Chapter 5 流体运动的微分分析法简介-小结1、质量守恒定律的微分形式:矢量式、直角坐标形式、柱坐标形式(不要求记忆);(上册p80)2、已知速度场,确定流动是否可压缩;(上册p80)3、二维不可压缩流场流函数的定义,已知速度场能确定流a函数(在什么条件下存在流函数),已知流函数能确定速度场;(中册p41)围绕连续性方程展开4、在流场中运动的流体质点,明确:平移、旋转、线变形(和连续性方程有联系)、角变形;(上册p57)5、有旋流动和无旋流动的定义(上册p71),对于二维不可压缩无旋流场:已知速度场能确定速度势(在什么条件下存在速度势),给定速度势能确定速度场(中册p40),理解流函数为常数的线与势函数为常数的线是垂直相交的(中册p42)6、在给定速度场中运动的流体质点,确定其迁移加速度和局部加速度。
(上册p90)围绕各种变形展开Chapter 6 不可压缩无粘流动的流体动力学-小结1、写出欧拉方程的矢量式、直角坐标形式、柱坐标形式、流线坐标形式(推导过程中的各项物理意义)(中册p35);2、定常流动过程中沿着流线方向对欧拉方程进行积分,导出伯努利方程,并说明伯努利方程的限定条件(四个意义)(上册p121);3、静压强、滞止压强和动压强的定义(上册p123);4、对于定常的、不可压缩的、通过流管的无粘流动,说明热力学第一定律在什么条件下可简化为伯努利方程(七个条件)(上册p153)。
Chapter 7 旋涡的基本理论-小结1、旋涡的基本概念:涡线、涡管、涡索、涡量、涡通量(涡强、旋涡强度)(中册p71)、速度环量(中册p38),相应的涡量连续性方程和涡线微分方程2、旋涡的基本定理:斯托克斯定理(中册p38)、汤姆逊定理(开尔文速度环量定理)(中册p40)、拉格朗日定理、亥姆霍兹三定理X3、旋涡的诱导速度:无限长涡索和半无限长涡索情况时的诱导速度4、兰金涡速度和压强分布的特点Chapter 8 量纲分析-小结(不考计算,考分析题)1、几何相似、时间相似、运动相似以及动力相似(知道几个基本的准则数就可以了)2、量纲分析方法:量纲定义(此概念从何而来)、基本量纲(意义)、导出量纲(此概念从何而来)、量纲一致、3、瑞利法、π定理Chapter 9 粘性流体的管内流动-小结1、粘性流体管内流动的基本分析方法:切向应力互等定理(知道结果即可),广义牛顿粘性定律(两个方向),不可压缩粘性流体的N-S方程及简化和分析(上册p86);2、粘性流体的两种流动状态(上册p66),管内流动的两种损失(中册p90);3、流体在圆管中的层流流动分析:速度分布,平均速度,最大速度(三者的关系,速度分布的形状),剪切力分布,体积流量(中册p73);库艾特流(中册p75);泊肃叶定律(中册p81);4、流体在圆管中的湍流流动分析:时均参数,湍流切应力,混合长度理论,湍流结构,速度分布(要知道形状)(中册p83);5、沿程损失系数(层流和湍流):达西摩擦因子λ变化规律-尼古拉兹实验(中册p90);穆迪图(中册p78);6、局部损失系数-产生原因(很重要,要知道,简答题)、几种常见的局部损失系数(概念)(中册p100)7、非圆管中的流动:水力半径,当量直径(概念)(中册p108);X8、孔口出流和管嘴出流的设计以及计算;管路的计算9、管道的水力计算:简单管道的水力计算,长管的水力计算,复杂管道(中册p106)10、有压管道的水击(水锤)现象和成因分析(各种现象产生原因都要记忆,简答,分析)Chapter 10 粘性流体绕物体的流动-小结1、边界层的概念及流态特点(中册p121)2、层流边界层微分方程(普朗特边界层方程)(中册p125)3、卡门动量积分方程(中册p127)边界层的定义4、平板层流边界层的近似解:速度分布规律、边界层厚度、切向应力、总摩擦阻力、摩擦阻力系数(分布特点,厚度意思,摩擦阻力和系数的意思)(中册p129)5、平板湍流边界层的近似解:速度分布规律、边界层厚度、切向应力、总摩擦阻力、摩擦阻力系数(中册p133)6、平板混合边界层的近似解:简化计算方法、摩擦阻力系数(灰常重要)针对具体边界层的分析7、边界层分离现象:速度及压强的变化规律(要知道意义和两者如何转化)• 物体在流体中的绕流阻力:摩擦阻力、压差阻力(三个阻力怎么产生,有什么影响)(中册p136)8、圆柱绕流边界层与阻力:Re数分区描述(中册p142)9、理想流体直均流绕圆柱体无环流动:速度分布、压强分布、压强系数(分布特点,系数的意义)(中册p52)10、理想流体直均流绕圆柱体有环流动:速度分布、压强分布、压强系数、升力的产生(中册p55)11、圆球绕流边界层与阻力:光滑球、粗糙球绕流阻力的分析及特点(光滑球,粗糙球的意思)(中册p147)12、圆盘绕流边界层与阻力:阻力系数随Re数变化的特点13、马格纳斯效应及卡门涡街现象的描述及分析(简答题)(中册p144)Chapter 11 气体动力学基础-小结(不考计算)1、了解微弱扰动一维传播的基本规律(中册p164);2、音速(灰常重要)、马赫数和马赫锥的定义,以及与压缩性关系;利用马赫数对气流分类,马赫数的物理意义(中册p164)4、了解气体一维定常流动的基本方程(不用记)(中册p170),5、几种气流的参考状态:滞止状态、不可压缩流动流动状态、极限状态、临界状态和速度系数(状态所对应的条件要清楚)中册p173)6、气体的变截面等熵流动;气体状态参数与截面积变化的关系(四种情况);工程:拉法尔喷管、扩压管(中册p177)填空20简答25分析15计算40第十周周六周日晚上答疑。
Chapter 5.重氮化与偶联反应
![Chapter 5.重氮化与偶联反应](
氟硼酸苯重氮盐在二甲亚砜中与亚硝酸钠作用可使芳香 化合物芳基化,是比巴赫曼反应制备取代联苯更好的方 法。这个反应条件温和、产率高、应用范围广,固体化 合物同样可以反应。
2. 保留氮的反应 2.1 还原反应——苯肼
N Cl
or NaHSO3 or SnCl2 / HCl or Na2S2O3 / NaOH
1.4 被含硫基团取代 a:重氮盐和一些含硫化合物反应,可以在苯核上引入含硫基
ArN 2
若重氮盐与黄原酸钾酯作用,生成的中间体经加热分解或水 解即得硫酚(Leukar反应) P119
c. 被氰基取代
• 氰基可以水解成羧酸,所以可以通过重氮盐在芳环 上引入羧基:
d. 希曼反应——(芳香族氟化物的制备) 必须将氟硼 酸加到重氮盐溶液中,使生成重氮盐氟硼酸沉淀,经 分离并干燥后再小心加热,即逐渐分解而得相应的芳 香族氟化物:
• 近来报导用重氮氟磷酸盐代替重氮氟硼酸盐,产率高:
•(Ⅲ) Structure and Property of Diazo Compound •重氮化合物的结构:[ArN+N]X- 或 ArN2+XCharacter:P104-105 1.Stability:正电荷分散程度越大, 重氮盐稳定性越大。 2.重氮盐基带有正电荷,强吸 电子性,相当于两个硝基。 3. 氮原子上的正电荷主要在重 氮基末端的氮原子上,显示亲 电特性。 4.重氮盐有如铵盐性质,其氯 化物和硫酸盐一般可溶于水 。
《朗文英语4A》复习提要Chapter 5: Animals big and small大大小小的动物I. 经过第5章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译(translate),并且还要会拼写(spell)。
a horse 一匹马 a camel 一匹骆驼a giraffe 一头长颈鹿an owl 一只猫头鹰a peacock 一只孔雀an eagle 一只老鹰a panda 一只熊猫 a hippo 一只河马(hippos 复数)an elephant 一头大象 a rabbit 一只兔子a rat 一只老鼠(大) a mouse 一只老鼠(小) (mice 复数)*注意mouse 和rat的区别:在英语中,rat含有贬义,就像国内的过街老鼠,肮脏,是害虫。
下面的关键句型我们要会读(read), 知道意(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different contexts),会写(write them correctly)。
1. The horse, the camel and the giraffe are tall.The camel is taller than the horse.The giraffe is the tallest.2. The owl, the peacock and the eagle are big.The peacock is bigger than the owl.The eagle is the biggest.3. The panda, the hippo and the elephant are heavy.The hippo is heavier than the panda.The elephant is the heaviest.4. The rabbit, the rat and the mouse are small.The rat is smaller than the rabbit.The mouse is the smallest.总结: (1). 比较级结构:A+ be+ + than+ B. : A比B……be动词由时态和主语A决定。
[单选]甲公司作为上市公司,欲对目标公司乙公司实施收购行为,根据预测分析,得到并购重组后乙公司未来8年的增量自由现金流量的现值为1000万元,8年后以后每年的增量自由现金流量均为600万元,折现率为10%,乙公司的负债总额为2000万元,则乙公司的预计总体价值为()万元。[已知 [单选]从胎儿娩出到胎盘娩出,不应超过().A.15分钟B.20分钟C.30分钟D.45分钟E.60分钟 [单选]动物频频作排粪动作而无粪便排出时,常常是()的表现。A.分娩B.腹泻C.梗阻D.疼痛 [单选]换长是以一辆()吨标准货车的长度作为换算标准折合而成数值。A.30B.40C.50 [单选]集中就业和()都是解决残疾人就业的重要形式,二者相辅相成,互为补充,共同构成了残疾人就业的主渠道。A.按比例就业B.自主创业C.分散就业D.灵活就业 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]与未热适应者相比,热适应者出现的生理变化不包括下列中的()。A.汗量增加B.汗液中无机盐含量减少C.体温较低D.心率较高E.肌肉工作能力较强 [单选]下列卵巢非赘生性囊肿临床表现和声像图特征,哪一项是错误的A.黄体囊肿是黄体形成过程中黄体血肿液化形成B.黄素囊肿与滋养细胞肿瘤伴发C.黄素囊肿多呈双侧性D.绝经后妇女常见且多能自行消退E.卵巢非赘生性囊肿是一种囊性结构而不是卵巢肿瘤 [判断题]假币是指伪造、变造和残缺的货币。A.正确B.错误 [单选]霍奇金病的根治剂量为()A.25GyB.30GyC.35GyD.45GyE.55Gy [单选]以下符合类风湿关节炎的分类标准的是()。A.对称性关节肿、3个以上关节肿≥6周B.晨僵至少2小时≥6周C.腕、掌指关节或远端指间关节肿≥6周D.手X线片改变,至少有骨质疏松和关节间隙的狭窄E.类风湿因子阳性(滴度>1:16) [填空题]机器制造的装配方法有()法、()法、()法和()法。 [单选,A1型题]下列各项,不属于伤寒证别称的是()。A.外寒证B.表寒证C.寒邪束表证D.太阳表虚证E.太阳伤寒证 [单选]病人X线片可见Codman三角,可能的诊断为()A.脂肪肉瘤B.骨肉瘤C.皮质旁肉瘤D.骨髓瘤E.骨巨细胞瘤 [单选]关于印刷要素的说法,错误的是()。A.印刷要素包括原稿、印版、承印物、印刷油墨和印刷机械B.以非纸张材料作为承印物的印刷称为"特种印刷"C.按版面结构特征不同,印版分为凸版、凹版和平版三种D.原稿可分为文字原稿、线条原稿和图像原稿三大类 [单选]关于胸锁乳突肌的描述不正确的是()A.位于颈外侧部B.一侧肌收缩使头向同侧倾斜C.一侧肌收缩使面转向同侧D.两侧肌收缩使头后仰E.起自胸骨柄和锁骨内侧端,止于颞骨乳突 [单选,A1型题]治湿热泻痢、里急后重,最宜用()A.陈皮、黄连B.木香、黄连C.青皮、黄连D.金银花、黄连E.厚朴、黄连 [单选]冰区航行,主要的定位手段为()。A.无线电导航仪器定位B.天文定位C.陆标定位D.移线定位 [单选]《关于支持循环经济发展的投融资政策措施意见的通知》规定了发展循环经济的()的内容。A.管理制度B.政策导向C.激励措施D.相关投融资政策措施更深化和细化 [问答题]油气生产的三大参数是什么? [单选,A1型题]寒凉药长期给药,对植物神经系统功能的影响是()A.心率加快B.尿中儿茶酚胺排出量减少C.血浆中和肾上腺内多巴胺β-羟化酶活性提高D.尿中17-羟皮质类固醇排出量增多E.耗氧量增加 [单选]选用压力表量程最好为工作压力的()倍。A、1B、2C、4D、5 [单选]晚间护理的内容包括()A.经常巡视病房,了解患者睡眠情况B.协助患者排便,收集标本C.整理病室,开窗通风D.协助患者进食E.发放口服药物 [单选]关于雌激素的作用,下列说法正确的是()。A.促进水、钠排泄B.抑制输卵管蠕动C.使阴道上皮角化现象消失D.使子宫颈黏液分泌增多而稀薄E.对下丘脑和垂体仅产生负反馈作 [问答题]预算单位工作人员可以开设多张公务卡吗? [多选,案例分析题]患者男,68岁。因“反复双踝、双膝关节肿痛12年,左膝肿痛7天”来诊。既往史无特殊。查体:体温36.5℃,脉搏86次/分,呼吸24次/分,血压90/50mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。心、肺、腹检查未见殊。左膝关节肿,无红。左膝关节浮髌试验阳性,左膝关节磁共振成像:T1 [单选,A1型题]β+粒子和物质作用后,不会出现的情况是()A.产生能量相等的一对γ光子B.产生一对能量各为140keV的γ光子C.产生一对辐射方向相反的γ光子D.产生一对穿透能力比Tc强的γ光子E.产生一对γ光子,PET利用这对γ光子进行成像 [单选]某患者80岁,记忆力障碍,对答不切题,常外出后无法救回家,你建议该患者最好做什么筛查()A.汉语失语症检查法B.构音障碍检查法C.简易精神状态检查(MMSE.D.韦氏记忆量表(WMS)E.韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS) [问答题,简答题]气柜过滤器的作用是什么? [单选,A1型题]有关消毒的描述,错误的是()A.是切断传播途径,防止传染发生的重要措施B.可保护医护人员免受感染C.可防止患者再被其他病原体感染D.即使有了强有力的消毒措施,医护人员也必须采取防护措施E.对不同的传染病消毒效果相似 [单选]患者,女性,56岁,半月前出现左肩外侧疼痛,疼痛时与活动有明显关系,半个月来疼痛逐渐加重,范围扩大,不能外展及前屈,后伸,牵涉到上臂中段,体检时,可见三角肌轻度萎缩,肩部有明显的压痛点,肩关节活动明显受限。最可能的诊断是()A.胸廓上口综合征B.肩周炎C.肩关节 [名词解释]效用 [单选,A1型题]下列除哪项外皆可面见青色:()A.虚证B.痛证C.寒证D.惊风E.瘀血 [单选,A型题]下列哪种片剂可避免肝脏的首过作用()A、泡腾片B、分散片C、舌下片D、普通片E、溶液片 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于血红蛋白生理变化的描述,下列错误的是()A.新生儿Hb浓度明显增高,2周后逐渐转为正常B.正常男性儿童6~7岁及女性21~35岁时Hb浓度最低C.6个月至2岁婴幼儿Hb浓度最高D.高山地区居民和登山运动员因缺氧刺激使Hb高于正常E.妊娠期相对减少 [单选]()不属于生产物流控制的内容。A.进度控制B.制成品管理C.在制品管理D.偏差的测定和处理 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]据《灵枢·本神》篇所述,所以任物者谓之()A.意B.心C.志D.思E.虑 [单选]一般来讲,招收应届毕业人才的主要途径是()A、人才交流会B、各种广告C、大专院校及职业技工学校D、职业介绍所 [单选]妊娠合并心脏病临产产妇,在分娩期最好的体位是()。A.平卧位B.仰卧位C.右侧卧位,上半身抬高D.左侧卧位,上半身抬高E.随意卧位 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在自杀的社会学因素的叙述不正确的是()A.自杀不仅是个人决定的行为,也受社会环境影响B.独身、离婚、丧偶者自杀率高于婚姻稳定者C.高社会阶层者的自杀率最低D.国外资料显示,在自杀死亡者中,男女性别比约为3:1E.社会文化对自杀率也有影响 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]矽肺是指长期吸入哪种物质所致的以肺部弥漫性纤维化为主的全身性疾病()。A.烟雾B.金刚砂C.石棉D.水泥E.游离二氧化硅
