Renal replacement therapy and the elderly
In the realm of healthcare, the concept of alternative medicine has gained significant traction over the years. As a high school student with a keen interest in the sciences, I have been particularly intrigued by the idea of drug replacement therapies. This essay delves into my exploration of this fascinating field, highlighting the potential benefits and the challenges associated with it.Drug replacement therapies, or what some refer to as alternative medicine, are treatments that are used in place of conventional pharmaceutical drugs. This approach can include a wide range of practices, from herbal remedies and acupuncture to homeopathy and chiropractic care. My journey into understanding this field began with a personal health issue that traditional medicine seemed to struggle with.I suffered from chronic headaches that were not effectively managed by the prescribed medications. The side effects were bothersome, and the relief was only temporary. It was then that I started to consider alternative options. I began researching various drug replacement therapies, and my first encounter was with acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and treat various conditions.My experience with acupuncture was both enlightening and transformative. The practitioner explained that the therapy works on the principle of balancing the bodys energy flow, known as Qi. The process was surprisingly calming, and after several sessions, I noticed a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of my headaches. This personalsuccess story sparked a deeper curiosity about the efficacy of alternative therapies.However, its important to note that the effectiveness of drug replacement therapies can be a contentious issue. While some studies suggest that certain alternative treatments can be as effective as, or even more effective than, traditional medications, others argue that the evidence is anecdotal and lacks scientific rigor. For instance, herbal remedies, which have been used for centuries in various cultures, are often touted for their healing properties. Yet, the regulation and standardization of these remedies can be inconsistent, leading to concerns about their safety and efficacy.Moreover, the integration of drug replacement therapies into mainstream healthcare is not without its challenges. There can be a lack of understanding and acceptance among medical professionals, who may not be trained in these alternative methods. Additionally, insurance coverage for such treatments can be limited, making them less accessible for many patients.Despite these hurdles, I believe that the potential benefits of drug replacement therapies are worth exploring further. For one, they can offer a more holistic approach to healthcare, taking into account the patients overall wellbeing rather than just addressing a specific symptom. Furthermore, for individuals like myself who have not found relief through conventional treatments, these alternatives can provide a new avenue for healing.In conclusion, my foray into drug replacement therapies has been an eyeopening experience. It has shown me that there is more to healthcare than just the pills and potions offered by conventional medicine. While it is crucial to approach these alternatives with a critical and informed perspective, I am optimistic about the role they can play in complementing traditional treatments and improving overall health outcomes. As a high school student, I am excited to continue learning about this field and perhaps one day contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the future of healthcare.。
2010年CRRT指南血液净化(blood purification)技术指各种连续或间断清除体内过多水分、溶质方法的总称,该技术是在肾脏替代治疗技术的基础上逐步发展而来。
本指南仅对ICU中应用最多的肾脏替代治疗(renal replacement therapy, RRT)进行讨论并提出建议。
制定本指南的意义循证医学证据按照Delphi 分级标准(见表1)。
循证医学证据时间跨度为1999年1月至2009年3月;数据主要来自Medline、Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR)、Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)和万方数据库等4个数据库。
主题词采用以下几个:①hemofiltration;②dialysis;③renal replacement therapy;④continuous renal replacement therapy;⑤critical illness;⑥acute renal failureDelphi 循证医学分级标准指导建议分级A 至少有2项Ⅰ级研究结果支持B 仅有1项Ⅰ级结果支持C 仅有Ⅱ级研究结果支持D 至少有1项Ⅲ级研究结果支持E 仅有Ⅳ级或Ⅴ级研究结果支持研究文献分级Ⅰ大样本、随机研究,结论确定,假阳性或假阴性错误的风险较低Ⅱ小样本、随机研究,结论不确定,假阳性和/或假阴性错误的风险较高Ⅲ非随机,同期对照研究Ⅳ非随机,历史对照研究和专家意见Ⅴ系列病例报道,非对照研究和专家意见第一部分血液净化的相关概念一.相关概念血液净化包括RRT、血液灌流(hemoperfusion,HP)及血浆置换(plasma exchange,PE)等,其中RRT是本指南重点。
急性重症胰腺炎诊治进展北京协和医院王春耀杜斌《中华急诊医学杂志》,2014,23(10):1073-1075急性胰腺炎是胰腺的急性炎症反应,大约15%的患者进展为急性重症胰腺炎(SAP),病死率可达13% [1]。
与1992年分类标准相比,新标准对胰腺炎严重程度的分级有了较大改变,即引入了中度胰腺炎(moderately severe pancreatitis)这一概念。
与急性生理和慢性健康状况II评分(acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, APACHE II)相比,Marshall评分应用范围更广,可用于普通病房或急诊患者。
结果显示,轻、中和重症患者入住ICU比例(4.6%vs. 43.1% vs. 83.3%)及平均ICU住院日(1.2 vs. 3.5 vs. 7.9日)随病情严重程度均显著增加。
局解手术学杂志http ://2023,32(5)J REG ANAT OPER SURG 感染性休克患者连续肾脏替代治疗中的容量管理李洪超,蒋东坡,敬慧丹 (陆军特色医学中心野战外科研究所重症医学科,重庆 400042)[摘要] 感染性休克患者容易发生容量失衡,而容量失衡与重症患者器官受损和预后相关。
