



系统内存蓝屏的错误代码大全系统内存蓝屏的错误代码大全0 0x00000000 作業完成。

1 0x00000001 不正确的函數。

2 0x00000002 系統找不到指定的檔案。

3 0x00000003 系統找不到指定的路徑。

4 0x00000004 系統無法開啓檔案。

5 0x00000005 拒絕存取。

6 0x00000006 無效的代碼。

7 0x00000007 儲存體控制區塊已毀。

8 0x00000008 儲存體空間不足,無法處理這個指令。

9 0x00000009 儲存體控制區塊地址無效。

10 0x0000000A 環境不正确。

11 0x0000000B 嘗試加載一個格式錯誤的程序。

12 0x0000000C 存取碼錯誤。

13 0x0000000D 資料錯誤。

14 0x0000000E 儲存體空間不夠,無法完成這項作業。

15 0x0000000F 系統找不到指定的磁盤驅動器。

16 0x00000010 無法移除目錄。

16 0x00000010 無法移除目錄。

17 0x00000011 系統無法将檔案移到其它的磁盤驅動器。

18 0x00000012 沒有任何檔案。

19 0x00000013 儲存媒體爲寫保護狀态。

20 0x00000014 系統找不到指定的裝置。

21 0x00000015 裝置尚未就緒。

22 0x00000016 裝置無法識别指令。

23 0x00000017 資料錯誤 (cyclic redundancy check)24 0x00000018 程序發出一個長度錯誤的指令。

25 0x00000019 磁盤驅動器在磁盤找不到持定的扇區或磁道。

26 0x0000001A 指定的磁盤或磁盤無法存取。

27 0x0000001B 磁盤驅動器找不到要求的扇區。

28 0x0000001C 打印機沒有紙。

29 0x0000001D 系統無法将資料寫入指定的磁盤驅動器。

30 0x0000001E 系統無法讀取指定的裝置。



异次元管理之刃(Dimensional Management Blade)是我的世界基岩版中一款非常实用的模组。




















晋级考核#1 以下不属于钉宫理惠配音的动漫角色是?露易丝·法兰西斯·露·布朗·杜·拉·瓦里埃尔哈比happy 逢坂大河凉宫春日#2 6月22日,下列城市中正午太阳高度角最大的是?漠河堪培拉上海广州#3 下列哪个动画是正确的动画名乃木坂春香的秘密乃木坂冬香的秘密乃木坂秋香的秘密乃木坂夏香的秘密#4 【死神BLEACH】中,黑崎一护最常用的招式是什么?月牙天冲月牙天刹暗牙天冲炎牙天冲#5 渡边淳一所写的一本小说——遥远的落日其中主人公是谁?野野口英世松尾芭蕉夏目漱石野口英世#6 女装山脉是一款怎样的游戏?yooooo cooooo mooooo uooooo#7 NTSC制式的视频帧率是23.976fps 24fps 29.970fps 30fps#8 元首的愤怒:That's why.........!(接后半句)俺悲愤渣渣俺瞧不起你我到河北省来#9 国际标准化组织ISO制定的OSI模型中,路由器工作在哪一层?数据链路层应用层传输层网络层#10 近月少女的礼仪中小仓朝日的CV是?遥そら北都南青山ゆかり月乃和留都#11 洛克人X系列登场的两位主角中,红色的思考型机器人叫什么名字?ZORRO ZERA ZELO ZERO#12 战场原荡漾在前两集多重3kg 5kg 1kg 7kg#13 质能方程的公式?F=Ma E=MC² W=FS P=MV#14 动画《进击的巨人》由那家公司出品?studio DEEN Hal Film Maker Wit Studio sunrise#15 樱井孝宏经常被叫做?老哥考哥我编不下去了孝哥#16 《刀剑神域》最初的原作是?网络游戏轻小说漫画动画#17 以下4位谢皮利中谁是用铁球的?马里奥·谢皮利威尔·A·谢皮利西撒·谢皮利杰洛·谢皮利#18 在Fate世界中,以下哪种宝具的宝具等级最高(数值上同等级的宝具,对抗获胜的一方较高)?Avalon Unlimited Blade Works EA 王の军势#19 夏目友人帐里给夏目贵志配音的是谁藤村歩井上和彦神谷浩史小林沙苗#20 以下哪个角色不是出自片山宪太郎老师之手?紫苑寺有子堕花雨柔泽红香九凤院紫#21 游戏Minecraft是由哪国的游戏制作公司开发?法国芬兰瑞典美国#22 以下哪位是魔禁中的LV5之一食蜂操祈滝壶理后结标淡希白井黑子#23 V+中以下哪位人物不是C社成员?初音未来MEIKO GUMI KAITO#24 以下哪种力不属于性质力?电场力重力压力万有引力#25 世界上用图像显示的第一个电子游戏是什么?Tennis for Two Prince of Persia Minesweeper Core War#26 12年底被广泛玩坏的转手指op是出自哪部动画。



电脑蓝屏代码大全0X0000000 操作完成0X0000001 不正确的函数0X0000002 系统找不到指定的文件0X0000003 系统找不到指定的途径0X0000004 系统无法打开文件0X0000005 拒绝存取0X0000006 无效的代码0X0000007 内存操纵模块已损坏0X0000008 内存空间不足,无法处置那个指令0X0000009 内存操纵模块位址无效0X000000A 环境不正确0X000000B 尝试载入一个格式错误的程序0X000000C 存取码错误0X000000D 资料错误0X000000E 内存空间不够,无法完成这项操作0X000000F 系统找不到指定的硬盘0X0000010 无法移除目录0X0000011 系统无法将文件移到其他的硬盘0X0000012 没有任何文件0X0000019 找不到指定扇区或磁道0X000001A 指定的磁盘或磁片无法存取0X000001B 磁盘找不到要求的装置0X000001C 打印机没有纸0X000001D 系统无法将资料写入指定的磁盘0X000001E 系统无法读取指定的装置0X000001F 连接到系统的某个装置没有作用0X0000021文件的一部份被锁定,此刻无法存取0X0000024 开启的分享文件数量太多0X0000026 抵达文件结尾0X0000027 磁盘已满0X0000036 网络忙碌0X000003B 网络发生意外的错误0X0000043 网络名称找不到0X0000050 文件已经存在0X0000052 无法成立目录或文件0X0000053 INT24失败(什麼意思?还请高手指点站长一二)0X000006B 因为代用的磁盘尚未插入,因此程序已经停止0X000006C 磁盘正在利用中或被锁定0X000006F 文件名太长0X0000070 硬盘空间不足0X000007F 找不到指定的程序0X000045B 系统正在关机0X000045C 无法中止系统关机,因为没有关机的动作在进行中0X000046A 可用效劳器贮存空间不足0X0000475 系统BIOS无法变更系统电源状态0X000047E 指定的程序需要新的windows版本0X000047F 指定的程序不是windwos或ms-dos程序0X0000480 指定的程序已经启动,无法再启动一次0X0000481 指定的程序是为旧版的 windows所写的0X0000482 执行此应用程序所需的程序库文件之一被损0X0000483 没有应用程序与此项操作的指定文件成立关联0X0000484 传送指令到应用程序无效0X00005A2 指定的装置名称无效0X00005AA 系统资源不足,无法完成所要求的效劳0X00005AB系统资源不足,无法完成所要求的效劳0X00005AC系统资源不足,无法完成所要求的效劳110 0x006E 系统无法开启指定的装置或档案。

EFLOW用户指南 Release 12.3说明书

EFLOW用户指南 Release 12.3说明书
NVIDIA-provided CUDA containers from the NGC registry can be deployed directly. If you are preparing a CUDA docker container, ensure that the necessary toolchains are installed.
: True
RestartNeeded : False
2. Set execution policy and verify.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Force
Get-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
EFLOW User's Guide, Release 12.3
3. Download and install EFLOW.
$msiPath = $([io.Path]::Combine($env:TEMP, 'AzureIoTEdge.msi')) $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest "https:∕∕aka.ms∕AzEFLOWMSI_1_4_LTS_X64" -OutFile $msiPath
▶ The Windows host OS with virtualization enabled ▶ A Linux virtual machine ▶ IoT Edge Runtime ▶ IoT Edge Modules, or otherwise any docker-compatible containerized application (runs on

Pixium Portable EZ_User's Manual(用户手册)_62744317B

Pixium Portable EZ_User's Manual(用户手册)_62744317B

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July 2013
Pixium Portable EZ
User's Manual
Thales Electron Devices SAS 460 rue du Pommarin, BP122 38346 Moirans - France Tel : +33 (0)4 76 57 52 80
Pixium Portable 3543 EZ Refers to the package including the Pixrad API and a Pixium 3543EZ.
Pixium Portable EZ
Refers to both packages Pixium Portable 2430 EZ and Pixium Portable 3543 EZ.
Pixium Portable EZ
July 2013
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Les informations contenues dans ce document sont la propriété exclusive de THALES ELECTRON DEVICES SAS et ne doivent pas être divulguées par le destinataire à des tiers sans l’accord de THALES ELECTRON DEVICES SAS.
Thales Electron Devices SAS 460 rue du Pommarin, BP122 38346 Moirans - France Tel : +33 (0)4 76 57 52 80
User's Manual



