Geometry of the space of phylogenetic trees


Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists

Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists

More informationQuantum Computing for Computer ScientistsThe multidisciplinaryfield of quantum computing strives to exploit someof the uncanny aspects of quantum mechanics to expand our computa-tional horizons.Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists takes read-ers on a tour of this fascinating area of cutting-edge research.Writtenin an accessible yet rigorous fashion,this book employs ideas and tech-niques familiar to every student of computer science.The reader is notexpected to have any advanced mathematics or physics background.Af-ter presenting the necessary prerequisites,the material is organized tolook at different aspects of quantum computing from the specific stand-point of computer science.There are chapters on computer architecture,algorithms,programming languages,theoretical computer science,cryp-tography,information theory,and hardware.The text has step-by-stepexamples,more than two hundred exercises with solutions,and program-ming drills that bring the ideas of quantum computing alive for today’scomputer science students and researchers.Noson S.Yanofsky,PhD,is an Associate Professor in the Departmentof Computer and Information Science at Brooklyn College,City Univer-sity of New York and at the PhD Program in Computer Science at TheGraduate Center of CUNY.Mirco A.Mannucci,PhD,is the founder and CEO of HoloMathics,LLC,a research and development company with a focus on innovative mathe-matical modeling.He also serves as Adjunct Professor of Computer Sci-ence at George Mason University and the University of Maryland.QUANTUM COMPUTING FORCOMPUTER SCIENTISTSNoson S.YanofskyBrooklyn College,City University of New YorkandMirco A.MannucciHoloMathics,LLCMore informationMore informationcambridge university pressCambridge,New York,Melbourne,Madrid,Cape Town,Singapore,S˜ao Paulo,DelhiCambridge University Press32Avenue of the Americas,New York,NY10013-2473,USAInformation on this title:/9780521879965C Noson S.Yanofsky and Mirco A.Mannucci2008This publication is in copyright.Subject to statutory exceptionand to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place withoutthe written permission of Cambridge University Press.First published2008Printed in the United States of AmericaA catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication dataYanofsky,Noson S.,1967–Quantum computing for computer scientists/Noson S.Yanofsky andMirco bibliographical references and index.ISBN978-0-521-87996-5(hardback)1.Quantum computers.I.Mannucci,Mirco A.,1960–II.Title.QA76.889.Y352008004.1–dc222008020507ISBN978-0-521-879965hardbackCambridge University Press has no responsibility forthe persistence or accuracy of URLs for external orthird-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publicationand does not guarantee that any content on suchWeb sites is,or will remain,accurate or appropriate.More informationDedicated toMoishe and Sharon Yanofskyandto the memory ofLuigi and Antonietta MannucciWisdom is one thing:to know the tho u ght by which all things are directed thro u gh allthings.˜Heraclitu s of Ephe s u s(535–475B C E)a s quoted in Dio g ene s Laertiu s’sLives and Opinions of Eminent PhilosophersBook IX,1. More informationMore informationContentsPreface xi1Complex Numbers71.1Basic Definitions81.2The Algebra of Complex Numbers101.3The Geometry of Complex Numbers152Complex Vector Spaces292.1C n as the Primary Example302.2Definitions,Properties,and Examples342.3Basis and Dimension452.4Inner Products and Hilbert Spaces532.5Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors602.6Hermitian and Unitary Matrices622.7Tensor Product of Vector Spaces663The Leap from Classical to Quantum743.1Classical Deterministic Systems743.2Probabilistic Systems793.3Quantum Systems883.4Assembling Systems974Basic Quantum Theory1034.1Quantum States1034.2Observables1154.3Measuring1264.4Dynamics1294.5Assembling Quantum Systems1325Architecture1385.1Bits and Qubits138viiMore informationviii Contents5.2Classical Gates1445.3Reversible Gates1515.4Quantum Gates1586Algorithms1706.1Deutsch’s Algorithm1716.2The Deutsch–Jozsa Algorithm1796.3Simon’s Periodicity Algorithm1876.4Grover’s Search Algorithm1956.5Shor’s Factoring Algorithm2047Programming Languages2207.1Programming in a Quantum World2207.2Quantum Assembly Programming2217.3Toward Higher-Level Quantum Programming2307.4Quantum Computation Before Quantum Computers2378Theoretical Computer Science2398.1Deterministic and Nondeterministic Computations2398.2Probabilistic Computations2468.3Quantum Computations2519Cryptography2629.1Classical Cryptography2629.2Quantum Key Exchange I:The BB84Protocol2689.3Quantum Key Exchange II:The B92Protocol2739.4Quantum Key Exchange III:The EPR Protocol2759.5Quantum Teleportation27710Information Theory28410.1Classical Information and Shannon Entropy28410.2Quantum Information and von Neumann Entropy28810.3Classical and Quantum Data Compression29510.4Error-Correcting Codes30211Hardware30511.1Quantum Hardware:Goals and Challenges30611.2Implementing a Quantum Computer I:Ion Traps31111.3Implementing a Quantum Computer II:Linear Optics31311.4Implementing a Quantum Computer III:NMRand Superconductors31511.5Future of Quantum Ware316Appendix A Historical Bibliography of Quantum Computing319 by Jill CirasellaA.1Reading Scientific Articles319A.2Models of Computation320More informationContents ixA.3Quantum Gates321A.4Quantum Algorithms and Implementations321A.5Quantum Cryptography323A.6Quantum Information323A.7More Milestones?324Appendix B Answers to Selected Exercises325Appendix C Quantum Computing Experiments with MATLAB351C.1Playing with Matlab351C.2Complex Numbers and Matrices351C.3Quantum Computations354Appendix D Keeping Abreast of Quantum News:QuantumComputing on the Web and in the Literature357by Jill CirasellaD.1Keeping Abreast of Popular News357D.2Keeping Abreast of Scientific Literature358D.3The Best Way to Stay Abreast?359Appendix E Selected Topics for Student Presentations360E.1Complex Numbers361E.2Complex Vector Spaces362E.3The Leap from Classical to Quantum363E.4Basic Quantum Theory364E.5Architecture365E.6Algorithms366E.7Programming Languages368E.8Theoretical Computer Science369E.9Cryptography370E.10Information Theory370E.11Hardware371Bibliography373Index381More informationPrefaceQuantum computing is a fascinating newfield at the intersection of computer sci-ence,mathematics,and physics,which strives to harness some of the uncanny as-pects of quantum mechanics to broaden our computational horizons.This bookpresents some of the most exciting and interesting topics in quantum computing.Along the way,there will be some amazing facts about the universe in which we liveand about the very notions of information and computation.The text you hold in your hands has a distinctflavor from most of the other cur-rently available books on quantum computing.First and foremost,we do not assumethat our reader has much of a mathematics or physics background.This book shouldbe readable by anyone who is in or beyond their second year in a computer scienceprogram.We have written this book specifically with computer scientists in mind,and tailored it accordingly:we assume a bare minimum of mathematical sophistica-tion,afirst course in discrete structures,and a healthy level of curiosity.Because thistext was written specifically for computer people,in addition to the many exercisesthroughout the text,we added many programming drills.These are a hands-on,funway of learning the material presented and getting a real feel for the subject.The calculus-phobic reader will be happy to learn that derivatives and integrals are virtually absent from our text.Quite simply,we avoid differentiation,integra-tion,and all higher mathematics by carefully selecting only those topics that arecritical to a basic introduction to quantum computing.Because we are focusing onthe fundamentals of quantum computing,we can restrict ourselves to thefinite-dimensional mathematics that is required.This turns out to be not much more thanmanipulating vectors and matrices with complex entries.Surprisingly enough,thelion’s share of quantum computing can be done without the intricacies of advancedmathematics.Nevertheless,we hasten to stress that this is a technical textbook.We are not writing a popular science book,nor do we substitute hand waving for rigor or math-ematical precision.Most other texts in thefield present a primer on quantum mechanics in all its glory.Many assume some knowledge of classical mechanics.We do not make theseassumptions.We only discuss what is needed for a basic understanding of quantumxiMore informationxii Prefacecomputing as afield of research in its own right,although we cite sources for learningmore about advanced topics.There are some who consider quantum computing to be solely within the do-main of physics.Others think of the subject as purely mathematical.We stress thecomputer science aspect of quantum computing.It is not our intention for this book to be the definitive treatment of quantum computing.There are a few topics that we do not even touch,and there are severalothers that we approach briefly,not exhaustively.As of this writing,the bible ofquantum computing is Nielsen and Chuang’s magnificent Quantum Computing andQuantum Information(2000).Their book contains almost everything known aboutquantum computing at the time of its publication.We would like to think of ourbook as a usefulfirst step that can prepare the reader for that text.FEATURESThis book is almost entirely self-contained.We do not demand that the reader comearmed with a large toolbox of skills.Even the subject of complex numbers,which istaught in high school,is given a fairly comprehensive review.The book contains many solved problems and easy-to-understand descriptions.We do not merely present the theory;rather,we explain it and go through severalexamples.The book also contains many exercises,which we strongly recommendthe serious reader should attempt to solve.There is no substitute for rolling up one’ssleeves and doing some work!We have also incorporated plenty of programming drills throughout our text.These are hands-on exercises that can be carried out on your laptop to gain a betterunderstanding of the concepts presented here(they are also a great way of hav-ing fun).We hasten to point out that we are entirely language-agnostic.The stu-dent should write the programs in the language that feels most comfortable.Weare also paradigm-agnostic.If declarative programming is your favorite method,gofor it.If object-oriented programming is your game,use that.The programmingdrills build on one another.Functions created in one programming drill will be usedand modified in later drills.Furthermore,in Appendix C,we show how to makelittle quantum computing emulators with MATLAB or how to use a ready-madeone.