



SMSL M300MKII使用说明书

SMSL M300MKII使用说明书


本机的上面,请不要放置下列物品:- 其他装置。




















全新系列的外观设计,配合钢化玻璃面板,兼具高档感和耐用!DAC使用AKM公司的旗舰音频解码芯片AK4497,配合精心设计的电路,使其性能达到前所未有的0.00015%(-116dB)的失真度!第二代 XMOS方案,PCM采样率最高支持32bit/768kHz,DSD支持到DSD512,独家定制支持Native DSD的驱动程序。






2 1 年第 1 01 2期
C m u e DS f w r n p l c t o s o p t rC o t a ea dA p ia in 软件 设计 开发
基于蓝牙的 JME游戏开发 2
肖建 飞
( 闽江学院软件 学院,福 州 3 00 ) 50 1

牙 设备 。 ( )设备 管理 二 JR 2 范 介绍 了用 于 设备 管理 的两 个类 :Lc lD vc S8 规 oa e ie和
R mo e e c e t D vi e。
( )通讯 五
L clD vc 允许你请求获得蓝牙设备的静态信息。它依靠 o a ei e jvx bu toh Dv c ls 类来获得设备类型和它所提供的 a a .l eo t.e ieC a s 服 务类 型 。 R mt e ie可用 来获得 蓝牙 邻近 区 的设备 信息 ,并 提供 eo eDv c 相应 的方法 来 获得 关于这 台设 备 的有关 信 息,包括 它 的蓝 Hale Waihona Puke 地址 和名 称 。 一
两 台设 备必 须共 享通用 的通讯协 议才 能通 讯 。为 了应用 能够 访 问更 多 的蓝牙 服 务,蓝 牙 jv P 提 供 了这样 一个机 制 ,它允 aa I A 许连接到使用 R CM ,LC P F OM 2A ,或 0 E B X协议的任何服务 如果服 务使 用 了位 于上 面协 议之 上其 它 的协议 ( 例如 TP I ) C /P ,只 有在 应用 中利 用 CD 通 用连 接框架 实现 额 外的协 议 , 可 以访 问该服 LC 才
文献标识码 :A
文章编号 :10- 59( 01 2 07 - 2 07 99 21 )1- 15 0

X2 高档蓝牙耳机用户指南说明书

X2 高档蓝牙耳机用户指南说明书

X2GUIDE UTILISATEURFRANÇAISBOÎTIER DE RANGEMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DÉTAILLÉESLE BOÎTIER DE RANGEMENTle côté opposé pour l’insérer.3À L’INTÉRIEUR DU BOÎTIERDE RANGEMENTPochette d’accessoiresCâble de chargement2 x S2 x L2 x MAttaches-Fils(pour plus tard)4par dessousl’oreille5ORIENTATION G-DG DINSTALLATION SOUS OREILLE:DROIT6CHOISIR LA BONNE TAILLE D’EMBOUTS AURICULAIRES AMÉLIORE L’ÉCOUTE78Ti Inm Glissez l'embout en mousse Comply™sur la monture de l'écouteur X2.12Compressez l'embout en mousse Comply™ en le roulant avec les PLY TM34Tirez votre oreille vers l'arrière. Insérez la totalité de l'embout en mousse dans votre oreille.Maintenez-le en place pendant 15 à30 sec. pour permettre à la mousse de se dilater et de créer un joint.15à30secondests.Premium Ear TipsMaintien sécurisé: Se dilate pour vous offrir un ajustement personnalisé et un maintien intraauriculaire remarquable. Vos écouteurs sontsécurisés que vous soyez à la salle de sport, surles pistes ou à l’extérieur.Confort souple: Cette mousse unique à mémoirede forme offre un confort pour toute la journée,tout en éliminant l’irritation et la fatigue intraauriculaire.Bloque le bruit: Vous permet d’écouter votremusique dans des environnements bruyants sans augmenter le volume.Audio optimisé: Maximise l’étanchéité et dirigele son directement dans votre conduit auditif,pour optimiser l’écoute.9MAINTENEZ VOS X2 GRÂCE AUX AILETTES DE MAINTIEN.1011MAINTIEN SÉCURISÉG D12ENMODE PAR DESSOUSL‘OREILLE, LA COMMANDE EST SOUS L’OREILLE DROITE PLACEZ L’EMBOUT DEL’AILETTE SUR LE HAUTDU CREUX DE L’OREILLE COMME INDIQUÉL’ailette doit être bienajustée sur les partiesinférieures, arrièreset supérieures ducreux de l’oreille.13VÉRIFICATION DU SONBESOIN D’AIDE POUR LE COUPLAGE?MESSAGE VOCAL:« SEARCHING ... »ON14APPRÉCIEZ LA QUALITÉ15SUR OREILLE/manuals16PORT SUR OREILLE:GAUCHEG D1718MAINTIEN SÉCURISÉIMPORTANT:G DATTACHES-FILSLE MODE SUR OREILLE NÉCESSITE UN CORDON MOINSLONG. POUR UN MAINTIEN OPTIMAL, INSTALLEZ LESATTACHES-FILS (ICI EN VERT) POUR REGLER LA LONGUEUR.1920212223APPRÉCIEZ LA QUALITÉ2425CONTENU RECHARGE32627MESSAGE VOCAL« BATTERY LOW » ÉTAT DE LA DEL RECHARGEMICRO USB LES ÉCOUTEURS SONT-ILS SOUS TENSION ? L A PILE EST-ELLE DÉCHARGÉE?Rouge: En chargeVert (avec le câble USB branché): ChargéRouge+vert en alternance: Mode de couplageAucune lumière: En veille/Mode lecture/Hors tensionVert = Sous tension et bonne chargeRouge = Pile faibleAucune lumière = Hors tension* Mode veille: Sous tension mais aucun b ranchement à un appareilCOUPLAGE (INSTALLATION) DES ÉCOUTEURSAVEC LE TÉLÉPHONE/LECTEUR DE MUSIQUE1.2.28MAINTENEZ 4 S POUR COUPLER MODE COUPLAGE:Alternance rouge/vertMESSAGE VOCAL:YOUR MUSIC DEVICE ...»29COUPLAGE AVEC UN ADAPTATEUR BLUETOOTH30COUPLAGE AVEC PLUSIEURS APPAREILS BLUETOOTH3132ONCOMMANDES Répondre 2e appel,terminer appel.RecomposerDU BOUTON CENTRALOFFSPECIFICATIONS33GARANTIE, SOINS ET ENTRETIEN34PRENEZ QUELQUES INSTANTS POUR ENREGISTRER VOTRE GARANTIE À VIECONTRE LA TRANSPIRATION35Évitez les niveaux sonores trop élevés et lestemps d’écoute prolongés.N’utilisez pas les X2 en conduisant.36。



蓝牙模块使用说明一、模块简介:1、芯片简介该蓝牙模块采用台湾胜普科技有限公司的BMX-02X模块为核心,它采用CSR BLUEcore4-External芯片并配置8Mbit的软件存储空间,成本低,使用方便。

CSR BlueCore4是英国Cambridge Silicon Radio(CSR)公司日前推出的第四代蓝牙硅芯片。


CSR的BlueCore4的数据传输率将比现有的v 1.2蓝牙装置快三倍,并且使蓝牙移动电话或手机的耗电量较低。



CSR BlueCore4完全能与现有蓝牙v1.1和v1.2装置兼容。


CSR BlueCore4正在以两种形式提供——一种用于外部“快闪”存储器,一种用于掩模ROM。

BlueCore4-External以一种8×8mm BGA(球形格栅矩阵)封装提供,是十分灵活的解决方案,能够适应迅速更新的市场。


鉴于蓝牙固件安装在芯片只读存储器上,CSR BlueCore4-ROM 的成本较低,占用面积小得多(在小片尺寸包装中为3.8×4mm,在与BC2-ROM和BC3-ROM引脚兼容的BGA中为6×6mm)。

