关键词钋-210 放射性危害控制措施2006年11月2日,在一次带有浓烈冷战色彩的暗杀行动中,原俄罗斯联邦安全局中校利特维年科在伦敦的一家医院死去,英国卫生防护局宣布,导致利特维年科死亡的是一种名为钋-210的罕见放射性同位素,此次暗杀行动惊动了整个伦敦,同时钋-210也再次引起世界各国科学家的关注,实际上这种看似罕见的放射性同位素就分布在我们周围:全球烟民每年消费6万亿支香烟,每只香烟都会有少量的钋-210送入烟民肺部,在他们吞云吐雾的过程中,这种剧毒的放射性物质也在不断地累积。
1 香烟中含钋-210的证实过程上世纪60年代上半叶,辐射,尤其是放射性尘埃对人体健康的影响,是科学家及其他大多数人关注的焦点。
低于60mmHg即有呼吸衰竭,<3 0mmHg可有生命危险。
正常人体动脉血的血氧饱和度为98% ,静脉血为75%。
大气污染控制工程 作业集第一章干洁空气的平均分子量为28.966,在标准状态下(273.15K ,101325Pa )密度为1.2933/kg m 。
1、血红蛋白暴露于CO 和2O 两种气体混合物中所产生的COHb 和2O Hb 的平衡浓度可用如下方程表示:22co o p COHbM O Hb p =式中:co p 、2o p ——吸入气体中CO 和2O 的分压;M ——常数,在人的血液范围中为200~250。
例:受污染的空气中CO 浓度为610010-⨯,如果吸入人体肺中的CO 全部被血液吸收,试估算人体血液中COHb 的饱和浓度。
解:设人体肺部气体中氧的含量与环境空气中氧含量相同,即为21%,取M=210,则有22co o p COHbM O Hb p =62210100100.12110--⨯⨯==⨯ 即血液中CO 与2O 之比为1:10,则血液中CO 的饱和度为:222/0.10.0919.1%1/10.1CO COHb O Hb COHb COHb O Hb COHb O Hb ρ=====+++这一值略为偏低,是因为吸入空气中的氧被停留在肺中的气体所稀释的缘故。
2、假设光衰减只是由于微粒散射造成的,微粒为尺寸相同的球体,且分布均匀,则能见度可按如下近似方程估算: 2.6()p pd L m K νρρ=式中:ρ——视线方向上的颗粒浓度,3/mg m ;p ρ——颗粒的密度,3/kg m ;p d ——颗粒直径,m μ;K ——散射率,即受颗粒作用的波阵面积与颗粒面积之比。
根据范德赫尔斯提出的数据,不吸收光的球体散射率K 值一般在1.7~2.5左右变化。
例:大气中悬浮颗粒物的平均粒径为1.0m μ,密度为25003/kg m ,如果散射率K=2,能见度为8000m 时颗粒物的浓度是多少? 解:ρ=2.6p pd KL νρ32.62500 1.00.406/28000mg m ⨯⨯==⨯这是城市大气中颗粒物浓度的典型值。
• 轻度:PaO2 ›50mmHg, SaO2›80%,常无发绀。 中度:PaO2 30∼50mmHg, SaO260%∼80%,常有发绀 。
• 重度:PaO2 ‹30mmHg, SaO2‹60%,发绀明显。
• 早期(early postoperative hypoxemia , EPO) ,麻醉药物和麻醉技术的影响所致;
• (4)血液重新分布 如几乎所有麻醉药或麻醉方法都有
不同程度的扩血管效应,使血容量进行重新分布; • 机械通气时胸内压增加,使胸腔内血液流向胸腔外脏器尤
其是腹腔,此效应在麻醉或使用扩血管药状态下更为显著, 且常伴有FRC的下降; • 麻醉期间肺通气/血流(V/Q)比例失调, 引起肺内分流。
• 例2:患者,男,53岁,68公斤。因“右上叶肺癌”在
气管内全麻下行肺叶切除术。常规术前肌注鲁米那0.1g, 阿托品0.5mg后,入手术室后接好心电监测。麻醉诱导给 予咪唑安定0.05mg/kg,丙泊酚1.0mg/kg,芬太尼4ug/kg, 万可松0.1mg/kg,常规插入左侧双腔气管导管,在纤维支 气管镜下定位。左上下肺叶对位良好。左侧卧位开胸后即 开始单肺通气,40min后血氧就开始下降,一直到90%以下。 立即给予非通气侧2-5cmH20CPAP, SpO2逐渐上升9899%.手术麻醉顺利,术毕送病人安返病房.
