大二英语上半年 汉译英




一、英译汉1.-difficult for those who have lost jobs and have families to feed( 那些丢了工作又要养家糊口的人to feed)—but maybe it heralds a less consumerists society.2.I saw this website yesterday ,and thought it might come in handy someday (心想说不定哪一天会有用come in handy).3.The taxi pulled up in front of the school gate(那辆出租车在校门口停下pull up)to leta parent out who was collecting a child from school.4.Some people are so easily led astray and they never think twice about their actions(从没仔细考虑过他们的行为think twice)5.We cannot thank her enough for her support and encouragement(我们对她的支持和鼓励真是感激不尽cannot thank her enough for )and we look forward to working with her in the future .6.Fink has always loved music ,but it never occurred to him (可是他从来也没想到occur )to make a living from it .7.If you look after you reader’s interests , they have a reason to trust you(他们就有理由信任你reason)and to keep returning to you for advice.(他答应下星期还钱给她pay back),but he never quit looking8.He promised to pay her back the next week(他答应下星期还钱给她pay back),but henever appeared.9.There is a well maintained garden separating the house from the factory(把那房子与工厂隔开了separate).10.To make matters worse ,the couple were having a house built (事情更糟糕的是当时这对夫妇正在建造一幢房子to make matters worse )when their relationship fell apart .11.When I admitted that I had no idea of her plan ,she immediately launched into adetailed explanation of what she wanted to do(她立即开始详尽地解释她想做什么launch into).12.I was in a mess and there was no one to help me ,so I just had to make the best of it(所以我只好尽力而为make the best of ).13.We proved a variety of services to people on the web who are unable to visit our storein person(我们在网上向那些自己不能亲自来我们商店的客户提供各种服务a variety of ,in person ),and look forward to doing any business with them in any event.14.Thank you so much for you help and you have my computer repaired ,which has savedme from having to buy a new one(使我不必去买一台新的计算机了save from). 15.First ,you have to think about what skills you have and then try to figure out a way touse them in a career that makes you happy (努力想出办法在一个令你感到幸福的职业中使用这些技能figure out ).16.I know I should not be to damning ;eBay has enabled me to obtain items I wouldotherwise never have come across(eBay使我能得到我用其他方式从不会遇见的东西otherwise).17.The values we hold dear play an important part in our approach to work(我们所珍视的价值观在我们对待工作的态度中起到了一个重要的作用hold something dear )18.When I asked him if I could become a teacher ,he smiled from ear to eat and told meI could make a good teacher (他满脸笑容的对我说我会成为一个好教师的smile fromear to ear).19.To my mind ,he not only achieved those goals but also succeed beyond this widestdreams (而且成功的超乎想象(beyond one’s wildest dreams)20.If you have experiences within these areas and think you can teach and pass on theknowledge to our student (如果你有这些领域的经验,并认为自己能把这只是教授和穿的给我们的学生pass on),21.They wanted their children to go to a traditional Mexican school so that they couldimmerse these children in a new culture and assisted them in learning Spanish (这样他们能使这些还在沉浸在一种新的文化之中,并有助于他们学习西班牙语immerse in ,assist ,Spanish).22.I couldn’t believe how rude they were today and one even rolled her eyes at mymom(有个人甚至对我妈妈翻了白眼roll one’s eyes)23.When he learnt things were playing out a little better than expected (当他了解到正在发生的情况比原来预料的要好些play out),24.The new funds will be used further accelerate product development(这新的资金将用于进一步加快产品开发funds ,accelerate ),25.As they set out to find jobs (当他们开始找工作时set out ),26.The meeting has to be put on hold ,perhaps indefinitely(会议只得搁置一边,也许无期限的搁置了on hold )27.The most important thing for him mow is to get his life back in order(对他来说,现在最重要的事使自己的生活恢复正常get…i n back)28.Paris was a far cry from the village where she grew up(巴黎和她从小到大居住的村庄完全是两码事a far cry from , grow up)。



