
用比较级写英语作文1. The weather today is colder than yesterday, I had to wear an extra layer of clothing to keep warm.2. My new phone is faster than my old one, I can now open apps and browse the internet much quicker.3. I think studying English is more interesting than studying math, because I can learn about different cultures and communicate with people from all over the world.4. The movie I watched last night was scarier than I expected, I couldn't sleep well afterwards.5. Running is easier than swimming for me, because I find it more natural and less tiring.6. I believe that being kind is more important than being successful, because it brings happiness not only to others but also to yourself.7. My dog is bigger than my neighbor's dog, but it's also more gentle and friendly.8. I prefer tea to coffee, because I like the variety of flavors and the calming effect it has on me.9. The new restaurant in town is busier than the old one, I had to wait for a table for almost half an hour.10. I find writing poetry more challenging than writing prose, because it requires more creativity and emotion.。
英语作文对比型论说文[五篇]第一篇:英语作文对比型论说文模板一:Nowadays, the influence of _________proves to be profound.And there has been a very controversial debate as to ________.People in favor ofAalways provide the following evidence.Firstly, ____.Secondly, ______.Finally, ___________.In short, I agree that _______.Will Internet Replace Books?Nowadays, the influence of Internet proves to be profound.And there has been a very controversial debate as to whether or not Internet will replace the book as the main source of information.People in favor of the traditional information sources always provide the following evidence.Firstly, the history of human civilizaition is the written history.Secondly, people are free to choose any posture and place that make them comfortable when reading.Finally, traditional information sources like books ar relatively stable and reliable to preserve the human information well.While others prefer the Internet.In the first place, the Internet has been bringing a lot of changes to our life.Secondly, we can find almost all of the information we need from the Internet.At the same time, we are able to process the data more rapidly and accurately from the Internet than from books.In short, I agree that as a source of information the Internet will one day replace books.I am eagerly looking forward to that day.模板三:Those who preferAhave their own reasons, while some other people prefer B.As for me, both A and B have merits and demerits.First and foremost, _______.Moreover, ______.Last but not least, _______.On the contrary _____.In addition, _____.What’s the commonest,_______.Either __ or ______.I believe______.Compare Urban Areas with Rural AreasThose who prefer urvan life have their own reasons, while some people prefer to live in rural areas.As for me, both urvan life and rural life have merits and demerits.Urban citizens can appreciate a more colorful life than rural citizens.T ownspeople are well-informed because they have the easier access to news.Townspeople can buy what they want at any time of a day as there is an adequate supply of goods.On the contrary ,medical studies have proved that rural residents can live longer than urban residents, because they are free from a contaminated environment.In addition, the crime rate in the city is several times higher than in the countryside.What's the commonest, the life in the city is much more expensive than in the countryside.Either an urban or a rural area gives pleasure and trouble.But I believe the subruban area has the excellences of both, because people they can appreciate not only the conveniences and variety of urban life but also peace and safety of the country.模板四:When it comes to ____ , people’s opinions differ.Many people believe that ____.For one thing, ___.For the other thing, _____.Some people, however, take a different attitude.They regard that _____.In their views, ____.Furthermore, _____.As far as I am concerned, ____.On one hand, ___.On the other hand, _____.So ___.模板五:When asked _____ , people have different opinions.Many people believe that _____.On the one hand,____.on the other hand, ____.All these point to the indispensability of ____.However, others claim / argue that _____.As far as they are concerned, _____.Moreover,____.As for me, _____.Because ____.What’s more, ______.Therefore, _____.模板六:There is no consensus of opinions among people as to ____.Some people who are in favor of the idea of ____ hold that _____.For one thing, ____.For another,____.Therefore,____.However, those who insist on ____ argue that ____.In their opinion, ___.In addition,___.Thus____.In my viewpoint, _____.That is to say,_____.In a word, ____.模板七:There is a heated debate over ___.It is commonly accepted that ___.In contrast, others think __.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that ____.In their view, ____.However, others think ____.They argue that____.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of ____.First of all,_____.Furthermore, _____.Thirdly, _____.Therefore, ____.A Good Major or a Good University.1.学生在报考大学时面临两种选择—选好专业还是好大学。

以比较级形式写一篇英语作文,不少于50词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big BrotherMy big brother is really great. He's much taller than me and stronger too. I'm six years old but he's ten years old already. That means he's way older and more grown up.My brother's name is Jake and he's the best big brother ever. He's a lot smarter than me when it comes to school stuff. Like math - he can do multiplication and long division but that's still too hard for me. Reading is another thing he's better at than me. Jake can read really thick books all by himself without any help. I'm not that good yet.But I'm catching up! I practice my reading every night before bed. Maybe in a couple years I'll be as good a reader as Jake is now. He's a pretty good reader but my dad is even better. My dad reads more than anyone in our family. That's because he's older than all of us, even older than my mom.There are some things I'm better than my brother at though. I'm way more artistic than he is. Whenever we have to color or draw pictures, my drawings look much neater and nicer. Jake's pictures are kind of messy and scribbly. My brother says he doesn't care because he's not into art stuff. But I love art class at school.I'm also a better dancer than Jake is. We sometimes have dance contests in the living room and I'm always the winner. My mom says I'm a natural dancer with rhythm. But Jake has two left feet she says, whatever that means. My dad dances pretty good too though, maybe even a tiny bit better than me.When it comes to sports, Jake beats me easily. He's so much stronger and faster. We play catch in the backyard and he can throw the ball way farther than I can. His pitches are hard to catch. We also like to racers each other running around the backyard, and Jake always wins by a mile. I try my best but I'm just too little still.One of Jake's favorite sports is basketball. That's probably because he's so tall for his age. He's the tallest kid in his whole grade! During recess he always gets picked for the team games first. At home we like to shoot hoops out back. Jake can almostdunk the ball which is so impressive. Maybe in a few more years I'll catch up to him in height and basketball skills too.My brother and I have different personalities in some ways too. Jake is much louder and more talkative than I am. He's a real jokester too, always trying to be funny. I'm more shy and quiet. Whenever new people come over, Jake does all the talking. Half the time I don't even know what he's babbling about! Our parents have to tell him to be quiet sometimes.On the other hand, I'm way more patient and calm than Jake is. My brain works slower I guess. Jake gets bored and restless really fast if he has to wait for something. But I don't mind sitting still and taking my time. Jake's a ball of energy, always bouncing around. That's how come he's so good at sports I think.I look up to my big brother in a lot of ways. Jake is cool and funny, but also smart and good at sports. I want to be just like him when I'm older. Except maybe not quite as hyper and loud all the time. I'll leave that to Jake since he's the comedian of the family. For now, I'm proud to have such an awesome big brother to learn from. He's the greatest.篇2My Bigger, Better FamilyMy family is the biggest and best family ever! We have way more people than any of my friends' families. When I say we're a big family, I really mean it.To start with, I have more siblings than anyone else I know. Billy from down the street only has one little sister. Boring! I have three brothers and two sisters. That's five siblings altogether! My oldest brother Danny is already twelve years old. Then there's my sister Lizzie who is ten, and my brother Mikey who is eight. After them is my little sister Emily who just turned six. Finally, the baby of the family is Tommy who is only three years old. Just thinking about all of them makes me tired!Not only do I have more brothers and sisters than anyone, but I also have more aunts, uncles, and cousins too. My dad has two brothers and one sister. That's three aunts and uncles right there! My mom also has one brother. So if you add it all up, I have four aunts and uncles on my parents' side alone. Can you believe that?As for cousins, get ready for this number... I have eleven cousins! Yes, eleven! Aunt Jessica has four kids, Uncle Mike has three, Aunt Diane has two, and Uncle Rob has twins. Like I said, my family is absolutely huge.And you know what else? My house is ginormous compared to my friends' houses. We need a big house to fit my whole giant family! We live in a big two-story place with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a massive kitchen, and a huge backyard for us kids to run around in. Most of my buddies live in tiny little homes with just a couple bedrooms.Even our family van is colossal. It has to be to get all of us around town. We have one of those extended super-long vans that can seat up to twelve people. My friend Jake's family has a tiny little sedan that they can barely fit into. Meanwhile, my family is cruising around in our van that's practically a bus!At big family gatherings, our house is absolutely overflowing with people. Last Thanksgiving must have had thirty or forty relatives crammed into our place. We had massive tables set up to fit everybody. The food preparations were epic too - we made enough food to feed a small army! Turkeys, hams, mounds of mashed potatoes, piles of stuffing, buckets of cranberry sauce...you name it. My poor mom was cooking for days.I love my big, beautiful family more than anything in the world. They can be a crazy, chaotic bunch, but I wouldn't want it any other way. We have so much fun and so many adventures together. There's nothing better than being part of an enormous,loving family. I'm the luckiest kid around to have a family bigger and better than everyone else's!