:指受让方购买转让方持有的股权所需支付的价格。
5. 股权转让日:指甲方将股权交付给乙方并办理完毕过户手续的日期。
三、股权转让1. 股权转让方同意将其持有的股权全部转让给股权受让方。
2. 股权受让方同意购买并支付股权转让价格。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年股权买卖协议(中英文对照)本合同目录一览1. 第一条股权转让1.1 第二条股权转让价格1.2 第三条股权转让支付方式1.3 第四条股权转让的交割2. 第一条股权转让的条件2.1 第二条受让方的资格2.2 第三条股权转让的审批2.3 第四条股权转让的登记3. 第一条股东权益3.1 第二条股东大会的权利3.2 第三条董事会和管理层的职责3.3 第四条股东的信息披露4. 第一条股权转让后的经营管理4.1 第二条受让方的经营管理权4.2 第三条原有经营管理层的留用4.3 第四条经营管理层的激励机制5. 第一条合同的解除和终止5.1 第二条解除和终止的条件5.2 第三条解除和终止的法律后果5.3 第四条解除和终止的程序6. 第一条争议解决6.1 第二条争议解决的方式6.2 第三条仲裁地点和语言6.3 第四条仲裁结果的执行7. 第一条合同的生效7.1 第二条合同的签署地点和日期7.2 第三条合同的修改和补充7.3 第四条合同的终止日期8. 第一条合同的保密8.1 第二条保密信息的范围8.2 第三条保密信息的保管和利用8.3 第四条保密信息的泄露后果9. 第一条合同的适用法律9.1 第二条法律冲突的选择9.2 第三条法律的适用9.3 第四条法律解释的权利10. 第一条合同的履行10.1 第二条履行的时间和地点10.2 第三条履行的方式和条件10.3 第四条履行的监督和检查11. 第一条合同的权益转让11.1 第二条权益转让的条件11.2 第三条权益转让的程序11.3 第四条权益转让的法律后果12. 第一条合同的继承12.1 第二条合同继承的条件12.2 第三条合同继承的程序12.3 第四条合同继承的法律后果13. 第一条合同的附件13.1 第二条附件的说明13.2 第三条附件的效力13.3 第四条附件的修改和补充14. 第一条其他事项14.1 第二条双方的其他约定14.2 第三条合同的补充协议14.3 第四条合同的完整性和效力第一部分:合同如下:第一条股权转让1.1 第二条股权转让价格1.1.1 股权转让的总价款为人民币【】万元整(大写:【】万元整),受让方应按照本合同约定的方式和期限向转让方支付。

有关股东协议中英文版7篇篇1股东协议SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT本协议由以下股东于[日期]签署:This Agreement is made and signed on [Date] by the following shareholders:一、公司概述与目的The Company is established for the purpose of engaging in [business activity/ industry] and to achieve the mutual benefits of all shareholders.二、股东构成与持股比例Shareholders and their respective shareholding percentages are as follows:1. 股东一(姓名/名称),持有百分之XX(XX%)的股份;2. 股东二(姓名/名称),持有百分之XX(XX%)的股份;……(根据具体情况列出其他股东及持股比例)三、公司治理与管理结构1. 公司最高权力机构为股东会,由全体股东组成。
2. 公司设董事会,负责公司的日常管理与重大决策。
3. 公司管理层由董事会任命,包括但不限于总经理、财务负责人等。
四、股东权利与义务1. 股东享有公司利润分配、股份转让、公司解散后资产分配等权利。
2. 股东应按照协议规定履行出资义务,并积极参与公司的管理与发展。
3. 股东应保守公司商业秘密,不得损害公司及其他股东的利益。
五、股权转让与流通1. 股权转让需经其他股东同意,并按公司章程及相关法律法规进行。
2. 股东间的股份转让应在协议内部完成,并确保公司的稳定运营。
3. 公司上市或发生其他特定情况时,股权转让应遵循相关法律规定。
六、公司治理原则与决策机制1. 公司应遵守中国的法律法规,并依据公司章程进行管理与运营。
股权购买协议 中英文 (2)

股权购买协议中英文协议标题:股权购买协议Agreement Title: Stock Purchase Agreement本协议由以下各方(以下简称为“卖方”和“买方”)于(填写日期)签署:This Agreement is entered into on (insert date) by and between the following parties (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" and the "Buyer"):一、背景1.1 卖方拥有(填写公司名称)的股权,占总股本的(填写比例)。
1.2 买方有意购买卖方所持有的股权,并达成本协议以明确双方的权益和义务。
I. Background1.1 The Seller owns (insert company name) shares, representing (insert percentage)of the total share capital.1.2 The Buyer intends to purchase the shares held by the Seller and enter into this Agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.二、定义在本协议中,除非上下文另有规定,下列术语定义如下:II. DefinitionsIn this Agreement, unless otherwise specified in context, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below:2.1 “股权”指卖方在(填写公司名称)中所持有的股份。
2.2 “购买价格”指买方购买股权所支付的金额。