大学英语高级班第三学期期末词汇复习Unit 1 “We’ve been hit!”1.Suddenly rain lashed against the windows. 突然,大雨猛烈地抽打在窗户上。

The Cuban leader lashed out against the policy of the US President. 古巴领导人猛烈抨击美国总统的政策。

2.But observers scoff at such notions. 但是观察家对这种说法嗤之以鼻.3.Once again he conjured up the illusion. 他又唤起那种错觉.4.Life is only illusion. 浮生若梦.5.The speaker was an experienced man, composed and steady. 这位演讲者风度老练, 从容不迫.6.The customs figures show a steady decline in British trade. 关税数字表明英国的贸易一直在走下坡路.7.Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health, imperil drinking water and disrupt theeconomy. 石油泄漏破坏自然环境, 危害公众健康, 污染饮用水且扰乱经济.8.Souls are so purified in purgatory. 人的灵魂将在炼狱中得到净化.9.Stealing a car and then driving it drunk was the ultimate idiocy. 偷了车然后醉酒开车真是愚蠢到极点.10.Many people regard accumulation of riches as the ultimate value of life. 很多人认为积累财富是人生最高的价值.11.Don't put me into a dilemma. 不要使我左右为难.12.She was in a dilemma as to whether to stay at school or get a job. 她进退两难,不知该留在学校读书还是找份工作.13.I have been studying English off and on for ten years. 我断断续续学了十年英语.14.A single spark can start a prairie fire. 星星之火,可以燎原.15.You can't take the transfer students' exam without your transcripts. 没有成绩证明书,你就不能参加转学考试.16.Against my premonitions, I was duty - bound to reassure my old friend from Singapore.尽管我有祥的预感, 但我有义务安抚我的新加坡老朋友.17.Many Americans are of English descen t. 许多美国人的祖籍是英国.18.The country's economy is on the verge of collapse. 国家的经济已到了崩溃的边缘.19.One ant - hole may cause the collapse of a thousand - li dyke. 千里长堤,溃于蚁穴.20.If you work too hard, your health may collapse. 如果你工作太累的话, 你可能病倒.21.Fight to the last gasp. 奋战到底,不死不休.22.One cannot easily make a bargain at the last gasp. 人在快要死亡的时候,是很难讨价还价的.23.The colour in this material does not fade. 这布料不褪色.24.Their names will never fade from the memory of the world. 他们的名字永远不会从世人的记忆中消失.25.Beauty will fade, but not goodness. 美貌会凋谢, 但美德不会.Unit 3 My stroke of luck1. If the interests of two countries collide, there may be a war. 如果两个国家的利益相抵触, 那会引发一场战争.2. Psychiatrist: What makes you think you have an inferiority complex? 精神病医生: 是什么让你认为你有自卑情结?3. He had a flash of intuitio n. 他灵光一闪.4. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice , heart and intuition. 不要让别人的意见淹没了你内在的心声.5. Fortune has rarely smiled on me. 幸运几乎与我无缘.6. His past experience qualified him to handle such a delicate matter. 他过去的经验使他有办法处理好这件微妙的事.7. Put the plates gently on the table, they are very delicate. 把碟子轻轻放在桌上, 这些碟子非常易碎.8. I could not erase from my mind the poignant thought. 我无法驱散萦绕在我心头的痛切之感.9. She let the news slip by mistake , in an unguarded moment. 她一不留神泄漏了消息.10. One single slip brings eternal regret , and looking back, your whole life has passed away. 一失足成千古恨, 再回头已过百年身.11. Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue. 宁可失脚滑倒,不可随口失言.12. That failure was a blow to my ego. 那项失败是对我自尊心的一个打击.13. I could do little to console her for the loss of her son. 对于她失去儿子的事我安慰不了她.14. The malignant tumor does not recur. 恶性肿瘤没有复发.15. I would authorize someone to do some work that is in my responsibility. 我会授权别人处理一些我职责内的工作.16. Her husband was the chief beneficiary of her will. 她丈夫是她遗嘱的主要受益人.17. The drug made her speak with a slur. 药物使她口齿不清.18. That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember. 往日艰辛回味甜.19. Only if we handle them with kid gloves. 只要我们小心行事就行了.20. He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters. 他不让秘书处理机密文件.Unit 4 Cultural encounters1.We can't access the Internet.我们连不上网。




