EN556-1 2001
3.医疗器械指令(Medical Devices Direc-tive,93/42/EEC),适用范围很广,包括除有源植入性和体外诊断器械之外的几乎所有的医疗器械,如无源性医疗器械(敷料、一次性使用产品、接触镜、血袋、导管等);以及有源性医疗器械,如核磁共振仪、超声诊断和治疗仪、输液泵等。
医疗器械CE认证(Medical Devices Direc-tive,93/42/EEC)介绍MDD是目前欧洲可见到的最为全面的医疗器械方面的规定,在该指令中,共有23个条款和12个附录。
本标准的附录A是规范性附录本标准的附录B是规范性附录本标准主要起草人:王俊杰黄鸿新罗伊凡朱晓明王洪敏孟宪礼王久儒低温等离子体灭菌器1 范围本标准规定了低温等离子体灭菌器(以下简称灭菌器)的术语和定义、要求、试验方法和标志、标签。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB 4793.1-2007 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第1部分:通用要求GB/T 14710-1993 医用电气设备环境要求及试验方法YY 0466-2003 医疗器械用于医疗器械标签、标记和提供信息的符号GBZ2-2002工作场所有害因素职业接触限值国家食品药品监督管理局令第10号医疗器械说明书、标签和包装标识管理规定3 术语和定义3.1 等离子体(Plasma)等离子体是由气体分子发生电离反应,部分或全部被电离成正离子和电子,这些离子、电子和中性的分子、原子混合在一起,正负电荷在数值上总是相等,构成了等离子体。
成电路(ASICs) ■ 低输出电压纹波 ■ 引脚到引脚兼容族:
LMZ14203/2/1(42V,最大3A,2A,1A) LMZ12003/2/1(20V,最大3A,2A,1A) ■ 可得到WEBENCH®电源设计工具的全面支持
容以200 μA电流放电。
引脚 名称
描述 反馈—内部连接调节、过电压和短路比较器。该输入引脚的调节参考电压为0.8V。连接输出端和接地端之间的反馈电阻分压 器以调节输出电压。
7 VOUT 输出电压—从内部电感器输出。连接该引脚和裸露焊盘之间的输出电容。 EP EP 裸露焊盘—内部连接至引脚4。在运行过程中用于封装体的散热。必须和封装外引脚4有电气连接。
供货方式 250件,卷带封装 500件,卷带封装
引脚 名称 描述
VIN 电源输入—额定工作电压范围为4.5V至20V。内部集成封装少量电容。必须在该引脚与裸露焊盘之间增加外部输入电容。
2 RON 导通时间电阻—VIN与该引脚之间的外部电阻可设置导通时间。典型阻值范围为25k至124k欧姆。
EN 使能端—高精度使能比较器的输入端。标称上升阈值1.18V; 90 mV标称迟滞电压。建议最大输入电压6.5V。
4 GND 接地—所有电压的参考点。必须从外部连接至裸露焊盘(EP)。
98-79-EEC 协调标准列表——体外诊断试剂协调标准列表
Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices(Text with EEA relevance)(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under the Directive)(2009/C 293/04)Cenelec: Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM, tel. +32 25196871, fax: +32 25196919 (http://www.cenelec.eu).ETSI: 650, route des Lucioles, 06921 Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE, tel. +33 492944200, fax: +33 493654716 (http://www.etsi.eu).Note 1: Generally the date of cessation of presumption of conformity will be the date of withdrawal (dow), set by the European Standardisation Organisation, but attention of users of thesestandards is drawn to the fact that in certain exceptional cases this can be otherwise.Note 2.1: The new (or amended) standard has the same scope as the superseded standard. On the date stated, the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essentialrequirements of the Directive.Note 2.2: The new standard has a broader scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential requirements ofthe Directive.Note 2.3: The new standard has a narrower scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the (partially) superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essentialrequirements of the Directive for those products that fall within the scope of the newstandard. Presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive forproducts that still fall within the scope of the (partially) superseded standard, but that do notfall within the scope of the new standard, is unaffected.Note 3: In case of amendments, the referenced standard is EN CCCCC:YYYY, its previous amendments, if any, and the new, quoted amendment. The superseded standard (column 3) therefore consists ofEN CCCCC:YYYY and its previous amendments, if any, but without the new quoted amendment.On the date stated, the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with theessential requirements of the Directive.NOTE:— Any information concerning the availability of the standards can be obtained either from the European Standardisation Organisations or from the national standardisation bodies of which the list is annexed to the Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) amended by the Directive 98/48/EC (2).— Publication of the references in the Official Journal of the European Union does not imply that the standards are available in all the Community languages.— This list replaces all the previous lists published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Commission ensures the updating of this list.— More information about harmonised standards on the Internet at http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ newapproach/standardization/harmstds/(1) OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37.(2) OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p. 18.。
EN 5501994环氧乙烷灭菌的认证与常规控制医疗设备的灭菌DIN环氧乙烷灭菌的认证与常规控制EN 550DIN EN 550英文版ICS 111.080关键词:灭菌医疗器械认证常规控制环氧乙烷灭菌欧洲标准EN 550:1994年获得DIN标准认证本标准由CEN/TC 204 德国医学标准化委员会制定国际专利分类:A 01 N 043/20A 61B 019/00G 01 N 033/15A 61 L 002/00A 61 L 002/20欧洲标准 EN5501994年6月UDC 615.478.73关键词:灭菌医疗设备认证常规控制环氧乙烷灭菌英文版医疗设备灭菌环氧乙烷(氧化乙烯)灭菌的认证和常规控制本《欧洲标准》在1994年6月27日得到CEN(欧洲标准化委员会)批准。
CEN成员国有:奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、冰岛、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞士、瑞典和英国C E N欧洲标准化委员会中心秘书处:RUE DE Stassart 36,B-1050 bRUSSELS目录前言。
15附件qualificationA (规范化)使用微生物学操作性能鉴定B方法估算D值。
20B (参考) EN 550的使用指南。
22C (参考)参考文献。
本标准的附录A是规性附录本标准的附录B是规性附录本标准主要起草人:王俊杰黄鸿新罗伊凡朱晓明王洪敏孟宪礼王久儒低温等离子体灭菌器1 围本标准规定了低温等离子体灭菌器(以下简称灭菌器)的术语和定义、要求、试验方法和标志、标签。
