RIGOL QGB10000-1110 电源线保证和声明说明书
TH2515 仪器说明书
Ver 2.1目录Ver 2.0 (2)第1章仪器简介与开箱安装 (8)1.1仪器简介 (8)1.2开箱检查 (8)1.3电源连接 (8)1.4保险丝 (8)1.5环境 (8)1.6使用测试夹具 (9)1.7预热 (9)1.8仪器的其它特性 (9)第2章前面板说明及入门操作 (10)2.1前面板说明 (10)2.2后面板说明 (11)2.3显示区域的定义 (12)2.4按键及其相应的显示页面 (13)2.4.1测量主菜单按键【DISP】 (13)2.4.2系统设置主菜单按键【SETUP】 (13)2.5基本操作 (13)2.6开机 (14)第3章基本操作 (15)3.1<测量显示>页面 (15)3.1.1测试功能 (15)3.1.2测试量程 (16)3.1.3测试速度 (17)3.1.4文件管理 (17)3.1.5其他工具 (17)3.2<比较显示>页面 (18)3.2.1文件管理 (19)3.2.2工具 (19)3.2.3比较 (19)3.2.4比较模式和上下限、百分比误差设置 (19)3.3<档显示>页面 (19)3.4<统计显示>页面 (21)3.4.1边界模式和其相应值的设定 (21)3.4.2统计状态 (21)3.4.3统计分析参数说明 (21)3.4.4工具 (22)3.4.5文件 (22)3.5<测量设置>页面 (22)3.6<TC/Δt设置>页面 (24)3.6.1温度校正(Temperature Correction 简称TC) (25)3.6.2温度转换(temperature conversion 简称t ) (25)3.6.3温度传感器的类型 (26)3.6.4参数设定 (27)3.6.5文件 (27)3.7<档设置>页面 (27)3.7.1文件 (29)3.7.2工具 (29)第4章系统设置和文件管理 (30)4.1系统设置 (30)4.1.1触摸音 (30)4.1.2语言 (30)4.1.3口令 (31)4.1.4总线模式 (31)4.1.5波特率 (32)4.1.6总线地址 (32)4.1.7EOC信号 (32)4.1.8Err.OUT信号 (33)4.1.9电源频率 (34)4.1.10时间和日期设定 (34)4.2<文件管理>功能页面 (34)4.2.1存储/调用功能简介 (34)4.2.2U盘上的文件夹/文件结构 (35)4.2.3DHCP (39)4.2.4IP地址 (40)4.2.5子网掩码 (40)4.2.6网关 (40)4.2.7首选DNS、备用DNS (40)第5章性能指标 (41)5.1测量功能 (41)5.1.1测量参数及符号 (41)5.1.2测量组合 (41)5.1.3等效方式 (41)5.1.4量程 (41)5.1.5触发 (41)5.1.6测试端方式 (41)5.1.7测量中的各种时间的开销 (41)5.1.8平均 (42)5.1.9显示的位数 (42)5.2测试信号 (42)5.2.1量程电流 (42)5.2.2开路输出电压 (42)5.2.3测量显示最大范围 (42)5.3测量准确度 (43)5.3.2温度测量的准确度(Pt500) (44)5.3.3温度测量的准确度(模拟输入) (45)5.3.4温度修正系数K (45)第6章远程控制 (46)6.1RS232C接口说明 (46)6.2GPIB接口说明(选购件) (47)6.2.1GPIB接口功能 (49)6.2.2GPIB 地址 (49)6.2.3GPIB总线功能 (49)6.2.4可编程仪器命令标准(SCPI) (50)6.3LAN远程控制系统 (50)6.3.1通过浏览器访问TH2515 (52)6.3.2通过上位机软件访问TH2515 (52)6.4USBTMC远程控制系统 (53)6.4.1系统配置 (53)6.4.2安装驱动 (53)6.5USBVCOM虚拟串口 (54)6.5.1系统配置 (54)6.5.2安装驱动 (54)第7章RS232命令参考 (55)7.1SCPI系统命令 (55)7.1.1DISPlay子系统命令集 (55)7.1.2FUNCtion 子系统命令集 (56)7.1.3APERture子系统命令集 (61)7.1.4TRIGer子系统命令集 (61)7.1.5FETCh?子系统命令集 (63)7.1.6TEMPerature子系统命令集 (64)7.1.7COMParator子系统命令集 (66)7.1.8BIN子系统命令集 (69)7.1.9STA Tistics子系统命令集 (73)7.1.10IO子系统命令集 (76)7.1.11MEMory子系统命令集 (77)7.1.12SYSTem 子系统命令集 (78)7.1.13SCPI公用命令 (81)7.2MODBUS系统命令 (83)7.2.1MODBUS协议说明 (84)7.2.2公用指令操作说明 (85)7.2.3DISP指令操作说明 (86)7.2.4FUNC指令操作说明 (86)7.2.5APER指令操作说明 (87)7.2.6TRIG指令操作说明 (87)7.2.7FETC指令操作说明 (88)7.2.8TEMP指令操作说明 (88)7.2.10BIN指令操作说明 (90)7.2.11STA T指令操作说明 (93)7.2.12IO指令操作说明 (94)7.2.13SYST指令操作说明 (94)第8章Handler接口使用说明及程序升级方法 (99)第9章包装及保修 (103)9.1标志 (103)9.2包装 (103)9.3运输 (103)9.4贮存 (103)9.5保修 (103)本说明书所描述的可能并非仪器所有内容,同惠公司有权对本产品的性能、功能、内部结构、外观、附件、包装物等进行改进和提高而不作另行说明!由此引起的说明书与仪器不一致的困惑,可通过封面的地址与我公司进行联系。
常州华都电子科技有限公司产品承认书品名: CT81型瓷介固定电容器(≥1KV)客户:1、适用范围本承认图适用于在电子设备中作为高压旁路或耦合电路中使用的CT81型高压瓷介电容器(≥1KV)。
2、形状及名称:例:CT81 04 b Y5V 102 M 2KV BA B C D E F G HA:表示CT81型B:表示产品尺寸 04 表示产品直径最大4.0mmC: 表示引线型式 b表示直引线;a表示内弯; d 表示外弯D:表示温度特性 Y5V 表示温度特性为+30-80%;Y5P:±10%; Y5U:+22-56%E:表示标称容量 102表示容量为1000PfF:表示容量公差 K:±10%;M:±20%;Z表示公差为+80-20%;G:表示额定电压 2000VH:表示产品形式 B表示散件;T表示编带3、使用温度范围: -25℃~85℃4、试验用标准大气条件:温度: 15~35℃相对湿度: 45%~75%气压: 86~106KPa仲裁条件:温度: 20±1℃相对湿度: 63%~67%气压: 86~106Kpa5、包封:环氧包封6、性能: 电容器性能满足表1规定表17、标志及外形尺寸(单位:mm)额定电压:额定电压2000V的电容器在标称电容量下用2KV表示。
UL1007 16#-30#详细参数说明1.PVC绝缘电子线2.导体:30AWG-2000kcmil(10AWG=10kcmil)线外径0.16MM 3.绝缘体:PVC制,厚度如下表规格 平均最小厚度任一点最小厚度30AWG-16AWG 0.76mm 0.68mm8-7AWG 1.15mm 1.02mm6-2AWG 1.52mm 1.37mm4.额定值:80℃,300V5.燃烧测试:可通过UL VW-1及CSA FT1垂直燃烧测试。
6.材料:裸铜或镀锡铜制(多线)7.长度:可根据用户要求订造8.技术标准:300V 10A9.传送性能:满足于155MHZ要求1 0.常温下导体电阻见下表(Solid)20 1/0.8130.38 1.6511.818 1/1.0240.38 1.82 6.9116 1/1.290.38 2.1 4.35过镀锡,柔软抗老化,耐热,耐油及防潮霉性能好。
1 2.用途:适用于各种电源设备UPS不间断电源、逆变器、INVERTER、车载电源、音响、医序器、通信机柜、流水线、输送机、发电机、汽油机、小型发电机、灯具等电器设备。
绝缘厚度完成外径25℃导体电阻InsulationThicknessOverall Diameter Conductor 线号 线数/线径Resistance at 25℃AWG No./mmmmmm Ohm/km 绞线26 7/0.160.762.0545.2UL-101524 11/0.160.762.228.4CSA T1(TR-64)22 17/0.160.762.3517.9(Stranded )20 21/0.1780.762.5511.118 34/0.1780.762.757.0416 26/0.2540.763.14.4414 41/0.2540.763.45 2.7712 65/0.2540.763.9 1.7410105/0.2540.764.7 1.1先绞后镀22 7/0.2540.762.3517.9UL-101520 7/0.3100.762.5511.1CSA T1(TR-64)18 7/0.3900.76 2.757.04(Top-Coated )单条26 1/0.4050.76247.8UL-101524 1/0.5110.76 2.132.1CSA T1(TR-64)22 1/0.6430.76 2.220.24.额定值:80℃,90℃,105℃;600V ac ,750V dc5.燃烧测试:可通过水平燃烧测试。
标 准 型 号 中国-国家 标准 BJ3 BJ4 BJ5 BJ6 BJ8 BJ9 BJ12 BJ14 BJ18 BJ22 BJ26 BJ32 BJ40 BJ48 BJ58 BJ70 BJ84 BJ100 BJ120 BJ140 BJ180 BJ220 BJ260 BJ320 BJ400 BJ500 BJ620 BJ740 BJ900 BJ1200 BJ1400 EIA-国际 标准 WR-2300 WR-2100 WR-1800 WR-1500 WR-1150 WR-975 WR-770 WR-650 WR-510 WR-430 WR-340 WR-284 WR-229 WR-187 WR-159 WR-137 WR-112 WR-90 WR-75 WR-62 WR-51 WR-42 WR-34 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-7 英国-国家 标准 无 无 WG1 WG2 WG3 WG4 WG5 WG6 WG7 WG8 WG9A WG10 WG11A WG12 WG13 WG14 WG15 WG16 WG17 WG18 WG19 WG20 WG21 WG22 WG23 WG24 WG25 WG26 WG27 WG28 WG29 153-IEC 标准 R3 R4 R5 R6 R8 R9 R12 R14 R18 R22 R26 R32 R40 R48 R58 R70 R84 R100 R120 R140 R180 R220 R260 R320 R400 R500 R620 R740 R900 R1200 R1400
■INTRODUCTIONMLCC(Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor)is SMD(Surface Mounted Device)type capacitor that is used in wide ranges of capacitance.MLCC is paid more attentions than other capacitors due to the better frequency characteristics,higher reliability,higher withstanding voltage and so on.MLCC is made of many layers of ceramic and inner electrodes like sandwich.Pd was used for inner electrodes.But the price of Pd was skyrocketed and Pd was replaced by the BME(Base Metal Electrode),which reduced the total cost of MLCC.This inner electrode is connected to outer termination for surface mounting,which is composed of three layers,Cu or Ag layer,Ni plating layer,and SnPb or Sn plating layer.Most of MLCCs become Pb free by the environmental issue at present.MLCC is divided into two classes.Class I(C0G,etc)is the temperature compensating type.It hasa small TCC(Temperature Coefficient of Capacitance)and a better frequency performance.Therefore,it is used in RF applications such as cellular phone,tuner,and so on.Class II(X7R, X5R,Y5V,etc)is the high dielectric constant type,which is used in general electronic circuit.Especially high capacitance MLCC is replacing other capacitors(Tantalum and Aluminum capacitor)due to the low ESR(Equivalent Series Resistance)value.