We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it's fairly minor2.父亲去世时我还小,不能独立牛活。


My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3.这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。

The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to childre n.4.作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。

Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper ascarriers of news and opinion.5.至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.Unit31.无论是在城市还是在农村,因特网正在改变人们的生活方式。

The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2.和大公司相比,中小公司更容易受到全球经济危机的威胁。



1.With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。

2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽.3. Early I searched through the earth for earth ware so as to research inearthquake.早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震.4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱.5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。

6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper.我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷.7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in hand.大胆的人们将黄金折叠起来拿在手里。

8. The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗.9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man.工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心.10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice.公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。









你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当下嘀嗒嘀嗒地走着,每分钟顺时针走60 秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。










3 我们生活在一个变化的世界里,这种变化前所未有,让人眼花缭乱。







Unit11、You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising .你应该适当话一点时间休息和锻炼。

2、In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.总的来说,孩子们的过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。

3、When the right opportunities once along he’ll take them.待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。

4、Ever day ,he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。

5、I remember those dank streets and walking hand in hand with my father.我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。

6、He finally failed to live up to his parent’s expectations.他最终辜负了父母的期望。

7、In contrast, our use of oil mass increased enormously .相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。

8、He succeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。

Unit21、She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it .(有玫瑰图案)2、Helen had prepares a wonderful meal for us .(为我们准备了一顿丰富的饭菜(3、Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell.(誓旦旦地保证)4、Could you deliver this letter to the accounts department.(这封信送到)5、We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate.(精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力)6、Tell the children to keep out of mischief.(别胡闹)7、We could hear the sound of distant thunder.(远处打雷的声音)8、The project has now received approval from the government.(得到政府的批准)9、Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drinks too much.(虽然他喝酒太多)10、Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not.(就这个药是否安全取得一致意见)Unit 31.Because of an emergenry, the doctor will not be available for several hours.由于紧急情况,这位医生几小时内都没有空2.How will the taxes affect the people with low income?税收如何影响低收入的人群?3.My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give uo ptactcing the piano.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴,我没有放弃练钢琴4.These books range in price from 10 dollars to $20这些书的价值从10美元到20美元不等5.It seems to me that you don’t have much choice.在我看来,你没有什么选择6.Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做得相当不错了7.For such a big house, the price is fairly cheap, but you’ve repairs.对这么一栋大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修所需要的钱8.Can we bagin with discussing questions arrising from the last meeting?我们能否从讨论上次会议产生的问题开始?Unit 61.We regard him as one of the best player in the match .我们认为他是本场比赛表现最出色的球员之一2.The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box.那位科学家捡起那些小石块,并小心翼翼地把它们放进一个盒子里3.The population of china is almost five times as large as that of America .中国的人口集合是美国人口的五倍4.The reason why grass is green was once a mystery.对那个男孩来说草为什么是绿的曾经是个谜5.She was standing by the window ,apparently calm and relaxed.她站在窗口,显然非常冷静和放松6.Profit have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.由于最近销量的下降,赢利也出现了滑坡7.She put on dark glasses as a protection /against strong light.她戴上墨镜以便保护自己不受强烈光线的照射8.He could no longer be trusted after that incident.经过那件事后,人们再也不能相信他了Unit 71.If you sing the song several times, your children will pack up the words.这首歌你要是唱几遍的话,孩子们就会学会歌词的2.We tried to assure the nervous old man that air travel was safe.我们尽力使那位紧张的老人相信乘飞机是安全的3.An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness.缺乏维生素A会导致夜盲4.I can use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing , I know nothing about it.我会用计算机,但是一说到修理计算机,我就一无所知了5.Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.很多母亲试图在她们的女儿身上实现她们的梦想6.The bad weather discourage people from attending the parade.恶劣的天气使人们不能去参加游行7.I gave him some pills to ease his pain.我给了他一些药丸以减轻他的痛苦8.The job involves traveling/working abroad three moths every year.这份工作需要每年去国外三个月Unit 81.I feel I should pointed out how dangerous it is.我觉得我应该指出这是多么地危险。