2 规性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB 4793.1-2007 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第1部分:通用要求 GB/T 14710-1993 医用电气设备环境要求及试验方法YY 0466-2003 医疗器械用于医疗器械标签、标记和提供信息的符号GBZ2-2002工作场所有害因素职业接触限值国家食品药品监督管理局令第10号医疗器械说明书、标签和包装标识管理规定3 术语和定义3.1 等离子体(Plasma)等离子体是由气体分子发生电离反应,部分或全部被电离成正离子和电子,这些离子、电子和中性的分子、原子混合在一起,正负电荷在数值上总是相等,构成了等离子体。
3.2 灭菌室(sterilized room)用来装载灭菌负载的灭菌器的一个部分[EN554:1994,定义3.27]3.3 灭菌负载 (Sterilization load)同时放在同一个灭菌室的被灭菌物品 [EN554:1994,定义3.28]3.4 通风(aeration)ventilation灭菌过程的一部分或几部分,在特定的条件下将过滤空气进入灭菌室消除负压。
GB 4793.1-2007 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第1部分:通用要求GB/T 14710-1993 医用电气设备环境要求及试验方法YY 0466-2003 医疗器械用于医疗器械标签、标记和提供信息的符号GBZ2-2002工作场所有害因素职业接触限值国家食品药品监督管理局令第10号医疗器械说明书、标签和包装标识管理规定3术语和定义3.1等离子体(Plasma)等离子体是由气体分子发生电离反应,部分或全部被电离成正离子和电子,这些离子、电子和中性的分子、原子混合在一起,正负电荷在数值上总是相等,构成了等离子体。
3.2灭菌室(sterilized room)用来装载灭菌负载的灭菌器的一个部分[EN554:1994,定义3.27]3.3灭菌负载 (Sterilization load)同时放在同一个灭菌室内的被灭菌物品 [EN554:1994,定义3.28]3.4通风(aeration)ventilation灭菌过程的一部分或几部分,在特定的条件下将过滤空气进入灭菌室内消除负压。
©BSI 2003年8月13日ISBN 0 580 42460X国标前言此英国国家标准是EN 980:2003的英文官方正式版本,是已撤消的BS EN 980:1997的替代版本。
EN 980:2003的使用者将被告知,英国在欧洲标准草案投票表决过程“一票接受程序(UAP)”中投反对票。
此要求未考虑EN 980:2003与医疗器械指示的协调。
—上述要求将适用于某些之前广泛使用的普通标志(例见,5.7、5.8和5.9)—注意EN 980:2003的要求与医疗器械指示标志部分的不协调。
页面摘要本文件由封页,内封页,EN 标题页,2至25页和封底组成。
BS EN 980:2003欧洲标准EN 980EUROPEAN STANDARD 2003年4月ICS 01.080.20;11.040.01;11.120.01替代EN980:1996中文版医疗器械标签用标示图标本欧洲标准2003年1月9日由欧洲标准委员会(CEN)批准通过。
本标准的附录A是规性附录本标准的附录B是规性附录本标准主要起草人:王俊杰黄鸿新罗伊凡朱晓明王洪敏孟宪礼王久儒低温等离子体灭菌器1 围本标准规定了低温等离子体灭菌器(以下简称灭菌器)的术语和定义、要求、试验方法和标志、标签。
2 规性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB 4793.1-2007 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第1部分:通用要求GB/T 14710-1993 医用电气设备环境要求及试验方法YY 0466-2003 医疗器械用于医疗器械标签、标记和提供信息的符号GBZ2-2002工作场所有害因素职业接触限值国家食品药品监督管理局令第10号医疗器械说明书、标签和包装标识管理规定3 术语和定义3.1 等离子体(Plasma)等离子体是由气体分子发生电离反应,部分或全部被电离成正离子和电子,这些离子、电子和中性的分子、原子混合在一起,正负电荷在数值上总是相等,构成了等离子体。
新British Standard翻译EN980-2008
British Standard英国标准Graphical symbols for use in the labeling of medical devices医疗器械注册标识The European Standard EN 980:2003 has the status of a British StandardEN 980:2003 欧洲标准与英国标准有同等地位引言This European Standard has been prepared to give expression to the legislative preference within the European Union for the use of symbols in medical device labeling, thereby reducing the need for multiple translations of words into national languages. It is also intended to simplify labeling wherever possible and to prevent separate development of different symbols to convey the same information. It has been prepared to align the presentation of information required by all European Directive on medical devices.本欧洲标准表达了在欧盟立法优先使用的医疗器械符号标记,因此减少了翻译成多民族语言文字标签的需要,而且简化尽可能防止独立发展的可能以及防止了不同的符号可传达同样的信息。
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
牙科 - 牙科医疗设备 - 牙科植入物 一次性使用无菌皮下注射器.第3部分:固定剂量免疫接种用自动报废注射器 无菌皮下注射器.第4部分:带防止重复使用特性的注射器 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process (ISO 10993-1:2009) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 3: Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity (ISO 10993-3:2003) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 3: Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity (ISO 10993-3:2003) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 4: Selection of tests for interactions with blood (ISO 10993-4:2002, including Amd 1:2006) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5:2009) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 6: Tests for local effects after implantation (ISO 10993-6:2007) 医疗器械的生物学评价 第7部分:环氧乙烷灭菌残留量 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 9: Framework for identification and quantification of potential degradation products (ISO 10993-9:2009) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 10: Tests for irritation and delayedtype hypersensitivity (ISO 10993-10:2002, including Amd 1:2006) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 11: Tests for systemic toxicity (ISO 10993-11:2006) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 12: Sample preparation and reference materials (ISO 10993-12:2007) Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 13: Identification and quantification of degradation products from polymeric medical devices (ISO 10993-13:1998)
ISO 11137-2-2006中规定了如何确定辐照产品的无菌保证水平。
(医疗器械的灭菌,辐照灭菌,第二部分,灭菌剂量的确认)剂量确认的方法ISO 11137-2-2006中有两种方法来确认灭菌剂量使产品达到某一无菌保证水平,分别是方法一和方法二,下面列出了这两种方法的原理和过程。
第二步:获得验证剂量一旦确定了原始生物负载量,就可以运用ISO 11137-2-2006标准中的参考表格确定达到10-2灭菌水平的剂量,使用该剂量处理100个样品得出的无菌实验结果,可以外推出10-6无菌保证水平对应的剂量是否合适。
本标准的附录A是规范性附录本标准的附录B是规范性附录本标准主要起草人:王俊杰黄鸿新罗伊凡朱晓明王洪敏孟宪礼王久儒低温等离子体灭菌器1 范围本标准规定了低温等离子体灭菌器(以下简称灭菌器)的术语和定义、要求、试验方法和标志、标签。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB 4793.1-2007 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第1部分:通用要求GB/T 14710-1993 医用电气设备环境要求及试验方法YY 0466-2003 医疗器械用于医疗器械标签、标记和提供信息的符号GBZ2-2002工作场所有害因素职业接触限值国家食品药品监督管理局令第10号医疗器械说明书、标签和包装标识管理规定3 术语和定义3.1 等离子体(Plasma)等离子体是由气体分子发生电离反应,部分或全部被电离成正离子和电子,这些离子、电子和中性的分子、原子混合在一起,正负电荷在数值上总是相等,构成了等离子体。