BLE 和经典蓝牙Android编程说明

BLE 和经典蓝牙Android编程说明

1 蓝牙简介
蓝牙这个名称来自于第十世纪的一位丹麦国王哈拉尔蓝牙王, Blatand 在英文里的意思
图 1 哈拉尔蓝牙王
可以被解释为 Bluetooth( 蓝牙 )因为国王喜欢吃蓝莓,牙龈每天都是蓝色的所以叫蓝牙。 在行业协会筹备阶段,需要一个极具有表现力的名字来命名这项高新技术。行业组织人员, 在经过一夜关于欧洲历史和未来无线技术发展的讨论后, 有些人认为用 Blatand 国王的名字 命名再合适不过了。Blatand 国王将挪威,瑞典和丹麦统一起来;他的口齿伶俐,善于交际, 就如同这项即将面世的技术, 技术将被定义为允许不同工业领域之间的协调工作, 保持着各 个系统领域之间的良好交流,例如计算机,手机和汽车行业之间的工作。名字于是就这么定 下来了。 蓝牙的创始人是爱立信公司,爱立信早在 1994 年就已进行研发。1997 年,爱立信与 其他设备生产商联系,并激发了他们对该项技术的浓厚兴趣。 1998 年 2 月,跨国大公司,
Bluetooth(3.0/4.0) Using
Android 手机 Bluetooth 编程
邹继强 2014.06.24
本文介绍蓝牙 3.0、2.0 及蓝牙 4.0 版本 Android 编程应用方法
目录 1 蓝牙简介....................................................................................................................................... 2 2 蓝牙的工作原理 .......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 蓝牙通信的主从关系 ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2 蓝牙的呼叫过程 ............................................................................................................... 3 2.3 蓝牙一对一的串口数据传输应用 ................................................................................... 3 3 蓝牙 Android 编程应用............................................................................................................... 3 3.1 蓝牙 3.0 及以下版本编程................................................................................................ 3 3.1.1 认识一下 UUID ...................................................................................................... 3 3.1.2 版本 3.0 蓝牙 Android 编程原理......................................................................... 4 3.2 蓝牙 4.0 编程.................................................................................................................. 12 3.2.1 概念 ...................................................................................................................... 12 3.2.2 编程 API –Level18-19 ....................................................................................... 13


i f ce ta o o s r a e t i iu e a h oh r To e s e t uaiy o e c i g,mprve ta h n nd nef in nd prne t p e d c ran vr s se c t e . n ur he q lt ft a h n i i o e c i g a
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De i n a d i plm e to u tm e a t a h ng s fwa e sg n m e n fm li di e c i o t r
b sd o u toh a d J E a e n Bl e o t n 2 M
LA G D . e I N es n ,WU Q uh n。 Y N i i h i—o g , A G L— 。 q
(. u ndn ai 1 G a g o g R do& T ie s y Qu i g B a c , h o u n5 2 0 C ia V Unv r i , j n r n h S a g a 1 1 0, hn ; t a



二代蓝牙一体机软件使用说明书目录目录 (2)第一章概述 (3)1.1系统特点 (3)1.2软件功能总述 (3)第二章主界面 (4)2.1登录界面介绍 (4)2.2主界面介绍 (4)第三章功能介绍 (5)3.1主菜单栏 (5)3.2【系统管理】菜单 (5)3.3【用户管理】菜单 (11)3.4【系统帮助】菜单 (16)第四章保养与维护 (17)4.1硬件维护常识 (17)4.2软件维护常识 (17)第一章概述1.1系统特点本系统采用最新编程技术,界面友好,方便易用。







●WINDOWS 认正规格编程应用程序在WINDOWS环境中具有一致的界面和行为。














tc n lg nmo iea e n u to h rls e h oo y e h o o y i bl raa dBleo t wiee stc n lg .A ealda lsso u t o hc mm u ia in,t eg meo h s ,t es t g t d ti nay i fBleo t o e nc to h a f e s h ei o c n
总第 2 3 7 期 21 0 2年第 7 期
Co u e mp tr& Dii lEn ie r g gt gn ei a n
Vo. 0 No 7 14 .
l3 7
基 于 J ME 的 手 机 蓝 牙 对 战 游 戏 的 设 计 2
马 丽 张 国平 李 亚 丽
( aa J v Vit a M a ru l —
c ie , 体 系 结 构 hn ) 其
图 1 JME体 系 结构 图 2
的出现在一定程度上缓解 了这种 矛盾 , 蓝牙 技术具 有全 球 统一的频 率设 定 , 本 低 , 输 速度 快 , 用 范 围广 等 特 成 传 应
点 _ ] 本 文 以 五 子 棋 游 戏 为 研 究 对 象 , 合 J ME 和 蓝 2 。 结 2 牙 技 术 实 现 了 双 人 联 网 的 对 战 游 戏 , 而 增 强 了 游 戏 的 互 从
1 引 言
随着信息技术 的飞速发 展 , 手机 已经逐 渐从奢 侈 品发 展到了现 在十分普及 的消费电子产 品。手 机游戏作 为一 种 休闲娱乐方式 , 越来 越受 到人们 的欢 迎和重 视l 。但是 目 1 ] 前的手机 由于内存 资源受 限 , 机 间联 网游 戏 网络 传输 速 手
so t b l y a d S n in sa it n O o . i

Voyager 4200 UC Series 蓝牙耳机用户指南说明书

Voyager 4200 UC Series 蓝牙耳机用户指南说明书

Voyager 4200 UC Series 蓝牙耳机用户指南内容概述3耳机概述3充电支架(仅限充电支架型号)4USB 蓝牙适配器4连接和配对5连接至 PC5配置 USB 适配器5配对至移动设备5再次配对 USB 适配器5佩戴和充电7佩戴在左耳或右耳上7充电7检查耳机电池状态7加载软件8更新您的 Poly 博诣设备8基础知识9电源开/关9调整音量9拨打/接听/结束通话9使用 Microsoft 网络电话进行互动10播放或暂停音频10曲目选择10快进/快退10语音助手10启用和使用 Amazon Alexa(智能手机功能)10更多功能11选择语言11启用 Tile11DeepSleep 模式11在线指示灯11有线模式(通过 USB 传输音频)11故障诊断12支持服务14概述静音/取消静音Alexa智能手机功能:Amazon Alexa(需要安装 Plantronics Hub 移动应用程序和Alexa 应用程序)电源蓝牙® 配对充电端口音量/ 通话按钮/按下可与 Microsoft Teams 交互(需要应用程序)Siri®、Google智能手机功能:默认语音助手Assistant™播放/暂停**下一首曲目**上一首曲目**注**功能因应用程序而异。



注将充电支架插入电脑或墙式充电器的 USB端口。

您的高分辨蓝牙 USB 适配器和您的Poly 博诣设备已预先配对。


注适配器设计可能会有所不同USB LED 它们表示什么意思红色和蓝色交替闪烁配对蓝色常亮已连接耳机闪烁蓝灯正在通话红色常亮已启用静音紫色闪烁在电脑上播放媒体文件USB LED 它们表示什么意思红色和蓝色交替闪烁配对紫色常亮Microsoft Teams 已连接闪烁蓝灯正在通话红色常亮已启用静音发出紫色脉冲Microsoft Teams 通知注* 需要 Microsoft Teams 桌面应用程序充电支架(仅限充电支架型号)USB 蓝牙适配器您的蓝牙 USB 适配器和您的耳机已预先配对。


For internal use only
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Reviewed by
Granted by
b)设置Packet Type为RF_PHY_TEST_REF
c)设置Payload Data Patter为Others(PRBS)
d)设置Payload Data Length为37byte
a)设置center Frequency为2406Mhz
b)设置Lower Frequencies为ftx(-3)=2403Mhz
b.将步骤4中的b步骤的Measure Channel设置为39,重复步骤4的c小步骤看测试结果(发射命令:hcitool cmd 0x08 0x001e 0x270x25 0x00)
设置Packet Type为RF_PHY_TEST_REF
设置Payload Data Patter为Others(PRBS)
设置Payload Data Length为37byte
通过Hci命令控制手机工作在最大发射功率状态下,并处于Direct testmode模式







J2ME,一般的书上都会有一大堆的名词,比如1995年sun公司创建的java语言的三大分支之一,适用于嵌入式设备,J2ME配置分为CDC和CLDC,CLDC上层的重要简表是MIDP 等等。



























Voyager 4300 UC Series Bluetooth 耳機 使用者指南说明书

Voyager 4300 UC Series Bluetooth 耳機 使用者指南说明书

Voyager 4300 UC Series Bluetooth 耳機使用者指南目錄耳機概觀3注意安全3USB Bluetooth 轉接器3充電座 (僅限特定機型)4連接與配對5連接至 PC5設定 USB 轉接器5與行動裝置配對5重新配對 USB 轉接器6配對模式6配戴與充電7左右耳配戴7充電7查看耳機電池狀態7載入軟體9更新您的 Poly 博詣裝置9基本功能10電源開啟/關閉10調整音量10調整語音提示音量10撥打/接聽/結束通話10啟動 Microsoft Teams (僅限 Teams 機型)11播放或暫停音訊11語音助理11更多功能12選取語言12DeepSleep 模式12線上指示燈12有線模式 (以 USB 傳輸音訊)12疑難排解13包裝盒內容15支援16LED/線上指示燈調高音量/ 通話按鈕/按下即可與 Microsoft Teams 互動 (需有應用程式) Siri®、GoogleAssistant™智慧型手機功能:預設語音助理播放/暫停**下一首曲目**上一首曲目**調低音量充電連接埠電源Bluetooth® 配對靜音/解除靜音附註**功能會因應用程式而異。



