XXXXXX-XXX-XX-IN1001-01 简化版


XXXXXX-XXX-XX-IN1001-01 简化版

XXXXXX-XXX-XX-IN1001-01 简化版

PRE'D位号仪表信号来源电源电压输入卡地址备注TAG NO.SIGN. FROM POWER VOL.INPUT ADD.REMARKSRCV-103-007气动切断阀24VDCPIT-103-019隔膜压力变送器24VDC 二线制TT-103-012一体化温度变送器24VDC WE-1O3-031称重系统无源四线制220V ACRCV-103-003气动切断阀 火灾安全24VDC FT-104-002质量流量计无源四线制24VDCFY-104-006DCS FQIC-104-002DCS 无源HS-104-003MCC/DCSRCV-103-002气动切断阀24VDC LS-103-011无源四线制24VDCRCV-120-075气动切断阀24VDC ST-103-015速度传感器无源四线制220V ACSIC-103-015DCS无源JI-103-015MCC无源HS-103-015MCC/DCSFT-112-002质量流量计无源四线制of DO 无源触点DO 无源触点DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )4~20mA.4~20mA.DO 无源触点DO 无源触点DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )DO 无源触点XXX I/O LIST4~20mA DI 无源触点4~20mADI 无源触点DI 无源触点4~20mADI 无源触点DI 无源触点DI 无源触点(SIS)DI 无源触点(SIS)DI 无源触点DI 无源触点(SIS)4~20mA输出信号4~20mAOUTPUT SIGN.DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )输入信号INPUT SIGN.DI 无源触点DI 无源触点4~20mA.DC 4~20mA.DC (SIS)OUTPUT ADD.输出卡地址PRE'D位号仪表信号来源电源电压输入卡地址备注TAG NO.SIGN. FROMPOWER VOL.INPUT ADD.REMARKSof XXX I/O LIST输出信号OUTPUT SIGN.输入信号INPUT SIGN.OUTPUT ADD.输出卡地址FIC-112-002DCS 无源HS-112-003MCC/DCSWE-111-008称重系统无源四线制220V ACFT-116-002质量流量计无源四线制24VDCFIC-116-002DCS 无源HS-116-003MCC/DCSWE-115-001称重系统无源四线制220V ACRCV-120-002气动切断阀24VDC RCV-120-054气动切断阀24VDC LS-120-007音叉液位控制器无源四线制24VDCWE-120-031称重系统无源四线制220V ACHS-121-001 SOLENOID VAVLE 24VDCTT-120-011一体化温度变送器24VDC 二线制RCV-120-009气动切断阀 火灾安全24VDCRCV-120-010气动三通切断阀24VDC ST-120-016速度传感器无源四线制DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )DO 有源接点DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )DO 有源接点DO 有源接点(SIS )4~20mA.DO 无源触点DO 无源触点DO 有源接点DO 无源触点DO 无源触点4~20mA.DI 无源触点DI 无源触点4~20mA4~20mA4~20mA.DC DI 无源触点DI 无源触点(SIS)DI 无源触点DI 无源触点DI 无源触点(SIS)DI 无源触点(SIS)DI 无源触点4~20mADI 无源触点DI 无源触点4~20mA4~20mA。



Sample Letter to Document Disability From Primary Care PhysicianTo Vocational RehabilitationDateTO: NAME OF VR COUNSELOROffice of Rehabilitation ServicesADDRESSCITY, STATEFROM: DOCTOR’s NAME (its better if this is on the physician’s letterhead)RE: John (XXXXXX) XXXXXXX, Age 18, DOB XX/XX/1986Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXGraduate of XXXXXX High School as of June 9, 2004Dear NAME OF VR COUNSELOR,The purpose of this letter is to document significant chronic health conditions that impair activities of daily living for XXXXXXX – XXXXXX. I have been his primary care physician for18 years.XXXXXX’s health issues and their effect on school and potential employment do meet the definition of disability by Utah’s Vocational Rehabilitation criteria [Title 53A Chapter 24, 102(3)] and ADA and Section 504 requirements (see fact sheet on last page).SIGNIFICANT HEALTH IMPAIRMENTS• Endocrine System - TYPE ONE DIABETES• Digestive System - ULCERATIVE COLITIS• Immune System - ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITISCONFIDENTIALITY SAFEGUARDS - In compliance with HIPAA confidentiality mandates permission for this personal health information has been obtained by the patient, and as such this letter should be treated as highly confidential records and not shared without the patient’s permission.What follows is an overview of the health issues that XXXXXX lives with. Enclosed are relevant reports and findings of recent and past health related medical testing.TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT & IMPORTANT OF HEALTH CARE BENEFITSIt is important to consider what XXXXXX could do to meet his potential, live independently, and remain as healthy as possible. XXXXXX is a very bright young man who has displayed numerous talents in music, art, writing, literature, and science.Given his educational performance, intellectual abilities and aspirations, he certainly has the potential to do well in competitive employment through post-secondary college courses – if supported. It will be essential that career development be aimed at stable; well-paying jobs that offer comprehensive benefits to assure maintain health status and financial independence.In sum, I believe that offering XXXXXX financial and technology support through the Office of Rehabilitative Services would ensure not only employability but also would support all important aspects of independent living and optimal quality of life. Please contact me if you require further information.Sincerely,XXXXXXXXX, M.D.Etc.XXXXXX XXXXXX Chronic Health Issues1. TYPE ONE DIABETES, ICD-9 CODE: 250.01, Diagnosed: 1998; age 12 yearsHealth Impact to XXXXXX – He requires daily insulin, strict dietary management, and daily/hourlymonitoring and management of blood sugar levels. He has been hospitalized several times, either forsevere hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis.2. ULCERATIVE COLITIS, ICD-9 CODE: 556.9, Diagnosed: Diagnosed 2000; age 14 yearsXXXXXX required surgery for this. He had a colectomy.Health Impact to XXXXXX – Although he technically no longer has ulcerative colitis due to the absence of a colon, he continues to suffer from acute episodes of pouchitis. Symptoms, including steadily increasingstool frequency that may be accompanied by incontinence, bleeding, fever and/or feeling of urgency. Most cases can be treated with a short course of antibiotics. Additionally, absence of a colon causes problemswith nutritional absorption and is associated with XXXXXX’s below-average weight.3. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, ICD-9 CODE: 720.0, Diagnosed: 2000; age 14 yearsHealth Impact to XXXXXX – his degenerative spinal arthritis that causes episodes of severe pain andlimitations on his physical capabilities, requiring medication and a physical therapy regime formanagement.ACCOMODATIONS REQUIRED – SCHOOL /EMPLOYMENT TRAINING/PREPARATIONIn order to maximize XXXXXX’s performance level that will not jeopardize health status, some accommodations and modifications are required:1. DAILY MONITORING- XXXXXX’s diabetes management requires that he be able to take frequent breaks whenthe need arises to a) treat low blood sugars, b) use the restroom, c) test his glucose levels, and d) administer insulin. Although XXXXXX’s diabetes management has been relatively stable, the presence of additionalautoimmune diseases puts his future diabetes management and long-term health at risk.2. WATER INTAKE & BATHROOM BREAKS - XXXXXX’s lack of a colon causes him to use the restroom frequently,and he must drink a large amount of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.3. LIMIT PHYSICAL EXERTION - His ankylosing spondylitis causes him days with severe back pain, makingrigorous activity very painful. Tasks requiring heavy lifting or having to sit or stand for a prolonged period of time without breaks exacerbate his condition and are harmful to his spine. Class schedules and location of classrooms, time needed to change travel to next class need to be evaluated. There may be a need foradditional accommodations in the future, such as mobility assistance, elevator use, use of laptop or cell phone to alleviate unnecessary physical travel.4. ATTENDANCE - Episodes of severe hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis, pouchitis infections, and severe spinal paincan result in XXXXXX’s need for additional sick days to treat the accompanying fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Teachers will need to allow for increased time to make up schoolwork or other forms of instruction if absenteeism is due to noted health issues.5. ACCOMODATIONS - XXXXXX has had a 504 plan in place at school (K-12) to ensure these accommodationshave been allowed. The individualized employment plan / individual written rehabilitation plan, that will be developed between VR and XXXXXX will need to specify needed accommodations. While in college, XXXXXX will need to coordinate accommodations (health, learning and testing) for maximized performance with the Disability Resource Centers on campus.。