■FEATURE AND APPLICATION●Feature-Miniature Size-Wide Capacitance and Voltage Range-Highly Reliable Performance-Tape&Reel for Surface Mount Assembly-Low ESR-High Q at High Frequencies-Stable Temperature Dependence of Capacitance●Application-High Frequency Circuit(Tuner,VCO,PAM etc)-General Power Supply Circuit(SMPS etc)-DC-DC Converter-General Electronic Circuit■STRUCTURE■APPEARANCE AND DIMENSIONDIMENSION(mm)CODE EIA CODEL W T(MAX)BW 0302010.6±0.030.3±0.030.3±0.030.15±0.05050402 1.0±0.050.5±0.050.5±0.050.2+0.15/-0.1 100603 1.6±0.10.8±0.10.8±0.10.3±0.2210805 2.0±0.1 1.25±0.1 1.25±0.10.5+0.2/-0.3 311206 3.2±0.2 1.6±0.2 1.6±0.20.5+0.2/-0.3 321210 3.2±0.3 2.5±0.2 2.5±0.20.6±0.3431812 4.5±0.4 3.2±0.3 3.2±0.30.8±0.3552220 5.7±0.4 5.0±0.4 3.2±0.3 1.0±0.3■PREVIOUS PART NUMBERINGSymbol EIA Code TemperatureCoefficient(PPM/℃)※TemperatureCharacteristicsOperationTemperature RangeC C0G(CH)0±30C Δ-55~+125℃P P2H -150±60P ΔR R2H -220±60R ΔS S2H -330±60S ΔT T2H -470±60T ΔU U2J -750±120U ΔLS2L+350~-1000SL▶CLASS Ⅰ(Temperature Compensation)TemperatureCharacteristicsbelow 2.0pF 2.2~3.9pF above 4.0pFabove 10pFC ΔC0G C0G C0G C0G P Δ-P2J P2H P2H R Δ-R2J R2H R2H S Δ-S2J S2HS2H T Δ-T2J T2H T2H U Δ-U2JU2JU2JSymbol EIA Code Capacitance Change(ΔC :%)OperationTemperature RangeA X5R ±15-55~+85℃B X7R ±15-55~+125℃FY5V+22~-82-30~+85℃▶CLASS Ⅱ(High Dielectric Constant)SAMSUNG Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Type(Size)Capacitance Temperature Characteristics Nominal Capacitance Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage Thickness Option Packaging Type CAPACITANCE TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS ※Temperature Characteristics ☞K :±250PPM/℃J :±120PPM/℃H :±60PPM/℃G :±30PPM/℃●●●●●●●●●Temperature CharacteristicsSymbol Tolerance Applicable Capacitance &RangeC0G(NPO)or T.C SeriesB ±0.1pF 0.5~3pF C±0.25pF 0.5~10pF D ±0.5pF F ±1pF 6~10pFG ±2%E-24Series for over 10pF J ±5%K±10%A(X5R)B(X7R)J ±5%E-12SeriesK ±10%M ±20%F(Y5V)Z-20%~+80%E-6Series CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE The nominal capacitance value is expressed in pico-Farad(pF)and identified by three-digit number,first two digits represent significant figures and last digit specifies the number of zeros to follow.For values below 1pF,the letter "R"is used as the decimal point and the last digit becomes significant.example)100:10×10o =10pF 102:10×102=1000pF020:2×10o =2pF1R5:1.5pFNOMINAL CAPACITANCE ●●※Please consult us for special tolerances.RATED VOLTAGE ●PACKAGING TYPE THICKNESS OPTION Symbol Description of the CodeN Standard thickness (please refer to standard thickness table on next page)A Thinner than standard thickness B Thicker than standard thicknessC Standard Thickness High Q (Low `D.F `)D Sn-100%(High-Q)ESn-100%(General)※Please Consult us for other termination type.●●Series Capacitance StepE-3 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.88.2E-241.0 1.2 1.5 1.82.2 2.73.3※Standard Capacitance is "Each step ×10n "▶STANDARD CAPACITANCE STEP■NEW PART NUMBERING●PRODUCT ABBREVIATION Symbol Product AbbreviationCLSAMSUNG Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor●SIZE(mm)Symbol Size(mm)Length Width 030.60.305 1.00.510 1.60.821 2.0 1.231 3.2 1.632 3.2 2.543 4.5 3.2555.75.0SAMSUNG Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Size(mm)Capacitance Temperature Characteristic Nominal Capacitance Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage Thickness Option Product &Plating Method Samsung Control Code Reserved For Future Use Packaging Type ●●●●●●●●●●●●CAPACITANCE TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICSymbol Temperature Characteristics Temperature RangeCClassⅠCOG C△0±30(ppm/℃)-55~+125℃P P2H P△-150±60R R2H R△-220±60S S2H S△-330±60T T2H T△-470±60U U2J U△-750±60L S2L S△+350~-1000AClassⅡX5R X5R±15%-55~+85℃B X7R X7R±15%-55~+125℃F Y5V Y5V+22~-82%-30~+85℃※Temperature CharacteristicTemperatureCharacteristicsBelow2.0pF 2.2~3.9pF Above4.0pF Above10pF CΔC0G C0G C0G C0GPΔ-P2J P2H P2HRΔ-R2J R2H R2HSΔ-S2J S2H S2HTΔ-T2J T2H T2HUΔ-U2J U2J U2JJ:±120PPM/℃,H:±60PPM/℃,G:±30PPM/℃●NOMINAL CAPACITANCENominal capacitance is identified by3digits.The first and second digits identify the first and second significant figures of the capacitance. The third digit identifies the multiplier.'R'identifies a decimal point.●ExampleSymbol Nominal Capacitance1R5 1.5pF10310,000pF,10nF,0.01μF104100,000pF,100nF,0.1μF●CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE Symbol Tolerance Nominal CapacitanceA ±0.05pF Less than 10pF (Including 10pF)B ±0.1pFC ±0.25pFD ±0.5pF F ±1pF F ±1%More than 10pF G ±2%J ±5%K ±10%M ±20%Z+80,-20%●RATEDVOLTAGE●THICKNESS OPTIONType Symbol Thickness(T)Spec 060330.30±0.03 100550.50±0.05 160880.80±0.102012A0.65±0.10 C0.85F 1.25±0.103216C0.85±0.15 F 1.25±0.15 H 1.6±0.203225F 1.25±0.20H 1.6I 2.0J 2.54532F 1.25±0.20H 1.6I 2.0J 2.5L 3.2±0.305750F 1.25±0.20H 1.6I 2.0J 2.5L 3.2±0.30●PRODUCT&PLATING METHODSymbol Electrode Termination Plating TypeA Pd Ag Sn_100%N Ni Cu Sn_100%G Cu Cu Sn_100%●SAMSUNG CONTROL CODE●RESERVED FOR FUTURE USESymbol Description of the codeN Reserved for future use●PACKAGING TYPE▶CAPACITANCE vs CHIP THICKNESS STANDARDDescription0603(0201)1005(0402)1608(0603)2012Type (0805)3216Type (1206)3225Type (1210)4532Type (1812)5750Type (2220)Dimension (mm)L0.6±0.03 1.0±0.05 1.6±0.1 2.0±0.13.2±0.153.2±0.2 3.2±0.34.5±0.45.7±0.4W 0.3±0.030.5±0.050.8±0.1 1.25±0.1 1.6±0.15 1.6±0.22.5±0.23.2±0.3 5.0±0.4T0.3±0.030.5~±0.050.8±0.10.65±0.10.85±0.11.25±0.10.85±0.15 1.25±0.15 1.6±0.21.25±0.2 1.6±0.22.0±0.22.5±0.21.25±0.21.6±0.22.0±0.22.5±0.21.6±0.22.0±0.22.5±0.2C A P ACIT A N CER A N G E (p F )SL 50V -0.5~2400.5~10000.5~10001100~15001600~27000.5~27003000~56006200~8200-----------C,TC (Except SL,UJ)25V 0.5~470.5~2200.5~1000--3300~82001500~36003900~68007500~10000-----100000-----50V -0.5~1800.5~10000.5~560620~10001100~33000.5~22002400~4700-560~1000011000~2200024000~47000-1000~1300015000~2200024000~4700062000~680004300093000130000C A P A C I T A N C E R A N G E (n F )A (X5R)6.3V 102202200--10000--10000---22000---47000--4700010V101001000--2200--4700~10000---22000------4700016V -47330~470--1000--4700---6800~10000-------25V --------------------50V- 6.8~10------------------B (X7R)6.3V 0.1~1047~100470~1000--1000--6800~10000---22000-------10V0.1~1033~100220~470220~270330~470560~1000-1000~330047001500~220033003900~4700----22000---16V0.1~110~33100~22068~200220~330390~1000330~6801000~15002200~33001500~220033003900~4700---2200----25V -4.7~1047~10039~6882~100150~470100~330470~620680~1000680~150018002200---1000---1000050V -0.22~4.70.22~1000.22~3947~1002201~150220390~1000 2.2~680820~1000--10~1000-----3300~4700F (Y5V)6.3V10~100-2200--10000-----47000--------10V -220~330100~1000--4700-470010000~22000---22000------10000016V -10~220100~100010~680820~10001200~22001000~22002700~4700100003300~68001000015000---22000----25V -10~3322~33010~220270~470560~1000470~10001200~22002700~33001000~33004700~10000-----10000---50V - 2.2~102.2~1002.2~6882~150180~100010~470560~1000-100~1000------10000---■PACKAGING●CARDBOARD PAPER TAPESymbol W F E P1P2P0D tABTypeD i m e n s i o n038.0±0.3 3.5±0.05 1.75±0.12.0±0.052.0±0.05 4.0±0.1Φ1.5+0.1/-00.37±0.030.38±0.030.68±0.03050.6±0.050.65+0.05/-0.1 1.15+0.05/-0.110 4.0±0.11.1MAX1.1±0.21.9±0.221 1.6±0.22.4±0.2312.0±0.23.6±0.2unit :mm●EMBOSSED PLASTIC TAPE●TAPING SIZE●REEL DIMENSIONSymbol A B CDEWtR7"Reel φ178±2.0min.φ50φ13±0.521±0.82.0±0.510±1.50.8±0.21.013"Reelφ330±2.0min.φ70unit :mmSymbol Cardboard Paper TapeEmbossed Plastic Tape7"Reel 4000200013"Reel15000-unit :pcsSize 05(0402)10(0603)21(0805)T ≤0.85mm T ≥1.0mm Quantity 50,00010,000~15,000*10,0005,000●BULK CASE PACKAGING-Bulk case packaging can reduce the stock space and transportation costs.-The bulk feeding system can increase the productivity.