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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?

be made of能看出材料

be made from看不出材料

be made in+地点(被动语态)

Every girl wants to have a magic ____.

-考:The old man is holding a small ___ in his hand.

-考:Our Chinese always use ____ (筷子) to eat, but the English don’t use them.

2. fork [fɔ:k]

--n 叉子 [C] fork s

-考:She was wearing a white _____.

And he was wearing a blue ____.

4. silver ['sɪl və(r)]

silver银be made of能看出原材料

be made from看不出原材料


His necklace is make ___(

-考:This dress is made ___ (介) cotton.

-考:Is it made of ____, silk or wool?

wool--wool en羊毛的

wood—wood en木制的

6. produce [prə 'd juːs]

produc e


The dish my mum cooks ____ a good smell.

produc t产品

[ˈprɒdʌkt]They came here in search of new markets for their products.


-考:Cows are kept for ______ milk.

-考:I can’t stand the smoke that the cigarettes _______

-考:I’m pleased with your p_____.

-考:Tea p____ (produce) in many different areas in China.

7. France

France [frɑ:ns] 法国

French [frentʃ] 法国人/的/语

-考:He comes from ____.

He is a ____.


We are going to ____ to spend our holiday.

He doesn’t know ____ culture much.

-考:They can go to the ____ school.

7. traffic ['træ fɪk]

traffic 交通①traffic jam交通拥挤

②traffic light交通灯

③have a heavy traffic交通繁忙

④traffic accident 交通事故

You should look at the ___ lights【before you cross the road.】

-考:Both New York and London have ____(交通) problem.

Do you know the _____

-考:These things should ____ carefully.

A. process

B. processed

C. are processed

D. be processed

The success is due to/depends on 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration Health is more important than wealth

A friend in need is a friend indeed(adv的确).

9. leaf [l i:f]

leaf树叶leaf—lea ves

There are many ____(leaf) falling from thenearby

trees in autumn.

There be..Ving做 There be…to do去做

-考:In autumn, the ____ turn yellow.

in boiling water for five minutes.

-考:Let the tea ____ (leaf) steep侵泡

-考:English is ____ spoken in the world.

-考:Barley['bɑ:lɪ]麦子 is planted ____(wide) in this area.

They built a wall to ___ (

12. plant V种植 n植物[C]


grow 则包括培育管理,使其生长的过程

The farmer grows wheat in this field.


He grew some flowers in the garden.




How many trees have you planted this year?


Have you planted any trees yet?


-短:plant many trees种了许多树

plant more trees种了更多的树

-考:I think【there will be more _____ in he future.】

-考:There are all kinds of ____ in the park.

-考:Where is cotton _____(plant) in China?

In many different areas.

-考:Gaoliang is ____(grow) in both north and south China.