血液净化技术是感染性休克患者常用的治疗方法之一,连续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT )可以实现目标滴定的容量管理模式,重建内环境稳态。
应关注感染性休克不同阶段的容量管理,全面评估容量等,最终通过CRRT 实现目标导向的容量管理。
[关键词] 血液净化;连续肾脏替代治疗;休克;容量管理[中图分类号] R459.5 [文献标识码] A [收稿日期] 2022-10-12Volume management in continuous renal replacement therapy in patients with septic shock LI Hong -chao ,JIANG Dong -po ,JING Hui -dan (Department of Intensive Care Unit ,Research Institute of Field Surgery ,ArmyMedical Center of PLA ,Chongqing 400042,China )Abstract: Septic shock is prone to volume imbalance ,which is associated with organ damage and prognosis in severe patients.Bloodpurification technique is one of the commonly used treatment methods for patients with septic shock.Continuous renal replacement therapy(CRRT ) can achieve a volumetric management mode of target titration and rebuild homeostasis of internal environment.However ,during blood purification ,clinicians usually lack dynamic assessment and phased targets in management.By focusing on the volume management at different stages of septic shock ,comprehensively assessing volume ,and so on ,the ultimate goal oriented volume management can be achieved through CRRT.Keywords: blood purification ;continuous renal replacement therapy ;septic shock ;volume management感染性休克是院内重症患者最常见的休克类型,是疾病的危重症阶段,容易导致患者发生容量失衡,进而引起机体内环境紊乱。
Return Pressure Positive +50 to +150 mmHg
Effluent Pressure Negative or Positive >+50 to -150 mmHg
高通量旳滤器 面积 1.6-2.2平方米
总之,对重症脓毒血症或合并休克患者, CRRT极难设定上限计量,尚需研究,超滤
Access Pressure Negative -50 to -150 mmHg
Filter Pressure Positive +100 to +250 mmHg
凝措施) 局部肝素抗凝法 局部枸橼酸盐抗凝法 低分子肝素抗凝法 无肝素抗凝法 前列腺素抗凝法
原理:阻断血小板粘附功能和汇集功能 有人以为比肝素安全,半衰期极短(2min) 缺陷:停用后抗血小板活性时间长(24H) 无中和制剂 调整需依赖血小板汇集试验 药物剂量依赖性低血压发生率高 应用
滤器 聚砜膜(AV400及AV600)滤器 聚丙烯腈膜(AN69)滤器
AN 69
透析液和滤 出液出口
空心纤维 膜
透析液入 口
空心纤维外面 (滤出液) 空心纤维里面 (血液)
低通量滤器 <10000D
动脉压Access Pressure
测量当血液离开病人血液通路(例如双腔导管)时 旳压力(体外旳)
目 次2023 年 7 月 第 9 卷 第 7 期中西医结合脑病护理专栏爱脑护脑,中西医结合护理促健康——“中西医结合脑病护理”专栏第二期导读…………………………………………………………………廖若夷(1)基于“一气周流”理论刮痧干预高血压缺血性脑卒中的疗效观察………刘彬,余艳兰,高子琪,奉水华,杨楠,郭元,廖若夷(2)脐灸联合间歇性导尿在中风后神经源性膀胱患者康复护理中的应用………………………………………邹秋玉,罗红,余艳兰,许静(8)穴位贴敷治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍的Meta 分析…………………佀惠婕,廖若夷,余艳兰,高子琪,刘彬,郭元(13)基于CiteSpace 的脑卒中后睡眠障碍中医护理研究可视化分析…………………高子琪,廖若夷,余艳兰,佀惠婕,刘彬,郭元(23)经穴推拿联合脐灸治疗1例气虚便秘患者的中医护理体会…………………………………………………葛思楠,王雪送,余艳兰(30)子午流注择时气交灸联合五行音乐治疗1例出血性中风气虚血瘀型患者泄泻的护理体会…………………雷啸阳,陈青,许时来,张占伟,张茜,邓海霞(34)耳穴压豆联合手指点穴干预1例心肾不交型失眠患者的护理体会……………………………………………………………张慧,周运波(38)1 例神经源性膀胱患者的中西医结合护理体会…………………………………………………郑莹芊,许静,邹秋玉(41)1例中风后遗症期痰热瘀结证反复发热患者的中医外治护理体会…………………………………………………罗焕文,周运波,刘才丹(45)1例急性脑梗死并发下消化道出血患者的护理体会……………………………………………………………陈海香,吴敏(49)心理辅导护理联合中医特色疗法治疗丛集性头痛1例的护理体会………………………………………刘才丹,余艳兰,周运波,罗焕文(54)中风重症患者中西医早期康复及影响因素研究进展……………………………………………………………罗红,余艳兰(58)中医护理技术在脑卒中后便秘中的应用进展……………………………张茜,陈偶英,许时来,张占伟,雷啸阳(65)脑卒中后认知障碍的中医特色护理研究进展………………………………………李文雅,肖纯,黄璐,彭晓玲(71)我国中医脑病专科护士培养构思与展望………………………………………梁星星,李欢,邓茜,黄璐(78)中西医结合老年慢病护理及管理专栏聚焦中西医多元融合,构建老年慢病管理创新模式——“中西医结合老年慢病护理及管理”专栏第二期导读………………………………………………………………………杨梅(82)ZHONGXIYI JIEHE HULI主管北京市中医管理局主办中华中西医结合护理学会北京市中医护理能力提升工程办公室编辑《中西医结合护理》编辑部主编 唐 玲主任 黄 磊编辑 尹佳杰 吴银平编辑助理 鄂海燕美术编辑 王 丽地址 南京市龙蟠路155号 联合立方广场3⁃203邮编 210037电话 ************邮箱 bjb@出版中西医结合护理杂志社社长 叶振华电话 ************网刊http ://邮箱 tg@学术传播结合护理(南京)有限公司本刊刊出所有文章不代表编委会以及编辑部的观点ZHONGXIYI JIEHE HULI2023 年 7 月第 9 卷第 7 期新形势下老年慢病管理发展趋势的思考…………………………………………………………………………………………………………杨梅(84)中药塌渍治疗联合超声药物导入治疗老年糖尿病周围神经病变的效果观察……………………………………………………………………………………张圆林,蔡伟伟,李娜(90)变应性鼻炎患者中西医结合护理效果观察……………………………………………………………………………………索翠红,杨梅,刘云霞(95)认知障碍评估对老年2型糖尿病患者低血糖发生率的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘云霞(100)高龄患者经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管时送管困难影响因素及对策…………………………………………………………………………………………………………何英(105)中医护理联合持续雾化吸入在老年气管切开患者护理中的应用效果观察…………………………………………………………………………………………………………黄宁(110)中医护理在老年晚期恶性肿瘤患者中的应用效果观察…………………………………………………………………………………………………………姜珊(114)中医特色护理技术联合健康教育对老年肿瘤患者化疗期间胃肠道反应的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………李芳(119)集束化护理预防老年失禁相关性皮炎效果观察……………………………………………………………………………………刘玉辉,张亚萍,郑志兰(123)163例肝病患者抑郁状况调查及护理干预效果分析…………………………………………………………………………望运丹,王伟仙,胡德英,刘义兰(126)中药超声药物透入治疗1例不完全性肠梗阻的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘旭(133)1例尿毒症继发甲状旁腺功能亢进行甲状旁腺全切联合自体前臂移植术的围手术期护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………谢继红(137)1例慢性肾衰竭患者连续性肾脏替代治疗及护理体会………………………………………………………………………………………………许娟,王亚茹(141)耳穴压豆治疗戒烟后失眠1例护理体会…………………………………………曹蕾,孔晓春,刘洋,杨婷,张丽君,鄂海燕,唐玲(144)耳穴压丸治疗1例糖尿病合并肺炎患者的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………韩精华(147)发热患者分诊系统在新型冠状病毒肺炎急诊预检分诊中的应用效果…………………………………………………………………………………………………………陈曦(150)老年腹腔镜结肠癌术中低体温的影响因素及护理措施研究进展…………………………………………………………………………………………………………朱月华(154)中医穴位贴敷疗法在成人便秘中的应用研究进展……………………………………………………王晓敏,郑乃花,杨冬梅,鄂海燕,张丽君,刘晓柳(158)老年脑卒中患者跌倒原因分析与护理对策研究进展………………………………………………………………………………………………马翠卿,杨梅(164)论著脊柱外科术后患者疼痛管理的证据总结………………………………………向婷婷,郑苏,谢晓敏(170)ZHONGXIYI JIEHE HULI2023 年 7 月第 9 卷第 7 