ARM801 通用安装调试指南v2_CHINES2013.3.30




物理参数 .....................................................................................................................................
概述 ..............................................................................................................................................
拆装 ..............................................................................................................................................
贮藏 ..............................................................................................................................................
S801+ 运行配置 介绍 .............................................................................................................................................. 27 用户界面 ...................................................................................................................................... 27 设置及起动................................................................................................................................... 28 保护参数 ...................................................................................................................................... 30


装置后视面板如图 4-2 所示:
图 4-2 装置后视面板 屏体安装开孔尺寸如图 4-3 所示:
IIM-801 系列智能一体化监控装置使用说明书
图 4-3 开孔尺寸
4.2 装置端口定义
端子 A 的定义如下表所示:
接口名 称
装置在系统中所处的位置如图 1-1 所示:
图 1-1 装置在系统中所处的位置图
2 产品特点 2.1 产品开发平台化 系统设计遵循“基础平台+应用平台+工程配置”的设计思想,采用跨平台技术,可
以在 Windows/Unix/Linux 等不同的操作系统下运行,本产品采用 Linux 内核,保证了 系统运行的稳定性。



串口设备联网服务器用户手册RS-232/485/422 —TCP/IPSerial Device Server User’s ManualVersion 6.11目录1产品简介 (1)1.1产品特色 (1)1.2技术规格 (2)1.3接口特性: (4)连接电源 (4)连接网络 (4)连接串口设备 (5)1.4软件安装 (5)系统要求 (5)软件安装 (6)操作说明 (6)2使用指南 (7)2.1串口服务器参数 (7)2.2配置参数 (8)21产品简介1.1产品特色NP801三合一串口设备联网服务器(G&S NETPORT系列产品之一,以下简称NP801)是我司自主研发生产的工业级串口联网设备。



目前该系列产品已广泛应用于:◢工厂自动化控制◢机房监控◢PLC控制◢智能电表◢生物识别装置、读卡器◢安保系统◢机电仪器联网控制等等领域1NP801特点:●采用32位工业级处理器,高可靠性及低功耗●10/100M自适应以太网接口,串口界面多种可选●所有信号内置15 KV ESD保护,RS485 每线600W TVS保护,网络1.5KV电磁隔离●保证最高波特率115.2Kbps下,长时间双向文件传输不丢1个bit●支持Windows实COM串口驱动程序,支持离线设置虚拟串口,上电即插即用。

●支持通用Socket操作模式,包括TCP Server/Clint和UDP。


提供了多个指示灯来分析服务器的工作状态●平台软件自动搜索服务器●支持7-24V DC宽电压输入,并提供Terminal和Power Jack两种电源接口方式,充分体贴现场安装环境●提供方便的固件升级,保证不断提升产品性能和可靠性,保障客户的投资。




我只是在自己的开发板调试过并且经验有限,有些知识只能做为参考,不一定准确,就算给大家一个“例程”吧,如果大家有不同意见,希望多多指正!硬件篇(一)开发板的整体架构我设计的开发板是在三星44B0 demo板的基础上,参考网络上相关的资料,加入我的思想开发的。















1. 硬件连接:首先,需要将交换芯片正确地连接到相应的电路板上。


2. 驱动安装:接下来,需要安装交换芯片的驱动程序。


3. 参数配置:在安装好驱动程序之后,需要配置交换芯片的参数。



4. 调试软件:在成功安装驱动并配置好参数后,需要使用调试软件对交换芯片进行测试。


5. 调试过程:在调试过程中,可能会遇到各种问题。



6. 测试结果:在完成上述步骤后,你应该能够得到一个稳定、正常工作的交换芯片系统。


7. 记录和总结:在整个调试过程中,你需要详细记录所有的问题和解决方案,以便在将来遇到类似问题时能够快速找到解决方案。






MCU-801A快速安装测试手册V1.3 一. 外型及安装尺寸:1.桌面型整体1.1底部卡口2.1U型整体旧版耳片新版耳片注意:新版耳片单边比旧版耳片长3mm,总长长了6mm。

二. 面板说明及接线定义1.前面板桌面型1U型DEBUG口接线2.后面板桌面型1U 8串型1U 16串型电源接线端子定义电源接线端子Pin 1Pin2Pin3AC 85~264V/ DC 85~370VL(DC+)N(DC-)G(Ground)DI/DO 端口定义串口端子接线定义Pin P 1 2 3 4 5 RS-232 RXD CTS TXD RTS SG RS-422 TX+ TX- RX+ RX- SG RS-485NC NC DATA+DATA- SG三. 硬件测试进行串口测试需在上尚峰位下进行,首先需将设备升级为上尚峰位。

设备与电脑网络连通以后,运行工具DevMgrch ,如图:Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 DO (12A/120V AC 或 12A/30V AC/DC 或7A/250V AC) DO1+DO1- DO2+DO2-DI (24V DC)DI1+DI1- DI2+DI2-点中设备后点击图标,出现对话框如图:选中“下载应用程序固件”,点击按钮,通过打开的对话框指向上尚峰位的文件,如图:打开后点击“更新”即开始升级,升级过程中出现如下对话框,点击确认即可。


升级完成后及成为上尚峰位,如图:1. 串口模式设定及更改升级为上尚峰位后,即可开始串口测试,串口设定及更改是通过更改设备系统中jffs2文件夹内配置文件的方式,首先打开工具Flashfxp,如图:进入菜单“站点”,选择“站点管理器”,如图:打开后输入设备的IP地址、用户名:admin、密码:0000,如图:点击应用并连接,便可进入设备的系统文件,如图:左侧即为设备系统的“jffs2”文件夹,在右侧本地浏览器的路径中指向本地电脑中存放串口配置文件的文件夹,选取文件后右击鼠标再选择传送功能,其中“tcp_serverRS232,tcp_serverRS422,tcp_serverRS485”三个文件为串口的运行文件,“”为串口模式配置文件,只需通过调整“”文件即可调整串口的工作模式。