中英文在职(通用) - 副本(46)(1)2

中英文在职(通用) - 副本(46)(1)2

Embassy of XX in China,TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr. / Ms. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX(现单位入职时间某年某月某日).He/She will be on traveling purposes visiting your country from XX.XXXX to XX.XXXX (出国时间某年某月某日到回国时间某年某月某日). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself / herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to your country.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual IncomeXXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX XXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature (领导的签名)Company’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXCompany Name: XXXXXX注:1. 在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中XX使馆致:签证官XXX 先生/女士自X年X月X日(现单位入职时间某年某月某日)在我们公司工作。



OJ输入输出训练:HDOJ 1089 ~HDOJ 1096一、C语言基础练习1001 计算两点间的距离HDOJ 2001 1002 第几天?HDOJ 2005 1003 平方和与立方和HDOJ 2007 1004 水仙花数HDOJ 2010 1005 素数判定HDOJ 2012 1006 数列有序!HDOJ 2019 1007 发工资咯:)HDOJ 2021 1008 海选女主角HDOJ 2022 1009 求平均成绩HDOJ 2023 1010 汉字统计HDOJ 2030 1011 进制转换HDOJ 2031 1012 杨辉三角HDOJ 2032 1013 人见人爱A+B HDOJ 2033 1014 人见人爱A-B HDOJ 2034 1015 亲和数HDOJ 2040 1016 Sum Problem HDOJ 1001 1017 A + B Problem II HDOJ 1002 1018 Let the Balloon Rise HDOJ 1004 1019 Elevator HDOJ 1008 1020 FatMouse' Trade HDOJ 1009 1021 As Easy As A+B HDOJ 1040 1022 The Hardest Problem Ever HDOJ 1048 1023 Climbing Worm HDOJ 1049 1024 Text Reverse HDOJ 1062 1025 An Easy Task HDOJ 1076 1026 What Is Your Grade? HDOJ 1084二、简单数学题1001 最小公倍数HDOJ 1108 1002 Least Common Multiple HDOJ 1019 1003 人见人爱A^B HDOJ 0235 1004 Rightmost Digit HDOJ 1061 1005 Fibonacci Again HDOJ 1021 1006 Number Sequence HDOJ 1005 1007 The area HDOJ 1071 1008 吃糖果HDOJ 1205 1009 Sky数HDOJ 2097 1010 Box of Bricks HDOJ 20881011 简易版之最短距离HDOJ 20831012 Fibbonacci Number HDOJ 20701013 Coin Change HDOJ 20691014 A + B Again HDOJ 20571015 Lowest Common Multiple Plus HDOJ 20281016 Can you solve this equation? HDOJ 21991017 Strange fuction HDOJ 28991018 Pseudoprime numbers HDOJ 19051019 Delta-wave HDOJ 10301020 月之数HDOJ 25021021 又见GCD HDOJ 25041022 找新朋友HDOJ 12861023 七夕节HDOJ 12151024 完数HDOJ 1406三、递推求解1001 超级楼梯HDOJ 20411002 不容易系列之二HDOJ 20421003 一只小蜜蜂... HDOJ 20441004 不容易系列之(3)——LELE的RPG难题HDOJ 20451005 骨牌铺方格HDOJ 20461006 折线分割平面HDOJ 20501007 母牛的故事HDOJ 20181008 下沙的沙子有几粒?HDOJ 12671009 自共轭Ferrers图HDOJ 12461010 汉诺塔II HDOJ 12071011 悼念512汶川大地震遇难同胞——重建希望小学HDOJ 2190 1012 Children’s Queue HDOJ 12971013 Tiling_easy version HDOJ 25011014 统计问题HDOJ 25631015 Buy the Ticket HDOJ 11331016 Game of Connections HDOJ 11341017 Computer Transformation HDOJ 10411018 Children’s Queue HDOJ 12971019 The Number of Paths HDOJ 12931020 "下沙野骆驼"ACM夏令营HDOJ 129四、简单典型DP1001 数塔HDOJ 20841002 Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping! HDOJ 10871003 免费馅饼HDOJ 11761004 Common Subsequence HDOJ 11591005 搬寝室HDOJ 14211006 Humble Numbers HDOJ 10581007 Max Sum HDOJ 10031008 Max Sum Plus Plus HDOJ 10241009 FatMouse's Speed HDOJ 11601010 Bone Collector HDOJ 26021011 Piggy-Bank HDOJ 11141012 I NEED A OFFER! HDOJ 12031013 悼念512汶川大地震遇难同胞——珍惜现在,感恩生活HDOJ 2191 1014 Coins HDOJ 2844五、简单博弈1001 Brave Game HDOJ 18461002 Good Luck in CET-4 Everybody! HDOJ 18471003 Fibonacci again and again HDOJ 18481004 Rabbit and Grass HDOJ 18491005 Being a Good Boy in Spring Festival HDOJ 18501006 kiki's game HDOJ 21471007 Public Sale HDOJ 21491008 悼念512汶川大地震遇难同胞——选拔志愿者HDOJ 21881009 丑数游戏1010 YLF's Game六、半程测试1001 CD HDOJ 37631002 Alaska HDOJ 37641003 Celebrity Split HDOJ 37651004 Knight's Trip HDOJ 37661005 Paintball HDOJ 37671006 Shopping HDOJ 37681007 Stack Machine HDOJ 37691008 Ideas HDOJ 37701009 HST HDOJ 37711010 Tunnelling the Earth H DOJ 3772七、母函数1001 Ignatius and the Princess III HDOJ 10281002 Square Coins HDOJ 13981003 Holding Bin-Laden Captive! HDOJ 10851004 Big Event in HDU HDOJ 11711005 Fruit HDOJ 21521006 The Balance HDOJ 1709八、并查集1001 How Many Tables HDOJ 1213 1002 小希的迷宫HDOJ 1272 1003 Is It A Tree? HDOJ 1325 1004 More is better HDOJ 1856 1005 Constructing Roads HDOJ 1102 1006 畅通工程HDOJ 1232 1007 还是畅通工程HDOJ 1233 1008 畅通工程HDOJ 1863 1009 畅通工程再续HDOJ 1875 1010 继续畅通工程HDOJ 1879共26 + 24 + 20 + 14 + 10 + 6 + 10 = 110 题。

