_南华大学____ 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷参考答案)
__南华大学____ 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷参考答案)课程名称 大学物理A1 考试学期2019春季得分适用专业理工科考试形式闭卷考试时间长度 100分钟(开卷、半开卷请在此写明考试可带哪些资料)大题号 一 二 三 总 分 签 名 得 分得分阅卷人 一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分)注意:选择题答案一定填写在下述方框内对应的题号下,否则不予计分 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案BBADBBDCDB1.一质点在平面上运动,已知质点位置矢量的表示式为j bt i at r 22+=(其中a 、b 为常量), 则该质点作 ( )(A) 匀速直线运动. (B) 变速直线运动. (C) 抛物线运动. (D)一般曲线运动. 2.在相对地面静止的坐标系内,A 、B 二船都以2 m/s 速率匀速行驶,A 船沿x 轴正向,B 船沿y 轴正向.今在A 船上设置与静止坐标系方向相同的坐标系(x 、y 方向单位矢用i、j表示),那么在A 船上的坐标系中,B 船的速度(以m/s 为单位)为 ( ) (A) 2i+2j.(B) -2i +2j.(C) -2i -2j . (D) 2i -2j.3、有一半径为R 的水平圆转台,可绕通过其中心的竖直固定光滑轴转动,转动惯量为J ,开始时转台以匀角速度ω0转动,此时有一质量为m 的人站在转台中心,随后人沿半径向外跑去,当人到达转台边缘时,转台的角速度为(A)02ωmRJ J+ (B) 02)(ωR m J J + (C)02ωmRJ(D) 0ω 4、如图所示,任一闭合曲面S 内有一点电荷q ,O 为S 面上任一点,若将q 由闭合曲面内的P 点移到T 点,且OP=OT ,那么 ( ) ()A 穿过S 面的电通量改变,O 点的场强大小不变; ()B 穿过S 面的电通量改变,O 点的场强大小改变; ()C 穿过S 面的电通量不变,O 点的场强大小改变;()D 穿过S 面的电通量不变,O 点的场强大小不变。
试卷第 1 页 共6 页承德医学院2006–2007学年第二学期期末临床医学、麻醉学、影像学专业(本)科2006级《组织学与胚胎学》课程考试试卷(A )一、单项选择题:本类型共50小题;每小题0.5分,共25分。
1、组成粗肌丝的蛋白的是A 、肌球蛋白B 、肌动蛋白C 、原肌球蛋白D 、肌钙蛋白E 、肌原蛋白2、下列哪种结构不属于细胞侧面连接A 、桥粒B 、中间连接C 、缝隙连接D 、紧密连接E 、半桥粒3、 中枢神经系统内有吞噬功能的神经胶质细胞是;A 、少突胶质细胞B 、星型胶质细胞C 、小胶质细胞D 、雪旺细胞E 、卫星细胞4、骨骼肌纤维收缩时,肌节的变化正确的是A 、I 带缩短B 、A 带缩短C 、I A 带均缩短D 、细肌丝缩短E 、粗肌丝缩短5、成人生精小管上皮细胞是A 、支持细胞和生精细胞B 、支持细胞和间质细胞C 、支持细胞和精原细胞D 、支持细胞和精子细胞E 、支持细胞和精子6、存在于肝的窦周隙的细胞是A 、嗜酸性细胞B 、嗜碱性细胞C 、肝巨噬细胞D 、贮脂细胞E 、浆细胞7、下列哪个器官被覆单层柱状上皮?A 、血管B 、小肠C 、皮肤D 、膀胱E 、食管 8、淋巴结内T 细胞聚集区是A 、淋巴小结B 、淋巴小结生发中心C 、副皮质区D 、髓索E 、淋巴窦9、下列那一项结构与扩大小肠的表面积无关A 、绒毛B 、微绒毛C 、小肠腺D 、纹状缘E 、环形皱襞10、关于壁细胞哪项错误A 、又称盐酸细胞B 、仅分布在胃底腺,以体、颈部多C 、细胞体积大,呈圆锥形或三角形D 、胞质嗜酸性E 、细胞核圆形居中11、关于中性粒细胞哪项错误A 、白细胞中数量最多的B 、核呈肾形C 、胞质中含有嗜天青颗粒D 、比红细胞大E 、有吞噬功能12、过碘酸希夫(PAS )反应显示A 、蛋白质B 、多糖C 、脂肪D 、核糖核酸E 、脱氧核糖核酸13、关于假复层纤毛柱状上皮哪项错误A 、细胞的表面均有纤毛B 、所有细胞都附于基膜上C 、属于单层上皮D 、细胞核位置高低不齐E 、含有分泌功能的杯状细胞14、下列哪一种细胞是从其它组织迁入疏松结缔组织的细胞A 、成纤维细胞B 、巨噬细胞C 、脂肪细胞D 、间充质细胞E 、纤维细胞试卷第 2 页 共6 页15、下列关于成纤维细胞描述错误的是A 、胞体较大,扁平有突起B 、胞质呈弱嗜碱性C 、功能为形成纤维和基质D 、处于功能旺盛状态时称纤维细胞E 、胞核较大,卵原形,可见核仁16、消化道管壁由内到外可分为A 、 内膜、中膜、外膜B 、内膜、中膜、浆膜C 、内膜、中膜、纤维膜D 、内皮、肌膜、纤维膜E 、黏膜、黏膜下层、肌层、外膜 17、气管腺位于A 、上皮B 、粘膜下层C 、外膜D 、固有层E 、中膜 18、主要组成肺泡结构的细胞是A 、Ⅰ型细胞B 、Ⅱ型细胞C 、巨噬细胞D 、柱状细胞E 、肥大细胞19、下列不属于含氮类激素的是A 、胺类B 、氨基酸衍生物C 、肽类D 、肾上腺皮质激素E 、蛋白质类激素20、关于甲状腺滤泡哪项错误A 、滤泡由单层上皮构成B 、上皮的形态一般为立方形 B 、 滤泡中央为滤泡腔,内充满胶质 D 、胶质为滤泡旁细胞合成C 、 E 、在滤泡上皮细胞之间或滤泡之间有滤泡旁细胞 21、骨骼肌纤维储存钙离子的结构是A 、肌浆B 、横小管C 、肌浆网D 、线粒体E 、肌红蛋白22、胎盘的组成是A 、基蜕膜与丛密绒毛膜B 、壁蜕膜与丛密绒毛膜C 、基蜕膜与平滑绒毛膜D 、包蜕膜与丛密绒毛膜E 、包蜕膜与平滑绒毛膜 23、下列不属于嗜碱性粒细胞的是A 、 胞质内含有嗜碱性颗粒B 、细胞核常呈"S"形或不规则形C 、胞质内含有肝素,组胺D 、参与抗过敏反应E 、在白细胞中数量最少24、神经元的下列特征哪个错误A 、细胞有突起B 、核大而圆C 、核仁明显D 、胞体内有神经原纤维E 、胞体及轴突内均有尼氏体 25、关于血管球,下列哪项不正确A 、位于肾小球内的一团盘曲的毛细血管B 、由入球微动脉和出球微动脉构成C 、入球微动脉较出球微动脉细D 、血管球内血压较高E 、毛细血管为有孔型26、小管位于皮质迷路内,管壁较薄,管腔大且规则,由单层立方上皮围成,核圆近腔面,胞质弱嗜酸性,刷状缘不明显,基底有纵纹。
计量经济学A 卷
湖南商学院课程考核试卷(A)卷课程名称:计量经济学A 学分: 3A. WLS 估计;B. 逐步回归法;C. 广义差分法;D. OLS 估计; 8、以下( )情况不满足回归模型的基本假定A.X 为确定性变量,即非随机变量;B.干扰项无自相关存在;C.干扰项为正态分布;D.干扰项具有异方差; 9、在一个多元线性回归模型中,样本容量为n ,回归参数个数为k ,则在回归模型的矩阵表示式中,矩阵X 的阶数是( )A 、n ×(k-1)B 、n ×(k+1)C 、n ×kD 、(n+1)×k 10、不管X 的取值如何,1()i nii XX ==-∑的值是( ),其中n 表示样本容量,X 为X的样本均值。
A 、0B 、1C 、-1D 、不能确定 11、计量经济模型是指( )A.投入产出模型B.数学规划模型C.包含随机误差项的经济数学模型D.模糊数学模型12、在多元线性回归模型中,关于拟合优度系数2R 说法不正确的是( )A.衡量了变量Y 与某一X 变量之间的样本相关系数B.拟合优度是回归平方和除以总体平方和的值C.拟合优度的值一定在0-1之间D.衡量了解释变量对被解释变量的解释程度13、设k 为回归模型中的回归参数个数,n 为样本容量,则对总体回归模型进行显著性检验(F 检验)时构造的F 统计量为( ),RSS 表示残差的平方和,ESS 表示回归平方和。
A./(1)/()ESS k F RSS n k -=-B. /(1)1/()ESS k F RSS n k -=-- C. RSS F ESS = D. ESSF TSS =14、同一经济指标按时间顺序记录的数据列称为( )A 、横截面数据B 、时间序列数据C 、转换数据D 、面板数据15、设有一元样本回归线X Y 10ˆˆˆββ+=,X 、Y 为样本均值,则点(Y X ,)( ) A 、一定在样本回归线上; B 、一定不在样本回归线上; C 、不一定在样本回归线上; D 、一定在样本回归线下方;16、已知D.W 统计量的值接近于2,则样本残差的一阶自相关系数ρˆ近似等于( )A 、0B 、1C 、-1D 、0.517、假设回归模型为:i i i X Y μβα++=,其中22)(i i X Var σμ=,则使用加权最小二乘法估计模型时,应将模型变换为( )A.i iii iX i X XY X μαβ++=B.iiii i X X X Y μαβ++=C. i iiii X X X Y μαβ++=D. 222i iii i iX X X X Y μβα++=18、在线性回归模型中,如果由于模型忽略了一些解释变量,则此时的随机误差项存在自相关,这种自相关被称为( )A 、纯自相关B 、非纯自相关C 、高阶自相关D 、一阶自相关 19、如果多元线性回归模型存在不完全的多重共线性,则模型( )A.已经违背了基本假定;B.仍然没有违背基本假定;C.高斯-马尔可夫定理不成立;D.OLS 估计量是有偏的; 20、任意两个线性回归模型的拟合优度系数R 2 ( ) A. 可以比较,R 2高的说明解释能力强 B. 可以比较,R 2低的说明解释能力强 C. 不可以比较,除非解释变量都一样 D. 不可以比较,除非被解释变量都一样二、名词解释(每小题 4分,共 12 分)1、高斯-马尔可夫定理 满足经典假设的线性回归模型,它的OLS 估计量一定是在所有线性估计量当中,具有最小的方差,即OLS 估计量是最佳线性无偏估计量2、多重共线性 01122t t t k k t tY X XX ββββμ=+++++ 如果解释变量之间不再是相互独立的,而是存在某种相关性,则认为该模型具有多重共线性3、广义最小二乘估计 当不符合经典假设的线性回归模型,通过一定的变换得到一个新的符合经典假设的模型,然后再对新的符合经典假设的模型进行OLS 估计 三、简答题(每小题 8 分,共 16 分)1、回归参数的显著性检验和回归模型的显著性检验有何区别和联系?回归系数的显著性检验是对回归系数进行是否等于0或等于某个常数的假设检验;而回归方程的显著性检验是指方程是否显著存在的假设检验;在一元线性回归中,回归系数的显著性检验和回归方程的显著性检验是等价的;而在多元线性回归中两者不同。
专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 微分学的中心概念是()。
A. 极限B. 导数C. 微分D. 积分A. f(x) = |x|B. f(x) = x^2 + 1C. f(x) = 1/xD. f(x) =√x3. 不定积分∫(1/x)dx的结果是()。
A. ln|x| + CB. x + CC. x^2/2 + CD. e^x + C4. 多元函数f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2在点(1, 1)处的偏导数f_x'是()。
A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 35. 线性方程组Ax=b有唯一解的条件是()。
A. A为满秩矩阵B. A为方阵C. A为可逆矩阵D. A为零矩阵二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 极限存在的充分必要条件是左极限等于右极限。
()2. 任何连续函数都一定可导。
()3. 二重积分可以转换为累次积分。
()4. 拉格朗日中值定理是罗尔定理的推广。
()5. 两个矩阵的乘积一定是方阵。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 函数f(x) = e^x在x=0处的导数f'(0)等于______。
2. 若函数f(x)在区间[a, b]上连续,则该函数在该区间上______。