期妊娠期糖尿病产妇出院准备度现状及影响因素研究……………………………………………………………………………………段美美,孙贵豫,黎媛媛(176)肺癌患者化疗期间饮食困扰的质性研究………………………………………………………………………………………………张月瑜,尹媛媛(182)中医特色护理砭石熨摩疗法缓解1例腰椎管狭窄术后患者腹胀的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………张旭(188)1例肝肿物微创术后并发流注的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………冯瑞萍(191)技术与方法1例双上腔静脉患者Sherlock 3CG尖端定位下经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管及护理对策………………………………………………………………宋兰娜,王媛,王文萱,王钰,张娜(195)1例持续性房颤伴急性左心衰患者腔内心电图定位下PICC置管的护理………………………………………………………………………………………………廖丽红,施丽华(201)俯卧位通气技术在ICU的应用及护理…………………………………………………………………………代洪然,王华枝,李玉华,马海红(205)全科护理经鼻肠管营养支持联合快速康复外科理念对重症颅脑损伤患者营养状况、并发症及术后恢复的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………卢卉欣(209)盆底肌锻炼联合水疗促进直肠癌患者保肛术后康复效果研究………………………………………………………………………………………………黄丽明,吴丽芳(215)护理管理科室设立总护士岗位在新入职护士值班管理中的应用…………………………………………………………………………贺丹丹,朱恒美,杨露,倪媛(219)危机管理在儿童口腔门诊投诉管理中的应用……………………………………………………………………………………周莉娜,罗莎,王雁(224)案例分享1例甲型H1N1流感病毒合并高黏液型肺炎克雷伯菌感染患者俯卧位通气的护理体会………………………………………………………………魏娴,王慧萍,刘璐,李祯,张智舒(229)依奇珠单抗联合血液灌流治疗重度银屑病1例疗效观察……………………………………………………………………………………李静,沈霞,李红仙(234)1例急性心肌梗死后并发室性心律失常电风暴患者的急救护理…………………………………………………………………………………………………………汪碧云(237)综述多发性骨髓瘤并发周围神经病变患者的护理研究进展………………………………………………………………李丽霞,班锦青,梁静林,农珍诊,韦玲(241)Volume 9 Number 7 July 2023Fostering brain health with integrated traditional Chinese and western medi⁃cine nursing ……………………………………………LIAO Ruoyi (1)Effect of scraping on hypertensive ischemic stroke based on " Qi Circula⁃tion" theory ……………………LIU Bin , YU Yanlan , GAO Ziqi , FENG Shuihua , YANG Nan , GUO Yuan , LIAORuoyi (2)Application of umbilical moxibustion combined with intermittent catheter⁃ization in rehabilitation nursing of patients with neurogenic bladder af⁃ter stroke …………ZOU Qiuyu , LUO Hong , YU Yanlan , XU Jing (8)A Meta -analysis of acupoint application in the treatment of dysphagia after stroke ……………………………………SI Huijie , LIAO Ruoyi , YU Yanlan , GAO Ziqi , LIU Bin , GUO Yuan (13)Visual analysis of traditional Chinese medicine nursing research on post -stroke sleep disorders based on CiteSpace …………………………………GAO Ziqi , LIAO Ruoyi , YU Yanlan , SI Huijie , LIU Bin , GUO Yuan (23)Traditional Chinese medicine nursing of a patient with Qi -deficiency type constipation treated by meridian acupoints massage combined with um⁃bilical moxibustion ……GE Sinan , WANG Xuesong , YU Yanlan (30)Qijiao moxibustion based on midnight -noon ebb -flow combined with five -element music therapy and nursing management of diarrhea in a patient with hemorrhagic stroke of Qi -deficiency and blood stasis syndrome …………LEI Xiaoyang , CHEN Qing , XU Shilai , ZHANG Zhanwei , ZHANG Qian , DENG Haixia (34)Nursing of a patient with insomnia of heart -kidney disharmony treated by auricular acupoint pressing and acupoint finger -pressing therapy ………………………………………ZHANG Hui , ZHOU Yunbo (38)Nursing of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for a patient with neurogenic bladder ………………………ZHENG Yingqian , XU Jing , ZOU Qiuyu (41)Traditional Chinese Medicine external treatment and nursing for a patient with recurrent fever in the sequelae of stroke with phlegm -heat stasis syndrome …………LUO Huanwen , ZHOU Yunbo , LIU Caidan (45)Nursing of a patient with acute cerebral infarction combined with lower gas⁃trointestinal tract bleeding ……………CHEN Haixiang , WU Min (49)Psychological counseling and nursing interventions with Traditional Chi⁃nese Medicine characteristics for a patient with cluster headache………LIU Caidan , YU Yanlan , ZHOU Yunbo , LUO Huanwen (54)Research progress of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine early reha⁃bilitation and its influencing factors in severe stroke patients…………………………………………LUO Hong , YU Yanlan (58)Contents Responsible InstitutionBeijing Administration of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine SponsorAssociation o f I ntegrative N ursingBeijing Traditional Chinese Med⁃icine Nursing Competence Im⁃provement Project OfficeEiditingEditorial Board of Chinese Jour⁃nal of Integrative Nursing Editor-in-ChiefTANG Ling DirectorHUANG Lei EditorsYIN Jiajie WU Yinping Editorial Assistant E Haiyan Art Editor WANG Li Address NO.155, Longpan Road ,Nanjing , China Post Code 210037Tel + 86 - 25 - 85552880E⁃mail : bjb@PublisherIntegrative Nursing Press Founder and CEO YE Zhenhua Tel + 86 - 25 - 85630967Online Publishinghttp : / / E⁃mail : tg@Academic DisseminationIntegrative Nursing (Nanjing )Co.,LtdVolume 9Number 7July 2023Application progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in constipation after stroke ……………………………ZHANG Xi, CHEN Ouying, XU Shilai, ZHANG Zhanwei, LEI Xiaoyang (65)Progress of research on Traditional Chinese Medicine characteristic nursing of patients with cognitive impair⁃ment after stroke………………………………LI Wenya, XIAO Chun, HUANG Lu, PENG Xiaoling (71)Conception and prospect of talent training of Traditional Chinese Medicine encephalopathy nurse specialists …………………………………………………LIANG Xingxing, LI Huan, DENG Qian, HUANG Lu (78)Focusing on the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine and building an innovative management model for chronic diseases in the elderly……………………………………………………YANG Mei (82)On the thinking of development