








具体的化学反应方程式如下:CH3COOH+C2H5OH→CH3COOC2H5+H2O2.国内外同类设计的概况综述目前,国内外醋酸乙酯的生产方法主要有乙酸酯化法、乙醛缩合法、乙醇脱氢法和乙酸/乙烯加成法4 种。






由乙醛生产醋酸乙酯包括催化剂制备、反应、分离和精馏4 大部分。








具体的化学反应方程式如下:CH3COOH+C2H5OH→CH3COOC2H5+H2O2.国内外同类设计的概况综述目前,国内外醋酸乙酯的生产方法主要有乙酸酯化法、乙醛缩合法、乙醇脱氢法和乙酸/乙烯加成法4 种。






由乙醛生产醋酸乙酯包括催化剂制备、反应、分离和精馏4 大部分。


论文撰写过程中拟Hale Waihona Puke 取的方法和手段计划采用方法:


【3】国家质量监督总局.减速器. HG/T 3139-12;
【4】国家质量监督总局.机架和联轴器的选用. HG 21569-1995;
【2】国家质量监督总局.机械搅拌设备.HG/T 20569-94;
【9】C.J.Geankoplis.Trsansport Processes and unit operations.3rd ed.New York:PRENTICE Hall PTR,1993;
【10】A.Higuchi,Y.Saitoh.Optimal Control of Four Wheel Steering Vehicle:Vechile System Dynamic,22(1993),pp.397-410.1993;



1 绪论1.1 乙酸乙酯概述1.1.1 乙酸乙酯的简介乙酸乙酯(EA),又名醋酸乙酯,英文名称:Ethyl acetate。









表1.1 乙酸乙酯的物化参数[2]熔点(℃) -83.6 临界温度(℃) 250.1折光率(20℃) 1.3708-1.373临界压力(MPa) 3.83沸点(℃) 77.06 辛醇/水分配系数的对数值0.73 对密度(水=1) 0.894-0.898 闪点(℃) 7.2 相对蒸气密度(空气=1) 3.04 引燃温度(℃) 426 饱和蒸气压(kPa) 13.33(27℃) 爆炸上限%(V/V) 11.5 燃烧热(kJ/mol) 2244.2 爆炸下限%(V/V) 2.0 室温下的分子偶极距 6.555×10-301.1.2 乙酸乙酯的用途乙酸乙酯是重要的精细化工原料。






二、我国市场需求状况及发展前景1 生产现状近年来,随着我国化学工业和医药工业的快速发展,乙酸乙酯的生产发展很快。



2 进出口情况2005年以前,我国是乙酸乙酯的净进口国,从2005年以后,随着我国乙酸乙酯生产能力和产量的大量增加,由净进口国转变为净出口国,2006年我国乙酸乙酯的净出口量为10.万吨,2008年净出口量为18.28万吨,2009年增加23.4万吨。

3 消费现状及发展前景近年来,随着我国经济的快速增长,涂料、油墨、粘合剂等产品需求大幅提升,从而拉动乙酸乙酯的消费稳步增长。










本人签名:日期:年月日毕业设计(论文)任务书设计题目:年产5万吨醋酸生产工艺模拟与回收工段设计函授站:吉化职工大学专业:化学工程与工艺班级:吉化升131学生:指导教师:1.设计的主要任务及目标根据北京化工大学下达的任务书,依据103厂现有乙酸装置的反应工序进行模拟设计 ,最终掌握设计和撰写设计说明书等文件的一般程序和方法。






