
第一节研究生学术英语写作概述1.1 研究生学术英语的重要性在当今信息爆炸的时代,学术英语已经成为研究生必备的一项能力,研究生需要用英语进行文献检索、写作发表学术论文、参加国际学术会议等活动,因此具备良好的学术英语能力是非常重要的。
1.2 研究生学术英语写作的特点研究生学术英语写作与普通英语写作有着明显的区别。
1.3 研究生学术英语写作的要求研究生学术英语写作要求文风严谨、思路清晰、逻辑严密、用词准确。
第二节研究生学术英语写作的基本步骤2.1 选题与立意研究生学术英语写作的第一步是选题与立意。
2.2 文献检索与资料搜集研究生学术英语写作需要对相关的文献进行检索和阅读,积累资料和信息。
2.3 论文大纲的编写研究生学术英语写作需要先制定一份论文的大纲,包括概述、文献综述、研究方法、研究成果和结论等部分。
2.4 正式写作在完成以上准备工作后,就可以开始进行正式的写作了。
2.5 修改与润色写作完成后,还需要进行修改和润色。
第三节研究生学术英语写作的语言要求3.1 语法准确在学术英语写作中,语法错误是严重影响论文质量的因素之一。

单位代码10445学号2011021178分类号H319研究生类别全日制硕士学位论文(学术学位)论文题目 A Study of the Impact of Non-English-MajorGraduate Students’ Critical Thinking Abilityon Their English Writing Proficiency非英语专业研究生批判性思维能力对英语写作水平的影响研究学科专业名称课程与教学论(英语)申请人姓名闫岩指导教师胡艳玲教授论文提交时间2014年5月30日A Study of the Impact of Non-English-Major Graduate Students’ Critical Thinking Ability on Their EnglishWriting ProficiencyByYan YanUnder the Supervision of Professor HuYanlingSubmitted toSchool of Foreign LanguagesIn Candidacy for the Degree of Master of EducationShandong Normal UniversityJinan, ShandongChinaMay, 2014独创声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。


第三单元:学术写作与修辞手法1. 学术写作的基本要求在学术领域中,学术写作是非常重要的一环。
2. 学术写作的修辞手法学术写作不仅需要有条理清晰的逻辑结构,还需要运用各种修辞手法来提高文章的表达效果。
3. 比喻比喻是一种常用的修辞手法,通过将抽象的事物比作具体的事物来表达作者的观点。
4. 排比排比是一种通过并列的修辞手法,通过将相似的词语或句子并列在一起,来加强语气,增强表达的力度。
5. 对偶对偶是一种通过重复的修辞手法,通过将相似的成分对称地放置在文章中,来增强语气,使文章更加生动。
6. 强调强调是一种通过重复或使用加强语气的修辞手法,通过强调某个观点或论据来突出其重要性。
7. 总结学术写作与修辞手法密不可分,合理运用修辞手法可以提高文章的表达效果,使文章更具说服力和吸引力。
一、学术写作的基本要求1.1 严谨性在学术写作中,严谨性是最基本的要求。

liuxiang英文作文Certainly! Here's a sample English essay on the topic of "The Journey of a Dream":---。
The Journey of a Dream。
Dreams, like seeds, have the potential to grow into something magnificent. However, the journey from inception to fruition is often fraught with challenges, obstacles, and uncertainties. In this essay, we will explore the fascinating journey of a dream, using the metaphorical lens of a seed's growth into a flourishing plant.Every dream begins as a seed, planted in the fertile soil of our imagination. It starts with a spark of inspiration, a glimmer of possibility that ignites our passion and drives us forward. Just like a seed, a dream requires nurturing through dedication, hard work, andperseverance to take root and begin its journey towards realization.The first stage of the journey is germination. This is the period of incubation, where the dream takes root and begins to sprout. It is a time of excitement and anticipation, as we watch our vision start to take shapeand form. However, it is also a vulnerable stage, where the dream is susceptible to doubt, fear, and external pressures.As the dream begins to grow, it enters the stage of growth and development. This is a period of rapid expansion, as we pour our time, energy, and resources into nurturing our vision. Just like a young plant, the dream requirescare and attention to thrive from strategic planning and goal setting to skill development and networking. It is a time of learning and adaptation, as we navigate the challenges and setbacks that inevitably arise along the way.However, the journey of a dream is not without its obstacles. Just as a plant must weather storms, pests, and adverse conditions, so too must a dream overcome adversityand opposition. Whether it's financial constraints, competition, or self-doubt, we are often faced with obstacles that threaten to derail our progress. Yet, it isin overcoming these challenges that the true strength and resilience of the dream are revealed.Despite the setbacks and hardships, the journey of a dream is also marked by moments of triumph and success.Like a plant bursting into bloom, there are moments of realization and achievement that serve as milestones along the way. Whether it's securing funding, launching a product, or reaching a personal milestone, these victories fuel our motivation and propel us forward on our journey.Ultimately, the journey of a dream culminates in realization the moment when our vision becomes a reality.It is a moment of celebration and fulfillment, as wewitness the fruits of our labor come to fruition. Yet, itis also a moment of reflection, as we look back on thetrials and tribulations that we have overcome to reach this point.In conclusion, the journey of a dream is a complex and multifaceted process, marked by growth, challenges, and triumphs. Like a seed growing into a mighty tree, it requires patience, perseverance, and resilience to navigate the twists and turns along the way. Yet, it is through this journey that we discover our true potential and bring our most cherished visions to life.--。

国科大研究生学术英语读写教程unit1# 国科大研究生学术英语读写教程Unit 1:探索学术读写之路作为一名研究生,掌握学术英语的读写能力是至关重要的。
以下是国科大研究生学术英语读写教程Unit 1的内容概述。