Chapter 5 Regression with a Single Regressor: Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals1) Heteroskedasticity means thatA) homogeneity cannot be assumed automatically for the model.B) the variance of the error term is not constant.C) the observed units have different preferences.D) agents are not all rational.Answer: B2) With heteroskedastic errors, the weighted least squares estimator is BLUE. You should use OLS with heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors becauseA) this method is simpler.B) the exact form of the conditional variance is rarely known.C) the Gauss-Markov theorem holds.D) your spreadsheet program does not have a command for weighted least squares.Answer: B3) When estimating a demand function for a good where quantity demanded is a linear function of the price, you shouldA) not include an intercept because the price of the good is never zero.B) use a one-sided alternative hypothesis to check the influence of price on quantity.C) use a two-sided alternative hypothesis to check the influence of price on quantity.D) reject the idea that price determines demand unless the coefficient is at least 1.96.Answer: B4) The t-statistic is calculated by dividingA) the OLS estimator by its standard error.B) the slope by the standard deviation of the explanatory variable.C) the estimator minus its hypothesized value by the standard error of the estimator.D) the slope by 1.96.Answer: C5) The confidence interval for the sample regression function slopeA) can be used to conduct a test about a hypothesized population regression function slope.B) can be used to compare the value of the slope relative to that of the intercept.C) adds and subtracts 1.96 from the slope.D) allows you to make statements about the economic importance of your estimate.Answer: A6) If the absolute value of your calculated t-statistic exceeds the critical value from the standard normal distribution, you canA) reject the null hypothesis.B) safely assume that your regression results are significant.C) reject the assumption that the error terms are homoskedastic.D) conclude that most of the actual values are very close to the regression line.Answer: A7) Under the least squares assumptions (zero conditional mean for the error term, X i and Y i being i.i.d., and X i and u i having finite fourth moments), the OLS estimator for the slope and interceptA) has an exact normal distribution for n> 15.B) is BLUE.C) has a normal distribution even in small samples.D) is unbiased.Answer: D8) In general, the t-statistic has the following form:A) estimate-hypothesize value standard error of estimateB)estimator standard error of estimateC) estimator-hypothesize value standard error of estimateD)n estimatoroferror standardvalue ehypothesiz-estimatorAnswer: C9) Consider the following regression line: = 698.9 – 2.28 ×STR. You are told that the t-statistic on the slope coefficient is 4.38. What is the standard error of the slope coefficient?A) 0.52B) 1.96C) -1.96D) 4.38Answer: A10) Imagine that you were told that the t-statistic for the slope coefficient of the regression line= 698.9 – 2.28 × STR was 4.38. What are the units of measurement for the t-statistic?A) points of the test scoreB) number of students per teacherC) TestScoreSTRD) standard deviations Answer: D11) The construction of the t-statistic for a one- and a two-sided hypothesisA) depends on the critical value from the appropriate distribution.B) is the same.C) is different since the critical value must be 1.645 for the one-sided hypothesis, but 1.96 for the two-sided hypothesis (using a 5% probability for the Type I error).D) uses ±1.96 for the two-sided test, but only +1.96 for the one-sided test.Answer: B12) The p-value for a one-sided left-tail test is given byA) Pr(Z-t act ) =φ(t act).B) Pr(Z<t act ) =φ(t act).C) Pr(Z<t act ) < 1.645.D) cannot be calculated, since probabilities must always be positive.Answer: B13) The 95% confidence interval for β1 is the intervalA) (β1- 1.96SE)(β1), β1+ 1.96SE(β1)).B) (1- 1.645SE)(1), 1+ 1.645SE(1)).C) (1- 1.96SE)(1), 1+ 1.96SE(1)).D) (1- 1.96, 1 + 1.96).Answer: C14) The 95% confidence interval for β0 is the intervalA) (β0- 1.96SE(β0), β0+ 1.96SE(β0)).B) (β0- 1.645SE(0), 0+ 1.645SE(0)).C) (0- 1.96SE(0), 0+ 1.96SE(0)).D) (0- 1.96, 0+ 1.96).Answer: C15) The 95% confidence interval for the predicted effect of a general change in X isA) (β1△x- 1.96SE(β1) ×△x, β1△x+ 1.96SE(β1) ×△x).B) (1△x- 1.645SE(1) ×△x,1△x+ 1.645SE(1) ×△x).C) (1△x- 1.96SE(1) ×△x,1△x+ 1.96SE(1) ×△x).D) (1△x- 1.96,1△x + 1.96).Answer: C16) The homoskedasticity-only estimator of the variance of 1 isA)B)C)D)Answer: A17) One of the following steps is not required as a step to test for the null hypothesis:A) compute the standard error of 1.B) test for the errors to be normally distributed.C) compute the t-statistic.D) compute the p-value.Answer: B18) Finding a small value of the p-value (e.g. less than 5%)A) indicates evidence in favor of the null hypothesis.B) implies that the t-statistic is less than 1.96.C) indicates evidence in against the null hypothesis.D) will only happen roughly one in twenty samples.Answer: C19) The only difference between a one- and two-sided hypothesis test isA) the null hypothesis.B) dependent on the sample size n.C) the sign of the slope coefficient.D) how you interpret the t-statistic.Answer: D20) A binary variable is often called aA) dummy variable.B) dependent variable.C) residual.D) power of a test.Answer: A21) The error term is homoskedastic ifA) var(u i is constant for i=1,…, n.B) var(u i depends on x.C) X i is normally distributed.D) there are no outliers.Answer: A22) In the presence of heteroskedasticity, and assuming that the usual least squares assumptions hold, the OLS estimator isA) efficient.B) BLUE.C) unbiased and consistent.D) unbiased but not consistent.Answer: C23) The proof that OLS is BLUE requires all of the following assumptions with the exception of:A) the errors are homoskedastic.B) the errors are normally distributed.C) E(u i.D) large outliers are unlikely.Answer: B24) If the errors are heteroskedastic, thenA) OLS is BLUE.B) WLS is BLUE if the conditional variance of the errors is known up to a constant factor of proportionality.C) LAD is BLUE if the conditional variance of the errors is known up to a constant factor of proportionality.D) OLS is efficient.Answer: B25) The homoskedastic normal regression assumptions are all of the following with the exception of:A) the errors are homoskedastic.B) the errors are normally distributed.C) there are no outliers.D) there are at least 10 observations.Answer: D26) Using the textbook example of 420 California school districts and the regression of testscores on the student-teacher ratio, you find that the standard error on the slope coefficient is 0.51 when using the heteroskedasticity robust formula, while it is 0.48 when employing the homoskedasticity only formula. When calculating the t-statistic, the recommended procedure is toA) use the homoskedasticity only formula because the t-statistic becomes largerB) first test for homoskedasticity of the errors and then make a decisionC) use the heteroskedasticity robust formulaD) make a decision depending on how much different the estimate of the slope is under the two proceduresAnswer: C27) Consider the estimated equation from your textbook=698.9 - 2.28STR, R2= 0.051, SER= 18.6(10.4) (0.52)The t-statistic for the slope is approximatelyA) 4.38B) 67.20C) 0.52D) 1.76Answer: A28) You have collected data for the 50 U.S. states and estimated the following relationship between the change in the unemployment rate from the previous year () and the growth rate of the respective state real GDP (g y). The results are as follows= 2.81 — 0.23g y, R2= 0.36, SER= 0.78(0.12) (0.04)Assuming that the estimator has a normal distribution, the 95% confidence interval for the slope is approximately the intervalA) [2.57, 3.05]B) [-0.31,0.15]C) [-0.31, -0.15]D) [-0.33, -0.13]Answer: C29) Using 143 observations, assume that you had estimated a simple regression function and that your estimate for the slope was 0.04, with a standard error of 0.01. You want to test whether or not the estimate is statistically significant. Which of the following possible decisions is the only correct one:A) you decide that the coefficient is small and hence most likely is zero in the populationB) the slope is statistically significant since it is four standard errors away from zeroC) the response of Y given a change in X must be economically important since it is statistically significantD) since the slope is very small, so must be the regression R2.Answer: B30) You extract approximately 5,000 observations from the Current Population Survey (CPS) and estimate the following regression function:= 3.32 — 0.45Age, R2= 0.02, SER= 8.66(1.00) (0.04)where ahe is average hourly earnings, and Age is the individual's age. Given the specification, your 95% confidence interval for the effect of changing age by 5 years is approximatelyA) [$1.96, $2.54]B) [$2.32, $4.32]C) [$1.35, $5.30]D) cannot be determined given the information providedAnswer: A。