3. 微分方程y'' y = 0的通解是______。
4. 矩阵A的行列式记作______。
5. 向量组线性相关的充分必要条件是______。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简要说明罗尔定理的内容。
2. 什么是函数的极值?如何求函数的极值?3. 简述泰勒公式的意义。
4. 什么是特征值和特征向量?5. 简述空间解析几何中直线的方程。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 计算极限lim(x→0) (sin x)/x。
2. 求函数f(x) = x^3 3x的导数。
3. 计算不定积分∫(cos x)dx。
4. 求解微分方程y' = 2x。
5. 计算二重积分∬D (x^2 + y^2) dxdy,其中D是由x轴,y轴和直线x+y=1围成的区域。
中南林业科技大学课程考试试卷课程名称: 操作系统 ;试卷编号: A 卷;考试时间:120分钟题号一 二 三四五 总分 应得分 实得分一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
得分 评卷人 复查人1.下列哪个工作只在核心态做:( )A.编译B.命令解释执行C.线程调度D.文件复制 2.P 操作可能导致: ( )A.进程就绪B.进程结束C.进程阻塞(等待)D.新进程创建 3.操作系统是一种 ( )A .应用软件 B.系统软件 C. 通用软件 D. 工具软件 4.设备驱动程序不包括( )A.设备初始化B.缓冲区管理C.IO 请求队列管理D.中断处理程序 5.使用多级页表是为了( )A.加快页表查询速度B.便于进行地址转换C.节省内存D.提供64位地址 6.下面哪个操作不是系统调用: ( )A.open ()B.read ()C.wait ()D.sin () 7.多道程序设计是为了: ()A.提高系统各硬件部件处理速度B.为了系统各硬件部件并行运行C.节省内存D.节省外存 8.下列设备哪个是独占型设备: ( )A.网络设备B.打印机C.磁盘D.图形显示器 9.文件控制块不包括: ( )A.文件名B.文件访问权限说明C.文件物理位置信息D.磁盘坏块信息 10.淘汰页面的较好且可行的方法是: ( )A.LRUB.淘汰最先调入的页面C.淘汰页号最小的页面D.OPT 11.用户程序进行系统调用时必须给出的参数是: ( )A.进程pidB.系统调用函数名C.系统调用IDD.线程tid 12.计算机系统中软件资源的实例有:()A. 文件B. 软盘C. 磁带D. U 盘 13.分时操作系统环境下运行的作业通常称为( )A. 后台作业B. 长作业C. 批量作业D. 终端型作业 14.下列进程变化状态中,不可能发生的变化是( )A. 运行->就绪B. 运行->阻塞C. 阻塞->运行D. 阻塞->就绪考试时间填写:年 月 日 考试用 学院专业班级 年级 姓名学号15.银行家算法是一种()算法。
2023年全国中学生数学奥林匹克竞赛(预赛)暨2023年全国高中数学联合竞赛加试(A 卷)参考答案及评分标准说明:1.评阅试卷时,请严格按照本评分标准的评分档次给分.2.如果考生的解答方法和本解答不同,只要思路合理、步骤正确,在评卷时可参考本评分标准适当划分档次评分,10分为一个档次,不得增加其他中间档次.一.(本题满分40分)如图, 是以AB 为直径的固定的半圆弧, 是经过点A 及 上另一个定点T 的定圆,且 的圆心位于ABT 内.设P 是 的弧 TB(不含端点)上的动点,,C D 是 上的两个动点,满足:C 在线段AP 上,,C D 位于直线AB 的异侧,且CD AB .记CDP 的外心为K .证明:(1) 点K 在TDP 的外接圆上;(2) K 为定点. ΩωPD ABT C证明:(1) 易知PCD 为钝角,由K 为CDP 的外心知2(180)2PKD PCD ACD .由于90APB ,CD AB ,故PBA ACD ATD .……………10分 所以2180PTD PKD PTA ATD ACD PTA PBA . 又,K T 位于PD 异侧,因此点K 在TDP 的外接圆上. ……………20分(2) 取 的圆心O ,过点O 作AB 的平行线l ,则l 为CD 的中垂线,点K 在直线l 上. ……………30分由,,,T D P K 共圆及KD KP ,可知K 在DTP 的平分线上,而9090DTB ATD PBA PAB PTB ,故TB 为DTP 的平分线.所以点K 在直线TB 上.显然l 与TB 相交,且l 与TB 均为定直线,故K 为定点. ……………40分 ωΩl D P OK B ATC二.(本题满分40分)正整数n 称为“好数”,如果对任意不同于n 的正整数m ,均有2222n m n m ⎧⎫⎧⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪≠⎨⎬⎨⎬⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎭⎩⎭,这里,{}x 表示实数x 的小数部分. 证明:存在无穷多个两两互素的合数均为好数.证明:引理:设n 是正奇数,且2模n 的阶为偶数,则n 是好数.引理的证明:反证法.假设n 不是好数,则存在异于n 的正整数m ,使得2222n m n m .因此22n n 与22m m 写成既约分数后的分母相同.由n 为奇数知22n n 是既约分数,故2m 的最大奇因子为2n ,从而m 的最大奇因子为n .设2t m n ,其中t 为正整数(从而m 是偶数).于是22222m m t m n. 由22222m t n n n可得2222(mod )m t n n ,故 222(mod )m t n n . (*)设2模n 的阶为偶数d .由(*)及阶的基本性质得2(mod )m t n d ,故2m t n 是偶数.但2m t 是偶数,n 是奇数,矛盾.引理得证.……………20分回到原问题.设221(1,2,)k k F k .由于1221k k F ,而k F 221k,因此2模k F 的阶为12k ,是一个偶数.对正整数l ,由221(mod )l k F 可知21(mod )l k F ,故由阶的性质推出,2模2k F 的阶被2模k F 的阶整除,从而也是偶数.因2k F 是奇数,由引理知2k F 是好数.……………30分对任意正整数,()i j i j ,211(,)(,(21)2)(,2)1i i j i i i j i F F F F F F F ,故123,,,F F F 两两互素.所以222123,,,F F F 是两两互素的合数,且均为好数. ……………40分三.(本题满分50分) 求具有下述性质的最小正整数k :若将1,2,,k 中的每个数任意染为红色或者蓝色,则或者存在9个互不相同的红色的数129,,,x x x 满足1289x x x x +++< ,或者存在10个互不相同的蓝色的数1210,,,y y y 满足12910y y y y +++< .解:所求的最小正整数为408.一方面,若407k =时,将1,55,56,,407 染为红色,2,3,,54 染为蓝色,此时最小的8个红数之和为1555661407++++= ,最小的9个蓝数之和为231054+++= ,故不存在满足要求的9个红数或者10个蓝数.对407k <,可在上述例子中删去大于k 的数,则得到不符合要求的例子. 因此407k ≤不满足要求. ……………10分 另一方面,我们证明408k =具有题述性质.反证法.假设存在一种1,2,,408 的染色方法不满足要求,设R 是所有红数的集合,B 是所有蓝数的集合.将R 中的元素从小到大依次记为12,,,m r r r ,B 中的元素从小到大依次记为12,,,n b b b ,408m n +=.对于R ,或者8R ≤,或者128m r r r r +++≥ ;对于B ,或者9B ≤,或者129n b b b b +++≥ .在1,2,,16 中至少有9个蓝色的数或至少有8个红色的数.情形1:1,2,,16 中至少有9个蓝色的数.此时916b ≤.设区间9[1,]b 中共有t 个R 中的元素12,,,(08)t r r r t ≤< .记12t x r r r =+++ ,则112(1)2x t t t ≥+++=+ . 因为12912,,,,,,,t b b b r r r 是9[1,]b 中的所有正整数,故{}{}12912,,,,,,,1,2,,9t b b b r r r t =+ .于是 12912(9)n b b b b t x ≤+++=++++- 1(9)(10)2t t x =++-. (*) ……………20分 特别地,116171362n b ≤⨯⨯=.从而9R ≥. 对任意(1)i i m t ≤≤-,由(*)知1(9)(10)2t i n r b i t t x i +≤+≤++-+.从而 811811(9)(10)2t m t t i r r r r r x t t x i -+=⎛⎫ ⎪≤+++++≤+++-+ ⎪⎝⎭∑ 11(9)(10)(8)(8)(9)(7)22t t t t t t x =++-+---- 111(9)(10)(8)(8)(9)(7)(1)222t t t t t t t t ≤++-+----⋅+ 2819396407t t =-++≤(考虑二次函数对称轴,即知1t =时取得最大). 又136n b ≤,这与,n m b r 中有一个为408矛盾. ……………40分情形2:1,2,,16 中至少有8个红色的数.论证类似于情形1.此时816r ≤.设区间8[1,]r 中共有s 个B 中的元素12,,,(09)s b b b s ≤< .记1s y b b =++ ,则1(1)2y s s ≥+. 因为12128,,,,,,,s b b b r r r 是8[1,]r 中的所有正整数,故 {}{}12128,,,,,,,1,2,,8s b b b r r r s =+ . 于是1(8)(9)2m r s s y ≤++-. 特别地,116171362m r ≤⨯⨯=.从而10B ≥. 对任意(1)i i n s ≤≤-,有1(8)(9)2s i m b r i s s y i +≤+≤++-+.从而 911911(8)(9)2s n s s i b b b b b y s s y i -+=⎛⎫ ⎪≤+++++≤+++-+ ⎪⎝⎭∑ 11(9)(8)(9)(8)(9)(10)22s s s s y s s =-++--+--111(9)(8)(9)(8)(1)(9)(10)222s s s s s s s s ≤-++--⋅++-- 2727369395s s =-++≤(在2s =时取得最大), 又136m r ≤,这与,n m b r 中有一个为408矛盾.由情形1、2知408k =具有题述性质.综上,所求最小正整数k 为408. ……………50分四.(本题满分50分)设4110a -=+.在20232023⨯的方格表的每个小方格中填入区间[1,]a 中的一个实数.设第i 行的总和为i x ,第i 列的总和为i y ,12023i ≤≤.求122023122023y y y x x x 的最大值(答案用含a 的式子表示). 解:记2023n =,设方格表为(),1,ij a i j n ≤≤,122023122023y y y x x x λ= . 第一步:改变某个ij a 的值仅改变i x 和j y ,设第i 行中除ij a 外其余1n -个数的和为A ,第j 列中除ij a 外其余1n -个数的和为B ,则jij i ij y B a x A a +=+.当A B ≥时,关于ij a 递增,此时可将ij a 调整到,a λ值不减.当A B ≤时,关于ij a 递减,此时可将ij a 调整到1,λ值不减.因此,为求λ的最大值,只需考虑每个小方格中的数均为1或a 的情况. ……………10分第二步:设{}1,,1,ij a a i j n ∈≤≤,只有有限多种可能,我们选取一组ij a 使得λ达到最大值,并且11n nij i j a ==∑∑最小.