## 导语学术英语读写是研究生必备的基本技能,它关系到您在学术领域的表现和成就。
Unit 1将为您介绍学术阅读和写作的基本技巧,帮助您迅速适应研究生阶段的学术要求。
## 学术阅读技巧### 1.理解文章结构学术文章通常具有清晰的结构,包括引言、正文和结论。
### 2.识别关键信息在学术文章中,关键信息往往隐藏在大量的论述中。
### 3.理解长难句学术文章中常常出现长难句,理解这些句子对于把握文章意义至关重要。
## 学术写作技巧### 1.文章构思在学术写作中,清晰的构思是关键。
### 2.论证方法有效的论证是学术写作的核心。
### 3.语言表达学术写作要求语言准确、简练。
## 阅读材料Unit 1精选了来自心理学、地学、物理等十个学科的阅读材料,旨在帮助您从不同领域了解学术英语的特点和表达方式。
## 写作任务每个单元都设有相应的写作任务,旨在巩固所学知识,提高您的实际运用能力。
Unit 1的写作任务包括:1.段落背诵:通过背诵优秀段落,学习学术英语的表达方式。
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 6 Discussing Results

Unit 6 Discussing ResultsObjectives:- Understand the discussion section- Learn how to present your results- Learn how to compare your results with others- Learn how to interpret your results- Learn how to express opinions in the discussionContents:- Reading and discussion: a sample result section- Language focus: comparison and contrast; strengthening or weakening a claim- Signal words of comparison and contrast- Writing practice: writing comparison and contrast, and writing a short discussion section- Classroom extension: writing a result section for a classroom experiment.1.Reading Activity1.1 Pre-reading TaskThe results section presents your research findings, and the discussion section is an analysis of those findings. You may include a discussion section at the end of your results section to explain and contemplate the results. The discussion can either be a part of the results section or a separate section of its own, which should be in line with the practice of your target journal. Sometimes, the results, discussion and conclusion sections are combined in journal articles. Most articles do not contain all three sections.The function of the discussion part is to interpret your results in light of what has already been known about the subject of the investigation, and to explain our new understanding of the problem after taking your results into consideration. TheDiscussion will always be connected to the Introduction by way of the question(s) or posed hypotheses and cited literature, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the Introduction. Instead, it tells how your study has moved us forward from the place you leave us at the end of the Introduction.Before reading the following sample discussion section, think about the following questions:How many elements does a discussion section include?What do those elements function?What expressions are typical in writing a discussion section?1.2Reading PassageIn this large, prospective investigation of red and processed meat intake in relation to cancer risk, we found elevated risks for colorectal and lung cancer with both meat types. Red, but not processed, meat intake was also associated with increased risk for cancer of the esophagus and liver. We observed borderline statistically significant elevated risks for advanced prostate cancer with both red and processed meat intake, for laryngeal cancer with red meat, and for bladder cancer and myeloma and with processed meat intake.The cancer site most consistently associated with meat intake has been the colorectum. A recent meta-analysis reported elevated risks in the highest category of consumption of meat. Our study included 1,000 colorectal cancer cases, and it lends strong support to implicate red and processed meat as risk factors for this malignancy. Consistent with previous studies, we observed a stronger positive association for rectal than colon cancer.We found a positive association between red meat intake specifically and cancers of the esophagus and liver, and a borderline significant positive association for laryngeal cancer. The first prospective study of meat intake and esophageal cancer was published recently; that study had only 65 cases and found a positive association for processed meat, but not red meat, with esophageal adenocarcinoma. Our study suggests a threshold effect for red meat intake on esophageal cancer risk, beginning at a low level of intake, with no further increase in risk with higher intakes, as reflected in the p-trend (p = 0.13), although it is possible that the referent group had a smaller-than-expected cancer incidence by chance. Data on meat intake and cancers of the liver and larynx are limited, and our study is the first prospective investigation to report on these associations. Two case-control studies reported elevated risks for laryngeal cancer for those in the highest intake categories of red meat intake and fried beef/veal.Unexpectedly, we found an inverse association between red meat intake and endometrial cancer; this association was not attenuated by adjustment for known risk factors, such as body mass index or menopausal hormone therapy, or by fine controlfor smoking, which has been