Leson 14 Abstract writing

如何写好SCI论文投稿中的Abstract Abstract是SCI论文投稿中不可或缺的一部分。
为了达到这个目的,研究者应该遵循以下几个基本原则:1. 提炼核心内容Abstract不是论文的简单概述,而是针对论文的研究问题、方法和成果进行提炼和总结。
2. 使用适当的语言和术语研究者应该使用准确、专业的术语和语言来描述论文的问题和成果。
3. 强调结果和贡献在Abstract中,研究者应该突出论文的贡献和创新点,让读者能够明确地看到论文的价值和意义,从而增加论文的吸引力和可读性。
下面列举了一些具体的技巧和注意事项:1. 遵循SCI期刊的写作规范Abstract的格式和内容要符合SCI期刊的要求,这包括使用适当的字体、字号、行间距、段间距,以及指定Abstract的篇幅等。
2. 遵循逻辑顺序和结构研究者应该遵循逻辑顺序和结构来组织Abstract的内容。

How to Summarize an Article
5. Write the draft of your summary a. Identify the title and author of the work.
Also include the date of publication and publication name. b. The first sentence of your summary topic sentence = main idea or thesis c. Do not write an overly detailed summary. d. Do not imitate the style of the original work. Express in your own words.
How to Summarize an Article
e. Quote from the material only to illustrate key points.
f. Preserve the balance and proportion of the original work.
g. Revise your final draft. h. Write the final draft of the paper.
How to Summarize an Article
b. Subtitle. “Practicing Oblivious Access on Cloud Storage: the Gap, the Fallacy, and the New Way Forward”
“Face/Off: Preventing Privacy Leakage From Photos in Social Networks”

英文abstract范文Title: The Impact of Technological Innovations on Modern Education Systems.Abstract:The present study delves into the profound influence of technological advancements on modern education systems, exploring both the opportunities and challenges they pose. The analysis begins by tracing the historical evolution of educational technology, from the advent of the printing press to the current era of digital transformation. This progression has reshaped the landscape of education, making learning more accessible, interactive, and personalized.The emergence of digital tools and platforms has revolutionized teaching methods, allowing instructors to engage students through interactive lectures, simulations, and online discussions. The use of learning analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) further enhances thepersonalization of learning experiences, as they enable teachers to tailor their approaches to individual student needs and preferences. These technological advancements have also expanded the reach of education, breaking down geographical barriers and connecting learners from diverse backgrounds.However, the integration of technology into education systems has not been without its challenges. Onesignificant concern is the digital divide, which refers to the unequal access to technology and its associated resources among different social and economic groups. This divide can exacerbate existing educational disparities, limiting the potential of technological advancements to transform education for all.Moreover, the widespread use of digital tools raises concerns about privacy and security. The collection and analysis of personal data, while essential for personalized learning, must be balanced with the need to protect student privacy. Additionally, the ethical implications of AI-powered decision-making in education, such as automatedgrading and admissions processes, must be carefully considered.Despite these challenges, the potential of technological innovations to improve education systems remains significant. The future of education lies in harnessing the power of technology to create inclusive, equitable, and innovative learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of students. To achieve this, it is crucial to address the digital divide, prioritize data privacy and security, and ensure ethical implementation of AI and other emerging technologies.The present study contributes to the ongoing discussion about the role of technology in education by providing a comprehensive analysis of its impacts and implications. It offers insights into the opportunities and challenges presented by technological advancements, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that addresses both the potential benefits and risks associated with theintegration of technology into modern education systems.。