TAS3xxx and TAS55xx & 3RD-PARTY Algorithms

TAS3xxx and TAS55xx & 3RD-PARTY Algorithms

Product BulletinTAS3xxx and TAS55xx Digital Audio Processors and Third-Party AlgorithmsTexas Instruments’ family of digi-tal audio processors offers manu-facturers a wide range of audio processing capabilities, including, integration with TI's PurePath™digital amplifiers. The TAS3xxx and TAS55xx digital audio proces-sors bring the sound quality of an expensive, high-end A/V receiver to an affordable cost level for con-sumers of home theater-in-a-box systems, flat panel television sets, micro- and mini-component stereos, and other consumer elec-tronic products.High-End Sound QualityThis family of digital audioprocessors offers the highest res-olution for a full and rich digitalsound experience. The TAS3103,TAS5504 and TAS5508 devicesfeature a full 48-bit audio data-path while the TAS3002 has a 32-bit architecture for true CD- andDVD-quality sound.In addition, these digital audioprocessors have a configurablearchitecture that accommodatesthe rapid deployment ofpreconfigured audio processingfunctions and enhanced soundalgorithms from TI and third par-ties. A wide variety of algorithmsand functions such as loud-speaker normalization, second-order tone control, triple slopedynamic range compression, automute, 3D sound, virtual surroundsound and various loudnesscurves are readily available.Key Features of Digital AudioProcessorsDVD-Quality Processors Based on a48-Bit ArchitectureTAS3103•Three-channel digital audioprocessor•PC-based GUI for softwaredevelopment•Configurable processing optionsincluding third-party algorithms•Eight serial audio input chan-nels and three serial audio out-put channels•8-kHz to 96-kHz sample rates•15 stereo/TDM data formats•16-, 18-, 20-, 24- and 32-bitword sizesTAS5504•Four-channel digital audioprocessor with PWM processor Technology for InnovatorsTM Figure 1. TI’s digital audio processors and SRS®TruSurround™ allow stereo speakers to create a5.1 sound image.•Interfaces seamlessly to audio DSPs•Very low noise•Wide dynamic range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz•Extends dynamic range with power supply volume control •Stores three coefficient sets on-device•Intelligent AM interference avoidanceTAS5508•Eight-channel digital audio processor with PWM processor •Interfaces seamlessly to audio DSP and MPEG chips•High efficiency reduces the size of power supplies and heat sinks•Ultra-low noise•Stores a variety of bassmanagement algorithms •Extends dynamic range with power supply volume control •Intelligent AM interference avoidanceCD-Quality Processor Based on a 32-Bit ArchitectureTAS3002•Digital equalization•Dynamic range compression/expansion (DRCE)•Loudness contour algorithm •Integrated 24-bit, 100-dB stereo CODEC•Two single-ended inputs per channel•Six configurable general-purpose inputs for controlling volume, bass, treble and equalizationWhen the Market Won’t WaitThe configurable architecture of TI’s digital audio processors sup-port the demands of consumer electronics (CE) manufacturers who must bring products to mar-ket very quickly. With pre-programmed sound-processing algorithms from third parties and TI, CE manufacturers are able to rapidly respond to changing demands or new preferences as they emerge in the marketplace.For example, one major manu-facturer of consumer electronics products and audio systems,recently brought a new audio product to the marketplace in the record-setting time of just three months. The system featured TI’sSelected Third-Party Audio Processing and Sound Enhancement Algorithms for the TASxxxx Audio ProcessorsNOTE: Not all algorithms are available on all TASxxxx audio processors. Contact TI for the availability of specific algorithms. The following list of algorithms represents a sample of those that are available on TI's TASxxxx audio processors at any one time.TAS5508 digital audio processor/ PWM processor in an innovative bundling with third-party sound enhancement algorithms from SRS®Labs, Inc. The licensing bundle was put together to streamline the typical develop-ment cycle and shorten the sys-tem’s time-to-market. TI’s digital audio support personnel worked closely with SRS Labs to meet the project’s three-month timeframe.“We’re accustomed to fast turnaround times in the consumer electronics space,” said Joanna Skrdlant, director of emerging markets and platform develop-ment of SRS®Labs, “but this par-ticular project with TI was exceptionally fast. The project demonstrated the value of prepro-grammed, TruSurround XT™ vir-tual surround sound functionality and a compatible hardware archi-tecture capable of outstanding sound quality. In the end, all of the pieces fell into place and the parties involved benefited fromthe project.”TI has earned a reputation forthe extensive resources that sup-port manufacturers’ customdesign projects. The company hasimplemented a focused designand support model comprised ofengineering, production, manu-facturing and sales personnel.Many OEMs like Panasonic, JVC,Kenwood, Harman/Kardon, Jamo,LG Electronics, Pioneer, RCA,Koss, Samsung and others havetaken advantage of TI’s extensivesupport for its portfolio of digitalaudio technology to deliver theirproducts to a consumer electron-ics marketplace that changeseveryday.Comprehensive Digital AudioComponentsTI offers a complete suite of digi-tal audio technology which givesmanufacturers the freedom todesign a broad range of systemsthat meet a variety of cost andperformance targets. Many func-tions previously unrealizable oravailable only through analogcomponents are now performedin the digital domain with a newlevel of ease and flexibility.TI’s audio components offermanufacturers the widest dynamicrange and exceptional soundfidelity along with highest degreeof integration to simplify systemdesign. TI’s comprehensive port-folio of audio technology includesdigital audio processors devel-oped specifically for audio signalprocessing functions as well as itsindustry-leading line of DSPs fordecoding specific algorithms andthe audio industry’s most exten-sive selection of digital audioamplifiers.For more information aboutTI’s digital audio processors or TIPurePath™ Technology, go to/homeaudio.TI Worldwide Technical Support InternetTI Semiconductor Product Information Center Home PageTI Semiconductor KnowledgeBase Home Page/sc/knowledgebaseProduct Information CentersAmericasPhone +1(972) 644-5580Fax+1(972) 927-6377Internet/Email/sc/pic/americas.htmEurope, Middle East, and AfricaPhoneBelgium (English)+32 (0) 27 45 54 32Finland (English)+358 (0) 9 25173948France +33 (0) 1 30 70 11 64Germany+49 (0) 8161 80 33 11Israel (English)1800 949 0107Italy800 79 11 37Netherlands (English)+31 (0) 546 87 95 45Russia +7 (0) 95 363 4824Spain+34 902 35 40 28Sweden (English)+46 (0) 8587 555 22United Kingdom +44 (0) 1604 66 33 99Fax +(49) (0) 8161 80 2045Internet/sc/pic/euro.htmJapanFaxInternational +81-3-3344-5317Domestic0120-81-0036Internet/Email International /sc/pic/japan.htmDomestic +886-2-23786800Domestic Toll-Free Number Australia 1-800-999-084China 800-820-8682Hong Kong 800-96-5941Indonesia 001-803-8861-1006Korea 080-551-2804Malaysia 1-800-80-3973New Zealand 0800-446-934Philippines 1-800-765-7404Singapore 800-886-1028Taiwan 0800-006800Thailand 001-800-886-0010Fax 886-2-2378-6808Email tiasia@ti-china@Internet /sc/pic/asia.htmA042605Important Notice:The products and services of Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries described herein are sold subject to TI’s standard terms and conditions of sale. Customers are advised to obtain the most current and complete information about TI products and services before placing orders. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance,customer’s applications or product designs, software performance, orinfringement of patents. The publication of information regarding any other company’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.© 2005 Texas Instruments IncorporatedPrinted in U.S.A. by Shas Graphics, Stafford, TXSPRT366Technology for Innovators, the black/red banner and PurePath are trademarks of TexasInstruments. SRS and SRS 3D are registered trademarks and Wow, TruBass, TruSurround,TruSurround XT and Focus are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc. QSound and QSurround areregistered trademarks and QMSS and QXpander are trademarks of QSound Labs, Inc. BBE is a registered trademark of BBE Sound, Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。