(Our choice of MATLAB was dictated by the fact that it makes very easy-to-build,quick-and-dirty prototypes,thanks to its vast amount of built-in mathematicaltools.)This text appears to be thefirst to handle quantum programming languages in a significant way.Until now,there have been only research papers and a few surveyson the topic.Chapter7describes the basics of this expandingfield:perhaps some ofour readers will be inspired to contribute to quantum programming!This book also contains several appendices that are important for further study:Appendix A takes readers on a tour of major papers in quantum computing.This bibliographical essay was written by Jill Cirasella,Computational SciencesSpecialist at the Brooklyn College Library.In addition to having a master’s de-gree in library and information science,Jill has a master’s degree in logic,forwhich she wrote a thesis on classical and quantum graph algorithms.This dualbackground uniquely qualifies her to suggest and describe further readings.More informationPreface xiii Appendix B contains the answers to some of the exercises in the text.Othersolutions will also be found on the book’s Web page.We strongly urge studentsto do the exercises on their own and then check their answers against ours.Appendix C uses MATLAB,the popular mathematical environment and an es-tablished industry standard,to show how to carry out most of the mathematicaloperations described in this book.MATLAB has scores of routines for manip-ulating complex matrices:we briefly review the most useful ones and show howthe reader can quickly perform a few quantum computing experiments with al-most no effort,using the freely available MATLAB quantum emulator Quack.Appendix D,also by Jill Cirasella,describes how to use online resources to keepup with developments in quantum computing.Quantum computing is a fast-movingfield,and this appendix offers guidelines and tips forfinding relevantarticles and announcements.Appendix E is a list of possible topics for student presentations.We give briefdescriptions of different topics that a student might present before a class of hispeers.We also provide some hints about where to start looking for materials topresent.ORGANIZATIONThe book begins with two chapters of mathematical preliminaries.Chapter1con-tains the basics of complex numbers,and Chapter2deals with complex vectorspaces.Although much of Chapter1is currently taught in high school,we feel thata review is in order.Much of Chapter2will be known by students who have had acourse in linear algebra.We deliberately did not relegate these chapters to an ap-pendix at the end of the book because the mathematics is necessary to understandwhat is really going on.A reader who knows the material can safely skip thefirsttwo chapters.She might want to skim over these chapters and then return to themas a reference,using the index and the table of contents tofind specific topics.Chapter3is a gentle introduction to some of the ideas that will be encountered throughout the rest of the ing simple models and simple matrix multipli-cation,we demonstrate some of the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics,which are then formally developed in Chapter4.From there,Chapter5presentssome of the basic architecture of quantum computing.Here one willfind the notionsof a qubit(a quantum generalization of a bit)and the quantum analog of logic gates.Once Chapter5is understood,readers can safely proceed to their choice of Chapters6through11.Each chapter takes its title from a typical course offered in acomputer science department.The chapters look at that subfield of quantum com-puting from the perspective of the given course.These chapters are almost totallyindependent of one another.We urge the readers to study the particular chapterthat corresponds to their favorite course.Learn topics that you likefirst.From thereproceed to other chapters.Figure0.1summarizes the dependencies of the chapters.One of the hardest topics tackled in this text is that of considering two quan-tum systems and combining them,or“entangled”quantum systems.This is donemathematically in Section2.7.It is further motivated in Section3.4and formallypresented in Section4.5.The reader might want to look at these sections together.xivPrefaceFigure 0.1.Chapter dependencies.There are many ways this book can be used as a text for a course.We urge instructors to find their own way.May we humbly suggest the following three plans of action:(1)A class that provides some depth might involve the following:Go through Chapters 1,2,3,4,and 5.Armed with that background,study the entirety of Chapter 6(“Algorithms”)in depth.One can spend at least a third of a semester on that chapter.After wrestling a bit with quantum algorithms,the student will get a good feel for the entire enterprise.(2)If breadth is preferred,pick and choose one or two sections from each of the advanced chapters.Such a course might look like this:(1),2,3,4.1,4.4,5,6.1,7.1,9.1,10.1,10.2,and 11.This will permit the student to see the broad outline of quantum computing and then pursue his or her own path.(3)For a more advanced class (a class in which linear algebra and some mathe-matical sophistication is assumed),we recommend that students be told to read Chapters 1,2,and 3on their own.A nice course can then commence with Chapter 4and plow through most of the remainder of the book.If this is being used as a text in a classroom setting,we strongly recommend that the students make presentations.There are selected topics mentioned in Appendix E.There is no substitute for student participation!Although we have tried to include many topics in this text,inevitably some oth-ers had to be left out.Here are a few that we omitted because of space considera-tions:many of the more complicated proofs in Chapter 8,results about oracle computation,the details of the (quantum)Fourier transforms,and the latest hardware implementations.We give references for further study on these,as well as other subjects,throughout the text.More informationMore informationPreface xvANCILLARIESWe are going to maintain a Web page for the text at/∼noson/qctext.html/The Web page will containperiodic updates to the book,links to interesting books and articles on quantum computing,some answers to certain exercises not solved in Appendix B,anderrata.The reader is encouraged to send any and all corrections tonoson@Help us make this textbook better!ACKNOLWEDGMENTSBoth of us had the great privilege of writing our doctoral theses under the gentleguidance of the recently deceased Alex Heller.Professor Heller wrote the follow-ing1about his teacher Samuel“Sammy”Eilenberg and Sammy’s mathematics:As I perceived it,then,Sammy considered that the highest value in mathematicswas to be found,not in specious depth nor in the overcoming of overwhelmingdifficulty,but rather in providing the definitive clarity that would illuminate itsunderlying order.This never-ending struggle to bring out the underlying order of mathematical structures was always Professor Heller’s everlasting goal,and he did his best to passit on to his students.We have gained greatly from his clarity of vision and his viewof mathematics,but we also saw,embodied in a man,the classical and sober ideal ofcontemplative life at its very best.We both remain eternally grateful to him.While at the City University of New York,we also had the privilege of inter-acting with one of the world’s foremost logicians,Professor Rohit Parikh,a manwhose seminal contributions to thefield are only matched by his enduring com-mitment to promote younger researchers’work.Besides opening fascinating vis-tas to us,Professor Parikh encouraged us more than once to follow new directionsof thought.His continued professional and personal guidance are greatly appre-ciated.We both received our Ph.D.’s from the Department of Mathematics in The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.We thank them for providingus with a warm and friendly environment in which to study and learn real mathemat-ics.Thefirst author also thanks the entire Brooklyn College family and,in partic-ular,the Computer and Information Science Department for being supportive andvery helpful in this endeavor.1See page1349of Bass et al.(1998).More informationxvi PrefaceSeveral faculty members of Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center were kind enough to read and comment on parts of this book:Michael Anshel,DavidArnow,Jill Cirasella,Dayton Clark,Eva Cogan,Jim Cox,Scott Dexter,EdgarFeldman,Fred Gardiner,Murray Gross,Chaya Gurwitz,Keith Harrow,JunHu,Yedidyah Langsam,Peter Lesser,Philipp Rothmaler,Chris Steinsvold,AlexSverdlov,Aaron Tenenbaum,Micha Tomkiewicz,Al Vasquez,Gerald Weiss,andPaula Whitlock.Their comments have made this a better text.Thank you all!We were fortunate to have had many students of Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center read and comment on earlier drafts:Shira Abraham,RachelAdler,Ali Assarpour,Aleksander Barkan,Sayeef Bazli,Cheuk Man Chan,WeiChen,Evgenia Dandurova,Phillip Dreizen,C.S.Fahie,Miriam Gutherc,RaveHarpaz,David Herzog,Alex Hoffnung,Matthew P.Johnson,Joel Kammet,SerdarKara,Karen Kletter,Janusz Kusyk,Tiziana Ligorio,Matt Meyer,James Ng,SeverinNgnosse,Eric Pacuit,Jason Schanker,Roman Shenderovsky,Aleksandr Shnayder-man,Rose B.Sigler,Shai Silver,Justin Stallard,Justin Tojeira,John Ma Sang Tsang,Sadia Zahoor,Mark Zelcer,and Xiaowen Zhang.We are indebted to them.Many other people looked over parts or all of the text:Scott Aaronson,Ste-fano Bettelli,Adam Brandenburger,Juan B.Climent,Anita Colvard,Leon Ehren-preis,Michael Greenebaum,Miriam Klein,Eli Kravits,Raphael Magarik,JohnMaiorana,Domenico Napoletani,Vaughan Pratt,Suri Raber,Peter Selinger,EvanSiegel,Thomas Tradler,and Jennifer Whitehead.Their criticism and helpful ideasare deeply appreciated.Thanks to Peter Rohde for creating and making available to everyone his MAT-LAB q-emulator Quack and also for letting us use it in our appendix.We had a gooddeal of fun playing with it,and we hope our readers will too.Besides writing two wonderful appendices,our friendly neighborhood librar-ian,Jill Cirasella,was always just an e-mail away with helpful advice and support.Thanks,Jill!A very special thanks goes to our editor at Cambridge University Press,HeatherBergman,for believing in our project right from the start,for guiding us through thisbook,and for providing endless support in all matters.This book would not existwithout her.Thanks,Heather!We had the good fortune to have a truly stellar editor check much of the text many times.Karen Kletter is a great friend and did a magnificent job.We also ap-preciate that she refrained from killing us every time we handed her altered draftsthat she had previously edited.But,of course,all errors are our own!This book could not have been written without the help of my daughter,Hadas-sah.She added meaning,purpose,and joy.N.S.Y.My dear wife,Rose,and our two wondrous and tireless cats,Ursula and Buster, contributed in no small measure to melting my stress away during the long andpainful hours of writing and editing:to them my gratitude and love.(Ursula is ascientist cat and will read this book.Buster will just shred it with his powerful claws.)M.A.M.。