英汉对照:股东协议(精选3篇)英汉对照:股东协议篇1英汉对照:股东协议SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENTAGREEMENT made this _____________ day of ______________,(year)____, between____________________ Corporation, having its principal office at______________________________ ______________________________,and_________________________ residing at ______________________________, and_________________________ residing at ______________________________, and_________________________ residing at ______________________________.Whereas,the above signed parties wish to promote the Corporation\’s interestsand secure their own interests by making provision to avoid future differences.It is therefore mutually agreed that:1. As long as each of the undersigned shareholders remainsa shareholder in______________________________ Corporation,he or she will vote his or herrespective shares of stock in the corporation for each of the following nameddirectors.1._____________________________2._____________________________3._____________________________Any of the above directors who cease to be a shareholder in the Corporationshall submit his or her resignation to the Corporation when he or she transfershis or her shares.2. Each of the undersigned parties agree that he or she shall will devote his orher best efforts to the best interests and advancement of the corporation.3. For the common interest of the Corporation,the undersigned shareholdersagree to the following people appointed and elected as officers of theCorporation,as long as they remain shareholders of the Corporation and performcompetently, faithfully, and efficiently._________________________________________(President)_________________________________________(Vice President)_________________________________________(Secretary)_________________________________________(Treasurer)Any of the foregoing officers who ceases to be a shareholder in the Corporationshall submit his or her resignation to the corporation when he or she transfershis or her shares.4(a)。
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D R A F TEQUITY INTEREST TRANSFER AGREEMENT股权转让协议This Equity Interest Transfer Agreement (“this Agreement”), dated this __ day of [insert month] 2009 (the “Execution Date”) is entered into by and between:本股权转让协议(下称“协议”)于2009年_ [请填写月份] __日由下列各方签署:1. Sino Dutch Water Investment Group Ltd., a limited liability company organizedand existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its registered address at Suite 2311, Shell Tower, Times Square #1, Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (“SDWIG”); and1. 中荷水务投资集团有限公司,一家根据香港法律成立并存续的有限责任公司,其注册地址位于香港铜锣湾勿地臣街1 号时代广场蚬壳大厦2311号套间(以下简称“中荷水务”);与2. Berlinwasser China Holdings Limited, a limited liability company organized andexisting under the laws of Hong Kong, with its registered address at 15/F OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road,Hong Kong (“BCH”).2.柏林水务中国控股有限公司,一家根据香港法律成立并存续的有限责任公司,其注册地址位于香港告士打道160号海外信托银行大厦15楼(以下简称“柏林中国”。
In this Agreement, each of SDWIG and BCH is individually referred to as a “Party” and both SDWIG and BCH are collectively referred to as the “Parties”.在本协议中,中荷水务与柏林中国单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。
Introduction:介绍:(a)Whereas Yuanping Sino-Dutch Water Industry Ltd., a limited liability companyorganized under the laws of China, with its current legal address at No. 2812, Jingyuan Road (S), Yuanping City, Shanxi Province, PR China (the “Target Company”), is a Chinese wholly foreign owned company established by SDWIG;(a)原平中荷水务有限公司是一家根据中国法律成立并存续的有限责任公司,其注册地址位于中华人民共和国山西省原平市京元南路2812号(以下简称“目标公司”),是由中荷水务设立的外商独资子公司。