明德扬 MP801 开发板说明书

明德扬 MP801 开发板说明书

明德扬MP801开发板说明书修订日期:20200409 版本:v5.0目录明德扬MP801开发板说明书 (1)一、明德扬MP801开发板介绍 (3)二、开发板硬件介绍 (4)1、FPGA芯片 (4)2、数码管和LED灯 (4)3、拨码开关 (5)4、普通按键和复位按键 (5)5、温度传感器 (6)6、EEPROM存储器 (6)7、VGA接口 (7)8、锋鸣器 (7)9、SDRAM存储器 (8)10、千兆网口 (8)11、USB串口 (9)12、AD9709与AD9280 (9)13、基它扩展口 (10)三、配套学习资料 (10)四、配套案例列举 (11)五、技术支持 (12)六、更多帮助 (12)一、明德扬MP801开发板介绍MP801开发板是基于altera Cyclone IV 系列FPGA自主研发的高校级教学开发板,6层板制作工艺,尺寸为130mm*100mm。


从简单的led 到复杂的SDRAM等一应俱全,其中板载EP4CE15F23C8,拥有15K逻辑资源,504K bit ram资源,且板载3片128M bit SDRAM,适合存储大容量的数据;并且拥有125Mhz 双通道转换速率的高速并行DA芯片AD9709和32Mhz 转换速率的高速并行AD芯片AD9280,编程简单,适用做算法验证;并且采用64M spi flash存储器存储程序,满足开发需求。


二、开发板硬件介绍1、FPGA芯片Altera Cyclone IV系列芯片,采用型号为:EP4CE15F23C8,逻辑单元:15408,用户可用IO:6272,内部存储器:516096,PLL:4,M9K:112,可通过低功耗和成本实现较高的功能性。


智能融合2系列SoC FPGA开发板使用指南说明书

智能融合2系列SoC FPGA开发板使用指南说明书

Application Note AC401January 20141© 2014 Microsemi Corporation SmartFusion2 SoC FPGA - SPI Master ProgrammingTable of ContentsPurposeThis application note describes how to use the serial peripheral interface (SPI) Master Programming mode on SmartFusion ®2 system-on-chip (SoC) field programmable gate array (FPGA) Development Kit board DVP-102-000400-001 Rev C.Note:Rev A and Rev B Development Kit Board are not supported.Two software utilities, SPI_Memory.exe and SetMuxes.exe, are described in this document. The SPI_Memory.exe is used to program Atmel ® AT25DF641 and SetMuxes.exe is used to configure the multiplexers on the Development Kit board to either perform SPI Memory Programming or initiate SPI Master Programming.IntroductionSPI Master Programming mode, also known as auto-update or reflash is one of the programming methods available to program SmartFusion2 devices. Refer to the SmartFusion2 Programming User's Guide for more information on the available programming modes. On power-up or resetting the device with FLASH_GOLDEN_N pin asserted (driven low), the SmartFusion2 device configures the dedicated SPI port to operate in Master mode. It also reads the attached external SPI memory device from address zero. Auto programming is executed if a valid programming image is found. Figure 1 shows a high level system design to execute auto programming.Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Development Kit Board Programming Circuit Design Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Programming the SPI Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4List of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Appendix A - SPI Memory Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Appendix B - SetMuxes Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7SmartFusion2 SoC FPGA - SPI Master Programming2Development Kit Board Programming Circuit Design DescriptionThe Development Kit board programming circuitry has an on board FT4232H module from Future Technology Devices International (FTDI). This module is a universal serial bus (USB)-to-serial interface converter. For more information on FT432H module, see FTDI website at /Products/Modules/DevelopmentModules.htm. This module is connected to the M2S dedicated SPI port and the SPI memory device using the multiplexers. The multiplexers can then be configured either manually or through SetMuxes.exe utility described below to program the Atmel SPI memory device or to initiate an auto-programming operation. The Development Kit board is designed in this fashion to program the SPI memory device on board through the FTDI chip. Figure 2 shows how the multiplexers are connected.Figure 1 • Auto Programming (SPI- Master) ModeDevelopment Kit Board Programming Circuit Design Description3Figure 2 • Connection of MultiplexersFigure 3 • Development Kit Board Programming Circuit - Auto Programming ModuleSmartFusion2 SoC FPGA - SPI Master Programming4Note:Some of the FT4232H I/O pins control the enable and select signals of the multiplexers.SetMuxes.exe configures these pins to either perform the SPI memory programming manually or initiate auto-programming.Programming the SPI MasterThe following steps describe how to program the SPI master.1.Set the jumpers on the Development Kit board as:–J43 (Pin 1 - Pin 2)–J55 (Pin 1 - Pin 2)–J70 (Pin 2 - Pin 3)2.Install the FTDI drivers based on the operating system as described in the FTDI driver installationguide available at: /Support/Documents/InstallGuides.htm.3.Copy the following files into a local directory on your PC.–FTCJTAG.dll: Used for interfacing FT2232 to devices using the JTAG protocol.Note:Click the file name to download a ZIP file containing the library.–libMPSSE.dll : This library has been created to aid the implementation of I2C designs using FTDI devices which incorporate the FTDI MPSSE.–SetMuxes.exe: Refer "Appendix B - SetMuxes Utility"for more information.–SPI_Memory.exe: Refer "Appendix A - SPI Memory Utility"for more information.–Click here to download a sample demo project containing both the exe files.4.Copy the programming file (.spi) to a local directory on the PC. Use one of the .spi files included inthis demo package or generate a design and export it through Libero ® System-on-Chip (SoC)software. For more information on how to use Libero software, refer /download/software/liberosoc/default.aspx.5.Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the directory where the files are saved.6.Connect the Development Kit board mini USB (J24) to the PC.7.Power-up the Development Kit board.Figure 4 • Development Kit Board Programming Circuit - FT4232H ModuleProgramming the SPI Master58.In the command prompt, type:SetMuxes MEMThis application sets the multiplexers for the FTDI chip to access the Atmel memory device on the board. Figure 4 shows an example message on successful setting-up of the multiplexers.9.In the command prompt, type:SPI_Memory -aprogram <file name>.spiThis updates the Atmel spi memory device, as shown in Figure 6.10.In the command prompt type the following:SetMuxes REFFigure 5 • SetMuxes MEMFigure 6 • aprogram <file name>.spiSmartFusion2 SoC FPGA - SPI Master Programming6This command sets the multiplexers for the M2S chip to access the Atmel memory device on the board and initiates reflash, as shown in Figure 7. The M2S device functions with a delay of approximately a minute. The functioning is based on the design that you programmed.Note:With this configuration, any subsequent resets to the device or board power cycle initiate thereflash operation again.11.In the command prompt type the following:SetMuxes SPIThis application sets the multiplexers for the FTDI chip to access the M2S device, as shown in Figure 8.List of ChangesThe following table lists critical changes that were made in the current version of the document.Figure 7 • SetMuxes REFFigure 8 • SetMuxes SPIRevisionChanges in Current Version (51900145-2/2.08*)Page Revision 1January 2014Updated the section "Programming the SPI Master"(SAR 53223).4Appendix A - SPI Memory Utility7Appendix A - SPI Memory UtilitySPI_Memory.exe is a standalone command line utility that uses the FTDI chip to program the SPI file into the Atmel AT25DF641 memory device used in the Development Kit board. This supports the following platforms:•Windows XP •Windows Vista •Windows 7Usage: spi_memory [options] <filename> Available options:•-h : show help message •-a<action>: Specify action name as follows:–read_id: Read device ID.–Blank: Checks to see if device is in erased state.–Erase: Erases the entire device.–Program: Programs the content of the file into the device starting at address 0.–Verify: Verifies the content of the device against the file.–Read: Reads the content of the device and saves it in ReadBuffer.bin.Appendix B - SetMuxes UtilitySetMuxes.exe configures the multiplexers on the Development Kit board based on the desired operation.This supports the following platforms:•Windows XP •Windows Vista •Windows 7Usage: SetMuxes [options]MEM: Configures the multiplexers to enable FTDI connection to the SPI memory device on the dedicated SPI port.REF: Configures the multiplexers to connect the M2S device to the SPI memory device and initiate reflash.SPI: Configures the multiplexers to connect the M2S device to FTDI for SPI- Slave programming.51900269-1/01-14© 2013 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi Corporation (NASDAQ: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor solutions for: aerospace, defense and security; enterprise and communications; and industrial and alternative energy markets. Products include high-performance, high-reliability analog and RF devices, mixed signal and RF integrated circuits, customizable SoCs, FPGAs, and complete subsystems. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, Calif. Learn more at .Microsemi Corporate HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996。


