可编程控制器罗克韦尔RSLogix5000介绍RSLogix5000编程学习目标:■ 学会创建任务、程序、例程■ 深入理解标签、结构体和数组■ 掌握编写梯形图程序■ 学习■ 掌握I/O组态方法RSLogix5000功能块图编程1可编程控制器罗克韦尔RSLogix5000介绍2.1 编写RSLogix5000梯形图2.1.1 创建任务、程序和例程本次课程基于一个假想的工业环境。
冲压卷边焊接检查码垛PartSensor 光眼图2-1 工艺流程图冲压、卷边和焊接三个装配站和传送带1由控制器P1控制,质量检查和码垛站以及传送带2由控制器P2控制。
本实验主题:创建并组态一个控制器项目创建任务组态任务属性创建程序编辑程序排列表创建例程分配例程2可编程控制器罗克韦尔RSLogix5000介绍Stake站工作中StationActive光眼故障指示Part_Sensor_Fault_Indicator码垛站工作中StationActive检查未通过PartFAULTPress站工作中StationActive光眼检测输入PartSensor检查站工作中StationActive检查通过PartPASSED传送带输出Weld站工作中ConveyorOutput(P1) StationActive传送带输出ConveyorOutput(P2)图2-2 各个按钮和指示灯的含义在了解了装配线工艺流程及控制器P1操作流程之后,您对项目主管说可以开始为控制器P1编程了,这让他感到很惊讶,因为以前都是在完成电气设计之后才能够编写控制程序。
AB -Logix5000 PLC 使用培训教程目录第一章AB PLC使用介绍第一节 BOOTP软件的应用以太网模块在第一次使用时里面没有IP地址,只有物理地址即MAC地址,需要用户给以太网模块分配IP地址。
3、然后双击MAC地址会出现如下4、在IP地方输入IP地址5、点击OK出现如下图6、使IP地址部分高亮然后电机按钮直到Status处出现commad successful此时已经把以太网模块的IP地址设置成动态的,断电后还会丢失(注意:有时候需要点击多次才能成功是正常的)然后在点击按钮,直到Status处出现commad successful此时IP地址已经设置成静态的。
下面我们将介绍通过DF1通信协议以及ENthernet IP协议,建立计算机和PLC的通信。
RSlinx打开后出现如下界面:2、打开RSlinx后,直接点击图标,即上图标注出的Configurate drives,或者是通过Communications>Configurate drives,3、将下拉箭头展开,出现如下界面:4、选择RS-232 DF1 devices,然后选择Add New按钮,点击OK5、注意在Comm下,若是编程电缆直接和电脑的串口相连,则用默认的COM1,若是采用了USB转串口,则需根据实际情况选择相应的串口,确认Comm,如下图所示。
根据通信需求配置相应的通信 模块,实现数据交换和远程控 制。
对各模块进行参数设置和地址 分配,确保系统正常运行。
单机控制系统。配置单个处理器模块、电源模块 和适量的I/O模块,实现对单台设备的控制。
多机联网控制系统。配置多个处理器模块、通信 模块和I/O模块,通过通信网络实现多台设备之 间的协同控制。
提供实时调试工具,可以在线监 控PLC的状态和变量值,支持断 点设置、单步执行和变量强制赋
提供仿真器功能,可以在计算机 上模拟PLC的运行环境和程序执 行过程,方便用户进行程序测试 和验证。
提供多种通讯工具,支持与PLC 进行通讯和数据传输,包括串口 通讯、以太网通讯和USB通讯等 。
运行安装程序,按照提示完成软件的 安装过程。可能需要输入序列号或激
确保计算机满足最低系统要求,包括 操作系统版本、处理器速度、内存和 可用硬盘空间等。
安装完成后,检查是否有可用的更新 或补丁,以确保软件的最新版本和安 全性。
支持多设备间的数据共享和交换,可实现设备间的协同工作和数据 整合。
Logix5000 控制器 IO 和标签数据编程手册
Reference ManualOriginal InstructionsEstimated Execution Time and Memory Use for Logix5000 Controllers InstructionsCatalog NumbersThis publication provides estimated instruction execution times and memory use information for Logix5000™ controllers in RSLogix 5000® software and Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application projects.Controller/programming software compatibility varies based on controller family and catalog number. For information on compatibility, see the controller documentation.Summary of ChangesThis publication has been revised to add the IMPORTANT table on page 2 indicating that you need to open the PDF file in Adobe® Acrobat® instead of in a web browser.ControlLogix 55701756-L71, 1756-L72, 1756-L73, 1756-L74, 1756-L75GuardLogix 55701756-L72S, 1756-L73S ControlLogix 55601756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L64, 1756-L65GuardLogix 55601756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S CompactLogix 53701769-L16ER-BB1B, 1769-L18ER-BB1B, 1769-L18ERM-BB1B1769-L24ER-QB1B, 1769-L24ER-QBFC1B, 1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B1769-L30ER, 1769-L30ERM, 1769-L30ER-NSE, 1769-L33ER, 1769-L33ERM, 1769-L36ERM1768 CompactLogix 1768-L43, 1768-L451768 Compact GuardLogix 1768-L43S, 1768-L45S1769 CompactLogix 1769-L23E-QB1B, 1769-L23E-QBFC1B, 1769-L23-QBFC1B, 1769-L31, 1769-L32C, 1769-L35CR, 1769-L32E, 1769-L35EDriveLogix 573020D PowerFlex 700S with DriveLogix Estimated instruction execution times are available for the following Logix 5000™ controllers:•ControlLogix® 5580 controllers •GuardLogix® 5580 controllers •CompactLogix™ 5380 controllers •Compact GuardLogix 5380 controllers For more information, see the Estimated Logix 5000 Controller Execution Times Reference Manual, publication LOGIX-RM002.2Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-RM087P-EN-P - July 2020Estimated Execution Time and Memory Use for Logix5000 Controllers Instructions Reference ManualPDF File AttachmentsMicrosoft® Excel® files are attached to this PDF file. The files list execution time and memory use data for Logix5000 controller instructions in RSLogix 5000 software or Logix Designer application projects.The following types of files are available:• A Microsoft Excel file that includes information for all controller families.• A Microsoft Excel files for individual controller families so you can focus on specific controller families.To use the attached files, click the Attachments link, that is, the paper clip icon, and double-click the desired file. IMPORTANT Download the PDF file to your computer and open it with Adobe Acrobat software.If you download the PDF file from Literature Library and open it locally on your computer, you can access, download, and use the Microsoft Excel files.You can open PDF files in some web browsers. However, not all web browsers provide the option to access and open attachments from a PDF file when displaying it.Estimated Execution Time and Memory Use for Logix5000 Controllers Instructions Reference Manual Studio 5000 EnvironmentThe Studio 5000® Engineering and Design Environment combines engineering and design elements into a common environment. The first element in the Studio 5000 environment is the Logix Designer application. The Logix Designer application is the rebranding of RSLogix 5000 software and is the product to program Logix5000 controllers for discrete, process, batch, motion, safety, and drive-based solutions.The Studio 5000 environment is the foundation for the future of Rockwell Automation® engineering design tools and capabilities. It is the oneplace for design engineers to develop all elements of their control system.Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-RM087P-EN-P - July 20203Publication 1756-RM087P-EN-P - July 2020 | Supersedes Publication 1756-RM087O-EN-P-January 2020Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE Yönetmeliğine UygundurAllen-Bradley, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, DriveLogix, expanding human possibility, GuardLogix, Logix5000, Logix 5000, PowerFlex, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, RSLogix 5000, Studio 5000, and Studio 5000 Logix Designer are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Acrobat and Adobe are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.Excel and Microsoft are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at rok.auto/pec .Rockwell Automation SupportUse these resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackYour comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at rok.auto/docfeedback .Technical Support CenterFind help with how-to videos, FAQs, chat, user forums, and product notification updates.rok.auto/support KnowledgebaseAccess Knowledgebase articles.rok.auto/knowledgebase Local Technical Support Phone NumbersLocate the telephone number for your country.rok.auto/phonesupport Literature LibraryFind installation instructions, manuals, brochures, and technical data publications.rok.auto/literature Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)Download firmware, associated files (such as AOP, EDS, and DTM), and access product release notes.rok.auto/pcdc。
罗克韦尔自动化 Logix 5000 控制系统参考手册说明书
Reference ManualOriginal InstructionsIntegrated ArchitectureLogix Control Systems Recommended Literature Controllers: Bulletin 1756, 1769, 5069Drives: Bulletin 20G, 20J, 2198I/O and Communication Modules: Bulletin 1715, 1756, 5069, 5094Graphic Terminals: Bulletin 2711P, 2713P, 2715PSoftware: Bulletin 9324Links to some of the most common manuals for products that are typically included in a Logix 5000™ control system. It also provides links to manuals that can help you:•Implement an EtherNet/IP network.•Develop a Logix controller-based safety system.•Use Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application to program your control system.•Use Studio 5000 View Designer® application to configure and program your operator interface.•Configure a motion solution.•Configure and use Rockwell Automation products to improve the security of your automation system. Topic PageSummary of Changes2Products Covered in this Publication2Logix 5000 Controllers Resources3Network and Communication Modules Resources4Instructions and Programming Resources4Security Resources5I/O Modules and Adapters Resources6Operator Interface Resources6Motion Resources7Drives Resources7Additional Resources92Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 2021Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualSummary of ChangesThis publication contains the following new or updated information. This list includes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.Products Covered in this PublicationYou can find common manuals for these products in this publication.Controllers•1756 Series ControlLogix® Controllers, GuardLogix® Controllers, ControlLogix Redundancy Modules •5069 Series CompactLogix™ Controllers, Compact GuardLogix Controllers •1769 Series CompactLogix Controllers, Compact GuardLogix ControllersDrives•Kinetix® 5100, 5300, 5500, and 5700 Servo Drives •PowerFlex® 755T Drives with TotalFORCE® technologyStudio 5000 Design Environment•Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application •Studio 5000 View Designer® application •Studio 5000® Application Code ManagerI/O and Communication Modules•1756 ControlLogix I/O Modules and EtherNet/IP Communication Modules •Compact 5000™ I/O Modules and EtherNet/IP Communication Modules •FLEX 5000™ I/O Modules and EtherNet/IP Communication Modules •1715 Redundant I/O Modules •EtherNet/IP AdaptersOperator Interface•PanelView™ 5510 and PanelView 5310 Terminals•PanelView™ Plus 7 Standard and Performance TerminalsTopicPage Added ControlLogix 5580 Redundant Controllers User Manual to Logix 5000 Controllers resources 3Added Logix Designer Compare Tool User Manual to Programming resources 5Added CIP Security Proxy User Manual to Security resources5Added Studio 5000 View Designer