翻译:(英译中)1. Slowly,a dark void....慢慢地,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,他开始吞噬我的幸福。

2. As fate would....像是命运的安排,我的生活很快又发生变化。


3. While my surroundings.....我的环境不一样了,他既很陌生但同时激动人心,很有趣。

4. Michael is so no...迈克尔绝非等闲之辈,他总是那么乐观,总能看见事物积极的一面。

5. If an employee had...j假如某个员工哪一天遇到不顺心的事,迈克尔总是告诉他们如何看待事物积极一面以防他们继续感到沮丧。

6. Each time something...每当不幸降临时,我可以感受到受害者,也可把他当成一种学习。

7. People believe a suitable...人们相信一个合适自己的名字能够大致勾勒出一个孩子的前程,有助于确定这个孩子将乐悬方。

8. Al the boys in...同一代系谱同一代人中的所有男孩无论是亲兄弟还是堂兄弟他们名字的第一部分都是相同的。

9. Depending on how a....因特网或许是个真实地方,这取决于如何定义“真实地方”10. On all this being said...尽管这么说,我任以为开发因特网潜力关键是要在我们生活中取的平衡11. You must be willing...你必须心甘情愿的为实现这个目标而付出一切代价,经受生活中的所有磨难。

12. All these successful people...所有这些成功者都有一个共同特色,他们追求自己想要的一切——真诚而热切的实现自己梦想。

13. So in addition to the...因此,除了肩负通常新毕业生生要努力寻找第一份职业外,辛迪还必须确定那项工作是什么?14. I have customers...我至今还有顾客和我联系,尽管我有几年还在那里工作了。



英译汉1.Work ,in this small Midwestern community ,was almost as slow as his beat-upPontiac ,but he never quit looking.在中西部这个小社区,工作清淡得几乎就像他那破旧的庞蒂拉克车慢悠悠的,可他从没放弃过寻找2.She had already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had henot stopped.她已经想象了所有一切可能发生的可怕事情,假如他要是没有停下他车的话.3.Joe never thought twice about the money .this was not a job to him.乔从来没有仔细考虑过钱的问题,因为这对他来说并不是干活.4.She went in to grab a bite to eat ,and take the chill off before she made the lastleg of her trip home.他进去赶着吃口东西,暖暖身,然后再开完回家的最后一段路程.5.The handsome ,well-educated man who came by the office where she workedlooked like a good bet,这位顺道到她工作办公室的英俊受过良好教育的男子看上去是个挺不错的选择.6.It wasn‟t the happiest marriage ,but as their 60th anniversary approached ,mysister and I decided to throw a party .虽然他们的婚姻算不上是最幸福的,可是在他们结婚60周年纪念日来临时,我和妹妹还是决定给他们举行一个聚会.7.Added to the frequent house-wide hunts for glasses and car key were thegroceries left behind on the counter ,notices of bills left unpaid.他们除了经常满屋子里找眼镜,找车钥匙,他们还把买的食品杂货忘在了柜台上,一张张账单忘了去付.8.Sharing being unthinkable ,they‟d devised financial arrangements so elaboratethey could trigger war at any time.由于钱财共享他们觉得无法想像的,他们想出的钱财管理办法非常复杂,随时都可能引发战争.9.Determined to be a stay-at –home mom ,I began to make my living as a home-based publicist and freelance write.决心要做一个居家照顾孩子的妈妈,我开始在家靠从事写广告和自由撰稿谋生.10.Being on the internet allowed me this valuable flexibility that I otherwise neverwould have had .在互联网工作使我有了这种宝贵的的灵活性,我要是从事其他工作就根本不可能有这种灵活性了.11.Instead of standing in line at OfficeMax to make copies or wait forfaxes ,everything I needed was neatly tucked into my home office computer.我不必再站在麦克斯办公用品前排队复印或等待传真,我所需要的每样东西都整齐的放进我的家庭办公电脑里.12.I simply e-mailed interview questions to people from all over the globe ,and theyliked the fact that this allowed them to think about their answers more carefully and saved them from being misquoted.