计算机常用端口号一览表:1传输掌握协议端口效劳多路开关选择器2compressnet 治理有用程序3压缩进程5 远程作业登录7 回显(Echo)9 丢弃11 在线用户13 时间15 netstat17 每日引用18消息发送协议19字符发生器20文件传输协议(默认数据口)21文件传输协议(掌握)22SSH 远程登录协议23telnet 终端仿真协议24预留给个人用邮件系统25smtp 简洁邮件发送协议27 NSW 用户系统现场工程师29 MSG ICP31 MSG 验证33 显示支持协议35 预留给个人打印机效劳37时间38路由访问协议39资源定位协议41图形42WINS 主机名效劳43“外号“ who is效劳44MPM(消息处理模块)标志协议45 消息处理模块46消息处理模块(默认发送口)47NI FTP48数码音频后台效劳49TACACS 登录主机协议50远程邮件检查协议51IMP(接口信息处理机)规律地址维护52 施乐网络效劳系统时间协议53域名效劳器54施乐网络效劳系统票据交换55ISI 图形语言56施乐网络效劳系统验证57预留个人用终端访问58施乐网络效劳系统邮件59预留个人文件效劳60未定义61NI 邮件?62异步通讯适配器效劳63WHOIS+64 通讯接口65TACACS 数据库效劳66Oracle SQL*NET67引导程序协议效劳端68引导程序协议客户端69小型文件传输协议70信息检索协议71远程作业效劳72远程作业效劳73远程作业效劳74远程作业效劳75预留给个人拨出效劳76分布式外部对象存储77预留给个人远程作业输入效劳78修正 TCP79Finger(查询远程主机在线用户等信息) 80 全球信息网超文本传输协议(www)81HOST2 名称效劳82传输有用程序83模块化智能终端 ML 设备84公用追踪设备85模块化智能终端 ML 设备86Micro Focus Cobol 编程语言87预留给个人终端连接88Kerberros 安全认证系统89SU/MIT 终端仿真网关90DNSIX 安全属性标记图91MIT Dover 假脱机92网络打印协议93设备掌握协议94Tivoli 对象调度95SUPDUP96DIXIE 协议标准97快速远程虚拟文件协议98TAC(东京大学自动计算机)闻协议101usually from sri-nic102iso-tsap103ISO Mail104 x400-snd105 csnet-ns109 Post Office110 Pop3 效劳器(邮箱发送效劳器)111 portmap 或 sunrpc113 身份查询115 sftp117 path 或 uucp-path119 闻效劳器121 BO jammerkillah123 network time protocol (exp)135 DCE endpoint resolutionnetbios-ns 137 NetBios-NS138 NetBios-DGN139 win98 共享资源端口(NetBios-SSN) 143 IMAP 电子邮件144 NeWS - news153 sgmp - sgmp158 PCMAIL161 snmp - snmp162 snmp-trap -snmp170 network PostScript175 vmnet194 Irc315 load400 vmnet0443 安全效劳456 Hackers Paradise500 sytek512 exec513 login514 shell - cmd515 printer - spooler517 talk518 ntalk520 efs526 tempo - newdate530 courier - rpc531 conference - chat532 netnews - readnews533 netwall540 uucp - uucpd 543 klogin544 kshell550 new-rwho - new-who555 Stealth Spy(Phase)556 remotefs - rfs_server600 garcon666 Attack FTP750 kerberos - kdc751 kerberos_master754 krb_prop888 erlogin1001 Silencer 或 WebEx1010 Doly trojan v1.351011 Doly Trojan1024 NetSpy.698 (YAI)1025 NetSpy.6981033 Netspy1042 Bla1.11047 GateCrasher1080 Wingate1109 kpop1243 SubSeven1245 Vodoo1269 Maverick s Matrix1433 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库效劳1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP) 1509 Streaming Server1524 ingreslock1600 Shiv1807 SpySender1981 ShockRave1999 Backdoor2023 黑洞(木马) 默认端口2023 黑洞(木马) 默认端口2023 Pass Ripper2053 knetd2140 DeepThroat.10 或 Invasor2283 Rat2565 Striker2583 Wincrash22801 Phineas3129 MastersParadise.923150 Deep Throat 1.03210 SchoolBus3389 Win2023 远程登陆端口4000 OICQ Client4567 FileNail4950 IcqTrojan5000 WindowsXP 默认启动的 UPNP 效劳5190 ICQ Query5321 Firehotcker5400 BackConstruction1.2 或 BladeRunner 5550 Xtcp5555 rmt - rmtd5556 mtb - mtbd5569 RoboHack5714 Wincrash35742 Wincrash6400 The Thing6669 Vampire6670 Deep Throat6711 SubSeven6713 SubSeven6767 NT Remote Control6771 Deep Throat 36776 SubSeven6883 DeltaSource6939 Indoctrination6969 Gatecrasher.a7306 网络精灵(木马)7307 ProcSpy7308 X Spy7626 冰河(木马) 默认端口7789 ICQKiller8000 OICQ Server9400 InCommand9401 InCommand9402 InCommand9535 man9536 w9537 mantst9872 Portal of Doom9875 Portal of Doom9989 InIkiller10000 bnews10001 queue10002 poker10167 Portal Of Doom10607 Coma11000 Senna Spy Trojans11223 ProgenicTrojan12076 Gjamer 或 MSH.104b12223 Hack?9 KeyLogger12345 netbus 木马默认端口12346 netbus 木马默认端口12631 WhackJob.NB1.716969 Priotrity17300 Kuang220230 Millenium II (GrilFriend)20231 Millenium II (GrilFriend)20234 NetBus Pro20331 Bla21554 GirlFriend 或 Schwindler 1.8222222 Prosiak23456 Evil FTP 或 UglyFtp 或 WhackJob27374 SubSeven29891 The Unexplained30029 AOLTrojan30100 NetSphere30303 Socket2330999 Kuang31337 BackOriffice31339 NetSpy31666 BO Whackmole31787 Hack a tack33333 Prosiak33911 Trojan Spirit 2023 a34324 TN 或 Tiny Telnet Server40412 TheSpy40421 MastersParadise.9640423 Master Paradise.9747878 BirdSpy250766 Fore 或 Schwindler53001 Remote Shutdown54320 Back Orifice 202354321 SchoolBus 1.661466 Telecommando65000 Devil端口概念在网络技术中,端口〔Port〕大致有两种意思:一是物理意义上的端口,比方,ADSL Modem、集线器、交换机、路由器用于连接其他网络设备的接口,如 RJ-45 端口、SC 端口等等。

Adobe Acrobat SDK 开发者指南说明书

Adobe Acrobat SDK 开发者指南说明书
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Udietoo暗黑物品编辑魔法code属性大全(比较全面)STRENGTH------------------ +223力量ENERGY ------------------ +95精力DEXTERITY------------------ 95敏捷VITALITY ------------------+95体力MAX LIFE ------------------+479生命MAX MANA ------------------ +223法力MAX AMINA------------------ +223精力最大值MAX STAMINA------------------ +223耐力最大值(鞋专用)ENHANCED DEFENSE %------------------ +511%防御强化ENCHANCED DAMAGE %------------------ +511%增强伤害ENCHANCED MIN DMG %------------------ 增加伤害底限ATTACK RATING ------------------+1023准确率CHANCE OF BLOCKING %------------------ %63增加格挡可能性MIN 1-HANDED DMG ------------------ +63最小伤害值MAX 1-HANDED DMG ------------------ +123最大伤害值MIN 2-HANDED DMG------------------ +63最小伤害值MAX 2-HANDED DMG ------------------+127最大伤害值REGENERATE MANA PLUS % ------------------法力重生255%HEAL STEMINA PLUS %------------------ 恢复耐力加255%DEFENSE ------------------+2037防御DEF VS MISSILE ------------------+511对飞射性防御DEF VS MELEE------------------ +255对近战防御DAMAGE REDUCHD BY------------------ 伤害减少63MAGIC DMG REDUCED BY ------------------ 法术伤害减少63DAMAGE REDUCED BY %------------------ 伤害减少255%MAGIC RESISTANCE %------------------ 抗魔法+255%MAX MAGIC RESISTANCE %------------------ +31%最大魔法抵抗FIRE RESISTANCE %------------------抗火+205%MAX FIRE RESISTANCE %------------------ +31%最大火焰抵抗LIGHTNING RESISTANCE %------------------抗闪电+205%MAX LIGHTNING RESISTANCE %------------------ +31%最大闪电抵抗COLD RESISTANCE %------------------ 抗寒+205%MAX COLD RESISTANCE % ------------------ +31%最大冰冻抵抗POISON RESISTANCE % ------------------ 抗毒+205%MAX POISON RESISTANCE %------------------ +31%最大毒素抵抗FIRE DAMAGE ------------------ 增加255-511的火焰伤害MAX FIRE DAMAGE ------------------ +511火焰伤害最大值LIGHTNING DAMAGE ------------------ 增加63-1023的闪电伤害MAX LIGHTNING DMG ------------------ +1023闪电伤害最大值MAGIC DAMAGE ------------------ 增加255-511的魔法伤害MAX MAGIC DAMAGE ------------------ +511魔法伤害最大值COLD DAMAGE------------------ 增加255-511的冰冷伤害MAX COLD DAMAGE ------------------+511冰冷伤害最大值POISON DAMAGE ------------------ 加2042毒素伤害20秒MAX POISON DMG ------------------ +1023毒素伤害上限LIFE STOLEN PER HIT MIN ------------------127%击中偷取生命MANA STOLEN PER HIT MIN ------------------127%击中偷取法力ATTACK SPEED % NV------------------急速攻击速度(NV影藏属性,游戏中看不见)REPLENISH LIFE ------------------ 生命补满+33LIFE % ------------------增加生命上限53%MANA %------------------ 增加法力上限53%ATTACKER TAKES DAMAGE OF------------------攻击者受到伤害127 EXTRA GOLD FROM MONSTERS % ------------------411%额外金币从怪物身上取得CHANCE OF GETTING MAGIC ITEMS %------------------ 155%更佳的机会取得魔法装备KNOCK BACK ------------------击退ADD CLASS SKILL------------------ +7★技能0亚1法2死3圣4野5德6刺ADD EXPERIENCE ------------------+461%转为经验值获得HEAL AFTER KILL ------------------127生命值在杀死后获得REDUCED PRICES ------------------降低所有商人的价格127%LIGHT RADIUS ------------------ +11照亮范围REQUIREMENTS %------------------ 需求+155%INCREASED ATTACK SPEED------------------★急速攻击速度+107%增加准确率FASTER RUN/WALK ------------------+107%高速跑步/行走NON CLASS SKILL------------------ +63等级★技能致FASTER HIT RECOVERY RATE ------------------+107%快速再度攻击FASTER BLOCK RATE------------------ +107%较快速格挡率FASTER CAST RATE ------------------ +107%高速施展速度SINGLE SKILL ------------------+7★致REST IN PEACE------------------ 杀死怪物回复平静POISON LENGTH REDUCED BY %------------------ 毒素的持续效果降低235%DAMAGE ------------------伤害+491HIT CAUSES MONSTER TO FLEE % ------------------ 击中使怪物逃跑100% HIT BLINDS TARGET ------------------击中使目标目盲+127DAMAGE TO MANA % ------------------63%受损的生命移致法力IGNORE TARGET DEFENSE------------------ 忽视目标防御力TARGET DEFENSE %------------------ -127%目标防御PREVENT MONSTER HEAL ------------------防止怪物自疗HALF FREEZE DURATION------------------ 冰冻时间减半BONUS TO ATTACK RATING % ------------------491%额外攻击准确率加成REDUCE MONSTER DEFENSE PER HIT -------------------1每次击中降低怪物防御DAMAGE TO DEMONS % ------------------+491%对恶魔的伤害DAMAGE TO UNDEAD % ------------------ +491%对不死生物的伤害ATTACK RATING AGAINST DEMONS------------------ +895对抗恶魔准确率暗黑破坏神2修改器(适用1.09 1.10 1.11版本)ATTACK RATING AGAINST UNDEAD------------------ +895对抗不死生物准确率THROWABLE ------------------ 可投掷ELEMENTAL SKILL------------------ +7火焰技能ALL SKILL LEVELS ------------------ +7所有技能ATTACKER TAKES LIGHTNING DMG OF------------------ 攻击者受到电击伤害31ATTACK FREEZES TARGET------------------ 冻结目标+31CHANCE OF OPEN WOUNDS------------------ 127%撕开伤口机会CHANCE OF CRUSHING BLOW------------------127%造成压碎性打击的几率KICK DAMAGE ------------------+127脚踢伤害MANA AFTER EACH KILL ------------------ +127点法力在每杀一个敌人后取得LIFE AFTER EACH DEMON KILL ------------------+127生命在每杀一个恶魔后取得CHANCE OF DEADLY STRIKE ------------------127%致命攻击FIRE ABSORBS %------------------ 火焰吸收127%FIRE ABSORBS / +127火焰吸收LIGHTNING ABSORBS % ------------------闪电吸收127%LIGHTNING ABSORBS ------------------+127闪电吸收MAGIC ABSORBS % ------------------魔法吸收127%MAGIC ABSORBS ------------------+127魔法吸收COLD ABSORBS % ------------------ 冰冷吸收127%COLD ABSORBS------------------ +127冰冷吸收SLOWS TARGET BY % ------------------ 使目标减慢127%AURA ------------------等级31★灵气赋予INDESTRUCTIBLE ------------------ 无法破坏CANNOT BE FROZEN ------------------无法冰冻SLOWER STAMINA DRAIN %------------------ 107%减慢精力消耗REANIMATE ------------------ 127%复活为★PIERCE ATTACK % ------------------穿刺攻击FIRE MAGIC ARROWS OR BOLTS ------------------ 射出魔法箭矢FIRE EXPLOSIVE ARROWS OR BOLTS ------------------箭矢或十字弓弹火焰爆炸SKILL ON ATTACK------------------ 攻击时★释放什么魔法技能SKILL ON KILL------------------杀死敌人时★SKILL ON DEATH ------------------死去时★SKILL ON HIT------------------ 打击时★SKILL ON LEVELUP ------------------升级时★SKILL ON GET HIT------------------ 被击中时★CHARGED SKILL ------------------聚气★DEFENSE ------------------ +防御ENHANCED DEFENSE ------------------ +%防御强化LIFE ------------------ +生命MANA / +法力MAXIMUM DAMAGE ------------------ +最大伤害值ENHANCED MAXDMG ------------------ +%增加伤害上限STRENGTH ------------------ +力量DEXTERITY------------------ +敏捷ENERGY ------------------+精力VITALITY ------------------ +体力ATT RATING ------------------ +准确率BONUS TO ATT RATING % ------------------%额外的攻击准确率加成MAXIMUM COLD DMG------------------ +寒冷伤害最大值MAXIMUM FIRE DMG------------------ +火焰伤害最大值MAXIMUM LIGHTNING DMG------------------ +闪电伤害最大值MAXIMUM POISON DMG ------------------+毒素伤害最大值COLD RESISTANCE % ------------------ 抗寒%FIRE RESISTANCE % ------------------抗火%LIGHTNING RESISTANCE % ------------------抗闪电%POISON RESISTANCE % ------------------ 抗毒%ABSORBS COLD DAMAGE ------------------ +吸收冰冷伤害ABSORBS FIRE DAMAGE ------------------ +吸收火焰伤害ABSORBS LIGHTNING DAMAGE------------------ +吸收闪电伤害ATTACKER TAKES DAMAGE OF------------------ 攻击者受到伤害EXTRA GOLD FROM MONSTERS % ------------------ %额外金币从怪物身上取得CHANCE OF GETTING MAGIC % ------------------%更佳机会取得魔法装备HEAL STAMINA PLUS % ------------------恢复体力加%MAXIMUM STAMINA------------------ +精力最大值DAMAGE TO DEMONS %------------------%对抗恶魔的伤害DAMAGE TO UNDEAD % ------------------ %对抗不死生物的伤害ATT RATING AGAINST DEMONS ------------------ 对抗恶魔准确率ATT RATING AGAINST UNDEAD------------------ 对抗不死生物准确率CHANCE OF CRUSHING BLOW ------------------ %造成压碎性打击的几率CHANCE OF OPEN WOUNDS ------------------ %撕开伤口机会KICK DAMAGE ------------------ 脚踢伤害CHANCE OF DEADLY STRIKE------------------ 致命攻击REPAIR I DURABILTY IN SECONDS------------------恢复耐久1于2秒之内REPLENISH I QUANTITY IN SECONDS ------------------ 恢复数量(标枪的回复)INCREASED STACK SIZE ------------------ 增加的空间(标枪的数量)ITEM_PIERCE_COLD------------------ —205%对敌人冰冻系抗性ITEM_PIERCE_FIRE------------------ —205%对敌人火焰系抗性ITEM_PIERCE_LTNG ------------------ —205%对敌人闪电系抗性ITEM_PIERCE_POIS ------------------ —205%对敌人毒素系抗性PASSIVE_FIRE_MASTERY ------------------ +461%对火焰技能伤害PASSIVE_LTNG_MASTERY ------------------ +461%对闪电技能伤害PASSIVE_COLD_MASTERY ------------------ +461%对冰冷技能伤害PASSIVE_POIS_MASTERY ------------------ +461%对毒素技能伤害PASSIVE_FIRE_PIERCE ------------------ —255%对敌人火焰系抗性PASSIVE_LTNG_PIERCE ------------------ —255%对敌人闪电系抗性PASSIVE_COLD_PIERCE ------------------ —255%对敌人冰冷系抗性PASSIVE_POIS_PIERCE------------------ —255%对敌人毒素系抗性。