关键词:醋酸;工艺设计;工艺流程;PRO/II;回收Annual output of 50000 tons of acetic acid productionprocess simulation and recycling section designAbstractThis design process mainly USES the PRO/II simulation tool, refer to the principles of chemical engineering course design, as well as the principles of chemical engineering, separation engineering, chemical process manual chemical design teaching materials and other information, refer to the China petroleum jilin petrochemical company of acetic acid calcium carbide factory workshop. In the design process, the main recycling section of annual output of 50000 tons of acetic acid production device in chemical process simulation software PRO/II using simulated, including oxidation tower material balance and heat balance and acetic acid recovery tower and dilute acid recovery tower and equipment calculation by hand, and the selection of attached heat exchanger. Acetic acid recovery tower and dilute acid recovery tower material balance and heat balance of PRO/II simulation. At the same time to design the process flow of recovery section, mapped the control points of process flow diagram, piping layout and equipment layout.Key words:Acetic acid; Process design; The process flow; PRO/II. recycling目录第一篇设计说明书 (2)第 1 章绪论 (2)1.1 指导思想 (2)1.2 设计的必要性 (2)1.3 车间布置与概况 (3)1.3.1 车间布置 (3)1.3.2 醋酸车间概况 (3)1.4 安全生产制度 (3)1.5 厂址的选择 (4)1.5.1 厂址选择地点 (4)1.5.2 厂区自然条件 (4)1.5.3 三废的处理 (4)第 2 章工艺流程论证 (6)2.1 醋酸生产方法的论述 (6)2.2 乙醛氧化法制醋酸的基本原理 (6)2.3 原料、公用工程及产品规格 (6)2.3.1 原料规格 (6)2.3.2 公用工程规格 (7)2.3.3 产品规格 (7)2.3.4 醋酸的主要用途 (7)2.4 工艺流程叙述 (8)第 3 章经济核算 (10)3.1 流动资金估算 (10)3.2 成本估算 (10)3.2.1 制造成本 (10)3.2.2 期间费用 (11)3.2.3 税金和附加税 (11)3.3 利润估算: (12)第二篇设计计算书 (12)第 1 章设备物料衡算 (13)1.1 氧化塔物料衡算 (13)1.1.1 工艺条件 (13)1.1.2 反应计算 (14)1.1.3 循环锰计算 (16)1.1.4 尾气及工业氮气的计算 (17)1.1.5 氧化液的计算 (18)1.1.6 氧化塔物料衡算结果 (18)1.2 醋酸回收塔的物料衡算 (19)1.2.1 进料量 (19)1.2.2 塔顶采出量 (19)1.2.3 塔底采出量 (20)1.2.4 物料平衡表 (20)1.3 稀酸回收塔的物料衡算 (21)1.3.1 进料量 (21)1.3.2 塔顶采出量 (21)1.3.3 塔底采出量 (21)1.3.4 物料平衡表 (22)第 2 章热量衡算 (22)2.1 氧化塔热量衡算 (23)2.1.1 物性数据 (23)2.1.2 已知数据 (23)2.1.3 计算过程 (24)2.2 醋酸回收塔热量衡算 (27)2.3 稀酸回收塔热量横算 (27)第 3 章 PRO/Ⅱ模拟 (28)3.1 Pro/II软件介绍 (29)3.2 PRO/II模拟工艺流程 (30)3.3 模拟数据与工厂控制参数 (31)第 4 章塔设备的设计 (33)4.1 醋酸回收塔工艺设计 (33)4.1.1 塔径的计算 (33)4.1.2 填料层高度及塔高的计算 (34)4.1.3 填料塔压降的计算 (35)4.1.4 液体分布器的计算 (35)4.1.5 动能因子 (38)4.2 稀酸回收塔工艺设计 (38)4.2.1 填料选择 (38)4.2.2 塔径的计算 (38)4.2.3 填料层高度及塔高的计算 (39)4.2.4 填料塔压降的计算 (40)4.2.5 液体分布器的计算 (40)4.2.6 动能因子 (43)第 5 章换热器的设计 (43)5.1 醋酸回收塔底再沸器工艺设计 (44)5.1.1 设计方案 (44)5.1.2 总传热系数 (44)5.1.3 传热面积 (45)5.1.4 换热器的工艺结构尺寸 (45)5.1.5 再沸器核算 (48)5.1.6 主要结构尺寸结果 (51)5.2 醋酸回收塔顶冷凝器工艺设计 (50)5.2.1 设计方案 (51)5.2.2 总传热系数 (52)5.2.3 传热面积 (52)5.2.4 换热器的工艺结构尺寸 (53)5.2.5 冷凝器核算 (55)5.2.6 主要结构尺寸结果 (58)结论 (59)参考文献 (59)前言本设计是依据北京化工大学下达的任务书和模拟中国石油吉化电石厂醋酸装置设计而成。