• 例1:患者,男,66岁,62公斤。因“左肺肺癌”在气管内全麻下 行肺叶切除术。常规术前肌注鲁米那0.1g,阿托品0.5mg后,入手术 室后接好心电监测。麻醉诱导给予咪唑安定0.05mg/kg,丙泊酚 1.0mg/kg,芬太尼4ug/kg,万可松0.1mg/kg,常规插入右侧双腔气管 导管,在纤维支气管镜下定位。右上中下肺叶对位良好。右侧卧位开胸 后即开始单肺通气,30min后SpO2就开始下降,一直到87-88%。立即 进行纤支镜检查,发现右上肺开口已错位,没有通气,经调整后, SpO2 逐渐上升98-99.手术麻醉顺利,术毕送病人安返病房.
第九章 铀
吸入难溶性铀化合物如UO2时,肺组织 是主要滞留部位,肺铀半廓清期长; 吸入可溶性铀化合物后,肺铀半廓清期 短,主要滞留器官是骨骼。
排 除
肠道排除的铀来自两部分,一是未经胃 肠道吸收的部分,其排除量多,速度快; 二是吸收后的铀经肝胆系统排至肠道, 随粪便排除,约占尿排除量的二十分之 一 。
化学毒性主要取决于它们的溶解度。 可溶性铀化合物的毒性一般大于难溶性 铀化合物。 高和中等毒性者几乎都是6价可溶性铀化 合物,低毒性者都是4价铀化合物(表9-5)。
主要病理改变是肾小管上皮细胞变性、 坏死和脱落。病变最严重的部位是近曲 细管的中段。 当将一次注入能引起中度或轻度肾脏损 害的铀剂量分多次进行连续注射时,可 看到肾脏的损害逐渐减轻。这种现象被 称为耐受现象。
加速排除 碳酸氢钠
NaHCO3 ↔ HCO3- + Na ↕ CO32- + H+ UO22+ + CO32- ↔ [UO2(CO3)3] 4作用:由于重碳酸根对铀酰离子有较强的亲和 力,因此铀中毒时给机体补充大量碳酸氢钠不 仅会增加血液中铀与重碳酸根结合,使通过肾 小管的铀量增加,而且也可以减少肾小管对原 尿中重碳酸根的重吸收,防止原尿中重碳酸铀 酰分解,有利于体内铀的排除。 用量:加大甚至达到轻度硷中毒水平
人体内镭含量还可通过呼出气中氡的量 和体外γ射线测量来估算。 镭在成年人全身的滞留函数 镭在致密骨中滞留函数RCP(t) 在松质骨中滞留函数RCn(t)
排 除
体内镭可通过呼吸道、肾和肠道等途径 排除。其中以粪便排除为主。 镭排除分三个时期。Ⅰ期:相当于镭进 入机体后第一周,排除迅速,主要来自 血液中和软组织中的镭;在吸入和食入 镭的情况下,主要来自未被机体吸收的 那一部分镭 ,其排除量可达到初始进入 量的50%以上;Ⅱ期:大约一年,排除 率逐渐下降,主要来自软组织和血液循 环丰富的松质骨中的镭;Ⅲ期:一年以 后,排除率继续下降,主要来自牢固地 沉积在致密骨中的镭。骨骼中镭的有效 半减期大约为45年。
CO2在血液中的含量主要通过二氧化碳分压(PCO2)来表示,正常值范围是35-45 mmHg。
1. 呼吸过度:呼吸过快或过深会导致呼出过多的CO2,从而造成血液CO2含量偏低。
2. 慢性肺部疾病:如慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)等会影响呼吸功能,导致CO2排出受阻。
3. 代谢酸中毒:某些代谢性疾病,如糖尿病酮症酸中毒,会导致CO2过度排出,从而引起CO2含量偏低。
1. 呼吸不足:如呼吸困难或肺部功能不良,会造成CO2在体内堆积。
2. 中枢神经系统问题:脑部受损或中枢神经系统疾病可导致呼吸减慢,进而引起CO2含量偏高。
3. 肾功能异常:肾功能不全可能会导致酸碱平衡受到影响,从而影响CO2的代谢。
综上所述,血液CO2正常值范围是35-45 mmHg,异常的血液CO2含量可能
血气分析检查正常值血气分析检查正常值-----------------------------------------项目中文名称参考值范围单位-----------------------------------------TCO2 总二氧化碳 19~24 mMol/LPCO2 二氧化碳分压 35~45 mMol/LPO2 氧分压 80~105 mMol/LHCO3 碳酸氢根 18~23 mMol/LBE 碱贮SO2 氧饱和度 95~98 %-----------------------------------------血气分析检查正常值及含义pH或[H+]酸碱度pH肝素抗凝动脉血2ml,抽血后要求严加密封,不能接触空气,立即送检,天热可放冰箱中。
【正常参考值】7.35 ~ 7.45或(35~45mmol/L)【异常结果分析】>7.45为失代偿碱中毒<7.35为失代偿酸中毒PaCO2二氧化碳分压Pressure of carbondioxidePCO2PCO2是血液中物理溶解的CO2分子所产生的压力。
反映肺通气的指标,正常平均为5.33kPa(40mmHg)【正常参考值】4.65 ~ 6.0kPa(35~45mmHg)【异常结果分析】CO2轻度升高可刺激呼吸中枢,当达到7.31kPa(55mmHg)时则抑制呼吸中枢,有形成呼吸衰竭的危险。
实际碳酸氢盐和标准碳酸氢盐Actual bicarbonate , Standard bicarbonateAB,SB肝素抗凝动脉血2ml,抽血后要求严加密封,不能接触空气,立即送检,天热可放冰箱中。
在标准条件下,37℃,pH=7.40, P纠aC正O待2=测5.3的2k血Pa浆(4或0m全m血Hg,),S所aO测2为得1缓00冲%碱,
中 明
氧分压预计公式: PaO2=103.5-0.42×年龄(卧) PaO2=104.2-0.27×年龄(坐)
为每100ml动脉血中,血红蛋白实际结合的氧 与其结合氧的最大能力之比,正常值为97% (95-98%)。
动脉血中,血氧饱和度的变化不如氧分压敏感, 但血氧的大部分由血红蛋白结合而携带,所以 氧和血红蛋白所结合的氧对血氧的运输起决定 作用。
A在B实(际H条CO件3)下是所指测隔得绝的空血气浆的中全碳血酸标氢本的 含量。正常值为22-27mmol/L,平均 24mmol/L。
SB是指隔绝空气的全血标本,在37℃, P10C0O%2为的5情.3况2k下Pa,(4所0m测m得Hg的),血S浆aO碳2%酸为氢的 含量。正常值为22~27mmol/L,平均 24mmol/L。
在测定SBE时排除了呼吸因素的干扰,可以反 映出体液内缓冲碱的多少,因而是一项测定代 谢性酸碱紊乱的指标。
量 量
P解 大50,离是正曲血常线氧人位饱P置合50为,度2右为6.移560m时%m时PH5g氧0。变分小压,,左它移可时反P映50氧变
血液生化检查各指标及对应正常值列表(二氧化碳结2O~30 mmol/(一氧化碳定性)(—)(a羟丁酸脱90~22O IU/L(磷酸肌酶激25~170 mmol/L(乳酸脱氢酶)~100 mmol/L(激肌酸激0~16(血清白/球蛋3.5~5.5/23g(高密度脂蛋1.14~1.91 mmol/(低密度低蛋0.11~0.34 mmol/(极低密度脂蛋1~3 mmol/L(C反应蛋白)(免疫球蛋白)~4.5 mg/ml(免疫球蛋白)~23 mg/ml(免疫球蛋白)~2.2 ml(铁蛋白) 20~20(蛋白电脉) 3~4.9(蛋白电脉) 3.1~(蛋白电脉) 6.6~1(蛋白电脉) 9.5~2(纤维蛋白原)~4g/L(血肌酐) 4~133 µmol/L(肌酐清除80~120 ml/分(血糖) 3.9~6.Y (血淀粉酶)~160 U(补体) 0.65~1.5(抗链O) 1:40以下(类风湿因子)—)(肥达氏反应)—)(外裴氏反(—)(癌胚抗原)5mg编辑本段血生化项目结果参考值谷丙转氨酶ALT 0 ~ 40 U尿素 2.5 ~ 7 mmol/L血肌酐 40 ~ 130 umol/L血尿酸 180 ~ 410 umol/L胆固醇 2.8 ~ 5.85 mmol/L甘油三脂 0.34 ~ 2.03 mmol/L葡萄糖 4.4 ~ 6.6 mmol/L总胆红素 3 ~ 24 umol/L项目谷丙转氨酶ALT临床意义正常时,谷丙转氨酶主要存在于组织细胞内,以肝细胞含量最多,心肌细胞中含量其次,只有极少量释放血中。
项目尿素临床意义血中尿素氮主要经肾小球滤过,从小便中排出体外,当肾小球受损时滤过率降低,血中BUN 升高。