P2I DLC对照表

P2I DLC对照表

----名称--------对应DLC文件--------P2I武器----大剑ソードPFダイノバイトITM01015010スカルテッドサイズITM01062013フォルトゥナITM01064013ヴァール(ソード)ITM01065013霊剣・荒鷹ITM01066013ジェミニパイラーITM01067013SW-ティアダウナーITM01068013メテオライザーITM01069013乖離剣エアITM01070013拳套ナックルジャガーノートITM02064013长枪スピアメテオランサーITM03065013聖槍ヴァイスリーリエITM03063013双头剑ダブルセイバードレッドノートITM04013010スティールゲイザーITM04063013ダブルウェーバーITM04064013リパルション・ウィルITM04065013エクスティオン光ITM04067013エクスティオン暗ITM04068013大斧アックスセンゲツITM05063013ビゲツITM05064013スカルテッドサイズITM05065013ヒュプノシスITM05066013双手剑ツインセイバースプライトツインズITM06015010エドマチクララ・楯無ITM06062013神刀滅却/光刀無形ITM06063013メネシスクルスITM06064013ユナイティー・ウィルITM06065013双小剑ツインダガーシャインエッジITM07063013ツインスクレイパーITM07064013双爪ツインクローキングオブブラッドITM08064013单手剑セイバーCait. C. KnITM09015010ディナ・シーITM09016010リエラの槍ITM09076013錬精刃ケデュケイオンITM09077013ディナイアルITM09078013エクノレッジITM09079013ハンマースクレイパーITM09080013LM-ジリオス ITM09081013宝石剣ゼルレッチITM09082013小剑ダガーエドマチクララ・兼重ITM10064013步枪ライフル超電導ライフルITM14065013长弓ロングボウバレンティア光ITM16072013バレンティア暗ITM16073013榴弹炮グレネードウリエルITM17063013ヴァール(グレネード)ITM17064013スレイプニルITM17065013光枪ハンドガンキャノンスクレイパーITM20063013超電磁砲(レールガン)ITM20064013光弩クロスボウウシノコクITM21064013机枪マシンガンベルーガITM23064013グレイヴトゥーITM23065013长杖ロッドシジマアカツキITM24063013フィラントロピア光ITM24074013フィラントロピア暗ITM24075013单手杖ウォンド試練のラピスラズリITM25064013魔导具マドゥーグ試練のグリモアITM26064013盾牌シールドエドマチクララ・平石ITM28063013リエラの盾ITM28064013メンティスマリーITM28064013----名称--------服--------服--------P2I时装----男性フロウウェンスーツITM06146090PDR0058ヴォルデコートインペリアルクロスITM06149090PDR0065パイオニクスネームレス制服No.7ITM06151090PDR0096第7小隊軍服男性用ITM06154090PDR0092大神一郎スーツITM06160090PDR0084シモンコスチュームITM06162090PDR0114ホーリーブレスITM06166090PDR0104トゥーンスクレイパークーガーⅠ型クーガーⅠ型CV帝国華撃団・花組隊長服ワイナールスーツITM06175090PDR0132英雄王の鎧ITM06173090PDR0134シズル・レプカネオマガシ・レプカITM06177090PDR0139女性リコドレスITM06147090PDR0057ナハトロータスITM06148090PDR0061クローチェセグメンタータMode:ノワールITM06150090PDR0090ネームレス制服No.13ITM06152090PDR0098ネームレス制服No.1ITM06153090PDR0100第7小隊軍服女性用ITM06155090PDR0094歩く教会(インデックス)ITM06156090PDR0078常盤台中学制服(美琴)ITM06157090PDR0080常盤台中学制服(黒子)ITM06158090PDR0082グリムチェインITM06159090PDR0102真宮寺さくらドレスITM06161090PDR0112ヨーココスチュームITM06163090PDR0086ハツハナツキITM06164090PDR0088エドマチクララ・鉄舟ITM06165090PDR0110セイントブレスITM06167090PDR0106レッドエンジェルITM06168090PDR0122ブルーエンジェルITM06169090PDR0124ホワイトエンジェルITM06170090PDR0126コスモクラッド帝国華撃団・花組隊員服アブソリュートレイヤーITM06174090PDR0128ミカドレスITM06176090PDR0130ナギサ・レプカエミリア・レプカチェルシー・レプカITM06178090PDR0140ネオルウ・レプカITM06179090PDR0141整合排列フロウウェンスーツITM06146090PDR0058リコドレスITM06147090PDR0057ナハトロータスITM06148090PDR0061ヴォルデコートクローチェセグメンタータインペリアルクロスITM06149090PDR0065Mode:ノワールITM06150090PDR0090ネームレス制服No.7ITM06151090PDR0096ネームレス制服No.13ITM06152090PDR0098ネームレス制服No.1ITM06153090PDR0100第7小隊軍服男性用ITM06154090PDR0092第7小隊軍服女性用ITM06155090PDR0094パイオニクス歩く教会(インデックス)ITM06156090PDR0078常盤台中学制服(美琴)ITM06157090PDR0080常盤台中学制服(黒子)ITM06158090PDR0082グリムチェインITM06159090PDR0102大神一郎スーツITM06160090PDR0084真宮寺さくらドレスITM06161090PDR0112シモンコスチュームITM06162090PDR0114トゥーンスクレイパーヨーココスチュームITM06163090PDR0086ハツハナツキITM06164090PDR0088エドマチクララ・鉄舟ITM06165090PDR0110ホーリーブレスITM06166090PDR0104セイントブレスITM06167090PDR0106クーガーⅠ型クーガーⅠ型CVコスモクラッド帝国華撃団・花組隊長服帝国華撃団・花組隊員服レッドエンジェルITM06168090PDR0122ブルーエンジェルITM06169090PDR0124ホワイトエンジェルITM06170090PDR0126英雄王の鎧ITM06173090PDR0134アブソリュートレイヤーITM06174090PDR0128ワイナールスーツITM06175090PDR0132ミカドレスITM06176090PDR0130シズル・レプカナギサ・レプカエミリア・レプカネオマガシ・レプカITM06177090PDR0139チェルシー・レプカITM06178090PDR0140ネオルウ・レプカITM06179090PDR0141 ----海报----エンジェルポスター2-LITM05124110エンジェルポスター3-LITM05126110エンジェルポスター4-LITM05128110 ----插件----太正桜に浪漫の嵐ITM04120080イルミナルアウラITM04121080----部件--------部件----ITM06110100PDR0060 ITM06113100PDR0063 ITM06115100PDR0066 ITM06122100PDR0067ITM06134100PDR0105 ITM06129100PDR0108 ITM06136100PDR0116 ITM06137100PDR0117 ITM06142100PDR0119 ITM06148100PDR0136ITM06111100PDR0059 ITM06112100PDR0062 ITM06114100PDR0064 ITM06116100PDR0091 ITM06118100PDR0099 ITM06119100PDR0101 ITM06125100PDR0083 ITM06126100PDR0103 ITM06128100PDR0113 ITM06131100PDR0087 ITM06132100PDR0089 ITM06133100PDR0111 ITM06135100PDR0107ITM06141100PDR0109 ITM06143100PDR0121 ITM06145100PDR0129 ITM06147100PDR0131 ITM06149100PDR0137 ITM06150100PDR0138 ITM06110100PDR0060 ITM06111100PDR0059ITM06112100PDR0062 ITM06113100PDR0063 ITM06114100PDR0064 ITM06115100PDR0066 ITM06116100PDR0091 ITM06118100PDR0099 ITM06119100PDR0101ITM06122100PDR0067ITM06125100PDR0083 ITM06126100PDR0103 ITM06128100PDR0113 ITM06129100PDR0108 ITM06131100PDR0087 ITM06132100PDR0089 ITM06133100PDR0111 ITM06134100PDR0105 ITM06135100PDR0107 ITM06136100PDR0116 ITM06137100PDR0117 ITM06141100PDR0109 ITM06142100PDR0119 ITM06143100PDR0121ITM06145100PDR0129 ITM06147100PDR0131 ITM06148100PDR0136 ITM06149100PDR0137 ITM06150100PDR0138。



骑马与砍杀TXT修改攻略 2015-3-20 by lc修改领主逃跑率1.打开scripts.txt2.搜索Ctrl+F查找下面这段先找cf_check_hero_can_escape_from_player -1会出现以下内容28 21 1 1224979098644774912 2133 2 1224979098644774913 0 4 0 200 1504403158265495585 1073742370 3 504403158265495585 2 1224979098644774912 546 3 504403158265495585 4 1224979098644774912 2133 2 1224979098644774913 1 5 0 30 2 1224979098644774912 3602879701****0605 2147483678 2 1224979098644774912 3602879701****0607 4 0 200 1 504403158265495639 2133 2 1224979098644774913 1 5 0 2133 2 1224979098644774913 -1 3 0 3 0 2133 2 1224979098644774914 0 4 0 31 2 1224979098644774913 0 2136 3 1224979098644774915 0 100 2147483678 2 1224979098644774915【 70 】2133 2 1224979098644774914 1 5 0 31 2 1224979098644774913 -1 2133 2 1224979098644774914 1 3 0 31 2 1224979098644774914 1 这个70就是领主和玩家战斗失败后的逃跑率为70%注意修改范围范围1到100 建议改为1 。