毕业设计(论文)设计(论文)题目:5万吨/年乙酸乙酯生产工艺设计学院名称:化学工程学院专业:化学工程与工艺班级:07-1姓名:应志飞学号指导教师:周琦职称讲师定稿日期:2011 年 5 月22 日摘要乙酸乙酯是一种重要的化工溶剂。





关键词:乙酸乙酯;乙醇脱氢法;工艺设计;ASPEN模拟;衡算ABSTRACTEthyl acetate (EA) is an important chemical solvent. EA is widly used in applications of coatings, adhesives, pharmaceuticals and printing ink and its synthesis meyhod has get a lot of interests. The traditional synthesis method of EA is esterification, in which EA was made by direct esterification of ethanol and acetic acid with a sulphuric acid catalyst.Aldehyde condensation, dehydrogenation of ethanol and acetate/ethylene addition reaction are the new technologies developed in recent years. Compared with the traditional synthesis, these new methods have adopted by many Chinese and foreign enterprises because of its favorable thermodynamic and economic rationality. However,based on national conditions and taking into consideration various aspects, this thesis used Ethanol dehydrogenation was to produce ethyl acetate. ASPEN simulation is carried out to calculate the material and heat balance.Key Words:Ethyl acetateReactive Ethanol dehydrogenation was; Process design; ASPEN simulation; Balance calculation目录1 项目总论 (1)1.1项目意义 (1)1.2建设规模 (1)1.3厂区及生产概况 (2)2 市场分析 (3)2.1产品的性质与用途 (3)物化特性 (3)主要用途 (3)2.2国、内外产业状况 (4)国外生产状况及发展动向 (4)国内生产状况及发展动向 (5)2.3产品的市场需求预测 (7)进出口情况 (7)消费现状及发展前景 (8)3 厂址的选择及布置 (10)3.1厂址选择原则 (10)3.2选择原因 (10)原料来源方便 (10)地理位置优越 (10)交通发达 (11)社会经济效益 (11)3.3厂区概况 (11)厂址地区的自然条件 (12)厂址地区的交通运输条件 (13)基础设施建设 (14)3.4厂址布置 (15)厂区概况 (15)4 工艺设计方案 (16)4.1概述 (16)生产规模 (16)原料 (16)产品规格 (16)4.2工艺设计方案 (16)原料路线确定的原则和依据 (16)4.3工艺方案设计及说明 (19)流程简介 (19)4.4物料衡算 (20)衡算原理 (20)4.5热量衡算 (25)衡算原理 (25)4.6典型设备设计及选型 (27)换热器计算说明书 (27)脱氢缩合反应器参数说明 (31)设备一览表 (32)5 公用工程和辅助设施方案 (34)5.1总图运输 (34)总平面布置 (34)1、总平面布置原则 (34)工厂运输 (35)工厂绿化 (35)排渣 (35)5.2给排水 (35)概述 (35)工厂给水 (36)工厂排水 (36)污水处理 (36)5.3供电与电讯 (36)供电 (36)电信 (37)5.4通风及空气调节 (37)通风及空调设置的原则 (37)采暖、通风及空调方案 (38)5.5化验室 (38)5.6维修 (38)机修 (38)电修 (38)仪表修理 (38)5.7仓库 (38)5.8土建 (39)6 总结 (40)致谢 (41)参考文献 (42)1 项目总论1.1项目意义本项目为年产5万吨的乙酸乙酯工厂,利用来自宁波化工园区提供的乙醇来生产乙酸乙酯产品。