-It can eliminate the componentsloss.Symbol A B T C D E Dimension 6.8±0.18.8±0.112±0.1 1.5+0.1/-02+0/-0.14.7±0.1Symbol F W G H L I Dimension31.5+0.2/-036+0/-0.219±0.357±0.35110±0.75±0.35●QUANTITY*Option■CHARACTERISTIC MAP●CLASSⅠTemperature Characteristics Size VoltageCapacitance Range(㎊)SL,UJ05 (0402)50V10 (0603)50V21 (0805)50V31 (1206)50VC(COG)& TC Series03(0201)25V05(0402)25V50V10(0603)25V50V21(0805)25V50V31(1206)25V50V 32(1210)50V100V43(1812)25V50V55(2220)50V101001000100001000001000000100000001000000000.5240270082001000100010000150033004700100018022047820033001800047005604700068000100010000013000043000●CLASSⅡ,A(X5R)Temperature Characteristics Size Voltage Capacitance Range(㎊)A(X5R)0603(0201)6.3V10V1005(0402)6.3V10V16V50V1608(0603)6.3V10V16V2012(0805)6.3V10V16V3216(1206)6.3V10V16V3225(1210)6.3V10V16V4532(1812) 6.3V5750(2220)6.3V10V101001000100001000001000000100000001000000001000010000010000100000004700000220000002200000100000004700000220000004700000047000100006800100000022000001000000470000330000100000001000000068000004700000047000000220000●CLASSⅡ,B(X7R)Temperature Characteristics Size VoltageCapacitance Range(㎊)B(X7R)03(0201)6.3V10V16V05(0402)6.3V10V16V25V50V10(0603)6.3V10V16V25V50V21(0805)6.3V10V16V25V50V31(1206)6.3V10V16V 25V50V10100100010000100000100000010000000100000000100000470004700000470000100000100000047000022000010000003300000100000010000001001000010000000100000100000100100001001000680000033000100003300010000470047002204700002200002200001000004700022022000010000006800039000220100000033000010000010000001000●CLASSⅡ,B(X7R)Temperature Characteristics Size VoltageCapacitance Range(㎊)B(X7R)32(1210)6.3V10V16V25V50V43(1812)10V16V25V50V55(2220)25V50V1010010001000010000010000001000000010000000022000000100000010000470000015000002200000010000001000000047000003300000470000015000002200000680000100000022002200000●CLASSⅡ,F(Y5V)Temperature Characteristics Size VoltageCapacitance Range(㎊)F(Y5V)03(0201) 6.3V05(0402)10V16V25V50V10(0603)6.3V10V16V25V50V21(0805)6.3V10V16V25V50V31(1206)10V16V 25V50V32(1210)6.3V10V16V25V50V43(1812)16V25V50V55(2220)10V330000330001000022000010000220010000003300001000001000002200022001000000220000010000100002200000047000001000000033000001000000100000047000010000470000010000001500000033000001000000100000100000002200000010000220000100000001000000010000000022000001000000010000010000100000010000010000002200470000002200000010100100010000100000100000010000000100000000■RELIABILITY TEST DATANO ITEM PERFORMANCE TEST CONDITION 1APPEARANCE NO ABNORMAL EXTERIOR APPEARANCE THROUGH MICROSCOPE(×10)2INSULATIONRESISTANCE10,000㏁OR500㏁·㎌PRODUCT WHICHEVER ISSMALLER(RATED VOLTAGE IS BELOW16V:10,000㏁OR100㏁·㎌)RATED VOLTAGE SHALL BE APPLIED.MEASUREMENT TIME IS60~120RATED VOLTAGETIME60SEC.3WITHSTANDINGVOLTAGENO DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN ORMECHANICAL BREAKDOWNCLASSⅠ:300%OF THE RATED VOLTAGE FOR1~5SEC,CLASSⅡ:250%OF THE RATED VOLTAGE FOR1~5SECIS APPLIED WITH LESS THAN50㎃CURRENT4CAPACITANCECLASSⅠWITHIN THE SPECIFIEDTOLERANCECAPACITANCE FREQUENCY VOLTAGE1,000㎊ANDBELOW1㎒±10%0.5~5VrmsMORE THAN1,000㎊1㎑±10%CLASSⅡWITHIN THE SPECIFIEDTOLERANCECAPACITANCE FREQUENCY VOLTAGE10㎌AND BELOW1㎑±10% 1.0±0.2VrmsMORE THAN10㎌120㎐±20%0.5±0.1Vrms5Q CLASSⅠOVER30㎊:Q≥1,000LESS THAN30㎊:Q≥400+20C(C:CAPACITANCE)CAPACITANCE FREQUENCY VOLTAGE1,000㎊ANDBELOW1㎒±10%0.5~5VrmsMORE THAN1,000㎊1㎑±10%6TanδCLASSⅡ1.CHAR:B2.CHAR:FCAPACITANCE FREQUENCY VOLTAGE10㎌AND BELOW1㎑±10% 1.0±0.2VrmsMORE THAN10㎌120㎐±20%0.5±0.1Vrms RATED VOLTAGE DF SPEC6.3V0.05max10V0.05max16V0.035max25V0.025max50V이상0.025max6.3V10V16V25V50V1005-0.125max0.09max(C<220nF)0.125max(C≥220nF)0.05max0.05max16080.16max0.125max0.09max0.05max(C≤100nF)0.07max(C>100nF)0.05max20120.16max0.125max0.09max0.07max0.05max32160.16max0.125max0.09max0.07max0.05max32250.16max0.125max0.09max0.07max(C≤6.8㎌)0.09max(C>6.8㎌)0.05max45320.16max0.16max0.09max--57500.125max---www.cdindustries.hk*THE INITIAL VALUE OF HIGH DIELECTRIC CONSTANT SERIES SHALL BE MEASUREDAFTER THE HEAT TREATMENT OF150+0/-10℃,1Hr AND SITTING OF48±4hr AT ROOM TEMPERATURE&ROOM HUMIDITY.NO ITEM PERFORMANCE TEST CONDITION14HUMIDITY(STEADYSTATE)APPEARANCE NO MECHANICAL DAMAGE SHALL OCCUR TEMPERATURE:40±2℃RELATIVE HUMIDITY:90~95%RHTEST TIME:500+12/-0Hr.MEASURE AT ROOM TEMPERATUREAFTER COOLING FORCLASSⅠ:24±2Hr.CLASSⅡ:48±4Hr.CAPACITANCECHARACTERISTIC CAPACITANCE CHANGECLASSⅠWITHIN±5%OR±0.5㎊WHICHEVERIS LARGERCLASSⅡA,B WITHIN±12.5%F WITHIN±30%QCLASSⅠ30㎊AND OVER:Q≥35010~30㎊:Q≥275+2.5×CLESS THAN10pF:Q≥200+10×CTanδCLASSⅡINSULATIONRESISTANCEMINIMUM INSULATION RESISTANCE:1,000㏁OR50㏁·㎌PRODUCT WHICHEVER ISSMALLER15MOISTURERESISTANCEAPPEARANCE NO MECHANICAL DAMAGE SHALL OCCUR APPLIED VOLTAGE:RATED VOLTAGETEMPERATURE:40±2℃RELATIVE HUMIDITY:90~95%RHTEST TIME:500+12/-0Hr.CURRENT APPLIED:50㎃MAX.<INITIAL MEASUREMENT>CLASSⅡSHOULD BE MEASUREDINITIAL VALUE AFTER BE HEAT-TREATEDFOR1HR IN150℃+0/-10℃AND BE LEFTFOR48±4HR AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.<LATTER MEASUREMENT>CLASSⅠSHOULD BE MEASURED AFTERLEFT FOR24±2HRS IN ROOMTEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY.CLASSⅡSHOULD BE MEASUREDLATTER VALUE AFTER BEHEAT-TREATED FOR1HR IN150℃+0/-10℃AND BE LEFT FOR48±4HR AT ROOMTEMPERATURE.CAPACITANCECHARACTERISTIC CAPACITANCE CHANGECLASSⅠWITHIN±7.5%OR±0.75㎊WHICHEVERIS LARGERCLASSⅡA,B WITHIN±12.5%FWITHIN±30%WITHIN+30~-40%1005C>0.47μF1608C>1.0μF2012C>4.7μF3216C>10.0μF3225C>22.0μF4532C>47.0μFQCLASSⅠ30㎊AND OVER:Q≥20030㎊AND BELOW:Q≥100+10/3×CTanδCLASSⅡINSULATIONRESISTANCEMINIMUM INSULATION RESISTANCE:500㏁OR25㏁·㎌PRODUCT,WHICHEVER IS SMALLER.CHAR.25VANDOVER16V10V 6.3V4VA,B0.050.05MAX0.05MAX0.075MAX0.1MAXF0.075MAX0.1MAX(C〈1.0㎌)0.125MAX(C≥1.0㎌)0.15MAX0.195MAX0.25MAXCHAR.25VANDOVER16V10V 6.3V4VA,B0.05MAX0.05MAX0.05MAX0.075MAX0.1MAXF0.075MAX0.1MAX(C〈1.0㎌)0.125MAX(C≥1.0㎌)0.15MAX0.195MAX0.25MAX6.3VTanδ0.125MAX*ConditionCLASSⅡ(A,B)1005C≥0.22㎌1608C≥2.2㎌2012C≥4.7㎌3216C≥10.0㎌3225C≥22.0㎌4532C≥47.0㎌5750C≥100.0㎌6.3V Tanδ0.125MAX*ConditionCLASSⅡ(A,B)1005C≥0.22㎌1608C≥2.2㎌2012C≥4.7㎌3216C≥10.0㎌3225C≥22.0㎌4532C≥47.0㎌5750C≥100.0㎌NO ITEM PERFORMANCE TEST CONDITION16HIGHTEMPERATURERESISTANCEAPPEARANCE NO MECHANICAL DAMAGE SHALL OCCURAPPLIED VOLTAGE:150%,200%OF RATED VOLTAGETEST TIME:1000+48/-0Hr.CURRENT APPLIED:50㎃MAX.<INITIAL MEASUREMENT>CLASSⅡSHOULD BE MEASURED INITIALVALUE AFTER BE HEAT-TREATED FOR1HR IN150℃+0/-10℃AND BE LEFT FOR48±4HR AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.<LATTER MEASUREMENT>CLASSⅠSHOULD BE MEASURED AFTERLEFT FOR24±2HRS IN ROOMTEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY.CLASSⅡSHOULD BE MEASURED LATTERVALUE AFTER BE HEAT-TREATED FOR1HR IN150℃+0/-10℃AND BE LEFT FOR48±4HR AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.(TWICE OF RATED VOLTAGE WILL BEAPPLIED TO ALL SERIES BUT ABOVE)**HOWEVER,A/B는1005C≥0.22㎌SEE(FIG.3)CAPACITANCECHARACTERISTIC CAP.CHANGECLASSⅠWITHIN±3%OR±0.3㎊,WHICHEVER IS LARGERCLASSⅡA,B WITHIN±12.5%FWITHIN±30%WITHIN+30~40%1005C>0.47μF1608C>1.0μF2012C>4.7μF3216C>10.0μF3225C>22.0μF4532C>47.0μFQCLASSⅠ30㎊AND OVER:Q≥35010~30㎊:Q≥275+2.5×CLESS THAN10㎊:Q≥200+10×CTanδCLASSⅡINSULATIONRESISTANCEMINIMUM INSULATION RESISTANCE:1,000㏁OR50㏁·㎌PRODUCTWHICHEVER IS SMALLER17TEMPERATURECYCLEAPPEARANCE NO MECHANICAL DAMAGE SHALL OCCUR CAPACITORS SHALL BE SUBJECTEDTO FIVE CYCLES OF THETEMPERATURE CYCLE AS FOLLOWINGSTEP TEMP.(℃)TIME(MIN)1MIN.RATEDTEMP.+0/-3302252~33MAX.RATEDTEMP.