Assignment 02
Homework 2(A)
Macroeconomics Homework Assignment2Due on Oct16,Week71.(25marks)Suppose that the money demand function takes the form(M/P)d=L(i,Y)=Y 5i(a)If output grows at rate g,at what rate will the demand for real balances grow (assuming constant nominal interest rates)?(b)What is the velocity of money in this economy?(c)If inflation and nominal interest rates are constant,at what rate,if any,will velocity grow?(d)How will a permanent(once-and-for-all)increase in the level of interest rates affect the level of velocity?How will it affect the subsequent growth rate of velocity?Answers:(a)(6marks)If output Y grows at rate g,then real money balances(M/P)d must also grow at rate g,given that the nominal interest rate i is a constant.(b)(7marks)According to the quantity equation MV=P Y,the velocity ofmoney:V=YM/P=YY/5i=5i.(c)(6marks)If the nominal interest rate is constant,then the velocity of money must be constant.(d)(6marks)A one-time increase in the nominal interest rate will cause a one-time increase in the velocity of money.There will be no further changes in the velocity of money.2.(25marks)Suppose that consumption depends on the level of real money balances(on the grounds that real money balances are part of wealth).Show that if real money balances depend on the nominal interest rate,then an increase in the rate of money growth affects consumption,investment,and the real interest rate. Does the nominal interest rate adjust more than one-for-one or less than one-for-one to expected inflation?This deviation from the classical dichotomy and the Fisher effect is called the Mundell-Tobin effect.How might you decide whether the Mundell-Tobin effect is important in practice?Answers:An increase in the rate of money growth leads to an increase in the rate of inflation.Inflation,in turn,causes the nominal interest rate to rise,which means1Macroeconomics Homework Assignment2Due on Oct16,Week7 that the opportunity cost of holding money increases.As a result,real money balances fall.Since money is part of wealth,real wealth also falls.A fall in wealth reduces consumption,and,therefore,increases saving.The increase in saving leads to a rightward shift of the saving schedule,as in Figure2.This leads to a lower real interest rate and an increase in the level of investment.Figure2The classical dichotomy states that a change in a nominal variable such as inflation does not affect real variables.In this case,the classical dichotomy does not hold;the increase in the rate of inflation leads to a decrease in the real interest rate.The Fisher effect states that i=r+π.In this case,since the real interest rate r falls,a1percent increase in inflation increases the nominal interest rate i by less than1percent.Most economists believe that this Mundell-Tobin effect is not important be-cause real money balances are a small fraction of wealth.Hence,the impact on saving as illustrated in Figure2is small.3.(25marks)Use the model of the small open economy and drawfigures to predict what would happen to the trade balance,the real exchange rate,and the nominal exchange rate in response to each of the following events.(a)A fall in consumer confidence about the future induces consumers to spend less and save more.(b)The introduction of a stylish line of Toyotas makes some consumers prefer foreign cars over domestic cars.2Macroeconomics Homework Assignment2Due on Oct16,Week7(c)The introduction of automatic teller machines(ATM)reduces the demand for money.Answers:(a)(8marks)An increase in saving shifts the(S−I)schedule to the right, increasing the supply of dollars available to be invested abroad,as in Figure3(a). The increased supply of dollars causes the equilibrium real exchange rate to fall fromϵ1toϵ2.Because the dollar becomes less valuable,domestic goods become less expensive relative to foreign goods,so exports rise and imports fall.This means that the trade balance increases.The nominal exchange rate falls following the movement of the real exchange rate,because prices do not change in response to this shock.Figure3(a)(b)(8marks)The introduction of a stylish line of Toyotas that makes some consumers prefer foreign cars over domestic cars has no effect on saving or invest-ment,but it shifts the NX(ϵ)schedule inward,as in Figure3(b).The trade balance does not change,but the real exchange rate falls fromϵ1toϵ2.Because prices are not affected,the nominal exchange rate follows the real exchange rate.3Macroeconomics Homework Assignment2Due on Oct16,Week7Figure3(b)(c)(9marks)In the model we considered in this lecture,the introduction of ATMs has no effect on any real variables.The amounts of capital and labor de-termine output¯Y.The world interest rate r determines investment I(r∗).The dif-ference between domestic saving and domestic investment(S−I)determines net exports.Finally,the intersection of the NX(ϵ)schedule and the(S−I)schedule determines the real exchange rate,as in Figure3(c).Figure3(c)The introduction of ATMs,by reducing money demand,does affect the nom-inal exchange rate through its effect on the velocity and hence the domestic price4Macroeconomics Homework Assignment2Due on Oct16,Week7 level.The price level adjusts to equilibrate the demand and supply of real balances, so that M/P=(M/P)d.If M isfixed,then a fall in(M/P)d causes an increase in the price level:this reduces the supply of real balances M/P and restores equilibrium in the money market.Now recall the formula for the nominal exchange rate:e=ϵ(P∗/P).We know that the real exchange rate remains constant,and we assume that the foreign price level P∗isfixed.When the domestic price level P increases,the nominal exchange rate e depreciates.4.