e-commerce final exam instruction
A =first quality,first grade,first class=agianst all risksABV =aboveABT =aboutA/C,AC=accountACCES =accessory,accessoriesACDG =accordingACDGLY=accordinglyACEPT,ACPT=acceptACEPTD,ACPTD=acceptedACPTBL=acceptableACPTC =acceptanceACK =acknowledge,acknowledged,acknowledgement ACOMN,ACCOMDN=accommodationAD =advertisementADDL,ADDNL=additionalADDN =additionADDS,ADS=addressADJ =adjust(ment)ADV =advice,advise AFRN =afternoon AGCY =agencyAGN =againAGNT =agentAGNST,AGST=againstAGR =agreeAGRD =agreedAGRMT =agreementAIR =airmailAIRD =airmailedAIRG =airmailing AIRML =airmailAIRFRT=airfreight ALRDY =alreadyAMAP =as many(much) as possibleAMDT =amendmentAMDD =amendedAMND =amendAMNDMT=amendmentAMNT,AMT=amountANS =answerA/O =account ofA/OR =and/orAPPLCTN=applicationAPPROX,APPR=approximate(ly)APV =approveAPVD =approvedARFRT =airfreight. =all risksARNGMTS=arrangementsARR,ARV=arriveART =articleARVD =arrivedARVL =arrivalA/S =at sight,after sightASA =as soon asASAP =as soon as possibleASRTMT,ASTMT=assortment(for textiles BIZ)ASST =assistantASSTANCE=assistanceASSTD =assorted(for textiles BIZ)ATCH =attach(ed)(ment)ATN,ATTN=attentionAUG =AugustAUTH =authorizeAVBL,AVLBL=availableAVTG =averageAWB=air way billAWTG =awaitingAM,A/M=above mentionedknown asso onB =beBG =bagBAL,BALCE =balanceB/B =bed and breakfast(for hotel BIZ)BCOS,BCOZ =becauseB/D =bank draftBEF,BFR =beforeBGN =beginBIBI =byebyeBIZ =businessBK =bank,bookBKFST =breakfast(for hotel business)BKBLE,BKBL =bookableBKG =bookingB/L =Bill of LadingBLCH =bleachBLDG =buildingBLNDD =blended(for textile BIZ)BP =British PharmacopoeiaBR =BritainBRS =brassBSNS =businessBSR =basic service rate(for ocean transportation BIZ)BTM =bottomBTN =buttonBTWN =betweenBUS =businessBXS =boxesCA =CanadaCAAC =Civil Aviation Adiministration of China CAD =Canadian dollar,Cash against Documents CALIF =CaliforniaCAND =Canadian dollarCAPT =captainCAT =catalogueCBL =cableCCIB =China CoMModity Inspection BureauCERT =certificateCFM =confirmCFMD =confirmedCFMG =confirmingCFMN,CFMTN =confirmationCFS =container feight stationCFT(CBFT) =cubic feetCHNGD =changedCHQ =chequeCHRGS =charges=China Insurance ClauseCK =checkCLR =colorCLRWY =colourway(for textiles BIZ)CLSD =closedCMOS =complementary metal-oxide semiconductorC/N =credit noteCNCL =cancelCMT =cutting,making(manufacturing) and trimming CNCLN =cancellationCNT,CANT =can't,cannotCNTR =counterC/O =in care of=certificate of originC/OFR =counter offerCOL =collationCOL-CARD =colour card(for textiles BIZ)CLOWAY =colorwayCOMM =commissionCOMP =completeCONC =concerningCOND,CONDI =conditionCONSGNT,CONSGT=consignmentCONSR =consumerCONT =continueCONT,CONTR =contractCONTD =continuedCONTR,CTNR,CNTR=containerCOOP =co-operationCORP =cooperationCORR,CRT =correctCOSCO =China Ocean Shipping Co.C/P =Charter partyCR,CRED =creditCRT(S) =crate,cratesC/S =case,casesC/SMPL =counter sampleCST(S) =chest(s)CSTMR =customerCTF =correction to followCTLG =catalogueCTN(S) =carton(s)CU,CUB =cubicCUTG =cuttingCVC =cheif value cotton(for garments BIZ)CWT =hundred weightCY =container yardCY/CY =container yard to container yardDALPO =do all possibleDBL =doubleDBLB =double(room)with bathDBT =debitD/C =documentary credit(for banking BIZ)DCRE =decreaseDD,DTD =datedD/D =demand draftDEC =DecemberDELY =deliveryDEPT =departmentDESTN =destinationDFRN =different,differenceDIFF =differenceDIR =directorDIRTLY =directlyDIS,DISC =discountDISAPV =disapprove(al)DISHD =dishonoredDISRGD =disregardDIV =dividend DLRS,DLS =dollarsDLVR =deliverDLVD =deliveredDLVRY =deliveryDLY =delyD/N =debit note DO =dittoDOC =documentsDOZ =dozenDPT =departureDR =debit,debitor DRG,DRWG=drawingDS =daysD/S =days sight=days after sight DSGN =designDT =dateDTL =detail(s)DUP,DUPLCT=duplicateDWN =downton(s)DZ =dozenE/D=expire dateEDF=estimated date of flightEconomic CommunityEEE,ERR=errorEELCE=L/CEL,E/L=export licenceEMGNCY=emergencyENC,ENCL=enclosureENQURY,ENQRY=enquiryE.&=errors and omissions excepted ERLY=earlyEQL=equalEQUI=equivalentESTABG=establishingETA=estimated time of arrival ETD=estimated time of departure EXAM=examineEXCH,EXCHG=exchangeEXPLN=explainEXP=export,expireEXT=extend,extensionFACTRY=factoryFAQ=fair average qualityFAV=favourFAVRBL=favourableF/B=full board(for hotel BIZ)FCL=full container loadFDA=Food and Drug Adiministration()F/E/C=foreign exchange certificate.=for instance, free inFIG(S)=figure(s)FIO, in,out and stowedin,out,stowed and trimmedFLT=flightFLW=followFLWG,FOLG=followingFEB=FebruaryFLWS=followsFM=fromFNL=final.=free outFOA=FOB airportFOC=free of chargeFOR=free on railFOT=free on truckFPA=free of particular averageRisk Extension ClauseFRI=FridayFRT=freightFRZ=frozenFWD,FORWD=forwardFYI=for your informationFYG=for your guidanceFYR=for your referenceG/A=general averageGAL,GALL=gallonGBP=Great Britain PoundGD=goodGEN=generalGF=gold francGLD=goldGM(S)=gram(s)GMQ=Good Merchantable QualityGMT=Greenwich Mean TimeGNRL=generalon hangGOVT=governmentGR=grain,gram(me)registered tonnageGR WT=gross,weightGSP=Generalized System of Preferences GT=gross tonGV=giveGUAR,GURANTE=guaranteeG/W=gross weightH/B=half board(for hotel BIZ)HGT=heightHK=HongKongHKD=HongKong dollarHk(S)=hand(s)(for textile BIZ)=head officeHOLDY=holidayHR=here,hourHP=high pressure,horsepowerHRWITH=herewithHV=haveHVB=have been,has been,had beenHVY=heavyHWEVR,HWVR=howeverIAW=in accordance withcargo clauses, International Chamber of CoMMerce ICW=in connection withIFMN=infomationIL.,I/L=import licence IMM,IMMED=immediate(ly)IMMD,IMMET=immediate IMMDLY,IMDTLY=immediately IMP=importIMPRV=improveIMPS=impossibleIMPT=importantIMPVD=improvedIN=inchINCD,INCLDD=included INCDG=includingINCL,INCLD=includeINCL=inclusiveINCR,INCRE=increase INCRCT,INCOR=incorrect INDIV=individualINF,INFM=informINFMD=informedINFMG=informingINFMTN,INFN,IFMN=information INFO=infomationINP=if not possibleINQ=inquireINQRY=inquiryINS=insuranceINST=installment INSTRCTN,INSTN=instruction INSUR=insuranceINTL=internationalINTRST(D)=interest(ed)INTST=interestINV,IVO=invoiceINVEST,INVSGT=investigateINVSGN=investigationI/O=instead ofof percentageIOT=in order toIOU=I owe youIRRESP=irrespectiveIRREV,IRVCBL=irrevocableISO=International Standards Organization IVO=in view ofJAL=Japan Air LinesJAN=JanuaryJAP=JapanJCQD=jacquard(for textiles BIZ)JKT=jacketJUL=JulyJUN=JuneKANS=KansasKC(S)=kilocycle(s)KG(S)=kilogram(s)KL=kiloliterKM=kilometerKP=keepKV=kilovoltKW=kilowattKWH=kilowatt-hourKY=KentuckyL=letter,large,sterlingLAB,Lab=laboratoryLB(S)=pound(s)LCD=liquid-crystal diodeLCL=less than cartload lot,less than container load LDN=LondonLDT=light displacementLED=light emitting diodeLET=letterL/G=letter of guarantee LIT=litreLMT=local mean time LNTH=lengthLST=local standard time LT,L/T=long tonLTE=lateLTR,LTTR=letterLVE=leaveO/A =on or aboutO/B =on boardOBLD=obligedOBS =observeOBT =obtainOC =our cableOC5 =our cable dated 5thOCC =occupiedcommon pointOCT =OctoberODR =orderOFC =officeOFCL=officialOFF =officeOFA,OFR(S)=offer(s)OK =all right or agreedOL =our letterOPEC=Organization of the Petroleum =Exporting countriesOPN =openOPND=openedOPNG=openingOPT =optionORD =ordinaryORIG,ORGNL=originalOT =our telex,our telegram OTLX=our telexOTHWS=otherwiseOURSLVS=ourselvesOZ =ounceOZWS=otherwisePA =PennsylvaniaPACKG=packingPAMP,PAM=pamphletPAT =patentPATTN=patternPAYMT,PAYT=paymentPCE,PC=piecePCT =percentPCTG=percentagePENN=PennsylvaniaPHLN=PhilippinePIA =Pakistan Air LinesP/INV=proforma invoicePeople's Insurance Co. of China PKG =packing,packagePKTS=packetsPLS,PL=pleasePLT(S)=plate(s)POLY=polyesterPOSN=positionPOSS,POSSBL=possiblePRC =pricePREV=previousPROB=probablePROBM=problemPROD=produtionPROX=proximoPRVT=privateStandard Time()PUR =purchasePURCHS=purchasePURP=purposePVC=polyvinyl chloridePYMT=paymentQLTY =qualityQNTY =quantityQOT =quoteQSTN =questionQTN,QUTN=quotationQUOT,QUOTN=quotationR =areRCPT =receiptRCV =receiveRCVG,RECVG=receivingRD =read,roadRE =referringRECD,RECVD=receivedREF =referenceREFCON=refrigerated container REG =registerREFD =registeredREGDG=regardingREGL =regularREIMB=reimbursementRELTNS=relations RESPCTVLY=respectivelyREQ,REQST=requestREQMNT=requirementREQR =requireREQRMT=requirementREP =representativeREPT =reportRESN =reservationRESP =respectiveRESV =reserveREV =revisedRGDS =regards,best regardsRMKS =remarksRND =roundR/O =room only(without breakfast)(for hotel business)ROC =refer to our cableROC8/2=refer to our cable datedROL =refer to our letterRO/RO=roll on/roll offR/O/T=roll on tube(for textiles business)ROT =refer to our telegram(telex)ROTLX=refer to our telexRPT =repeat,reportRPTN =repetitionRPY =replyRQST =requestREPON=responsible(bility)reply(repondez s'il vous plait)RTRN =returnRYC =refer to your cableRYL =refer to your letterRYT =refer to your telexRYTLX=refer to your telex of August 24 RYTLX24/8=refer to your telex of August 24。
英语跨境电商英语30题1. In cross-border e-commerce, “Fulfillment Center” means _____.A. 销售中心B. 物流中心C. 客服中心D. 采购中心答案:B。
“Fulfillment Center”常见释义为“物流中心”,A 选项“销售中心”常用“Sales Center”;C 选项“客服中心”常用“Customer Service Center”;D 选项“采购中心”常用“Procurement Center”。
2. Which of the following is the correct term for “海关申报” in cross-border e-commerce?A. Custom DeclarationB. Custom ReportC. Custom ApplicationD. Custom Registration答案:A。
“海关申报”常见表达为“Custom Declaration”,B 选项“Custom Report”通常指“海关报告”;C 选项“Custom Application”一般指“海关申请”;D 选项“Custom Registration”常表示“海关登记”。
3. In cross-border e-commerce, “Product Listing” refers to _____.A. 产品清单B. 产品描述C. 产品上架D. 产品评价答案:C。
“Product Listing”常见释义为“产品上架”,A 选项“产品清单”常用“Product List”;B 选项“产品描述”常用“Product Description”;D 选项“产品评价”常用“Product Review”。
4. What does “Drop Shipping” mean in cross-border e-commerce?A. 直接发货B. 代发货C. 批量发货D. 延迟发货答案:B。
高中英语教材人教版 选修二 新版 淘宝
高中英语教材人教版选修二新版淘宝全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Whole New World: Exploring Taobao Through My English TextbookAs a high school student, I never expected an online shopping platform to find its way into my English textbook, but that's precisely what happened when I opened the "New Edition People's Education Press Elective Course II" textbook this semester. To my surprise, an entire unit was dedicated to the fascinating world of Taobao, China's largest e-commerce platform.At first, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical. How could a website primarily used for buying and selling goods possibly be relevant to my English studies? But as I delved deeper into the unit, I realized just how much this unconventional topic had to offer in terms of language learning and cultural exploration.The unit began with a series of reading passages that introduced Taobao's history, its business model, and its impact on the Chinese economy. As someone who had grown up usingthe platform for everything from buying school supplies to searching for unique gifts, I found these passages both informative and relatable. They not only provided valuable vocabulary and grammar lessons but also offered insights into the cultural phenomenon that Taobao has become.One particular passage that stood out to me was the one that explored the concept of "Taobao Villages" – rural communities that have thrived by embracing e-commerce and specializing in the production and sale of certain products through Taobao. I was amazed to learn about the economic transformation these villages had undergone, and how Taobao had opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs in even the most remote areas of China.But the unit didn't stop at mere reading comprehension. It also included a variety of interactive activities that allowed us to put our English skills into practice. From role-playing scenarios where we had to negotiate with Taobao sellers to writing product reviews and marketing campaigns, these exercises challenged us to think critically and communicate effectively in real-world contexts.One of my favorite activities was the group project where we had to create a mock Taobao storefront and develop amarketing strategy for a product of our choice. Not only did this exercise test our ability to work collaboratively, but it also forced us to think creatively about product descriptions, pricing strategies, and customer service – all while using English as the primary means of communication.As someone who aspires to pursue a career in business, I found this project invaluable. It gave me a taste of the challenges and opportunities that come with running an online business, while also sharpening my English language skills in areas such as persuasive writing and effective communication.But the unit didn't just focus on the practical aspects of Taobao; it also explored the cultural and social implications of this e-commerce giant. We discussed topics ranging from consumer behavior and online shopping trends to the environmental impact of excessive packaging and shipping.One particularly thought-provoking discussion centered around the concept of "daigou" – the practice of purchasing foreign goods through personal shoppers and reselling them on Taobao at a markup. While this phenomenon has given Chinese consumers access to a wider range of products, it has also raised concerns about intellectual property rights, product authenticity, and ethical business practices.Through these discussions, I gained a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances surrounding Taobao's role in Chinese society. It challenged me to think critically about the implications of e-commerce and to consider different perspectives on the issues at hand.But perhaps the most valuable aspect of this unit was the way it seamlessly integrated language learning with cultural exploration. By using Taobao as a lens through which to study English, I not only improved my language skills but also gained valuable insights into Chinese consumer culture, entrepreneurship, and the ever-evolving digital landscape.I found myself constantly making connections between the English vocabulary and grammar concepts I was learning and the real-world examples provided through the lens of Taobao. For instance, when studying adjectives and descriptive language, we analyzed actual product descriptions from Taobao listings, allowing us to understand how these linguistic elements are used in a practical setting.Moreover, the unit's focus on Taobao encouraged me to explore my own experiences and perspectives as a consumer and user of the platform. I found myself sharing personal anecdotes and opinions during class discussions, which not only improvedmy spoken English but also fostered a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of Taobao in my own life and that of my peers.As I reflect on this unit, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the textbook's creators for their innovative approach to language learning. By incorporating a familiar and relevant topic like Taobao, they managed to make the study of English engaging, practical, and deeply rooted in cultural context.In a world where language learning is often criticized for being disconnected from real-life experiences, this unit stood out as a shining example of how to bridge the gap between classroom instruction and real-world application. It showed me that even the most mundane aspects of our daily lives – in this case, online shopping – can serve as powerful vehicles for language acquisition and cultural exploration.As I move forward in my academic journey, I know that the lessons I learned from this unit on Taobao will stay with me. Not only have I gained a deeper appreciation for the cultural and economic significance of this e-commerce platform, but I have also developed a newfound confidence in my ability to navigate real-world scenarios and communicate effectively in English.Who would have thought that a simple online shopping platform could open up such a rich and multifaceted learning experience? Thanks to this unit, I now have a whole new perspective on the power of language learning to connect us with the world around us – one virtual storefront at a time.