inversely associated with this malignancy. Previous studies have reported null or positive relations between red meat and endometrial cancer. We also observed inverse associations between processed meat intake and leukemia and melanoma. In contrast to our findings, childhood leukemia has been positively associated with intake of processed meats in a case-control study.Previous studies of meat intake and prostate cancer are conflicting. Some studies have reported null findings, and others suggest positive associations. Despite finding no association between red or processed meat intake and overall prostate cancer risk, we observed a suggestion of an elevated risk for advanced prostate cancer with both meat types. If the relation of meat intake to prostate cancer is confined to advanced disease, this could explain some of the inconsistencies in the literature as most previous studies have not specifically addressed advanced prostate cancer.With regard to breast cancer, a pooled analysis of eight cohort studies found no association with red meat intake; however, the two most recent prospective studies found positive associations for both red and processed meat, specifically for estrogen and progesterone receptor–positive breast cancers in premenopausal women. Although breast cancer risk related to meat intake did not appear to differ by menopausal status in our study, we had very few premenopausal cases (n = 94) and lacked information on hormone receptor status for a large number of cases.Both red meat, regardless of processing procedure, and processed meat can be linked to carcinogenesis by different mechanisms; for example, they are both sources of saturated fat and iron, which have independently been associated with carcinogenesis. Associations between saturated fat and cancer are likely to be related to energy balance in general, whereas iron is thought to contribute to carcinogenesis specifically by generating free radicals and inducing oxidative stress. Most recently, dietary fat was positively associated with breast cancer, and iron intake was positively associated with liver and colorectal cancers.This study was primarily limited by its relatively small sample size. An earlier start in data collection would have increased the time needed to survey more participants. Ideally, the number of participant would have been more evenly distributed across gender/year in population. A larger sample with diversity would have benefited our results. Other limitations of this study included some degree of possible measurement errors, although we attempted at minimizing the error in measurement and the measurement data compared very favorably to other researches. In conclusion, a diet high in red or processed meat was associated with an elevated risk of both colorectal and lung cancer; in addition, red meat was associated with an elevated risk of esophageal and liver cancer. A decrease in the consumption of red and processed meat could reduce the incidence of cancer at multiple sites.1.3Reading Comprehension1.3.1What are the results discussed?1.3.2Decide how many elements this sample includes and how they function.2Language Focus2.1 Cause and effect2.1.1 Read the following sentence from the text, and see the causal relations.Associations between saturated fat and cancer are likely to be related to energybalance in general, whereas iron is thought to contribute to carcinogenesis specifically by generating free radicals and inducing oxidative stress.2.1.2 Using signal words for causal relations.Emphasising causegiving rise tobringingaboutIf people smoke more, the death rate from cancer will increase.Additionally, you should be careful when using commas. Conjunctions such as therefore, consequently, as a result, and for this reason are usually followed by a comma, as in these examples:The weather was cold; therefore, Sally closed the window.The weather was cold. Therefore, Sally put on her coat.The weather was cold. Consequently, Sally put on her scarf.A blizzard hit the town. As a result, the schools were closed.2.1.3 Causal markersComplete the following paragraph by filling in missing causal words.Recurring headaches can have initiate disruptive effects in a person'slife. __(1)___, in many cases, these headaches make a person nauseous to the point that he or she must go to bed. ___(2)___, sleep is often interrupted ___(3)___ the pain. Disrupted sleep worsens the physical and emotional state of the sufferer. For those who try to maintain a normal lifestyle, drugs are often relied on to get through the day. Such drugs, of course, ___(4)___ other negative effects. Drugs can inhibit productivity on a job, perhaps even ___(5)___regular absences. Not only is work affected, but the seemingly unpredictable occurrence of these headaches ___(6)___ disruption in family life. The interruption to a person's family life is enormous: cancelling plans in the last minute and straining relationships with friends and family. It is no wonder that many of these people feel discouraged and even depressed ___(7)___ the cycle of misery reoccurring headaches cause.2.1.4Notes into a Causal ParagraphTurn the following notes into a paragraph of cause and effect.