(25marks)You read in a newspaper that the nominal interest rate is12 percent per year in Canada and8percent per year in the United States.Suppose that the real interest rates are equalized in the two countries and that purchasing-power parity holds.(a)Using the Fisher equation(discussed in Chapter4),what can you infer about expected inflation in Canada and in the United States?(b)What can you infer about the expected change in the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the U.S.dollar?(c)A friend proposes a get-rich-quick scheme:borrow from a at8 percent,deposit the money in a Canadian bank at12percent,and make a4percent profit.Whats wrong with this scheme?Answers:(a)(8marks)According to the Fisher equation i=r+πe,the expected inflation rates in US and Canada are:πe Can=12−r;πe US=8−r.Since the real interest rate r is the same in both countries,we have:πe Can−πe US=4.(b)(8marks)The nominal exchange rate is e=ϵ×(P Can/P US),thus we can write the change in nominal exchange rate as:%change in e=%change inϵ+(πCan−πUS).If purchasing-power parity holds,then a dollar must have the same purchas-ing power in every country.This implies that the percent change in the real ex-change rateϵis zero because purchasing-power parity implies that the real ex-change rate isfixed.Thus,changes in the nominal exchange rate result from differ-ences in the inflation rates in the United States and Canada.Because people know5Macroeconomics Homework Assignment2Due on Oct16,Week7 that purchasing-power parity holds,they expect this relationship to hold.In other words,the expected change in the nominal exchange rate equals the expected in-flation rate in Canada minus the expected inflation rate in the United States,which according to part(a),is4percent.Expected%change in e=(πCan−πUS)=4.(c)(9marks)The problem with this scheme is that it does not take into account the change in the nominal exchange rate e between the U.S.and Canadian dol-lars.Given that the real interest rate isfixed and identical in the United States and Canada,and given purchasing-power parity,we know that the difference in nom-inal interest rates accounts for the expected change in the nominal exchange rate between U.S.and Canadian dollars.In this example,the Canadian nominal inter-est rate is12percent,while the U.S.nominal interest rate is8percent.We con-clude from this that the expected change in the nominal exchange rate is4percent. Therefore,e this year=1C$/US$;e next year=1.04C$/US$.Assume that your friend borrows1U.S.dollar from an American bank at8 percent,exchanges it for1Canadian dollar,and puts it in a Canadian Bank.At the end of the year your friend will have$1.12in Canadian dollars.But to repay the American bank,the Canadian dollars must be converted back into U.S.dollars. The$1.12(Canadian)becomes$1.08(American),which is the amount owed to the in the end,your friend breaks even.In fact,after paying for transaction costs,your friend loses money.6。
assignment editor语法
assignment editor语法(原创实用版)目录1.Assignment editor 的定义和作用2.Assignment editor 的语法规则3.Assignment editor 的实际应用案例正文一、Assignment editor 的定义和作用Assignment editor,即任务分配编辑器,是一种在计算机编程中用于管理任务分配的高级工具。
通过使用 assignment editor,可以方便地查看、修改和分配任务,从而提高工作效率。
二、Assignment editor 的语法规则Assignment editor 的语法规则相对简单,主要包含以下几个部分:1.任务定义:使用"task"关键字定义一个任务,后面可以跟任务的具体信息,如任务名称、描述、优先级等。
例如:`task task1 { name = "编辑文章"; description = "编辑一篇文章"; priority = high; }`2.任务分配:使用"assign"关键字将任务分配给指定的编辑器或用户。
例如:`assign task1 to editor1;`3.任务查看:使用"list"关键字查看当前所有的任务。
例如:`list tasks;`4.任务修改:可以使用"update"关键字修改任务的具体信息。
例如:`update task1 { name = "编辑文章 A"; description = "编辑一篇文章A"; priority = medium; }`5.任务删除:使用"delete"关键字删除指定的任务。
例如:`delete task1;`三、Assignment editor 的实际应用案例下面是一个关于使用 assignment editor 进行任务分配的实际案例:假设一个编辑部门有 3 个编辑器,他们分别负责编辑不同类型的文章。
在阅读题目时,请尽量仔细相同点:1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。
通常只包括三个部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题。
Main Body是主体部分,占总字数80%左右。
Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。
第一:标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要。
====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====Passage 1 (TAP, Translation Journal)Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence, and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask. Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can adore and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives.成功者不会穷其毕生之精力,执着于自我之臆想。