我只要用电子邮件把采访的问题发给世界各地的人,他们很喜欢这种方式,这使得他们能仔细地考虑自己的回答,免得自己的话被误引.13.What I heard was the rhythmic music of it all ,and the stories became easy torecite.在我听来,这些故事就像是充满节奏感的音乐,变得琅琅上口.14.But first ,I earned money by playing the clarinet ,which was my passion. It wasthe thing I most wanted to do .不过我最初靠演奏单簧管赚钱,因为那是我的激情所在,是我最想做的事情.15.I‟m not finished being a young child myself .maybe sometime later I‟llchange ,but this is good for now .我还想当一个长不大的小孩,也许以后的某一天我会改变,但至少目前我觉得这样挺好的.16.“Katie and her friends were sitting in the back seat talking to each other aboutsome movie star ; I think it was Orlando Bloom ,”recalled Mr. Hampton ,whose company produced the “Pirates of the Caribbean “ movies ,in which the actor starred.汉普顿先生回忆说"凯蒂和她的朋友们坐在汽车后座上相互在谈论某个电影明星,我想她们谈论的是奥兰多.布鲁姆".奥兰多.布鲁姆是汉普顿的公司发行的<加勒比海岛>系列电影的主演.17.It …s a common scene these days, one playing out in cars ,kitchens and bedroomacross the country.当今这种景象十分普遍,在全国各地的车里,厨房里以及卧室里都在上演.18.Overnight I found myself alone and struggling to find a job at age 49.我一下子发现自己单身一人,孤立无援,到了49岁还得努力去找工作。


Just as all his sister's friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.
Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.
The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.
6. In general, if you ignore the amount of iron you take in and do not pay attention to warning signs before iron reserves are gone, you will be in trouble.
2. The invention of the steam engine changed ships just as it had changed land transport.



课文(英译汉)Unitl1 .Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year so that he could eat well and go to the odd party, began to fade.这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让儿子吃好、并能偶尔参加聚会的记忆开始消退。

2. This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of Generation Grunt. (Para 2 )这位属于“千禧一代”的年青人一夜之间变成了“抱怨一代”的成员。

3. Then I applied for the Civil Service fast stream. I passed the exams, but at the interviews they accused me of being*too detached'and talking in language that was"too technocratic,' which I didn't think possible, but obviously it is. (Para 5)然后我又申请参加快速晋升人才培养计划,并通过了笔试。



4. For the rest it is 9-to-5 "chilling" before heading to the pub.其余的则都是朝九晚五地“无所事事”,晚上则去酒吧喝酒打发时间。

5. I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to the good university. (Para 6)我上的是综合学校,我拼命读书才考上了一所好大学6. ... but having worked full-time since leaving school herself, she and her husband find it tricky to advise him on how to proceed. (Para 7)她自己中学毕业后一直都在工作,所以她和她的丈夫发现,建议儿子如何继续找工作是件很棘手的事情。