SCR.H.POST 0 拉幕中心调整 GAME OPTION ALL 游戏开/关 2种
RF.AGC 35 高放AGC调整 0--63 ZOOM1 V.SIZE 120 放大状态场幅调整
VOLUME 127 内部音量调整 0--127 ZOOM2 V.SIZE 48 16:9场幅调整
R-Y/B-Y.G.BL 8 PAL 制解调比增益 0--15 H.BLK.LEFT 7 行左消隐调整
FBPBLK.SW 0 行消隐开关 A.MONI.SW 1 IC内部音频选择开关
WPL OPE 2 白峰限制 S.TRHP.SW INT 内部外部陷波器选择
PRE/OVER ADJ 2 亮度信号前后沿过冲调整 V.LEV.OFFSET 3 过调制时视频检波输出的补偿量
PRE/OVER .SW 0 亮度信号前后沿开关 OVER.MOD.SW. OFF 过调制功能开关
SCREEN OPT ALL 开机/开机均可拉幕 V.MUTE.P.OFF ON 关机前黑屏选择开/关
SCREEN TIME 4 开机屏显示时间 CALENDAR ON ON 电视日历开/关
G-DRV 8 绿驱动 0--15 NT.V.PHASE +01 N制行中心



8系列芯片组 的CLOCK架构图:
以上确认都没有问题的话,主板基本都是已经能正常开机了,当然是要保证BIOS 已经调试OK的前期下。接着就需要对板卡上对应的接口功能进行测试: 一)、USB接口: 是否能正常识别设备? 如果有问题,确认步骤如下: 1、BIOS是否禁用? 2、系统下是否禁用? 3、供电是否正常?(PCH PLL也需检查) 4、信号线路是否焊接不良、少料、短路、断路等? 5、USB3.0还要考虑驱动是否安装正确? 6、补偿信号是否有问题? ....
八)、内存: 是否能正常识别设备? 如果有问题,确认步骤如下: 1、供电是否正常?(包括内存和CPU两端都要检查) 2、BIOS CORE是否正确? 3、内存CLOCK是否正确? 4、信号线路是否焊接不良、少料、短路、断路等? ....
九)、VGA: 是否能正常识别设备? 如果有问题,确认步骤如下: 1、BIOS CORE是否正确? 2、供电是否正常?(PCH PLL检查) 3、信号线路是否焊接不良、少料、短路、断路等? 4、补偿信号是否有问题? ....
四)、PCI接口: 是否能正常识别设备? 如果有问题,确认步骤如下: 1、BIOS是否禁用? 2、系统下是否禁用? 3、供电是否正常?(PCH PLL也需检查) 4、信号线路是否焊接不良、少料、短路、断路等? 5、PCI CLOCK是否正常? 6、PCIRST信号是否正常? 7、IRQ资源是否分配? 8、中断配置是否正确? 9、补偿信号是否有问题? ....