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Polonium 210Po activities in human blood of patientswith ischaemic heart disease from Gdan´sk in Poland Alicja Boryło •Bogdan Skwarzec •Grzegorz Roman´czyk •Janusz Siebert Received:22March 2013/Published online:2August 2013ÓThe Author(s)2013.This article is published with open access at Abstract The determination of polonium 210Po in human blood samples is presented and discussed in this paper.The human blood samples were collected from patients ofMedical University of Gdan´sk with ischaemic heart disease (morbus ischaemicus cordis ,MIC ).The polonium con-centrations in analyzed human blood samples are very differentiated.210Po is of particular interest in public health and although is present in the environment in extremely low amounts,it is easily bioaccumulated to the human body.The study shows that the amount of 210Po that is incorporated into the human body depends on the food habits and some difference in its levels could be observed between smokers and non-smokers.Keywords Polonium Á210Po ÁConcentration ÁHuman blood samples ÁIschaemic heart disease ÁIHD ÁCigarettes smoking ÁFish consumptionIntroductionIschaemic or ischemic heart disease (IHD),or myocardial ischaemia,is a disease characterized by ischaemia (reduced blood supply)of the heart muscle,usually due to coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries).Its risk increases with age,smoking,hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol levels),diabetes,and hypertension (highblood pressure),and is more common in men and those whohave close relatives with ischaemic heart disease.It is the most common cause of death in most industrialized coun-tries,and a major cause of hospital admissions [1].There is limited evidence for population screening,but prevention (with a healthy diet and sometimes medication for diabetes,cholesterol and high blood pressure)is used both to prevent IHD and to decrease the risk of complications.Blood is a specialized bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.In vertebrates,it is composed of blood cells suspended in a liquid called blood plasma.Plasma,which constitutes 55%of blood fluid,is mostly water (92%by volume),and contains dissipated proteins,glucose,mineral ions,hormones,carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for excretory product transporta-tion),and blood cells themselves.Albumin is the main protein in plasma,and it functions to regulate the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood.The blood cells are mainly red blood cells (also called RBCs or erythrocytes)and white blood cells,including leukocytes and platelets.The most abundant cells in vertebrate blood are red blood cells.These contain hemoglobin,an iron-containing protein,which facilitates transportation of oxygen by reversibly binding to this respiratory gas and greatly increasing its solubility in blood.In contrast,carbon dioxide is almost entirely transported extracellularly dissolved in plasma as bicarbonate ion [1].The natural radionuclide 210Po is daughter of 238U decay series.210Po is radionuclide with half-lives of 138.38days.Polonium is one of the most radiotoxic natural radioactive isotopes to man due to its high specific activity and its emission of high-LET alpha radiation.Less than 0.05l g of the radionuclide is considered a lethal dose (LD 50/30).ThisA.Boryło (&)ÁB.Skwarzec ÁG.Roman´czyk Faculty of Chemistry,University of Gdan´sk,Sobieskiego 18/19,80-952Gdan ´sk,Polande-mail:aborylo@chem.univ.gda.plJ.SiebertDepartment of Family Medicine,Medical University of Gdan´sk,Skłodowskiej-Curie 3a,80-210Gdan´sk,Poland J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2013)298:1685–1691DOI 10.1007/s10967-013-2670-0isotope was used to kill the Russian agent Andrei Lit-vinenko in2006,by putting about10l g of210Po in his tea [2,3].The210Po is found in varying concentration in soil, sand,sediment and naturally occurring water.This radio-nuclide constitutes an important component of the natural background radiation and contributes significantly to the radiation dose of the population[4].The main source of 210Po in the atmosphere is222Rn emanation from the ground.210Po returns to the earth as dry fallout or is washed out in rain.Other sources include burning of fossil