Self-introductionHello everyone, I’m honored to be here to introduce myself to you.My name is xxx, I’m x years old. xxx is my hometown. It’s a beautiful city stands between xx and xxi. It has a long history and many beautiful views. And xxx is famous of nature environment. The air is fresh and the water is clean. People live here are very comfortable. There are some charming scenery, such as xxx,xxx.I love my hometown, I sincerely welcome you to visit our hometown.I have a big family, there are 6 people in my family. My father, my mother, my grandparents, my older sister and I. We get along well with each other. My grandfather is a public official. He is retired now. My grandfather is very humour. He often tell us some interesting things that make us laugh. My grandmother is very kindly. She cooks delicious. And she likes children. I like to stay with her. My father is working in Guangzhou. He comes back home twice a year. I often call him in my peacetime. My mother is a headmaster of an English training school. There are many things for her to do, she is very busy. She taught me a lot and she paid a lot for me. My sister is a college student. She is study in Dalian University of Technology. She is two years old than I. And we have many common interests. This is my family.Now let me tell you of my educational experiences. I studied in xxx for 13 years. From primary school to universeity. I’m graduated from xxHigh School. My high school’s life is an unforgettable memories for me. Now I’m a college student in xxx Normal University. My major is Business English. I like English and I think business English is very practical, it will be easy for me to find a job in the future. So I choose it. If I want to be an excellent business English student, I need to study hard and keep going on it.I don’t have much working experiences. I was once worked to pass out leaflets foe a company. Although it is a simple job, but it is not easy to carry on. It is the first time that I tasted the difficult to earn money. And I really understand my parent, understand their hard. I need to share their pressure.There are many things that I’m interested. I like reading books, it can makes me known more knowledge. Drawing picture is also my favorite hobby. I think it is wonderful to draw the beautiful things down. What’s more, I like DIY something in my sparetime. I enjoyed the process. I think hobby makes our life more colorful.Everybody have their strong points and weak points. I’m a optimistic person. If I want do something, I will try my best to do it perfect. I don’t afraid difficulties, I can keep doing things until it succeed. And I like to learn new things, I think more I learn and more I can do. These are my strong points. I also have some weak points. For example, I’m not mature enough. And I don’t have much social experience. Sometimes I can’tconsider things comprehensive. My English grammar is not good, and it is also have difficult for me to communicate with foreigners. There are many things I need to learn.From childhood till now, my dream changed much. Now the most important target for me is to learn my major well. I hope I can admitted to graduate. And now I’m studying driving, I’m planning to get driving license in two years. Then I can buy a camera with my own money. And learn how to take good photo. I will continue my travel dream. I have traveled several cities. And I hope I can travel the whole places of our country in my life. When I 26, I can stay in the city which I love. And I will have a good job in there. I can be able to take care of my parents and I can afford my family before 30. Dream is admirably, if I want it come ture, I need work hard and never give up.Finally, I’d like to tell you some personal messages of me. My telephone number is xxxxxxxxxx. And my email address is xxxxxxxx. If you want to know more things about me, please contact me. I like to make friends.I think it is a good chance for me to introduce myself to all of you, and we can have a deep understand of each other. It is also a chance for me to practice my oral English. Thank for you listening.。



