
二、公司治理的基本原则(一)公平对待所有股东Fair treatment of all shareholders上市公司应当平等对待所有股东,不得在股东之间实行不合理的差别待遇,不得有选择性地向部分股东提供信息或给予优惠。
(二)保护股东权利Protecting shareholders' rightsShareholders should have the right to participate in and vote on major corporate decisions, and have access to accurate and timely information股东应享有参与和表决公司重大决策的权利,并能够获取准确、及时的信息。
(三)强化信息披露Enhanced information disclosureThe company shall disclose relevant information truthfully, accurately, completely and timely to ensure that shareholders have sufficient understanding of the company's operations and financial situation公司应当真实、准确、完整、及时地披露相关信息,确保股东对公司的运营和财务状况有充分的了解。
三、股东与股东大会(一)股东的权利和义务Rights and obligations of shareholdersShareholders have the right to receive dividends, vote on company matters, and inspect the company's financial and accounting reports At the same time, they should fulfill their obligations such as paying subscribed capital in full and in a timely manner股东有权获得股息、对公司事务进行表决以及查阅公司的财务和会计报告。


Reasons and countermeasures of listed companies ' financial fraudPick to: financial fraud accompanied by China's reform and opening process and continuous development, bring social harm is more and more apparent, whether to financial fraud effective management by the people's widespread concern. On the listed company's financial fraud concepts and methods were summarized, from the interest drive, corporate governance, accounting personnel occupation moral standards, accounting and auditing system, in-depth analysis of the causes of financial fraud, and in view of the above reasons put forward the corresponding control measuresKey words: financial fraud; reasons; control countermeasures; listed companyIntroductionSince the beginning of Enron in late 2001, cases of financial fraud in listed companies at home and abroad frequently burst out. In early 2006, the Shanghai national accounting Institute Research Center for financial fraud (snaiFFRC) disclosed to "kelong" headed by the "2005 top ten most fraudulent financial companies of the listed companies" means is more amazing the financial fraud of "smart". Self, circulating trading, trading of yin and Yang, the packing channels, always accounting errors, large bath, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, concealed stocks, the report cash traps, this is a top ten listing companies financial fraud trick.One, the concept of financial fraud and wayFinancial fraud is the subject of false financial information processing in accounting and reporting process, to obtain undue economic interests, used deceptive means to intentionally lied about the importance and financial facts of violations of laws and substantive violations. Financial fraud has four characteristics: unlawful, intentional sexuality, danger, and concealment. Specific means of financial fraud can be said to be endless, but the core is intact. Income fraud including fictitious earnings and revenue across periods; cost of fraud including cross-phase meter cost less and adjustment costs as well as costs of capital; corrupt cash fraud, should be the project assets, such as fraud, less provision for impairment; liabilities are generally less-total liabilities of fraud.Financial fraud means basically has the following several aspects:1.the use of improper accounting policies and accounting fraud. Management typically useintertemporal amortization class accounts for many share, share more, less or less cost to adjust profit. (1) the selection of inappropriate borrowing costs accounting method. In practice, many listed company through misuse of borrowing costs accounting, in build a project completed and not the final. (2) improper selection of equity investment accounting methods. Principles of enterprise accounting regulations: investment enterprises of joint control or significant influence, should adopt equity method; instead, it uses the cost method.But many companies use, when the investee company profit, should not use the equity method investment using the equity method of accounting; when the investee company loss, the equity method to the cost method .(3) improper selection of merging policy. (4) the improper selection of depreciation method.Extended depreciation, by accelerating method is changed into the straight line method, inpractice it is often seen. (5) the improper selection of income, cost confirmation method.Advance or delay the confirmation of income or expense is also listed companies generally adopt cheating. (6) the improper selection of the impairment provision method.2. use of enterprise internal control system defects and the weak link of fraud. As the cashier personnel use enterprise blank check, financial dedicated seal, legal person seal does not separate keeping malpractice, privately issued checks, misappropriation of public funds. Cozy with his duties incompatible staff collude with a fraud.3.related party transaction fraud. The related party transaction fraud, refers to the management using the related party transaction to hide losses, fictitious profits, and not in the statements and notes in accordance with the provisions as appropriate, full disclosure, the resulting information will have on the users of financial statements misleading a fraud method. Typically, Chinese listed companies using the purchase and sale of related fraud, fraud, entrusted with the operation of funds embezzlement, fraud and other four kinds of cost sharing related transactions by way of fictitious profit.4. the assets of fraud. Asset restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, debt restructuring, asset replacement form, occurring between the related parties. Assets reorganization of corrupt corrupt corrupt major mergers and acquisitions and debt restructuring in two ways.5. cover up fraud transaction or fact. Hide transaction or fact of fraud is through the use of accounting statements to hide transactions of listed companies or the truth, or has not been fully disclosed in the notes to the report deals truth an fraud methods.Second, the causes of listed companies ' financial malpracticeListed companies ' financial malpractice caused several of the following reasons:1. financial return far greater than the cost of fraud. To meet listing standards at some companies desperate to find ways to make financial fraud, and fraud, to meet the policy requirements. In addition, because the share price is times the income and earnings per share, and high stock market price/earnings ratio of deformity in China, so the main purpose of listed company's financial fraud is false profits. False profits of $ 1, the circulation market value of listed companies will increase 10 times times times. Relative to the fraud fraud income, cost is too low, from a certain extent, it is too low a fraud cost contributed some fraud.2. corporate governance structure is not perfect. Corporate governance structure is in fact about between owners, the Board of Directors and senior executive officers rights assigned and the arrangement of a system of checks and balances, the reality in China, led directly to the equity structure of listed companies malformations include the general meeting of shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of supervisors, which distort the relationship between corporate governance structure of checks and balances, which has provided an opportunity for financial fraud in listed companies. This is mainly manifested in the following aspects: (1) the ownership structure is not reasonable. As of the second half of 2006, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, shares of over50 listed companies only 185, largest shareholder holding ratio of no more than 25 and only 219, 60~70 listed companies have invaded and occupied by large shareholders of listed