您的高傳真 Bluetooth USB 轉接器與 Poly 博詣裝置已先行配對。


附註轉接器設計可能有差異耳機概觀注意安全USB Bluetooth 轉接器USB LED 燈含意呈紅色和藍色交替閃爍正在配對呈藍色持續亮起已連接耳機呈藍色閃爍通話中持續亮紅燈啟用靜音呈紫色閃爍從電腦串流媒體USB LED 燈含意呈紅色和藍色交替閃爍正在配對持續亮紫燈Microsoft Teams 已連線呈藍色閃爍通話中持續亮紅燈啟用靜音脈動紫燈Microsoft Teams 通知附註*需有 Microsoft Teams桌面應用程式充電座 (僅限特定機型) Array附註充電座可插入電腦或壁式充電器的 USB 連接埠。



RN41XV & RN42XV Bluetooth Module Features:•Fully qualified Bluetooth® version 2.1 Class 1(RN41XV) and Class 2 (RN42XV) data module,supports version 2.1 + Enhanced Data Rate(EDR)•Backwards-compatible with Bluetooth version 2.0,1.2, and 1.1•Pin compatible with widely used 2 x 10 2-mmsocket typically used by 802.15.4 applications•RN42XV: 26 μA sleep, 3 mA connected, 30mAtransmit•RN41XV: 30 mA connected, < 10 mA sniff mode•UART data connection interface•Supports secure simple pairing (SPP)•Sustained data rates: 240 Kbps (slave), 300 Kbps (master)•Embedded Bluetooth stack profiles: SPP and HID profile support as well as GAP, SDP, RFCOMM, and L2CAP protocols•Bluetooth SIG certified•Certifications: FCC, IC, CE•Environmentally friendly, RoHS compliant Applications:•Bluetooth replacement for 802.15.4 modules •Cable replacement•Barcode scanners/readers•Measurement and monitoring systems •Industrial sensors and controls•Medical devices•Computer accessories•Asset tracking 1.0DESCRIPTIONThe RN41XV and RN42XV are small form factor, low-power Bluetooth radio modules offering plug-in com-patibility for the widely used 2 x 10 (2-mm) socket typi-cally used by 802.15.4 radio modules.Based on the popular 2 x 10 (2-mm) socket footprint often found in embedded applications, the Roving Net-works’ RN41XV and RN42XV modules provide Blue-tooth connectivity in legacy and existing designs that may have been based upon the 802.15.4 standard. The RN41XV Class 1 Bluetooth module is based on the RN41, and the RN42XV Class 2 Bluetooth module is based on the RN42. These modules are simple to design in and are fully certified, making them a com-plete embedded Bluetooth solution. The RN42 is func-tionally compatible with the RN41.The Class 1 RN41 module has a range up to 100meters. The Class 2 RN42 module has a range upto 20 meters.2.0OVERVIEW•Pin compatible with 2x10 (2-mm) socket •Baud rate speeds: 1,200 bps up to 921 Kbps, non-standard baud rates can be programmed •RN41XV: Class 1 radio, 330 feet (100 m) range, +16 dBm output transmitter, -80 dBm typical receive sensitivity•RN42XV: Class 2 radio, 60 feet (20 m) distance, +4dBm output transmitter, -80 dBm typical receive sensitivity•Frequency 2,402 ~ 2,480 MHz•FHSS/GFSK modulation, 79 channels at 1-MHz intervals•Secure communications, 128-bit encryption •Error correction for guaranteed packet delivery •Configuration via the local UART and over-the-air RF•Auto-connect master, I/O pin (DTR), and charac-ter-based trigger modes The module’s moisture sensitivity level (MSL) is 1. Table2-1 shows the module’s size and weight.Table2-2, Table2-3, Table2-4, Table2-5, Table2-6, and Table2-7 provide detailed specifications for the module.TABLE 2-1:MODULE SIZE & WEIGHT ParameterRN41XVCRN42XVPRN41XVURN42XVUUnits Size24.4 x 29.924.4 x 29.0In. Weight 5.5 5.5gTABLE 2-2:ENVIRONMENTALCONDITIONSParameter Value Temperature Range (Operating)-40o C ~ 85o C Temperature Range (Storage)-40o C ~ 85o C Relative Humidity (Operating)≤ 90% Relative Humidity (Storage)≤ 90%TABLE 2-3:RN41XV & RN42XV DIGITAL I/O CHARACTERISTICS3.0 V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.3 V Min.Typ.Max.Units Input Logic Level Low -0.4-+0.8V Input Logic Level High0.7 VDD-VDD + 0.4V Output Logic Level Low--0.2V Output Logic Level High VDD - 0.2--V All I/O pins (Except Reset) Default to Weak Pull Down+0.2+1.0+5.0μATABLE 2-4:RN41XV ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Min.Typ.Max.Units Supply Voltage (DC) 3.0 3.3 3.6V RX Supply Current3560mA TX Supply Current65100mA Average Power ConsumptionStandby/Idle (Default Settings)25mA Connected (Normal Mode)30mA Connected (Low-Power Sniff)8mA Standby/Idle (Deep Sleep Enabled)250 2.5mANote 1:In slave mode, there are bursts of radio on time that vary with the inquiry windows. The average currentdepends on how you set the inquiry window.TABLE 2-5:RN42XV ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameterMin.Typ.Max.Units Supply Voltage (DC)3.03.3 3.6V Average Power ConsumptionRadio On (Discovery or Inquiry Window Time), Note 140mA Connected Idle (No Sniff)25mA Connected Idle (Sniff 100 ms)12mA Connected with Data Transfer 404550mA Deep Sleep Idle Mode26μATABLE 2-6:RN41XV RADIO CHARACTERISTICSParameterFrequency (GHz)Min.Typ.Max.Bluetooth SpecificationUnits Sensitivity at 0.1% BER2.402--80-86≤ -70dBm 2.441--80-86dBm 2.480--80-86dBm RF Transmit Power 2.40215.016.0≤ 20dBm 2.44115.016.0dBm 2.48015.016.0dBm Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance 2.402-57575kHz 2.441-575kHz 2.480-575kHz 20 dB Bandwidth for Modulated Carrier -9001,000≤ 1,000kHz Drift (Five Slots Packet)-15-40kHz Drift Rate-13-20kHz ∆f1avg Maximum Modulation2.402140165175> 140kHz 2.441140165175kHz 2.480140165175kHz ∆f2avg Minimum Modulation2.402140190-115kHz 2.441140190-kHz 2.480140190-kHzFigure 2-1 shows the module’s dimensions and Table 2-8 describes the pins.TABLE 2-7:RN42XV RADIO CHARACTERISTICSParameterFrequency (GHz)Min.Typ.Max.BluetoothSpecificationUnits Sensitivity at 0.1% BER2.402--80-86≤ -70dBm 2.441--80-86dBm 2.480--80-86dBm RF Transmit Power 2.402024≤ 4dBm 2.441024dBm 2.480024dBm Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance 2.402-57575kHz 2.441-575kHz 2.480-575kHz 20 dB Bandwidth for Modulated Carrier -9001,000≤ 1,000kHz Drift (Five Slots Packet)-15-40kHz Drift Rate-13-20kHz ∆f1avg Maximum Modulation2.402140165175> 140kHz 2.441140165175kHz 2.480140165175kHz ∆f2avg Minimum Modulation2.402140190-115kHz 2.441140190-kHz 2.480140190-kHzTABLE 2-8:PIN DESCRIPTION (PART 1 OF 2)Pin Number Signal Name DescriptionOptionalFunctionDirection1VDD_3V3 3.3 V regulated power input to the module.Power2TXD UART TX, 8 mA drive, 3.3-V tolerant.From module 3RXD UART RX, 3.3 V tolerant.To module4GPIO7GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant/ADC input.I/O5RESET_N Optional module reset signal (active low), 100 k pull up,apply pulse of at least 160 μs, 3.3 V tolerant.Input6GPIO6GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3-V tolerant/ADC input.Data TX/RX From module 7GPIO9GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3-V tolerant/ADC input.I/O8GPIO4GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant/ADC input.I/O9GPIO11GPIO, 8 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant.I/O10GND Ground.Ground11GPIO8GPIO, 8 mA drive, 3.3-V tolerant. The RN41XV andRN42XV drive GPIO8 high on powerup, which overridessoftware configured powerup values, on GPIO8.I/O12RTS UART RTS flow control, 8 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant.From module 13GPIO2GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant/ADC input.I/O14Not Used No connect.No Connect 15GPIO5GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant/ADC input.I/O3.0TYPICAL APPLICATION SCHEMATICFigure 3-12 shows a typical application schematic.Because the RN41XV and RN42XV are functionally compatible, this diagram applies to both modules. TheRN-XV-EK evaluation kit is shown as a reference. The RN-XV-EK evaluation board provides a 2x 10 (2-mm)socket for both the RN41XV and RN41XV modules.The design offers USB/serial connection to the on-board UART, a reset switch (pin 5), and switch to con-trol GPIO4 (pin 8).Note 1:The RN-XV-EK evaluation kit is shown as a reference.16CTS UART CTS flow control, 3.3 V tolerant.To module 17GPIO3GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant/ADC input.I/O 18GPIO7GPIO, 24 mA drive, 3.3 V tolerant/ADC input.I/O19AIO020AIO1TABLE 2-8:PIN DESCRIPTION (PART 2 OF 2)Pin Number Signal Name DescriptionOptional FunctionDirection4.0DESIGN CONCERNSThe following sections provide information on design-ing with the RN41XV and RN42XV module, including radio interference, factory reset, connection status, etc.4.1Powering the ModuleApply ONLY 3.3 V ±10% regulated power to pin 1 (VDD) and pin 10 (ground). The module does not have an on-board voltage regulator and MUST be powered from a regulated 3.3 V power supply.4.2Reset CircuitThe RN41XV and RN42XV modules contain a 1kΩ pul-lup to VCC, and the reset polarity is active low. The module’s reset pin has an optional power-on-reset cir-cuit with a delay, which should only be required if the input power supply has a very slow ramp or tends to bounce or have instability on power up. Often a micro-controller or embedded CPU I/O is available to gener-ate the reset once power is stable. If not, designers can use one of the many low-cost power supervisor chips currently available, such as the MCP809, MCP102/121, and Torex XC61F.4.3Factory Reset Using GPIO4Roving Networks recommends that designers connect GPIO4 (pin 8) to a switch, jumper, or resistor so it can be accessed. This pin can be used to reset the module to its factory default settings, which is critical in situa-tions where the module has been misconfigured. To reset the module to the factory defaults, GPIO4 should be high on power-up and then toggle low, high, low, high with a 1 second wait between the transitions. 4.4Connection StatusThe RN41XV and RN42XV modules have an on-board green LED to indicate the connection status. The con-nection status LED is located in the lower right corner of the module.TABLE 4-1:CONNECTION STATUS LEDLED Status DescriptionBlink at 1 Hz The module is discoverable and waiting for a connection. Blink at 10 Hz The module is in command mode.Solid The module is connected to another device over Bluetooth.5.0COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONTable5-1 and Table5-2 describe the RN41XV andRN42XV module’s compliance information,respectively.TABLE 5-1:RN41XV COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONCategory Country StandardRadio USAFCC ID:FCC CFR47 Part 15 C, para 15.247 T9J-R41-1Europe EN 300 328-1EN 300 328-2 2.4GHzCanadaIC Canada ID:IC RSS-210 low power comm. device 6514A-RN411EMC USA FCC CFR47 Part 15 subclass BEurope EN 55022 Class B radiatedEN61000-4-2 ESD immunityEN61000-4-3 radiated fieldEN61000-4-6 RF immunityEN61000-4-8 power magnetic immunity Bluetooth LISTED B013180Environmental RoHS RoHS compliantTABLE 5-2:RN42XV COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONCategory Country Standard Radio USA FCC Part 15 Subpart B: 2008 Class BFCC CRF Title 47 Part 15 Subpart CFCC ID:T9J-RN42Europe ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1ETSI EN 301 489-17 V2.1.1ETSI EN 300 328 V1.7.1Canada IC RSS-210 low power comm. deviceCertification Number:6514A-RN42EMC USA FCC CFR47 Part 15 subclass BEurope EN 55022 Class B radiatedEN61000-4-2 ESD immunityEN61000-4-3 radiated fieldEN61000-4-6 RF immunityEN61000-4-8 power magnetic immunity Bluetooth BQB LISTED B014867- SPP and DUN profiles Environmental RoHS RoHS compliant6.0ORDERING INFORMATION Table6-1 provides ordering information.Go to for current pric-ing and a list of distributors carrying Roving Networks products.Table6-2 provides information on related products that work with the RN41XV and RN42XV.TABLE 6-1:ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number DescriptionRN41XVC-I/RM RN41 XV footprint, chip antenna. RN41XVU-I/RM RN41 XV footprint, U.FL. antenna. RN42XVP-I/RM RN42 XV footprint, PCB antenna. RN42XVU-I/RM RN42 XV footprint, U.FL. antenna. For other configurations, contact Roving Networks directly.TABLE 6-2:RELATED PRODUCTSPartNumberDescriptionRN-XV-EK Evaluation platform for the RN41XV orRN42XV module. Used for learningand demonstrating WiFly commandsand Roving Networks hardware capa-bilities.RN-XV-RD2Evaluation platform for the RN41XV orRN42XV module. Contains 2 10-amp,250 V relays.Roving Networks, Inc. 102 Cooper CourtLos Gatos, CA 95032+1 (408) 395-5300 Copyright © 2012 Roving Networks. All rights reserved. Roving Networks is a registered trademark of Roving Networks. Apple Inc., iPhone, iPad, iTunes, Made for iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Computer.Roving Networks reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, and other changes to its products, documentation and services at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before plac-ing orders and should verify that such information is current and com-plete.Roving Networks assumes no liability for applications assistance or cus-tomer’s product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications that use Roving Networks components. To minimize cus-tomer product risks, customers should provide adequate design and oper-ating safeguards.Roving Networks products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the Roving Networks product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifi-cally governing such use.。