4.40 .173 (REF)
90° - 3°
R0.35 .014 C
5.45 .214
3.75 .148 REF (SEE NOTE 5)
7.95 .313 (SEE NOTE 5) C C 90°+1° - 3° C 2.90 .114 R0.35 .014 2.58 - 0.25 .101 - .010 C
+1° 0.00 +.000
REMOVE CARRIER C "H" SEE TABLE 2 C (SEE NOTE 6) C 8.7 .34 0.40 .016 2.22 .087 C WT-33-XX-F (SEE TABLE 4) T-1R37-XX-T (SEE TABLE 4)
520 PARK EAST BLVD, NEW ALBANY, IN 47150 PHONE: 812-944-6733 FAX: 812-948-5047 e-Mail: info@ code: 55322

本科绩点排名证明模板(中英文)-certification of rank

本科绩点排名证明模板(中英文)-certification of rank

word 文档 可自由复制编辑Certification of RankThis is to certify that xxx with a general GPA of xxx/4.0 exactly ranked the xxx (joint with another one student/ joint with other three students) in the School of Mathematical Sciences among 171 students (top xx %) and the xxx in all 04 grade students of xxx major , totally 101/70 students (top xx %) at the end of his/her junior year .In addition, his/her major GPA was xxx/4.0, ranking the xxx in the School of Mathematical Sciences.Signature:Jiangang Ying, Vice Dean, School of Mathematical SciencesDate: mm/dd/yyyy排 位 证 明xxx 同学为数学科学学院04级xxx 专业本科生,截至2007年09月该生课程平均绩点为xxx, 在数学科学学院04级的171名学生中排名为第xx 名(前xx%, x 人并列),在xxx 专业xxx 名学生中排名为第xx 名(前xx%, x 人并列)。

该同学的数学课程平均绩点为xxx, 在数学科学学院04级的171名学生中排名为第xx 名(前xx%, x 人并列)。


复旦大学数学科学学院本科教学主管副院长应坚刚××××年xx 月xx 日。



16=BATTERY COMPARTMENT遥控器电池盖贴片 17=LINE CORD 条列贴 18=FITTED PLUG 拟合插入贴 19=MAUAL HANDLING 工艺卡片 20=QC PASSED 品质合格贴纸 21=CARTON NO. 装箱唛号 22=ASPAT 亚太国际金奖 23=CABEL TV 有线电视 24=COLOUR TV 电视样板 25=TOTAL CARE 贴纸 26=HANDSET BACK 手机背盖贴纸 27=PREVENT REPRODUCTION 防伪标签 28=FUSE 保险丝贴纸 29=CARTON 装箱唛 30=SANSUT 防伪标志
21TC1表示机型 0表示修正码
Z9表示客户牌子("SANYO―) 标签的客户牌子不会随着机型,或标签种类变化,当一个客户牌子定下来后,它是永远 不会变的.



XXX 公司物料编码方案书文件名称: 物料编码规则 文件编号:生效日期: 版 本 号:受控正本 受控副本编 制: 校 核:批 准:1目的与用途1.1规范物料描述与物料编码规则。


2 物料描述2.1物料描述内容必须含有按各产品术语标准确定的图样名称。



例如:YA500(2) 220V900W磨砂YD500(2) 220V900W磨砂2.4.2 原材料——标准规定名称+规格+材质+形态+颜色或型号+热变形温度+阻燃等级+颜色。


例如:螺钉ST3x10十字槽盘头锥尾/镀镍3 物料编码规则3.1物料类型代码注:1) 成品:包装好后的产品。




3.2成品物料编码规则(11位)物料类型代号小类代号型号规格描述表面处理(颜色)品牌代号 6XXX X 11 234XX 5环保代号X XXX例如: 12150105011表示该成品为 11150010801表示该成品为黑金刚环保电压力锅YA500(2)御尚堂产品简包。

3.3原材料编码规则X XXXX XX 表面处理流水号/型号规则描述小类代码大类代码物料类型代码XX 环保代号X123456X原材料各层表示见下表:3.31五金件编码规则X XXXXX XX 表面处理流水号小类代码大类代码物料类型代码XX 环保X123456X注:如果没有升数流水号最前一位为O 表示。






特此证明!单位证明人姓名:XXX(职务)XXXXXX联系电话:地址:邮编:日期:Work and Income CertificateThis is to certify that XXX, male, born on MM DD, YYYY,ID No. XXXX, has been working at XXXXXX since YYYY. Currently, he takes the position of XXXXXX, and he is mainly in charge of XXXXXX, Mr. XXX’s annual income in the past three years is about RMB XX Yuan, including salary, bonus, and welfare. His personal income tax has been deducted and paid by the unit on his behalf. Herewith Certify!Certifier: XXX (Position)XXXXXXOffice Phone:Add:Zip Code:Date:工作及收入证明兹证明XXX,女,出生于YYYY年MM月DD日,身份证号XXXX,自YYYY年起在XXXXXX工作,现担任XXXXXX一职,主要负责本公司的XXXXXX工作。