CAMERA-READY GUIDELINES FOR ICSP 2014 PROCEEDINGSAuthor1a,b, Author2a,c, Author3 b,cAuthor Affiliation aAuthor Affiliation bAuthor Affiliation cAuthor1@, Author2@, Author3@ ABSTRACTThe abstract should appear at the top of the left-hand column of text, about 0.5 inch (12 mm) below the title area and no more than 3.125 inches (80 mm) in length. Leave a 0.5 inch (12 mm) space between the end of the abstract and the beginning of the main text. The abstract should contain about 100 to 150 words, and should be identical to the abstract text submitted electronically along with the paper cover sheet. All manuscripts must be in English, printed in black ink.Index Terms—One, two, three, four, five1. INTRODUCTIONThese guidelines include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for producing your proceedings manuscripts. Please follow them. If you have any questions, direct them to gyan@.1.1. LanguageAll manuscripts must be in English.1.2. Paper lengthPapers should be no longer than 6 pages, including all text, figures, and references.2. FORMATTING YOUR PAPERAll printed material, including text, illustrations, and charts, must be kept within a print area of 7 inches (178 mm) wide by 9 inches (229 mm) high. Do not write or print anything outside the print area. The top margin must be 1 inch (25 mm), except for the title page, and the left margin must be 0.75 inch (19 mm). All text must be in a two-column format. Columns are to be 3.39 inches (86 mm) wide, with a 0.24 inch (6 mm) space between them. Text must be fully justified.3. TITLE PAGE The paper title (on the first page) should begin 1.38 inches (35 mm) from the top edge of the page, centered, completely capitalized, and in Times 12-point, boldface type. The authors’ name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lower case letters. Papers with multiple authors and affiliations may require two or more lines for this information.4. COPYRIGHT FORMSYou must complete the IEEE copyright release form when you submit your camera-ready paper. This form must be completed electronically and submitted via the ICSP 2014 Electronic Copyright Form submission page before your paper can be published in the proceedings.5. TYPE-STYLE AND FONTSTo achieve the best rendering both in the proceedings and from the CD-ROM, we strongly encourage you to use Times-Roman font. In addition, this will give the proceedings a more uniform look. Use a font that is no smaller than nine point type throughout the paper, including figure captions.In nine point type font, capital letters are 2 mm high. If you use the smallest point size, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the paper much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing. Please do not double-space your paper. True-Type 1 fonts are preferred.The first paragraph in each section should not be indented, but all following paragraphs within the section should be indented as these paragraphs demonstrate.6. MAJOR HEADINGSMajor headings, e.g., “1. Introduction”, should appear in all capital letters, bold face if possible, centered in the column,(a) Result 1(b) Result 2 (c) Result 3Fig. 1. Example of placing a figure with experimental results.with one blank line before, and one blank line after. Use a period (“.”) after the heading number, not a colon.6.1. SubheadingsSubheadings should appear in lower case (initial word capitalized) in boldface. They should start at the left margin on a separate line.6.1.1. Sub-subheadingsSub-subheadings, as in this paragraph, are discouraged. However, if you must use them, they should appear in lower case (initial word capitalized) and start at the left margin on a separate line, with paragraph text beginning on the following line. They should be in italics.7. PAGE NUMBERINGPlease do not paginate your paper. Page numbers, session numbers, and conference identification will be inserted when the paper is included in the proceedings.8. ILLUSTRATIONS, GRAPHS, ANDPHOTOGRAPHSIllustrations must appear within the designated margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration.Since there are many ways, often incompatible, of including images (e.g., with experimental results) in a document, Figure 1 shows you an example of how to do this.9. TABLES AND EQUATIONSTables and important equations must be centered in the column. Table 1 shows an example of a table while the equationy = ax2+bx+c= (x+p)(x+q) (1) shows an example of an equation layout.Large tables or long equations may span across both columns. Any table or equation that takes up more than one column width must be positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the page.10. FOOTNOTESUse footnotes sparingly (or not at all!) and place them at the bottom of the column on the page on which they are referenced. Use Times 9-point type, single-spaced. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).11. CITATIONS AND REFERENCESList and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper. The references can be numbered in alphabetic order or in order of appearance in the document. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1]. All citations must be adhered to IEEE format and style. Examples such as [1], [2] and [3] are given.12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThanks to XYZ agency for funding.REFERENCES[1]Dennis R. Morgan, “Dos and don’ts of technicalwriting,” IEEE Potentials, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 22-25, Aug. 2005.[2]J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey, “An algorithm for themachine computation of complex Fourier series,” Math.Comp., vol. 19, pp. 297-301, Apr. 1965.[3]S. Hayki n, “Adaptive filter theory,” Information andSystem. Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2002.。

英语第十四单元作文英文回答:In Unit 14, we learned about language and communication. Language is a powerful tool that allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It is a means of communication that connects people from different cultures and backgrounds. Language is constantly evolving and changing, influenced by various factors such as technology, globalization, and social trends. It is fascinating to explore the different aspects of language and how it shapes our interactions with others.Language has both spoken and written forms. Spoken language is the most common and natural way of communication. We use spoken language in our daily conversations, whether it's with our friends, family, or colleagues. It allows us to convey emotions, tone, and nuances that are often lost in written language. For example, when we say "I'm fine" with a smile, it can meansomething completely different from saying the same words with a frown. Spoken language is also dynamic and flexible, allowing for improvisation and adaptation in different situations.Written language, on the other hand, is more formal and structured. It is used in various forms such as books, newspapers, emails, and social media. Written language allows for more careful and deliberate expression of ideas. We can edit and revise our words before sharing them with others. However, written language lacks the immediacy and spontaneity of spoken language. It can sometimes be misinterpreted or misunderstood without the context of verbal cues and facial expressions.Language also plays a crucial role in our cultural identity. It reflects the values, beliefs, and traditions of a particular community or society. For example, idioms and proverbs are unique expressions that are deeply rooted in a specific culture. They often carry metaphorical meanings that may not make sense when translated literally. For instance, the English idiom "to kill two birds with onestone" means to accomplish two tasks with a single action. This idiom may not make sense to someone who is notfamiliar with the English language and its cultural context.Furthermore, language can be a barrier or a bridge in intercultural communication. When people from different linguistic backgrounds come together, language differences can create misunderstandings and conflicts. However, language can also be a powerful tool for building connections and fostering understanding. Learning a new language allows us to communicate with people fromdifferent cultures and gain insights into theirperspectives and experiences.In conclusion, language is a fundamental aspect of human communication. It is a versatile tool that enables us to express ourselves, connect with others, and shape our cultural identity. Whether it is spoken or written,language has the power to convey meaning, emotions, and ideas. It is through language that we can bridge the gaps between different cultures and build understanding. Language is truly a remarkable gift that should becherished and celebrated.中文回答:在第十四单元中,我们学习了关于语言和交流的知识。

TPO 14According to the reading passage, the author believes salvage logging benefits both a damaged forest and the economy. In the lecture, however, the professor asserts that salvage logging can cause severe long-term environment damage.First, the professor argues salvage logging doesn't necessarily create the right condition for tree grows. She points out the fact that the natural progress of wood decomposition makes soil more comfortable for future generations. This contradicts with the idea of the reading passage that salvage logging promote the forest areas recover after disaster by removing dead trees. Second, the professor cast doubt on the author's idea that salvage logging is beneficial to the environment of the forest by decreasing the damage of insect infection. She claims salvage logging may do more harm to forest than harmful insects, saying that dead woods are not only used by harmful insects but also by birds and other contributive insects.Third, though the author thinks salvage logging has economic benefits, the professor contends that the benefits are small and don't last long. She states that the devises used for salvage logging are expensive to use and maintain, and that new jobs are temporary and often fitted by outsiders.Exercise 3According to the reading passage, the author believes drug testing is unnecessary. In the lecture, however, the professor claims that drug testing is actually underestimated.First, the professor cast doubt on the idea of the reading passage that drugging test is time-consuming. He argues that the safety of patients should be No.1 and that the waiting is worthwhile. He illustrates an example that once a new drug was put into market with drugging test only on adults, which caused many death of children later.Second, though the author argues that drug testing is expensive so that some patients cannot afford new drugs, the professor asserts that patients would spend more money without drug testing. He points out that it would cost more if there were anchy side effects, and that the test data helps the research.Third, the professor contends that MedWatch system is not accurate enough, which contradicts the idea of the reading passage that MedWatch system can replace drug testing. He reminds us that the volunteers may be too overworked or overbooked to write down concrete and specific records.。