company's funds. In the case of high concentration of ownership, possibilities of treatment failure of listed companies increased, listed companies, the greater possibility of financial fraud. (2) the independence of the Board is not strong, internal control is a serious problem. China listed company Director served as Senior Manager of the phenomenon is more prevalent, Director serves as the Senior Manager (internal control) more than 50 per cent of the sample company 32, more than 30 per cent of a sample of 65 companies. In this case, the operation of the Board is usually "Insider" or shareholder control, rather than based on the collective interest. This has led to the phenomenon of frequent corporate financial fraud. (3) the Supervisory Board weakening the oversight function, financial report difficulty in discharging its oversight functions. Based on analysis of listed company financial reporting fraud, Board of supervisors system in suppression of financial fraud in China did not play a role of Directors and managers of monitoring. Listed companies are required by law to set up a supervisory board, Board of supervisors actually are in a very awkward position, lower right or upper right of vulnerable rights of supervision or stronger right.3. accounting staff lack of professional ethics. Finance and accounting personnel who are directly involved in financial fraud, from the macro perspective, is mainly long term and not enough on accounting ethics education, lack of accounting professional standards; micro-perspective, strong sense of company accountants law, in order to meet company leaders of unhealthy psychological, thus violating the ethics of being practical and realistic, objective and fair. In addition, individuals driven by economic interests, has also led to some accountants deliberately forged, altered, hiding and destroyed the accounting information, taking advantage of his position of financial fraud.4. accounting and audit system is not sound. In recent years, although China is making a lot of accounting and auditing legislation, but from the practical point of view are not perfect and sound. Poor operability of some provisions, resulting in accounting fraud an opportunity. New accounting law "legal responsibility" chapter referred to "serious", "criminal", "significant losses" are not quantified, has no specific explanation. 2006 implementation of new accounting standards, provided more accounting options for management, which provides management with more profit opportunities. In addition, lack of punishment measures, social supervision is not strong, quality performance evaluation of accounting does not work, no ability to detect fraud, also can lead to occurrence of listed companies ' financial malpractice.Third, the governance of listed companies’financial fraud countermeasures1. coordinating the relationship between benefits and costs of financial fraud. We should increase the penalties for financial fraud, financial fraud costs more than it gains, so you can basically stop financial fraud. At the same time, in charge of financial malpractice should bear unlimited joint and several financial responsibility, which can to a large extent, inhibit their impulses of illegal counterfeiting. For those who dare to report the accounting officer shall provide ample rewards, so that its behavior is greater than the loss of income to report financial fraud. In this way, financial malpractice liability and they will take the initiative to give up the idea of financial fraud.2. perfect the corporate governance structure. Improve the internal governance structure of thecompany, is to prevent financial fraud, improve the quality of accounting information. (1) to improve the company's ownership structure, can solve the status of minority shareholders and the controlling shareholder is not symmetric. (2) the perfection of listed company's Board. In the establishment of external independent directors on the Board of the company, and provides that a certain proportion of the external independent directors, and established a number of specialized committees, raise the level of professionalization of the Board, to play the role of the Board. (3) improvement Board of supervisors of listed companies. As the Board of supervisors a mere formality, only to stand in the governance structure of the company, to further improve the system of Board of supervisors.3. raising the level of professional ethics of accountants. State management and accounting departments, should continuously strengthen the ideological education of accountants and accounting staff levels continue to improve, making it able to consciously resist financial malpractice, gradually establishing accounting integrity and fair image.4. accounting and auditing systems. Accounting standards and the flexibility of the system is the important basis for financial fraud to achieve. First of all, according to China's actual conditions, principles of system of accounting standards and make appropriate adjustments, in general lack of ethical culture in China now, improving the reliability of the accounting report is the key. Second, correctly handle the relationship between consistency and flexibility, reducing the options available to the company within the scope of accounting system as much as possible, especially when it comes to income and expenses recognized measuring principle, the depreciation of fixed assets, eight-asset impairment provision ratio and maximum detailed provisions should be made. Introduce specific implementation details will be quantitative and specific legal responsibility to explain, this has the advantage of parties a clear financial consequences of fraud, also in favour of the relevant departments to determine the financial fraud and punishable by appropriate penalties. Finally, give full play to the role of public opinion and the media. As the perfection of the securities market, market supervision is not limited to certified public accountants and the Government, the general public and the media has also been involved in the regulatory process.The endAt present, China is in an early stage of market economy, all kinds of deceptive behaviors emerge, accounting activity as a measure of economic activity, inevitably financial fraud. Financial fraud is not only an economic phenomenon, is also a visualization of the deep moral conviction. So, on the governance of financial fraud is a systems engineering, business, community and government supervision of Trinity system is required in all departments and make concerted efforts, coordinate with each other. Only an integrated approach to governance, to create good information environment for China's economic development.Reference.[1] Hou Yanlei, Zhai Yingmin. The financial fraud of listed companies analysis [J]. Economy and management,2006, (7):71-73.[2] Huang Xinjian . Chinese listed company's financial fraud and the Countermeasures Research [J]. Economic survey,2006, (4):77-79.[3] Wang Jianxin. The financial fraud of listed companies : motives and management [J ]. Market modernization,2008, (2):346-347.[4] Yang Yunshu . The financial fraud of listed companies analysis [J ]. Accounting research,2006,(5):62-63.[5]You Xiaofeng. Chinese Research on financial governance of Listed Companies [ M]. Beijing: Economic Science Press,2005: 144-145.[6] Zhang Aimin. The combination of internal and external, prevention of financial fraud of Listed Companies [ J]. Contemporary economy,2006, (2):18-19.[7]Hong Ge. Fraud in financial reports of listed companies governance approach [J]. Economic review,2005, (9):117-137.[8]Wang Haixia. Internal governance structure in listed companies and the prevention of financial fraud [J]. Auditing & Finance,2005, (7):23-24.上市公司财务舞弊原因及对策摘要:财务舞弊行为伴随着中国改革开放的进程而不断演进发展,带给社会的危害也愈来愈明显,能否对财务舞弊行为进行切实有效地治理受到人们的普遍关注。

