下列说法错误的是A.硅胶可用作食品干燥剂B.P2O5不可用作食品干燥剂C.六水合氯化钙可用作食品干燥剂D.加工后具有吸水性的植物纤维可用作食品干燥剂2014年7.下列过程没有发生化学反应的是A.用活性炭去除冰箱中的异味B.用热碱水清除炊具上残留的油污C.用浸泡过高锰酸钾溶液的硅藻土保存水果D.用含硅胶、铁粉的透气小袋与食品一起密封包装2014年9.下列反应中,反应后固体物质增重的是A.氢气通过灼热的CuO粉末B.二氧化碳通过Na2O2粉末C.铝与Fe2O3发生铝热反应 D.将锌粒投入Cu(NO3)2溶液【考点】以生活和实验中的化学现象或事实,考查常见物质的性质与用途。
化学二级考试题库及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪种物质不属于碱?A. NaOHB. HClC. KOHD. Ba(OH)2答案:B2. 元素周期表中,第IA族元素的共同特点是:A. 最外层电子数为1B. 最外层电子数为2C. 最外层电子数为3D. 最外层电子数为4答案:A3. 以下哪个化学方程式表示了正确的反应?A. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2OB. Mg + O2 → MgO2C. 2HCl + Na2CO3 → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2↑D. Fe + 2HCl → FeCl2 + H2↑答案:D4. 根据阿伏伽德罗定律,1摩尔任何气体在标准状况下的体积是:A. 22.4 LB. 22.4 mLC. 224 LD. 2.24 L5. 下列哪种化合物是共价化合物?A. NaClB. CaOC. HClD. Fe3O4答案:C6. 在化学反应中,哪种类型的键断裂需要吸收能量?A. 离子键B. 共价键C. 金属键D. 范德华力答案:B7. 以下哪种物质是强酸?A. CH3COOHB. HClC. H2SO4D. HNO3答案:B8. 根据酸碱中和反应的化学方程式,下列哪种物质是碱?A. HClB. NaOHC. H2SO4D. HNO3答案:B9. 在水溶液中,哪种离子会形成水解反应?B. Cl-C. SO4^2-D. CO3^2-答案:D10. 以下哪种物质是强碱?A. NH3B. KOHC. HClD. H2O答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 元素周期表中,第VIIA族元素的共同特点是最外层电子数为______。
答案:72. 化学中,质量守恒定律表明,在化学反应前后,______保持不变。
答案:质量3. 化合物H2O的化学式中,氢元素的化合价为+1,氧元素的化合价为______。
答案:-24. 根据酸碱中和反应的化学方程式,酸和碱反应生成盐和水,反应的一般形式为:酸 + 碱→ 盐 + __________。
SAT2化学基本题型之多项选择题(General multiple-choice question in Part C)这个SAT2化学题型通常为问题或者不完整表述,带有五个备选答案,你必须从中选出最佳答案。
这种问题包括大写的单词,例如NOT, LEAST, EXCEPT。
PART CDirection: Every question or incomplete statement below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Choose the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on answer sheet.说明:下面的每个问题或不完整表述都带有五个备选答案。
EXAMPLE:If the molar mass of NH 3 is 17g/mol, what is the density of this compound at STP?1. 0.25g/L2. 0.76g/L3. 1.25g/L4. 3.04g/L5. 9.11g/LThe solution of this quantitative problem depends on the application of several principles. One principle is that the molar mass of a gas expressed in grams/mole will occupy 22.4L at standard temperature and pressure (STP). The other is that the density of a gas at STP is the mass of 1L of the gas. Therefore, 17g of ammonia (NH 3) will occupy 22..4L, and 1L is equal to 17g/22.4L or 0.76g/L. The correct answer is (B).如果(NH 3)的分子质量是17g/mol, 在标准状况下这种化合物的密度是多少?1. 0.25g/L2. 0.76g/L3. 1.25g/L4. 3.04g/L5. 9.11g/L这个定量问题的解决需要运用几个原理。
SAT2化学考题分布详解帮你节省考试时间1.Structure of MatterAtomic Structure, including experimental evidence of atomic structure, quantum numbersand energy levels (orbitals), electron configurations,periodic trends,nuclear chemistryMolecular Structure, including Lewis structures,three-dimensional molecular shapes, polarityBonding, including ionic,covalent and metallicbonds;relationships of bonding to properties and structures; intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonding,dipole-dipole forces, dispersion (London) forces会出21-22道题2.States of MatterGases, including the kinetic molecular theory, gas law relationships, molar volumes, density and stoichiometryLiquids and Solids, including intermolecular forces in liquids and solids, types of solids,phase changes and phase diagramsSolutions, including molarity and percent by mass concentrations, solution preparation and stoichiometry,factors affecting solubility of solids, liquids and gases,qualitative aspects of colligative properties会出13-14道题3.Reaction TypesAcids and Bases, including Brosted-Lowry theory, strong and