Informative abstraห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ts
An informative abstract provides detail about the substance of a piece of writing because readers will sometimes rely on the abstract alone for information. Informative abstracts typically follow this format:
Unit 5 Abstract
What is an abstract? Types of abstracts Why write an abstract? What should the abstract include? How do you write an abstract? What is the style of an abstract? An outline for writing an abstract Common problems in writing an abstract Difference between an abstract and an introduction The Tricks, Conclusion of the lecture
3. evaluative abstracts: comment on the worth of the original are included.
Difference between descriptive abstracts and informative abstracts

Abstract writing is an important skill that is required in many academic and professional settings. It involves summarizing the main points of a document or presentationin a concise and clear manner. This skill is particularly important in scientific research, where abstracts are often the first point of contact between researchers and their audience.In this article, we will discuss the key elements of a good abstract and provide some tips on how to write an effective one.Introduction。
The introduction of an abstract should provide some context for the research or presentation that is being summarized. This may include a brief overview of the topic,the research question, and the methods used to answer it.Methods。
The methods section of an abstract should provide a concise summary of the research methods used in the study. This may include the sample size, the type of data collected, and the statistical analyses used to analyze the data.Results。

ABSTRACTGreatness in Trivialness:Institutional Logic of Discipline Governance in the Big Data EraNI Jing,CHEN Liang Page 1Abstract:Big data and centralized data processing have increasingly become the “upper-level logic ”of discipline governance in pursuit of excellence,which to a certain extent aggravates the imbalance of disciplines.In reality,many actual effects of discipline governance are mainly attributed to the aggregation of small data,which possess values including a more precise cross-correlation of discipline knowledge,a more rational combi ⁃nation of horizontal and vertical research methods,and more reasonable bottom-up cultivation of individuals.However,in the face of systematic problems and accelerating changes in the big data society,the small data path of discipline governance is confronted with the problem that research results have presented the form of point data with a lack of cluster innovation.Furthermore,scholars ’data capability has been polarized;there ⁃fore,there is a weakness in the backbone strength.In addition,discipline education encounters the predica ⁃ments of complex data and low governance efficiency.It is required to focus on the “small consensus ”coopera ⁃tion shift of institutional design and the identity shift of “creators ”in the operation of the system to superimpose the information correlation of the institutional carrier to the “life domain ”.Hence,it is necessary to build a “big ”data governance structure based on “small ”data so as to achieve the symbiosis and co-promotion of the two disciplinary governance methods and governance thoughts.Key words:digital governance in universities;disciplinary governance;discipline system;small data;edu ⁃cation data;data decision-making;data dividend The Maturity of Data Governance in Chinese Colleges and UniversitiesCHEN Guixiang,WU Chenlu,XUE Zhiqian Page 11Abstract:In order to explore the maturity of data governance in Chinese colleges and universities ,this re ⁃search learns from DAMA-DMBOK2,DCMM and other classical models of evaluating the maturity of data gov ⁃ernance at home and abroad ,and combines them with the actual situation of Chinese colleges and universities to design a questionnaire about the maturity of data governance in Chinese colleges and universities.The question ⁃2023年11月第39卷第6期高教发展与评估Higher Education Development and Evaluation Nov.,2023No.6,Vol.39inaire,group interviews and other methods are used synthetically to collect and analyze data.The results show that the holistic maturity of data governance in most Chinese colleges and universities is around the stable level (Level3);the maturity of data governance in higher education is above the moderate level in the whole educa⁃tion system,which plays an important leading role in basic education and vocational education.The research al⁃so finds some urgent problems:the lack of top-level designs of data governance,the low degree of innovation of data integration,the weak financial guarantee of data governance,the uneven governance levels of universities and so on.Based on these results,countermeasures and suggestions are put forward:to establish strategic think⁃ing and enhance top-level designs;to promote openness and sharing and focus on integration and innovation;to innovate the way of support and enhance the capacity of financing;to persevere in the classified development and promote fairness and coordination.Key words:data governance in colleges and universities;digitalization of education;educational deci⁃sion-making;smart campusImproving the Credibility of Third-party Evaluation of Higher Education Based on Data GovernanceCAO Jing,YU Chunmei Page23Abstract:Data is one of the core elements of education evaluation.The integrity and decentralization of data governance are obviously coupled with the credibility construction of the third-party evaluation of higher education.The data acquisition mechanism,data processing mechanism,information communication mechanism and information disclosure mechanism in the evaluation process can effectively improve the objectivity,profes⁃sionalism,openness and impartiality of the third-party evaluation.The data governance mechanism of the third-party evaluation of moral hazard,the reverse dominance of the evaluated,excessive administrative inter⁃vention,misuse and abuse of evaluation results and other main evaluation behaviors can promote the improve⁃ment of the credibility of the third-party evaluation.To this end,the following countermeasures should be taken: establishing the data governance thinking of educational evaluation and form a data culture,building a third-par⁃ty evaluation collaboration model,realizing the benign interaction between politics,schools and society,improv⁃ing the evaluation data governance system and building a mechanism to safeguard the interests of the main body.Key words:university data governance;third-party education evaluation;credibility of educational evalu⁃ationImproved Teaching Evaluation Methods Based on Grade InflationZHANG Ao,LIAO Ruizhi,CHEN Yihan,LI Shuzhen Page32 Abstract:Teaching evaluation by students is widely adopted in higher education.In order to obtain goodiiteaching evaluation results that meet the school’s assessment requirements and their own expectations,some in⁃structors cater to students’pursuit for high scores,leading to the grade inflation phenomenon.Universities and colleges can also temporarily benefit from good statistics on further studies and employment fueled by grade in⁃flation due to the time difference of information.Students,instructors,and schools are involved in a three-party game,and each acts for their own short-term interests.However,it will be destructive to all parties in the long run,forming principal-agent problem.This paper compares the teaching evaluation systems of Harvard Univer⁃sity and the University of California,Berkeley,and studies the reasons and their methods to maintain the effec⁃tiveness of teaching evaluation despite the trend of grade inflation.The paper proposes two methods to alleviate grade inflation:an“A quota”system and an“Average GPA”controlling system.It is found that restricting the average score is more effective in mitigating grade inflation and concluded that it is vital to constrain instruc⁃tors’ability to use the expansion of scores to exchange for better teaching evaluation results.Key words:grade inflation;teaching evaluation;course assessment;exam gradeCan the Score Be Negotiated?