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Answer: It takes in orphaned or displaced animals and resettles them in protected rainforests.
3. What inspiration did Smits gain on the mission to save the endangered orangutan?
Audio Studio
1. roam 漫步 2. macaque 猕猴 3. accustom 使习惯于 4. problematic 产生问题的 5. habitat (动物或植物的) 生 (动物或植物的 动物或植物的) 存环境 6. urbanize 使 (尤指农村地区) 城 尤指农村地区) 市化 7. encroach 侵入 8. raid 袭击 9. ecosystem 生态系统
Don’t Say Goodbye
Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.
Desiderius Erasmus
Lead-in Audio studio Video studio Speaking workshop Project bulletin
A) It is hard for them to find food in their habitat. B) They enjoy living side by side with humans. C) There is not much space left for them.
Audio Task 2 Checking the Facts
Answer: Increased illegal logging as well as the booming of palm oil business resulted in deforestation, which brought a series of severe consequences that devastated the orangutans’ natural habitat.
Video Studio
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
★ statistics 统计资料 ★ capture. 捕捉 1. odyssey 长途的冒险行程 2. expanse 广阔的区域 ★ hostile 敌意的 3. bison 北美野牛 4. grizzly 灰熊 (产于北美) 产于北美) 5. extinct (尤指某种动物等) 灭绝的 (尤指某种动物等 尤指某种动物等) 6. endanger 危及,危害 危及, 7. sobering 使清醒的,使冷静的 使清醒的, 8. catastrophe 突如其来的大灾难 (相伴的 相伴的) ★ companion (相伴的) 人或动物 9. biosphere 生物圈 ⋯⋯中间 ★ in the midst of 在⋯⋯中间 10. Potomac 波托马克河 ★ California 加利福尼亚州 (美国)
A) The sharp decline in number B) The rapid urbanization of Singapore. C) The devastating natural environment.
2. What accounts for monkeys running from reserves into the city?
Task 2 Reflecting on the Reading
Read through the Supplementary Reading passage on page 124, and answer the following questions. 1. Why did Smits name the little orangutan “Uce”?
Task 1
Task 2
Audio Task 1 Identifying the Gist
Listen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions. 1. What is scientists’ biggest concern about macaques?
Answer: Smits named her Uce, for the gasping sounds she’d been making when he rescued her.
2. What are the responsibilities of Smits’ organization, the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) ?
5. What measure did Smits adopt for the sake of saving orangutans in 2003?
Answer: He grew a new rainforest, designed as a refuge for orangutans and a model for a new kind of human community.
While some visitors to Singapore expect a high-tech city, there are also some parts of the island that still reflect how it used to look before urban development took over. In one of the main Central Nature Reserves, monkeys still roam freely, living side by side with humans. The macaques have grown accustomed to being fed, so they look to humans as a source of food. But this in itself is problematic. As the monkeys depend more on humans for food, they venture further from their natural habitat, a phenomenon that has worried experts. There is just not enough space. Essentially, in much of Southeast Asia we’ve seen a lot of habitat loss where rainforest has been destroyed and converted into human settlement. Singapore is a very urbanized city, and it’s taken a lot of space, so there is not much space left for long-tailed macaques. We really need to stop encroaching into nature reserves. We need to stop building the houses so nearby the reserves, which then causes the problem of the macaques coming into people’s houses and raiding them. These macaques are French species so they live on the edges of the rainforests. If humans keep building the houses so near the reserves, there will definitely be a constant humanmacaque conflict issue. After all, the macaques are essential to maintaining the rainforest’s ecosystem. More should be done to protect them.
Task 3 Expanding Your Vocabulary
Read through the words in the left-hand column, and match each leftof them with the appropriate meaning in the right-hand column. right1. reflect 2. reserve 3. venture 4. essential 5. convert 6. maintain A. most important B. to show the nature of or express (sth) C. to dare to go (somewhere dangerous or unpleasant) D. area of land reserved especially as a habitat for nature conservation E. to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. F. to change or make sth change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another
Answer: He learned the fact that we human cannot survive once we lose other species; our fates are linked.
4. Why did Smits fail to make a big difference to slow down the decline in the orangutan population despite his dedication?
Listen to the audio clip again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. Repeat the sentences after you have completed them.
1. There are also some parts of the island that still reflect how it used to look before urban development took over. _________________________________. they look to 2. The macaques have grown accustomed to being fed, so ______________ humans _________as a source of food. 3. As the monkeys depend more on humans for food, they venture further their natural habitat. from ____________. on the edges of the 4. These macaques are French species so they live ___________________ __________ rainforests are essential to maintaining 5. After all, the macaques ________________________ the rainforest’s ecosystem.