Sennheiser EW-DX MKE2 SET 无线耳麦系统说明书

Sennheiser EW-DX MKE2 SET 无线耳麦系统说明书

DELIVERY INCLUDES• EW-DX EM 2 rack receiver• 2 EW-DX SK bodypack transmitters • 2 MKE 2 lavalier microphones • 2 rod antennas• power supply with country adapters • 2 mic clamps • GA 3 rackmount set • 4 rubber feet• 2 BA 70 rechargeable battery packs • quick guide • safety guide• manufacturer declaration sheetFEATURES EW-DX EM 2• 2 channel half rack (9.5’)• Up to 88 MHz switching bandwidth • PoE IEEE 802.3af Class 3• Equidistant Channel Spacing: 146 channels in standardmode; 293 channels in Link Density Mode • Network enabled for control with Sennheiser ControlCockpit/media control system through a number of 3rd party modules • Clear and easy focused user interface with OLED display • Ethernet connectivity (IPv4 and IPv6)• Secure AES 256 encryption • External PSU 12V/1A • All-metal housingFEATURES EW-DX SK• 3,5 mm jack• 10mW RF power with up to 100m/328ft working range • Charging contacts for in-device charging with CHG 70N • Persistent eInk display - parameters visible on screeneven when device is not powered on • Programmable mute switch - customize the devicedepending on your professional needs • Extended runtime with lithium ion batteries - up to 12hours operation time • Mic input trim control • Metal housingDesigned for Those Who Appreciate Freedom of MovementThis wireless lavalier microphone set consists of 2 x EW-DX SK (wireless bodypack transmitter), 2 x MKE 2 (omni- directional clip-on lavalier microphone), 1 x EW-DX EM 2 rackmout receiver (2 channels) and 2 x BA 70 rechargeablebatteries.PRODUCT VARIANTSEW-DX MKE2 SET (Q1-9)470.2 - 550 MHz Art. no. 509314 EW-DX MKE2 SET (R1-9)520 - 607.8 MHz Art. no. 509315 EW-DX MKE2 SET (S1-10)606.2 - 693.8 MHz Art. no. 509316 EW-DX MKE2 SET (S2-10)614.2 - 693.8 MHz Art. no. 509319 EW-DX MKE2 SET (S4-10)630 - 693.8 MHz Art. no. 509320 EW-DX MKE2 SET (U1/5)823.2 - 831.8 MHz & 863.2 - 864.8 MHz Art. no. 509321 EW-DX MKE2 SET (V3-4)925.2 - 937.3 MHz Art. no. 509323 EW-DX MKE2 SET (V5-7)941.7 - 951.8 MHz & 953.05 - 956.05 MHz & 956.65 - 959.65 MHz Art. no. 509324 EW-DX MKE2 SET (Y1-3)1785.2 - 1799.8 MHz Art. no. 509327 ACCESSORIESEW-D ASA (Q-R-S)Active Antenna Splitter470 - 694 MHz Art. no. 508879 EW-D ASA (T-U-V-W)Active Antenna Splitter694 - 1075 MHz Art. no. 508880 EW-D ASA (X-Y)Active Antenna Splitter1350 - 1805 MHz Art. no. 508881 EW-D ASA CN/ANZ (Q-R-S)Active Antenna Splitter470 - 694 MHz Art. no. 508998EW-D AB (Q)Antenna Booster470 - 550 MHz Art. no. 508873 EW-D AB (R)Antenna Booster520 - 608 MHz Art. no. 508874 EW-D AB (S)Antenna Booster606 - 694 MHz Art. no. 508875 EW-D AB (U)Antenna Booster823 - 865 MHz Art. no. 508876 EW-D AB (V)Antenna Booster902 - 960 MHz Art. no. 508877 EW-D AB (Y)Antenna Booster1785 - 1805 MHz Art. no. 508878ADP UHF (470 - 1075 MHz)Passive directional antenna470 - 1075 MHz Art. no. 508863BA 70Rechargeable battery pack for SK and SKM-S Art. no. 508860 L 70 USB Charger for BA 70 rechargeable battery pack Art. no. 508861 EW-D CHARGING SET Set of L 70 USB charger and 2 BA 70 rechargeable battery packs Art. no. 508862 CHG 70N Network-enabled charger for SK, SKM and BA 70Art. no. 509455 CHG 70N + PSU KIT CHG 70N charger with NT 12-35 CS power supply unit Art. no. 509456 EW-D COLOR CODING SET Colored labels for wireless link identification for EM, SKM-S, SK Art. no. 508989 EW-D SK COLOR CODING Colored labels for wireless link identification for SK Art. no. 508990 EW-D SKM COLOR CODING Colored labels for wireless link identification for SKM-S Art. no. 508991 EW-D EM COLOR CODING Colored labels for wireless link identification for EM Art. no. 508992MICROPHONE COMPATIBILITYLavalier and headset microphones compatible with the EW-DX SK bodypack transmitterME 2Omni-directional lavalier microphoneModels produced from 2021 onward, featuring a gold-plated connector*ME 4Cardioid lavalier microphoneModels produced from 2021 onward, featuring a gold-plated connector*MKE Essential Omni Omni-directional lavalier microphoneMKE 2 Gold Omni-directional lavalier microphoneModels produced from 2018 onward, featuring a blue serial number plateMKE 1Omni-directional lavalier microphoneME 3Cardioid headset microphoneModels produced from 2021 onward, featuring a gold-plated connector*HSP Essential Omni Omni-directional headset microphoneHSP 2Omni-directional headset microphoneModels produced from March 2020 onward (featuring code 1090 or later)HS 2Omni-directional headset microphoneModels produced from 2021 onward, featuring a gold-plated connector*SL Headmic 1Omni-directional headset microphone* Models produced prior to 2021 will feature a nickel connector. Earlier models may pick up noise when placed close to the transmitter and are not recommended for useMKE 2 (Lavalier Microphone)Transducer principle pre-polarized condensor microphone Pick-up patternomni-directional Sensitivity (free field, no load) (1 kHz) 5 mV/Pa +- 3 dB Max. SPL at 1 kHz 142 dBFrequency response 20 to 20,000 Hz Equivalent noise level A-weighted 26 dB Connector 3.5 mm jack Cable length approx. 1.60 m Supply voltage7.5 VSPECIFICATIONSSystemAudio linkfrequency rangesQ1-9R1-9S1-10S2-10S4-10U1/5V3-4V5-7Y1-3470.2 - 550 MHz 520 - 607.8 MHz 606.2 - 693.8 MHz 614.2 - 693.8 MHz 630 - 693.8 MHz 823.2 - 831.8 MHz & 863.2 - 864.8 MHz 925.2 - 937.3 MHz 941.7 - 951.8 MHz &953.05 - 956.05 MHz &956.65 - 959.65 MHz 1785.2 - 1799.8 MHzBluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) frequency range 2402 - 2480 MHz Audio frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz (-3 dB)Audio THD ≤ -60 dB for 1 kHz @ -3 dBfs input level Dynamic range 134 dB System latency 1.9 ms Operating temperature -10 °C - +55 °C (14 °F - 131 °F)Relative humidity5 - 95 % (non-condensing)EW-DX EM 2 (Rack Receiver)Input voltage11 - 13 V ⎓ orPoE IEEE 802.3af Class 0(CAT5e or higher)Input current ≤ 1 ATransmit power (radiated)BLE: max. 10 mW EIRP Audio output power 18 dBu max.Headphone output 2x 70 mW @ 32 ΩEthernetRJ-45 socket, IEEE802.3100Base-TX (half+full duplex) 10Base-T (half+full duplex) (CAT5e or higher)Dimensions 212 x 44 x 189 mm (8.35" x 1.73" x 7.44")Weightapprox. 1000 g (2.2 l bs)(without antennas and power supply)EW-DX SK (Bodypack Transmitter)Input voltage 2.0 - 4.35 V Input current < 300 mAPower supply2 AA batteries 1.5 V(alkali manganese) or BA 70 rechargeable battery pack Occupied bandwidth 200 kHzTransmit power (radiated)Audio link: 10 mW ERP (Range Y1-3: 12 mW ERP)LD mode: 10 mW ERP BLE: max. 10 mW EIRP Dimensions(without antenna)63.5 x 85 x 20 mm (2.5" x 3.35" x 0.79")Weight (without batteries)approx. 115-120 g (0.26-0,27 - l bs)DIMENSIONSEW-DX EM 2DIMENSIONS EW-DX SK5907611785-1800 MHZ 203.8 / 8.02"590758941-960 MHZ 157.8 / 6.21"590757925-938 MHZ157.8 / 6.21"590756823-832 MHZ & 863-865 MHZ166.2 / 6.54"590755630-694 MHZ 195.8 / 7.71"590754614-694 MHZ195.8 / 7.71"590753606-638 MHZ & 650-694 MHZ195.8 / 7.71"590752606-694 MHZ 195.8 / 7.71"590751520-608 MHZ 217.8 / 8.57"470-550 MHZ 231.8 / 9.13"Teile-Nr.Part no.Frequenzbereich Frequency rangeL590750ARCHITECT‘S SPECIFICATIONEW-DX EM 2 rack receiverThe stationary two-channel receiver with switching diver-sity technology shall be for use with up to two companion transmitters as part of a digital wireless RF transmission system.The receiver shall operate within the following UHF fre-quency ranges, with a switching bandwidth of up to 88 MHz: 470.2 – 550 MHz, 520 – 607.8 MHz, 606.2 – 693.8 MHz, 614.2 – 693.8 MHz, 630 – 693.8 MHz, 823.2 – 831.8 MHz, 863.2 – 846.8 MHz, 925.2 – 937.3 MHz, 941.7 – 951.8 MHz, 953.05 – 956.05 MHz, 956.65 – 959.65 MHz, 1785.2 – 1799.8 MHz. Different frequency variants shall be available depending on country-specific regulations.The receiver shall feature Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) at a frequency range between 2402 and 2480 MHz for remote controlling the devices via a control App for iOS and And-roid.The receiver shall feature an automatic frequency setup function with spectrum scan functionality in order to es-tablish an equidistant frequency grid with 146 channels in standard mode and 293 channels in Link Density Mode. The audio frequency response shall be between 20 Hz and 20 kHz (-3 dB). Audio total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be≤****************************************** shall be 134 dB. System latency shall be 1.9 ms.The receiver shall be menu-driven with an OLED display showing the current frequency, channel number, metering of RF level, metering of AF level, lock status, muting fun-ction, antenna switching diversity, app connection, gain, audio output level, menu and battery status for each of the two associated transmitters. An auto-lock feature shallbe provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered.The following settings shall be configurable by function buttons and an encoder for each channel in the menu: frequency, channel name, gain, trim, AF output, low cut, AES 256 encryption, test tone, network settings, integrated antenna booster settings, display brightness, device name, auto setup settings for automatic frequency setup.For each of the two channels the receiver shall feature a balanced XLR-3M audio output with a maximum outputof +18 dBu along with an unbalanced 6.3 mm (¼“) audio output with a maximum output of +12 dBu.For secure transmission the receiver shall feature AES 256 encryption.The receiver shall provide a walktest mode for monitoring the RF and AF signal status in the location over time.Two BNC-type input sockets shall be provided for connec-ting the antennas. The receiver shall be usable with active and passive wide range UHF antennas for the entire sup-ported RF spectrum.A headphone output with headphone volume control shall be provided and shall utilize a 6.3 mm stereo jack socket. The receiver shall have an Ethernet port (RJ-45) for remote network-based monitoring and control using the Sennhei-ser Control Cockpit software or the Sennheiser Wireless Systems Manager software.The receiver shall operate on 12 V DC power supplied from the power supply unit or on Power over Ethernet (PoE IEEE 802.af Class 0). Power consumption shall be ≤ 1 A.The receiver shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensi-ons shall be approximately 212 x 44 x 206 mm (8.35“ x 1.73“ x 8.11“). Weight shall be approximately 1000 grams (2.2 lbs) without antennas and power supply. Operating tempera-ture shall range from −10 °C to +50 °C (+14 °F to +122 °F). The receiver shall be the Sennheiser EW-DX EM 2.EW-DX SK bodypack transmitterThe bodypack transmitter shall be for use with a compa-nion receiver as part of a digital wireless RF transmissionsystem.The bodypack transmitter shall operate within the follo-wing UHF frequency ranges, with a switching bandwidthof up to 88 MHz: 470.2 – 550 MHz, 520 – 607.8 MHz, 606.2– 693.8 MHz, 614.2 – 693.8 MHz, 630 – 693.8 MHz, 823.2– 831.8 MHz, 863.2 – 846.8 MHz, 925.2 – 937.3 MHz, 941.7– 951.8 MHz, 953.05 – 956.05 MHz, 956.65 – 959.65 MHz,1785.2 – 1799.8 MHz. Different frequency variants shall beavailable depending on country-specific regulations.The audio frequency response shall be between 20 Hz and20 kHz (-3 dB). Audio total harmonic distortion (THD) shallbe≤******************************************shall be 134 dB. System latency shall be 1.9 ms.Occupied bandwidth shall be 200 kHz. Transmit power(radiated) shall be 10 mW ERP (1785.2 – 1799.8 MHz Range:12 mW ERP).A programmable mute switch shall be provided for mutingor unmuting either the audio signal or the radio signal. Themute switch can also be deactivated.The bodypack transmitter shall be menu-driven with abacklit eInk display showing the relevant status informati-on such as frequency, battery status or AES 256 encrypti-on status.All transmitter parameters shall be adjustable with functi-on buttons on the device itself or by Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) synchronization via the associated receiver. The fun-ction buttons shall be lockable against accidental misuse.Power shall be supplied to the bodypack transmitter bytwo 1.5 V AA size batteries or by one Sennheiser BA 70rechargeable battery pack. Operating time shall be typical-ly 12 hours with a battery pack and up to 8 hours with AAbatteries.The bodypack transmitter shall feature charging contactsfor direct charging of the transmitter with inserted BA 70battery pack in a Sennheiser CHG 70N network-enabledcharger.The bodypack transmitter’s microphone/line input shallutilize a lockable 3.5 mm Jack socket.The bodypack transmitter shall be compatible with micro-phones for every application: Sennheiser lavalier micro-phones ME 2, ME 4, MKE 1, MKE 2 Gold and MKE EssentialOmni, Sennheiser headset microphones HS 2, HSP 2, HSPEssential Omni, ME 3 and SL Headmic 1.The bodypack transmitter shall have a rugged metalhousing; dimensions shall be approximately 63.5 x 85 x 20mm (2.5” x 3.35” x 0.79“). Weight without batteries shallbe approximately 115 - 120 grams depending on antennalength. Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to+50 °C (+14 °F to +122 °F).The handheld transmitter shall be the SennheiserEW-DX SK.Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG · Am Labor 1 · 30900 Wedemark · Germany · 。