•Lack of water dryness in the soil leaves wilt death of plant.•Too much water leaves droop or become yellow death of plant.•Too strong sun baked soil roots killed death of plant.•Lack of light pale leaves & thin stems death of plant.2.2Strengthening or weakening of your statementsThe discussion sections of a research paper focus on making claims and then adding support for those claims. What are claims? Claims are statements about ideas and data from you and other people. Here is an example of a claim.Example:Basic claim: An increase in smoking among teenagers caused long-term health problems.When the proof of your idea or data is clear, you should strengthen your claim. When the evidence is less certain, you should limit or weaken your claim. Below are some examples of strengthening and limiting the above claim.Examples of Stronger Claims:Increase: a sharp increaseCaused: undeniably caused, clearly caused, undoubtedly caused, must have caused, etc. long-term health problems, widespread long-term health problemsYou could also add expressions to the beginning of the sentence:It is clear that an increase . . .A great deal of evidence leads us to conclude that an increase . . .We must conclude that an increase . . .Examples of Limited Claims:Increase: A probable increaseCaused: may have caused, seemed to have caused, contributed to, was one cause of, etc.Again, you could also add expressions to the beginning of the sentence:We have reason to believe that an increase . . .It is possible that an increase . . .2.2.1 Read the sample discussion section and look for expressions of strengthening or weakening claims.2.2.2 Strengthening or weakening of your claimsLearn the following words for strengthening or weakening a claim.Strengthening a claimNouns: certainty, evidence, the fact thatAdverbs: very, pretty, quite, clearly, obviously, undoubtedly, certainly, of course, indeed, inevitably, invariably, always, literallyAdjectives: key, central, crucial, basic, fundamental, major, principal, essential, significantVerbs: show, prove, establish, confirm, conclude, determine, it is clear that, it is obvious thatWeakening a claimVerbs: appear , argue, doubt, estimate, seen (as), seem, speculate, suggest Adverbs: largely, likely, mainly, maybe, perhaps, possible/possibly, probable/probably, rather, relatively, seemingly, somewhat, sometimesThe following text comes from an article testing the benefits of providing children under 4 years old with zinc dietary supplements. It comes from the very beginning of the discussion section, where the authors summarize the findings they have already presented in the results section. Try to fill the following blanks with a variety of expressions to show the strength or weakness of each claim.In our study, zinc supplementation did not result in a ________ reduction in ________ mortality in children aged 1–48 months in a population with high malaria transmission. However, __________ the effect varied by age, with no effect on mortality in infants, and a __________18% reduction of mortality in children 12–48 months of age (p=0·045). This effect was __________ a consequence of fewer deaths from malaria and other infections. Any effect on mortality in this trial was in addition to a __________ effect of vitamin A supplementation . . .3Writing Practice3.1Writing comparison and contrastA contrast paragraph discusses the difference between at least two things. The following is a table of differences between the two states of Arizona and Rhode Island. Write a text about the following table.States Arizona Rhode IslandPhysical size 114000 square miles 1214 square milesPopulation 4 million Less than 1 millionNatural environments Dry, large desert area Temperate zone, an average of 44inches of rain per yearlandscape Landlocked, no seashore Lies on the Atlantic Ocean,coastline3.2Writing a short discussion textWrite about the three different ways of dealing with polluted land according to the table information below.4. Writing Project4.1 Before writing a discussion section to explain your results from the research, first think about the follow questions:Do your results provide answers to your testable hypotheses? If so, how do you interpret your