《C语言程序设计(第2版)》试题库 期末试卷二
期末试卷二一、单项选择题(每题1分,共45分)1.下列变量名中,哪个是合法的()A.C&D B.string$C.char D._2132.C语言程序的基本单位是()A.程序行B.语句C.函数D.字符3.表达式a+b%3的值是()(设a=13.6,b=10)A.14.6 B.15C.15.9 D.16.64.保存一个C语言源程序的快捷键是()A.F1 B.F2 C.F3 D.F45.字符串”tc20\nlib\101\\\’”含有多少个字符( )A.10 B.11 C.12 D.136.Putchar()函数可以向终端输出一个()A. 整型变量或表达式值B. 实型变量值C. 字符串D. 字符或字符型变量值7.以下所列的C语言常量中,错误的是()A.0xFF B.2*5 C.2.5 D.04568.下列不合法的C语言赋值表达式是()A.a+=b-c B.a+b=cC.a=b=c=1 D.a*=++b+c9.下列程序运行后的输出结果是()main(){ int y=3,x=3;printf(“%d\n”,++x+y++);}A.5 B.8 C.7 D.610.若已正确定义x和y为double类型,则表达式x=1,y=x+3/2的值是()A.1 B.2 C.2.0 D.2.511.在C语言中运算对象必须是整型的运算符是()A.% B./ C.= D.*12.若有以下定义:char a; int b; float c;则表达式a*b-c值的类型为()A.int B.char C.double D.float13.下列正确的C语言赋值语句的是()A.x=3,y=5 B.a=b=1 C.i++; D.y=int(x)14.有如下程序段:int a1,a2;char c1,c2;scanf("%d%c%d%c",& a1,&c1,&a2,&c2);若要求a1、a2、c1、c2的值分别为10、20、A、B,正确的数据输入是()(<CR>表示回车) A.10A 20B<CR> B.10 A 20 B<CR>C.10 A20B<CR> D.10A20 B<CR>15.有如下程序,输入数据:12345m678<CR>后,x的值是()#include <stdio.h>main( ){ int x; float y;scanf("%3d%f", &x,&y);}A.12345 B.123 C.45 D.34516.有如下程序,对应正确的数据输入是()main( ){ float a, b;scanf("%f%f", &a,&b);printf("a=%f,b=%f\n",a,b);}A.2.04<CR> B.2.04,5.67<CR>5.67<CR>C.a=2.04,b=5.67<CR> D.2.045.67<CR>17.有输入语句:scanf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d",&a,&b,& c);为使变量a的值为1,b的值为3,c的值为2,从键盘输入数据的正确形式是()A.132<CR> B.1,3,2<CR>C.a=1,b=3,c=2<CR> D.a=1 b=3 c=2<CR>18.已知字母A的ASCII码是65,以下程序的执行结果是()main( ){char c1='A', c2='Y';printf("%d,%d\n", c1, c2);}A.A,Y B.65,65 C.65,90 D.65,8919.以下程序的执行结果是()main( ){ int a=2,b=5;printf("a=%d,b=%d\n", a, b);}A.a=%2,b=%5 B.a=2,b=5C.a=%%d,b=%%d D.a=%d,b=%d20.最适合解决选择结构“若x>0, 则y=1;否则y=0;”的语句是()A.switch B.嵌套的if-else C.if-else D.if21.设整型变量x,y和z的值依次为3,2和1,则下列程序段的输出结果是()if(x>y)x=y;if(x>z)x=z;printf(″%d,%d,%d\n″,x,y,z);A.1,1,1 B.1,2,1 C.1,2,3 D.3,2,122.执行下列程序段后,变量x的值是()int a=8,b=7,c=6,x=1;if(a>6) if(b>7) if(c>8) x=2;else x=3;A.0 B.1 C.2 D.323.运行下列程序的输出结果是()main(){ int a1=1,a2=1,a3=1,a4=1;if (a1>0) a3++;if (a1>a2) a3--;else if (a1= =a2) a3++;else a3--;printf(″%d,%d,%d,%d\n″,a4,a3,a2,a1);}A.1,1,1,1 B.1,2,3,4C.4,3,2,1 D.1,3,1,124.执行下列语句后,整型变量x的值是()switch (x=1) { case 0:x=10;break;case 1:switch (x=2) {case1:x=20;break;case2:x=30;}}A.30 B.20 C.10 D.125.以下说法中正确的是()A.continue和break只能用在循环体中B.continue只能用在循环体中C.break只能用在循环体中D.continue只能用在循环体外26.执行下列程序段的输出是()m=8;while (m>=5) m--,--m,n=m--- m;pritnf (″%d,%d″,m,n);A.2, 0 B.5,-1 C.5,0 D.5,127.设整型变量x的值为1,执行下列循环语句后,变量x 的值是()do x++; while (x++<2);A.2 B.3 C.4 D.528.执行下列语句后,变量k的值是()for (k=0;k<=5;k++) do k++;while (k<5);A.5 B.6 C.7 D.829.下列程序段中,不能使变量m的值等于10的程序段是()A.m=0; B.do m=0;while (m++<9); while (m++<10);C.for (m=8;m<10;m++); D.m=0;L:m++;if (m<10)goto L;30.下列语句中不正确的是()A.static int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5};B.static int a[5]={1,2,3};C.static int a[]={0,0,0,0,0};D.static int a[5]={0*5};31.说明:int a[10];则对a数组元素的正确引用是()A.a[10] B.a[3.5] C.a(5) D.a[10-5] 32.下面程序的运行结果是()main(){ int a[6],i;for(i=1;i<6;i++){a[i]=9*(i-2+4*(i>3))%5;printf(“%2d”,a[i]);}}A.-4 0 4 0 4 B.-4 0 4 0 3C.-4 0 4 4 3 D.-4 0 4 4 033.以下程序的输出结果是()main(){ int n[2]={0},i,j,k=2;for(i=0;i<k;i++)for(j=0;j<k;j++)n[j]=n[i]+1;printf(“%d\n”,n[1]);}A.1 B.3 C.2 D.434.下面程序的输出结果是()main(){char s[]=”cat and mouse”;int j=0;while(s[j]!=’\0’) ++j;printf(“%d\n”,j);}A.11 B.0 C.12 D.1335.下面程序的运行结果是()#include <stdio.h>main(){char a[10]=”student”;char b[10]=”boy”;int n;n=strlen(a)+strlen(b);printf(“%d”,n);}A.7 B.10 C.12 D.2036.以下程序的输出结果是()void fun(int a,int b,int c){ a=456;b=567;c=678;}main(){ int x=10,y=20,z=30;fun(x,y,z);printf("%d,%d,%d\n",x,y,z);}A.30,20,10 B.10,20,30C.456,567,678 D.678,567,45637.以下说法中正确的是()A.C语言程序总是从第一个定义的函数开始执行。