此时我们有,,1,.i j ij i j a x y a x y ⎧>⎪=⎨≤⎪⎩(*) 事实上,若i j x y >,而1ij a =,则将ij a 改为a 后,行和及列和变为,i j x y '',则11j j j i i iy y a y x x a x '+-=>'+-, 与λ达到最大矛盾,故ij a a =.若i j x y ≤,而ij a a =,则将ij a 改为1后,λ不减,且11n nij i j a ==∑∑变小,与ij a 的选取矛盾.从而(*)成立.通过交换列,可不妨设12n y y y ≤≤≤ ,这样由(∗)可知每一行中a 排在1的左边,每一行中的数从左至右单调不增.由此可知12n y y y ≥≥≥ .因而只能12n y y y === ,故每一行中的数全都相等(全为1或全为a ).……………20分 第三步:由第二步可知求λ的最大值,可以假定每一行中的数全相等.设有k 行全为a ,有n k -行全为1,0k n ≤≤.此时()()()n nk k n k n k ka n k ka n k na nn a λ-+-+-==. 我们只需求01,,,n λλλ 中的最大值. ()11(1)1111()(1)nn n k k n k n kk a n k a n a ka n k a k a n n a λλ++++--⎛⎫- ⎪==+ ⎪+--+⎝⎭. 因此1111(1)n k k a a k a n λλ+⎛⎫- ⎪≥⇔+≥ ⎪-+⎝⎭ 11(1)n n x x k x n-⇔+≥-+(记n x a =) 2111(1)n n x x x k x n-++++⇔≥-+ 2111n n x x x n k x -++++-⇔≤- 211(1)(1)1n n x x x x x--+++++++=+++ . 记上式右边为y ,则211(2)1n n n n x x y x x ---+-++=+++ . 下面证明(1010,1011)y ∈. ……………30分 首先证明1011y <.1011y < 2021202220222021101110111011x x x x ⇔+++<+++1010101210132021202210111010210101011x x x x x x ⇔+++<++++ .由于220221x x x <<<< ,故101010101012011(1011)101110121011101222k k k x x x =-<⋅⋅<⋅⋅∑101110110k k kx +=<∑. ……………40分 再证明1010y >,等价于证明2021202200(2022)1010kk k k k x x ==->∑∑. 由于2021202100(2022)(2022)10112023k k k k x k ==->-=⨯∑∑, 20222022010101010202310102023k k x x a =<⨯<⨯∑,只需证明1011202310102023a ⨯>⨯,而410111101010a -=+<,故结论成立. 由上面的推导可知1k k λλ+≥当且仅当1010k ≤时成立,从而1011λ最大.故 2023max 101120231011(10111012)2023a aλλ+==. ……………50分。
大学英语4试卷( A 卷)时间90分钟满分100分(适用于06级非英语专业学生)一、V ocabulary and Grammar(30分, 每题1分)he failed the exam.A surprisinglyB subsequentlyC unexpectedlyD consequently2、She was not the least worried about being single at thirty.A atB inC onD within3、Although he is a man of birth, he has a noble mind.A regretfulB pitifulC humbleD sad4、I waited for two hours but he didn’t showA offB overC upD in5、Why are you so to what others think of you?A sensitiveB carefulC kindD attentive6、I cannot tell for sure when the war broke in the history.A upB onC outD in7、We shall not succeed in controlling our world population we improve living conditions.A asB unlessC whileD if8、The terrorists to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.A fearedB fastenedC threatenedD asked9、I don’t regret her what I thought of her husband, even though it might have upset her.A tellingB to tellC that I will tellD to have to tell10、He used to lose his easily, but now he is quite a different person.A angerB moodC temperD mind11、The sight of the ships thoughts of his distant home.A appearedB introducedC promptedD led12、We had to sit the whole boring speech.A downB inC outD through13、It is amazing that he survived the fire with only injuries.A minorB elementaryC abundantD gradual14、I wish I had listened to the people who warned me having the operation.A upB againstC inD over 15、The celebration party was approaching, there was great excitement the air.A onB ofC inD up16、My hair is wrapped up in a , because I’d washed it when you called.A carpetB blanketC tissueD towel17、I don’t think your manager has the right to in our private affairs.A botherB interruptC interfereD restrain18、Brant found himself held in his career because he hadn’t received a college.A onB inC intoD back19、I’m only asking for a , I will pay you back soon.A helpB loanC favorD support20、This version of events was by eyewitness reports.A contradictedB reformedC confessedD distorted21、I was on the point of sitting down when somebody pulled the chair and I fell on the floor.A awayB out .C offD in22、After her husband died of cancer, she managed to four of her children, even though it was very difficult.A riseB raiseC ariseD bring23、He will come age upon his 18th birthday, which is a week from today.A inB ofC outD into24、They carried out the plan strong opposition.A againstB butC soD despite25、The of the Party members agree that the corrupted leader is to be removed from his position.A mostB fewC majorityD little26、Mother flour, yeast , and water to make bread.A putB combinedC injectedD mixed27、The between these two dates is about six weeks.A interveningB intervalC interventionD interview28、The two words are in meaning, so we can use either of them without twisting the meaning of this sentence.A identicalB differentC meaningfulD difficult29、She is very proud her new car.A upB inC forD of30、Opportunities to practice the language are .A plentifulB manyC fewD a few.二、Cloze(10分,每题1分)1I have been living in the present neighborhood for nearly five years since my father made 31 his mind to buy this apartment. Now five years have passed 32 . To the family opposite my door, I am just a nodding neighbor, and to all the other dwellers, I am still a complete stranger who has nothing to do with their life and work.Whenever I see those well-educated people go upstairs, wearing cold masks, whenever I am33 at home since I have no friends to play with. I become more conscious 34 the warmth and love of my former neighborhood.It was a very small community of about a hundred families—so small that we knew about each other’s backgrounds quite well. I had so many friends since we grew up together from babyhood, and usually played 35 for the whole day.The happiest moment was at summer 36 , a small table for supper would appear before each other. After a short while, the supper began. The