欧洲合金标准目录国家国家标准化组织网站欧洲合金标准目录编号中文名称英文名称CR 10316-2001 低合金钢的光辐射分析(常规法)发射光谱法的标准常规法制定指南Optical emission analysis of low alloy steels (routine method) - Guidelines for the preparation of standardroutine method for optical emission spectrometryCR 12471-2002 镍从直接和长期接触皮肤的物品的合金和镀层中释放的屏蔽试验Screening tests for nickel release from alloys and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged contact withthe skinCR 12776-1997 铜和铜合金材料号分配和材料登记的规定和程序Copper and copper alloys - Provisions and procedures for the allocation of material numbers and registration of materialsCR 13388-1998 铜和铜合金组分和产品一览表Copper and copper alloys - Compendium of compositions and productsEN 10016-1-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第1部分:一般要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 1: General requirementsEN 10016-2-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第2部分:一般用钢棒的特殊要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 2: Specific requirements for general purposes rod EN 10016-3-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第3部分:沸腾和沸腾代用低碳钢棒的特殊要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 3: Specific requirements for rimmed andrimmed substitute low carbon steel rodEN 10016-4-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第4部分:专用棒材的特殊要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 4: Specific requirements for rod for specialapplicationsEN 10025-1993 热轧非合金结构钢制品交货技术条件Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels;technical delivery conditions (includes amendment A1:1993)EN 10028-2-2003 压力用途的钢板制品第2部分:具有规定的耐高温性能的非合金钢和合金钢Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels withspecified elevated temperature propertiesEN 10028-4-2003 压力用途的钢板制品第4部分:具有低温特性的镍合金钢Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 4: Nickel alloy steels with specified low temperaturepropertiesEN 10051-1997+A1-1997 非合金钢和合金钢连续热轧钢板材、薄板和带材规范尺寸和形状公差Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels -Tolerances on dimensions and shape (includes amendment A1:1997)EN 10083-2-1996+A1-1996 淬火钢和回火钢第2部分:非合金级钢交货技术条件Quenched and tempered steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for unalloyed quality steels(includes Amendment A1:1996)EN 10090-1998 内燃机阀门用钢和合金Valve steels and alloys for internal combustion enginesEN 10095-1999 耐热钢和镍合金Heat resisting steels and nickel alloysEN 1011-4-2000 焊接金属材料焊接的推荐规范第4部分:铝和铝合金的电弧焊接Welding -Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 4: Arc welding of aluminiumand aluminium alloysEN 10126-1995 半成品交货的冷轧非合金钢电工钢薄板和钢带Cold rolled electricalnon-alloyed steel sheet and strip delivered in the semi-processed stateEN 10165-1995 半成品交货的冷轧电工合金钢制薄板和带材Cold rolled electrical alloyedsteel sheet and strip delivered in the semi-processed stateEN 10210-1-1994 非合金及细晶粒结构钢的热轧结构空心型材交货技术条件Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels; part 1: technical deliveryrequirementsEN 10210-2-1997 非合金及细晶粒结构钢的热轧结构空心型材第2部分:公差、尺寸和截面特性Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels - Part 2:Tolerances, dimensions and sectional propertiesEN 10216-1-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第1部分:有规定室温特性的非合金钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties / Note: To beamended by EN 10216-1/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10216-2-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第2部分:有规定高温特性的非合金及合金钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2:Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties / Note:To be amended by EN 10216-2/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10216-3-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第3部分:合金细晶粒钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubes /Note: To be amended by EN 10216-3/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10216-4-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第4部分:有规定低温特性的非合金及合金钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties /Note: To be amended by EN 10216-4/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10217-1-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第1部分:有规定室温特性的非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature propertiesEN 10217-2-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第2部分:有规定高温特性的电焊非合金及合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -Part 2: Electric welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevatedtemperature propertiesEN 10217-3-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第3部分:合金细晶粒钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubesEN 10217-4-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第4部分:有规定低温特性的电焊非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part4: Electric welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature propertiesEN 10217-5-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第5部分:有规定高温特性的埋弧焊非合金及合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions –Part 5: Submerged arc welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevatedtemperature propertiesEN 10217-6-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第6部分:有规定低温特性的埋弧焊非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part6: Submerged arc welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature propertiesEN 