新编实用英语综合教程第二册 Unit 1答案

最全的崭新版大学英语第二版综合教程2 答案课后练习答案Unit1Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teachhim how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7.He means that this incident pointed to importantdifferences in educational and artistic practices between China andthe USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10.Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11.This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12.The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1)The text begins with an anecdote.2)His thoughts are mainly about different approaches tolearning in China and the West.3)He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2.Chinese1)Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time Americans1)Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2)Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1)Summarizing(2)value originality and independence(3)contrast between(4)in terms of(5)harbor(6)fearful(7)comparable(8)promote creativity(9)emerge(10)picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1)insert2)on occasion3)investigate4)In retrospect5)initial6)phenomena7)attached8)make up for9)is awaiting10)not; in the least11)promote12)emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3)as a financial center has evolved slowly.4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1)continual2)continuous3)continual4)continuous2.1)principal2)principal3)principle4)principles5)principalIII1.themselves2.himself/herself3.herself/by herself/on her own4.itself5.ourselves6.yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI.cloze1.(1)contrast(2)exaggerating(3)priority(4)on the other hand(5)promoting(6)pick up(7)assist(8)accomplish(9)occasion(10)neglecting(11)worthwhile(12)superior2.0-(2)perform(3)facing(4)competent(5)equipped(6)designed(7)approach(8)rest(9)definitely(10)qualityII.translation1.(1)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creativespirit in the child at an early age.(4)Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it ’s worthwhile to buy it(5)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.。
Unit1 Invitation Etiquette 新编实用英语综合教程2

● Refer to the Data Bank in the Workbook for more relevant expressions.
Unit | One
Studying Invitation Cards and Letters
Study and Imitate 3 Invitation cards are often used for inviting people. Now let’s read the following invitation cards and letters and try to use the information in them in your face-toface talks.
Unit | One
Unit | One
Following Sample Dialogues
Imitate and Perform 4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.
1) Inviting Friends to a Party Wang: Hello, William. What are you doing tomorrow evening? William: Tomorrow evening? Nothing special, I was thinking of watching TV. Wang: Drag yourself away from television for a change. I’m having a few friends to have a dinner party tomorrow to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. How would you like to join us? William: Great. That would be super. Congratulations! Wang: Thank you. How about eight o’clock? Is that OK? William: Oh yes, fine. Would it be alright if I brought somebody with me? Wang: Yes, of course. William: OK. Fine. Do you want me to bring something to drink? Red wine or white? Wang: Um, white wine, if you feel you must bring something. But it’s not necessary. William: I’ll do that. Well, indeed, thank you very much for inviting me. Wang: My pleasure. Back William: I’ll be along at eight. Looking forward to it. Wang: Yeah, see you then. Unit | One

全新版大学英语综合教程第二册unit1-unit4部分课后习题答案Unit1VocabularyI.1.1. insert2. on occasion3. investigate4. In retrospect5. initial6. phenomena7. attatched8. make up for 9. is awaiting 10. exception 11. in the least 12. promote 13. working on14. in due course 15. emerged2.1. There is a striking constrast between the standard of living in the north of the country and the south.2. Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3. The city's importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.4. His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5. The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet havefound their way into some English magazines.3.1. be picked up; can't accomplish; exaggerating2. somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3. two extremes; assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior ClozeA. 1. contrast 2. exaggerating 3. priority 4. on the other hand5. promoting6. pick up7. assist8. accomplish 9. on occasion 10. neglecting 11. worthwhile 12. superiorB. 1. to 2. affect / influence 3. others 4. each / them 5. without 6. controlled 7. about 8. value9. They 10. little 11. right 12. but 13. in 14. what 15. worth 16. andTranslationI consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English. Here I would like to make three relevant points.First, wide reading should be taken as a priority in the learning process, because it is through reading that we get the most language input. Next, learning by heart as many well-writtenesssays as possible is also very important. On the one hand, rote learning / learning by rote is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, memorization / learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly be of benefit / do good to us. With an enormous store of excellent essays in our heads, we will find it much easier to express ourselves in English. Finally, it is critical that we should put what we have learned into