——Process Analysis Based on the“Events of Demanding High Scores”in UniversitiesZHANG Liqin,WU Qiong Page42Abstract:The dishonest behaviors of demanding high scores from teachers after academic exams often oc⁃cur.This study first provides a preliminary description of the phenomenon of students’“need for scores”,and takes typical events with hidden characteristics as the object to specifically sort out the dynamic process from “seeking scores”to“seeking punishment”and then to“calming down”.Based on the perspective of demand expression,this paper constructs a theoretical analysis approach of“dividing events”from four aspects:who is expressing,how to express,what to express,and the results of expression.It is proposed that university gover⁃nance should adapt to the requirements of professionalization,rationalization,and rule of law in modern society, implement a governance mechanism that is hierarchical and accountable,and stick to information identification, compliant disposal,and fairness and transparency.Key words:university governance;event of demanding high scores;exam scores;teaching evaluation; course assessmentChinese Universities’Identities and Transitivity in International Communica⁃tionYANG Yiyuan,LIANG Chuanjie Page53Abstract:From the perspective of transitivity,with the use of LancsBox this paper analyzes the corpus ofiiiChinese Top100universities’introductions.The study revealed that universities in China build their identities utilizing material process and relational process,and meanwhile elaborate with mental process.Among the pro⁃cesses,the creative,transformative feature from material process and the intensive,possessive feature from rela⁃tional process are the most frequently used ones.The results show that Chinese universities’identities have fol⁃lowing characteristics:high level and long history but lack of heterogeneity;serving students and society but us⁃ing less micro narrative;developing innovation but paying less attention to empathy discourse.Therefore,in or⁃der to improve the ability of international communication,the narrative framework with Chinese characteristics should be constructed in order to tell the story of true and real Chinese universities and combine the macro nar⁃ratives with micro narratives,so that they can attract more attention all over the world.Key words:university’s international communication;university’s English introduction;Chinese narra⁃tive;internationalization of higher education;university discourseThe Resilient Risk Management of Vocational Education International Coop⁃eration——A Case Study of Luban WorkshopWANG Lan Page66Abstract:In the background of opening up,vocational education international cooperation is an important way to enhance the capabilities of China participating in global vocational education governance.However,with the dynamic,complexity and uncertainty of the globalization and international cooperation environment,the risk of vocational education international cooperation has gradually highlighted,and it is urgent to improve the resil⁃ient risk management capabilities.Taking Luban Workshop as a case,which is the Chinese and foreign human communication and vocational education internationalization development well-known brand,based on resilient risk management theory,this paper explains the definition of resilient risk management capabilities of vocation⁃al education international cooperation.By the three stages,which include risk identification,risk evaluation, and risk response,the paper also analyzes the necessity of improving resilient risk management capabilities of vocational education international cooperation,and the four key dimensions of resilient risk management capa⁃bilities of vocational education international cooperation,which include redundant resources,organic structure, flexible culture and external reciprocity.Finally,it proposes some approaches to improving the resilient risk management capabilities of vocational education international cooperation,which include fully tapping construc⁃tion resources,avoiding the risk of shortage of cooperation resources,gradually optimizing construction struc⁃ture,avoiding the risk of imbalanced cooperation structure,actively creating construction culture,and avoiding the risk of weak cooperation culture,top-level designing reciprocity mechanism,and weak cooperation mecha⁃nism.Key words:vocational education;Luban Workshop;resilient risk management;internationalization of edu⁃cationiVCharacteristics of“Outstanding Class”in the Eyes of Pre-service Teachers YU Dongmei Page76 Abstract:Based on the method of grounded theory,105pre-service teachers’educational narratives are encoded.The characteristics of“outstanding class”in the eyes of pre-service teachers can be clustered into sixfirst-level nodes,including teaching structure,student learning,community interaction,class culture,teacher teaching,learning achievement,and19second-level nodes,including teacher-student interaction and guid⁃ance.The result shows that pre-service teachers present a good situation of diversified and integrated under⁃standing of classroom teaching.However,there is also an observation tendency of emphasizing exigency over im⁃plicity,emphasizing teacher-student interaction over student-student interaction,and emphasizing cognition over construction.Based on this,it is necessary to use multimodal data to help them understand the true appear⁃ance of“outstanding class”,and cultivate their belief in practicing“outstanding class”with narrative education method.Key words:pre-service teachers;curriculum reform;educational narrative;classroom teaching;teacher educationDeveloping Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Peer Review of Teaching ——Practice at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AmericaOUYANG Guanghua,ZHANG Yue Page89Abstract:The peer review of teaching program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln originated from the proposal of the concept of scholarship of teaching,and was initiated by American Association for Higher Educa⁃tion’s exploration of the path of“teaching as scholarship”.After decades of effort,a faculty-led inquiry into re⁃flective and scholarly teaching program has been formed.The program consists of two operational forms: first-year project and advanced project.The characteristics of the program are:stages dividing reflecting the scholarship of teaching and learning(SoTL)development logic from“teaching”to“scholarly teaching”and then to“scholarship of teaching and learning”,the construction of academic communities of SoTL through peer re⁃view of teaching,and the development of benchmark portfolio and the inquiry portfolio to provide artifacts of SoTL development.The program emphasizes the important role of the academic community in development of SoTL,and provides experience for teacher’s development of SoTL in China from aspects of the idea change, platform construction and artifacts development.Key words:development of SoTL;peer review of teaching;course portfolio;academic community of SoTLVThe Predicament of Moral Education of Cai Yuanpei and Peking University ZHU Xianfeng Page101 Abstract:Cai Yuanpei made active attempts in moral education when he was in charge of Peking Universi⁃ty.Meanwhile,he also faced many difficulties.Firstly,the position of moral education was shaken.Cai Yuanpeimade a local transformation of the idea of German classical universities.On the one hand,he emphasized aca⁃demic research.On the other hand,he attached great importance to moral education.However,the position of moral education was impacted by academics in university running.Secondly,the cultivation of personal morals encountered difficulties.Cai Yuanpei tried to cultivate students’personal morals through the Society of Moral Improvement,but he failed to achieve the expected results.Thirdly,the cultivation of social morality faced chal⁃lenges.Cai Yuanpei believed that social morality was mainly reflected in concern for the interests of groups and society.He tried to realize the change from“patriotism”to“loving the people”,and paid attention to cultivating students’consciousness of loving the university.Influenced by internal and external factors,relevant measures did not achieve significant results.The predicament of moral education of Cai Yuanpei and Peking University re⁃flects not only the adjustment and conflicts of transplanting foreign university systems,but also the courage and helplessness of an educator in resisting the dark political reality and old habits.Key words:Cai Yuanpei;Peking University;university moral education;university governance during the period of the Republic of ChinaThe Logical Approach to Cultivating College Students’Big View of History LYU Hongmei Page111 Abstract:The practical need to enhance historical consciousness and the inherent requirement to broaden cognitive horizons are the internal logic of cultivating college students’big view of history.Enhancing historical confidence,firm ideals and beliefs,and political literacy are the basic values for cultivating the big outlook of history.The main goals of cultivating the big view of history are to form a civilized historical view centered on Chinese history,a dynamic historical view centered on materialism,and a global historical view centered on a community with a shared future for mankind.The ideological and political theory courses in universities are an important battlefield for cultivating college students’big view of history,and related general education courses and subject history can provide strong support for cultivating college students’big view of history.Key words:big view of history;general education;ideological and political courses;college ideological and political education;history of disciplinesVi。
abstract - LES摘要-莱斯