fuels and tetraethyl lead in petrol,superphosphate fertiliz-ers,the sintering of ores in steelworks,the burning of coal in coal-fired power plants[5,6].210Po is highly toxic and its presence in soils may be traced to the decay of radio-nuclides of the238U chain in the soil[7].Man is exposed to radioactive210Po by natural processes,mainly from the oral intake of foodstuff.Especially large amounts of polonium are taken in during cigarette smoking as well as food of marine products[8–12].Most of the polonium entering the body orally reaches the gastrointestinal(GI) tract and is eliminated via excreta.The estimated contri-bution made by210Po to the total annual background effective dose is120l Sv[13];which is about5%of the total estimated average global background to humans[3].The aim of this study was to establish the polonium 210Po concentrations in blood samples.The tested group constituted patients from Medical University of Gdan´sk. Ischaemic heart disease patients do not constitute a high-risk group as far as the concentration of210Po in blood is concerned.However,in the treatment of this disease is recommended a diet rich infish.Eatingfish is a factor that according to many researchers affects the amount of this radionuclide in the human body.In many cases the reason of IHD is cigarette smoking.The questions about smoking and frequency offish eating were included in our ques-tionnaire for the patients.Thus,the content of210Po in the body of the patients were examined and linked to the above mentioned factors.This is very important because human biomonitoring of210Po has been conducted for a long time, but it is still not fully known and understood.Materials and methodsThe human blood samples about volume10ml were col-lected from43patients(8women and35men)with ischaemic heart disease,IHD(morbus ischaemicus cordis, MIC)from Medical University of Gdan´sk.The reason for choosing this particular group was purely accidental.Age of patients ranged from45to78years,body weight between55and110kg,and the height of155to185cm. Research conduted by the Medical University of Gdan´sk were part of a program entitled‘‘The role of cytokines in the inflammatory process caused by coronary heart disease causing agents in patients with ischaemic heart disease’’. The research was approved by the Independent Bioethics Committee for Scientific Research of the Medical Uni-versity of Gdan´sk.Before radiochemical analysis,to each sample was added about8mBq of209Po as yield tracer.The human blood samples were mineralized using of concentrated acids HNO3.After evaporation,the dry residue was dis-solved in10ml0.5M HCl and,after the addition of ascorbic acid to reduce Fe3?,the solution was transffered to Teflon(PTEE)vessels equipped with a silver sheet bottom.Polonium was autodeposited at90°C for4h[14–16].The activities of210Po were measured using alpha spectrometer(Alpha Analyst S470)equipped in a surface barrier PIPS detector with an active surface of 300–450mm2placed in a vacuum chamber connected to a 1,024multichannel analyzer(Canberra-Packard,USA). Detectors higher counting efficiency ranged from0.30to 0.40.Minimum Detectable Activity(MDA)measurement of210Po was calculated as0.1mBq.Polonium preparates were measured for2days and210Po activity was calculated at the time of its electrodeposition on silver discs.Time between collection blood samples and their radiochemical analysis was between23and126days.The polonium recoveries in analyzed samples ranged between58and 98%.The results of210Po concentrations in analyzed samples are given with standard deviation(SD)calculated for a95%confidence interval(±2r).The concentrations of210Po in the IAEA-300,IAEA-327,384,385and IAEA-326,414samples were consistent with the reference values reported by the IAEA.The accuracy of the analytical method and measure of precision was estimated to be