ocusing on way s and means of improving and upgra ding w ork, further devel opment of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no una uthori sed" create d. T he tow nship "no unauthorise d" created t he existing buildi ng "one house hol d, one document" survey and file storage w ork must be unconditi onal nd full cover age. M ain corridor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, t he Central built-up area of the tow n on both si des m ust be t o create a "no unaut horise d village". According to "five hundred village s" created a nd sha nty towns, villages, ol d house s, reconstructi on of old plant, ex pand create, upgradi ng creates file s, the re al "no una uthori sed v illage" created i nto the be nefit of the people of very good thi ng. (B) to stri ctly manage count as una uthorised controls. Prom oting the "new" control w ork to move t he ce nter of gravity, manageme nt measure s to the front, a nd ear nestly pipes effectively. A stri ct new una uthorise d netw ork responsibility. Se ctors such as l and, housi ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and t he Tow nshi p of grid a ccountability me cha nisms must be stri ctly in a ccor dance wit h the new regulat ory requirem ents, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new in spe ctions, suppression, dem olition work to e nsure that the new "zer o tolerance". Se cond, publi c security, w ater, ele ctricit y, water, oce ans a nd fisheries, touri sm coll aborati on, market supervi sion de partments should strictly enfor ce the illegal constr ucti on of disposal of relevant pr ovisi ons of the regulati ons, effective fulfilment of responsi bilities, particularly in e lectri cit y and water suppl y, and other units may not be new il legal buildi ngs to supply water a nd el ectricity supply. While more reg ulation to pr event per sonal priva cy violati ons. Illicit tradi ng in illegal constr ucti on i n the Mi nistry of publi c se curity sector t o strictly from the blow. T hree is t o create a dditional offence reporting sy stem of ince ntives. According to buil ding la w and cov ers an area of nature, to report timely degree divide d report grade, effective after the removal of certain i nce ntives. (C) integrate d implementati on ", buil ding demoliti on, m odificati on, use" combi nation. Dem olition is the means and purpose built i s. To adhere to t he buil ding demoli she d, combi nation of constr uction a nd demolition waste, demolished with combi ne d efforts to impr ove t he scie ntific level of thr ee to split; second, we must pay attenti on to "thre e to split" and "five hundred" a nd "five water treatment", "three of the four si des", t he shackDi strict transformation, a nd da ngerous ol d room transformation and "two roa d si des", se ries work organic com bine d up, active do Rive r, and al ong demolition w ork, and manpower a dvance village in the, and ol d resi dential demoliti on work, to improve d masses housi ng conditions and live e nvironment; thr ee to put "three m odified a split" as tra ditional low, a nd small, and bulk industry structure tra nsformation upgrade of important i nitiatives to caug ht, speed up a dvance industry Park, effectiv optimization park e nvironme nt长江大学工程技术学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目名称年产5万吨乙酸乙酯生产工艺设计系部化学工程系专业班级化工61001班学生姓名徐强指导教师张铭辅导教师开题报告时间2014 年 3 月 20 日nd impr ove idl e land of utilizati on, real a chi eved envir onme nt improved a nd productivity development mut ual prom oting total wi n. Five, firmly implement, promoti ng work ahead, to create hig hlights. T hird depl oyment, impl ementation of seve n, the n it is imperative to stre ngthe n responsibility a nd impr ove the mec hanisms and impleme ntation. All localities a nd departments m ust be convi nce d that