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ocusing on way s and means of improving and upgra ding w ork, further devel opment of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no una uthori sed" create d. T he tow nship "no unauthorise d" created t he existing buildi ng "one house hol d, one document" survey and file storage w ork must be unconditi onal nd full cover age. M ain corridor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, t he Central built-up area of the tow n on both si des m ust be t o create a "no unaut horise d village". According to "five hundred village s" created a nd sha nty towns, villages, ol d house s, reconstructi on of old plant, ex pand create, upgradi ng creates file s, the re al "no una uthori sed v illage" created i nto the be nefit of the people of very good thi ng. (B) to stri ctly manage count as una uthorised controls. Prom oting the "new" control w ork to move t he ce nter of gravity, manageme nt measure s to the front, a nd ear nestly pipes effectively. A stri ct new una uthorise d netw ork responsibility. Se ctors such as l and, housi ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and t he Tow nshi p of grid a ccountability me cha nisms must be stri ctly in a ccor dance wit h the new regulat ory requirem ents, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new in spe ctions, suppression, dem olition work to e nsure that the new "zer o tolerance". Se cond, publi c security, w ater, ele ctricit y, water, oce ans a nd fisheries, touri sm coll aborati on, market supervi sion de partments should strictly enfor ce the illegal constr ucti on of disposal of relevant pr ovisi ons of the regulati ons, effective fulfilment of responsi bilities, particularly in e lectri cit y and water suppl y, and other units may not be new il legal buildi ngs to supply water a nd el ectricity supply. While more reg ulation to pr event per sonal priva cy violati ons. Illicit tradi ng in illegal constr ucti on i n the Mi nistry of publi c se curity sector t o strictly from the blow. T hree is t o create a dditional offence reporting sy stem of ince ntives. According to buil ding la w and cov ers an area of nature, to report timely degree divide d report grade, effective after the removal of certain i nce ntives. (C) integrate d implementati on ", buil ding demoliti on, m odificati on, use" combi nation. Dem olition is the means and purpose built i s. To adhere to t he buil ding demoli she d, combi nation of constr uction a nd demolition waste, demolished with combi ne d efforts to impr ove t he scie ntific level of thr ee to split; second, we must pay attenti on to "thre e to split" and "five hundred" a nd "five water treatment", "three of the four si des", t he shackDi strict transformation, a nd da ngerous ol d room transformation and "two roa d si des", se ries work organic com bine d up, active do Rive r, and al ong demolition w ork, and manpower a dvance village in the, and ol d resi dential demoliti on work, to improve d masses housi ng conditions and live e nvironment; thr ee to put "three m odified a split" as tra ditional low, a nd small, and bulk industry structure tra nsformation upgrade of important i nitiatives to caug ht, speed up a dvance industry Park, effectiv optimization park e nvironme nt
开题报告时间2014 年 3 月 20 日
nd impr ove idl e land of utilizati on, real a chi eved envir onme nt improved a nd productivity development mut ual prom oting total wi n. Five, firmly implement, promoti ng work ahead, to create hig hlights. T hird depl oyment, impl ementation of seve n, the n it is imperative to stre ngthe n responsibility a nd impr ove the mec hanisms and impleme ntation. All localities a nd departments m ust be convi nce d that goal s, goi ng all out, mustering spirit, w ork together t o ensure that thi s year's obje ctives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we m ust strengthen the leader shi p to implement. Departments at all level s shoul d always w ork and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in a n important position, and carry the mai n responsibi lity, main lea der personally, leaders arre sted and layers of responsi bility rank transmissi on pre ssure e stabli she d hierarchical a ccountabilit y, and work together to pr omote the w ork of the mechani sm, a concerted effort pay attention to impleme ntation.
County nongba n, flood, thr ee to one down t o further play a lea ding catch total, integrated a nd c oor dinate d role of all ki nds i s "long", "Sheriff" "Inspe ctor" to effectively fulfill their responsi bilities, formed the alig nment on the fire line a nd ma nagement a lively sit uation. Second, we must strengthe n the test impleme ntation of the Gover nor. Role play t he Gover nor got t he baton, for agricultural a nd rural focus and "five water treatment", "three to split" work, refine im pr ove asse ssment methods and evaluati on system, a ccurate assessment. Combi ned wit h "dare pla y, tree benchmark" style buildi ng five major operations, carry on a nd gain firstha nd ex perie nce of supe rvision, in particular, to strengthe n the focus on t he "long" sig ns "go left", "names" such as supervi sion, urge d all levels l onger on duty in pl ace. Through the supervisory asse ssment, t o promote habit s, stimulati ng powe r. Thir d, we must stre ngthe n implementati on style. Departme nts at all levels to w ork in r ural areas and "five water treatment", "three to split" as traini ng cadre s for major platforms, compete agai nst large examination room, inspecti on cadres work performance of the ring, water control and the Japanese pulled a w orkout, trai ning, discovery and sele ction of ca dres. T han good catch up, first to exce llence-oriented. Party members and ca dres at all level s must adhere to t he rural, water contr ol and the Japa nese pulle d a grass-roots, "put dow n the shelf, leane d" pragmatic style, the spirit of play, become a be nchmark model. F our, we must stre ngthen propaganda implementati on. Compre he nsi ve utilization of micro-cre dit, micro-bl ogging, new me dia, mini ng, summarizi ng, good publicity w ork in the countrysi de and "five water treatment", "three to split" advanced m odel s, point to gather positive energy for the community to see t he result s of our w ork in time, i ncrease publi c awarene ss, participati on rates, satisfaction and support. Play gongqi ngfu, a mass organizati on a nd grass-roots such a school s, communityT he role of II