findings?Do your findings agree with what others have shown? If not, do they suggest an alternative explanation or perhaps an unforeseen design flaw in your experiment (or theirs?)Regarding your conclusion, what is your new understanding of the problem you investigated and outlined in the Introduction?If warranted, what would be the next step in your study?4.2 Work as a team.4.3 Go back to your questionnaires and results gathered respectively from Units 4 and5. Your discussion is based upon the data you collected.4.4 When you finish your writing, pool your pieces of work to polish.4.5 Present your discussion in class.5. Final ChecklistHere is a final checklist for the discussion section. Use it to check what you have written in the previous task.。

华中科技大学研究生课程考试试卷 (A 卷)课程名称:硕士英语(实用写作) 任课教师:上课时间:课程类别:公共课考试日期:2008年12月23日考核形式:开卷学号:姓名:院系:Part I. Writing a Business Letter (10%)Directions:你叫廖凯,是华中科技大学外国语言研究所的教授,请你代表你所在的研究所邀请国外一著名学者William Littlewood来讲学,该学者是香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University)语言中心的教授,通信地址是:224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong,邮编是999077。
institut e of foreign languagePart II. Abstract (20%)Section A(5%)Directions:The following sentences of an abstract are given in a wrong order. Y ou are required to reorganize the sentences into a coherent abstract.(1) The most frequently used strategy was compensation strategy, and the learning strategies demonstrated significant correlation with listening proficiency.(2) A strategy questionnaire survey and four listening comprehension tests were conducted on 120 non-English major students in Tianjin Medical University to identify the students’learning strategies. The SPSS was employed to analyze the data collected.(3) This study suggests that teachers can help their students become more effective listeners by encouraging them to apply a variety of learning strategies to listening tasks.(4) This paper aims at providing some information on language learning strategies of non-English majors in China and discussing their relationship to listening comprehension.(5) The final results indicate that non-English major undergraduates were able to describe their use of a wide range of learning strategies.Order:( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Section B(15%)Directions:Translate the following abstract into English.网络交往对大学生道德品质的影响研究A Study of Cyber-Communication Influence on Morality Character ofthe University Students摘要:本论文探讨了网络交往的特征及其对大学生道德品质的影响。

比如说前面几个单元语言基础知识的练习比较多,有formal 和informal words 的区别,动词的名词化在学术英语写作中的应用,有翻译练习,有体现如何正确应用表示因果关系的填空题等。
后面几个单元有语言知识外,介绍了如何写summary 和paraphrase以及他们的区别。
在论文结构的写作上,除了应掌握每部分所包括的要素外,conclusion 和abstract 的写作技能很重要。
unit 9 的reference 主要通过书上练习答案了解和掌握science style 和MLA style 在文献引用特别是文献参考目录中格式上或写法上的不同。
unit 10 主要是要学会怎么写投稿信(cover letter), 掌握它的格式和所包括的内容,通过书上cover letter (p122) 这个sample 来掌握。
另外,unit 5 reporting results 这个单元中根据图表进行描写来总结汇报结果,这种写作技巧也很重要。
首先是247章重点第4页的2Language Focus2.1.1标一下T,应该是配对题17页2.2.128页3.239页1.3.141页那个表格43页的翻译44页3.3reordering句子48页4.254页2.1开头两段和底下那个表58页上面那个表60页两个图表下面的那两段71页Emphasising cause 前两个80页1.2,注明要素84页3.186页3.4 说是题型,没有说是不是原题93页1.2注明keywords100页3.2注明Abstract语法要素,informative abstract和abstract structure相互转换115页Language Focus123页上面那个带圈的123456,注明要素排序配对会考原题,然后每个单元的language focus都看一看,注意时态翻译然后还有passage reading也看看最后作文要么是写abstract(第八章)要么是conclude。

• Commute: [ VN] ( law 律) ~ sth (to sth) to
replace one punishment with another that is less severe 减刑
• Incontrovertible: ADJ Incontrovertible evidence or facts are absolutely certain and cannot be shown to be wrong. 不容置疑的
• The results are quite astounding. 这些结果非常令人震惊。
• Clemency: N-UNCOUNT If someone is granted clemency, they are punished less severely than they could be. 从轻发落
• In addition to being used to test the legality of an arrest or commitment, the writ may be used to obtain judicial review of (1) the regularity of the extradition process, (2) the right to or amount of bail, or (3) the jurisdiction of a court that has imposed a criminal sentence.
• Equity court • Equitable injunction • imprisonment
• 〈拉〉人身保護令 原意為「控制身體」。 人身保護令為一系列令狀的名稱,其最初

• 法律上的自由保有地產〔freehold in law〕
入土地之前所享有的地產權。另外,自由 保有地依性質分為軍役保有地〔knight service〕、侍君保有地〔serjeanty〕、農役 保有地〔free socage〕和自由教役保有地 〔frankalmoign〕。 (2)自由保有之職位 終身享有或可以繼承。
• An excise or excise tax (消费税;货物税;国 产税)is any duty on manufactured goods which is levied at the moment of manufacture, rather than at sale. Excises are often associated with customs duties (which are levied on pre-existing goods when they cross a designated border in a specific direction); customs are levied on goods which come into existence – as taxable items – at the border, while excise is levied on goods which came into existence inland.