(1)4090克44千克(2)25×4040×25(3)800dm 280m 2(4)18.(2分)□÷6=14……〇,〇里是,这时的□是。
C语⾔程序设计模拟试卷(2)模拟试卷⼀⼀、选择题(每题1分,共15分) 在每⼩题列出的四个选项中只有⼀个是符合题⽬要求的,请在正确答案前点选,错选或未选均不得分。
1. 以下选项中不合法的⽤户标识是:正确答案A. _123B. printfC. A$D. Dim2. 在C 语⾔中,char 型数据在内存中的存储形式是:正确答案A. 补码B. 反码C. 原码D. ASCII 码正确答案:D3. 设x,y,z 为int 型变量,且x=3,y=4,z=5 ,则下⾯表达式中值为0 的是:正确答案A. 'x'&&'y'B. !((xC. x||y+z&&y-zD. x<=y正确答案:B4. 若有定义:int a=2,b=4,c; 执⾏语句c=a/b+2.6 ;后,c 的值为:正确答案A. 2.6D. 2正确答案:D5. 设a 为整型变量,不能确定表达数学关系10正确答案A. 10B. a==11|| a==12|| a==13|| a==14C. a>10&&a<15D. !(a<=10)&&!(a>=15)正确答案:C6. 若i 、j 已定义为int 型,则以下程序段中语句printf( “ %d ” ,i*j); 的执⾏次数是:for (i=3;i>0;i-- )for (j=0;j<4;j++ )printf( “ %d ” ,i*j);正确答案A. 12B. 15C. 16D. 20正确答案:A7. 若有输⼊语句“ scanf( "%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); ”,则不能使x值为5,y 值为6,z值为7的输⼊是:正确答案A. 5 ,6 ,7< 回车>B. 5 6 7< 回车>C. 5 6 < 回车> 7< 回车>D. 5< 回车> ,6< 回车> ,7< 回车>正确答案:A8.执⾏以下程序段后,x ,y 和z 的值分别是:int x=10,y=20,z=30;if(x>y) z=x; x=y; y=z;正确答案:B9. 以下程序段x = -1;do{ x=x*x;} while(!x); 正确的说法是:正确答案A. 死循环B. 循环⼀次C. 循环两次D. 有语法错正确答案:B10. 以下正确的函数声明形式是:正确答案A. double fun(int x ,int y)B. double fun(int x ;int y)C. double fun(int x ,int y) ;D. double fun(int x ,y) ;正确答案:C11.若有定义char ch[8] ,则以下表达式中不能代表数组元素ch[1] 的地址是:正确答案A. &ch[0]+1B. &ch[1]C. &ch[0]++D. ch+1正确答案:C12. 若有初始化语句“ int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; ”,值为4 的表达式是:正确答案:C13. 若已有以下函数定义:float fun(float a, int b){int c;c=(int)a%b;return c;}则主调函数中语句“ printf("%f",fun(fun(fun(34,7),4),3)); ”的输出结果是:正确答案A. 2.000000B. 因参数类型与形参类型不⼀致,函数调⽤产⽣错误C. 2D. 因变量c 的类型与fun 函数的返回值类型不符,故输出值为随机值正确答案:A14. 已知:int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12},*p=a+2 ;则值为3 的表达式是:正确答案A. (*p)++B. *p++C. *++pD. ++*p正确答案:B15. 以下可作为函数fopen 中第⼀个参数的正确格式是:正确答案A. c:\user\file.txtB. "c:\user\file.txt"C. "c:\\user\\file.txt"⼆、填空题(共10题)1. 字符串存储时,末尾被系统⾃动加上字符。
(15分)( ) 1. Tom , here is ______ e-mail for you . It’s from your friend Alan .A.aB. anC. the( ) 2. -Is Mike _____friend ?-Yes, he and I _____ good friends.A.you ; amB. your ; areC. your ; am( ) 3. Are these your keys ? Please call Alan ______ 495-6869.A.inB. forC. at( ) 4. -_____ is your grandmother ?-She is 80 years old .A.HowB. How oldC. How many( ) 5. Please come and meet my _______ .A.homeB. familyC. room( ) 6. This is Jim and this is Tom . _____ my _____ .A.She’s ; friendB. They’re ; friendsC. They’re ; friend( ) 7. -Is your friend a boy or a girl ?-______ .A.Yes, he isB. No, she isn’tC. A boy( ) 8. Jim’s _____ name is Jeff Green .A.sister’sB. mother’sC. son’s( ) 9. I ______ hamburgers and my mother_______ oranges .A.like ; likeB. like ; likesC. likes ; like( ) 10. -______ do you have English ?-We have it on Monday and Friday .A.WhyB. WhatC. When .( ) 11. We finish our lessons ______ 3:30 p.m.A.atB. inC. for( ) 12. My birthday is in May , the _____ month of the year .A.fiveB. thirdC. fifth( ) 13. The boy doesn’t like math , because it’s _______ .A.funB. interestingC. boring( ) 14. I play football ______ two hours every day .A.atB. inC. for( ) 15. -Can I use your dictionary , Amy ?-Sure , ________ .A.You’re welcomeB. Thank youC. Here you are .二、交际运用(共10分)II. 完成对话从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后后面的横线上。