BLUETOOTH ®HEADSETBenutzerhandbuch Brugervejledning ¹Æã»Â²¸»¿ØƱúêGuía del usuario KäyttöopasGuide de l'utilisateur Guida dell'utenteGebruikershandleiding Brukerhåndboka)NSTRUKCJAĺU YTKOWANIA Manual do Utilizador'HIDĺDEĺUTILIZAREРуководство пользователяSnabbstarthandbok Användarhandbok +ULLANàMĺ+àLAVUZUUser GuideSommarioIntroduzione 147 Cos’è la tecnologia Bluetooth? 147 Contenuto della confezione e caratteristiche 148 Ricarica 149 Associazione 150 Regolazione corretta 152 Comandi della cuffia 153 Indicatore 155 Raggio d’azione 155 Funzioni a mani libere 156 Connettività multipoint 157 Accessori Disponibili per l’acquisto 158 Risoluzione dei problemi 159 Specifiche del prodotto 160 Assistenza tecnica 160introduzioneGrazie per aver scelto l’auricolare Plantronics Voyager™ 520. Per ottenere il massimo da questo auricolare, si consiglia di effettuare quanto riportato di seguito:Per informazioni sulla sicurezza prima dell’installazione o dell’utilizzo del prodotto, fare riferimento al documento “Importanti istruzioni sulla sicurezza”, fornito separatamente.Per ottenere assistenza:Seguire i passaggi riportati nella sezione “Risoluzione dei problemi” a pagina 159.Contattare il Centro di assistenza tecnica di Plantronics all’indirizzo /support.Visitare il sito Web all’indirizzo /productregistration per registrare online il prodotto acquistato e ricevere l’assistenza e il supporto tecnico ottimali.Per ulteriori informazioni, supporto o assistenza, visitare il sito Web all’indirizzo /warranty.nOta: se si è intenzionati a restituire il prodotto, innanzitutto contattare il Centro diassistenza tecnica.1.2.••3.4.CoS’è la teCnologia Bluetooth ?La tecnologia wireless Bluetooth consente ai dispositivi di comunicare tra loro tramite una frequenza radio a corto raggio anziché via cavo. Due dispositivi Bluetooth possono comunicare tra loro a condizione che su entrambi l’opzione Bluetooth sia attiva, che siano entrambi nel raggio d’azione e che sia stata eseguita l’associazione, ovvero una procedura di “sincronizzazione” che permette di collegare i due dispositivi.Il raggio d’azione massimo della tecnologia Bluetooth è di 10 metri. Ostacoli, quali muri o altri dispositivi elettronici possono causareinterferenze o limitare il raggio d’azione del dispositivo. Per ottenere le prestazioni ottimali, tenere l’auricolare e il telefono sullo stesso lato del corpo.Contenuto della Confezione e CaratteriStiChePulsante di controllo chiamate Schermo antivento Supporto regolabile per l’orecchioCuscinetto auricolare Microfono concancellazione del rumore Caricabatterie CA 100-240 V Supporto di ricarica da scrivania1. t i t a l i a nPrima di utilizzare l’auricolare per la prima volta, è necessario metterlo in carica per almeno un’ora. Per ricaricare completamente l’auricolare, sono necessarie circa due ore.Quando l’auricolare è in carica, la spia luminosa è di colore rosso. Quando l’auricolare è completamente carico, la spia luminosa si ricarica dell’auricolare può essere effettuata in due modi: Utilizzare il caricabatterie CA per il collegamento diretto a una presa elettrica.Utilizzare il supporto di ricarica da scrivania con un caricabatterie CA.Capovolgere il supporto di ricarica e sfilare il coperchio.Inserire il cavo del caricabatterie CA nel supporto di ricarica.Riposizionare il coperchio del supporto di ricarica.••mpeggiamentiin rossolivello di carica della batterianon utilizzare l’auricolare quando è collegato al caricabatterie.COntrOllO del livellO di CariCaQuando l’auricolare viene acceso, la spia luminosa lampeggia in rosso per mostrare il livello di carica.aSSoCiazioneL’associazione è il processo di sincronizzazione dell’auricolare al telefono. Prima di usare l’auricolare per la prima volta, è necessario associarlo al telefono Bluetooth . Solitamente è necessario associare l’auricolare al telefono una sola volta.teCnOlOgia QuiCkPair™Questo auricolare si avvale della tecnologia QuickPair Plantronics per semplificare il processo di configurazione Bluetooth . Alla prima accensione, l’auricolare passa automaticamente alla modalità diassociazione per 10 minuti. Dopo l’associazione l’auricolare si accende ed è pronto all’uso.Se dopo 10 minuti l’associazione non avviene, l’auricolare si spegne automaticamente. Quando l’auricolare viene riacceso, passaautomaticamente alla modalità di associazione finché non riesce a eseguire l’associazione a un telefono Bluetooth . Per associare l’auricolare per la prima volta:Attivare la funzione Bluetooth del telefono.SuggerimentO: nella maggior parte dei telefoni, selezionare Impostazioni/Strumenti > Connessioni > Bluetooth > Attivato .Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida dell’utente del telefono.Tenere premuto il pulsante di controllo chiamate per accendere l’auricolare. (La spia luminosa lampeggia in rosso/blu per indicare che l’auricolare è attivo e in modalità di associazione).SuggerimentO: se la spia luminosa rossa/blu non si accende, tenere premuto il pulsante di controllo chiamate per spegnere l’auricolare, quindi premere nuovamente il pulsante di controllo chiamate fino a quando la spia luminosa rossa/blu non inizia a lampeggiare.Utilizzare i comandi del telefono per individuare l’auricolare1.2.3.1SuggerimentO: nella maggior parte dei telefoni, selezionareImpostazioni/Strumenti > Connessioni > Bluetooth > Ricerca > 520Plantronics. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida dell’utente del telefono.Quando viene richiesto il codice di accesso, immettere 0000.Dopo l’associazione, la spia luminosa dell’auricolare lampeggia in blu. L ’auricolare è ora connesso e pronto all’uso.aSSOCiaziOne SuCCeSSivaSe l’auricolare è già stato associato a un altro dispositivo oppure se si riscontrano problemi di associazione dell’auricolare, attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni:Attivare la funzione Bluetooth del telefono.SuggerimentO : nella maggior parte dei telefoni, selezionareImpostazioni/Strumenti > Connessioni > Bluetooth > Attivato .Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida dell’utente del telefono.Spegnere l’auricolare tenendo premuto il pulsante di controllo chiamate fino a quando la spia luminosa non diventa di colore rosso e si spegne.Riaccendere l’auricolare tenendo premuto il pulsante di controllo chiamate fino a quando la spia luminosa non inizia a lampeggiare in rosso/blu. L ’auricolare è ora in modalità di associazione.Utilizzare i comandi del telefono per individuare l’auricolare.SuggerimentO: nella maggior parte dei telefoni, selezionare Impostazioni/Strumenti > Connessioni >Bluetooth > Ricerca >520Plantronics. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la Guida dell’utente del telefono.Quando viene richiesto il codice di accesso, immettere 0000.Dopo l’associazione, la spia luminosa dell’auricolare lampeggia in blu. L ’auricolare è ora connesso e pronto all’uso. CorrettaSollevare il supporto per l’orecchio.Ruotare il supporto verso destra per indossare l’auricolare sull’orecchio sinistro oppure ruotarlo verso sinistra per indossarlo sull’orecchio destro.Posizionare il supporto dietro l’orecchio.Ruotare l’auricolare in modo che l’altoparlante sia poggiato comodamente sull’orecchio. t i azione istruzioniSuggerimentiSe si indossa l’auricolare, al momento dell’accensione viene emesso unsegnale acustico ascendente e al momento dello spegnimento viene emesso un segnale acustico discendente.Quando si riceve una chiamata, il telefono potrebbe squillare prima dell’auricolare. Prima di rispondere alla chiamata mediante il pulsante di controllo chiamate, attendere gli squilli siano udibili nell’auricolare.Per un uso ottimale, tenere l’auricolare e il telefono sullo stesso lato del corpo. Per ristabilire rapidamente la connessione al dispositivo utilizzato più di recente che si trova nel raggio d’azione, tenere premuto brevemente il pulsante di controllo chiamate.Per annullare una chiamata in uscita, tenere premuto brevemente il pulsante di controllo chiamate.Se il telefono supporta la selezione vocale, per istruzioni vedere Funzioni a mani libere a pagina 156.