▪ In particular, by providing for traditionally language based capabilities like scope rules and exception handling.
N. Minsky, PUC Nov25/05
Potential Benefits of Laws, and their Pitfalls
➢ The benefits
▪ They could engender predictability—despite the openness and heterogeneity of the system at hand—thus simplifying it.
--rests on the following simple observations: ▪ In the absence of natural laws of software, we
need to formulate artificial laws, like we do for societies.
▪ Involves hierarchy of laws, and interoperability between them.
▪ Generalizing the concept of workflows ➢ Flexible regulation of dynamic coalitions
▪ As in grids, virtual enterprises, supply chains.
➢ How can one reason about such systems?

抽象类作文英语模版英文回答:Introduction.In the realm of object-oriented programming, the concept of abstraction occupies a pivotal position. Abstraction allows us to encapsulate the essential characteristics and behaviors of real-world entities into classes, providing a structured and reusable blueprint for creating objects. Among the various class types, abstract classes hold a unique distinction, serving as a foundation for defining common interfaces and preventing the instantiation of incomplete or invalid objects.Definition of an Abstract Class.An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated directly but must be subclassed to create concrete objects. It serves as a template that defines theinterface and shared functionality of a group of related classes. By declaring at least one of its methods as abstract, an abstract class ensures that subclasses must implement the method with specific behavior before they can be used.Characteristics of Abstract Classes.1. Cannot be instantiated: Abstract classes cannot be used to create objects directly. They exist solely to provide a blueprint for subclasses to inherit and expand upon.2. Contain abstract methods: Abstract classes declare one or more abstract methods, which are method signatures without implementations. Subclasses must override these abstract methods with concrete implementations to provide specific functionality.3. May contain concrete methods: In addition to abstract methods, abstract classes can also include concrete methods, which provide default implementationsthat subclasses can inherit or override.4. Act as a contract: Abstract classes define a contract that subclasses must adhere to. By implementing the abstract methods, subclasses guarantee that they possess the required functionality and follow the established interface.Uses of Abstract Classes.Abstract classes offer various advantages, including:1. Enforce method signatures: They ensure that subclasses implement the required methods with the correct signatures, preventing inconsistencies and enforcing a common interface.2. Promote code reusability: By providing a shared interface, abstract classes facilitate code reusability across subclasses, reducing duplication and promoting maintainability.3. Prevent incomplete objects: By prohibiting direct instantiation, abstract classes prevent the creation of invalid or incomplete objects, ensuring that only objects with complete and consistent functionality are created.4. Promote polymorphism: Abstract classes support polymorphism, allowing objects of different subclasses to be treated as objects of the abstract class, fostering flexibility and extensibility in code.Example of an Abstract Class.Consider the following abstract class representing the concept of a shape:java.public abstract class Shape {。