+3/-0304252~3MEASURE AT ROOM TEMPERATUREAFTER COOLING FORCLASSⅠ:24±2Hr.CLASSⅡ:48±4Hr.CAPACITANCECHARACTERISTIC CAP.CHANGECLASSⅠWITHIN±2.5%OR±0.25㎊WHICHEVER ISLARGERCLASSⅡA,B WITHIN±7.5%F WITHIN±20%QCLASSⅠ30㎊AND OVER:Q≥1000LESS THAN30㎊:Q≥400+20×CTanδCLASSⅡTO SATISFY THE SPECIFIEDINITIAL VALUEINSULATIONRESISTANCETO SATISFY THE SPECIFIEDINITIAL VALUECHAR.25VANDOVER16V10V 6.3V4VA,B0.05MAX0.05MAX0.05MAX0.075MAX0.1MAXF0.075MAX0.1MAX(C<1.0㎌)0.125MAX(C≥1.0㎌)0.15MAX0.195MAX0.25MAXCHAR.TEMP.CLASSⅠ125±3℃CLASSⅡA85±3℃B125±3℃F85±3℃*150%Authorization ConditionsCLASSⅡ(A,B,F)1005C>0.47μF1608C≥2.2㎌2012C≥4.7㎌3216C≥10.0㎌3225C≥22.0㎌4532C≥47.0㎌5750C≥100.0㎌■CHARACTERISTIC GRAPH▶CAPACITANCE CHANGE -AGING▶CAPACITANCE -DC VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS▶CAPACITANCE -TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS●ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS■APPLICATION MANUAL●Storage Condition▶Storage EnvironmentThe electrical characteristics of MLCCs were degraded by the environment of high temperature or humidity.Therefore,the MLCCs shall be stored in the ambient temperature and the relative humidity of less than40℃and70%,respectively.Guaranteed storage period is within6months from the outgoing date of delivery.▶Corrosive GasesSince the solderability of the end termination in MLCC was degraded by a chemical atmosphere such as chlorine,acid or sulfide gases,MLCCs must be avoid from these gases.▶Temperature FluctuationsSince dew condensation may occur by the differences in temperature when the MLCCs are taken out of storage,it is important to maintain the temperature-controlled environment.●Design of Land PatternWhen designing printed circuit boards,the shape and size of the lands must allow for theproper amount of solder on the capacitor.The amount of solder at the end terminations has a direct effect on the crack.The crack in MLCC will be easily occurred by the tensile stress which was due to too much amount of solder.In contrast,if too little solder is applied,the termination strength will be e the following illustrations as guidelines for proper land design.Recommendation of Land Shape and Size●AdhesivesWhen flow soldering the MLCCs,apply the adhesive in accordance with the following conditions.▶Requirements for AdhesivesThey must have enough adhesion,so that,the chips will not fall off or move during thehandling of the circuit board.They must maintain their adhesive strength when exposed to soldering temperature.They should not spread or run when applied to the circuit board.They should harden quickly.They should not corrode the circuit board or chip material.They should be a good insulator.They should be non-toxic,and not produce harmful gases,nor be harmful when touched.▶Application MethodIt is important to use the proper amount of adhesive.Too little and much adhesive will cause poor adhesion and overflow into the land,respectively.▶Adhesive hardening CharacteristicsTo prevent oxidation of the terminations,the adhesive must harden at160℃or less,within2minutes or less.●Mounting▶Mounting Head PressureExcessive pressure will cause crack to MLCCs.The pressure of nozzle will be300g maximum during mounting.▶Bending StressWhen double-sided circuit boards are used,MLCCs first are mounted and soldered onto one side of the board.When the MLCCs are mounted onto the other side,it is important to support the board as shown in the illustration.If the circuit board is not supported,the crack occur to the ready-installed MLCCs by the bending stress.●FluxAlthough the solderability increased by the highly-activated flux,increase of activity in flux may also degrade the insulation of the chip capacitors.To avoid such degradation,it is recommended that a mildly activated rosin flux(less than0.2%chlorine)be used.●SolderingSince a multilayer ceramic chip capacitor comes into direct contact with melted solder during soldering,it is exposed to potentially mechanical stress caused by the sudden temperature change.The capacitor may also be subject to silver migration,and to contamination by the flux.Because of these factors,soldering technique is critical.▶Soldering MethodsMethodClassificationReflow soldering-Overall heating-Infrared rays -Hot plate-VPS(vapor phase)-Local heating-Air heater -Laser-Light beamFlow soldering-Single wave -Double wave-*We recommend the reflow soldering method.▶Soldering ProfileTo avoid crack problem by sudden temperature change,follow the temperature profile in the adjacentgraph.30025020015010050℃Reflow Soldering 30025020015010050℃60~120sec 3~4secFlow Soldering▶Manual SolderingManual soldering can pose a great risk of creating thermal cracks in chip capacitors.The hotsoldering iron tip comes into direct contact with the end terminations,and operator's carelessnessmay cause the tip of the soldering iron to come into direct contact with the ceramic body of the capacitor.Therefore the soldering iron must be handled carefully,and close attention must be paid to the selection of the soldering iron tip and to temperature control of the tip.▶Amount ofSolder▶CoolingNatural cooling using air is recommended.If the chips are dipped into solvent for cleaning, the temperature difference(△T)must be less than100℃6-6.CleaningIf rosin flux is used,cleaning usually is unnecessary.When strongly activated flux is used, chlorine in the flux may dissolve into some types of cleaning fluids,thereby affecting the chip capacitors.This means that the cleaning fluid must be carefully selected,and should always be new.▶Notes for Separating Multiple,Shared PC Boards.A multi-PC board is separated into many individual circuit boards after soldering has been completed.If the board is bent or distorted at the time of separation,cracks may occur in the chip capacitors.Carefully choose a separation method that minimizes the bending of the circuit board.■CROSS REFERENCEP/N COMPANY SAMSUNG AVX JOHANSON KEMET KYOCERA MURATA NOVACAP PANASONIC ROHMTAIYO-YUDENTDK VITRAMON①COMPANY MODEL(MLCC)CL--C CM GRM-ECJ MCH MK C VJ②SIZE (EIA/JIS)0201(0603)03---0333-Z-0630603-0402(1005)050402R0704020536040201510510050402 0603(1608)100603R14060310539060311810716080603 0805(2012)210805R1508052140080522121220120805 1206(3216)311206R181********-6120633131632161206 1210(3225)321210S4112103242-2121043232532251210 1808(4520)421808R29180842-1808---45201808 1812(4532)431812S4318124343-21812-4343245321812 2220(5750)55--22205544-12221--5505650-③TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTIC COG(NPO)C A N G CG COG/CH N C A C COG/CH A P2H(N150)P S--P P2H-P-P PH-R2H(N220)R1--R R2H-R-R RH-S2H(N330)S3--S S2H-S-S SH-T2H(N470)T O--T T2H-T-T TH-U2J(N750)U Z--U U2J-U UJ U UJ-S2L L Y--SL SL-G SL SL SL-X7R B C W R(X)X7R X7R B B C BJ X7R(B)Y(X) Z5U E E Z U-Z5U Z-E-Z5U U Y5V F G Y V Y5V Y5V Y F F F Y5V-④NOMINAL CAPACITANCE EX)103=10,000㎊221=220㎊225=2,200,000㎊=2.2㎌1R5=1.5㎊010=1㎊⑤CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE B:±0.1㎊C:±0.25㎊D:±0.5㎊F:±1%G:±2%J:±5%K:±10%M:±20%Z:-20~+80%⑥RATED VOLTAGE6.3V Q6-906 6.3-0J-J0J-10V P Z10081010-1A4L1A-16V O Y160416161601C3E1C J 25V A3250325252501E2T1E X 50V B5500550505001H5U1H A 100V C110111*********A1-2A B 200V D220122002002012D---C 250V E V--250250251---2E-500V G7501-500500501----E 630V H---630630----2J-1000V I A102-10001K102---3A G 2000V J G202-20002K202---3D-3000V K H302-30003K302---3F H 4000V-J-4000-402-----⑦TERMINATIONNICKEL BARRIER N T V C A(GRM)N-(MCH)--X Ag/Pd P1--B(GR)P-(MC)--F⑧PACKAGEBULK(VINYL)B9(NONE)-B PB*X-B B B PAPER TAPING C2,4T,R-T,L PT T E,V,W K,L T T C,P PLASTIC TAPING E1,3E,U-H,N PT-F,Y P,Q T-T,R BULK CASE P7--C PC-C C--G。