《初二上学期期末试卷》(期末试卷)2(苏科版初二上)doc 初中数学八年级数学试题题号一二三四五总分1-1011-20 21-25 26 27 28 29 30 31 得分第一部分〔选择题,共 30 分〕本卷须知:答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清晰一、选择题:〔本大题共10小题,每题3分,共30分.在每题给出的4个选项中,只有1项是符合题目要求的,请正确答案的序号填写在下面的括号内〕.1.以下函数中,一次函数是A.x2y B.y=5x 2 C.y=1+5x D.y=x 2+x(x-1)2.假设x<-3,那么A .-2x>6B .2x>-6C .-2x<6D .2x<63.在坐标平面内有一点P(a ,b),且a 与b 的乘积为零,那么P 的位置一定在 A.原点 B.x 轴上 C.y 轴上 D.坐标轴上4.四边形ABCD 的对角线相交于O ,且OA=OB=OC=OD ,那么那个四边形 A.仅是轴对称图形 B.仅是中心对称图形C.即是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形 D.即不是轴对称图形,又不是中心对称图形 5.8的平方根是 A.22B.-22C.±22D.不存在6.在学校对学生进行的体温测量中,学生甲连续10天的体温与36℃的上下波动数据为0.2,0.3,0.1,0.1,0,0.2,0.1,0,0.1,0.1,那么在这10天中该学生的体温波动数据中不正确的选项......是.A.平均数为0.12 B.众数为0.1 C.中位数为0.1 D.平均数为0.027.五根小木棒,其长度分不为7、15、20、24、25,现想把它们摆成两个直角三角形,以下图中题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案2024正确的选项是8a =,那么以下结论正确的选项是A.4.5 5.0a << B.5.0 5.5a <<C.5.5 6.0a << D.6.0 6.5a <<9.如图,点阵中以相邻4个点为顶点的小正方形的面积为1, 那么△ABC 的面积为 A .3 B .3.5 C .4 D .4.510.一列火车从盐城站动身,加速行驶一段时刻后开始匀速行驶,过了一段时刻,火车到达下一个车站.乘客上、下车后,火车又加速,一段时刻后再次开始匀速行驶.下面哪幅图能够近似地刻画出火车在这段时刻内的速度变化情形.第二部分〔非选择题,共 120 分〕本卷须知:第二部分试题答案用钢笔或圆珠笔直截了当写在试卷上。
统编版小学语文四年级下册期末综合检测卷(二)一、书写(共8分) 1.看拼音,写词语。
二、选择题(共10分)2.下列词语中加点字读音完全正确的一组是( ) A .卜.落(b ǔ) 欺侮.(w ú) 朦.胧(m éng ) B .倔.强(ju è) 单.于(ch án ) 窥伺.(s ì) C .砌.墙(q ì) 惩.罚(ch éng ) 浙.江(zh è) D .遭.殃(z āo ) 侍.候(c ì) 不负重荷.(h è) 3.下面的词语书写没有错误的一组是( ) A .霸气 譬如 警戎 拂拭 B .拆除 迟顿 附近 乾坤 C .推侧 践行 窟窿 脸颊D .即将 和谐 昂首 藤萝4.下面句子中带点的部分运用恰当的是( )A .爸爸就是只纸老虎...,只要妈妈一板起脸,他就不敢再吱声了。
B .弟弟像只铁公鸡...,每次有小伙伴来家里玩,他便会把全部玩具拿出来。
C .奶奶的手像鹰的爪子....,总能引领我安全过马路。
D .船上顿时闹哄哄的,人们井然有序....地挤上逃生船。
5.下列对句子使用的修辞手法判断错误的一项是( ) A .它永远不反抗公鸡,有时候却欺侮最忠厚的鸭子。
(对比) B .就是聋子也会被它吵得受不了。
(夸张)C .它们在花盆里摔跤,抱着花枝打秋千,所过之处,枝折花落。
(比喻)D .这不是很伟大的奇观吗?(反问)6.课文内容理解:下列理解错误的是( )A .《乡下人家》按照时间顺序写出乡下一年四季的美。
B .《海上日出》是巴金的一篇关于写景的文章。
C .本学期我们所学的几篇童话充满了奇思妙想,并有着丰富多样的人物形象。
D .对于长文章,我们可以用序号标示每个部分,降低阅读难度。
三、填空题(共15分) 7.形近字组词。
晋( ) 钝( ) 侍( ) 招( ) 普( ) 吨( ) 待( ) 绍( ) 8.补充词语并完成练习。
05 期末综合检测卷(二)-2020-2021学年七年级英语下册期末备考(人教版)(原卷版)
2020-2021学年度人教版七年级英语下册期末检测(二)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(每小题1分,共15分)1.—Who’s __________ young man with long hair?—He’s __________ friend of mine.A.the; a B.the; the C.a; a D.a; the2.Amy can’t find __________ bike so she asks __________ for help.A.her; mine B.hers; me C.hers; I D.her; me 3.—__________ is it from here to the nearest post office by bus?—Ten minutes’ ride.A.How long B.How much time C.How soon D.How far 4.—Tom, shall I __________ some pizza for you?—Thanks, mum, I am really hungry.A.ask B.take C.order D.carry5.They say there__________a new film tomorrow evening.A.is going to have B.will haveC.has D.is going to be6.It _______him about 15 hours ______ from Suzhou to Beijing by train last Sunday. A.spent, travelling B.takes, to travelC.cost, travelling D.took, to travel7.You may feel freezing cold ______ a winter morning.A.in B.on C.at D.by 8.—Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Suning Square?—Go straight on________turn right at the second turning.A.but B.and C.So D.or9.—What would you like to eat?—I don't mind. ________whatever you’ve got.A.something. B.everything C.Anything D.Nothing10.