托福TPO14独立写作题目原文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People benefit more from traveling in their own country than from traveling to foreign countries.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福TPO14独立写作满分范文:Travelling Travelling can can expand expand one's one's outlook, outlook, amplify amplify amplify one's one's one's experience experience experience and and make many new friends. It could be a superb lesson in one's life. If I have/possess adequate time and money to plan my tour, i would prefer to tour foreign countries. Foreign life can serve various life experiences and lifestyles which are hardly acquired in domestic life. In the identical social and environmental circumstances, people generally have relatively familiar and similar views and experiences. The distinction is, if any, slight. If people do not go abroad, they can rarely obtain refreshing ideas. For example, some people who come from highly industrialized countries with high welfare, tend to take the free healthcare and education for granted, but if they have a foreign tour in impoverished countries or regions where the food is almost far from enough, not to mention schooling, they can be taught a precious lesson: Cherish one's own life and help someone who needs help.Oversea travelling can offer broader choices. As far as I know, some countries are as small as one common city of the United States. In such countries, if people refuse to journey abroad then they have to repeat his footprints time and time again. On the other hand, some countries are located on some lonely islands without forests and all the fish comes from the sea, if these residents want to ride a horse in the plain or taste freshwater fish, they have to travel abroad.Besides, Besides, the the exotic exotic landscapes landscapes landscapes and and customs customs are are more curious curious and and attractive attractive than than familiar ones.Generally speaking, people are curious; they prefer to acquire purely refreshing experiences, rather than relatively familiar or even well-known ones. The foreign lifestyle, food and scenery are always far different from one's own domestic experiences, which is the key factor IN satisfying people's curiosity more deeply.In conclusion, foreign tour can afford more various life experiences, more options, options, and and satisfy satisfy people's people's people's curiosity. curiosity. curiosity. These These These advantages advantages advantages appeal appeal to us. Needless Needless to tosay, these are the contributing factors that attract more and more people to travel abroad.满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!!以上是给大家整理的托福TPO14独立写作题目文本独立写作题目文本++满分范文,希望对你有所帮助。

国际会议论文格式要求【篇一:2014国际会议论文排版格式要求及样张】2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文排版要求及格式样张lan hua1,zhao shu-rong21 school of management, harbin institute of technology,p.r.china, 1500012 school of humanities and science of uestc, p.r.china, 610054摘要:这份说明给出了2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文投稿的基本要求。
关键词:字体,字号,格式,页边距1 引言请将您的论文用纸设置为210mm?297mm的a4纸,全篇论文请在“段落”选项中将“行距”设置为“单倍行距”,每段首行缩进4字符。
2 方法论2.1 格式在“页面设置”的“页边距”选项中:“上”页边距设置为25mm,“下”页边距为31mm,“左右”页边距都为20mm,“距边界”中“页眉”设置13mm,“页脚”设置为20mm。
2.2 字号大小和字体样式请按照tab.1中所注明的字体和字号大小进行排版,全篇论文选用times new roman字体,正文部分tab.1 论文排版字体与字号大小一览表字号字体样式大小(磅) times new roman times new roman加粗 9图、表格图题、表题10 正文、公式、参考文献二级标题 12 作者姓名一级标题 14论文题目选用10磅字。

英语第十四单元作文The Transformative Power of Human Connection: Loneliness and Belonging in the Digital Age.In the tapestry of human existence, connection forms the vibrant threads that weave together the fabric of our lives. From our earliest interactions as infants to the twilight years of our existence, our innate desire for belonging shapes our experiences, influences our choices, and ultimately defines our collective journey. Yet, in the twilight of the twentieth century, as technological advancements have reshaped the very nature of human communication, we find ourselves amidst a paradox of unprecedented connectivity and profound isolation.The advent of digital technologies has undeniably bridged geographical divides, facilitating instant communication and fostering virtual communities that span oceans. Social media platforms, with their seemingly boundless capacity for sharing, have granted us the abilityto connect with individuals from all walks of life, regardless of distance or background. Yet, as we navigate this digital landscape, a growing sense of loneliness and alienation permeates our society.Why, in an era defined by hyperconnectivity, do we feel more disconnected than ever before? The answer to this question lies in the subtle yet insidious ways in which digital interactions have altered the fundamental dynamics of human relationships.At the heart of authentic connection lies the ability to engage in meaningful, face-to-face interactions. It is through these embodied encounters that we experience the full spectrum of human emotions, from joy and laughter to sadness and vulnerability. In the digital realm, however, such encounters are often replaced by superficial exchanges and fragmented communication. The nuances of facial expressions, the warmth of a genuine smile, and the subtle inflections of tone are lost in the translation of text messages and video calls.While digital technologies offer a convenientsubstitute for in-person interactions, they fail to replicate the depth and richness of human connection. They provide the illusion of companionship without the transformative power of authentic presence. The result is a growing sense of isolation, as we find ourselves immersedin a world of screens but yearning for true human connection.Furthermore, the relentless pressure to curate our online personas and present a polished image of ourselves exacerbates the problem of loneliness. Social media platforms have become a virtual stage where we perform for an audience, constantly striving for validation and approval. In this artificial environment, truevulnerability and authenticity become increasinglydifficult to achieve.The pursuit of perfectionism and the fear of judgment create a barrier to meaningful connection. We hesitate to share our flaws and imperfections, fearing that they will be met with criticism or ridicule. This superficialitybreeds a sense of isolation, as we hide our true selves behind a carefully constructed facade.The consequences of chronic loneliness extend far beyond the emotional realm. Studies have shown that prolonged social isolation is linked to an increased risk of physical health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and early mortality. It can also lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.To combat the rise of loneliness and foster a sense of belonging in the digital age, it is imperative that we prioritize authentic human connections and cultivate meaningful relationships in the real world. This requires a conscious effort to break free from the confines of our screens and engage in face-to-face interactions.Community involvement, volunteering, and joining social groups provide opportunities to connect with individuals who share our interests and values. By stepping outside of our comfort zones and interacting with people from diversebackgrounds, we broaden our perspectives and build meaningful bonds.Technology can also be harnessed for good, promoting genuine connection and fostering community. Video conferencing platforms, for instance, can facilitate meaningful conversations and allow us to connect with loved ones who live far away. Social media, used intentionally and with mindfulness, can provide a platform for sharing meaningful experiences and fostering authentic relationships.Ultimately, the antidote to loneliness lies in embracing our inherent humanity. By recognizing our shared need for belonging, by valuing authenticity and vulnerability, and by prioritizing face-to-face interactions, we can cultivate a society where everyone feels valued, connected, and truly at home in the world.。