篇2Taobao - The Ever-Evolving Online MarketplaceAs a high school student in China, the name "Taobao" is ingrained in my daily life, much like the air I breathe. This online shopping platform has become an integral part of our culture, a virtual bazaar where one can find anything from the latest fashion trends to obscure knick-knacks. The inclusion of a unit dedicated to Taobao in our English textbook, "New Edition Elective II" by the People's Education Press (PEP), is a testament to its ubiquity and significance in modern Chinese society.The unit begins with a brief introduction to Taobao, providing background information on its establishment in 2003 by the Alibaba Group. From its humble beginnings as a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) platform, Taobao has grown into a behemoth, boasting over a billion product listings and hundreds of millions of active users. The textbook highlights the platform'suser-friendly interface, which allows buyers to easily search for and purchase items, while sellers can establish virtual storefronts to market their wares.One aspect that our textbook emphasizes is the wide array of products available on Taobao. From clothing and electronics to household items and rare collectibles, the platform serves as a one-stop shop for virtually any consumer need. The unit even includes a section on some of the more peculiar items that have been sold on Taobao, such as a life-sized replica of the Transformer's Optimus Prime and a highly sought-after "lucky" rock.As we delve deeper into the unit, we are introduced to the concept of "Taobao Villages" – rural communities that have embraced e-commerce and turned to Taobao as a means of economic revitalization. The textbook highlights several success stories, such as the village of Xiaozhou in Shandong Province, where numerous residents have established thriving online businesses selling everything from clothing to agricultural products.The unit also touches upon the cultural impact of Taobao, exploring how it has influenced consumer behavior and redefined the shopping experience in China. We learn about thephenomenon of "Taobao Live," where sellers host live-streamed sessions to promote their products and engage with potential customers in real-time. This interactive approach has not only fostered a sense of community among buyers and sellers but has also given rise to a new breed of internet celebrities known as "Taobao Influencers."Furthermore, our textbook examines the logistical challenges posed by Taobao's immense popularity, particularly in terms of packaging and delivery. We are introduced to the concept of "Taobao Villages for Delivery," where entire communities are dedicated to the packaging and distribution of goods purchased on the platform. The unit highlights the impressive scale of Taobao's logistics network, which employs advanced technologies such as automated sorting centers and intelligent routing algorithms to ensure efficient and timely deliveries.As we progress through the unit, we encounter various exercises and activities designed to reinforce our understanding of Taobao and its impact on Chinese society. These range from reading comprehension exercises based on passages about Taobao's history and operations to role-playing scenarios where we simulate being buyers or sellers on the platform.One particularly engaging activity involves analyzing and interpreting various Taobao product listings, evaluating the effectiveness of the descriptions, images, and pricing strategies employed by sellers. This exercise not only enhances our English language skills but also provides valuable insights into the art of successful online marketing.Towards the end of the unit, we are tasked with a more creative assignment – designing a hypothetical Taobao storefront and developing a marketing strategy for a product or service of our choice. This project encourages us to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the unit, while also fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and entrepreneurial mindsets.As I reflect on this unit, I can't help but appreciate the foresight of our textbook's authors in recognizing the significance of Taobao in China's rapidly evolving digital landscape. By incorporating this topic into our English curriculum, we not only improve our language proficiency but also gain a deeper understanding of an integral aspect of modern Chinese culture.Taobao has transcended its role as a mere online marketplace; it has become a microcosm of China's economicand social transformation, a virtual reflection of our nation's entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability to the digital age. Through this unit, we learn that Taobao is more than just a platform for buying and selling goods – it is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the Chinese people, a force that has reshaped the way we live, work, and interact with one another.As I look towards the future, I can't help but wonder how Taobao will continue to evolve and shape our society. Will it remain a predominantly consumer-focused platform, or will it expand into other realms, such as services and collaborative economies? How will emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and blockchain impact the Taobao experience? These are questions that intrigue me, and I eagerly anticipate the answers as I continue my educational journey.In the meantime, I remain grateful for the opportunity to study this remarkable phenomenon through our English textbook. By exploring Taobao, we not only enhance our language skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our modern world.篇3Taobao: The Online Shopping Phenomenon Shaping Our LivesAs high school students navigating the digital age, we've all heard of Taobao – the e-commerce giant that has revolutionized the way we shop and consume. From trendy fashion pieces to quirky gadgets, Taobao has become an integral part of our lives, reshaping our shopping habits and cultural experiences. In our English textbook's Elective Course II, we delve into this fascinating world of online shopping, exploring its impact on our society and personal lives.The Convenience FactorLet's be honest, who doesn't love the convenience of shopping from the comfort of their own home? Gone are the days of trudging through crowded malls and fighting for parking spots. With just a few clicks, we can browse through millions of products, compare prices, and have our purchases delivered straight to our doorsteps. Taobao has made impulse buying easier than ever, and we've all fallen victim to those irresistible deals and lightning sales.Cultural ImmersionAs we navigate the vast virtual marketplace of Taobao, we're exposed to a rich tapestry of cultural diversity. From traditional Chinese handicrafts to avant-garde fashion designs, Taobao offers a window into the vibrant world of creativity and artistry. We can admire the intricate embroidery on a Xinjiang robe or marvel at the sleek lines of a cutting-edge tech gadget, all while gaining a deeper appreciation for the cultural melting pot that is China.The Language ChallengeOne aspect of Taobao that has undoubtedly challenged us as English learners is the language barrier. With millions of product descriptions and user reviews written in Chinese, we've had to hone our translation skills and rely on online tools to decipher the nuances of each listing. While frustrating at times, this experience has taught us the importance of cross-cultural communication and the value of perseverance in overcoming linguistic obstacles.The Social Media InfluenceIn today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in shaping our shopping habits, and Taobao is no exception. Influencers and key opinion leaders (KOLs) have become powerful forces, driving trends and promoting products onplatforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin. We've all fallen victim to the allure of sponsored posts, eagerly adding those "must-have" items to our virtual shopping carts, only to realize later that we may have succumbed to the power of persuasive marketing.The Environmental ImpactAs conscious consumers, we cannot ignore the environmental implications of our online shopping habits. The excessive packaging, carbon footprint of shipping, and potential waste associated with impulse purchases have become cause for concern. Taobao, like other e-commerce platforms, has a responsibility to address these issues and promote sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly packaging and efficient logistics.Personal Growth and ResponsibilityUltimately, our experience with Taobao has been a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. We've learned valuable lessons about budgeting, financial responsibility, and the importance of being discerning consumers. The temptation of instant gratification has taught us the value of delayed gratification and the need to prioritize our spending habits.As we reflect on our English textbook's exploration of Taobao, we realize that this online shopping phenomenon ismore than just a platform for buying and selling goods. It's a cultural phenomenon that has reshaped our lives, challenged our perspectives, and forced us to confront the complexities of the modern world. While we acknowledge the convenience and excitement of online shopping, we must also recognize our responsibility as consumers to make informed choices and strive for a more sustainable future.。
企业常用缩写5S : 5S管理ABC : 作业制成本制度 (Activity-Based Costing)ABB : 实施作业制预算制度 (Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM : 作业制成本管理 (Activity-Base Management)APS : 先进规画与排程系统 (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 应用程式服务供应商(Application Service Provider)ATP : 可承诺量 (Available To Promise)AVL : 认可的供应商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM : 物料清单 (Bill Of Material)BPR : 企业流程再造 (Business Process Reengineering)BSC : 平衡记分卡 (Balanced ScoreCard)BTF : 计划生产 (Build To Forecast)BTO : 订单生产 (Build To Order)CPM : 要径法 (Critical Path Method)CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM : 客户关系管理 (Customer Relationship Management)CRP : 产能需求规划 (Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO : 客制化生产 (Configuration To Order)DBR : 限制驱导式排程法 (Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing)DRP : 运销资源计划 (Distribution Resource Planning)DSS : 决策支援系统 (Decision Support System)EC : 设计变更/工程变更 (Engineer Change)EC : 电子商务 (Electronic Commerce)ECRN : 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI : 电子资料交换 (Electronic Data Interchange)EIS : 主管决策系统 (Executive Information System)EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ : 基本经济订购量 (Economic Order Quantity)ERP : 企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning)FAE : 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST : 预估(Forecast)FMS : 弹性制造系统 (Flexible Manufacture System)FQC : 成品品质管制 (Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC : 制程品质管制 (In-Process Quality Control)IQC : 进料品质管制 (Incoming Quality Control)ISO : 国际标准组织 (International Organization for Standardization) ISAR : 首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JIT : 即时管理 (Just In Time)KM : 知识管理 (Knowledge Management)L4L : 逐批订购法 (Lot-for-Lot)LTC : 最小总成本法 (Least Total Cost)LUC : 最小单位成本 (Least Unit Cost)MES : 制造执行系统 (Manufacturing Execution System)MO : 制令(Manufacture Order)MPS : 主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule)MRO : 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP : 物料需求规划 (Material Requirement Planning)MRPII : 制造资源计划 (Manufacturing Resource Planning)NFCF : 更改预估量的通知Notice for Changing ForecastOEM : 委托代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM : 委托设计与制造 (Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP : 线上分析处理 (On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP : 线上交易处理 (On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT : 最佳生产技术 (Optimized Production Technology)OQC : 出货品质管制 (Out-going Quality Control)PDCA : PDCA管理循环 (Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM : 产品资料管理系统 (Product Data Management)PERT : 计画评核术 (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PO : 订单(Purchase Order)POH : 预估在手量 (Product on Hand)PR : 采购申请Purchase RequestQA : 品质保证(Quality Assurance)QC : 品质管制(Quality Control)QCC : 品管圈 (Quality Control Circle)QE : 品质工程(Quality Engineering)RCCP : 粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)RMA : 退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP : 再订购点 (Re-Order Point)SCM : 供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management)SFC : 现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)SIS : 策略资讯系统 (Strategic Information System)SO : 订单(Sales Order)SOR : 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC : 统计制程管制 (Statistic Process Control)TOC : 限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)TPM : 全面生产管理Total Production ManagementTQC : 全面品质管制 (Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面品质管理 (Total Quality Management)WIP : 在制品 (Work In Process)品管中英文名词对照表Accuracy准确度Active主动Action评价.处理Activity活动Add加Addition rule加法运算规则Analysis Covariance协方差分析Analysis of Variance方差分析Appraisal Variation评价变差Approved承认ASQC美国质量学会Attr ibute计数值Audit审核Automatic database recovery数据库错误自动回复Average平均数balance平衡Balance sheet资产负债对照表Binomial二项分配Body机构Brainstorming Techniques脑力风暴法B usiness Systems Planning企业系统规划Cable电缆Capability能力Cause and Effect matrix因果图.鱼骨图Center line中心线check检查Check Sheets检查表Chi-square Distribution卡方分布Clutc h spring离合器弹簧Coining压印加工Common cause共同原因Complaint投诉Compound factor调合因素Concept新概念Condenser聚光镜Conformity合格Connection关联Consumer’s risk消费者之风险Control控制Control characteristic管制特性Control chart管制图Control plan管制计划Correction纠正Correlation Methods相关分析法Cost down降低成本CPI: continuouse Process Improvement连续工序改善Creep渐变Cross Tabulation Tables交叉表CS: customer Sevice客户中心Cushion缓冲Customer顾客DSA: Defects Analys is System缺陷分析系统Data数据Data Collection数据收集Data concentrator资料集中缓存器DCC: Document Control Center文控中心Decision决策.判定Defects per unit单位缺点数Description描述Detection难检度Device装置Digital数字Do执行DOE: Design of Experiments实验设计Element元素Else否则Engineering recbnology工程技术Entropy函数Environmental环境Equipment设备Es timated accumulative frequency计算估计累计数EV: Equipment Variation设备变异Event事件External Failure外部失效,外部缺陷FA: Failure Analysis坏品分析Fact control事实管理Fatique疲劳FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis失效模式与效果分析FPY合格率FQA: Final Quality Assurance最终品质保证FQC: Final Quality control最终品质控制Full-steer完全转向f unction职能Gauge sys tem量测系统Grade等级Gum-roll橡皮滚筒Health meter体重计Heat press冲压粘着Histogram直方图Hi-tech高科技hypergeometri c超几何分配hysteresis磁滞现象Improvement改善Inductance电感Information信息Initial review先期审查Inspection检验Internal Failure内部失效,内部缺陷IPQC: In Process Quality Control制程品质控制IQC: Incomming Quality Control来料品质控制ISO: Intern ational Organization for Standardization国际标准组织Law of large number大数法则Link连接LCL: Lower Control limit管制下限L QC: Line Quality Control生产线品质控制LSL: Lower Size Limit规格下限Machine机械Manage管理Materials物料Measurement 量测Median中位数Miss feed漏送Module,sub-system,sub-unit单位Momentum原动力Monte garlo method原子核分裂热运动法MS A: Measurement System Analysis量测系统分析Multiplication rule乘法运算规则NIST美国标准技术院Normal常态分布Occurrence 发生率On.off system开,关系统Operation Instruction作业指导书Organization组织Parameter参数Parto柏拉图Parts零件Parts per million不良率Passive消极的,被动的Plan计划Pulse脉冲Policy方针Population群体Power力量,能源PQA: Process Quality Assura nce制程品质保证Practice实务Precision精密度preemptive先占式多任务Pressure压缩Prevention预防Probability机率Probability d ensity function机率密度函数Procedure流程Process过程Process capability analysis制程能力分析图Process control and process capab ility制程管制与制程能力Producer’s risk生产者之风险Product产品Production生产Program方案Projects项目QA: Quality Assura nce品质保证QC: Quality Control品质控制QE: Quality Engineering品质工程QFD: Quality Function Desgin品质机能展开Quality质量Quality manual品质手册Quality policy品质政策Random experiment随机试验Random numbers随机数Range全距Record记录Reflow回流Reject拒收Repair返修Repeatusility再现性Reproducibility再生性Requirement要求Residual误差Response响应Respo nsibilities职责Review评审Reword返工Robustness稳健性Rolled yield直通率RPN: Risk Priority Number风险系数sample抽样,样本Sample space样本空间Sampling with replacement放回抽样Sampling without peplacement不放回抽样Scatter diagram散布图分析Scrap报废Screw螺旋Severity严重度Shot-peening微粒冲击平面法Simple random sampling简单随机取样Size规格SL: Size Line 规格中心线Slip滑动Stratified random sampling分层随机抽样SOP: Standard Operation Procedure标准作业书SPC: Statistical Proces s Control统计制程管制Special cause特殊原因Specification规SQA:Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance供货商品质保证Stage samplin g分段随机抽样Standard Deviation标准差Sum of squares统计表supplier平方和System供方systematic sampling系统,体系Statistica l tables系统抽样Taguchi-method田口方法Technical committees技术委员会Test piece测试片Theory原理Time stamp时间戳印Ti me-lag延迟Title标题Torque 转矩Total求和TQC: Total Quality Control全面品质控制TQM: Total Quality Management全面品质管理Traceablity追溯Training培训Transaction processing and logging交易处理Trouble困扰Up and down上和下UCL: Upper Control Limit管制上限USL: Upper Size Limit规格上限Validation确认Variable计量值Variance变异和Vector向量Verification验证Versi on版本VOC: voice of Customer客户需求VOE: Voice of Engineer工程需求。
这些词汇的构词成分(前、后缀、词根等) 较固定,构成新词以后便于读者揣度词义,易于记忆。
multi- 多hyper- 超级super- 超级multimedia 多媒体hypercard 超级卡片superpipline 超流水线multiprocessor 多处理器hypermedia 超媒体supermarket 超级市场multiplex 多路复用hypertext 超文本superset 超集multiprotocol 多协议hyperswitch 超级交换机superclass 超类inter- 相互、在...间 micro- 微型tele- 远程的interface接口、界面microprocessor 微处理器telephone 电话interbusiness 公司间microkernel 微内核teletimmersion 远距实景interlock 互[联]锁microcode 微代码telemarketing 电话营销internet 因特网microkid 微机迷telecommuting 家庭办公interconnection 互联microchannel 微通道teleconference 远程会议单词前缀还有很多,其构成可以同义而不同源(如拉丁、希腊 ),可以互换,例如:multi, poly 相当于 many 如: multimedia 多媒体, polytechnic 多种科技的uni, mono 相当于 single 如: unicode 统一代码, monochrome 单色bi, di 相当于twice 如: bicycle 自行车, diode 二极管equi,iso 相当于 equa 如: equality 等式, isograph 等线图simili, homo 相当于 same 如: similarity 相似性, homogeneous 同样的semi,hemi 相当于 half 如: semiconductor 半导体, hemicycle 半圆形hyper, super 相当于 over 如: hypertext 超文本 , superscalar 超级标量A.1.2后缀后缀是在单词后部加上构词结构,形成新的单词。
计算机专业英语----shuyingAabort vi.异常中断n.终止计划(任务) abstract adj.抽象的Access 微软公司生产的数据库软件access n..通路,访问,入门vt.存取,接近accessible adj.易接近的,可以达到的acclimate v.适应account n.计算,帐目accurate adj.正确的,精确的active adj.活动的,被激活的Active Data Objects 活动数据对象ActiveX 微软倡导的网络多媒体对象技术actual adj.实际的,真实的,现行的,目前的adapter n.适配器additional adj.另外的,附加的,额外的address n.地址vt.从事,忙于Adminstrative adj.管理的,行政的Administrator n.管理员advancement n.前进,进步advantage n.优势,有利条件advertisement n.广告,做广告advocate vt.提倡algorithm n.算法allocation n.分配,安置although conj.虽然,尽管amazing adj.令人惊奇的analog n.模拟analyze vt.分析,分解animation n.动画,活泼,有生气anticipate vt.预期,期望appeal vi.求助,要求appearance n.外观application n.应用,申请,请求appropriate adj.适当的architectural adj.建筑上的architecture n.建筑,结构archive n.档案库arithmetic n.算术arrangement n.排列,安排assembler n.装配,汇编程序assembly n.汇编,集会,大会assistance n.协助,援助,补助assistant n.助手,助教attach vt.附加,添加,系上,贴上attachment n.附件attribute n.属性,品质audio card 声卡author n.作家,创造者autocorrect v.自动更正automate v.使自动化,自动操作automation n.自动化available adj.可用到的,可利用的,有用的avoid v.避免awareness n.知道,晓得Bbasic adj.基本的basically adv.基本上,主要的basis n.基础,基本bearer n.承载人,送信人,负载的人benign adj.良性的,良好的,仁慈的betray vt.出卖,背叛,泄露,漏出……的迹象binary adj.二进制BIOS abbr.[计]基本输入输出系统Basic Input Output Systembit n.位,比特(计算机用语)bizarre adj.奇形怪状的block n.木块,石头,块breakthough n.突破brochure n.小册子browse vt.浏览budget n.预算bug n.臭虫,病菌,虫子bug-free adj.没有程序错误buggy adj.多臭虫的(程序错误的意思) bulletproof adj.防弹的bunch n.串,束v.捆成一捆bundle v.捆扎business to business(B to B,B2B)商业对商业button n.按钮Ccable n.电缆calculating speed运算速度calculator n.计算器campus n.校园capability n.能力capacitor n.电容器cassette n.盒子,盒式磁带categorize vt.加以类别,分类category n.种类caution n.警告CD-ROM n.光盘驱动器challenge n.挑战character n.字母characteristic n.特征chief adj.主要的,首要的chrominance n.色度circuit n.电路classify v.把……分类click v.单击,点击client n.顾客,客户,委托人client/server 客户/服务器clipboard n.剪贴板clock n.时钟close button关闭按钮clumsy adj.笨拙的collaborate vi.合作collision n.碰撞,冲突combat v.与…战斗,和…斗争combination n.结合,联合,合并,化合,化合物command n.命令,掌握,司令部commerce n.商业commodity n.日用品common adj.共同的,普通的commonly adv.普遍地,一般地communicate v.沟通,通信,相通communication n.传达,信息,交通,通信community n.共同体,社会compatipility n.兼容性,相容性compiler n.编译器,汇编者,编译程序compiling n.编译complex adj.复杂的component n.分量,成分,元件,组件,部件compression n.压缩comprise v.包括,构成,由……构成妥协的compote v.计算,估计,用计算机计算conceal vt.隐藏,隐蔽,隐瞒观念,概念concert n.音乐会conduct v.引导,管理,为人,传导configure vi.配置,设定confirmation n.证实,确认,批准confusion n.混乱,混淆connect v.连接connection n.连接,关系,接线connectivity n.连通性considerably adj.相当地construct vt.建造,构造,创立constantly adv.经常地,坚持不懈地consumer n.消费者contain vt.包含,容纳,容忍content n.内容contribute n.贡献control n.控件control menu 控制菜单conventional adj.常规的convert vt.转变coordinate n.同等者,同等物cord n.端口corporate adj.共同的,合作的correspond vi.符合,协调corresponding adj.相应的corruption n.腐败,贪污,堕落counter n.计算器,计数器CPU n.中央处理器crap n.废物,赌输的一注,废话crash v.崩溃critical adj.危急的,评论的,批评的cursor n.光标,游标,指针,指示器curve n.曲线,弯曲cylinder n.圆筒,圆柱体,汽缸,柱面Ddata structure数据结构database n.