SmartFusion2 MSS Clocks ConfigurationTable of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 System Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Advanced Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51System Clocks Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MSS CCC Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cortex-M3 and MSS Main Clock (M3_CLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MDDR Clocks (MDDR_CLK and DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MSS APB_0 and APB_1 Sub-busses Clocks (APB_0_PCLK and APB_1_PCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FPGA Fabric Interface Clocks (FIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Advanced Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 PLL Lock(s) Advanced Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A Product Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Customer Technical Support Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Contacting the Customer Technical Support Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ITAR Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11IntroductionThe MSS Clock Conditioning Circuitry (MSS CCC) provides a single place where all clocks related to the MSS and the communication between the MSS and the FPGA fabric can be configured.The MSS_CCC configurator is organized into tabs: System Clocks and Advanced Options (Figure 1).System ClocksThe System Clocks tab (Figure 2) enables you to configure/view:•The MSS CCC clock source CLK_BASE. The Configurator computes the frequency for you based on how the other clocks are configured.•The main MSS clock M3_CLK–Enter a value below 167 MHz to drive the Cortex-M3 Processor.–This is a limitation of the Cortex-M3.•The MDDR related clocks (MDDR_CLK and DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK)–MDDR_CLK and DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK must be between 20 MHz and 334 MHz.•The MSS APB_0 and APB_1 Peripheral clocks (APB_0_CLK and APB_1_CLK)–Choose a divisor of 1, 2, 4 or 8 to divide into the M3_CLK frequency to get the APB_0_CLK and APB_1_CLK frequency you want.•The two Fabric Interface (FIC) clocks (FIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK)–Choose a divisor of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 to divide into the M3_CLK frequency to get theFIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK frequency you want.Figure 1 •MSS CCC ConfiguratorOnly the clocks used in your design are editable for configuration in the MSS CCC configurator. Make sure to enable and correctly configure all the MSS sub-blocks you intend to use in your design beforeconfiguring the MSS CCC sub-block. What can be configured and how (rules) depends on what is being used; see "System Clocks Configuration" on page 6 for details.The System Clocks tab displays a high level block diagram of your design displayed based on what you have enabled/disabled/configured in the MSS configurator. The block diagram shows the different clock domains (each clock domain is a different color) within the MSS as well as the clock domains that cross into the FPGA fabric. If you click any of the clocks (blue labels) you will see that particular clock domainFigure 2 •System Clocks Tabhighlighted on the block diagram Figure 3 shows the M3_CLK clock domain highlighted. It shows what components this clock is driving.Advanced OptionsYou can also configure more advanced options related to the PLL LOCKs using the Advanced tab. See "Advanced Options" on page 9 for a summary.Figure 3 •M3_CLK Domain Highlighted1 – System Clocks ConfigurationThe System Clocks tab (Figure 1-1) enables you to configure:•The MSS CCC clock source CLK_BASE •The main MSS clock M3_CLK •The MDDR related clocks (MDDR_CLK and DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK)•The MSS APB_0 and APB_1 Peripheral clocks (APB_0_CLK and APB_1_CLK)•The two Fabric Interface (FIC) clocks (FIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK)MSS CCC Clock SourceIn normal operating mode (non Flash*Freeze) the MSS CCC is configured to be sourced from the FPGA fabric via the CLK_BASE port.If you use any of the FIC clocks (DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK, FIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK), CLK_BASE is automatically set at the lowest frequency of any of the used FIC clocks and is not editable. In this case, when MSS outputs and inputs are to/from the fabric, the MSS I/Os are synchronous to CLK_BASE. For a more comprehensive system level view of the clocking methodology for interfacing the MSS and the FPGA fabric through the MSS FICs, refer to the SmartFusion2 MSS Creating a Design using MSS Fabric Interfaces document.If none of the FIC clocks are used, the CLK_BASE frequency is editable and you can select a clock frequency between 1 MHz and 200 MHz. In this case, the MSS I/Os are asynchronous.If CLK_BASE is sourced by a PLL in the FPGA fabric, you should connect the PLL LOCK signal from that fabric CCC to the MSS CLK_BASE_PLL_LOCK. When the chip system controller boots the device (atFigure 1-1 •System Clocks Configuration TabPoR or when the external pin DEVRST_N has been asserted/de-asserted) it monitors the external PLLLOCK as well as the internal MPLL LOCK and only switches to the clock configurations defined in thisconfigurator when the PLL have a stable lock.Cortex-M3 and MSS Main Clock (M3_CLK)The main clock for the Cortex-M3 and the MSS is M3_CLK; you must define its frequency.The following rules must be satisfied and are checked by the MSS_CCC configurator as you enter afrequency for M3_CLK:1.The M3_CLK frequency must be less than or equal to 167 MHz.2.The MDDR_CLK frequency must be less than or equal to 333 MHz.3.If the CAN peripheral is used M3_CLK must be a multiple of 8 MHz.4.If the USB peripheral is used M3_CLK must be greater than 30.1 MHZ.MDDR Clocks (MDDR_CLK and DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK)When the MDDR sub-block is configured as a DDR interface:•The MDDR_CLK drives the DDR controller and the DDR Bridge in the MSS. You can select this clock to be a multiple - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 - of the main MSS clock M3_CLK.•The DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK drives the DDR FIC slave interface and defines the frequency at which the FPGA fabric sub-system connected to this interface is intended to run. You can select thisclock to be a ratio - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 16 - of MDDR_CLK. To enable this, you need to enableFabric Interface Settings (i.e., FIC64) in the MDDR configurator.