二、上市公司治理准则的主要内容(一)股东与股东大会Shareholders and Shareholders' General Meeting股东享有平等的权利,能够按照其所持有的股份行使表决权。
Shareholders enjoy equal rights and can exercise their voting rights in accordance with the shares they hold股东大会是公司的最高权力机构,应当依法行使职权。
The shareholders' general meeting is the highest authority of the company and shall exercise its functions and powers in accordance with the law(二)董事与董事会Directors and the Board of Directors董事应当具备履行职责所必需的知识、技能和经验。
Directors should possess the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to perform their duties董事会应当对公司的战略规划、重大决策等进行审议和决策。
The board of directors should review and make decisions on the company's strategic planning and major decisions(三)监事与监事会Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors监事应当认真履行监督职责,维护公司及股东的合法权益。

财务报告舞弊,外文翻译:外文舞弊财务报告翻译财务报告舞弊定义舞弊风险因素怎么分析会计舞弊案例篇一:全球公司会计舞弊和改革行为【外文翻译】(1)外文文献翻译译文原文Global Corporate Accounting Frauds and Action for Reforms1、IntroductionDuring the recent series of corporate fraudulent financial reporting incidents in the U.S., similar corporate scandals were disclosed in several other countries. Almost all cases of foreign corporate accounting frauds were committed by entities that conduct their businesses in more than one country, and most of these entities are also listed on U.S. stock exchanges. Following the legislative and regulatory reforms of corporate America, resulting from the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002, reforms were also initiated worldwide. The primary purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to identify the prominent American and foreign companies involved in fraudulent financial reporting and the nature of accounting irregularities they committed; and (2) to highlight the global reaction for corporate reforms which are aimed at restoring investorconfidence in financial reporting, the public accounting profession and global capital markets.2、Cases of Global Corporate Accounting FraudsThe list of corporate financial accounting scandals in the U.S. is extensive, and each one was the result of one or more creative accounting irregularities. Exhibit 1 identifies a sample of U.S. companies that committed such fraud and the nature of their fraudulent financial reporting activities.EXHIBIT 1. A SAMPLE OF CASES OF CORPORATE ACCOUNTING3、Global Regulatory Action for Corporate and Accounting ReformsI. U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOA 2002)In response to corporate and accounting scandals, the effects of which are still being felt throughout the U.S. economy, and in order to protect public interest and to restore investor confidence in the capital market, U.S. lawmakers, in a compromise by the House and Senate, passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. President Bush signed this Act into law (Public Law 107-204) on July 30, 2002. The Act resulted in major changes to compliance practices of large U.S. and non-U.S. companies whose securities are listed or traded on U.S. stock exchanges, requiring executives, boards of directors and external auditors to undertake measures to implement greater accountability, responsibility and transparency of financial reporting.The statutes of the act, and the new SEC initiatives that followed, are considered the most significant legislation and regulations affecting the corporate community and the accounting profession since 1933. Other U.S. regulatory bodies such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) and the State Societies of CPAs have also passed new regulations which place additional burdens on publicly traded companies and their external auditors.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA) is expressly applicable to any non-U.S. company registered on U.S. exchanges under either the Securities Act of 1933 or the Security Exchange Act of 1934, regardless of country of incorporation or corporate domicile. Furthermore, external auditors of such registrants, regardless of their nationality or place of business, are subject to the oversight of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and to the statutory requirements of the SOA .The United States' SOA has reverberated around the globe through the corporate and accounting reforms addressed by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC); the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the European Commission (UC); and authoritative bodies within individual European countries.II. International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) is a private governance organization whose members are the national professional associations of accountants. It formally describes itself as the global representative of the accounting profession, with the objective of serving the public interest, strengthening the worldwide accountancy profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies by establishing and promoting adherence to high quality standards. The Federation represents accountancy groups worldwide and has served as a reminder that restoring public confidence in financial reporting and the accounting profession should be considered a global mission. It is also considered a key player in the global auditing arena which, among other things, constructs international standards on auditing and has laid down an international ethical code for professional accountants. The IFAC has recently secured a degree of support for its endeavors from some of the world's most influential international organizations in economic and financial spheres, including global Financial Stability Forum (FSF), the International Organization ofSecurities Commissions (IOSCO), the World Bank and, most significantly, the European Communities(EC).In October 2002, IFAC commissioned a Task Force on Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting to use a global perspective to consider how to restore the credibility of financial reporting and corporate disclosure. Its report, Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting: An International Perspective, includes recommendations for strengthening corporate governance, and raising the regulating standards of issuers. Among its conclusions and recommendations related to audit committees are :1. All public interest entities should have an independent audit committee or similar body .2. The audit committee should regularly report to the board and should address concerns about financial information, internal controls or the audit .3. The audit committee must meet regularly and have sufficient time to perform its role effectively .4. Audit committees should have core responsibilities, including monitoring and reviewing the integrity of financial reporting, financial controls, the internal audit function, as well as for recommending, working with and monitoring the external auditors.5. Audit committee members should be financially literate and a majority should have substantial financial experience. They should receive further training as necessary on their responsibilities and onthe company.6. Audit committees should have regular private executive sessions with the outside auditors and the head of the internal audit department. These executive sessions should not include members of management. There should be similar meetings with the chief financial officer (CFO) and other key financial executives, but without other members of management.7. Audit committee members should be independent of management .8. There should be a principles-based approach to defining independence on an international level. Companies should disclose committee members' credentials,篇二:财务报表舞弊的原因,后果和威胁外文翻译财务报表舞弊的原因,后果和威胁财务报表舞弊是一种由企业蓄意欺骗或通过编制和传播重大误报的财务报表来误导财务报表使用者的行为,尤其是投资者和债权人,严重威胁市场参与者对已公布的经审计的财务报表信心。