篇3My Second Grade Year Was Better Than First GradeHi! My name is Emma and I'm in third grade now. Last year in second grade was so much better than first grade. Let me tell you all the ways it was more fun and more exciting!To start with, the schoolwork in second grade was harder than first grade, but that's a good thing because it means I was learning more. In first grade, we spent a lot of time just learning the basics like reading simple books and doing addition. But in second grade, we got to read chapter books and learn about subtraction, multiplication, and even a tiny bit of division. The math was definitely trickier than first grade math, but I liked the challenge of it. My brain got a better workout last year!The science we learned was also way more interesting than the year before. In first grade, we really just learned about the five senses and the basic needs of plants and animals. Boring! Second grade science was so cool--we learned all about matter and did experiments melting ice and mixing different substances together. We even got to build simple machines like levers andpulleys. That was my favorite unit because it was so hands-on. The experiments were much more fun than just reading from a textbook like in first grade.Recess was better too. In first grade, we had to playing specific areas for things like running around or using playground toys. But in second grade, we got to roam around a bigger space and bring balls or jump ropes from home. That meant way more options for games and activities instead of just running around screaming like we did in first grade. Building things in the sandboxes was more elaborate too since we were all a year older and more creative. Speaking of creativity, we got to do more art projects in second grade than we did in first. The art lessons were longer and we tried out all sorts of new medium like chalk pastels and sculpting clay in addition to just crayons and markers.My second grade teacher, Mrs. Wilson, was also better than my first grade teacher. Mrs. Wilson was more patient and nurturing. When kids got stuck on something, she took the time to work with them individually until they understood. My first grade teacher, Mrs. Armstrong, seemed more strict and rushed through lessons if people were confused. Mrs. Wilson gave us more freedom and flexibility in the classroom too. For example,she let us pick cozy spots on the rug for reading time instead of making us all sit at our desks. We even got to take occasional "brain breaks" during long lessons to shake out our wiggles. Staying still for too long was so hard in first grade.As I start third grade now, I'm excited to continue learning new things at a faster pace. But I'll always look back fondly on my second grade year and how much more grown up it made me feel. Those times of being challenged while still having fun are so important. If you're in first grade, just wait--second grade will blow your mind! It's a huge step up and sets you up for even bigger things ahead. I hope your second grade year is just as awesome as mine was!篇4My Big Family is the Biggest and BestMy family is the biggest and the best family ever! We have so many people living together in one house. It's really crowded but also really fun.First of all, we have the most grandparents of any family I know. I have two grandmas and three grandpas! My mom's parents are Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Mike. Then my dad's parents are Grandma Jean, Grandpa Bill, and Step-Grandpa Frank.Other kids are lucky if they even have one grandparent still around. But I get to spend time with five older, wiser grown-ups who spoil me rotten!My grandparents are the oldest of anyone in our family, but we also have the most parents too. I not only have a mom and dad, but two step-parents as well! My dad has been re-married to my step-mom Karen for five years now. And my mom has been with my step-dad David for two years. That's double the parents that my friends have!Speaking of parents, my mom and dad must be two of the youngest parents around. They had me when they were just out of college in their early 20s. A lot of my friends have really old parents who are already grandparents age. My parents are a lot more fun and energetic than that. They're always playing sports or games with me and keeping very active.With so many parents and grandparents, I have more aunts, uncles, and cousins than any other kid at school too. My dad has two brothers and my mom has one sister. That's three aunts and three uncles right there! Then each of them has between two and four kids each. That's a whopping 10 cousins on just one side of the family! I'm never lonely and always have built-in friends to play with.My house has to be the most lively and chaotic of any house on our block too. With all those adults and all those cousins around, there's always noise and activity and people coming and going. Sleepovers, cookouts, family reunions, holidays - you name it, we're always doing it with our huge family. The groceries, the laundry, the mess? Also the biggest of any family around. But I wouldn't want it any other way!Other families might be richer or have fancier homes. But for size, chaos, and non-stop fun and quality time together, you can't beat my wild, huge, amazing family. We're the biggest and the best! When I'm a parent, I'll make sure to have just as big of a family as this one. Being an only child seems way too quiet and boring to me. Give me noise, give me chaos - that's what families are all about!篇5My Life is Way Better Than YoursYou think your life is good? Well, it's not even close to as awesome as mine! Everything about my life is more amazing, more fun, and just plain better than yours. I'm going to prove it by comparing all the parts of our lives. Get ready to be super jealous!First up, my family is cooler than yours. My mom and dad are the funnest parents ever. They let me stay up as late as I want eating ice cream and candy. Your parents probably make you go to bed stupid early, don't they? And I bet they never let you have sugary treats. How lame!My parents also buy me whatever toys I want. I have a room full of the latest video games, coolest action figures, and tons of other awesome stuff. Your room is probably tiny and boring with no good toys at all. I feel bad for you having such a lame family.Speaking of lame, your house is definitely lamer than mine too. My house is a huge mansion with a giant playroom, indoor swimming pool, home movie theater, and even a bowling alley! We have maids and butlers to do all the chores too. I never have to clean up after myself. Your house is probably just a regular small one where you have to make your own bed and clean your own gross bathroom. Yuck!The neighborhood I live in is a million times better too. I live in a neighborhood full of other kids with huge houses and all the best toys. We have dibs at the park and get to go first on the swings and seesaws. You probably live in a dumb neighborhood with no other kids and have to play alone at a lame park, if you're even allowed to go outside.And don't get me started on school! My school is a super cool private academy with a rock climbing wall in the gym, ago-kart racing track, and a gourmet chef making our cafeteria food. We even have reindeer that pull a sleigh around campus during the holidays! I'll bet you go to a stupid public school with no fun stuff at all. Just lame old classrooms and a gross lunch lady serving you mushy peas and dried up mystery meat. No thanks!My life is way better in every single way. I have the bestesttoys, biggest house, coolest parents, most awesome neighborhood, and bestest school ever. Your life doesn't even come close to as good as mine. I almost feel sorry for you living such a boring, lame life. But then again, maybe you should just feel super jealous instead!篇6My Big Family is the Greatest!My family is the biggest and best family in the whole wide world! We have way more people than other families I know. While my best friend Timmy only has his mom, dad, and little sister living together, I have grandparents, aunts, uncles, andcousins all living right here in the same house! It's super crowded but also super fun.Our home is much noisier than other homes too. Instead of just a few people running around, we've got what feels like a million tiny feet pattering everywhere. The grown-ups are always shouting to be heard over the ruckus us kids make. Compared to Timmy's quiet house, our place sounds like a hurricane hit it daily! But I wouldn't want it any other way. All those voices chattering and laughing fills me with more happiness than you could imagine.Mealtimes are the most deliciously chaotic times of all. Rather than a simple dinner at the table, we have a grand feast every night! My grandma is an even better cook than the lunch ladies at school. Her dishes burst with spices and flavors way tastier than anything from the cafeteria. And she makes enough food to feed a whole army platoon, not just a tiny group like Timmy's fam. We all cram around the massive table, gulping down plateful after plateful of her amazing cooking. You'd better keep your elbows in though, or someone's bound to bonk you while reaching across for another helping!After we're stuffed fuller than a Thanksgiving turkey, it's game time! My cousins and I pick from a wider variety of gamesthan you can imagine. All the latest video games, board games, outdoor games - you name it, we've got it. We challenge each other to see who can beat the highest scores or come up with the wackiest made-up rules to keep things exciting. Sometimes we get a little too rowdy and break stuff, but that's just how us cousins do. Meanwhile, Timmy's only got a couple lame games to pick from whenever his folks remember to play with him.Probably the best part of my huge family though is all the different people to spend time with. I've got grandparents who spoil me rotten with treats and tell the funniest stories from back in their day. My aunts and uncles are like cool older siblings to goof around with. And my cousins are built-in best friends to do everything together with! Timmy's just got his parents to play with, as nice as they are. But how boring is that compared to my massive crew of family members? We never run out of fun people to hang out with.。