••••••Trasferire una chiamata dall’auricolare al telefono Tenere premuto il pulsante di controllo chiamate finché non viene emesso un segnale acustico con tono basso prolungato.Trasferire una chiamata dal tele-fono all’auricolareTenere premuto brevemente il pulsante di controllo chiamate.indiCatoreazione Spia tono Ricarica Rosso fisso Nessuno Carica completa Nessuno NessunoCarica in esaurimento Lampeggia in rosso due volteogni 10 secondi2 toni altiogni 30 secondiAssociazione Lampeggia in rosso e blu 1 tono basso Compatibili Lampeggia in blu 1 tono basso Accensione Blu fissaper 2 secondiToni ascendentiPronto La spia blu lampeggia ogni 10secondiNessunoChiamata persa Lampeggia in violaogni 10 secondiNessunoLimite del rag-gio d’azionesuperatoNessuno 1 tono altoAll’interno delraggio d’azioneLampeggia in blu una volta 1 tono bassoSpegnimento Rosso fissoper 4 secondiToni discendentiSuggerimentO: per reimpostare l’indicatore delle chiamate perse, premere una volta il pulsante di controllo chiamate.raggio d’azionePer mantenere attiva una connessione, tenere l’auricolare entro 10 metri dal dispositivo Bluetooth. Se tra l’auricolare e il dispositivo sono presenti degli ostacoli, è possibile rilevare delle interferenze. Per ottenere le prestazioni ottimali, tenere l’auricolare e il telefono sullo stesso lato del corpo.Più ci si allontana dal raggio d’azione ottimale, peggiore sarà la qualità dell’audio. Quando ci si allontana dal raggio d’azione e si perde la connessione, nell’auricolare viene emesso un segnale acustico con tono alto. L’auricolare tenta di riconnettersi dopo 30 secondi. Se si torna all’interno del raggio d’azione, è possibile ristabilire manualmente la connessione premendo il pulsante di controllo chiamate.nOta: la qualità dell’audio dipende anche dal tipo di dispositivo a cui è associato l’auricolare.funzioni a mani libereSe il telefono e il provider del servizio wireless supportano il funzionamento a mani libere, è possibile utilizzare le seguenti funzioni: azione istruzioniRipetere l’ultimo numero chiamato Premere due volte il pulsante di controllo chiamate.A ogni pressione viene emesso un tono alto.Selezione attivata tramite voce Quando l’auricolare è acceso, tenere premuto il pulsante di controllo chiamate per circa due secondi finché non viene emesso un tono basso.Rifiutare una chiamata Quando l’auricolare squilla, tenere premuto il pul-sante di controllo chiamate per circa due secondifinché non viene emesso un segnale acustico contono basso.SuggerimentO: quando si rifiuta una chiamata, il chiamante passa al servizio di messaggistica vocale.Connettività multipointIl dispositivo Plantronics Voyager 520 supporta la tecnologia multipoint, che consente di passare da un dispositivo audio Bluetooth a un altro. In questo modo è possibile utilizzare un auricolare con due telefoni differenti.aSSOCiaziOne di un altrO diSPOSitivO BluetoothRipetere i passaggi precedentemente illustrati per eseguire l’associazione con il nuovo dispositivo. Per istruzioni, vedere “Associazione successiva” a pagina 151.avviO di una ChiamataL’auricolare avvia una chiamata sul dispositivo utilizzato più di recente. Per utilizzare il secondo telefono, avviare la chiamata tramite i controlli del secondo telefono. Il secondo telefono stabilisce una connessione all’auricolare.riSPOSta a una ChiamataQuando si riceve una chiamata su uno dei telefoni, nell’auricolare si sentono gli squilli. Per rispondere a una chiamata, premere il pulsante di controllo chiamate.riSPOSta a una Chiamata mentre Si utilizza l ’altrO diSPOSitivOPer rispondere alla seconda chiamata, è necessario terminare la prima. Non è possibile mettere in attesa una chiamata mentre si è impegnati in un’altra conversazione sull’auricolare.Premere il pulsante di controllo chiamate una volta per terminare la chiamata corrente, quindi premerlo nuovamente per rispondere alla nuova chiamata sull’altro telefono.Attendere il segnale acustico, quindi rispondere alla seconda chiamata premendo nuovamente il pulsante di controllo chiamate.Se si sceglie di non rispondere alla seconda chiamata ed è attiva lafunzione di segreteria sul secondo dispositivo, la chiamata viene trasferita alla segreteria.•••Caricabatterie per auto modello #69520-05Caricabatte rie datavolomodello #772321-01Supporto per cruscotto modello #72323-05aCCeSSoridiSponibil per l’aCquiStoPer ordinare ricambi e accessori, contattare il proprio rivenditore Plantronics o visitare il sito Web all’indirizzo .Caricabatte rie datavolo modello #69519-05riSoluzione dei problemi Problema SoluzioneL’auricolare non fun-ziona con il telefono.Assicurarsi che l’auricolare sia completamente carico. Assicurarsi che l’auricolare sia associato al telefono chesi sta tentando di utilizzando.L’auricolare non era in modalità di associazione durante le selezioni nel menu del cellulare. Vedere “Associazione” a pagina 150.Sono state effettuate selezioni non corrette nel menu del cellulare. Vedere “Associazione” a pagina 150.Il telefono non ha indi-viduato l’auricolare.Spegnere e riaccendere il telefono e l’auricolare, quindi ripetere il processo di associazione descritto a pagina 150.Non è possibile im-mettere la password.Spegnere e riaccendere il telefono e l’auricolare, quindi ripetere il processo di associazione descritto a pagina 150.Mancata ricezione del chiamante o del segnale di compo-sizione.L’auricolare è spento. Premere il pulsante di controllo chiamate per circa 2 secondi fino a sentire un segnale acustico o finché la spia luminosa non diventa di colore blu.L’auricolare è fuori portata. Avvicinare l’auricolare al tele-fono o al dispositivo Bluetooth.La batteria dell’auricolare è esaurita. Caricare la batteria. Vedere “Ricarica” a pagina 149.Il volume di ascolto è troppo basso. Premere verso l’alto il pulsante di controllo chiamate per aumentare il livello del volume percepito dell’auricolare.SpeCifiChe del prodottoAutonomia di conversazione*la batteria consente un massimo di 8 ore di conversazioneDurata in standby*la batteria consente un massimo di 180 ore instandbyTempo di ricarica 2 ore per una ricarica completaRaggio d’azione fino a 10 metriPeso dell’auricolare16 grammirequisiti di alimentazioneTipo di batteria Polimeri di ioni di litioTemperatura di conser-vazione/utilizzoda 10° a 40° CVersione Bluetooth 2.0Profili Bluetooth:Profilo auricolare (Headset Profile - HSP) perparlare al telefono.Profilo a mani libere (Hands-free Profile - HFP) perparlare e utilizzare il telefono.*Le prestazioni possono variare a seconda del dispositivo. Con un tempo medio di conversazione di 1,5 ore al giorno, l’auricolare può durare fino a quattro giorni senza ricarica.aSSiStenza teCniCaIl Centro di assistenza tecnica di Plantronics è sempre a disposizione dei clienti. Visitare il sito Web Plantronics all’indirizzo / support. Per informazioni di accessibilità è inoltre possibile chiamare il Centro di assistenza tecnica: 800 950 934.Plantronics Inc345 Encinal StreetSanta Cruz, CA 95060 USATel: (800) 544-4660Plantronics Acoustics Italia SrlMilano, ItaliaNumero Verde: 800 950934© 2007 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Plantronics, the logo design, Plantronics Voyager, QuickPair and Sound Innovation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Plantronics, Inc. is under licence.Patents U.S. 5,210,791 and Patents Pending。