专业:_ _________
跨国公司(02次作业)A Assignment(02)
专业: ___工商管理_________________ 学习中心:北京外国语大学总部学习中
题目1 [50 分]
题目2 [50 分] (2)结合实践,分析跨国公司在发展中国家如何应对知识产权保护问题?(出自第六单元)
• 提起诉讼,但是,有可能会遇到该国法律不完善,或者执行机制不完善的问题(2)避开知识产权保护不力的地区
• 该地区有可能是非常大的潜在市场,避开,意味着对公司非常大的损失
• 请求本国政府向东道国政府施加压力,要求当地政府严格实施知识产权保护
• 技术上可以做一些防范,防止被盗用
• 利益共享,共同应对违反知识产权保护法的不法行为
. .. ..管理学作业答题纸商业银行经营管理 02次作业(第5-8单元)答题纸学籍号::分数:学习中心:弘成教育学习中心专业: ___金融学________本次作业满分为100分。
(出自第七单元)(2)如果你在一家商业银行的信贷部门工作,你会怎样对你面对的潜在公司客户进行分析?(出自第五单元题目1 [50 分]1)有关商业银行的经营管理理论在不断发展中,请对关于商业银行的资产负债管理理论的基本发展进行介绍。
. ... .c. .. ..⑴商业贷款理论商业贷款理论是早期的资产管理理论,源于亚当斯密的《国名财富性质原因的研究》一书。
. ... .c. .. ..⑵资产转移理论亦称为可转换理论,最早由美国的莫尔顿于1918年在《政治经济学杂志》上发表的一篇论文中提出。
5-02 指派问题
例 求下表所示效率矩阵的指派问题的最小解。 表
任 务 人员 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 A 12 8 7 15 4 B 7 9 17 14 10 C 9 6 12 6 7 D 7 6 14 6 10 E 9 6 9 10 9
min 12 7 9 7 9 7 5 0 2 0 8 9 6 6 6 6 2 3 0 0 7 17 12 14 9 7 0 10 5 7 15 14 6 6 10 6 9 8 0 0 4 10 7 10 9 4 0 6 3 6 2 0 2 4 5
• 经第一步变换后,系数矩阵中每行每列都已有 了0元素;但需找出n个独立的0元素。若能找 出,就以这些独立0元素对应解矩阵(xij)中的 元素为1,其余为0,这就得到最优解。当n较 小时,可用观察法、试探法去找出n个独立0元 素。若n较大时,就必须按一定的步骤去找, 常用的步骤为:
• (1) 从只有一个0元素的行(列)开始,给这个0 元素加圈,记作◎。这表示对这行所代表的人, 只有一种任务可指派。然后划去◎所在列(行) 的其他0元素,记作Φ 。这表示这列所代表的 任务已指派完,不必再考虑别人了。 • (2) 给只有一个0元素列(行)的0元素加圈,记 作◎;然后划去◎所在行的0元素,记作Φ 。 • (3) 反复进行(1),(2)两步,直到所有0元素 都被圈出和划掉为止。
• 令这直线数为l。若l<n,说明必须再变 换当前的系数矩阵,才能找到n个独立的 0元素,为此转第四步:若 l=n ,而 m<n , 应回到第二步(4),另行试探。 • 在上例中,对矩阵①按以下次序进行: • 先在第五行旁打√,接着可判断应在第1 列下打√,接着在第3行旁打√。经检查 不再能打√了。对没有打√行,画一直 线以覆盖0元素,已打√的列画一直线以 覆盖0元素。得
1. 什么是assignment方法?在Kafka中,assignment方法是指将topic下的分区分配给消费者实例的策略。
Kafka提供了两种分配分区的方法:一种是使用消费者组协调器(Consumer group coordinator)进行分配,另一种是手动分配。
2. 如何进行assignment方法的分配?在进行assignment方法分配时,需要考虑以下几点:需要确定每个消费者实例的能力(capacity),即每个实例可以并行消费的分区数量。
3. 为什么要使用assignment方法?相比于Consumer group coordinator分配策略,assignment方法更加灵活和可控。
4. 个人观点与理解在实际项目中,我个人认为assignment方法是一个非常重要且实用的分区分配策略。
通过合理使用assignment方法,可以避免一些由Consumer group coordinator分配引起的问题,如负载不均衡、消费能力不足等。
翻译不仅仅是语言的转换,还包括文 化、历史、社会背景等方面的传递。
译文应忠实于原文,准确传达原文的意义和风格,不 得随意增删或改变原文内容。
译文应通顺流畅,符合目标语言的表达习惯,易于理 解。
在翻译过程中,应尽可能保留原文的文化特色,以促 进不同文化之间的交流和理解。
保持原文的文体和风格,确保译本与原文在风格上 的一致性。
遵循学术规范,确保译本在学术领域内的准确性和 可靠性。
本的版权。03在进 Nhomakorabea学术研究或发表论文时,应遵守学术规范和版
商务翻译涉及商业合同、市场报告、产品说明等商业文本,要求译者具备专业术语和严谨的逻辑思维 能力。
商务翻译要求用词准确、表达清晰,确保商业信息的准确传递。译者需要了解商业领域的专业知识和 行文规范,熟悉各种商业文本的格式和用语。同时,商务翻译还需要注重保密和法律责任,确保译文 不泄露商业机密和符合法律法规。
• 翻译理论概述 • 翻译实践分析 • 翻译项目管理 • 翻译工具与技术 • 翻译伦理与版权 • 研究生翻译能力提升
01 翻译理论概述
翻译是将一种语言中的信息转变成另 一种语言的过程,旨在传达原语言中 的意义、情感和风格。
留学⽣Assignment常见类型分析与国内的教育模式不同,西⽅⾼校的评价标准不仅仅包括期末考试,还有各种assignment的成绩,例如Test,Essay,Paper,Group assignment,presentation等等。
对于⼀些⽐较羞涩特别是不喜欢public speaking的同学来讲,Presentation可能会是⼀种挑战。
当然有些可能会更多,说到这⾥有些同学可能会想不就是⼀两千个字么,当年⾼考语⽂的作⽂分分钟800字,如果抱有这种想法的话,⼩编只能说图样图森破!写Essay光是找资料就可以耗费掉⼀天,简直是⽣⽆可恋....找资料有多难?你想写的内容资料没有,资料的内容你⽤不到!⽽且资料还必须得是来⾃学校的资料库以及其他的以org或gov为后缀的⽹址(为保证资料的可靠性),要引⽤资料还得paraphrase,如果不paraphrase的话,会被当作剽窃,然后还得再根据格式配上资料来源也就是Reference!可以说是⼏乎每句话都得引⽤不能⾃⼰瞎掰!b Report如果你是理科⽣Lab Report是绝对逃不了的⼀种assignment!只要你是学理科或者⼯科专业都会有实验课,实验结束后,⼀般会要你根据你⾃⼰的实验结果,写Lab Report,也就是实验报告.Lab Report的格式跟Essay类似,区别在于篇幅⽐Essay⼩,也不需要太多的引⽤(2-3个即可),最重要的是实验的结果跟相应的计算过程以及实验的过程跟成败!如果你觉得那些数据可以⾃⼰瞎编呢,你就错了!实验室⾥的supervisor⽐你还精,⼀看就知道数据是乱写的,最后也⼀定拿不了⾼分。
Assignment of Module02Questions:3.1 Discuss each of the following concepts in the context of the relational data model:(a) relationA relation is a uniquely named two-dimensional table with identically structured rows (technically tuples) and distinctly named columns (or attributes).(b) domainset of allowable values for one or more attributes.(c) attributeAn attribute is a named column of a relation.(d) tuplea record of a relation or a row of a relation.(e) degree and cardinalityThe degree of a relation is the number of attributesThe cardinality of a relation is the number of tuples it contains3.4 Discuss the properties of a relationa.the relation has a name that is distinct from all other relation names in the relational schema;b.Each cell of the relation contains exactly one atomic (single)valuec.Each attribute has a distinct named.The value of an attribute are all from the same domaine.Each tuple is distinct there are no dulicate tuples;f.The order of attributes has no significanceg.The order of tuples has no significance, theoretically.(however, in practice,the order may affect the effciency ofaccessing tuples.)3.5 Discuss the difference between the candidate keys and the primary key of a relation. Example what ismeant by a foreign key. How do foreign keys of relations relate to primary key? Give examples to illustrate your answer.(1)Candidate KeySuperkey (K) such that no proper subset is a superkey within the table. In each record, values of K uniquely identify that record (uniqueness). No proper subset of K has the uniqueness property (irreducibility).(2)Primary KeyCandidate key selected to identify records uniquely within table.