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八上英语作文用比较级比较我和我的朋友全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Best Friend and IMy best friend's name is Sarah, and she's the coolest girl in our class. We've been best friends ever since we were in kindergarten. Even though we're really good friends, we're also quite different in many ways.First of all, Sarah is taller than me. She's the tallest girl in our class, and I'm one of the shortest. I always have to look up when I'm talking to her, and she has to bend down a little bit to talk to me. Sometimes, when we're walking together, I have to almost run to keep up with her long legs!Sarah has long, curly brown hair that goes all the way down to her waist. My hair is short and straight, and it's a light blonde color. Sarah's hair is really pretty, but mine is kind of plain. I wish my hair was as nice as hers.Another difference between us is our personalities. Sarah is really outgoing and loves to be the center of attention. She'salways cracking jokes and making the whole class laugh. Me, on the other hand, I'm a bit shyer and quieter. I don't like being the center of attention as much as Sarah does.But even though we're different in those ways, we also have a lot in common. We both love playing outside and riding our bikes around the neighborhood. Our favorite game is "kick the can" and we always team up together when we play with the other kids.We also both really like reading books. Sarah's favorite books are the ones with lots of action and adventure, like the Harry Potter series. I prefer books with a bit more romance and drama, like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books. But we still enjoy sharing our favorite books with each other and talking about them.Another thing we both love is pizza! Whenever Sarah comes over to my house for a sleepover, we always beg my mom to order pizza for dinner. Our favorite is pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. We can probably eat an entire large pizza all by ourselves!One subject that Sarah is better at than me is math. She just seems to understand all the numbers and equations so easily, while I really have to work hard to get it. Whenever we have amath test coming up, Sarah always helps me study and explains the parts I don't understand. I'm really lucky to have such a smart friend who's willing to help me.I'm better than Sarah at art and creative writing though. Whenever we have to do an art project or write a story for class, mine always turn out much better than hers. Sarah says she's jealous of how creative I am and wishes she could draw and write as well as me.Even though we have our differences, Sarah and I are truly best friends. We've been through so much together already in our young lives, and I know we'll continue to be best friends forever. We may be different in height, appearance, and personality, but our friendship is stronger than any of those differences.I'm so grateful to have a best friend like Sarah. She's kind, funny, smart, and loyal. We may not be exactly alike, but that's what makes our friendship so special. Our differences actually complement each other and make us an even better pair of best friends. I don't know what I'd do without Sarah in my life. She's the yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly. We just go together perfectly.篇2My Best Friend JennyI have a best friend named Jenny and we've known each other since we were just little kids. Even though we're pretty similar in some ways, we're also really different in a lot of ways too. Let me tell you about how we compare!First off, Jenny is a little bit taller than me. She's about 4 feet 8 inches tall, while I'm only 4 feet 5 inches. Her hair is also much longer than mine. She has beautiful long brown hair that goes almost all the way down her back. My hair is a lot shorter and only goes down to my shoulders. Jenny's eyes are a lighter, brighter shade of blue than my eyes too.When it comes to our personalities, we have some big differences. Jenny is a lot more outgoing and confident than I am. She loves being the center of attention and doesn't mind speaking in front of the whole class. I'm quite a bit shyer than her.I prefer to hang back and observe rather than being in the spotlight. Jenny is also more daring and adventurous. She's always bugging me to go exploring with her or try thrilling activities like rock climbing. I'm a little more cautious and prefer sticking to safer hobbies.In terms of our interests and hobbies, there are some similarities but also differences. We both really enjoy reading fiction books and using our imaginations. Jenny tends to gravitate more towards fantasy and adventure stories, while I prefer realistic fiction books about everyday life. We do sometimes read the same book series, like Harry Potter.One big difference is that Jenny is way more into sports than me. She's on the school soccer team and is an amazing athlete. She can run much faster than me and is stronger too. I'm quite a bit less coordinated when it comes to sports. My hobbies lean more towards artistic stuff like drawing, painting, and creative writing. I'm better at those kinds of artistic activities compared to Jenny.When it comes to our favorite subjects at school, we have a mix of similarities and differences. We both really like English class and creative writing assignments. Jenny has neater handwriting than me though. Her stories also tend to be more action-packed, while mine have more descriptive details.Another subject we both enjoy is science, especially when we get to do fun experiments. I find the more theoretical, fact-based parts of science a bit more interesting than Jenny does though.She tends to prefer the hands-on parts where we get to actually build something.One of our biggest differences is in math class. I seem to have more natural ability when it comes to working with numbers. Math just clicks for me a little easier. Jenny has to work much harder than me to understand the concepts. She doesn't find math very fun or interesting, while I really enjoy the logic and problem solving aspects of it.So as you can see, while Jenny and I are very close friends, we also have lots of differences that sometimes complement each other. She's more outgoing, daring, and athletic, while I'm a bit shyer, cautious, and artsy. We have a nice balance where I keep her grounded, and she encourages me to take more chances sometimes.Our friendship works so well because we embrace our differences rather than fighting against them. We understand that we're not going to be exactly the same in every way. In fact, our differences are part of what make our friendship so awesome and fun! Jenny helps me get out of my comfort zone more, while I help her slow down and appreciate the quieter moments too. We both provide a balancing influence for each other.Even though we do have a fair number of differences, we have a lot of core similarities too that are the foundation of our friendship. We have very compatible senses of humor and can make each other laugh so hard we can barely breathe sometimes. We have similar values and ideas about what's important in life too, like being a good person with integrity.Overall, our differences are really what makes our friendship so dynamic and interesting. If we were exactly the same in every way, it might get a bit boring after a while. This way, we're constantly learning new things from each other and being exposed to different perspectives. Our friendship is a endless adventure where we're both growing and changing for the better thanks to our mutual influence.So while Jenny and I may seem quite different on the surface, our similarities in our core values and the way we just click is what really matters most. Our differences are a big part of what makes spending time together so fun and enriching. I feel very lucky to have such an amazing best friend, even if she is a bit taller, sportier, and more daring than me!篇3My Best Friend and I: A ComparisonI have a best friend named Amy, and we've been friends since kindergarten. Even though we're both in the same grade, there are quite a few differences between us. Let me tell you about them!First of all, our appearances are quite different. I'm taller than Amy, but she's chubbier than me. My hair is longer than hers, and it's also darker – hers is a pretty light brown color. Amy has bigger eyes than I do, but I think my eyes are rounder. We both have the same number of freckles, though!Our personalities are also pretty different. I'm shyer than Amy, and she's more outgoing than me. She's braver than I am, too. Like, she's not afraid of bugs or spiders at all, but I'm way more scared of them than she is. Amy is also funnier than me –she's really good at telling jokes and making people laugh. I'm more serious than she is.When it comes to our interests and hobbies, there are some similarities and differences. We both really love reading, but Amy prefers fantasy and adventure books, while I'm more into mysteries and realistic fiction. Amy is better at sports than me –she's faster and stronger. But I'm better at art than she is. My drawings are neater and more detailed.Our academic abilities are kind of different too. Amy is better at math than me. She can solve harder problems more quickly. But I'm better at writing than she is. My stories are more creative, and I make fewer spelling mistakes. We're about equally good at science, I think.Our families are also quite different in some ways. Amy has one younger brother, but I'm an only child. So her house is noisier and busier than mine. My parents are younger than Amy's parents too. And Amy's dad is stricter than my dad.Even our favorite foods are different! Amy loves pizza more than anything else, but my favorite is spaghetti. I like sweets better than she does – I could eat way more chocolate than Amy. But she prefers salty snacks like chips more than I do.I guess one of the biggest differences between us is that Amy is more of a night owl, while I'm more of an early bird. She loves staying up late, but I get sleepy earlier than she does. In the mornings, it's harder for Amy to wake up than it is for me.Despite all these differences, Amy and I are best friends for a reason – we have a lot of fun together! We might be quite different in many ways, but our friendship is stronger because of it. After all, opposites attract, right? It's what makes our friendship so special and interesting.So that's my best friend Amy and how she compares to me. We might not be exactly alike, but our differences are what make our friendship so great. I'm really lucky to have a best friend like her in my life!