UM11515Component library – getting started user manualRev. 1 — 2 November 2020User manualComponent library – getting started user manualComponent library – getting started user manual 1OverviewThe component library is a platform agnostic development model designed to work withany general and custom SDKs and hardware. The component library operates as aservice utility to application development environments by providing the essence of themodule specialties. The utilities are platform agnostic with respect to I/O and MCUs andspecialized in modular approach. The library includes various service utilities such filters,generic sensor drivers for specific sensors, tilt/angle calculation, eCompass, MachineLearning (ML), sensor fusion and pedometers. The distribution model is through sourcecode or library.2Downloading component libraryDownload the component library release package from component-lib download page on. To understand the component library release package structure and supportedcomponents, follow these steps:1.Open the component library download page.2.Unzip the component library release zip package.3.The unzipped package directory structure is shown in Figure 2.•docs: Folder containing component documentation•example: Folder containing example project•src: Folder containing component source filesComponent library – getting started user manualFigure 2. Package directory structure3Running component library example projectsThis section provides prerequisite steps for running example projects provided as part ofthe component library release package.3.1Running example projects for MCUXpresso SDK1.Open the NXP MCUXpresso IDE toolchain download page and download latestversion.2.Install the MCUXpresso IDE tool chain on your windows PC. MCUXpresso IDE isrequired to be able to build and run the example projects for chosen MCU.3.Connect the NXP sensor demonstration kit (including sensor shield board with thechosen MCU) to the PC via the USB cable between the OpenSDA USB port on theboard and the USB connector on the PC.4.Open the NXP MCUXpresso SDK builder page: https:///en/welcome and generate/download the SDK package for chosen board, for exampleFRDM-K64F, FRDM-K22F, FRDM-KL25Z.5.Install the downloaded MCUXpresso SDK package into MCUXpresso IDE. Simplydrag and drop the zipped SDK package to the “Installed SDKs” view. The IDE installsthe SDK package.6.Import the component library example projects for MCUXpresso SDK available in therelease package under “example” folder to open the project into MCUXpresso IDE.7.Build the imported example project using MCUXpresso IDE and load the firmware tothe connected sensor demonstration kit.8.Install any serial terminal application for windows, for example RealTerm or TeraTerm or Putty. The output of example project can be viewed on a serial terminal.9.Open a serial terminal with the following settings:•115200 baud rate•8 data bits•No parity•One stop bit•No flow control10.Run the program on the sensor demonstration board by clicking “Run” option on theMCUXpresso IDE.11.When the example runs successfully, you can see the output printed to the terminal.Component library – getting started user manual 4Legal information4.1 DefinitionsDraft — A draft status on a document indicates that the content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may resultin modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included in a draft version of a document and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.4.2 DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does notgive any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liabilityfor the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors. In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors.Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makesno representation or warranty that such applications will be suitablefor the specified use without further testing or modification. Customersare responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated withtheir applications and products. NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is basedon any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.Security — While NXP Semiconductors has implemented advanced security features, all products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applications and products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any vulnerability that is discovered. Customers should implement appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.4.3 TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.NXP — wordmark and logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.Component library – getting started user manualFiguresFig. ponent library components ........................3Fig. 2.Package directory structure (4)Component library – getting started user manualPlease be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.Contents1Overview ..............................................................32Downloading component library .......................33Running component library exampleprojects ................................................................43.1Running example projects for MCUXpressoSDK (44)Legal information (5)。



DRIVER VERSION: May 10, 2022HIGHLIGHTS:•Launch driver for 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® UHD Graphics (Codename Alder Lake-HX).•Intel® Game On Driver support for Evil Dead: The Game* and Dolmen* on Intel® 11th Generation with Xe Graphics and newer.Get a front row pass to gaming deals, contests, betas, and more with Intel Software Gaming Access.KEY ISSUES FIXED:•Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War* (DX12) may experience an application crash or pop-up error message at launch.•Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition* (DX12) may experience minor graphical corruption in game menus or during gameplay when game settings are set to low quality.•Elden Ring* (DX12) may experience green or red texture flashing corruption during fighting while in game.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] Genshin Impact* (DX11) may experience texture flickering or corruption on character models.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] FIFA 21* may intermittently experience a TDR or application crash when resizing the game window.•[12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: FIFA 22* may experience a TDR or application crash when a match is started.• A TDR may occur while running Doom Eternal* (Vulkan®) with Steam Overlay enabled.•Tom Clancy’s: Rainbow Six Siege* may experience an application crash or TDR in game or benchmark modes when game settings are set at high, very high or ultra.•Doom Eternal* (Vulkan) may fail to enable HDR correctly when HDR is enabled via in-game settings and in Windows®.•Serious Sam 4 may exhibit graphical corruption or artifacts around some objects in game.•Deus Ex: Mankind Divided* shadows may exhibit graphical corruption.•[Intel® Iris® X e Discrete graphics] Red Dead Redemption 2* may experience an application crash or TDR when changing game or resolution settings.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] Running DirectX®11 games in fullscreen with the Windows® “Fullscreen Optimization” option disabled, may result in a black screen when modifying resolution in games.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors] Graphical corruption may be seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War*.KNOWN ISSUES:•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: Monster Hunter Rise* may experience an application crash or hang during gameplay.•Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodhunt* may experience minor intermittent white texture flashes or corruption on some objects in game and a small number of character models may experience geometry corruption.•An error message pop-up may be observed when launching Call of Duty: Vanguard* (DX12).•An application crash may occur in Watch Dogs: Legion* (DX11) when starting the game.•An intermittent crash or hang may occur during gameplay in Ghostwire: Tokyo* (DX12).•Minor graphical anomalies may be observed in Call of Duty: Warzone* (DX12), Diablo II: Resurrected* (DX12), Farming Simulator 22* (DX12), Grand Theft Auto V* (DX11), Halo Infinite* (DX12), Hitman 2* (DX12) andMarvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy* (DX12).•An “Update driver” p op-up error message may be observed when launching Battlefield 1* after upgrading from30.0.100.9955 or older drivers.•[12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: Minor graphical anomalies may be seen in CrossFire HD* (DX9), GRID Legends* (DX12) (on changing lighting quality to high), F1 2020* (DX12) (when HDR enabled).•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: Minor graphical anomalies may be seen in Gears 5* (DX12).•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: A TDR may intermittently occur in Halo Infinite* (DX12) during gameplay.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]: A game crash or hang may occur when changing resolution in NBA 2K21* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: A game crash or hang may occur when launchin g Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: An intermittent crash or hang may occur in Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: Minor graphical anomalies may be seen in Elex* (DX11), MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries* (DX12), Strange Brigade* (DX12) and The Ascent* (DX12).•[11th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris® Xe graphics]: A black screen or TDR may occur after launching, or during gameplay in Gears 5* (DX12).•[Intel® Iris® X e Discrete graphics]: An intermittent crash or hang may be seen in Forza Horizon 5* (DX12) when launched, Forza Motorsport 6* (DX12) when launched and Resident Evil 3* (DX12) when exiting the game.•[Intel® Iris® X e Discrete graphics]: Minor graphical anomalies may be observed in Call of Duty: Vanguard* (DX12), Enlisted* (DX11), Far Cry 6* (DX12) and Microsoft Flight Simulator*(DX11).•[10th Generation Intel® Core™ processors with Intel UHD Graphics]: An intermittent crash or hang may be observed in Battlefield V*.•[11th and 12th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors]:Display’s connected via an external dock may exhibit a black screen when using 4K@60hz resolution.CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE:•Intel® Graphics Driver•Intel® Display Audio Driver (6th Gen and related Pentium Silver and Celeron processors)•Intel® Display Audio Driver (7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors)•Intel® Display Audio Driver (10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors with Iris Plus Graphics)•Intel® Display Audio Driver (Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Hybrid Technology)•Intel® Media SDK Runtime (•Intel® oneVPL6 GPU Runtime (•Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL* Driver•Intel® Graphics Command Center (installed via Microsoft* Store)•Vulkan*3 Runtime Installer•Intel® Graphics Driver Installer (1.0.610)•oneAPI Level Zero Loader and Validation Layer•Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for oneAPI Level Zero specificationOPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT:SUPPORTED APIs:If you are uncertain of which Intel processor is in your computer, Intel recommends using theor Intel Driver & Support Assistant to identify your Intel processor.Be sure to check out , where you’ll find recommended in-game settings for your Intel Graphics system for many more of your favorite games.Note:1.Intel Labs conducts independent testing of supported titles on Intel platforms to ensure playability. Please refer topublisher system requirements to ensure compatibility with your system.2.Are you still experiencing an error preventing the driver update? Look here for why and a solution. Graphics DriverSmart Installer Enhancement allows end-users to upgrade systems with OEM DCH drivers to newer Intel generic DCH drivers. OEM customizations are preserved during this upgrade process, in accordance with Microsoft* DCH driver design principles (refer to Microsoft documentation, “Extension INF Publishing Whitepaper” to learn more).The installer will continue to restrict OEM non-DCH to Intel Generic non-DCH upgrades as well as OEM non-DCH to Intel Generic DCH driver upgrades. End-users will continue to be referred to OEM websites.WARNING: Installing this Intel generic graphics driver will overwrite your Computer Manufacturer (OEM)customized driver. OEM drivers are handpicked, customized, and validated to resolve platform-specific issues, enable features and enhancements, and improve system stability. The generic driver’s intention is to temporarily test new features, game enhancements, or check if an issue is resolved. Once testing is complete Intel advises reinstalling the OEM driver until they validate it and release their own version.Any graphics issues found using Intel generic graphics drivers should be reported directly to Intel. Corporate customers should always use OEM drivers and report all issues through the vendor they purchased the platforms and support through.3.Product is conformant with the Vulkan* 1.3 specification. Vulkan* and the Vulkan* logo are registered trademarksof the Khronos Group Inc*.4.In the Intel Graphics Command Center (System > Driver), the ‘Microsoft DirectX* version refers to the operatingsystem’s DirectX version. The DirectX 12 API is supported but some optional features may not be available.Applications using the DirectX 12 API should query for feature support before using specific hardware features.Please note that DirectX12 is only supported on Windows 10 and DirectX11.3 support is also available onsupported Microsoft* operating systems.5.Intel® oneAPI Level Zero version is supported on 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors and above. Note that Intel®Atom processors are not supported.6.Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library GPU Runtime* release – more details belowa.Intel® OneAPI Video Processing Library Specification:https://spec.oneapi.io/versions/latest/elements/oneVPL/source/index.htmlb.Upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library7.See the Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10 onwards for more details about how toinstall a supported Linux distribution.More on Intel ProcessorsFor more information on the Intel Core processor family, Intel Xeon E processor family,and 12th Generation Intel Core processors, please visit:12th Gen Intel® Core™ ProcessorsIntel® Cor e™ Processor FamilyIntel® Xeon® E ProcessorsIntel® GraphicsWe continuously strive to improve the quality of our products to better serve our users and appreciate feedback on any issues you discover and suggestions for future driver releases. If you have an issue to submit, please follow the guidance found here Default level information for reporting Graphics issues.Intel, the Intel logo, Celeron, Intel Core, Iris, Pentium and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.。