英语作文对天文的解释Title: Exploring the Wonders of Astronomy。

The vast expanse of the cosmos has captivated human imagination for centuries, sparking curiosity and inspiring exploration. Astronomy, the study of celestial objects and phenomena beyond Earth's atmosphere, offers a window into the mysteries of the universe. From the ancientcivilizations' observations of the night sky to thecutting-edge technology of modern space exploration, astronomy has played a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the cosmos.At its core, astronomy seeks to unravel the mysteries of celestial bodies, including stars, planets, galaxies, and beyond. By observing these objects and analyzing their properties, astronomers can decipher the fundamental laws governing the universe. Through the lens of powerful telescopes and sophisticated instruments, scientists have uncovered a wealth of information about the origins,evolution, and dynamics of the cosmos.One of the most profound concepts in astronomy is the theory of the Big Bang, which suggests that the universe originated from a hot, dense state approximately 13.8billion years ago. This theory provides a framework for understanding the expansion of the universe and the formation of galaxies and other cosmic structures. Through precise measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of galaxies, astronomers have gathered compelling evidence in support of the Big Bang model.Furthermore, astronomy sheds light on the life cycles of stars, from their birth in vast clouds of gas and dust to their dramatic deaths in supernova explosions or the collapse into black holes. By studying the light emitted by stars, astronomers can deduce their composition, temperature, and distance from Earth. This information not only deepens our understanding of stellar evolution but also provides insights into the origin of chemical elements essential for life.In addition to studying individual celestial objects, astronomers investigate the vast networks of galaxies that populate the universe. Through surveys and observations, scientists have mapped the large-scale structure of the cosmos, revealing the intricate web of galaxy clusters, filaments, and voids that span billions of light-years. These cosmic structures offer clues about the nature of dark matter and dark energy, mysterious components that dominate the universe's composition and evolution.Moreover, astronomy intersects with other scientific disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, and planetary science, to address pressing questions about the nature of space and time. The exploration of exoplanets, planets orbiting stars outside our solar system, has opened new frontiers in the search for extraterrestrial life. By studying the atmospheres and surface conditions of exoplanets, astronomers aim to identify potentially habitable worlds and unravel the conditions necessary for life to thrive beyond Earth.Beyond scientific inquiry, astronomy has cultural and societal significance, shaping our perception of humanity's place in the cosmos. Ancient civilizations looked to the stars for navigation, timekeeping, and spiritual guidance, while modern societies continue to marvel at the beauty and grandeur of the night sky. Astronomy inspires wonder and awe, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration that transcends national boundaries and unites people from diverse backgrounds.In conclusion, astronomy offers a fascinating glimpse into the vastness and complexity of the universe. By studying celestial objects and phenomena, astronomersstrive to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and deepen our understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the universe's evolution. From the birth of stars to the structure of galaxies, astronomy continues to push the boundaries of human knowledge and inspire future generations to explore the wonders of the cosmos.。

空间解析几何 英语

空间解析几何 英语

空间解析几何英语Spatial Analytic Geometry.Spatial analytic geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of geometric objects in three-dimensional space. It extends the concepts and techniques of two-dimensional analytic geometry to the three-dimensional realm, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of spatial relationships and structures. In this article, we will explore the fundamental principles and applications of spatial analytic geometry.1. Coordinate Systems in Three Dimensions.In spatial analytic geometry, the fundamental tool is the three-dimensional coordinate system. This system consists of three perpendicular axes, typically denoted as the x, y, and z axes. Any point in three-dimensional space can be uniquely identified by its coordinates (x, y, z) relative to these axes.2. Vectors in Three Dimensions.Vectors play a crucial role in spatial analytic geometry. A vector is a mathematical object that represents both magnitude and direction. In three dimensions, a vector can be represented as an ordered triplet of numbers (a, b, c), where each number corresponds to the component of the vector along one of the coordinate axes. Vectors can be used to represent displacements, forces, velocities, and other quantities that have both magnitude and direction.3. Geometric Objects in Three Dimensions.Spatial analytic geometry deals with a variety of geometric objects in three dimensions, including points, lines, planes, and more complex shapes such as spheres, cylinders, and cones. Each of these objects can be described and analyzed using the language and techniques of spatial analytic geometry.4. Equations of Geometric Objects.In spatial analytic geometry, equations are used to describe the geometric objects of interest. For example,the equation of a line in three dimensions can be expressed as a system of two linear equations in x, y, and z. Similarly, the equation of a plane can be expressed as a linear equation in x, y, and z. These equations provide a means to study the properties and relationships ofgeometric objects in a rigorous and systematic manner.5. Applications of Spatial Analytic Geometry.Spatial analytic geometry finds applications in various fields, including computer graphics, robotics, physics, and engineering. In computer graphics, for example, spatial analytic geometry is used to represent and manipulatethree-dimensional objects on a computer screen. In robotics, it is employed to model and control the movement of robotsin three-dimensional space. In physics and engineering, spatial analytic geometry is fundamental to the understanding and analysis of complex systems and structures.6. Conclusion.Spatial analytic geometry is a powerful tool for understanding and analyzing geometric objects in three dimensions. It extends the principles of two-dimensional analytic geometry to the three-dimensional realm, enabling the study of complex spatial relationships and structures. With its wide range of applications, spatial analytic geometry plays a crucial role in fields such as computer graphics, robotics, physics, and engineering. By mastering the concepts and techniques of spatial analytic geometry, one can gain a deeper understanding of the geometric world and apply this understanding to solve real-world problems.。



为什么天文台的屋顶是球形的英语作文In the field of astronomy, the design of the observatory plays a vital role, and one notable feature is the presence of a spherical roof. Let us explore the reasons behind this design choice.One reason for a spherical roof is to provide unobstructed views of the sky. The spherical shape allows for a wide field of vision, enabling astronomers to observe a larger portion of the celestial sphere.This design also helps in minimizing obstruction from surrounding structures or objects, ensuring a clear and uninterrupted view.Another advantage is related to the tracking of celestial objects. The spherical roof facilitates the rotation of the telescope, allowing it to follow the motion of the objects being observed.This enables more comprehensive and precise observations to be made.The shape of the roof assists in evenly distributing weight and structural support. It provides stability to the observatory and protects the delicate instruments inside.It also helps to protect the observatory from external elements such as wind and rain.In addition, a spherical roof can offer better insulation and temperature control. This is crucial for maintaining the optimal conditions within the observatory to ensure the accuracy of the observations.。