(3) Foreign KeysColumn, or set of columns, within one table that matches primary key of some (possibly same) table.Primary key:CForeign key :CNOconstraint pk_course primary key(C),constraint Fk_course foreign key (CNO) references course(C)3.6 Define the two principal integrity rules for the relational model. Discuss why it is desirable to enforce theserules.Entity Integrity:In a base table, no column of a primary key can be null.Referential Integrity:If FK exists in a table, either FK value must match a candidate key value of some record in its home table or FK value must be wholly null.3.7 What is view? Discuss the difference between a view and a base relation.View: The dynamic result of one or more relational operations operating on the base relations to produce another relation .A view is a virtual relation that does not necessarily exist in the database but can be produced upon request by a particular user, at the time of request.Base relation: A named relation corresponding to an entity in the conceptual schema, whose tuples are physically stored in the database.A virtual relation that does not necessarily actually exist in the database but is produced upon request,at time of request.Contents of a view are defined as a query on one or more base relations.Views are dynamic,meaning that changes made to base relations that affect view attributes are immediately reflected in the view.Exercises :The following tables form part of a database heldin a relational DBMS:Hotel (hoteNo, hoteName, city)hoteNo is primary keyRoom (roomNo, hoteNo, type, price) roomNo is primary key; hoteNo is foreign keyBooking (hoteNo, guestNo, dateFrom, dataTo, roomNo) (guestNo, dateFrom) is composite key;hoteNo is foreign keyGuest (guestNo, guestName, guestAddress)guestNo is the primary keyWhere Hotel contains hotel details and hotelNo is the primary keys;Room contains room details for each hotel and (roomNo, hoteNo) forms the primary key;Booking contains details of bookings and (hoteNo, guestNo, dateFrom) forms the primary key;Guest contains guest details and guestNo is the primary key.3.8 Identify the foreign keys in this schema. Explain how the entity and referential integrity rules apply to these relations.Enitity Integrity : a rule is designed to assure that every relation has a primary key,and that the data values for that primary key are all valid.Every primary key’sattributes is NON-NULL.Referential Integrity:In the relational data model,association between tables are defined through the use of foreifn keys.Association between HOTELS&ROOM table is defined by including Hotle_No attribute as a foreign key in ROOM. Referential Integrity constraint is a rule that maintains consistency among the rows of two relations. The rules state that if there is a foreing key in one relation either each foreign key value must match a primary key value in another relation or theforeign key value must be NULL.4.8 describe the relations that would be produced by the following relational algebra operations:a) ∏hotelNo(δ price>50(Hotel))the coding number of hotels whose room price is more than 50 pounds the coding number of hotels whose room price is more than 50 poundsb) δ Hotel.hotelNo=Room.hotelNo(Hotel × Room)All the hotels' coding numbers,names and locations ,and their rooms'coding,type and price.c) ∏hotelNo(Hotel∞Hotel.hotelNo=Room.hotelNo(δ price>50(Room)))All the names of hotels whose room's price is above 50 pounds.d) (δdataeTo≥’1-Jan-2002’(Booking))∝GuestAll the numbers,names and addresses of travellers,and the hotel codings,the time of checking in and out and the room number of the traveller whose reservation is after january 1th,2002.e) Hotel⊿Hotel.hotelNo=Room.hotelNo(δ price>50(Room)) (‘⊿’means semi-join operation)f) (∏guestNo,hotelNo (Booking∞(Guest)))‚∏hotelNo(δcity=’London’Hotel))The coding numbers of hotels that have guest in London and the names of guest.4.12(a) List full details of all hotels.Hotels(b) List all single rooms with a price below $20 per night.∧price<50(Room))(c) List the names and cities of all guests.∏guestName,guestAddress(Guest)(d) List the price and type of all rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel.(e) List the guests currently staying at the Grosvenor Hotel.∏hotelName='Grosvernor'(Hotel∞Booking∞Guest)(f) List the details of all rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel, including the name of the guest staying in the room, if the room is occupiedr'(Hotel∞Room(g) List the guest details(guestNo, guestName, and guestAddress) of all guests staying at Grosvenor Hotel.∏guestNo, guestName, guestAddress (δhotelName='Grosvernor'(Hotel∞Booking∞Guest))4.13 Using relational algebra, create a view of all rooms in the Grosvenor Hotel, excluding price detail. What are the advantage of this view?make the graph more visiual, the information more comprehensive , reject the various commercial ads, and ensure the security。
那么从国内去海外留学的留学生们怎么去适应欧美的这些assignment呢?本站可为您提供专业的指导服务,接下来先让我们来参详一下某海外assignment 要求,供大家参考。