•If MDDR_CLK ratio to M3_CLK is a multiple of 3, DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK's ratio to MDDR_CLK must also be a multiple of 3, and vice versa. The configurator issues an error if this requirement isnot met. This limitation is imposed by the internal implementation of the MSS CCC.When the MDDR sub-block is configured as a Soft Memory Controller (SMC) interface:•The MDDR_CLK drives the DDR Bridge in the MSS. It is automatically set by the configurator to be equal to M3_CLK and is not editable.•The DDR_SMC_FIC_CLK drives the SMC master fabric interface. It is automatically set by the configurator to be equal to M3_CLK and is not editable.MSS APB_0 and APB_1 Sub-busses Clocks (APB_0_PCLK and APB_1_PCLK)There are two internal APB sub-busses in the MSS: APB_0 and APB_1. Each of these sub-bussesperipheral is clocked by APB_0_CLK and APB_1_CLK, respectively. These clocks are derived from themain MSS clock M3_CLK. Each APB clock can be programmed individually as M3_CLK divided by 1, 2,4 or 8.Note:Some peripherals may require a slower Peripheral clock (PCLK) to achieve certain configurations.Changing the APB sub-bus PCLK affects all peripherals present on that bus.FPGA Fabric Interface Clocks (FIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK) For applications where the AMBA fabric Interface is used to connect to a soft AMBA sub-system (softbus/bridge/peripheral cores), the FIC sub-system clocks (FIC_0_CLK and FIC_1_CLK) must beconfigured such that the generated frequencies meet the timing requirements of the FPGA logicimplemented in the fabric for each FIC sub-system.The FPGA fabric clocks, when used, can only be the MSS clock divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32. You mustverify that the FPGA fabric timing for each FIC sub-system meets the selected fabric clock frequency byperforming timing analysis of your design using SmartTime.For a more comprehensive system level view of the clocking methodology for interfacing the MSS and the FPGA fabric through the MSS FICs, refer to the SmartFusion2 MSS Creating a Design Using MSSFabric Interfaces document.2 – Advanced OptionsThe Advanced Options tab enables you to configure Advanced PLL Lock Options:PLL Lock(s) Advanced OptionsLock Count (Delay) - Sets the number of CLK_BASE (reference clock) clock cycles by which the lock is delayed after the MPLL has reached the lock condition. The default value is 32.Lock Window (ppm) - Configures the maximum phase error allowed for the MPLL to indicate it has locked. The lock window is expressed as parts per million (ppm) of the reference frequency. The default value is 8,000.You can enable interrupts to the Cortex-M3 to monitor assertions and de-assertions of the MPLL lock.You can expose the MPLL LOCK signal to the FPGA fabric and use it as part of your design to monitor the health of the MPLL (loss or lock may require special handling by your application).You can enable interrupts to the Cortex-M3 to monitor assertions and de-assertions of the CLK_BASE PLL lock if you are monitoring this signal by checking the Monitor FPGA Fabric PLL Lock (CLK_BASE_PLL_LOCK) checkbox (Figure 3).Figure 2-1 •Advanced Options Configuration TabA – Product SupportMicrosemi SoC Products Group backs its products with various support services, including CustomerService, Customer Technical Support Center, a website, electronic mail, and worldwide sales offices.This appendix contains information about contacting Microsemi SoC Products Group and using thesesupport services.Customer ServiceContact Customer Service for non-technical product support, such as product pricing, product upgrades,update information, order status, and authorization.From North America, call 800.262.1060From the rest of the world, call 650.318.4460Fax, from anywhere in the world, 650.318.8044Customer Technical Support CenterMicrosemi SoC Products Group staffs its Customer Technical Support Center with highly skilledengineers who can help answer your hardware, software, and design questions about Microsemi SoCProducts. The Customer Technical Support Center spends a great deal of time creating applicationnotes, answers to common design cycle questions, documentation of known issues, and various FAQs.So, before you contact us, please visit our online resources. It is very likely we have already answeredyour questions.Technical SupportFor Microsemi SoC Products Support, visit /products/fpga-soc/design-support/fpga-soc-support.WebsiteYou can browse a variety of technical and non-technical information on the Microsemi SoC ProductsGroup home page, at /soc.Contacting the Customer Technical Support CenterHighly skilled engineers staff the Technical Support Center. The Technical Support Center can becontacted by email or through the Microsemi SoC Products Group website.EmailYou can communicate your technical questions to our email address and receive answers back by email,fax, or phone. Also, if you have design problems, you can email your design files to receive assistance.We constantly monitor the email account throughout the day. When sending your request to us, pleasebe sure to include your full name, company name, and your contact information for efficient processing ofyour request.The technical support email address is **********************.5-02-00338-2.0/03.19Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer's responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided "as is, where is" and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.About Microsemi Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for communications, defense & security, aerospace and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; Enterprise Storage and Communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, Calif. and has approximately 4,800employees globally. Learn more at .Microsemi Corporate HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996E-mail:***************************©2019 Microsemi Corporation. All rightsreserved. Microsemi and the Microsemilogo are trademarks of MicrosemiCorporation. All other trademarks andservice marks are the property of theirrespective owners.My CasesMicrosemi SoC Products Group customers may submit and track technical cases online by going to My Cases .Outside the U.S.Customers needing assistance outside the US time zones can either contact technical support via email (**********************) or contact a local sales office.Visit About Us for sales office listings and corporate contacts .Sales office listings can be found at /soc/company/contact/default.aspx.ITAR Technical SupportFor technical support on RH and RT FPGAs that are regulated by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), contact us via ***************************. Alternatively, within My Cases, select Yes in the ITAR drop-down list. For a complete list of ITAR-regulated Microsemi FPGAs, visit the ITAR web page.。