数据库,资料库debate v.争论,辩论debugger n.调试器,调试程序debugging n.调试decoder n.解码器dedicate vt.献(身),致力,题献dedicated adj.专用的define vt.定义,详细说明definition n.定义,解说,清晰度,精确度delegation n.代表团,授权,委托deletion n.删除,删除部分deliberately adv.故意地dependence n.依靠,依赖,信任,信赖deploy v.部署,展开,配置describe v.描述,记述desktop n.台式电脑,桌面detergent n.清洁剂detection n.察觉,发觉,探测,发现devise v.设计,策划,图谋,遗赠dial v.拨digital adj.数字的direct adj.直接的discrete adj.分离的,转折的,离散的discuss vt.讨论,论述discussion n.讨论,商议disk n.磁盘disparate adj.不同的,全异的display n.显示器v.显示disseminate v.散布distinctive adj.与众不同的,多样的distribute vt.分发,分配diverse adj.不同的,变化多样的dock v.对接document n.公文,文件,文挡,档案domain n.范围,领域DOS 磁盘操作系统download v.&n.下载drag v.拖动dramatic adj.戏剧的,剧烈的drive n.驱动器dual adj.双的,二重的,双重DVD-player n.DVD播放器dynamic adj.动态的Dynamic HTML Page Designer 动态HTML 网页设计程序Eeducational adj.教育的educe vt.得出,引出effectively adv.有效地,有利地efficient adj.效率高的electronic adj.电子的electronic commerce 电子商务Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT) 电子资金传送element n.要素,成分,元素elementary adj.基础的,基本的,初等的eliminate vt.排除,消除e-mail n.电子邮件emotion n.情感,感情emphasize v.强调emphatically adv.强调地,用力地employee n.职工,雇员,店员empty v.使……空enable vt.使能够encompass v.包围,环绕enhancement n.增进,增加enormous adj.巨大的enterprise n.企业,计划,事业,进去心entertainment n.娱乐entity n.实体,组合,组织,团体environment n.环境equipment n.装备,设备,器材error message 出错消息essence n.本质essential adj.本质的,实质的,基本的establish v.建立estimate v.估计,估价,评估evolve v.使……逐步形成,演化,进化evolving adj.进化的,展开的Excel 微软的表格处理软件exchange vt.交换,互换exchange ideas 交换意见executable adj.可实行的,可执行的expand v.扩展expense n.费用,开支expensive adj.昂贵的,价格高的explosive adj.爆炸性的,爆发性的extension n.延长,扩充,范围,扩展名external adj.外部的,客观的externally adv.外表上,外形上extremely adv.极端地,非常地Ffacilitate vt.使容易,使便利,促进facility n.设备,装置,工具facsimile n.传真familial adj.熟悉的,常见的favorite adj.喜爱的,喜欢的feature n.特征financial adj.财政的,金融的Flash v.闪现flexibility n.弹性,适应性,机动性flexible adj.灵活的floppy n.软驱adj.懒散的,松软的flow v.流动footprint n.足迹,脚印for instance 例如foundation n.基础,根本,建立,创立frame n.框架framework n.框架,构架,结构FrontPage 微软的制作网页工具function n.作用,功能functionality n.功能型future n.未来,将来Ggeneral adj.通用的,通常的n一般信息. generally adv.一般,通常generate vt.产生generation n.代gizmos n.小发明granular adj.粒状的group n.小组guess v.猜,猜出GUI n.[计]图形用户界面guide n.向导Hhand-help PC n.手提电脑hard disk 硬盘hardware n.硬件have a strong impact on 对……有巨大影响hesitation n.犹豫hierarchical adj.分等级的higher-quality adj.高质量的high-level language 高级语言highlighted adj.突出的high-powered adj.强有力的high-temperature adj.高温的horizontal adj.水平的host n.主机human-readable adj.易于阅读的hyperlink n.超连接hypermedia n.超媒体hypertext n.超文本II/Odevices 输入/输出设备icon n.图标idiom n.习语,方言ignore vt.不理睬,忽视imagination n.想象,想象力impact n.影响,作用improve v.改善,改进in contrast 与……对比inappropriate adj.不合适的inception n.起初inconvenient adj.不方便的,不恰当的increase n.增加,增大,增长incredible adj.难以置信的indicate v.表明individual n.个人,个体inexpensive adj.便宜的,不贵重的infect vt.传染,感染influence n.影响,感化information n.信息,消息inheritance n.遗传,遗产initial adj.最初的,词首的,初始的inkjet printer 喷墨打印机innovative adj.创新的,革新的input device 输入设备insertion n.插入install vt.安装,安置installation n.安装instruction n.说明,指令instruction set 指令系统(也作instruction system)instrument n.工具,手段,器械,器具integrate vt.结合,整合integrated adj.综合的,完整的integrated ciruit 集成电路intelligent adj.聪明的,智能的intend vt.想要,打算intensity n.亮度interactive adj.交互式的interchange vt. 交换interconnect vt. 使相互连接interconnection n. 互相联络intermediary adj. 中间的,调解的internal adj.内部的Internet n.因特网Internet Information Server(IIS)因特网信息服务器internetworking n.网络interpret v.解释,注释interpretation n.解释,阐明,口译interpreter n.解释程序,解释器,口译员interrupt v.中断intertwine v.使纠缠,使缠绕interanet 内联网introduction n.介绍invade vt.侵略,侵袭,拥挤inventive adj.善于创造的,发明的inventory n.存货,财产清册,总量invoke v.启动,调用involve vt.包括item n.项目Kkeyboard n.键盘keyword n.关键字knowledge n.知识Llanguage n.语言,语言文学,术语lapotop n.膝上型电脑large-scale 大规模的laser printer 激光打印机launch vt.使下水,发射,开办,发动,发起license n.许可,执照limitation n.局限,限制linker n.连接程序location n.地址logic adj.逻辑的logical adj.合乎逻辑的,合理的low-temperature adj.低温的luminance n.亮度Mmachine instruction 机器指令magnetic adj.磁性的magnetically adv.有磁力的,有魅力的main memory 内存mainframe n.大型机mainstream n.主流maintain v.维持maintenance n.维持,维修,坚持major adj.主要的,多的,主修的manageable adj.易处理的,便于管理的manipulate vt.操作,使用,巧妙地处理manual n.手册manually adv.用手manufacture n.制造manufacturer n.制造业者,厂商maximize/restore button 最大化/还原按钮medium n.媒体,方法,媒介Megahertz n.兆赫兹memory unit 存储单元menu bar 菜单栏mesh n.网孔,网状method n.方法microcomputer n.微型计算机microphone n.扩音器,麦克风Microsoft Transaction Server 微软事务处理服务器minimum adj.最小的,最低的mobile adj.可移动的modem n.调制解调器motherboard n.主板mouse n.鼠标MPEG addr.运动图象专家组multimedia n.多媒体multiple adj.多样的,多重的multitasking n.多任务处理muli-user adj.多用户的mutate v.变异mysterious adj.神秘的Nnative adj.本国的,本地的,与生俱来的navigation n.导航,航海,航空,领航negative n.否定,负数,底片newsletter n.时事通讯NIC abbr.网络接口卡notaion n.记法,注释,符号notebook computer 笔记本电脑note n.备注,注释notice n.注意numeric adj.数字的Oobvious adj.明显的occupy v.占用occurrence n.发生,出现,事件offer vt.提供on the lookout for 寻找,提防online n.在线operand n.操作数operate v.操作,使用operation n.操作opportunity n.机会,时机optional adj.可选择的,随意的organization n.组织original adj.原来的originator n.始发者,创造者,始发站OS (Operating System)操作系统outlet n.插座Outlook 收发邮件的软件output v.输出Ppackage n.包裹,包paperless business 无纸贸易parallel adj.平行的partner n.搭档,伙伴passive adj.被动的passive resistance 消极抵抗PCI abbr.周边元件扩展接口per prep.每,每一perform vt.履行,执行,表演peripheral adj.外围的,外围设备permission n.许可,允许permit n.通行证,许可证,执照perspective n.远景,前途PhotoDraw 图象处理软件phrase n.短语,习语picture tube 显象管pixel n.像素plug vt.堵,塞,插上pointer n.指针,指示符,指针光标polish n.光泽,优雅,精良,磨光polymorphic adj.多形的,多态的,多形态popularity n.普及,流行,声望potential adj.潜在的power supply 电源powerful adj.强大的PowerPoint 制作幻灯片和简报的软件precise adj.精确的,清晰的,严格的presentation n.表示,图象,外观,演示文稿,简报presently adj.目前,不久previous adj.以前的,早先的primitive adj.原始的,简单的,质朴的principle n.法则,原则,原理printer n.打印机priority n.优先级,优先private adj.私人的,秘密的,私有的profess n.过程,方法,作用,步骤processor n.处理器productivity n.生产力professional adj.专业的,职业的n.专家program n.程序programmable adj.可编程的programming n.编程,程序设计prompt v.&n.提示,付款期限proofread vt.校正,校对property n.财产protocol n.协议protocol suite 协议组provide v.供应,供给public key cryptography 公共密钥加密pulse n.脉冲punctuation n.标点,标点符号purchase vt.买,购买purpose n.目的,意图,用途Qqualification n.资格,条件,限制,限定queue n.队列Rrandom adj.随机的随意,任意random-access memort(RAM) 随机存储器ratio between function and price 性价比read-only memor(ROM) 只读存储器receie vt.接受recipient n.接受者recognition n.赞誉,承认,赏识,识别,重视,公认recognize v.识别,认出recommend vt.推荐rectangular adj.矩形的,成直角的reduction n.减少,下降reference n.参考refresh v.刷新regardless of adj.不管,不顾relate vt.有关联,有关系relatively adj.相对地remind vt.发布,发行remote adj.可依赖的remove vt.提醒,使想起remote adj.遥远的,偏僻的,细微的remove vt.移动represent v.代表,表明reproduce v.繁殖,复制,再生,使…..重现resident adj.居住的,长住的resolution n.清晰,分辨率resource n.资源responsible adj.有责任的,可靠的,负责的restart v.重新开始,重新启动restricted adj.受限制的,有限的resume n.履历,个人简历retrieval n.取回,修复,检索,查找retrieve v.重新回到reveal vt.展现,显示,揭示,暴露revenue n.收入,税收reverse adj.相反的revert v.恢复revolutionize v.革新riddle n.谜语robust adj.强壮的,坚定的,结实的routine n.例行公事,常规,程序runtime adj.运行时的Ssafety n.安全性scalable adj.可改变大小的,可升级的schedule n.时间表,进度表scroll v.滚动SCSI 小型计算机系统接口search n.搜寻,查究secondaries n.辅助设备section n.部分,片段,部件,地域secure v.保护,安全的,可靠的security n.安全self-replicating adj.自我复制的sequence n.顺序serious adj.严肃的setup v.&n.安装shadow n.阴影,影子,影象share vt.分享,均分,共有,分配silicon chip 硅片similar adj.类似的simplify vt.单一化,简单化simulate vt.模拟,模仿,假装,冒充simultaneously adv.同时地situation n.情况,场合SLI (Suppress Length Indicator) 控制长度指示器solt n.缝,狭槽,位置smooth adj.平滑的,正常的smoothly adv.平稳地software n.软件sophisticated adj.精制的,老练的soundboard n.声卡special functional 特殊功能的specialized adj.专门的specific adj.明确的,特殊的specification n.具体指明,规格spill vi.溢出,涌流squash v.粉碎,硬放,压坏stability n.稳定性stack n.堆栈standard adj.标准的status n.状态stereo adj.立体的stero device 音响stick v.放,置,粘住,刺,戳storage n.存储量,存储器,内存store v.存储stream n.串,流strength n.力量strive v.努力,斗争,竞争structure n.结构,构造,建筑物stuff n.原料,材料,素材,资料subnet n.子网subsume v.包容,包含subscriber n.用户端,订户,签署者suggest vt.建议,提出,暗示suite n.组supplementary adj.辅助的surfing n.网络冲浪symbol n.符号,记号,象征synonym n.同义词syntactic adj.句法的synthesis n.综合,合成system n.系统,规律,秩序,体制system unit 主机Ttailor vt.制定taskbar n.任务栏technique n.技术,技巧,方法telecommunication n.电信,无线电通讯terminal n.终端terminate v.停止,结束,终止therefore adv.因此,所以thus conj.因此timer electrical signal 定时电信号timer n.计时器tool bar 工具栏topic n.话题,主题topology n.拓扑,布局,拓扑学tour n.旅游,旅行track vt.追踪,通过traditional adj.传统的,惯例的transaction n.办理,处理,交易,事务transfer v.传输,转移,交换,转接translate v.翻译,转换,迁移,平移transformation n.变换,转换transistor n.晶体管transmission n.传输,传送,输送transmit vt.传输,传送,传达stay n.盘,碟trivial adj.琐细的,价值不高的Uundergo v.经历,经受universal adj.普遍的,全体的,世界的unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的,讨厌的unstable adj.不稳定的,不固定的,易变的upgrade vt.使升级,升级usage n.使用,用法utilize vt.利用Vvacuum tube 真空管value n.值,价值,评估,估价variation n.变更,变化,变异variety n.多样性,变化,品种,种类vast adj.巨大的,大量的version n.译文,译本,翻译vertical adj.垂直的via prep.经,通过,经由video card 显卡virtuall adv.事实上,实质上visual adj.视觉的访问者visual pollution 视觉污染volatile adj.易失的Wwealth n.财富,大量web browser 浏览器Windows 视窗操作系统wire n.电线,电报,电信workstation n.工作站wrap vt.包装,包,覆盖,隐藏Yyeah (yes) 是的。
ONE eCommerce 指南说明书
Booking request*Global User Guide offers all booking requirements and may not be applicable to your country*This service provides an application to submit a booking request to ONE.Please follow below steps to submit a booking request to ONE.Please log into ONE eCommerce site with your User ID and Password.Once logged into eCommerce site, click on outbound menu.②① ②①Click on Booking >> Booking Request to open Booking Request Form.Enter each column based on your Booking Request details. Please take note that all the item with * are mandatory to input.Please find more explanation on each field to be entered.③③>> Quick BookingManual Booking Number: Enter the manual booking number if you have the number pre-assigned by ONE.Template: Select template name from the dropdown list. The previously saved booking information will populate. This is recommended for repeated shipments.Copy Previous Booking: Users can look up previous booking number to copy booking details to new booking request.Automatically the booking party No. is added as per user ID set-up.Person Placing Request: Please choose Shipper or Freight Forwarder. The Shipper or Freight Forwarder details will be auto-populated accordingly with information associated with your web ID.① ②③④⑤②③④ ① ⑤>> Customer InformationShipper: To enter Shipper company name and address.If you choose Shipper as Person Placing Request, company name and address information is automatically populated from your web ID.Freight Forwarder: To enter Freight Forwarder company name and address. If you choose Freight Forwarder as Person Placing Request, company name and address information is automatically populated from your web ID.Consignee: To enter Consignee company name and address.⑥⑦⑧⑥ ⑦ ⑧>> LocationService type: To choose service type between two options (CY or Door).Origin (Place of Receipt) – Loading Port & Discharging Port – Destination (Place of Delivery): to enter location name.When you key in first few letters of location name, the related matching location(s) will show in an automatic complete function.Booking office: To choose your ONE local booking office.⑨⑩⑪ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪U.S. Customs Information (House Manifest Filing): To choose Yes or No* This field appears if shipment is bound for U.S.A. * If House B/L has to be issued, please choose “YES”U.S. Customs Information (AMS for House B/L): To select by Carrier (Non-Auto) or by NVOCC (Auto)* This field appears if Yes is selected for house Manifest Filing* Non-Auto (By Carrier) means ONE will be filing House B/L on behalf of NVOCC* Auto (By NVOCC) means ONE will be filing Master B/L and NVOCC will be filing House B/L⑫⑬⑫ ⑬Canada Customs Information (House Manifest Filing): To choose Yes or No* This field appears if shipment is bound for Canada * If House B/L has to be issued, please choose “YES”Canada Customs Information (ACI for House B/L): To select by Carrier (Non-Auto) or by NVOCC (Auto)* This field appears if Yes is selected for house Manifest Filing* Non-Auto (By Carrier) means ONE will be filing House B/L on behalf of NVOCC* Auto (By NVOCC) means ONE will be filing Master B/L and NVOCC will be filing House B/L⑭⑮⑭⑮AES ITN: To enter AES ITN number for US Export Shipment* This field appears if shipment is from U.S.A.CAED License: To enter CAED information for Canada Export Shipment* This field appears if shipment is from Canada⑯⑯⑰⑰Mexico Customs Info: To enter TAX ID for shipments parties for Mexico export and import Shipment.* This field appears if origin or destination is Mexico>> ScheduleDeparture Date: If you select departure date as criteria, please enter the date you prefer.* ONE Booking Office will provide the closest vessel for the given “Departure Date” if there is no vessel departing on the date provided in this field.⑱⑱⑲⑲Vessel: If you select vessel as criteria, please enter the Vessel Name.* If you click [Search] button from the list, you can select the vessel from “Vessel Inquiry-List” as following screen.⑳⑳If you click [search] button from the calendar, you can select the vessel from “Vessel Schedule Inquiry-Calendar” as following screen.>> Pick UpPick Up Date: To enter empty pick up date you preferred.㉑ ㉑>> ContainerType: To select container TypeSize: To select container SizeQuantity/Total: To enter the total number of container for the type sizeQuantity/S.O.C: To enter the number of S.O.C container for the type size* When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row㉒ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉔㉓ ㉕㉕>> Pick Up InformationPick Up Information:To enter Pick Up Information details for Door Receive* Those fields appears if “DOOR” is selected as service mode for origin* If you click on “Remove Inland Pick Up” button, you can delete the selected Tab * If you click “Add Inland Pick Up” button, you can add a new tab for more input* If you click “Copy Inland Pick Up” button, you can copy entered information to create another tab㉖㉖>> CargoCommodity: To enter commodity.*Please click on magnifying glass to select commodity with Code from “Commodity Inquiry” screen as follows.Total Estimated Weight: To enter the total estimated weight and select weight unit for all containers together.㉗ ㉘㉗㉘>> CargoUnit: To select F – Fahrenheit or C – Celsius as unitDegree: To enter the degreeVentilation Value/Type: To enter ventilation requirementNature: To select Chilled, Frozen or Fresh as reefer cargo natureHumidity (%): To enter humidity requirementGenset: To select Yes or No* Those fields appear if Reefer is selected as container type* When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞㉙ ㉙ ㉚㉛㉜ ㉝ ㉞>> Dangerous CargoUN No.: To enter UN No.Class: To enter IMDG classFlash Point: To enter flash point. This field is enabled only for Class3 cargoPackage Group: To select package group from the dropdown listDangerous Cargo Certificate Upload: To attach DG certificate document from [FILE] button. 1 file or zip file.* Those fields appears if Dangerous Cargo check box is ticked * When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row㊱㊲㊳㊴㉟㉟ ㊱ ㊲㊳ ㊴>> Awkward CargoTo select Container Size Type for the awkward cargoPackage: To enter the number of package and select package typeGross weight: To enter gross weight and select weight unitNet weight: To enter new weight and select weight unitCommodity: To enter commodity descriptionUnit: To select unit code from the dropdown listLength: To enter whole lengthWidth: To enter whole widthHeight: To enter whole height㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺㊻ ㊼ ㊽㊵㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼㊽㊾Remark(s): To enter remarks.* Those fields appear if Open top and Flat Rack is selected as container type.* When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row>> Special Instruction on Booking & Multiple booking requestSpecial Instruction on Booking: To enter any other special requirements for the booking, such as preferred depot, container requirements etc.If you would like to submit two or multiple booking requests with same request details, please select the number of booking request you would like to submit from the dropdown list. This is possible up to 50 times.㊾㊿㊿①①There is an e-Mail Notification option for the booking request as follows. If you would like to receive those email notifications, please select “Subscribe” option.Booking Upload: When booking is uploaded into our ONE system, you will receive the notification. This is not a notification of your final booking receipt notice, but only the upload into our ONE booking module.Vessel Departure: When a vessel departs place of loading, the notification will be sent.Vessel Delay: When vessel schedule is delayed more than 3 hours, the message will be sent.* To change the default setting about e-mail notification, click ‘e-Subscription’ from top-menu.②②③④ ⑤If you would like to clear all information entered, please click on [Clear] button.After all required and optional information are entered, click [Submit] button to submit booking request to designated ONE Booking office.If you would like to save the booking request details as template for future requests, please click on[Save as Template] and set up the template name.One you submit a booking request, Booking Request information screen appears.Request number and booking request details can be found on this screen.③④⑤。
1. BEC考试报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人(包括学生、待业人员等)均可持本人身份证到当地考点报名。
2. BEC考试测试考生在听、说、读、写四个方面的语言交际能力,着重考察学生的应用能力与承受能力,并对考生的能力概况做出较全面、客观的评价。
3. BEC考试分为三级,BEC1为初级语言水平考试,难度相当于我国大学,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test)和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间;BEC2介于我国四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC3介于我国大学和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。
1. 考试同样分为四个局部(阅读,60分钟;写作,70分钟;听力,40分钟左右;口语16分钟);即总时间为166分钟左右(2.5小时)2. 四局部总分为120分,每局部为30分,考生的登记以4局部所得的总分为根底,并不需要所有的四分试卷都到达令人满意的水平才能通过考试。
3. 分数分为5档,A(优秀),B(优良),C(及格),D、E(不及格)4. BEC考试所使用的材料尽可能属于真实事件中的节选,因此不存在偏见或者其他个性因素。
