



















波拉约洛《阿波 罗与达芙妮》板面油 画 1470年 现藏英国 伦敦国立美术馆
约翰威廉·沃特豪 斯《阿波罗与达芙 妮》John William Waterhouse(18491917) 1908年 布面油画
泰奧多尔·夏塞里奧《阿波 罗与达芙妮》(1819.91856.10)
从画中达芙妮的形象,我们 可以有所感受。他对这位姑娘脸部 表情的刻画细致入微,从那用笔不 多的闭着的双眼就让你深刻感觉到 达芙妮当时的心境;姑娘试图摆脱 追求她的阿波罗而弯曲的婀娜的身 姿及表示挣扎的手臂动作,恰如其 份地勾出了一个活生生的达芙妮。 这一人物的形象不仅准确、生动, 而且具有一种生命力,这种生命力 表现出拒绝阿波罗追求的达芙妮的 全部的思想感情。画家以裸体表现 达芙妮,旨在体现达芙妮的纯洁和 美丽,使画面更增添诗一般的意境。
阿波罗主管音乐和竖琴,同时也主管舞蹈、 。 。 诗歌和灵感。诗人和预言家都靠他的启示。阿波 罗很擅长弹奏七弦琴,美妙的旋律有如天籁;阿 波罗又精通箭术,他的箭百发百中,从未射失; 阿波罗也是医药之神,把医术传给人们;而且由 于他聪明,通晓世事,所以他也是预言之神。阿 波罗掌管音乐、医药、艺术、寓言,是希腊神话 中最多才多艺,也是最美最英俊的神,阿波罗同 时是男性美的典型。 在众多的奥林匹斯神中,阿 波罗最受推崇。
就是希腊原作的复制品,而原作为马其 顿王亚历山大的宫廷雕刻家列奥卡列斯 用青铜所雕塑。这尊大理石雕像是15世 纪在安乔〃朱利安诺〃德拉〃罗维莱主 教的领地发现的。他登上教皇宝座成为 教皇尤利二世之后,下令把这尊雕像置 放于梵蒂冈的贝尔维德宫。 从阿波罗神像后背挂着的箭筒,可 以推断他的左手在握着弓箭,而右手显 然拿着阿波罗的另一件标志物。这件标 志物在树干顶端还留有残迹,有些研究 人员则根据这些残迹推断,古希腊这位 大神手里拿的是缠着布带的桂树枝。 贝尔维德宫的阿波罗像令人折服地 体现了古希腊人所说的“显灵”现象— —即“此前无形的神来到现实世界”。

EN 60695-2-12-2010 着火危险试验 第2-12部分:灼热丝热丝基本试验方法 材料的灼热丝起燃性试验方法

EN 60695-2-12-2010 着火危险试验 第2-12部分:灼热丝热丝基本试验方法 材料的灼热丝起燃性试验方法
ICS 13.220.40, 29.020
EN 60695-2-12
December 2010
Supersedes EN 60695-2-12:2001
English version
Fire hazard testing Part 2-12: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods Glow-wire flammability index (GWFI) test method for materials (IEC 60695-2-12:2010)
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 60695-2-12:2010
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
IEC 60695-1-10 IEC 60695-1-11 IEC 60695-11 series NOTE Harmonized as EN 60695-1-10. NOTE Harmonized as EN 60695-1-11. NOTE Harmonized in EN 60695-11 series (not modified).



明星志愿3群星合辑攻略目录一签约艺人 (3)(一)林芬芬 (3)(二)萧依莉 (3)(三)苏嫚君 (3)(四)桑禾蓓 (4)(五)欧怡青 (4)(六)路敏 (4)(七)*姚子莹(DLC) (4)(八)*聆香(DLC) (5)(九)*新名纱雪(DLC) (5)(十)陈奕夫 (5)(十一)路风(同路敏) (6)(十二)姚子奇 (6)(十三)纪翔 (6)(十四)天晴 (6)(十五)关古威 (7)(十六)*克烈斯(DLC) (7)(十七)*卫亚(DLC) (8)(十八)*原少纬(DLC) (8)二艺人详解 (9)(一)林芬芬 (9)(二)萧依莉 (13)(三)苏嫚君 (17)(四)桑禾蓓 (22)(五)欧怡青 (26)(六)路敏 (31)(七)姚子莹 (34)(八)聆香 (38)(九)新名纱雪 (42)(十)陈奕夫 (47)(十一)路风 (50)(十二)姚子奇 (51)(十三)纪翔 (57)(十四)天晴 (62)(十五)关古威 (65)(十六)克烈斯 (69)(十七)卫亚 (74)三特殊通告/事件 (82)(一)美丽之星事件(银色幻想曲): (82)(二)ES代言人条件: (83)(三)老爸相关事件: (83)(四)新手事件: (84)(五)六大特殊国际通告 (86)(1)落入凡间的天使(不需要和塔罗小魔女交谈就能触发) (86)(2)万年之恋 (87)(3)银河 (88)(4)末日战士 (89)(5)昆仑历险 (90)(6)笑傲天际 (91)(六)威尔:星探 (92)(七)*资料片新增事件 (94)方若绮与NP鸡事件DLC: (94)马智文事件: (94)古芊菁事件: (95)(八)属性要求 (96)各导演擅长的类型: (96)明星称号详解: (96)一签约艺人(一)林芬芬加入A:游戏一开始选项中选择“先接电话”,林立翔拜托主角照顾妹妹,可直接签约。

加入B:1 (自动)林芬芬不是初始艺人且旗下艺人不满4名,第一年6月方若绮上门拜托主角照顾芬芬。


6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 门锁状态监控......................................................................................................................................................... 8 监控输出OUT.......................................................................................................................................................... 8 安全门监控输出..................................................................................................................................................... 8 诊断输出(DIA). .................................................................................................................................................. 8 CET1和CET3型号的门锁装置. ............................................................................................................................... 9 CET2和CET4型号的门锁装置. ............................................................................................................................... 9 启动按钮和反馈回路(可选)............................................................................................................................ 9 开关状态. ............................................................................................................................................................... 10



带你游戏带你飞迪亚波罗⼤型攻略 写在前⾯的话:⽂章有点长,没耐⼼的朋友可以看⼀下⿊体字。


它的技能和天赋⾮常有趣,⽽且是标志性的——带给你⼤菠萝的f e e l~这⼀点⾮常重要!⼤菠萝在风暴英雄⾥的技能与我们玩暗⿊破坏神时它释放的技能⾮常相似,让对⾯感到棘⼿。

我喜欢暴雪的决定——让他出现在风暴英雄⾥让玩家操作,⽽不只是暗⿊⾥⼀个地图上的b o s s。


⿊暗灵魂是(战⽃特质):这个被动技能类似L O L⼤⾍⼦科加斯的⼤招——杀死敌⼈,增加⾃⼰⽣命。





你的被动技能让你成为最有效率的"吸收伤害"型英雄——重⽣和⼤量H P! Q暗影冲锋:⼤菠萝的暗影冲锋让我想起了L O L中的⽜头⼈,冲锋让⼤菠萝成为⼀名带位移的英雄。

尽管你可以⽤Q暗影冲锋接近跑动的英雄,然后接上E压制……但是,我建议你优先⽤E压制背摔敌⼈,然后⽤Q 暗影冲锋把敌⼈顶到⾃⼰队伍或者便于击杀的地⽅。



























DIN EN ISO 9227 (en)

DIN EN ISO 9227 (en)

