





然而,英国优良的中学教育环境是是举世闻名的(在英国境内被称为Public Schools),其中包含许多超过1000年历史的中学学校。


至今,许多的皇室及领袖均在英国名校就读过,例如:Dulwich, Eton, Harrow及Roedean中学。

在英国除了传统式的中学,还有所谓的非传统式中学(在英国称为Tutorial Schools)。


英国有另一种学校专门协助学生完成高中最后阶段及准备所谓的大学入学考试,这些学校称为: 6th Form或A Level学校。



不论是传统式,非传统式或6th Form/A Level等学校都非常欢迎海外学生前来就读。

传统寄宿式中学(Public Schools):传统式寄宿之中学学校已在英国盛行多年。











1. 威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School)威斯敏斯特公学是英国古老的学校之一,成立于1382年。






3. 艾顿公学(Eton College)艾顿公学是英国著名的男子公学,毕业生包括英国王室成员和政商界精英。



4. 哈罗公学(Harrow School)哈罗公学也是一所有着悠久历史的男子公学,位于伦敦西北部。


5. 圣保罗公学(St. Paul's School)圣保罗公学是伦敦的一所男子学校,其教育历史可追溯到16世纪。


6. 温布尔登学院(Wimbledon College)温布尔登学院是一所男子教会学校,位于伦敦西南部。


7. 史托维公学(Stowe School)史托维公学位于英格兰白金汉郡,是一所寄宿和走读制学校。


8. 韦灵顿公学(Wellington College)韦灵顿公学位于伯克郡,是一所学术声誉卓越的男子学校。


9. 默奇公学(Magdalen College School)默奇公学是牛津郡一所非常有声望的男子学校,成立于1480年。





英国9大公学以下这9所顶尖寄宿公学,被称为“Original 9”,在英国拥有最高的名誉。



温彻斯特公学温切斯特公学(Winchester College)是英国第一所免费收受穷苦学生的大学预备学校,开创了英国公学教育的历史。


伊顿公学伊顿公学(Eton College)坐落在距离伦敦20英里的温莎小镇,是英国最著名的贵族中学,只招男学生。



圣保罗公学伦敦圣保罗学校(St. Paul's School)以及圣保罗女子学校(St. Paul's Girl’s School)近年以来一直稳稳地走全英名校的前列,无论学生素质还是师资都丝毫不比历史悠久的温切斯特公学或者伊顿公学逊色什鲁伯里公学建校于1552年, 是英格兰最古老、也是最大的一所男子寄宿学校, 学校占地一百五十公顷, 坐落在塞文河岸边, 可以俯瞰什鲁伯里老城,距离伯明翰30英里, 离曼彻斯特南部大约60英里, 交通十分便利,至今已有400多年的历史。







优秀英国男子高中名单大全:Warwick School 华威学校华威郡(英中部)男校Loughborough Grammar School 拉夫堡文理学校莱斯特郡(英中部)男校Merchiston Castle School 莫契斯东中学爱丁堡(苏格兰)男校Merchant Taylors‘ School 麦钱特泰勒斯学校Bedford School 贝德福德学校贝德福德郡(英中南)男校14382.24%17131 Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital 伊丽莎白女王医学学校布里斯托男校Monmouth School 蒙默斯学校威尔士(南)男校Queen Elizabeth Grammar School 伊丽莎白女王文理学校Bolton School (Boys‘ Div) 波尔顿男子分校St James Senior Boys’ School萨里(伦敦西南)男校The John Lyon School 约翰莱恩学校 Day伦敦地区男校Victoria College 维多利亚学院 Day泽西岛(近法国)男校St Columba‘s College 圣科伦巴学院 Day赫特福德(伦敦北)男校The Haberdashers’ Aske‘s Boys’ School 哈博戴斯阿斯克男校Royal Grammar School 皇家文理学校Merchant Taylors‘ School 麦钱特泰勒斯学校Stamford School 斯坦福学校林肯郡(英中东)男校Elizabeth College泽西岛(近法国)男校Dame Allan’s Boys‘ School 达姆艾伦男子学校 Day纽卡斯尔男校The Oratory School 欧拉托里中学贝克郡男校Ewell Castle School萨里(伦敦西南)男校Hampton School 汉普顿学校Tonbridge School肯特(英东南部)男校Harrow School 哈罗学校伦敦地区男校Dulwich College 达利奇学院伦敦地区男校Nottingham High School 诺丁汉中学London School 伦敦城市学校King Edward’s School Birmingham爱德华国王学校Abingdon School 阿宾顿学校牛津郡男校Bury Grammar School Boys 百瑞文理男子学校大曼彻斯特男校North Cestrian Grammar School大曼彻斯特男校。