• 另外,今天與自由保有相對的是租地持有 〔leasehold〕,後者指依契約在一定時期內 持有地產,但卻是一種動產性權益〔chattle interest〕。自由保有地有兩個特徵,即不 動產性——如地產或地產性權益,和保有期
間的不確定性。事實上的自由保有地產 〔freehold in deed〕蘊含著對土地的實際占 有,可分為非限嗣繼承地產〔fee simple〕、 限嗣繼承地產〔fee tail〕和終身地產 〔tenement for life〕;
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 1 Understanding Academic English

Unit 1 Understanding Academic EnglishObjectives:- Learn the purpose of this course- Get to understand different voices that people often use in their communication - Understand features of academic English- Build your learning ability via the Internet- Meet your teacher and new classmatesContents-Teacher’s introduction-Reading and discussion: How ’s your voice?- Language focus: word choice, and structural complexity-Writing practice: understanding different styles- Rewriting practice: consolidating academic English writing skills- Classroom extension: Internet survey on features of academic English1. Reading Activity1.1 Pre-reading TaskDo you know how to write a paper with an academic voice? Most Chinese students use only the casual voice for their daily life purposes, which does not fit the academic writing style. When you can learn to use an academic voice and a formal writing style, you will gain authority and respect for yourself as a researcher as well as a research writer.Read the following three texts with different kinds of voice and tell what they differ in.1.2 Reading PassageHOW’S YOUR VOICE?Casual VoiceHey, dude, no way you can sit here!Huzzah! We won! We beat ‘em! Ha! Blue Vampires. They think they’re so grea t. We showed‘em. Go Aardvarks!Yuck! I hate broccoli with those nasty, stinkin’mush- rooms. Why do we gotta have these things again,man?!www, we gotta cancel theConsultative VoiceYou’re not allowedto sit in this area,because it’s asafety concern.I’m so glad for ourteam,the greatFighting Aardvarks,and now together wecelebrate this victory.I’d prefer not to havethis particularvegetable again, if it’s possible.Does anyone really enjoy this combination of mushrooms and broccoli? It’s possible that our party might have to be postponed or canceled because of the Academic VoiceThis area must be kept clear for foot traffic.The Fighting Aardvarks claimed victory over the Blue Vampires in the final round tonight. Both teams competed well and the fans are enthusiastic.Very few people enjoy this broccoli and mushroom dish. Therefore, it will not be served again within this calendar year, or the servers will be killed.Due to the inclement weather, the Annual Tattoo Party will notparty‘cause it’s totally raining like crazy!Sweeeet! I love those Indiana Jones movies! They ’re awesome with the whip and the bugs and stuff. Everyone loves those flicks!bad weather that ’s threaten- ing our location.Indiana Jones films are really very popular with your age group. Critics can’t decide why such an old character is so appealing.take place this Thursdayat Finster Park. The planning committee willreschedule the event and release information as soon as possible.Hollywood is perplexed at the reasons that Indi- ana Jones is so favored by such youngaudiences. The answer remains a mystery.1.3 Reading Comprehension1.3.1 Do you know in which situation these voices are appropriately used? And why?For what purposesConsultativeAcademic1.3.2 Read the passage carefully again and decide the differences among them. Casual voice Consultative voice Academic voiceVoiceCasual2 Language Focus2.1 Word ChoiceAcademic voice can be well expressed by choosing words. Here are some words to acquire:Here are some words to avoid.2.1.1 Can you match the formal and informal words and phrases?justsuchfrankly, truly,fortunately, provocativestriking objection discoursedisapprovepoignant, compelling, proposal, insight,investigate, look into getvery,turn down,go,VerifyTry to find out ExamineLook at carefullyDemonstrate Make sure something is true Intend ShowInvestigate Get rid ofSurvive, penetrate Get through itDiscover MeanEliminate Look intoConclusion A lot ofNumerous, myriad End2.2 Structural complexity‘Syntax’is the technical word that is used to describe sentence structure. It is extremely important that well-arranged sentences carry an academic voice, whereas choppy, simple sentences sound oral and colloquial. Sentences that are too short and poorly connected can be irritating to read. Conversely, sentences that are too long and rambling are difficult to follow and are likely to be confusing. Use a sentence length that allows your thoughts to flow clearly. Rewrite the following sentences into a text with well-ordered sentences and structural complexity.A conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses. It indicates the relationship between the elements. These elements connect. We oftenfind thefollowing thing. In only one single sentence a conjunction contains one or more ideas. These ideas may be equal or unequal in importance. Ideas are equal, and we call them coordinate ideas. For example, John studies electronics. Helen studies Computing. These two sentences can become a compound sentence. It shows the relationship between the two ideas. We want to maintain the equality of the ideas. We call the clauses in the new sentence coordinate clauses.3. Writing Practice3.1 Understanding different stylesRead the following texts and decide where they come from.1At AT & Bell Laboratories infrared lasers are being used to capture live microbes. Working like optical tweezers, the pressure of the laser light traps minute objects in itsfocus point. Researchers are using the device to move around viruses bacteria, and other cells they are study under the microscope. After several hours, however, the focus light will heat up the microbes to a boiling point.