software manuals to Operator Interface resources 6Added Kinetix 5300 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drives manuals to Drives resources7Added PowerFlex Drives with TotalFORCE Control Programming Manual - Firmware Revision 10 or later to Drives resources 7Added replacement guides to Drives resources7Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualOther Integrated Architecture System ProductsFor products not covered in this manual, go to the Technical Documentation Center at rok.auto/techdocs to browse documentation collections organized by product family. Or go to Literature Library at rok.auto/literature to search for documentation by catalog number, product name, or publication number.Logix 5000 Controllers ResourcesReference and task-based information to help you install, configure, and operate Logix controllers.Selection and Specifications•1756-SG001, ControlLogix System Selection Guide•1756-TD001, ControlLogix and GuardLogix Controllers Technical Data Specifications•1769-SG001, CompactLogix System Selection Guide•5069-TD002, CompactLogix and Compact GuardLogix Technical Data SpecificationsDesign Considerations•1756-RM094, Logix 5000™ Controllers Design Considerations Reference Manual•LOGIX-RM002, Estimated Logix 5000 Controller Instruction Execution Times Reference ManualManuals•ControlLogix and GuardLogix controllers user manuals-1756-UM543, ControlLogix® 5580 and GuardLogix 5580 Controllers User Manual-1756-UM015, ControlLogix 5580 Redundant Controllers User Manual-1756-UM022, GuardLogix 5570 Controllers User Manual-1756-UM001, ControlLogix System User Manual (for ControlLogix® 5570 and ControlLogix® 5560 controllers)-1756-UM535, ControlLogix 5570/5560 Redundancy User Manual•CompactLogix and Compact GuardLogix controllers user manuals-5069-UM002, CompactLogix 5480 User Manual-5069-UM001, CompactLogix 5380 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Controllers User Manual-1769-UM021, CompactLogix 5370 Controllers User Manual-1769-UM022, Compact GuardLogix 5370 Controllers User Manual•Safety system reference manuals for GuardLogix and Compact GuardLogix controllers-1756-RM012, GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual-1756-RM099, GuardLogix 5570 and Compact GuardLogix 5370 Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual-1756-RM093, GuardLogix Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual (for GuardLogix 5570, GuardLogix 5560, and 1768 CompactGuardLogix Safety controllers using RSLogix 5000® version 20 and earlier)Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 20213Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualReplacement Guidelines•1756-RM100, Replacement Guidelines: Logix 5000 Controllers Reference ManualGuidelines for replacing the following:-ControlLogix 5560 or ControlLogix 5570 controller with a ControlLogix 5580 controller-GuardLogix 5560 or GuardLogix 5570 controller with a GuardLogix 5580 controller-CompactLogix5370L3controller to CompactLogix 5380 controllerNetwork and Communication Modules ResourcesReference and task-based information to help you design and implement an Ethernet network, and use EtherNet/IP communication modules in a Logix 5000 control system.Selection and Specifications•1756-TD003, 1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules SpecificationsDesign and Application Considerations•ENET-RM002, Ethernet Design Considerations Reference Manual•ENET-AT001, EtherNet/IP QuickConnect Application Technique•ENET-AT002, EtherNet/IP Socket Interface Application Technique•ENET-AT006, EtherNet/IP Parallel Redundancy Protocol Application Technique•ENET-AT007, EtherNet/IP Device Level Ring Application TechniqueManuals•ENET-UM006, EtherNet/IP Network Configuration User Manual-Overview of EtherNet/IP communication modules in Logix 5000 control systems; describes features and tasks that are common toEtherNet/IP network devices•ENET-UM004, ControlLogix EtherNet/IP Network Devices User Manual-Describes features and tasks that are specific to 1756 ControlLogix EtherNet/IP communication modules in Logix 5000 control systems •CNET-RM001, ControlNet to EtherNet/IP Migration Reference Manual-Provides information to migrate from an existing ControlNet® network to an EtherNet/IP™ networkInstructions and Programming ResourcesInformation to help you use Studio 5000 Logix Designer application to program your control system.Logix 5000 Controllers Instructions•1756-RM003, General Instructions Reference Manual•MOTION-RM002, Motion Instructions Reference Manual•1756-RM006, Advanced Process Control and Drives Instructions Reference Manual•1756-RM095, GuardLogix Safety Application Instruction Set Reference Manual•1756-RM087, Execution Time and Memory Use Reference Manual4Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 2021Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference Manual Logix 5000 Controllers Common ProceduresThese manuals describe common procedures for programming and operating Logix 5000 controllers: 1756 ControlLogix, 1756 GuardLogix, 1769 CompactLogix, 1769 Compact GuardLogix, 5069 CompactLogix, and Studio 5000 Logix Emulate™.1756-PM001, Logix 5000 Controllers Common Procedures Programming Manual (provides links to the manuals in the following list)•1756-PM010, Add-On Instructions Programming Manual•1756-PM013, ASCII Strings Programming Manual•1756-PM020, Data Access Programming Manual•1756-PM002, EDS AOP Guidelines for Studio 5000 Logix Designer Programming Manual•1756-PM009, Function Block Diagram Programming Manual•1756-PM018, IEC 61131-3 Compliance Programming Manual•1756-PM019, Import/Export Project Components Programming Manual•1756-PM015, Information and Status Programming Manual•1756-PM004, I/O and Tag Data Programming Manual•1756-PM008, Ladder Diagram Programming Manual•1756-PM014, Major, Minor, and I/O Faults Programming Manual•1756-PM012, Messages Programming Manual•1756-PM017, Nonvolatile Memory Card Programming Manual•1756-PM011, Produced and Consumed Tags Programming Manual•1756-PM021, Program Parameters Programming Manual•1756-PM016, Security Programming Manual•1756-PM006, Sequential Function Charts Programming Manual•1756-PM007, Structured Text Programming Manual•1756-PM005, Tasks, Programs, and Routines Programming ManualProgramming Manuals•LOGIX-UM003, Studio 5000 Application Code Manager User Manual•LOGIX-UM006, Logix Designer and Library Object Manager User Manual•LDCT-UM001, Logix Designer Compare Tool User Manual•LOGIX-UM001, PhaseManager™ Software User Manual•1756-RM084, Import/Export Reference Manual•1756-RM085, Converting PLC-5® or SLC™ 500 Logic to Logix5550® Logic Reference ManualSecurity ResourcesResources to help you configure and use Rockwell Automation products to improve the security of your automation system.•SECURE-UM001, Security Configuration User Manual•SECURE-RM001, System Security Design Guidelines•SECURE-AT001, CIP Security™ with Rockwell Automation Products Application Technique•1783-UM013, CIP Security Proxy User ManualRockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 20215Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualI/O Modules and Adapters ResourcesReference and task-based information to help you install, configure, and operate I/O modules in a Logix 5000 control system. The products in this section are compatible with our newest controller platforms. To find manuals for other distributed I/O families, visit our Technical Documentation Center at rok.auto/techdocs.Selection and Specifications•1756-TD002, ControlLogix I/O Modules Technical Data Specifications•1715-TD001, 1715 Redundant I/O System Technical Data Specifications•5069-TD001, Compact 5000 I/O Modules and EtherNet/IP Adapters Technical Data Specifications•5094-TD001, FLEX 5000 I/O Modules Technical Data SpecificationsManuals•1756 ControlLogix I/O Modules-1756-UM058, ControlLogix Digital I/O Modules User Manual-1756-UM009, ControlLogix Analog I/O Modules User Manual•1715 Redundant I/O System-1715-UM001, 1715 Redundant I/O System User Manual•Compact5000I/O Modules-5069-UM007, Compact 5000 EtherNet/IP Adapters User Manual-5069-UM004, Compact 5000 Digital I/O Modules User Manual (includes standard and safety I/O)-5069-UM005, Compact 5000 Analog I/O Modules User Manual-5069-UM006, Compact 5000 Series High-speed Counter Modules User Manual-5069-UM003, Compact 5000 I/O Serial Module User Manual•FLEX 5000 I/O Modules-5094-UM005, FLEX 5000 EtherNet/IP Adapters User Manual-5094-UM001, FLEX 5000 Standard and Safety Digital I/O Modules User Manual-5094-UM002, FLEX 5000 Analog I/O Modules User Manual-5094-UM003, FLEX 5000 High-speed Counter Module User Manual-5094-UM007, FLEX 5000 Analog Isolated Current/Voltage/HART Input and Output ModulesOperator Interface ResourcesReference and task-based information to help you install, configure, and operate graphic terminals in a Logix 5000 control system. To find manuals for other PanelView products, visit our Technical Documentation Center at rok.auto/techdocs.Selection and Specifications•VIEW-SG001, Visualization Solutions Selection Guide•2715P-TD001, PanelView 5510 Terminals Technical Data Specifications•2713P-TD001, PanelView 5310 Terminals Technical Data Specifications•2711P-TD008, Bulletin 2711P PanelView Plus 7 Standard Terminals Technical Data Specifications•2711P-TD009, Bulletin 2711P PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals Technical Data Specifications6Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 2021Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualManuals•9343-GR001, Studio 5000 View Designer Getting Results Guide•9324-UM001, Studio 5000 View Designer User Manual•2715P-UM001, PanelView 5510 Terminals User Manual•2713P-UM001, PanelView 5310 Terminals User Manual•2711P-UM007, Bulletin 2711P PanelView Plus 7 Standard Terminals User Manual•2711P-UM008, Bulletin 2711P PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals User ManualMotion ResourcesReference and task-based information to help you configure and startup a motion solution.