排名学校名称所在地学校类型参加考试人数获得成绩单科A的科目获得成绩单科B的科目单科A或B成绩的科目参考总科目优秀成绩比例1 St Paul's Girls' School London 女校100 301 38 339 342 99.12%2 King Edward VI High Sch forGirlsW Mids女校78 197 57 254 258 98.45%3 City of London School ForGirlsLondon女校71 193 33 226 232 97.41%4 Westminster School London 合校172 585 85 670 689 97.24%5 North London CollegiateSchool - TheLondon女校112 311 50 361 373 96.78%6 St Helen & St Katharine - TheSchool ofOxon女校77 178 53 231 239 96.65%7 Haberdashers' Aske's Sch forGirlsHerts女校113 272 63 335 347 96.54%8 Withington Girls' School Manch 女校67 159 42 201 209 96.17%9 Channing School London 女校46 96 41 137 143 95.80%10 St Paul's School London 男校168 432 105 537 561 95.72%11 Downe House Berks 女校73 167 51 218 228 95.61%12 Wycombe Abbey School Bucks 女校81 205 43 248 260 95.38%13 Magdalen College School Oxon 男校73 205 36 241 253 95.26%14 Eton College Berks 男校264 679 193 872 922 94.58%15 Godolphin & Latymer School -TheLondon女校100 225 75 300 319 94.04%16 Haberdashers' Aske's Boys'School - TheHerts男校159 362 105 467 497 93.96%17 Royal Grammar School Surrey 男校112 279 68 347 370 93.78%18 St Swithun's School Hants 女校59 132 47 179 193 92.75%19 Oxford High School GDST Oxon 女校70 166 45 211 228 92.54%20 Nottingham High School forGirls GDSTNotts女校119 244 91 335 364 92.03%21 Badminton School Bristol 女校45 122 26 148 161 91.93%22 James Allen's Girls' School London 女校91 226 50 276 301 91.69%23 St Helen's School London 女校81 164 71 235 257 91.44%24 St Catherine's School Surrey 女校68 166 47 213 233 91.42%25 King Edward's School W Mids 男校121 260 78 338 371 91.11%26 Queenswood Herts 女校42 78 44 122 134 91.04%27 Lady Eleanor Holles School -TheLondon女校94 202 62 264 292 90.41%28 Wimbledon High School GDST London 女校74 146 59 205 227 90.31%29 Perse School - The Cambs 合校105 230 86 316 350 90.29%30 Winchester College Hants 男校142 369 106 475 527 90.13%31 Manchester High School forGirlsManch女校87 178 67 245 272 90.07%32 Cheltenham Ladies' College -TheGlos女校136 326 98 424 473 89.64%33 City of London School London 男校114 238 98 336 375 89.60%34 Hurtwood House Surrey 合校133 267 103 370 413 89.59%35 St George's School - Ascot Berks 女校39 59 49 108 121 89.26%36 Guildford High School forGirlsSurrey女校66 149 39 188 211 89.10%37 Manchester Grammar School Manch 男校183 453 180 633 711 89.03%38 Loughborough High School Leics 女83 147 77 224 252 88.89%校39 Notting Hill & Ealing HighSchool GDSTLondon女校75 131 67 198 223 88.79%40 Perse School for Girls Cambs 女校41 108 18 126 142 88.73%41 Benenden School Kent 女校71 143 69 212 239 88.70%42 Merchant Taylors' School London 男校123 250 87 337 383 87.99%43 Alleyn's School London 合校137 271 101 372 423 87.94%44 Harrow School London 男校144 265 160 425 486 87.45%45 University College School London 男校101 200 92 292 334 87.43%46 Radley College Oxon 男校121 242 162 404 463 87.26%47 Howell's School Llandaff GDST W ales S 女校68 128 53 181 208 