____________________________________________________________________2All we ask is that you spend two hours of your time attending a Barratt Sales presentation. There, you’ll discover the benefits of timeshare. At Barratt we call it Holiday Ownership because that’s why it really is. You’ll be under no obligation to purchase, but we think you may be tempted._____________________________________________________________________3There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel. They did not know any of the people they passed on the stairs on their way to and from their room. Their room was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. There were big palms and green benches in the public garden. In the good weather there was always an artist with his easel. Artists liked the way the palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing the gardens and the sea.4Although many studies have already been done, more studies are needed to determine the effects of microcomputer-assisted instruction in various teaching situations.____________________________________________________________________5The parents of a seven-year-old Australian boy woke to find a giant python crushing and trying to swallow him. The incident occurred in Cairns, Queensland and the boy’s mother, Mrs. Dryden said:“it was like a horror movie. It was a hot night. He suddenly started screaming. We rushed to the bedroom to find a huge snake trying tostrangle him. ”Mrs. Dryden and her husband, Peter, tried to stab the creature with knives, but the python bit the boy several times before escaping.____________________________________________________________________3.2. Choosing appropriate stylesNow you are going to write an essay in class for your teacher’s assignments. Which of the following sentences you would like to use for your writing?1. He couldn’t finish his work in the time given.2. The first set of results were compiled and presented by the other group of students.3. I would like to focus on the following areas of research: …4. They argued that this methodology was unreliable.5. In addition, the data was used to focus on the following hypothesis.6. I enjoyed my English class with you and am having a good experience this semester.7. At about twelve pm on August 21, 1984, she told us, I came out of the kitchen to toss out some water.8. We, at any rate, will continue to keep an open mind.9. Is the menu at that the French restaurant giving you trouble? Then you might need the Voice, a hand-held computer that translates spoken English into French, Spanish, German or Italian.10. There is an emerging consensus that a concerted effort on a national level will be required to capture the glittering prizes that a new technology offers.No. Y/N Reason(s) for your decision 123456789103.3. Rewriting PracticeRewrite the following passage into an academic one.Why are there so many jams on the roads these days? One thing is that public transportation like trains, buses, etc., is so dear. A long time ago cars cost a lot but now, unfortunately, they’ve got a lot cheaper. Another thing is that driving is a lot nicer than waiting for a bus. The trouble is that if everyone buys a car the roads get packed.4 Writing ProjectThe following is a checklist for writing in academic English. It is not complete. Use the Internet, books, textbooks and lecturers' expertise to find out what other conventions could be applied to using academic English. And make a list of these conventions and keep this for future reference.Writing academic English● Use academic voic e● Write with structural complexity● Avoid casual style● Distinguish formal and informal words and phrase s● …5. Final Checklist1. Know when to use I/we/us and when to use one/readers.2. Use complex sentences. Do not be afraid of semi-colons!3.Do not use contractions(don’t,can’t,isn’t,aren’t,doesn’t).4. Know your diction! Be careful about using the thesaurus on yourcomputer. Do not use a word unless you know what it means. It is agreat tool when used well.5. Do not end a sentence with a preposition; often you can simplyrework the word order.。

探索2014考研英语一大作文的深度内涵:衡水体的启示In the realm of academic writing, the "Hengshui Script" has become a热门话题, particularly in the context of the 2014 Postgraduate Entrance Exam's English composition. This unique style of handwriting, native to Hengshui, China, has sparked widespread debate and analysis among educators, students, and language enthusiasts alike. Its popularity is not merely due to its aesthetic qualities but also becauseit embodies the principles of clarity, legibility, and efficiency in written communication.The essence of Hengshui Script lies in its balance of form and function. Its neat and uniform appearance ensures legibility, while its structured layout facilitates rapid comprehension. This style is particularly useful in academic writing, where precision and clarity are paramount. By adopting this script, students can ensure that their ideas are communicated effectively, without being hindered by illegible handwriting or混乱的排版.The popularity of Hengshui Script in the 2014 Postgraduate Entrance Exam is indicative of a growing trendtowards standardization and professionalism in academic writing. As the demand for clear and concise communication increases, so does the need for a writing style that can meet these demands. Hengshui Script, with its emphasis on clarity and legibility, is well-positioned to meet this challenge.However, the adoption of Hengshui Script is not without its critics. Some argue that its rigidity and uniformity stifle creativity and individuality in writing. They fear that by embracing this