Written Assignment and Guidelines for SubmissionAssignment Question:Discuss the effects of ageing under each of the following headings:1. Psychosocial2. Behavioural3. BiologicalDue Date:A hard copy of the 1000 to 1250 word assignment is due no later than 17:00 hours on Friday 15th April (end of week 7).Late submissions will not be accepted unless an Assignment Extension has been granted by the Course Coordinator Dr Tony Bush.Extension forms are available from the School of Health Sciences office on Level 4 of Building 201 (for Bundoora students) or from the School website on the RMIT internet. Students must follow School policy when applying for an extension; and must not assume that it will be granted automatically.Guidelines for submissionThese guidelines are intended to assist students in formulating a comprehensive and appropriate response to the question. The purpose of this assignment is for students togain an understanding of the biological, behavioural and psychosocial changes that occur with ageing. Throughout this process students can apply knowledge gained though lecture material.Format:Students must use these guidelines to format their assignment. This requires the student to write a brief introduction which should include introducing the topic, and stating what their intentions are in their response to the question.A conclusion is also required, in which the student is required to summarise the major points covered in their submission.The use of headings is mandatory to provide clearly structured signposts for both the student and the examiner. Adherence to the marking guide will ensure that students present their submission in a professional and academic style.Students are not to submit additional information as an Appendix. Headings related to specific content should be used to organise your information, and table of contents must be included.Word limit:An overall word limit of 1000-1250 words is required for this assessment. Students are not to go over the word limit by more than 250 words. If students are under the minimum word limit, it may mean that they have not answered the question in enough detail.References & Referencing:Students are to show evidence of research into the topic; in addition to the required textbook for this course. A minimum number of three (3) references used must be relevant to the topics, and must be contemporary (not older than 5 years generally) and relevant to the context of Ageing. The types of references used should include the textbook & journal articles (minimum of 2).Students should research the topic through the RMIT Library databases and e-journals.Students must reference all information from other sources, using appropriate intext referencing according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing. This includes intext referencing, and page numbers for direct and indirect quotes. Students must also include a reference list at the end of their assignment written exercise, formatted according to APA referencing style. Students can access information on formatting according to APA through the RMIT Library webpage (under the subject guide – Nursing –referencing – APA), on the Study and Learning Centre webpage or the Style Guide: Strategies for Effective Academic Writing on the DLS. . Students are advised to maintain an ongoing list of all references used during the writing of assignment; including details of web addresses, dates that sites were accessed, page numbers, etc.; to help them collate their final list.Spelling, Grammar & Presentation:Students must ensure that their spelling and grammar, including punctuation, meets academic standards. Spell checks on the computer are useful; but students need to also do a final read-through of their submission to check for errors. It is expected that students will also use professional language and terminology. This should include using and defining medical terms, in keeping with the expectations of registered nurses within the health care setting. The use of abbreviations should be limited to those commonly used, and should be written in full the first time used in the submission. Students are not to use their own shorthand or SMS type. The font used should be a clear typeface, and size 12. Normal size margins apply and double spacing, with students ensuring pages are numbered clearly.Submission Details:Students are to submit only a hard copy of their Assignment by or on the due date, following the instructions on the course DLS. Electronic submission may be asked for, when incidence of plagiarism is suspected so the assignment can be put through Turnitin©. Assignments are not to be emailed to the Course Coordinator. Students are also reminded to retain a hard and/or electronic copy of their submission; until afterthe final course marks have been collated, finalised and released to students.The assignment will be available for collection from the course coordinator after the official release of results.。
Assignment 02-1
