
Lecture 3语用学课件--北外课件

Lecture 3语用学课件--北外课件
Implicatures are generated in two ways: Obeying the maxims Violating the maxims

Generation of implicatures

Obeying the maxims

The hearer assumes that the speaker is obeying the conversation maxims. See Examples 3 and 4 above. The speaker’s utterance appears to violate some of the maxims. But the hearer assumes that the speaker should be, at a deeper level, obeying the maxims (or at least Principle of Co-operation). In order to maintain this assumption, the hear reasons that the speaker must have those implicatures.


Bill has a yellow VW, and Bill might be in Sue’s house



3)Classification (Grice 1961):
Conventional implicature Conversational implicature
Generalized implicature (一般会话含义)
Particularized implicature (特殊会话含义)
B: some. In fact, he passed all of them.
? When is it possible to cancel a SI?
1) Topic: when the cancellation of implicature is an acceptable discouse move 2) Method: two experiments
---R- principle(Speaker based): the minimization of linguistic form (上限原则,推导下限含义)
John has three children. (a) +> John has at least three children. (b) +> John has at most three children.
2)Definition :



(五)80年代,列文森(S.C.Levinson)的《语用学》 ( semantics )和利奇(G.n.Leech)的《语用学原理》 (Principles of Pragmatics)等著作相继问世,为语用学的 理论体系构筑了雏形。语用学有了自己的研究范围和主 要内容。 (六)90年代,语用学的研究不断完善和深入,具体的成 果主要有:1993年梅(J.Mey)的《语用学概要》 (Pragmatics:An Introduction);1995年托马斯的《言语交 际中的意义:语用学引论》(Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics);1996年耶尔的《语用学》以 及1999年唯索尔伦的《理解语用学》(Understanding Pragmatics)
结构语用学,是专门研究语法中的语用平面上的现象,即与特定 的句法结构、句法表现形式有关的语用现象的。如关于句类(陈 述、句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句)的语用功能的研究,就属于 结构语用学研究的范畴。 对语言交际过程进行语用分析的结果,是语言的语用意义。语用 意义只有在交际中才能表现出来。因此,语言的语用分析包括话语 结构分析——说话人如何选择谈话的出发点(话题),如何围绕话 题来构成话语;交际过程中的心理结构分析——说话人如何选择话 语的焦点,以突出交际的兴趣中心;交际过程中的信息结构分析 ——说话人如何安排从已知信息到新信息的传达方式;语气情态分 析——说话人如何选用适当的语气、口气来表达自己对说话内容的 态度、情感以及对听话人的态度、情感;还包括在一定的环境(谈 话环境和社会环境)下所产生的言外之意。


▪ The differences and relationships between speaker meaning and linguistic meaning.
▪ nonliteral speech as the outcome of a cooperative principle, and some derived maxims of discourse,speaker meaning
Manner Maxim
▪ Be perspicuous: 1) Avoid obscurity of expression. 2) Avoid ambiguity. 3) Be brief (Avoid unnecessary prolixity) 4) Be orderly.
▪ Open the door. Go to the door, put the key into the lock, turn the key clockwise two times and push.
Two Categories
▪ Generalized Conversational Implicature
▪ Particularized Conversational Implicature
▪ Generalized implicature is the



1.2 The notion of implicature simplifies both the structure and
the content of semantic description. In this sense, implicature
does not explain how a word or expression has several literal meanings but explains how a word or expression could imply different meanings by different language users. e.g. The lone ranger jumped on his horse and rode into
1) I want you to close the door. 2) Please close the door. 3) Can you close the door? 4) How about a bit less breeze? 5) Now, Johnny, what do big people do when they come in? 6) Okay, Johnny, what am I going to say next?
conventional use of language within specific cultural