practice. By doing more reading, writing, listening and speaking, we will be able to accomplish the task of perfecting our English.Language Practice after Text B1. adopt2. account3. plus4. ended up5. furthermore6. fund7. annual8. keeping track of9. pace 10. intends 11. on demand 12. devise 13. perspective 14. undoubtedly 15. fell apart16. protest 17. access 18. resources 19. deposit 20. from your point of viewModel Paper for Essay WritingHow I Learn at CollegeI went to schol in a small town near Chengdu and now I amstudying law at Fudan University in Shanghai. Passing from one to the other you have to get used to many new things, not the least being the different way of learning.At school I found my timetable full throughout the day. One lesson came close on the heels of another with little time to call one's own. At university, in contrast, only a few hours of each day are taken up with classes or lectures. In the time made available you are expected to learn on your own. When and where is up to you. At the same time what you are meant to learn shifts from memorizing masses of facts to developing an ability to understand theories and present arguments. There are, of course, still facts to be learned. One should not exaggerate the differences. Nevertheless, learning at university has certainly taught me greater self-reliance and to think for myself.Unit2VacabularyI.1.1. local2. headlines3. deserved4. folks5. system6.steer clear of 7. remote 8. get away with9. open up 10. hold to 11. retire 12. rally 13. reserved 14. qualify 15. cultivate2.1. These serious problems deserve careful consideration in restructuring our educational systems.2. The college is liable to stop her scholarship because of her failure in the final examination.3. San Francisco is, by all accounts, a city easy to fall in love with.4. Snow White received such bad treatment from her step-mother that she had to flee from her home.5. The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up North America. 3.1. treatment from; rewarded for; scholarship2. loyalty to; has laid down; stock3. liable to; discount; localII. Collocation1. about2. for3. at / on4. into5. with6. to7. from8. withIII. Usage1. a savings account2. an arms race3. a good train4. communications equipment5. a sales tax6. a customs officer7. a current affairs program8. a clothes shopComprehensive ExercisesCloseA) 1. cheerful 2. threw his weight around 3. executive 4. treatment 5. reward 6. cultivate7. loyalty 8. stock 9. qualified 10. scholarships 11. folks 12. localB) 1. from 2. their 3. spent 4. away 5. through 6. to 7. built 8. who 9. led / lived 10. it11. millionaires 12. then 13. answer 14. wealth 15. by 16. characterTranslationGeorge was on the run from the moment he came aboard. He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work. Because of his excellent performance he was promoted to CEO. From then on he tried hard to blend in with the workers and never threw his weight around. He also laid down / introduced areward system to encourage the work hard. He believed that loyalty and hard work would greatly contribute to the success of the company. By all accounts he was an outstanding chief executive officer.Model Paper for Writing PracticeInfornal Invitation1324 Shui Dian RoadShanghai 20043421/11/ 01Dear Tom,I'm having a party to celebrate my birthday in a couple of weeks' time on Saturday 2nd December, starting at seven. It would be lovely if you could make it, please let me know whether you can or not.Best wishes,BobInformal acceptanceDear Bob,I'd love to come to your party and help celebrate your birthday. Look forward to seeing you then.Bye for now,TomInformal regretsDear Bob,I'd love to come to your party but unfortunately I've already agreed to make a visit to my relatives in Suzhou that weekend and won't be able to get away. But I hope you have a lovely birthday and that we can get together sometime soon.All the best,TomLanguage Practice after Text B1. replace2. take; on3. selected4. involved5. conducted6. range7. additional8. tremendous9. confronted 10. all; in 11. crisis 12. naturally 13. resolve 14. related 15. appeals to16. former 17. in the opinion of 18. of their choice 19. factors 20. projectUnit3VocabularyI.1.1. swallow2. dumb3. Overall4. glorious5. welfare6. repeatedly7. interference8. fading 9. junior 10. frank 11. distract 12. at any rate13. has narrowed down14. in unison 15. has come over2.1. consists of five generals and four police officers2. will be in a location overlooking the lake3. was embarrassed by her comments about my clothes4. have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer5. was exhausted after the long cycle ride3.1. exceptional; handed down by; trade it for2. executives; talented; as junior3. in charge of; fill out one; kept him in suspenseComprehensive ExercisesI. ClozeA. 1. welfare 2. constant 3. frank 4. talent 5. embarrassing 6. dumb 7. repeatedly8. constant 9. interference 10. bet 11. Over-all 12. tradeB. 1. send 2. should 3. picture 4. His 5. as 6. worse 7. too 8. consider9. But 10. However 11. from 12. it 13. jacket 14. after 15. NeverVocabularyI.1. 1. conversely2. relationship3. but then4. symptom5. spitting blood6. abusting7. tone 8. took; in 9. editing 10. communicate 11. Internet 12. in sight 13. stretched14. data 15. angles2. 