Chapter 5 Look it up!Listening, Speaking, Using English, Writing章节分析(Section Analysis )(一)综述本章节是语言运用部分。
Using English帮助学生学习使用百科全书,掌握以字母顺序开头的方法和按类别分类的方法。
Writing学会编写小故事(三)重点和难点L istening学生须掌握如下词汇:government pay repair republic拓展的词汇: attraction bury hectare memorial本篇听力生词较多,所以较难听清;且要填的空格中有好些数字,又增加了一定的难度。
Speakin多音节的辨认Using English按照类别分类Writing自己编写小故事。
学生须掌握如下词汇:appear dream later visitor教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施教学资源参考Listening 1)Pre-listening 在听之前,先介绍一些孙中山先生的生平事迹.有学生去南京旅游过的可以请他简要地介绍一下.2) While-listening本篇听力较难较长,指导学生先看一下须完成的练习,猜测一下所要填的内容。
3) Post-listening 两遍听完以后请学生讲答案. 《牛津英语教学参考》Speaking 学生在朗读时要边念单词边数音节.Using English 准备一本百科全书运用实物进行教学Writing 可以分为两步:1.根据书上的广告补充完故事2.根据课文的内容,尤其是恐龙的故事,接着往下编故事。
局 部 均 衡 分 析 P3 净福利增加 A P2 Dx Px/Py s Px/Py s
(3)一般均衡分析 )
贸 易 均 衡 和 生线 斜率: px/py
(3)一般均衡分析 提供曲线 一般均衡分析: 一般均衡分析
局 部 均 衡 分 析 P1 Px/Py Px/Py Px/Py s s s P2 P2 A B C 净福利增加
消费者 剩余
生产 者剩 余 无贸易
Dx Dx
Dx X
局 部 均 衡 分 析 P3 净福利增加 P2 Dx Px/Py s Px/Py s
一 般 均 衡 分 析
国家2的提供曲线:出口 进口 进口x 国家 的提供曲线:出口y进口 的提供曲线
一 般 均 衡 分 析
世界市场的一般均衡. 世界市场的一般均衡
一 般 均 衡 分 析
贸 易 均 衡 和 生 产 可 能 性 前 沿
贸易均衡点:CB=C’B’, CE=C’E’
复习题 P90: 2,4
要素价格和收入水平不变的情况 下,考虑某一个产品市场的均衡 分析不同政策对于均衡和福利的 影响
(1)贸易的局部均衡 )
局 部 均 衡 分 析
国家1的 国家 的 过剩供给
国家2的 国家 的 过剩需求
局 部 均 衡 分 析
Chapter one Introduction1.1什么是语言学1.1.1定义语言学LinguisticsLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics.(语音学)The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音位学)The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学)The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax(句法学)The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学)The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学)1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异必考P3(1)Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is “correct” or not.规定性PrescriptiveIt aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.描述性DescriptiveA linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use.(2)Synchronic and diachronic 共时和历时The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study is more important.历时语言学Diachronic linguisticsThe study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time.共时语言学Synchronical linguisticsThe study of a given language at a given time.(3)Speech and writing 口头语与书面语Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken form of language as primary, but not the written form. Reasons are: 1. Speech precedes writing; 2. There are still many languages that have only the spoken form; 3. In terms of function, the spoken language is used for a wider range of purposes than the written, and carries a larger load of communication than the written.(4)Langue and parole 语言和言语必考名解P4The Swiss linguist F. de Saussure made the distinction between langue and parole early 20th century.Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. Saussure made the distinction in order to single out one aspect of language for serious study. He believes what linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole, to discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.语言langue(抽象)The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.言语parole(具体)The realization of langue in actual use.(5)Competence and performance 语言能力和语言运用Proposed by American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.He defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. He believes the task of the linguists is to discover and specify the language rules.语言能力Competence(抽象)Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.语言运用performance(具体)Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的具体体现。
初三知识同义词短语复习(Chapter 5
![初三知识同义词短语复习(Chapter 5](
同义词短语复习(Chapter 5~6)短语:1.feel/be nervous = feel/be frightened and worried 觉得很紧张2.would love to do sth. = would like to do sth. 愿意/想要做某事3.hurry to some place = go to some place in a hurry 匆忙去某地4. raise one’s hand = put up one’s hand 举手5. It’s time for sth. = It’s time to do sth. 该做……的时候了6. ahead of time = in advance 提前7. six more questions = another six questions 另外六个问题8. one more hour = another hour 另外一个小时9. Sb. have/has trouble with sth. = There is something wrong with ………有问题10. be unprepared = be not ready 没有准备好11. keep still = keep quiet 保持安静12. switch on = turn on 打开13. immediately = at once / right away 立刻,马上14. be influenced by = be affected by 被……影响15. use sth. to do sth. = do sth. with sth. 用某物做某事16. no more = not … any more 不再17. What do you think of sb./sth? = How do you like sb./sth? 你认为……怎么样?18. Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. = It take sb. some time to do sth. 某人花时间做某事19. Sb. spend money on sth. = Sb. pay money for sth. = Sth. cost sb. money 某人花钱买东西20. be good at = do well in 擅长于……21. in my opinion = I think 我认为……22. What’s your weight ? = How heavy are you? / How much do you weigh? 你体重多少?23. Let’s change the subject. = Shall we change the subject ? 我们换个话题好吗?24. It may be dangerous. = Maybe it is dangerous. 可能很危险。
小王子》精读Chapter5-Part1 讲义-2023届高三英语一轮复习
![小王子》精读Chapter5-Part1 讲义-2023届高三英语一轮复习](
《小王子》精读Chapter5-Part1 讲义-2023届高三英语一轮复习《The Little Princess--Chapter5 Part1》As each day passed I would learn, in our talk, something about the little prince’s planet, his departure from it, his journey. The information would come very slowly, as it might chance to fall from his thoughts.It was in this way that I heard, on the third day, about the catastrophe of the baobabs.【词汇】①departure n.背离;离开,启程②thought n.想法,看法,主意③catastrophe n.灾难,灾祸;麻烦④baobabs n.猴面包树(非洲产的一种巨树)【句型】It was...that...引导强调句式,强调时间点是在第三天的时候。
This time, once more, I had the sheep to thank for it. For the little prince asked me abruptly-- as if seized by a grave doubt-- "It is true, isn’t it, that sheep eat little bushes?""Yes, that is true.""Ah! I am glad!"I did not understand why it was so important that sheep should eat little bushes. But the little prince added:"Then it follows that they also eat baobabs?"【词汇】①abruptly adv.突然地;唐突地;陡然②grave n.坟墓,墓穴;死亡,终结③bush n.灌木,灌木丛;荒野【短语】①once more 再一次【句型】① as if:好像似乎仿佛【译文】这一次,起因又是那只绵羊。
The sound and meaning of words related
Two ways:
Most English words are conventional, arbitrary symbol.
Chapter 5Word meaning and Semantic Features词义与语义特征
5.1 Conventionality and Motivation约定俗成与有理据词
5.2 Main Types of Word Meaning词义的分类
5.3 Componential Analysis and Semantic Features语义成分分析与语义特征
□English –houseFrench –maisonChinese –fángziRussian –domSpanish –casa
2. Motivation有理据词
Motivation:refers to the connection between word-symbol and its sense.
Arbitrary:adj.decided by or based on chance or personal opinion rather than facts or reason.
Conventional or arbitrary: there is no intrinsic relation between the sound-symbol and its sense.
E.g. anticancer抗癌的
深圳英语七年级下学期期末复习资料Chapter5 electricity
![深圳英语七年级下学期期末复习资料Chapter5 electricity](