Unit 3 Gricean Pragmatics Implicature格莱斯语用学会话含义

Unit 3 Gricean Pragmatics Implicature格莱斯语用学会话含义

Implication belongs to the
logical semantics, it discusses the relationship between two
propositional logics.
p: The president was assassinated.
Logical implication does not correspond with what in everyday life we understand by ‘implicature’ or ‘implies’.
Conversational Implicature
Conversational implicatures are produced by relating to the context. To know what people mean, we have to interpret what they say. As Leech remarks, ‘interpreting an utterance is ultimately a matter of guesswork’.


behavior transactions Rationalist: reasonable to follow, should not
Observe: generalized Fail: particularized 1.cancellability 2. non-detachability 3. non-conventionality 4. non-truth conditionality 5. calculability Illocutionary force包括conversational
Conversational impΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduicature
Divergence in meaning: Formal devices VS. natural L Formalist VS. informalist Construct an ideal L Inadequte attention to the nature and
B means more than what he or she says, but A can understand it or interpret it well in the context. How does this happen? How does the hearer get from what is said to what is meant, from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning.



There is a test that is sometimes uesd to distinguish presuppositions from implicatures.
• Cancellation test
Here are four dialogues where Annie has 'cancell' either a presupposition contained in her utterence(the cancellation come after the 'dash'). Do you notice a difference between presuppositions and implicatures when they are cancelled? (a) Cancelling an existential presupposition: MIke: What happened? Annie: Steve's dog wrecked the garden -- and in fact, Steve doesn't have a dog. (b) Cancelling a 'lexical' presupposition: MIke: What's up ? Annie: I'v stopped smoking -- although I'v never smoked.


Scalar implicatures
If you were Jane, what implicatures would you have drawn from each of Steve’s responses?
a. Jane: Who used all the printer paper? Steve: I used some of it.
Scale of quantity: some most all Scale of frequency: sometimes often always Scale of coldness: cool cold freezing
We normally assume that, where speakers have a scale of values at their disposal, they will chose the one that is truthful and optimally informative. So we normally draw the implicature ‘not any of the higher values on the scale’.
(a)Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs? Dave: I got the milk.


()周朴园:(向下人)跟太太说,叫账房给鲁贵同四凤多算两个月的工 钱,叫他们今天就走。去吧。 周萍:爸爸,不过四凤同鲁贵在家里都很好,很忠诚的。 周朴园:恩,(呵欠)我很累了。我预备到书房歇一下。你叫他们送 一点浓一点的普洱茶来 曹禺《雷雨》
(1)故意违反“方式准则”的第一条次准则“避免 晦涩”,而A跟B说话故意晦涩,使在场的第三者听不懂, 以此传达不可告诉第三者的含义。 ()Dad: Let’s get the kids something. Mom: Okay, but I veto C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E.
会话含义(conversational implicature)
美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)提出 语用学的核心内容,在言语交际中作用重要 哲学界、语言学界的广泛关注
二、格赖斯的会话含义理论 格赖斯 1967年 在哈佛大学的William James讲座 做了三次演讲 第二讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation) 1975年发表于《句法和语义学:言语行为》第三卷 (syntax and Semantics,V01.3:Speech Acts)
2.质的准则( The Maxim of quality ) 关注的是话语或信息的真实性,要求人 们说真话,即要提供真实信息,所说的话力 求真实,尤其是 a.不要说自知是虚假的话 b.不要说缺乏足够证据的话 在日常交际中,该准则被人们视为最重 要的一条准则,违背“质准则”往往与撒谎、 说话人的道德联系在一起。


IMPLICATURE 语用学  ppt课件
b. Jane: I hear you’re always late with the rent. Steve: Well, sometimes I am.
a. Steve did not use all of the printer paper, only some of it. b. Steve is not always late with the rent, only sometimes.
The notion of implicature provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean more than what is actually “said” , or more than what is literally expressed.
A: Shall we hold the football match tomorrow?
B: It is raining.
Semantic and literal meaning: his answer unrelated to the question.
Intended meaning: the football match will be canceled
(a)Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs? Dave: I got the milk.