跨境电商英语教学能力大赛课件课件The ability to teach cross-border e-commerce in English is a crucial skill in today's globalized world. As the demand for English language proficiency in the business world continues to grow, it is essential for educators to develop their teaching abilities in this area. The Cross-border E-commerce English Teaching Ability Competition aims to recognize and promote excellence in this field, providing a platform for educators to showcase their skills and knowledge.One of the key requirements for participating in the competition is the development of high-quality courseware. This involves creating engaging and informative materials that effectively convey the principles and practices of cross-border e-commerce in English. Courseware should be designed to cater to the needs of diverse learners, incorporating a variety of teaching methods and resources to accommodate different learning styles and preferences.In addition to courseware development, participants in the competition are also evaluated on their ability to deliver effective and engaging English language instruction. This includes the use of clear and concise language, aswell as the ability to facilitate meaningful interactions and discussions in the classroom. Educators are expected to demonstrate a deep understanding of cross-border e-commerce concepts and be able to effectively communicate these ideas to their students.Furthermore, the competition emphasizes the importanceof staying updated with the latest developments and trendsin the field of cross-border e-commerce. Educators are encouraged to integrate real-world case studies, industry insights, and relevant news articles into their teaching materials to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. This not only helps to keep the content fresh and relevant but also demonstrates the educator's commitment to professional growth and development.Another important aspect of the competition is theability to assess student learning and provide constructive feedback. Educators are expected to design assessments that accurately measure students' comprehension and application of cross-border e-commerce concepts. Additionally, providing meaningful feedback is crucial for guiding students towards improvement and mastery of the subject matter.The competition also encourages educators to foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment. This involves promoting collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. By creating a classroom culture that values diversity of thought and encourages active participation, educators can enhance the overall learning experience and promote a deeper understanding of cross-border e-commerce.In conclusion, the Cross-border E-commerce English Teaching Ability Competition serves as a valuable platform for educators to showcase their expertise in teachingcross-border e-commerce in English. By focusing on courseware development, effective instruction, stayingupdated with industry trends, assessment and feedback, and creating an inclusive learning environment, educators can elevate their teaching abilities and make a positive impact on their students' learning journey. This competition not only recognizes excellence in this field but also promotes continuous improvement and professional development among educators.。
品质专业英语大全从事品质工作以来积累的常用英语,希望对有需要的朋友有所帮品质专业英语大全零件材料类的专有名词CPU: central processing unit( 中央处理器)IC: Integrated circuit(集成电路)Memory IC: Memory Integrated circuit (记忆集成电路)RAM: Random Access Memory (随机存取存储器)DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory (动态随机存取存储器)SRAM: Staic Random Access Memory (静态随机存储器)ROM: Read-only Memory (只读存储器)EPROM:Electrical Programmable Read-only Memory(电可抹只读存诸器)EEPROM: Electrical Erasbale Programmable Read-only Memory (电可抹可编程只读存储器)CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor(互补金属氧化物半导体)BIOS: Basic Input Output System (基本输入输出系统)Transistor:电晶体LED:发光二极体Resistor:电阻Variator :可变电阻Capacitor:电容Capacitor array:排容Diode:二极体Transistor:三极体Transformer:变压器(ADP)Oscillator:频率振荡器(0sc)Crystal:石英振荡器XTAL/OSC:振荡产生器(X)Relay:延时器Sensor:感应器Bead core:磁珠Filter:滤波器Flat Cable:排线Inductor:电感Buzzer:蜂鸣器Socket:插座Slot:插槽Fuse:熔断器Current:电流表Solder iron:电烙铁Magnifying glass:放大镜Caliper:游标卡尺Driver:螺丝起子Oven:烤箱TFT:液晶显示器Oscilloscope:示波器Connector:连接器PCB:printed circuit board (印刷电路板) PCBA: printed circuit board assembly (电路板成品) PP:并行接口HDD:硬盘FDD:软盘PSU:power supply unit (电源供应器)SPEC:规格Attach:附件Case: 机箱,盖子Cover:上盖Base:下盖Bazel:面板(panel)Bracket:支架,铁片Lable:贴纸Guide:手册Manual:手册,指南Card:网卡Switch:交换机Hub:集线器Router:路由器Sample:样品Gap:间隙Sponge:海绵Pallet:栈板Foam:保利龙Fiber:光纤Disk:磁盘片PROG:程序Barcode:条码System:系统System Barcode:系统条码M/B:mother board:主板CD-ROM:光驱FAN:风扇Cable:线材Audio:音效K/B:Keyboard (键盘)Mouse:鼠标Riser card:转接卡Card reader:读卡器Screw:螺丝Thermal pad:散热垫Heat sink:散热片Rubber:橡胶垫Rubber foot:脚垫Bag:袋子Washer:垫圈Sleeve:袖套Config:机构Label hi-pot:高压标签Firmware label:烧录标签Metal cover:金属盖子Plastic cover:塑胶盖子Tape for packing:包装带Bar code:条码Tray:托盘Collecto:集线夹Holder:固定器 ,L 铁Connecter:连接器IDE:集成电路设备,智能磁盘设备SCSI:小型计算机系统接口Gasket:导电泡棉AGP:加速图形接口PCI:周边组件扩展接口LAN:局域网USB:通用串形总线架构Slim:小型化COM:串型通讯端口LPT:打印口,并行口Power cord:电源线I/O:输入,输出Speaker:扬声器EPE:泡棉Carton:纸箱Button:按键,按钮Foot stand:脚架部门名称的专有名词QS:Quality system 品质系统CS:Coutomer Sevice 客户服务QC:Quality control 品质管理IQC:Incoming quality control 进料检验LQC:Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制IPQC:In process quality control 制程检验FQC:Final quality control 最终检验OQC:Outgoing quality control 出货检验QA:Quality assurance 品质保证SQA:Source(supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证(VQA) CQA: Customer Quality Assurance 客户质量保证PQA rocess Quality Assurance 制程品质保证QE:Quality engineer 品质工程CE:component engineering 零件工程EE:equipment engineering 设备工程ME:manufacturing engineering 制造工程TE:testing engineering 测试工程PPE roduct Engineer 产品工程IE:Industrial engineer 工业工程ADM: Administration Department 行政部RMA:客户退回维修CSDI:检修PC:producing control 生管MC:mater control 物管GAD: General Affairs Dept 总务部A/D: Accountant /Finance Dept 会计LAB: Laboratory 实验室DOE:实验设计HR:人资PMC:企划RD:研发W/H:仓库SI:客验PD: Product Department 生产部PA:采购(PUR: Purchaing Dept)SMT:Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术MFG:Manufacturing 制造MIS:Management information system 资迅管理系统DCC:document control center 文件管制中心厂内作业中的专有名词QT:Quality target 品质目标QP:Quality policy 目标方针QI:Quality improvement 品质改善CRITICAL DEFECT:严重缺点(CR)MAJOR DEFECT: 主要缺点(MA)MINOR DEFECT: 次要缺点(MI)MAX:Maximum 最大值MIN:Minimum 最小值DIA iameter 直径DIM imension 尺寸LCL:Lower control limit 管制下限UCL:Upper control limit 管制上限EMI:电磁干扰ESD:静电防护EPA:静电保护区域ECN:工程变更ECO:Engineering change order 工程改动要求(客户) ECR:工程变更需求单CPI:Continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善Compatibility:兼容性Marking:标记DWG rawing 图面Standardization:标准化Consensus:一致Code:代码ZD:Zero defect 零缺点Tolerance:公差Subject matter:主要事项Auditor:审核员BOM:Bill of material 物料清单Rework:重工ID: identification 识别,鉴别,证明PILOT RUN: (试投产)FAI:首件检查FPIR: First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告FAA: 首件确认SPC:统计制程管制CP: capability index (准确度)CPK: capability index of process( 制程能力) PMP:制程管理计划(生产管制计划)MPI:制程分析DAS efects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统PPB :十亿分之一Flux:助焊剂P/N:料号L/N: Lot Number 批号Version :版本Quantity:数量Valid date :有效日期MIL-STD: Military-Standard 军用标准ICT: In Circuit Test ( 线路测试)ATE: Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备MO: Manafacture Order 生产单T/U: Touch Up ( 锡面修补)I/N:手插件P/T :初测F/T: Function Test ( 功能测试-终测)AS 组立P/K:包装TQM:Total quality control 全面品质管理MDA:manufacturing defect analysis 制程不良分析(ICT) RUN-IN:老化实验HI-pot:高压测试FMI: Frequency Modulation Inspect 高频测试DPPM: Defect Part Per Million(不良率的一种表达方式:百万分之一 ) 1000PPM 即为 0.1% Corrective Action: (CAR 改善对策)ACC:允收REJ:拒收S/S: Sample size 抽样检验样本大小SI-SIV: Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水平等级CON: Concession / Waive 特采ISO:国际标准化组织ISA: Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构OBA:开箱稽核FIFO:先进先出PDCA:管理循环Plan do check action 计划,执行,检查,总结WIP:在制品(半成品)S/O: Sales Order (业务订单)P/O: Purchase Order (采购订单)P/R: Purchase Request (请购单)AQL:acceptable quality level 允收品质水准LQL;Limiting quality level 最低品质水准QVL:qualified vendor list 合格供应商名册AVL :认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)QCD: Quality cost delivery (品质,交期,成本)MPM:Manufacturing project management 制造专案管理KPI:Key performance indicate 重要绩效指标MVT:Manufacturing Verification Test 制造验证试产Q/R/S: Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务STL:ship to line (料到上线)NTF:No trouble found 误判CIP:capacity improvement plan (产能改善计划)MRB:material review board (物料审核小组)MRB:Material reject bill 退货单JIT:just in time (即时管理)5S:seiri seiton seiso seiketsu shitsuke(整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,修养)SOP:standard operation process (标准作业程序)SIP:Specification inspection process 制程检验规范TOP: Test Operation Process ( 测试作业流程)WI: working instruction (作业指导书)SMD:surface mounting device (表面粘着原件)FAR:failure aualysis report 故障分析报告CAR:Corrective action report 改善报告BPR:企业流程再造 (Business Process Reengineering)ISAR :首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)-JIT:实时管理 (Just In Time)QCC :品管圈 (Quality Control Circle)Engineering Department ( 工程部)TQEM: Total Quality Environment Management(全面品质环境管理)PD: Production Department ( 制造)LOG: Logistics (后勤支持)Shipping: (进出口)AOQ: Average Output Quality 平均出货质量AOQL: Average Output Quality Level 平均出货质量水平FMEA: failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析CRB: Change Review Board ( 工程变更会议)CSA: Customer Simulate Analysis 客户模拟分析SQMS: Supplier Quality Management System 供应商品质管理系统QIT: Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组QIP: Quality Improvement Plan 品质改善计划CIP: Continual Improvement Plan 持续改善计划M.Q.F.S: Material Quality Feedback Sheet ( 来料品质回馈单) SCAR: Supplier Corrective Action Report ( 供货商改善对策报告) 8D Sheet: 8 Disciplines sheet ( 8D 单)PDCA: PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) ( 管理循环)MPQ: Material Packing Quantity ( 物料最小包装量)DSCN: Delivery Schedule Change Notice ( 交期变更通知) QAPS: Quality Assurance Process Sheet ( 品质工程表)DRP :运销资源计划 (Distribution Resource Planning)DSS:决策支持系统 (Decision Support System)EC :电子商务 (Electronic Commerce)EDI :电子资料交换 (Electronic Data Interchange)EIS :主管决策系统 (Excutive Information System)ERP :企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning)FMS :弹性制造系统 (Flexible Manufacture System)KM :知识管理 (Knowledge Management)4L :逐批订购法 (Lot-for-Lot)LTC :最小总成本法 (Least Total Cost)LUC :最小单位成本 (Least Unit Cost)MES :制造执行系统 (Manufacturing Execution System)MPS :主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule)MRP :物料需求规划 (Material Requirement Planning)MRPⅡ:制造资源计划 (Manufacturing Resource Planning)OEM :委托代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM :委托设计与制造 (Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP:线上分析处理 (On-Line Analytical Processing)OLT :线上交易处理 (On-Line Transaction Processing)PT :最佳生产技术 (Optimized Production Technology)PDCA: PDCA 管理循环 (Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM:产品数据管理系统 (Product Data Management))RCCP:粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)SCM :供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management)SFC :现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)TOC:限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)TQC :全面品质管制 (Total Quality Control)FYI/R:for your information/reference 仅供参考ASAP:尽快S/T:Standard time 标准时间TPM:total production maintenance :全面生产保养ESD Wrist strap:静电环IT:information technology 信息技术,资讯科学CEO: Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁COO: Chief Operaring Officer 首席业务总裁SWOT: Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,Threat优势﹐弱点﹐机会﹐威胁Competence:专业能力Communication:有效沟通Cooperation:统御融合Vibration Testing :振动测试IDP: Individual Development Plan 个人发展计划MRP: Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划MAT'S: Material 材料LRR: Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率ATIN: Attention 知会3C: Computer ,Communication , Consumer electronic消费性电子5W1H: When , Where , Who , What , Why , How5M: Man , Machine , Material , Method , Measurement人,机器,材料,方法,测量4MIE: Man,Material,Machine,Method,Environment人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)7M1I: Manpower , Machine , Material , Method, Market , Management , Money , Information人力,机器,材料,方法, 市场,管理,资金,资讯1 Accuracy 准确度2 Action 行动3 Activity 活动4 Analysis Covariance 协方差分析5 Analysis of Variance 方差分析6 Approved 承认7 Attribute 计数值8 Average 平均数9 Balance sheet 资产负债对照表10 Binomial 二项分配11 Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法12 Cause and Effect Matrix 因果图(鱼骨图)13 CL:Center Line 中心线14 Check Sheets 检查表15 Complaint 投诉16 Conformity 合格(符合)17 Control 控制18 Control chart 控制(管制)图19 Correction 纠正20 Correlation Methods 相关分析法21 CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善22 Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表23 CS: Customer Sevice 客(户)服(务)中心24 DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统25 Data 数据 Description:品名26 DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心27 Decision 决策、判定28 Defects per unit 单位缺点数29 Description 描述30 Device 装置31 Do 执行32 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计33 Element 元素34 Engineering recbnology 工程技35 Environmental 环境36 Equipment 设备37 Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数38 E Equipment Variation 设备变异39 External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷40 FA: Failure Analysis 失效分析41 Fact control 事实管理42 Fatigue 疲劳43 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 失效模式与效果分析44 FP First-Pass Yield (第一次通过)合格率45 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证46 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制47 Gauge system 测量系统48 Grade 等级49 Histogram 直方图50 Improvement 改善51 Initial review 先期审查52 Inspection 检验53 Internal Failure 内部失效、内部缺陷54 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制55 IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料品质控制56 IS International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织57 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限58 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制59 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限60 Machine 机械61 Manage 管理62 Materials 物料63 Measurement 测量64 Median 中位数65 MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析66 Occurrence 发生率67 Operation Instruction 作业指导书68 Organization 组织69 Parto 柏拉图70 PPM arts per Million (百万分之)不良率71 Plan 计划72 Policy 方针73 Population 群体74 PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程品质保证75 Practice 实务(践)76 Prevention 预防77 Probability 机率78 Probability density function 机率密度函数79 Procedure 流程80 Process 过程81 Process capability analysis 制程能力分析(图)82 Process control and Process capability 制程管制与制程能力83 Product 产品84 Production 生产85 Projects 项目86 QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证87 QC: Quality Control 品质控制88 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程89 QFD: Quality Function Desgin 品质机能展开(法)90 Quality 质量91 Quality manual 品质手册92 Quality policy 品质政策(质量方针)93 Random experiment 随机试验94 Random numbers 随机数95 R:Range 全距(极差)96 Reject 拒收97 Repair 返修98 Repeatusility 再现性99 Reproducibility 再生性100 Requirement 要求101 Responsibilities 职责102 Review 评审103 Reword 返工104 Rolled yield 直通率105 RPN: Risk Priority Number 风险系数106 Sample 抽样,样本107 Sample space 样本空间108 Sampling with replacement 放回抽样109 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样110 Scatter diagram 散布图分析111 Scrap 报废112 Simple random sampling 简单随机取样113 Size 规格114 SL: Size Line 规格中心线115 Stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样116 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书117 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制118 Specification 规范119 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商品质保证120 Stage sampling 分段随机抽样121 Standard Deviation 标准差122 Sum of squares 平方和123 Taguchi-method 田口(试验)方法124 Theory 原理125 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制126 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理127 Traceablity 追溯128 Training 培训129 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制(控制)上限130 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限131 Validation 确认132 Variable 计量值133 Verification 验证134 Version 版本135 VOC: Voice of Customer 客户需求136 VOE: Voice of Engineer 工程需求137 Inventory stock report: 庫存清单报告138 Sales order report:出货报告质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC 运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC REE CR MAJ MINAcceptRejectCriticalMajorMinor允收拒收极严重的主要的轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice ECO Engineering Change Order品管七大手法工程变更通知(供货商) 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE 龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC PCC PPCProduction & Material Control 生产和物料控制Product control center 生产管制中心Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity I/O input/output NG Not Good C=0 Critical=0 数量输入/输出不行,不合格极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略质量保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造质量保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务质量保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱通用类DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱) DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求 PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养 MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划 OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业 Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI MMC MMS LMC LMS LED QBR CIP FGI CNC B2C B2B AVL POP EOL VDCS PDCS GRN A/R A/P Read Frequency Input 读频输入Maximum Material ConditionMaximum Material SizeLeast Material ConditionLeast Material Sizelighting-emitting diode 发光二极管Quarter Business RecordContinuous improvement processForecasted Goal InventoryComputerized numeral controllerBusiness to customerBusiness to businessApproved vendor listProcedure of packagingEnd of lifeVender defect correcting sheetProcess defect correcting sheetGoods receiving noteAccounting receivableAccounting payable 专业词汇president 董事长operator 作业员position 职务general manager 总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager 副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor 副课长group leader 组长line leader 线长supervisor 课长responsible department 负责单位Human Resources Department人力资源部Head count 人数production department 生产部门planning department 企划部QC Section 品管课stamping factory 冲压厂painting factory 烤漆厂molding factory 成型厂administration/general affairs dept./ 总务部production unit 生产单位meeting minutes 会议记录distribution department 分发单位subject 主题conclusion 结论decision items 决议事项pre-fixed finishing date 预定完成日Color management 颜色管理Visual management 目视管理production capacity 生产力first count 初盘first check 初盘复棹second count 复盘second check 复盘复核quantity of physical inventory second count 复盘点数量physical inventory 盘点数量physical count quantity 账面数量difference quantity 差异量spare parts physical inventory list 备品盘点清单cause analysis 原因分析description 品名specification 规格model 机种work order 工令revision 版次remark 备注 registration 登记registration card 登记卡to control 管制application form for purchase 请购单consume, consumption 消耗to notify 通知to fill in 填写to collect, to gather 收集statistics 