September 2012Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.English price group 13No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 77.060!$~E,"1913409www.din.de DDIN EN ISO 9227Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres –Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2012);English version EN ISO 9227:2012,English translation of DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-09Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlichen Atmosphären –Salzsprühnebelprüfungen (ISO 9227:2012);Englische Fassung EN ISO 9227:2012,Englische Übersetzung von DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-09Essais de corrosion en atmosphères artificielles –Essais aux brouillards salins (ISO 9227:2012);Version anglaise EN ISO 9227:2012,Traduction anglaise de DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-09©SupersedesDIN EN ISO 9227:2006-10www.beuth.deDocument comprises pagesIn case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.2708.12N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-092A comma is used as the decimal marker.National forewordThis standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156 “Corrosion of metals and alloys” (Secretariat: SAC, China) and has been adopted as EN ISO 9227:2012 by Technical Committee CEN/TC 139 “Paints and varnishes” (Secretariat: DIN, Germany) within the scope of the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Materialprüfung (Materials Testing Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 062-01-71 AA Korrosion und Korrosions-schutz.The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in this document are as follows: ISO 1456 DIN EN ISO 1456 ISO 1513 DIN EN ISO 1513 ISO 1514 DIN EN ISO 1514 ISO 2808 DIN EN ISO 2808 ISO 3613 DIN EN ISO 3613 ISO 3270 DIN EN 23270 ISO 3668 DIN EN ISO 3668 ISO 4527 DIN EN ISO 4527 ISO 4628-1 DIN EN ISO 4628-1 ISO 4628-2 DIN EN ISO 4628-2 ISO 4628-3 DIN EN ISO 4628-3 ISO 4628-4 DIN EN ISO 4628-4 ISO 4628-5 DIN EN ISO 4628-5 ISO 4628-8 DIN EN ISO 4628-8 ISO 7253 DIN EN ISO 7253 ISO 7599 DIN EN ISO 7599 ISO 8993 DIN EN ISO 8993 ISO 8994 DIN EN ISO 8994 ISO 10289 DIN EN ISO 10289 ISO 15528 DIN EN ISO 15528 ISO 17872DIN EN ISO 17872AmendmentsThis standard differs from DIN EN ISO 9227:2006-10 as follows: a) the standard has undergone minor revisions. Previous editionsDIN 50021: 1970-04, 1975-05, 1988-06 DIN 53167: 1972-08, 1985-12 DIN 45646: 1988-07DIN EN ISO 7235: 1995-09, 2004-02 DIN EN ISO 9227: 2006-10N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-093National Annex NA(informative)BibliographyDIN EN 23270, Paints, varnishes and their raw materials — Temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testingDIN EN ISO 1456, Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Electrodeposited coatings of nickel, nickel plus chromium, copper plus nickel and of copper plus nickel plus chromiumDIN EN ISO 1513, Paints and varnishes — Examination and preparation of test samples DIN EN ISO 1514, Paints and varnishes — Standard panels for testing DIN EN ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film thicknessDIN EN ISO 3613, Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Chromate conversion coatings on zinc, cadmium, aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc-aluminium alloys — Test methodsDIN EN ISO 3668, Paints and varnishes — Visual comparison of the colour of paintsDIN EN ISO 4527, Metallic coatings — Autocatalytic (electroless) nickel-phosphorus alloy coatings — Specification and test methodsDIN EN ISO 4628-1, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 1: General introduction and designation systemDIN EN ISO 4628-2, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 2: Assessment of degree of blisteringDIN EN ISO 4628-3, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 3: Assessment of degree of rustingDIN EN ISO 4628-4, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 4: Assessment of degree of crackingDIN EN ISO 4628-5, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 5: Assessment of degree of flakingDIN EN ISO 4628-6, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 6: Assessment of degree of chalking by tape methodDIN EN ISO 4628-7, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 7: Assessment of degree of chalking by velvet methodN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-094DIN EN ISO 4628-8, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 8: Assessment of degree of delamination and corrosion around a scribe or other artificial defectDIN EN ISO 4628-10, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 10: Assessment of degree of filiform corrosionDIN EN ISO 7253, Paints and varnishes — Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog) (withdrawn) DIN EN ISO 7599, Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys — General specifications for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminiumDIN EN ISO 8993, Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys — Rating system for the evaluation of pitting corrosion — Chart methodDIN EN ISO 8994, Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys — Rating system for the evaluation of pitting corrosion — Grid methodDIN EN ISO 10289, Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates — Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests DIN EN ISO 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes — SamplingDIN EN ISO 17872, Paints and varnishes — Guidelines for the introduction of scribe marks through coatings on metallic panels for corrosion testingN o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORMEN ISO 9227May 2012ICS 77.060Supersedes EN ISO 9227:2006English VersionCorrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray testsEssais de corrosion en atmosphères artificielles - Essaisaux brouillards salins (ISO 9227:2012)Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlichen Atmosphären -Salzsprühnebelprüfungen (ISO 9227:2012)This European Standard was approved by CEN on 14 May 2012.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION C O M I T É E U R O P ÉE N D E N O R M A LI S A T I O N EUR OP ÄIS C HES KOM ITEE FÜR NOR M UNGManagement Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels© 2012 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN ISO 9227:2012: E(ISO 9227:2012)N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40Contents EN ISO 9227:2012 (E)DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-09 2PageForeword ..............................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................4 1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................5 2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................ 3 Test solutions .........................................................................................................................................6 3.1 Preparation of the sodium chloride solution ......................................................................................6 3.2 pH adjustment ........................................................................................................................................6 4.5 Collecting devices .................................................................................................................................8 4.6 Re-use .....................................................................................................................................................8 5 Method for evaluating cabinet corrosivity ..........................................................................................8 5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................85.2 NSS test ..................................................................................................................................................9 5.3 AASS test ..............................................................................................................................................10 5.4 CASS test ..............................................................................................................................................11 6 Test specimens ....................................................................................................................................12 7 Arrangement of the test specimens...................................................................................................12 8 Operating conditions ...........................................................................................................................13 9 Duration of tests ..................................................................................................................................13 10Treatment of specimens after test .....................................................................................................14 11 Evaluation of results ...........................................................................................................................14 12Test report (1)Annex A (informative) Schematic diagram of one possible design of spray cabinet with meansfor treating fog exhaust and drain .....................................................................................................16 Annex B (informative) Complementary method for evaluating cabinet corrosivity using zincreference specimens ...........................................................................................................................18 Annex C (normative) Preparation of panels with organic coatings for testing ..........................................20 Annex D (normative) Required supplementary information for testing test panelswith organic coatings ..........................................................................................................................21 Bibliography (22)4 3.3 Filtration .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Apparatus ...............................................................................................................................................7 4.1 Component protection ..........................................................................................................................7 4.2 Spray cabinet .........................................................................................................................................7 4.3 Heater and temperature control ...........................................................................................................7 4.4 Spraying device .....................................................................................................................................7 65N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40ForewordThis document (EN ISO 9227:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys” in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 139 “Paints and varnishes” the secretariat of which is held by DIN.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by November 2012.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document supersedes EN ISO 9227:2006.According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.Endorsement noticeThe text of ISO 9227:2012 has been approved by CEN as a EN ISO 9227:2012 without any modification.