below2.4and3%,respectively.The content of210Po activities in the total volume of blood in the patients has estimated on the basis[17]:for men:V¼0:3669ÂG3þ0:03219ÂWþ0:6041for women:V¼0:3561ÂG3þ0:03308ÂWþ0:1833 where G is the growth(m),W is the weight(kg),V is the total volume of bloodResultsThe results of210Po concentrations in analyzed human blood samples are presented in Table1.210Po concentration in the analyzed samples ranged between32±3mBq dm-3and 558±47mBq dm-3.In the total blood volume of analyzed patients the content of210Po lies between wide range from 140±14mBq to3,072±270mBq(Table1).Two values of the obtained results indicate the maximum concentrationof the analyzed210Po(495±44mBqÁdm-3and558±47mBq dm-3or3,072±270mBq and2,901±245mBq in total blood).After their rejection the values of210Po in analyzed samples lie between140±14mBq in total blood and888±36mBq in total blood.The higher210Po activity was observed for males(33samples),the lower for females (8samples)(435±36mBq in total blood and366±33mBq in total blood respectively).The results of210Po activity in blood of smokers,non-smokers and ex-smokers groups are presented in Fig.1.The results of210Po activity of weeklyfish consumption groups are given in Fig.2and results of this radionuclide content in total blood for all analyzed patients are given in Fig.3.In the group of non-smokers(4samples)the mean value210Po activity was 362±36mBq in total blood.The higher values of210Po activity were observed in groups of smokers and ex-smokers (6and31samples respectively)(422±34mBq in total blood and429±35mBq in total blood respectively).Our obtained results of210Po activities in human blood are higher than results from Arabia,where the activity of210Po ranged from0.91to4.56pCi/l(from33.67mBq dm-3to 168.72mBq dm-3)in blood of smokers with an average value of 1.83±0.63pCi/l(67.71±0.63mBq dm-3). Blood samples of non-smoker showed210Po activity rang-ing from0.61±3.14pCi/l(22.57–116.18mBq dm-3) with an average value of 1.29±0.61pCi/l(47.73±0.61mBq dm-3)[18].The mean value of smoker is sig-nificantly higher(about30%)than in non-smokers.The 210Po concentration in blood samples of human is very differentiated and some of the values,especially those which have been obtained for two patients(numbered37 and38)(3,072±270mBq and2,901±245mBq in total blood)(Table1)are difficult to explain.These difficulties arise from the lack of complete characterization of these people.Among the patients the interview was carried out about sex,frequency of cigarettes smoking andfish con-sumption.There are no data about the person with the number37,except that it is a man.As far as the person with the No.38is concerned,it is only that he is a man,an ex-smoker who quite often eatsfish.It is not known how long the patients suffer.These extremely high levels of polonium can be related to improper sampling,like diet of patients,the time between sampling of blood samples and their radio-chemical analysis or depend on other factors.The majority of the samples were obtained from Medical University of Gdan´sk within6months.No information was available concerning,for example their all feeding habits,nutritional supplements prior to blood sampling day,place of residence (rural or city),method sampling of blood and sexual activ-ity,too.It is very significant because according to the lit-erature about300%increase of210Po concentration in blood was observed the day following consumption offish and seafood in human semenfluid of vasectomized non-smoker volunteers.The level of polonium returned to near baseline after4days with a controlled diet,excludingfish and seafood[19].The reason for the high accumulation of polonium in the body is its affinity to protein,allowing it to pass easily through the food chain[3].Despite that knowledge on the metabolic behavior of210Po in humans is relatively scarce, but the activity of210Po