一、语法填空1. He ______ (be) late for school because he got up late.2. ______ (be) you going to the party tonight?3. ______ (do) you think it will rain tomorrow?4. ______ (be) this book yours?5. ______ (do) you usually have breakfast?二、选择题1. What is your favorite color?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow2. She ______ (go) to the movies last night.A. isB. wasC. areD. were3. I ______ (not have) any money with me.A. don'tB. doesn'tC. doesn't haveD. don't have4. He ______ (live) in this city for ten years.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. having5. ______ (be) you busy this weekend?A. AreB. IsC. DoD. Does三、完形填空My name is Tom. I ______ (1) ______ in a small town. My family ______ (2) ______ three people: my father, my mother, and me. We ______ (3) ______ a dog named Max. Max is very______ (4) ______. He ______ (5) ______ us a lot. Every day, he ______ (6) ______ with us and ______ (7) ______ us when we are sad. I ______ (8) ______ Max very much.1. A. live B. lived C. living D. lived in2. A. are B. were C. is D. was3. A. have B. has C. had D. having4. A. funny B. funnyly C. funnily D. funny5. A. helps B. helped C. help D. helping6. A. goes B. go C. goes to D. going7. A. makes B. made C. make D. making8. A. like B. likes C. liked D. liking四、阅读理解My favorite animal is the elephant. Elephants are very______ (1) ______ animals. They have ______ (2) ______ trunks and ______ (3) ______ ears. Elephants ______ (4) ______ in Africa and Asia. They are ______ (5) ______ intelligent and ______ (6) ______ friendly. Elephants ______ (7) ______ live in herds. They ______ (8) ______ each other very much.1. A. big B. small C. heavy D. light2. A. long B. short C. thin D. thick3. A. big B. small C. long D. short4. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived5. A. very B. much C. too D. so6. A. very B. much C. too D. so7. A. usually B. often C. always D. never8. A. love B. likes C. loving D. loved五、翻译1. 我每天早上都去跑步。



天体物理学家英文Astronomers are the intrepid explorers of the cosmos, delving into the mysteries of the universe with unwavering curiosity and scientific rigor. These dedicated individuals, known as astrophysicists, have dedicated their lives to unraveling the secrets of the celestial bodies that populate the vast expanse of the heavens.At the heart of an astrophysicist's work lies a deep fascination with the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of stars, galaxies, and the entire cosmic landscape. From the birth and evolution of stars to the nature of black holes and the origins of the universe itself, these scientists seek to uncover the underlying principles that shape the grand cosmic tapestry.One of the primary focuses of astrophysicists is the study of the formation and evolution of stars. By analyzing the spectral signatures and luminosities of these celestial beacons, they can piece together the intricate processes that govern a star's life cycle, from its fiery birth in clouds of gas and dust to its eventual demise, whether in a supernova explosion or a gradual fading into a dense remnant like a white dwarf or neutron star.This knowledge not only satisfies our innate curiosity about the cosmos but also has profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it. The elements that make up our own planet and the very molecules that form the building blocks of life were forged in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and astrophysicists play a crucial role in tracing the origins of these essential materials.Beyond the study of individual stars, astrophysicists also delve into the complex dynamics of galaxies, both near and far. By observing the intricate patterns of motion and the distribution of matter within these vast stellar systems, they can uncover the hidden forces that shape the cosmic landscape, from the gravitational pull of dark matter to the influence of supermassive black holes at the centers of many galaxies.One of the most exciting frontiers in astrophysics is the search for exoplanets – planets orbiting stars other than our own Sun. By employing sophisticated techniques like the transit method and direct imaging, astrophysicists have discovered thousands of these distant worlds, opening up new avenues for understanding the diversity of planetary systems and the potential for extraterrestrial life.The quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe is not without its challenges, however. Astrophysicists must grapple with the vastscales and extreme conditions that characterize the cosmos, often relying on cutting-edge technologies and complex mathematical models to make sense of the data they collect. From the construction of powerful telescopes and space-based observatories to the development of sophisticated computer simulations, these scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.Yet, despite the inherent difficulties of their work, astrophysicists remain driven by a profound sense of wonder and a deep commitment to expanding the frontiers of human understanding. They are the modern-day explorers, charting the uncharted realms of the universe and inspiring generations of young minds to follow in their footsteps.As we continue to delve deeper into the cosmos, the role of the astrophysicist becomes ever more crucial. These dedicated individuals not only contribute to our scientific understanding but also shape our very conception of our place in the grand scheme of the universe. Their work not only satisfies our innate curiosity but also has the potential to unlock the secrets of our origins and the future of our existence.In the end, the pursuit of astrophysics is a testament to the human spirit – a relentless drive to explore, to understand, and to push theboundaries of what is known. It is a journey of discovery that continues to captivate and inspire, and astrophysicists are the intrepid trailblazers leading the way.。



空间科学的英语Space ScienceThe realm of space science is a vast and captivating field that has captivated the minds of humanity for centuries. From the ancient astronomers who gazed upon the stars to the modern-day space explorers who push the boundaries of our understanding, the study of the cosmos has been a driving force in our quest for knowledge and discovery.At the heart of space science lies the fundamental desire to understand the nature of the universe and our place within it. Through the use of advanced technologies, scientists and researchers have been able to unlock the secrets of the heavens, revealing the intricate workings of celestial bodies, the formation and evolution of galaxies, and the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.One of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas of space science is the exploration of our solar system. Robotic probes and manned missions have provided us with a wealth of information about the planets, moons, and other celestial bodies that make up our cosmic neighborhood. From the rugged landscapes of Mars tothe icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, these exploratory missions have shed light on the diverse and dynamic nature of our solar system, opening up new avenues for scientific inquiry and potential human habitation.Beyond our solar system, space science has also made significant strides in understanding the broader universe. The development of powerful telescopes, both on Earth and in space, has allowed us to peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before, revealing the existence of countless galaxies, exoplanets, and other celestial phenomena. The study of these distant objects has provided invaluable insights into the origins and evolution of the universe, as well as the potential for life beyond our planet.One of the most captivating aspects of space science is the search for extraterrestrial life. The discovery of potentially habitable exoplanets, as well as the ongoing exploration of our own solar system, has fueled a growing interest in the possibility of life beyond Earth. From the search for microbial life on Mars to the exploration of the subsurface oceans of Europa and Enceladus, scientists are actively working to uncover the secrets of life in the cosmos.The pursuit of space science is not only driven by the desire to expand our knowledge but also by the potential benefits it can bring to humanity. Advances in space technology have led to thedevelopment of numerous applications that have improved our lives, from satellite-based communication and navigation systems to medical technologies and environmental monitoring. Additionally, the exploration of space has inspired generations of scientists, engineers, and innovators to push the boundaries of what is possible, driving progress and technological innovation across a wide range of fields.Despite the remarkable achievements of space science, there are still many unanswered questions and challenges that lie ahead. The search for habitable exoplanets, the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, and the quest to understand the origins of the universe are just a few of the pressing issues that continue to captivate the minds of scientists and the public alike.As we look to the future, it is clear that space science will continue to play a vital role in our understanding of the universe and our place within it. With the ongoing development of new technologies, the expansion of international collaborations, and the growing public interest in space exploration, the possibilities for future discoveries and advancements in this field are truly limitless.In conclusion, space science is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that has the power to transform our understanding of the cosmos and our own existence. From the exploration of our solar system to thesearch for extraterrestrial life, the pursuit of knowledge in this realm has the potential to unlock the secrets of the universe and inspire generations to come. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, the future of space science remains bright, filled with the promise of new discoveries and the potential to enrich our lives in ways we have yet to imagine.。

the nature of scientific reasoning

the nature of scientific reasoning







1What is the insight in which the scientist tries to see into nature? Can it indeed be called either imaginative or creative? To the literary man the question may seem merely silly. He has been taught that science is a large collection of facts; and if this is true, then the only seeing which scientists need to do is, he supposes, seeing the facts. He pictures them, the colorless professionals of science, going off to work in the morning into the universe in a neutral, unexposed state. They then expose themselves like a photographic plate. And then in the darkroom or laboratory they develop the image, so that suddenly and startlingly it appears, printed in capital letters, as a new formula for atomic energy.原译:什么是洞察力?科学家一直试图弄清它的本质。



