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fat tall short long small giraffe children (child的复数)

dad man woman mother sister brother

grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa family

Canada USA China she student pupil he teacher

boy and girl new friend today big


1)、A .teacher . B. boy C .she D .father E .man F .sister

1、student____ ____

2) B. tall C. short D. big E .grandmother F. Grandpa

三、____ 4. long ____ 根据中文意思,写出单词。




1 3

2 ( ). Good morning, boys and girls. ( ).It has a long nose. ( ).She is my mother. ( ). Welcome! ( ).It has a short tail . ( ).Who’s that woman? ( ).We have two new friends today. ( ).It has small eyes and big ears. ( ).She is tall and beautiful! ( ).Hi, I’m Amy. I’m from the UK. ( ).Come here, children. ( ).Where is your mum from?

( ).Hi, I’m ZhangPeng. I’m from Shandong. ( ).Look at the elephant. ( ).Thank you.

( ).She is from China.

1 3 2

( )Hi,Mr jones. ( )A bear! ( ) Is she your mother? ( )Mr jones,this is ’s a new student. ( )Look at that giraffe. ( ) Who’s that boy?

( )Where are you from? ( )Ha! It’s short and fat!( ) Yes,she is.

( )I’m from the UK ( ) Is he your father? ( )Hi,Amy ( )Wow! It’s so tall. ( ) He’s my brother.

( ) No,he isn’’s my teacher!


一,Unit 3

1,( ) The giraffe is ____


B、tall. C. long.

2.、( )要表达“看那只长颈鹿”,你应该说;

A、Look at the giraffe

B、It’s a giraffe . C. This is a giraffe. at that giraffe

3.、( )“它有一条短尾巴”你应该说;

A、It has a short tail.

B、It’s a short tail. C. This is a short has a long tail.

4、( )“它又矮又胖”,英语怎么说:

A、It’s tall and fat.

B、It’s short and fat. C.. It’s short and thin

5、( )The monkey has a ____ tail.


B、tall. C. long.

6、( )A: Is he your father? B: ____

A、Yes, she is.

B、No, he is my teacher. C. No, he is.

7、( )它有一个长长的身体,英语怎么说:

A、It has a long body.

B、He has a long body. C. It have a long body

8、( )它又高又瘦,英语怎么说:

A、It has tall and thin.

B、It is short and thin. C.. It’s tall and thin

二,Unit 2

1.、( )你想问“那个男孩是谁?”你应该说:

A、Who’s that boy?

B、Who’s that man? C. Who’s that girl?

2.、( )你要表达“这是我的家.”你应该说

A、This is my family.

B、That is my family. C. Hi, my family.

3、( )Chenjie 向你介绍了她的好朋友Sarah, 你应该说

A、Nice to meet you!

B、Thank you! C. Glad to see you again.

4.、( ) A: Is she your mother? B: ____

A、Yes, she is.

B、Yes, he is. C. No, he isn’t. D No, she is.

三,Unit 1

1、( ).你向别人介绍Amy,你应该说:

A、She’s Amy.

B、This is Amy. C. It’s Amy.

2、( )要表达“我来自加拿大”,你应该说:

A、I’m from the UK.

B、I’m from the Canada. C. I’m from Canada.

3、( ).你想知道对方是哪里人,你应该说:

A、What’s your name?

B、How are you? C. Where are you from?

4、( ).你想表达“她是一名新学生”你应该说:

A、She’s a new student .

B、I’m a new student .

C. This is a new student d she’s a student.

5、( ).你想表达“他是一名老师”你应该说:

A、He’s a teacher.

B、I’m a teacher . C. This is a teacher

6、( )当班上来了新同学,你要表达欢迎时,你应该说:


B、What’s your name ? C. Good bye.



( )1. Look at that pig. A. No,She is my mother.