in different human tissues is fol-lowing order:hair[bone[liver=kidney[gonads[ spleen=lung[muscle[heart=blood[20].The main source of210Po intake by the human body is the ingestion with foodstuffs and drinking water.Other studies reported that cigarette smoking also represents a significant source [8,21,22].The absorption coefficient of210Po into blood from the digestive tract is estimated at35or40%[22–24]. The large amounts of polonium are observed in protein-rich food,such as shellfish and crustaceans,and also observed among populations consuming large amount of reindeer and caribou meat,e.g.in Subarctic area[25,26]. Although,as pointed out Al-Masri and collaborations higher210Po concentrations are found in the edible tissue of seafish than in fresh waterfish[27].Figure4presents the correlation between the210Po concentration in blood samples and patients habits.A relatively good correlation was obtained for a group of people who eatfish(Pearson correlation factor r=0.560).The majority of analyzed patients in the age group between60and75years.They resident generally the Tricity areas and according with their habit,they buy seafish from the area of the Gulf of Gdan´sk for consumption[8,12].The relatively high210Po activity concentrations are found in tobacco and its products,well cigarette smoking highly increases the internal intake of this radionuclide and its concentrations in the lung tissues[9,28].The patients were subdivided into three classes and in every group cigarette smokers,non-smokers ad ex-smokers were taken into account.210Po concentration in blood depends on the amount of cigarettes smoked per day and consumption of fish(Fig.5).Our results show,that the cigarette smoking increases the content of210Po in blood(Pearson correlation factor r=0.784),but it should be noted that the analyzed group was less representative because of the number(only 7of the43people).However,the group of smokers and ex-smokers combined together equals36people and as such constitutes a group which can considered representative. This group have higher210Po concentration in blood than the group of non-smokers.Also Al-Arifiet al.[29]sug-gested that smoking is one significant route among other different routes of210Po intake by human body and this effect was observed for more numerous smokers group in Saudi Arabia(51persons who smoke and23persons who don’t smoke).Our studies are in accordance with other sources,where210Po is invariably cited among thedangerous components of cigarette smoke [30],and responsible for at least 4cases of cancer among 10,000smokers [19,31].The difference between 210Po activitiesTable 1The 210Po concentration in human blood samplesSample210PoConcentration In total blood mBq dm -3mBq 163±6358±34265±5353±25357±7252±30451±5270±25557±4195±15699±9381±33767±7363±36878±7402±38984±8435±411071±7352±3611132±12579±511250±4295±261398±7551±4214153±15612±611588±10455±2316100±13508±6517130±11594±5018184±18888±361965±7350±3520159±15744±712183±7447±402232±3140±142390±8416±372488±7425±222551±5183±1826162±10753±4827125±6599±302869±5404±302954±6226±233092±9450±423162±5281±223260±4291±203362±7271±333478±7440±4235114±10612±533643±5193±2437558±472,901±24538495±443,032±2703990±7555±424074±7405±374178±7378±334283±7389±3143102±8488±40Fig.1210Po activity in total blood in smokers,non-smokers and ex-smokersFig.2210Po activity in total blood of weekly fishconsumptionFig.3210Po activity in total blood for analyzed patientsin human blood of ex-smokers and food habits is statisti-cally significant (Pearson correlation factor r =0.584)(Fig.6).This obtained correlation is similar to correlation for a group of people who eat fish,which can explain the large abundance (33of the 43people).There wasn’t any significant difference between the 210Po concentration and the age of patients and between males and females.Also in Turkey the difference was