style, students may lose their unique voices and perspectives. While these concerns are valid, it is important to note that Hengshui Script is not intended to replace individual creativity but to complement it. It provides a solid foundation for effective communication, leaving room for students to express their ideas and insights freely.The emergence of Hengshui Script as a popular writing style also raises questions about the role of technology in writing instruction. With the advent of digital tools and resources, students now have access to a wide range of writing aids that can help them improve their handwritingand writing skills. This raises the question of whether traditional writing instruction, which often focuses on handwriting, is still relevant in today's digital age.The answer to this question lies in the recognitionthat while technology has indeed revolutionized the writing process, the fundamentals of good writing remain unchanged. Clear communication, logical organization, and engaging content are still the cornerstones of effective writing, regardless of the medium used. By embracing Hengshui Script and other digital tools, students can enhance their writing skills and craft more impactful academic compositions.In conclusion, the 2014 Postgraduate Entrance Exam's English composition and the emergence of Hengshui Script have provided valuable insights into the evolving nature of academic writing. This style embodies the principles of clarity, legibility, and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for students seeking to communicate their ideas effectively. While it may have its critics, it remains a popular and useful tool in the academic writing arsenal. As we move forward, it will be interesting to see how thisstyle evolves and adapts to the changing needs of academic writing.**探索2014考研英语一大作文的深度内涵:衡水体的启示** 在学术写作的领域里,衡水体已成为热门话题,特别是在2014年研究生入学考试的英语作文中。

Unit 8 Writing Abstracts1.Reading Activity1.1 Pre-reading TaskWhat is the purpose of writing an abstract?It is the first thing people read when they want to have a quick overview of the whole paper.(for discussion)What are the basic elements for an academic abstract?Motivation, problem statement, approach, results, conclusions.(for discussion)What language problems may you have in abstract writing?(for discussion)(omitted)1.2Reading Passage1.3 Reading Comprehension1.3.1 What does the abstract talk about1.3.2Decide how many elements this sample includes and how they function.2Language Focus2.1 Commonly used verbs in abstracts; tenses in abstracts2.22.2 Verb tenses in abstracts34Writing Practice3.1A review of groundwater remediation in use today shows that new techniques required solve the problems of pump and treat, containment and in-situ treatment.3.2The use of a funnel and gate system via a trench has been examined in detail3.3The modeling involved an analysis of the effect of changing the lengths of the walls and gate, varying the permeability, and varying the number of gates.3.4An important factor in designing the walls is the residence time of the water in the gate or the contact time of the contaminant with the reactive media.3.5The results of the modeling and sensitivity analysis are presented such that they can be used as an aid to the design of permeable treatment walls.3.24.3Writing keywords4. Writing project4.1 Get prepared for writing an abstract 4.2 Outlining an abstract4.3Abstract:“Megacities” are defined as urban areas with more than ten million inhabitants. By 2015 it is estimated that Asia (where much of the worldwide process of urbanization is taking place) may contain as many as 60 Megacities housing more than 600 million people in total. This number will dramatically increase over the next decades with more than 2 billion people living in Megacities by the end of this century. Low carbon performance is a fundamental aspect of the sustainable planning of a new urban development. Sustainable master planning has four components, namely operating energy use, embodied energy associated with buildings, energy supply infrastructures, other infrastructures such as transport, waste, water, sewage, etc. These aspects need to be understood to inform the concept design at its earliest stage, especially if designed to cater for the needs of global megacities where ramifications of poorly integrated planning could result in profound and long-lasting impacts on carbon and energy intensity. This paper describes how these aspects of low carbon planning anddesign can be assessed by using urban scale modeling, namely the Energy and Environmental Prediction model (EEP-Urban), at a whole city and building plot level. Keywords:Urban planning, High density, Urbanization, Energy modeling, Low carbon。

本文所讨论的学术用途英语写作课程是针对某地方大学非英语专业以英语学习为第二学 士学位的本科在读生而设计的。他们中大多数就读于理工科专业,英语水平属中等偏上。学 习英语二学位的前提条件是需通过全国大学英语四级考试。在英语写作方面,这些学生之前 的学习经历是典型的中国大学英语写作教学模式的反映(蒋宇虹 2005; Yang et al. 2006)。 在这种以教师为中心、阅读为主导的受制于考试的教学模式中,教师将写作看成是一种从属 技能,而学生认为写作是大学英语考试中令人讨厌的部分。长期以来,在许多大学中,大学 英语写作教学通常有两种形式:一种是精读课的扩充。教师给学生布置基于其所学精读课 文主题基础之上的写作任务;而另一种更像是对四级考试写作的一种准备。教师讲解写作技
因为此学术用途英语写作课程将在计算机辅助形式下进行,在需求分析过程中,我们 也考虑了教学环境和学生的计算机操作能力。在多媒体辅助环境下学习英语是需要技术支持 的,学生须具备适当的计算机操作能力。完成一项写作任务更加依赖于资料的网上搜索或电
脑键盘输入。那些没有接触过这些技术的学生可能会处于劣势,特别是对于那些来自低收入 家庭以及不发达地区的学生,这是极其敏感的问题。在先前的教学实践中,我们发现一些学 生计算机操作能力较差,阻碍了他们的学习,增加了他们语言学习的焦虑感。应该努力帮助 这些学生,让他们不至于因为技术上的障碍和经济上的困难而在学习上落后于同班学生。我 们认为教师应该努力将多媒体技术应用于课堂中,同时,社会或道德方面的因素也应给 予充分的考虑。因此,在提高学生计算机操作能力方面,如如何应用微软文字处理软件 进行写作,应该对学生进行详细的指导。另外教学内容也应包括同伴作文反馈方法以及 修改技巧。

作者: 刘美岩
作者机构: 西北工业大学外语系
出版物刊名: 陕西师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 232-234页
主题词: 精读课;写作教学;写作技巧
摘要: 初学写作者除语言能力差外,篇章组建能力差是主要原因。
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