Transition Networks CPSMC18xx-xxx 18-Slot PointSys

Transition Networks CPSMC18xx-xxx 18-Slot PointSys

Table of Contents1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.1Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.2Unpacking the CPSMC18xx-xxx Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1Media Converter Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1.1Chassis Face Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1.2Calculating the Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.1.3Installing the Media Converter Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . .92.1.4Replacing the Media Converter Slide-in-Modules . . . . . . . . . . .102.2Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112.2.1Three Types of Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112.2.2Installing the Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122.2.3Replacing the Management Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133Powering the CPSMC18xx-xxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143.1AC Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143.2DC Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163.3Optional Dual Power Supply Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183.4Power Supply Module Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193.4.1Primary/Secondary-Management/Manual Switch . . . . . . . . . . . .193.4.2Installing the Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203.4.3Replacing the Power Supply Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213.4.4Replacing the Power Supply Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223.5Optional Fan Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244CPSMC18xx-xxx Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1Installing the CPSMC18xx-xxx Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1.1Table Top Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1.2Standard 19-inch Rack Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.1.3Grounding Lugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274.2Telco Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284.3Cascade Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.4Connecting the Slide-in-Modules to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . .334.5Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335Network Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .345.1Hardware Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41introductionintroductionslide-in-modules1.2Unpacking the CPSMC18xx-xxx EquipmentUse the following list to verify the shipment:ItemPart Number 18-Slot chassis with AC Power SupplyCPSMC1800-20018-Slot chassis with DC Power SupplyCPSMC1810-20018-Slot chassis with AC Power SupplyCPSMC1850-150and two (2) Telco connectors18-Slot chassis with DC Power SupplyCPSMC1850-160and two (2) Telco connectorsPointSystem™Chassis Face Plates (18)CPSFP-200 Power Cord(varies by country)User’s Guide 33185The following items are optional accessories for the C PSMC 18xx-xxx 18-Slot PointSystem™ chassis:ItemPart Number Redundant AC Power Supply ModuleCPSMP-200 (optional)Redundant 48-VDC Power Supply ModuleCPSMP-210 (optional)Redundant Fan ModuleCPSFM-200 (optional)Single-Slot Master Management ModuleCPSMM-120 (optional)Dual-Slot Master Management ModuleCPSMM-200 (optional)FocalPoint™Software DiskA1-7227(included with the management modules)Expansion Management ModuleCPSMM-210 (optional)Management Module Cascade Connector6026 (optional)Telco RJ-21 (male) to RJ-45 Hydra cable21HC45-6 (optional)Telco RJ-21 to RJ-21 (male-to-male) cable21HC21-6 (optional)Rack Mount EarsCPSRE-230 (optional)Selectable media converter slide-in-module(s)(various P/N) - (optional)slide-in-modulesslide-in-modulesslide-in-modulesslide-in-modulesslide-in-modulespower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplypower supplychassischassischassischassisFiber Port #2Fiber Port #1CDFTF1001850-1xx are designed for any Transition Networks Slots 7-18 on the CPSMC1850-1xx can accommodate any Transition Networks media converter slide-in-module. However the Telco option will not functionchassisCascading multiple CPSMC18xx-xxx chassisTo cascade two or more CPSMC18xx-xxx chassis:1.Locate one (1) Transition Networks management module cascade cable (withRJ-45 connectors installed at both ends) (P/N 6026) for each set of two (2)chassis to be cascaded.NOTE: Transition Networks management module cascade cables are one (1)meter long. Ensure that the chassis are installed within one (1) meter of eachother.2.At the first chassis in the series: Plug the RJ-45 connector at one end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “OUT”.3.At the next chassis in the series: Plug the RJ-45 connector at the other end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “IN”.4.At the same chassis as in step 3: Plug the RJ-45 connector at one end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “OUT”.5.At the next chassis in the series: Plug the RJ-45 connector at the other end of thecascade cable into the management module’s RJ-45 port labeled “IN”.6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all chassis have been connected.chassisnetwork mgmt.6Troubleshooting1.Are any of the power LEDs on any of the slide-in-modules illuminated, AND arethe fans operating?YES•The chassis is receiving power. Proceed to the next step.NO•Check all power supply cables for proper connection.•For AC power: Ensure the AC receptacle on the wall is supplying power.•If the fuse for the AC receptacle on the wall blows repeatedly, have the ACreceptacle inspected by a qualified electrician.•For DC power: Ensure the DC power supply is supplying power.•Check the fans to see if they are operating.•C ontact Technical Support: U.S./C anada: 1-800-260-1312, International:00-1-952-941-7600.2.For the management modules (CPSMM-120, CPSMM-200, CPSMM-210), areANY of the power LEDs NOT illuminated?NO•All management modules are receiving power. Proceed to the next step.YESFor those management modules where the power LED is NOT illuminated:•Ensure the management module is firmly seated in the slot.•Press the RESET button on the management module.•C ontact Technical Support: U.S./C anada: 1-800-260-1312, International:00-1-952-941-7600.3.For the remaining slide-in-modules, are ANY of the power LEDs NOTilluminated?NO•All slide-in-modules are receiving power. Proceed to the next step.YESFor those slide-in-modules where the power LED is NOT illuminated:•Ensure the slide-in-module is firmly seated in the slot.•C ontact Technical Support: U.S./C anada: 1-800-260-1312, International:00-1-952-941-7600.4.To determine if a fault is due to a software problem, consult the troubleshootingsection of the Focal Point™ 2.0 Management Appl ication and CPSMM100Firmware User’s Guide (P/N 33293). This manual is available on the enclosedapplication CD and on-line at .5.To determine if a fault is due to an individual management module or slide-in-troubleshooting module, consult the troubleshooting section of the user’s guide for thatparticular module.6.If none of the solutions listed in this section resolves the problem, contactTechnical Support: U.S./Canada: 1-800-260-1312, International: 00-1-952-941-7600.Cable SpecificationsNull Modem CableThe Null Modem Cable is used for connecting a terminal or terminal emulator tothe management module’s DB-9 connector to access the command-line interface.The table below shows the pin assignments for the DB9 cable.Function Mnemonic PinCarrier Detect CD1Receive Data RXD2Transmit Data TXD3Data Terminal Ready DTR4Signal Ground GND5Data Set Ready DSR6Request To Send RTS7Clear To Send CTS8The table below shows the pin assignments for the RS-232 null modem cable.RJ-45 CableCategory 5:Gauge:24 to 22 AWGAttenuation: 22.0 dB /100m @ 100 MHzMaximum Cable Distance:100 meters• Straight-through OR crossover cable may be used.• Shielded twisted-pair(STP) OR unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) may be used.• Pins 1&2 and 3&6 are the two active pairs in an Ethernet network.(RJ-45 Pin-out: Pin 1 = TD+, Pin 2 = TD-, Pin 3 = RD+, Pin 6 = RD-)• All pin pairs (1&2, 3&6, 4&5, 7&8) are active in a gigabit Ethernet network.• Use only dedicated wire pairs for the active pins:(e.g., blue/white & white/blue, orange/white & white/orange, etc.)• Do not use flat or silver satin wire.COAX CableCoaxial cable media is used for circuits such as DS3, E1 and 10Base-2 Ethernet.The impedance of the coaxial cable is determined by the interface type, forexample:•75 ohm for DS3.•50 ohm for 10Base-2 Ethernet.Special attention should be given to the grounding requirements of coaxial cablecircuits. Installation may require grounding at both cable ends or only one cableend or neither cable end.Cable Shield GroundingMedia converter network cabling my be shielded or unshielded. Shielded cablesMUST be grounded according to the specific requirements of the media and porttype. For example:•Shielded RJ-45 cable used for 100Base-Tx Ethernet MUST be grounded at both cable endpoints via shielded RJ-45 jacks.•Shielded RS-232 cable MUST have the shield grounded at both cable endpoints via shielded RS-232 connectors.•COAX cable used for 10Base-2 Ethernet MUST only be grounded at a single point.The media converters provide a jumper option or other grounding mechanism asrequired. Special attention should be given to the grounding requirements ofcoaxial cable circuits. Installation may require grounding at both cable ends or onlyone cable end or neither cable end. See the individual media converter user’s guidefor cable/port grounding requirements.WarrantyLimited Lifetime WarrantyEffective for products shipped May 1, 1999 and after. Every Transition Networks' labeled product purchased after May 1, 1999 will be free from defects in material and workmanship for its lifetime. This warranty covers the original user only and is not transferable.This warranty does not cover damage from accident, acts of God, neglect, contamination, misuse or abnormal conditions of operation or handling, including over-voltage failures caused by use outside of the product's specified rating, or normal wear and tear of mechanical components. If the user is unsure about the proper means of installing or using the equipment, contact Transition Networks' free technical support services.To establish original ownership and provide date of purchase, please complete and return the registration card accompanying the product or register the product on-line on our product registration page.Transition Networks will, at its option:•Repair the defective product to functional specification at no charge,•Replace the product with an equivalent functional product, or•Refund the purchase price of a defective product.To return a defective product for warranty coverage, contact Transition Networks' technical support department for a return authorization number. Transition's technical support department can be reached through any of the following means: Technical Support is available 24 hours a day at:•800-260-1312 x 200 or 952-941-7600 x 200•fax 952-941-2322•*******************************•live web chat: and click the “Transition Now” link•voice mail 800-260-1312 x 579 or 952-941-7600 x 579•All messages will be answered within one hour.Send the defective product postage and insurance prepaid to the following address: CSI Material Management Centerc/o Transition Networks508 Industrial DriveWaconia, MN 55387 USAAttn: RETURNS DEPT: CRA/RMA # ___________Failure to properly protect the product during shipping may void this warranty. The return authorization number must be written on the outside of the carton to ensure its acceptance. We cannot accept delivery of any equipment that is sent to us without a CRA or RMA number.The customer must pay for the non-compliant product(s) return transportation costs to Transition Networks for evaluation of said product(s) for repair or replacement.Transition Networks will pay for the shipping of the repaired or replaced in-warranty product(s) back to the customer (any and all customs charges, tariffs, or/and taxes are the customer's responsibility).Before making any non-warranty repair, Transition Networks requires a $200.00 charge plus actual shipping costs to and from the customer. If the repair is greater than $200.00, an estimate is issued to the customer for authorization of repair. If no authorization is obtained, or the product is deemed not repairable, Transition Networks will retain the $200.00 service charge and return the product to the customer not repaired. Non-warranted products that are repaired by Transition Networks for a fee will carry a 180-day limited warranty. All warranty claims are subject to the restrictions and conventions set forth by this document.Transition Networks reserves the right to charge for all testing and shipping incurred, if after testing, a return is classified as "No Problem Found."THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, SUCH AS FITNESS FOR A PARTIC ULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. TRANSITION NETWORKS IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY SPEC IAL, INDIREC T, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. AUTHORIZED RESELLERS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO EXTEND ANY DIFFERENT WARRANTY ON TRANSITION NETWORKS' BEHALF.。