87.02%48 Tonbridge School Kent 男校147 327 125 452 520 86.92%49 Oundle School N'Hants 合校196 407 158 565 652 86.66%50 Royal Grammar School Tyne 合校170 339 113 452 522 86.59%51 Maynard School - The Devon 女校48 83 46 129 149 86.58%52 Abbey School - The Berks 女校73 125 68 193 223 86.55%53 Bradford Girls' GrammarSchoolYorks W女校69 130 56 186 215 86.51%54 King's School Kent 合校149 314 125 439 508 86.42%55 South Hampstead High SchoolGDSTLondon女校83 151 70 221 256 86.33%56 Charterhouse Surrey 合校165 334 139 473 549 86.16%57 Tormead School Surrey 女校42 79 33 112 130 86.15%58 King's High School for Girls W'Wicks 女校71 127 58 185 215 86.05%59 Bolton School Girls' Div Lancs 女校106 199 82 281 327 85.93%60 Eltham College London 合校97 180 86 266 310 85.81%61 Exeter School Devon 合校102 189 93 282 329 85.71%62 Headington School Oxon 女校112 240 84 324 378 85.71%63 Canford School Dorset 合校126 225 111 336 392 85.71%64 Putney High School GDST London 女校59 103 51 154 181 85.08%65 Tudor Hall School Oxon 女校43 51 55 106 125 84.80%66 St Mary's School Ascot Berks 女校56 101 44 145 171 84.80%67 Bradford Grammar School Yorks W 合校95 151 103 254 300 84.67%68 Haberdashers' Monmouth Schfor GirlsWales S女校81 148 60 208 246 84.55%69 St Peter's School Yorks N 合校95 189 65 254 301 84.39%70 Ladies' College C.I. 女校48 80 38 118 140 84.29%71 Sir William Perkins's School Surrey 女校68 99 77 176 209 84.21%72 Whitgift School London 男校132 250 142 392 466 84.12%73 St Albans High School forGirlsHerts女校85 161 61 222 264 84.09%74 Casterton School Cumbria 女校39 68 42 110 131 83.97%75 Rugby School W'Wicks 合校160 326 126 452 539 83.86%76 Concord College Salop 合校132 269 92 361 431 83.76%77 Bancroft's School London 合校104 179 94 273 326 83.74%78 Highgate School London 男校89 159 83 242 289 83.74%79 Shrewsbury High School GDST Salop 女校40 69 36 105 126 83.33%80 Bury Grammar School (Girls) Lancs 女校75 116 74 190 228 83.33%81 Farnborough Hill Hants 女36 53 36 89 107 83.18%校82 Marlborough College Wilts 合校186 306 190 496 597 83.08%83 Lancing College Sussex W 合校99 203 88 291 352 82.67%84 Caterham School Surrey 合校103 158 105 263 319 82.45%85 King Edward's School Somerset 合校102 190 71 261 317 82.33%86 Solihull School W Mids 合校153 269 126 395 480 82.29%87 Sherborne School For Girls Dorset 女校62 100 66 166 202 82.18%88 Queen Margaret's School Yorks N 女校55 83 55 138 168 82.14%89 Malvern Girls' College Worcs 女校57 103 51 154 188 81.91%90 St Albans School Herts 合校111 181 113 294 359 81.89%91 Old Palace School of JohnWhitgiftLondon女校69 98 77 175 214 81.78%92 Bright, on & Hove High SchoolGDSTSussex E女校38 64 39 103 126 81.75%93 Reigate Grammar School Surrey 合校117 207 84 291 356 81.74%94 Streatham & Clapham HS GDST London 女校40 67 34 101 124 81.45%95 Abingdon School Oxon 男校115 194 122 316 388 81.44%96 Norwich High School for GirlsGDSTNorfolk女校68 109 60 169 208 81.25%97 Bromsgrove School Worcs 合校156 249 154 