国家开放大学电大《文献检索》2020-2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1133)一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共30分,每小题仅有一项答案正确,请将正确答案的序号填在括号内)1.“情报”具有三种基本要素,它们是( )。
A.保密、时效和传递 B.保密、传递和效益C.知识、传递和效益 D.知识、传递和时效2.文献类型“综述”属于( )。
A. 一次文献 B.二次文献C.三次文献 D.零次文献3.国际专利分类法中A部表示为( )。
A.作业、运输 B.物理C.化学、冶金 D.人类生活需要4.以下对检索语言描述错误的是( )。
A.在文献的检索和存贮过程中都可能用到检索语言B.检索语言由检索标目和语法组成C.检索语言与人类自然语言没有联系,是专家根据需要而建立的D.检索语言是用于描述检索系统中文献的内容特征及外表特征和表达用户检索提问的一种专门语言5.一般情况下,检索工具由( )部分组成。
A.3 B.4C.5 D.66.我国文摘性检索刊物最早出现于( )年。
A.1928 B.1934C.1948 D.19527.以下哪项是专利权授予的必要条件?( )A.创造性、技术性、新颖性 B.新颖性、实用性、创造性C.技术性、新颖性、实用性 D.实用性、技术性、新颖性8.用《中目》的主题途径检索“肠梗阻的早期发现”,应查找的主题词和副主题词为 (A. 肠梗阻一发现 B.肠梗阻一病因C.肠梗阻一诊断 D.肠梗阻一预防9.美国《医学索引》的检索途径包括( )。
A.主题途径、著者途径 B.主题途径、分类途径C.著者途径、分类途径 D.关键词途径、著者途径。
国家开放大学 2020 年秋季学期期未统一考试
理工英语 3 试题
2021 年 1 月
一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。
二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答 题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。
and what is bad for people's health, for the environment and for saving energy. Of course,
fashion is a big part of green interior design. But it is not the only thing being focused on.
Green design is about analyzing all aspects of a building to find ways to save energy and water, to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to make the interior free of toxic chemicals and to use materials that are the most environmentally friendly.
B. That … that
C. What … what
14. I'm tired. I
workmg very hard.
A. have
B. have been
国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语D 2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:3895)一■交际用唐(共计10分,每小聘2分)1 一5 JS:选择正确的语句完成下列对话.并得答案序号写在答题纸上。
1. —Hi.Melinda. Can I make a brief introduction of the office work to you?A. Thank you! h's very kind of you.B. Sorry.1 have no time for you.C- Of thanks anyway.2. — Could you please give me a hand?A. Sure, please be patient.B. Sure> what is the matter?Q Don f i mention in3. —________________________ ?一l e m afraid not. But VII be free this afternoon^A. Do you have rhe timeB. Is there any vacancy in your companyQ Cnn you spare me a few minutes now4. 一Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?A. I'm Ery. but 1 have another appointment tomorrow.B No. 1 have nothing planned tomorrow.C. Well. PH be most delighted to come oven5. — Hey. You look so palc< Whai's wrong?A. It none of your business It doe^n91 matterC. I didn't sleep well Ust night二■调汇与结构(共计30分.45小题2分)6-20IS:阅读下面的句子,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答18纸上。
1.从专业社会工作视角看,下列体现“助人自助”内涵的说法是( )。
这符合( )的原理。
3.下列哪一项不属于保密的方式?( )
4.心理治疗模式认为人生活在特定的社会环境中,包括( )三个层面。
A. 家庭、社区、单位
这种工作技巧在心理社会模式中被称为( )。
国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204) 第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小HI 2分)1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight) t不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答宴写在答/纸上.L — Could I speak to Harry t please?—He 13 not in. I'm afraicLA. RightB. Wrong2. — Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9—Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is.A. RightB. Wrong3. — What arc your parents doing nghl now?— My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr.A. RifthiB. Wrong4. —Could you sign the register• pleaxe?—Of course.A, Right H. Wrong5. — How much doeA the fl«t cost a month?—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分伺it:与结构(共计30分.每小整2分)6-20 ff: K)读下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答JB蛾上写出所选的字毋符号/6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen.A. hasB. haveC> is having7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ .A. am notB. don'tC. doesn'i8. — _______ arc you from?—Pm from NanjingA・ What B. WhenC. Where9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. Have10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy.A. doingB. makingC. having11. She h心o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl.A. with H> forI2> People in London oftrn travel _________ n n hour to K()I O work every dny・A. m K 如C. (or13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn?A> her H・ hernCL nhe*«14. She liken playing the violin• but he . 一•A. 19 not Bt don'tC. docsn* l15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenLN rain H・ ruin*(.in nilning16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting,A> be beingC« are\7. I don f t need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanksA> «ny> Mtiy B. ony t »omeC> wmr f Rome18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friendsA. The»c. Thone B, Thi^. ThutC・ Here» I herc19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room.A< i> B. areC. have20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben.A> aitr»ciive tt more attractiveC. very attractiveK3K分句熨变揍(共计15分.每小・3分)21—25小・:■■框号里的提示改写下列句子,弁料菩髯耳在答上.2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. (aS A—22. She will accept a great chailenge«(改为含定句)Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> (用who 分舞同》25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. (JM wtul 对酵分H同)第四部分阅读理解(20分,每小BH分)26-30 18:阅或下列短文.从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系•并在答购纸上耳出所选的字毋符号.What should I do at M party In England7What do t do at the party?You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmea t holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc.You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t<?r> you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople don f t like the smell uf smoke inside.Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk.What do I do when I leave?1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^You should My " Thank you M to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy M h very nice to meet you.”2tk When you 日。
2020-2021国家开放大学电大专科《健康评估》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2393)盗传必究一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1.关于问诊,下列错误的是( )。
A. 问诊是采集健康史的重要手段B.问诊一般从主诉开始,有目的、有序的进行C。
问诊要全面,重危病人更应详细询问后再处理D.问诊中应注意与病人的非语言沟通2.采集病史过程中,下列提问不妥的是( )。
A. 你病了多长时间了?B.你感到哪儿不舒服?C.你的粪便发黑吗?D.你一般在什么时候发热?3.小儿高热易出现( )。
A. 昏迷B.消瘦C.惊厥D.失水4.咯血直接致死的重要原因为( )。
A. 肺部感染B.窒息C.肺不张D.失血性休克5.中等量以上咯血者咯血前的先兆症状为( )。
A. 喉痒、烦躁不安、发绀B.喉痒、胸闷、咳嗽C.喉痒、咳嗽、呛咳D.胸闷、咳嗽、发绀6.周围性发绀的特点为( )。
A.除四肢及颜面外,亦可见于舌、日腔粘膜和躯干皮肤B.发绀部位皮肤温暖C.按摩或加温后发绀可消失D.常伴杵状指(趾)及红细胞增多7.呼气性呼吸困难见于( )。
A. 喉痉挛B.胸腔积液C.气管异物D.支气管哮喘8.呕吐与头部位置改变有关,常有恶心先兆,并伴有眩晕、眼球震颤,见于( )。
A.中枢神经系统病变B.胃肠神经官能症C.前庭功能障碍D.消化道梗阻9.出现黑粪提示上消化道出血量达( )。
A.10~30ml以上B.30~50ml以上C.50~70ml以上D.70~90ml以上10.病人处于病理性睡眠状态,唤醒后能正确回答问题和作出各种反应,刺激停止后又很快入睡,称为( )。
A.意识模糊B.嗜睡C.昏睡D.谵妄11.强迫坐位见于( )。
A.心绞痛B.胆道蛔虫症C.心、肺功能不全D.脊椎疾病12.冷汗见于( )。
A.结核病B.虚脱C.甲状腺功能亢进D.维生素A缺乏13.水肿仅发生于眼睑、眶下软组织,胫骨前及踝部皮下组织,指压后组织轻度凹陷,平复较快,其水肿程度为( )。
件等 999
A . 5
B . 4
C . 3
D . 2
请将正确答案的序号填在答题纸上)1.西方的“( )”和中国古典的“观物取象”有着共同的观点,即文学作品与世界的不可分割的联系。
A.“摹仿说”B.“客观说”C.“表现说”D.“体验说”2.文学文本是有待于阅读的具有蕴藉性与开放性的,其特征主要包括语言系统、蕴藉、开放性、阅读期待和( )。
其特征主要表现为历史性、感染性、多义性( )。