院(系)经济管理学院专业班级 Nhomakorabea学生姓名

上市公司会计舞弊成因分析及防范策略上市公司会计舞弊(Accounting Fraud)是指公司为了做美化财务报表而采取的不合规的会计操作行为。

外文翻译Chief Executive Officer Equity Incentives and AccountingIrregularitiesMaterial Source: School foreign nets Author: Gordon EvansThis study examines the relation between chief executive officer (CEO) equity incentives and accounting irregularities (i.e., restatements, Securities and Exchange Commission Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Actions, and shareholder class action lawsuits). Although equity holdings may mitigate certain agency problems between executives and shareholders, researchers, regulators, and the business press have voiced concerns that “high-powered” equity incentives might also motivate executives to manipulate accounting information for personal gain. This view assumes that stock prices are a function of reported earnings and posits that executives manipulate accounting earnings to increase the value of their personal equity holdings. 1If this allegation is true and the economic cost of accounting manipulation is large, this idea has important implications for executive compensation contract design and corporate monitoring by both internal and external parties.Although at least ten recent studies examine the relationship between equity incentives and various types of accounting irregularities, a convergent set of results does not emerge from this literature. In particular, eight prior studies fiThis study examines the relationship between chief executive officer (CEO) equity incentives and accounting irregularities (i.e., restatements, Securities and Exchange Commission Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Actions, and shareholder class action lawsuits). The wealth of most executives is highly concentrated in a portfolio of stock, restricted stock, stock options, and human capital that is directly linked to changes in shareholder value. Although equity holdings may mitigate certain agency problems in the principal-agent relationship that exists between executives and shareholders, researchers, regulators, and the business press have voiced concerns that “high-power ed” equity incentives might also motivate executives to manipulate accounting ind evidence of a positive relationship, but even within this group the evidence is mixed as to which components of an executive’s equity incentives (e.g.,restricted stock, unvested options and vested options) cause this association. Two additional studies do not find any evidence of a relationship, even though they share similar proxies and samples to those used in the studies that do find a relationship.Most prior studies also adopt a common research design that relies heavily on assumptions about the functional form of the relationship between equity incentives and accounting irregularities. Specifically, these studies tend to match firms on the outcome variable of interest (e.g., an accounting fraud firm is matched to a non-fraud firm) and on a small number of characteristic variables such as firm size and industrial classification. These studies then “control” for other potential confounding variables (e.g., investment opportunities, corporate governance, etc.) by including these variables in the estimation equation which relates accounting irregularities to equity incentives. However, as we discuss more fully, this traditional approach requires a variety of restrictive (and perhaps unrealistic) assumptions to be satisfied to produce appropriate inferences.Prior studies also tend to analyze a relatively small sample of firms that lie in the intersection of ExecuComp and either Governmental Accounting Office (GAO) Financial Statement Restatements or SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Actions (AAERs). Since ExecuComp does not contain data for the majority of firms in the economy, it is possible that results of prior studies are further confounded by selection bias.2 In addition, it is not clear whether small samples (e.g., between 50 and 200 observations) can provide sufficient statistical power for an analysis of the determinants of a relatively rare event. This hinders the ability to draw inferences regarding the primary research hypothesis when a statistically significant relationship is not detected. Finally, prior studies generally ignore the potential endogenous matching of executives with their observed compensation contracts (and thus their observed level of equity incentives). Since this type of endogenous matching is an important feature of the executive labor market, it is difficult to interpret prior results because the parameter estimates are likely to be inconsistent.We draw inferences regarding the relationship between CEO equity incentives and accounting irregularities from a broad dataset and utilize a research design that better addresses the potential confounds inherent in observational studies (Rosenbaum, 2002). Specifically, we employ a propensity score matched pair research design to match observations that are similar along multiple firm- and manager-level dimensions (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983). In this setting, the propensity score method forms matched pairs with similar contracting environmentsbut different levels of CEO equity incentives to better isolate the effect of executive equity incentives on accounting irregularities, which reduces the potential for “overt bias.”3 We also assess the sensitivity of our results to “hidden bias” in the form of correlated omitted (i.e., unobserved) covariates through bounding techniques described by Rosenbaum (2002). This bounding approach provides insight into the likelihood that our results are confounded by the endogenous matching of CEOs and compensation contracts (and, thus, equity incentives). Thus, our research design has the advantages of the traditional matched pairs approach, but it is also robust to violations of critical assumptions that may confound analyses in prior work.In contrast to most prior studies, we do not observe a positive relationship between CEO equity incentives and the incidence of accounting irregularities. Instead, our evidence suggests that the level of CEO equity incentives has a modest negative relation with the incidence of accounting irregularities. This result is consistent with the notion that equity incentives mitigate agency costs that arise with respect to financial reporting, as opposed to the interpretation that equity incentives cause managers to manipulate reported earnings.At least ten recent studies (summarized in Table 1) examine the relation between executives’equity incentives and accounting irregularities. These studies generally hypothesize that equity-based compensation and holdings provide incentives for managers to manipulate accounting numbers (e.g., Harris and Bromiley, 2007; Efendi, Srivastava, and Swanson, 2007; Bergstresser and Phillipon, 2006), perhaps to increase gains from pending insider sales (Cheng and Warfield, 2005). Harris and Bromiley (2007), for example, suggest the likelihood of managerial impropriety rises with “the strength of inducements,” and therefore test for a positive relationship between the probability of accounting misrepresentation and stock option compensation. Few studies (e.g., O’Connor, Priem, Coombs, and Gilley, 2006; Burns and Kedia, 2006), however, explicitly consider the alternative possibility that equity incentives might instead mitigate management’s desire to manipulate accounting numbers by aligning managers’ inter ests with those of shareholders.Eight of the ten papers in Table 1 find some evidence that executives’ equity incentives exhibit a positive statistical association with accounting manipulation. Although the results across these studies might be considered as a consensus for this research question, there is considerable variation across inferences presented within these papers. This lack of consistency occurs even though similar proxies foraccounting manipulation and equity incentives are used and there is considerable cross-sectional and temporal overlap in their samples. For example, Johnson, Ryan, and Tian (2008) and Erickson, Hanlon, and Maydew (2006) both assess the relation between the incidence of accounting fraud (identified using AAERs) and the equity portfolio delta computed for top firm executives. 