403 496 81.25%98 Sheffield High School GDST Yorks S 女校91 138 87 225 277 81.23%99 Bootham School Yorks N 合校56 107 48 155 191 81.15%100 Redland High School Bristol 女校72 115 65 180 222 81.08%101 Kingston Grammar School London 合校64 115 46 161 199 80.90%102 Latymer Upper School London 合校169 295 145 440 544 80.88%103 St Leonards-Mayfield School Sussex E女校70 123 71 194 241 80.50% 104 Portsmouth Grammar School - The Hants 合校107 188 85 273340 80.29% 105 Leicester Grammar School Leics 合校 98 159 75 234292 80.14% 106 Bristol Grammar School Bristol 合校 146 247 112 359448 80.13% 107 Godolphin School - The Wilts 女校 57 100 37 137171 80.12% 108 Dulwich College London 男校191 339 161 500626 79.87% 109 Our Lady's Convent Senior School Oxon 女校35 48 31 7999 79.80% 110 Nottingham High School Notts 男校 106 187 73 260326 79.75% 111 Grange School - The Cheshire 合校 70 127 46 173217 79.72% 112 Surbiton High School London 女校93 136 95 231290 79.66% 113 City of London Freemen's School Surrey 合校90 145 82 227285 79.65% 114 Epsom College Surrey 合校 158 221 182 403506 79.64% 115 Christ's Hospital Sussex W 合校 137 191 140 331416 79.57% 116 King's School Cheshire 合校 85 148 69 217273 79.49% 117 Bromley High School GDST London 女校 66 117 43 160202 79.21% 118 Bablake School W Mids 合校 118 175 114 289365 79.18% 119 Moreton Hall School Salop 女校 39 54 41 95120 79.17% 120 Uppingham School Leics 合校 144 203 143 346438 79.00% 121 Purcell School of Music Herts 合校 35 65 17 82104 78.85% 122 Roedean School Sussex E 女校 81 161 77 238302 78.81% 123 Stockport Grammar School Manch 合校115 175 111 286363 78.79% 124 St Michael's School Wales S 合37 67 25 92 117 78.63%校 125 Dauntsey's School Wilts 合校 95 162 77 239304 78.62% 126 John Lyon School - The London 男校 73 110 62 172219 78.54% 127 Northwood College London 女校 50 67 50 117149 78.52% 128 Northampton High School N'Hants 女校 40 70 25 95121 78.51% 129 St Mary's School Dorset 女校 35 40 40 80102 78.43% 130 Leeds Grammar School Yorks W 男校 123 197 97 294375 78.40% 131 Hereford Cathedral School Herefd 合校 66 84 66 150192 78.13% 132 Truro School Cornwall 合校 114 176 96 272349 77.94% 133 Brighton College Sussex E 合校 133 204 123 327421 77.67% 134 Shrewsbury School Salop 男校 145 243 124 367475 77.26% 135 Croydon High School GDST London 女校56 90 48 138179 77.09% 136 Edgbaston High School for Girls W Mids 女校52 70 51 121157 77.07% 137 Cranleigh School Surrey 合校 121 149 135 284369 76.96% 138 Queen's School - The Cheshire 女校 56 92 41 133173 76.88% 139 Heathfield School GDST London 女校 56 59 67 126164 76.83% 140 Norwich School Norfolk 合校 124 184 100 284370 76.76% 141 Royal Grammar School Worcs 合校111 176 98 274357 76.75% 142 Central Newcastle High School GDST Tyne 女校82 141 60 201262 76.72% 143 Red Maids' School Bristol 女校 44 69 33 102133 76.69% 144 Francis Holland Clarence Gate L ondon 女校 48 72 45 117153 76.47% 145 Bedford High School Beds 女校61 