空间句法各数值英文When it comes to syntax, the concept of spatial relationships plays a crucial role in understanding the structure of a sentence. There are several numerical values associated with spatial syntax that are important to know.First, there's the concept of "distance" between words. This refers to the number of intervening words between two specific words in a sentence. For example, in the sentence "The cat sat on the mat," the distance between "cat" and "mat" is two.Another important spatial value in syntax is "depth." Depth refers to how deeply embedded a phrase or clause is within a sentence. The deeper a phrase or clause, the more complex the sentence structure becomes."Constituent order" is another crucial factor in understanding spatial syntax. This refers to the order in which sentence elements appear in relation to one another. For example, the constituent order in a sentence like "She ate the apple" is subject-verb-object.In addition to these values, there are also specific rules for spatial syntax in different languages. For example, in some languages, the verb must always come at the end of the sentence or certain words must be placed in a certain order. Understanding these rules is essential for mastering the nuances of different languages.Overall, understanding spatial syntax is a key element in understanding language structure and can help content creators craft effective and clear communication. Keep thesenumerical values in mind as you create content in different languages and strive for clear and effective language use.。



Geometric几何的图形“But in deciding the form of the enclosure但在一定程度上决定了外壳形式..he has had by instinct recourse to right angles-axes他本能地向直角坐标轴求助,the square, the circle…for all these things—axes, circles, right angles—are geometrical truths圆形、正方形、因为这些直角坐标轴、圆形、直角-都是几何的真理…Geometry is the language of man.几何是语言的男人”.In his discussion of form, Le Corbusier is an pains to point out that geometric laws of any particular form should be the basis for subsequent action在他对形式的讨论中,勒柯布西耶是不厌其烦地指出,任何特定形式的几何法则应该是以后的行动基础.Once these geometric laws are understood the various axes can be traced一旦这些几何法则是理解各种轴可以追踪,the properties of forms depending on whether they are linear or centroidal, static or dynamic can be charted 形式的性能取决于他们是否线性或质心,可以指出是静态还是动态.Le Corbusier calls these the “generating lines” of the form.勒柯布西耶称之为“生成线”的形式。

Generating lines生成线“If the essentials of architecture lie in spheres, cones and cylinders, the generating and accusing lines of these forms are on a basic of pure geometry”.“如果在圆锥体和圆柱体在建筑的基础,产生并指责这些形式线是一个纯粹的几何的基本“。


Spectroscopy, from NMR to X-ray. Reaction mechanisms in chemistry and biochemistry.
Intermolecular interactions giving potentials which may be used to study macromolecules, solvent effects, crystal packing, etc.
Thermochemistry, kinetics, transport, materials properties, VLE, solutions
• 将微观粒子视为经典粒子,服从
定律 或
Newton 第二
• 若各粒子的瞬时受力已知,可用数值积分求出
用MD中的“模板强制法” ( Template-forcing ) 确定一对柔性分 子相应功能团可能的空间取向
模 板 加模板
O.A Karim & A.D.J. Haymet, J.Chem. Phys., 89, 6889(1988))
• 经典模型的局限 — 未涉及化学行为的物理本质
化合物的性质 电子结构
化学反应 核与电子运动状态的变化
• 伴随有电子跃迁、转移、变价的过程,经典的
一、量子力学第一原理 — 多体Shrö dinger方程
i 2
• 分子中电子和原子



广义相对论英文General relativity is a theory describing the laws of gravity and how it affects the structure of spacetime. It was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915 and has since been one of the most important scientific breakthroughs in history. Here are some key points about the theory and its relevance.1. Spacetime curvature: According to general relativity, gravity is not a force that pulls objects towards each other, as commonly believed, but rather, it's the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of matter or energy. This curvature determines the path that objects follow as they move through space, explaining why planets orbit the sun and why objects fall towards the Earth.2. Black holes: General relativity predicts the existence of black holes, regions of spacetime where the curvature is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. These are some of the most mysterious objects in the universe, and scientists continue to study them to better understand their properties and behavior.3. Gravitational waves: Einstein's theory also predicted the existence of gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime that are created by the acceleration of massive objects, such as two merging black holes. These waves were first detected in 2015, confirming one of the mostsignificant predictions of general relativity and opening up a new field of astronomy.4. Cosmology: General relativity is closely linked to the study of cosmology, the branch of astronomy that deals with the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. The theory provides a framework for understanding the overall structure and behavior of the universe, including the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe, and the distribution of matter and energy.5. Tests and challenges: General relativity has been extensively tested and confirmed by numerous observations and experiments over the past century, but it is not a complete theory of gravity. There are still many unanswered questions and challenges, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the need to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics.In conclusion, general relativity is a fundamental theory of physics that has revolutionized our understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe. Its predictions have been confirmed time and time again, and it continues to inspire new discoveries and advancements in physics and astronomy.。

微分几何与广义相对论 英文

微分几何与广义相对论 英文

微分几何与广义相对论英文English Answer:Differential geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies smooth manifolds, which are spaces that are locally Euclidean. It is a fundamental tool in general relativity, which is a theory of gravity that describes the universe on a large scale.In general relativity, spacetime is modeled as a smooth manifold. The curvature of spacetime is determined by the distribution of mass and energy in the universe. The equations of general relativity describe how the curvature of spacetime affects the motion of objects.Differential geometry provides the mathematical tools that are needed to understand the curvature of spacetime. These tools include the concepts of Riemannian manifolds, curvature tensors, and geodesics.Riemannian manifolds are smooth manifolds that are equipped with a metric tensor. The metric tensor is a field that assigns a length to each tangent vector at each point on the manifold. The curvature tensor is a field that measures the curvature of the manifold. Geodesics are curves on the manifold that minimize the distance between two points.The equations of general relativity can be expressed in terms of the curvature tensor and the metric tensor. These equations describe how the curvature of spacetime affects the motion of objects.Differential geometry is a powerful tool that has been used to make significant advances in our understanding of gravity. It is a fundamental part of general relativity, and it continues to be used to explore the nature of the universe.Chinese Answer:微分几何是数学的一个分支,它研究光滑流形,即局部欧几里得空间。



Mathematics has always been a subject that both fascinates and intimidates me. Its a realm where logic and creativity intertwine, where every problem has a solution, and every solution is a testament to the beauty of the human mind. My journey with math has been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with moments of triumph and despair, but ultimately, it has been a journey of growth and discovery.Growing up, I was never particularly drawn to math. It seemed like a language that was spoken by a select few, a language that I could not understand. The numbers, the equations, the theorems they all seemed like a maze with no clear path. However, as I progressed through my high school years, I began to see math in a different light.It started with algebra, a subject that many find daunting but which I found surprisingly intuitive. The idea of using letters to represent numbers, of creating equations that could describe the world around us, was intriguing. I remember the first time I solved a complex equation, the sense of accomplishment was indescribable. It was like unlocking a secret door that had been closed to me for so long.Geometry was another turning point for me. The elegance of geometric shapes, the precision with which they could be described and analyzed, was mesmerizing. I was particularly fascinated by the Pythagorean theorem, a simple yet powerful principle that underlies so much of our understanding of space and distance. It was like discovering a hidden pattern in the fabric of the universe.Calculus, on the other hand, was a challenge. The concepts of limits, derivatives, and integrals were abstract and difficult to grasp. But as I delved deeper, I began to appreciate the profound implications of these ideas. Calculus is the language of change, the tool that allows us to understand the world in motion. From the growth of populations to the trajectory of a rocket, calculus provides the framework for understanding the dynamic nature of reality.One of the most rewarding aspects of studying math is the problemsolving process. Theres a certain thrill in tackling a difficult problem, in piecing together the clues and arriving at a solution. Its a process that requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to think outside the box. And when you finally crack the code, the feeling is exhilarating.But math is not just about solving problems its also about creativity and imagination. There are countless examples of mathematicians who have used their creativity to push the boundaries of what is possible. From the fractal patterns of Benoit Mandelbrot to the mindbending concepts of nonEuclidean geometry, math is a playground for the imagination.Moreover, math has practical applications in virtually every field. From finance to physics, from engineering to economics, a strong foundation in math is essential for success. In todays world, where data is king and analytics drive decisionmaking, the ability to think mathematically is more important than ever.Despite the challenges and complexities, I have come to appreciate thebeauty of math. Its a subject that demands rigor and precision, but it also rewards those who are willing to invest the time and effort. Its a subject that can be frustrating at times, but its also a subject that can be deeply rewarding.In conclusion, my understanding of math has evolved significantly over the years. Its no longer a subject that I view with trepidation rather, its a subject that I approach with curiosity and enthusiasm. Math is a journey, a journey of exploration and discovery, a journey that has shaped my thinking and broadened my horizons. Its a journey that I am excited to continue, for as long as I can.。