1. The sight of teengaers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2. I turned on the TV just to relax a little bit after a heavy dinner, but soom I found myself gettingsucked in by the fascinating plot of a science fiction film.3. The manager has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4. During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled to other countries / fled their country to avoid military service.5. The new government is planning an anti-corruption campaign so as to restore people's confidence in it.3. 1. the virtual; the online; relies on; keep up with 2. nightmare; the emotional; routine; submits; an interview; any appointment; arrange for 3. cue; remarks; his tune Comprehensive ExercisesI. ClozeA. 1. Internet 2. click 3. nightmare 4. sucked 5. email 6. rely7. communicating 8. emotional9. At times 10. flee 11. on lineB. 1. between 2. The 3. to 4. away 5. on 6. work 7.enables 8. local 9. reach 10. benefits11. because 12. provides / brings 13. does 14. in 15. making 16. with 17. Nor 18. virtualTranslationPerhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communicatoin, the typed words sometines seem difficult to interpret.Language Practice after Text B1. vehicle2. hooked on3. intense4. communication5. worldwide6. overnight7. individual8. slipped 9. version 10. on the whole 11. called forth 12. outwards 13. acquaintances14. Needless to say 15. to my knowledge 16. On top of that 17. innocent 18. tendencies19. plot 20. ScatteredModel paper for Essay WritingThe Internet will not isolateus from one anotherSince I bougnt a computer last month, a new world has opened up before me, a world that reaches far beyond my immediate surroundings.Every morning, the first thing I do after opening my eyes is to access the Internet to look at the top news stories of the day. In the evening, I will again sit by my computer and roam the world. The Internet brings me live World Cup football games and the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. It also enables me to communicate with my friends via email. The other day I got a message from an old classmate whom I hadn't heard from for years. She got my email address just by searching the website of my university! In addition to helping us keep up old ties, it also brings me new friends with whom I meet virtually in chat rooms. We exchange views on topics of interests and pour our hearts out to one another like intimate friends.So, instead of isolating us from one another, the Internet serves to shorten or eliminate distance, and helps to bring friendcloser.。

Key to Unit 1Page 7Ex.11.burning2.something, a situation or a circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location inthe building3.in an intermittent manner4.help you5.Things are satisfactory up to this pointII.1.scoffed2.dilemma3.collapsed4.pandemonium5.reassuring6.rumble7.glancing at8.meet up withpage 8III.1.panicky2.descends / descended3.enjoyable4.expectation5.morality6.persuasion7.strong8.energeticIV1. A2. D3. C4. B5. D6. C7. A8. DPage 9V1.amoral, nonmoral2.disappear3.wildly4.uncover, disclose, reveal5.dissuade6.happily, joyfully, joyously7.ordinary, common8.small, thin, slenderVI1.helpful/helpless2.childish/ childlike / childless3.active4.persistent5.revolutionary6.successful7.womanlydylikepage 101.would2.woulded to, would4. used toed to6. used to7.would8.would9. used to10. would, would, wouldIIed to travel2.was not used to accepting3.was not used to receivinged to thinked to livinged to say7.didn’t use to eat8.am not used to driving page 11III1.insistence2.habitual action3.probability4.willingness5.probability6.polite request7.improbability8.capability1.could, would, might, might, should, might2.could/would, should, could, might, could, would3.should, should, would, would, couldpage 12V.1. needn’t have carried2. needn’t have bought3. didn’t need to tell4. needn’t have had5. needn’t have stood6. didn’t need to hurry7. didn’t need to open8. didn’t need to take9. needn’t have washed10.didn’t need to workPage 13I.1.对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置---不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案Activer eading(1)3).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 a subject that peopledi scuss or argue about (issue)2 a chanceto do somethi ng (opportu nity)3 the most importa nt and powerfu l peoplei n the country (establi shment)4 an area of land contain i ng all the main buildin gs of a universi ty (campus)5 somethi ng such as a meeting or publicstateme nt by people who strongl y disagre e with a policy, law etc (protest)6 to start a major activit y (launch)7 chances of success, especia l ly in a job or a career(prospect s)8 work that you are paid regularl y to do for a personor company(employm ent)4). Complete the paragrap h with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.What are the most importa nt (1)issuesfor student s today? Is the universi ty (2)campusreallysuch a differe nt place compare d to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggest s, there are fewer (3) protest s by student s against the (4) establi s hment than there used to be. And of course, improvi ng your (5)prospect s of being competi tive in the (6) employm ent marketi s a major concern for student s everywh ere, since a good universi ty degreei s the means by which you can (7) launchyour career. But in spite of all this, the role of the universi ty is the same as it alwayshas been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportu ni ty to learn to think for yoursel f.5).Replace the underli ned words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. Y ou may need to make other