93 56 149195 76.41%146 Lord Wandsworth CollegeHants合校 65 95 66 161 211 76.30% 147 Hampton School London 男校 135 197 150 347455 76.26% 148 Chetham's School of Music Manch 合校 51 75 34 109143 76.22% 149 Durham High School for Girls Durham 女校 35 54 25 79104 75.96% 150 Woldingham School Surrey 女校 66 97 63 160211 75.83% 151 St John's School Surrey 合校 87 138 72 210277 75.81% 152 Warwick School W'Wicks 男校 134 173 148 321424 75.71% 153 d'Overbroeck's College Oxon 合校 114 159 108 267353 75.64% 154 Harrogate Ladies' College Yorks N 女校 50 73 48 121160 75.63% 155 Leeds Girls' High School Yorks W 女校 79 122 61 183242 75.62% 156 Trinity School London 男校 102 136 104 240318 75.47% 157 Stamford High School for Girls L incs 女校 82 111 76 187248 75.40% 158 Belvedere School GDST - The Mersey 女校 45 55 46 101134 75.37% 159 Newcastle-under-Lyme School Staffs 合校 115 153 114 267355 75.21% 160 Bolton School (Boys Div ) Lancs 男校 110 168 83 251334 75.15% 161 Sherborne School Dorset 男校 110 141 121 262349 75.07% 162 Churcher's College Hants 合校 71 109 59 168224 75.00% 163 Blundell's School Devon 合校79 112 71 183245 74.69% 164 Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Yorks W 男校87 128 75 203272 74.63% 165 Queen Elizabeth's Hospital Bristol 男校 67 87 66 153206 74.27% 166 Cheadle Hulme School Cheshire 合校145 199 141 340458 74.24% 167 Dame Allan's Schools Tyne 合96 121 92 213 287 74.22%校168 Oakham School Leics 合校130 172 128 300 405 74.07%169 King's School - The Worcs 合校110 148 100 248 336 73.81%170 Hymers College Yorks E 合校104 156 82 238 323 73.68%171 Alderley Edge School for Girls C heshire 女校36 55 23 78 106 73.58%172 Ipswich High School GDST Suffolk 女校46 68 35 103 140 73.57%173 King Henry VIII W Mids 合校99 148 85 233 317 73.50%174 Dame Alice Harpur School Beds 女校77 100 71 171 233 73.39%175 Loughborough Grammar School Leics 男校132 180 124 304 415 73.25%176 Cheltenham College Glos 合校114 165 110 275 377 72.94%177 King Edward's School Witley Surrey 合校88 121 70 191 262 72.90%178 Berkhamsted Collegiate School H erts 合校127 163 113 276 379 72.82%179 Monkton Combe School Somerset 合校67 88 59 147 202 72.77%180 Repton School Derbys 合校120 192 95 287 395 72.66%181 Ashford School Kent 女校43 74 32 106 146 72.60%182 Bruton School for Girls Somerset 女校46 60 46 106 146 72.60%183 New Hall School Essex 女校49 46 57 103 142 72.54%184 Colfe's School London 合校75 98 80 178 246 72.36%185 Clifton College Bristol 合校127 179 107 286 396 72.22%186 Rougemont School Wales S 合校48 67 42 109 151 72.19%187 Immanuel College Herts 合校42 64 32 96 133 72.18%188 Leys School - The Cambs 合校97 127 91 218 303 71.95%189 Royal High School GDST - The Somerset女校 75 106 59 165 230 71.74% 190 King's School - The Cheshire 合校 98 125 88 213297 71.72% 191 Chigwell School Essex 合校 86 121 79 200279 71.68% 192 Bedales School Hants 合校 74 102 60 162226 71.68% 193 Dean Close School Glos 合校101 127 103 230321 