10219-1-1997 冷成型细晶粒钢和非合金钢的焊接结构空心型材第1部分:交货技术要求Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part1: Technical delivery requirementsEN 10219-2-1997 冷成型细晶粒钢和非合金钢的焊接结构空心型材第2部分:公差、尺寸和截面特性Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels- Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and sectional propertiesEN 10223-1-1997 栅栏用钢丝和钢丝制品第1部分:镀锌和镀锌合金的有刺钢丝Steel wire and wire products for fences - Part 1: Zinc and zinc-alloy coated steel barbed wireEN 10224-2002 输送液体(包括人类生活用水)用的非合金钢管和管件交货技术条件Non-alloy steel tubes and fittings for the conveyance of aqueous liquids including water for humanconsumption - Technical delivery conditionsEN 10244-2-2001 钢丝和钢丝制品钢丝上的非黑色金属外层第2部分:锌或锌合金镀层Steel wire and wire products - Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire - Part 2: Zinc or zinc alloycoatingsEN 10248-1-1995 非合金钢制热轧板堆第1部分:交货技术条件Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 1: Technical delivery conditionsEN 10248-2-1995 非合金钢制热轧板堆第2部分:尺寸和形状公差Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 2: Tolerances on shape and dimensionsEN 10249-1-1995 非合金钢制冷成型板堆第1部分:交货技术条件Cold formed sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 1: Technical delivery conditionsEN 10249-2-1995 非合金钢制冷成型板堆第2部分:尺寸和形状公差Cold formed sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 2: Tolerances on shape and dimensionsEN 10250-2-1999 一般工程用途的敞口钢模锻件第2部分:非合金钢和特殊钢Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy quality andspecial steelsEN 10250-3-1999 一般工程用途的敞口钢模锻件第3部分:合金特殊钢Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 3: Alloy special steelsEN 10257-1-1998 动力电缆或通信电缆铠甲用镀锌或锌合金的非合金钢电线第1部分:地面电缆Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables ortelecommunication cables - Part 1: Land cablesEN 10257-2-1998 动力电缆或通信电缆铠甲用镀锌或锌合金的非合金钢电线第2部分:海底电缆Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables ortelecommunication cables - Part 2: Submarine cablesEN 10264-2-2002 钢丝和钢丝制品绳用钢丝第2部分:一般用途绳用冷拔非合金钢丝Steel wire and wire products - Steel wire for ropes - Part 2: Cold drawn non alloy steel wire for ropesfor general applicationsEN 10264-3-2002 钢丝和钢丝制品绳用钢丝第3部分:重载用途圆形和成形非合金钢丝Steel wire and wire products - Steel wire for ropes - Part 3: Round and shaped non alloyed steel wire forhigh duty applicationsEN 10268-1998 冷成形用高屈服强度微合金钢的冷轧扁钢材交货一般条件Cold-rolled flat products made of high yield strength micro-alloyed steels for cold forming - General deliveryconditionsEN 10269-1999 规定高温和/或低温性能的紧固件用钢及镍合金Steels and nickel alloys forfasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature propertiesEN 10296-1-2003 机械和一般工程用途的焊接圆形钢管交货技术条件第1部分:非合金钢管和合金钢管Welded circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes - Technicaldelivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubesEN 10297-1-2003 机械和一般工程用途的无缝圆形钢管交货技术条件第1部分:非合金钢管和合金钢管Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes- Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubesEN 10302-2002 抗蠕变钢、镍和钴合金Creep resisting steels, nickel and cobalt alloysEN 1057-1996 铜和铜合金在卫生和加热器中输送水和气体用无缝圆铜管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applicationsEN 1092-3-2003 法兰及其连接按PN标注的管、阀门、配件及其附件用圆形法兰第3部分:铜合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings andaccessories PN designated - Part 3: Copper alloy flangesEN 1092-4-2002 法兰及其连接按PN标注的管、阀门、配件及其附件用圆形法兰第4部分:铝合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PNdesignated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flangesEN 1172-1996 铜和铜合金建筑用薄板和带材Copper and copper alloys - Sheet and strip for building purposesEN 1173-1995 铜和铜合金原料条件或回火名称Copper and copper alloys - Material condition or temper designationEN 1179-2003 锌和锌合金初级锌Zinc and zinc alloys - Primary zincEN 12019-1997 锌和锌合金光学发射分光光度测定法Zinc and zinc alloys - Optical emission spectrometric analysisEN 12020-1-2001 铝和铝合金合金EN AW-6060和EN AW-6063的精密压制型材第1部分:检验与交货技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloysEN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and deliveryEN 12020-2-2001 铝和铝合金合金EN AW-6060和EN AW-6063的精密压制型材第2部分:尺寸与形状公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloys ENAW-6060 and EN AW-6063 - Part 2: Tolerances on dimensions and formEN 12060-1997 锌和锌合金取样方法规范Zinc and zinc alloys - Method of sampling - Specifications EN 1213-1999 建筑物阀门建筑物内便携式供水用的铜合金断流阀试验和要求Building valves - Copper alloy stopvalves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirementsEN 12163-1998 铜和铜合金一般用途的棒材Copper and copper alloys - Rod for general purposesEN 12164-1998+A1-2000 铜和铜合金供快速切削用的棒材Copper and copper alloys - Rod for free machining purposesEN 12165-1998 铜和铜合金已加工和未加工的锻坯Copper and copper alloys - Wrought and unwrought forging stockEN 12166-1998 铜和铜合金一般用途的线材Copper and copper alloys - Wire for general purposesEN 12167-1998 铜及铜合金一般用途的型材和扁棒材Copper and copper alloys - Profiles and rectangular bar for general purposesEN 12168-1998+A1-2000 铜和铜合金用于非加工目的的空心棒材Copper and copper alloys - Hollow rod for free machining purposesEN 12258-1-1998 铝和铝合金术语和定义第1部分:通用术语Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Part 1: General termsEN 12258-3-2003 