EC2F202A2-71048 2kΩ±1% 3182K±1%
EC2F502A2-40103 5kΩ±1% 3324K±1%
EC2F103A2-40113 10kΩ±1% 3435K±1%
EC2F203A2-70030 20kΩ±1% 4013K±1%
EC2F503A2-70456 50kΩ±1% 4060K±1%
EC2F104A2-60109 100kΩ±1% 4665K±1%
散热系数...约3.0MW /℃ 热时常数...约80秒 介电强度···AC2400V1秒 在DC500V的绝缘电阻···100MΩ以上
成型树脂颜色 水色 赤色 灰色 黒色 青色 白色 緑色
工作温度范围 ℃
散热系数mW / ℃
100.0kΩ±1% 4261K±1%
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
熱時定数 s
额定功率mW at 25℃
工作温度范围 ℃
散热系数mW / ℃
1.433kΩ±2% 3400K±2%
介电强度···AC1800V1秒 在DC500V的绝缘电阻···100MΩ以上
熱時定数 s
额定功率mW at 25℃
介电强度···AC600V1秒 在DC500V的绝缘电阻···100MΩ以上
西门子 S7-1200 功能安全手册 - 设备手册说明书
SIMATICS7S7-1200 功能安全手册设备手册Siemens AGDigital IndustriesⓅ 10/2022 本公司保留更改的权利 Copyright © Siemens AG 2022. 保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
按规定使用 Siemens 产品请注意下列说明:警告Siemens 产品只允许用于目录和相关技术文件中规定的使用情况。
如果要使用其他公司的产品和组件,必须得到 Siemens 推荐和允许。
商标所有带有标记符号 ® 的都是 Siemens AG 的注册商标。
G.SHDSL铜线介质传输设备产品图片RC1102 RC1101 RC1101产品概述RC110x系列设备是瑞斯康达自主研发生产的G.SHDSL 调制解调器。
该系列设备用一对音频双绞线(电话线缆)作为传输介质,最大传输速率为89×64K=5.696M bps,在速率为 2.048M bps 时,传输距离可以达到4公里。
T01520 当主电机开始运作超过16个脉冲,即相等于100ms后,主电机限制传感器未能切换到“ON/OFF”启动/关闭状态。
T01521 当主电机开始运作,如机器能在检测到两次位置-B之间,位置-A传感器未能切换到“ON/OFF”启动/关闭状态。
T01522 当主电机开始运作时,主电机FG(限制传感器)已接收了3033个脉冲数值,位置-B传感器未能切换到“ON/OFF”启动/关闭状态,即使。
T01524 当印刷滚筒进行运作时,版夹单元未能停留在其初始位置。
)T01536 印刷滚筒未能成功地停在位置-A。
(超出位置-A停机范围)T01537 印刷滚筒未能成功地停在位置-B。
(超出位置-B停机范围)T01538 当印刷滚筒进行运作时未能处于被锁定状态。
(印刷滚筒锁定位置传感器:“OFF”关闭状态)T02400 上限/下限此两个传感器同时处于“ON”启动状态。
T02401 升降台电机检测到电流超载。
T02404 当升降台电机从下限位置开始升起升降台时,下限传感器於升降台电机启动2秒后仍未能切换到“OFF”关闭状态。
T02405 当升降台电机从下限位置开始升起升降台时,上限传感器於升降台电机启动12秒后仍未能切换到“ON”启动状态。
T02406 当升降台电机从上限位置开始降下升降台时,上限传感器於升降台电机启动2秒后仍未能切换到“OFF”关闭状态。
T02407 当升降台电机从上限位置开始降下升降台时,下限传感器於升降台电机启动12秒后仍未能切换到“ON”启动状态。
T02408 当升降台进行伺服运作时,上限传感器在此伺服运作的最后2秒持续保持於“OFF”关闭状态。
T03500 版夹传感器C於版夹单元完成初始位置运作后切换到“OFF”关闭状态。
T03501 当版夹单元进行初始位置运作,并且当版夹电机向反方向转动时,版夹传感器A和版夹传感器B在800ms内都未改变其状态。
碳 10 8 18 粉 系
兄弟2050(120克) 兄弟2050(100克) 惠普1215彩粉
填充 墨水
填 充 墨 水 50 28毫升 2 70 100毫升 4 500毫升 25
9 8 30
惠普388(90克) 惠普388(80克) 佳能290
列 13 (100克) 惠普2600彩粉
12 兰博2612A硒鼓 9 兰博388A硒鼓 50
硒 鼓 系 列
TY-2612A TY-2613A TY-435A TY-436A TY-388A TY-505A TY-278A TY-7115A TY-4092A TY-3906F TY-5942A TY-5949A TY-7551A TY-7553A TY-4129X TY-7516A TY-1338A TY-1339A TY-4127X TY-4096A TY-3903F TY-92274A TY-6511A 惠普 硒鼓 65 TY-2610A 80 TY-2624A 85 TY-364 80 TY-8061X 80 TY6001-6003 100 TY530-533 95 TY540-543 70 TY3960-3963 80 联想 硒鼓 75 TY-1600硒鼓 190 TY-1800粉盒 90 TY-1800鼓架 180 TY-1900粉盒 95 TY-0112粉盒 190 TY-0225粉盒 220 TY-2312鼓架 240 TY-2020粉盒 240 TY-2020鼓架 180 TY-2822粉盒 180 TY-2822鼓架 140 TY-2435粉盒 140 TY-2922粉盒 180 TY-2922鼓架 175 85 280 170 150 200 160 160 130 130 240 95 95 95 190 90 160 90 160 110 95 160 兄弟 硒鼓 TY-2050粉盒 TY-2050鼓架 TY-2115粉盒 TY-2125粉盒 TY-2150鼓架 TY-2880粉盒 TY-3135粉盒 TY-3175粉盒 TY-3150鼓架 TY-4150粉盒 TY-4150鼓架 TY-8050鼓架 施乐 硒鼓 TY-3110 TY-3115 TY-3116 TY-3117 TY-3119 TY-P8E TY-PE220 TY-203 TY-204 90 160 90 90 160 40 95 100 245 130 245 260 100 100 100 100 100 130 100 130 130 佳能 硒鼓 TY-E-16 TY-EP-22 TY一EP25 TY-EP-26 TY-EP-62 TY-FX-3 TY-FX-9 TY-912 TY-303 TY-U鼓 TY-W鼓 TY-307BK TY-307C/M/Y TY-308 TY-309 爱普生硒鼓 TY-5700粉盒 TY-5900硒鼓 TY-6200粉盒 TY-6200鼓架 TY-2180 TY-2020 130 85 80 105 200 80 80 80 80 100 90 160 170 100 220 130 190 135 195 三星 硒鼓 TY-1210 100 TY-1610 100 TY-1710 100 TY-2010 105 TY-4100 100 TY-4200 100 TY-4216 105 TY-4521 100 TY-4500 105 TY-4725 110 TY-5100 105 TY-550 105 TY-560R 110 TY-5800 160 TY-2250 150 TY-CLP300黑 70 TY-CLP300彩 70 TY-2150 160 TY-1666 140 TY-108S 130 TY-109S原芯片 140 TY-209S 195 109s带盘 120 松下 硒鼓 TY-76A粉盒 TY-78A鼓架 TY-83E粉盒 TY-84E鼓架 TY-90E粉盒 TY-91E鼓架 TY-94E粉盒 TY-95E鼓架 利盟 硒鼓 TY-E210 TY-E230 TY-X215 其它 型号
TDK-EPCOS TP102K106JR 电感说明书
Dimensions: [mm]Scale 2 :1Product Marking:Start of Winding•768772332768772332A768772332768772332T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 768772332Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-TI-HV ofWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the component. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•Please be aware that products provided in bulk packaging may get bent and might lead to derivations from the mechanical manufacturing tolerances mentioned in our datasheet, which is not considered to be a material defect.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi006.0002021-04-25DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI HV Radial Leaded WireWound Inductor (High Voltage)ORDER CODE768772332SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi006.0002021-04-25DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI HV Radial Leaded WireWound Inductor (High Voltage)ORDER CODE768772332SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
SDS 1102DL说明书
特性及优点:·超薄设计、体积小巧、携带方便·实时采样率高达 500M Sa/s,等效采样率50G Sa/s·带宽为25MHz、50MHz、100MHz、200MHz·TFT-LCD 8×18格彩色显示·3种光标模式、32种自动测量参数·5种触发功能:边沿、脉宽、视频、斜率、交替·6位硬件频率计实时计数显示·弹出式菜单,人性化设计·2组参考波形,20组设置,10组波形内部储存·独立通道控制、按键背光设计·标准配置接口:USB Host:支持U盘存储以及固件升级;USB Device:支持PC远程控制及PictBridge 打印;RS232和Pass/Fail。
技术规格:基本配置产品名称数字示波器产品型号SDS1102DL模拟通道垂直系统输入通道 2带宽(-3dB)100MHz上升时间<3.5ns带宽限制20MHz (-3dB)垂直分辨率8 bit垂直灵敏度2mV - 10V/div直流垂直增益精度5mv/div-10v/div:≤±3%2mv/div: ≤±4%输入耦合直流、交流、接地(AC、DC、GND)输入阻抗1MΩ±2% || 16pf±3pfzui大输入电压400V (DC+AC 峰值,1MΩ输入阻抗)CAT I探头数量 2水平系统时基范围5ns/div-50s/div时基精度±100ppm(在任何大于 1ms 的时间间隔)时基模式MAIN, WINDOW, WINDOW ZOOM, SCAN, X-Y 延迟范围1/2.5/5/25nS/DIV - 50S/DIV模拟信号采集系统实时采样率500MSa/s等效采样率50GSa/s记录长度32k采集模式实时采样、等效采样触发系统触发源CH1 、CH2、Ext、Ext/5、AC Line触发模式自动、正常、单次触发类型边沿、脉宽、视频、斜率、交替触发耦合直流、交流、低频抑制、高频抑制触发抑制100ns – 1.5s内部触发电平范围CH1、CH2 距离屏幕中心 6 格外部触发电平范围EXT: ±1.2VEXT/5: ±6V测量运算系统自动测量zui大值、zui小值、峰峰值、幅值、顶端值、底端值、周期平均值、平均值、周期均方根、均方根、上升过激、下降过激、上升前激、下降前激、上升时间、下降时间、频率、周期、脉宽、正脉宽、负脉宽、正占空比、负占空比、相位、FRR、FRF、FFR、FFF、LRR、LRF、LFR、 LFF光标测量手动、追踪、自动自动计数器直流耦合, 从 10Hz 到zui大带宽波形运算+ 、 - 、×、÷、FFT保存/调用提供 2 组参考波形,20 组设置、10 组波形之内部储存/调出功能;外部 U 盘存储功能.存储格式位图存储、CSV存储、波形存储、设置存储显示系统显示器7 英寸(178mm) 彩色 TFT LCD显示器分辨率480(水平)个像素×234 (垂直)像素波形显示方式点,矢量语言种类简体中文、繁体中文、英文、德语、日语、法语,韩语、阿拉伯语、俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、意大利语接口标配USB Host、USB Device、RS-232、Pass/Failout电源要求电压范围100-240V AC, CAT II, 自动选择频率范围45Hz-440Hz功率使用50VA Max物理与环境特性尺寸长323.1mm*宽135.6mm*深157mm重量 2.5kg环境温度/湿度工作:10℃至 +40℃,85%RH,40℃,24 小时不工作:-20℃至+60℃,85%RH,65℃,24小时海拔高度工作:3000 m不工作:15,266m。