UMG 801 传输模块 安装说明书

UMG 801 传输模块 安装说明书

Janitza electronics GmbH Vor dem Polstück 6D-35633 Lahnau (德国)客户支持电话 +49 6441 9642-22传真 +49 6441 9642-30电子邮件:**************** w w w .j a n i t z a .c o m 文档编号: 版本:08/2023UMG 801的 传输模块安装说明书 模块800-CON - 传输模块(2件套)2用户手册:图:传输模块800-CON (输出和输入端)信息 ·在构建测量设备和模块拓扑时,应务必注意作为基础设备的UMG 801最多允许安装10个模块。

JanBus 的最大总线长度为100 m 。

·成套传输模块(800-CON )既可作为输出端也可作为输入端使用。



·在安装模块前: -将系统电源切断!确保其不会由于疏忽而被重新接通!确定电源已被切断!接地和短路!覆盖或隔离相邻的带电部件! ·确保安装环境具有充足的通风,必要时应采取冷却措施。


传输模块的供货范围包括匹配的总线连接器(Jan-Bus 接口)。

终端角请:• 目视检查设备及其组件是否存在任何机械故障。

• 在开始安装设备及其组件前,应检查供货范围是否完整(参见用户手册)。


基础设备及其组件出现以下情况时,将无法保证安全运行:• 出现明显损坏。

• 尽管电源正常,但设备不再继续工作。

• 长时间处于恶劣条件下(例如:在不允许的气候条件下存储设备并且未对室内气候环境进行调整,结露等类似情况)或在运输过程中遇到问题(例如:从高度掉落,即便未出现明显的损坏等类似情况)。



标题:ARM调试问题总结2010-04-30 15:47:52基于ADS的ARM调试有关问题总结1.在添加文件的过程中你可能已经发现了CodeWarrior IDE 为用户建立了三个Target,分别是“DebugRel”、“Realse”、“Debug”,这三个Target 分别表示三种调试方式。

DebugRel 表示在生成目标的时候会为每一个源文件生成调试信息;Debug 表示为每一个源文件生成最完全的调试信息;Release 表示不生成任何调试信息。


同时从图6 可以发现每次添加文件的时候都会询问添加到哪个“Target”,一般默认三个都添加,点击确定。

2.我在编译程序的时候出现了这样的错误,请问是什么问题啊Error : (Fatal)L6002U: Could not open file D:\...\tmmgrsp\周力功\ARM嵌入式系统实验教程\FlashDown.mcpre:别用中文名路径,换成英文的;点击Project下的Remove Object Code..,然后在重新编译下就OK了。

3.刚买了一块2131开发板,不管怎样擦除都不能在AXD下仿真错误显示:Error, FLASH is protected by user configation!re:1:请使用EasyJTAG V1.06的版本;2:在JTAG配置中选中“当需要的时候擦除”。

4.在AXD中提示error 0x40001e00! FLASH Sector 0 write failed!re:1. 使用EasyJTAG写外部FLASH要注意,需使用16位总线方式,需要使用SST39VF106芯片.2. 如果是自己做的板子,需要先在内部RAM调试通过,保证EasyJTAG与板子已经连通.3. 如果有外部RAM,要先通过(测试)外部RAM来测试总线.5.在AXD中提示RDI Warning 00254:Unimplemented RDI是JTAG的问题.可以先使用ISP操作试试就知道了,如果能ISP,说明LPC2104 没有损坏,还能正常运行程序JTAG的nRST、TDI、TMS、RTCK等引脚注意要接上下拉电阻,以确保JTAG在上电时有一个稳定的初始状态,具体参看ARM公司给出的JTAG参考电路。

MW801、MW802 Smart Combined Meter 用户手册说明书

MW801、MW802 Smart Combined Meter 用户手册说明书

USER MANUALPORTABLE pH/EC/TDS METER MODEL: MW801, MW802Smart Combined MeterWARRANTY:This instrument is warranted from all defects in materials and manufacturing for a period of two years from the date of purchase.The probe is warranted for a period of six months .If during this period the repair or replacement of parts is required, where the damage is not due to negligence or erroneous operation by the user, please return the parts to either distributor or our office and the repair will be effected free of change.Note :We reserve the right to modify the design,construction and appearance of our productswithout advance notice.PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONRemove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has occurred during shipment. If noticeable damage is found, notify your Dealer.Each meter is supplied complete with:•MA850DIN preamplified non refillable double junction combination pH electrode with built in EC/TDS probe and temperature sensor;1m (3.3') cable.•pH7.01, 1413 µS/cm & 1382 ppm (for MW801)or 1500 ppm (for MW802) solutions, 20 mL each.•Instruction Manual.• 1 x 9V battery.OPERATIONSlide the battery compartment cover located on the back of the meter off, and install the battery into the battery clip connector while observing polarity.Connect the probe to the meter securely by aligning the pins with the socket and pushing the plug in.Always remove the electrode protective cap before use.Make sure that the meter has been calibrated before taking any measurements (see calibration procedure).Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key.pH MEASUREMENTSIf the electrode has been left dry, soak the tip in a pH7 (M10007) buffer solution for a few minutes to reactivate it.Submerge the tip of the electrode into the sample to be measured, select the pH mode and allow the reading to stabilize before taking measurements.EC/TDS MEASUREMENTSImmerse the tip of the electrode into the sample to be tested.Select the measurement range (EC or TDS)and wait for the temperature sensor to reach thermal equilibrium with the samples before taking measurements.CALIBRATION PROCEDURE:Remove the protective cap from the electrode.Switch the meter on.Select the range pressing the appropriate key for pH, EC or TDS.pH Calibration A) PREPARATIONSingle point manual calibration. Choose buffer.If you are going to measure samples near pH 7use pH 7.01 buffer solution (M10007B ) for calibration;use pH 4.01 buffer solution (M10004B ) for acidic measurements, or pH 10.01(M10010B ) for alkaline measurements.B) PROCEDURERinse the tip of the electrode and immerse it in the calibration solution. Wait a couple of minutes for the reading to stabilize.Measure the temperature of the buffer solution with a thermometer.Adjust the calibration knob until the LCD shows the pH value of the buffer at the measured temperature (see pH versus temperature chart).The calibration is now complete and the meter is ready for use.EC/TDS calibration:A)PREPARATIONSingle point EC calibration.Choose appropriate standard:Model MW801: use 1382 ppm(M10032B ) for TDS or 1.413 μS/cm (M10031B )for EC calibration.Model MW802: use 1500 ppm (M10442B ) for TDS or 1.413 mS/cm (M10031B ) for EC calibration.B)PROCEDUREImmerse the tip of the electrode in the standard solution.Wait for the reading to stabilize, and thermal equilibrium be reached.Turn the EC/TDS calibration knob until the display shows the EC or TDS reading at 25°C.The calibration is now complete and the meter is ready for use.The instrument should be re-calibrated at least once a month, or when the probe or battery is replaced.Note :The conversion between EC and TDS ismade by a built-in circuit. If calibration is made in EC range, TDS range is automatically calibrated (or vice versa).BATTERY REPLACEMENT:The meters are powered by a 9V battery that is in a compartment located in the rear of the instrument.When the battery becomes weak, the instrument automatically switches off.Replacement must only take place in a non-hazardous area using an alkaline 9V battery. Slide off the battery compartment cover and replace the old battery with a new one. Make sure that the battery contacts are fully engaged in the connector. Seat the battery in is compartment and replace the cover.pH VERSUS TEMPERATURE CHARTOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESM10007B pH7.01 buffer solution,25x20 mL sachetM10004B pH4.01 buffer solution,25x20 mL sachetM10010B pH10.01 buffer solution,25x20 mL sachetM10031B 1413 μS/cm calibration solution, 25x20 mL sachet M10032B 1382 ppm calibration solution, 25x20 mL sachet M10442B1500 ppm calibration solution, 25x20 mL sachet P M E T S E U L A V H p C °F °4009A M 7009A M 0109A M 02310.431.723.0151400.401.742.01010500.470.781.01519500.440.721.01028600.430.760.01527710.410.710.01036820.400.769.9535930.499.629.90440140.489.658.95431150.489.658.90522160.489.628.95513170.489.697.90604190.489.677.95694111.499.667.90785121.499.657.9SPECIFICATIONS:MW801MW802RANGE0.0 to 14.0 pH 0.00 to 14.00 pH 0 to 1990 ppm 0 to 4000 ppm 0 to 1990 μS/cm0.00 to 6.00 mS/cmRESOLUTION0.1 pH 0.10 pH 10 ppm 10 ppm 10 μS/cm 0.01 mS/cmACCURACY ± 0.2 pH ±0.20 pH (@ 20ºC)±2% Full scale ±2% Full scaleCALIBRATION M10007B (pH 7.01)SOLUTIONSM10031B (1.413 mS/cm)M10032B (1382ppm)M10442B (1500ppm)CONVERSION 0.50.68FACTOR CALIBRATIONManual, at 1 pointTEMPERATURE COMPENSATIONAutomatic from 0 to 50ºCPROBE MA850DIN combination pH/EC/TDS probeENVIRONMENT0 to 50ºC, 95%RH maxBATTERY LIFE /TYPE1x9V alkalineapprox. 150 hours of use DIMENSIONS 143 x 80 x 32 mm WEIGHT220 g (with battery)。