trend of chronic disease management in the elderly……………YANG Mei (84)Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine collapse stains combined with ultrasound drug penetration therapy in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the elderly………ZHANG Yuanlin, CAI Weiwei, LI Na (90)Effect of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in nursing of patients with allergic rhinitis …………………………………………………………………SUO Cuihong, YANG Mei, LIU Yunxia (95)Effect of cognitive impairment assessment on the incidence of hypoglycemia in hospitalized elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus……………………………………………………………………LIU Yunxia (100)Influential factors and countermeasures of the difficulty in inserting peripheral inserted central venous catheter among elderly patients…………………………………………………………………………HE Ying (105)Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing combined with continuous nebulization in nursing of elderly pa⁃tients undergoing tracheostomy…………………………………………………………HUANG Ning (110)Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology for elderly patients with advanced cancer ……………………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Shan (114)Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine characteristic nursing technology combined with health education on gas⁃trointestinal adverse reactions during chemotherapy in elderly patients with cancer…………LI Fang (119)Effect of care bundles on the prevention of incontinence-associated dermatitis in the elderly…………………………………………………………LIU Yuhui, ZHANG Yaping, ZHENG Zhilan (123)Analysis of depression status and nursing interventions in 163 patients with liver disease……………………………………………WANG Yundan, WANG Weixian, HU Deying, LIU Yilan (126)Nursing of a patient with incomplete intestinal obstruction treated by the ultrasound-enhanced penetration of Tra⁃ditional Chinese Medicine………………………………………………………………………LIU Xu (133)Perioperative nursing of a patient undergoing total parathyroidectomy with subcutaneous autotransplantation for secondary hyperparathyroidism……………………………………………………………XIE Jihong (137)Nursing of a patient undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy for chronic renal failure …………………………………………………………………………………XU Juan, WANG Yaru (141)Auricular acupoint pressing therapy and nursing of a patient with insomnia after quitting smoking ……………………CAO Lei, KONG Xiaochun, LIU Yang, ZHANG Lijun, E Haiyan, TANG Ling (144)Auricular acupoint pressing and nursing of a patient with pneumonia and diabetes mellitus…HAN Jinghua (147)Application of fever triage system in emergency pre-examination and triage of COVID-19 patients ………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Xi (150)Influencing factors and nursing countermeasures of hypothermia in elder patients undergoing laparoscopic resec⁃tion of colon cancer………………………………………………………………………ZHU Yuehua (154)Review on the application of acupoint sticking therapy for constipation in adult patients………WANG Xiaomin, ZHENG Naihua, YANG Dongmei, E Haiyan, ZHANG Lijun, LIU Xiaoliu (158)Research progress on causes and nursing countermeasures of falls in elderly stroke patientsVolume 9Number 7July 2023………………………………………………………………………………MA Cuiqing, YANG Mei (164)An Evidence summary of postoperative pain management in spinal surgery…………………………………………………………XIANG Tingting, ZHENG Su, XIE Xiaomin (170)Discharge readiness and its influencing factors among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus ……………………………………………………………DUAN Meimei, SUN Guiyu, LI Yuanyuan (176)A qualitative study on dietary distress of lung cancer patients during chemotherapy…………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yueyu, YIN Yuanyuan (182)Application of stone needle ironing therapy in a patient with abdominal distension after surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis……………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xu (188)Nursing of a patient with deep muscle abscess after minimally invasive surgery for hepatic masses …………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Ruiping (191)Sherlock 3CGtip confirmation system for placement of peripherally inserted central catheters and related nursing countermeasures in a patient with double superior vena cava……………………………SONG Lanna, WANG Yuan, WANG Wenxuan, WANG Yu, ZHANG Na (195)Intracavitary electrocardiography for peripherally inserted central catheters tip location and nursing for a patient with persistent atrial fibrillation and acute left heart failure…………………LIAO Lihong, SHI Lihua (201)Application and nursing of prone ventilation technique in ICU………………………………………………DAI Hongran, WANG Huazhi, LI Yuhua, MA Haihong (205)Influence of enteral nutrition support via nasointestinal tube combined with fast-truck surgery on nutritional sta⁃tus, complications and postoperative rehabilitation of patients with severe head injury……LU Huixin (209)Effect of pelvic floor muscle training combined with hydrotherapy on postoperative rehabilitation of