DataOrdering dataProduct type descriptionTESZ1102Article number (order number)101028407EAN (European Article Number)4250116201662eCl@ss number, Version 9.027-27-06-09CertificationsCertificates DGUVcULusCCC EACGeneral dataProduct nameTESZ StandardsIEC/EN 60947-5-1 BG-GS-ET-15 Enclosure material Plastic, glass-fibre reinforced thermoplastic, self-extinguishing Material of the contacts, electrical SilverMaterial of the hingeAluminium Gross weight 420 gGeneral data - Featuresmounting hingeYes Additional hingeYes Number of auxiliary contacts1Number of safety contacts 2TESZ1102Double-insulatedThermoplastic enclosure111,5 mm x 92 mm x 36 mm 2 cable entries M 20 x 1.5Good resistance to oil and petroleum spiritSimple fitting, especially on 40mm profilesSafety appraisalStandards ISO 13849-1Mission Time20 Year(s)Safety appraisal - Safety outputsB10d Normally-closed contact2,000,000 Operations(NC)B10d Normally open contact (NO)1,000,000 OperationsMechanical dataMechanical life, minimum1,000,000 OperationsPositive break angle14 °Positive break force, minimum 1 NMechanical data - Connection techniqueTerminal Connector Screw connectionCable section, minimum0.5 mm²Cable section, maximum 1 mm²Note (Cable section)All indications about the cable section are including the conductor ferrules. Mechanical data - DimensionsLength x Width x Height Suitable for mounting to profile systems: 40 mmHeight of sensor92 mmLength of sensor36 mmWidth of sensor111.5 mmAmbient conditionsProtection class IP65Ambient temperature, minimum-25 °CAmbient temperature, maximum+65 °CAmbient conditions - Insulation valueRated impulse withstand voltage 2.5 kVElectrical dataThermal test current 2.5 AUtilisation category AC-15230 VACUtilisation category AC-15 2 AUtilisation category DC-1324 VDCUtilisation category DC-13 1 ASwitching element NO contact, NC contact Switching principle Creep circuit element Switching frequency120 /hNotesNote (General)The opening angle has been set to 4° in factory.The additional hinge including mounting accessories is also available separately, part number TES/SOrdering codeProduct type description:TESZ(1)(2)(3)(4)/(5)(6)/(7)(1)without Material of the hinge AluminiumX Material of the hinge Stainless steel(2)R mechanische Wiederanlaufsperre(3)10 1 NC contact102 1 NC contacts / 1 NO contact110 2 NC contact1102 2 NC contacts / 1 NO contacts1110 3 NC contact(4)without Screw connectionST1Connector bottom (M12, 8 pole)ST2Connector top (M12, 8 pole)(5)without with additional hingeS without additional hinge(6)30Suitable for mounting to profile systems 30 mm 35Suitable for mounting to profile systems 35 mmwithout Suitable for mounting to profile systems 40 mm45Suitable for mounting to profile systems 45 mm(7)without Switching angle NC contact at 4 degrees5°Switching angle NC contact at 5 degrees8°Switching angle NC contact at 8 degreesPicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: ktez-f06| 598,2 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 314.678 mm - 1000 x 892Pixel - 72 dpi| 47,3 kB | .png | 74.083 x 65.969 mm - 210 x 187Pixel - 72 dpi| 70,6 kB | .jpg | 27.093 x 24.13 mm - 320 x 285 Pixel -300 dpiDimensional drawing basic componentID: 5tez-g03| 6,1 kB | .png | 74.083 x 61.031 mm - 210 x 173 Pixel- 72 dpi| 194,2 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 291.042 mm - 1000 x 825Pixel - 72 dpi| 43,9 kB | .cdr || 43,4 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 93.133 mm - 320 x 264Pixel - 72 dpiSwitch travel diagramID: ktes-s04| 1,9 kB | .png | 74.083 x 29.633 mm - 210 x 84 Pixel -72 dpi| 17,1 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 45.156 mm - 320 x 128Pixel - 72 dpi| 19,7 kB | .cdr |DiagramID: ktes-k04| 18,2 kB | .cdr || 25,0 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 49.389 mm - 320 x 140Pixel - 72 dpiK.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 3, D-42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on 08.07.2020 17:23:38。
产品图片型号/名称SN-IPC54/00超级宽动态枪式网络摄像机SN-IPD54/00超级宽动态半球网络摄像机SN-IPV54/00超级宽动态防砸半球网络摄像机SN-IPC54/50130万像素高清晰网络摄像机SN-IPV54/50130万像素高清晰网络半球摄像机SN-IPS54/60/Z18室外18倍高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPS54/60DN/Z18室外18倍高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPS54/60DN/Z26室外26倍高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPS54/60DN/Z27室外27倍高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPS54/60DN/Z30室外30倍高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPS54/60DN/Z36室外36倍高速球型网络摄像机3.智能高速球型网络摄像机基本特性:多种一体化机芯可选;360°连续旋转,垂直0°-90°;旋转速度0.4°-270°/秒(水平);0.4°-160°/秒(垂直);220个预置位;支持半透明中英文菜单、图形OSD功能;2010景一、IP网络摄像机1.DPS技术超级宽动态高解析基本特性:1/3″DPS(数字像素系统)影像感应器;最低照度0.5Lux/F1.2; 0.08Lux/F1.2(慢快门模式);网络特性:标准的H.264图像压缩格式;采用Linux2.6操作系统,图像格式QCIF/CIF/D1可选;可提供完备的SDK开发 2.130万像素高清晰网络摄像基本特性:采用1/3″ Ex-view 1.3Mega Pixel CCD;图像分辨率最高达1280×960;最低照度0.2Lux;网络特性:标准的H.264图像压缩格式;可提供完备的SDK开发包;采用Linux2.6操作系统,内置web页面,远程浏览和SN-IPS54/71DN/Z10室内10倍百万像素高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPS54/71DN/Z18室内18倍百万像素高速球型网络摄像机SN-IPC54/20高品质CCD 枪式网络摄像机SN-IPD54/20高品质CCD 半球网络摄像机SN-IPV54/20高品质CCD 防砸半球网络摄像机SN-IPR54/20红外网络摄像机SN-IPV54/20DR红外半球网络摄像机SN-VSR54/01单路网络视频服务器SN-VSR54/022路网络视频服务器SN-BXC0586C超级宽动态彩色高清晰度摄像机二、DPS超级宽动态摄机系特性:1、1/3″ DPS(Digital Pixel System)图像优势:5.高品质CCD网络摄像机基本特性:采用1/3″Sony Super HAD Ⅱ CCD;最低照度0.008Lux/F1.2;网络特性:标准的H.264图像压缩格式;采用Linux2.6操作系统,图像格式QCIF/CIF/D1可选;可提供完备的SDK开发 6.红外网络摄像机基本特性:内置红外灯发射组,自动测光以控制红外灯管开关的智能化光控设计;网络特性:标准的H.264图像压缩格式;采用Linux2.6操作系统,图像格式QCIF/CIF/D1可选;可提供完备的SDK开发 7.网络视频服务器基本特性:支持1-2路视音频输入网络特性:标准的H.264图像压缩格式;采用Linux2.6操作系统,图像格式QCIF/CIF/D1可选;可提供完备的SDK开发4.130万像素智能高速球型网基本特性:采用1/3″ Ex-view 1.3Mega Pixel CCD;图像分辨率最高达1280×960;多种一体化机芯可选;360°连续旋转,垂直0°-90°;旋转速度0.02°-120°/秒(水平);0.02°-40°/秒(垂直);128个预置位;支持半SN-BXC0586CRN 超级宽动态日夜型高清晰度摄像机SN-586DC 超级宽动态高清晰度半球摄像机SN-FXP0586GDN 超级宽动态日夜型高清晰度半球摄像机SN-FXP1500EVP 超级宽动态高清晰度迷你型半球摄像机SN-FXP0586DVD 宽动态日夜高清晰度堡垒型半球摄像机SN-IR5902/G 红外超级宽动态一体化摄像机SN-MNC1500超宽动态小型一体化摄像机SN-IPC54/55130万像素高清晰抓拍摄像机SN-BXC0582CRC1/2″道路监控专用超高清晰度彩色摄像机SN-BXC0582C1/2″道路监控专用超高清晰度彩色摄像机三、道路监控专用摄像机系特性:采用高端130万像素SONY Ex-view CCD,有效像素1280(H)× 960(V); 帧率:1280(H)× 960(V)下22.5帧/ 特性:采用了SONY超高灵敏度成像器件及先进的数字信号处理技术(DSP),分辨辨率可达540线,信噪比大于50dB;中英文OSDSN-BXC0468CRC1/3″道路监控专用超高清晰度彩色摄像机四、智能球型摄像机1.CPU先进平台智能高速球型特性:1、采用功能强大的ARMCPU+FPGA处理器,嵌入式实时操作系统,稳定可靠;SN-WP687PTA/18室外18倍智能高速球摄像机SN-WP687PTA/18W室外18倍日夜型智能高速球摄像机SN-WP687PTA/26W室外26倍日夜型智能高速球摄像机SN-WP687PTA/27W室外27倍日夜型智能高速球摄像机SN-WP687PTA/30W室外30倍日夜型智能高速球摄像机SN-WP687PTA/36W室外36倍日夜型智能高速球摄像机2.10倍小型高速球型摄像机SN-SSP4000/Z1010倍小型高速球摄像机3.DSP平台智能高速球摄像机特性:1、 采用光电传感器来实现球机的左右限位功能,避免了传统机械限位的多种弊端;SN-MSP5840A/18W18倍高速球摄像机SN-MSP5840A/27W27倍高速球摄像机SN-MSP5840A/26W36倍高速球摄像机4.匀速球型摄像机特性:1、球机外罩美观、设计合理、高档实用,并且采用独特的防水设计。
KT-10比它的前身更加灵敏,并且结合了一些新技术,例如,通过蓝牙无线传输来存储磁化率值,无线数据传输,更加准确的扫描,Windows 数据传输和可视化软件。
规格:灵敏度:1*10-6 SI量程:0.001*10-3 ~ 999.99*10-3 SI (自动修正)操作频率:10KHz测量频率:每秒20次显示:104*88像素的高对比度LCD图形显示校准容量:最大可达3000个值控制:用于上下键功能的1个键和用于粗糙表面的一个针数据输入/输出:USB,蓝牙电源:2个AA碱性电池或者2个可选AA蓄电池曲线:1个校准线圈用于磁铁矿,另外两个校准线圈可以被使用者进行重新安排电池寿命:将近100小时(不带录音器)操作温度:-20°C ~ 60°C尺寸:200mm*57mm*30mm线圈直径:65mm成45度角重量:0.3kg主要优点:✧高灵敏度:最大可达1*10-6✧较好的样本测量:KT-10可以使用一个针用于粗糙平面测量,或者也可以直接置于平坦表面上。
通过KT-10 的数字声音记录器可以为每个读数记录一分钟的注释和评论✧更精确的扫描:KT-10每秒钟可扫描20个读数。
操作者可以为每个数据集做标记来辨别这些测量的位置✧改进的PC接口:KT-10包括GeoView, 基于Windows的软件,用于数据传输和数据可视化。
1x8 HDMI2.0 分配器享受影像世界引言1x8 HDMI2.0 分配器:这款1x8HDMI分配器可以把1个高清信号源连接到8个高清显示终端。
特点●支持HDMI2.0版本、HDCP2.2●支持3D视频格式●支持CEC(只有输出1)●支持最大分辨率达3840x2160/60Hz●支持最高速率6G时TMDS时钟为600Mhz●支持8/10/12位色深●支持使用标准AWG26 线缆时,输入传输距离达8米,输出传输距离达8米(1080P及以下分辨率)●支持使用标准AWG26 线缆时,输入传输距离达8米,输出传输距离达8米(4K分辨率)●支持一路HDMI信号输入,多路HDMI输出到显示器,输入源可以是DVD播放器,A/V接收机,机顶盒●内置IR扩展功能,(通过配合放大器的IR-RX接收到红外遥控指令来进行信号源远程控制)。