Assignment I: CalculatorObjectiveThis assignment has two parts. The goal of the first part of the assignment is to recreate the demonstration given in class on Wednesday. Not to worry, you will be given very detailed walk-through instructions. It is important, however, that you understand what you are doing with each step of the walk-through because the second part of the assignment is to add a few extensions to your calculator which will require similar steps to those taken in the walk-through.This assignment must be submitted using the submit script (see the class website for details) by 11:59pm on Tuesday, April 6th. You may submit it multiple times if you wish. Only the last submission will be counted. For example, it might be a good idea to go ahead and submit it after you have done the walk-through and gotten that part working.Be sure to check out the Hints section below!Materials•By this point, you should have been sent an invitation to your sunet e-mail to join the iPhone University Developer Program. You must accept this invitation and download the iPhone SDK.It is critical that you get the SDK downloaded and functioning as early as possible in the week so that if you have problems you will have a chance to talk to the TA’s and get help. If you wait until the weekend (or later!) and you cannot get the SDK downloaded and installed, it is unlikely you’ll finish this assignment on time.•The walkthrough document for the first part of the assignment can be found on the class website (same place you found this document).Required Tasks1.Follow the walk-through instructions (separate document) to build and run thecalculator in the iPhone Simulator. Do not proceed to the next steps unless yourcalculator builds without warnings or errors and functions as expected.2.Your calculator already works with floating point numbers (e.g. if you press 3 / 4 =it will properly show the resulting value of 0.75), however, there is no way for the user to enter a floating point number. Remedy this.3.Add the following four single-operand operators:•1/x : inverts the number in the display (i.e. 4 becomes .25). Be sure to handle the case where the display currently contains a zero. You can fail silently, but don’tcrash.•+/-: changes the sign of the number in the display.•sin : calculates the sine of the number in the display.•cos : calculates the cosine of the number in the display.4.Add the following three “memory” buttons:•Store : stores the current value of the display into a memory location.•Recall : recalls the value in memory.•Mem + : adds the current value of the display to whatever’s already in memory. 5.Add a “C” button that clears everything (display, “waiting” operations, memory).Hints1.Be careful when copying and pasting buttons in Interface Builder because the target/action of the button will be copied as well.•Sometimes this is what you want (if you’re creating 9 more digit buttons from an existing digit button or some more operation buttons from an existing operationbutton).•Sometimes it is not what you want (if you’re copying and pasting a digit button to try and make an operation button).•Buttons can have multiple target/action pairs, so if you copy a digit button to make an operation button and then ctrl-drag a connection from the new button to File’s Owner (your CalculatorViewController) and hook it up tooperationPressed:, then when you press that button both digitPressed:andoperationPressed: will be sent. This is most definitely not what you want.•To disconnect an unwanted target/action, ctrl-right-mouse on the sending object.You will get a list of all the actions it sends (and on what event it sends it). Justscroll down to the unwanted one and click the little X to disconnect it.2.There’s an NSString method which you might find quite useful for doing the floatingpoint part of this assignment. It’s called rangeOfString: Check it out in thedocumentation. It returns an NSRange which is just a normal C struct which you can access using dot notation. For example, consider the following code:NSString *greeting = @"Hello There Joe, how are ya?";NSRange range = [greeting rangeOfString:@"Joe"];if (range.location == NSNotFound) { … } // no Joe!3.Non-object comparisons use == (double equals), not = (single equals). A single equalsmeans “assignment.” A double equals means “test for equality.” See the last line of code above. Object comparisons for equality usually use the isEqual: method.Comparing objects using == is dangerous. == only checks to see if the two pointers are the same (i.e. they point to exactly the same instance of an object). It does not check to see if two different objects are semantically the same.4.Don’t forget that NSString constants start with @. See the greeting variable in thecode fragment above. Constants without out the @ (e.g. “hello”) are const char * and are rarely used on the iPhone.5.While is a valid IP address, it is not a valid floating point number. Do notlet your user enter that in your calculator!6.Be careful of the case where the user starts off entering a new number by pressing thedecimal point, e.g., they want to enter the number “.5” into their calculator. Handle this case properly.7.sin() and cos() are functions in the normal BSD Unix C library. Feel free to usethem to calculate sine and cosine.8.When you add a single-operand operator, be careful of where you put