一、 系统发生分析
系统发生学研究物种之间的进化关系,基本思想是比较物种 的特征,并认为特征相似的物种在遗传学上接近。研究结果 往往以系统发生树表示,用它描述物种之间的进化关系。 通过对生物学数据的建模提取特征,进而比较这些特征,研

These trees can be pictures that are worth thousand of words, and it is possible for them to convey not just the relatedness of data sets but also their divergence times and the nature of their common ancestors.
F E†
F E†
Bacterium 1 Bacterium 2 Bacterium 3 Eukaryote 1 Eukaryote 2 Eukaryote 3 Eukaryote 4 Bacterium 1 Bacterium 2 Bacterium 3 Eukaryote 1
Graphics by Mark A. Klingler, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Reconstructing Phylogenies

The only universal biological fact is that all species are related by descent
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Geometry of the Space of Phylogenetic TreesLouis J.BilleraDepartment of Mathematics,Malott Hall,Cornell University,Ithaca,NY14853E-mail:billera@andSusan P.HolmesINRA,Montpellier,France and Department of Statistics,Stanford University,Stanford,CA94305E-mail:susan@andKaren VogtmannDepartment of Mathematics,Malott Hall,Cornell University,Ithaca,NY14853E-mail:vogtmann@We consider a continuous space which models the set of all phylogenetic trees having afixed set of leaves.This space has a natural metric of nonpositive curvature,giving a way of measuring distance between phylogenetictrees and providing some procedures for averaging or combining several treeswhose leaves are identical.This geometry also shows which trees appear withinafixed distance of a given tree and enables construction of convex hulls of aset of trees.This geometric model of tree space provides a setting in which questions that have been posed by biologists and statisticians over the last decade canbe approached in a systematic fashion.For example,it provides a justificationfor disregarding portions of a collection of trees that agree,thus simplifyingthe space in which comparisons are to be made.Mathematics Subject Classification:92D15,92B10,05C05,62P10. Keywords:Phylogenetic trees,semi-labeled trees,associahedron,CAT(0) space,consensus,bootstrap.This work was supported,in part,by NSF grants DMS9800910,DMS9973891and DMS9971607.12BILLERA,HOLMES AND VOGTMANNMOTIV ATIONTrees have been used extensively in biology and otherfields to graphically represent various types of hierarchical relationships,including evolutionary relationships between species,divergent patterns between subpopulations and evolutionary relationships between genes.These trees are generally rooted and semi-labeled,i.e.,they descend from a single node called the root,bifurcate at lower nodes and end at terminal nodes,called tips or leaves;the leaves are labeled by the names of the species,subpopulations or genes being studied.In biological studies the latter are called operational taxonomic units(OTU’s).Traditionally,trees were inferred form morphological similarities among the OTU’s.To build an evolutionary species tree,or phylogenetic tree,two species which shared the most characteristics were classified as‘siblings’and assumed to share a common ancestor which is not the ancestor of any other species.Such‘siblings’are said to be homologous,and it is this basic homology which has been of interest to biologists for a very long time. In Figure1we reproduce a tree from Haeckel(1866)which represents an attempt at depicting the relationships between all living organisms.Over the last few decades,biologists have been building trees based on DNA sequences from certain parts of the genome.This has led to remark-able advances in the study of homology.Examples of the kinds of issues on which new light has been shed include the origin of diseases such as AIDS (Krushkal and Li(1998))and the most deadly form of malaria(Escalante and Ayala(1995)),and connections between tribal groups such as those raised by the African tribe whose oral tradition holds that the tribe is de-scended from Jewish priests(DNA analysis does indicate such a relation). In spite of the successes of DNA analysis,a great deal of uncertainty remains about precise relationships between the tips or leaves of the tree. Uncertainty about which branching order is the correct one is sometimes represented byfilling out the tree as in Figure2to cover several possible binary trees and exclude others which biologists are sure are impossible.SPACE OF PHYLOGENETIC TREES3Figure1:Haeckel’s tree with3branches4BILLERA,HOLMES AND VOGTMANNFigure2:Equus tree from(MacFadden,1985)For example Figure2from MacFadden(1985)implicitly rules out the possibility of Sinohippus and Protohippus being homologous;however it also allows for indetermination of the branching order of Neohipparion, Pseudohipparion and Cormohipparion.In this paper we propose a geomet-ric model which parameterizes the set of trees with afixed set of OTU’s; in this model,uncertainty can be represented by coloring in the portions of the space corresponding to possible trees.SPACE OF PHYLOGENETIC TREES5 One reason for uncertainty about the true phylogenetic tree is that dif-ferent choices for DNA sequences(usually the choice of a single gene or coding region)often point to different trees,each of which is called a‘gene-tree’(Doyle,1992).Finding the best way of combining the information contained in numerous different gene-trees for the same set of species re-mains an open problem in contemporary biology.Several methods have been proposed to solve this combination problem.One proposal is to treat the data from different genes as if they came from a single gene.For exam-ple,Brooks(1981)has suggested building all the different trees and then coding the tree data into binary columns,combining them andfinding the best tree for the combined columns.Other proposed methods use some specified set of combination rules such as majority rule,strict consensus or Bayesian combination.A difficulty with combining data from different genes into a single,larger data set arises from differences in the mutation rates in different genes.Another interesting effect is that in simulation studies,where the true tree topology is known in advance,investigators have observed that a more accurate tree is obtained by subdividing the data into many different sequences and then averaging by some method than by agglomerating all of the sequences and then building a single tree with the merged data.Perturbing the simulated data by bootstrap resam-pling and then averaging also produces a tree which is closer to the known original tree(Berry and Gascuel,1996).This points to the importance of understanding the rules used to average trees.None of the proposed con-sensus rules has previously been studied in a geometric context.Details of their comparison in the geometric context introduced in this paper will be explained in Billera et al.(2001).Uncertainty about the true phylogenetic tree arises also from problems of statistical stability.The classical tree-building algorithms attempt tofind a single tree consistent with the data.The question of how sure one is that the tree is correct is thus also a statistical one:the tree becomes an unknown parameter that the various procedures are trying to estimate.Would a small change in the data resulting from a sequencing or an alignment error result in a change of choice of the resulting tree?This is currently studied by using bootstrapping as a perturbation tool(Felsenstein,1983),but in fact this can be interpreted as a problem in the estimation process.This problem has inspired certain authors(see Efron et al.(1996)and Zharkikh and Li(1995))to imagine partitioning a space of trees into regions,each labeled by a different binary tree.When a data set is associated to a point in this space,the question of the resulting tree’s stability can be translated into a question about how close the point is to the boundary between different regions.The question was raised in Zharkikh and Li(1995)as to how many regions are within a certain range of a given point.The current paper attempts to give the intuitive arguments presented in the above cited6BILLERA,HOLMES AND VOGTMANNpapers a rigorous geometric interpretation.In particular,since our space of trees has a metric,this allows a“Voronoi”decomposition into nearest-neighbor regions,that is,regions consisting of those trees closest to each of afixedfinite set of trees(see Edelsbrunner(1987)).One more reason for uncertainty about the true phylogenetic tree involves the tree-building process.Thefirst problem encountered by taxonomists who build phylogenetic trees using any of the several methods available is the complexity of the underlying optimization problem.There are(2n−3)!!=(2n−3)×(2n−5)×...3=(2n−2)! 