changes.1 There were fightsbetween policeand protest ors outside the US Embassy. (clashes)2 The two parties formed a tempora ry political arrange ment to respond to the problem. (alliance)3 I’ve alwaysconside red myselfa s someone who is toleran t of other people’s idea. (liberal)4 The chief officia l of an America n state has a lot of power. (governo r)5 The financi al situati on of Western Europea n countri es rapidly improve d in the 1960s. (economy)6 The 1960s were associa ted with a new type of popular music. (characterized)The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music.7 Mark left college without finishi ng the courseand joined a rock band. (dropped out)8 For many people, listeni ng to their music was an experie n ce which made them feel free. (liberati ng)For many people, listeni ng to their music was a liberati ng experie n ce.9 For some people, an interest in politic s went hand in hand with a strongenthusi asm for music. (passion)6) . Answer the questio ns about the words.1 (b) not very clearly?2 (a) active?3 (b) who disagre es publicl y with the governm ent?4 (b) not interested in it?5 (b) excitin g?6 (a) get smaller?7 (a) often in touch with them?8 (b) great pleasure?Activer eading 23).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.rebel2.era3.destruction4.gender5.assert6.philoso phy7.industrial4).Complet e the conversa tionw ith the correct form of the words in Activity 3.1.rebel2.assert3.era4.industrial5.philoso phy6.gender7.destruction5).Answer the questio ns about the words and express ions.1.a2.a3.a4.a5.b6.a7.b8.bLanguag e in useplet e the sentenc es with the words in bracket s and the suffix-ment or -ism.1. What is the going to do about this problem? (govern)Correct answer:governm ent2. refersto a contemp oraryway of thinkin g, and is not easy to define. (postmod ern)Correct answer: Postmod ernism3. Post-war economi c led to the creatio n of new univers itiesin the 1960s. (develop)Correct answer: develop ment4. We must combatmoney worship and extreme. (individ ual)Correct answer: individ ualism5. The two groupsdiscuss ed for a long time, but couldn't reach an . (agree)Correct answer: agreeme nt6. The best we can make for the futureis to provide opportu nities for the younger generat ion. (invest)Correct answer: investm ent7. is the beliefthat men and women shouldbe treated differe ntly. (sex)Correct answer: Sexism8. The of Wordswo rth is evident in his poem on the FrenchRevolut ion. (romanti c)Correct answer: romanti cism2.Rewrite the sentenc es using so / neither / nor + inversi on. Followthe example.1. The world has changed a lot since the 1960s. Univers itieshave changed a lot, too.Suggest ed answer:The world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have univers ities.2. I reallyenjoyed my years at univers ity. Jackiealso enjoyed the time she spent at univers ity. Suggest ed answer:I reallyenjoyed my years at univers ity, and so did Jackie.3. Choosin g the right courseis alwaysa major problem for new student s. Another major problem is organiz ing one's time on campus.Suggest ed answer:Choosin g the right courseis alwaysa major problem for new student s, and so is organiz ing one's time on campus.4. I'm thinkin g of going to the lecture on post-colonia l literat ure. Li Ming is thinkin g of going, too. Suggest ed answer:I'm thinkin g of going to the lecture on post-colonia l literat ure, and so is Li Ming.5. I think the facilit ies in our college have improve d over the last few years. In my opinion the teachin g has also got better.Suggest ed answer:I think the facilit ies in our college have improve d over the last few years, and so has the teachin g.6. We can accessthe Interne t in our student hostel, and it's the same for everyon e else on campus. Suggest ed answer:We can accessthe Interne t in our student hostel, and so can everyon e else on campus.7. I'm not very interes ted in politic s. My friends aren't either.Suggest ed answer:I'm not very interes ted in politic s, nor are my friends.8. I won't be doing much tonight. My roommat e won't be doing much either.Suggest ed answer:I won't be doing much tonight, nor will my roommat e.3.Rewrite the sentenc es using mean. Followthe example.1. When you start out at college you meet lots of interes ting people.Suggest ed answer:Startin g out at college means meeting lots of interes ting people.2. If you go to bed too late you won't be able to concent rate the next day.Suggest ed answer:Going to bed too late means not being able to concent rate the next day.3. When you do a coursein Lit Theoryyou spend a lot of time on difficu lt subject s.Suggest ed answer:Doing a coursein Lit Theorymeans spendin g a lot of time on difficu lt subject s.4. To be interes ted in literat ure is to have an open mind about other ways of life.Suggest ed answer:Being interes ted in literat ure means havingan open mind about other ways of life.5. To protest against the Vietnam War in the 1960s you went out onto the streets.Suggest ed answer:Protest ing against the Vietnam War in the 1960s meant going out onto the streets.6. When you go to college today you spend a lot of time thinkin g about what you will do afterwa rds.Suggest ed answer:Going to college today means spendin g a lot of time thinkin g about what you will do afterwa rds.4.Transla te the sentenc es into Chinese.1 On univers ity campuse s in Europe,mass sociali st or communi st movemen ts gave rise to increas inglyviolent clashes between the establi shment and the college student s, with their new and passion ate commitm ent to freedom and justice. (with their … and justice部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生与当权者的冲突。