Chapter5electricity【重点集锦】Question:What’s electricity?Electricity ______through a ____like water in a way. But it’s much more __________than water. In fact, we can’t see it. It’s ________. But it can change into different forms of _______such as heat, light, sound and movement.1. 复合不定代词something,某事,某物anything任何事everything每件事,万事nothing 没有任何事someone某人anyone任何人everyone每个人no one没有一个人somebody 某人anybody任何everybody 每个人nobody没有一个人★anything,anyone,anybody用于否定句和一般疑问句Does anyone want anything?(一般疑问)有没有人需要什么东西There isn’t anything left. (否定句) 没有任何东西剩下★something,someone,somebody,everything,everyone,everybody一般用于肯定句,但everything,everyone,everybody可以用于一般疑问句Everything is fine. 一切都好Someone is singing in the room. 某人正在房间里唱歌Is everyone here today?是不是每个人都在★不定代词+adjI have something important to tell you. (不定代词+adj)我有一些重要的事情要告诉你Was there anything interesting when I was away?(不定代词+adj)我不在的时候有什么有趣的事情发生吗★复合不定代词谓语动词用单数Everyone is here. No one is away. 每个人都在,没人缺席 able to do sth (通过努力)能够做某事I was able to pass the exam in the end.我最后终于通过了考试be able to do sth=can do sth3. in packets 一包包地in bags一袋袋地Rice is usually sold in bags. 大米通常是一袋袋地出售的4.(复习)感官动词look/smell/sound/taste/feel+adj 看/闻/听/尝/感觉起来怎么样She’ll look foolish.她会看起来很愚蠢I feel sleepy sometimes. 我有时候打瞌睡(sleep v.--- sleepy adj.)5. flow through a wire流过电线run through forests跑过森林go through the cave穿过洞穴through指穿过三围立体的空间6. ★be like=seem like 像,似乎Electricity is like water. 电就像水流They are like clouds. 它们就像云朵★look like看起来像(指外表特征)He looks like his father.他看起来像他爸爸★like doing sth 喜欢做某事I like drawing cartoons in my spare time.7. ★in a way 在某种程度上Electricity is like water in a way. 在某种程度上电就像水流★in different ways用不同的方式/方法He can solve the math problem in many different ways.他能够用许多不同的方法解决这个数学问题★in another way用另一种方式/方法Can you explain the word in another way?你能用另一种方法解释这个词语吗★by the way顺便说一下By the way, I won’t be back until 10 tonight.顺便说一下,我要晚上10点才回来8. a good explanation 一个好的解释9. change A into B 把A变成BThe next morning, the water changed into ice.第二天早上,水变成了冰10.A be connected to B A被B 连接The light bulb is connectd to the wire. 灯泡连接电线11. with a grin on his face 脸上带着笑★和…一起I usually go to school with my sister.我通常和妹妹一起上学★带着He came into the classroom with a book in his hand.他走进教室手里带着一本书He has a house with a big garden. 他有一所带大花园的房子★具有She is a girl with big eyes. 他是一个有着大眼睛的女孩12. say sth politely礼貌地说某事polite-politely drive a car slowly 慢慢地开车run quickly快速地跑study hard努力学习I listened to the teacher carefully. (副动形)13. turn on the TV=switch on the TV 打开电视turn off the fan=switch off the fan 关掉风扇He turned on the light to see what happened.=He switched on the light to see what happened.他打开电灯看看发生了什么be on开着的(表示状态)be off关着的(表示状态)The TV is on but the washing machine is off.电视是开着的但是洗衣机是关着的14. stay up late熬夜It is bad for you to stay up late at night. 晚上熬夜不好二、重要句型1. trick sb=fool sb=make fun of sb欺骗at last=in the end=finally 最后终于I was able to trick Daisy at last=I was able to fool Daisy in the end.= Finally I was able to make fun of Daisy.2. turn off…=switch off… 关掉…Remember to turn off the lights when you leave.=Remember to switch off the lights when you leave.1.turn on…=switch on…打开T urn on the fan if you feel hot.=Switch on the fan if you feel hot.2.get sb sth=get sth for sb 买某物给某人(此处get相当于buy)Can you get me a packet of electricity?=Can you get a packet of electricity for me?5. 用with将两句话合成一句话She is a girl. She has big eyes.= She is a girl with big eyesHe has a house. The house has a big garden.=He has a house with a big garden.6.A be connected to B=A be joined to B A被B 连接The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge.=The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.7. contain=have…inside 包含His bag has a lot of books inside.=His bag contains a lot of books.【考点链接】考点1:情态动词例句:Can they dance ? Y es, they can. / No , they can’t.P 63他们能跳舞吗?是的,他们能。
Department of P.&E.I.S
+ u uD VD - iD i + H(j) uuAM (t) o - uc 0
若滤波回路的中心频率为fc ,带宽为2F,则经滤波 后的输出电压即为普通调幅(AM)信号。
mUc Uc
ma =
Umax - Umin Umax + Umin
0 (c) u A M(t)
m=1 t
Department of P.&E.I.S
常数 调幅波的频谱 (a)
m m u AM (t ) U C cos ct U C cos(c + )t × C cos(A M )t U u uc 2 2
n 0
若作用在非线性器件上的两个电压均为余弦信号,即 u1 =U1cosω1t,u2 =U2cosω2t,则输出电流i中将包含由下 1 列通式表示的无限多个频率组合分量 1 cos( x y ) cos x cos y cos( x y )
p q
2 p1 q2
( x y)3 x3 3x 2 y 3xy2 y3
Department of P.&E.I.S
本 章 要 点
调幅波的概念、数学表达式、波形、频谱、带 宽和功率关系 包络检波器的原理及其失真现象 混频的概念及工作原理
BW 2 F 20 kHz
EX for English Linguistics (chapter1—6)Chapter I IntroductionI. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:1. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be d .2.Chomsky defines “c ”as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.3. L refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community while the parole is the concrete use of the conventions and application of the rules.4 D is one of the design features of human language which refers to the phenomenon that language consists of two levels: a lower level of meaningless individual sounds and a higher level of meaningful units.5. Language is a system of a vocal symbols used for human communication.6. S is the study of language in relation to society.7. The discipline that studies the rules governing the formation of words into permissible sentences in languages is called s .8. Human capacity for language has a g basis, but the details of language have to be taught and learned.9. P refers to the realization of langue in actual use.10. Findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the settlement of some practical problems. The study of such applications is generally known as a linguistics.11. Language is p________ in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. In other words, they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences which they have never heard before.12. Linguistics is generally defined as the s study of language.13. To help define and maintain interpersonal relations is the s function of language.14. According to M. A. K. Halliday, the i function is to organize the speaker or writer’s experience of real or imaginary world.15. The t function is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner that they are coherent within themselves and fit the particular situation in which they are used.II. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.1. The description of a language in a fixed instant is a _______ study.A. synchronicB. diachronicC. prescriptiveD. systematic2. The application of linguistics principles and theories to language teaching and learning is called _____.A. sociolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. computational linguisticsD. Applied Linguistics3.If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it issaid to be ______________.A. prescriptiveB. analyticC. descriptiveD. linguistic4. Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?A. ArbitrarinessB. DisplacementC. DualityD. Meaningfulness5. Modern linguistics regards the written language as ____________.A. primaryB. correctC. secondaryD. stable6. In modern linguistics, speech is regarded as more basic than writing, linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writingB.speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of informationconveyed.C.speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mothertongueD.All of the above7. Many modern linguists have criticized traditional grammarians for adopting a _____ approach to language study.A. synchronicB. pragmaticC. prescriptiveD. descriptive8. A historical study of language is a ____ study of language.A. synchronicB. diachronicC. prescriptiveD. comparative9. According to F. de Saussure, ____ refers to the abstract linguistic systemshared by all the members of a speech community.A. paroleB. performanceC. langueD. Language10. Language is said to be arbitrary because there is no logical connection between_________ and meanings.A. senseB. soundsC. objectsD. ideas11. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situationsof the speaker. This feature is called_________,A. displacementB. dualityC. flexibilityD. cultural transmission12. The distinction between langue and parole was made by _______ early last century.A. American linguist N. ChomskyB. Swiss linguist F. de SaussureC. American linguist Edward SapirD. British linguist J. R. Firth13. The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is goodproof that human language is .A. arbitraryB. rationalC. logicalD. culturalChapter 2:PhonologyII. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:1.An affricate______ refers to a strong puff of air stream in the production of speech sounds.2.A_________ phonetics describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ.3.The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/ have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b ________ sounds.4.Of all the speech organs, the t _________ is the most flexible, and is responsible for varieties of articulation than any other.5.English consonants can be classified in terms of manner of articulation or in terms of p ________ of articulation.6.When the obstruction created by the speech organs is total or complete, the speech sound produced with the obstruction audibly released and the air passing outagain is called a s ______.7.S ________ features are the phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments. They include stress, tone, intonation, etc.8.The rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called s_______ rules.9.The transcription of speech sounds with letter-symbols only is called broad transcription while the transcription with letter-symbols together with thediacritics is called n transcription.10.When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i________.11.P _________ is a discipline which studies the system of sounds of a particular language and how sounds are combined into meaningful units to effect linguistic communication.12. If you say door, new, two, senior, zoo, you will notice that the first sounds in all these words are a sounds. The t and s are voiceless, and d, n and z are voiced. Only n is nasal.13.The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three important cavities: the p cavity, the oral cavity and the nasal cavity.14.T_______ are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords and which can distinguish meaning just likephonemes.15.Depending on the context in which stress is considered, there are two kinds of stress: word stress and s stress.II. There are four choices following each of the statements below. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:1. The study of the physical properties of speech sounds is called ________ phonetics.A. acousticB. articulatoryC. AuditoryD. allomorphic2. The sound /f/ is _________________.A. voiced palatal affricateB. voiced alveolar stopC. voiceless velar fricativeD. voiceless labiodental fricative3.Of all the speech organs, the _______ is/ are the most flexible.A. mouthB. lipsC. tongueD. vocal cords4.The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are ____ sounds.A. voicelessB. voicedC. vowelD. consonantal5.__________ is a voiced alveolar stop.A. /z/B. /d/C. /k/D./b/6.The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by “copying”a feature ofa sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones ____________.A. identicalB. sameC. exactly alikeD. similar7. Since /p/ and /b/ are phonetically similar, occur in the same environments andthey can distinguish meaning, they are said to be ___________.A. in phonemic contrastB. in complementary distributionC. the allophonesD. minimal pair8. 2.In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of ( ).A. palatalB. alveolarC. bilabialD. dental9.A ____ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue maintainingthe highest position.A. backB. centralC. frontD. middle10. Palatal semi-vowel refers to the sound .A. [n]B. [h]C. [w]D. [j]11. A phoneme is a group of phonetically similar sounds called .A. minimal pairsB. allomorphsC. phonesD. allophones12.Distinctive features can be found running over a sequence of two or morephonemic segments. The phonemic features that occur above the level of thesegments are called ____________.A. phonetic componentsB. immediate constituentsC.suprasegmental featuresD. semantic features13.A(n) ___________ is a unit that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit, acollection of distinctive phonetic features.A. phoneB. soundC. allophoneD. phoneme14.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the ____ of that phoneme.A. phonesB. soundsC. phonemesD. allophones15. The sounds that begin and end the words church and judge are voiceless and voiced _______, respectively.A. stopsB. fricativesC. affricatesD. plosivesChapter 3:MorphologyI. Fill in each blank below with one word which begins with the letter given:1. A root______ is the part of the word left when all the affixes are removed.2. A m______ is the smallest meaningful unit of language.3. B______ morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.4. Affixes are of two types: inflectional affixes and d________ affixes.5. A s______ is added to the end of stems to modify the meaning of the original word and it may change its part of speech.6. A c________ is the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.7. The word snowfall is a word formed by joining two separate words, i.e. “snow” and“fall.” This newly formed word is generally regarded as a c_______.II. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:1.The morpheme “vision”in the common word “television”is a(n) ______.A. bound morphemeB. bound formC. inflectional morphemeD. free morpheme2.The compound word “bookstore”is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound the sum total of the meaning of its componentsB.can always be worked out by looking at the meanings of the same as the meaning of a free phrase.D.None of the above.3. “-s” in the word “books” is _______.A. a derivative affixB. a stemC. an inflectional affixD. a root4. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?A. RainbowB. MilkshakeC. Icy-coldD. Unpleasant5.The part of speech of the compounds is generally determined by the part of speech of __________.A. the first elementB. the second elementC. either the first or the second elementD. both the first and the second elements.6. _______ are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.A. Free morphemesB. Bound morphemesC. Bound wordsD. Words7._________ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.A. SyntaxB. GrammarC. MorphologyD. Morpheme8.The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _______.A. lexicalB. stylisticC. grammaticalD. semantic9.Bound morphemes are those that ___________.A. have to be used independentlyB.can not be combined with other morphemesC.can either be free or boundD.have to be combined with other morphemes.10.____ modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.A. PrefixesB. SuffixesC. RootsD. Affixes11._________ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists.A. WordsB. MorphemesC. PhonemesD. Sentences12.“-s”in the word “books”is _______.A. a derivative affixB. a stemC. an inflectional affixD. a root13. Which of the following does NOT belong to “open class words”?A. NounsB. AdjectivesC. ConjunctionsD. Adverbs14. In the word unreliable, the prefix “un-” is a(n) _______ morpheme.A. freeB. boundC. rootD. inflectional15. Morphemes that represent “tense”, “number”, “gender”, “case”, “aspect”,“degree” and so forth are called morphemes.A. inflectionalB. boundC. freeD. derivational16. The English word “modernizers” is composed of morphemes.A. fourB. threeC. twoD. fiveChapter 5 SemanticsI. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the lettergiven:1. S______can be defined as the study of meaning.2. The conceptualist view holds that there is no d_____ link between a linguistic form and what it refers to.3. R _____ means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.4. Words that are close in meaning are called s_____.5. When two words are identical in sound, but different in spelling and meaning, they are called h _____.6. Pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items are called r_______ opposites.7. R_________ opposites are pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items.8.C_______ analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components.9. Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules calleds________ restrictions, which are constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.10. According to the n ____ theory of meaning, the words in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for.II. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:1. The naming theory is advanced by ________.A. PlatoB. BloomfieldC. Geoffrey LeechD. Firth2. “We shall know a word by the company it keeps.” This statement represents_______.A. the conceptualist viewB. contexutalismC. the naming theoryD. behaviourism3.