patients un⁃dergoing for sphincter preservation rectal cancer………………………HUANG Liming, WU Lifang (215)Establishment of chief nurse position in training and duty management of newly recruited nurses ……………………………………………………HE Dandan, ZHU Hengmei, YANG Lu, NI Yuan (219)Application of crisis management in patient complaint management in the pediatric dentistry clinic ……………………………………………………………………ZHOU Lina, LUO Sha, WANG Yan (224)Prone position ventilation and nursing management for a patient with influenza A (H1N1)virus infection com⁃bined with hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae infection………………………………………WEI Xian, WANG Huiping, LIU Lu, LI Zhen, ZHANG Zhishu (229)Therapeutic effect of Ixekizumab combined with hemoperfusion in a patient with severe psoriasis ………………………………………………………………………LI Jing, SHEN Xia, LI Hongxian (234)Emergency care of a patient with ventricular arrhythmiastorms following acute myocardial infarction ……………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Biyun (237)Research progress in nursing of multiple myeloma complicated by peripheral neuropathy………………………………LI Lixia, BAN Jinchun, LIANG Jinglin, NONG Zhenzhen, WEI Ling (241)。
中国血液净化2020年1月第19卷第1期Chin J Blood Purif,January,2020,Vol.19,No.1·临床研究·延长间断肾脏替代治疗非计划性下机相关因素分析李雪洁1郑茜子1于重燕1金其庄1【摘要】目的探讨笔者中心实施延长间断肾脏替代治疗(prolonged intermittent renal re-placement therapy,PIRRT)非计划性下机的相关因素,对后续质量改进提供依据。
【关键词】肾脏替代治疗;抗凝;滤过分数;回路寿命中图分类号:R318.16文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4091.2020.01.002Related factors of unscheduled interruption during prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapyLI Xue-jie1,ZHENG Xi-zi1,YU Chong-yan1,JIN Qi-zhuang11Department of Nephrology,Peking Universi-ty First Hospital;Institute of Nephrology,Peking University;Key Laboratory of Renal Disease,China Minis-try of Health;Key Laboratory of Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention and Treatment,China Ministry of Educa-tion,Beijing100034,ChinaCorresponding author:JIN Qi-zhuang,Email:********************.cn【Abstract】Objective To explore the related factors of unscheduled interruption during prolonged inter-mittent renal replacement therapy(PIRRT).Method The medical records of all patients received PIRRT inthe Renal Department of Peking University First Hospital from January2017to December2017were retro-spectively reviewed.Circuit and patient data were collected and analyzed.Result A total of82patients with898circuits were finally included in this study,in which259circuits(28.8%)were considered as unscheduledinterruption.Circuit clotting was observed in212cases of the unscheduled interruption(81.9%).Compared tothe scheduled group,the unscheduled group was more likely not to receive anticoagulation(34.7%vs.13.3%,χ2=71.941,P<0.001),to use femoral vein catheters(68.3%vs.59.8%,χ2=5.745,P=0.010),and to have higherlevel of the highest filtration fraction(31.7±5.3%vs.31.0±4.6%,t=-1.985,P=0.047).There were no signifi-cant differences in the education degree of nurses(62.9%vs.64.9%,χ2=0.304,P=0.318),working years ofnurses(3.3±2.0vs.3.6±2.1,t=-0.971,P=0.064),and patient-nurse ratio(1.8±0.7vs.1.9±0.8,t=-1.833,P=0.360)between the two groups.Conclusion The main reason for unscheduled interruption during PIRRTin our dialysis center was circuit clotting caused by inappropriate use of anticoagulation,higher filtration frac-tion and catheter malfunction.After regular and standardized training,the education degree and working yearsof nurses had no significant impact on unscheduled interruption.【Key words】Renal replacement therapy;Anticoagulation;Filtration fraction;Circuit life延长间断肾脏替代治疗(prolongedintermit-tent renal replacement therapy,PIRRT)是血液净化的一种“杂合模式”,与连续性肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)基金项目:北京大学第一医院科研种子基金(2019SF72)作者单位:100034北京,1北京大学第一医院肾内科,北京大学肾脏病研究所卫生部肾脏疾病重点实验室通讯作者:金其庄100034北京,1北京大学第一医院肾内科,北京大学肾脏病研究所卫生部肾脏疾病重点实验室Email:********************.cn ••3中国血液净化2020年1月第19卷第1期Chin J Blood Purif,January,2020,Vol.19,No.1相比,能减少抗凝需要,缩短治疗时间,降低成本,减少护士工作量,在重症患者治疗中应用亦较为广泛[1]。
中空纤维组成,纤维内径为200um,壁厚10um左右。其材料是半 透膜,如铜仿膜、血仿膜、醋酸纤维膜、聚砜膜、聚丙烯晴膜等。 血液在管中流动,这些中空纤维称为血室。外壳与血室之间间隙是 透析液流动的地方称为水室。透析器长20-25cm,直径为5-10cm, 透析面积为0.8-1.7m2,预冲血量为75-90ml。
原因 表现
血液透析时血液中的毒素迅速下降,血浆渗透压下降,而由于血脑屏障使脑脊液中的尿素等溶质下降较 慢,以致脑脊液的渗透压相对较高,水分由血液进入脑脊液形成脑水肿。也与透析后脑脊液与血液之间 的PH值梯度增大即脑脊液中PH值相对较低有关。
主要由体外循环系统、 透析液配置供给系统 及监控这两大系统的 相关设备组成。
又称“人工肾”,透析过程中 血液与透析液在透析器呈反向 流动,溶质(毒素)和水的跨 膜运转均在透析器中进行,透 析膜是透析器的主要组成部分。
将自来水中的微粒、 细菌、离子和微生物 去掉,提供高纯度水 供透析使用。
其它 急性药物或毒物中毒、难治性充血 性心衰与急性肺水肿的急救、肝肾 综合征、肝硬化顽固性腹水等。
差 峰谷式
每日透析3-4小时 每日透析6-8小时
CRRT与IRRT的比较 (续)
• 足够的透析剂量 超滤 1升/hr 2升/hr
3-4hr/日 6-8hr/日
用kt/v或Curea作指标,若达到CRRT的清除率,只有每 日透析一次
CRRT是否降低了病人的死亡率? -尚无结论
* 缺乏严格的比照探讨 * 病情困难。MODS、败血症、自身防卫机制丢失、
• 发生于透后2-3分钟 • 指通过静脉端回心血的一小部分,经过心
肺循环和动脉系统后,干脆进入滤器,而 未经过含尿素丰富的组织。 • 当运用深静脉插管时,不存在。 • 占透后BUN反跳的15%。
• 透析处方不充分,发生于V过大的患者
– 体重>81kg
• 血管通路有问题
• 维持稳定的体重 和循环血容量,从而避开 • 发生低血压和心排血量降低 • 代谢废物的清除量明显增加 • 水分的清除,特殊是在低血压患者中更为有效 • 维持肾灌注量促进肾功能复原
• 困难的急性肾衰
• 非肾衰病人
心血管不稳定 •
• 血管通路再循环 • 心肺再循环
• 透析净化的血液逆向流向透析器的动脉 端
• 可发生于动静脉内瘘或中心静脉置管 • 发生于透后数秒,占透后BUN反跳的50%