新编实用英语第二册 练习答案

新编实用英语第二册unit1练习答案P4-1①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's rightP4-21)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ?2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ?:3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ?4) Lemonade if you must bring sth .P4-31) what are you going to do this weekend ?2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend .3) the early or the late show4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop .5) i 'd rather go to KFC6) when and where shall we meet ?P5-1①tomorrow ②ball game ③skiing ④for a long time ⑤very warm ⑥agreeP6-2① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No , he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a callP6-3① the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④ in writing ⑤ at the bottom ⑥ attend ⑦ in person or by phone ⑧ comfortableP7-41) d 2) C 3) a 4) bP8-11) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation .3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant .4) the word "sometime ".1) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestionP9-3① invent an excuse later ② present problems ③ explicit④ specific time mentioned ⑤ Yes , that would be nice .P9-41) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain7) explicit 8) identifyP9-5!) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence.2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .3) The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture .4) He is more of a poet than a musician .5) my father has kindly offered to take us to the airport .6) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details .P10-61) He didn't have a girl friend until he was thirty .Don't leave until i tell you to .2) The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected .it turns out that she had known him when they were children .3) i 'm sorry , i'm not in a position to help you right now .i 'm sure they would like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so .4) In many instances it is the teacher who talks , but in some instances the students talk.In may instances it is the husband who pays , but in some instances the wife pays her own bill .5) He is more of a director than a producer .He is more of a composer than a singer .6) There ar also houses that seem warm but in fact are not .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not .1T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6TP12-91. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到工作室算起,现在就更久了。

最新(外教社)全新版⼤学英语综合教程第⼆册第⼀单元课后练习答案unit-1-book-2Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools inNanjing.2.Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the keybox during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3.They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4.Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China:to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5.Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6.He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problemeffectively by oneself.7.He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artisticpractices between China and the USA.8.The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand inthe characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9.One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfullyand confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works;and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10.Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, andskills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11.This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12.The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles ofcreativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1)The text begins with an anecdote.2)His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3)He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2.Chinese1)Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2)Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1)Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2)Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1)summarizing(2)value originality andindependence(3)contrast between (4)in terms of(5)harbor(6)fearful(7)comparable(8)promote creativity(9)emerge(10)picked upLanguage Focus VocabularyI1.1)insert2)on occasion3)investigate4)In retrospect 5)initial6)phenomena7)attached8)make up for9)is awaiting10)not; in the least11)promote12)emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3)as a financial center has evolved slowly.4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1)continual2)continuous 3)continual4)continuous2.1)principal2)principal3)principle 4)principles5)principalIII1.themselves2.himself/herself3.herself/by herself/on her own4.itself5.ourselves6.yourself/by yourself/on your ownComprehensive Exercises I.cloze1.(1)contrast(2)exaggerating(3)priority(4)on the other hand (5)promoting(6)pick up(7)assist(8)accomplish(9)on occasion(10)neglecting(11)worthwhile(12)superior2.(1)end(2)perform(3)facing(4)competent (5)equipped(6)designed(7)approach(8)rest(9)definitely(10)qualityII.translation1.(1)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance infront of a large audience.(3)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4)Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. 2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.。