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15秒斜坡、每小时起动4次、40ą时300%限流 25秒斜坡、每小时起动4次、40ą时300%限流 15秒斜坡、每小时起动4次、50ą时300%限流 50秒斜坡、每小时起动2次、50ą时300%限流 15秒斜坡、每小时起动4次、40ą时450%限流 马力和千瓦额定值(重负荷) 30秒斜坡、每小时起动4次、40ą时450%限流 重负荷额定值 冷却 短路额定值 ྱ൳ҩᑞᤤᮉ 泵控制选项 ߶ᜈNj᝹ᎵNjុᓫ ःၸᬃซ
该指导手册用于正确安装、运行并维护本设备。若本设备安装及维护不当可能导致严重人身伤害。 在安装或维护之前,请仔细阅读并充分理解此手册。
由于可能有漏电流经过可控硅整流器,即使起动器关闭时,电机负载端子间亦可能存在线间电位 差。维修起动器或电机之前应始终断开输入电源。
功率因数电容器:勿将功率因数修正电容器接至起动器负载侧,它们可导致起动器故障。若使用电 容器,则须将其接至起动器线路侧,并尽量靠近上位线路。
150.0 Slots (U‫˝ۋ‬132)
S801 ᣃᡐҮ٧ၸਖ਼੣б
385.0 Slots
4 × 6.8 95.0
型 号 N RBiblioteka T和U V螺钉规格 #10 – 32 x 0.5 1/4 – 20 x 0.625 1/4 – 20 x 0.625 1/4-20×1.5 8级Allen美制六角螺栓
智能技术软起动器的设计宗旨在满足冷凝器、水泵及机床等应用场合下(从最恶劣的起动条件考 虑,至少须产生85ˁ的电机额定起动转矩)起动要求。

西门子 sinumerik 801控制系统 安装调试手册

西门子 sinumerik 801控制系统 安装调试手册

SINUMERIK 801资料结构SINUMERIK 801安装调试手册技术手册适用于控制系统SINUMERIK 8012005年11月SINUMERIK文献版本说明以下是当前版本及以前各版本的简要说明。


在“附注”栏中的状态码分别表示:A ... ... 新文件B ... ... 没有改动,但以新的订货号重印C ... ... 有改动,并重新发行版本订货号附注2005.11 6FC5598-1CC00-0RP0 A注册商标SIMATIC®,SIMATIC HMI®,SIMATIC NET®,SIMODRIVE ®,SINUMERIK®和SIMOTION®均为西门子公司的注册商标。










© Siemens AG, 2005如有技术改动,恕不提前通知。

Siemens-Aktiengesellschaft. SINUMERIK 801®SINUMERIK 801I 安装调试手册 安全信息该手册中包含一些安全信息说明,在操作时必须遵照执行,以确保人身安全,保护产品和连接设备不受损坏。


根据各自的危险程度不同,共有以下几种类别: 危险:表示有紧急危险。


ARM801 通用安装调试指南v2_CHINES2013.3.30要点

ARM801 通用安装调试指南v2_CHINES2013.3.30要点

ARM801 安装调试指南ARM801型试验机控制器由主控板,键盘,显示驱动板组成,如下图所示,主控板采集力和位移信号,根据试验规程,驱动电机运动,得出要求的结果,该主控板采用ARM系列32位处理器,功能强大,运算速度快,下面将根据信号接线具体说明。