71.65% 194 Merchant Taylors' School for Girls Mersey 女校68 105 49 154215 71.63% 195 Wolverhampton Grammar School W Mids 合校 103 141 91 232324 71.60% 196 Bedford Modern School Beds 合校 159 209 141 350489 71.57% 197 St Mary's School Cambs 女校 42 48 45 93130 71.54% 198 Dunottar School Surrey 女校 43 50 42 92129 71.32% 199 Merchant Taylors' School Mersey 男校88 128 63 191268 71.27% 200 Royal Masonic School for Girls - The Herts 女校68 83 60 143201 71.14% 201 Clifton High School Bristol 女校 44 62 34 96135 71.11% 202 Kimbolton School Cambs 合校 80 89 87 176248 70.97% 203 Birkenhead High School GDST Mersey 女校 65 90 51 141199 70.85% 204 Wakefield Girls' High School Yorks W 女校 89 113 76 189267 70.79% 205 Dover College Kent 合校 89 113 83 196277 70.76% 206 Sutton High School GDST London 女校 57 76 52 128181 70.72% 207 St George's College Weybridge S urrey 合校 87 99 87 186264 70.45% 208 Taunton School Somerset 合校 79 104 61 165235 70.21% 209 Queen Anne's School Caversham B erks 女校53 66 51 117167 70.06% 210 Royal Hospital School Suffolk 合97 91 105 196 280 70.00%校211 Portsmouth High School GDST Hants 女校43 53 42 95 136 69.85%212 Forest School London 合校115 131 115 246 354 69.49%213 Wellington College Berks 合校166 211 140 351 507 69.23%214 St Dunstan's College London 合校56 67 54 121 175 69.14%215 St Edmund's School Kent 合校48 64 39 103 149 69.13%216 Queen's College Somerset 合校64 61 72 133 193 68.91%217 Alice Ottley School - The Worcs 女校39 50 34 84 122 68.85%218 Woodbridge School Suffolk 合校95 111 96 207 301 68.77%219 Reading Blue Coat School Berks 合校100 112 95 207 301 68.77%220 Birkenhead School Mersey 合校64 100 43 143 209 68.42%221 Eastbourne College Sussex E 合校110 135 103 238 348 68.39%222 Brentwood School Essex 合校153 167 154 321 472 68.01%223 Lingfield Notre Dame Surrey 合校36 44 26 70 103 67.96%224 Bishop's Stortford College Herts 合校71 93 57 150 222 67.57%225 Stamford School Lincs 男校88 90 88 178 267 66.67%226 Prior Park College Somerset 合校80 88 75 163 245 66.53%227 Leighton Park School Berks 合校54 69 46 115 173 66.47%228 St Benedict's School London 合校50 63 36 99 149 66.44%229 Pocklington School Yorks E 合校69 64 75 139 210 66.19%230 Pangbourne College Berks 合校40 41 41 82 124 66.13%231 Royal Russell School London 合校69 78 68 146 221 66.06%232 Gresham's School Norfolk 合校84 115 62 177 269 65.80%233 Wells Cathedral School Somerset 合校87 109 58 167 254 65.75%234 Liverpool College Mersey 合校74 93 49 142 216 65.74%235 Bryanston School Dorset 合校122 122 113 235 358 65.64%236 St Bede's College Manch 合校134 129 130 259 395 65.57%237 Ipswich School Suffolk 合校77 84 67 151 231 65.37%238 Ashville College Yorks N 合校63 81 47 128 196 65.31%239 Sidcot School Somerset 合校40 50 27 77 118 65.25%240 St Edward's School Oxon 合校117 154 89 243 373 65.15%241 Westholme School Blackburn Lancs 女校74 83 69 152 234 64.96%242 Hurstpierpoint College Sussex W 合校69 92 45 137 211 64.93%243 