●支持串口在线升级●支持EDID管理●5V/3A电源适配器规格:HDMI 版本…………………………………………………..…………………..…......... HDMI 2.0 HDCP 版本……………………………………………………………………..…......... HDCP 2.2 HDMI 分辨率……………………………….. ……….. ………... …..最高可支持3840x2160/60Hz 支持视频格式………………………………..…………………..……………...…...... 8/10/12位色深支持音频格式………………..………. …. …..….....DTS-HD/Dolby-trueHD/DTS/Dolby-AC3/DSD 最大带宽传输…………………………………………………………………………….….......600MHz 最大传输速率……………….…….………………….…………………………………..….......6 Gbps 输入线缆长度..…... …….……(1080P 分辨率时)≤8米,(4K分辨率时)≤8 AWG26 HDMI 标准线缆输出线缆长度………………...(1080P 分辨率时)≤8米,(4K分辨率时)≤8 AWG26 HDMI 标准线缆最大工作电流……………………………………………………………………….....…....………...2 A 电源适配器规格: …………………………...输入AC (50HZ, 60HZ) 100V-240V; 输出: DC5V/3A 工作温度范围…………………………..…………….…………………..……………… (-15 to +55℃) 尺寸………………...............………………………………...………………………310x90x24 (mm) 重量…….…..………………………………………………………..…….…………………………854g产品图片产品接口说明①:电源指示灯②:5V电源接口③:LED输出指示灯④:HDMI输出口⑤:LED输入指示灯⑥:HDMI输入口⑦:拨码开关,用于EDID管理⑧:IR TX扩展接口⑨:RS232接口⑩:复位按键⑪:电源开关DIP EDID 拨码开关说明:DIP 1 2 3 4X 0 0 0 :copy output1 EDID onlyX 0 0 1 : EDID MIXX 0 1 0 : EDID Download (RS232)X 0 1 1 : 4K X 2K 30HZX 1 0 0 : 4K X 2K 60HZX 1 0 1 : 1080P 3D 2chX 1 1 0 : 1080P 2D 2chX 1 1 1 : 1080P 2D 5.1ch其中1为作升级功能用,1为升级模式,0为正常工作模式。
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SSIGNMENT SHEET (The following is to be filled by the participant only)Tire Retail shops OwnerI had a friend, who is a tire retail shops owner in Dalian. He owns 17 shops and earns 40% share of market in tire replacement market in Dalian city. His name is Yunlong Dang. Mr. Dang was an old colleague in Goodyear before I joined Goodyear. He is the richest person among all my colleagues now. He is not only a retail shops owner, but also a tire dealer for several named brand, such as Continental, Hanhook, Triangle, etc.I made an appointment with him on Oct 29th, Saturday morning. I visited him in his office. His office is on the second floor of one tire shop. I climbed into the second floor. He was on the phone to talk about tire mounting equipment with supplier.Me:Sorry to bother you during the weekend. I had a MBA assignment need your help.Dang:Not a problem. I did n’t have any weekend after I started my own business. Even during Chinese New Year, I only have one day off to have dinner with my parents. There are so many things going on every day. At the beginning, I was busy because I felt nervous about business. Now, the business is getting better and my brain just could not stop thinking about business. I think I am used to this kind of life. I feel I am an important person if I can keep myself busy.Insight:a.Entrepreneur is not easy. A successful entrepreneur is even more harder. Theperson must take time and effort in his business. He needs to find solution, make right decision, take time to execute ideas and bear the business result. Ifa person works in a big organization, he either makes decision (seniormanagement) or takes execution (middle managers) and he doesn’t bear the business result in most circumstances. I can feel the workload and pressure to an entrepreneur is much heavier than a professional manager.b.Entrepreneur feels happy because they enjoy the feeling that they areimportant person to family, to the company, to the society. This feeling gives them energy to work hard.c.Entrepreneur likes to watch the business closely. Just like the parent watchestheir baby. Mr. Dong chose his office inside the retail shop because he wants to know how the shop performs every day. He can have a strong business sense when he talks to random customers or business partners.Me: When did you start your business? How you made the decision to do own business?Dang:After Goodyear bought Dalian Rubber Company, I left the company. I was forced to leave because I can’t read English. The people like you, who graduated from university, took over my job in Goodyear. I felt upset when I firstly left Goodyear. Now, I felt lucky because Goodyear pushed me to start my own business and Goodyear also gave me an opportunity to play in tire industry. I knew nothing when I left Goodyear, but tires. So, it only took me 2 days to cool myself down and find my future direction, selling tires.Insight:a.There are two types of entrepreneur, to take advantage of a businessopportunity or because there are no better choices for work. I think Mr. Dang belongs to the second type. I guess the successful rate of the second type entrepreneur should be higher than the first type because this type of entrepreneur can’t bear big loss on business and they will plan everything well and make smart decisions.b.Start a business with something you are familiar can shorten the learning timeand reduce learning cost.c.You can overcome everything if you can overcome yourself. Mr. Dong didn’tgive up his hope when he was dismissed. He even came back as Goodyear’s retailer because he has people relationship in Goodyear.Me: Who is your customer when you firstly start to sell tires?Dang: I didn’t have a shop when I first started selling tires. I did n’t have money to rent a shop. The only property I had was an old bicycle. My business module was a trading bridge for car maintenance center and tire whole sale market. Car maintenance centers don’t keep tires in their shops. They will call tire retail shops to deliver tires ifsome customer in car maintenance center wants to change tires. The difficulties for the car maintenance centers are that the tire shop may not be able to deliver tires on time because they are busy at that time, or they don’t have the inventory in the tire shop, too. I found that it was a good opportunity if I can deliver the right tires on time. So, I bought a BP phone and gave the number to car maintenance centers. I stayed at the tire whole market. Whenever and whatever they called me, I delivered tires to their centers as fast as I can by driving my bike. The car maintenance centers were not intended to earn money from tires and they only wanted to satisfy their customers. So, they paid me all the money that the customer pays them on tires. This gave me an attractive margin. I got more car maintenance customers after I run this business about a year. I asked my brother to join and help me.Insight:a.Opportunity exists anytime, everywhere. The question is that can you find itand seize it or not. Entrepreneur always has the ability to fulfill the demands.b.Don’t complain cash is a problem. Mr. Dang sold his tires in somebody else’sshops. He didn’t own a shop, but he still found a way to sell tires.c.When entrepreneur started his business, he begins with a niche market becausethe competition is not tough.d.When the opportunity growth, the team needs to be larger to supportopportunity. Mr. Dang got the support from his family member. This is the most reliable resources.Me: Where is your first shop? How you gain your shares?Dong: My first shop is in WuYi square, where a lot of car maintenance shops located. It is a small shop and the car can only stop in front of the shop and can’t drive in the shop. The main business of the shop is still deliver tires to car maintenance centers. To speed up the delivery time, I stored some tires in my own shop with 30 days credit