图1 主控板图2 显示驱动板图3 LCD显示屏图5 键盘软薄膜键盘定义// ^ <- 设置标定速度清零试验// V 上升停止下降查询打印复位横式键盘定义为:^ 标定清零试验上升<- 设置复位速度停止V 打印档位查询下降竖式键盘定义为:上升试验^停止清零设置下降复位V速度标定查询档位帮助打印显示驱动板连接液晶显示屏用来输出显示信息,因为液晶显示屏型号众多,引脚定义也不一样,通过更换显示驱动板可以支持任意液晶显示屏,默认使用的液晶显示屏为广东肇庆生产的OCMJ8X15D汉字显示屏,满屏可显示8行15列汉字,或240X128点阵的图形。






















FM801 主控制器模块使用说明书 B

FM801 主控制器模块使用说明书 B

硬件产品用户手册北京和利时系统工程股份有限公司FM801 主控单元模块目录1.基本说明 (1)1.1 简介 (1)1.2组成 (1)2.原理说明 (2)3.使用说明 (2)3.1前面板说明 (2)3.2状态指示灯说明 (3)3.3接线端子定义 (4)3.4站号设置 (4)3.5安装和固定 (4)3.6 如何连入网络 (5)3.7冗余配置说明 (7)3.8掉电保护设置 (8)3.9手动复位 (8)4.主控单元的维护 (9)5.技术指标 (10)6 与旧型产品的比较 (10)HollySys主控单元FM801主控单元模块1.基本说明1.1 简介FM801型主控单元是MACS系统现场控制站的核心设备,与专用机笼配合使用(如FM300,以下说明均以FM300为例),实现对本站下IO模块数据的采集及运算和接受服务器的组态命令及数据交换。




图1-1 FM801外观图HollySys 1FM801 主控单元模块2.原理说明FM801接口电路原理框图如图2-1所示。




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ARM801 安装调试指南ARM801型试验机控制器由主控板,键盘,显示驱动板组成,如下图所示,主控板采集力和位移信号,根据试验规程,驱动电机运动,得出要求的结果,该主控板采用ARM系列32位处理器,功能强大,运算速度快,下面将根据信号接线具体说明。




图1 主控板图2 显示驱动板图3 LCD显示屏图5 键盘软薄膜键盘定义// ^ <- 设置标定速度清零试验// V 上升停止下降查询打印复位横式键盘定义为:^ 标定清零试验上升<- 设置复位速度停止V 打印档位查询下降竖式键盘定义为:上升试验^停止清零设置下降复位V速度标定查询档位帮助打印显示驱动板连接液晶显示屏用来输出显示信息,因为液晶显示屏型号众多,引脚定义也不一样,通过更换显示驱动板可以支持任意液晶显示屏,默认使用的液晶显示屏为广东肇庆生产的OCMJ8X15D汉字显示屏,满屏可显示8行15列汉字,或240X128点阵的图形。






25针接口信号的定义为:1-VX1 力传感器电源正对应外接9针的12-IN1+ 力传感器信号正对应外接9针的23-IN1- 力传感器信号负对应外接9针的34-SGND力传感器信号负对应外接9针的4以下其他针对应外接25针的相应引脚5-GND6-XW1 电机限位1输入端,与GND短接表示有信号7-XW2 电机限位2输入端,与GND短接表示有信号8-PUSER_IN 数字输入,接12脚POUT 测电机转动角度9-A10 PWM数字输出,可接直流电机10-PSHINENG 电机使能信号输出11-PFANGXIANG 电机方向信号输出12-POUT 电机驱动脉冲频率输出13-5V 5V电源正输出14-VCC 光电编码器电源正输出不接15-PHA 光电编码器A+16-PHB 光电编码器B+17-GND 光电编码器电源负18-PIN1 数字输入端19-PIN2 数字输入端20-UTX1 接打印机数据输入线21-URX1 接打印机的状态线22-GND 接打印机的地23-UTX0 串口触摸屏24-URX0 串口触摸屏25-+12V 给触摸屏或接近开关或光电开关供电实际应用:1、限位一种情况是使用两个机械行程开关,分别做为上限位和下限位,接线方式为上行程开关的两个常开触点分别接5,6,下行程开关的两个常开触点分别接5,7或者是两个机械行程开关并连,两个常开触点分别接5,6。





信号线由20,21,22脚引出控制板←→打印机22 GND ←→GND20 TX ←→RX21 RX ←-→CTS注意不同厂家的打印机指令集不同,接口引脚的定义不同,针式打印机与热敏打印机的指令集不同,定货时请提前说明,默认为荣达公司的热敏汉字打印机。



步进电机和交流伺服电机都采用脉冲频率驱动,12脚POUT 输出频率,11脚PFANGXIANG 用来控制转动方向,10脚PSHINENG 用来控制使能与禁止。


建议接法如下:光电二极管的阳极接1脚(5V 电压),阴极分别接脉冲,方向,使能。

比例阀通过12脚POUT 输出PWM 脉冲控制试验机操作界面图:测控仪的正面可分为两个部分:液晶显示部分、键盘。

图形如下:液晶显示屏 标定 速度 清零 试验 设置停止 下降 复位↑ ↓ 上升 查询 打印 ←测控仪的正面可分为两个部分:液晶显示部分、键盘。

图形如下:2.3面键各部功能介绍:液晶显示屏:显示力值、峰值, 位移、速度、提示等。



[设置],按[设置]键将显示液晶显示屏 标定清零 试验 上升 设置 复位速度 停止 ↑ ↓ 打印 切换 查询下降 ←功能选择1.普通拉压试验2.定力值试验3.定位移试验这也是开机后直接进入的状态。

其中第一行反白显示,表示默认的是第一行,按[↑]、[↓]键可在三个选项里变换,选中其中一项后按[设置]键后显示1-试验速度(mm/min) 0060.002-回程速度(mm/min) 0080.003-减速提前位移(mm) 0010.004-加力时移动方向0-下0000005-力单位(N,kN,Kg) 000006-是否用引伸计0-不用00000按设置键确认按复位键保存并退出按上下箭头选择参数项最后两行是操作提示,其中第一行反白显示,表示默认的是第一行,按[↑]、[↓]键可在多个选项里变换,这些选项都是前一步选择所需要的参数,前一步的选择不同,本屏选项的内容和数目也不同。





