grown-ups started37 drinking and chatting and then eating while we kids ran here and there, eating and playing.Next door were the Xu’s. The hostess, Granny Sun, whose smile is a sweet memory in my childhood, could make the best butter I have 38 tasted. Even now, she often stops 39 my home now and then.But the fast city development has changed all these. The houses in my former neighborhood has long 40 been torn down. Instead, many tall and modern buildings have been set up there. But will such a day come again, when my neighborhood is full of love and warmth?31、A of B out C up D in32、A down B away C to D by33、A stayed B confined C required D prohibited34、A of B about C on D with35、A with B by C outdoors D up36、A mornings B dusks C dawns D noons37、A out B by C from D up38、A ever B never C thus D yet39、A by B to C at D from40 A time B long C since D before三、Reading Comprehension(30分,每题2分)Passage APerhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet. But what is it, do you know? The Internet is a network. It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world.Maybe that doesn’t sound very interesting. But when you’re joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do. You can send E-mails to your friends, and they can get them in a few seconds. You can also do with all kinds of information on the World Wide Web{www}.There are many different kinds of computers now. They all can be joined to the Internet. Mostof them are small machines sitting on people’s desks at home, but there are still many others in schools, offices or large companies. These computers are owned by people and companies, but no one really owns the Internet itself.There are lots of places for you to go into the Internet. For example, your school may have the Internet. You can use it during lessons or free time. Libraries often have computers joined to the Internet. You are welcome to use it at any time.Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need. You can buy or sell whatever you want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information of the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?41、What is the passage mainly about?A. InternetB. InformationC. ComputersD. E-mails42、Which is the quickest and cheapest may to send messages to your friends?A. By postB. By E-mailC. By telephonesD. By satellite43、Which may be the most possible place for people to work in tomorrow?A. In the officeB. In the companyC. At homeD. At school44、Who’s the owner of the Internet?A. The officerB. The headmasterC. The userD. No one45、What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?A. English is important in using the Internet..B. The Internet is more and more popular.C. Most of the information is in English.D. Every computer must have the Internet.Passage BMore than 30000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year, At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third-floor windows. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.Therefore, drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to $50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt.But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it, Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.46、This text is taken fromA a medical magazineB a police reportC a legal documentD a government information booklet47、Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle .A reduces road accidents by more than halfB saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hourC reduces the death rate in traffic accidents2D saves more than 15000 lives each year48、It is the driver’s responsibility to .A make the front seat passenger wear a seat beltB make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat beltC stop children riding is the front seatD wear a seat belt each time he drive49、According to the text. Which of the following riding in the front does not have to wear a seat belt?A Someone who is backing the car into a spaceB Someone who is picking up the children from the local schoolC Someone who is delivering invitation letterD Someone who is under1450、For some people, it may be better .A to wear a seat belt for health reasonsB not to wear a seat belt for health reasonsC to get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat beltD to pay a fine rather than wear a seat beltPassage CGenerally speaking, people want to keep a wild animal as a pet for one of many reasons: they want to impress other people by owning an unusual, uncommon animal as a pet. In no case is the happiness of the animal at the heart of the matter.If you do want to own a wild animal, for instance a fox( usually a little larger than your average house cat) , you have to take this test first: go to your nearest Humane Society Shelter(动物保护协会) and bring home a grown cat and a very active dog. Raise them and be with them, consider them your best friends. Do not leave them alone for more than 9 hours in any given day, do not hit them or shout at them; and do not abuse them in any way. If, after two years, both animals are alive and are still with you without your caging them or locking them in a part of your home most of day, then maybe you have what it takes to own