from tire dealers. I watched the tire inventory closely. For those slow moving tires, I could exchange the sizes with dealers within 30 days. Little by litter, some customers noticed the shop on their way to the car maintenance centers and came into the shop and asked for tires. Every customer came into the shop, no matter he bought tires ornot, I would always give him a good training about tires. For example, what’s inside the tires, how long people need to exchange tires, how many brand in the markets, how check tire before driving to the high way, etc. All the people looked me as a tire expert. I think that may be the reason I have more and more customers. Later on, I opened more shops. All the VIP customers can get 24h-service by calling the shop. That may be another reason why I have royalty customers.Insight:a.Location is important for retail business. Choose location doesn’t mean choosethe best, expensive location. It means choose the right location at the right time.b.Credit from suppliers is an important capital resource to run business.c.Add low cost service into the product can make your product more premiumthan others.Me: Did you make any mistake or face any hard time in the past?Dang: There were a lot of mistakes that I made in the past 15 years. Mostly, I already forgot. One big mistake I made is that I didn’t buy the property of the shops. It is hard to image that the property price increase almost 10 times compared to 10 years ago. I spent all money to open new shops. Now, the rental cost is getting higher and higher. The problem that I don’t own the house is not only from cost, I was kicked out from the buildings also because the landlord wanted to change the building into other usage. It really hurt my business. I am struggling if I should buy the property now. The property price is really high in China. I am not a good investor in real estate. Insight:a. A successful entrepreneur is still human beings. He is good at some areas andhe may feel less confident in other areas.b.Mistakes make people more strong. If you realized you made a mistake, youwill avoid the same mistake take place next time.c.There is no right or wrong to run a business. If Mr. Dang spent his money tobuy property and he may lose opportunity to develop his tire business.Me: Anything make you feel proud recently?Dang: I am a self-confidence person. I am always proud of what I did. No matter how others look at me. Recently, I gained the Creative Retailer reward from Michelin. This makes me more boosted. I did a presentation in the Michelin retail conference to share my practice. The reason that this reward is impressive to me is not because of the reward name and it is because that a lot of retailers are interested in my business module. They keep talk to me and ask my advice during the conference. I was like a famous consultant.Insight:a.Mr. Dong is the first retailer to provide free service for tire testing. And he alsois the first mover for providing tire emergency rescue service. Entrepreneurs need to lead change if they are to be successful in growing their business.b.Entrepreneurial can learn from other entrepreneurs.Me: How is the return in tire retail business?Dang: I invested 20million RMB in my business and yearly earning is no more than 1million. The return rate is less than government bond. The return for me to run the shops is not only money. It is a feel of social respect. I have 200 employees. I like to see their growth. Their parents rely on me to training them and develop them. Most of my employee came from country side. They were not confidence when they talked to city people. I told them how to talk and how to response to customers. I always say” everyone is equal if I didn’t own your money” “Nobody look down you if you didn’t own his money”Insight:a.When you own 10million money, the return to an entrepreneur is more on hissocial satisfaction than money. Mr. Dong enjoys providing jobs to others.b.Entrepreneurial has a self-motivated attitude.Me: Do you want to grow your business faster? Did you ever think about Franchise to speed up business growth?Dang: Everyone wants to see business growth. But how? I never borrowed money from banks or somebody else. I don’t like the feeling that I own somebody. The ca sh to open new stores are all from operational profit. As for Franchise, some friends wantto invest in tire store and give me Franchise fee every year if I can help them to monitor the operation. I didn’t accept the offer because I didn’t have a system to run Franchise yet. I am thinking about it now. Recently, I changed my shops signage from “Michelin”,” Contine n tal” to “NanPao”. “NanPao” is my own brand. To start Franchise business, a named brand is very important.Insight:a.Mr. Dong has loan –reverse attitude to run his business. He feels morecomfortable to grow business step by step.b.Franchise is another to growth business faster without heavy investmentc.Branding is very important for Franchise.Me: Any challenge you are currently facing?Dang: The most challenge stuff is people retention. Tire repair job is a dirty, boring and low skill job. Most kids from city are not interested in the job. So, most workers come from north of China, country side. They are not stable labor resources. You may see they are in the shop today and you can’t find them tomorrow. Also, my shop managers always want to start their own business after 3 years working experience, regardless how much salary you pay them.Insight:a.Among opportunity, resource and team, the most difficult thing is teambecause team is dynamic. It is not something you can buy it from the market quickly.b.Entrepreneurial are always good at managing a small organization. They havesome constraint to manage a large organization because every penny they spend they would like to see the return immediately. People development is something they always talk and it is hard for them to spend money on it. Me: Any new plan for your business?Dang: I am working on developing a tire selling website. There are some tire selling transactions through internet already today, such as “TaoBao”. But, these websites are only selling tires and don’t provide service. This is not convenience for customers. I am trying to find partners in different cities can provide service to customers ifcustomers buy tires through internet. For example, if the customer is located in Beijing and he buys my tires from internet, I will give him an authorized retailer list. He can go to these retail shops for free mounting and I pay the bill. The bill is only small money because the retail shop would like to have “walk-in customers” and retailers can earn money from selling other stuff to these “walk-in” customers. Insight:a.Firm must continually seek new customers in new markets. Mr. Dang isdeveloping new customers in new geography.b.Understand customer habit and anticipate future is important to make the rightchoice.c.Growing company should have an energetic entrepreneur, who can learn newtechnology and smell the trend of Macro economy changes.。