Cia DS301 appendix V0.2-Electronic Data Sheet Specificationfor CANopen

Cia DS301 appendix V0.2-Electronic Data Sheet Specificationfor CANopen

CAN in Automation e. V.Work Draft:CAN open Electronic Data Sheet Specificationfor CANopenAppendix to CiA Draft Standard 301Revision 0.2Date: 25.10.99HistoryDate ChangesOct 99Initial revision based on Appendix 12 of CiA DS-301 V3.0;Summary of major changes:-clarification and more detailed specification-adjustments to errata sheet and DS-302- denotation- compact storage- module conceptTable of Contents1 Scope...............................................................................................................................1-12 References.......................................................................................................................2-13 Definitions and Abbreviations.........................................................................................3-14 Electronic Data Sheet......................................................................................................4-14.1 Basic Structure........................................................................................................4-24.2 Entry Value Interpretation........................................................................................4-24.3 File Information.......................................................................................................4-34.4 General Device Information.....................................................................................4-44.5 Object Dictionary.....................................................................................................4-54.5.1Mapping of dummy entries...........................................................................4-54.5.2Object Descriptions......................................................................................4-64.5.3Object Links...............................................................................................4-104.5.4Comments..................................................................................................4-105 Device Configuration File DCF.......................................................................................5-125.1 File Information Section........................................................................................5-125.2 Object Sections.....................................................................................................5-125.2.1Parameter Value in standard description...................................................5-125.2.2Denotation.................................................................................................5-135.2.3Compact Storage.......................................................................................5-135.3 Device Commissioning..........................................................................................5-146 Module Concept.............................................................................................................6-156.1 Electronic Data Sheet...........................................................................................6-156.1.1Assignment of extension modules..............................................................6-156.1.2PDOs..........................................................................................................6-156.2 Module Data Sheet................................................................................................6-166.3 Device Configuration File......................................................................................6-176.4 Example................................................................................................................6-18Scope EDS Specification CiA1 ScopeThe usage of devices in a communication network requires configuration of the device parameters and communication facilities. CANopen defines a standardised way to access these parameters via the object dictionary.For handling of the complexity of CANopen systems Software Tools are required. This reduces the complexity of the planning, configuration and analysis process and significantly increases the security of the system.For this purpose Software Tools need an electronic description of the CANopen devices. To allow the usage of manufacturer independent Tools, this document defines a standardised file format Ð called Electronic Data Sheet EDS.Furthermore some derived file formats are specified. The DCF describes a concrete incarnation of a device configuration. The MDS describes modules of devices with a modular structure.References EDS Specification CiA2 References/1/:CiA DS-301, CANopen - Application Layer and Communication Profile, Version 4.0 June 1999/2/:CiA DS-301, CANopen Ð CAL-based Communication Profile for Industrial Systems, Version 3.0 October 1996/3/:CiA DSP-302, Framework for Programmable CANopen Devices, Version 2.0 November 1998/4/:CiA DR-303-4, LSS Ð Layer Setting Services and Protocol, in preparationDefinitions and Abbreviations EDS Specification CiA 3 Definitions and AbbreviationsCAN Controller Area NetworkCiA CAN in Automation international users and manufacturers group e.V.COB Communication Object. (CAN Message) A unit of transportation in a CAN Network. Data must be sent across a Network inside a COB.COB-ID COB-Identifier. Identifies a COB uniquely in a Network. The identifier determines the priority of that COB in the MAC sub-layer too.DCF Device Configuration FileDIN Deutsches Institut fŸr NormungEDS Electronic Data SheetISO International Standardisation OrganisationLSS Layer Settings SpecificationMDS Module Data SheetNMT Network Management. One of the service elements of CANopen Application Layer in the CAN Reference Model. It performs initialisation,configuration and error handling in a CANopen network.OSI Open Systems InterconnectionPDO Process Data ObjectSDO Service Data Object4 Electronic Data SheetIn order to give the user of a CANopen device more support the deviceÕs description should be available in a standardised way. This gives the opportunity to create standardised tools for:·configuration of CANopen devices,·designing networks with CANopen devices,·managing project information on different platforms.Therefore two types of files are introduced to define a CANopen device with electronically means.An EDS can be used to describe the:·Communication functionality and objects as defined in the CANopen Specification DS-301 and Application Frameworks DS-3xx·Device specific objects as defined in the device profiles DS-4XX.The EDS is the template for a device ãXYÒ of the vendor ãUVÒ. The DCF describes the incarnation of a device not only with the objects but also with the values of the objects. Furthermore a value for the baudrate of a device and for the module-id are added.An EDS should be supplied by the vendor of a particular device. If a vendor has no EDS available for his CANopen devices a default EDS might be used. The default EDS comprises all entries of a device profile for a particular device class. The user has to be aware, that the description is different from the concretely implemented features of that device, what might cause severe problems!4.1 Basic StructureThe files are ASCII-coded, the ANSI character set shall be used.The lines can be ended by a LF character or by a CR / LF combination. The total length of a line must not exceed 255 characters.The EDS contains several sections, each of which consists of a group of related entries. The sections and the entries are listed in the following format:[section name]keyname=valueIn this example, [section name] is the name of a section. The enclosing brackets ([]) are required, and the left bracket must be in the leftmost column. Section names are not case sensitive.The keyname=value statement defines the value of each entry. A keyname is the name of an entry. It can consist of any combination of letters and digits, and must be followed immediately by an equal sign (=). The keyname is not case sensitive. If the keyname consists only of digits, it is interpreted as a string, not as a number. This means, that the entry 10=xxx is not the same as 0xA=xxx and 0xA=xxx is not the same as 0x0A=.... The same applies to section names.The value is a string, which can be interpreted depending on the entry (see below). You can include comments and empty lines in EDS files. You must begin each line of a comment with a semicolon (;). It must be in the leftmost column.The sections can appear in any order inside the file. Inside each section, the entries can appear in any order.If not specified otherwise, all sections and entries in this paper are mandatory. In order to support future extensions it is allowed to include additional sections and additional entries inside the sections. Anyhow the Conformance Test Tool will recognise this with warning messages.4.2 Entry Value InterpretationThe interpretation of the values depends on each specific entry. Some general rules are defined:Leading and trailing white space is trimmed. The linekeyname=valueis interpreted the same way askeyname= valueInteger numbers can be written as decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers or octal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers are preceded by 0x. Octal numbers start with a leading 0 (not followed by x). If the entry contains a number the following lines are identical:keyname=10keyname=0xakeyname=0x0akeyname=0xAkeyname=0x000Akeyname=012If an entry hasnÕt a value, this is denoted by End-Of-Line after the equal sign (empty entry). A missing entry is interpreted the same way as an entry without value.String values are stored without quotes.Octett Strings and raw data of domains are stored as sequence of hexadecimal bytes (without leading 0x). Bytes with a high nibble of 0 must be stored with the leading 0. If the data does not fit within one line, it may be stored in a separate file (refer to chapter 5.2.1).Example for octett string:DemoSeq=01a1053c45aabbccddeeffBitstrings are stored as a sequence of 0 and 1.Example:BitDemo=11001010000111For entries of one of the integer types it is allowed to use a formula. This gives the chance to describe values, that depend on other values. For example, the COB-ID of the default PDOs depend on the Node-ID of the device.The syntax of the formula is given by the following EBNF description:IntEntryValue = $NODEID { Ó+Ó number }For concrete devices, $NODEID will be replaced by the actual Node-ID of the device. The $NODEID must appear at the beginning of the expression. Otherwise the line is interpreted as without a formula. Actually it is only possible to use an offset to this Node-ID in the formula. More complex expressions are not allowed.4.3 File InformationThe EDS contains information about itself. This is useful for version control management. This information is stored in the section [FileInfo].The following keywords are used:FileName file name (according to OS restrictions),FileVersion actual file version (Unsigned8),FileRevision actual file revision (Unsigned8),Description file description (max 255 characters),CreationTime file creation time (characters in format ãhh:mm(AM|PM)Ò), CreationDate date of file creation (characters in format ãmm-dd-yyyyÒ), CreatedBy name or description of file creator (max 255 characters), ModificationTime time of last modification (characters in format ãhh:mm(AM|PM)Ò), ModificationDate date of last file modification (characters in format ãmm-dd-yyyyÒ), ModifiedBy name or description of the modification (max 255 characters). Example:[FileInfo]FileName=vendor1.edsFileVersion=1FileRevision=2Description=EDS for simple I/O-deviceCreationTime=09:45AMCreationDate=05-15-1995CreatedBy=Zaphod BeeblebroxModificationTime=11:30PMModificationDate=08-21-1995ModifiedBy=Zaphod Beeblebrox4.4 General Device InformationThe EDS contains device specific information about· vendor name,· vendor ID,· device name,· device code,· version information,· LSS-information (parts of the LSS-address),· device abilities.This can be found in the section [DeviceInfo].The following keywords are used:VendorNamevendor name (max 255 characters)VendorNumberunique vendor ID according to identity object sub 1(Unsigned32)ProductNameproduct name (max 255 characters)ProductNumberproduct code according to identity object sub 2 (Unsigned32)ProductRevisionproduct revision according to identity object sub 3 (Unsigned32)OrderCodeorder code for this product (max 255 characters)BaudRate_10supported baud rates (Boolean, 0 = not supported, 1 = supported)BaudRate_20BaudRate_50BaudRate_125BaudRate_250BaudRate_500BaudRate_800BaudRate_1000SimpleBootUpMastersimple boot-up master functionality (Boolean, 0 = not supported,1 = supported),SimpleBootUpSlavesimple boot-up slave functionality (Boolean, 0 = not supported,1 = supported),Granularity this value gives you the granularity allowed for the mapping onthis device - most of the existing devices support a granularity of8 (Unsigned8; 0 - mapping not modifiable, 1-64 granularity)DynamicChannelsSupportedaccording to DS-302 this entry describes the facility of dynamicvariable generation. If value is not 0, the additional sectionDynamicChannels exists. Details are given in CiA