统计cosmetic inspection standard 外观检验规范computer case 计算机外壳(组件)personal computer enclosure 计算机机箱产品front plate 前板rear plate 后板chassis |'jæsi| 基座bezel panel 面板Hood 上盖base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 扩充卡flat cable 排线TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 树脂膜raw materials 原料materials 物料steel plate 钢板roll/coil material 卷料spare parts =buffer 备品plastic parts 塑料件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 冲件material check list 物料检查表finished product 成品semi-finished product 半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts 良品defective product/non-good parts 不良品disposed goods 处理品warehouse/hub 仓库basket 蝴蝶竺plastic basket 胶筐flow chart 流程窗体production tempo 生产进度现状lots of production 生产批量manufacture procedure 制程to revise, modify 修订to switch over to, switch —to, switching over 切换engineering bottleneck, project difficulty 工程瓶颈glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers 割手套Band-Aid 创可贴Industrial alcohol 工业酒精broom 扫把mop 拖把vacuum cleaner 吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container 灰箕garbage can 垃圾箱garbage bag 垃圾袋liaison 联络单rags 抹布lamp holder 灯架to mop the floor 拖地to clean a table 擦桌子air pipe 气管delivery deadline 交货期die worker 模工production, to produce 生产equipment 设备resistance 电阻beacon 警示灯coolant 冷却液crusher 破碎机club car 高尔夫球车plate 电镀power button 电源按键reset button 重置键forklift 叉车Workshop traveler 天车trailer =long vehicle 拖板车Hydraulic trolley 手压车hydraulic hand jack 油压板车casing = containerization 装箱 velocity 速度patent 专利coordinate 坐标supply and demand 供求career card 履历卡barricade 隔板carton box 纸箱to pull and stretch 拉深work cell/work shop 工作间sub-line 支线bottleneck 瓶颈模具工程类plain die 简易模pierce die 冲孔模forming die 成型模progressive die 连续模stage die 工程模compound die 复合模shearing die 剪边模riveting die 铆合模feature die 公母模male die 公模female die 母模cavity 型控母模core 模心公模die change 换模to fix a die 装模to repair a die 修模punch set 上模座punch pad 上垫板punch holder 上夹板stripper pad 脱料背板up stripper 上脱料板upper plate 上模板lower plate 下模板die pad 下垫板die holder 下夹板die set 下模座bottom block 下垫脚bottom plate 下托板(底板)upper supporting blank 上承板upper padding plate blank 上垫板top plate 上托板(顶板)top block 上垫脚stripping plate 内外打(脱料板)outer stripper 外脱料板inner stripper 内脱料板lower stripper 下脱料板 punch 冲头insert 入块(嵌入件)deburring punch 压毛边冲子groove punch 压线冲子stamped punch 字模冲子round punch 圆冲子special shape punch 异形冲子bending block 折刀roller 滚轴baffle plate 挡块located block 定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate 气垫板air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆trimming punch 切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch 压筋冲子reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲子guide plate 定位板sliding block 滑块sliding dowel block 滑块固定块die locker 锁模器pressure plate =plate pinch 压板thickness gauge 厚薄规cutting die, blanking die 冲裁模die block 模块folded block 折弯块sliding block 滑块location pin 定位销lifting pin 顶料销die plate, front board 模板padding block 垫块stepping bar 垫条panel board 镶块to load a die 装上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate 活动板lower sliding plate 下滑块板upper holder block 上压块upper mid plate 上中间板spring box 弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate 弹簧箱顶板bushing block 衬套cover plate 盖板guide pad 导料块pilot 导正筒trim 剪外边pierce 剪内边pocket for the punch head 挂钩槽slug hole 废料孔radius 半径shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gasket 楔子torch-flame cut 火焰切割set screw 止付螺丝form block 折刀round pierce punch =die button 圆冲子shape punch =die insert 异形子stock located block 定位块metal plate 钣金miller 铣床grinder 磨床tolerance 公差score =groove 压线sliding block 滑块 lathe 车active plate 活动板baffle plate 挡块cover plate 盖板groove punch 压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate 弹簧箱顶板capability 能力parameter 参数factor 系数driller 钻床set up die 架模height of die setting up 架模高度analog-mode device 类模器inner guiding post 内导柱inner hexagon screw 内六角螺钉dowel pin 固定销coil spring 弹簧lifter pin 顶料销eq-height sleeves =spool 等高套筒pin 销lifter guide pin 浮升导料销guide pin 导正销wire spring 圆线弹簧outer guiding post 外导柱stop screw 止付螺丝located pin 定位销outer bush 外导套press specification 冲床规格die height 闭模高度flow mark 流痕welding mark 溶合痕post screw insert 螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw 自攻螺丝stripper plate 脱料板piston 活塞handle mold 手持式模具flash mold 溢流式模具positive mold 挤压式模具split mold 分割式模具die lifter 举模器top stop 上死点bottom stop 下死点one stroke 一行程to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, location block 定位块reset 复位to file burr 锉毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| mp| 镶块^|lstamping-missing 漏冲to tight a bolt 拧紧螺栓to loosen a bolt 拧松螺栓punched hole 冲孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap 切边to bending 折弯to pull, to stretch 拉伸engraving, to engrave 刻印stamping 油印to stake 铆合designing, to design 设计design modification 设计修改成gauge(or jig)治具pedal 踩踏板stopper 阻挡器flow board 流水板torque 扭矩spline =the multiple keys 花键quenching 淬火tempering 回火annealing 退火carbonization 碳化alloy 合金tungsten high speed steel 钨高速的moly high speed steel 钼高速的forming 成型(抽凸,冲凸)draw hole 抽孔bending 折弯emboss 凸点dome 凸圆semi-shearing 半剪stamp mark 冲记号deburr or coin 压毛边punch riveting 冲压铆合side stretch 侧冲压平reel stretch 卷圆压平groove 压线stamp letter 冲字(料号)tick-mark nearside 正面压印tick-mark farside 反面压印冲压类punch, press 冲punching machine 冲床hydraulic machine 油压机jack 升降机decoiler 整平机manufacture management 制造管理stamping, press 冲压feeder 送料机rack, shelf, stack 料架taker 取料机to reverse material 翻料to load material 上料to unload material 卸料to return material/stock to 退料scraped |'skræpid| 报废scrape ..v.刮;削robot 机械手production line 流水线packaging tool 打包机packaging 打包成型类well type 蓄料井insulated runner 绝缘浇道方式hot runner 热浇道runner plat 浇道模块valve gate 阀门浇口band heater 环带状的电热器spindle 阀针spear head 刨尖头slag well 冷料井cold slag 冷料渣air vent 排气道welding line 熔合痕eject pin 顶出针knock pin 顶出销return pin 回位销反顶针sleeve 套筒stripper plate 脱料板insert core 放置入子runner stripper plate 浇道脱料板guide pin 导销eject rod (bar) (成型机)顶业捧subzero 深冷处理three plate 三极式模具runner system 浇道系统stress crack 应力电裂orientation 定向sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口nozzle 射嘴sprue lock pin 料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well 冷料井side gate 侧浇口edge gate 侧缘浇口tab gate 搭接浇口film gate 薄膜浇口flash gate 闸门浇口slit gate 缝隙浇口fan gate 扇形浇口dish gate 因盘形浇口diaphragm gate 隔膜浇口ring gate 环形浇口submarine gate 潜入式浇口tunnel gate 隧道式浇口pin gate 针点浇口runner less 无浇道sprue less 无射料管方式long nozzle 延长喷嘴方式spur 浇口;溶waste 废料board 广告牌sliding rack 滑料架to impose lines 压线to compress, compressing 压缩character die 字模to feed, feeding 送料material change, stock change 材料变更feature change 特性变更prepare for, make preparations for 准备rotating speed, revolution 转速abnormal handling 异常处理组装类Assembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线运输带Rivet machine 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Electric screw driver 电动起子Hydraulic machine 液压机Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子automation 自动化to stake, staking, riveting 铆合add lubricant oil 加润滑油argon welding 氩焊cylinder 油缸robot 机械手conveying belt 输送带transmission rack 输送架to draw holes 抽孔bolt 螺栓nut 螺母screw 螺丝identification tag 标示单screwdriver plug 起子插座automatic screwdriver 电动启子to move, to carry, to handle 搬运be put in storage 入库packing 包装staker = riveting machine 铆合机fit together 组装在一起fasten 锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet/skid 栈板barcode 条形码barcode scanner 条形码扫描仪fuse together 熔合fuse machine/heat stake 热熔机processing, to process 加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of goods 退货easily damaged parts 易损件standard parts 标准件to lubricate 润滑spring 弹簧spare tools location/buffer 手工备品仓spare molds location 模具备品仓tox machine 自铆机烤漆类phosphate 皮膜化成viscosity 涂料粘度alkalidipping 脱脂main manifold 主集流脉organic solvent 有机溶剂demagnetization 去磁;消磁high-speed transmission 高速传递heat dissipation 热传rack 上料volatile 挥发性degrease 脱脂。
英⽂写作翻译频道为⼤家整理的英⽂翻译⼝译分类词汇:科技类词汇,供⼤家参考:) 科技科学发展观 concept of scientific development全民科学⽂化素质 scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people发展科技 scientific and technological advancement科教兴国 revitalize China through science and education农业技术 agricultural technology⽣态农业environmental-friendly agriculture⽆⼟栽培 soil -less cultivationBP机, 传呼 beeper, pager背投屏幕 rear projection screen不明飞⾏物 unidentified flying object (UFO)操作系统 operating system产品科技含量 technological element of a product创新 innovation电话会议 teleconference电话留⾔机 answering machine对讲机 talkie and walkie多媒体 multimedia防抱死系统 ABS (anti-lock braking system)孵化器 incubator⾼产优质 high yield and high quality⾼技术产业化 apply high technology to production⾼科技板块 high-tech sector⾼科技园 high-tech park个⼈数字助理 PDA (personal digital assistant)⼯业园区 industrial park国家质量技术监督局 the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家重点实验室 national key laboratories⽕炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)计算机中央处理器 central processing unit(CPU)技术密集产品technology-intensive product交叉学科interdisciplinary branch of science科技成果转化为⽣产⼒ transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces 科技含量 technology content科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure科技是第⼀⽣产⼒ Science and technology constitute a primary productive force科技体制改⾰reform of the science and technology management system科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development纳⽶ nanometer三峡⽔利枢纽⼯程the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River 物种起源 origin of species新兴学科 new branch of science研究成果 research results在孵企业incubated enterprises⾃动取款机 automatic teller machine (ATM)⾃然科学与社会科学的交叉融合integration of natural and social sciencesIT 信息技术信息港 info port信息⾼地 information highland信息⾼速公路information superhighway信息⾰命information revolution信息含量information content信息化 informationization信息技术处理ITA – Information Technology Agreement信息检索information retrieval办公⾃动化 OA (Office Automation)笔记本电脑 laptop / notebook / portable computer电脑病毒 computer virus电脑犯罪computer crime电⼦管理 e-management电⼦货币e-currency电⼦商务e-business; e-commerce电⼦商务认证e-business certification电⼦邮件 E-mail⾮对称数字⽤户环路 ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)⾼速宽带互联 high-speed broadband networks公告板BBS (bulletin board system)光盘杂志CD-ROM magazine⼴域WAN (wide area net word)汉字处理软件 Chinese character processing software⿊客hacker计算机2000年问题 Y2K problem计算机辅助教育CAI –computer assisted instruction计算机辅助设计 CAD-computer assisted design计算机合成制造 CAM-computer assisted manufacturing计算机中央处理器 CPU – central processing unit超⽂本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)界⾯ interface⾦融电⼦化 computerized financial services局域 LAN – local area network互联服务提供商 ISP (Internet Service Provider)全球移动通信系统 ( 全球通) global system for mobile communications (GSM)刻录机 CD burner宽带接⼊ broadband access宽带 broadband networks内联、局域 (计算机) Intranet垃圾邮件 junk mail千年问题、千年⾍ millennium bug; Y2K bug⼈⼯智能 AI – artificial intelligence⼈机交互 human - computer interaction⼈机交互 human-computer interaction虚拟⼈ visual human虚拟 virtual net虚拟virtual net虚拟现实virtual reality虚拟银⾏ virtual bank因特服务提供商ISP- internet service provider万维 World Wide Web(WWW)应⽤软件internet applications域名 domain在线on line掌上电脑palm computer政府上⼯程 Government Online Project只读存储器 read-only-memory (ROM)智能感知技术 perceptive technology智能终端 intelligent terminal中⽂信息处理系统 Chinese information processing system数码科技digital technology⾼保真 Hi-Fi ( High Fidelity)⾼清晰度电视 high definition TV (HDTV)光⾕ optical valley光通讯optical communication蓝光光盘 Blue -ray Disc数码港 cyber port数字地球 digital globe数字蜂窝移动通信 digital cellular mobile telecommunications三维电影 three-dimensional movie三维动画 three-dimensional animation[详析] “蓝光光盘” 利⽤蓝⾊的激光束来刻录数据。
2022-2023年自考专业(电子商务)《电子商务英语》证书考核易错、难点精编(带答案)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共45题)1.【单选题】()this pair of shoes?A.How many isB.How many areC.How much isD.How much does正确答案:C2.【问答题】Explain to the complainant why you make such a decision.正确答案:跟投诉者解释你为什么作出这样的决定。
3.【问答题】The internet providers consumers with a great number of choices.正确答案:互联网为消费者提供了大量的选择。
4.【问答题】翻译:create an account正确答案:建立账户5.【单选题】His wife, to whom he __________ for thirty years, was childless.A.has marriedB.has been marriedC.had marriedD.had been married正确答案:D6.【单选题】How much did you pay ()your new dress?A.withB.onC.inD.for正确答案:D7.【问答题】它很便宜,但在另一方面,质量很差。
(on the other hand )正确答案:It’s cheap,but On the other hand ,the quality is poor.8.【问答题】翻译:tangible benefit正确答案:有形利益9.【单选题】I made up my mind that under no circumstances__________ to such principle.A.couldn ’ t I agreeB.I couldn ’ t agreeC.I could agreeD.could I agree正确答案:D10.【问答题】翻译:credit card正确答案:信用卡11.【填空题】完型填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题 1 分,共10 分)从选项中选择一个最适合短文的选项,错选、多选或未选均无分。
Keyboard 键盘。 CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管,常指显示屏。 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏。 VGA Video Graphics Array视频图形阵列,一种显示卡。 Resolution 分辨率。 Printer 打印机。 Scanner 扫描仪。 Floppy Disk 软盘。 Fixed Disk, Hard Disk 硬盘。 CD Compact Disk 光盘。 Adapter 适配器(卡),俗称“卡”,如声卡、显示卡。 UPS Uninterruptible Power System不间断电源。
Image 图象。 Pixel 像素,图象的一个点。 WAV Wave 声波,一种声音格式 MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface 乐器数字接口,声卡上有 种接口,用于与乐器相连。 Modem 调制解调器,也称“猫”,用于把电话音频信号变成数字信 号。 Net, Network 网络。 WAN Wide area network 广域网,指地理上跨越较大范围的跨地区 网。 LAN Local area network 局域网,地理上局限在小范围,属于一个单 位组建的网。 Internet 互联网、因特网、网际网。 Server 服务器,网络的核心,信息的集中地。 Client 客户,指使用计算机的用户。
• 创建目录 MD(make directory) • 改变目录 CD(change directory) • 删除目录 RD(remove directory) • 列表目录 DIR(directory) DIR directory • 重命名 REN(rename) • 中断请求 INT(call to interrupt procedure) • 中断返回 IRET(interrupt return) • 取数据段地址指令 LDS(load doubleword pointer) • 取偏移地址指令 LEA(load effective address offset) • 串装入操作指令 LODS(load string operand) • 总线封锁命令 LOCK(assert bus lock signal)
Aambassador 大使available可利用的可得到的可供应的commodities available for export 供出口的商品not available 缺货acquaint 使认识,使了解as per按照依据as per list price 按照表上价格as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据attach 附加approach 与…接洽assume假设假定assume the direction of a business 负责主持一项业务assume the reins of government 开始执政assume no responsibility 不承担责任appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主a draft at sight= a sight draft 即期汇票assure 向…保证automobile 汽车attachment 附件accommodation 居住设施招待设备acknowledge 承认告知收到alteration 改变改动as a rule = usually 通常acknowledgement 认收apply for L/C 申请开立信用证A-I Grade 甲级appreciable 可估计的an appreciable increase in demand 需求的明显增加at economic prices 经济的价格较低的价格attest 证实证明aside from 除了…以外accountee (信用证)申请开证人authorize 授权aggregate 总计合计为amendment 修改,修正a special rate 特惠保率accordingly 照着,相应地arbitration 仲裁assume responsibility 承担责任All Ricks 一切险aid with no conditions attached 无附加条件的援助be amicably settled 友好的解决the amount due to sb 应付给(或欠)某人的款项Bbrochure 小册子bona fide holder 合法持有人bid 报价投标bid price 递价投标价格bank note checker 验钞机brand 牌子our bankers are 我方银行是beneficiary 受益人Ccommercial商业的,商务的commercial c ounselor’s office商务参赞处commercial attaché商务专员commercial articles 商品,(报上)商业新闻commerce 商业connected with…与…有联系competitive 有竞争力的~ price 竞争价格~ capacity 竞争能力~ power 竞争能力~ edge 竞争优势catalog 目录chemicals 化工产品化学制品contact 与…联系commission委任委托~ house 委托商行证券经纪公司~ sale 委托销售~ agent 佣金商代理商~ broker 掮客经纪人~ of authority 授权书~ for acceptance 承兑佣金~ ticket 佣金票证a commission of…% 百分之几佣金your commission of你方百分之几佣金two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金all commissions 一切佣金或各项佣金cotton fabrics 棉织品cosmetics 化妆品claim 索赔compensation trade 补偿贸易compel 强迫complaint 申诉commercial invoice 商业发票this being the case 事实既然如此consignment 发售寄售consignment merchandise 寄售品consignment shipment 寄售发货continuation sheet 续页consecutive 连续不断的for your consideration 供你方考虑Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书Certificate of Weight 重量证明书confirm 证实确定确认Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书Sales Confirmation 销售确认书confirmed credit保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行cash against documents on arrial of goods 货到后凭单付款(CAD)considerable quantity of…相当数量的…counter offer 还盘还价cargo 船上所载的货物coincide (意见等)一致(时间上)相同craftsmanship (工匠的)技术,技艺letter of Credit payable by sight draft 即期信用证letter of Credit 信用证CIF(cost insurance freight)到岸价comply with 依照符合in compliance with 依从…按照…confidence 信赖信任the chamber of commerce 商会inclusive of our 5% commission 包括我方5%佣金confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证countersign 副署,联署,会签consent 许可同意the captioned goods 标题项下的货物Ddealer 商人deal on credit 信用交易,赊账买卖retail dealer/retailer 零售商wholesale dealer/wholesaler 批发商deal with 经营,处理debit 借方discount 折扣be desirous of 渴望想要desire 期望渴望要求请求growing demand 增长的需求a large demand 大的需求a great demand 很大的需求latent demand 潜伏需求overfull demand 过多需求demand and supply 供与求供求delivery date 交货期be desirous of sth 想要某物drawer 出票人drawee 付款人drawing on us at 60 day’s sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款description 规格deliver 交货do. ditto的缩写,意思是:同上,同前distributor 经销商批发商disposal 处理处置drilling equipment 钻井设备denomination (钱币等的)单位,面额due 预期的deadline 最后期限disposal 处理处置Eembassy 大使馆enclose 封入enclosure 附件enjor great popularity 享有盛誉ex-work 在工厂交货ex stock = from stock 现货~ factory(mill)工厂交货~ godown 卖房仓库交货~ buyer’s godown 买方仓库交货~ store 仓库交货~ ship 船上交货~ pier 码头交货effect 完成实现~ shipment 装船装运~ payment 付款支付~ insurance 投保equity joint venture 合资经营合作经营企业endorser 背书人endorsement in blank 无记名式背书endorsement in full 记名式背书equally authentic 同等效力elapse (时间)过去,消逝to the extent of…最高金额expedite shipment 加速装运execute an order 执行订单the extension of a contract 合同有效期的延长 ~ loan 贷款偿还期的延长explicitly 清楚地endeavour 努力enquiry note no. 1345 1345号询价单to that extent 到那种程度Ffinancial standing 财金情况finances 财源,资金情况forward 转交传递favourable 有利的赞成的有帮助的favourable price优惠价格favourable reply 合意的回答for one’s file 以便某方存档force majeure 人力不可抗力furnish 提供final and binding决定性的并具有效力的freight prepaid 运费预付freight货物运费~ charges 运费~ agency 运货代理商~ forwarder 运输公司~ rate 运费率~ service 货运~ tariff 运费表franchise 免赔率forwarding agents 运输代理~ order 托运单forwarder 运输商in favour of 以…为抬头fall due 到期finalize an order with them 接受他们的订单further to 继…Hhonour 履行承兑照付honour a bill 承兑一张票据Ilight industrial product 轻工业产品inquiry 询价询盘illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录issue 开立签发issue an L/C 开立信用证I/E corp 进出口公司incumbent 负有义务an integral part 不可分割部分in question 该所涉及的imperative 绝对必要的Insurance 保险~ agents 保险代理人~ amount 保险额~ certificate 保险凭证~ coverage 保险范围in view of the above 鉴于上述情况inferior 劣等的installation guide manual安装手册Jjoint effect 共同努力joint venture company 合资企业合营企业公司joint venture corporation 合伙公司合营公司joint capital 合资joint stock 合资合股Kkeen competition 激烈的竞争keen interest 强烈的兴趣keen price 薄利的价格低价Lleading importer 主要进口商leading market 主要市场leading stock 主要股份loading 装货loading and unloading 装卸lot 一批货look into 调查观察Mmanufacturer 制造商厂商manufacture 制造(品)制造业manufactured article 人工制品goods 制成品products 工业制品of Chinese(home、 foreign)manufacture 中国(本国、外国)制造的Chinese