weak acids and bases, pH, titrations,indicatorsOxidation-Reduction, including recognition ofoxidation-reduction reactions, combustion, oxidation numbers, use of activity seriesElectrochemistryPrecipitation, including basic solubility rules会出11-12道题4.StoichiometryMole Concept, including molar mass, Avogadro’s number, empirical and molecular formulas, Chemical Equations, including the balancing of equations, stoichiometric calculations,percent yield and limiting reactants会出11 –12道题5.Equilibrium and Reaction RatesIncluding factors affecting position of equilibrium (Le Chatelier’s principle)in gaseous and aqueous systems,equilibrium constants, and equilibrium expressions, Factors affecting reaction rates, potential energy diagrams, activation energies会出4-5道题6.ThermochemistryIncluding conservation of energy, calorimetry and specific heats, enthalpy(heat) changes associated with phase changes and chemical reactions,heating and cooling curves,entropy会出5-6道题7.Descriptive Chemistryncluding common elements,nomenclature of ions and compounds, periodic trends inchemical and physical properties of the elements, reactivity of elements and prediction of products of chemical reactions, examples of simple organic compounds and compounds of environmental concern会出10-11道题boratory KnowledgeIncluding knowledge of laboratory equipment, measurements, procedures, observations, safety,calculations, data analysis, interpretation of graphical data, drawing conclusions from observations and data会出6-7道题以上相关信息由三立在线为你提供,希望阅读完以上文章后,你能有所收获,对学习有一定的帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线,专业老师为你指导讲解相关疑惑,为你的考试之路保驾护航。
化学二级考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪种元素的原子序数为11?A. 钠B. 镁C. 铝D. 硅答案:B2. 哪种化合物的化学式为H2O?A. 氢气B. 氧气C. 水D. 过氧化氢答案:C3. 根据元素周期表,下列哪种元素属于卤素?A. 氟B. 氯C. 溴D. 碘答案:ABCD4. 哪种元素在室温下是液态的?A. 汞B. 铁C. 铜D. 银答案:A5. 下列哪种反应是氧化还原反应?A. 氢气燃烧B. 碳酸钙分解C. 氯化钠溶解D. 水的电解答案:A6. 哪种物质是强酸?A. 醋酸B. 硫酸C. 碳酸D. 硝酸答案:B7. 哪种物质是强碱?A. 氢氧化钠B. 氢氧化钙C. 氢氧化镁D. 氢氧化铝答案:A8. 哪种化合物是由离子键结合的?A. 氯化钠B. 氢气C. 二氧化碳D. 氯化氢答案:A9. 哪种化合物是由共价键结合的?A. 氯化钠B. 氢气C. 二氧化碳D. 氯化氢答案:C10. 哪种元素的原子结构中,最外层电子数为8?A. 氦B. 氖C. 氩D. 氪答案:BCD二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 元素的相对原子质量是其______与原子序数的比值。
答案:质量数2. 化学方程式2H2 + O2 → 2H2O表示______个氢分子和______个氧分子反应生成______个水分子。
答案:2,1,23. 元素周期表中,第______周期的元素具有最多的电子层。
答案:六4. 金属元素通常具有______性,而非金属元素通常具有______性。
答案:正电,负电5. 根据酸碱中和反应的定义,酸和碱反应生成______和______。
答案:盐,水三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 描述什么是化学平衡,并给出一个例子。
化学考试题型一共三种,包括 Classification questions; Relationship analysis questions; Five-choice completion questions,做错倒扣 1/4 的分数,一般错题数目少于5个都是有希望获得满分的。
1.classification questions给出多道题目但是这些题目是共用一组选项的2.five-choice completion questions 和前者题型的区别不大,但是每道题目都有各自的一组选项。
3.Relationship analysis questions 的题型属于判断正误题,每道题有两个 statements 组成,做题时要求判断每一个 statement 是否正确,并且判断第二个statement是否能够正确解释第一个statement。
Matter 物质 Energy 能量Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table of the Elements 原子结构和化学元素周期表Electric Nature of Atoms 原子的电本Atomic Spectra 原子光谱质und’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity 最大多重性洪特法则Sublevels and Electron Configuration 原子内电子排布Period Table of the Elements元素周期表Bonding 化学键Types of Bonds 化学键类型Intermolecular Forces of Attraction 分子间的吸引力Molecular Geometry—VSEPR—and Hybridization分子几何学—价层电子对互斥理论和杂化轨道理论Chemical Formulas 化学分子式Gases and the Gas Laws 气体和气体定律Chemical Calculations(Stoichiometry)and the Mole Concept 化学计算器&摩尔内容Liquids, Solids, and Phase Changes 液体,固体和状态变化Chemical Reactions and Thermochemistry 化学反应和热化学Rates of Chemical Reactions 化学反应速率Chemical Equilibrium化学平衡Acids, Bases, and Salts 酸,碱,盐Oxidation-Reduction and Electrochemistry 氧化—还原反应和电化学Some Representative Groups and Families 一些有代表性的元素族Carbon and Organic Chemistry 碳和有机化学Nucleonics 原子核物理学The Laboratory 实验室三.SAT2化学备考建议关于化学备考的方法可能我们从初中就一直在接触,到了高中,大学对于化学的了解也是层层深入,那么针对SAT2化学怎样备考呢,下面是给大家提供的一点建议。