— Someone is singing in the classroom.—________nice music!Don't you think so?A.what a B.what C.what an D.How11.—Daniel my water glass off the desk when he ran out of the classroom.—Oh, he didn't mean to, but why is he always so careless?A.got B.turned C.poured D.knocked12.Be sure to your campfire before you go to sleep.A.find out B.look out C.take out D.put out13.Students have rules to keep their classrooms clean.A.can B.should C.need D.may14.—Hung up. The last bus at 11:30 pm.—Too late. It 10 minutes ago.A.left; left B.left; leaves C.leaves; left D.will leave; leaves15.—It doesn't look very nice outside today—. I think it's going to rain later.A.You're all right B.Sounds nice C.You're right D.I don't agree二、完型填空(每小题1分,共15分)Life Full of SportsThe Greens 16 in Hamilton. It is a 17 town. There are many trees and flowers but not many people.Grandpa Mack is 74 years old. He likes going fishing with Ryan, the Greens’ friend, and 18 chess with him. Grandpa likes eating fish very much, so the Greens often have fish 19 supper. Grandma Drake loves sports. She joins a 20 club. There 21 now eight people in the club, and most of them are 22 people like her in their seventies. They walk in the early morning and wear the same T-shirts. You can see some 23 on the T-shirts: I love walking.Football is Ryan’s 24 sport. He often plays it after class. Ryan’s father, Peter, is an English teacher. He is good at basketball. He is 25 the basketball team of the town. Ryan has a sister. Her name is Betty. Betty likes swimming very much. She often swims during the summer holidays. Ryan andBetty like to 26 their father playing with other teams. And all of them are the fans of Kobe Bryant. They felt very 27 when they knew the bad news of Kobe’s death. Ryan’s mother, Diana, 28 likes sports. She is good at 29 tennis.Hamilton is small, 30 they love it.16.A.live B.lives C.is live D.are live17.A.small beautiful B.beautiful small C.big beautiful D.beautiful big18.A.to play B.plays C.play D.playing19.A.at B.on C.for D.with20.A.fishing B.walking C.swimming D.basketball21.A.have B.has C.are D.is22.A.old B.young C.great D.nice23.A.pictures B.words C.numbers D.names24.A.the best B.favorite C.better D.good25.A.for B.at C.with D.in26.A.watch B.see C.look D.look at27.A.happy B.excited C.sad D.angry28.A.too B.all C.either D.also29.A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play30.A.but B.and C.then D.or三、阅读单选(每小题2分,共30分)AWelcome to our restaurant and enjoy our nice food!31.How much is the rice with vegetables?A.¥3.00. B.¥4.00. C.¥4.48. D.¥7.00.32.Tom buys two hamburgers and three ice-creams. How much does he have to pay?A.¥23.00. B.¥26.00. C.¥29.00. D.¥33.00.33.You can’t buy ________ in this restaurantA.fried chicken B.chocolate C.banana cakes D.breadBDear Allen,I’m glad to hear that you wa nt to go hiking. Our school plans to go hiking to greet World Environment Day this Saturday.We are going to meet at our school gate at 8:00 am. We are going to go on a 15 kilometre hike. We are going to get to the top of Mountain Qingchun. It will take us two hours to get there on foot. So we must wear suitable shoes, and we must take enough water and food. We are going to some beautiful places to do some sightseeing on the way. After we get to the top of the