篇4Yes, I can write an essay in English comparing you and your friend using comparative degrees, written from the perspective of an elementary school student, with a length of around 2000 words. Here it is:My Best Friend and IMy best friend's name is Emily, and she's been my closest pal since we were in kindergarten. We've known each other for so long, and even though we're different in many ways, we're like two peas in a pod. Today, I want to tell you about the similarities and differences between us.Let's start with our appearances. Emily has long, curly brown hair that bounces when she walks, while my hair is shorter and straighter. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of green, like emeralds, while mine are a deep brown. She's a little taller than me, but not by much. I think we're both about average height for our age.When it comes to our personalities, we have some similarities and some differences. We're both quite outgoing and love to make new friends. However, Emily is a bit shyer than me when she first meets someone new. It usually takes her a little longer to warm up to people. I, on the other hand, have no problem striking up a conversation with anyone, anywhere.We're both pretty active and love to play sports. Emily is a fantastic soccer player, and she's even on the school team. I'm not as good at soccer as she is, but I'm a better swimmer. I can swim faster and for longer distances than she can.In school, we're both good students, but Emily is better at math than I am. She can solve complex equations and word problems much more quickly than I can. On the other hand, I'm stronger at reading and writing. I love to read novels and write stories, and my grades in those subjects are a little higher than Emily's.Even though we have some differences, we share a lot of interests and values. We both love animals, and we dream of one day having our own pet dogs. We also care a lot about the environment and try to recycle and reduce waste as much as possible.One of the things I admire most about Emily is her kindness and generosity. She's always willing to help others, whether it's lending a classmate a pencil or volunteering at the local animal shelter. She's a genuinely caring person, and that's one of the reasons she's such a great friend.Overall, Emily and I are more similar than we are different. We share so many interests, values, and personality traits. But our differences are what make our friendship even more special and interesting. We balance each other out and learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.I'm so grateful to have Emily as my best friend. She's been by my side through thick and thin, and I know she'll always be there for me, no matter what. We've made so many wonderful memories together, and I can't wait to see what adventures and experiences the future holds for us.篇5My Best Friend and I: A ComparisonMy best friend is Lily, and we've known each other since we were babies. Our moms are best friends too, so we've grown up together like siblings. Even though we're really close, we're quite different in many ways.First of all, our appearances are quite different. Lily is taller than me, and she's also skinnier. Her hair is longer and straighter than mine, while my hair is shorter and curlier. We both have brown eyes, but Lily's eyes are a darker shade of brown. She's paler than me too, probably because I spend more time playing outside in the sun.Our personalities are also quite different. Lily is shyer and quieter than me. She's more serious and doesn't like to joke around as much. I'm louder and more energetic, and I love to make people laugh. Lily is neater and more organized than I am. Her room is always tidy, while my room is often a mess. She's also more patient than me, and she doesn't get frustrated as easily.When it comes to our interests and hobbies, we have some things in common, but also some differences. We both love to read, but Lily prefers fantasy books, while I like adventure stories more. We both enjoy playing sports, but Lily is better at individual sports like tennis and swimming, while I'm better at team sports like soccer and basketball.Lily is better at school than I am. She gets higher grades and finds it easier to concentrate and study. I struggle more with staying focused, especially on subjects I don't find interesting.Lily is stronger at math and science, while I'm better at English and art.Despite our differences, we get along really well and have a lot of fun together. We like to hang out at each other's houses, play games, and watch movies. We can talk about anything and everything, and we always listen to each other and support each other.Overall, Lily and I are quite different in many ways, but our differences complement each other, and we balance each other out. She's the calm and serious one, while I'm the silly and energetic one. We bring out the best in each other, and that's why we're such good friends.篇6My Best Friend AnnaThere are lots of kids in my class, but my very best friend is Anna. We've known each other since kindergarten, and even though we have some things in common, there are also many ways that we're different from each other.First, let me tell you about what Anna and I have in common. We're both nine years old and in the same fourth-grade class atOakwood Elementary School. We live just a few blocks away from each other, so it's really convenient for us to walk to school together every morning or have playdates after school. Anna and I also share a love for reading books, especially adventure and mystery stories. Whenever we finish a really good book, we get so excited to discuss all the plot twists and try to guess what might happen next.Another thing Anna and I have in common is that we're both pretty good at math. It's definitely not our favorite subject, but we seem to understand the lessons a little bit faster than some of our classmates. Our math skills come in handy when we're playing board games or video games that involve adding, subtracting, or multiplying scores. We're usually neck-and-neck when it comes to games like that.However, there are plenty of ways that Anna and I are quite different too. For example, Anna is much more outgoing and talkative than I am. She's never shy about raising her hand in class to answer questions or share her ideas. Me, on the other hand? I'm a bit quieter and tend to keep my thoughts to myself more often. I'm not as comfortable speaking up in front of the whole class.Anna is also way more daring and adventurous compared to me. She's always eager to try new things, like riding the biggest roller coasters at the amusement park or eating bizarre-looking foods that I've never even heard of before. I'm a little bit more cautious and prefer to stick with what I know. It takes some convincing from Anna for me to step out of my comfort zone sometimes.When it comes to hobbies and interests, we have some pretty big differences too. Anna is really into sports and outdoor activities. She's on the school's soccer team and spends a lot of her free time practicing or playing pickup games at the park. I, on the other hand, much prefer quieter hobbies like reading, drawing, or playing video games. I'm just not as coordinated or athletic as Anna is.Our tastes in clothes and fashion are quite different as well. Anna always looks super stylish and put-together, wearing the latest trendy outfits and cool accessories. My style is a lot more basic and casual – I usually just throw on a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Anna is always trying to get me to be more adventurous with my fashion choices, but I'm happy keeping things simple.Despite all our differences though, Anna and I have managed to stay best friends all these years. I think it's because we share some core values, like being kind, honest, and loyal to each other. We may have different personalities and interests, but we accept and appreciate each other for who we are. Anna is definitely the bolder, more daring one, while I'm the cautious, reserved one. But that's what makes our friendship so much fun – we balance each other out perfectly!I feel so lucky to have a best friend like Anna in my life. We may be more different than we are alike in many ways, but our friendship is stronger because of it. I can't wait to see what adventures and experiences we'll get into as we keep growing up together. Middle school is just around the corner, with all sorts of new challenges and opportunities. But I know as long as Anna and I have each other's backs, we can take on anything that comes our way!。