your if’s,else’s and {}’s.9.The three memory buttons and the clear button can all simply be treated like single-operand operations. Creating a bunch more methods to handle all those cases is a waste of code on your part and on the part of any object who wants to use theCalculatorBrain’s public API. These functions operate on or assign the current operand just like any other single-operand operation does, so there’s no need to treat them differently.10.This entire assignment can be done by adding one method (for the floating-pointpart), one instance variable (for the memory part), and less than 20 lines of code total (not including curly braces). Economy is valuable in coding: the easiest way to ensurea bug-free line of code is not to write the line of code at all.LinksMost of the information you need is best found by searching in the documentation through Xcode (see the Help menu there), but here are a few links to Apple Conceptual Documentation that you might find helpful. Remember that we are going to go much more in-depth about Objective-C and the rest of the development environment next week, so don’t feel the need to absorb these documents in their entirety.•Objective-C Primer•Introduction to Objective-C•NSString ReferenceEvaluationIn all of the assignments this quarter, writing quality code that builds without warnings or errors, and then testing the resulting application and iterating until it functions properly is the goal.Here are the most common reasons assignments are marked down:•Project does not build.•Project does not build without warnings.•One or more items in the Required Tasks section was not satisfied.• A fundamental concept was not understood.•Code is sloppy and hard to read (e.g. indentation is not consistent, etc.).•Assignment was turned in late (you get 3 late days per quarter, so use them wisely).Extra CreditHere are a few ideas for some more things you could do to get some more experience with the SDK at this point in the game. Any and all are optional, but you will be given extra credit for any you complete.1.Add a UILabel somewhere in the user-interface which shows the contents of theCalculatorBrain’s memory. This will require the CalculatorBrain to “export”this information to your Controller via the CalculatorBrain’s API (i.e. a newmethod in its header file, CalculatorBrain.h).2.Note that we have not asked you to implement a “clear memory (only)” button. Thiswould be straightforward in your CalculatorBrain (it’s just yet another single-operand operation), but it’s a bit more of a challenge to yourCalculatorViewController than the other memory operations are. Why is that?Hint: Clearing memory should have no effect on anything else the user is doing in the calculator at the time.3.Implement a “backspace” button for the user to press if they hit the wrong digitbutton. This is not intended to be “undo,” so if they hit the wrong operation button, they are out of luck!4.Add a π button.5.Implement a user-interface for choosing whether the operand to sin() or cos() isconsidered radians or degrees. When you call sin(x) in the C library, x is assumed to be in radians (i.e. 0 to 2π goes around the circle once), but users might want to enter 180 and press the sin button and get 0 instead of -0.8012 (which is the sine of 180 radians). You could use a UIButton for this and switch out the titleLabel’s text each time the UIButton is pressed, but a better way would be to see if you can figure out how to use a UISwitch by reading the documentation (if you dare!).6.Add a UILabel somewhere in your user-interface which shows the state of a 2-operand operation in progress. For example, if the user hit the following buttons 3 +4 *5 = this extra field would show nothing until the +, at which point it woulddisplay 3 + then it would change to 7 * as soon as the * button was pressed. Like Extra Credit #1 above, you will need to augment your CalculatorBrain’s public API to share information about whether there is a 2-operand operation pending or not since that is currently private implementation in the CalculatorBrain. A cool place to put this UILabel is above the display and left-aligned.。
第1页(共4页)管理学作业答题纸管理信息系统作业02(第5-8单元)答题纸学籍号: 131232270001 姓名:宋春娟分数:学习中心:弘成学苑无锡数字化学习中心专业:会计学本次作业满分为100分。
题目1 [50 分] 系统审计的定义:对信息系统支持的业务信息或业务数据的审计,检验其正确性和真实性,简称为信息系统运行审计。
第 3 页 (共 4 页)题目 2[50 分]模块结构图是描述整个系统的模块结构以及各模块间关系的工具。