下面是一个夹叙夹议英语作文的模板供你参考Title Your Title HereIntroductionHook Start with an interesting fact question or quote to grab the readers attention.Thesis statement Clearly state the main idea or argument of your essay.Body Paragraph 1 Narrative PartTopic sentence Introduce the first narrative point or story.Supporting details Provide specific examples or details that illustrate the narrative.Analysis Briefly analyze the narrative and its relevance to the thesis.Body Paragraph 2 Argumentative PartTopic sentence Introduce the argument or opinion related to the narrative.Supporting arguments Present reasons or evidence that support your argument.Counterargument Optionally acknowledge and refute a potential opposing view.Body Paragraph 3 Narrative PartTopic sentence Introduce a second narrative point or story that complements or contrasts with the first.Supporting details Again provide specific examples or details.Analysis Connect this narrative to the argument showing how it supports or challenges the thesis.Body Paragraph 4 Argumentative PartTopic sentence Deepen or extend the argument with additional points or evidence.Supporting arguments Offer more reasons or examples to strengthen your argument.Rebuttal If necessary address and counter further potential objections.ConclusionRestate thesis Reiterate the main idea in a new way.Summarize main points Briefly review the key narratives and arguments presented.Closing thought End with a final insight question or call to action that leaves a lastingimpression on the reader.ExampleTitle The Power of PerseveranceIntroductionHook Success is not final failure is not fatal It is the courage to continue that counts. Winston ChurchillThesis statement This essay explores the importance of perseverance through personal narratives and argues that it is a key to achieving longterm goals.Body Paragraph 1 Narrative PartTopic sentence My first experience with perseverance was during a challenging marathon.Supporting details Describe the physical and mental struggles faced during the marathon. Analysis Explain how the narrative demonstrates the initial struggle and eventual triumph due to perseverance.Body Paragraph 2 Argumentative PartTopic sentence Perseverance is not just a personal virtue but a societal necessity.Supporting arguments Discuss how perseverance leads to innovation problemsolving and personal growth.Counterargument Acknowledge that some may argue that perseverance can lead to stubbornness but refute this by emphasizing the importance of adaptability.Body Paragraph 3 Narrative PartTopic sentence Another instance that highlights the power of perseverance is the story of Thomas Edison and his invention of the light bulb.Supporting details Narrate Edisons numerous attempts and failures before success.Analysis Connect Edisons story to the thesis showing how perseverance led to a significant historical achievement.Body Paragraph 4 Argumentative PartTopic sentence Perseverance is especially crucial in the face of adversity and setbacks. Supporting arguments Provide examples from history or current events where perseverance overcame significant obstacles.Rebuttal Address the argument that sometimes giving up is the wisest course of action and counter with the longterm benefits of perseverance.ConclusionRestate thesis Perseverance is the driving force behind many of the worlds greatest achievements and personal triumphs.Summarize main points Review the marathon experience and Edisons story as well as the societal and personal benefits of perseverance.Closing thought Encourage readers to embrace perseverance in their own lives reminding them that the journey with all its challenges is just as important as the destination.。
Features of academic writing-simplified

Spoken and written
The cities in Switzerland had once been peaceful, but they changed when people became violent. Violence changed the face of once peaceful Swiss cities.
Noun-based phrases
Formal written English uses nouns more than verbs. Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences using a noun-based phrase instead of the "wh" clause.
In general this means in an essay that you should avoid: a. colloquial words and expressions; ""stuff", "a lot of", "thing", "sort of", b. abbreviated forms: "can't", "doesn't", "shouldn't" c. two word verbs: "put off", "bring up" d. sub-headings, numbering and bullet-points in formal essays - but use them in reports. e. asking questions.