新编实用英语综合教程2第五版答案第一单元1、You should stick to your()and tell him you won' t do the thing. [单选题] *A. principle(正确答案)B. qualityC. contactD. influence2、pencil - box is beautiful. But ____ is more beautiful than ____. [单选题] *A. Tom's; my; heB. Tom's; mine; his(正确答案)C. Tom's; mine; himD. Tom's; my; his3、I will _______ from Hunan University next year. [单选题] *A. learnB. studyC. graduate(正确答案)D. come4、____ of my parents has been to my school, so they know _____ of my classmates. [单选题] *A. Neither, none(正确答案)B. No one, noneC. None, no oneD. Neither, no one5、I’m so tired after _______ walk. [单选题] *A. three hour’sB. three hours’(正确答案)C. three hoursD. three hour6、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts7、—______ is it from your home to the bookstore?—About 15 kilometers.()[单选题] *A. How far(正确答案)C. How longD. How many8、42.—________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *A.How much(正确答案)B.How manyC.WhatD.Which9、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *A.in...alongB.into...along (正确答案)C.in...onD.into...on10、There are many beautiful _______ in the wardrobe. [单选题] *A. bookB. dresses(正确答案)C. cell phone11、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up12、____ wants to see you. [单选题] *A. Somebody(正确答案)B. AnybodyC. All the peopleD. No people13、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解14、My English teacher has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. storiesB. suggestions(正确答案)C. messagesD. practice15、--Whose _______ are these?? ? ? --I think they are John·s. [单选题] *A. keyB. keyesC. keys(正确答案)D. keies16、The bookstore is far away. You’d better _______ the subway. [单选题] *A. sitB. take(正确答案)C. missD. get17、I live a very quiet and peaceful life. [单选题] *A. 宁静的(正确答案)B. 舒适的C. 和平的D. 浪漫的18、We are looking forward to _______ you again. [单选题] *A. seeB. sawC. seeing(正确答案)D. seen19、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up20、Sam is going to have the party ______ Saturday evening. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. to21、I think ______ time with my friends is fun for me.()[单选题] *A. spendB. spendC. spending(正确答案)D. spent22、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)23、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)24、My brother is too shy. He _______ speaks in front of lots of people. [单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldom(正确答案)D. sometimes25、The beautiful radio _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took26、She returns home every year to _______ the Spring Festival. [单选题] *A. celebrate(正确答案)B. shareC. watchD. congratulate27、I paid him 50 dollars for the painting, but its real()must be about 500 dollars. [单选题] *A. feeB. value(正确答案)C. priceD. fare28、He spoke too fast, and we cannot follow him. [单选题] *A. 追赶B. 听懂(正确答案)C. 抓住D. 模仿29、44.—Hi, Lucy. You ________ very beautiful in the new dress today.—Thank you very much. [单选题] *A.look(正确答案)B.watchC.look atD.see30、71.How beautiful the shoes look! Can I________?[单选题] *A.try it onB.try on itC.try them on(正确答案)D.try on them。

新编实⽤英语综合教程第⼆册Unit1答案Unit 1P4 1.(1)What are you doing tonight (2)I was wondering (3)I wish I could(4)write a term paper (5)some other time (6)That’s right2(1)are you doing anything special tomorrow evening(2)I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party. Would you like to join us(3)Good. Will you come at 7:00(4)Lemonade if you must bring something3(1)What are you going to do this weekend(2)“Thunderstorm”is on at the Friendship(3)The early show or the late show?(4)Maybe go to KFC or a Coffee Shop.(5)I'd rather go to KFC.(6)When and where shall we meet?(7)That’s very kind of you.P5 Being all ears1.1.Tomorrow 2 ball game 3 skiing 4 for a long time 5 very warm 6 agree2.1.No, she doesn’t.2.Going to the ball game and skiing.3. She heard it on the radio.3.No, he doesn’t.4. He will give Claire a call.3.1.the time and place2.fine3. formal written4. in writing5. at the bottom6. attend7. in person or by phone/doc/07802667.htmlfortable4.A.d 2. C 3. A 4. BP92. instances informal entertain host casual suggestion3.1.invent an excuse later2. present problems3. explicit4. specific time mentioned5. Yes, that would be nice.4.Instance present hostess appropriate invent entertain explicit identify5.1为⽅便起见,这些照⽚将按照时间顺序展⽰For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.、2出现事故之后你需要把车停下You are required to stop your car after an accident3教育孩⼦的观念和做法因⽂化的差异⽽有所不同The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture. 4与其说他是位⾳乐家,倒不如说他是位诗⼈He is more of a poet than a musician5我⽗亲已好⼼地提出让我们去飞机场My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport6我们确实应该找个时间很快见⾯,讨论⼀下细节We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.6.1.他直到30岁才找到⼥朋友。