When it comes to writing assignments or reading in English,there are several key strategies and tips that can help you improve your skills and achieve better results.Heres a detailed guide to help you excel in both areas:1.Understanding the Assignment:Before you start writing,make sure you understand the assignments requirements.Read the instructions carefully and identify the main points you need to address.2.Research:Conduct thorough research on the e reliable sources such as academic journals,books,and reputable websites.Make notes of important points and relevant quotes.3.Outline:Create an outline for your assignment.This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your writing flows logically.Include an introduction,body paragraphs,and a conclusion.4.Introduction:Start your assignment with a strong introduction that grabs the readers attention.Provide a brief overview of the topic and state your thesis statement.5.Body Paragraphs:Each paragraph should focus on one main idea.Start with a topic sentence,followed by evidence and analysis.Make sure to use transition words to connect your ideas smoothly.6.Evidence:Support your arguments with evidence from your research.This can include statistics,quotes,examples,or expert opinions.Always cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.7.Analysis:Dont just present facts analyze them.Explain how your evidence supports your argument and what it reveals about the topic.8.Conclusion:Summarize your main points and restate your thesis.End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.9.Proofread:Always proofread your work for grammar,spelling,and punctuation errors. Also,check for clarity,coherence,and consistency in your writing.10.Revise:Based on your proofreading,revise your work to improve the overall quality and flow of your writing.For reading in English:1.Vocabulary:Build your vocabulary by learning new words e a dictionary to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.2.Reading Comprehension:Practice reading comprehension exercises to improve your ability to understand and analyze texts.3.Speed Reading:Learn speed reading techniques to read faster without sacrificing comprehension.4.Critical Thinking:While reading,engage in critical thinking.Question the authors arguments and consider different perspectives.5.NoteTaking:Take notes while reading to help you remember important points and ideas.6.Summarizing:After reading a text,try summarizing it in your own words.This will help reinforce your understanding of the material.7.Discussion:Discuss what youve read with others.This can help deepen your understanding and expose you to different viewpoints.8.Reading Variety:Read a variety of texts,including fiction,nonfiction,articles,and academic papers,to improve your overall reading skills.9.Consistency:Make reading a daily habit.The more you read,the better youll become at understanding and analyzing texts.10.Enjoyment:Choose reading materials that interest you.Enjoying what you read can make the process more engaging and effective.。
Certainly!Writing assignments in English can be a great way to improve your language skills and express your thoughts clearly.Here are some tips and steps to help you write an effective assignment in English:1.Understand the Assignment:Before you start writing,make sure you understand the requirements of the assignment.What is the topic?What are the specific instructions? Are there any word limits or formatting requirements?2.Research:Conduct thorough research on the e reliable sources such as academic journals,books,and reputable websites.Make notes and keep track of your sources for citation purposes.3.Outline:Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas.This will serve as a roadmap for your assignment and help you structure your content logically.4.Introduction:Start your assignment with a strong introduction that grabs the readers attention.Introduce the topic and provide a brief overview of what you will discuss in the assignment.5.Body Paragraphs:Develop body paragraphs that explore the topic in depth.Each paragraph should focus on one main idea and support it with evidence from your research. Use topic sentences to clearly state the main idea of each paragraph.6.Transitions:Use transitional phrases to connect your ideas and make your writing flow smoothly.This helps the reader follow your argument more easily.7.Citations:Properly cite all the sources you use to avoid plagiarism.Follow the citation style required by your instructor e.g.,APA,MLA,Chicago.8.Conclusion:Summarize your main points and restate the significance of your topic in the conclusion.You may also suggest areas for further research or implications of your findings.9.Proofread:Carefully proofread your assignment to correct any grammatical,spelling, or punctuation errors.Also,check for clarity,coherence,and consistency in your writing.10.Edit and Revise:Based on your proofreading,edit and revise your work to improve its overall quality.Consider asking a peer or a teacher for feedback.11.Formatting:Ensure that your assignment follows the required formatting guidelines,such as font size,line spacing,margins,and headings.12.Submission:Submit your assignment on time through the appropriate channel, whether its a physical copy or an online submission.Remember,practice makes perfect.The more you write in English,the more confident and skilled you will become.Good luck with your assignments!。
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证券投资 02次作业(第5-8单元)答题纸
姓名: __ _____
分 数:
班级: _____金融学________批改老师:
(1) 简述期权和期权的交易方式(出自第五单元)(2) 一般股票交易费用。
题目1 [50 分]
2、 期权的交易方式
(1) 买进看涨期权:
(2) 买进看跌期权:
题目2 [50 分]
• 2、假如您资金量为10万元,每月交易20次,佣金为0.1%、。