mountain, we are going to talk about how to protect the earth. Then we are going to have a picnic there. After lunch, we can do what we like, such as singing, dancing and playing games. We can take some photos to remember the happy time.It is going to be interesting and meaningful. And we will never forget this hike. I think it will be unforgettable for us. I really hope that you can come with us.Yours,Li Hua34.Li Hua and her classmates are going to ________ this Saturday.A.go hiking B.watch a movieC.clean the street D.watch a football match35.How long will they spend in getting to the top of Mountain Qingchun on foot?A.15 minutes. B.30 minutes. C.120 minutes. D.200 minutes.36.The underlined word “unforgettable” means “________” in Chinese.A.有趣的B.有意义的C.忘记的D.难忘的37.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.This is an email from Allen to Li Hua.B.They are going to Mountain Qingchun by bike.C.They are going to take some photos on the way.D.They think the trip will be great.CThere are many hobbies for a family. As parents, you should spend time with your children. You can:Do gardening work. Try to grow tomatoes, potatoes or flowers. This is a great hobby. Children can learn much about gardening. Parents can teach children something about weather, seasons or animals.Let children like cooking. Children love their mothers, so they usually enjoy cooking. Let them help with salads, and make them know it’s important to live with family.Take a long trip. If you live in a city far away, take a long drive trip to the beach with your children. You can swim in the sea end relax on the beach. It’s fun and relaxing. For a one-year-old child, just staying there is so relaxing. He may keep playing with water. He will enjoy finding the world around him. It’s so interesting and important.38.Who is the passage written for?A.Children. B.Teachers. C.Parents. D.Farmers.39.Why is it a great hobby for children to do gardening work?A.Because they can learn much about gardening.B.Because it’s important to live with family.C.Because it is interesting to grow vegetables.D.Because they can play with water.40.What can you learn from the passage?A.Children don’t like cooking because it’s boring.B.Parents must teach children something about weather.C.It is boring for a one-year-old child to stay on the beach.D.It’s fun and relaxing to play with water and relax on the beach.DAmerican students can join many kinds of clubs in their school. There are about 40 to 50 different ones. There are academic(学术的) clubs, art clubs, sports clubs and so on.In an academic club, students can learn about science, maths, computers, writing and more. In the art club, the students can learn to draw. If you like sports, you can join the sports club. It has a basketball team, a football team, a tennis team and so on. When the new term begins every year, students can choose to join clubs. They only need to pay 4 to 5 dollars every year. If the clubs need money, they might try to sell something. For example, the cooking club may make and sell cookies to other students. The art club may sell their paintings.American students think that student clubs are very important to their development.41.American students can ________.A.have lessons on the playground B.play computer games