新编实用英语2课后答案第1单元单元一、填词1 What's you(1 What's you(guideline guideline 指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience ?2 2 The(The(The(seminar seminar 讨论会)starts starts on on on Friday Friday Friday and and and the the the experts experts experts will will will be be be discussing discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(business,as its new chief(executive executive 主管)from march 20114.Frankly speaking,Frankly speaking, I cannot I cannot((uphold 支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations 标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should6 That was good 6 That was good((timing 时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan7 7 Those Those Those studying studying studying abroad abroad abroad will will will most most most ((likely 可能) return return home home home for for for better better employment because of the tight job market abroad8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (for the grand (reception reception 招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here二、汉译英二、汉译英1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I've heard from your references that employers had call them4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation 5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read三、英译汉三、英译汉1、 Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。

第一单元Read and Translate1.It is my impression that an English gentleman often takes an umbrella (雨伞)with him.2.To the students, the introduction to the cultural background is the best part of thebook.3.When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases we should not ask such personalquestions as her age.4.Many young people prefer pop songs to old songs. They think pop singers arevery cool.5.This beautiful and clean city has left a deep impression upon foreign tourists.6.Professor Lu Yang stood on the plane's entrance and waved good-bye to us. Read and Simulate1.We often express our happiness with a smile. She often speaks with a stronglocal accent.2.Similarly, Professor Green couldn't bear laziness. Similarly, they don't want todepend upon others.3.Speaking of English, I've got to go to a class. Speaking of business cards, I'vegot to print some more now.4.In China, family relationships are usually rather close. In my hometown,companies are usually rather small.5.These boys prefer football to basketball. I prefer Chinese food to Western food.Such an ending may be too hasty to me. Such weather may be too hot to the tourists.Read and Translate1. 欢迎到中华文化俱乐部来。

新编实用英语(综合教程二课后习题答案全集)(New practical English (integrated course two, complete set of exercisesafter class))第一单元p9-5!)为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示。
p12-71t 2t 3t 4f 5f 6tp12-91。
随信寄出会议的详尽日程,Room and board arrangement and activity plan.Last year you gave us a very lively statement entitled "high tech purchasing". We would appreciate it if you would consider giving us the latest development report on this subject.We shall appreciate it if you will confirm your attendance at the meeting as soon as possible.P13-sample 2In view of your letter of May 25th, I am pleased to inform you that I will attend the meeting in July this year.I would appreciate it if you could send me a more detailedschedule of meetings.Unfortunately, I can not make a fresh addition to last year's speech. I am busy with the work and I have no time to prepare.In any case, I am looking forward to attending the meeting again.P14-2It's my pleasure to invite you to our annual meeting. This year's conference will be held at University of Nottingham in August 20th.Send details of the meeting, accommodation and business activities plan.Last year you made a very interesting report entitled "academic standards and expectations". We would appreciate it if you could give us a speech on the latest developments in this subject.We shall appreciate it if you will let us know as soon as possible at your convenience.P14-3()) confirm, my, participation, in, this, year's, conference, in, August,()) you, could, send, me, further, details, about, the,programe,()) I, will, not, be, able, to, give, an, update, on,, last, time's, talk4),工作压力不允许时间准备谈一谈。

【答案】综合教程2Unit1TextA课后习题答案全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2Text A 课后习题答案Unit 1 Ways of LearningP.10Content Questions1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6.He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8.The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9.One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills. P.12Language Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upP.14-16VocabularyI.1.Tips:做这类题要知道所给出的单词和题⽬的意思、区分所给出单词的词性,填空时应注意时态和形式的变化。

• 2nd one: Though perhaps there is a difference. You are more
likely to learn subject knowledge from your teacher
and other types of knowledge from friends who have
1. What do you think of the teachers in the movie, especially Mr. Keating, the one who teaches poetry? Do you like him ? Why or why not? 2. How do you understand the saying “Believing everything in books is worse than having no books at all”?
• If you take a break when you get stuck on a difficult passage in a book, it may be more difficult to understand when you come back to it. (easier) More
Warming up
• Don’t believe anything your teacher says. Be prepared to check the facts. (everything)
• Read your lecture notes again within 24 days. (hours) Otherwise they may not make sense to you anymore.

Wang: Um, white wine, if you feel you must bring something. But it’s not necessary.
William: I’ll do that. Well, indeed, thank you very much for inviting me.
What You Should Know About
1. Invitation culture: Western and Chinese 2. Word order in a subordinate clause
Unit | One
Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅰ
Section Ⅱ
5 Task: Decline your friend’s invitation to go out to dinner. ● Refer to the Data Bank in the Workbook for more relevant expressions. Back
Unit | One
Studying Invitation Cards and Letters
William: Tomorrow evening? Nothing special. Sally: I’m inviting a few friends to my daughter’s birthday party. How would you like to join us?