manufactures = Chinese makes 中国制品silk manufactures 丝制品the textile manufacture 纺织业manufactory制造厂工厂a hardware manufactory 五金工厂be in the market for 想要购买make out 缮制填写more often than not 经常多半modify the terms of a contract 修改合同条款Manufacturer’s Certificate 生产厂家证明maintenance operation manual 维修手册Nnotify 通知namely 即也就是neutral packing 中性包装null 无约束力的无效的Non-negotiable Bill of Landing 不可转让提单Ooblige 要求(某人做某事)old-established 老字号overleaf 在(书等的某一张的)另一面oversight 疏忽出错order with conditions attached 带有附加条件的订单order 订单on the high side (指价格)偏高outset 开端occasion 诱因理由Ppharmaceutical 药品药剂profitable 有益的有利的可获利的profitable fields of investment 有利的投资场所profits利润net profits 净利润total profits 总利润profit ratio(rate)利润率gross profits 总利润毛利sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利purchase 购买place a large order with you 向你方大量订货parts and components 零部件pcs. pieces的复数a sharp rise in price 价格急剧上涨provided 假若倘使假如priority 优先top/first priority 最优先考虑的事give priority to 给…以优先权take (top or first)priority in 在…中占优先地位enjor priority in 在…方面享有优先权place with you an order 向你方订货pour in 涌进present 提交packing list 装箱单provisional rules 暂行条例暂行规则procedure 程序presentation 提交呈递punctual delivery 按时交货on perusal 在细阅之后partial shipment 分批装运pick up (车辆等)中途带(货)premium 保险费popularize 普及推广packing list 装箱单Qquotation 报价行情quotation table(list)价目表exchange rate quotation 外汇行情discount quotation 贴现行情market quotation 市场行情quote 开价quote a price 报价quote favourable terms 报优惠价query form 询价表Rregarding 关于a wide range of大范围的各类的refer to sb for sth 想某人打听(查询)某事refer to 提到谈判谈及涉及be represented by 由…代理representative 代理人a legal representative 法定代理人reasonable 合理的regular 定期的经常的固定的不变的a regular customer 老顾客(老客户)a regular meeting 例会registered 注册的登记的挂号的~ capital 注册资本~ trademark 注册商标~ certificate of stock = ~ stock 记名股票~ check 记名支票~ security 记名证券~ bonds 记名债券~ mail 挂号邮件~ post 挂号邮件挂号信registration 注册登记place (country, district)of registration 注册地点(国家,地区)registration fee 注册费registration procedures 注册(登记)手续register 注册remark 备注revert to the original state 回复原状recourse 追索权reimbursement 赔偿补偿reserve保留bank’s reserve 银行储备金foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备reserve fund 公积金reserve balance 储备余额reserve currency 储备货币reinforce 加固refund 归还偿还revolving letter of credit 循环信用证regular monthly shipments 按月付运Sstanding 资信情况信誉固定的永久的~ cost 长期成本,固定成本~ orders长期定单~ director 常务董事credit standing 信誉情况specialize in 专门(从事)专门(经营)scrupulous test 严格检验service after selling 售后服务strict confidence 严格保密from other sources从其他渠道(从其他供货商)synthetic fabrics 合成纤维织品shipping 装运船运运输~ documents装运单据One set of shipping documents 一套装运单据,(包括:Bill of Lading 提单,Commercial Invoice商业发票, Certificate of Quality 质量证明书, Certificate of Quantity 重量证明书,Insurance Policy 保险单, Weight Memo 重量单)~ advice 装船通知~ agents 装运代理人发货代理人~ company 船运公司~ container 船运集装箱~ order 装货单~ space 舱位,载位~ dock 装卸码头~ expense 装运费~ instruction 装运指示~ invoice 货物装运单~ notice 装船通知~ process 装运手续~ weight 启运重量submit 呈递呈交提交substitute 代替物sample cutting 剪样Supplementary Conditions 附加条款shipmailed along with the goods 与货物一起随船代交Standard export case 标准出口箱Shipping mark 装船标志a large stock of 大批存货have/keep in stock 有现货out of stock 脱销stipulate 订定规定sailing date 起航日期should be borne by sb 应由某人负担special instructions 特别条款subsequent 继…之后的sufficient 充足的stipulation 规定sell by lots 分批出售shortweight 短重short delivery 缺少短交short shipment 短装装载不足short-calculated 少算~ established 少开~ invoiced 发票少开~ landed 短卸~ shipped 短装~ paid 少付Survey Report 检验报告sustain 蒙受遭受standstill 停止中止susceptible 易受影响的standard export cardboard carton 标准出口纸箱spare part 备件subject to 以…为条件的to step up the trade 为促进贸易Tturnover 营业额terms of payment 支付条件taxing 难以负担的使人感到有压力的tie-up of funds 占用资金tight money 银根紧the General Terms And Conditions 一般条款transhipment 转运转船to order 空白抬头tariff 运费表关税~ compact 关税协定~ diminution 关税减让~ quota 关税限额~ rate 关税率take delivery 提货trial order 试订(货)take advantage of this opportunity 利用这一有利时机Uunprecedentedly 空前地unharsh terms 不苛刻的条件under advice to sb 并通知某人universally普遍地广泛地Va valid reason 正当的理由via 经由void 无用的,无效的validity 有效期Wwith reference to 兹谈及withstand 抵挡反抗warranty 保证(书)waive 放弃whole foreign venture 外国独资经营企业worn and torn 磨损畅销品ready sellor,quick sellor, quick-selling product in duplicate一式二份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份quintuplicate 一式五份的。
金融专业英语证书考试FECT模拟试题-7(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)SECTION ONE (Compulsory):Answer all ten questions in this section. Each question carries 1 mark.1. Multiple-choice questions: from the following four options, select a correct and fill in its labeling the brackets.1.Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. Which of the following is least likely to be classified as a financial statement element? ()A AssetB RevenueC LiabilityD Net income该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:D2.Amy, a CFA candidate, recently joined A&F Asset Management, and reports directly to Tammy. Shortly after joining the firm, Amy learned that A&F Asset Management does not have a copy of the Code and Standards. Which of the following statements best complies with AIMR Standards of Professional Conduct? ()A Amy must deliver a copy of the Code and Standards to Tammy.B Amy must notify Tammy, in writing, of her obligation to comply with the Code and Standards.C Statement A and B.D None of the above.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C3.Compared with an otherwise identical amortizing security, a zero-coupon bond will most likely have: ()A Less interest rate risk and more reinvestment risk.B Less reinvestment risk and more interest rate risk.C The same reinvestment risk and less interest rate risk.D The same interest rate risk and more reinvestment risk.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B4.A futures trader goes long one futures contract at $450. Thesettlement price 1 day before expiration is $500. On expiration day, the future is trading at $505. The least likely way the futurestrader will lock in her profits on expiration is: ()A Take delivery of the underlying asset and pay $500 to the short.B Close out the futures position by selling the futures contractat $505.C Take delivery of the underlying asset and pay the expiration settlement price to the short.D Cash settle the futures and receive the difference between $500and the expiration settlement price.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C5.Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. Bishop Ltd. received an advanced payment of $10,000 on December 1, for rent on a property for December and January. On receipt they correctly recorded it as cash and unearned revenue. If at December 31, their year-end, they failed to make an adjusting entry related to this payment, ignoring taxes, what would the effect on the financial statements for the year be? ()A Assets are overstated by $5,000 and Liabilities are overstated by $5,000.B Liabilities are overstated by $5,000 and Net income is overstated by $5,000.C Assets are overstated by $5,000 and Owner’s equity is overstated by $5,000.D L iabilities are overstated by $5,000 and Owners’ equity isunderstated by $5,000.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B6.A market participant has a view regarding the potential movement of a stock. He sells a customized over-the-counter put option on the stock when the stock is trading at $38. The put has an exercise price of $36 and the put seller receives $2.25 in premium. The price of the stock is $35 at expiration. The profit or loss for the put seller at expiration is: ()A $1.25.B $1.00.C $1.25D $2.25.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C7.As part of an AIMR investigation into the conduct of Helen, CFA, AIMR requests records from Helen about her investment accounts. Helen writes AIMR a letter stating that under Standard IV (B.5), Preservation of Confidentiality that she is unable to comply with their request. Which of the following statement is TRUE? ()A Is correct in her interpretation of Standard IV (B.5).B Should not turn over the information because it will violatefederal material nonpublic information statutes and AIMR’s Standard V (A) Prohibit against Use of Material Nonpublic information.C Will no be in violation of Standard IV (B.5) by turning overthe requested information because under the Professional Conduct Program, the Disciplinary Review Subcommittee is considered an extension of Helen.D All of the above.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C8.Which of the following is the least accurate statement about the short sale of stocks? ()A The short seller must pay any dividends due to the lender of shares.B A stop buy order would enable a short seller to minimize potential losses.C Short sales involve time limits for returning the sharesborrowed to the lender.D A short sale can be made only on an uptick or a zero upticktrade if the previous trade was an uptick trade.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C9.The appropriate measures of free cash flow and discount rate to use when estimating the total value of a firm, respectively, are: ()A Answer A.B Answer B.C Answer C.D Answer D.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:D10.Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. An analyst gathered the following information from a company’s accounting records:The analyst’s estimate of net income for 2007 would be closest to: ()A $650,000.B $850,000.C $1,050,000.D $1,850,000.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:CSECTION TWO(Compulsory):Answer the questions in this section.Reading ComprehensionKammel Capital Management is an institutional money manager that oversees over $12 billion in client assets. Most of its assets under management are invested in the Kammel Funds, a family of 12 mutual funds encompassing 9 growth and value equity funds, and 3 fixed income funds.Linda Karazim is an analyst for the Kammel Strategic Income Fund, a flexible fixed-income fund benchmarked to the Lehman BrothersAggregate Index. The fund owns a substantial portion of subordinated debentures that were issued by Gernot Incorporated to finance the acquisition of a major competitor in 2002. Karazim has been assigned by the Strategic Income Senior Portfolio Manager, Mark Davidson, to analyze the subordinated debt of Gernot, Inc.Karazim decides that the best way to assess the credit quality of the Gernot’s bonds is to analyze the firm’s financial statements and calculate ratios that will identify trends in the firm’s operations and financing decisions. Karazim searches online and pulls up Gernot’s financial statements for the last three years. The statements Karazim uses for her analysis are shown below:As Karazim is working on her project, Jacob Cannon, an analyst for Kammel’s Large Cap Growth Fund, stops by Karazim’s office to chat. When Karazim tells him that she is working on a ratio analysisproject to assess Gernot Inc.’s subordinated debt, Cannon tells her that Kammel’s growth equity team is potentially looking to purchase Gernot’s stock for their fund. Karazim tells Cannon that the return on assets ratio that she has calculated for evaluating Gernot’s debt rating would also be considered one of the most effective ratios for use in valuing Gernot’s stock. Cannon replies that he has been doing his ow n ratio analysis to assess Gernot’s systematic risk and one of the most useful ratios for identifying relationships between accounting variables and beta is the current ratio, which would also be useful in forecasting the possibility of Gernot, Inc. going bankrupt.After Karazim completes her analysis, she has a meeting with Davidson to discuss her findings. At the meeting, Karazim tells Davidson that Gernot’s Inc.’s sustainable growth rate based on 2004 data is 9 percent, and that a growing company has a much lower chance of defaulting on its debt. Davidson, always critical of the work of the analysts that work for him, concludes the meeting by telling Karazim that she did good work, but one of the major limitations of the cross-sectional analysis she has performed is that comparisons are made difficult due to different accounting treatments.11.What are Gernot’s total asset turnover for 2004 and the change in the ratio from 2002 to 2004? ()2004 Ratio Change in RatioA 2. 08 decline of 0.18B 1 .52 decline of 0.56C 2.08 increase of 0.18D 1.52 increase of 0.56该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:BThe total asset turnover ratio = sales/assets. In 2002, the ratio was (10,424/5,012) = 2.08. In 2004, the ratio was (11,606/7,636) = 1.52. From 2002 to 2004 the ratio declined by (2.08 – 1.52) = 0.56.12.What is the change in Gernot Inc.’s cash conversion cycle from 2003 to 2004? The cash conversion cycle has: ()A Increased by 17 days.B Increased by 33 days.C Increased by 25 days.D Decreased by 13 days.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:CThe cash conversion cycle = (average receivables collection period) + (average inventory processing period) – (payables payment period).For 2003: Receivables turnover = (sales/average receivables) = 11,718/((625+798)/2) = 11,718/712 = 16.46 Average receivables collection period = (365/receivables turnover) = 365/16.46 = 22.17days Inventory turnover = (COGS/average inventory) =7183/((1342+937)/2) = 7183/1140 = 6.3 Average inventory processing period = (365/inventory turnover) = 365/6.3 = 57.94 days. Payables turnover = (COGS/average payables) = 7183/((620 + 544)/2) = 7183/582 = 12.34 Payables payment period = (365/12.34) = 29.58 days 2003 cash conversion cycle = 22.17 + 57.94 – 29.58 = 50.53 days. For 2004: Receivables turnover = (sales/average receivables) =11,606/((1294+798)/2) = 11,606/1046 = 11.10 Average receivables collection period = (365/receivables turnover) = 365/11.10 = 32.88 days Inventory turnover = (COGS/average inventory) =7150/((1342+1552)/2) = 7150/1447 = 4.94 Average inventory processing period = (365/inventory turnover) = 365/4.94 = 73.89 days. Payables turnover = (COGS/average payables) = 7150/((620 + 597)/2) = 7150/609 = 11.74 Payables payment period = (365/11.74) = 31.09 days 2004 cash conversion cycle = 32.88 + 73.89 – 31.09 = 75.68 days. From 2003 to 2004, the cash conversion cycle increased by (75.68-50.53) = 25.15 days.13.Karazim has noted in her analysis that Gernot Inc.’s return on equity has fallen significantly from 2002 to 2004. Using the extended DuPont system, which of the following components had the most impact on Gernot’s ROE decline? ()A Financial leverage multiplier.B Operating profit margin.C Interest coverage ratio.D Tax retention rate.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:DFrom 2002 to 2004, ROE declined from (328/1575) = 20.8% to (304/2292) = 13.3%.The extended DuPont formula states that ROE = [(operating profit margin)(total asset turnover) – (interest expense rate)](financial leverage multiplier)(tax retention rate)For 2002:Operating profit margin = (EBIT/sales) = (513 + 147)/10,424 = 0.0633 = 6.33%.Total Asset Turnover = (sales/assets) = 10424/5012 = 2.08xInterest Expense rate = (interest expense/assets) = 147/5012 = 2.93%Financial leverage multiplier = (assets/equity) = 5012/1575 = 3.18Tax retention rate = (1-tax rate) = 1 – (185/513) = 1 – 0.36 = 64%.For 2004:Operating profit margin = (EBIT/sales) = (516 + 340)/11,606 = 0.0738 = 7.38%.Total Asset Turnover = (sales/assets) = 11,606/7,636 = 1.52xInterest Expense rate = (interest expense/assets) = 340/7,636 = 4.45%Financial leverage multiplier = (assets/equity) = 7,636/2,292 = 3.33Tax retention rate = (1-tax rate) = 1 – (212/516) = 1 – 0.41 = 59%.Since the operating profit margin and the financial leverage multiplier both increased, these did not have an adverse impact on the ROE. The interest coverage ratio is not part of the DuPont formula. The only viable answer is the tax retention rate, which, in fact did decline significantly.14.Regarding Karazim’s conversation with Cannon regarding the most useful ratios for various tasks: ()A Karazim’s statement is incorrect; Cannon’s statement is incorrect.B Karazim’s statement is incorrect; Cannon’s statement iscorrect.C Karazim’s statement is correct; Cannon’s statement is correct.D Karazim’s statement is correct; Cannon’s statement isincorrect.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:BAlthough return on assets is one of the ratios that bond agenciesrely on heavily for deriving their debt ratings, it is not one of the ratios that is deemed most useful for stock valuation, therefore Karazim’s statement is incor rect. Return on equity, (not ROA), is a ratio that is deemed to be very effective for both stock valuation and determining credit ratings.Cannon’s statement is correct – the current ratio is considered to be one of the most effective ratios for both determining systematic risk (beta) based on accounting variables and for forecasting bankruptcy.15.Karazim decides to enhance her analysis by creating common size statements for Gernot, Inc. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A common size balance sheet expresses all balance sheet accounts as a percent of: ()A Total assets and a common size income statement expressallitems as a percentage of net income.B Sales and a common size income statement expressall items as a percentage of net income.C Sales and a common size income statement expressall items as a percentage of total assets.D Total assets and a common size income statement expressallitems as a percentage of sales.