•MOTION-UM003, Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network Configuration and Startup User Manual•MOTION-RM003, Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network Reference Manual (AXIS_CIP_DRIVE attributes and integrated motion on the EtherNet/IP network control modes and methods)•MOTION-UM002, Motion Coordinate System User Manual•MOTION-AT005, Motion System Tuning Application Technique (tuning a Kinetix drive system)•IA-AT003, Integrated Architecture and CIP Sync™ Configuration Application Technique•MOTION-UM001, SERCOS and Analog Motion Configuration and Startup User ManualDrives ResourcesReference and task-based information to help you install, configure, and operate Allen-Bradley® Drives in a Logix 5000 control system. To find manuals for other Kinetix Servo Drive or PowerFlex Drive products, visit our Technical Documentation Center at rok.auto/techdocs.Selection and Specification•Kinetix EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-KNX-SG001, Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide-KNX-TD003, Kinetix Servo Drives Specifications Technical Data-KNX-TD004, Kinetix Motion Accessories Specifications Technical Data•PowerFlex 755T AC Drives-PFLEX-SGOO2, PowerFlex Low Voltage Drive Selection Guide-750-TD100, PowerFlex 750-series Products with TotalFORCE Control Technical DataRockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 20217Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualManuals•Kinetix 5100 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-KNX-RM011, Kinetix 5100 Drive Systems Design Guide-2198-UM004, Kinetix 5100 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drives User Manual•Kinetix 5300 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-KNX-RM012, Kinetix 5300 Drive Systems Design Guide-2198-UM005, Kinetix 5300 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drives User Manual•Kinetix 5500 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-KNX-RM009, Kinetix 5500 Drive System Design Guide-2198-UM001, Kinetix 5500 Servo Drives User Manual•Kinetix 5700 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-KNX-RM010, Kinetix 5700 Drive Systems Design Guide-2198-UM002, Kinetix 5700 Servo Drives User Manual-2198-RM001, Kinetix 5700 Safe Monitor Functions Safety Reference Manual•PowerFlex 755T AC Drives-750-UM004, PowerFlex 755/755T Integrated Safety - Safe Torque Off Option Module User Manual-750-UM005, PowerFlex 755/755T Integrated Safety Functions Option Module User Manual-750-PM101, PowerFlex Drives with TotalFORCE Control Programming Manual - Firmware Revision 10 or later-750-PM100, PowerFlex Drives with TotalFORCE Control Programming Manual - Firmware Revision 6 or earlier-750-RM100, PowerFlex 750-Series Products with TotalFORCE Control Reference ManualReplacement Guidelines•Kinetix 5100 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-2198-RM004, Kinetix 300 to Kinetix 5100 Servo Drives-2198-RM003, Ultra3000 to Kinetix 5100 Servo Drives•Kinetix 5300 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-2198-RM005, Kinetix 350 to Kinetix 5300 Servo Drives-2198-RM006, Ultra3000 Digital Servo Drives to Kinetix 5300 Servo Drives•Kinetix 5500 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-2093-AP001, Kinetix 2000 Multi-axis Servo Drives to Kinetix 5500 Servo Drives-2098-AP002, Ultra3000 Digital Servo Drives to Kinetix 5500 Servo Drives•Kinetix 5700 EtherNet/IP Servo Drives-2198-RM002, Kinetix 6000 Servo Drives to Kinetix 5700 Servo Drives•PowerFlex 755T AC Drives-750-RM003, PowerFlex 700AFE to PowerFlex 755TM Regenerative Bus Supply-750-RM004, PowerFlex 700S Phase II Drives to PowerFlex 755TL/TR Drives and PowerFlex 755TM Common Bus Inverters 8Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 2021Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 20219Logix Control Systems Recommended Literature Reference ManualAdditional ResourcesThese resources also provide helpful information for Logix 5000 control systems.You can view or download publications at rok.auto/literatureResourceDescriptionProduct Selection and Configuration website, rok.auto/systemtoolsProvides tools for product selection, control systems configuration, safety systems configuration, and power and motion systems.Sample Code Library, /global/sample-code/overview.page Share or download logic, HMI, and drives code.Industrial Components Preventive Maintenance, Enclosures, and Contact Ratings Specifications, publication IC-TD002Provides a quick reference tool for Allen-Bradley industrial automation controls and assemblies.Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid-State Control, publication SGI-1.1Designed to harmonize with NEMA Standards Publication No. ICS 1.1-1987 and provides general guidelines for the application, installation, and maintenance of solid-state control in the form of individual devices or packaged assemblies incorporating solid-state components.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website, rok.auto/certifications .Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.Publication IASIMP-RM001J-EN-P - September 2021Supersedes Publication IASIMP-RM001I-EN-P - May 2020Copyright © 2021 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportUse these resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackYour comments help us serve your documentation needs better. 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Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752, İçerenkÖy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE YÖnetmeli ğine Uygundur。
再次下载时文件中TAG的值将一起下载至PLC中并更新PLC中TAG的值;所以一般情况下尽量先go line,将PLC中TAG的值更新至程序文件中,在线修改程序后执行装载命令,就不会影响当前程序的运行。
2、FIFO的用法,需要考虑三种特殊情况:⑴鼓风机自动作为申请反洗的条件:如XIC Local:7:I:Date.0⑵(真正FIFO)同时有多个入栈申请时,应能够全部入栈:......FFL--->(U) FIFO_CTL.EN⑶应避免重复入栈:如......FFL--->(L)BOOL_2[1]图1-FIFO入栈图2- FIFO出栈图3-对号入座,进入反洗⑷注意FIFO指令说明,特别注意CONTROL.EN和CONTROL.DN、CONTROL.EM的用法,其中.EN可以使用复位指令清零。
3、ADD_ON指令IN、OUT参数的值在线时可以在接口上看到,INOUT参数无法看到值,鼠标移动到该INOUT标签上会弹出提示,从中可以看到标签的值和类型;local tags的值具有保持功能;INOUT、OUT参数必须赋tags,而不是立即数,IN参数则可以赋立即数或者tags。
每个ADD_ON定义好后,会产生该指令数据类型,ADD_ON指令接收STRUCT类型作为INOUT参数或者local tags.在4、Req仅当需要该参数时使用此字段。
对于 InOut 参数,“Req”字段默认为选定和只读,因为通过引用传递的参数需要自变量。
注意,您可以在 Req 标题上右击以选择选定或取消选定Req 列中所有的行。
如果所需的参数尚未分配到自变量,对此 Add-On 指令的调用将则不进行验证。
RSLOGIX-5000教程预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制RSLOGIX-5000教程RSLOGIX 5000实例教程软件介绍RSLOGIX5000时美国AB公司开发的用于对其公司PLC产品编程的软件。
它具有以下特点:1 统一的项目查看2灵活的梯形图编辑器3拖放式操作4梯形图查看选项5定制数据监视6状态文件分类显示7简易的通讯配置8强大的数据库编辑器9查找与替换10直观的windows界面11项目校验快捷地更正程序错误等。
具体步骤如下:1 打开RSLogix5000,见图1-1图1-1打开后的窗口为RSLogix5000的工程,见图1-2:首先你要给PLC的处理器定义,定义的内容有名字、类型、机架的背扳所在槽号、创建的文件路径等。
这里处理器类型选1756 L1controllogix 5550,名字定为PLC,description 定为练习,背板定为13槽,槽号0槽,路径默认。
图1-2 点击ok完成设置,显示RSLogix5000工程界面1.首先提出tag(标签)的概念,标签:就是实际工程中的变量,有模拟量如水位、压力、温度。
2.标签类型一 base 基本类型包括: 1 BOOL 布尔型 1 BIT2 SINT 短整型 1 BYTE3 INT 整型 2 BYTE4DINT 双整型 4 BYTE5REAL 实型 4 BYTE二 STRUTURES 结构体类型 1 predefined 预定以型。
AB_RSLogix5000初级使用手册目录:设定笔记本IP地址 (3)查看PLC硬件组态信息 (3)设定RSLinx (4)打开RSLogix5000软件创建与RSLinx相符的程序 (7)在RSLogix5000软件中创建程序章节、程序段落、程序自然段 (10)上传和下载程序 (13)创建行参 (16)RSLinx查看网络IP以及硬件 (18)PLC静态和动态IP地址分配 (21)Firmware刷新 (25)Rxlogx5000软件的在线修改功能 (28)软件的在线强制功能 (31)Rxlogx5000范围指令LIM需要注意的是,当Low Limit < High Limit数值时,LIM命令在Low Limit和High Limit之间的数值时输出。
如果Low Limit > High Limit数值时,LIM命令在Low Limit和High Limit之间的数值时停止输出。
(35)查找跳转、中断等子程序块的位置 (35)RSLogix5000软件的在线帮组功能 (36)Routine里程序的类型 (37)一个Project里可以最多建立32个Task,但只能有一个Task属性为Continuous (连续扫描)其余的31个Task可以分配给Event(事件扫描)或者Periodic(中断扫描)。
(38)备份程序和解压程序 (41)程序的比较 (43)Flash Memory Card 程序备份和下载操作 (46)模拟量模块的组态、量程设定、模拟量输出的钳位设定。
(49)Device Net网络配置 (53)Device Net软件安装 (55)Device Net组网 (57)在RSLogix5000程序里添加DeviceNet硬件 (69)DeviceNet的硬件寻址 (71)配置EtherNet以太网远程I/O (75)实时监控趋势图 (81)设定笔记本IP地址1.查看AB_PLC机器槽架上的CPU模块显示的IP地址,一般PLC的IP地址为为10.0.0.1,笔记本上的IP最后一位设置需要变化。
10)要在 module 连接中断和不存在数据时在运行模式下产生严重故障, 请确保选定如果在运行模式下连接失败,则 Controller 将产生严重故障框。
上面的步骤已经创建了新项目,现在使用预定义的 data type 为应用程序创建 tag。
首次创建项目时,RSLogix 5000 软件会为您创建连续的主 task。
1) 在 Controller 管理器中,双击 MainTask。
2) 在“名称”文本框中,输入描述主 task 的功能的名称。
3) 在“说明”文本框中,输入主 task 的说明。 4) 单击应用保存您所做的更改,但不关闭“属性”对话框。 5) 单击配置选项卡。 6) 从“类型”下拉列表中,选择应用程序所需的 task 类型
7) 要选择以其显示 tag 值的默认样式,请从下拉列表中 选择样式。
8) 单击确定。
9) 要编辑此 tag,双击 Program Tags 或 Controller Tags,取决于在其中创建 tag 的集合。
通过在脱机的 routine 中输入梯形图元素开始编程项目。 1. 在 Controller 管理器中,双击要输入梯形图的 routine。 2. 要拖动工具栏中的指令,执行以下操作: A. 在“梯形元素”工具栏中,单击所需指令组的选项卡。
7. 要在指令周围回绕分支段,请将右侧的分 支段拖到指令另一侧的有效位置。 8. 要创建并行分支,右击现有分支左侧的分 支段,然后选择添加分支级别。
罗克韦尔RSLOGIX 5000的使用方法摘要:通过示例项目讲解RSLOGIX 5000从项目的启动、实施到测试过程,深入浅出地软件的的编程方法关键词:PLC;软件;编程A description of ROCKWELL programming software RSLOGIX 5000 and its applicationAbstract:The programming method employing the ROCKWELL RSLOGIX 5000 software is briefly described with examples,including the start—up of an item,and execution and debugging of the item.1 引言RSLOGIX5000是美国AB公司开发的用于对其公司PLC产品编程的软件。
2 创建工程下面介绍如何使用RSLogix5000,首先要创建新的RSLogix5000工程文件。
这里处理器类型选1756 L1 controllogix 5550,名字定为PLC,description定为练习,背板定为13槽,槽号0槽,路径默认。
图 1-2点击ok完成设置,显示RSLogix5000工程界面首先提出tag(标签)的概念,标签:就是实际工程中的变量,有模拟量如水位、压力、温度。
Logix5000 控制器通用指令参考手册
Logix5000 控制器通用指令参考手册目录号1756 ControlLogix、1768 CompactLogix、1769 CompactLogix、1789 SoftLogix、1794 FlexLogix、带 DriveLogix 的 PowerFlex 700S重要用户信息固态设备的操作特性不同于机电设备的操作特性。
《固态控制设备的应用、安装与维护安全指南》(出版号 SGI-1.1,本资料可从当地罗克韦尔自动化销售处索取或从 /literature/ 网站下载)介绍了固态设备与硬接线机电设备之间的一些重要差异。