goal s, goi ng all out, mustering spirit, w ork together t o ensure that thi s year's obje ctives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we m ust strengthen the leader shi p to implement. Departments at all level s shoul d always w ork and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in a n important position, and carry the mai n responsibi lity, main lea der personally, leaders arre sted and layers of responsi bility rank transmissi on pre ssure e stabli she d hierarchical a ccountabilit y, and work together to pr omote the w ork of the mechani sm, a concerted effort pay attention to impleme ntation.County nongba n, flood, thr ee to one down t o further play a lea ding catch total, integrated a nd c oor dinate d role of all ki nds i s "long", "Sheriff" "Inspe ctor" to effectively fulfill their responsi bilities, formed the alig nment on the fire line a nd ma nagement a lively sit uation. Second, we must strengthe n the test impleme ntation of the Gover nor. Role play t he Gover nor got t he baton, for agricultural a nd rural focus and "five water treatment", "three to split" work, refine im pr ove asse ssment methods and evaluati on system, a ccurate assessment. Combi ned wit h "dare pla y, tree benchmark" style buildi ng five major operations, carry on a nd gain firstha nd ex perie nce of supe rvision, in particular, to strengthe n the focus on t he "long" sig ns "go left", "names" such as supervi sion, urge d all levels l onger on duty in pl ace. Through the supervisory asse ssment, t o promote habit s, stimulati ng powe r. Thir d, we must stre ngthe n implementati on style. Departme nts at all levels to w ork in r ural areas and "five water treatment", "three to split" as traini ng cadre s for major platforms, compete agai nst large examination room, inspecti on cadres work performance of the ring, water control and the Japanese pulled a w orkout, trai ning, discovery and sele ction of ca dres. T han good catch up, first to exce llence-oriented. Party members and ca dres at all level s must adhere to t he rural, water contr ol and the Japa nese pulle d a grass-roots, "put dow n the shelf, leane d" pragmatic style, the spirit of play, become a be nchmark model. F our, we must stre ngthen propaganda implementati on. Compre he nsi ve utilization of micro-cre dit, micro-bl ogging, new me dia, mini ng, summarizi ng, good publicity w ork in the countrysi de and "five water treatment", "three to split" advanced m odel s, point to gather positive energy for the community to see t he result s of our w ork in time, i ncrease publi c awarene ss, participati on rates, satisfaction and support. Play gongqi ngfu, a mass organizati on a nd grass-roots such a school s, communityT he role of IIdemolition, modification, use" com bination. Demolition is the mea ns a nd purpose built i s. To adhere to the buildi ng demoli she d, combi nation of construction and demoliti on wa ste, dem olished wit h com bine d efforts to improve the sci entific level of three to split; se cond, w e must pay attention to "three to split" and "five hundred" and "five water treatment", "three of the four side s", the shack District transformati on, a nd danger ous old room transformation and "two road side s", series w ork organi c combined up, a ctive do River, and a long demoliti on w ork, and manpower a dvance village i n the, a nd ol d resi dential demoliti on w ork, to improve d masse s housi ng conditi ons and live environment; t hree to put "three modified a split" as traditional low, and small, a nd bulk industry struct ure transformation upgrade of important initiatives t o caug ht, speed up a dvance industry Park, effective optimization park envir onme nt年产5万吨乙酸乙酯生产工艺设计学生:徐强,化学工程系指导教师:张铭,化学工程系一、题目来源本项目为年产5万吨的乙酸乙酯工厂,利用来自荆州化工园区提供的乙醇来生产乙酸乙酯产品。