“ EN ISO 9227:2012 (E)DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-093N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40IntroductionThere is seldom a direct relation between resistance to the action of salt spray and resistance to corrosion in other media, because several factors influencing the progress of corrosion, such as the formation of protective films, vary greatly with the conditions encountered. Therefore, the test results should not be regarded as a direct guide to the corrosion resistance of the tested metallic materials in all environments where these materials might be used. Also, the performance of different materials during the test should not be taken as a direct guide to the corrosion resistance of these materials in service.Nevertheless, the method described gives a means of checking that the comparative quality of a metallic material, with or without corrosion protection, is maintained.Salt spray tests are generally suitable as corrosion protection tests for rapid analysis for discontinuities, pores and damage in organic and inorganic coatings. In addition, for quality control purposes, comparison can be made between specimens coated with the same coating. As comparative tests, however, salt spray tests are only suitable if the coatings are sufficiently similar in nature.It is often not possible to use results gained from salt spray testing as a comparative guide to the long-term behaviour of different coating systems, since the corrosion stress during these tests differs significantly from the corrosion stresses encountered in practice.EN ISO 9227:2012 (E)DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-09 4N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:401 ScopeThis International Standard specifies the apparatus, the reagents and the procedure to be used in conducting the neutral salt spray (NSS), acetic acid salt spray (AASS) and copper-accelerated acetic acid salt spray (CASS) tests for assessment of the corrosion resistance of metallic materials, with or without permanent or temporary corrosion protection.It also describes the method employed to evaluate the corrosivity of the test-cabinet environment.It does not specify the dimensions of test specimens, the exposure period to be used for a particular product, or the interpretation of results. Such details are provided in the appropriate product specifications.The salt spray tests are particularly useful for detecting discontinuities, such as pores and other defects in certain metallic, organic, anodic oxide and conversion coatings.The neutral salt spray test is the test method in which a 5 % sodium chloride solution in the pH range from 6,5 to 7,2 is atomized under a controlled environment. It particularly applies to:— metals and their alloys,— metallic coatings (anodic and cathodic),— conversion coatings,— anodic oxide coatings, and— organic coatings on metallic materials.The acetic acid salt spray test is the test method in which a 5 % sodium chloride solution with the addition of glacial acetic acid in the pH range from 3,1 to 3,3 is atomized under a controlled environment. It is especially useful for testing decorative coatings of copper + nickel + chromium, or nickel + chromium. It has also been found suitable for testing anodic coatings on aluminum.The copper-accelerated acetic acid salt spray test is the test method in which a 5 % sodium chloride solution with the addition of copper chloride and glacial acetic acid in the pH range from 3,1 to 3,3 is atomized under a controlled environment. It is useful for testing decorative coatings of copper + nickel + chromium, or nickel + chromium. It has also been found suitable for testing anodic coatings on aluminum.The salt spray methods are all suitable for checking that the comparative quality of a metallic material, with or without corrosion protection, is maintained. They are not intended to be used for comparative testing as a means of ranking different materials relative to each other with respect to corrosion resistance.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 1514, Paints and varnishes — Standard panels for testing ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film thicknessISO 3574, Cold‑reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualitiesISO 8407, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimensEN ISO 9227:2012 (E)DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-095N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40ISO 17872, Paints and varnishes — Guidelines for the introduction of scribe marks through coatings on metallic panels for corrosion testing3 Test solutions3.1 Preparation of the sodium chloride solutionDissolve a sufficient mass of sodium chloride in distilled or deionized water with a conductivity not higher than 20 µS/cm at 25 °C ± 2 °C to produce a concentration of 50 g/l ± 5 g/l. The sodium chloride concentration of the sprayed solution collected shall be 50 g/l ± 5 g/l. The specific gravity range for a 50 g/l ± 5 g/l solution is 1,029 to 1,036 at 25 °C.The sodium chloride shall contain less than 0,001 % mass fraction of copper and less than 0,001 % mass fraction of nickel, as determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry or another analytical method of similar sensitivity. It shall not contain more than 0,1 % of a mass fraction of sodium iodide, or more than 0,5 % of a mass fraction of total impurities calculated for dry salt.NOTE If the pH of the prepared solution at 25 °C ± 2 °C is outside the range 6,0 to 7,0, investigate the presence of undesirable impurities in the salt and/or the water.3.2 pH adjustment3.2.1 pH of the salt solutionAdjust the pH of the salt solution to the desired value on the basis of the pH of the sprayed solution collected.3.2.2 NSS testAdjust the pH of the salt solution (3.1) so that the pH of the sprayed solution collected within the test cabinet (4.2) is 6,5 to 7,2 at 25 °C ± 2 °C. Check the pH using electrometric measurement or in routine checks, with a short-range pH paper, which can be read in increments or 0,3 pH units or less. Make any necessary corrections by adding hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate solution of analytical grade.Possible changes in pH may result from loss of carbon dioxide from the solution when it is sprayed. Such changes can be avoided by reducing the carbon dioxide content of the solution by, for example, heating it to a temperature above 35 °C before it is placed in the apparatus, or by making the solution using freshly boiled water.3.2.3 AASS testAdd a sufficient amount of glacial acetic acid to the salt solution (3.1) to ensure that the pH of samples of sprayed solution collected in the test cabinet (4.2) is between 3,1 and 3,3. If the pH of the solution initially prepared is 3,0 to 3,1, the pH of the sprayed solution is likely to be within the specified limits. Check the pH using electrometric measurement at 25 °C ± 2 °C, or in routine checks, with a short-range pH paper which can be read in increments of 0,1 pH units or less. Make any necessary corrections by adding glacial acetic acid or sodium hydroxide of analytical grade.3.2.4 CASS testDissolve a sufficient mass of copper(II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl 2⋅2H 2O) in the salt solution (3.1) to produce a concentration of 0,26 g/l ± 0,02 g/l [equivalent to (0,205 ± 0,015) g of CuCl 2 per litre].Adjust the pH using the procedures described in FiltrationIf necessary, filter the solution before placing it in the reservoir of the apparatus, to remove any solid matter which might block the apertures of the spraying device.EN ISO 9227:2012 (E)DIN EN ISO 9227:2012-09 6N o r m e n -D o w n l o a d -B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:404 Apparatus4.1 Component protectionAll components in contact with the spray or the test solution shall be made of, or lined with, materials resistant to corrosion by the sprayed solution and which do not influence the corrosivity of the sprayed test solutions.4.2 Spray cabinetThe cabinet shall be such that the conditions of homogeneity and distribution of the spray are met. The upper parts of the cabinet shall be designed so that drops of sprayed solution formed on its surface do not fall on the specimens being tested.The size and shape of the cabinet shall be such that the collection rate of solution in the cabinet is within the limits specified in Table 2, measured as specified in 8.3.Preference shall be given to apparatus that has a means for properly dealing with fog after the test, prior to releasing it from the building for environmental conservation, and for drawing water prior to discharging it to the drainage system.NOTEA schematic diagram of one possible design of spray cabinet is shown in Annex A.4.3 Heater and temperature controlAn appropriate system maintains the cabinet and its contents at the specified temperature (see Table 2). The temperature shall be measured at least 100 mm from the walls.4.4 Spraying deviceThe device for spraying the salt solution comprises a supply of clean air, of controlled pressure and humidity, a reservoir to contain the solution to be sprayed, and one or more atomizers.The compressed air supplied to the atomizers shall be passed through a filter to remove all traces of oil or solid matter, and the atomizing pressure shall be at an overpressure of 70 kPa 1) to 170 kPa. The pressure should be 98 kPa ± 10 kPa.NOTE Atomizing nozzles can have a “critical pressure” at which an abnormal increase in the corrosiveness of the salt spray occurs. If the “critical pressure” of a nozzle has not been established with certainty, control of fluctuations in the air pressure within ±0,7 kPa, by installation of a suitable pressure regulator valve, minimizes the possibility that the nozzle will be operated at its “critical pressure”.In order to prevent the evaporation of water from the sprayed droplets, the air shall be humidified before entering the atomizer by passing through a saturation tower containing hot distilled water or deionized water at a temperature 10 °C above that of the cabinet. The appropriate temperature depends on the pressure used and on the type of atomizer nozzle and shall be adjusted so that the rate of collection of spray in the cabinet and the concentration of the collected spray are kept within the specified limits (see 8.3). In Table 1, guiding values are given for the hot-water temperature in the saturation tower at different pressures. The level of the water shall be maintained automatically to ensure adequate humidification.-B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40Table 1 — Guiding values for the temperature of the hot water in the saturation towerAtomizing overpressureGuiding values for the temperature, in °C, of the hot water in the saturation tower when performing the different salt spray tests kPa Neutral salt spray (NSS) and acetic acid salt spray (AASS)Copper‑accelerated acetic acidsalt spray (CASS)704561844663984864112496612650671405269The atomizers shall be made of inert material. Baffles may be used to prevent direct impact of the spray on the test specimens, and the use of adjustable baffles is helpful in obtaining uniform distribution of the spray within the cabinet. For this purpose, a dispersion tower equipped with an atomizer may also be helpful. The level of the salt solution in the salt reservoir shall be maintained automatically to ensure uniform spray delivery throughout the test.4.5 Collecting devicesAt least two suitable collecting devices shall be available, consisting of funnels made of chemically inert material, with the stems inserted into graduated cylinders or other similar containers. Suitable funnels have a diameter of 100 mm, which corresponds to a collecting area of approximately 80 cm 2. The collecting devices shall be placed in the zone of the cabinet where the test specimens are placed, one close to an inlet of spray and one remote from an inlet. They shall be placed so that only mist, and not liquid falling from specimens or from parts of the cabinet, is collected.4.6 Re‑useIf the cabinet has been used once for an AASS or CASS test, or has been used for any other purpose with a solution differing from that specified for the NSS test, it shall not be used for the NSS test.It is nearly impossible to clean a cabinet that was once used for AASS or CASS testing so that it can be used for an NSS test. However, in such circumstances, the equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and checked using the method described in Clause 5, ensuring in particular that the pH of the collected solution is correct throughout the entire spraying period. After this procedure, the specimens to be tested are placed in the cabinet.5 Method for evaluating cabinet corrosivity5.1 GeneralTo check the reproducibility and repeatability of the test results for one piece of apparatus, or for similar items of apparatus in different laboratories, it is necessary to verify the apparatus at regular intervals as described in 5.2 to 5.4.NOTE During permanent operation, a reasonable time period between two checks of the corrosivity of the apparatus is generally considered to be 3 months.To determine the corrosivity of the tests, reference-metal specimens made of steel shall be used.As a complement to the reference-metal specimens made of steel, high-purity zinc reference-metal specimens may also be exposed in the tests in order to determine the corrosivity against this metal as described in Annex B.-B e u t h -J O P P G m b H -K d N r .248840-L f N r .6307583001-2013-08-05 08:40。