“Can I borrow your bike?”_______ “You have a bike.”A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes4.___________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected intomeaning components, called semantic features.A. Predication analysisB. Componential analysisC. Phonemic analysisD. Grammatical analysis5.“alive”and “dead”are ______________.A. gradable antonymsB. relational oppositesC. complementary antonymsD. none of the above6._________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and thenon-linguistic world of experience.A. ReferenceB. ConceptC. SemanticsD. Sense7.___________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings havethe same form.A. PolysemyB. SynonymyC. HomonymyD. Hyponymy8. Words that are close in meaning are called ______________.A. homonymsB. polysemyC. hyponymsD. synonyms9. The kind of antonymy between "married "and "single" is one of __________A converseB relationalC complementaryD gradable10. According to the componential analysis, the word “girl”and “woman”differ in the feature of _______.A. HUMNANB. ANIMATEC. MALED. ADULT11.The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by _______.A.grammatical rulesB.selectional restrictionsC.semantic rulesD.semantic features12. The words stationary and stationery are identical in sound, but different inspelling and meaning. They are _______.A. complete homonymsB. homographsC. hyponymsD. homophones13. In the following pairs of words, are a pair of complementary antonyms.A. old and youngB. male and femaleC. hot and coldD. buy and sell14. The relationship between “violet” and “tulip” is ________.A. co-hyponymsB. superordinateC. hyponymsD. antonyms15. A word with several meanings is called ________word.A. a polysemousB. a synonymousC. an abnormalD. a multipleChapter 6:PragmaticsI.Fill in each blank below with one word which begins with the letter given:1.P_______ is the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.2.The notion of c_________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.3. All the speech acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose or the same i_______ point, but they differ in their strength or force.4.If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an u_________.5.The meaning of a sentence is a ______, and decontextualized.6.C________ are statements that either state or describe, and were thus verifiable.7.P________ are sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable.8. A l________ act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.9.An i_______ act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.10.An e________ is to express feelings or attitude towards an existing state.II.There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:1. _________ does not study meaning in isolation, but in context.A. PragmaticsB. SemanticsC. Sense relationD. Concept2. The meaning of language was considered as something _______ in traditional semantics.A. contextualB. behaviouristicC. IntrinsicD. logical3. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning _________ is considered.A. referenceB. speech actC. practical usageD. context4. A sentence is a________concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied in isolation.A. pragmaticB. grammaticalC. mentalD. conceptual5. If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes a(n) _________.A. constativeB. directiveC. utteranceD. expressive6. __________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.A. A locutionary actB. An illocutionary actC. A perlocutionary actD. A performative act7. According to Searle, the illocutionary point of the representative is ______.A. to state, or describe, saying what the speaker believes to be trueB. to commit the speaker to something’s being the caseC. to commit the speaker to some future course of actionD. to express the feelings or attitude towards an existing state of affairs.8. __________ is advanced by Paul GriceA. Cooperative PrincipleB. Politeness PrincipleC. The General Principle of Universal GrammarD. Adjacency Principle9. When any of the maxims under the cooperative principle is flouted, _______ might arise.A. impolitenessB. contradictionsC. mutual understandingD. conversational implicature10. The illocutionary point of _______ is to express the psychological state specifiedin the utterance.A. directivesB. expressivesC. commissivesD. representatives11. found that natural language had its own logic and thus concluded thefamous Cooperative Principle.A. John AustinB. John FirthC. Paul GriceD. William Jones12. As far as the sentence “My bag is heavy” is concerned, linguists of pragmatics aremore interested in its ______ meaning.A. literalB. logicalC. utterenceD. sentence13. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether, in the study of meaning, _________ is considered.A. referenceB. speech actC. practical usageD. context14. Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the _________ because this kind of speech act is identical with the speaker’s intention.A. locutionary actB. illocutionary actC. perlocutionary actD. constative act15. “How fast did he drive when he ran the red light?” _________ “He ran the redlight”.A. entailsB. contradictsC. presupposesD. includesChapter 1I. 1. descriptive petence 3. Langue 4. Duality 5. arbitrary6.socialinguistics7. syntax8. genetic9. Performance 10.applied11. productive 12.scientific 13. social 14 .ideational 15. TextualII.1.A 2.D 3. C 4. D 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12. B 13.AChapter 2I. 1.affricate 2. Articulatory 3.bilabial 4.tognue 5.places6.stop7.Suprasegmental8.sequential9.narrow 10.intonation11.Phonology 12. Alveolar 13. pharyngeal 14.Tones 15.sentenceII. 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7. A8. B 9.C 10.D 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. CChapter 3I. 1. Root 2. Morpheme 3.Bound 4.derivational 5.suffixpound7. CompoundII.1.D 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10.A11. B 12.C 13. C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.Chapter 5I.1. Semantics 3. Reference 4.synonyms 5.homophones6.relational7.Relational8. Componential9.semantic 10.namingII. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D11.A 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.AChapter 6I.1.Pragmatics 2.context 3.illocutionary 4.utterance 5.abstract6.Constatives7.Performatives8.locutionary9.illocutionary 10.expressive II.1. A 2. C 3.D 4. B 5. C 6.C 7. A 8.A 9.D 10.B11. C 12.C 13.D 14. B 15. A。
Chapter 5第5课 复习要点
![Chapter 5第5课 复习要点](
Chapter 5 复习要点一、必背短语及语言点be sure 确信/肯定in trouble处于困境中/遇到麻烦have fun玩得开心tell stories 讲故事go through穿过;通过dress up装扮;打扮in pieces成为碎片bring sb. to + some place把某人带到某个地方来get in here进到这里来get out of here从这儿出去take place = happen发生the weather forecast(the weather report)天气预报do a survey做调查in peace 平安地;以友好的方式;和睦地go camping去野营invite sb, to do sth邀请某人做某事give sb. sth.给某人某物invite sb. to the party邀请某人参加派对be afraid of害怕…land on在…上面着陆/登陆look like…看起来像…call sb. + 名字叫某人(…名字)make a suggestion 提建议had better do sth最好做某事(提建议)next to 紧挨着,be angry with sb. 生某人的气二.课文必背句子:1.Towards evening, we landed on an unknown planet.临近傍晚,我们在一个不知名的星球登陆。
2.We went through it. 我们穿过那个洞穴。
3.But tomorrow you‟ll be in pieces. 但是明天你们将成为碎片。
Tomorrow, you‟re going to die. 明天你们就要死了。
m, our pilot, brought us to a cave. 我们的飞行员兰姆把我们带到一个洞穴里来。
5.Maybe he‟s friendly. 也许他很友好。
chapter5 复习
![chapter5 复习](
Save electricity Electricity is very important in our lives. It makes our lives more comfortable and convenient. But now some people are wasting a lot of electricity every day. We must do something to save electricity from now on. At home, we must turn off the TV and the computer when we are not using them, and we should use air conditioners as little as possible. At school, we should switch off all the lights and fans when we leave our classrooms.