not statistically significant for lead between males and females [32].The similar effect was observed for lead between girls and boys,but the levels of lead decreased significantly with age.The authors showed,that blood lead was associated with environmental noise and family income [33].In our study there were no differences of age (about 85%of the patients ranged in age from 60to 70years),thus probably has not been found significant statistical correlation.Some differences between 210Po activities in human blood are connected with the time of blood sampling.The higher polonium activities were estimated in blood samples collected in the summer (554±37mBq in total blood),the smaller in blood samples collected in the winter (329±25mBq in total blood).210Po is very broadly dis-tributed in all environment.As already mentioned sources of 210Po are burning of fossil fuels and tetraethyl lead in petrol,superphosphate fertilizers,the sintering of ores in steelworks,the burning of coal in coal-fired power plants and phosphogypsum stockpiles [5,6,34].Most of these processes are more intense in the summer.This fact may explain the higher polonium activities in blood samples in summer season.Cigarette smoking raises blood pressure,probably through the nicotine-induced release of norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve endings,but not fully understood is the behavior in patients with ischaemic heart disease.In subjects with normal resting blood pressure and fixed myocardial perfusion defect (scar),cigarette smoking had no effect on exercise blood pressure [35].The concentra-tions of 210Po in blood will probably depend here on the severity of the disease and its duration.It should also be noted that the content of trace metals and radionuclides in blood may vary depending on a variety of other factors.The studies conducted in India showed that the mean blood level for lead in stray dogs either from urban or rural locality was significantly higher than that of pets,and the blood lead concentration was significantly higher in non-descript dogs than pedigreed dogs.The locality (urban/rural)was the major variable affecting blood lead con-centration in dogs.Breed and housing of the dogs of urban areas and only housing (pet/stray)in rural areas signifi-cantly influenced the blood lead concentration in dogs [26].The other research showed that the specific activities of 210Po accumulated in tissues depend on the initial its contents radionuclide in animals’food,too [36].It allows to draw conclusion that similar effect on the human organism may be expected.Also the three times higher 210Po activities are observed in the area with a HighLevelFig.4The correlation between 210Po activity in blood samples andpatientshabitsFig.5The correlation between 210Po activity in total blood of smokers group and consumption offishFig.6The correlation between 210Po activity in total blood of ex-smokers group and consumption of fishNatural Radiation Area(Iran)[24]and various activities depend also on the place of residence of persons from whom blood samples were taken[37].The similar effect was observed for the uranium concentrations in Iraq.The uranium concentrations in the blood samples of workers were found to increase with the increasing number of working years,and were higher than those of non-occupied persons in the different governorates of Iraq.The highest uranium concentration in the blood for non-occupied workers was found in Basrah and Al-Muthana govern-orates.The authors suggest that these two governorates were the centers of intensive military activities during the 1991war,and the discarded weapons are still lying around in this region[38].This problem is discussed in the world [39],where many researchers are looking for methods to apply for multi-element determination of trace elements in whole blood as well as in human