a wild animal.If the test sounds stupid or unworkable, or if you just can’t bring yourself to stand such unlovable animals for two years, then you are not suited to owning a fox.The problem her is in the definition of the word pet. A pet is something you keep in your house or around your yard as a companion—a companion who is usually prevented from escaping one way or anther, Some animals—dogs and cats, will voluntarily stay with a human even if given the chance to get away. In this sense, dogs and cats are true pets. Please don’t make the life of some wild animals a living hell by trying to raise one as a pet.51、Which reason is true for people keeping a wild animal as a pet in the passage?A They want to show off to other peopleB Wild animals are orderlyC They just want to keep a wild animal for business purposeD They love wild animals heartily52、To pass the test, you must make it certain that .A you take the trying animals with you most of the timeB you are kind to the trying animalsC the trying animals are still in good condition in two yearsD all of the above53、It can be inferred that of all the animals mentioned in the passage a is the most difficult oneto keep as a pet.A wild pigB foxC tigerD dog54、According to the author, you can raise a wild animal if you .A think the test ridiculousB can’t bear dogs and catsC may work more than 9 hoursD may raise the trying animals well for 2 years55、What does the word “ hell” in the last sentence mean?A the miserable place after deathB A place of great sufferingC Sufferers in a miserable placeD Evil and dark forces四、Translation(20分,每小题2分)A) From Chinese into English(10分)(56)关于你的求职申请,我们会在三天之后给你答复。
钢结构第五版期末考试试题及答案A 卷
钢结构第五版期末考试试题及答案A 卷(一)a型题1.学习中医学的入门课程是:a.医古文b.中医基础理论c.中医临床医学d.中医防治医学e.中国医学史2.中医学是发源于哪个国家的传统医学:a.中国b.日本c.印度d.埃及e.古希腊3.我国现存医学文献中最早的一部典籍是:a.《痢疾杂病论》b.《黄帝内经》c.《难经》d.《神农本草经》e.《温疫论》4.下列哪部著作提出以解剖方法直接观察人体:a.《伤寒论》b.《金匮要略》c.《黄帝内经》d.《神农本草经》e.《难经》5.中医学中成功运用辨证论治的第一部专著是:a.《黄帝内经》b.《难经》c.《神农本草经》d.《痢疾杂病论》e.《小儿药证直诀》6.我国第一部药物学专著是:a.《本草纲目》b.《崭新修成本草》c.《黄帝内经》d.《千金要方》e.《神农本草经》7.药物的“四气”、“五味”是在哪部著作中首次提出的:a.《神农本草经》b.《本草纲目》c.《崭新修成本草》d.《难经》e.《医学纲目》8.最早提出“七情和合”药物配伍的著作是:a.《神农本草经》b.《本草纲目》c.《崭新修成本草》d.《难经》e.《千金要方》9.我国第一部病因病机证候学专著是:a.《黄帝内经》b.《难经》c.《诸病源候论》d.《三因极一病证方论》 e.《温病条辨》10.提出病因“三因学说”的医家是:a.巢元方b.华佗c.张仲景d.陈无择e.扁鹊11.下列著名医家中被称为“寒凉派”的代表是:a.叶天士b.张从正c.刘完素d.朱丹溪e.李杲12.下列著名医家中被称为“攻邪派”的代表是:a.李杲b.李中梓c.吴又可以d.张子和e.王清任13.下列著名医家中被称为“补土派”的代表是:a.叶天士b.李东垣c.李中梓d.张介宾e.朱丹溪14.下列著名医家中被称为“养阴派”的代表是:a.朱震亨b.李东垣c.张从正d.刘完素e.吴鞠通15.提出“百病多因痰作祟”的医家是:a.李中梓b.朱丹溪c.李东垣d.张介宾e.赵献可16.倡“阳常有余,阴常不足”理论的医家是:a.刘完素b.张子和c.李东垣’d.朱丹溪e.张介宾17.明确提出“肾为先天本,脾为后天本”的医家是:a.李中梓b.赵献可c.张介宾d.李东垣e.朱震亨18.《温疫论》的作者是:a.叶天士b.吴鞠通c.薛生白d.王孟英e.吴又可以19.创“卫气营血”辨证的温病大家是:a.吴鞠通b.吴有性c.王孟英d.叶天士e.薛生白20.创“三焦”辨证的温病大家是:a.叶天士b.吴鞠通c.薛生白d.王孟英e.余师愚21.提倡中西汇通的医家是:a.吴有性b.王清任c.张锡纯d.李中梓e.王孟英22.中医学认为人体的主宰是:a.心 d.肺 c.脾 d.肝 e.肾23.中医学认为构成人体有机整体的中心是:a.命门b.脑c.五脏d.六腑e.经络24.重视解剖,发展了瘀血致病理论的医家是:a.叶天士b.王叔和c.张介宾d.王清任e.李杲25.中医诊治疾病,在辨病辨证和对症治疗中,主要着眼于:a.病b.症c.体征d.证e.病因(二)b型题a.《黄帝内经》b.《难经》c.《伤寒论》d.《金匮要略》e.《神农本草经》1.以脏腑病机论杂病的著作是:2.明确提出六经分经方剂化疗原则的著作就是:3.奠定中药理论体系的著作是:a.《古今图书内置・医部全录》b.《医宗金鉴》c.《证治准绳》d.《医学纲目》e.《千金要方》4.清代国家非政府撰写的著作就是:5.明清时期集大成的著作中,系王肯堂所著者为:6.明清时期集大成的著作中,系则陈梦雷主编者为:a.“旦慧、昼安、夕加、夜甚”b.“春善病鼽衄”c.“平旦人气生,日中而阳气隆”d.东南湿热,西北燥寒e.“天暑衣厚则腠理上开,故汗出来”7.昼夜晨昏对人体生理的影响可反映为:8.昼夜晨昏对人体通常疾病的影响多为:9.季节气候对发病的影响可反映为:(三)d型题1.秋冬气候寒凉,人体在生理上可反映为:a.江南地区,人体腠理多稠密b.北方地区,人体腠理多球状c.阴盛则兮d.皮肤致密,少汗多尿e.阳气收敛,气血易趋于里2.人与环境密切联系的彰显就是:a.人和自然界的统一性b.社会的进步c.人和社会关系密切d.地区相同多发病相同e.个人的社会地位发生改变3.古人探求生命奥秘及人体与自然环境的关系,所采用的观察方法主要有:a.宏观观察法b.微观观察法c.轻易观察法d.试探法e.整体观察法(四)x型题1.中医学独有理论体系的特征就是:a.治未病b.以整体观念为主导思想c.以辨证论治为诊疗特点d.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础e.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础2.明代提出命门学说的医家是:a.李中梓b.张景岳c.赵献可d.吴又可以e.王肯堂3.温病学理论源于:a.《温疫论》b.《三因极一病证方南埃尔普》c.《内经》d.《痢疾杂病论》e.《难经》4.常被称为“中医四大经典”的著作是:a.《难经》b.《内经》c.《痢疾杂病论》d.《神农本草经》e.《干金必须方》5.人和自然界的统一性包括:a.社会制度对人体的影响b.季节气候对人体的影响c.地区方域对人体的`影响d.昼夜晨昏对人体的影响e.社会的治和乱对人体的影响6.人体就是一个有机整体彰显在:a. 形神一体观b.五脏一体观c.病理上相互影响、传变d.“病在上者molars之”e.“从阴引阳,从阳引阴”7.中医的“证”包括:a.炎症的过程b.炎症的原因c.炎症的部位d.炎症的性质e.邪正的关系8.哪些著作的成书是中医学理论体系初步形成的标志:a.《诸病源候论》b.《痢疾杂病论》c.《黄帝内经》d.《难经》e.《神农本草经》二、填空题1.我国现存最早的医学重要著作就是。
2014-2015年度第二学期技能期末考试卷 A卷杭州XXXXXXXXX学院教学中心考试课程安全用电任课教师成绩考生姓名学号年级专业一、填空题:(每题1分,共22分)1、人体触电的方式主要分为____直接接触触电___和____间接接触触电____另外,高压电场、高频磁场、静电感应、雷击等也能对人体造成伤害。
4、在中性点不接地的380/220V低压系统中,一般要求保护接地电阻R d小于等于_4_Ω。
南京工业大学期末考试高等数学A 试卷A
南京工业大学 高等数学A-2 试题(A )卷(闭)2013---2014 学年 第2学期 使用班级 江浦大一学生 班级 学号 姓名一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题, 每小题3分, 总计15分)1、直线12:201x y z l --==与平面:2+60x y z π--=之间的夹角为( ) )(A 0 )(B 6π )(C 4π )(D 2π2、设函数(,)f x y 在点(,)a b 的偏导数存在,则0(,)(,)limx f a x b f a x b x→+--=( ) )(A 0 )(B (2,)x f a b )(C (,)x f a b )(D 2(,)x f a b3、二次积分40(,)xdx f x y dy ⎰⎰交换积分次序后为( ))(A 40(,)y dy f x y dx ⎰⎰)(B 2404(,)yy dy f x y dx ⎰⎰)(C 2440(,)yydy f x y dx ⎰⎰)(D 44(,)dy f x y dx ⎰⎰4、设椭圆L :13422=+y x 的周长为l ,则⎰=+L ds y x 2)23(( ) )(A l )(B l 3 )(C l 4 )(D l 125、极限lim 0n n u →∞=是级数1nn u∞=∑收敛的( ))(A 充要条件 )(B 充分条件 )(C 必要条件 )(D 既非充分也非必要条件二、填空题(本大题共5小题, 每小题3分,总计15分)1、已知曲面224z x y =--在点M 处的切平面与平面2210x y z ++-=平行,则点M 的坐标 为__________________。
2、设函数2x y xe =是某二阶常系数线性齐次微分方程的解,则该微分方程为_________________。
3、设∑为曲面2222x y z R ++=,则曲面积分2221dS x y z ∑++⎰⎰= _______ 。
4、函数1()f x x=展开成2x -的幂级数为____________________________。