以上 • 血透停止,入口再循环即停止(20秒)
• 常见于 • 泵速>动脉血流速,内瘘血流不足 • 吻合口下游静脉狭窄,血流回流受阻 • 动静脉穿刺点距离:>10cm • 透析管路的反向运用
药物替代疗法英语作文Title: The Advantages of Drug Replacement Therapy。
Drug replacement therapy, also known as medication substitution therapy, is a revolutionary approach in the medical field that offers an alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatments. This therapeutic method involves substituting a conventional medication with a differentdrug or therapy to achieve similar or even superior therapeutic effects. In this essay, we will delve into the merits of drug replacement therapy and explore its impacton modern healthcare.First and foremost, drug replacement therapy presents a promising solution to the issue of medication resistance. Over time, patients may develop resistance to certain drugs, rendering them ineffective in treating their medical conditions. By substituting these medications with alternative drugs or therapies, healthcare professionalscan overcome this challenge and provide patients witheffective treatment options. This approach is particularly beneficial in the management of chronic diseases such asHIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, where drug resistanceis a prevalent concern.Furthermore, drug replacement therapy offers a more personalized approach to patient care. Each individual responds differently to medications due to factors such as genetic makeup, metabolism, and coexisting medical conditions. Therefore, tailoring treatment regimens to suit the specific needs of each patient is essential for optimizing therapeutic outcomes. Drug replacement therapy allows healthcare providers to customize treatment plans based on the patient's unique characteristics, thereby improving treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction.Moreover, drug replacement therapy can mitigate adverse drug reactions and side effects. Many conventional medications are associated with undesirable side effectsthat can significantly impact the patient's quality of life. By replacing these drugs with alternative therapies that have a more favorable side effect profile, healthcareprofessionals can minimize patient discomfort and enhance treatment adherence. This is particularly beneficial for elderly patients and individuals with multiple comorbidities who are more susceptible to adverse drug reactions.Additionally, drug replacement therapy can address the issue of medication cost and accessibility. In many parts of the world, access to essential medications is limited due to factors such as high drug prices and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. Drug replacement therapy provides a cost-effective alternative to expensive pharmaceuticals, making essential treatments more accessible to underserved populations. By utilizing lower-cost medications or non-pharmacological therapies, healthcare providers can ensure that patients receive the care they need without financial burden.Furthermore, drug replacement therapy promotes innovation and advances in medical research. By exploring alternative treatment modalities, researchers can discover new drugs, therapies, and treatment approaches that mayoffer superior efficacy and safety compared to existing medications. This fosters a culture of innovation within the medical community and drives progress in the field of healthcare.In conclusion, drug replacement therapy holds immense potential in revolutionizing modern healthcare by offering alternative treatment options that are personalized, effective, and affordable. By harnessing the benefits of this therapeutic approach, healthcare providers can improve patient outcomes, minimize adverse drug reactions, and enhance the overall quality of care. As we continue to explore the possibilities of drug replacement therapy, it is evident that this approach will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of medicine.。
药物替代疗法英语作文高中Title: Alternative Medicine: A Controversial Approach。
Introduction:Alternative medicine, also known as complementary or integrative medicine, has gained significant attention in recent years as a substitute for conventional medical treatments. While some advocate for its effectiveness and holistic approach, others remain skeptical due to the lack of scientific evidence and potential risks associated with certain practices. This essay delves into the controversial topic of alternative medicine, examining its principles, benefits, drawbacks, and the need for a balanced perspective.Body:I. Understanding Alternative Medicine。
A. Definition and Scope。
1. Definition of alternative medicine。
2. Various forms and practices: acupuncture, herbal medicine, chiropractic care, etc.B. Principles and Philosophy。
超短波治疗仪联合呼吸锻炼预防重症急性肾损伤CRRT患者肺部感染的效果吴姗姗① 【摘要】 目的:分析重症急性肾损伤连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)患者采用超短波治疗仪联合呼吸锻炼对肺部感染的预防效果。