官方SAT2化学真题解析Subj...Chemistry SAT Subject Tests?Answer Explanations to Practice Questions from Getting Ready for the SAT Subject TestsVisit the SAT? student website toget more practice and study tips forthe Subject Test in Chemistry.SAT? Subject Test in ChemistryIn this document, you will find detailed answer explanations to all of the chemistry practice questions from Getting Ready for the SAT Subject Tests. By reviewing these answer explanations, you can familiarize yourself with the types of questions on the test and learn your strengths and weaknesses. The estimated difficulty level is based on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 the easiest and 5 the most difficult.To find out more about the SAT Subject Tests, visit us at /doc/b17639eaaeaad1f346933fac.html.1. Difficulty: 2Choice (C) is correct. To answer this question, you mustrecognize which of the choices above are acid solutions.Only choices (A) and (C) satisfy this requirement. Choice(B) refers to a neutral salt solution, choice (D) is a solutionof an alcohol, and choice (E) is a basic solution. Choices(A) and (C) are both acidic solutions, but choice (A) is astrong acid that is completely ionized in aqueous solution, whereas choice (C) is only partially ionized in aqueoussolution. Since the concentrations of all the solutions are the same, you do not need to consider this factor. The hydrogen ion concentration of a 0.1 molar acetic acid solution isconsiderably smaller than 0.1 molar. The hydrogen ionconcentration in choice (A) is equal to 0.1 molar. Thus, the correct choice is choice (C), a weakly acidic solution.2. Difficulty: 3Choice (E) is correct. To answer this question, you needto understand the pH scale, which is a measure of thehydrogen ion concentration in solution and is defined aspH = -log [H+]. The higher the pH, the lower the hydrogen ion concentration and the more basic the solution. Among the choices given above, choice (E) is the most basic solution.3. Difficulty: 4Choice (A) is correct. To answer this question, you needto know that acids react with bases to form salts andwater. Since the question refers to equal volumes of eachsolution, assume 1 liter of each solution is available.Barium hydroxide solution is a strong base (i.e., it iscompletely ionized in water), and 1 liter of 0.05 M Ba(OH)2 provides 0.1 mole of OH- ions in solution. When 1 liter of this solution is added to 1 liter of either 0.1 M NaCl,0.1 M CH3OH or 0.1 M KOH, no reactions occur and theresulting solutions remain basic; that is, the pH will begreater than 7 in each case. When 0.1 mole of OH- ionsreacts with 0.1 mole of acetic acid, the resulting solutionwill also be basic and have a pH greater than 7 becauseacetic acid is a weak acid (i.e., it is incompletely ionized inwater). The acetic acid reacts with the OH- ions as follows: HC2H3O2 + OH- C2H3O2- + H2OThe acetate ion produced is a strong base, which