4 Although the two samples exhibit considerable overlap, Johnson, Ryan, and Tian (2008) report evidence of a strong positive association between unrestricted equity holdings and the incidence of accounting fraud, while Erickson, Hanlon, and Maydew (2006) do not observe any statistical association. Similarly, Baber, Kang, and Liang (2007) and Harris and Bromiley (2006) both examine the relation between equity incentives and the incidence of accounting restatements. Their samples differ in number of observations, but overlap completely in observation years. In spite of this overlap, the studies report surprisingly different results. Harris and Bromiley (2006) find a positive association between the incidence of accounting restatements and the ratio of option compensation to total compensation while Baber, Kang, and Liang (2007) do not find a similar statistical association.Some prior studies provide evidence of a positive association only for certain components of option-related holdings (e.g., Harris and Bromiley, 2006; Burns and Kedia, 2006; Efendi, Srivastava, and Swanson, 2007). Others provide evidence of a positive association for different equity components such as unvested options and stock ownership (Cheng and Warfield, 2005), vested stock holdings (Johnson, Ryan, and Tian, 2008), and the entire equity portfolio (Bergstresser and Phillipon, 2006). Yet another study finds evidence of a positive association for option-related equity components only when conditioned on the Board of Directors’ composition and compensation structure (O’Connor, Priem, Coombs, and Gilley, 2006). These inconsistencies highlight the difficulty in drawing general inferences regarding the association between equity incentives and accounting irregularities from prior research.行政总裁股权激励和会计违规资料来源:学校外文网作者:戈登·伊斯本研究对公司首席执行官(CEO)股权激励和会计违规行为之间的关系进行了实证分析。

外文翻译上市公司财务舞弊原因及对策以下是为您起草的一份关于外文翻译上市公司财务舞弊原因及对策的协议:1、合同主体11 甲方(委托方)姓名:____________________________身份证号:____________________________12 乙方(受托方)姓名:____________________________身份证号:____________________________2、合同标的21 甲方委托乙方进行关于上市公司财务舞弊原因及对策的外文翻译工作。
22 翻译的外文资料由甲方提供,包括但不限于相关学术论文、研究报告等。
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43 若乙方的翻译质量不符合要求,甲方有权要求乙方重新翻译,若重新翻译仍不符合要求,乙方应退还甲方已支付的翻译费用,并承担因此给甲方造成的损失。
44 若因乙方泄露甲方提供的外文资料而给甲方造成损失的,乙方应承担赔偿责任。
5、争议解决方式51 本协议在履行过程中如发生争议,双方应首先友好协商解决。
52 若协商不成,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。



上市公司财务舞弊的原因财务舞弊的原因是多样的,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 利益驱动上市公司财务舞弊往往源于对利润和业绩的追求。
2. 缺乏有效监管监管机构对上市公司的监管力度不够,或者在监管中存在漏洞,也是财务舞弊的原因之一。
3. 内部控制体系不健全公司内部控制体系的薄弱是财务舞弊的另一个原因。
4. 职业道德缺失职业道德缺失也是导致财务舞弊的原因之一。
对策建议为了避免上市公司财务舞弊的发生,我们可以从以下几个方面提出对策:1. 加强监管力度监管机构应加大对上市公司的监管力度,建立严格的监管制度,并及时发现和处理财务舞弊行为。
2. 完善内部控制体系上市公司应建立健全的内部控制体系,加强对财务报表的审查和监督,确保报表的真实准确。
3. 强化公司治理提高公司的治理水平也是预防财务舞弊的重要对策之一。


财务舞弊的原因1. 绩效压力上市公司通常面临来自股东、投资者和分析师的高期望压力。
2. 薪酬激励计划薪酬激励计划可以激励员工为公司创造更高的利润,但如果激励计划设计不合理或监督不到位,员工可能会通过不正当手段来达到奖励目标,从而导致财务舞弊的发生。
3. 薄弱的内部控制上市公司应建立有效的内部控制机制,以确保财务报表的真实、完整和准确。
4. 管理层诚信缺失财务舞弊的另一个重要原因是管理层的诚信缺失。
5. 不透明的财务报告如果财务报表不透明,投资者将很难了解公司的真实财务状况。
对策1. 加强内部控制公司应建立完善的内部控制机制,包括制定严格的审计程序和内部审计制度。
2. 提高管理层的道德标准公司应通过培训和教育提高管理层的道德和道德标准,加强其对企业伦理和道德风险的认识。
3. 加强财务报告的透明度公司应确保财务报表的透明度和准确性,以提高投资者对公司财务状况的了解。



上市公司治理准则中英文对照Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China导言为推动上市公司建立和完善现代企业制度,规范上市公司运作,促进我国证券市场健康发展,根据《公司法》、《证券法》及其它相关法律、法规确定的基本原则,并参照国外公司治理实践中普遍认同的标准,制订本准则.本准则阐明了我国上市公司治理的基本原则、投资者权利保护的实现方式,以及上市公司董事、监事、经理等高级管理人员所应当遵循的基本的行为准则和职业道德等内容.本准则适用于中国境内的上市公司.上市公司改善公司治理,应当贯彻本准则所阐述的精神。

Under the financial crisis to rebuilding accountingoccupation ethics question research literature review徐珊珊The financial crisis has become an indisputable fact, accounting occupation morals got be pounded badly,be placed in jeopardy of accounting integrity。
The accounting personnel in the country,social interests and the interests of individual units,conflicts of interest,not the interests of the temptation of forgery, alteration in accounting information or collusion,lost the basic concept of legal system,in order to meet their own selfish desires and make the non moral behavior, these are serious impact on accounting occupation and the accounting information reliability. Therefore we must strengthen the accounting occupation morals construction,establish and perfect the accounting,auditing and relevant law laws and regulations,strengthen the audit organization and the supervision of public opinion,to strengthen the accountant occupation morals education and continuing education.The financial crisis,it is to point to a country or several countries and regions all or most of the financial indicators, sharp,and ultra—short—cycle deterioration. The accounting occupation morals is the accounting occupation activities that should be followed,reflect accountant occupation characteristics of occupation code of conduct and norms. The financial crisis as catalyst,which have been faced with the serious challenge of accounting occupation morals bottom line faced collapse, especially small and medium—sized enterprises in China faces sharp decline in the volume of trade and capital shortage of the double pressure, serious influence to the environment for the survival and development of small and medium—sized enterprises. The outbreak of the financial crisis that causes,causes the enterprise market risks increase, contradiction of supply and demandincreasingly outstanding,market atrophy caused by poor liquidity,appeared the phenomenon of serious run behind one's expenses; at the same time, the bank strengthened the business loan recovery efforts, making enterprises financing channels are affected,resulting in low economic benefits of business。
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Managers’ Bad Accounting Behaviors of ListedCompanies in ChinaAbstractManagers’ unintentional or intentional bad accounting behaviors will result in poor quality of accounting information of listed companies, making a great extent to interfere with investors, causing confusion in the capital market, is not conducive to reflect the performance management responsibility. Research on Managers bad accounting behaviors of listed companies is of great significance to improve management, optimize the allocation of social resources. This paper respectively discusses the manifestation and the causes both of managers’ unintentional and intentional bad accounting behaviors. It also puts forward recommendations to prevent managers’ bad accounting behaviors of listed companies in China, so as to safeguard the interests of stakeholders and provide good environment for capital market by improving the efficiency and accounting information quality of listed companies.Key words: Bad accounting behaviors; Managers; Listed companies; the quality of accounting informationINTRODUCTIONAccounting behaviors refer to the course of conduct highly relevant to accounting information generation, processing and transmission. Accounting behaviors have a significant impact on budgeting, performance evaluation, cost control and decision-making (Hopwood, 1974). From the micro view, accounting behaviors include accounting organization, business