A.特殊性B.指意性C.随意性D.独创性4.中国古代文论所涉及的文学文本层面理论,三层面说是指的音、象、( )。
A.意B.儒C.释D.道5.( )是表现正义与邪恶两种力量斗争冲突中前者失败或毁灭的戏剧。
A.正剧B.喜剧C.悲剧D.悲喜剧6.作者的语境条件包括历史情境、( )、文学资源场及文学创新需要等几个重要方面。
语境包括个体语境与社会语境,社会语境是指读者阅读时的( )。
A.文本存在方式B.人与人的关系C.文本媒介形式D.社会生活关联域8.文学阅读中读者与文本产生心灵共振与感应的情形属于( )。
A.共鸣B.净化C.领悟D.欣赏9.当代西方的女性主义文学批评属于( )模式。
A.心理分析批评B.语言批评C.社会历史批评D.文化批评10.文学文本是文学阅读的对象要素,其价值的实现必须通过( )。
每小题至少有两个以上正确答案,请将正确答案的序号填在答题纸上)11.关于文学观念的诸多认识中,体验论的观点较之于摹仿论、实用论以及表现论而言有其独特的文学主张,主要是( )。
A.文学不是对于世界的摹仿B.文学不是对于世界情感的表现C.文学创作的任务不是忠实地记录客观感受或主观情感D.文学作品的价值不在于所传达的体验本身的特异性或神秘性E.读者阅读作品,主要是要理解作者赋予其中的体验12.文学文本通常包含这样一些层面( )。
1.——I'm sorry・ I am late due to the heavy traffic.A.Well, it's OK.B.No. it's all right.C.You are welcome.2.— Let's go to the library this afternoon.A.No, 1 can^t.B.What about you?C・ That's a good idea・3.— If trash is sorted, it can be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant.—That makes sense. _____________ .A・ I couldn't agree more・B. I couldn't agree with you.C・ 1 doubt that.4・一________ ? A lot of things are on sale.—Thai's a good idea・ Let's go.A.What are you going to buyB.Why don'l we go shopping todayC.Do you like shopping5.— Can you explain it again?A.I see.C・ Yes, I can.B.Let me put it in another way. C・ Yes, I can.国家开放大学电大《人文英语4》2020-2021期末试題及答案(试卷号:1390)二、词汇与结构(共计30分■每小題2分)6—20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答題纸上。
形考任务一(70分)Chapter 1 Exercise(分值7分)题目1I. Vocabulary skills(3 points)Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word on the right with the correct definition on the left.(0.5 points each)1.the bus or subway2.proof of completion of courses of students3.money for students from scholarships, grants, or loans4.formal talks by professors or instructors on subjects of study5.courses by video, video conferencing, or computers to students in different places6.the points or grade a student gets on a test答案:II. Reading Comprehension (4 points)Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each )Experiencing Culture ShockA When Eliza James arrived at the University of Xian, she was excited to live in a new country, to improve her Chinese, and to experience a culture so different from her own. But soon her excitement turned tofrustration as she encountered one roadblock after another. "I felt like I couldn't accomplish anything. My dorm room had no heat, I couldn't get into the classes I wanted, and every time I asked someone for help they gave me the runaround. I felt like no one was listening to me." Eliza met with administrators, sent letters of complaint, and even contacted the consulate in Beijing, but she got nowhere. What Eliza didn't realize was that her American approach to solving problems was very different from the Chinese one in which patience and negotiation skills are key. She soon learned how to solve problems within the cultural norms of Chinese society instead of forcing her own values onto those around her. "I finally feel like I fit in and that I know what I'm doing. In fact, it's really fun being in a place that's so incredibly different from what I am accustomed to."B Yoshi Yamamoto is a junior at a small college outside of Boston. Although he is an honors student now, Yoshi didn't always have such an easy time studying in America. "Teaching methods are very different here than they are in Japan. It took me a long time to get used to learning in seminars and discussing ideas with my classmates. At first it seemed like I wasn't actually learning anything." Yoshi's reaction was to totally withdraw: he didn't participate in class discussion; he spent lots of time alone in his room, and he even skipped class on occasion. "I thought I could teach myself. Now I recognize the value of the U.S. academic system, and I am able to adapt it to my own learning style."C Both Eliza and Yoshi experienced what is called culture shock: psychological disorientation due to living in a new culture. For many international students, studying abroad can offer exposure to new cultures and an opportunity to study new fields and languages. However, it also offers the greater challenge of trying to function in a foreign culture. Studying and reading about a certain culture is poor preparation for the reality of living in it. According to psychological studies, the four stages of culture shock are 1. euphoria, 2. hostility, 3. gradual adjustment, and 4. adaptation. Culture shock can be manifested in many ways: homesickness, boredom, stereotyping of or hostility towards the host culture, overeating or overdrinking, withdrawal, and inability to work effectively.D Different people experience different levels of culture shock and react in different ways. For example, Eliza got angry while Yoshi withdrew from society. The most important thing to remember is that culture shock is normal; it is not something to be ashamed of. Luckily, there are some things international students can do to make their adjustment to a new country go more smoothly. For instance, they can stay in touch with family and friends from home, join international student organizations, meet people from their own countries, and get involved in campus activities. Most importantly, they can adjust to life abroad by keeping a sense of humor and trying to remain positive.Recognizing Paragraph Topics(choose the paragraph letter)题目27. an explanation of culture shock选择一项:C. C题目38. ways that students can adjust to living in a new country选择一项:D. D题目49. the experience of an international student in the United States选择一项:B. B题目510. the experience of an international student in China选择一项:A. AChapter 2 Exercise(分值7分)题目1I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Sometimes examples can explain the meaning of a word or phrase. For example, sun, rain, and wind are examples of kinds of weather. Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word or phrase in the first column with the examples in the second column. (0.4 points each)1.kinds of extreme weather2.Earth’s natural materials and gases3. diseases or health disorders4. seasons of the year5. natural areas or regions of the earth答案:II. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B or C. (1 point each) Seasonal Affective Disorder: More than Just the BluesA Joshua dreads the winter months, not only because of the cold New England weather--the sleet, snow, wind, and rain--but because as the seasons change from summer to fall to winter, the days get shorter. As the days get shorter, he starts feeling depressed and irritable and spends more and more time at home, eating and sleeping. A graduate student in philosophy, Joshua finds that he gets little work done during the winter months and has trouble paying attention in class and concentrating on his research. "I soon realized that what I thought was just the 'winter blues' was something more extreme than that." Josh visited a doctor who diagnosed him with SAD.B Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a kind of depression that occurs seasonally. It is associated with the long hours of darkness and lack of sunlight during the winter months (people with SAD usually feel worse from December through February). Scientists don't completely understand the exact causes of SAD, but they believe it is related to a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the basic part of the brain that controls the body's breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, and hormone release. The effects of SAD include moodiness, irritability, low energy, increased appetite for carbohydrates (foods such as potatoes, rice, and bread), difficulty concentrating, and the tendency to oversleep.C Although doctors described SAD for the first time in 1984, humans have probably dealt with the disorder for thousands of years. It is not a coincidence that many cultures have important celebrations during the short days of the winter months. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice celebrations all occur in December. These celebrations involve lighting candles in order to bring light, warmth, and happiness to an otherwise depressing time of year.D So what can SAD sufferers do to feel better? Naturally, they need more light. For people who have mild cases of SAD, exercising in the morning sun could be enough to help them. Phototherapy, or light therapy, is usually prescribed for people who have more serious cases of the disorder. In light therapy, patients sit in front of a light box, a strong artificial light, for up to four hours a day. Phototherapy is effective in over 80% of SAD cases, and patients usually see results within three to four days. Although the symptoms of SAD are similar to those of clinical depression, traditional antidepressants have not proven useful in treating SAD. While psychological counseling cannot treat the symptoms of SAD, it is recommended to help SAD sufferers learn to accept and deal with their illness.题目26. Joshua starts feeling depressed and irritable in the winter because选择一项:B. he suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder题目37. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a condition that researchers believe affects people during the winter months. Scientists believe it is caused by选择一项:C. lack of sunlight and a biochemical imbalance in the brain题目48. Humans have probably struggled with SAD since选择一项:A. ancient times题目59. People who suffer from SAD can to feel better.选择一项:A. do light therapy题目610. This passage talks about_____.选择一项:B. Both A and B.Chapter 3 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each )Fast food can be good foodMany people are too busy to prepare and eat three nutritious meals a day.so they turn to the convenience of fast-food restaurants. Many of the items at fast-food restaurants, snack bars, and food stands are fattening and not very nutritious.But fast food d oesn’t have to be unhealthy.you can eat at fast-food restaurants and still eat well.Pay Attention to Calories and Fat ContentBy paying attention to the number of calories and fat that a food item has ,you can make smarter choices.Calories are “units for measuring how much energy a food will produce”.condsider two fast-food meals. A quarter-pound hamburger with cheese, jumbo-size fries,and a 16-ounce soda have a total of 1,535 calories and 76 grams of fat .a broiled (cooked under direct heat or over a flame )chicken sandwich ,a side salad with low-fat dressing,and a glass of water at the same fast-food restaurant have only 422 calories and 7 grams of fat .but maybe you really want a hamburger and fries .well,you can have a small hamburger,a small serving o f fries,and a glass of water.At a total of 490 calories and 20 grams of fat,that’s stilla much smarter choice than the large burger ,fries,and 20 grams of fat ,that’s still a much smarter choice than the large burger,fries,and sada.There’s More That You Can DoThere are a few additional things you can do to make sure you eat well in fast food restaurantS.First of all,say “no” when the cashier asks you if you want to “supersize” you meal (order an extra large portion of each item).Second, ask for no mayonnaise or sauce,or ask for it on the side (in a separate dish).Third,substitute(use something instead of something else)healthy foods for fatty ones. For example,instead of ordering deep-fried tempura,order fresh vegetables.Instead of ordering a beef burrito with lots of cheese and sour cream,order a vegetable burrito with beans and rice.and don’t eat the chips!Another thing you can do is order a side salad or a vegetable soup and eat it first.That way,you will eat some vegetables,and you won’t be able to eat as much of your burger and fries.Fnally,eat slowly and stop eating when you’re full. It sounds simple,but many people keep eating even after they become full.题目11.What is the main idea of this article ?________选择一项:C. You can eat well in fast-food restaurant题目22.A small hamburger and small firies has __________选择一项:A. more calories and fat than a chicken sandwich and a salad.题目33.Some things you can do to eat well in fast-food restaurants are________选择一项:D. order healthy foods instead of fatty ones and drink water.题目44.Manyonnaise and sauces probably_________选择一项:C. have a lot of fat and calories.题目55. By eating a salad or soup before the rest of your meal,_______选择一项:A. you eat less of the rest of your meal.II. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. (0.4 points each)题目6changes damaging losing global availableThe growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are 6 damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood, rice, and vegetables, the typical Japanese diet now includes large amounts of meat, dairy products, and desserts like tiramisu, a rich Italian dish full of chocolate, cheese, and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers, such 7 changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. On the other hand, the changing 8 global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the CzechRepublic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially, so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast, fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely 9 available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren, and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons, fewer Czech men are having heart attacks, the women are 10 losing a lot of weight, and most people are living healthier lives.Chapter 4 Exercise(分值7分I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)题目1Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right. (0.4 points each)1.make sense2.pedestrians3.vehicle4.teenager5.fine答案:II. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (1 point each)These days, it’s getting easier and easier to find your way around. Some people have GPS devices in their cars to make sure they don’t get lost. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. These devices use satellites in space to “see” where you are and give you directions to where you want to go. And if you don’t have a GPS device, you can simply go online to get step-by-step directions. Websites like and can produce a map and directions in just a few seconds. But how do they do it? MapQuest® uses data (informatio n) from a few different sources to produce directions and maps. Before MapQuest® went online, it sold regular paper maps in places like gas stations. The website uses the data from those paper maps, information from digital mapping companies, and government databases. At the moment, MapQuest® uses more than 30 computers to read all this data and provides users with millions of maps every day.In order to find the best route (way or path) from one place to another, MapQuest® first has to look at all possible routes. Then MapQuest® looks at each part of each possible route. It considers the types of roads on the different routes. Are they dirt roads, paved roads, freeways, or city streets? It looks at how many turns there are in each route and what kinds of turns they are. Are they right turns or left turns? It also considers the speed limit on each road and how many intersections there are. An intersection is “a place where two or more roads cross each other”.MapQuest® can also tell you how long your trip will take you. It does this by doing some math. MapQuest® bases its estimated driving times on the length and speed limit of each part of the route and the amount of time it probably takes to get through each intersection. For example, it allows more time for a left turn at an intersection than it does for a right turn. Someday, maybe we will have cars that can just drive us wherever we want to go, but for now, mapping websites make it a little harder to get lost.题目26.What is the main idea of this article?选择一项:C. How mapping websites work.题目37.According to the article, MapQuest®______选择一项:D. starting by selling paper maps.题目48.When you search for directions, the first thing MapQuest® does is_______选择一项:D. look at all possible paths.题目59.When it’s deciding on the best route, MapQuest® probably chooses ________选择一项:C. freeways instead of dirt roads.题目610. To estimate your driving time, MapQuest® considers _________选择一项:D. the speed limits and types of turns on your route.Chapter 5 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Read the five main-idea questions that follow about the information in the reading. Three details correctly answer each question. Cross out the untrue, unrelated detail. (1 point each )题目11. What are the definitions of the two main types of families?选择一项:D. The nuclear family is the same as the extended family.题目22. What are the reasons for the changes in the structure of the family?选择一项:A. The divorce rate went down and the birthrate began to rise in the early 1900s in the United States. 题目33. What happened to families in industrialized countries in the 1930s and 1940s?选择一项:A. Before and during World War II, families faced few financi al problems and women didn’t have to work away from home.题目44. What changes will happen to family structure during the next decades?选择一项:D. After the war, there were more divorces and fewer stay-home-mothers.题目55. What will families be like in the future?选择一项:B. Two-parent family will probably come back and all other family forms will end.II. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. ( 0.4 points each)题目6living extended category typical believeThe Family of the FutureMany people today would like the traditional two-parent family back—that is to say, they want a man and a woman to marry for life; they also think the man should sport the family and the woman should stay home with the children. However, few families now fall into this 6 category In fact, if more women decide to have children on their own, the single-parent household may become more 7typica l than the traditional family in many countries. Also, unmarried couples may decided to have more children—or they might take in foster children or adopt. And because people are staying single and 8 living longer (often as widows), there may be more one-person households in the future. On the other hand, some people 9believe similar events happen again and again in history. If this is true, people may go back to the traditional 10 extended or nuclear family of the past. Others think the only certainty in history is changing: in other words, the structure of the future family could begin to change faster and faster—and in more and more ways.Chapter 6 Exercise(分值7分)I. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (0.4 points each)题目11. Some examples of the architecture of old Europe are the magnificent cathedrals and castles. The design and building styles of modern architecture are excellent too. What does the noun architecture mean in these sentences?选择一项:D. the form and plan of buildings and other structures题目22. Perhaps the real beginning of civilization—with its scientific and technological discoveries and inventions—was in the Middle East and Africa. Over five thousand years ago, those ancient civilizations had astronomy, mathematics, medicine, government, and so on. Which word is a synonym of the word civilization? 选择一项:C. culture题目33. The cultural legacy of ancient Chinese and Indian peoples included walled cities, the first governments, tools for work, and weapons for protection. odern peoples built on this legacy.What is a possible explanationof the word legacy?选择一项:A. ideas and achievements passed from earlier generations to modern society题目44. “For me, the idea of ancient culture creates a contradiction in definitions,” said Karen, going against Mei’s views. “Only modern things can be part of culture.Of course, people that li ke classical art and music will contradict me.”What might the noun contradiction mean?选择一项:A. the opposition of two opinions题目55. Because of the worldwide media—movies, TV, CDs, the Internet, newspapers, magazines—everybody knows the same information, plays the same music, and enjoys the same jokes.How might you define the phrase the media?选择一项:A. the combination of visual, sound, and printed ways to send ideas around the worldII.Reading Comprehension (5 points)Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for True and “F” for False. (1 point each)题目6Many visitors to different countries don’t realize how important it is to understand a country’s culture. Sometimes people learn this lesson by making a big cross-cultural blunder, or embarrassing mistake. In business situations, these blunders can cost a lot of money or end business relationships.6.It is important to understand other people’s cultures before you do business with them.