hydrolyzes in water to yield a solution containing more OH- ions than H+ ions. When 1 liter of 0.05 M Ba(OH)2 reacts with1 liter of 0.1 M HCl, there is a reaction between 0.1 mole ofOH- ions and 0.1 mole of H+ to form 0.1 mole of H2O. The resulting solution contains Ba2+ ions and Cl- ions and equal concentrations of OH- and H+ ions. The solution formed is neutral, and the pH is 7; therefore choice (A) is the correct answer.4. Difficulty: 3Choice (A) is correct. The chemical formula of sodiumacetate is NaC2H3O2. The sodium ion is Na+, and theacetate ion is C2H3O2-. The Na+ ion has the form X+.5. Difficulty: 1Choice (C) is correct. The chemical formula of aluminumoxide is Al2O3. The aluminum ion is Al3+, and the oxide ion is O2-. The Al3+ ion has the form X3+.6. Difficulty: 2Choice (A) is correct. The chemical formula of potassiumphosphate is K3PO4. The potassium ion is K+, and thephosphate ion is PO43-. The K+ ion has the form X+, andthe phosphate ion has the form XO43- ; therefore the correct answer is choice (A).7. Difficulty: 3Choice (C) is correct. The highest principal quantum number in this electron configuration is 3 (valence electrons 3s2 3p4), so the element is in the third period of the periodic table. The atom has two s and four p valence electrons, so it is in theoxygen group. The atom is therefore an atom of sulfur.8. Difficulty: 3Choice (A) is correct. The Ca2+ ion is a Ca atom that haslost two electrons. Ca has an atomic number of 20 and has20 electrons, so Ca2+ must have 18 electrons. The neutralatom with 18 electrons (and 18 protons) is Ar. Note thatAr is two elements before Ca in the periodic table.9. Difficulty: 2Choice (E) is correct. The element with the lowest atomicnumber that has any electrons in an f orbital is cerium(atomic number 58), which has the electron configuration[Xe] 4f 1 5d1 6s2. All elements with an atomic numberequal to or greater than 58 have ground-state atoms withelectrons in f orbitals. Uranium has an atomic number of92; therefore, the correct answer is (E).10. Difficulty: 2Choice (A) is correct. Argon is a noble gas, and noble gases are relatively unreactive.101. Difficulty: 3Both statements are true, and statement II gives the reason that statement I is correct. The correct answer is therefore true, true, correct explanation.102. Difficulty: 3It is true that diamond melts at a very high temperature(over 3,500°C). Substances with ionic bonding do have high melting points, but the bonding in diamond is network covalent, not ionic. (Note that unless both statements aretrue, it is not necessary to determine whether the secondstatement is a correct explanation of the first statement.) 103. Difficulty: 3Ionization energy depends on effective nuclear chargeand the distance of the electron from the nucleus. Outerelectrons are partially shielded from the nucleus by innerelectrons, so the effective nuclear charge is about the same for atoms of elements in the same group of the periodictable. Potassium (K) and lithium (Li) are in the samegroup of the periodic table, but the lithium atom has fewer occupied shells and a smaller atomic radius. The outermost electron in Li is in a shell that is close to the nucleus, and the outermost electron in K is in a shell that is relatively far from the nucleus. Therefore, there is less attraction between the outermost electron in a K atom and