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:DCommon size statements normalize balance sheet items by expressing each item as a percentage of total assets, and normalize income statements by expressing each item as a percentage of sales. Using common size statements allows the analyst to make easier comparisons of different sized firms.Explanations of terms:(10 points)1. Legal tender:The status of legal tender simply means that coins and paper currency cannot lawfully be refused in payment for goods and services and in discharge of debts.2. Double-entry bookkeeping:Bookkeeper debits the transaction to one account and credits it to another bill of exchange: A non-interest-bearing written order used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party ata predetermined future date.3. Arbitrage pricing theory:An equilibrium model of assetpricing that states that the expected return on a security is alinear function of the security’s sensitivity to various common factors.4. Soft law:Quasi-legal instruments which do not have anylegally binding force, or whose binding force is somewhat "weaker" than the binding force of traditional law, often contrasted to soft law by being referred to as "hard law".5. Gold markets:According to its nature and the influence on the entire world gold transaction, gold market may be divided into leading market and regional market. According to the difference of transaction type and the transaction way, gold market may be divided into spot transaction and future transaction.Following international experiences, gold market participants include; gold enterprises, banks, hedge funds, organizations and personal investors, broker companies and the exchanges.Factors that Affect Gold Market are the quantity change of structure of supply and demand, economic factors and political situation and unexpected significant events.There are many different ways to invest in gold, such as gold futures, gold exploration companies, blue-chip gold mining stocks, gold mutual funds, gold bars, gold bullion and gold coins. Explanations of terms:16.Legal tender该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 617.Double-entry bookkeeping该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 618.Arbitrage pricing theory该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 619.Soft law该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 620.Gold markets该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 6Question and Answer21.What is the Theory of Money Supply by the Monetarist School?该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 10答案:Friedman held that money demand is relatively stable and money supply must be guaranteed stable, too, if there should be equilibrium between money demand and money supply. So Friedman opposed the management of the aggregate demand raised by Keynes and focused on the importance of money supply.According to the Monetarist School, the core of economic policies is placed on monetary policy, which should be the only important wander-working among all economic policies. Without monetary policy, other economic policies can’t achieve their anticipated effect.Friedman assumed that the best choice in controlling money supply was the "single rule" of monetary policy, i. e. , making it known to the public to adapt a fixed increasing rate of money supply, excluded other factors, such as interest rates, credit flow, excess reserves on a voluntary basis, and so on. So monetary policy should just take a certain money stock as the only decisive factor. In order to carry out the "single rule”, three problems should be solved; the first is how to define the scope of the aggregate money supply; the second is how to decide the increasing rate of money supply and the third is whether or not fluctuation of the increasing rate of money supply is allowed during a certain period, a year or a season. The solution to the above problems is as follows; firstly, M2 should be the scope of the aggregate money supply; secondly, the increasing rate of money supply should be suited to economic growth rate and thirdly, it couldn’t be changed at will when the increasing rate of money supply had been decided. If there is need for change of the increasing rate of money supply, it should be announced and the band of fluctuation should be as small as possible.22.Explain the Open Market Operations.该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 10答案:The most widely used instrument of monetary policy is open market operations. Open market operations involve the purchase of securities by a central bank to put additional reserves at the disposal of the banking system or the sale of securities to reduce reserves so that money supply can be altered. Open market operations are the bread-and-butter instrument of Federal Reserve policy in U. S.Because the central bank earns interest income from itssecurities portfolio, the total revenues earned by the central bank vary in direct proportion to the magnitude of its portfolio. However, this consideration plays no role in the central bank’s decision to acquire or sell securities. Indeed, if it did, the central bank could not perform the chief function of a central bank—conducting monetary policy in a way that contributes to the stability of aggregate expenditures and economic activity.Suppose the U. S. economy is encountering excessive aggregate demand and escalating inflation. The central bank is therefore intent on implementing a policy of monetary restraint. In that event, the central bank would sell securities on the open market. Assume that the central bank sells $225 million in U. S. Treasury bills to a government securities dealer, receiving payment via a check written against the dealer’s bank checking account. When the central bank receives the check, it "collects" by debiting the reserve account of (making a bookkeeping entry against) the dealer’s commercial bank and returns the check to that bank. Upon receipt of the check, the commercial bank debits the dealer’s demand deposit account. The relevant balance sheets exhibit the following changes.23.(1) State the difference between a documentary credit and a documentary collection.(2) Why is a documentary credit arrangement important to an exporter?(3) What is the difference between a revocable credit and an irrevocable credit?该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 10答案:(1) A documentary credit is a written undertaking by a banker who is the agent fro the importer or the buyer. The function of a documentary collection is to provide both importer (buyer) and exporter (seller) with a compromise to settle their tradetransactions between payment in advance and on open account terms.The parties involved in a documentary credit arrangement include issuing banker, advising banker, the applicant and the beneficiary. Parties involved in a documentary collection include the drawer (exporter or seller), the remitting bank, the collecting bank and the drawee (importer or buyer). .Their processes are different.(2) In accordance with the instructions of the importer, the bank undertakes to pay the exporter, up to a limit, within a designated time period and against any stipulated terms and documents.The credit created for international settlement among banks not only provides a sense of security for the traders involved , but alsoa reliable source of finance for foreign trade where required .(3) A "revocable credit" may be cancelled at any time up to the moment the advising bank pays. This type of credit is the least favorable to the exporter.An irrevocable credit may not be amended or even cancelledwithout the consent of all the parties involved. This type of credit guarantees payment to the beneficiary, provided that the credit terms and conditions are met.24.What are the Countering Financial Abuse and Crime? What Others Are Doing?该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 10答案:(1) Since the late 1980s, the growing concerns about drug trafficking and the uses made of globalization facilitated by the advancements in communication technology have led to direct and indirect approachesby different international institutions and the international community to combat financial crime and money laundering.(2) The FATF and affiliated regional organizations lead the international efforts in directly combating money laundering. Members of the FATF engage in annual self-assessments and in periodic mutual evaluations of members’ anti-money laundering efforts. In June 2000, the FATF identified 15 non-member jurisdictions that it considers as "non-cooperative with international efforts against money laundering". Since the FATF is a voluntary task force and not a treaty organization, its recommendations do not constitute a binding international convention.Fund staff has participated, as observers, in most FATF plenaries since 1980. At the request of the FATF, Fund staff made a statementat the Junel996 FATF Plenary on the macroeconomic impact of money laundering, and the Managing Director made a statement at theFebruary 1998 FATF plenary. The FATF has recently agreed to share results from their exercises with Fund staff conducting financial assessments, in the context of FSAP and OFC assessments. At a recent IMF Executive Board meeting, the possibility was raised that the FATF could be invited to prepare ROSC modu les on Fund members’ observance of the FATFs Forty Recommendations. Some members of the FATF have asked that the Fund’s Article IV"? Surveillance and program conditionally include anti-money laundering considerations. The FATF President, in a letter to Fund management, suggested that the FATF Forty Recommendations be adopted as the anti-money laundering standard.(3) Other direct efforts to counter financial crime are undertaken mainly by the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) and national financial intelligence units (FIUs). The United Nations takes part in the direct efforts through the United Nation’s Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Global Program against Money Laundering (UNDCCP), which monitors weaknesses in global financial systems and assists countries in criminal investigations.Recently, the international community’s awareness of financial system abuse has been heightened by the work of the FSF. In May 2000, the FSF classified 42 OFCs into three groupings, and called on the Fund to take the lead in assessing OFCs adherence to internationally accepted standards and codes.(4) Indirect efforts to counter financial system abuse focus on the preconditions for the proper functioning of financial systems and the formulation and enforcement of relevant laws. These efforts encompass general standards for the supervision and regulation of banks, securities markets, and insurance, as incorporated in the standards developed by the Basel Committee, the IOSCO, and the IAIS. The substance of relevant FATF recommendations is incorporated in the principles of supervision of the Basel Committee and other international supervisory standard-setters.(5) Banking, insurance, and securities markets supervisors are involved in both indirect and direct efforts to combat financial system abuse. Supervisors in different countries exchange information (often based on a network of memoranda of understandings) about individual banks, insurance companies, or agents in the securities markets, with a view to uncover unsound and illegal activities such as securities fraud, insider trading, or misreporting. Supervision is also exercised over the internal mechanisms to control risks, particularly operational risks, which also contributes to countering fraud and other forms of financial crime.(6) Out of concern over the potential impact of tax-induced distortions in capital and financial flows on welfare and on individual countries tax bases, the OECD initiated coordinated action for the elimination of harmful tax practices. In May 1998, the OECD issued a report on Harmful Tax Competition including a series of 19 recommendations for combating harmful tax practices, established aForum on Harmful Tax Practices, and proposed Guidelines for Dealing with Harmful Preferential Regimes in Member Countries (Annex II). In June 2000, OECD issued a list of countries it considers as engaged in harmful tax practices.。
商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。
考试等级BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为 BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为 BEC Van.),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为 BEC Hi.)。
Unit 4 The Virtual WorldI. Teaching ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. understand the main idea(despite the many negative effects of virtual life, the author prefers it to real life) and structure of the text (contrast between virtual life and real life);2. learn some rules of interpreting new vocabulary and usage related to computers and the Internet in English;3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Key Points:The structure, the writing skill, and the main idea of the text will be the focus. Only a few words and sentences, which will be the obstacles for students ’ understanding of the text, will be explained in class.III. Difficult Points:Some sentences whose meanings are difficult to understand and whose structures arehard to analyze:1. Line 26-28 ( Para. 6 ) : I find myself shyer, more cautious. Or, conversely, whensuddenly confronted with real life humans, I get overexcited, speak too much,interrupt.2. Line 45-47: WhenI amin this state, I fight my boyfriend as well, misinterpretinghis intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by our typed dialogue.IV. Teaching Materials: Power point and materialsV. Teaching Methods: Lecturing, practicing and discussing.VI. Teaching Timing: 8 sessions of classVII. Teaching Process:1st -2 nd periods: Pre- reading; Teacher’ s Introductory Remarks and Students ’ Discussionrelated to the topic.3rd -4th periods: While-Reading (Understanding the title of text A; Analyzing theorganization of the text; Explaining Difficult sentences and language points in the text; Summing up the main idea of the text)5th -6th periods: Dealing with the exercises after Text A. Check on Ss’home reading (Text B); Post-Reading Task: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks7th -8 th periods : Listening and speaking tasks.A. Pre-reading tasks1. Tasks Ss the following questions on the poem Surfing the Internet : (5 minutes) —What wasthe hero doing when his boss came in (surfing the Internet)—How did he act in front of his boss (He pretended to be surprised at the computer which had crashed “ unexpectedly ” .)2. Ss look at the theme of this unit (the Virtual World) and the title of Text A(A Virtual Life), then try to:—f ind antonyms of “ virtual world ” and “ virtual life ” ;(real world, real life)—suggest synonyms for “ virtual world ” ;(cyberspace, cyberia, etherworld, virtual reality, Internet world, net world, etc.)—say what people can do on the Internet.(communicating with people, shopping, reading, entertainment, education, working, hacking, publishing, etc.)3. Imaginative writing (28 minutes)1) T dictates to Ss the following paragraph:For the past two weeks, other participants of the Net Survival Contest( 网络生存竞赛) and I have been shut up in bare hotel rooms. Our only link to thereal world has been a computer that is hooked up to the Internet ( 联网电脑).Wehave relied on it, not only for food, bed sheets and other daily necessities, but also to set up an e-business ( 电子商务) of our own.2) Now Ss will complete the paragraph beginning with: “ Now it is time for meto walk out into the light of day again …" They will give their imagination full play. They willwrite no more than 100 words.3) Ss form groups of four to five, and read aloud to each other their own writings.4) T asks some groups to recommend the best piece in their group to the class.4. T may lead in to Text A by saying: Some of us like to live a life in contact with real things andreal people, but others favor a virtual existence. Which life is better I ’ m sure you havedifferent opinions. Now let ’ s read Text A to find out what Maia Szalavitz has to say about these two life styles. (2 minutes)B. While-reading tasks1. Text organization (15 minutes)1) T draws Ss ' attention to Text Organization Exercise 1, and lets them read its instruction aswell as what has already been done for them in this exercise.2) Ss try to complete the exercise by simply reading the sentence of each paragraph in Text A.3) Ss compare answers with each other; if necessary, T may help.2. T explains the key language points and gives Ss practice (Language study). (45minutes)3. T guides Ss through Structure Exercise 2. (10 minutes)4. Ss re-read Paras 4-10, work in pairs to find out consequences of a my virtuallife. Can they use the “find oneself + adj./past participle/present participle “ structure whensumming up the consequences (10 minutes)5. Some pairs report to the class their findings, using the "find " structure.(5 minutes)C. Post-reading tasks1. Computer-related vocabulary items (20 minutes)1) Ss scan Text A to find out vocabulary items to computer and the Internet.