accounting, and internal accounting controls. In the accounting process, managers who master business decision-making power and control are important participants in accounting policy choices, decision-making of significant accounting issues, etc. Thus the quality of accounting information of listed companies depends largely on the managers’ behavior. We call the managers’ actions and manifestations involved in corporate accounting practices as managers accounting behaviors.Managers are usually referred to the human capital owners who join in a business contracts with their management talent and really own the residual rights of control (XIE, 2005). Managers are responsible for determining organizational goals, formulate strategiesto achieve stated objectives, monitor and explain the external environmental condition, and make decisions on issues affecting the entire organization. General speaking, managers of Chinese listed companies cover president, vice president, department managers, chief financial officer, chief engineer and so on.The result of accounting behaviors is to produce accounting information, thus accounting practices and accounting information has a direct causal relationship. Standard accounting practices provide true and full accounting information and meet various needs. Nonstandard accounting behaviors will produce false, incomplete accounting information, which ultimately disturbs or even misleads those in need of accounting information to use. Such irregularities may be due to two aspects, one is deviations from accounting objectives or losing the objectives because of people’s bou nded rationality, which is summarized as non-subjective bad accounting (ZHANG, 2005). The other is negative affect on accounting information generation and disclosure for certain bad intent or purpose, which accordingly may be called intentional bad accounting. So, management accounting practices can also be divided into two categories: one is the management non-subjective bad accounting behaviors, the managers involved in the process of accounting practices have not any bad intentions but are constrained by bounded rationality, which lead to low quality of accounting information, it is not malicious, and thus may be called the managers unintentional bad accounting behaviors; the other is manager intentional bad accounting behaviors, which means the manager’s participate accounting practices just for their own interests or certain bad purpose. An analysis shows that management is the most fundamental body of financial reporting fraud, and is the real source of financial reporting fraud (CHEN, 2009).This paper discusses the specific manifestations of managers’ unintentional and intentional bad accounting behaviors respectively, analyzes their causes and proposes recommendations against these two types of managers’ bad accounting behaviors of listed companies in China, which is to promote listed companies to improve management level and accounting information quality.1. THE MANIFESTATION AND CAUSES OF MANAGERS’ UNINTENTIONAL BAD ACCOUNTING BEHAVIORS IN CHINA’S LISTED COMPANIES1.1 The Manifestation of Managers’ Unintentional Bad Accounting BehaviorsThe performance of manager’ unintentional bad accounting can be divided into the following three aspects:First, the accounting organization is less rigorous. Accounting organization is the basis of accounting. From the micro view, it mainly covers the development and implementation of enterprise accounting system, setting up accounting body, arrangement of accounting personnel and selecting accounting methods, which is to ensure the rational and effective for accounting work.But in fact some listed companies’ accounting basic work has weak links, the most prominent are: the quality of some company’s accounting staff is not high, resulting in accounting arbitrary, unclear procedures, serious errors, accounting data mi ssing; some company’s accounting staff is not equipped well, accounting methods are not suitable for the unit, making accounting disorder and inefficient.Second, the accounting process is less standardized Mainly include: managers' unintentional choices of accounting policies are not applicable, resulting in accounting information has less relevant to information users need for economic decision-making; the content of cross-company accounts imputation, books set confusion, accounting treatment was not standardized, leading to mismatch of financial reporting and financial activities, accounting information is not a true reflection of the company operation. China securities news, the Audit Commission reported on May 20, 2011 that, accounts in Aluminum Corporation of China is not standardized, so although it acquired a variety of enterprises, the integration situation is not satisfactory.Third, the internal accounting control is a mere formality. The main internal accounting controls include internal accounting management system, accounting personnel, job responsibility system, the financial processing system, the internal containment system, audit system, quota management system, measurement inspection system, and property inventory system, the financial revenue and expenditure approval system, cost accounting system , financial analysis, risk early warning system. However, some managers’ design of approval authority and approval process on financial revenue and expenditure is unreasonable, leading to false accounting information; delivery of accounting documents in some companies is not scientific, resulting in inefficient accounting; Job separation in some companies is not clear, causing accountant misrepresent accounting information; some companies’ internal accounting control system is designed by copying others, does not apply to their characteristics and requirements for production and management; some companies’ feasibility studies on foreign investment is not sufficient, resulting in corporate decision-making mistakes, increasing risks and grim financial situation. “New Century Weekly” reported that the National Audit Office claimed in August 2010 after auditing: China Steel Group has financial management confusion and other major problems such as high-risk investment, huge debts. It means there are significant internal accounting control deficiencies in CSG, and there is little internal control and regulation according to the enterprise itself.1.2 The Causes of Managers’ Unintentional Bad Accounting BehaviorsPerson’s rational behavior is limited rational behavior but not fully rational behavior (Simon, 1947). The root cause of unintentional bad accounting lies in managers’ limited rationality. On the one hand, various managers own different intelligence, ability, personality, temperament, attitudes, values, and different degree in understanding accounting theory and methods; on the other hand, it’s impossible for managers to fully master and comprehensively apply accounting knowledge, while accounting theory is in a dynamic developing process, a variety of accounting codes of conduct and financial regulations constantly change with social bining with the mentioned three manifestations, we analyze the reasons for managers’ unintentional bad accounting behaviors as following: In the organization of accounting work, many factors should be considered when managers design the accounting organization forms. They should appraise company size, business conditions, related accounting requirements, the number and the ability of accounting personnel; they strive to simplify accounting procedures, deliver accounting information timely and correctly, and save human and material resources while ensure the quality of accounting; they should make relevant departments cooperate to provide consistent