选择一项:B. T题目7For example, one company wanted to sell toothpaste in Southeast Asia. In their advertisements, they claimed that their toothpaste whitens teeth. They didn’t understand that many of the local people chewed betel nuts to make their teeth black, and that these people thought black teeth were attractive.7. The toothpaste company probably kept using the same advertisement in Southeast Asia.选择一项:题目8In an other case, a car company tried to sell a car called “Matador” in a Spanish-speaking country. The company thought that it was a strong name because it means “bullfighter”. In Spanish, matador is indeed a noun meaning “bullfighter”. But it is also an adjective meaning “killing”. Imagine driving around in a car called “Killing”!8. The car company that tried to sell a car to a Spanish-speaking country probably didn’t sell many Matador cars in that country.选择一项:B. T题目9A European businessman had an important meeting with a company in Taiwan. He wanted to bring gifts for the people he was meeting with. He thought that something with his company’s logo on it would be a nice gift. So he bought some very nice pocket knives a nd had his company’s logo printed on them. He didn’t know that giving a knife as a gift symbolizes cutting off a friendship!9. The European businessman probably researches new cultures before he visits them now.选择一项:A. T题目10It’s very easy to make blunders like these people did. But it’s also very easy not to. Before you visit a new country, research that country’s customs and etiquette (social rules for polite behavior). You can find a lot of information online. Just go to a search engine and type in key words like “cross-cultural etiquette” or “cultural information Taiwan”. By spending a few minutes doing research, you can save yourself from a lot of embarrassment and make sure you don’t accidentally offend anyone.10. What you can disagree with people to save yourself from making cross-cultural blunders.选择一项:B. FChapter 7 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for True and “F” for False on the Answer Sheet. (1 point each)题目1For instance, a doctor doesn’t always have time to thoroughly explain an illness. In these cases, the Internet1. One benefit of using the Internet as a medical resource is it has a lot of information about illnesses and diseases.选择一项:B. T题目2For example, some websites claim that sniffing (smelling) a newspaper can cure nausea (the feeling of being sick to your stomach and wanting to vomit).2. One possible remedy for nausea is drinking a lot of tea.选择一项:B. F题目3Other websites suggest that a person with a cold should keep a piece of raw garlic in his or her mouth all day and bite down on it every few minutes to release the juice. People with smelly feet are told to soak their feet in tea for half an hour.3. The websites remedies might be unpleasant or odd, but they probably will cause harm. And who knows? They might actually be unhelpful.选择一项:A. F题目4An herbal remedy for helping your memory may also be a blood thinner. So if your doctor prescribed (put you on) a blood thinner and you start taking this herb without asking your doctor about it, a simple cut could be deadly; you might not be able to stop bleeding.4. A person who is taking a prescribed drug should probably talk to the doctor before taking an herbal remedy.选择一项:B. T题目5The bottom line is this: be careful when using the Internet as a health resource. Use it to find information that you can discuss with your doctor. But don’t spend a lot of money on “miracle cures”.5. The best way to use the Internet as a medical resource is to read about your illness and discuss what you find out with your doctor.选择一项:II. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. ( 0.4 points each)题目6disease substance classification prevent figureIn a small-town farm market, hundreds of elderly people drink a glass of sour dark cherry juice every day. These happy senior citizens, some of them over the age of 90, claim that the natural fruit juice cures—or at least decreases—the pain of their arthritis, a 6 disease of the joints of the aging body. It’s a folk remedy, not a proven medical therapy. Nevertheless, science is beginning to 7 figure out why sour cherry juice might work to improve the health of patients with arthritis. The secret is in the 8 substance that gives the cherries their dark red color. It belongs to a 9 classification of natural nutrients that color blueberries, strawberries, plums, and other fruits—and vegetables too. Moreover, these coloring substances may help to 10 prevent serious health disorders like heart disease and cancer. In other words, vitamins and fiber ar e not the only reasons to eat fruits and vegetables. “To take advantage of natural whole foods,” advise nutritionists.Chapter 8 Exercise(分值7分)I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. ( 0.4 points each) 题目11.At all hours, the media offer language learners “real-life” audio visual instruction and practice in aural comprehension.选择一项:B. understanding spoken language题目22. High-quality TV programming —a good plan of shows about various fields of study—can increase people’s knowledge and improve their thinking abilities.选择一项:D. choice and organization of shows题目33. Television and video provide almost everyone with good entertainment—a pleasant way to relax and spend free time at home.选择一项:A. amusement or pleasure4. Images of violence on the screen scare people, giving them terrible nightmares when they sleep.选择一项:D. behavior that hurts people题目55. The talk shows of “trash TV” make instant “stars” of real people with strange or immoral ideas, who tell their most personal secrets, shout angrily, and attack one another.选择一项:C. shows without qualityII. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Complete the following sentences by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (1 point each)AEveryone makes mistakes, or so the saying goes. But have you ever heard about mistakes in Hollywood? When most people think of Hollywood, they think of blockbusters (very successful movies), high-paid actors, glitz, and glamour. But according to one Website, many Hollywood movies are full of mistakes. Some are technical errors. For instance, in a scene of the science-fiction adventure film The Matrix, when the main character steps out of his car, the viewer can clearly see the camera crew in the car window. In another scene, the same character is typing on his computer, yet the computer screen is blank. Other movie mistakes are historical. For example, the epic Gladiator, an Oscar winner, is known for having lots of historical errors. Throughout the movie, the gladiator Maximus refers to his home in Spain, and the other characters call him "the Spaniard." However, in 180 A.D., when the movie takes place, Spain as a country or even as a concept didn't exist yet. At another point in