NEMA 1000

NEMA 1000

NEMA MW 1000 M AGNET W IRENEMA Standards Publication MW 1000-2003Magnet WirePublished byNational Electrical Manufacturers Association1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847Rosslyn, Virginia 22209© Copyright 2003 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. All rights including translation into other languages, reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions.NOTICE AND DISCLAIMERThe information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of persons engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was developed. Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person participating in the development of this document.The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards and guideline publications, of which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a voluntary consensus standards development process. This process brings together volunteers and/or seeks out the views of persons who have an interest in the topic covered by this publication. While NEMA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not write the document and it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy or completeness of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards and guideline publications.NEMA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, application, or reliance on this document. NEMA disclaims and makes no guaranty or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and disclaims and makes no warranty that the information in this document will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. NEMA does not undertake to guarantee the performance of any individual manufacturer or seller’s products or services by virtue of this standard or guide.In publishing and making this document available, NEMA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is NEMA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. Information and other standards on the topic covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the user may wish to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication.NEMA has no power, nor does it undertake to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this document. NEMA does not certify, test, or inspect products, designs, or installations for safety or health purposes. Any certification or other statement of compliance with any health or safety–related information in this document shall not be attributable to NEMA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.MW1000-2003Page iCONTENTSPage Foreword (xi)How to Use this Publication (xii)Part 1 GENERAL1.1 Scope (1)1.2 Normative References and Authorized Engineering Information (AEI) (1)1.3 Definitions (2)1.4 Materials (4)1.4.1 Conductors – Round, Square, and Rectangular, Copper and Aluminum (4)1.4.2 Insulating Materials (4)1.5 Manufacturing (5)of Insulation (5)1.5.1 Application1.5.2 Intermediate Sizes (5)1.5.3 Joints (5)1.5.4 Packaging (6)Conditions and Parameters (6)1.6 Test1.6.1 Safety Statement (6)of Specimens (6)1.6.2 Selection1.6.3 AmbientConditions of Test (6)Frequency (6)1.6.4 Power1.6.5 Mandrels (7)and Square Wire (7)1.6.6 Rectangular1.6.7 Round Wire (7)Conformance (8)1.6.8 Periodic1.6.9 Retests (8)1.7 Unitsof Measure (8)Class of Magnet Wire (8)1.8 Thermal1.9 OrderingInformation (8)Identification Number (8)1.9.1 ProductOrdering Data (9)1.9.2 MinimumTables1-1 Dimensions for Bare and Film Insulated Round Magnet Wire (10)1-2 Round Copper Wire, Ultra Fine Sizes by Resistance (14)1-3 Dimensions for Round Film Insulated Self-Bonding Magnet Wire (15)1-4 Dimensions for Single Glass Fiber Covered Round Bare,Single Film Coated and Heavy Film Coated Wire (17)1-5 Dimensions for Double Glass Fiber Covered Round Bare,Single Film Coated and Heavy Film Coated Wire (19)1-6 Dimensions for Single Polyester Glass Fiber Covered Round Bare,Single Film Coated and Heavy Film Coated Wire (21)1-7 Dimensions for Double Polyester Glass Fiber Covered Round Bare,Single Film Coated and Heavy Film Coated Wire (23)1-8 Dimensions and Radii for Rectangular Bare Wire (25)Conductor Tolerances (25)Rectangular1-9 BareMW 1000-2003Page ii1-10 Film Insulated Rectangular Magnet WireIncrease in Thickness and Width Due to Film Coating (25)of Square Bare Wire (26)1-11 Dimensions1-12 Heavy and Quadruple Film Insulated Square Magnet WireIncrease in Dimensions Due to Film Coating (27)1-13 Range of Increase in Dimensions, InchesSingle Glass Fiber Covered Heavy Film Insulated Rectangular Copper Wire (28)1-14 Range of Increase in Dimensions, InchesDouble Glass Fiber Covered Bare Rectangular Copper Wire (29)1-15 Range of Increase in Dimensions, InchesDouble Glass Fiber Covered Heavy Film Coated Rectangular Copper Wire (30)1-16 Range of Increase in Dimensions, InchesSingle Polyester Glass Fiber Covered Heavy Film Insulated Rectangular Copper Wire (31)1-17 Range of Increase in Dimensions, InchesDouble Polyester Glass Fiber Covered Bare Rectangular Copper Wire (32)1-18 Range of Increase in Dimensions, InchesDouble Polyester Glass Fiber Covered Heavy Film Coated Rectangular Copper Wire (33)1-19 Single Glass Fiber Covered, Heavy Film Insulated Square Copper Magnet Wire– Minimum Increase and Maximum Overall Dimensions Due to Insulation (34)1-20 Single Polyester Glass Fiber Covered Heavy Film Insulated Square Copper Magnet Wire-Minimum Increase and Maximum Overall Dimensions Due to Insulation (35)1-21 Double Glass Fiber Covered, Bare or Heavy Film Insulated Square Copper Magnet Wire–Minimum Increase and Maximum Overall Dimensions Due to Insulation (36)1-22 Double Polyester Glass Fiber Covered, Bare or Heavy Film Insulated Square Copper Magnet Wire–Minimum Increase and Maximum Overall Dimensions Due to Insulation (37)1-23 Comparison Between AWG and IEC R-40 Series Bare Wire Diameters (38)1-24 Comparison Between NEMA and IEC Increases and Overall Diameters (40)MW1000-2003Page iiiCONTENTS (continued)Part 2 PROPERTIES AND REQUIREMENTSSpecification Number ThermalClassRound Rectangularand SquarePageNo.MW 2-C Polyurethane for solderable applications(Single and Heavy)105 X — 2MW 3-C Polyurethane with self-bonding overcoat forsolderable applications (Types 1 and 2)105 X — 3 MW 5-C Polyester (Single and Heavy) 155 X — 4MW 6-C Polyamide (Single and Heavy) 105 X — 5MW 9-C Epoxy (Single, Heavy, and Triple) 130 X — 6MW 14-C Epoxy (Heavy and Quadruple) 130 — X 7MW 15-A Polyvinyl Acetal (Single and Heavy) 105 X — 8MW 15-C Polyvinyl Acetal (Single, Heavy, and Triple) 105 X — 9MW 16-C Polyimide (Single Heavy, Triple, andQuadruple)240 X — 10–17MW 17-C Polyvinyl acetal overcoated with polyamide(Single and Heavy)105 X — 18 MW 18-A Polyvinyl acetal (Heavy and Quadruple) 105 — X 19MW 18-C Polyvinyl acetal (Heavy and Quadruple) 105 — X 20MW 19-C Polyvinyl acetal with self-bonding overcoat(Types 1, 2 and 3)105 X — 21 MW 20-C Polyimide (Heavy and Quadruple) 240 — X 22MW 24-A Polyester (amide) (imide) overcoated withpolyamide (Single and Heavy)155 X — 23MW 24-C Polyester (amide) (imide) overcoated withpolyamide (Single, Heavy and Triple)155 X — 24MW 26-C Polyester (imide) for solderable applications(Single and Heavy)155 X — 25MW 27-C Polyester (imide) overcoated with polyamidefor solderable applications (Single and Heavy)155 X — 26MW 28-A Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide forsolderable applications (Single and Heavy)130 X — 27MW 28-C Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide forsolderable applications (Single and Heavy)130 X — 28MW 29-C Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide andself-bonding overcoated for solderableapplications (Types 1 and 2)105 X — 29MW 30-C Polyester (amide) (imide) (Single, Heavy, andTriple)180 X — 30MW 31-C Paper covered 90 or105X — 31MW 32-C Double paper single cotton covered 90 or105— X 32–33MW 33-C Paper covered 90 or105— X 34MW 1000-2003Page ivPart 2 PROPERTIES AND REQUIREMENTSSpecification Number ThermalClassRound Rectangularand SquarePageNo.MW 35-A Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide (Single and Heavy)220 X — 35MW 35-C Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide (Single, Heavy and Triple)200 X — 36MW 36-A Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide (Heavy and Quadruple)220 — X 37MW 36-C Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide (Heavy and Quadruple)200 — X 38 MW 41-C Glass fiber covered (Single and Double) 155 X — 39MW 42-C Glass fiber covered (Single and Double) 155 — X 40MW 43-C Glass fiber covered silicone treated(Single and Double)200 — X 41MW 44-C Glass fiber covered silicone treated(Single and Double)200 X — 42MW 45-C Polyester glass fiber covered(Single and Double)155 X — 43MW 46-C Polyester glass fiber covered(Single and Double)155 — X 44MW 47-C Polyester glass fiber covered silicone treated(Single and Double)200 X — 45MW 48-C Polyester glass fiber covered silicone treated(Single and Double)200 — X 46 MW 50-C Glass fiber covered, High Temperatureorganic varnish treated (Single and Double)180 X — 47MW 51-C Polyester glass fiber covered, HighTemperature organic varnish treated (Singleand Double)180 X — 48MW 52-C Glass fiber covered, High Temperatureorganic varnish treated (Single or Double)180 — X 49MW 53-C Polyester glass fiber covered, HighTemperature organic varnish treated (Singleand Double)180 — X 50MW 60-A Aromatic polyamide paper covered (Paper) 220 — X 52–53MW 60-C Aromatic polyamide paper covered (Paper) 220 — X 54–55MW 61-A Aromatic polyamide paper covered (Paper) 220 X — 56–57MW 61-C Aromatic polyamide paper covered (Paper) 220 X — 58–59MW 62-C Aromatic Polyimide tape covered 220 — X 60MW 63-C Aromatic Polyimide tape covered 220 X — 61MW 72-C Polyester (amide)(imide) for HermeticApplications (Heavy)180 X — 62MW 73-A Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide for Hermetic Applications220 X — 63MW 73-C Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide for Hermetic Applications200 X — 64 MW 74-A Polyester (amide)(imide) (Single and Heavy) 220 X — 65(continued)MW1000-2003Page v Part 2 PROPERTIES AND REQUIREMENTSSpecification Number ThermalClassRound Rectangularand SquarePageNo.MW 74-C Polyester (amide)(imide) (Single and Heavy) 200 X — 66MW 75-C Polyurethane for solderable applications(Single and Heavy)130 X — 67MW 76-A Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamide (Single and Heavy)180 X — 68MW 76-C Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamide (Single, Heavy and Triple)180 X — 69MW 77-C Polyester (imide) for solderable applications(Single and Heavy)180 X — 70MW 78-C Polyester (imide) overcoated with polyamidefor solderable applications (Single and Heavy)180 X — 71MW 79-C Polyurethane for solderable applications(Single, Heavy and Triple)155 X — 72MW 80-A Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide forsolderable applications (Single and Heavy)155 X — 73MW 80-C Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide forsolderable applications (Single, Heavy, Triple)155 X — 74 MW 81-C Polyamideimide (Single and Heavy) 220 X — 75MW 82-C Polyurethane for solderable applications(Single, Heavy and Triple)180 X — 76MW 83-C Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide forsolderable applications (Single, Heavy,Triple)180 X — 77MW 102-A Polyester (Amide) (Imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide and self-bonding overcoat(Type 1 and Type 2)180 X — 78MW 102-C Polyester (Amide) (Imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide and self-bonding overcoat(Type 1 and Type 2)180 X — 79TablesS (MW 16-C) Polyimide Single Film Insulated Round Copper Magnet Wire, Thermal Class 240 (11)H (MW 16-C) Polyimide Heavy Film Insulated Round Copper Magnet Wire, Thermal Class 240 (13)T (MW 16-C) Polyimide Triple Film Insulated Round Copper Magnet Wire, Thermal Class 240 (15)Q (MW 16-C) Polyimide Quadruple Film Insulated Round Copper Magnet Wire, Thermal Class 240..17PC (MW 32-C) Range of Increase in Dimensions (Inches) Due to Double Paper Single Cotton Covering (33)PR (MW 60-A) Increase in Dimensions of Rectangular Wire Due to Paper Covering (53)PSQ (MW 60-A) Dimensions 1–4/0 AWG (53)PR (MW 60-C) Increase in Dimensions of Rectangular Wire Due to Paper Covering (55)PSQ (MW 60-C) Dimensions 1–4/0 AWG (55)PR (MW 61-A) Dimensions 4/0–9 AWG (57)PR (MW 61-C) Dimensions 4/0–9 AWG (59)TR (MW 63-C) Insulated Wire Dimensions (61)(continued)MW 1000-2003Page viCONTENTS (continued)Part 2PROPERTIES AND REQUIREMENTS LISTING BY THERMAL CLASS, INSULATION, COATING AND FORMThermal Class Insulation, Covering and Form See Part 2, SectionAluminumCopperPageNo. FILM INSULATED ROUND MAGNET WIRE105 Polyamide -MW6-C 5105 Polyvinyl acetal MW 15-A MW 15-C 8, 9105 Polyvinyl acetal overcoated with polyamide - MW 17-C 18105 Solderable Polyurethane - MW 2-C 2105 Solderable Polyurethane and self-bonding overcoat - MW 3-C 3105 Solderable Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide and self-bonding overcoat -MW29-C 29105 Polyvinyl acetal and self-bonding overcoat - MW 19-C 21 130 Epoxy -MW9-C 6 130 Solderable Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide MW 28-A MW 28-C 27, 28 130 Solderable Polyurethane - MW 75-C 67 155 Polyester -MW5-C 4 155 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated with polyamide MW 24-A MW 24-C 23, 24 155 Solderable Polyester (imide) - MW 26-C 25 155 Solderable Polyester (imide) overcoated with polyamide - MW 27-C 26 155 Solderable Polyurethane - MW 79-C 72 155 Solderable Polyurethane overcoated with polyamide MW 80-A MW 80-C 73, 74 180 Polyester(amide)(imide) -MW30-C30 180 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated with polyamide MW 76-A MW 76-C 68, 69 180 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide and self-bonding overcoatMW 102-A MW 102-C 78, 79 180 Solderable Polyester (imide) - MW 77-C 70 180 Solderable Polyester (imide) overcoated with polyamide - MW 78-C 71 180 Hermetic Polyester (amide)(imide) - MW 72-C 62 180 Solderable Polyurethane - MW 82-C 76 180 Solderable Polyurethane overcoated with Polyamide - MW 83-C 77200 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide -MW35-C 36200 Polyester(amide)(imide) -MW74-C66200 Hermetic Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide -MW73-C 64220 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimideMW 35-A - 37 220 Polyester(amide)(imide) MW74-A- 65 220 Hermetic Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimideMW 73-A - 64 220 Polyamideimide MW81-C75 240 Hermetic Polyimide - MW 16-C 10–17FILM INSULATED RECTANGULAR AND SQUARE WIREMW1000-2003Page viiPart 2PROPERTIES AND REQUIREMENTS LISTING BY THERMAL CLASS, INSULATION, COATING AND FORMThermal Class Insulation, Covering and Form See Part 2, SectionAluminumCopperPageNo. 