DS-302 andCiA DS-405.GroupMessaging according to DS-302 this entry describes the facility ofmultiplexed PDOs. (Boolean, 0 = not supported, 1 =supported)Details are given in DS-302.NrOfRXPDO number of Receive PDOs supported.NrOfTXPDO number of Transmit PDOs supported.LSS_Supported support of LSS functionality (Boolean, 0 = not supported, 1 =supported)For compatibility reasons, the entries ProductVersion, LMT_ManufacturerName, LMT_ProductName, ExtendedBootUpMaster and ExtendedBootUpSlave are reserved.Example:[DeviceInfo]VendorName=Nepp Ltd.VendorNumber=156678ProductName=E/A 64ProductNumber=45570ProductRevision=1OrderCode=BUY ME - 177/65/0815LSS_Supported=0BaudRate_50=1BaudRate_250=1BaudRate_500=1BaudRate_1000=1SimpleBootUpSlave=1SimpleBootUpMaster=0NrOfRxPdo=1NrOfTxPdo=24.5 Object DictionaryIn this logical part of the EDS the following information can be found:1. which objects of the object dictionary are supported,2. limit values for parameters,3. default values.4. data types5. additional informationThe description of the objects take place in separate parts corresponding to:· mandatory objects,· optional objects,·manufacturer specific objects.4.5.1 Mapping of dummy entriesSometimes it is required to leave gaps in the mapping of a device. This means that e.g. a device only evaluates the last two data bytes of a PDO of 8 bytes length. The first six bytes should be ignored (perhaps they are evaluated by another device). In this case the mapping of this device must contain dummy entries for these first six bytes.The indices from the data type area of the object dictionary are used for this purpose. The user of a device has to know which data type can be used for creating dummy entries and which not (indeed only the length of the dummy object is important).The section DummyUsage is used for describing dummies. The entries follow this scheme:Dummy<data type index (without 0x-prefix)>={0|1}Example:[DummyUsage]Dummy0001=0Dummy0002=1Dummy0002=1Dummy0003=1Dummy0004=1Dummy0005=1Dummy0006=1Dummy0007=1This means that the device will support the mapping of the data types Integer8/16/32 and Unsigned8/16/ Object Descriptions4.5.2.1 Object listsThe Object Dictionary is structurally divided into three parts:·Mandatory Objects in [MandatoryObjects] contains only the mandatory objects.These are at least the objects 1000H and 1001H. For devices, that have implemented Version 4.0 of CANopen, additionally the object 1018H.· Optional Objects in [OptionalObjects] contains all other objects of the area 1000H-1FFFH and 6000H-FFFFH.· Manufacturer Specific Objects in [ManufacturerObjects] contains all manufacturer specific objects (located in 2000H-5FFFH).Each of these sections contains a list of the supported objects. Each list contains the entrySupportedObjects - number of entries in the section (Unsigned16)The entries are decimal numbered beginning with number 1. This way the last entry gives the number of available entries.[OptionalObjects]SupportedObjects=101=0x10032=0x10043=0x10054=0x10085=0x10096=0x100A7=0x100C8=0x100D9=0x101010=0x10114.5.2.2 Object descriptionEach of the listed objects has to be described in an own section. The section names are all constructed following the same scheme. The section name is constructed according to[<Index>]using the hexadecimal values for Index and Sub-Index without the leading ã0xÒ and without further leading 0.In a section the following keywords may exist:SubNumber number of sub-indices available at this Index (Unsigned8), notcounting Sub-Index FFH. This allows the description of sub-objects as defined below. This entry is empty or can be missing,if no sub-objects exist.ParameterName parameter name (up to 255 characters)ObjectType This is the object codeDataType This is the Index of the data type of the object in the objectdictionaryLowLimit Lowest limit of object value (only if applicable).HighLimit Upper limit of object value (only if applicable).AccessType Access type for this object (String ãroÒ - read only, ãwoÒ - writeonly, ãrwÒ - read/write, ãrwrÒ - read/write on process input, ãrwwÒ -read/write on process output, ãconstÒ - constant value) DefaultValue default value for this object,PDOMapping Flag, if this object can be mapped into a PDO (Boolean, 0 = notmappable, 1 = mappable).ObjFlags Optional entry for assignment of special behaviour. See below.Objects with object code VAR:HighLimit and LowLimit are optional. DefaultValue is mandatory. SubNumber is not supported.Objects with object code ARRAY or RECORDHighLimit, LowLimit, DefaultValue are not supported. SubNumber is mandatory.DataType, AccessType, PDOMapping are not supported. For exceptions according to compact descriptions refer to chapter[1000]ParameterName=Device TypeObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0007AccessType=roDefaultValue=PDOMapping=0To described a structured object (object has Sub-Indexes) each Sub-Index is described in an own section. The section name is constructed according to the rule[<Index>(sub<Sub-Index>)]using the hexadecimal values for Index and Sub-Index without the leading ã0xÒ and without further leading 0.Example:[1003]SubNumber=2ParameterName=Pre-defined Error FieldObjectType=8[1003sub0]ParameterName=Number of ErrorsObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0005AccessType=roDefaultValue=0x1PDOMapping=0[1003sub1]ParameterName=Standard Error FieldObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0007AccessType=roDefaultValue=0x0PDOMapping=0Application hint:In principle it is possible, that a list of sub-object does not have consecutive Sub-Indexes. The value of Sub-Index 0 always stores the highest Sub-Index implemented. In contrast, the EDS entry SubNumber contains the number of Sub-Index implemented, including the Sub-Index 0.Example:[1010]SubNumber=2ParameterName=Store ParametersObjectType=8[1010sub0]ParameterName=largest Sub-Index supportedObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0005AccessType=roDefaultValue=0x4PDOMapping=0[1010sub4]ParameterName=save manufacturer defined parametersObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0007AccessType=roDefaultValue=0x1PDOMapping= Specific FlagsThe entry ObjFlags allows to define a specific behaviour for Tools how to treat an object. Example:A typical task for a configuration software is the Download of a configured DCF file. Doing this without special recognition of special objects leads to the following problem: Objects such as 1010H "Store parameters" will be written with either invalid values or at least in an invalid order. First the objects 1000H up to 100FH are written, then "Store Parameters" and then the other parameters. This will lead to inconsistencies and is not what the user expects. One solution could be the special treatment of such objects by the configuration software. But even then there may happen the case, that device profiles or manufacturer specific objects have a similar problem.These special objects are marked in the EDS and DCF files. The object description sections may contain an entry ObjFlags with an unsigned32 content:The lowest bit is a boolean value (0=false, 1=true) for "Refuse write on Download", the second bit is a boolean value for "Refuse read on Scan", the other bits are reserved for further use by CiA and have to be 0.If the entry is missing, this equals having the value 0. It is recommended to write the entry in the EDS/DCF only if it is not 0. This avoids unnecessary increase of the file size. Compact StorageFor devices with many objects and especially many arrays the EDS file might be very big. The load and store process may reach unacceptable times. For this reason the following definitions shall help to store the really necessary information much more compact.Definitions4. PDOIn principle the object descriptions for PDOs are all nearly the same. The most important information is the number of TX and RX PDOs which is given by 4.4. It is allowed to leave all PDO object descriptions. To mark this, the boolean entry CompactPDO must be added to the section DeviceInfo:[DeviceInfo]...CompactPDO=1The appropriate data types are implicitly known by the CANopen specifications as well as the default values for the first PDOs COB-Ids. The other values such as TransmissionType and Mapping very often are the goal of Project Planning rsp. Configuration and do not need to be known on load time.If a PDO is described explicitly, all sub-objects of the communication parameters as well as of the mapping parameters of this PDO must be described.Values4. ArrayMost often all sections of the Sub-Index es of an array are equal except the name. It is allowed to describe only a template in the main object. For this the additional unsigned8 entry CompactSubObj can be added. If this exists and has a value not equal 0, then·the names are assumed to be xxxn with xxx as the name of the main object and n as the decimal Sub-Index. Sub-Index 0 has the Name NrOfObjects·the object types are assumed to be VAR·the data type for all Sub-Index es except 0 and 255 is given by the entry DataType of the main object. Sub-Index 0 always has the data type Unsigned8.·the limits are assumed to be NONE·the access type for all Sub-Indexes except 0 and 255 is given by the entry AccessType of the main object. The access type for Sub-Index 0 is assumed to be ReadOnly.·the default values for all Sub-Indexes except 0 and 255 is given by the entry DefaultValue of the main object. The default value for Sub-Index 0 is the number given by CompactSubObj· the entry PDOMapping for all Sub-Indexes except 0 and 255 is given by the entry PDOMapping of the main object. Sub-Index 0 is assumed not to be mappable.It must be assumed, that the Sub-Index list does not contain any gaps.If CompactSubObj is used, the entry SubNumber is not supported, it has to be 0 or empty or shall not appear.It is possible to assign explicit names, if the default names are not useful enough. For this a list of according names can appear. The section name is given by [xxxxName] with xxxx as the Index. The entry NrOfEntries gives the number of names in the list. The names are listed with using their Sub-Index as decimal entry name (starting with 1).Example:[2050Name]NrOfEntries=31=NameOfSubIndex12=NameOfSubIndex215=NameOfSubIndex15The names not listed here are built upon the rule given above.Variables4. NetworkIn case of Programmable Devices according to CiA DS-302 rsp. CiA DS-405 the description of the dynamic network variable arrays are not written in the EDS. All necessary information is already given by the section DynamicChannels. To ensure a consistent interpretation of the EDS it is not allowed to describe the dynamic network variable sections!Description for Network variables, that are not treated dynamically (DynamicChannelsSupported=0), but are completely described in the EDS, may use the CompactSubObj mechanism.4.5.3 Object LinksIn order to ease the implementation of a configuration tool it is possible to group related objects together via the keyword ObjectLinks.An object link has the following structure:[<index>ObjectLinks]ObjectLinks=<number of available links>1=<index of 1st linked object>2=<index of 2nd linked object>3=<index of 3rd linked object>4=<index of 4th linked object>5=<index of 5th linked object>:The list of object links is numbered decimal beginning with number 1.Example:; assuming we describe closed loop; this is the object ãfactorÒ[5800ObjectLinks]ObjectLinks=0x3; gain1=0x5801; zero2=0x5802; pole3=0x58034.5.4 CommentsComments can be added to the EDS by using the Comments section. This section has only entries determining the line number and the line contents.Lines - number of commentlines (Unsigned16)Line<line number>- one line of comment (max 255 characters). The number is decimal coded.Example:[Comments]Lines=3Line1=|-------------|Line2=| DonÕt panic | Line3=|-------------|5 Device Configuration File DCFThe device configuration file comprises all objects for a configured device. The device configuration file has the same structure as the EDS for this device. There are some additional entries in order to describe the configured device.5.1 File Information SectionLastEDS- file name of the EDS file used as template for this DCF5.2 Object Sections5.2.1 Parameter Value in standard descriptionParameterValue - object value (as defined by ObjectType and DataType) Example:; value for object 1006 (communication cycle period)[1006]SubNumber=0ParameterName=Communication Cycle PeriodObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0007LowLimit=1000HighLimit=100000DefaultValue=20000AccessType=roParameterValue=15000PDOMapping=0If the ObjectType is Domain (0x2) the value of the object can be stored in a file: UploadFile:if a read access is performed for this object, the data are stored in this file (character 255)DownloadFile:if a write access is performed for this object, the data to be written can be taken from this file (character 255)Example:; manufacturer specific object 5600 (downloadable program)[5600]ParameterName=Real Good Program (RGP)ObjectType=0x2DataType=0x000FAccessType=woDownloadFile=C:\FAST\PROGRAMS\FIRST.HEX; manufacturer specific object 5700 (core dump)[5700]ParameterName=Core Dump (CD)ObjectType=0x2DataType=0x000FAccessType=roUploadFile=C:\FAST\DEBUG\DUMPALL.HEX。