9.Who is knocking at the door? It ______Mr. Zhang.He said he would come. B A must B. must be C. can’t be D. may not be 10. I ____like someone to take me to the C theatre. A. will B. may C. would D. shall 11. I ____ go to GZ for my weekend, but D I am not sure yet. A. must B. can C. should D. might A 12 ._____ you pass me the pen?- Sure. A. Could B. May C. Should D. Must
朗文英语5A复习资料提要朗文英语5A》复提要Chapter 1: Changes at HomePart A and BIn this chapter。
we learn about the changes that happen at home。
particularly when a new baby arrives。
Some of the vocabulary words and phrases we learn include "have a baby," "share my toys with the baby," "feed the baby," "read stories to the baby," "take photos of the baby," "have a bath," "teach the baby rhymes," "once upon a time," "take the baby for a walk," "bath the baby," and "dress the baby." We also learn about different XXX future XXX。
such as "I'm going to feed the baby," "She is going to bath the baby," "He is going to dress the baby," "They are going to take photos of the baby," and "We are going to take the baby for a walk."Part C and DIn these parts。
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Chapter 5Managing Marketing InformationMultiple Choice1.What went wrong with Coke in 1985?a.Management defined its marketing research problem too narrowly.b.The research looked only at taste and not feeling about dropping the old Coke.c.No account of intangibles was taken.d.All of the above(d; Moderate)2.Despite the data glut that marketing managers receive, they frequently complain thatthey lack _____.a.enough information of the right kindb.quality informationc.timely informationd.accurate and reliable information(a; Easy)3.An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, _____,evaluate, and distribute information to marketing decision makers.a.testb.test marketc.analyzed.critique(d; Easy)4.Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts with informationusers to assess information needs, develop needed information, _____ the marketing information, and help managers use it in their decision; Challenging)5.The marketing information system is not limited to use by the company it serves. Itmay also provide information to _____.a.the governmentb.external partnersc.various publicsd.none of the above(b; Moderate)6. A good MIS balances the information users would _____ against what they really_____ and what is _____.a.need; like;; can afford; to have; need; feasible to offerd.need; can afford; useful(c; Challenging)7.Harold Young has found that his MIS at work sometimes cannot provide theinformation his firm needs. If the reasons are not because it is not available, or cost is not a problem, then what must the reason be?a.MIS limitationsck of knowledge of using itc.faulty equipmentd.none of the above(a; Moderate)8.Marketers must weigh carefully the costs of additional information against the_____ resulting from it.esb.benefitsc.knowledged.rewards(b; Easy)9.Diana Daud is currently researching data sources from within her company to makemarketing decisions. Diana is making use of _____ databases.a.externalb.currentc.historicald.internal(d; Easy)10.Four common sources of internal data include the accounting department,operations, the sales force, and _____.a.ownersb.stockholdersc.the marketing departmentd.custodians(c; Moderate)11.Marketing information from this type of database usually can be accessed morequickly and cheaply than other information sources. Which one is it?a.externalb.MDSSc.EISd.internal(d; Easy)12.Your marketing department is attempting to improve strategic decision making,assess and track competitors’ actions, and provide early warning of opportunities and threats. Your department would do well to use _____.a.internal databasesb.external intelligenced.the Internet(c; Challenging)13.This systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information aboutcompetitors and developments in the marketing environment is very useful. What is it called? intelligencec.Web Masterd.Sales and Sales Management(b; Moderate)14.Which of the following was not mentioned in your text as a source of marketingintelligence?a.suppliersb.resellersc.key customersd.your company reports(d; Easy)15.Which of the following was not mentioned in your text as a source of marketingintelligence?petitors’ garbageb.buying competitors’ productsc.monitoring competitors’ salesd.checking for new goodwill(d; Moderate)16.Your competitor may reveal intelligence information through which of these sourcesof information?a.annual show exhibitsc.Web pagesd.all of the above(d; Easy)17.In today’s information age, companies are leaving a paper trail of the annual reportsd.with government agencies(b; Moderate)18.To combat marketing intelligence by competitors, Unilever Corporation is nowproviding _____ to employees.a.intelligence trainingb.privacy blocksc.protectiond.none of the above(a; Moderate)19.To find out how manay and what kinds of people or companies will buy its newsuperfast notebook coputer, Toshiba needs to conduct researchd.cost-benefit analysis(c; Challenging)20.Which of the steps in the marketing research process has been left out: defining theproblem and research objectives, implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings.a.developing the research budgetb.choosing the research agencyc.choosing the research methodd.developing the research plan(d; Moderate)21.Patti Lovelace is making a presentation to the owners of her company. She is tryingto convince them to conduct some current marketing research. Which of thefollowing would she not emphasize as a benefit or selling point?a.assess market potential and market shareb.understand customer satisfaction and purchase behaviorc.measure the effectiveness of pricing and accountingd.measure the effectiveness of distribution and promotion activities(c; Challenging)22.Your colleague is confused about using the marketing research process. He seemsto be having problems with _____, which is often the hardest step to take.a.defining the problemb.defining the research objectivesc.defining the problem and research objectivesd.choosing a research agency to help(c; Moderate)23.The objective of _____ research is to gather preliminary information that will helpdefine the problem and suggest hypotheses.a.descriptiveb.exploratoryc.causald.current(b; Easy)24.You are to the point of testing hypotheses about decreasing sales in certain marketsand their causes. You are involved in what type of research?; Easy)25.It is important to note that research objectives must be translated into goalsrmation needsc.dollar amountsd.results that justify the means(b; Challenging)26.The research plan outlines sources of existing data and spells out the specificresearch approaches, contact methods, _____, and instruments that researchers will use to gather new data.a.personnelb.sampling plansc.budget requirementsd.all of the above(b; Moderate)27.The way to begin marketing research is to gather secondary data, which consists ofinformation _____.a.that already exists somewhereb.that does not currently exist in an organized formc.that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purposeed by competition.(c; Easy)28.How would you describe the primary data being used by your firm?a.collected for the specific purpose at handb.original informationc.first-time informationd.all of the above(d; Easy)29.Which form of data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost?a.primaryb.censusc.secondaryd.syndicated(c; Moderate)30.Your assistant wants to use secondary data exclusively for the current researchproject. You advise him that the use of secondary data has some potential problems.Which of the following is not one of them?a.It may not exist.b.All of the needed data is rarely available.c.It may not be usable.d.It is generally more expensive when purchased from the government.(d; Challenging)31.Primary data must be relevant, current, unbiased, and _____.pleteb.accuratec.inexpensived.collected before secondary data(b; Moderate)32.Loft Industries sells roof trusses to contractors and builders and uses observation inits marketing research. Which of the following methods would be best for thisfirm?a.people metersb.checkout scannersc.cookiesd.mechanical observation(d; Challenging)33.This method of research can obtain information that people are unwilling or unableto provide.a.observationb.focus groupsc.personal interviewsd.fax surveys(a; Easy)34.Survey research, called the backbone of primary research, is the most widely usedmethod for primary data collection and is best suited for gathering _____information.a.personalb.preferencec.attituded.descriptive(d; Moderate)35.Fen WeiLi has just discovered the major advantage of survey research. Shereports to her supervisor that it is _____.a.flexibilityb.cost effectivenessc.quickness to administerd.understandability(a; Moderate)36.Experimental research is best suited for gathering _____ information.a.unknownb.causalplicatedd.interactive(b; Challenging)37.One of the following is not a current survey research method. It is contact useb.mailc.telephoned.fax(d; Easy)38.ABCV Company has decided to use mail questionnaires to collect large amounts ofinformation. Management recognizes this method has all the following advantages except one. Can you locate it?a.low cost per respondentb.may provide more honest answersc.has an average response interview to bias respondents’ answers(c; Challenging)39.All of the following are disadvantages of telephone interviewing except one. Whichone?a.higher cost than mail questionnairesb.introduces interviewer biasc.under time pressures some interviewers might cheatd.interviewers tend to interpret answers similarly(d; Challenging)40.Currently you find yourself involved in marketing research. The form you are usingis flexible, allows explanation of difficult questions, and lends itself to showingproducts and advertisements. What is this form of research?a.personal phone interviewingd.none of the above(a; Easy)41.Focus group interviewing has become one of the major marketing research tools forgetting insight into consumer thoughts and feelings. However, if the sample size is small, it may be difficult to _____.a.find a representative sampleb.generalize from the results.c.administer the questions.d.orchestrate cooperation(b; Moderate)42.Typical locations for conducting computer-assisted interviewing include researchcenters, trade shows, retail locations, or campusesb.corporate mallsd.none of the above(c; Easy)43.DelRay Pools and Spas is collecting marketing data through online (Internet)marketing research. Management will have the choice of using Internet surveys, experiments, or focus groupsb.individual interviewingc.hit countingd.questionnaire responses(a; Challenging)44.Judy Hammerschmidt regularly conducts online marketing research at work. Shehas found that it has several advantages over traditional methods. Which of these is not an advantage?a.respondents tend to be more honest.b.It is more cost generation turnaround time is much quicker.d.There is greater personal interaction.(d; Challenging)45.Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups of consumers bystudying a small _____ of the total consumer group(sample; Easy)46.Why would In The Mood Music Distributors choose a sampling of its customers toresearch rather than all 1,500 of them?a.Researching all of them is too time consuming.b.Researching all of them can be too expensive.c.The sample can fairly represent the entire population.d.All of the above(d; Moderate)47.Sampling requires the answers to three questions. Choose the inappropriate one.a.Who is to be sampled (what sampling unit)?b.How many people should be surveyed (what sample size)?c.Why should they be sampled (justification)?d.How should the people be chosen (what sampling method)?(c; Challenging)48.The backbone of marketing research, or the most common instrument used, is the_____.a.mechanical interviewerc.questionnaired.teleinterviewer(c; Easy)49.In creating research questionnaires, which of the following is good advice for MarkHammel, research specialist at New Wave Data, to follow?e care in the wording and ordering of questions.b.Questions do not have to be arranged in a logical order.c.Ask difficult questions in the beginning to “weed out” uninterested respondents.d.Ask personal questions during the middle of the instrument.