its nucleus thanbetween the outermost electron in a Li atom and its nucleus, and it is easier to remove an electron from a K atom, resulting in a lower first ionization energy for K than for Li.It is true that K (atomic number 19) has more protons inits nucleus than does Li (atomic number 3), but this is notthe reason for the relative ionization energies. (Note, forexample, that Ca has more protons in its nucleus than does K, but Ca has a higher first ionization energy than does K.) The correct answer is true, true, not a correct explanation. 104. Difficulty: 4In the activity series, Zn is relatively easy to oxidize to Zn2+, while Cu is relatively inactive. Therefore, if Zn metal were placed in a solution containing Cu2+ ions, Zn would beoxidized to Zn2+ ions, and Cu2+ would be reduced to Cumetal. Both statements are true, and statement II gives the reason that statement I is correct. The correct answer istherefore true, true, correct explanation.105. Difficulty: 5When a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the systemwill shift in a way that partially offsets the effect of thedisturbance (LeChatelier’s principle). Thus, when HC2H3O2 is added to the equilibrium mixture, the equilibriumwill shift to the right. This increases the concentration ofC2H3O2- and H3O+. Statement I is therefore false. Changes in the concentrations of reactants and products do not affect thevalue of the equilibrium constant; if the temperature does not change, the value of the equilibrium constantdoes not change. Statement II is therefore false. The correct answer is false, false.11. Difficulty: 3Choice (C) is correct. This is a question that concernsthe concentration of a diluted solution. One way to solvethe problem is through the use of ratios. In this question,a solution of nitric acid is diluted 10-fold; therefore, theconcentration of the solution will decrease by a factor of 10, that is, from 0.100 molar to 0.010 molar. Alternatively, you could calculate the number of moles of H+ ions present and divide this value by 0.50 liter: (0.100 × 0.050)/0.5 = M of the diluted solution.12. Difficulty: 2Choice (D) is correct. This question pertains to thebalancing of chemical equations. To answer this questioncorrectly, you need to recognize that both mass and charge must be conserved in any chemical equation. With this in mind, the chemical equation is correctly written as2 Cu2+(aq) + 4 I-(aq) → 2 CuI(s) + I2(s)The coefficient for I-(aq) is 4.13. Difficulty: 4Choice (C) is correct. This is a laboratory-orientedquestion pertaining to the measurement of gas pressures. It demands higher-level analytical skills that involve drawing conclusions from results obtained in an experiment. To answer this question correctly, you must first understandthat, in an open type of manometer, the air exerts pressure on the column of liquid in the open side of the U-tube, andthe gas being studied exerts pressure on the other side of the U-tube. It is clear, then, that statement I is true sincethe data given show that the manometer is open-ended,and its right side is exposed to the atmosphere. Statement II is also true because the level of liquid mercury is higherin the right side, which is exposed to the atmosphere, than in the left side, which is exposed to the gas. Thus the gaspressure is greater than atmospheric pressure. StatementIII is not correct