1绪论1.1 乙酸乙酯概述1.1.1 乙酸乙酯的简介乙酸乙酯(EA),又名醋酸乙酯,英文名称:Ethyl acetate。









表1.1 乙酸乙酯的物化参数[2]折光率(20℃) 1.3708-1.3730临界压力(MPa) 3.83沸点(℃)77.06辛醇/水分配系数的对数值0.73对密度(水=1)0.894-0.898闪点(℃)7.2相对蒸气密度(空气=1)3.04引燃温度(℃)426饱和蒸气压(kPa)13.33(27℃)爆炸上限%(V/V)11.5燃烧热(kJ/mol)2244.2爆炸下限%(V/V) 2.0室温下的分子偶极距 6.555×10-301.1.2 乙酸乙酯的用途乙酸乙酯是重要的精细化工原料。





醋酸乙酯(乙酸乙酯)项目工作总结汇报规划设计 / 投资分析第一章项目总体情况说明一、经营环境分析1、工业4.0是一场全球范围的技术革命,也是中国制造业转型升级的必经之路。






















具体研究内容包括:1. 研究夹带剂对乙酸乙酯中间体环氧乙烷的加速作用和副产生物生成率的降低作用。

2. 研究夹带剂添加量对乙酸乙酯产率和质量的影响。

3. 优化适宜的夹带剂种类和添加量,提高乙酸乙酯生产效率和质量。


具体研究步骤如下:1. 设计实验方案:确定控制变量和实验变量,制定实验计划。

2. 实验操作:采用醋酸乙烯酯基础催化法进行反应,通过添加不同种类和不同量的夹带剂进行实验。

3. 实验结果分析:分析不同夹带剂添加量对乙酸乙酯的产率和质量的影响,明确优化方案。

四、预期结果本研究预期结果如下:1. 夹带剂能够加速乙酸乙酯中间体环氧乙烷的生成速度,减少乙酸和乙酸乙烯酯副产生物的生成。

2. 适宜的夹带剂种类和添加量可以提高乙酸乙酯生产效率和质量。

3. 通过本研究优化的乙酸乙酯生产工艺,可以有效提高乙酸乙酯产率和质量。



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ocusing on way s and means of improving and upgra ding w ork, further devel opment of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no una uthori sed" create d. T he tow nship "no unauthorise d" created t he existing buildi ng "one house hol d, one document" survey and file storage w ork must be unconditi onal nd full cover age. M ain corridor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, t he Central built-up area of the tow n on both si des m ust be t o create a "no unaut horise d village". According to "five hundred village s" created a nd sha nty towns, villages, ol d house s, reconstructi on of old plant, ex pand create, upgradi ng creates file s, the re al "no una uthori sed v illage" created i nto the be nefit of the people of very good thi ng. (B) to stri ctly manage count as una uthorised controls. Prom oting the "new" control w ork to move t he ce nter of gravity, manageme nt measure s to the front, a nd ear nestly pipes effectively. A stri ct new una uthorise d netw ork responsibility. Se ctors such as l and, housi ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and t he Tow nshi p of grid a ccountability me cha nisms must be stri ctly in a ccor dance wit h the new regulat ory requirem ents, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new in spe ctions, suppression, dem olition work to e nsure that the new "zer o tolerance". Se cond, publi c security, w ater, ele ctricit y, water, oce ans a nd fisheries, touri sm coll aborati on, market supervi sion de partments should strictly enfor ce the illegal constr ucti on of disposal of relevant pr ovisi ons of the regulati ons, effective fulfilment of responsi bilities, particularly in e lectri cit y and water suppl y, and other units may not be new il legal buildi ngs to supply water a nd el ectricity supply. While more reg ulation to pr event per sonal priva cy violati ons. Illicit tradi ng in illegal constr ucti on i n the Mi nistry of publi c se curity sector t o strictly from the blow. T hree is t o create a dditional offence reporting sy stem of ince ntives. According to buil ding la w and cov ers an area of nature, to report timely degree divide d report grade, effective after the removal of certain i nce ntives. (C) integrate d implementati on ", buil ding demoliti on, m odificati on, use" combi nation. Dem olition is the means and purpose built i s. To adhere to t he buil ding demoli she d, combi nation of constr uction a nd demolition waste, demolished with combi ne d efforts to impr ove t he scie ntific level of thr ee to split; second, we must pay attenti on to "thre e to split" and "five hundred" a nd "five water treatment", "three of the four si des", t he shackDi strict transformation, a nd da ngerous ol d room transformation and "two roa d si des", se ries work organic com bine d up, active do Rive r, and al ong demolition w ork, and manpower a dvance village in the, and ol d resi dential demoliti on work, to improve d masses housi ng conditions and live e nvironment; thr ee to put "three m odified a split" as tra ditional low, a nd small, and bulk industry structure tra nsformation upgrade of important i nitiatives to caug ht, speed up a dvance industry Park, effectiv optimization park e nvironme nt长江大学工程技术学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目名称年产5万吨乙酸乙酯生产工艺设计系部化学工程系专业班级化工61001班学生姓名徐强指导教师张铭辅导教师开题报告时间2014 