【关键词】 重症急性肾损伤 连续性肾脏替代治疗 肺部感染 超短波治疗仪 呼吸锻炼 Effect of Ultrashort Wave Therapeutic Apparatus Combined with Respiratory Exercise on Preventionof Pulmonary Infection in Patients with Severe Acute Kidney Injury Undergoing CRRT/WU Shanshan. //Medical Innovation of China, 2023, 20(33): 117-121 [Abstract] Objective: To analyze the preventive effect of ultrashort wave therapeutic apparatus combinedwith respiratory exercise on pulmonary infection in patients with severe acute kidney injury undergoing continuousrenal replacement therapy (CRRT). Method: A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted. A total of102 patients with severe acute kidney injury treated with CRRT in First People's Hospital of Fuzhou from January2020 to June 2022 were selected as the study objects. According to the random number table method, they weredivided into the control group and the observation group, with 51 cases in each group. Both groups were given routinenursing intervention, on this basis, the control group was given respiratory exercise intervention, and the observationgroup was given ultrashort wave therapy combined with respiratory exercise intervention. Both groups wereintervened for 4 weeks. The incidence of pulmonary infection and the daily sputum output during the intervention,quality of life [short form health survey (SF-36)] before the intervention and 4 weeks after the intervention andsatisfaction with nursing work were recorded and compared between the two groups. Result: The incidence ofpulmonary infection in the observation group was lower than that in the control group, and the daily sputum outputwas more than that in the control group (P<0.05). After 4 weeks of intervention, the scores of emotional function,mental health, bodily pain, vitality, physiological function, role-physical, social function and overall healthdimensions of SF-36 in the two groups were higher than those before intervention, and those in the observation groupwere higher than those in the control group (P<0.05); the scores of nursing satisfaction scores of health education,nursing environment, nursing service process and doctor's advice execution in the observation group were higherthan those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The ultrashort wave therapeutic apparatus combined withrespiratory exercise has a good effect in preventing pulmonary infection in patients with severe acute kidney injurytreated with CRRT. It can promote sputum output in patients with severe acute kidney injury, reduce the incidence ofpulmonary infection, and improve the quality of life and nursing satisfaction of patients. [Key words] Severe acute kidney injury Continuous renal replacement therapy Pulmonary infection ①江西省抚州市第一人民医院 江西 抚州 344000通信作者:吴姗姗- 117 - 连续性肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)是治疗重症急性肾损伤的有效方式之一,可更好的清除炎症递质和代谢废物,有利于肾功能恢复、降低病死率[1]。
激素替代疗法在罕见病患者中的效果评估激素替代疗法(Hormone Replacement Therapy,HRT)是一种常见的治疗方法,用于补充或替代身体缺乏的激素。
以下是常用的评估方法:1. 生理指标评估:通过检测患者体内激素水平的变化,评估激素替代疗法的效果。
2. 症状评估:通过询问患者自身感受和观察症状的变化,评估激素替代疗法对症状的改善程度。
3. 生活质量评估:通过使用生活质量问卷,评估激素替代疗法对患者生活质量的影响。
4. 骨密度评估:对于一些罕见病患者,如肾上腺皮质功能减退症患者,骨质疏松是常见的并发症。
1. 优势:激素替代疗法可以有效改善患者的症状,提高生活质量。
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Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular as people seek natural and holistic approaches to healthcare. From acupuncture to herbal remedies, there are a wide range of alternative therapies available.One popular alternative therapy is acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. Many people find acupuncture to be effective in relieving pain and reducing stress.Another alternative therapy is herbal medicine. Instead of relying on synthetic drugs, herbal remedies use plants and plant extracts to treat various ailments. For example, chamomile tea is often used as a natural remedy for insomnia, while ginger can help alleviate nausea and indigestion.Homeopathy is another form of alternative medicine that is gaining popularity. Homeopathic remedies are made from highly diluted substances and are believed to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. While some people swear by homeopathy, others are skeptical of its effectiveness.Meditation and yoga are also considered alternative therapies. These practices focus on calming the mind and promoting relaxation. Many people find that regular meditation or yoga sessions help reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance overall well-being.In addition to these therapies, there are also alternative approaches to mental health. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns. CBT is often used to treat anxiety and depression.Overall, alternative medicine offers a diverse range of therapies that can complement traditional medicaltreatments. While some people may find relief in these alternative approaches, it's important to remember that they may not work for everyone. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new therapy or treatment.。
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Characteristics of study population.