because the pressure of the gas in thebulb, expressed in millimeters of mercury, is equal to thedifference in height, h, of the two mercury levels, plus theatmospheric pressure. Thus only statements I and II aretrue, and the correct answer is choice (C).14. Difficulty: 3Choice (B) is correct. This is a question on states ofmatter. Y ou must convert the description of the physicalphenomenon given in the question to graphical form.When a liquid is cooled slowly, its temperature will decrease with time. Thus the first portion of a graph depicting this phenomenon must show a decrease when temperature isplotted against time. When a pure liquid substance reaches its fusion (melting) point, continued cooling will release heat with time as the substance solidifies. During thisperiod, there is no drop in temperature. After the substance has completely solidified, further cooling will cause an additional drop in temperature. The only graph shown that accurately depicts the events described is choice (B), which is the correct answer.15. Difficulty: 3Choice (A) is correct. This is a question on chemicalbonding that requires you to apply the principles ofmolecular bonding. Each of the molecules given is correctly paired with the term describing its molecular geometry except choice (A). The geometry of PF3 is not trigonalplanar but trigonal pyramidal because this geometrycorresponds to a maximum possible separation of theelectron pairs around the central atom, phosphorus, andtherefore yields the most stable configuration; the centralatom of the molecule is surrounded by the three singlebonds and one unshared electron pair. Thus, the correctanswer is choice (A). Note that this is the type of questionthat asks you to identify the one solution to the problemthat is inappropriate.16. Difficulty: 2Choice (C) is correct. This question tests your ability tobalance chemical equations. The stoichiometry of thecorrectly balanced equation indicates that 2 moles of SO2(g) are needed to react completely with 1 mole of O2(g) to form2 moles of SO3.17. Difficulty: 3Choice (B) is correct. This is a question on stoichiometrythat tests the important skill of scientific reasoning basedon experimental evidence. The question indicates that 100 percent of the composition of the compound analyzed can be accounted for with the elements hydrogen and carbon.Thus, this compound is a hydrocarbon and choice (A)is a correct statement. It is not the correct answer to thequestion, however, because you can deduce more specific conclusions about this compound from the informationgiven. The relative percentage composition providesevidence that the atomic ratio of carbon to hydrogenin the compound must be 86/12 : 14/1.0, or about 1 : 2.Therefore, you can conclude that the empirical formula for the compound is CH2. Thus choice (B) is a better answer than choice (A). Since you do not know the total numberof moles of the compound used for analysis, you cannotcalculate the molar mass or derive the molecular formulafor this compound. Therefore choices (C) and (D) cannotbe determined from the information given and thus are not correct answers to the question. It is known, however, that a substance with an empirical formula of CH2 cannot have a triple bond. Therefore choice (E) is incorrect.18. Difficulty: 2Choice (D) is correct. The molar mass of C3H8 is 44.0 g/mol.According