(a; Moderate)50.Which of the following was not mentioned in your text as a common mechanicalinstrument used to conduct market research?a.supermarket scannersb.people metersc.galvanometers and eye camerasd.telephones(d; Moderate)51.At this point in your marketing research project, Mr. Barnes comments that the_____ phase is generally the most expensive and the most subject to error.a.exploratory collectiond.interpreting and reporting the findings(c; Challenging)52.AMF Research Group must guard against problems during the implementationphase of marketing research for its clients. Typically, management will notencounter this problem.a.contacting respondentsb.respondents who refuse to cooperate or give biased answersc.interviewers who make mistakes or take shortcutsd.interpreting and reporting the findings(d; Challenging)53.Researchers interpret and report findings to their managers. What might be a typicalproblem the researcher might encounter when discussing the findings?a.Managers may be biased.b.Managers may accept results that support their preconceived notions.c.Managers may interpret the findings differently.d.All of the above(d; Easy)54.Typically, customer information is buried deep in separate databases, plans, andrecords of many different company functions and departments. To overcome such problems, many companies are now turning to _____.a.customer satisfaction measurementb.more sophisticated softwarec.customer relationship managementd.synergetic meetings of the minds(c; Moderate)55.Terri Hayes uses CRM analysis to assess the individual values of her company’scustomers and to identify the best ones to target. What other application could she try?a.customizing the company’s products to each customerb.customizing interactions to each customerputing the lifetime value of each customerd.customizing the company’s products and interactions to each customer(d; Challenging)56.What is the purpose of a data warehouse? gather integrate the information a company already interpret the analyze the data(b; Moderate)57.Tommy Koh is in charge of customer relationship management for American PieNostalgia. His firm enjoys all of the following benefits as a result except _____.a.providing higher levels of customer serviceb.developing deeper customer relationshipsc.creating offers tailored to specific customer requirementsd.understanding competition better(d; Moderate)58.Tommy Koh is in charge of customer relationship management for American PieNostalgia. His firm enjoys all of the following benefits as a result except _____.a.pinpointing high-value customersb.reduced customer acquisition costsc.targeting high-value customers more effectivelyd.cross-selling the company’s products(b; Challenging)59.Most experts believe that good customer data alone can give companies asubstantial _____.a.cost savingsb.knowledgepetitive advantaged.employee motivation(c; Easy)60.Hiro Chan knows that when CRM works well at his company, the benefits faroutweigh the _____ and _____.a.time; costsb.time; risksc.efforts; costsd.costs; risks(d; Moderate)61.Marketing information has no value until it is used to _____.a.satisfy company objectivesb.make better marketing decisionsc.make management’s job easierd.please stockholders(b; Easy)62.This source of marketing information provides ready access to research information,stored reports, shared work documents, contact information for employees and other stakeholders, and more. What do we call this?a.intranetb.extranetc.Internetd.internal database(a; Moderate)63.For conservative small businesses and not-for-profit organizations, good marketinginformation may be collected by simple _____.a.purchaseb.observationc.questioningd.surveying(b; Easy)64.Which of the following might need more information about their industries,competitors, potential customers, and reactions to new market offers?a.nonprofit organizationsb.corporate Americac.start-up businessesd.all of the above(c; Moderate)65.As a small business consultant, you recommend to your clients that they use the no-cost method of observation to gather market research. Which of the following are you not likely to recommend they do?a.observe vehicle and pedestrian trafficb.monitor competitors’ advertising from local mediac.evaluate their customer mix – how many and what kind of customersd.hire additional staff to observe extensively(d; Easy)66.When managers use small convenience samples such as asking customers what theythink or inviting a small group out to lunch to get reactions, they are using _____.rmal surveysb.experimentsc.observationd.focus groups(a; Moderate)67.Juanita Petino operates a dress shop in a suburban mall. Her research budget is verysmall, and thus she utilizes low-cost or no-cost methods to gather research data.One method that works very well for her is to change the themes in her localnewspaper and radio advertising and watch the results. Juanita is using _____ to gather data for marketing decisions.rmal surveysb.experimentsc.guess workd.logic-directed research(b; Easy)68.Small organizations can obtain most of this type of data available to largebusinesses with minimal effort. What type is it?a.censusb.Internetc.secondaryd.primary(c; Moderate)69. A common problem in international marketing research is the availability of _____.a.primary datab.research specialistsc.secondary datad.intelligence limitations(c; Challenging)70.In general, marketing researchers in Asia are presented with the challenges ofvarying levels of economic development, cultures and customs, and _____.a.import regulationsb.very often low population literacyc.dislike of probing enquiriesnguage barriers(b; Moderate)71.Because of the scarcity of good secondary data, international researchers often mustcollect their own primary data. An initial problem with this collection is finding and developing good _____.a.representative samplesb.research firmsc.rapport with nationalsd.relations with channel members(a; Moderate)72.What do many researchers encounter when conducting market research in foreigncountries?a.Some countries have few telephones that limit access to respondents.b.Some countries have poor mail service.c.Some countries have poor roads that limit personal contacts.d.All of the above can be present.(d; Easy)73.Cultural differences, especially involving language, can add to research costs inforeign markets and can increase the ____.a.foreign tradeb.risks of errorc.likelihood of not finding a translatord.none of the above(b. Moderate)74. A common problem researchers in Asia marketing research encounter find is notknowing how _____ the findings are.a.understandingb.believingc.representatived.expensive(c; Challenging)75.Even when respondents in other countries are willing to respond to researchquestions, they may not be able to because of _____.a.high functional illiteracy ratesnguage barriersck of availabilityd.limitations imposed by government(a; Challenging)76.According toyour text, there are two major public policy and ethical issues inmarketing research. What are they?a.child pornography and spamb.intrusions on consumer privacy and misuse of research findingsc.misuse of research findings and spamd.selling of personal information to other firms and intrusions on consumerprivacy(b; Challenging)77.Choose the statement below that is not a typical consumer reaction to intrusion onconsumer privacy.a.Sophisticated researchers probe our deepest feelings.b.Marketers use this information to manipulate our buying.c.Marketers build huge databases full of personal information.d.Marketers make too many products and services available –it’s confusing. (d; Easy)78.Many consumers feel _____about marketing research.a.neutralb.negativelyc.positivelyd.resentful(c; Moderate)79.The Chrysler study is an example of _____ survey findings.a.ignoringb.misplacingc.errodingd.stretching(d; Challenging)panies often use survey results as claims in advertising and promotion.Research studies can be powerful ______ tools.rmationb.permissive.c.administratived.persuasion(d; Easy)81.Some companies often use study results as claims in their _____.a.advertisingb.promotionc.advertising and promotiond.annual reports(c; Easy)82.Many research studies appear to be little more than vehicles for _____.a.gathering names for resaleb.pitching the sponsor’s productsc.building company imaged.tearing down competition(b; Moderate)True – False83.The blunder that Coca-Cola made in 1985 was a major marketing one. (True; Easy)84.Many analysts believe that Coke’s major blunder in 1985 was based on poormarketing research.(True; Easy)85.Today, marketing managers are viewing research information not only as an inputfor making better decisions but also as an important strategic asset and marketing tool.(True; Moderate)86.Most marketers today believe they still lack sufficient quantity of research data tomake high-quality decisions.(False; Easy)87.An effective MIS assesses information needs, develops needed information, anddistributes the information to help managers use it in decision making. (True; Moderate)88.Too much information can be as harmful as too little.(True; Easy)89.When you glean information from your company’s accounting and sales recordsstored in the computer, you are developing an internal database.(True; Moderate)90.You have just extracted sales and cost data used by the accounting department forpreparing financial statements. Most likely, this information should be incomplete enough and in usable form to build an internal marketing database.(False; Challenging)91.It is important to note that data age quickly, and keeping the database currentrequires a major effort.(True; Easy)92.After carefully questioning your major suppliers and resellers, you ascertain they donot form important sources of intelligence information for marketing decisionmaking.(False; Challenging)93.Your manager asked you to go through three of your competitors’ garbage bins togather marketing intelligence from their discarded paperwork. One of them caught you in the act and has summoned you to court. The judge will most likely rule this to be an illegal activity and fine you and your company.(False; Challenging)94.Good sources of marketing intelligence information include competitors’ annualreports, business publications, trade show exhibits, press releases, advertisements, and Web pages.(True; Moderate)95. Your firm faces determined marketing intelligence efforts by competitors. You take the typical response by “letting it ride.”(False; Easy)96. Marketing research is conducted to systematically design, collect, and report datafor relevance to a specific marketing situation facing the organization.(False; Moderate)97. The research and development department just released a report and commentedthat “Defining the problem and research objectives is often the hardest step in the research process.” This statement is true.(True; Easy)98. Once the research problems and objectives have been defined, researchers mustdetermine the exact information needed and present it to management.(False; Challenging)99. After conducting the formal marketing research for your department, you make anoral presentation with notes to management. You followed normal operatingprocedure.(False; Moderate)100. Marketing researchers can conduct their own searches of secondary data sources today by using commercial secondary data sources.(True; Easy)101. Even though in most cases companies must also collect primary data, secondary data provide good starting points and often help to define problems and research objectives.(True; Moderate)102. ABC Interior Designs wants to collect research data through mechanical observation. The three typical methods are video cameras, checkout scanners, and Internet cookies.(False; Challenging)103. A single-source data system uses huge consumer panels and electronically monitors survey respondents’ purchases and exposure to various marketingactivities.(True; Moderate)104. This method of data collection uses no interview to bias the answers, may produce more honest answers, and can be used to collect large amounts of data at a low cost per respondent. This is the focus group method.(False; Moderate)105. You have decided upon a method of collecting research data with flexible interviewing, whereby trained interviewers can explain difficult questions andexplore issues as the situation requires. Audio-visual aids can also be used. We refer to this as focus group interviewing.(False; Moderate)106. Mango Trade Shows wants to use the latest technology in marketing research.You are told this method is online (Internet) marketing research.(True; Easy)107. Ideally, a sample should be representative so that the researcher can make accurate estimates of the thoughts and behaviors of the larger population. (True; Easy)108. You want to calculate confidence limits for sampling error. It would be best to use nonprobability samples.(False; Challenging)109. Marketers all agree that questionnaires are the most common research instrument. (True; Easy)110. The researcher interprets findings, draws conclusions, and reports them to management. Ideally, we should present important findings that are useful to the major decisions faced by management to prevent overwhelming them.(True; Moderate)111. You have just identified the “touch points” of the 400 best customers in your database. At this point, you want to manage detailed information about each ofthem to maximize customer loyalty. You should use customer relationshipmanagement (CRM).(True; Challenging)112. Buy-It-Lower Stores has gained many benefits from CRM. If this company is typical, it will realize how to provide higher levels of customer service and develop deeper customer relationships. Management can also pinpoint low-value customers and begin to eliminate them while tailoring offers to specific customers. (False; Challenging)113. Researchers in Asian markets must often collect their primary data first because good secondary data are very expensive to obtain.(False; Moderate)Essay114. Discuss the functions of a marketing information system (MIS).A typical MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort,analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information tomarketing decision makers. First, it interacts with information users to assessinformation needs. Next, it develops needed information from internal companydatabases, marketing intelligence activities, and marketing research. Then it helps users to analyze information to put it in the right form for making marketingdecisions and managing customer relationships. Finally, the MIS distributes themarketing information and helps managers use it in their decision making. (Moderate; p. 112)。