大学英语二 翻译

大学英语二 翻译

1 But in most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives –families, schools and most workplaces –thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion.然而,在大多数圈子里,尤其是在我们生活中的重要场所——如家庭、学校以及大部分工作场所——独立思考受到人们的质疑。

2 Hardly anyone has been encouraged, much less trained, to think for themselves, and their teachers and parents and bosses weren’t either.很少有人受到鼓励进行独立思考,更别提接受相关的训练,就连他们的老师、父母和老板也是如此3 I saw the girl across the aisle from me lean forward and peer over the shoulder of the boy in front of her who was scribbling something.我看见跟我隔着过道的那个女同学向前探了一下身子,从前座男生的肩膀上方偷窥他正在草草写些什么。

4 I was too scared around that teacher for the rest of my young life to think very well in her presence.在后来的青春岁月里,我一见到这位老师就害怕,只要她一出现,我就无法好好思考。

5 Had she affirmed our intelligence first and spoken about the joy of thinking for ourselves, had she not fanned our fear of her, we would all have learned even more powerfully what it meant to do our thinking. 如果她能首先肯定我们的聪明才智,跟我们谈谈独立思考的乐趣,如果她没有激起我们对她的畏惧,我们就可以更深切地体会到独立思考的意义。



新标准大学英语2汉译英答案.doc.(1)Unit 1 P114.1 Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.4.2 Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursed knowledge as an end rather thana means to an end.4.3 I never hoped to learn the subject well by attending those lectures. But I did go to lectures, for it was the place where I could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials and how to reason.4.4 Although I have been trying every means to solve the problem, I cannot work out a satisfactory solution. But when I went to the kitchen to get a drink, something clicked and made me realized that the solution might be quite simple. Unit 2 P256.1 The moment I saw those old photos in the drawer, tears welled up in my eyes, for my memory went back to the days when I lived happily with grandparents, my parents and brothers and sisters.6.2 When a student slipped on a pool of water and fell over, people’s reaction diverged from one another. Some approached caringly to see if he was hurt and if they could help: some just stood there confusing over what to do about it; while others just tuned out.6.3 Last Saturday morning, I did the usual and went shopping in the supermarket. When I was about to open the door of my car, I found that I did not have my wallet on me. I could do nothing but go back home in search of it, but I failed to find anywhere.6.4 When I was a second grader, one of my classmates got a red radio-controlled toy care as a birthday gift. The rest of us could only admire, but could not imitate, because the care was expensive and was bought in Hong Kong, a place which seemed to us far away as New York at that time.Unit 3 P396.1 These are important documents, the content of which should be kept strictly confidential. If you need to dispose of them, you must shred them or tear them up instead of throwing them out with the trash.6.2 Nowadays, white-collar crimes such as forging check. ID cards and credit cards have become very common. Though we have learnt much about how to preventourselves from being cheated, it seems that we could be its victims at any time.6.3 It has been several months since the earthquake. Life has returned to normal, and people are busy going about their business. But there is no escaping the fact that the mental trauma (心灵创伤,精神创) the earthquake brought to people will never be wiped out.6.4 Why does it matter that a library had many new books and electronic resources readily available to the readers? This is because if so, the scholars know the latest development in their own filed and know whether their research is valuable.Unit 4 P536.1 So sudden, so striking was the news that I sat motionless on sofa for a few minutes, My first instinct was to call our leaders to tell them what had happened and see what we could do for those colleagues who died or got injured in this traffic accident.6.2 Paper books for children have an enormous advantage over e-books. For children, a beautifully printed paper book is not only a book but also a toy they can play with. Reading a paper book is rather different from reading a book on the screen.6.3 In recent years, traditional media are in the tendency of decline and new media are developing rapidly. However, this does not necessarily mean that traditional media have lost the market. When it comes to reading things like news, people are still used to such traditional media as newspaper.6.4 With the exposition of the financial crisis, many enterprises find themselves in difficulties. For those who have no circulating fund to invest in new production and would not let the vicious circle continue, the only thing they can do is to run to government for help.Unit 51.Though they came across many difficulties, under his leadership they successfully found a market for their products, and the overall situation was changing for the better. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the company decided to give him a flat as an award.2.When John challenged him to fencing, he was very embarrassed because he knew that he was no match for John at it. If he took the challenge, he would surely los e; but if he didn’t, he would be a coward.3.He caught a cold yesterday. Assuming that he would getbetter after a good night’s sleep, we sent him to school this morning. But later in the afternoon, he got back home with a fever and was confined to bed.4.In the past few years, I have had several severe illnesses and lived in a state of poverty, but I have never abandoned my dreams. In spite of everything I clung to dreams, which have turned out to be a great support and comfort to me.Unit 61.He cried his heart out when he heard thathe was not in the list of the school team.After all, he had gone through months of hard training and grueling competition, and had learned how to shoot with great skill and accuracy.2.The coach, who was known for hisstrictness, had meant from the very start for all the players to shut out all the distracting thoughts and push themselves beyond their limits to ensure that they wina medal at the 29th Olympic Games held inBeijing.3.Since after he took over the team, the newcoach has always borne in mind his mission and finally made it to the championship of the league matches.When interviewed, the coach was at a lossfor words because of excitement.4.Football is an amazing sport. Despite thefact that most finals are 0-0,1-0 or 2-1, people keep flocking to see football games.For me, it remains a mystery what is so attracting about football.Unit 71.The burglars were throwing the stolenitems to the pickup and were just about to drive away when the guards watching over the living quarters found them and called the police.2.The three soldiers had walked withdifficulty through the woods for a whole day, trying to navigate to the east bank of the river, only to find that they had been circling in the woods and were still dozens of miles short of their destination.3.It seems to me that the scholar who talkedabout animal intelligence this morning has obviously over-estimated the animal intelligence. She went so far as to suggest that chimpanzees can communicate with humans through computers.4.As volunteers, what we need to do is notjust limited to smiling to those who come to us for information and help, We must also learn skills for cross-cultural communication, without which our performance cannot be satisfactory.。