Allen-Bradley 、CompactLogix 、 ControlLogix 、DriveLogix 、 FLEX I/O 、 Kinetix 、 MessageView 、MicroLogix 、POINT I/O 、 PhaseManager 、 PowerFlex 、 RSFieldbus 、RSLinx Classic 、RSLinx Enterprise 、RSLogix 5000、 RSNetWorx for ControlNet 、 RSNetWorx for DeviceNet 、 Rockwell Software 、 Rockwell Automation 、 Compact I/O 、 RediSTATION 、 Series 9000、 FlexLogix 、 PowerFlex 4、 PowerFlex 40、PowerFlex 40P 、 PowerFlex 70、 PowerFlex 700、 PowerFlex 700H 、 PowerFlex 700S 、 PowerFlex 753、 PowerFlex 755、 PowerFlex 7000、 PLC-2、 PLC-3、 PLC-5、 PanelView 、 FactoryTalk 、 ArmorPOINT 、Stratix 8000、RSLogix 500、 SLC 5/03、 RSLinx 、RSNetWorx for EtherNet/IP 、 SLC 、 SLC 500、 FactoryTalk Live Data 、 ControlFLASH 、DH+、 Data Highway Plus 、 Integrated Architecture 、 Logix5000、ControlLogix-XT 、GuardLogix 、RSView 、Encompass 、1336 FORCE 、1336 PLUS 、1336 IMPACT 、SMC 、SMC FLEX 、SMC Dialog Plus 、RSBizWare Batch 和 TechConnect 是罗克韦尔自动化公司的商标。
Course NumberCCP143Course PurposeUpon completion of this course, given a functional specification for a Logix5000™ application, you should be able to develop a project to meet the specification COURSE AGENDADAY 1• Creating and Organizing a Project• Creating a Periodic Task• Creating an Event Task• Developing an Add-On Instruction in a Ladder Diagram DAY 2ControlLogix/Studio 5000 Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 3:Project DevelopmentWHO SHOULD ATTENDIndividuals who need to develop Studio 5000 Logix Designer® projects for any Logix5000 controller should attend this course.PREREQUISITESTo successfully complete this course, the following prerequisites are required:• Ability to perform basic Microsoft Windows tasks• Knowledge of common controller terms and operation through experience or one of the following courses:–Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 1: ControlLogix System Fundamentals (Course No. CCP146)–RSTrainer for ControlLogix Fundamentals computer-based training (9393-RSTCLX)• Ability to write basic ladder logic with common instructions, such as bit, timer, counter, move, and comparison instructions through experience or this course:–Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 2: Basic Ladder Logic Programming (Course No. CCP151)STUDENT MATERIALSTo enhance and facilitate the students’ learningexperiences, the following materials are provided as part of the course package:• Student Manual– Includes the key concepts, definitions, examples, and activities • Lab Book–Provides learning activities and hands-on practice • Studio 5000 Logix Designer and Logix5000 Procedures Guide–Provides the steps required to complete basicsoftware tasks common to all Logix5000 controllers • Logix5000 Controllers Design Considerations Reference Manual:–Contains guidelines for designing a Logix5000 applicationHANDS-ON PRACTICEThroughout this course, you will have the opportunity to practice the skills you have learned through a variety of hands-on exercises using an ABT-TDCLX3-B workstation. Exercises focus on the skills introduced in each lesson.NEXT LEARNING LEVELOnce you have an understanding of the topics and the skills covered in this course, you may want to attend specific programming training such as:• Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 4: Function Block Programming (Course No. CCP152)• Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 4: Kinetix 6000 (SERCOS) Programming (Course No. CCN145)• Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 4: Kinetix 6500 (CIP) Programming (Course No. CCN144)COURSE LENGTHThis is a four-day course.Allen-Bradley, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, Logix5000, SoftLogix, and Studio 5000 Logix Designer are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Publication GMST10-PP184I-EN-E – January 2020 | Supersedes Publication GMST10-PP184H-EN-E – April 2018Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.To be respectful of the environment, Rockwell Automation is transitioning some of its training courses to a paperless format. Students are asked tocomplete downloads and bring personal devices to these classes. A full list of digital/paperless courses is currently available through your local distributor.。
Copyright © 2003 Rockwell Automation, All Rights Reserved
• 在8.02版本之前的Logix5000支持BOOL、SINT、INT、 DINT以及 REAL 基本数据类型 • 8版本提供内置的ASCII字符串数据类型,以及一套功能丰 富的字符串操作指令 • 2.51版本提供了串行口指令,使用它可以从/向SINT、INT 和DINT标签和数组中读/写字符串 • 在8.02之前的版本,可以使用结构体和梯形图逻辑代码操 作字符串
L1 - 0.56 μsec L55 – 0.55 μsec L63 – 0.26 μsec
L1 - 10.77 μsec L55 – 10.4 μsec L63 – 1.45 μsec
Copyright © 2003 Rockwell Automation, All Rights Reserved
• 在可能的情况下,尽量使用DINT
– DINT数学运算比REAL的执行快很多
Copyright © 2003 Rockwell Automation, All Rights Reserved
为独立的标签保留的内存 为用户定义结构体中的数据保留 的内存 用于访问ADD指令所需的内存(假 定所有参数有相同的数据类型) 执行ADD指令所需的执行时间(假 定所有参数有相同的数据类型) 4 pyright © 2003 Rockwell Automation, All Rights Reserved