年 3 月 20 日nd impr ove idl e land of utilizati on, real a chi eved envir onme nt improved a nd productivity development mut ual prom oting total wi n. Five, firmly implement, promoti ng work ahead, to create hig hlights. T hird depl oyment, impl ementation of seve n, the n it is imperative to stre ngthe n responsibility a nd impr ove the mec hanisms and impleme ntation. All localities a nd departments m ust be convi nce d that goal s, goi ng all out, mustering spirit, w ork together t o ensure that thi s year's obje ctives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we m ust strengthen the leader shi p to implement. Departments at all level s shoul d always w ork and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in a n important position, and carry the mai n responsibi lity, main lea der personally, leaders arre sted and layers of responsi bility rank transmissi on pre ssure e stabli she d hierarchical a ccountabilit y, and work together to pr omote the w ork of the mechani sm, a concerted effort pay attention to impleme ntation.County nongba n, flood, thr ee to one down t o further play a lea ding catch total, integrated a nd c oor dinate d role of all ki nds i s "long", "Sheriff" "Inspe ctor" to effectively fulfill their responsi bilities, formed the alig nment on the fire line a nd ma nagement a lively sit uation. Second, we must strengthe n the test impleme ntation of the Gover nor. Role play t he Gover nor got t he baton, for agricultural a nd rural focus and "five water treatment", "three to split" work, refine im pr ove asse ssment methods and evaluati on system, a ccurate assessment. Combi ned wit h "dare pla y, tree benchmark" style buildi ng five major operations, carry on a nd gain firstha nd ex perie nce of supe rvision, in particular, to strengthe n the focus on t he "long" sig ns "go left", "names" such as supervi sion, urge d all levels l onger on duty in pl ace. Through the supervisory asse ssment, t o promote habit s, stimulati ng powe r. Thir d, we must stre ngthe n implementati on style. Departme nts at all levels to w ork in r ural areas and "five water treatment", "three to split" as traini ng cadre s for major platforms, compete agai nst large examination room, inspecti on cadres work performance of the ring, water control and the Japanese pulled a w orkout, trai ning, discovery and sele ction of ca dres. T han good catch up, first to exce llence-oriented. Party members and ca dres at all level s must adhere to t he rural, water contr ol and the Japa nese pulle d a grass-roots, "put dow n the shelf, leane d" pragmatic style, the spirit of play, become a be nchmark model. F our, we must stre ngthen propaganda implementati on. Compre he nsi ve utilization of micro-cre dit, micro-bl ogging, new me dia, mini ng, summarizi ng, good publicity w ork in the countrysi de and "five water treatment", "three to split" advanced m odel s, point to gather positive energy for the community to see t he result s of our w ork in time, i ncrease publi c awarene ss, participati on rates, satisfaction and support. Play gongqi ngfu, a mass organizati on a nd grass-roots such a school s, communityT he role of IIdemolition, modification, use" com bination. Demolition is the mea ns a nd purpose built i s. To adhere to the buildi ng demoli she d, combi nation of construction and demoliti on wa ste, dem olished wit h com bine d efforts to improve the sci entific level of three to split; se cond, w e must pay attention to "three to split" and "five hundred" and "five water treatment", "three of the four side s", the shack District transformati on, a nd danger ous old room transformation and "two road side s", series w ork organi c combined up, a ctive do River, and a long demoliti on w ork, and manpower a dvance village i n the, a nd ol d resi dential demoliti on w ork, to improve d masse s housi ng conditi ons and live environment; t hree to put "three modified a split" as traditional low, and small, a nd bulk industry struct ure transformation upgrade of important initiatives t o caug ht, speed up a dvance industry Park, effective optimization park envir onme nt年产5万吨乙酸乙酯生产工艺设计学生:徐强,化学工程系指导教师:张铭,化学工程系一、题目来源本项目为年产5万吨的乙酸乙酯工厂,利用来自荆州化工园区提供的乙醇来生产乙酸乙酯产品。