铝和铝合金术语和定义第3部分:废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms anddefinitions - Part 3: ScrapEN 12288-2003 工业用阀铜合金闸阀Industrial valves - Copper alloy gate valvesEN 12373-1-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第1部分:铝上装饰和保护阳极氧化膜的测定方法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 1: Method for specifying decorative andprotective anodic oxidation coatings on aluminiumEN 12373-10-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第10部分:用磨擦喷射试验机测定阳极氧化膜的平均比耐磨性Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 10: Measurement of mean specificabrasion resistance of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive jet test apparatus EN 12373-11-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第11部分:20°、45°、60°或85°角处测量阳极氧化膜在的镜面反射率和镜面光泽度Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 11:Measurement of specular reflectance and specular gloss of anodic oxidation coatingsat angles of 20? 45? 60?or 85?国际标准分类号:25.220.2077.120.10英文标准名称:Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part11: Measurement of specular reflectance and specular gloss of anodicoxidation coatings at angles of 20? 45? 60?or 85?EN 12373-12-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第12部分:用积分球仪测量铝表面的反射特性Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 12: Measurement of reflectance characteristics ofaluminium surfaces using integrating-sphere instrumentsEN 12373-13-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第13部分:用测角光度仪或滤色测角光度仪测量铝表面的反射特性Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 13: Measurement ofreflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using a goniophotometer or anabridged goniophotometerEN 12373-14-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第14部分:阳极氧化膜成象清晰度的目测座标比例尺法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 14: Visual determination of imageclarity of anodic oxidation coatings - Chart scale methodEN 12373-15-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第15部分:阳极氧化膜抗形变破裂性的评定Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 15: Assessment of resistance of anodic oxidationcoatings to cracking by deformationEN 12373-16-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第16部分:薄阳极氧化膜的连续性检验硫酸铜试验Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 16: Check of continuity of thinanodic oxdation coatings; Copper sulfate testEN 12373-17-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第17部分:电击穿电压的测定Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 17: Determination of electric breakdown potentialEN 12373-18-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第18部分:点蚀评定铝用检定系统图表法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 18: Rating system for the evaluation of pittingcorrosion; Chart methodEN 12373-19-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第19部分:点蚀评定铝用检定系统网格法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 19: Rating system for the evaluation of pittingcorrosion; Grid methodEN 12373-2-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第2部分:阳极氧化膜单位面积质量(表面密度)的测定重量分析法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 2: Determination of mass perunit area (surface density) of anodic oxidation coatings - Gravimetric methodEN 12373-3-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第3部分:阳极氧化膜厚度的测定分束显微镜无损测量Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 3: Determination of thickness ofanodic oxidation coatings - Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope EN 12373-4-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第4部分:通过事先经酸处理的染斑试验估计封闭后阳极氧化膜吸收能力的损失Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 4: Estimation ofloss of absorptive power of anodic oxidation coatings after sealing by dye spot test withprior acid treatmentEN 12373-5-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第5部分:用导纳测量法评定封闭阳极氧化膜的质量Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 5: Assessment of quality of sealed anodicoxidation coatings by measurement of admittanceEN 12373-6-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第6部分:通过测量事发未经酸处理的磷酸/铬酸中浸泡后的质量损失评定封闭阳极氧化膜Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 6:Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss ofmass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution without prior acidtreatmentEN 12373-7-2002 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第7部分:通过测量事发经酸处理的磷酸/铬酸中浸泡后的质量损失评定封闭阳极氧化膜的Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 7:Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the lossof mass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution with prior acidtreatmentEN 12373-8-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第8部分:着色阳极氧化膜可比耐紫外光和耐热色牢固度的测定Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 8: Determination of the comparativefastness to ultra-violet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatingsEN 12373-9-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第9部分:用磨擦轮磨损试验机测定阳极氧化膜耐磨性和耐磨系数Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 9: Measurement of wearresistance and