Gases such as carbon monoxide, emitted by factories and automobiles, have seriously polluted the atmos phere.2、那位工业管理工程师的来信表明,他对该项计划是否可行有怀疑。

The industrial engineer’s letter indicates that he doubts the feasibility of the plan.3、美国许多父母在孩子出生之前就为他们的教育留出一笔专款.Many parents in the United States set aside a fund for t heir children’s education before they are born.4、我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的。

I have made sure that her conclusion is based on facts.5、几天前,由三位医生和两名护士组成的医疗队出发到山区去了。

The medical team, composed of three doctors and two n urses, set off for the mountain(ous) area a few days ago.6、这个村庄是以矗立在它前面的那座山命名的。

The village is named after the high mountain that stan ds in front of it.7、他病了一个月左右,这是他在学习上耽误了许多。

He was ill for about a week. Which has really set him b ack in his studies.8、南方和北方之间于一八六一年爆发的那场战争在历史上称为“美国内战”。



1. Later this month, we’ll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean the hen house before the new chicks arrive.这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的雏鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。

2.I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don’t need as much either.我挣的钱远比不上全职工作时的收入,可如今我们需要的钱也没有过去多。

3. When it comes to insurance, we have a poor man’s major-medical policy.至于保险,我们买了一份低收入者的主要医疗项目保险。

4.Once economic conditions improve, however, demand for farms like ours should be strong again.但是一旦经济形势好转,对我们这种农场的需求又会增多。

5.Soon Jim, 16 and Emily, 13, the youngest of our four children, will help me make some long-overdue improvements on the outdoor toilet that supplements our indoor plumbing when we are working outside.过些时候,16岁的吉米和四个孩子中最小的13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下。