USER GUIDE_PLANTRONICS EXPLORER™300 SeriesBLUETOOTH®HEADSETTABLE OF CONTENTSPackage Contents & Features3 Charging & Powering5 Pairing6 Adjusting Fit7 Using Your Headset8 Indicator Lights10 Accessories11 Troubleshooting13 Product Specifications14 Technical Assistance15WELCOMEThank you for purchasing a Plantronics headset.Let us provide you with the best possible service and technical support. After you review this user guide, if you need additional assistance or have any product questions, please contact:•/supportBefore getting started, please review the safety booklet included in the package. For warranty information, please reference the included product warranty card or visit /warrantyREGISTER YOUR PRODUCT ONLINE Visit /productregistration to register your product online so we can provide you with the best possible service and technical support.PLANTRONICS EXPLORER 330 PLANTRONICS EXPLORER 340 & 350In-car chargingcradle (shown withvent clip)Dash mountCradle Mount OptionsPLANTRONICS EXPLORER 350 PLANTRONICS EXPLORER 330 & 340CHARGING & POWERING20 minutes = minimum charge 2 hours = full chargeLight is solid red when battery is charging.NOTE For the best user experience, keep your headset fully charged.CAUTION Do not use headset while charging and do not connect the charger while the headset is in use.CHARGINGPAIRINGBegin with headset turned off.1.Press call control button for6 seconds. Release button whenindicator light flashes blue andred. Headset is ready to pair withBluetooth device.2.While the headset is flashing redand blue, use the phone menuto search for Bluetooth devicesand select “3XXPlantronics.”3.When prompted for passkey enter0000. Headset will flash blue whenpaired successfully.Before using your headset for the first time, you must pair it with your Bluetooth®phone or device. Be sure the headset is fully charged. For set up and pairing instructions with Bluetooth devices other than mobile phones, please consultyour Bluetooth device user guide.ADJUSTING FITbody as the headset.To answer or end a call, briefly press the call control button.To make a call, enter number on your phone, press send, and the call is automatically transferred to headset; no need to press call control button. ADJUSTING THE VOLUMEADDITIONAL FEA TURESRedialling Last NumberTo activate last number redial, double press the call control button. You will hear a high tone after each double key press.Using Voice DiallingWith the headset on, press the call control button for 2 seconds to activate the voice dialling.NOTE To use voice activated dialling, the voice dialling feature must be enabled on your phone. See your Bluetooth phone manual for instructions.Rejecting a CallWhen receiving an incoming call, press the call control button for2 seconds to reject the call.Switching a Call From Phone to Headset To switch an active call from your phone to your headset, press the call control button for 3 seconds.Switching a Call From Headset to Phone To switch an active call from your headset to your phone, press the call control button for 2 seconds.INDICATOR LIGHTSIn-car charging cradle and in-vehicle charging adapter – for Explorer 350 only1.Select vent clip or dash mount option. Attach to rear of in-car charging cradle.NOTE Select the mounting option that allows the charging cradle to not interfere1.A V AILABLE FOR PURCHASEVehicle charging adapterDesktop charging cradle In-car charging cradle(can be used withExplorer 340)USB headset chargerTROUBLESHOOTINGHeadset was not in pairing mode when mobile phone menu selections were made. See page 6 “Bluetooth Pairing.”Incorrect menu selections were made on your mobile phone.See page 6 “Bluetooth Pairing.”Your phone did not locate the headset.Repeat the pairing process on page 6.Incorrect menu selections were made on your mobile phone.Repeat the pairing process on page 6.The headset is not turned on. Press the call control button for 2 seconds until you hear a beep or see the indicator light glow blue to turn headset on.Your headset is out of range. Move the headset closer to the phone or Bluetooth device.Your headset battery is drained. Charge your battery using the AC power adapter supplied.The listening volume is too low. Press the volume key up (toward the earloop) to increase the sound heard in the headset.My headset does not work with my phone. I did not enter my passkey.Callers cannot hear me, or I cannot hear caller/dialling tone.PROBLEMSOLUTIONPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSTalk Time*Up to 10 hours Standby Time*Approximately 240 hours Charge Time 2 hours Range Bluetooth standard 10 meters (33 feet) Power Requirements5V DC – 300 mA Battery Type Lithium Ion Version Bluetooth 2.0 Storage and Usage Temperature10C – 40C Supports Bluetooth hands-free and headset profiles.*Performance may vary by device. Headset can last up to four days without charging, based on average talk time of 1.5 hours per day.TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEThe Plantronics Technical Assistance Center is ready to assist you!Dial 0800 410 014 in the UK. Technical assistance can also be found inthe support section of our web site at /support.MODEL & COUNTY INFORMATION See package for product model number and refer to the table below for approved use.Plantronics LtdWootton Bassett, UKTel: 0800 410014+44 (0)1793 842200© 2006 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Plantronics, the logo design, Plantronics Explorer and Soundword mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Plantronics is under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Patents U.S. 5,210,791; EM 000392600-0003 and。
