accounting data. But there is no fixed standard to evaluate these factors, managers subjective judgments are necessary. While managers’ awareness and capacity is limited, the design of corporate accounting organization is not necessarily of scientific and rational.As to accounting, appropriate accounting policies and reasonable recognition, measurement and reporting accounting elements require that managers should be familiar with the current financial regulations and accounting standards, has a wealth of practical experience, a positive sense of innovation, keen vision and adequate professional ability to judge. For the existence of bounded rationality which create limitations in managers’ knowledge, ability and expe rience, continuous development of accounting theory and the relevant laws and regulations in addition, managers can not fully grasp the timely knowledge of accounting and related laws and regulations, it is impossible for them to put their knowledge into practice. Moreover, due to limited time and energy, relearning the accounting knowledge is difficult.Speaking of internal accounting controls, managers do not pay attention to the internal accounting control system enables the production of accounting information process get out of control, ultimately affect the quality of accounting information. Since bounded rationality exists, there are omissions of the internal control system designed by managers, or corporate internal control system which is no longer meet the new environment has not been revised and improved in time, or the sound internal control system isn’t implemented well. All of these have a direct impact on the reliance of accounting information.2. THE MANIFESTATION AND CAUSES OF MANAGERS’ INTEN TIONAL BAD ACCOUNTING BEHAVIORS IN CHINA’S LISTED COMPANIES2.1 The Manifestation of Managers’ Intentional Bad Accounting BehaviorsThe feature of managers’ intentional bad accounting behaviors is the managers’ bad intent or purpose. It includes accounting fraud and earnings management. Earnings management contains accounting policy choice, the way of it is to disclosure companies’ earnings for outsider, the final object of it is accounting data, its concrete operation is ultimately reflected in accounting fraud (LIU, 2009). Following studies take accounting fraud as a typical case of managers’ intentional bad accounting behaviors.According to China Securities Regulatory Commission penalty notice, there are 41 listed companies are punished for untrue disclosure, incomplete or late accounting information from January 2008 to January 2011. Table 1 shows specific tools and the frequency of accounting fraud.Tracing the reasons why these companies are punished, we can find various means and a huge amount are involved in managers’ intentional bad accounting behaviors.Firstly, various means are involved in managers’ deliberately bad accounting behaviors. From Table 1 we can find, 41 listed companies reached 7 categories 127 kinds of fraud means as much, in average, every punished company adopts more than three kinds of accounting fraud method. Table 1 also indicates that the most important category of accounting fraud is the seventh one (concealment, late or improper disclosure of material matters), up to 66 cases, accounting for 51.96% of the total samples.10 cases among them are underestimation of liabilities, accounting for 52.63% of this category. There are 16 cases of the third category (inflated assets) and 13 cases of the forth category (false revenue), respectively accounting for 12.60% and 10.24% of the total samples. These accounting fraud methods seriously distort the company’s assets, liabilities and profits.Secondly, a huge amount of money is involved in managers’ intentional bad accounting behavior s of listed companies. For example: six companies cumulatively fabricate ¥2.23 billion operating revenue. Of which Jinli Technology has reported fictitious revenues for two times and has been punished twice by SEC. Specific circumstances is shown in Table 2.The distorted accounting information generated by accounting fraud makes serious consequences: on one hand, it may result in financial virtual income, the excessive distribution of national income, inflation of consumption, distortion of economic facts, covering up some contradictions in the economy, and makethe country’s macro-supervision and regulation lose foundation, leading to significant financial, economic decision-making mistakes; on the other hand, creditors and investors may be led to poor decisions, their interests may be bruised, and reduce the efficiency of allocating resources in capital markets.2.2 The Causes of Managers’ Intentional Bad Accounting BehaviorsOverall, as the agent of listed companies managers’ objective function is inconsistent with shareholders’ who is the principal, the relation between managers and stakeholders is also complex. Because managers get far more and earlier corporate information than other accounting information users, and the outsiders such as the shareholders, creditors weakly supervise the insiders -the managers which allows managers to actually control the enterprise, when conflict between various parts interests happen, the managers have the opportunity and the ability to engage accounting fraud so as to achieve their own interests (WANG, 2011). Specific analysis on the reasons for managers accounting fraud is as following:3. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PREVENT MANAGERS’ BAD ACCOUNTING BEHAVIORS I N CHINA’ S LISTED COMPANIESActually, it is not easy to distinguish unintentional managers’ bad accounting behaviors from intentional ones in practice. But managers can do this themselves. To awaken managers’ social awareness of consciously reducing bad accounting behaviors, suggestions followed are respectively proposed in terms of two types of managers’ bad accounting behaviors.3.1 Suggestions on Keeping away from Managers’ Unintentional Bad Accounting Behaviors3.1.2 Strengthen the Continuing Education on ManagementThrough a variety of job training, study tours outside the listed companies, further education and teaching-himself, we can e xpand the manager’s professional knowledge and skills, develop their good habits of thinking and behavior, promote them to keep up with the developments of accounting theory, accounting standards and accounting laws and regulations, attach great importance to the construction of basic accounting work, continuously improve the company’s rules and regulations, strengthen the accounting staff in-service training, then accounting standards can be gradually, steadily improved and accounting plays an real important role in the management of listed companies.3.1.2 Perfect the System of Internal Accounting Controls and Strictly Implement itThe priority to sound system of internal accounting controls and strict implementation of it is to make managers pay more attention to internal accounting controls, then consciously strengthen the internal audit system which includes these actions: setting up the internal audit institution led by the board of supervisors and audit the daily operations of accounting, guaranteeing a high degree of independence of supervisory staff; ensuring separation of incompatible duties, such as: authorization to execute a particular transaction and executing duties; performing duties on certain business and auditing duties to these; performing a particular transaction and recording the business; custody of certain property, materials and recording them; custody of certain property, materials and checking duties; general ledger and subsidiary ledger duties; journalizing and general ledger duties, etc.3.2 Precautionary Measures to Managers’ Intentional Bad