William: Great. That would be super. Congratulations!
Molly: Oh, why not? 4) Declining an invitation to go roller-skating
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Unit 1P4 1.(1)What are you doing tonight (2)I was wondering (3)I wish I could(4)write a term paper (5)some other time (6)That’s right2(1)are you doing anything special tomorrow evening(2)I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party. Would you like to join us(3)Good. Will you come at 7:00(4)Lemonade if you must bring something3(1)What are you going to do this weekend(2)“Thunderstorm”is on at the Friendship(3)The early show or the late show?(4)Maybe go to KFC or a Coffee Shop.(5)I'd rather go to KFC.(6)When and where shall we meet?(7)That’s very kind of you.P5 Being all ears1.1.Tomorrow 2 ball game 3 skiing 4 for a long time 5 very warm 6 agree2.1.No, she doesn’t.2.Going to the ball game and skiing.3. She heard it on the radio.3.No, he doesn’t.4. He will give Claire a call.3.1.the time and place2.fine3. formal written4. in writing5. at the bottom6. attend7. in person or by phonefortable4.A.d 2. C 3. A 4. BP92. instances informal entertain host casual suggestion3.1.invent an excuse later2. present problems3. explicit4. specific time mentioned5. Yes, that would be nice.4.Instance present hostess appropriate invent entertain explicit identify5.1为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.、2出现事故之后你需要把车停下You are required to stop your car after an accident3教育孩子的观念和做法因文化的差异而有所不同The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.4与其说他是位音乐家,倒不如说他是位诗人He is more of a poet than a musician5我父亲已好心地提出让我们去飞机场My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport6我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.6.1.他直到30岁才找到女朋友。
.He didn't have a girlfriend until he was thirty.我不告诉你,你不要离开。
Don't leave until I tell you to.2.真实情况原来比我们想象得更为离奇。
The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.原来他们都是孩子的时候,她就认识他了。
It turns out that she had known him when they were children.3. 很抱歉,我现在不能帮你的忙。
.I'm sorry I'm not in a position to help you right now我敢肯定他们想定经济上帮助她,但却无能为力。
.I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially but they're not in a position to do so.4. 很多情况下是老师在讲,但在某些情况下则是学生讲。
In many instances it is the teacher who talks, but in some instances the students talk.很多情况下由丈夫付账,但在某些情况下则妻子自己付账。
In many instances it is the husband who pays, but in some instances the wife pays her own bill.5. 与其说他是位制片人,倒不如说他是位导演。
. He is more of a director than a producer.与其说他是位歌唱家,倒不如说他是位作曲家。
.She is more of a composer than a singer.6.有些房子看起来暖和,但其实并不是那样。
.There are also houses that seem warm but in fact are not.有些曲子听起来轻松,但其实并不是那样。
.There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not.P 12-91. 似乎很长时间没有收到你的来信了,从你到中国工作时算起,到现在就更久了。
3. 我们还有两个朋友和我们一起度新年的周末,所以,到时候你也能来的话就太好了。
4. 而且如果我们遇上好天气的话,我们可以找一天一起出去拜访卡特一家——我们一定可以让阿瑟叔叔把他的面包车借给我们。
5..玛丽很好而且喜欢她的教学工作(至少我这样认为);孩子们长得飞快;我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心 --- 虽然偶尔我也会渴望从前自由自在的日子。
P155 1who he is 2. it began 3I had enjoyed 4 You will have time 5 how old I was 6he would marry her 7we should 8 I could6 Correct the errors in the following sentences.1Jane told her not to worry where might be her son.. Jane told her not to worry about where her son might be.2She said I am going to the cinema.. She said she was going to the cinema.3She wanted to know what was his job.. She wanted to know what his job was.4I wondered did he really mean it.. I wondered if he really meant it.5He asked which chair should he take.He asked which chair he should take.6He asked why hadn't I stopped the car.. He asked why I hadn't stopped the car.7He remarked what it was a lovely house.. He remarked what a lovely house it was.8He said how the garden was beautiful.. He said how beautiful the garden was.9He asks when will they leave..He asks when they will leave.10I don't know where is he..I don't know where he is.7Translate the following sentences into English.1你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?.Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?2警察想知道她长得什么样儿?The police wanted to know what she looked like.3你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?.Do you know what she was wearing?4在报告中他们问到是银行有几架安全摄像机。
.In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank. 5面试官问他已经工作几年了。
.The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked.6你想了解他什么时候去上海吗?. Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai?7我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色,红色还是黄色。
. I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow.。