the movie, Maximus says that his homeland of Spain has "the best horses." But horses weren't brought to the Iberian Peninsula until the invasion of the Moors (North Africans) in 711 A.D, more than 500 years after the movie takes place. The historical drama Titanic, another Oscar winner, also has its share of historical blunders. The Titanic sunk in the year 1912. So why is one of the characters wearing a digital watch? In fact, movie watchers have found over 100 mistakes in The Matrix, Gladiator, and Titanic. Can you think of any errors in your favorite films?BHow susceptible are you to advertising? Has a TV commercial or magazine ad ever made you buy the product that was advertised? If so, perhaps you have been subjected to subliminal advertising. Subliminal advertising is a kind of advertising that appeals to the subconscious. The word "subliminal" comes from the Latin "sub" meaning "lower," "beneath," or "under," and "limen" meaning "threshold," (the level at which something begins to happen). Thus, subliminal advertising stimulates your brain at a level below conscious perception. You。
国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204)第一部分交际用塔(共计2分.每小题2分)1-5胜:倒读下面的小对话.判断答话是否恰当,恰当的选A (Right】.不怡当的迭B(Wron R).并将答案写在答题纸上•!1. — How do you do?— ! work in insurance.A. RightB. Wrong2. — I low much oil do you need?—h com aboul 50 pounds.A. RightB. Wrong3. — Excuse me・ where ix thr nearest bank* please?—(JO ulong thin street and turn right nt the first crossroad. Thai where n isA. RightB. Wrong4. — Are you free on Frtdfty?— Yes> Friday is fine.A. RightB. Wrong5・一Whm do you think of the invitations?—Thm •、A good idea.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词正与培构(共计30分,每小箍2分)6—2()18:|®读下面的句子.从A、B、C三个选项中迭出一个能填入空白处的18佳选项,井在答18纸上写出所选项的字母符号。
6. She is 、only accountant in my son's company^A. a B・ ahC. the1.any yoga classes in the evening、?A- In there B・ Are thereC・ Have8. [,tn _______ ・ list of thing* to buy,A. doing 氏C・ havitiK9. She han • problem _________ lhe flit •dvettmrmcnt.A. with Gof10. They ununlly discuss busiincH* __________ E n/mh.A> by.li. with GinIL He can _________ Hood Englifih,A. speakB. tnlkC. imy12. It oftenin nurnrner in thr miurh of Chm A. rain R ruinx (\ raining13. WhmH ・HoC> doe» (v hns worried about the prcMmintum Ifts! wcck°C ・ Were15. My Aunt cnjoyw ________ for her (rirndh at hnnmA. cockFt to cook C. cooking16. 1 hnvc two brothrnu One a driver. «ndn poli 抵mm A. oneB< other C. the other17. — I think the pnrkn are lovely.— So ________ LA. urnB. doC. hnvc1S< Pnul in _________ enntren on __________ t hird (loor»A< the# ii B. a a the 19. Would you like to ―・ rrrtervntion for dinner in the restAurnnt thin rvcning?A. mukcB# give C< hold20. — I have got a poin in my chest. fnt U.— You _______ to see the doctor-A. have & needC・ should第三部分句型变换(共计15分,弟小逸3分)21-25小题;根据括号里的提示改写下列句于,并将答案写在答题纸上.2L They have enough money for this house.(改为—问句)22. There arc some interesting books in this bookstore# (改为一般疑问句)23. My Mon wants to watch TV after dinner every day.(改为否定句)24. She UMially goes home abcnit 5 o'clock.《用when 对划线部分提问〉25. The meeting will take two hours* (用how long 对划线部分提间)第四部分房读理解(20分.每小贱4分)26—30题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答赃蛾上与出所选项的字母符号。
国家开放大学电大专科《英语听力》2023-2024期末试题及答案关建字摘要:试题,英语听力,答案,押巾,评分标准,试卷,专科,开放,大学,国家竭诚为您提供优质文档,本文为收集整理修正,共7页,请先行预览,如有帮助感谢下载支持国家开放大学电大专科《英语听力(1)》2023-2024期末试题及答案(试卷代号:2149)Seel Ion ()ni 9Purl \In Ihh Mtethm • you tirr gnx In henr ten words On answer sheet tick ( / ) the right von el in each ^ord You u lll hepr euch %*ord lwkc> ( hi polnu)Vl>Wrl 12Il31□G 7K 910rr VI li n ,H1A3|Pm I IIIn this set!ion.MHI arc R»lng b» hear ten ward*. C hrx»»e the word )ou hour In cuch gmttp Mild write A.ih C oi 1> onMiur Mnssvft Aliev!.You Mill hear vnch word (wheV. xmw t\ mnp (\ hcmriJ l'. pnrl 「.K0O41(*. vnr (「・mm pm C. fool (•< 10 points)IhA.Ik -*li»rrn 1% movr Ik lllliv Il poriil 11 < irotgv LI El B. ol IL porier B< l?ilhrr !1 wnol12. A.nun eh 13, A.bar ILA.parkn it more.mrw 1).biHchct H ptJKh IL #jrcw l ).)ni>k l>.u*e Ih ,lmrp lh fliMir l>.WJHlIIS. A.w 16. A.FA 115V 17. A./ill I&A,lop19.A・hill 2a. A.、Vfr 》wIn lith section • you arc Huiny Io hear ]<, short dinlouues. After c;ich diidouue. I here arv two Mattmenf?. Decide whether the statement h true (1J <ir fulsr < I- > wnrl wrlM your answer on tht \nMvcr Sheet >Ou will hear each cltnlo^nc onh once ( b• points)Ihalofiiie A21. John^s parents hnvr此four children.Siu-111 is h>hn'、ynitngrr、isaerDialogue UThere arr 1200 studenis i” Ten'、srhnaL21 < J here arc- 40 tcratiers(t> liun ^choriLDialogue C25.June- has been hviriR in S<in hmnasco for 1 3 yc»rs<26.Shr was hum in Sari F EJKISE.Dialogue I)27> The mnn l> xoing n> W a houAn2& There is n subwny siauon near (he hoitwu皈E29.Thv man couldn* i get into his hpn^e nfter the pony<30.Kr finnily got in hy hrrnking ihti window./&如&F31.The wnmun likr* hi^h heel乎32.She likes grevn very rnnch>Dialogue G33.The parly t£ on Smurdaye34> The nwin will cnniv i(> the pArty-Dtaiojiuc H31. I hr mnn w;mt5 t< buy sotne painh3G「here'5 nor enough paint HI the 5hop.37< I hty inlkin^ nhout h(«w tn y.vvirn<3氏I he WootI hrothrr^ an gwd al 5lu<ly.Dialo^tie JM. 1 hev rv tnlktnx ahovi B pl»c< in the IL S・E・ The man will vi<;t the wornnn next yrnnSection ThreeIn this svetion.)<>w urt: guing lo hnir lhr(T|用SWRX. \Fler e;ich passage there nrv M*vcrnl quvsliimN. Cluxrv the heM answer for nit h question nn<l s%rite il on the Answer Shref. Yen sill hear eachPassage 1IL h COMS- cnch person m Ira^l ID have lunch in rcJttHuraintSiA. SIDB. Si5(ZO points)「S12)2;Von enn have n vhrnp iuricb tn i>Ar rrsiMunintC hnirl13. You enn hnve A complete lun<li at un inexpensive pnre from $ 2. 50 :(i S .A,乱50C. t.50Passugv 2H・ Julidti lives in fUt tn London.Aa w cheap:C.R big43. She shares Hw flat withA- two ocher girlsC- «hrp! oiher girls .li another girlB.MI expenHivrK 3, 50K fMt-food chnihI6< She |"s lor ihr (nllowinjj EXl EP I lheA. food C. waierPussier 347.M M M prjnple like Hi ^;>cntl ^iimnivr holidays.A, at home C. nt the sefiside48.People before their balidny smrEsave enough money C. rem H house19. Fhcrc is io do ai the seaside.A« a lotB. TioihingH. book hotel rooms II clirnbing hilk B, remC. tiule30a Many people make a lot of,A# noise (\ frirndsSection FourK moneyIn this section, yon arc going to hear a passage. Fill in the blanks as ymi listen Io I he pasSHg Write >our unjnvcr (in the Atisvcr Sheet. You will hear the passage twirc. < ZO points)Sail was an importnni item on the 51 )of royahy. Il wii5 fnKliinin/illy placed in front iif I hr King when he 52)down in cj :t l»ipnr :Ant giiv-5ts 53) the King's thble were seated 54 >the 5alt. Less imponanl were seatsfnriher 55〉from it. In ihv Roman Empire. 56) of the imporiant rnads was ihr 57) ihm carried 品to Rome. Salt wz 5H)important in ihr Middk Agg tlut tn many countries 59) one was allowed io 60) salt without permission from the governrnrnt.given试题及答案评分标准(仅供参考)Part A(10 pninbt 1 point each)Vnwel!234560910V ;ci 1 JItJJ□ lisV□iJ1JAJ S731Part HJ(lupointst 1 puint each)11. Li 16. C 12. B17. D13. C18. C« H戚B0 D20- C(ID 2 points each)2L T22. I-26. F27. T31. E32. FF37. F Section three(20 poinUt 2 points csich)4L A42. B46. C47. C Section Fiiur(2n2押巾s<-iuh i5L tttblr52. Mt56, onr S7. nnc 23.T28. 133.T3fi. 1-13.C,I8. B53. nt58. an24. I*29. r34. E39.F44. B49. A54. n<*4r59. tin25. 130.135. Tm F45. A50. B35. uwayfiO. grdl。