Accounting Behaviors3.2.1 Improve Corporate GovernanceThe quality of accounting information relies on the corporate governance, it is the result of struggle among relative parties of corporate governance. Balancing the strength of variety parties can effectively prevent the managers’ bad accounting behaviors and truly improve the quality of accounting information (XU, 2011). Dargenidou, McLeay and Raonic (2007) considered that more stringent corporate governance practices can help investors overcome the weaknesses of the legal protection terms in Europe.First of all, the managerial ownership should be properly handled and appropriate management incentives should be established to avoid short-term behavior of managers. Secondly, the structure of the board members and the independence of the Board must be improved so as to effectively bind the managers’ financial reporting fraud. So, we should not only increase the proportion of independent directors in the Board and continue to improve the independent director system, but also prevent the chairman or vice chairman and general manager duties on one person. To effectively perform the independent director system, we can start from three aspects: First, chose independent directors from external institutional investors, conforming to formal independence and substantial independence. Secondly, provide independent directors with remuneration commensurate with monitoring responsibilities, in order to mobilize their enthusiasm and sense of responsibility. Third, clearly define the powers and duties of independent directors as well as negligence penalties to ensure the independent directors have full motive power and pressure to supervise the company.As to “Dandong Chemical Fiber”, the proportion of independent directors was 33.33% from 2003 to 2005, it is 25% in 2006 and increased to 42.86% in 2007. According to China Securities Regulatory Commission administrative penalty notice, Dandong Chemical Fiber were involved in violations of accounting information disclosure from 2003 to 2006 but were not in 2007, indicating a high proportion of independent directors of listed companies had some restraining effect on executives accounting fraud.3.2.2 Strengthen the External OversightWe should improve the social supervision system and steady the comprehensive and authoritative supervision of accounting. First, inspect companies’ accounting practices relying on social forces as CPA and strengthen the supervision of certified public accountants as well as accounting firms, promoting them to increase ethical standards and professional quality. Clear the legal liability of CPA to review and verify accounting information, develop and strictly enforce specific penalties for irresponsible or unethical CPAs to increase the cost of financial fraud (LIU, CHEN, ZHENG, 2010). Secondly, the China securities Regulatory Commission should carry out greater scrutiny, while mobilize tax authorities, financial sector, the public and other intermediaries to monitor the accounting practices of listed companies. Finally, the aforementioned means of accounting fraud in table 1 can be divided into three types: income statement fraud, the balance sheet fraud, concealment or improper and late disclosure of significant issues (LI Si-long, 2008).Therefore, the internal audit department, accounting firms, regulatory authorities and other relevant agencies can focus on items listed in Table 1 from corporate income statement, balance sheet and the notes as censoring and inspecting accounting information of list companies3.2.3 Mature the Accounting Regulations SystemOn one hand, we should build a scientific, rigorous, coordinated and uniform system of accounting regulations after overall planning the system and content of different accounting laws or rules, on the other hand, we should complement and revise the accounting standard in time to avoid leaving vacuum for the innovation business so that minimize the manipulation opportunity by accounting policy choice. At the same time, we need to improve the feedback process of accounting standards. For accounting regulations have been promulgated, the implementation effect and problems reflected should be investigated.In particular, the views and suggestions fed back from accounting practitioners should be closely concerned, which enable accounting regulations to be timely revised and improved and accommodate themselves to developed economy.3.2.4 Promote the Healthy Development of Financial MarketsAs the advanced form of modern enterprises, listed companies are essentially different from private companies, which are closely related with the financial markets, especially the stock markets. Financial markets are important channels for listed companies and investors and also the occasion of optimal allocation of resources in society as a whole. Darrough and Stoughton (1990) analyzed incentives of voluntary disclosure and found that corporate disclosure of proprietary information would help financial markets to more accurately assess the enterprise although provided information to potential competitors at the same time. Fernandes and Guedes (2010) found that companies fraudulently announced revenue waspositively related to expected economic performance, but was negatively correlated to economic performance realized. These studies show that healthy, well-established financial markets can truly reflect the past of listed companies and can reasonably predict the future of them. When the financial markets valuation mechanism is perfect day by day and investors gradually rise their overall quality, phenomenon that deceived by false information will be greatly reduced, managers deliberately bad accounting will lose opportunities to gain profits, thereby reducing the illegal motivation; simultaneously, the resources configuration function of financial markets can also force the listed companies with apparent problems to rectify as soon as possible to avoid suspension or delisting, so managers unintentional bad accounting practices can be corrected.CONCLUSIONThis paper breaks the routine that managers’ bad accounting behaviors just means accounting fraud, divides managers’ bad accounting behaviors into intentional bad accounting behaviors and unintentional ones. Then, it discusses respectively the manifestation and the causes of the both. It concludes that the managers’ unintentional bad accounting behaviors of listed companies in China mainly reflect in less rigorous accounting basis, nonstandardized accounting process, formalized internal accounting controls and other aspects. The fundamental reason is that managers are of limited rationality.Managers’ unintentional bad accounting behavior is an objective reality and can not be completely avoided, but it would be reduced through sound continuing education on managers and improvement of the company’s internal accounting system. As a typical of managers’ intentionally bad accounting behaviors, accounting fraud includes such seven categories as false revenue, false investment income, inflated assets and concealment of important matters and so on. The causes of them contain defective corporate governance, weak external supervision, immature accounting regulations. We can improve corporate governance, strengthen the external oversight, mature the accounting system of norms and promote healthy development of financial markets and other measures to prevent accounting fraud. This paper argues that: in practice, it’s not easy to distinguish managers’ intentional bad accounting behaviors from unintentional ones, but the managers can do. Therefore, the above suggestions are able to play a role.中国上市公司管理者的不良会计行为摘要管理者有意或无意的不良会计行为将导致上市公司会计信息质量差,从而在很大程度上干扰投资者,造成资本市场混乱,不利于反映绩效管理责任。