Toefl iBT Practice Test TPO 14 WritingNo. of Questions: 2Time: approx. 60 minutesIf you want to get high score at short time, pleaseClick here !Go anywhere from here!Begin TestNow put on your headsetClick on CONTINUE to go on CONTINUEBegin reading You have 3 minutes to read the passage.Click to begin reading now .Every year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damageto forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with theaftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is thepractice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the woodfor lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are severalreasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest andto the economy.First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If thetrees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in themeantime, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvagelogging, however, removes the remains of dead trees and makes roomfor fresh growth immediately, which i s likely to help forest areas recoverfrom the disaster.Also, dead trees do more than just take up space. Decaying wood is ahighly suitable habitat for insects such as the spruce bark beetle, whichin large numbers can damage live, healthy spruce trees. So by removingrotting wood, salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insectinfestation, thus contributing to the health of the forest.Third and last, salvage logging has economic benefits. Many industriesdepend upon the forests for their production, and because of this a firecan have a very harmful effect on the economy. Often, however, thetrees that have been damaged by natural disasters still can providemuch wood that is usable by industries. Furthermore, salvage loggingrequires more workers than traditional logging operations do, and so ithelps create additional jobs for local residents.You may have to wait a few seconds for the audio to load and play.Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific points made in the reading passage.Write your response here.换行请按Ctrl+EnterEvery year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damageto forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with the换行请按Ctrl+Enteraftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is thepractice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the woodfor lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are severalreasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest andto the economy.First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If thetrees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in themeantime, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvagelogging, however, removes the remains of dead trees and makes roomfor fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recoverfrom the disaster.Also, dead trees do more than just take up space. Decaying wood is ahighly suitable habitat for insects such as the spruce bark beetle, whichin large numbers can damage live, healthy spruce trees. So by removingrotting wood, salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insectinfestation, thus contributing to the health of the forest.Third and last, salvage logging has economic benefits. Many industriesdepend upon the forests for their production, and because of this a firecan have a very harmful effect on the economy. Often, however, thetrees that have been damaged by natural disasters still can providemuch wood that is usable by industries. Furthermore, salvage loggingrequires more workers than traditional logging operations do, and so ithelps create additional jobs for local residents.Write your response here. Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People benefit more from traveling in their own countrythan from traveling to foreign countries.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write,and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain aminimum of 300 words. 换行请按Ctrl+EnterCongratulations!You have completed this practice test.Get more infomationExit the testRestart testTPO小站免费口语批改活动都说中国考生怕口语?加入TPO小站虐口语小分队吧!小站名师坐镇,全程免费批改!TPO小站首创真人1对1口语微信批改服务,针对您发送的答案做最直接的点评!还能看到其他战友的优秀口语作品和相关点评。
剑雅14写作范文 test2

剑雅14写作范文 test2
剑雅 14 写作范文 test2 是一篇优秀的写作范文,它提供了一个清晰、有序的写作框架,可以帮助写作者更好地组织和表达自己的观点。
总的来说,剑雅 14 写作范文 test2 是一篇值得学习和借鉴的优秀范文。
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5. Avoid including background information or citing the work of others in the abstract, unless the study is an evaluation of their work. Do not include information in the abstract that is not contained in the textual material being abstracted.
4. Employ Standard English with complete sentences, and follow conventional grammar and punctuation rules. Both active and passive voices, first and third persons can be used. Omit needless words, phrases and sentences.
3. Use standard terms. Try to avoid using abbreviations and symbols. In case you have to use them, give expanded versions of lesser known abbreviations and acronyms, and verbalize symbols that may be unfamiliar to readers the first time they occur in the abstract.
Firstly, based on the theories of English teaching methodology and psychology, including Krashen’s Input Hypothesis, the Monitor Hypothesis and Information– processing Theory, this paper will analyze and prove the feasibility and necessity of recitation language input in learning English. Secondly, this paper will describe and analyze the questionnaire on recitation language input, which was carried out in 100 senior English majors in Tangshan Teachers College. According to the description and analysis on the research report, this paper will generalize the positive effects of recitation language input. Finally, this paper will analyze the positive effects in detail. There are mainly four aspects of effects: consolidating the language knowledge; avoiding the negative transfer in using English; fostering students’ sense of language; helping students form English way of thinking.
Abstracts could be of different lengths according to the purpose or requirements. An abstract could be as short as 20 or 30 words, or as long as about 2,000 words. For a BA thesis, an abstract is usually 200 to 300 words. It is usually within one page and written in a single paragraph, or no more than 3 paragraphs. Abstracts should contain no quotations or tables, use no acronyms and figures, and must be self-contained.
2. Convey information in the original document accurately and concisely, with an absence of any attempt to arouse emotion. The exclamation mark is never used in an abstract, and question mark is seldom used.
Some advice about preparing an abstract
• To read through the article carefully • To underline or write down its main points and major supporting evidence • To extract the gist of each section or cluster of related paragraphs; give special attention to introductory and concluding paragraphs
• To shape your abstract from the points you have underlined or the summaries you have made of each major part of the article • To link your points with helpful transitions
Abstract Samples
Sample 1
Analysis on the Positive of Recitation Language Input in English Learning
Recitation language input is one of effective traditional language learning methods in China. However, with the reform and development of English teaching and learning, the role of recitation in English teaching and learning is in doubt. Especially, with the popularity of the Communicative Approach, many people think recitation is out of date and useless to English learning. Through the analysis on the theoretical basis and research report on recitation language input, this paper will analyze the positive effects of recitation language input in English learning to prove that it is still an effective way of learning English. There are also advantages in the traditional English teaching and learning method. The traditional method should not be abandoned totally. English learners should take advantages of methods that are available to English learning to improve their basic skills and communicative competence.
usually describe what the paper is about, the topic, purpose, scope, and method of the paper. It helps the readers to decide if they will read the paper. But it usually does not offer information about details of results, conclusions or recommendations.
Suggestions about writing the abstract
1. Make the abstract as informative as the nature of the document will permit, so that readers may decide, quickly and accurately, whether they need to read the entire document.
• To test the abstract against the article, evaluating how well it reflects what the article contains.