1. 许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠,而我只能暗自感叹:“要是他们知情就好了。

”(1. A lot of people believe that sleeping pills help them sleep. All I can think is, "if they only knew."2. 当我第一次驾机飞上蓝天时,我终于美梦成真。

My dream came true when I first flew up into the blue sky in an airplane. .3. 这位乡下孩子接触到了城里的种种陌生的事物。


The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He felt gre atly shocked as if he had entered a future world.4. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。

Within only one year after graduation from college, he went from a student who pursued his dream to a person who didn't care about a thing.5. 我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。

I have been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that's not something that everyone gets. .7B1. 随着战争的开始,接踵而来的便是为期十年的屠杀和毁灭。

(1. With the beginning of the war came ten years of killing and destruction.2. 我们将继续从事我们一直在从事的事业。

英语 大二上复习资料

英语 大二上复习资料


Fortunately there was a hospital nearby,and we took him there at once.2.胜利登上乔治岛( George island)后,船长向指挥部( the headquarters)发了一份无线电报。

After Succeeding in landing on George Island,the captain sent a radio message to the headquarters.3.他决心继续他的实验,不过这一次他将用另一种方法来做。

He is determined to continue his experiment,but this time he'll try to do it in another way.4..她在读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。

When she read the novel,she couldn't help thinking of the five yearsshe had spent in the countryside.5.玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。

Mary thought it was difficult to carry out her plan all by herself.6.我们认为他不能在一刻钟内走完那段距离,但他却成功地做到了这一点。

We didn't think he could cover the distance ina quarter of an hour,but he successfully in doing it.7.那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。

That famous actor seemed content toplay a minor part in the play8.国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底( thorough)扫一下吧。

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1. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。

(much less)Suggested answer: She wouldn't take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner.2. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。

(whereas)Suggested answer: He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth.3. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for)Suggested answer: How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day thisweek?4. 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。

(due to)Suggested answer: The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。

(result in)Suggested answer: Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。

(pour into) Suggested answer: We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.1. 尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。

(despite)Suggested answer: Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents.2. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。

(nor)Suggested answer: Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation.3. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。

(next to; by no means) Suggested answer: The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer.4. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。

(be indifferent to)Suggested answer: He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.5. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。

(count on) Suggested answer: The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care ofproblems in his absence.6. 这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。

(in the presence of sb.)Suggested answer: This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience.1. 你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。

(never too... to...)Suggested answer: You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2. 还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。

(Use an appositional structure) Suggested answer: There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there.3. 由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。

(meet with)Suggested answer: Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.4. 虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。

(ups and downs; all along) Suggested answer: Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday.5. 我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。

(have reservations about)Suggested answer: I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6. 她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。

(give an illusion of) Suggested answer: She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.1. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?(Use "it" as the formal subject)Suggested answer: It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.2. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。

(as long as)Suggested answer: It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.3. 你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。

(without fail)Suggested answer: You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.4. 请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。

(more than + adjective) Suggested answer: Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little interested in it.5. 人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。

(be free to do sth.)Suggested answer: Everyone knows that he is special: He is free to come and go as he pleases.6. 看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。

(feel as though) Suggested answer: Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as though she wished to say something to me.1. 他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。

(Use "which" to refer back to an idea or situation)Suggested answer: He spoke confidently, which impressed me most.2. 我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。

(Use "so... that..." to emphasize the degree of something)Suggested answer: My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3. 我十分感激你给我的帮助。

(be grateful for)Suggested answer: I'm very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4. 光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。

(coupled with)Suggested answer: The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made driving very difficult.5. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。

(starve of)Suggested answer: Being starved of funds, they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6. 每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们。

(lean on)Suggested answer: They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.1. 就像机器需要经常运转一样,身体也需要经常锻炼。

(as... so...)Suggested answer: (Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2. 在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。

(while + V-ing)Suggested answer: He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3. 令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。

(turn down)Suggested answer: To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.4. 真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新科技的进步,世界发生了变化。