• but the imperatives in the CP are descriptive rather than prescriptive.
Violation of the maxims
• However, CP, like unwritten laws, is regulative and can be violated.
Violation of the manner maxim
• A: Let’s get the kids something. B: Okay, but I veto I-C-E C-R-E-A-M-S.
• I sought to tell my love, love that never told can be.
• Calculability
Speakers try to convey conversational implicatures and hearer are able to understand them.
• Non-conventionality
after knowing the meaning of the words, one can get the implicatures in the context.
Four maxims of CP
• Maxim of Relation: Make your contribution relevant • Maxim of Manner: Be perspicuous, and specifically.


A: Mike has two pencils. (John has only two pencils and no more)
B: Mike has two pencils and perhaps two or more. (By adding “perhaps two or more”, the implicature disappears)
着重论述了“合作原则”的具体内容以及如何制约 “会话含义”产生的过程。
Implicature (含义)
语用含义:是一种受制于语境的、说话人交际意图的 隐含信息。简言之,语用含意就是某一话 语在特定语境中所隐含的言下之意,也等 于说话人等交际主体的交际用意。
会话含义(conversational implicature): 说话人:通过某一话语传递的语用信息并非等于该
The central topics of inquiry of pragmatics include:
Implicature(含义) Presupposition(预设) speech acts(言语行为) deixis (指示词)
(Huang, 2007:1)
格赖斯1967年在哈佛大学的做了演讲《逻辑与会 话》,提出“合作原则”(Cooperative principle) 和会话含义理论。


(a)Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs? Dave: I got the milk.
(Did Dave buy the eggs?) →Dave did not buy the eggs.
(b)Carmen: Did you manage to fix that leak? Dave : I tried to. (Did Dave fix the leak?) →Dave did not fix the leak.
Scale of quantity: some most all Scale of frequency: sometimes often always Scale of coldness: cool cold freezing
We normally assume that, where speakers have a scale of values at their disposal, they will chose the one that is truthful and optimally informative. So we normally draw the implicature ‘not any of the higher values on the scale’.
as ground is wet and slippery after the rain.



1、定义 语用学,即语言使用的实用学。 语用学,研究在不同语境中话语意义的恰当地
表达和准确地理解,寻找并确立使话语意义得以 恰当地表达和准确地理解的基本原则和准则。 (见教材14页)
语用学,研究话语在使用中的语境意义,或话 语在特定语境条件下的交际意义,特别研究在不 同的语言交际环境下如何准确地理解语言和恰当 地运用语言。
子曰:“君子 食无求饱,居无 求安,敏于事而 慎于言,就有道 而正焉,可谓好 学也已。”
语用学如果从美国逻辑学家莫里斯1937年自造 英语“pragmatics”(汉译“语用学”)算起, 也只有70年的历史。
从牛津哲学家奥斯汀1955年正式提出第一个语 用学理论(言语行为理论)算起,就只有52年的 历史。
到了20世纪80年代,语用学已被很多人看作语 言学的一个基本分支,近年来,语用学领域又涌 现出了更新的理论——关联理论、新格赖斯原则 等。