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: ADD Source A ( Source B ( Destination( A) B) ) DINT DINT[DINT] DINT DINT :
( 28 84 ): 0.26 0.69 (µs): : ADD
(CMP, CPT, FAL, FSC) . 1756-L63
: ( DINT DINT DINT DINT DINT 76 28 104 1.65 0.26 1.90 ): (µs):
(µs) ABL ABS ABS ACB ACL ACS ADD ADD AFI AHL AND ARD ARL ASN ATN AVE AVE AVE AWA AWT BRK BSL BSR BTD CLR CLR CMP CONCAT COP COP COP COP COS CPS CPS n/a DINT REAL n/a n/a REAL DINT REAL n/a n/a DINT n/a n/a REAL REAL INT REAL SINT n/a n/a n/a DINT DINT DINT DINT REAL n/a n/a DINT INT REAL SINT REAL DINT INT e= x = Source A( + Source B( x= x= x= x= 48 x= x= 64 64 A) B) 64 6.9 6.5 6.9 6.7 221.7 14.5 14.1 + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.1) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.2) 6.5 6.1 6.5 6.4 207.4 12.5 12.1 + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.1) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.2) 3.0 2.8 3.0 2.9 25.5 4.5 4.3 + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.1) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.0) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.1) x= x= x= 80 80 44 x= x /32 x= x /32 52 20 20 76 116 11.5 0.35 0.40 4.3 10.6 + (x * 1.5) 9.2 0.34 0.39 3.6 9.0 + (x * 1.2) 2.7 0.16 0.18 1.4 2.3 + (x * 0.2) 52 + ( (x /32) * 0.8) 7.0 + ( (x /32) * 0.6) 2.6 + ( (x /32) * 0.2) 52 116 ( 52 32 56 52 64 48 28 44 4 68 28 76 76 48 48 ) 1756-L1, -L1Mx 13.3 0.61 0.88 13.5 139.8 271.0 0.56 10.7 0.05 104.0 0.41 88.4 88.7 261.7 223.5 55.3 45.0 55.0 89.6 88.7 n/a 7.8 + (x * 7.0) + (x * 14.6) + (x * 6.6) 1756-L55Mxx 11.2 0.60 0.86 11.0 102.6 249.6 0.55 10.4 0.05 77.5 0.52 66.0 66.0 240.8 212.3 48.0 39.2 47.7 66.4 66.5 n/a 6.3 + (x * 6.1) + (x * 13.6) + (x * 5.8) 1756-L61, -L62, -L63 4.8 0.28 0.41 3.4 28.2 31.8 0.26 1.5 0.03 25.1 0.26 2.2 2.7 30.1 21.3 14.4 12.3 14.3 18.5 19.6 n/a 2.4 + (x * 2.4) + (x * 3.2) + (x * 2.3)
1.7 µs
0.46 µs REAL-to-REAL 0.38µs( ) B REAL
: Tag_A := Tag_B; Tag_A Tag_B DINT DINT DINT : ( 92 ): 0.27 (µs): :
: Tag_A := Tag_B + Tag_C; Tag_A Tag_B Tag_C CPT 0ADD (+)
+ (x * (1.6 + e) + (x * (1.6 + e) + (x * 0.4) + (x * 0.4) + (x * 0.4)
(µs) FFL FFL FFU FFU FFU FFU FIND DINT REAL SINT INT DINT REAL n/a x= x= x= x= x= r= s= FLL FLL FLL FLL FOR FRD FSC FSC GEQ GEQ GRT GRT GSV INSERT JMP JSR ( JSR/RET JSR/RET JSR/RET ) SINT INT DINT REAL DINT n/a DINT REAL DINT REAL DINT REAL n/a n/a n/a n/a SINT INT DINT x= JSR/RET x= JSR/RET x= JSR/RET 96 21.5 + (x * 3.6) 20.7 + (x * 3.5) 9.2 + (x * 1.7) 96 21.5 + (x * 4.1) 20.7 + (x * 4.1) 9.9 + (x * 2.0) x= x= x= x= x= x= x= e= x= e= 20 36 20 36 84 124 24 56 96 14.1 1.6 11.4 21.5 + (x * 3.8) 0.38 0.59 0.38 0.59 0.37 0.57 0.37 0.57 0.18 0.28 0.18 0.28 152 10.7 + (x * (3.9 + e) 10.1 + (x * (3.7 + e) 4.6 + (x * (1.5 + e) / 60 60 64 40 148 4.4 4.7 5.2 5.2 18.1 11.4 10.7 + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 7.9) + (x * (3.9 + e) 4.1 4.3 4.8 4.9 14.4 8.7 10.1 + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 6.4) + (x * (3.7 + e) 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.2 5.2 3.1 4.6 + (x * 0.1) + (x * 0.1) + (x * 0.1) + (x * 0.1) + (x * 2.3) + (x * (1.5 + e) 64 64 108 ( 64 64 ) 1756-L1, -L1Mx 10.2 10.2 11.0 12.0 12.4 12.4 7.6 + (x * 0.6) + (x * 1.0) + (x * 0.6) + (x * 0.6) +(1.8 * x) + (1.6 * (r - s + 1)) 1756-L55Mxx 8.3 8.3 8.9 9.6 9.9 9.9 6.3 + (x * 0.5) + (x * 0.8) + (x * 0.4) + (x * 0.4) +(1.4 * x) + (1.2 * (r - s + 1)) 1756-L61, -L62, -L63 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 2.1 + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.2) +(0.2 * x) + (0.2 * (r - s + 1))
Logix5000™ 1756 ControlLogix®, 1769 CompactLogix™, 1794 FlexLogix™, DriveLogix™ 20D PowerFlex® 700S
Microsoft Encarta MSN
1756 ControlLogix®, 1769 CompactLogix™, 1794 FlexLogix™, Logix5000 (CompactLogix FlexLogix ) DriveLogix™ 20D PowerFlex® 700S
+ ( (x /32) * 0.8)
+ ( (x /32) * 0.6)
+ ( (x /32) * 0.2)
(µs) ( CPS CPS CPT CPT CTD CTU DDT 0 DDT 1 DDT 2 DEG DELETE DIV DIV DTOS DTR EOT EQU EQU FAL FAL FBC 0 FBC 1 FBC 2 FFL FFL REAL SINT DINT REAL COUNTER COUNTER DINT DINT DINT REAL n/a DINT REAL n/a DINT n/a DINT REAL DINT REAL DINT DINT DINT SINT INT x= x= e= e= 76 96 8 8 ALL ALL ALL 72 72 72 52 108 44 44 72 40 48 20 20 92 116 ALL ALL ALL 72 72 72 64 ) 1756-L1, -L1Mx 14.5 14.3 4.7 4.7 0.42 0.43 13.0 27.7 41.4 18.7 10.2 11.0 18.7 70.2 2.8 n/a 0.38 0.37 10.2 10.2 13.1 26.5 38.8 9.7 10.8 + (x * 1.4) + (x * 1.4) + (x * 1.4) + (x * 1.5) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.1) 1756-L55Mxx 12.5 12.4 4.0 4.0 0.41 0.42 10.6 21.5 31.5 18.1 8.5 10.5 18.1 43.7 2.4 n/a 0.37 0.37 9.7 9.7 10.7 20.6 29.6 8.0 8.8 + (x * 1.0) + (x * 1.0) + (x * 1.0) + (x * 1.2) + (x * 0.3) + (x * 0.1) 1756-L61,-L62, -L63 4.5 4.4 1.6 1.6 0.18 0.18 3.9 7.6 10.9 1.6 2.3 5.0 1.9 7.1 1.0 n/a 0.18 0.23 4.5 4.5 4.0 7.4 10.3 3.0 3.3 + (x * 0.4) + (x * 0.4) + (x * 0.4) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.2) + (x * 0.0)