► Total
cohort 3025 patients. ► Age 75-84: n=719; >85: n=139 ► Gender ration (m/f) = 1.7 ► 75 % of pt >75 were treated with HD.
► ► ► ► ► ►
Inclusion: Initiated dialysis during the years 1995±1997, >67 yrs at the time of initiation. (N=89,193). Source: Medicare claims. Dialytic modality: Determined on day 90 of ESRD care, >60 days on this modality. After excluding all pts with missing info: N=70,208; 6,695 (10%) on PD and 63,513 (90%) on HD Interval Poisson regression was used to calculate adjusted death rates and relative risks between the PD and HD populations. Analyses were adjusted for age, gender, race , geographic location (six groups of renal networks), Charlson comorbidity index score, baseline GFR, prior hospital days, incidence year (1995, 1996, 1997), and primary cause of renal failure (diabetes, hypertension, GN, other). Separate analyses were performed for the diabetic and nondiabetic populations.
Standard Analysis Files from 1996 through 2003 for these analyses. ► Included all persons 65 years of age and older who began dialysis between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 2003 (n=350,831). ► The focus of these analyses was the very elderly; ► Included patients 65 to 79 years of age (the “young” elderly) in the analyses as a reference group. ► Excluded patients initiating dialysis after a failed kidney transplantation (n=4,693)
Age group, yrs 65-79
Median survival, mo 25
Average life expectancy, mo ?
Comparison and Survival of HD and PD in the elderly. Seminars in Dialysis 15:2:98-102, 2002
One year mortality rate for octogenarians and nonagenarians starting dialysis was 46% and did not change over the 7-year period. Associated clinical characteristics: nonambulatory status, low serum albumin concentration, congestive heart failure, and underweight were most strongly associated with death.
Incidence of dialysis initiation.
Trends in dialysis initiation.
► ► ► ► ►
1996-2003, 78,419 octogenarians and 5,577 nonagenarians initiated dialysis in the United States. 7,054 pts in 1996 13,577 pts in 2003: average annual increase 8.6%(2.3%) in 80-84 yrs and 11.9%(3.2%) > 85 yrs. Annual increase in dialysis initiation among patients 65-79 yrs was 3.5%(0%). Accounting for population growth, rates of dialysis initiation increased by 57% among octogenarians and nonagenarians from 1996 to 2003. For persons older than 84 years of age, rates of dialysis initiation were dramatically lower than other elderly age groups; this effect persisted over time.
Population 6 million. ► Rhône-Alpes is located in the east of France. The east of the region contains the western part of the Alps. The highest peak is Mont Blanc. The central part of the region is taken up with the valley of the Rhône and the Saône. The confluence of these two rivers is at Lyon, the capital of the region.
Renal replacement therapy and the elderly. Misha Kotlov, MD July 10, 2007
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In the US, the primary treatment of geriatric ESRD patients (> 75 yrs) is in-center hemodialysis (96 %) CAPD/CCPD account for approximately 3.5 % The average age of the patient undergoing dialysis in the US has been steadily increasingly over the last several decades. In 2000 the average age was approximately 62 yrs. According to United States Renal Data System database, the number of patients > 80 yrs of age who initiated dialysis increased from 7054 patients in 1996 to 13,577 individuals in 2003.
Effect of Age, Gender, and Diabetes on Excess Death in ESRD. JASN 18:2125-2134, 2007
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incident dialysis patients between January 1999-December 2003 in RhoneAlpes region, France. ► 3025 patients were analyzed. ► Age and gender standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was computed in ESRD vs general population of the region. ► Overall and by patient subgroups.
Issues at hand.
► Important
points to consider when evaluating the treatment of elderly patients with ESRD include: ► Life expectancy of such patients ► Effect of ESRD on life expectancy and quality of life ► HD vs PD ► Timing of access placement
Survivlal Total % 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 82 70 62 55 48
75-84 yrs 69 50 37 26 18
>85 59 39 23 12 9