105 Polyvinyl acetal MW 18-A MW 18-C 19, 20130 Epoxy -MW14-C7200 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimide -MW36-C 38220 Polyester (amide)(imide) overcoated withpolyamideimideMW 36-A - 37 240 Polyimide -MW20-C22 FIBROUS COVERED ROUND MAGNET WIRE90 or 105 Paper covered - MW 31-C 31 155 Glass fiber covered - MW 41-C 39 155 Polyester glass fiber covered - MW 45-C 43180 Glass fiber covered, High temperature organicvarnish treated -MW50-C 47180 Polyester glass fiber covered, High temperatureorganic varnish treated -MW51-C 48200 Glass fiber covered, silicone treated - MW 44-C 42 200 Polyester glass fiber covered, Silicone treated - MW 47-C 45 220 Aromatic polyamide paper covered MW 61-A MW 61-C 56–59 220 Aromatic polyimide tape covered - MW 63-C 61FIBROUS COVERED RECTANGULAR & SQUARE MAGNET WIRE90 or 105 Double paper, Single cotton covered - MW 32-C 32–33 90 or 105 Paper covered - MW 33-C 34 155 Glass fiber covered - MW 42-C 40 155 Polyester glass fiber covered - MW 46-C 44180 Glass fiber covered, High temperature organicvarnish treated -MW52-C 49180 Polyester glass fiber covered, High temperatureorganic varnish treated -MW53-C 50200 Glass fiber covered, Silicone treated - MW 43-C 41 200 Polyester glass fiber covered, Silicone treated - MW 48-C 46 220 Aromatic polyamide paper covered MW 60-A MW 60-C 52–55 220 Aromatic polyimide tape covered - MW 62-C 60MW 1000-2003Page viiiCONTENTS (continued)Part 3 TEST PROCEDURES3.1 Safety Statement (1)ROUTINE TESTS3.2 Dimensions (1)3.2.1 Round Wire (1)and Square Wire (3)3.2.2 Rectangularand Flexibility (3)3.3 Adherence3.3.1 Elongation and Mandrel Wrap Method (3)Wrap Method (4)3.3.2 Mandrel3.3.3 Elongation Method (4)Cut and Elongation Method (4)3.3.4 Circumferential3.3.5 Bend and Shot Dielectric Method (4)3.3.6 Flat and Edge Bend Method (4)3.4 Elongation (4)3.5 Heat Shock (6)3.6 Reserved (6)3.7 Springback (Specified for Copper Conductors Only) (6)3.7.1 MandrelWrap Method (6)3.7.2 Deflection Method (All Rectangular and Round Sizes Larger than 14 AWG) (10)3.8 Dielectric Breakdown (11)Procedure—General (11)3.8.1 TestElectrode Method (11)3.8.2 FoilPair Method (12)3.8.3 TwistedPair Method (14)3.8.4 Wound3.8.5 Layer Method (14)Method (14)3.8.6 Bend3.8.7 Cylinder Method (15)3.9 Continuity (17)3.9.1 General (17)3.9.2 High-Voltage Direct Current Continuity (14-44 AWG) (17)3.9.3 Low-Voltage Direct Current Continuity (45-56 AWG) (18)3.10 Completeness of Cure (19)3.10.1 Toluene-Ethanol Boil Method (19)3.10.2 Dissipation Factor Method (20)3.11 Reserved (22)3.12 Coverage (22)3.12.1 Mandrel Wrap Method (22)3.12.2 Flat Bend Method (22)3.13 Solderability (22)3.13.1 General (22)3.13.2 Self-Supported Specimen Method (14-36 AWG) (22)3.13.3 Fixture-Supported Specimen Method (37-56 AWG) (22)MW 1000-2003Page ixPERIODIC CONFORMANCE TESTS3.50 Thermoplastic Flow (24)3.50.1 Apparatus (24)3.50.2 Procedure (24)3.51 Solubility (25)3.51.1 Round Film Insulated Wire (10 AWG and Finer)........................................................25 3.51.2 Round Wire Larger than 10 AWG, Rectangular and Square Wire ............................25 3.52Dielectric Strength at Rated Temperature...............................................................................26 3.52.1 Test Procedure...........................................................................................................26 3.53Reserved.................................................................................................................................26 3.54Transformer Oil Resistance and Hydrolytic Stability...............................................................26 3.54.1 Principal of Test..........................................................................................................26 3.54.2 Test Apparatus...........................................................................................................26 3.54.3 Short Term Exposure Test.........................................................................................26 3.54.4 Long Term Exposure Test..........................................................................................27 3.55Refrigerant (R-22) Extraction ..................................................................................................27 3.55.1 Preparation of Specimens..........................................................................................28 3.55.2 Environmental Conditioning .......................................................................................28 3.55.3 Collecting Residue......................................................................................................29 3.55.4 Determination of Results............................................................................................30 3.56Retained Dielectric after R-22 Conditioning............................................................................30 3.57Bond ........................................................................................................................................31 3.57.1 Preparation of Specimens (31)3.57.2 Heating and Solvent Bonding.....................................................................................31 3.57.3 Room Temperature Bonding......................................................................................32 3.57.4 Elevated Temperature Bond Test Procedure.............................................................32 3.58Thermal Endurance.................................................................................................................33 3.58.1 Test Procedure...........................................................................................................33 3.59Scrape Resistance..................................................................................................................33 3.59.1 Apparatus...................................................................................................................33 3.59.2 Test Procedure...........................................................................................................34 Tables3.2.1Specification for Micrometer Anvil Diameter and Spindle Force...............................................2 3.3.1Adherence and Flexibility: Elongation and Mandrel Diameters ................................................3 3.4.1Minimum Percent Elongation, Square and Rectangular Wire...................................................4 3.4.2 MinimumPercent Elongation, Round Wire...............................................................................5 3.5.1Heat Shock: Elongation and Mandrel Diameters......................................................................6 3.7.1Springback - Mandrel Wrap Method..........................................................................................9 3.8.2Minimum Dielectric Breakdown Voltage—Foil Method...........................................................12 Pair Method: Tensions and Rotations........................................................................12 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage—Twisted Pair Method.............................................13 3.8.6 BendMethod Mandrel Sizes...................................................................................................14 of Increase in Voltage—Cylinder Method.......................................................................15 Cylinder Method Test Loads (16)MW 1000-2003Page x3.8.7.3 Minimum Dielectric Breakdown Voltage—Cylinder Method (16) Test Voltage (DC Volts ±5%) and Maximum Fault Count per 100 Feet (17) Threshold Fault Current (18)Continuity—Maximum Fault Count per 100 Feet (19)3.9.3 Low-Voltage3.50.2 Thermoplastic Flow Test Loads (24)Vessel Components (27)3.54.4 PressureSiphonCup Dimensions (28)3.55.1 TypicalTest Parameters (31)3.57.1 Bond3.59.1 Standard Scrape Resistance of Round Film Insulated Magnet Wire (35)3.59.2 Reduced Scrape Resistance of Round Film Insulated Magnet Wire (35)Figuresthe Springback Scale (7) Detailsof3.7.1.2 Springback Tester After Winding a Coil Under Tension (8) Photograph of Possible Appearance of the Springback Scales (8)3.7.2 Apparatus for Springback Deflection Method (10)PairSpecimen Winder (14)3.8.4 WoundApparatusfor Cylinder Method (15)3.8.7 Test3.9.3 Bath of Mercury or Other Suitable Material (19)3.10.2 Electrode and Specimen Arrangement for Dissipation Factor Test (21)Test Specimen Fixture (23)3.13.3 Solderability3.51.1 MachineSolubility Scrape (25)forExtractable Siphon Cup (28)3.55.1 Refrigerant3.55.2 Condenser Coil (29)3.55.3 Condenser Coil Siphon Cup Assembly (29)CoilPrep Fixture (31)3.57.1 BondStrength Test Fixture (32) BondTest Fixture (32) Bond3.59.1 MachineScrape Resistance (34)forAppendicesA Reference Test Conditions and Procedures for Film-Insulated Magnet Wire....................................A–1B Magnet Wire Packaging and Labeling................................................................................................B–11000-2003MWPage xiForewordThis publication supersedes NEMA Standards Publication MW 1000-1997. It is currently under review by ANSI for approval as an American National Standard.The standards contained in this publication are periodically reviewed by the NEMA Magnet Wire Section for revisions considered to be necessary to keep them up to date with changes in technology. Proposedor recommended revisions should be submitted to:Vice President, EngineeringNational Electrical Manufacturers Association1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847Rosslyn, Virginia 22209These standards were developed by the Magnet Wire Section of NEMA, working closely with representatives of various industries that use magnet wire. At the time they were approved, the Magnet Wire Section had the following members:Bridgeport Insulated Wire Company—Bridgeport, CTElektrisola, Inc.—Boscawen, NHMagnekon—San Nicolas, NL, MexicoNexans—Markham, ON, CanadaPhelps Dodge Magnet Wire Company—Fort Wayne, INRea Magnet Wire Company, Inc.—Fort Wayne, INRea Algonquin Osceola Manufacturing Plant (formerly Southwire Company)—Osceola, AREssex Group, Inc.—Fort Wayne, INUniversal Lighting Technologies—Gallman, MSMW 1000-2003Page xiiHow to Use This PublicationPart 1 (blue, if in print) of this publication deals with information common to all types of magnet wire, that is, ordering information, general material requirements, general test conditions, definitions and manufacturing data in support of thermal rating. This part also includes dimensions with metric equivalents for all bare, minimum insulation increase, and overall dimensions for all Part 2 MW specification requirements. The exception to this is MW 16, where the dimensional and other requirements are provided in Part 2.Part 2 (yellow, if in print) consists of product specifications requirements (other than dimensions) for magnet wire with different types of coatings and/or coverings. Insofar as possible, the product specifications are complete on one sheet since they are arranged to include only one insulation or covering per sheet. The title on each individual sheet identifies the product. (Example: MW 15-C, Polyvinyl Acetal Round Copper Magnet Wire. MW 15-A covers the aluminum version of the same generic product).Part 3 (green, if in print) contains the test procedures to be followed and corresponding tables of specific test values to be attained in determining compliance with the requirements given in Part 2. The requirements are consolidated with the test procedures and testing parameters for a given property. An index of the main test paragraphs is given beginning on page viii of the Table of Contents.Appendix A (green, if in print) provides a cross reference between test procedures in this Standards Publication and those published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).Appendix B (tan, if in print) consists of definitions, requirements, and recommended test procedures for reusable magnet wire packaging, standardized dimensions for spools and reels, and formatting for the labeling of magnet wire products.First, review Part 1 for general information. Then in Part 2 locate the specification for the type of insulation and conductor of interest. Part 2 is arranged in numerical order as shown beginning on page ii. The dimensions for each Part 2 MW type are provided in Part 1 beginning with Table 1-1. The specification in Part 2 will indicate the requirements to be met and will refer to the test procedures and corresponding test values to be attained in Part 3.。