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When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1]. Do not abbreviate the months. D on’t forget to put period (.) at the end of each reference. (See examples below)11.1. Journal Article[1]C. D. Scott and R. E. Smalley, “Diagnostic Ultrasound: Principles and Instruments”, Journal of Nanosci. Nanotechnology., vol. 3, no. 2, (2003), pp. 75-80.11.2. Book[2]H. S. Nalwa, Editor, “Magnetic Nanostructures ”, American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, (2003).11.3. Chapter in a Book[3]H. V. Jansen, N. R. Tas and J. W. Berenschot, “Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ”, Edited H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, vol. 5, (2004), pp. 163-275.11.4. Conference Proceedings[4]J. Kimura and H. Shibasaki, “Recent Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology ”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Kyoto, Japan, (1995) October 15-19.Vol. x, No. x, (20xx)511.5. Patent[5]C. E. Larsen, R. Trip and C. R. Johnson, “Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart ”, U.S. Patent 5,529,067, (1995) June 25.Do not use the phrases "et al." and "ibid." in the reference section. Instead, the names of all authors in a reference must be listed.12. Copyright FormsYou must include your fully-completed, signed SERSC copyright release form when you submit your paper. WE MUST HAVE THIS FORM BEFORE YOUR PAPER CAN BE PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL. The copyright form is available from journal home page. Authors should send their copyright forms to FAX. +82-70-7614-3027 or E-mail journal@.AuthorsAuthor ’s Name, Author ’s profile.。