in classC.talk with teachers at home D.join many kinds of clubs in their school42.There are ________ kinds of clubs in American schools.A.about 40 B.over 50 C.about 40 to 50 D.about 50 to 6043.What club can you join if you like playing ball games?A.The academic club. B.The sports club. C.The art club. D.The music club. 44.Students can learn about ________ and so on in the academic club.A.science, writing, computers B.maths, drawing, swimmingC.science, maths, drawing D.computers, writing, swimming45.The cooking club may ________.A.buy and water flowers for their classmates B.cook and buy food for themselvesC.make and sell cookies to the other students D.buy and sell drinks to the teachersEMost students feel it difficult to remember new words when they begin to study English. Now Iwill give you some advice.1. Do not waste time in learning a list of English words. It is the hardest way to remember English words. How do you learn to speak Chinese? You did it by listening carefully to the people talking to each other. You can find radio programs, TV programs and records, and listen to them carefully. The best way to learn all new words is through ear. As you listen to more and more dialogues, you will learn how English is pronounced in phrases and sentences. Of course, it is not enough to learn new words. You must learn how words are put together, and why some in English are emphasized.2. Some people have found that they can learn the names of everyday objects such as box, bottle, cup, desk and so on, in the following way. They write the names of subjects on paper and put the paper on them. They say the words. Try this and see if this way works for you. If it does not, then go on to practice your dialogue.46.Who gave the advice? Perhaps it is given by ________.A.Carl Marx B.a teacher from EnglandC.American D.a teacher of English47.The advice the writer gave us is mainly about ________.A.how to learn English B.how to put words togetherC.how to learn new wordsD.how to write the names of the objects on paper and put the paper on them48.The writer gave us two pieces of advice. He seems to enjoy ________.A.the first one B.the second oneC.both of them D.neither of them49.The writer thinks that the best way to learn new words is ________.A.to do more reading B.to do more writingC.to do more listening D.to learn which words are emphasized50.The way to write the names of the objects on paper and put the paper on them ________.A.works for everyone B.does not work for anyoneC.works only for some people D.works only for the Chinese students第II卷(非选择题)四、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)Huayang Ancient Town(华阳古镇) is a small town in Hanzhong, Shaanxi. And now, it's also agood place to relax. For people around it, they usually go there to spend(度过) the weekend. They usually take the bus in Hanzhong to get there. It’s a three-hour drive.Why do people like to go there? First, Huayang Ancient Town has a long history. Some people go to the town to learn about old stories there. Then parents also take their children to watch rare animals(稀有动物), like monkeys and pandas. Animals in Huayang are not afraid of people. Sometimes they play with children to get some fruit. And people can also take many interesting photos of these