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虽然MIDP2.0没有包括蓝牙API,但是JCP定义了JSR82, Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology (JABWT).这是一个可选API,很多支持MIDP2.0的手机已经实现了,比如Nokia 6600, Nokia 6670,Nokia7610等等。









该程序已经在wtk22模拟器和Nokia 6600,Nokia 6670两款手机上测试通过。

StupidBTMIDlet.javaimport javax.microedition.lcdui.Alert;import javax.microedition.lcdui.AlertType;import mand;import mandListener;import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;import javax.microedition.lcdui.List;import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeException;/*** @author Jagie** MIDlet*/public class StupidBTMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {List list;ServerBox sb;ClientBox cb;/** (non-Javadoc)** @see javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet#startApp()*/protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException { list = new List("傻瓜蓝牙入门", List.IMPLICIT);list.append("Client", null);list.append("Server", null);list.setCommandListener(this);Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(list);}/*** debug方法* @param s 要显示的字串*/public void showString(java/lang/String.java.html" target="_blank">String s) { Displayable dp = Display.getDisplay(this).getCurrent();Alert al = new Alert(null, s, null, );al.setTimeout(2000);Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(al, dp);}/*** 显示主菜单**/public void showMainMenu() {Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(list);}protected void pauseApp() {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void commandAction(Command com, Displayable disp) { if (com == List.SELECT_COMMAND) {List list = (List) disp;int index = list.getSelectedIndex();if (index == 1) {if (sb == null) {sb = new ServerBox(this);}sb.setString(null);Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(sb);} else {//每次都生成新的客户端实例cb = null;java/lang/System.java.html" target="_blank">System.gc();cb = new ClientBox(this);Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(cb);}}}protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub}}ClientBox.javaimport java.io.java/io/DataInputStream.java.html" target="_blank">DataInputStream; import java.io.java/io/DataOutputStream.java.html" target="_blank">DataOutputStream; import java.io.java/io/IOException.java.html" target="_blank">IOException;import java.util.java/util/Vector.java.html" target="_blank">Vector;import javax.microedition.io.Connector;import javax.microedition.io.StreamConnection;import mand;import mandListener;import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form;import javax.microedition.lcdui.Gauge;import javax.microedition.lcdui.StringItem;import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField;//jsr082 APIimport javax.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException;import javax.bluetooth.DeviceClass;import javax.bluetooth.DiscoveryAgent;import javax.bluetooth.DiscoveryListener;import javax.bluetooth.LocalDevice;import javax.bluetooth.RemoteDevice;import javax.bluetooth.ServiceRecord;import javax.bluetooth.UUID;/*** 客户端GUI* @author Jagie** TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates*/public class ClientBox extends Form implements java/lang/Runnable.java.html" target="_blank">Runnable, CommandListener,DiscoveryListener {//字串输入框TextField input = new TextField(null, "", 50, TextField.ANY);//logerStringItem result = new StringItem("结果:", "");private DiscoveryAgent discoveryAgent;private UUID[] uuidSet;//响应服务的UUIDprivate static final UUID ECHO_SERVER_UUID = new UUID("F0E0D0C0B0A000908070605040302010", false);//设备集合java/util/Vector.java.html" target="_blank">Vector devices = new java/util/Vector.java.html" target="_blank">Vector();//服务集合java/util/Vector.java.html" target="_blank">Vector records = new java/util/Vector.java.html" target="_blank">Vector();//服务搜索的事务id集合int[] transIDs;StupidBTMIDlet midlet;public ClientBox(StupidBTMIDlet midlet) {super("");this.midlet=midlet;this.append(result);this.addCommand(new Command("取消",Command.CANCEL,1));this.setCommandListener(this);new java/lang/Thread.java.html" target="_blank">Thread(this).start();}public void commandAction(Command arg0, Displayable arg1) {if(arg0.getCommandType()==Command.CANCEL){midlet.showMainMenu();}else{//匿名内部Thread,访问远程服务。