hair.This is very important to establish for further research for occupation-ally-exposed population or population under possible risk, such as workers in industrial plants[40].Smoking is one of the three most powerful and potential risk factors for ischaemic heart disease.Smoking of ciga-rettes nearly doubles disease risk and increases three times the risk of sudden death.The risk increases with the increasing number of smoked cigarettes per day and decreases afterfinishing smoking.Although mortality decreased after5years of the end of habit,it was still higher than in non-smokers.Eating oilyfish twice a week may help prevent heart attacks.This is connected with the properties offish oil fatty acid,which prevents the excessive thickness of the vascular wall and thus improves the conditions of the blood supply to the heart.210Po is accumulated byfish, whose consumption reduces the risk of ischaemic heart disease.This does not mean that the main source of polo-nium in human is of this origin.The content of polonium was higher in the analyzed blood samples of smokers and ex-smokers in comparison with non-smokers.It seems,there-fore,that the values of210Po activities in human blood of patients with ischaemic heart disease are only a result of smoking.Metarion et al.also found no significant changes in the concentrations of analyzed elements(Ca,Cl,K,Mg)in the blood of patients with chronic kidney disease when compared with healthy individuals and suggest that any changes could be related to nutritional habits,medicine ingestion as well as the evolution of the CKD[41].Also the results of research in Iran revealed that the difference between the concentration levels of Br,Fe,and Zn in sam-ples from patients affected by multiple sclerosis and control group was not meaningful.The average level of Zn in two analyzed samples is significantly different which suggests that the shortage of Zn can be one of the causes of MS,but the authors suggested that results of measuring the level of Zn in patients’blood by other investigators are contradictory[42].ConclusionsThe results of this work indicate that the activity of210Po in human blood was in the wide range between140±14mBq and888±36mBq in total blood without two patients(3,072±270mBq and2,901±245mBq in total blood).The higher activity of this radionuclide was observed for smoker and ex-smoker groups.The difference between210Po activities in human blood of ex-smokers/ smokers and eating habits is statistically significant.The patients were subdivided in groups:males and females, cigarette smokers,non-smokers and ex-smokers were taken into account.The results indicated that the210Po activity was widely distributed in the each group of analyzed patients.The obtained results of210Po activity in the blood of patients with ischaemic heart disease are probably related to the consumption offish and smoking.The polonium activities in blood are not connected with degree of disease advancement.Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for thefinancial support under grant DS/530-8120-4-D196-12.Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use,dis-tribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s)and the source are credited.References1.WHO,World Health Organization Department of Health Statis-tics and Informatics in the Information,Evidence and Research Cluster(2004)The global burden of disease2004update.Geneva 2.Bonotto DM,Nepomuceno de Lima JL(2010)J Hydrol383(3–4):291–3063.Henricsson CF,Ranebo Y,Hansson M,Ra¨a¨f CL,Holm E(2012)Sci Total Environ437:384–3894.Narayana Y,Rajashekara KM(2010)J Environ Radioact101(6):468–4715.Daish SR,Dale AA,Dale CJ,May R,Rowe JE(2005)J EnvironRadioact84(3):457–4676.Vandenhove H,Olyslaegers G,Sanzharova N,Shubina O,ReedE,Shang Z,Velasco H(2009)J Environ Radioact100(9): 721–7327.Aslani 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