2n−1(n−1)!rooted binary semi-labeled trees with n leaves(Schr¨o der,1870).The prob-lem of computing the best tree for a certain data set is NP complete for two of the most common methods,the maximum likelihood methods and the parsimony methods(Foulds and Graham,1982).As a consequence bi-ologists have to use approximate optimization algorithms that use random starting points and certain random moves between trees.The resulting trees thus vary from run to run.The geometric model we introduce in this paper allows one to compare these trees in a quantitative way.Such comparisons could be useful in contexts such as those discussed in Lin and Gerstein(2000).Biologists use a range of methods to construct trees from DNA sequences, each of which results in a tree with branch lengths.At one end of the spec-trum lie the parametric models,such as the maximum likelihood method. In this method,a probability is given for each possible base change in a DNA sequence,and the tree that maximizes the likelihood under this model is the one chosen as the best estimate.Many biologists believe that as more data becomes available the mutation rates will be known with better accu-racy and parametric models will be better justified.The geometric model of tree space presented in this paper enables one to represent the maximum likelihood tree as a point in a space of trees with branch lengths;it should then be possible to define isocontour regions around the estimated tree to build the desired confidence regions.In a parametric model,the data are approximated by points in a very low-dimensional manifold,thereby losing much of the information contained in the original data.The Jukes-Cantor model,for instance,uses an n-dimensional parameterization of the data corresponding to trees with n leaves.To get a rough idea of this,imagine asserting that the data points lie on an ellipse and then choosing the two parameters of the ellipse so as to minimize the sum of the distances from the points to the ellipse.The ellipse is parameterized by two numbers,and represents the parametric model that biologists will try tofit the data to.SPACE OF PHYLOGENETIC TREES7 At the other end of the spectrum of tree-building methods lie the non-parametric models,such as the parsimony representation.A nonparametric approach could simply interpolate between points;as the number of points increases the number of descriptive parameters increases.A more sophisti-cated nonparametric approach would propose a smooth curve minimizing the distance to the points.Thus nonparametric methods are also said to be infinite dimensional.For instance,in the parsimony model,the tree is defined to be the minimal Steiner tree compatible with the observed dis-tances between the OTU’s,the branch lengths then represent numbers of mutation events.In between these two extremes lie the distance-based methods,which are semi-parametric models,in which the mutation model is parametric with very few parameters(usually between one and four)and the tree building procedure is non-parametric.See Holmes(1999)for a detailed comparison of these three estimation paradigms.Each method of producing trees from data results in trees with branch lengths,but these branch lengths have different meanings in different meth-ods.The choice of which procedure is used to produce trees will not affect the geometric representation of the space of trees as we propose it here, but only the interpretation of points in the space.A brief summary of the paper follows.In§1,we describe two preliminary attempts to obtain a geometric setting for the study of trees,each closely related to a convex polytope(the matching polytope and the associahe-dron).In§2we give an explicit construction of the space of trees T n,and in§3we give some of its basic combinatorial properties.While T n is not a manifold,the underlying combinatorial properties of trees help expose some of its structure.In§4we study the geometric properties of T n such as curvature(the CAT(0)property),geodesics and centroids.We also dis-cuss ways to introduce probability measures on this space in order tofind a geometric setting for the statistical study of tree data.We conclude in §5with a discussion of some of the questions that arise when considering such data.1.TWO PRELIMINARY ATTEMPTSIn Diaconis and Holmes(1998),trees were coded as“matchings”on a complete graph.These matchings allow trees to be identified with the vertices of a convex polytope,called the matching polytope(see Lovasz and Plummer(1985)).A shortcoming of this matching representation is that a small move on the matching polytope may have either a very small or a very large effect on the tree,as it interchanges two nodes which may be either far from or close to the root.This asymmetry in the matching8BILLERA,HOLMES AND VOGTMANNrepresentation is not present in the geometric representation presented in this paper.There is another convex polytope,called the associahedron(see Lee (1989)or Stasheff(1963))whose vertices can be identified with the set of planar rooted binary trees with n leaves in afixed order or,equivalently, with the set of triangulations of an(n+1)-gon.The associahedron for n=4is a pentagon,and is illustrated in Figure3;the triangulations are indicated by dotted lines and the corresponding binary trees are drawn with solid lines.Two vertices of the associahedron are adjacent if the corresponding triangulations differ by“rotating”a single interior edge e, i.e.,removing e to form a quadrilateral in the interior of the(n+1)-gon and then replacing e by the opposite diagonal of the quadrilateral.The corresponding trees are also said to be linked by rotation(see Figure15).123 4123 40 1234012341234Figure3:Associahedron in the case n=4By“gluing”associahedra together,one can construct a space of planar labeled trees with n leaves,where each associahedron corresponds to a dif-ferent ordering of the labels.This space has appeared in several different contexts(Davis et al.,1998;Devadoss,1999;Kapranov,1993),and is de-noted M0,n+1.The space M0,5is tiled with12pentagons,corresponding to all possible permutations of the leaves up to complete reversal.Each space M0,n+1has a dual tiling by(n−3)-dimensional cubes.The dual tiling of M0,5,by squares,is illustrated in Figure4;in the dual tiling,theSPACE OF PHYLOGENETIC TREES9 12pentagons become12vertices of degree5.The shaded region shows asingle tile of the tiling by associahedra.Figure4:Cubical tiling of M0,5,where the arrows indicate oriented identifications.A problem with the above representation is that we are interested inthe abstract combinatorial information contained in the tree,which doesnot depend on how the tree is embedded in the plane.The space of treesas described in this paper is in fact a quotient of M0,n+1,but a directconstruction seems easier to visualize.One should be able to view thisspace as the subset of the cone of all metrics on afixedfinite set consistingof those metrics that are derived from trees.See,for example,B¨o cker andDress(1998)for the relation between trees and metrics.2.CONSTRUCTION OF THE SPACE OF TREESIn this section,we describe a geometric model for tree space,in whicheach point represents a rooted semi-labeled tree with n leaves and positivebranch lengths on all interior edges.In general one moves around in thespace by varying the branch lengths of the trees,but when a branch length10BILLERA,HOLMES AND VOGTMANNreaches0some degeneration or uncertainty occurs which can be resolved in one of several ways,each of which leads to a new tree.We now proceed to formally define the space.The term n-tree will mean a tree(i.e.,a connected graph with no circuits),with a distinguished vertex, called the root,and n vertices of degree1,called leaves,that are labeled from1to n.Although we are primarily interested in binary trees(i.e., trees in which the root has degree2and all other vertices have degree1 or3),in order to interpolate between these we will also need to consider trees whose vertices have larger degree.Perversely,mathematicians usually put the root at the top when drawing a picture of a tree,so that the tree “grows downward”from its root(see Figure5).Figure5:A semi-labeled binary treeFor technical reasons,it will often be convenient to“hang each tree up by its root,”i.e.,to place an edge directly above the root of every tree,with the corresponding leaf labeled with0.Note that there are several ways of drawing a diagram of the same tree,depending on how it is embedded in the plane.For example,the three pictures in Figure6represent the same tree.Figure6:Three pictures of the same treeOn the other hand,two trees that have exactly the same combinatorial structure but whose leaves are labeled differently are considered different (see Figure7).The number of different binary trees on n leaves is equalto (2n −3)!!.In contrast,the number of different unlabeled trees with n leaves is the Catalan number C n −1=1n 2(n −1)n −1 .For example,there are 15different binary trees with 4leaves.If we do not restrict ourselves to bi-nary trees,the enumeration can be done through an exponential generating function (Stanley,1999,p.14).The problem of enumerating labeled trees is Schr¨o der’s fourth problem Schr¨o der (1870).Stanley (1999,p.14)finds that there is no analytical formula.The solution to Exercise 5.40(page 133)in Stanley (1999)gives references and a discussion.Figure 7:Different treesA metric n -tree is an n -tree with lengths greater than 0on all of its interior edges.(An edge of an n -tree is called interior if it is not connected to a leaf.)In what follows,the term “tree”will mean a metric n -tree,unless otherwise specified.One could also consider trees with positive lengths on all edges,including those leading to leaves.However,the effect of this on tree space is simply to take the product with an n -dimensional Euclidean space.Since this does not significantly affect the geometry of the space,we will ignore this,knowing that it is possible to add this information at any later point that we wish.Now consider a tree T ,with interior edges e 1,...,e r of lengths l 1,...,l r respectively.If T is binary,then r =n −2;otherwise r <n −2.The vector (l 1,...,l r )specifies a point in the positive open orthant (0,∞)r .To each other point in this orthant,we associate the unique metric n -tree which is combinatorially the same as T but has different edge lengths,specified by the coordinates of that point.Points on the boundary of the orthant,i.e.,length vectors with at least one coordinate equal to zero,correspond to metric n -trees which are obtained from T by shrinking some interior edges of T to 0;thus each point in the orthant [0,∞)r corresponds to a unique metric n -tree (see Figure 8).Figure8:The2-dimensional quadrant corresponding to a metric4-tree An n-tree has the maximal possible number of interior edges(namely n−2),and thus determines the largest possible dimensional orthant,when it is a binary tree;in this case the orthant is(n−2)-dimensional.The orthant corresponding to each tree which is not binary appears as a boundary face of the orthants corresponding to at least three binary trees;in particular the origin of each orthant corresponds to the(unique)tree with no interior edges.We construct the space T n by taking one(n−2)-dimensional orthantfor each of the(2n−3)!!