(A)硬盘存储器(B)光盘存储器(C)内存储器 (D)优盘存储器3. Visual FoxPro和SQL Server等数据库管理系统所采用的数据模型是()。
(A)解释(B)汇编(C)编译(D)翻译7 .IPv4协议中,其IP地址由()两部分组成。
(A)内码(B)汉字库(C)ASCII码(D)外码10.在软件生命周期中,能准确地确定软件系统需要做什么和具备哪些功能的阶段是()(A)计划阶段(B)详细阶段(C)开发阶段(D)维护阶段11.国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的开放系统胡连参考模型(OSI /RM)有七个层次。
8、固定资产核算主要有以下几个方面 。
9、UFO 报表中,有关舍位平衡公式叙述正确的是 。
共 3页 第 2页
作成相应种类的凭证,然后传递给账务处理系统。( )
9、在报表系统中,数据状态下可以修改报表格式。( )
10、在 UFO 报表系统中,关键字的位置可以用偏移量来表示,正数值表示向左移,负数
值表示向右移。( )
四、简答题(5 题,每题 10 分,共 50 分)
A.设置账套主管 B.建立账套 C.查看上机日志 D.设置备份计划
3、科目如果有其他核算要求,还要设置专项核算功能,如生产成本常设置为 。
A.部门核算 B.项目核算 C.客户往来核算 D.供应商往来核算
4、会计科目建立的顺序是 。
A.先建立明细科目再建立一级科目 B.先建立下级科目再建立上级科目
C.先建立上级科目再建立下级科目 D.不分先后
共 3页 第 1页
山东理工大学成人高等教育 《财务软件应用》试题( A 卷)
B.账套名称 C.账套号
2、如果希望系统能按企业所属行业预置会计制度规定的标准科目 ,则需要在建账时正确
输入或选择 。
A.企业名称 B.企业类型 C.按行业性质预置科目 D.行业性质
3、下列说法正确的是 。
山东理工大学成人高等教育 《财务软件应用》试题( A 卷)
大学英语考试卷 A
长江职业学院海事学院2014-2015学年第一学期期末考试试卷科目:大学英语期末试卷(A卷)考试类型:闭卷(本试卷卷面总分100分,考试时间90分钟)一、情景交际10*1´=10´分Imagine you are meeting an English teacher from the USA at the airport. Put in the missing words.You: Hello, are you Prof. Smith from the United States?Mr. Smith: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me 1 ______________. 2 ______________ for meeting me at the airport.You: My 3 _____________. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin.4 _____________ my card.Mr. Smith: Thank you. Here is mine. And 5 ______________ my wife.You: 6 ______________, Mrs. Smith?Mrs. Smith: How do you do? It's nice to meet you. Please 7 ______________ Mary.You: How was the 8 ______________, Mary?Mrs. Smith: Well, it was OK, although a little tiring.You: Then let's get your luggage and go to 9 ______________ now.Mr. Smith: Oh, thank you. It's 10 ______________ of you.二、词汇和结构15*1´=15´分Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the form if necessary.1.The great progress they have made comes from their good ____________ work.2. What do you think should be ____________ China, the Great Wall or the Forbidden City?3. Exercise will always give you a good ____________.4.Of course I will _____________ what you feel about it, but business is business.5. Sorry, I can't give you an answer _____________ . I need to think about it further.6. I'd like to ____________ some volunteer work if you don't accept my money.7.Our manager is at a conference. She can't ____________ to see you now.8.The historical ____________ in support of this conclusion is weak.9. Chatting with friends over the Internet in the dead of night is probably my only___________.10.When I ____________ a new word, I write it down in my notebook.11.Nodding seems like an easy body language, but it may ____________agreement in one culture but totally the opposite in another.12. Always think positively, and it will__________________ in your life.13. Sometimes speaking up is not enough, and you need to ____________.14. The freshmen could help ____________ the tickets for the college's “Do It Yourself Show”.15. Your product ____________ our customers, but they seem to have a strong interest.三、阅读理解20*2´=40´分Task 1What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (心理的) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists(心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful) things to their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did.” or “You are such a smart child.”Choose the right answer according to the passage.1. The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _______ while “dull” in the second paragraph means ________.A. bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understandingB. pretty and handsome; ordinary-lookingC. great and important; commonD. hopeful and helpful; careless2. According to the context we can guess that a genius is ________ while an idiot is ________.A. a normal person; a funny personB. a strong person; a weak personC. a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded personD. a famous person; an ordinary person3. A person ________ is more likely to become a genius.A. whose parents are cleverB. often thinking about difficult problemsC. often helped by his parents and teachersD. born with a good brain and putting it into active use4. It is better for parents ________.A. to praise and encourage their children more oftenB. to be hard on their childrenC. to leave their children alone with nothing to doD. to give their children as much help as possible5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?A. Parents play an important part in their children’s growth.B. The less you use your mind the duller you may become.C. Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.D. What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.Task 2It is known to us that English is not as old as Chinese, but it is widely used by most people all over the world. English speakers enjoy creating new words. In fact, a majority of words are traceable(可追踪的)and each of them may have an interesting story.However, no one will really care where a word comes from because it makes little difference in using them in our daily life. Did you ever feel confused about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham(火腿)?About a hundred years ago, some men went to American from Europe, coming from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They didn't know how to use English properly. Seen them eating round pieces of beef and asked what it was, the Germans didn't understand the questions exactly, they answered: “we come from Hamburg. “One of the Americans was an owner of a restaurant and got an idea. He cooked some round pieces of bread with beef and began selling them. Such bread came to be called “hamburgers”. Today, hamburgers are welcomed by lots of people coming from different nationalities(民族).Choose the right answer according to the passage.6. According to the text, English is __ .A) older than ChineseB) as old as ChineseC) not so old as ChineseD) very hard to learn7. Hamburg originally is ___.A) a kind of foodB) a round piece of beefC) a city in GermanyD) the name of a village8. Which statement is correct according to the passage.'? ___A) At first hamburgers was a kind of bread.B) Few Americans like hamburgers.C) Hamburgers are made of ham.D) Hamburgers were first sold a century ago.9. __ begin to sell hamburgers to people.A) AmericansB) The authorC) GermansD) Europeans10. After reading this story, we know the word “hamburger” comes from ____.A) China because it has a long historyB) English because Germans don't speak EnglishC) English speakers because they love eating itD) America because they give it that nameTask 3The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes. You can wake up to a beautiful blue sky and then it starts raining during breakfast. Similarly, you may decide not to go f or a picnic because it‘s too wet —then later it’s fine. As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on luck.The weather in Britain may explain a lot about what you find here. For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won‘t see people meeting and spending time together outdoors as much as you do in hotter countries. This may give some visitors the idea that the British are not very friendly. The weather helps to explain eating customs(习俗)too; a large hot breakfast, for example, is a good idea on a cold dark morning.Foreigners are often amused(感到好笑的)that the British spend so much time discussing the weather. An important reason for this is that the climate in Britain is interesting and variable多变的.Because the weather changes frequently(频繁地),there‘s always something to say about it. This is probably the commonest way for strangers to start a conversation. At places like bus stops you might hear conversations start like this:1st person: Lovely day, isn't it?2nd person: Yes, isn't it?Then they go on to talk about what the weather has been like recently or what it‘ll be like next day. Another reason is that the British are reluctant to(不情愿地)converse(谈论)about personal matters with people who are not friends. Mentioning the weather is also a useful way to greet someone you pass on the street; it’s inoffensiv e(无伤害的)to begin a conversation with someone you don‘t know at a social event. A comment on a nice day or a personal complaintabout the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T / F accordingly.11()People in Britain can enjoy lovely weather most of the year.12()British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.13()The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.14()The best word we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.15()Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Task 4Dear Chinese Friends,Tonight, we will soon come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever.Thank-you to the people of China, all the wonderful volunteers and BOCOG(奥运会北京组委会)!Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world. Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees came to these dazzling venues and awed us with their talent.New stars were born. Stars from past Games amazed us again. We shared their joys and their tears, and we marveled at their ability. We will long remember the achievements we witnessed here.As we celebrate the success of these Games, let us all together wish the best for the talented athletes who will soon participate in the Paralympic Games(残奥会). They also inspire us.To the athletes tonight: You were true role models. You have shown us the unifying power of sport. The Olympic spirit lives in the warm embrace of competitive rivals(竞争对手)from nations in conflict. Keep that spirit alive when you return home.These were truly exceptional Games!And now, in accordance with tradition, I declare the Games of the XXIX Olympiad closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in London to celebrate the Games of the XXX Olympiad.Thank you!Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T / F accordingly.16()Mr. Jacques Rogge gave his thanks to the Chinese people and the volunteers in his closing speech.17()The 29th Olympics saw 204 athletes from all over the world.18()Mr. Jacques Rogge expressed his best wishes to the athletes who were going to participate in the Paralympics.19()Mr. Rogge declared the XXX Olympic Games closed.20()The 16-day 29th Olympics will leave the world forever with the memory of the achievements of talented athletes and the Olympic spirit.四、翻译5*3´=15´分Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. If you want to say “Hello” to everyone on the planet, you would have to learn at least 2796 languages.2.The injured party may suffer from personal, financial or other damages.3.The new model of the cell phone is priced anywhere from $100 to $500.4.Brazilians are not punctual by American standards.5.Similarly, you can download the kind of software you like.五、写作20*1´=20´分Write a business card according to the information given in Chinese.滨海电子有限公司李铁刚电子工程师地址: 滨海市长江路50号电子邮件:ltg6@电话:0411-4673***手机:1362512****。