wear index of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive wheel weartest apparatusEN 12384-1999 铜和铜合金带材弹性弯曲极限的测定Copper and copper alloys - Determination of spring bending limit on stripEN 12392-2000 铝和铝合金锻制品压力设备生产用制品的特殊要求Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Special requirements for products intended for the production ofpressure equipmentEN 12402-1999 铅和铅合金分析用取样方法Lead and lead alloys - Methods of sampling for analysis EN 12420-1999 铜和铜合金锻件Copper and copper alloys - ForgingsEN 12421-1998 镁和镁合金纯镁Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Unalloyed magnesiumEN 12438-1998 镁和镁合金铸造阳极用镁合金Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Magnesium alloys for cast anodesEN 12441-1-2001 锌和锌合金化学分析第1部分:锌合金中铝的测定滴定法Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 1: Determination of aluminium in zinc alloys; Titrimetric method EN 12441-2-2001 锌和锌合金化学分析第2部分:锌合金中镁的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 2: Determination of magnesium in zinc alloys;Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methodEN 12441-3-2001 锌和锌合金化学分析第3部分:铅、镉和铜的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法Zinc und zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 3: Determination of lead, cadmium and copper;Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methodEN 12441-4-2003 锌和锌合金化学分析第4部分:用分光光度法测定锌合金中的铁Zinc and zinc alloys- Chemical analysis - Part 4: Determination of iron in zinc alloys; SpectrophotometricmethodEN 12441-5-2003 锌和锌合金化学分析第5部分:用分光光度法测定原生锌中的铁Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 5: Determination of iron in primary zinc; SpectrophotometricmethodEN 12441-6-2003 锌和锌合金化学分析第6部分:用原子吸收光谱法测定铝和铁Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 6: Determination of aluminium and iron-Flame atomic absorptionspectrometric methodEN 12449-1999 铜和铜合金通用无缝圆管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round tubes for general purposesEN 12450-1999 铜和铜合金无缝圆铜毛细管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper capillary tubesEN 12451-1999 铜和铜合金热交换器用无缝圆管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round tubes for heat exchangersEN 12452-1999 铜和铜合金热交换器用轧制翅片无缝管Copper and copper alloys - Rolled, finned, seamless tubes for heat exchangersEN 12482-1-1998 铝和铝合金一般用重轧坯料第1部分:热轧重轧坯料规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Part 1: Specifications for hot rolled rerollstockEN 12482-2-1998 铝和铝合金一般用重轧坯料第2部分:冷轧重轧坯料规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Part 2: Specifications for cold rolled rerollstockEN 12487-2000 金属的防腐蚀铝和铝合金上清洗和非清洗的铬酸盐转化镀层Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion coatings on aluminium andaluminium alloysEN 12501-2-2003 金属材料的防腐泥土中可能出现的腐蚀第2部分:低合金和非合金的钢铁材料Protection of metallic materials against corrosion - Corrosion likelihood in soil - Part 2:Low alloyed and non alloyed ferrous materialsEN 12508-2000 金属和合金的防腐表面处理、金属和其它无机涂层词汇Corrosion protection of metals and alloys - Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vocabulary EN 12536-2000 焊接消耗品非合金钢和抗蠕变钢气焊用焊条分类Welding consumables - Rods for gas welding of non alloy and creep-resisting steels - ClassificationEN 1254-1-1998 铜和铜合金管件第1部分:低温焊接或纤焊接到铜管上的毛细管用端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 1: Fittings with ends for capillary soldering orcapillary brazing to copper tubesEN 1254-2-1998 铜和铜合金管件第2部分:铜管用压接端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 2: Fittings with compression ends for use with copper tubesEN 1254-3-1998 铜和铜合金管件第3部分:塑料管用压接端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 3: Fittings with compression ends for use with plastics pipesEN 1254-4-1998+AC-1999 铜和铜合金管件第4部分:带有与毛细管端接或压接端头的管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 4: Fittings combining other end connections withcapillary or compression endsEN 1254-5-1998 铜和铜合金管件第5部分:纤焊到铜管的毛细管用短端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 5: Fittings with short ends for capillary brazing to coppertubesEN 12548-1999 铅和铅合金电缆铍和护套用铅合金铸锭Lead and lead alloys - Lead alloy ingots for electric cable sheathing and for sleevesEN 12588-1999 铅和铅合金建筑物用铅轧皮Lead and lead alloys - Rolled lead sheet for building purposesEN 12659-1999 铅和铅合金铅Lead and lead alloys - LeadEN 12735-1-2001 铜和铜合金空调和制冷用无缝圆铜管第1部分:管道系统用管子Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for air conditioning and refrigeration - Part 1:Tubes for piping systemsEN 12735-2-2001 铜和铜合金空调和制冷用无缝圆铜管第2部分:设备用管子Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for air conditioning and refrigeration - Part 2:Tubes for equipmentEN 12844-1998 锌和锌合金铸件规范Zinc and zinc alloys - Castings - SpecificationsEN 12861-1999 铜与铜合金废料Copper and copper alloys - ScrapEN 12862-2000 可运输气瓶可移动再充式焊接铝合金气瓶的设计和结构规范Transportable gas cylinders - Specification for the design and construction of refillable transportable welded aluminiumalloy gas cylindersEN 12893-2000 铜和铜合金螺旋拉伸数的测定Copper and copper alloys - Determination of spiral elongation numberEN 12938-1999 铅锡锑合金的分析方法用原子光谱法测定合金及杂质元素含量Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomicspectrometryEN 1301-1-1997 铝和铝合金拉制线材第1部分:检查和交货的技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and deliveryEN 1301-2-1997+AC-1998 铝和铝合金拉制线材第2部分:机械性能Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 2: Mechanical propertiesEN 1301-3-1997 铝和铝合金拉制线材第3部分:尺寸和公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 3: Tolerances on dimensionsEN 13086-2000 铅和铅合金氧化铅Lead and lead alloys - Lead oxidesEN 13147-2001 铜和铜合金窄带材边界区域中残余应力的测定Copper and copper alloys - Determination of residual stresses in the border area of slit stripEN 13148-2001 铜和铜合金热浸镀锡带材Copper and copper alloys - Hot-dip tinned stripEN 13195-1-2002 铝和铝合金海洋设备(造船、海运和海上设备)用锻造和浇铸产品Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought and cast products for marine applications (shipbuilding,marine and offshore) - Part 1: SpecificationsEN 13283-2002 锌和锌合金再生锌Zinc and zinc alloys - Secondary zincEN 13347-2002 铜和铜合金焊接和黄铜焊用棒和线Copper and copper alloys - Rod andwire for welding and braze weldingEN 13348-2001 铜和铜合金医用气体或真空用无缝圆铜管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for medical gases or vacuumEN 13349-2002 铜和铜合金带实心覆盖层的预绝缘铜管Copper and copper alloys - Pre-insulated copper tubes with solid coveringEN 13599-2002 铜和铜合金电气用途的铜板、铜片和铜条Copper and copper alloys - Copperplate, sheet and strip for electrical purposesEN 13600-2002 铜和铜合金电气用途的无缝铜管Copper and copper alloys - Seamlesscopper tubes for electrical purposesEN 13601-2002 铜和铜合金常规电气用途的铜棒、铜条和铜线Copper and copper alloys -Copper rod, bar and wire for general electrical purposesEN 13602-2002 铜和铜合金用于制造导电体的拉制圆铜线Copper and copper alloys - Drawn,round copper wire for the manufacture of electrical conductorsEN 13603-2002 铜和铜合金评估电气用途拉制圆铜线上的保护锡镀层的试验方法Copper and copper alloys - Test methods for assessing protective tin coatings on drawn round copper wire forelectrical purposesEN 13604-2002 铜和铜合金电子管、半导体器件和真空设备用高导电率铜产品Copper and copper alloys - Products of high conductivity copper for electronic tubes, semiconductor devices andvacuum applicationsEN 13605-2002 铜和铜合金电气用途的铜型材和型线材Copper and copper alloys - Copperprofiles and profiled wire for electrical purposesEN 13828-2003 建筑物阀门建筑物中饮用水供水用手动铜合金及不锈钢球阀试验和要求Building valves - Manually operated copper alloy and stainless steel ball valves for potable water supply inbuildings - Test and requirementsEN 1386-1996 铝和铝合金梯级金属板规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tread plate - SpecificationsEN 13920-1-2003 铝和铝合金废料第1部分:一般要求、取样和试验Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 1: General requirements, sampling and testsEN 13920-10-2003 铝和铝合金废料第10部分:由用过的铝饮料罐组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 10: Scrap consisting of use aluminium beverage cansEN 13920-11-2003 铝和铝合金废料第11部分:包括铝-铜散热器在内的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 11: Scrap consisting of aluminium-copper radiatorsEN 13920-12-2003 铝和铝合金废料第12部分:由单一合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 12: Turnings consisting of one single alloyEN 13920-13-2003 铝和铝合金废料第13部分:由两种或多种合金组成的混合切屑Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 13: Mixed turnings consisting of twoor more alloysEN 13920-14-2003 铝和铝合金废料第14部分:消费品铝包装生产的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 14: Scrap from post-consumer aluminiumpackagingsEN 13920-15-2003 铝和铝合金废料第15部分:消费品铝包装产生的去涂层铝废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 15: Decoated aluminium scrap frompost-consumer aluminium packagingsEN 13920-16-2003 铝和铝合金废料第16部分:由浮渣、碎屑、铸锭的金属物组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 16: Scrap consisting of skimmings, drosses, spills andmetallicsEN 13920-2-2003 铝和铝合金废料第2部分:纯铝废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys -Scrap - Part 2: Unalloyed aluminium scrapEN 13920-3-2003 铝和铝合金废料第3部分:线头和缆绳Aluminium and aluminium alloys -Scrap - Part 3: Wire and cable scrapEN 13920-4-2003 铝和铝合金废料第4部分:由单一锻压合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminiumalloys - Scrap - Part 4: Scrap consisting of one single wrought alloyEN 13920-5-2003 铝和铝合金废料第5部分:由同一系列的两种或多种锻压合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 5: Scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloysof the same seriesEN 13920-6-2003 铝和铝合金废料第6部分:由两种或多种锻压合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 6: Scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloysEN 13920-7-2003 铝和铝合金废料第7部分:由铸锭组成的废料Aluminium and aluminiumalloys - Scrap - Part 7: Scrap consisting of castingsEN 13920-8-2003 铝和铝合金废料第8部分:由铝分离工艺必经的切岁程序中产生的非铁质材料组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 8: Scrap consisting of non-ferrousmaterials from shredding processes destined to aluminium separation processesEN 13920-9-2003 铝和铝合金废料第9部分:非铁质碎料的铝分离工艺所产生的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 9: Scrap from aluminium separation processes ofnon-ferrous shredded materialsEN 13957-2003 铝合及铝合金一般用途挤压圆形、蛇形管规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded round, coiled tube for general applications - SpecificationEN 13958-2003 铝及铝合金一般用途冷拉圆形、蛇形管规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn round, coiled tube for