→CDhraivs?e)invited Chris.
The notion of implicature provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean more than what is actually “said” , or more than what is literally expressed.
Implicature is a technical term in the pragmatics subfield of linguistics, coined by H.P.Grice, which refers to what is suggested in an utterance, even though neither expressed nor strictly implied by the utterance.
leak? (DDidavDea:ve fiIxttrhieedletoa.k?)
→Dave did not fix the
leak. (c) Carmen: I hear you’ve invite Mat
and Chris.
(DDiadvDe av:e Iindviditen’t invite Mat.
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a) Tom : Are you going to Mark’s party tonight? Annie : My parents are in town. (No.)
Shared knowledge : Annie’s relation with her parents
b) Tom : Where’s the salad dressing? Gabriel : We’ve run out of olive oil. (There isn’t any salad dressing.)
If you were Jane, what implicatures would you have drawn from each of Steve’s responses?
a. Jane: Who used all the printer paper? Steve: I used some of it.
There is a test that is sometimes uesd to distinguish presuppositions from implicatures.
• Cancellation test
Here are four dialogues where Annie has 'cancell' either a presupposition contained in her utterence(the cancellation come after the 'dash'). Do you notice a difference between presuppositions and implicatures when they are cancelled?
A: Shall we hold the football match tomorrow?
B: It is raining.
Semantic and literal meaning: his answer unrelated to the question.
Intended meaning: the football match will be canceled as ground is wet and slippery after the rain.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
These responses are true in technically. However, from a pragmatic point of view, Steve’s utterances have certainly misled Jane because of the implicatures that people normally draw in these circumstances. Steve’s trickery involved what we call Scalar implicatures. All of Steve’s responses use words that participate in a scale of values:
b. Jane: I hear you’re always late with the rent. Steve: Well, sometimes I am.
a. Steve did not use all of the printer paper, only some of it. b. Steve is not always late with the rent, only sometimes.
Group: 王莉 王妍琨 廖晶 刘靓利
1.Definition of implicature 2.Generalized implicature 3.Particularized implicature 4.How to distinguish implicature and presupposition
Implicature is a technical term in the pragmatics subfield of linguistics, coined by H.P.Grice, which refers to what is suggested in an utterance, even though neither expressed nor strictly implied by the utterance.
Scalar implicatures are a special type of generalized implicature where the inference is made by reference to a scale of values, one of which has been chosen by the speaker. The speaker’s choice implicates ‘not the higher values’.
(a)Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs? Dave: I got the milk.
(Did Dave buy the eggs?) →Dave did not buy the eggs.
(b)Carmen: Did you manage to fix that leak? Dave : I tried to. (Did Dave fix the leak?) →Dave did not fix the leak.
Scale of quantity: some most all Scale of frequency: sometimes often always Scale of coldness: cool cold freezing
We normally assume that, where speakers have a scale of values at their disposal, they will chose the one that is truthful and optimally informative. So we normally draw the implicature ‘not any of the higher values on the scale’.
Generalized implicatures can be drawn with very little ‘inside’ knowledge. If you heard a tape recording of the conversation but knew noting about the participants or the physical characteristics of the context, you could still draw those implicatures. They are closely connected to the degree of informativeness that we normally expect a speaker’s utterance to provide.
Shared knowledge : Someone might overhear Jane’s answer.
d) Mat : Want some fudge brownies? Chris : There must be 20000 calories there. (No.)
Shared knowledge : Food with a high number of calories makes people put on
Shared knowledge : Oliver oil is a possible ingredient in salad dressing and they only
use salad dressing made from olive oil.
c) Steve : What’s with your mother? Jane : Let’s go into the garden. (I can’t talk about it here.)
Inferences which require this kind of shared knowledge between the speaker and the hearer are sometimes called particularized conversational implicatures.
There is a gap between what is literally said and what is implied. So in this case, implicature helps to explain how some seemingly unrelated sentences come to mean the same. With the help of context , the use of implicature makes our language use more colorful. We may express the same meaning in different ways to suit appropriate context.(何自然)
(a) Cancelling an existential presupposition: MIke: What happened? Annie: Steve's dog wrecked the garden -- and in fact,
Steve doesn't have a dog.
(b) Cancelling a 'lexical' presupposition: MIke: What's up ? Annie: I'v stopped smoking -- although I'v never smoked.
weight and Chris is trying to lose weight.
Generalized implicatures can be drawn with very little ‘inside’ knowledge.
Particularized implicatures require not only general knowledge but also knowledge which is particular or ‘local’ to the speaker and the hearer, and often to the physical context of the utterance as well.
(c) Carmen: I hear you’ve invite Mat and Chris. Dave : I didn’t invite Mat. (Did Dave invite Chris?) →Dave invited Chris.
The notion of implicature provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean more than what is actually “said” , or more than what is literally expressed.
Generalized conversational implicature: The implicatures that they are so strong that they do not seem to require any extra knowledge to extract the meaning.