④将在这里继续演绎英雄的故事,传承革命精神!1. 根据拼音写汉字,给加点字注音。
yì()立蜿蜒()妩媚()níng()望2. 文段中画横线的词语使用不当的一项是()A. 相得益彰B. 孕育C. 燥热D. 目眩神迷3. 文段中画波浪线的句子有语病的一项是()A. ①B. ②C. ③D. ④4. 请从以下三个诗句中任选一句,进行引用或化用,写一段话来讴歌先烈。
武夷学院期末考试试卷( 2012 级 建设 专业2012~2013 学 年 第 一 学 期) 课程名称 高等数学 A 卷 考试形式 闭卷 考核类型 考试 本试卷共 四 大题,卷面满分100分,答题时间120分钟。
)1、dx x)11(⎰-=A .21x C x -+ B .21x C x++ C .ln ||x x C -+ D .ln ||x x C ++ 2、以下函数奇偶性不同于其他三项的是( )A .33)(x x x f +=;B . )1)(1()(+-=x x x x f ;C .35)(x x x f -=;D . x x e e x f -+=)(。
3、若'F (x)=f(x),则⎰=)(x dF ( )A .f(x);B .F(x); C. f(x)+C ;D .F(x)+C 。
4、3232lim x x x +∞→= ( )A .∞;B .0;C .31; D .-1。
5、设函数)(x f 在),(+∞-∞内二阶可导,且)()(x f x f -=如果当0>x 时,,0)('>x f 且,0)(">x f 则当0<x 时,曲线)(x f y =( )。
A .递减,凸的; B.递减,凹的;C. 递增,凹的;D. 递增,凸的。
6、下列命题正确的是( )A. 驻点一定是极值点;B.驻点不是极值点;C. 驻点不一定是极值点;D. 驻点是函数的零点。
7、设22z x y xy =+,则zx ∂=∂A .22xy y +B .22x xy +C .4xyD .22x y +8、下面函数相同的一组是( ) A.x y x y 2cos 1,sin -==; B. 2ln ,ln 2x y x y ==; C.x y x y lg 4,lg 4==; D.x x y y 23,3==。
一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1.在( )的时候,幼儿就开始各自按照不同性别组成小团体进行游戏,选择的游戏类型、主题也有性别差异。
A.一、二岁 B.三岁 C.四岁 D.五岁2.根据游戏的教育作用及规则的内隐或外显,将游戏分成( )和规则游戏两大类A.创造性游戏B.主动性游戏C.体育游戏D.有引导的游戏3.( )根据发生在幼儿活动中的学习的性质,对幼儿园游戏进行分类,提出了游戏/学习的分类框架。
A.皮亚杰B.维果斯基C.伯根D.帕顿4.浩浩(5岁4个月)说:“我是建筑师”,认真地用积木为小熊盖房子,是在进行( )A.规则游戏B.象征性游戏C.练习性游戏D.建构游戏5.幼儿所玩的玩具同周围儿童所玩的玩具相同或类似,但彼此没有交流,这是( )A.独自游戏B.平行游戏C.联合游戏D.合作游戏6.关于幼儿游戏活动区的布置,正确的说法是( )A.以阅读为主的图书区可与娃娃家区放在一起B.自选游戏环境的创设是由教师进行的C.积木区适宜与科学观察区放在一起D.游戏活动区设置应体现层次性和渐进发展性7.玩具的教育性取决于( )A.玩具的复杂程度 B.玩具的新颖性C.玩具的装潢 D.一物多用,富于变化,有启发性8.为小班儿童选择的玩具,正确的说法是( )A.玩具的种类可以少一些,但是每一种玩具的数量一定要充足B.玩具的种类应该多一些,但是每一种玩具的数量可以少一些C.应以非专门化玩具为主D.应提供发展抽象思维的智力活动成分较多的玩具,如象棋、拼板9.目前,有些幼儿园在玩具、材料的提供方面,一味追求高档、昂贵。
这种做法主要违背了玩具材料选择与提供要求中的( )A.具有教育性 B.符合卫生和安全要求C.符合儿童的身心发展水平 D.经济适用10.( )适合于观察了解个别幼儿在游戏全过程中的情况,了解其游戏发展的水平和经验,获得更详细的幼儿发展水平信息。
actually say that our plan was 的),but that was thesurprise (n.), surprising,3.die, death, deadly (a.), deadly (ad.)1)One winter morning the old beggar was found lying__________ in the snow.2)Peace-loving people all over the world want these__________ weapons (武器) done away with (废除).3)He is ___________ serious about the matter.4)She ___________ for the people. Her___________ is weightier than Mount Tai(泰山).二、填空(15分)[根据需要,将下题复制几遍,然后修改] tighten handle brightly mask caught up in take back stun dream of mysterious pull into differ compared to complicated involve damage1.More than two substances(物质) ______________ in this chemical reaction.2.The multiple origins(多种来源) of theEnglish language make it a_____________ one for the non-nativespeakers to learn.3.________________ most women of her time, she was indeed very fortunate.4.In the earthquake many houses were____________ and some were destroyed.5.If we compare out earth with the moon, we will find that the former ___________ from the latter in many ways.6.The screws(螺钉) are somewhat loose. I'll have them ___________.7.Wash your hands before you ___________ my books, please.8.The young villagers were determined to find out about the ____________ noise they heard each night.9.We were so ___________________ the TV program that we forgot about the time.10.When he was young he ________________ traveling round the world.11.She was ___________ by the news of her son's death.12.The taxi driver ______________ a roadside restaurant to get something to eat.13.Vingo was really lucky that his wife was willing to __________ him _________.14.The girl smiled _____________ as if she were free from all life's troubles.15.Hard as she tried to hold herself in, she could not __________ her sadness.三、翻译(10分)1.煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。
《电工基础》笔试试卷样卷(A卷)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 下列哪一个选项不属于电源?( )。
(A)电池 (B)太阳能电池(C)发电机 (D)电位计2.下列哪一个选项在电路中通常是不可能的情况?( )。
(A)电压存在而没有电流 (B)电流存在而没有电压(C)电流和电压都存在 (D)电流和电压都不存在3.为了承受高达1.1W的功率,电阻的额定功率应该是()。
(A)0.25W (B)1W(C)2W (D)5W4.某电路总的功率是1W,5个阻值相等的串联电阻器中,每个电阻器消耗的功率是( )。
(A)1W (B)5W(C)0.5W (D)0.2W5.当检查串联电阻电路时,发现电流比正常值高。
应该检查( )。
(A)开路电路 (B)短路(C)低电阻值电阻器 (D)(B)和(C)6.在一个4支路的并联电路中,每条支路的电流均为10mA。
如果其中的一条支路断开了,其他三条支路的电流为( )。
(A)13.33mA (B)10mA(C)0A (D)30mA7.戴维南等效电路是()。
(A)一个电压源与一个电阻串联 (B)一个电压源于一个电阻并联(C)一个电流源与一个电阻并联 (D)一个电流源与一个电阻串联8.频率为12kHz的正弦波比下面哪个频率的正弦波变化速度更快?( )(A)20kHz (B)15kHz(C)10kHz (D)1.25MHz9.1个未充电的电容器和1个电阻、1个开关以及1个12V电池串联连接。
在开关闭合的瞬时,电容器上的电压为( )。
(A)12V (B)6V(C)24V (D)0V10.在一个串联RC电路中,电阻上的电压( )。
(A)与信号源电压同相 (B)滞后于信号源电压90º(C)与电流同相 (D)滞后于电流90º11.如果某一低通滤波器的带宽为1kHz,则截止频率为( )。
(A)0Hz (B)500Hz(C)2kHz (D)1000Hz12.将一个正弦电压加到电感器上。
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同样,乙菌刺激机体产生的抗体亦可与甲菌表面的相同表位结合,但反应程度较弱,这种抗原、抗体反应即称为交叉反应 取决于共同抗原.
(3)B细胞:经抗原次级后变成浆细胞合成并分泌抗体,在对应抗原再次应答时B 细胞是主要的抗原提呈细胞(பைடு நூலகம்PC),可处理并提呈抗原给Th细胞,使之活化。
(4)非胸腺依赖抗原(T工—Ag)直接刺激B细胞产生IgM类抗体,如脂多糖或肺炎 球菌荚膜多糖抗原可直接与B细胞表面的工g结合,刺激其分化为浆细胞。