general applications - SpecificationEN 1396-1996 铝和铝合金一般用途的盘绕涂层薄板和带材规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Coil coated sheet and strip for general applications - SpecificationsEN 13981-1-2003 铝及铝合金铁路结构用产品,检验和交货技术条件第1部分:挤压产品Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Products for structural railway applications; Technical conditionsfor inspection and delivery - Part 1: Extruded productsEN 14057-2003 铅及铅合金废料术语和定义Lead and lead alloys - Scraps - Terms and definitions EN 1412-1995 铜和铜合金欧洲编号系统Copper and copper alloys - European numbering systemEN 14121-2003 铝及铝合金电工用铝片、铝带和铝板Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Aluminium sheet, strip and plate for electrotechnical applicationsEN 1503-4-2002 阀门阀体、阀帽和阀套用材料第3部分:欧洲标准规定的铜合金Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 4: Copper alloys specified in European StandardsEN 1559-4-1999 铸造交货的技术条件第3部分:铝合金铸件的附加要求Founding - Technicalconditions of delivery - Part 4: Additional requirements for aluminium alloy castingsEN 1559-5-1997 铸造交货的技术条件镁合金铸件的附加要求Founding - Technical conditionsof delivery - Part 5: Additional requirements for magnesium alloy castingsEN 1559-6-1998 铸造交货的技术条件锌合金铸件附加要求Founding - Technical conditions of delivery - Part 6: Additional requirements for zinc alloy castingsEN 1592-1-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第1部分:检验和交货技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery EN 1592-2-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第2部分:机械性能Aluminium and aluminiumalloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 2: Mechanical propertiesEN 1592-3-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第3部分:圆形管的尺寸和形状公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions and formfor circular tubesEN 1592-4-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第4部分:方形、矩形和异形管的尺寸和形状公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 4: Tolerances on dimensions andform for square, rectangular and shaped tubesEN 1597-1-1997 焊料试验方法第1部分:镍和镍合金钢中完全焊接金属试验样品用试件Welding consumables - Test methods - Part 1: Test piece for all-weld metal test specimens insteel, nickel and nickel alloysEN 1652-1997 铜和铜合金一般用途的平板、薄板材、带材和圆形材Copper and copper alloys - Plate, sheet, strip and circles for general purposesEN 1653-1997+A1-200 铜和铜合金锅炉、压力容器和蓄热水器用的平板、薄板材和圆形材Copper and copper alloys - Plate, sheet and circles for boilers, pressure vessels and hot water storageunitsEN 1654-1997+AC-2003 铜和铜合金弹簧和连接器用带材Copper and copper alloys - Strip for springs and connectorsEN 1655-1997 铜和铜合金符合性声明Copper and copper alloys - Declarations of conformityEN 1668-1997 焊接耗材非合金和细晶粒钢的惰性气体保护钨极焊用焊条焊丝和熔敷分类Welding consumables - Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non alloy and finegrain steels - ClassificationEN 1669-1996 铝及铝合金试验方法薄板材和带材的耳子试验Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Test methods - Earing test for sheet and stripEN 1676-1996 铝及铝合金重熔用的合金锭规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Alloyed ingots for remelting - SpecificationsEN 1706-1998 铝及铝合金铸件化学成分和机械性能Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Castings - Chemical composition and mechanical propertiesEN 1715-1-1997 铝和铝合金拉制件第1部分:检验和交货的一般要求及技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 1: General requirements and technical conditionsfor inspection and deliveryEN 1715-2-1997+AC-1998 铝和铝合金拉制坯料第2部分:电气应用的特殊要求Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 2: Specific requirements for electrical applications EN 1715-3-1997+AC-1998 铝和铝合金拉制坯料第3部分:机械应用的特殊要求(包括焊接) Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 3: Specific requirements for mechanical uses(excluding welding)EN 1715-4-1997 铝和铝合金拉制坯料第4部分:焊接应用的特殊要求Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 4: Specific requirements for welding applicationsEN 1753-1997+AC-1997 镁和镁合金镁合金锭和铸件Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Magnesium alloy ingots and castingsEN 1754-1997 镁和镁合金镁和镁合金氧化极、铸锭和铸件命名体系Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Magnesium and magnesium alloy anodes, ingots and castings - Designation systemEN 1758-1997 铜及铜合金引线架用带材Copper and copper alloys - Strip for lead framesEN 1759-3-2003 法兰及其接头管材、阀门、管件及附件用已命名种类的圆形法兰第2部分:铜合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, classdesignated - Part 3: Copper alloy flangesEN 1759-4-2003 法兰及其接头管材、阀门、管件及附件用已命名种类的圆形法兰第4部分:铝合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, classdesignated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flangesEN 1774-1997 锌和锌合金铸造用合金铸锭和铸液Zinc and zinc alloys - Alloys for foundry purposes - Ingot and liquid。
欧洲标准EN 980:2003具有英国国家标准的地位BS EN 980:2003 BSi 英国标准,在标准政策和战略委员会授权下于2003年8月13日出版。
??BSI 2003年8月13日ISBN 0 580 42460X 此英国国家标准是EN 980:2003的英文官方正式版本,是已撤消的BS EN 980:1997的替代版本。
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—上述要求将适用于某些之前广泛使用的普通标志(例见,5.7、5.8和5.9)—注意EN 980:2003的要求与医疗器械指示标志部分的不协调。
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修正号日期注释BS EN 980:2003 EUROPEAN STANDARD 2003年4月ICS 01.080.2011.040.0111.120.01 替代EN980:1996 中文版本欧洲标准2003年1月9日由欧洲标准委员会(CEN)批准通过。