to the equation, four moles of water are formed for each mole of propane combusted. The molar massof water is 18.0 g/mol, so the mass of water formed is18.0 g × 4 = 72.0 g.19. Difficulty: 1Choice (D) is correct. Each mole of KHSO4 contains fourmoles of oxygen atoms, so 0.50 mol of KHSO4 containstwo moles of oxygen atoms. One mole is 6.0 × 1023, and2 (6.0 × 1023) = 12 × 1023 = 1.2 × 1024.20. Difficulty: 3Choice (E) is correct. Air contains mostly N2 (molar mass28 g/mol) and O2 (molar mass 32 g/mol). The molar mass ofcarbon dioxide is 44 g/mol, so carbon dioxide is more dense than air. The other statements are true and are not correct choices.21. Difficulty: 3Choice (D) is correct. Going down a group of the periodictable, atomic radius and atomic mass increase. Becauseeffective nuclear charge is about the same within a groupand radius increases going down a group, ionization energy decreases going down a group.22. Difficulty: 4Choice (E) is correct. In aqueous solution, HI can donate aproton and form I-, NH4+ can donate a proton to form NH3, HCO3- can donate a proton to form CO32-, and H2S can donate a proton to form HS-. NH3 does not donate a proton in aqueous solution to form NH2-; therefore, choice (E) is the correct answer.2011 The College Board. College Board, achieve more, SAT and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. SAT Subject Tests is a trademark owned by the College Board.。
物质结构:1. NH3, CH4, SO2, H2O,HCN的分子构型。
这里还考察了SO2具有共振结构,此考法较少见2. Rutherford模型3. 多个金属元素的核外电子排布,Sc,Mn,Co,Al,Cr4. 过渡金属一般都有未充满的d亚层电子轨道5. 同位素isotopes, 同分异构体isomers,同素异形体allotropes,聚合单体polymers的概念6. N2的lewis电子式7. 元素周期律的比较,第一电离能,电负性,原子半径物质状态,溶液,酸碱:1. 理想气体的基本假设2. PV=nRT的大量考察3. 气体扩散速率与相对分子质量的关系4. 溶液浓度计算,溶液配制相关计算5. 滴定的计算,非常简单(NaOH + HCl)6. NH3不能用于排水集气法7. 排水法收集O2,得到的气体中含有水蒸气,应带入水的蒸气压计算8. 由纯水变为氯化钠溶液,蒸气压、熔点、沸点各自如何变化9. NH3的共轭酸是?10. 简单的pH计算(只考了强酸,强碱)11. 硝酸是不是Bronsted-Lowry酸化学反应:1. 判断反应是吸热/放热,熵增/熵减2. 催化剂对反应速率和反应平衡的影响3. 勒夏特列原理(4-5道)4. 配平(4道)5. 简单的化学计量学计算(4-5道)6. 反应类型判断:沉淀反应/酸碱反应/氧化还原反应/燃烧/分解反应7. 通过浓度-时间关系图判断化学反应进度,书写平衡常数表达式实验:1. F2具有腐蚀性2. 容量瓶,滴定管的作用3. 实验安全,不能将没用完的试剂倒回试剂瓶4. 如何通过实验测出水合物中水前面的系数以上相关信息由三立在线为你提供,希望阅读完以上文章后,你能有所收获,对学习有一定的帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线,专业老师为你指导讲解相关疑惑,为你的考试之路保驾护航。
SAT 2 化学题型分析SAT2化学有3种题型,分别为配对题、单项选择题和推断题。
推断题(True/false and relationship)推断题比较特别,除了推断题目是否正确,还有通过推理去推断题目的表述是否存在因果关系。
sat2考试 化学大纲解析
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sat2考试化学大纲解析在sat2考试的诸多科目中,化学可谓是备受国内学生的青睐!于此,今天的文章,小编给大家准备了sat2化学大纲解析,即将准备sat2的小伙伴儿,还不抓紧时间了解下! 一. sat2化学大纲解析下面给大家汇总的是非常全面的sat2考试化学大纲,主要大家按照下面的大纲进行复习,一定不会有知识点的遗漏。
1 化学入门知识:物质能量质能守恒科学方法测量和计算2,原子结构和元素周期表:原子的电本质,原子光谱,波动模型,亚层和电子构型,过渡元素,元素周期表与周期表相关的性质,核变化与稳定性,放射性微粒的实质,探测α、β和γ射线的方法,衰变系、嬗变和半衰期,放射性测年法,核反应3,键:键的类型,分子间作用力,双键和三键,共振结构式,分子的几何学——价电子互斥理论和杂化理论,σ键和π键,离子化合物的性质,分子晶体和液体的性质4,化学式:认出并写出化学式,氧化态和化学式的写法,常见酸、碱的名称和化学式,化合物含义和用法,定比定律和倍比定律,写出并配平简单的方程式,在化学方程式中表示出状态,写出离子方程式5,气体和气体定律:,一些代表性的气体,气体的普遍特性,气体定律和相关问题6,化学计量学和摩尔概念:摩尔概念,摩尔质量和摩尔,摩尔关系,气体体积和摩尔质量,密度和摩尔质量,质量与体积的关系,质量与质量的关系,体积与体积的问题,反应物过量或者不足量的问题一种产物的百分产率7,液体、固体和相变:液体,相平衡,沸点,临界温度和压强,固体,相图,水,极性和氢键,溶解度水溶液,含水混合物序的集合,浓度的表达式,稀释,溶液的依数性,结晶8,化学反应和热化学:预测反应,热化学,焓变,反应热的叠加和赫斯定律9,化学反应的速率:影响反应速率的因素,活化能,反应速率定律10,化学平衡可逆反应和平衡,勒夏特列定律,条件变化带来的影响,多相体系平衡同离子效,反应驱动力11 酸、碱和盐二.sat化学考试备考建议根据历年来考生在备考中的经验和问题给大家总结了化学考试的几点建议,希望可以帮助大家更好的进行备考。
备考建议:1. 做完Part A和Part B两部分之后先填涂这两部分的答题卡,之后再开始Part C部分,这样可以避免一下子填涂85道题的答题卡,手会发酸的;2. 题目中给的数字也都非常规整,一定是整数倍或好除开的倍数关系,不会出现除不尽的情况,这也是大家检查错误的小技巧;3. SAT2化学由于题量大,所以出题特点具有题目短,思路直,概念题型多,因此基础知识非常重要。