这时,来了一名叫达芙涅的水泽女仙,达芙涅是河神拉冬的女儿,大洋神俄刻阿诺斯的孙女,是伊丽斯、雅 典娜等女神的表姐妹。容貌美丽的她有众多追求者都被她拒绝,本身就对婚姻爱情没有兴趣的达芙涅又被调皮的 丘比特射中了钝箭,被射中的达芙涅立刻变的更加厌恶爱情。这时候被爱情之箭射中的阿波罗看到达芙涅的美丽 则深深地迷上了达芙妮,于是他立刻对达芙涅表达自己的爱慕之情。可是达芙妮却拒绝了:“走开!我讨厌爱情! 离我远一点!”说着就像羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而去。
06喀俄涅Leabharlann 05罗伊欧01
赫帕波尼亚 人
阿波罗爱上了斯巴达国王的儿子,美少年雅辛托斯,他热爱打猎和体育,阿波罗就殷勤地陪伴他,像仆人一 样替少年拿鱼、牵猎犬,一心陪伴左右。一个黄昏,这对爱侣在原野上掷铁饼玩。当阿波罗抛出金色的铁饼后, 雅辛托斯快活地追赶,却没想到同样爱慕雅辛托斯的西风之神用风吹偏了铁饼的方向,直接击中美少年的头部, 造成致命伤。
阿波罗善良的一面,他曾经帮助迈亚女神的儿子赫耳墨斯进入奥林匹斯神山居住,为了赫耳墨斯,阿波罗曾 经亲自去劝赫拉。甚至为了成功,把赫耳墨斯变成赫拉的儿子阿瑞斯的模样,让赫拉心动,终于同意让赫耳墨斯 进入神山居住。赫尔墨斯曾欺骗过阿波罗,偷过阿波罗的牛(那牛群代表的是一年,不会生育也不会死亡)。但 是他用自己做的七弦琴和阿波罗交换,阿波罗最后还是原谅了他,并把牛送给了他。