英语作文用比较级写写我与朋友的不同全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Me and My FriendHi, everyone! I want to tell you all about my friend and me. We are different in so many ways, but that's what makes us special!First of all, let's talk about our appearances. My friend is taller than me. When we stand next to each other, I always have to look up at them. They can reach the top shelf without any problem, while I often need help. But you know what? I don't mind it at all. Being shorter has its advantages too. I can squeeze into small spaces and hide during hide-and-seek games!Now, let's talk about our personalities. My friend is more outgoing than me. They love meeting new people and making friends. Whenever we go to a party, my friend is always the center of attention, telling jokes and making everyone laugh. On the other hand, I am a bit shy. I prefer spending time with a few close friends and having deep conversations. But you know what?My friend helps me come out of my shell and makes me feel more confident. We balance each other out!When it comes to hobbies, my friend and I have different interests. They love playing sports, especially basketball. They are always dribbling, shooting hoops, and scoring points. I, on the other hand, enjoy reading books and painting. I can spend hours lost in a good story or creating colorful artworks. But you know what? Sometimes we teach each other new things. My friend has helped me improve my basketball skills, and I have introduced them to the joy of reading.In school, my friend is better at math than me. They can solve problems quickly and always get top grades. I, on the other hand, excel in English and writing. I love expressing my thoughts and ideas through words. But you know what? We help each other with our weak subjects. My friend explains difficult math concepts to me, and I proofread their essays and help with their grammar. Together, we make a great team!Finally, let's talk about our dreams for the future. My friend wants to become a famous basketball player and play in the NBA. They practice every day and have a strong determination to succeed. As for me, I dream of becoming a writer and sharing my stories with the world. I write every day and hope to publish myown book someday. But you know what? We support each other's dreams and believe in each other. We know that with hard work and determination, we can achieve anything!In conclusion, my friend and I may have our differences, but that's what makes our friendship special. We learn from each other, support each other, and have a lot of fun together. Our differences make us stronger as individuals and as friends. So, embrace the things that make you unique and celebrate the diversity in your friendships. That's what friendship is all about!I hope you enjoyed reading about me and my friend. Thank you!篇2Title: Me and My FriendIntroduction:Hello, everyone! Today I want to share with you about the differences between my friend and me. We may be similar in some ways, but there are also many things that make us unique. Let's explore these differences together!Body:Appearance:First of all, let's talk about our appearances. My friend has curly hair while I have straight hair. We both have different eye colors too. My friend has blue eyes, which look so beautiful, while I have brown eyes. We often talk about how our different appearances make us special.Hobbies:When it comes to hobbies, my friend and I have different interests. My friend loves playing soccer and spends a lot of time practicing it. On the other hand, I enjoy painting and spend my free time creating colorful artwork. Although our hobbies are different, we always support and encourage each other.Personalities:Our personalities are also quite different. My friend is outgoing and loves meeting new people. They are always the center of attention in the classroom. On the contrary, I am a bit shy and prefer spending time with a close group of friends. We often learn from each other's strengths and help each other improve.Favorite Subjects:In school, we have different favorite subjects. My friend loves mathematics and is really good at solving problems. I, on theother hand, enjoy English and writing stories. Sometimes, we exchange tips and help each other with our least favorite subjects to make learning more fun.Food Preferences:When it comes to food, our tastes are quite different. My friend enjoys eating spicy food, while I prefer mild flavors. Sometimes, we share our lunchboxes and try each other's food. It's always exciting to taste something new and different.Conclusion:In conclusion, my friend and I have many differences that make our friendship exciting and unique. From our appearances to our hobbies, personalities, favorite subjects, and food preferences, we celebrate our individuality while cherishing the bond we share. It's amazing how these differences bring us closer and help us learn more about the world around us. Remember, differences are what make each of us special!Word Count: 254 words篇3My Friend and IHello everyone! Today, I want to tell you about my friend and me. We are different in many ways. Let's explore our differences!Firstly, let's talk about our appearances. My friend is taller than me. When we stand together, I always have to look up to talk to them. They also have longer hair than me. Sometimes, I wish my hair was as long as theirs, but my mom says short hair suits me better.Secondly, we have different hobbies. I like playing football, while my friend prefers drawing and painting. They are really talented and can create beautiful artwork. I am always in awe of their creativity. Sometimes, we try to combine our hobbies and draw football players together. It's a lot of fun!Next, let's talk about our personalities. My friend is more outgoing than me. They are always the center of attention in class and have many friends. On the other hand, I am a bit shy. I feel more comfortable with a small group of close friends. However, my friend encourages me to be more confident, and I'm trying my best to be more outgoing like them.Moreover, we have different favorite subjects in school. My friend loves math and always gets the highest grades in the class. They enjoy solving tricky equations and puzzles. I, on the otherhand, prefer English. I love reading books and writing stories. I think it's fascinating to be able to express myself through words.Lastly, let's talk about our dreams for the future. My friend wants to become a famous artist and have their paintings displayed in art galleries all over the world. They practice drawing every day and are determined to achieve their dream. As for me, I dream of becoming a professional football player. I want to play in big stadiums and make my family and friends proud.Even though we have many differences, my friend and I get along very well. We respect each other's opinions and support one another. We learn a lot from each other and have fun together. Our differences make our friendship more interesting and unique.That's all about my friend and me. Remember, it's okay to be different from your friends. Embrace your uniqueness and celebrate the diversity in the world. Friends come in all shapes, sizes, and interests. So, let's cherish our friends and enjoy the beautiful bond of friendship!I hope you enjoyed reading about my friend and me. Thank you!篇4Me and My FriendHi everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about my friend and me. We are different in many ways, but that's what makes our friendship so special!Firstly, let's talk about our appearances. My friend is taller than me. When we stand next to each other, I always have to look up to talk to them. It's like they are reaching for the sky! They also have longer hair than me. Sometimes, I wish I had hair like theirs, flowing and shiny. But my hair is short and neat, which is okay too!Next, let's talk about our personalities. My friend is more outgoing than me. They love to be the center of attention and always have a lot to say. On the other hand, I am a bit shy and prefer to listen more. My friend is like a social butterfly, always making new friends, while I am more like a caterpillar, taking my time to get to know people.When it comes to hobbies, we have different interests as well. My friend loves playing sports, especially soccer. They are very athletic and can run faster and kick the ball harder than me. Ienjoy reading books and painting pictures. I can spend hours lost in a story or creating a masterpiece with my paintbrush.In school, my friend is smarter than me in math. They can solve math problems quickly and easily. Sometimes, they even help me with my homework when I get stuck. On the other hand, I am better at English. I love reading and writing, and I always get good grades in those subjects. We help each other in different ways, and that's what makes us a great team!Even though we have these differences, we also have a lot in common. We both love ice cream, and our favorite flavor is chocolate. We enjoy going to the park together, swinging on the swings and sliding down the slides. We also like watching movies and playing board games on rainy days.In conclusion, my friend and I are different in many ways. They are taller, more outgoing, and better at sports, while I am shorter, shyer, and better at English. But our differences don't matter because we have so much fun together and support each other. Our friendship is like a beautiful puzzle, with each piece fitting perfectly. I am so grateful to have such an amazing friend!That's all about me and my friend. Thank you for listening to my story!