2021国家开放大学电大专科《英语教学法》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2145) 注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内e考试结束后.把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。
Information for the exaniinees:•This examination consists of I pans. They are:I:Choose the best answer(40 points)II:Matching(20 points)III:Multiple choice questions( 10 points)K : Activity Designing(30 points)•The total marks for this examination arc 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.•There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the AnswerSheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.Chocwe the best answer (40H)Directions: In this part, you arc givon twenty qiNmUom which am Collnwtd by t choker markedH9 (: and I). Keud lhe choirs currfully and ch<Mwc the <me which run the qncMion. (10 point*t 2 points c«ch|h How do children learn thru firti hnuuAwe?A. By miitmisd H. by bring corrrrted hy p»rrfHiv.C・ Hy knrninK hn|(uA|{r ruleiu 【)• By acting und pcrlorminitt2. Which of tlir lollowmR bent exprewo ihc (rftiurc ol children in IrarnmH » Im山叩longungc?A. Short Attnntum span> H Annlytioil Ictitnu^.C. Cle^r purt)o»r. D・ Not caally diMrgcicd.3. Whet type of IcArnrr* enn bvneht mo*l Ircun hxikifig ht pi<Murr< 血门咔 *,u InNtnicfion?A. Individual Irurnern. B・ I nctile learnersC Auditory I M menu Viiual k«mcr<».4, In which ol thr {alluwiriK activities docs the teflehrr phy〔he ro!r of prompter *A. (living inatrucuons bu(orr nn «rtivity»K Rending out thr new woriU tn the(• I nking pnrl in the pupih1 uunvcraatlotuI). Encouraging s1ndrnt«i to go on with I heir folkWhin type of inteiliKencc H cMniinx best wuited for? A. IrHrr 舛rtorud infclligrncr. I 、Muwtol intcllitfrniT> Q LuW ・l intelliicenrr.□ Linguistic lntelh«encr.6. What doe ・ thr Following pruetiM? ♦ Frrr anJ I u5 tu tht ctnrmu y^Urrday. Pm ,and + / wr”f In th^ cinrmaP”,and I wrn/ to the ^cinffna y^tlerday^ P ・” UR U / wrnl In tAr cinftnaA. Stre«A A ArticukitioB C LuritonU tritonftiiqn7. Which of thr following gramTnar artivittr* u tnn<t cornmuniriiivr^A. StibMittitiom K Complctioru (L PrrnArAtionfar a vriOift Coevm 姑& Which ol ihc folluwinM i» ^uitublw for npcftking?A. I PR actioniu K Drawing pictures C Role pky«I). Llatcn and act«乳 Which uf thr (ollowinR activity enn train ImtrninK?A. Ijibrhng I hr pict uren* K Writing cAptinnn for pictures C. "Simon w”” gme.IX Brnwing wnd 。
国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语1》2021期末试题及答案(3895号)I'm sorry。
but I cannot see any article or text provided for me to edit。
Please provide the necessary text for me to assist you.If you have any ns。
please don't hesitate to ask Wer11.We are ready to help you.People here usually address each other by their first names instead of family names.Is it impolite to call people by their first names?At work。
be as friendly as possible to everyone you meet.Charles regretted buying the TV set last year。
The price has now come down.Professor Smith promised to look into the matter according to her ns.Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kinds of movies。
which are bad for their mental development.When buying my paper。
I make sure to read it carefully.She kept on working although she was tired.15.Your manuscript needs to be sent out to publishers by November 2026 through the OAI Publish a Book program。
国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语》2023-2024期末试题及答案关建字摘要:答案,试题答案,符合,业家,村域,孩的,位址,答宰,符含,无版竭诚为您提供优质文档,本文为收集整理修正,共9页,请先行预览,如有帮助感谢下载支持国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(3)》2023-2024期末试题及答案(试卷代号:2160) I. Vocabulttry mid StructureDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences, there wrv four choices marked A. B. C nndII Choose the <»nc that best completes the sentences Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEE T.(20 points)L • the ehnnees of winning the lottery are very smalLA.On purpose C. In realityB. In turnD・ With pleasure2.Our course will help you get over your and develop 5clf-confidcncv<A.curiosityC. nervousness3.The lotteries as a way io make money.X viewG reviewproduce: D・ annlyxe B. feverD. excellenceL She developed a lor the natural worlds for birds• lar niountAin$> for rivers.At pasture G patience 区passage D. passion5.Slowly, the policemen the house vnthout any noijCrA. appronched C. appreciated B approved D< agreed6.With your business senset you n choin of restnurnnis in five yearsA・ manageC are managing B. will have managed D・ will be managing7< Again Butcher approached the mooset her ax«swingingC. to swing8. Not onlyA. kept nch peopleV. did rich people keep B. swung D・ swingp3» they mode them do strange things for lhetr i nirrtAinnirnt.rich people dnl keepIX nch people kifpi9・ 1thre«a miles when 1 a pain in my side.B. hadn't even gonei got D. haven^t gone; have gut15 mostly theA. haver/1 evrn gone ; Rot C. didn a i go? had got10. Simply breathe into A paper bag and re4ireathr the same air,carbon dioxide.A# who C> thatl] • ClozeB ・ which whereDirections : For each numbered hhink In the following passage t lhere are four choices mnrked A, B t C and D. Choose the best one »nd mark your answer on I he ANSWER SHEEI*. (20 points)Exercise is good for you. but most people rcfilly know very little about how to rxerrisr properly^ Sowhen you try> you can run into iroublp.Many people 11 tli«l when specific muscles arc exercised• the fai in the neighboring area is el burnedup". Yet the 12 is thar exercise hurn< f^t from a)l over the body.Studies show muscles which are not 13 lose their Strength very quickly. To regain n needs 48 to 72hours and exercise every other day will keep M normal level of jihysiv*! strrngt luTo 14 weight you should always "work up a good nwwn" when exercising- No sweating only 15 body tempermure to prevent nvrr hcat:n«. I his is nothing bu1 water loss. 16 You replace the liquid> you replncc the weight#Wulking is the l>C5t and easyro-ds t?xerci5e< h helps the rirculation of blood 17 the body, and hos a direct effect on your overall feeling of hmhb. Experience says tlun 20 minutes a day is 18 amount._1,_ your breathing dac^n f t return to normal s 侦1,within minuics after you ftrnshexercising, you*ve done12. A. understand 12. A. reply 13. A. exercised 14> A.