基础知识扎实的学生一般在45min内就能够完成一套题目,且Part A和Part C部分全部正确,同学们可做参考哦;4. 建议同学们把充裕的时间留给检Part B,因为Part B部分属于逻辑判断题,左右两句话是否构成CE关系需要反复斟酌,同一道题的3个空中(T,T,CE)填错一个,整道题就都没有分数了;网友解答:SAT2化学,传说中化学容错率很小,这里解释一下,容错率指的就是错多少道题仍然是满分。
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SAT2化学题型之配对题(Matching questions in Part A)在每一道SAT2化学配对题型中,给出五个选项来回答所有问题。
PART ADirections:Every set of the given choices below refers to the numbered statements or formulas immediately following it.Choose the one lettered choice that best fits each statement or formula and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.Each choice may be used once,more than once,or not at all in each set.A部分说明:前面的一组选项是紧跟其后的几个问题的待选答案。
例题Questions1-3refer to the following aqueous solutions.(A)0.1M HCl(B)0.1M NaCl(C)0.1M HC2H3O2(D)0.1M CH3OH(E)0.1M KOH1.Is weakly acidic2.Has the highest pH3.Reacts with an equal volume of0.05M Ba(OH)2to form a solution with pH=7KEY:(C)(E)(A)SAT2化学题型之判断题(True/false and relationship questions in Part B)在实际的SAT2考试中,这种类型的问题要求把答案写在标有“化学”的专用的答题纸上。
Part BDirections:Every question below contains two statements,Ⅰin the left-hand column andⅡin the right-hand column.For each question, decide if statementⅠis true or false and if statementⅡis true or false and fill in the corresponding T or F ovals on your answer sheet.Fill in oval CE only if stateⅡis a correct explanation of statementⅠ.说明:下面的每个问题包括两种表述,左栏的Ⅰ和右栏的Ⅱ。
Sample Answer Grid:CHEMISTRY*Fill in oval CE if onlyⅡis a correct explanation ofⅠ.EXAMPLEThe reaction that takes place isⅠⅡ101.When2liters of oxygen gas react completely with2liters of hydrogen gas,the limiting factor is the volume of the oxygen. BECAUSE The coefficients in the balanced equation of a gaseous reaction give the volume relationship of the reacting gases.ⅠⅡ101.2升氧气与2升氢气充分反应,限制因素是氧气的量因为配平的反应方程式的各个反应物的系数表明了参加反应的气体之间量的关系反应的化学方程式为2H2+O2→2H2OThe coefficient of this gaseous reaction show that2L of hydrogen react with1L of oxygen,leaving1L of unreacted oxygen.The limiting factor is the quantity of hydrogen.气体反应的系数表明2L氢气与1L氧气反应,剩余1L氧气未参加反应。
The ability to solve this quantitative relationship shows that statement I is not true.However,statement II does give a true statement of the relationship of coefficients in a balanced equation of gaseous chemical reaction.Therefore,you should fill F in I and T in II.定量结果表明I是不正确的。
SAT2化学题型之多项选择题(General multiple-choice question in Part C)这个SAT2化学题型通常为问题或者不完整表述,带有五个备选答案,你必须从中选出最佳答案。
PART CDirection:Every question or incomplete statement below is followed by five suggested answers or completions.Choose the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on answer sheet.说明:下面的每个问题或不完整表述都带有五个备选答案。
EXAMPLE:If the molar mass of NH3is17g/mol,what is the density of this compound at STP?1.0.25g/L2.0.76g/L3.1.25g/L4.3.04g/L5.9.11g/LThe solution of this quantitative problem depends on the application of several principles.One principle is that the molar mass of a gas expressed in grams/mole will occupy22.4L at standard temperature and pressure(STP).The other is that the density of a gas at STP is the mass of1L of the gas.Therefore,17g of ammonia(NH3)will occupy22..4L, and1L is equal to17g/22.4L or0.76g/L.The correct answer is(B).如果(NH3)的分子质量是17g/mol,在标准状况下这种化合物的密度是多少?1.0.25g/L2.0.76g/L3.1.25g/L4.3.04g/L5.9.11g/L这个定量问题的解决需要运用几个原理。