LPRC201 2322 ±1% 0.01 to 1 Ω 735 7xxxx
2010 LPRC111 2322 ±5% 0.01 to 0.0976 Ω 760 90xxx
LPRC111 2322 ±5% 0.1 to 1 Ω
760 60xxx
LPRC111 2322 ±1% 0.01 to 0.0976 Ω 761 90xxx
APPLICATIONS Converters Printer equipment Server board Telecom Consumer
FEATURES Halogen Free Epoxy RoHS compliant - Products with lead free terminations meet RoHS requirements - Pb-glass contained in electrodes, resistor element and glass are exempted by RoHS Reducing environmentally hazardous wastes High component and equipment reliability Saving of PCB space None forbidden-materials used in products/production Low resistances applied to current sensing
LPRC111 2322 ±1% 0.1 to 1 Ω
761 6xxxx
2512 LPRC221 2322 ±5% 0.01 to 0.0976 Ω 762 90xxx

mysql数据库应用-实验训练1 在MySQL中创建数据库和表

mysql数据库应用-实验训练1 在MySQL中创建数据库和表

mysql数据库应用-实验训练1 在MySQL 中创建数据库和表SNo char(8) primary key。

SName varchar(8) unique。

SSex char(2) XXX(SSex in ('男'。


SBir datetime。

Scredits int2.创建course表命令:mysql。

create table courseCNo char(5) primary key。

CName varchar(30) unique。

CPno char(5) references course(CNo) default ''。

CTime decimal(3,0)。

CCredits int。

CTerm char(1)3.创建SC表命令:mysql。

create table SCSNo char(8) references student(SNo)。

CNo char(5) references course(CNo)。

Score decimal(3,1)。

primary key(SNo。


insert into student values1001'。























复试自我介绍--self introduction

复试自我介绍--self introduction

(长版)Good day, ladies and gentlemen! My name is XXX, XX years old.I come from 家乡名, a beautiful ancient city in X Province.As a专业名student, I will finish my four-year learning in XX University this July.To continue my study in Higher Education, I’ve been preparing the postgraduate examination in the past two years.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be here. So, I just feel very excited and a little bit nervous.Well, during the past two years, I’ve learnt some basic I have learnt some basic knowledge of 专业名. For example, from the courses of 专业课名, I got to know 专业理论. When I learnt more about this field, I became more interested in it. Apart from the textbooks, I borrowed many relevant ones from our library to read, such as 专业课相关名著.I really enjoyed my journey when reading and absorbing the ideas from these fascinating works. Furthermore, in order to keep an eye on the latest news, I also paid special attention to some journals and websites on a daily basis. My passion in 专业is the reason why I’d like to pursue my further study in this field.Then it comes to my hobbies and interests. Well, in my spare time, I like doing aerobics, playing the piano and reading books, which gives me apathway to deepen reflection and meditation at the same time. In the future, I hope to participate in various kind of activities to improve myself in an all-around way.Last but not least, my personalities.Generally speaking, I’m a personwith great perseverance and responsibility.I’ll try my b est to overcome all the difficulties in my study and daily life, because I’m a little aggressive.I know I can do better, if I obtain a key to your university.Although my knowledge of this field is still on a superficial level, I make a resolution to further my education, and do expect to have your golden guidance and instruction in the three-year learning.OK, that’s all about me, thank you for your attention.(短版)Good day, ladies and gentlemen! My name is XXX, XX years old.I come from 家乡名, a beautiful ancient city in XX Province.As a 专业student, I will finish my four-year learning in XX University this July.Well, during the past two years, I’ve learnt some basic I have learnt some basic knowledge of 专业. For example, from the courses of 专业课, I got to know 专业理论. Apart from the textbooks, I borrowed many relevant ones from our library to read, such as 本专业名著. My passion in专业is the reason why I’d like to pursue my further study in this field.Well, in my spare time, I like reading books, especially those about education and economy. I also like English and I have pass the College English Test Band 6, but I do think there’s a long way to go, and I’ll keep improving my oral and listening skill.OK, that’s all about me, thank you for your attention.。



Selection Guide
Widebody Minimum CMR 8-Pin DIP (300 Mil) Small-Outline SO-8 (400 Mil) Input On- Single Dual Single Dual Single dV/dt VCM Current Output Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel (V/µs) (V) (mA) Enable Package Package Package Package Package

Ordering Information
HCPL-xxxx is UL Recognized with 3750 Vrms for 1 minute per UL1577. HCNWxxxx is UL Rcognized with 5000 Vrms for 1 minute per UL1577. Option Part Number RoHS Compliant
*5000 V rms/1 Minute rating is for HCNW137/26X1 and Option 020 (6N137, HCPL-2601/11/30/31, HCPL-4661) products only.
• Isolated line receiver • Computer-peripheral interfaces • Microprocessor system interfaces • Digital isolation for A/D, D/A conversion • Switching power supply • Instrument input/output isolation • Ground loop elimination • Pulse transformer replacement • Power transistor isolation in motor drives • Isolation of high speed logic systems





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无源 24VDC 24VDC
4~20mA. DO无源触点 DO无源触点 DO有源接点 DO有源接点
220V AC
JI-103-015 HS-103-015
4~20mA DI无源触点
220V AC 24VDC
TT-120-011 一体化温度变送器
气动切断阀 火灾 安全
RCV-120-010 气动三通切断阀
DI无源触点 DI无源触点
(SIS) DI无源触点
第 2 张共 2 张 of
电源电压 输入卡地址 输出信号
气动切断阀 全
DI无源触点 DI无源触点
220V AC 24VDC
DO有源接点 (SIS)
DO无源触点 DO无源触点
位号 TAG NO. FIC-112-002 HS-112-003
仪表信号来源 SIGN. FROM
XXX I/O 清单
图号 DRAW. NO. 设计 PRE'D
220V AC
FIC-116-002 HS-116-003
4~20mA. DO无源触点 DO无源触点
XXX I/O 清单
图号 DRAW. NO. 设计 PRE'D
第 1 张共 2 张 of
仪表信号来源 输入信号
电源电压 输入卡地址 输出信号
RCV-103-007 气动切断阀 DI无源触点
DI无源触点 DI无源触点
(SIS) DI无源触点
220V AC 24VDC
无源 24VDC
DO有源接点 (SIS)
DO有源接点 (SIS)
24VDC 无源
DO有源接点 DO有源接点
二线制 四线制
220V AC
PIT-103-019 TT-103-012 WE-1O3-031
隔膜压力变送器 一体化温度变送

4~20mA.DC (SIS) 4~20mA
DO有源接点 DO有源接点
FQIC-104-002 HS-104-003
RCV-103-002 气动切断阀
RCV-120-075 气动切断阀
DI无源触点 DI无源触点
(SIS) DI无源触点
DI无源触点 DI无源触点