=(2n−3)·(2n−5)···5·3·1possible binarytrees,and gluing them together along their common faces.For n=3there are three binary trees,each with1interior edge.Each tree thus determines a1-dimensional“orthant,”i.e.,a ray from the origin. The three rays are identified at their origins(see Figure9).Figure9:T3For n=4there are15binary trees,so that the space T4consists of15 two-dimensional quadrants which all share a common origin.Each bound-ary ray appears in exactly3of the quadrants as in Figure10.Note that a horizontal slice of thisfigure forms a copy of T3embedded in T4.In general,T n contains many embedded copies of T k for k<n.Figure10:Three quadrants sharing a common boundary ray in T4All15quadrants for n=4share the same origin.If we take the diagonal line segment x+y=1in each quadrant,we obtain a graph with an edge for each quadrant and a trivalent vertex for each boundary ray(see Figure 11).This graph is called the link of the origin.Figure11:Constructing the link of the origin in T4Figure12shows another portion of the link which forms a pentagon embedded in its ambient quadrants.Figure12:A pentagon in the linkThe entire link of the origin is shown in Figure13,without the ambient quadrants.The entire space T4is an infinite cone on this graph,with cone point the origin.It is interesting to note that the link of the origin ina b cbac4BINATORICS OF THE SPACE OF TREESIn this section we consider certain combinatorial aspects of the space of trees,and in particular relations to combinatorial structures which have been studied in other contexts.The combinatorial properties of the link ofthe origin of this space will be useful in the study of its geometry in the following section.3.1.Relation to the associahedron and moduli spacesWe observe that the link of the origin in the space T4is a graph whose shortest circuit has length5.Figure12above showed a length5circuit in this graph,embedded in the appropriate quadrants of T4.This pentagon is easily identified with the boundary of the dual polytope of the associahedron on4letters(see Figure3).This is a general phenomenon.The link of the origin L n is defined for all values of n,as the union of the sets of points in each orthant with coordinate sum equal to1.Since the set of such points in a single orthant forms a simplex,L n has the structure of a simplicial complex of dimension n−3,with one k-simplex for every tree with k+1interior edges.Proposition3.1.The dual of the associahedron on n letters is embed-ded in T n;its boundary is a subcomplex of the link L n.Proof:The associahedron parameterizes the set of planar rooted trees with n leaves in afixed order.If we restrict the branch lengths to be bounded by some constant C>0, then the resulting subspace of T n is a quotient of the manifold M0,n+1 defined in section1.Points of M0,n+1can be interpreted as rooted planar trees with branch lengths between0and C,modulo a certain equivalence relation,given as follows:a rooted planar tree has a natural left-to-right ordering on the edges descending from each vertex;if the edge above a vertex P has length C,then reversing all orderings at P and at all ver-tices below P produces an equivalent tree.The manifold M0,n+1has been studied by mathematicians in a variety of different guises(moduli space of stable(n+1)-pointed curves,minimal blow-up of the projective braid ar-rangement,cyclic operad of mosaics).See for example Davis et al.(1998); Devadoss(1999);Kapranov(1993);the latter especially gives some back-ground references.binatorics of the link of the originAn alternate description of the link L n can be given in terms of parti-tions of the set{0,1,...,n}of leaves(recall that we have attached a leaf labeled0to the root).The correspondence between partitions and trees hinges on the observation that each interior edge of a tree partitions the leaves into two sets,each with at least two elements(such a partition is called thick).Different edges of the same tree give compatible partitions,where two partitions{X,Y}and{X ,Y }of{0,1,...,n}are defined to be compatible if one of the subsetsX∩X X∩Y X ∩Y Y∩Yis empty.The link L n can now be identified with the simplicial complex whose k-simplices are sets of k+1pairwise compatible thick partitions of {0,1,...,n}.In this guise,L n is studied in Vogtmann(1990),where it is shown that L n has the homotopy type of a wedge of(n−1)!spheres of dimension(n−3)(in fact,L n is Cohen-Macaulay);see also Robinson and Whitehouse(1996).Each of these spheres corresponds to the boundary of an associahedron embedded in T n.3.3.Tree rotationsCombinatorialists sometimes measure the distance between binary trees by counting the number of rotations needed to change one tree to another. Here a rotation is a move which collapses an interior edge to zero,then expands the resulting degree4vertex into an edge and two degree3vertices in a new way(see Figure15).This move is known to the biologists as a nearest neighbor interchange(NNI)Waterman and Smith(1978).Figure15:RotationIn the link L n as we have defined it,each maximal simplex corresponds to a binary tree,and two maximal simplices share a codimension1face if and only if the corresponding trees differ by a rotation move.In Sleator et al.(1992)it is shown that the maximal rotation distance between two trees on n leaves is O(n log n),while the maximal rotation distance between two trees contained in the same associahedron is exactly2n−6(see Sleator et al.(1988)).These results give an indication of the size of our space of trees.4.GEOMETRY OF THE SPACE OF TREESBy the geometry of the space we mean its metric,as opposed to com-binatorial,properties.The space of trees comes equipped with a natural distance function,due to the fact that it is made up of standard Euclideanorthants.The distance between any two points in the same orthant is sim-ply the usual Euclidean distance.If two points are in different orthants,we can join them by a sequence of straight segments,with each segment lying in a single orthant;we can then measure the length of the path by adding up the lengths of the segments.We define the distance between the two points to be the minimum of the lengths of such “segmented”paths joining the two points.A segmented path giving the smallest distance between two points is called a geodesic .4.1.Non-positive curvatureA metric space X is said to have non-positive curvature if triangles in X are “at least as thin”as Euclidean triangles (see Figure 16).More precisely,X is said to be CAT(0)if the following is true:given any three points a,b and c in X ,with distances d 1=d (b,c ),d 2=d (a,c )and d 3=d (a,b ),form a “comparison triangle”in the Euclidean plane with vertices a ,b and c with side lengths d 1=d (b ,c ),d 2=d (a ,c )and d 3=d (a ,b ).If x is a point on the geodesic from a to b ,at distance d from a ,find the corresponding point x on the straight line from a to b at distance d from a .Then d (x,c )≤d (x ,c ).a b c c’a’b’x x’Figure 16:Comparison triangleThe following lemma shows that the natural metric on T n has non-positive curvature.This key property of T n has many important conse-quences,including uniqueness of geodesic paths and existence and unique-ness of various types of centroids.Lemma 4.1.T n is a CAT(0)space.Proof.We first subdivide each orthant into the unit cubes having integral vertices.The space T n is then a cubical complex.A theorem of Gromov (1987)states that a cubical complex is CAT(0)if and only if the link of every vertex is a flag complex,i.e.,a simplicial complex in which a simplex belongs to the complex if and only if its entire 1-skeleton does.(In particular,if all the edges of a triangle are in the complex then so is the triangle;if all edges of a tetrahedron are in the complex,then so is thetetrahedron,and so on).Note that the link L n of the origin,defined in the previous section,is such a complex,since simplices are defined by pairwise compatibility of partitions.Let v be an arbitrary vertex of the cube complex,which lies in the interior of a(unique)orthant of dimension k.This orthant corresponds to a tree with k interior edges,and thus to a set S of k pairwise compatible partitions of{0,...,n}.If k is maximal,i.e.,k=n−2,the link of v is a triangulated sphere,which we think of as the k-fold suspension of the empty set.In gen-eral,the link of v is the k-fold suspension of the subcomplex of L n spanned by all partitions compatible with S.Since this itself is aflag complex,and since the suspension of aflag complex is againflag,this completes the proof.Alternatively,T n is the0-cone on the link L n(for definition,see Bridson and Haefliger(1999,I.5)).Since L n is aflag complex,it is is CAT(1)by Gromov’s theorem(Bridson and Haefliger(1999, 5.18,p.211)).A theorem of Berestowski(Bridson and Haefliger(1999,3.14,p.188))then implies that T n is CAT(0).In the case n=4,theflag condition says that the links of all vertices are graphs with no triangles;note that,for example,the smallest circuit in the link of the origin has length5.The fact that the set of unlabeled trees forms aflag complex was noted in(Billera et al.,1999).4.2.GeodesicsSince the tree space T n is CAT(0),it follows by Gromov(1987)that there is a unique shortest path connecting any two points of T n,called the geodesic.In this section we characterize geodesics and show how tofind them.Once the geodesic is found,its length gives the distance between the two trees.There is an obvious path between any two trees T and T in T n,obtained by connecting T to the origin by a straight line segment,then connecting the origin to T by another straight line segment;we will call this path the cone path from T to T .The cone path may or may not be a geodesic, depending on the“angle”it makes at the origin T0.One makes this precise as follows.We have described the link of the origin in T n as the union of“flat”sim-plices,consisting of all points in each orthant with coordinate sum equal to one.We could just as well have considered each simplex as the intersection of the unit sphere with the appropriate orthant,i.e.,the set of points such that the sum of the squares of the coordinates is equal to one.This new metric on simplices extends to a natural metric on the entire link L n,in which each simplex is a right-angled spherical simplex with all edges of lengthπ/2.Each tree T of T n lies on a unique ray from the origin.The intersection of this ray with L n is called the projection of T onto L n,and。
