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摘要.................................................................... III ABSTRACT .................................................................. V 1 绪论.. (1)

1.1论文研究的背景和意义 (1)

1.2电冰箱电控系统的发展现状 (2)

1.3论文主要设计内容 (2)

2 总体设计方案 (4)

2.1总体设计方案简介 (4)

2.2电冰箱电控系统的主要功能和要求 (5)

3 系统硬件设计 (1)

3.1AT89C51单片机最小系统 (1)

3.1.1 AT89系列单片机的概况 (1)

3.1.2 时钟电路 (4)

3.1.3 复位电路 (5)

3.1.4 单片机系统电源设计 (7)

3.2霜厚检测电路 (9)

3.2.1 热敏电阻简介 (10)

3.2.2 运算放大器LM324 (10)

3.2.3 霜厚检测电路 (11)

3.3冷冻室冷藏室温度检测采样电路 (12)

3.3.1 温度传感器AD590 (12)

3.3.2 ADC0809 简介 (13)

3.3.3 冷冻室温度采样电路图 (15)

3.3.4 冷藏室温度采样电路图 (15)

3.3.5 冷冻室冷藏室温度检测采样原理 (16)

3.3.6 过欠压保护电路 (16)

3.4ADC0809与AT89C51接口设计 (17)

3.4.1 地址锁存器74LS373 (17)

3.4.2 ADC0809与AT89C51的接口电路 (19)

3.5制冷与除霜控制电路 (19)

3.5.1 锁存器74LS273 (20)

3.5.2 驱动控制电路的设计 (21)

3.6开门报警电路 (21)

3.7键盘显示电路 (22)

3.7.1 接口芯片8279简介 (22)

3.7.2 LED简介 (23)

3.7.3 键盘显示电路设计 (24)

4 系统软件设计 (26)

4.1系统主程序 (26)

4.2T0中断服务程序 (27)

4.3T1中断服务程序 (28)

4.4INT0中断服务程序 (29)

5 结论 (30)

参考文献 (32)

致谢 (33)










单片机即单片微型计算机(Single-Chip Microcomputer),是集CPU,RAM,ROM,定时,计数和多种接口于一体的微控制器。其中51单片机是各种单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种,广泛应用于各个领域。



近年来,随着微电子技术、传感器技术以及计算机控制技术的发展,人们对电冰箱的控制功能要求越来越高,这对电冰箱控制器提出了更高的要求,多功能、人性化和节能是其发展方向。传统的机械式、简单的电子控制已经难以满足发展要求。为此,本文介绍了采用AT89C51单片机作为控制器核心,对电冰箱的工作过程进行控制,并用声音将电冰箱的一些工作过程进行提示,使控制过程更人性化。通过AD590温度传感器对冷藏室温度,冷冻室温度进行检测,并将产生的模拟信号,通过ADC0809进行A/D 转换送入单片机;对霜厚度则通过热敏电阻进行温度检测后产生中断信号送入单片机。温度检测信号经单片机处理后用语调节压缩机和加热器的工作,满足消费者对温度的设置要求,实现自动除霜功能。




SCM is microcomputer (Single-Chip Microcomputer) which is a set of CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of integrated micro-controller interface. The 51 microprocessor which is quite typical and representative is widely used in various fields.

The main topics designed by chip –microcomputer AT89C51 finish the function of controlling the fridge. This paper introduces the electric refrigerator’s electrically controlled system, including software, hardware design, and commissioning the problems encountered in design as well as solutions.

The system is dissolved into temperature measurement and signal output two most voltage measurement parts in the main circuit simulation, and tie comparative module, A/D conversion module. Surplus microprocessor through data processing, in the range of allowable error temperature measurements shows and generates voltage signal. Signal input is sent into A/DC0809 for A/D conversion. Then the signal after conversion enters AT89C51 microprocessor .The output that has been dealt with is used to control the run and stop of compressor and heater. In addition ,this system can fulfill the function of successive temperature setting by 8279 ,a chip used to control keyboard and show. The design extends LED display, which displays the dynamic environmental temperature and extends a few functional keys that a user can input the appropriate temperature parameter for the special need.

In these years, with the development of microprocessors and sensor, the demand of function of fridge is becoming higher and higher. Users need it has many functions, personal-like interface and little waste of power. However, the traditional fridge can not finish all the functions. As a result, this paper introduces the system which uses AT89C51 as the center of the control system, having sound system to remind users. The 51-computer gets the temperature parameter from the integration temperature sensor and the ADC0809 that transforms the analog parameter to the digital parameter. Then, the 51-computer puts out the signal to control the run and stop of compressor and heater.

After repeated debugging and revision, the final form of a complete set of procedures system is completed. Practice has proved that the system is steady, and it has the advantages of a simple hardware circuits, software functions, reliable control system, high cost performance, practical and reference value.

Keyword:AT89C51,A/DC0809,8279,AD590,electric refrigerator’s electrically controlled system.