ISO 188-2011 英文 加速老化或耐热性试验

ISO 188-2011 英文 加速老化或耐热性试验
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 1


1.2.1 原始女神...................................................................................................... 14 1.2.2 后原始女神.................................................................................................. 15 1.2.3 大女神.......................................................................................................... 17 1.3 具有神格的二类女神形象..................................................................................... 18 1.3.1 神之居所中的二类女神.............................................................................. 19 1.3.2 山林水泽中的二类女神.............................................................................. 21 1.4 没有神格的凡间女性形象..................................................................................... 23 第 2 章 中国和希腊神话女性形象审美观解读.................................................................. 26 2.1 希腊神话女性形象审美观..................................................................................... 26 2.1.1 美与和谐...................................................................................................... 26 2.1.2 美与爱.......................................................................................................... 27 2.1.3 美与德.......................................................................................................... 28 2.2 中国神话女性形象审美观..................................................................................... 29 2.2.1 美与图腾崇拜.............................................................................................. 29 2.2.2 美与艺术化.................................................................................................. 30 2.2.3 美与德.......................................................................................................... 31 第 3 章 中国和希腊神话中女性观之比较研究.................................................................. 33 3.1 中国和希腊神话中女性形象的女性角色解读..................................................... 33 3.1.1 中国和希腊神话中女性的“天使”角色解读 .............................................. 34 3.1.2 中国和希腊神话中女性的“魔鬼”角色解读 .............................................. 38 3.1.3 中国和希腊神话中女性的“魔鬼”和“天使”结合角色解读....................... 42 3.2 中国和希腊神话中女性形象的爱情观之比较................................................... 44

F第一节 希腊神话

F第一节  希腊神话

克洛诺斯也担心他的儿女会像他夺父亲的权那 样夺他的权。把生下的儿女都吃掉。 样夺他的权。把生下的儿女都吃掉。小儿子宙斯出 生时,瑞亚听从了该亚的建议, 生时,瑞亚听从了该亚的建议,将一块石头包起来 代替孩子,给克洛诺斯吃了。宙斯幸免于难, 代替孩子,给克洛诺斯吃了。宙斯幸免于难,在该 亚的关照下长大。 亚的关照下长大。
阿佛洛狄忒代表最感性 的生活观。象征美丽、 的生活观。象征美丽、 青春、情欲的满足。 青春、情欲的满足。她 的丈夫是匠神赫淮斯托 她有无数的情人。 斯。她有无数的情人。 其中有战神阿瑞斯和凡 人塞浦路斯国王皮格马 里翁。 里翁。
小爱神厄洛斯的罗马名字叫丘比特。 小爱神厄洛斯的罗马名字叫丘比特。他是爱神阿佛洛狄忒 的儿子,据说他的父亲是战神阿瑞斯。 的儿子,据说他的父亲是战神阿瑞斯。 厄洛斯一生下来就长有双翅,会飞翔。 厄洛斯一生下来就长有双翅,会飞翔。他是一个长不大的盲 身上背着弓箭。他喜欢恶作剧,经常拿箭乱射。谁中了金箭, 童,身上背着弓箭。他喜欢恶作剧,经常拿箭乱射。谁中了金箭, 就陷入恋爱,谁中了铅箭,就马上失恋。 就陷入恋爱,谁中了铅箭,就马上失恋。
匠神赫淮斯托斯是宙斯和 赫拉所生。他天生腿瘸, 赫拉所生。他天生腿瘸,赫拉 嫌弃,将他扔到大海。 嫌弃,将他扔到大海。两位女 神让他在一个山洞里藏了9 神让他在一个山洞里藏了9年, 他在这里学会了锻造术。 他在这里学会了锻造术。为了 报复母亲对他的歧视, 报复母亲对他的歧视,他打造 了一个黄金宝座献给赫拉。 了一个黄金宝座献给赫拉。赫 拉坐上去就再也不能脱身。 拉坐上去就再也不能脱身。赫 拉只得承认他是亲生的儿子, 拉只得承认他是亲生的儿子, 让他重返俄林波斯山, 让他重返俄林波斯山,并娶爱 神阿佛洛狄忒为妻。 神阿佛洛狄忒为妻。他才让赫 拉得到自由。 拉得到自由。



战世网界DOTA英雄火凤凰伊卡洛斯简析炽翼灵动 浴火涅槃强势!从基础数值看伊卡洛斯强势!从技能看伊卡洛斯伊卡洛斯的技能普遍遵循耗蓝较少,冷却时间较长,需要消耗生命值上限的特点。






远古圣典提及光的七道神圣射气,在辐合时发生强烈冲突 这些道射气的碰撞在凡人的国度创造出一个最纯净的火◆移动速度290英雄简介◆最大距离:1400◆魔法消耗:100◆生命消耗:10%当前生命值◆冷却时间:40秒▲伊卡洛斯1级属性▲伊卡洛斯18级属性之前我们提到伊卡洛斯初始0护甲的问题,目前普遍的观点是利用圣殿指环很好地弥补这一缺陷。




消价,向▲释放烈日炙烤时,凤凰冲击和烈火精灵都可以同时使用Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.。



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还有就是弹药类型也得修改模型那些是对应PCK的路径,职业限制225 (的意思是全职WX是1,FS是2,MM是128,MG是64,SS是16,YJ是8 ,神器分类2是黄金3是神器,其他自己研究。