animals. Next, if you have enough time, you can enjoy nice foods there. Lots of them can only be tasted in the town.Do you like this town? Where do you like to go if you have time?51.For people around Huayang, when do they usually go there?They usually go there ___________ .52.How long does it take to get to the town from Huayang if people take the bus?It takes about _______________________.53.Why do some people like to go to the town?Because they can learn about _________________.54.What can children watch and play with in the town?They can watch and play with _________________.55.What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指的是)?It refers to _______________.五、短文填空(每小题1分,共10分)Rita is a nice girl. She has 56.interesting job. She works at a radio station. She is busy but happy every day. In the morning she gets up early. First she helps her mother make breakfast. Then she brushes her 57.(tooth)and eats breakfast. After that, she goes to work. Rita is never late for work. She likes her job very much. And she is good to the people at the radio station. After work, her workmates(同事)often ask her 58.(have)dinner with them, 59.Rita likes to get home early and have dinner with her parents. Her mother usually makes delicious food 60.her and she likes it very much. Sometimes she 61.(watch)soccer games on TV. On Sundays, she goes out with family in his 62.(father)car. He can 63.(drive)her everywhere she wants. They 64.(usual)like to go to play in the park and do sports there. They often havea good time. Do you want to make 65.(friend)with her? Come on and get to know her.七、书面表达(共15分)请以“My Trip”为题,根据以下要求,写一篇短文70个词左右的短文。
专题24 期末综合测试卷02 2020-2021学年七年级英语下学期期末专项复习(外研版)
专题24 期末测试卷02(时间:90分钟满分:100分)一、单项选择(15分)1.—Mum, ________ is my watch?—Look! It’s on your bed.A.what B.where C.how D.whose【答案】B【详解】句意:——妈妈,我的手表在哪里?——看!在你的床上。
2.—I’d like so me tea.—Sorry, we don’t have ________. Would you like ________ milk?A.some; some B.any; any C.some; any D.any; some【答案】D【详解】句意:——我想喝点茶。
3.—We all like Miss Wang.—Yes, she always makes her English classes ________.A.difficult B.boring C.interesting D.bad【答案】C【详解】句意:——我们都喜欢王老师。
difficult困难的;boring无聊的;interesting有趣的;bad坏的;根据上文“We all like Miss Wang.”可知,我们都喜欢王老师。
4.—________ do I print my hometown?—Click “print” here and “________” here.A.How; No B.Where; Yes C.Why; No D.How; OK【答案】D【详解】句意:——我如何打印我的家乡?——点击这里的“打印”和这里的“确定”。
人教版四年级数学下册期末教学质量检测试卷及答案(组卷二) (2)
学校 班级 姓名2021—2022学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测试卷及答案四年级 数学 (一)一、填空题。
(25分)1.由4个一、8个十分之一和6个千分之一组成的数是( ),读作 ( )。
2.一个数除以6,商是102,余数是3,这个数是( )。
3.0.28里有( )个0.01,把它扩大10倍是( )。
4.306900改成用“万”作单位的数是( )万,把387300000改成用“亿”作单位的 数是( )亿。
5.等边三角形有( )条对称轴,等腰梯形有( )条对称轴。
6.一个等腰三角形,它的一个底角是35°,它的顶角是( )。
7.在一个三角形中,∠1=45°,∠2是直角,∠3=( ),这个三角形按角分类,它是一个( )三角形,按边分,它是一个( )三角形。
8.9020千克=( )吨 32.76千米=( )千米( )米 5米20厘米=( )厘米 820平方米=( )公顷 9.在 里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
3.87 3.782.8 2.800.6kg 6350g 2km50m 2.5km10.一个两位小数四舍五入后是9.5,这个两位小数最大是( ),最小是( )。
11.把0.36扩大到100倍再把小数点向左移动一位后是( )。
( )2.用三根分别长4厘米、6厘米和9厘米的小棒能摆成一个三角形。
( )3.钝角三角形三个内角度数和比锐角三角形内角和大。
( )4.131-63+37=131-(63+37)。
( )5.大于2.4而小于2.6的一位小数只有一个。
( ) 三、选择题。
(5分)1.不改变运算结果,下面各题中小括号可以去掉的是( )。
A.(109-89)×14B.527-(351-160)C.325+(833÷49)2.1000张纸叠在一起厚12.5 cm ,平均每张厚( )cm 。