篇5Me and My FriendHi everyone! I want to tell you about me and my friend. We are both different in many ways, so let's explore our differences!First of all, let's talk about our heights. I am taller than my friend. I can reach the top shelf without any help, but my friend needs a little boost. I feel like a giant when we stand next to each other!Next, let's talk about our hobbies. I love playing soccer. I can run fast and kick the ball really high! On the other hand, my friend prefers drawing. They are really good at it. Their drawings are like a beautiful rainbow, full of colors and imagination.Speaking of school subjects, I am better at math. I can solve problems quickly and easily. My friend, on the other hand, is better at English. They can speak and write fluently. It's like they have a magic wand that makes words come alive!When it comes to eating, I have a big appetite. I can finish a whole pizza by myself! But my friend eats smaller portions and enjoys trying different types of food. They are like a food adventurer!Now let's talk about our personalities. I am more outgoing. I love making new friends and talking to people. My friend, on the other hand, is a bit shy. They prefer spending time alone or with a small group of close friends. We balance each other out!Lastly, let's talk about our dreams. I dream of becoming a famous soccer player. I want to score goals and make people cheer. On the other hand, my friend dreams of becoming an artist. They want to create beautiful paintings that touch people's hearts. We both have big dreams!In conclusion, me and my friend are different in many ways. I am taller, better at math, and have a big appetite. My friend, on the other hand, is good at drawing, English, and has a more reserved personality. But despite our differences, we are still great friends. Our differences make us unique and special. That's what friendship is all about!I hope you enjoyed reading about me and my friend. Thank you for listening!篇6Me and My FriendHi, everyone! Today I want to tell you about me and my friend. We are different in many ways, but we still get along really well.Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Emily, and I am a cheerful and outgoing girl. I have long, curly hair that bounces when I walk. I love to wear colorful dresses and sparkly shoes. I enjoy singing and dancing, and I am always the first one to volunteer for school performances.Now, let me tell you about my friend, Lily. She is quite different from me. Lily is quiet and shy. She has straight, short hair, and she usually wears simple clothes that are comfortable. She prefers reading books and painting pictures instead of singing and dancing like me. Lily is really good at drawing, and she often creates beautiful artwork.In terms of our personalities, I am more energetic and adventurous, while Lily is calm and thoughtful. I love trying new things and exploring different places. I'm always the one suggesting exciting activities for us to do, like going on a bike ride or having a picnic in the park. Lily, on the other hand, enjoys quiet activities like solving puzzles or playing board games. She often brings her favorite puzzle books when we have playdates.When it comes to school, we have different strengths. I excel in subjects like English and art. I love writing stories and creating colorful drawings. Lily, on the other hand, is really good at math and science. She is always the first one to solve difficult math problems, and she loves conducting simple science experiments at home.Despite our differences, we are best friends and always support each other. Lily helps me become more patient and focused, while I encourage her to try new things and be more outgoing. We often have sleepovers at each other's houses, where we share stories, watch movies, and laugh a lot.In conclusion, me and my friend Lily are quite different, but our differences make our friendship even stronger. We learn from each other and have fun together. It's important to have friends who are not exactly like us because they help us grow and discover new things. I'm grateful to have Lily as my best friend!That's all about me and my friend. Thank you for listening to my story!。

比较对比型英语作文范文第1篇关于对比的观点英语作文Now people in significant numbers are beginning to compare themselves with others. They harbor the idea that comparison can not only make them realize the differences between them and others, but also make them strive. They retreat surpassing others as success.现在很多人都拿自己和别人比较。
Opinions vary from person to person. Some people take the attitude that comparing ourselves with others does have the passive effects to our life. On the one hand, if you compare yourself with the one who is weaker than you, you will be so satisfied with the current situation that you will lose the ambition. On the other hand, compared with the ones stronger than you, you can not find the confidence.不同的`人对此有不同的看法。

范文5篇关于两人进行比较的英语作文Comparison is a natural process that humans engage in to better understand the world around them. When it comes to comparingtwo people, there are many factors to consider, from physical attributes to personality traits to life experiences. In this essay, wewill explore five examples of such comparative analyses.The first comparison we will examine is between two siblings, John and Michael. On the surface, John and Michael appear quite different. John is tall and slender, with neatly combed brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses, while Michael is shorter and stockier, with unruly blond curls and a tendency to squint. However, beyond these physical distinctions, the brothers share a deep bond and similar values. Both are highly intelligent, with a keen interest in science and technology. They spent countless hours as children building model rockets and experimenting with electrical circuits in the family garage.As they have grown older, John and Michael have chosen different academic and career paths. John pursued a degree in computer engineering and now works as a software developer for a large techfirm. Michael, on the other hand, opted for a biology degree and currently conducts research at a university laboratory. Despite these divergent professional choices, the brothers remain close, often collaborating on personal projects and supporting one another's endeavors. Their shared passion for learning and problem-solving has been a unifying force throughout their lives.Another comparison worth exploring is that of two friends, Emily and Sarah, who have known each other since childhood. Emily and Sarah come from vastly different backgrounds - Emily was raised in a wealthy suburban family, while Sarah grew up in a modest inner-city neighborhood. These disparities in socioeconomic status have shaped their perspectives and life experiences in profound ways.Emily, for instance, had the privilege of attending a prestigious private school and participating in a variety of extracurricular activities, from tennis to ballet. In contrast, Sarah attended a public school with limited resources and had to take on part-time jobs to help support her family. Despite these differences, the two women have developed a deep respect and appreciation for each other's backgrounds. Emily has gained a greater understanding of the challenges faced by those from underprivileged communities, while Sarah has been inspired by Emily's drive and determination to succeed.Interestingly, these contrasting upbringings have also contributed to the women's differing approaches to life. Emily tends to be more cautious and risk-averse, preferring the security of a stable career and a well-planned future. Sarah, on the other hand, is more adventurous and spontaneous, often embracing new opportunities and experiences without hesitation. This dynamic has led to many lively debates between the friends, as they challenge each other's perspectives and learn from one another.Another insightful comparison can be made between two renowned public figures, the politician Jane Doe and the activist John Doe. Jane and John are both passionate about social justice and have dedicated their lives to effecting positive change in their respective fields. However, their approaches to achieving their goals differ significantly.Jane Doe is a seasoned politician who has spent decades navigating the complex world of government and policy-making. She is known for her pragmatic, incremental approach, carefully crafting legislation and forging strategic alliances to gradually implement her vision for a more equitable society. In contrast, John Doe is a fiery activist who has gained recognition for his bold, confrontational tactics. He is not afraid to challenge the status quo, organizing large-scale protests and engaging in civil disobedience to draw attention to pressing social issues.Despite their divergent methodologies, both Jane and John have achieved remarkable success in their endeavors. Jane's steady, methodical approach has led to the passage of several landmark laws, while John's unapologetic activism has inspired countless individuals to join the fight for social justice. Ultimately, their complementary efforts have contributed to meaningful progress in addressing societal challenges.The fourth comparison we will explore is that of two renowned artists, the painter Emily Doe and the sculptor John Doe. Both Emily and John are celebrated for their exceptional talent and innovative approaches to their respective mediums. However, their creative processes and artistic visions differ significantly.Emily Doe is known for her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to capture the nuances of the human experience through her vibrant, photorealistic paintings. Her work often delves into themes of identity, emotion, and the complexities of the human condition. In contrast, John Doe's sculptures are characterized by their bold, abstract forms and their exploration of the relationship between space, movement, and the natural world. His works challenge the viewer to engage with the piece on a deeper, more conceptual level.Despite these differences, Emily and John share a deep passion fortheir art and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of their respective disciplines. They have both garnered critical acclaim and have had their works exhibited in prestigious galleries and museums around the world. Their contrasting styles and perspectives have enriched the artistic landscape, offering viewers a diverse range of creative expressions to appreciate and contemplate.The final comparison we will examine is that of two successful entrepreneurs, Jane Doe and John Doe. Jane and John have both built thriving businesses from the ground up, but their entrepreneurial journeys have been marked by distinct approaches and priorities.Jane Doe is a strategic, data-driven entrepreneur who has built her company on a foundation of meticulous market research and rigorous financial planning. She is known for her analytical mind and her ability to identify and capitalize on emerging trends in her industry. In contrast, John Doe is a more intuitive, creative entrepreneur who has built his business on a strong vision and a willingness to take calculated risks. He is driven by his passion for innovation and a desire to disrupt the status quo.Despite these differences, both Jane and John have demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to changing market conditions and to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. They have bothachieved remarkable success, with their companies becoming industry leaders in their respective fields. Their contrasting approaches have also contributed to the diversity and dynamism of the entrepreneurial landscape, offering inspiration and guidance to aspiring business owners.In conclusion, the comparisons explored in this essay highlight the rich diversity of human experiences and the ways in which individuals can differ in their attributes, perspectives, and approaches to life. By examining the nuances and complexities of these comparisons, we gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and the multifaceted nature of the world around us.。