加n 15. A. reduces20 .H. believe K possibility B ・ fxnmined B> lose K raiseshope C ・ rrnson C. protrefer!C ・ keep C. destroysLX know D. truth IX cured D. burn b. keeps up16. A While17. A. over18, A fortunate19. A. But if20, A. enoughIll• Reading Comprehension H. ()nc<B. nrountiK po^ihlrB. BuiB< rnu HiC A5C\ with(L minirnuniG llL>< WhenevrxIX throughoutIX minutet). And ifIX much loo(L hu> rinichDirvction«: Each of the passages below is followed by some qncstinns« For each question Ihrrv arc four answerji marked A. H. C and IX Read the passages carcfullY and choose the besl unsMer In vuch of I he questions. Mark your answer un the ANSWER SHEEL (20 points)Questions 2125are based on the following passage.Ilnlloweeri is a holiday widely celebrated wnh different ruirncs in many coumrie^. Although H on«inatcd as a religious holiday• it hns lost its religious connections in the United Siaics, It i% now if Ichr ated lorgcly ;i5 a chihlrmS d«ytand mnny American children look forward io :t for thys and weeks bcforclwnrh •「he oranRr pumpkin is hnrvcsird at this time of year and is hollowed out« a funny fare cm into ii > and a rancllv plwrcd inside as d dcrorarion in I hi* window. City fnlksw nowndaysw sometimes use p^pcr pumpkins for dtcorationjuSonic ye^rs ago. I hit holiday wn rtlrbrnlcd by <irrs5ing up in strange and fnKhtrning cnstururs und phiying tricks nn nrir\ neighbors anil ln<-nrls< such as ringing door ht llsi throwing hns of corn on the window panes, and m mhrr wayji making nnnnr disturharK^^More recentlyt children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumtfs and gues? who lhey nre behind the la he faces and receive treats n! candies > fruits or cookies. They s&yt "Trick or Treal M< meanings “1 will play a trick on you if you do not give mr A trenl. '' More rerentlyt th济pmctirc hfis even developrd into a significant inttjrnatinna! iciivity. Instead of or along with randies, children colleci money for UNICEF (United Nations InternationoI Childrcrfs Emergency Fund >• This spccinl coikciion of money by chilrlnm for nredy children throughout the world i、known nr< F「、ICEE THck or Trrai Begun only recent ly< it results in several milbori dollars each year contriliuied TO I ^NlCEFe The collection box isreuMniscem of the pumpkiiu21.What does I lallawecn ortKinale from?A. A children*$ dxy.C. A religions day.B. A trick or treat.D. A rUy for UNICEF.22.Which of the following 15 \()1 mentioned about how the children celebrated the Halloween ^ome years agn?A. Dressing up m strange and friKhtcniug cos luniks.B> Playing tricks on one f s nrighhors friends^C.Throwing hits of com on rhe window panes<D.Breaking the neighbors' windows-23.Which of the following may NO! be used in the Halloween celebration?A. Pumpkins.CCost uni c«<EL Candles D. Flowers^24.Why do children collect money in the 1 lalloween?A.They love money.B.They want to get enough money to buy candied for themselves.C.The adults nre willing to give them money.IX I hey want to help other children.25.What is the symbol of Hnlloween?A. Pumpkin.C LnughtcreQuestions 26~30are ba%cd on the following passage.Silicon Valley is 11 rnagnet to which numeious talented engineers scientists and entrepreneurs (企B Candle \X Money.业家)fmrn overseas flnck to search for fame, f*st money nnd to parsicipate in a technological revolutionwhosv imparl on mankind will surely surpass ihr epoch-making European RenmssAnceC 文艺夏兴)and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age#With the rapid spread of the Intcniet and the relentless technologjcal tnnovstions generated through it 9 1 hr information era is truly upon profoundly influencing and rhnngitig not only our lifestylct but also ihr way wc work, do business< think ond cnnirnunicate with others.Il is nob worthy th>il ilonr to50%nf its skilled nunpawrrt including engineers>scientists and entrepreneurs•conic from Asia.Prominent nmong them arc Indians and Chinese,und hat a few Singaporeajis.Intellectiwl clmllengef aside* it is « romrnan practice for starl-ups lo offer gvneruus share options to i-niployecs in order tn jittrwet the right talent into their holds. This is n powerful incentive to mohvntc ibr in iln their uttnosi and to share in the company f5prosperity if it reaches its goaL Many regard this ns the (nundotion of a successful cnterprwe>26t Why is Siiziron Valley compared with n magnet? Because.A.it is very famousB.ii ottracted numerous uilented peopleC.numerous talenced people to senrch for fame and money「)•HK inipnci will surpass Europt^n Renaissance and Industrial Revolution27.What docs "h" m 2nd paragraph refer to?A. The Internet#C. The information era.28.Whm does "its” in 3rd pa ragraph me^n?A、Silicon Valley •& C B, the Internet ■ s>D・ America^K The rapid spread of the Inicmch IX Our lifestyle.29.Which of thr following is NOT TRUE ahaut thr common practice for nt/irt-ups?Intellectual challenge%R (xenerous share options.G Sharing in lhe rompatiy *!i prosperity.1X A successful enterprise.30.Thr main tilea of the passage is・A. Silicon Valley^s SULT-S、B< the infornintion rra upon usD. practice of successful enleqinses(\ ImellectUuil challengesA . TrnnslulionDirections: Put each or the foUowing sentences into English or Chinesetusing the word given inthe brackel if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 poinU)31. A number of history‘5 mnst famous prodigies hnvc sonirthing else in common: they didn't live very long lives.32< fa win thv lottery you only nrc<l lurk# bui to mnnn^r ihr chnriHe» in your lift ihnt conic with the jackpot • you nerd loth of phnninu nnd good M<I VICC.33.Evrn diounh (hr rvsi<huit<> of C aldurniA Iwivt nlwnyn reJslixed I but rnrih<|U«kes «rc n very rrnl lhriMt> inawf、iy goinK throuMli cmv IM«II rxpprimri that you CAti'l I I AVC imnRinctl until il'、Artnally hjippcrn:<L34.屋曾几个做IB以来人们xf神童it象iJtm琳迷,村域/r州的爪newshFi来」Jf折的.(fiiMCinnlion).15.一个十h.岁为孩的H蚂认为,儿f W-位址n的女孩产生认■的您关系为时k M T.&足他tftiltWtt的料翅.3dWcm hip‘>V • WritinghiriTthin%: Kor thh purt)<m urr ullownl 30 minuter to write n com|Hnitlon in no h,s Ihnn 100 words uccordiitit to (he inforiniition given. Write ><uir nn^wcr an lhe ANSWER SHEM . (25 pohih) M K In the iDOilcrn world• *porU nrt? hcc(ifiinig more nnrl inarr iniportarif.Writr it bhnrl •irhrlr bnhed on thv inlornidiiati «ivrn brlow> pnymg iilrnnon io chuirr of worth nnrl thr gcncrnl structure n( your nrticlce < 1 >1 hr imporhincc of npon® io a countryi<2> l lir imparlance of apart M to u pcrnoni(3) Yuur pbm to nidkr Nportti n p/irt u! your life\()u can write the componHInti in three pnruKruphM. Rrmcmlwr Io write II iically.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)I Vociibulary and Slruchirt?(20 poinlSt 2 points for cncli itcni)LC 3.A 2.厂 4. 1)6.1>7. AK. C5-A 10. B9. li|| Cl<uv(2D (lointM, 2 puinU for euch item)U.(;12. D13. A14. Bla. A 20. C 25. A 3th A16. IS 17 ()l«;C 19. A III Reading C(Jinprchrnsioiif 2u puhH§. 2 points fur each ilcm)21.C 22.1)24. H 22. 1)27. A 28> A |V rnnutnlimit I5poinbi t 3 points for each item )编B29. 1)(答宰并不定要垠与所给答案完全,样.符合句0.尤卜诜。