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1墨镜】 Shades*** 工装牛仔裤】 Work Jeans 橙色连帽衫】 Orange Hoodie 鹰火军用突击步枪】 Eaglefire 鹰火机械瞄具】 Eaglefire Iron Sights 军用步枪弹匣】 Military Magazine 军用消音器】 Military Suppressor 直立枪械握把】 Vertical Grip 红色小背包】 Red Daypack 警用防弹背心】 Police Vest 红色印花蒙面巾】 Red Bandana 雷锋帽】 Ushanka 罐装豆子】 Canned Beans 瓶装水】 Bottled Water 医药箱】 Medkit 斧子】 Axe 军用步枪弹鼓】 Military Drum 森林狼军用狙击步枪】 Timberwolf 森林狼机械瞄具】 Timberwolf iron Sights 森林狼弹匣】 Timberwolf Magazine 8 倍瞄准镜】 8x Scope 红点瞄准镜】 Red Dot Scope2345678910 =11 =12 =13 =14 =15 =16 =17 =18 =19 =20 =21 =22 =晚礼服裤】 Tuxedo Bottom*** 晚礼服上衣】 Tuxedo Top*** 金色领结】 Gold Bowtie*** 单片眼镜】 Monocle*** 大礼帽】 Top Hat 汽油桶】 Gas 枫木窗挡板】 Maple Fortification 枫木路障】 Maple Barricade 枫木地基】 Maple Floor 枫木门框】 Maple Doorway 枫木墙】 Maple Wall 枫木窗框】 Maple Window 枫木屋顶】 Maple Roof 枫木柱子】 Maple Pillar 桦木原木】 Birch Log 桦木棍】 Birch Stick 桦木原木】 Maple Log 桦木棍】 Maple Stick 松木原木】 Pine Log 松木棍】 Pine Stick 军用弹盒】 Military Ammunition Crate23 =24 =25 =26 =27 =28 =29 =30 =31 =32 =33 =34 =35 =36 =37 =38 =39 =40 =41 =42 =44 = 民用弹盒】 Civilian Ammunition Crate66 = 布料】 Cloth枫木路障】 Birch Barricade 松木路障】 Pine Barricade 桦木窗挡板】 Birch Fortification 松木窗挡板】 Pine Fortification 桦木门框】 Birch Doorway 松木门框】 Pine Doorway 桦木地基】 Birch Floor 松木地基】 Pine Floor 桦木柱子】 Birch Pillar 松木柱子】 Pine Pillar 桦木屋顶】 Birch Roof 松木屋顶】 Pine Roof 桦木墙】 Birch Wall 松木墙】 Pine Wall 桦木窗框】 Birch Window 松木窗框】 Pine Window 枫木木板】 Maple Plank 桦木木板】 Birch Plank 松木木板】 Pine Plank 绳子】 Rope 金属线】 Wire 45 =46 =47 =48 =49 =50 =51 =52 =53 =54 =55 =56 =57 =58 =59 =60 =61 =62 =63 =64 =65 =88 = 培根罐头】 Canned Bacon废金属】 Metal Scrap 金属片】 Metal Sheet 胶带】 Tape 胶水】 Glue 钉子】 Nails 罐子】 Can 炸药原料】 Explosives 砖块】 Bricks 化学药剂】 Chemicals 喷灯】 Blowtorch 罐装西红柿汤】 Canned Tomato Soup 罐装鸡汤】 Canned Chicken Soup 金枪鱼罐头】 Canned Tuna 罐装可乐】 Canned Cola 军粮】 MRE 薯片】 Chips 巧克力棒】 Chocolate Bar 糖棒】 Candy Bar 燕麦棒】 Granola Bar 能量棒】 Energy Bar 意大利面罐头】 Canned Pasta67 =68 =69 =70 =71 =72 =73 =74 =75 =76 =77 =78 =79 =80 =81 =82 =83 =84 =85 =86 =87 =牛肉罐头】 Canned Beef 沙丁鱼罐头】 Canned Sardines 苹果汁】 Apple Juice 葡萄汁】 Grape Juice 能量饮料】 Bottled Energy 椰子汁】 Bottled Coconut 绷带】 Bandage 夹板】 Splint 柯尔特民用手枪】 Colt 柯尔特弹匣】 Colt Magazine 眼镜蛇民用自动手枪】 Cobra 眼镜蛇弹匣】 Cobra Magazine 斯科菲尔德民用步枪】 Schofield 斯科菲尔德机械瞄具】 Schofield Iron Sights 斯科菲尔德步枪弹夹】 Schofield Clip 消防斧】 Fire Axe 棒球棒】 Baseball Bat 曲棍】 Hockey Stick 王牌左轮手枪】 Ace 王牌左轮手枪弹夹】 Ace Clip 猎鹰犬民用狙击步枪】 Hawkhound 猎鹰犬机械瞄具】 Hawkhound Iron Sights89 =90 =91 =92 =93 =94 =95 =96 =97 =98 =99 =100 =101 =102 =103 =104 =105 =106 =107 =108 =109 =110 =111= 【猎鹰犬步枪弹匣】Hawkhound Magazine112= 【钝器霰弹枪】Bluntforce113=【12 号口径霰弹】12 GaugeShells (注:12 号口径=18.5mm=0.73‘' (英寸))114= 【钝器霰弹枪机械瞄具】Bluntforce Iron Sights115= 【粉色浆果】Pink Berry116= 【蜜獾军用消音步枪】——117 = 【空】118= 【蜜獾机械瞄具】119= 【俄制弹药盒】Ranger Ammuniton Box120= 【菜刀】Kitchen Knife121= 【军用匕首/ 军刀】Military Knife122=【AK俄制突击步枪】Zubek nakov123= 【俄制步枪弹匣】Ranger Magazine124=【AK 机械瞄具】Zubek nakov Iron Sights125= 【俄制步枪弹鼓】Ranger Drum126= 【尼克雷夫俄制轻机枪】Nykorev127= 【尼克雷夫轻机枪弹箱】Nykorev Box128= 【尼克瑞夫轻机枪机械瞄具】Nykorev Iron Sights129=【SVD狙击步枪】Snayperskya130=【SVD弹匣】Sn ayperskya Magaz ine131=【SVD机械瞄具】Sn ayperskya Iron Sights龙牙军用轻机枪】 Dragonfang 龙牙轻机枪弹箱】 Dragonfang Box 龙牙机械瞄具】 Drongonfang Iron Sights 高尔夫球杆】 Golf Club 大铁锤】 Sledgehammer 切肉刀】 Butcher Knife 小锤子】 Hammer 瑞士军刀】 Swiss Knife 蝴蝶刀】 Butterfly Knife 手锯】 Saw 钉耙】 Rake 双脚架(枪械配件)】 Bipod 俄制步枪消音器】 Ranger Suppressor 横向握把】 Horizontal Grip 红点机械瞄具】 红圈机械瞄具】 红 V 字瞄准镜】 军用强化枪管】军用消焰器】 Military Muzzle 战术激光辅瞄器】 Tactical Laser 战术灯光辅瞄器】 Tactical Light 7 倍瞄准镜】 7x Scope 132 =133 =134 =135 = 136 =137 =138 =139 =140 =141 =142 =143 =144 =145 =146 =147 =148 =149 =150 =151 =152 =153 =Red Dot Sight Red Halo Sight Red Chevron Scope Military Barrel155=【橘色T恤】Orange Tee156= 【橘色派克外套】Orange Parka 157= 【紫色连帽衫】Purple Hoodie 158= 【紫色衬衫】Purple Shirt159= 【紫色T 恤】Purple Tee160= 【紫色派克外套】Purple Parka 161= 【绿色连帽衫】Green Hoodie 162= 【绿色派克外套】Green Parka 163= 【绿色衬衫】Green Shirt164= 【绿色T 恤】Green Tee165= 【红色连帽衫】Red Hoodie 166= 【红色派克外套】Red Parka 167= 【红色衬衫】Red Shirt168= 【红色T 恤】Red Tee169= 【黄色连帽衫】Yellow Hoodie 170= 【黄色派克外套】Yellow Parka 171= 【黄色衬衫】Yellow Shirt172= 【黄色T 恤】Yellow Tee173= 【蓝色连帽衫】Blue Hoodie 174= 【蓝色派克外套】Blue Parka【蓝色T恤】Blue Tee 176 =177 = 178 = 179 = 180 = 181 = 182 = 183 = 184 = 185 = 186 = 187 = 188 = 189 = 190 = 191 = 192 = 193 = 194 = 195 = 196 = 197 =白色连帽衫】白色派克外套】白色衬衫】【白色T恤】黑色连帽衫】黑色派克外套】黑色衬衫】【黑色T恤】White HoodieWhite ParkaWhite ShirtWhite TeeBlack HoodieBlack Parka黑色印花蒙面巾】蓝色印花蒙面巾】绿色印花蒙面巾】橘色印花蒙面巾】紫色印花蒙面巾】白色印花蒙面巾】黄色印花蒙面巾】黑色丝绒帽】蓝色丝绒帽】绿色丝绒帽】黄色丝绒帽】紫色丝绒帽】红色丝绒帽】Black ShirtBlack TeeBlack BandanaBlue BandanaGreen BandanaOrange BandanaPurple BandanaWhite BandanaYellow BandanaBlack Toque BlueToque GreenToqueOrange ToquePurple ToqueRed Toque要塞 2》)211 = 【 格子衬衫】 Plaid Shirt212 = 【 卡其裤】 Khaki Pants213 = 【 灯芯绒裤】 Corduroy Pants214 = 【 休闲裤】 Trouser Pants215 = 【 黑色毛背心】 Black Sweatervest 216 = 【 蓝色毛背心】 Blue Sweatervest 217 = 【 绿色毛背心】 Green Sweatervest 218 = 【 橘色毛背心】 Orange Sweatervest 198 = 【白色丝绒帽】 White Toque 199 = 【黄色丝绒帽】 Yellow Toque 200 = 【黑色小背包】 Black Daypack 201 = 【蓝色小背包】 Blue Daypack 202 = 【绿色小背包】 Green Daypack 203 = 【橘色小背包】 Orange Daypack 204 = 【紫色小背包】 Purple Daypack 205 = 【白色小背包】 White Daypack 206 = 【黄色小背包】 Yellow Daypack 207 = 【时尚牛仔裤】 Designer Jeans 208 = 【牛仔裤】 Cowboy Jeans209 = 【负重裤】 Cargo Pants210 = 【入耳式耳机(饰品)】 Buds&&注:彩蛋来源: 军团紫色毛背心】 Purple Sweatervest 红色毛背心】 Red Sweatervest 白色毛背心】 White Sweatervest 黄色毛背心】 Yellow Sweatervest 警服】 Police Top 警裤】 Police Bottom 警帽】 Police Cap 卡其短裤】 Khaki Shorts 负重短裤】 Cargo Shorts 灯芯绒短裤】 Corduroy Shorts 休闲短裤】 Trouser Shorts 厨师服】 Chef Top 厨师裤】 Chef Bottom 建筑工上衣】 Construction Top 消防员服】 Firefighter Top 消防员裤】 Firefighter Bottom 吉利服】 Ghillie Top 吉利裤】 Ghillie Bottom 吉利风帽】 Ghillie Hood 吉利背心】 Ghillie Vest 厨师帽】 Chef Hat219 =220 =221 =222 =223 =224 =225 =226 =227 =228 =229 =230 =231 =232 =233 =234 =235 =236 =237 =238 =239 = 240 = 安全帽】 Construction Helmet241 = 【消防员头盔】Firefighter Helmet242 = 【农夫上衣】Farmer Top243 = 【农夫裤子】Farmer Bottom244 = 【农夫帽/草帽】Farmer Hat245 = 【黑色旅行包】Black Travelpack246 = 【蓝色旅行包】Blue Travelpack247 = 【绿色旅行包】Green Travelpack248 = 【橘色旅行包】Orange Travelpack249 = 【紫色旅行包】Purple Travelpack250 = 【红色旅行包】Red Travelpack251 = 【白色旅行包】White Travelpack252 = 【黄色旅行包】Yellow Travelpack253 = 【爱丽丝军用小背包】Alicepack 254 = 【手雷】Grenade255 = 【蓝色荧光棒】Blue Flare256 = 【绿色荧光棒】Green Flare257 = 【橘色荧光棒】Orange Flare258 = 【紫色荧光棒】Purple Flare259 = 【红色荧光棒】Red Flare260 = 【黄色荧光棒】Yellow Flare261 = 【黑色烟雾弹】Black Smoke262 = 【蓝色烟雾弹】Blue Smoke263 =绿色烟雾弹】 Green Smoke枫木门】 Maple Door 桦木门】 Birch Door 松木门】 Pine Door 铁牢门】 Jail Door 264 =265 =266 =267 =268 =269 =270 =271 =272 =273 =274 =275 =276 =277 =278 =279 =280 =281 =282 =283 =284 =橘色烟雾弹】 紫色烟雾弹】 红色烟雾弹】 白色烟雾弹】 黄色烟雾弹】 疫苗】 琥珀色浆果】 靛蓝色浆果】 翡翠色浆果】 赤褐色浆果】 水鸭色浆果】 朱红色浆果】 手电筒】 千斤顶】 圣诞帽】 圣诞服】 圣诞裤子】 Orange Smoke Purple Smoke Red Smoke White Smoke Yellow Smoke Vaccine Amber Berry Indigo Berry Jade Berry Russet Berry Teal Berry Vermillion Berry Flashlight Carjack Santa hat&& Santa Top&& Santa bottom&&285 =金属棒】 Metal Bar 保险库门】 Vault Door 金属窗护栏】 Bars Fortification 黑色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Black bedroll 蓝色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Blue bedroll 