(b)Whereas SDWIG is the legal and beneficial owner of 100 % of the shares in theTarget Company (the “Shares”);(b)中荷水务是目标公司的法定和受益所有人,拥有目标公司百分之百的股份;(以下简称“股份”)(c)Whereas the registered capital of the Target Company is currently72,000,000 RMBY, and SDWIG has – up to the Execution Date – contributed 31,073,150 RMB (ThirtyOneMillionAndSeventyThreeThousandOne HundredAndFifty Renminbi) to the registered capital of the Target Company;(c)目标公司现有注册资本为人民币72,000,000元,中荷水务截至本协议签署之日已出资目标公司注册资本人民币31,073,150元(人民币三千一百零七万三千一百五十元)(d)Whereas SDWIG desires to transfer to BCH, and BCH desires to acquire fromSDWIG, 50% of the Shares (hereinafter the “Transfer”), in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and in compliance with the provisions of the Target Company’s articles of association;(d) 遵照本协议条款及目标公司的章程,中荷水务拟向柏林中国转让股权,柏林中国拟收购中荷水务 50%的股份(下称“转让”)(e)Whereas in the meeting of the board of directors of the Target Company held on[insert month and date], 2009, the board of directors have approved the Transfer (with a copy of such resolution being attached to this Agreement as Annex 1);and(e)目标公司于2009年[请填写月份和日期]召开了董事会会议,董事会通过了关于此项转让的决议(此决议的复印件作为附录1 附在本协议后);(f)Whereas within this Agreement, “Closing Date” shall mean the date on whichthe new business license is issued by the PRC State Administration for Industry and Commerce or its authorised delegate (“SAIC”), showing that SDWIG and BCH are the equal shareholders of the Target Company.(f)在本协议中,“截止日期”指的是中华人民共和国工商行政管理局或其授权的下属单位(“山西省工商行政管理局”)颁发新的营业执照的日期,表明中荷水务和柏林中国拥有目标公司数量相等的股份。
Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants, representations, warranties and agreements herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:因此,基于该等共同约定、陈述、保证和协议,双方一致同意以下条款:Article 1 Transfer of the Shares and Corporate Documents第1条股份转让以及公司文件1.1On the terms and subject to the conditions hereof, SDWIG agrees to transfer toBCH, and BCH agrees to acquire from SDWIG, all rights (including, without limitation, the right to receive dividends, starting with dividends for the financialyear 2009, if any), title and interest of SDWIG in and to 50% of the Shares, free and clear of any and all liens, pledges, claims, and encumbrances.1.1遵照协议条款以及规定的条件,中荷水务同意向柏林中国转让股份,柏林中国同意向中荷水务收购其 50%的股份以及由此附带的所有权利(应包含但不限于自2009财年开始如有股利即收取应有股利的权利)、所有权及利益,并且在其上不附有任何留置、质押、权利要求和产权负担。
1.2 With respect to the transfer of the 50% of the Shares there shall be no considerationand no transfer price payable.1.2关于50%股份的转让活动不应有任何对价或应支付的转让费用1.3 Together with this Agreement, the Parties sign the Target Company’s amendedarticles of association (attached as Attachment A to Annex 1 to this Agreement, the “AOA”) as well as the shareholders agreeme nt (attached as Attachment B to Annex 1 to this Agreement, the “SHA”). SDWIG and BCH shall observe the AOA and the SHA, as soon as these documents enter into force respectively. In particular, they shall make the according contributions to the registered capital of the Target Company as set forth in the AOA.1.3除此协议外,双方需签署目标公司的章程修正案(作为本协议附录1的附件A附上)以及股东协议(作为本协议附录1的附件B附上).该章程修正案以及股东协议一旦生效,中荷水务及柏林中国.应遵守其规定。