下面是店铺给大家整理的比较级英语作文带翻译的相关知识,供大家参阅!比较级英语作文带翻译篇1Hi,my name is Sue,this is my best friend Lucy. We study in the same classroom and we both like playing voleyball after school嗨,我的名字是苏,这是我的好朋友露西。
比较级英语作文带翻译篇2I have a sister in my family,she is seven years younger than me,shorter and thinner than me. 我有个妹妹,她比我小七岁,我比她高,她比我瘦。
比较级英语作文带翻译篇3My FamilyIn my life, I am proud of having a happy family.I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother.As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home.My father is friendly to others. Our neighbors speak highly of him.Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has high expectation to us, wanting us to have bright future.My little brother is a primary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playing with his friends. It worries my parents a lot.But in general, we have more laughs than tears. I love my lovely family.翻译:我的家庭在我的生命中,我最自豪的就是有一个快乐的家。

考研对比比较类英语作文1. In terms of cost, going to graduate school is definitely more expensive than finding a job. Tuition fees, living expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses can quickly add up, putting a significant financial burden on students. On the other hand, finding a job means earning a salary and being able to support oneself financially.2. When it comes to time commitment, going to graduate school requires a significant amount of time. Students have to attend classes, complete assignments, and conduct research, which can be time-consuming. On the other hand, finding a job allows individuals to have more control over their time and prioritize their tasks according to their own schedule.3. In terms of career prospects, going to graduate school can provide individuals with specialized knowledge and skills that can give them a competitive edge in the job market. Graduates often have access to better jobopportunities and higher positions compared to those who only have a bachelor's degree. On the other hand, finding a job immediately after completing a bachelor's degree allows individuals to gain practical experience and start building their career earlier.4. In terms of personal growth, going to graduate school can offer individuals the opportunity to further explore their interests and passions. It allows them to dive deeper into a specific field of study and develop a strong foundation of knowledge. On the other hand, finding a job can also contribute to personal growth as individuals learn new skills, adapt to different work environments, and gain valuable life experiences.5. In terms of networking opportunities, going to graduate school allows individuals to connect with professors, researchers, and fellow students who share similar interests. These connections can be valuable for future collaborations and career opportunities. On the other hand, finding a job also provides networking opportunities as individuals interact with colleagues,clients, and industry professionals.6. In terms of personal satisfaction, going to graduate school can be a fulfilling experience for those who have a genuine passion for learning and academic pursuits. It allows individuals to delve deeper into a subject they are passionate about and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field. On the other hand, finding a job can also bring personal satisfaction as individuals contribute to the success of a company, achieve their career goals, and make a positive impact in their chosen profession.Overall, both going to graduate school and finding a job have their own advantages and disadvantages. It ultimately depends on an individual's goals, interests, and circumstances.。

比较级作文英语作文1. I think running is more tiring than swimming. When I run, my legs feel like lead, but when I swim, I feel weightless in the water.2. Pizza is tastier than salad. The gooey cheese and savory toppings make my mouth water, while salad just feels like a chore to eat.3. My cat is lazier than my dog. The cat sleeps all day and only moves to eat, while the dog is always running around and playing.4. Winter is colder than summer. I can bundle up in layers during winter, but in summer, there's only so much I can take off to stay cool.5. Reading is more relaxing than watching TV. When I read, I can escape into a different world, but when I watch TV, I feel restless and distracted.6. Coffee is more energizing than tea. The caffeine in coffee gives me a jolt of energy, while tea is more soothing and calming.7. Traveling by plane is faster than by train. I can reach my destination in hours by plane, but by train, it takes much longer.8. Playing sports is more fun than studying. I love the adrenaline rush and competition of sports, but studying feels like a chore.9. Chocolate is sweeter than vanilla. The rich, decadent flavor of chocolate always satisfies my sweet tooth, while vanilla is more subtle and plain.10. Running a marathon is more challenging than a 5k race. The distance and endurance required for a marathon are much greater than a shorter race like a 5k.。

关于比较级的中考英语作文1. The weather in summer is hotter than in winter. In summer, the sun shines brightly and the temperature rises significantly. People often wear light clothes and enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming and barbecues. However, in winter, the weather becomes colder and people need to wear thick clothes to keep warm. The days are shorter, and it is common to see snowfall. 。
2. My dog is bigger than my cat. The dog is a Labrador Retriever, and it is known for its large size and strength. It has a muscular body and can weigh up to 80 pounds. On the other hand, my cat is a Siamese breed and weighs only about 10 pounds. The cat is small and agile, making it easier for it to climb and jump. 。
3. My sister is taller than me. She has always been the tallest in our family. She inherited our father's genes, who is also quite tall. I, on the other hand, take after our mother, who is of average height. Being taller than me,my sister often helps me reach things on higher shelves. 。

用比较级介绍的英语作文1. The weather today is colder than yesterday. I can feel the chill in the air as I step outside. The wind is blowing stronger, making it even colder. I need to wear a thicker jacket to keep warm.2. This coffee tastes better than the one I had yesterday. The aroma is more intense, and the flavor is richer. It's like a burst of energy in my mouth. I can't help but take another sip.3. The traffic is worse today than usual. The roads are congested with cars honking their horns impatiently. It feels like I'm stuck in a never-ending maze of vehicles. I hope I can reach my destination soon.4. The movie I watched last night was scarier than I expected. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and the jump scares made me scream out loud. I had nightmares afterwards, but I have to admit, it was an exhilaratingexperience.5. The new restaurant in town is much busier than the old one. People are lining up outside, waiting for a table. The aroma of delicious food wafts through the air, tempting everyone who passes by. I can't wait to try their signature dish.6. The workload at my job is getting heavier and heavier. I have more tasks to complete and tighter deadlines to meet. It feels like there's never enough time in a day. I need to find a way to manage my time more efficiently.7. The competition in the market is fiercer than ever. Every company is trying to outdo each other with innovative products and aggressive marketing strategies. It's a constant battle to stay ahead and capture the attention of consumers.8. The music at the concert was louder than I expected. The bass reverberated through my body, and the crowd'scheers were deafening. It was a sensory overload, but it added to the excitement and energy of the performance.9. The mountain I climbed last weekend was higher than any I've ever attempted before. The steep slopes and rocky terrain made it a challenging ascent. But when I reached the summit and saw the breathtaking view, it was all worth it.10. The price of groceries has increased significantly compared to last month. It's becoming more expensive to buy everyday essentials. I need to be more mindful of my spending and find ways to save money.。

比较两种事物英语作文1. Cats are independent creatures, often aloof and mysterious, while dogs are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature.2. Coffee is a popular beverage enjoyed by many for its rich flavor and energizing effects, whereas tea is often seen as a calming and soothing drink.3. Summer brings long days filled with sunshine and warmth, perfect for outdoor activities and beach trips, while winter brings snow and cold temperatures, ideal for cozy nights by the fireplace.4. Pizza is a versatile dish that can be customized with a variety of toppings to suit different preferences, while burgers are a classic comfort food loved for their juicy patties and savory condiments.5. Reading a physical book provides a tactileexperience and the satisfaction of turning pages, while listening to an audiobook offers convenience and allows for multitasking.6. Traveling to a bustling city offers endless opportunities for exploration and excitement, whilevisiting a tranquil countryside provides a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.7. Watching a movie in a theater immerses viewers in a cinematic experience with surround sound and a large screen, while streaming a film at home offers the comfort of watching from the couch with snacks readily available.。