如果改成15米就把6.000000000000000000改成15.000000000000000000 21是保护类型。








防具这里是159 武器这里是158 首饰是160其他为0。









万千群侠攻略------------------------月泠修订版2.0感谢小贝,无边屋脊第一部分万千上路 (10)0.编者前言 (10)相关攻略资料 (10)1.开局答题 (10)2.全局介绍 (13)常识性名词 (14)3.二次元队友获得方法 (14)4.练级点新增 (14)5.炼狱神器 (15)6.万千客栈 (15)神蛋相关 (15)7.无量山洞 (15)无量掉落列表 (16)8.神灵奇遇 (18)(1)神系组合,需神系指南 (18)(2)灵系组合,需灵系指南 (18)(3)装备材料分布 (18)9.猛男任务 (19)10.捉鬼支线 (19)11.地头蛇 (19)12.高级商店及松鼠旅馆相关剧情 (20)13.切糕支线 (20)14.奇遇十周寻宝 (20)高昌 (20)雁门关 (20)梅庄 (21)唐诗山洞 (21)西湖 (21)15.主线剧情及过周目方式 (21)16.阴阳五行说明 (22)17.常见天赋常识统计 (22)第二部分天书剧情 (24)1.飞狐外传、雪山飞狐 (24)杀阎基 (24)相信: (24)不相信: (24)不杀阎基 (24)不杀苗人凤: (24)杀苗人凤: (24)2.连城诀 (25)杀血刀老祖(正线) (25)不杀血刀老祖(邪线) (25)丁典线: (25)3.天龙八部 (25)(1)上+收阿朱入队 (26)六个打一个太无耻了: (26)加我一个: (26)(2)上+收阿碧入队 (26)(3)不上+收阿朱入队 (26)(4)不上+收阿碧入队 (27)帮助乔峰父子: (27)帮助慕容复父子: (27)4.射雕英雄传 (28)(1)正线 (28)(2)邪线 (28)5.白马啸西风 (28)6.鹿鼎记 (29)邀请 (29)不邀请 (29)7.笑傲江湖 (30)(1)吸星大法线 (30)阻止杀费彬 (30)不阻止杀费彬 (30)(2)辟邪葵花线 (30)交辟邪剑法 (31)不交辟邪剑法 (31)8.书剑恩仇录 (31)后续剧情 (31)9.神雕侠侣 (31)(1)小龙女线 (32)(2)郭襄线 (32)(3)神雕邪线 (32)(4)李莫愁线 (32)10.侠客行 (32)自己练 (33)不敢练 (33)侍剑 (33)叮当 (33)11.倚天屠龙记 (33)(1)征战天下-前 (33)(2)成昆线-右 (33)(3)无忌线-左 (34)12.碧血剑 (34)不接包 (34)接包+胜袁承志 (35)接包+败袁承志 (35)接包+胜袁承志+开包裹 (36)13.鸳鸯刀 (36)收刀 (36)不收刀 (36)第三部分支线剧情 (37)1.玉儿线 (37)2.刀白凤剧情 (37)3.凤天南支线 (37)4.基本内功解锁 (37)5.田伯光剧情 (37)6.七弦无形剑 (38)7.江陵大佛 (38)8.雁行刀 (38)9.大理树林 (38)10.梅超风 (38)11.新手村剧情 (39)田青文事件 (39)梅超风事件 (39)少年袁承志事件 (39)新手任务 (39)12.欧阳克剧情 (39)13.柴山十八路 (40)14.岳家枪法 (40)15.闪电貂 (40)16.程英剧情 (40)17.程灵素支线 (40)18.庖丁解牛 (40)19.独孤求败 (41)20.少林寺剧情 (41)21.武当派剧情 (41)22.擂鼓山剧情 (41)23.桃花源剧情 (42)24.长安一梦及完美女主剧情 (42)25.黑衣门剧情 (44)26.灭门事件 (44)灭门古墓派 (44)灭门血刀门 (45)灭门全真教 (45)灭门灵鹫宫 (45)第四部分门派剧情 (46)1.古墓派 (46)入门天赋: (46)出师时间: (46)门派修炼: (46)门派剧情: (46)出师剧情: (46)门派专武: (47)2.大轮寺 (47)入门天赋: (47)出师时间: (47)门派修炼: (47)门派剧情: (47)出师剧情: (48)3.血刀门 (48)入门天赋: (48)出师时间: (48)门派修炼: (48)出师剧情: (48)4.全真教 (49)入门天赋: (49)出师时间: (49)门派修炼: (49)门派剧情: (49)出师剧情: (50)门派专武: (50)5.灵鹫宫 (50)入门天赋: (50)出师时间: (50)门派修炼: (50)门派剧情: (51)出师剧情: (51)6.少林派 (52)入门天赋: (52)出师时间: (52)门派修炼: (52)南少林: (52)门派剧情: (52)出师剧情: (53)北少林: (53)南少林: (53)7.武当派 (54)入门天赋: (54)出师时间: (54)门派修炼: (54)门派剧情: (54)出师剧情: (55)8.星宿派 (55)入门天赋: (55)出师时间: (56)门派修炼: (56)门派剧情: (56)出师剧情: (56)9.华山派 (57)入门天赋: (57)出师时间: (57)门派修炼: (57)门派剧情: (57)出师剧情: (58)(1)气宗: (58)(2)中立: (58)10.衡山派 (58)入门天赋: (58)出师时间: (58)门派修炼: (58)门派剧情: (59)五岳剑法线: (59)衡山五神剑线: (59)烟雨剑法线 (59)笑傲江湖曲线: (59)出师剧情: (60)五岳剑法线: (60)衡山五神剑线: (60)烟雨剑法线: (60)笑傲江湖曲线: (61)11.恒山派 (61)入门天赋: (61)出师时间: (61)门派修炼: (62)12.嵩山派 (63)入门天赋: (63)出师时间: (63)门派修炼: (63)门派剧情: (63)出师剧情: (63)13.泰山派 (64)入门天赋: (64)出师时间: (64)门派修炼: (64)门派剧情: (64)出师剧情: (65)14.丐帮 (65)入门天赋: (65)出师时间: (65)门派修炼: (65)门派剧情: (66)出师剧情: (66)15.峨眉派 (66)入门天赋: (66)出师时间: (67)门派修炼: (67)门派剧情: (67)出师剧情: (67)16.日月神教 (68)入门天赋: (68)出师时间: (68)门派修炼: (68)门派剧情: (68)出师剧情: (69)(1)笑傲曲线: (69)(2)日月神掌线: (69)17.天地会 (69)入门天赋: (69)出师时间: (69)门派修炼: (69)门派剧情: (70)出师剧情: (70)(1)双儿线: (70)(2)沐剑屏线: (70)18.青城派 (71)入门天赋: (71)出师时间: (71)门派剧情: (71)出师剧情: (71)19.唐门 (72)入门天赋: (72)出师时间: (72)门派剧情: (72)共通线: (72)1)刀线: (73)2)奇门线: (74)出师剧情: (74)1)刀线: (74)2)奇门线: (74)20.藏剑山庄 (75)入门天赋: (75)出师时间: (75)门派修炼: (75)门派剧情: (75)出师剧情: (75)门派专武: (76)21.纯阳 (76)入门天赋: (76)出师时间: (76)门派剧情: (76)纯阳炼丹房: (76)气线 (77)剑线 (77)出师剧情: (78)气线 (78)剑线 (79)门派专武: (79)22.长歌门 (80)入门天赋: (80)出师时间: (80)门派修炼: (80)门派剧情: (81)出师剧情: (81)(1)学剑 (81)(2)没学剑 (81)门派专武: (82)23.天策府 (82)入门天赋: (82)出师时间: (82)门派修炼: (83)出师剧情: (83)门派专武: (83)24.鬼谷派 (84)入门天赋: (84)出师时间: (84)门派修炼: (84)门派剧情: (85)出师剧情: (85)门派专武: (85)25.天下会 (86)入门天赋: (86)出师时间: (86)门派修炼: (86)出师剧情: (86)(1)三分归元气线 (87)(2)圣灵剑法线 (87)(3)傲寒六诀+蚀日剑法线 (87)26.天算门 (87)门派剧情: (87)27.无门派 (88)入门天赋: (88)门派剧情: (88)第五部分后记 (89)第一部分万千上路0.编者前言本攻略囊括了万千群侠传百分之九十以上的剧情流程,读了这个你不需要参阅金庸x原版攻略就可以顺畅游戏。

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11月6日全民超神每日一题答案就是moba太阳战车,小伙伴们都回答正确了么?百度攻略&96u 小编会每天给大家更新最新的每日一题答案,喜欢的小伙伴可不要错过了哦!