绿色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Green bedroll 橘色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Orange bedroll 紫色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Purple bedroll 红色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Red bedroll 白色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 White bedroll 黄色铺盖卷 / 床铺】 Yellow bedroll 16倍瞄准镜】 16x Scope 灰熊军用狙击步枪 / 反器材步枪】 Grizzly 灰熊弹匣】 Grizzly Magazine 灰熊机械瞄具】 Grizzly Iron Sights 潜影者电磁炮 / 轨道炮】 Shadowstalker 电磁炮弹】 Rail 潜影者瞄准镜】 Shadowstalker Scope 囚犯服】 Prisoner Top 囚犯裤】 Prisoner Bottom 加拿大皇家骑警裤】 RCMP Bottom 加拿大皇家骑警服】 RCMP Top286 =287 =288 =289 =290 =291 =292 =293 =294 =295 =296 =297 =298 =299 =300 =301 =302 =303 =304 =305 =306 =307 = 【军服】Military Top 308 = 【军裤】Military Bottom309 = 【军用头盔】Military Helmet310 = 【军用防弹背心】Military Vest311 = 【医生上衣】Medic Top312 = 【医生裤】Medic Bottom313 = 【加拿大皇家骑警帽】RCMP Hat 314 = 【食品店员上衣】Grocer Top 315 = 【食品店员裤子】Grocer Bottom316 = 【枫木楼梯】Maple Stairs317 = 【松木楼梯】Pine Stairs318 = 【桦木楼梯】Birch Stairs319 = 【枫木阁楼口】Maple Hole320 = 【松木阁楼口】Pine Hole321 = 【桦木阁楼口】Birch Hole322 = 【枫木斜坡】Maple Ramp323 = 【桦木斜坡】Birch Ramp324 = 】松木斜坡】Pine Ramp325 = 【枫木爬梯】Maple Ladder326 = 【桦木爬梯】Birch Ladder327 = 【松木爬梯】Pine Ladder328 = 【保险柜】Locker胡萝卜】 Carrot = 【胡萝卜种子】 Carrot Seed = 【种植槽】 Planter= 【肥料】 Fertilizer= 【望远镜】 Binoculars= 【夜视仪】 Nightvision=【玉米】 Corn =【玉米种子】 Corn Seed =【水壶】 Canteen =【生菜】 Lettuce =【生菜种子】 Lettuce seed =【西红柿】 Tomato =【西红柿种子】 Tomato seed =【马铃薯】 Potato =【马铃薯种子】 Potato seed =【小麦】Wheat =【小麦种子】 Wheat seed =【十字弩】 Crossbow =【铁箭】 Arrow =【枫木箭】 Maple arrow =【十字弩瞄具】 Crossbow Sight 350 = 【空】329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343344345346347348349桦木箭】 Birch arrow 松木箭】 Pine arrow 枫木弓】 Maple bow = 【空】 桦木弓】 Birch bow 松木弓】 Pine bow 复合弓】 Compound bow=【复合弓机械瞄具】 Compound Iron Sights =【枫木火把】 Maple torch =【桦木火把】 Birch torch =【松木火把】 Pine torch =【篝火】 Campfire =【MS 军用突击步枪】Maplestrike =【MS 机械瞄具】Maplestrike Iron Sights =【沙袋】 Sandbag =【枫木板条箱】 Maple Crate =【桦木板条箱】 Birch Crate =【松木板条箱】 Pine Crate =【金属地基】 Metal Floor =【金属门框】 Metal Doorway =【金属墙】Metal Wall 351352353355356357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364365366 367 368 369 370 371 372= 【金属窗框】Metal Window374= 【金属柱子】Metal Pillar375= 【金属楼梯】Metal Stairs376= 【金属阁楼口】Metal Hole377= 【金属斜坡】Metal Ramp378= 【金属门】Metal Door379= 【金属爬梯】Metal Ladder380= 【马斯特奇双管霰弹枪】Masterkey381= 【20 号口径弹药】20 Gauge Shells (注:20 号口径= 15.6mm=0.62‘‘ (英寸))382= 【铁蒺藜】Caltrop383= 【枫木木刺】Maple Spikes384= 【桦木木刺】Birch Spikes385= 【松木木刺】Pine Spikes386= 【带刺铁线圈/刺线圈】Barbed Wire387= 【肾上腺素】Adrenaline388= 【吗啡】Morphine389= 【抗生素】Antibiotics390= 【止痛药】Painkillers391= 【维他命】Vitamins392= 【净化药片】Tablets药用绷带】 Dressing 血袋】 Bloodbag 碾碎的淡紫色浆果】 碾碎的琥珀色浆果】 碾碎的靛蓝色浆果】 碾碎的翡翠绿浆果】 碾碎的黄褐色浆果】 碾碎的水鸭色浆果】 碾碎的朱红色浆果】 缝合包】 Suturekit Mauve Crushed Amber Crushed Indigo Crushed Jade Crushed Russet Crushed Teal Crushed Vermillion Crushed 止咳糖浆】 Cough Syrup 维修工上衣】 Mechanic Top 维修工裤】 Mechanic Bottom 火车司机上衣】 Engineer Top 火车司机裤】 Engineer 飞行员护目镜 / 蛤蟆镜】 Aviators 黑色披风】 Black Poncho 蓝色披风】 Blue Poncho 绿色披风】 Green Poncho 橘色披风】 Orange Poncho 紫色披风】 Purple Poncho394 =395 =396 =397 =398 =399 =400 =401 =402 =403 =404 =405 =406 =407 =408 =409 =410 =411 =412 =413 =414 = 415 = 红色披风】 Red Poncho416 = 【白色披风】White Poncho417 = 【黄色披风】Yellow Poncho418 = 【头戴式耳机】Headphones&& (注419 = 【飞行夹克】Flight Jacket420 = 【骑行夹克】Biker Jacket421 = 【西装上衣】Suit Top422 = 【西装裤子】Suit Bottom423 = 【火车司机帽】Engineer Hat424 = 【软呢帽】Fedora425 = 【黑色带舌帽】Black Cap426 = 【蓝色带舌帽】Blue Cap427 = 【绿色带舌帽】Green Cap428 = 【橘色带舌帽】Orange Cap429 = 【紫色带舌帽】Purple Cap430 = 【红色带舌帽】Red Cap431 = 【白色带舌帽】White Cap432 = 【黄色带舌帽】Yellow Cap433 = 【贝雷帽】Beret&& (注:434 =【黑色巴拉克拉瓦风帽(忍者头套)】435 = 【蓝色忍者头套】Blue Balaclava 436 = 【绿色忍者头套】Green Balaclava 437 = 【橘色忍者头套】Orange Balaclava :彩蛋来源《军团要塞2》)彩蛋来源:《求生之路2》)Black Balaclava438 = 紫色忍者头套】Purple Balaclava红色忍者头套】白色忍者头套】黄色忍者头套】枫木壁垒】枫木筒桩】松木壁垒】松木壁垒】金属壁垒】桦木筒桩】松木筒桩】金属筒桩】枫木车库门框】枫木车库门】桦木车库门框】松木车库门框】金属车库门框】桦木车库门】松木车库门】金属车库门】发电机】Maple gate Birch garage Pine garage Metal garage Birch gatePine gate439 = 440 = 441 = 442 = 443 = 444 = 445 = 446 = 447 = 448 = 449 = 450 = 451 = 452 = 453 = 454 = 455 = 456 = 457 = 458 = 459 =Red BalaclavaWhite BalaclavaYellow Balaclava Maple Rampart Maple Post Birch Rampart Pine rampart Metal rampart Birch post Pine post Metal postMaple garageMetal Gate Generator438 = 紫色忍者头套】Purple Balaclava探照灯】Spotlight460 =面包】 Bread 金枪鱼三明治】 Tuna Sandwich 盒装牛奶】 Milk Box 橘汁】 Orange Juice 奶酪】 Cheese 罐装苏打水】 Soda 奶酪夹心三明治】 Grilled Cheese Sandwich 【BLT 三明治】BLT San dwich 火腿三明治】 Ham Sandwich 火腿罐头】 Canned Ham 鸡蛋】 Eggs 蛋糕】 Cake 瓶装可乐】 Bottled Cola 瓶装苏打水】 Bottled Soda 枫木自制步枪】 Maple rifle 自制步枪机械瞄具】 Rifle iron sights 【自制6X 瞄准镜】 Makeshift scope 自制消 音器】 Makeshift muffler 自制步枪弹夹】 Rifle clip 桦木自制步枪】 Birch rifle 松木自制步枪】 Pine rifle 枫木水瓶】 Maple bottle461 =462 =463 =464 =465 =466 =467 =468 =469 =470 =471 =472 =473 =474 =475 =476 =477 =478 =479 =480 =481 =【桦木水瓶】 Birch bottle 【松木水瓶】 Pine bottle 【民用运动步枪】 Sportshot 【运动步枪弹匣】 Sportshot magazine 【运动步枪机械瞄具】 Sportshot iron sights 【狼牙棒】 Makeshift bat 【沙漠之鹰民用手枪】 Desert Eagle 【沙漠之鹰弹匣】 Desert Eagle magazine 【电锯】 Chainsaw 【钓鱼竿】 fishing rod 【生•鳟鱼】raw trout 【生•鮭鱼】raw salmon 【桦木钓竿】 birch rod 【枫木钓竿】 maple rod 【松木钓竿】 pine rod 【钓鱼帽】 fishing hat 【钓鱼服】 fishing top 【钓鱼裤】 fishing bottom 【熟•鳟鱼】cooked trout 【熟•鮭鱼】cooked salmon 火箭筒 /RPG 】 rocket launher482 =483 =484 =485 =486 =487 =488 =489 =490 =503 =504 =505 =506 =507 =508 =509 =510 =511 =512 =513 =519 =520 = 火箭弹】 rocket521 = 【火箭瞄准器】Rocket Iron Sights1000 = =【VSS俄制消音步枪】Matamorez1002 = (空)=【VSS弹匣】Matamorez Magaz ine1003 =【红色科布拉瞄准器】red cobra sigh1004 ==【VSS步枪加长弹夹】exte nded matamorez magaz ine1005 =【眼镜蛇手枪加长弹夹】extended cobra magazine1006 =1007 = 【自适应上膛配件/ 高速射击配件】adaptive chambering attachmen1008 = =【测距仪•战术配件】rangefin der attachme nt【沙漠贝雷帽】desert bere1009 =【沙漠色军用头盔】desert military helme1010 =1011 = 【沙漠色军装】desert military top【沙漠色军裤】desert military bottom1012 =【沙漠色军用防弹背心】desert military vest1013 =【皮质背包】leather pack1014 =【防化服上衣】biohazard top1015 =【防化服裤子】biohazard bottom1016 =【防化服头罩】biohazard hood1017 =【剑齿虎军用半自动步枪】sabertooth1018 =【剑齿虎机械瞄具】sabertooth iron sights1019 =1020 = 【剑齿虎弹匣】sabertooth magazine复仇者军用手枪】 avenger 复仇者弹匣】 avenger magazine 警棍】 police baton P90 军用冲锋枪 / 和平缔造者】 peacemaker P90 机械瞄具】 peacemaker iron sights P90 弹匣】 peacemaker magazine 【MP5军用冲锋枪/毒蛇】viper 【MP5机 械瞄具】viper iron sights 【MP5单匣】viper magaz ine 煎锅 / 平底锅】 frying pan 铁铲】 shovel 撬棍 / 物理学圣剑】 crowbar 船桨】 paddle 草叉】 pitchfork 开山刀 / 砍刀】 machete 武士刀】 katana 【SCAR?用自动步枪/碎心者】heartbreaker 【SCAF 机械瞄具】heartbreaker iron sights 【PMM 民用手枪】kryzkarek 【PMM 单匣】kryzkarek magaz ine 野牛冲锋枪】 yuri 野牛冲锋枪单匣】 yuri magazine1021 = 1022 = 1023 = 1024 = 1025 = 1026 = 1027 = 1028 = 1029 = 1030 = 1031 = 1032 = 1033 = 1034 = 1035 = 1036 = 1037 = 1038 = 1039 = 1040 = 1041 = 1042 =。



hmcl(Her Majesty's Command Line)是一个用于管理和运行Minecraft 服务器的命令行工具。


1. 虚拟机路径(VM Path):指定hmcl的安装路径。

2. 游戏模式(Game Mode):设置服务器的游戏模式,如生存模式、创造模式等。

3. 地图文件(Level Name):指定服务器的地图文件。

4. 内存分配(Memory):设置服务器分配的内存大小,例如“-Xmx1024M”表示分配1024MB内存。

5. 端口(Port):设置服务器监听的端口,默认为25565。

6. 服务器列表(Server List):指定服务器白名单或黑名单。

7. 额外语句(Extra Arguments):其他自定义参数,根据需求添加。




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