期末综合测试(B卷)班级___________ 姓名___________ 学号____________ 分数____________(考试时间:60分钟试卷满分:100分)注意事项:1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。
小学上册英语第2单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ________ is a large area of flat land with few trees.2.My ________ (玩具) is very lightweight.3.I like to ______ (参与) in environmental cleanup.4.We will play ______ (games) at the party.5.Bases often feel __________ (滑腻) to the touch.6.I like to read ________ (杂志) about animals.7.The squirrel hides its ______ (食物) for winter.8.What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. PortoC. FaroD. Coimbra答案: A9. A frog can catch insects with its ______ (舌头).10. A ________ (水坝) can help control river flow.11.The doctor, ______ (医生), gives advice on staying healthy.12. A frog's skin is very ______ (湿润).13.My sister enjoys __________ (做实验).14.The process of erosion is accelerated by ______.15.I can ______ (表达) gratitude towards others.16. A ______ (植物的实验室) is crucial for research.17.I have a _______ (new) backpack for school.18.The ________ (艺术展览) showcase local talents.19.Objects that float in water are ______ than water.20.My brother is _____ (喜欢) to play games.21. A ______ (植物资源管理) is vital for sustainability.22.The ancient Egyptians had a complex system of ________.23.The ________ was a significant event in the history of civil rights in America.24.Ice melting is an example of a ______ change.25.小老鼠) loves cheese. The ___26.What do we call the process of removing dirt or impurities from water?A. FiltrationB. DistillationC. PurificationD. Evaporation答案:A. Filtration27.The bat uses its _______ (回声定位) to navigate.28.What is the capital of Jamaica?A. KingstonB. Montego BayC. Ocho RiosD. Negril答案: A29.The flowers in the garden attract _______ and buzzing bees.30.My mom enjoys __________ (锻炼) and keeping fit.31.The baby is ________ in the crib.32.中国的历史上有很多著名的________ (battles),如赤壁之战。
(11分)1. 我怎么会忘记家乡的桂花雨?(改为陈述句)(2分)2.七八十台破缝纫机发出的噪声震耳欲聋。
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姓名:_________ 班级________ 组:_____ 号:_____ 得分______
∙∙∙∙∙758241.0、2、9中,无理数的个数为 ( )
A 、1个
B 、2个
C 、3个
D 、4个
2.下列说法正确的是( )
A 、-4的算术平方根是4-
B 、9的平方根是3
C 、16的平方根是±4
D 、()3
.下列图形中,不是轴对称图形的是( )。
4.直线1y =kx+b 与a x y +=2的图像如右图所示,下列结论: ①k<0;②a >0;③当x<3时,y 1<y 2 .其中正确的有( ) A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、0个
5. 在数字串100222111000222中,数字2出现的频率是( ) A 、15 B 、6 C 、0.4 D 、0.6
6.如图,在△ABC 中,已知AB=AC ,AD ⊥BC ,下面四个结论: ①AD 平分∠BAC ;②BD=CD ;③BP=CP ④∠PBD=∠PCD 其中正确的结论个数有 ( ) A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 二.填空题 7.函数9
x y 中,自变量x 的取值范围是: .
8.已知直线y=kx+(2-k)经过原点,则k=___ ,该函数的y 值随x 值的增大而___ 9. 两直线y=x -2与y=4x+1相交于点P ,那么这个交点P 的坐标为_______ 10. 已y=x k 1与y=92-x k 的图像都经过点Q (3,-6),那么k 1=____,k 2=_____。
()()p x p y -+-=123的图像经过一、二、三象限
那么p 的取值范围是 ___________
12.如图2所示,AC AB =,再添加一个条件 , 就可以使△ABE ≌△ACD .(答案不唯一) 三、简答题
0x y
y 1=kx +b
y 2=x +a
14.已知一次函数的图象经过A (-1,-6)和B (0,-4)两点.
(1)求这个一次函数的解析式; (2)画出这个一次函数的图象; (3)求该图像与坐标轴围成的三角形的面积
(4)在图中作出原点到该直线的距离OD 、并求出OD 的长
15.如图,点B 、F 、C 、E 在同一直线上,AC 交DF 于点G ,
且AB ⊥BE ,DE ⊥BE ,AB=DE ,BF=CE 求证:(1)△ABC ≌△DEF ;(2)GF=GC
16.在Rt △ABC 中,∠ABC=90°,AB ⊥BC ,点P 是△ABC 的三个角的角平分线的 交点(即PA 平分∠BAC 、PB 平分∠ABC 、PC 平分∠ACB ),且PD 、PE 、PF 分别 是点P 到△ABC 的三条边的距离(即PD 、PE 、PF 分别垂直△ABC 的三边) (1)请证明PA=PB=PC
(2)若AB=6,BC=8,设PA=PB=PC=x , 求AC 的长,以及x 的值
x x x AC =?