比较类英文作文模版1. I like dogs because they are loyal and friendly. They always greet me at the door and make me feel loved.2. On the other hand, cats are independent and low-maintenance. They can entertain themselves and don't require as much attention as dogs do.3. When it comes to intelligence, I believe that dogs are more trainable and responsive to commands. They can learn various tricks and tasks, making them great companions.4. However, cats have a mysterious and graceful demeanor that I find intriguing. They are also excellent hunters and can keep the house free of pests.5. In terms of exercise, dogs need regular walks and playtime to stay healthy and happy. It's a great way for me to stay active as well.6. On the contrary, cats are content to lounge around the house and can be left alone for longer periods of time. They are the perfect pet for someone with a busy lifestyle.7. Both dogs and cats provide emotional support and companionship. They can sense when I'm feeling down and offer comfort in their own unique ways.8. In conclusion, both dogs and cats have their own special qualities that make them wonderful pets. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and lifestyle when choosing the right pet for you.。
[比较类英语作文模板] 对比类英语作文范文
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[比较类英语作文模板] 对比类英语作文范文英语写作不可缺少的比较类英语作文模板。
下面是小编给大家整理的比较类英语作文模板的相关知识,供大家参阅!比较类英语作文模板篇1(正反观点)1)When it comes to sth., people’s ideas are not cut from the same cloth.2) Some people hold /argue that (观点一) 3) They base their argument on the ground that (理由)4) But others react to the problem the other way around and contend that the opposite is just reasonable or right. (观点二) 5) From their angle of view, (理由) 6)I am of the opinion that(我的看法) 7) (理由) 8)(结论句).Views on Generation Gap1) When it comes to the problem of generation gap, people’s ideas are not cut from the same cloth. 2) Most of the old argue that young people should be responsible for the problem.3) They base their argument on the ground that young people either turn a deaf ear to the elders’ experience-based advice or set themselves against what the elders have been proud of. 4) Yet the younger generation reacts to the problem the other way around and holds that the opposite is just reasonable. 5) From their angle of view, the older generation is too conservative to accept anything new, as a result of which, their voices are not taken into account, and their efforts are far from the requirements set by the elders. 6) I am of the opinion that both generations should take the responsibility for the problem. 7) Much evidence proves that the generation gap results just when the two generations miss connecting or understanding with each other. 8) As long as both sides keep their minds open to each other’s outlooks on the world and get ready for adjustment of their own ideas to the social needs, therefore, the gap between them will be narrowed down in time.比较类英语作文模板篇2(正反观点)(1) 有人认为(some people’s opinion)(2) 另外一些人认为(other people’s opinion)(3) 我的观点(my opinion)As far as ________ is concerned , opinions vary widely .Some people take ____as ______ / They are of the opinion that with______ they_______. Without ______ , they _______.Others , however , believe that _______. From their point of view , _______ . For instance , ______ are all concerned to _______ . As I see it , we _____ . What really count is _____ . If you ______ . But you ______ .On Money As far as money is concerned , opinions vary widely / vary from one to another .Some people take money as the source of happiness. They are of the opinion that with money they can have delicious food to eat , fashionable clothes to wear and a comfortable house to live n . Without money , they will be in distress .Others , however, believe that money is the root of all evils . From their point , the pursuit of money drives many people to commit crimes . For instance , theft , robbing are all concerned to money .As I see it , we should not put the blame on money because it is a tool . It is innocent . What really counts is the attitude we take toward it . If you always put money in the first place , money will become troublesome . But if /when you believe that many more things in the word are moremeaningful and important than making money , you will surely be happier and open-minded .比较类英语作文模板篇3There is no consensue of opinions among people about.....(争论焦点).Some people are of the view that...(观点一),while others take an opposite side,firmly believe that...(观点二).As far as I am concerned,the former(latter)notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,...(论据一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,....(论据三).A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that...(总结观点).As college students,we are supposed to......(支持某种观点) 模板二The vast majority of people argue that....(观点一)By saying that, they mean.....(对观点一进行阐释).But a few other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that....(观点二)An example they have presented is that.....(支持观点二的一个例子).According to a survey performed by......(某种权威机构),almost 80% of people are in favor of the idea of.....(观点二或者观点一).There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth,we will feel no reservation to conclude that....(从两种观点中选择你的观点).There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,......(论据一)More importantly,....(论据二).Most important of all,.....(论据三).Based on the zbove discussions,I can easily forecast that more abd more people will......(支持你的观点)比较类英语作文模板篇4Some people are in favor of the idea of doing.....(某种行为).They point out the fact that....(支持某种行为的第一论据).They also argue that....(支持某种行为的第二论据).However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do....(某种行为).They firmly point out that......(反对某种行为的第一论据).An example can give the details of this argument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the disadvantages of......(某种行为).outweigh the advantages.In addion to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about,......(某种行为).also may......(可能产生的另一种弊端)To conclude,......(你所得出的结论)A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent.....(某种行为)from bringing us more harm,比较类英语作文模板篇5Nowadays,it is common to do sth _____________①现状There are many advantages of doing sthfirst, ②_______________________________ ②优点之一second,③___________________________________优点之二However, everything has two sides, also has many disadvantages. For example, ④_________________________ ④举例说明缺点In my opinion, .;In a word,. _______.5阐述自己的观点看过比较类英语作文模板的相关知识的人还看了:1.英语作文模板大全2.最全面的英语专四作文模板3.高分英语作文万能模板4.高中各类英语作文模板5.英语各类型作文的写作格式及模板感谢您的阅读!。

比较的英语作文关于比较的英语作文范文比较类英语作文范文篇一:英语作文模板一(对比选择类)模板一Thereisnoconsensueofopinionsamongpeopleabout.....(争论焦点).Somepeopleareoftheviewthat...(观点一),whileotherstakeanoppositeside,firmlybelievethat...(观点二).AsfarasIamconcerned,theformer(latter)notionispreferablein manysenses.Thereasonsareobvious.Firstofall,...(论据一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Amongallofthesupportingevidences,oneisthestrongest.Thatis,....(论据三).Anaturalconclusionfromtheabovediscussionisthat...(总结观点).Ascollegestudents,wearesupposedto......(支持某种观点)模板二Thevastmajorityofpeoplearguethat....(观点一)Bysayingthat,theymean.....(对观点一进行阐释).Butafewotherpeopletakeanoppositeside.Theyfirmlybelievet hat....(观点二)Anexampletheyhavepresentedisthat.....(支持观点二的一个例子).Accordingtoasurveyperformedby......(某种权威机构),almost80%ofpeopleareinfavoroftheideaof.....(观点二或者观点一).Theremightbesomeelementoftruthinthesepeople’sbelief.B utifweconsideritindepth,wewillfeelnoreservationtoconcludethat.. ..(从两种观点中选择你的观点).Thereareadozenofreasonsbehindmybelief.Firstofall,......(论据一)Moreimportantly,....(论据二).Mostimportantofall,.....(论Basedonthezbovediscussions,Icaneasilyforecastthatmoreab dmorepeoplewill......(支持你的观点)模板三Somepeopleareinfavoroftheideaofdoing.....(某种行为).Theypointoutthefactthat....(支持某种行为的第一论据).Theyalsoarguethat....(支持某种行为的第二论据).However,otherpeoplestandonadifferentground.Theyconside ritharmfultodo....(某种行为).Theyfirmlypointoutthat......(反对某种行为的第一论据).Anexamplecangivethedetailsofthisargument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).Thereissometruthinbotharguments.ButIthinkthedisadvantag esof......(某种行为).outweightheadvantages.Inaddiontotheabove-mentionednegativeeffectsitmightbringabout,......(某种行为).alsomay......(可能产生的另一种弊端)Toconclude,......(你所得出的结论)Adozenofmeasuresaresupposedtotaketoprevent.....(某种行为)frombringingusmoreharm,常用高分句型1、(1开头)、Now,tiiscommonly(generally/widely)believed(held/acknowledge d)that___,butIwonderwhethe___.现在人们普遍认为___,但我想___。
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Cosmetic surgery,which isalso called aesthetic surgeryand includes such specialties as breast augmentation, nasal surgery, eyelid surgery and so on, is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, that is, the latter one carries a much broader sense.Cosmetic surgery is an optional procedure performed on normal parts of the body with the only purpose of improving a person’sappearanceand/or removing signs of aging, whereas plastic surgery, which can be divided into several sub-specialties like reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery,craniofacial surgery, the treatment of burns,etc.,mainly corrects and rectifies the deformed and any physical abnormality.
Although plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are both products of people’s obsession with beauty, yet they differentiate from each other in many aspects.
Both plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are medical specialties concerned with the“correction”or restoration of form and function.Surgeons in these two fields are devoted to improving the health, wellness and lifeexperienceof their patients.Nevertheless, all proceduresin both surgeries, even the less invasive ones like fillers and lasers, carryrisks and side effects.
TOPIC:Plastic SurgeryVSCosmetic Surgery
This essay mainlyaddresses the similarities and differences between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.