(They are: virtual life, the net, telecommuter, email, Internet mailing lists, computer-assisted, data, link, cyber-interaction, on line, system cash, click on the modem,connection, password)2) T tells Ss that new terms related to computer and the Internet are constantly added to theEnglish vocabulary, so muchso that many of them are not included in any Englishdictionary. However, if we apply certain rules, their meanings are easy to deduce.3) T gives Ss more examples of computer-related vocabulary items (see TextAnalysis )2. T guides Ss through some after-text exercises. (25 minutes)3. T checks on Ss ' home reading (Text B). (3 minutes)4. Ss do Part IV: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks. (1 period)5. T asks Ss to prepare the next unit: (2 minutes)1) do the pre-reading task2) preview Text A.VIII. Assignments:Assignments for 1 st and 2 nd periods:Vocabulary Exercises I, II, III in Text AListen to the recording of the textAssignments for 3 rd and 4 th periods:Review what have been learned in classComprehensive Exercises, I, II in Text ARead the text fluently and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the recording Assignments for 5 th and 6 th periods:Review what have been learned in classLanguage Practice in Text BPreparations for paragraph recitation and dictation of new words and expressions in Unit 4 Assignments for 7 th and 8 th periods:Review what have been learned in classHome listening: Task 1,2 and 3 Previewing text A in Unit 5 Finishing Test Yourself (Unit 1-4)IX. Teaching Reflection:Try to listen to the feedback of the students during and after the course, analyze the weaknesses in teaching and improve the methods as much as possible. The feedback from the students:The methods taken to improve the teaching and learning:X. Appendix: Teaching Contents:A. Text AnalysisThe most dynamic combining forms/prefixes for new computer-and-Internet-related vocabulary in /English are cyber-, virtual, net-(net-), Web- (web-), and E- (e-).New English vocabulary items derived from them usually appear in the following forms:1. combining forms/prefixes+ noun: this is the most common type, . virtual life(虚拟生活), virtual world (虚拟世界)virtual reality (虚拟现实),cyber-interaction (网络互动),cyberculture (网络文化), cybernut (网虫),cyberpet (电子宠物),cyberspace (网络空间), netwriter (放送电子邮件的人),nethead (网虫),Webmaster (网站维护者),Webpage (网页),Website (网站),WebTV (网络电视机),E-book (电子书籍),E-shopper (网上购物者),e-card(电子贺卡),e-journal (电子杂志),e-business (电子商务),e-cash (电子货币),e-commerce (电子商务).2. combining forms/prefixes + verb: . cybersurf (网络漫游), netsurf (网络漫游),websurf, (网络漫游),email (发送电子邮件)3. words like cyber, net, etc. + suffix: . cyberian(网络用户),cyberphobia (电脑恐惧症)cybernaut (网络用户),netter (网民)Webify (使万维网化)cyberize (使联网)4. clipped word: cyberdoc (网络医生),Netcast (网络播放), Netiquette (网规),Netizen (网民),Netpreneur (网络企业家)Webcam(网络摄象机),Webcasting (网络播放)Webliography (网络书目), Webnomics (网络经济),Webzine 网络杂志),e- tailing (电子零售), e-zine (电子杂志).B. Cultural NotesInternet: an international computer network for the exchange of information. Itwas originally used mainly in the academic and military worlds but has since become available to the large and increasing number of people with personal computers. Other services, . the World Wide Web, are available through it.The Internet is changing our lives and a parallel universe is rapidly emerging online. Today there is scarcely an aspect of our life th at isn ’ t being upended by the torrent of information available on the hundreds of millions of sites crowding the Internet, not to mention its saving companies billions of dollars in producing goods and serving the needs of their customers.Nothing like it has been seen since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, whenpower-driven machines began producing more in a day than men could turn out innearly a year. The Internet and e-commerce are viewed as a global megatrend along the lines of the printing press, the telephone, the computer and the electricity.You would be hard pressed to name something that isnt available on the Internet. Consider: books, health care, movie tickets, baby clothes,stocks, real estate, toys and airline tickets. American kids today are so computer savvy that it virtually ensures the United States will remain the unchallenged leader in cyberspace for the foreseeable future. Most kids use computers to play games and have email chats with friends. What’ s clear is that, whatever we like it or not, the Internet is an ever-growing part of our lives and there is no turning back.2. NBC (the National Broadcasting Company): the first of the original three USnational broadcasting companies. It was established in 1926 by Radio Corporation of America as two groups of radio stations. The first NBC television channel opened in 1940. The company is now owned by General Electric. Its main offices are at Rockefeller Center in New York.3. PBS ( the Public Broadcasting Services): (in the US) a television system thatbroadcasts programs to an association of local stations which use no television advertisements and do not make a profit. It was established by the Public Broadcasting Act and is supported by money from the US Government, large companies and the public. PBS is known for the high quality of its programs.4. ABC ( the American Broadcasting Company): one of the original three majortelevision networks in American. It began in 1943 as the Blue Networks of six radio stations. ABC is now owned by the Walt Disney Company.C. Language Study: 1) created and existing only in a computer 虚拟的can visit a virtual store and put what I want in my basket at the click of a mouse button.Some people spend too much time escaping from reality into the virtual world conjuring up on their computer screens.2) being or acting as what is described, but not accepted as such in name or officially 差不多的,实质上的He claimed to be a virtual prisoner in his own home.The world ’ s governments have done virtually nothing t o combat the threat of nuclear accidents.virtual world 虚拟世界virtual community 虚拟社区virtual pet 虚拟宠物virtual reality 虚拟现实: 1) make clear the meaning of (either in words or by artistic performance) 解释,说明Poetry helps to interpret life.The professor tried to interpret the difficult passage in the book.3) consider to be the meaning of 认为是... 的意思She interprets the dream as an unconscious desire to be young again.We interpreted his silence as a refusal.They are worried that the students might interpret the new regulation as arestriction of their rights.4) translate what is said in one language into another 作口译No one in the tour group spoke Spanish so we had to ask the guide to interpret.He worked as a interpreter at the UN ’ s World Summit o n Sustainable Development. 他在联合国可持续发展大会上担任口译。
外贸英语函电范本投诉与处理ComplaintsandAdjustmentDear Ms. LeungOrder NT-20717Thank you for your fax of 17 January. We are extremely sorry to learn that an error was made in carton 13 of the above order.The missing 9,000 ball pens were sent this morning by Cathay Airways and the documents have alreadly been forwarded you.We greatly regret the inconvenience caused by this and the previous two errors and offer ore sincere apologies. We can assure you that every effect will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again.Yours sincerelyRob SubbaramanExport Mangager外贸英语函电词汇汇总enquiry n. 询盘,询购offer n.v. 报价,报盘order n.v. 订购,订单complicate v. 使复杂化to ask for 请求;要价to be liable to 易于---的to put aside 放在一边facsimile (fax) n.v. 传真,发传真on the web 在互连网上E-commerce 电子商务pompous a. 浮夸的beg to acknowledge receipt of 承认受到inst. (=this month)本月clear one's account 结帐as a result 所以trace v. 跟踪,查询in connection with 与————有关indebtedness n.负债balance n. 收付差额,余额illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录if possible 如有可能time of delivery 交货期delivery n.交货firm n.公司,商号standing n. 信誉reliability n.可靠approach vt.与----联系enter into business relations with 与----建立业务关系catalog n.(商品目录)pamphlet n.小册子for your reference 供你参考in the meantime 与此同时transaction n.交易embassy n.大使馆hand-made a.手工制作hide n.皮革steady a.稳定的fashionable a.流行的,时髦的detail(s) n.详情terms of payment支付条款a range of --- 一系列elegance n.优美,雅致couple together使联结,使成对superb a.极好的,一流的workmanship n.工艺appeal(to) v.吸引discriminating a.有识别力的,敏锐的representative n.代表,代理authorize v.授权negotiate v.洽谈in reply 兹答复inform v.通知,告知be connected with 与--有联系appreciate v.感激,感谢rush v.赶紧(做),抓紧(做)place an order with --- 向--订购C&F( cost & freight)成本加运费价T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇D/P(document.nbspagainst payment)付款交单D/A (document.nbspagainst acceptance)承兑交单C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等WT(weight)重量G.W.(gross weight)毛重N.W.(net weight)净重C/D (customs declaration) 报关单EA(each)每个,各W (with)具有w/o(without)没有FAC(facsimile)传真IMP(import)进口EXP(export)出口MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的M/V(merchant vessel)商船S.S(steamship)船运MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨DOC (document.文件、单据INT(international)国际的P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表INV (invoice)发票PCT (percent)百分比REF (reference)参考、查价EMS (express mail special)特快传递STL.(style)式样、款式、类型T或LTX或TX(telex)电传RMB(renminbi)人民币S/M (shipping marks)装船标记PR或PRC(price) 价格PUR (purchase)购买、购货S/C(sales contract)销售确认书L/C (letter of credit)信用证B/L (bill of lading)提单FOB(free on board)离岸价CIF(cost, insurance &freight)成本、保险加运费价分析证书certificate of analysis一致性证书cettificate of conformity质量证书certificate of quality测试报告test report产品性能报告product performance report产品规格型号报告product specification report工艺数据报告process data report首样测试报告first sample test report价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue参与方信息party information农产品加工厂证书mill certificate家产品加工厂证书post receipt邮政收据post receipt重量证书weight certificate重量单weight list证书cerificate价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin 移动声明A.TR.1movement certificate A.TR.1数量证书certificate of quantity质量数据报文quality data message查询query查询回复response to query订购单purchase order制造说明manufacturing instructions领料单stores requisition产品售价单invoicing data sheet包装说明packing instruction内部运输单internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request直接支付估价单direct payment valuation临时支付估价单rpovisional payment valuation支付估价单payment valuation数量估价单quantity valuation request数量估价申请quantity valuation request合同数量单contract bill of quantities-BOQ不祭价投标数量单unpriced tender BOQ标价投标数量单priced tender BOQ询价单enquiry临时支付申请interim application for payment 支付协议agreement to pay意向书letter of intent订单order总订单blanket order现货订单sport order租赁单lease order紧急订单rush order修理单repair order分订单call off order寄售单consignment order样品订单sample order换货单swap order订购单变更请求purchase order change request订购单回复purchase order response 租用单hire order备件订单spare parts order交货说明delivery instructions交货计划表delivery schedule按时交货delivery just-in-time发货通知delivery release交货通知delivery note装箱单packing list发盘/报价offer/quotation报价申请request for quote合同contract订单确认acknowledgement of order 形式发票proforma invoice部分发票partial invoice操作说明operating instructions铭牌name/product plate交货说明请求request for delivery instructions订舱申请booking request装运说明shipping instructions托运人说明书( 空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air) 短途货运单cartage order(local transport)待运通知ready for despatch advice发运单despatch order发运通知despatch advice单证分发通知advice of distrbution of document.商业发票commercial invoice贷记单credit note佣金单commission note借记单debit note更正发票corrected invoice合并发票consolidated invoice预付发票prepayment invoice租用发票hire invoice税务发票tax invoice自用发票self-billed invoice保兑发票delcredere invoice代理发票factored invoice租赁发票lease invoice寄售发票consignment invoice代理贷记单factored credit note银行转帐指示instructions for bank transfer银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft托收支付通知书collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书document.ry credit payment advice跟单信用证承兑通知书document.ry credit acceptance advice 跟单信用证议付通知书document.ry credit negotiation advice 银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee银行担保banker's guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单document.ry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit托收单collection order单证提交单document.presentation form付款单payment order扩展付款单extended payment order多重付款单multiple payment order贷记通知书credit advice扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice借记通知书debit advice借记撤消reversal of debit贷记撤消reversal of credit跟单信用证申请书document.ry credit application跟单信用证document.ry credit跟单信用证通知书document.ry credit notification跟单信用证转让通知document.ry credit transfer advice跟单信用证更改通知书document.ry credit amendment notification 跟单信用证更改单document.ry credit amendment汇款通知remittance advice银行汇票banker's draft汇票bill of exchange本票promissory note帐户财务报表financial statement of account帐户报表报文statement of account message保险赁证insurance certificate保险单insurance policy保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保险人发票insurer's invoice承保单cover note货运说明forwarding instructions货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent 货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter货运代理发票forwarder's invoice货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt托运单shipping note货运代理人仓库收据forwarder's warehouse receipt货物收据goods receipt港口费用单port charges document.入库单warehouse warrant提货单delivery order装卸单handling order通行证gate pass运单waybill通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document.承运人货物收据goods receipt, carriage全程运单house waybill主提单master bill of lading提单bill of lading正本提单bill of lading original副本提单bill of lading copy空集装箱提单empty container bill油轮提单tanker bill of lading海运单sea waybill内河提单inland waterway bill of lading不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic)大副据mate's receipt全程提单house bill of lading无提单提货保函letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading 货运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term)陆运单road list-SMGS押运正式确认escort official recognition分段计费单证recharging document.公路托运单road cosignment note空运单air waybill主空运单master air waybill分空运单substitute air waybill国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration乘客名单passenger list铁路运输交货通知delivery notice(rail transport)邮递包裹投递单despatch note (post parcels)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic)直达提单through bill of lading货运代理人运输证书forwarder's certificate of transport联运单证(通用) combined transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运提单combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading订舱确认booking confirmation要求交货通知calling foward notice运费发票freight invoice货物到达通知arrival notice(goods)无法交货的通知notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)无法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)交货通知delivery notice (goods)载货清单cargo manifest载货运费清单freight manifest公路运输货物清单bordereau集装箱载货清单container manifes (unit packing list) 铁路费用单charges note托收通知advice of collection船舶安全证书safety of ship certificate无线电台安全证书safety of radio certificate设备安全证书safety of equipment certificate油污民事责任书civil liability for oil certificate载重线证书loadline document.免于除鼠证书derat document.航海健康证书maritime declaration of health船舶登记证书certificate of registry船用物品申报单ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表export licence, application出口许可证export licence出口结汇核销单exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证( 海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder T T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1 T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5铁路运输退运单re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L 出口货物报关单goods declaration for exportation离港货物报关单cargo declaration(departure)货物监管证书申请表application for goods control certificate货物监管证书申请表goods control certificate植物检疫申请表application for phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书phytosanilary certificate卫生检疫证书sanitary certificate动物检疫证书veterinary certifieate商品检验申请表application for inspection certificate 商品检验证书inspection certificate原产地证书申请表certificate of origin, application for 原产地证书certificate of origin原产地申明declaration of origin地区名称证书regional appellation certificate优惠原产地证书preference certificate of origin普惠制原产地证书certificate of origin form GSP领事发票cosular invoice危险货物申报单dangerous goods declaration出口统计报表statistical doucument, export国际贸易统计申报单intrastat declaration交货核对证明delivery verification certificate进口许可证申请表import licence, application for进口许可证import licence无商业细节的报关单customs declaration without commercial detail有商业和项目细节的报关单customs declaration with commercial and item detail无项目细节的报关单customs declaration without item detail有关单证related document.海关收据receipt (Customs)调汇申请application for exchange allocation调汇许可foreign exchange permit进口外汇管理申报exchange control declaration (import)进口货物报关单goods declaration for implortation内销货物报关单goods declaration for home use海关即刻放行报关单customs immediate release declaration海关放行通知customs delivery note到港货物报关单cargo declaration (arrival)货物价值申报清单value declaration海关发票customs invoice邮包报关单customs deciaration (post parcels)增值税申报单tax declaration (value added tax)普通税申报单tax declaration (general)催税单tax demand禁运货物许可证embargo permit海关转运货物报关单goods declaration for customs transit TIF国际铁路运输报关单TIF formTIR国际公路运输报关单TIR carnet欧共体海关转运报关单EC carnetEUR1欧共体原产地证书EUR 1 certificate of origin暂准进口海关文件ATA carnt欧共体统一单证single administrative document.海关一般回复general response (Customs)海关公文回复document.nbspresponse (Customs)海关误差回复error response (Customs)海关一揽子回复packae response (Customs)海关计税/确认回复tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs)配额预分配证书quota prior allocation certificate最终使用授权书end use authorization政府合同government contract进口统计报表statistical document.import跟单信用证开证申请书application for document.ry credit先前海关文件/报文previous Customs document.message MC SM一般贸易ordinary trade易货贸易barter trade 国家之间不通过货币媒介直接交换货物补偿贸易compensation trade 利用外资进口国外技术或设备,用产品偿还协定贸易agreement trade 根据各国政府间签订的贸易协定和清算协定进行的贸易进料加工processing with imported materials 进口原材料、零部件,加工成品后再出口来料加工processing with customer's materials 由国外厂商提供原材料、零部件,由国内厂商按外商要求加工装配,成品交外商销售,加工方收工缴费出料加工outward processing 由国内厂商提供原材料、零部件,国外厂商按要求加工装配,成品返销,加工方收取工缴费寄售贸易consignment trade 寄售人氢货物运到国外,委托代销人销售国际租赁international lease 根据国际租赁契约,出租人将设备租凭给他国承租人使用边境贸易frontier trade 边境城镇与接壤国家边境城镇之间及边民互市贸易转口贸易entrepot trade 经过转口国进行的进出口贸易许可贸易license trade 商标、专利技术、专有技术以许可协议形式进行的贸易期货贸易forward trade 通过国际期货市场进行远期商品买卖承包工程contract project 承包国外工程技术项目或劳务项目的进出口设备和货物国际招标international bid 通过国际招标形式进行的一种进出口贸易国际展览international exhibition 通过国际展览会和国际博览会等形式进出口货物国际拍卖international exhibition 通过国际拍卖进行的一种贸易国际货款进口international loan 国际金融机构或外国政府提供贷款项目的进口归还贷款出口reimburse loan 国家批准的国际贷款项目通过出口产品来归还贷款外商投资企业进口imports by foreign-invested enter-prises 根据国家有关规定,外商投资企业进口货物外商投资企业出口exports by foreign-invested enter-prises 根据国家有关规定,外商投资企业出口货物国际援助international aid 国际组织或外国政府提供无偿援助的进出口货物捐赠donation 台港澳同胞、华侨、民间团体和个人捐赠给我国的物资赠送present 外国组织或个人赠送给我国组织或个人的物资。
《跨境电商实用英语》第2版 人大版习题答案Unit 2-Chapter 1(修改版)
Part Two:Passage ReadingTask 11.It is designed to make it easy to do business anywhere.2. 33.Yes.In case of shipping delay, the buyers will be eligible for a refund.Task 21.infrastructure2. merchant3. comprise4. apparel5. cargo6. guarantee7. makes it easy8. eligibleTask 31.These employees are using Twitter to engage with clients on behalf of thecompanyWomen comprise 44% of hospital medical staff.3.W e give the affiliate 30 % of the total sale as a commission.4.Seize the chance, otherwise you will regret it.5.The merchant wants to expand his business.6.These investments have greatly improved Xinjiang's infrastructure facilities.Passage Translation阿里巴巴国际站成立于1999年的阿里巴巴国际交易市场()是目前处于领先地位的全球批发贸易交易平台。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
E-commerce final exam instruction
As a business owner, you decide to use Internet to help your business grow while still sticking to the traditional way at the same time. Before you start your own e-commerce endeavor, you may find those pioneers or competitors who are already in that business mode and study how they successfully run the e-platform and analyze the problems they encounter. Please choose among the following b2c e-commerce platforms.
(4) 乐蜂网
(5) 我买网
(7) 我爱我家
You are going to do a group presentation on a chosen platform and your report should include:
1)A brief introduction of
2)efforts to retain customers (customer loyalty) or meet customers’needs of
3)marketing and advertising of
4) How does the business handle the logistics?
5) Any problems to be addressed?
Your report may include other interesting information if you find any.
1. Everything in English!
2. Your report will last about 5-8 minutes. Questions will be asked when you finish the report. Make sure every team member speaks either in the presentation section or the Q&A section.
3. A report about how you assign the task in your group and finish the task together either a written one or typed one is needed before you do the presentation!。