Ampleforth College Yorks N 合校117 121 106 227 351 64.67%244 Truro High School for Girls Cornwall 女校35 42 31 73 113 64.60%245 Christ College Wales S 合校61 57 54 111 172 64.53%246 Moira House Girls School Sussex E 女校35 46 32 78 121 64.46%247 Yarm School Tees 合校81 81 82 163 253 64.43%248 Kingswood School Somerset 合校88 116 63 179 278 64.39%249 Bury Grammar School Lancs 男校53 65 44 109 170 64.12%250 Framlingham College Suffolk 合校71 72 73 145 227 63.88%251 Oratory School - The Oxon 男校38 48 28 76 119 63.87%252 Victoria College C.I. 男校79 89 70 159 249 63.86%253 St Teresa's School Surrey 女38 40 34 74 116 63.79%校 254 Culford School Suffolk 合校 56 72 38 110173 63.58% 255 Kent College Pembury Kent 女校 41 38 37 75118 63.56% 256 Licensed Victuallers' School Berks 合校 52 26 35 6196 63.54% 257 Wellington School Somerset 合校 101 123 79 202318 63.52% 258 Clayesmore School Dorset 合校 51 44 50 94148 63.51% 259 Royal School - The N Ire 合校 84 88 73 161254 63.39% 260 Mill Hill School London 合校 106 113 93 206325 63.38% 261 West Buckland School Devon 合校 57 75 41 116184 63.04% 262 Bradfield College Berks 合校 139 138 126 264419 63.01% 263 King's College Somerset 合校86 95 74 169269 62.83% 264 British School in The Netherlands - The Overseas 合校73 82 70 152243 62.55% 265 King's School Glos 合校 41 41 33 74119 62.18% 266 Hulme Grammar School for Girls M anch 女校 42 37 41 78126 61.90% 267 Queen Ethelburga's College Yorks N 合校 39 44 35 79129 61.24% 268 Reed's School Surrey 合校 65 64 54 118193 61.14% 269 Kent College Kent 合校 66 82 51 133218 61.01% 270 Wisbech Grammar School Cambs 合校 42 54 25 79130 60.77% 271 Denstone College Staffs 合校 52 50 49 99164 60.37% 272 Plymouth College Devon 合校 89 90 83 173287 60.28% 273 Loretto School Scotland 合校 50 55 33 88146 60.27% 274 Millfield School Somerset 合校217 224 164 388644 60.25%275 St Bede's Senior School Sussex E 合校 101 96 78 174 289 60.21% 276 Giggleswick School Yorks N 合校 59 47 51 98 163 60.12% 277 Kirkham Grammar School Lancs 合校 83 86 59 145 242 59.92% 278 Mander Portman Woodward London 合校 252 170 182 352 591 59.56% 279Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Lancs 合校 75 77 63 140 236 59.32% 280 Stafford Grammar School Staffs 合校 35 35 26 61 103 59.22% 281 Ackworth School Yorks W 合校 41 39 35 74 125 59.20% 282 Wellingborough School N'Hants 合校 59 57 42 99 168 58.93% 283 Arnold School Lancs 合校 79 88 58 146 248 58.87% 284 Sedbergh School Cumbria 合校 80 55 91 146 249 58.63% 285 Felsted SchoolEssex 合校 92 93 76 169 292 57.88% 286 Colston's Girls' SchoolBristol女校 44 39 35 74 128 57.81% 287 Rydal Penrhos Senior School Wales N 合校 55 56 43 99 172 57.56% 288Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies Cambs 合校 83 70 72 142 247 57.49% 289 Kingsley SchoolW'Wicks 女校 39 32 34 66 115 57.39% 290 Bristol Cathedral School Bristol 合校 43 47 27 74 129 57.36% 291 St Edward's SchoolGlos合校 47 42 36 78 136 57.35% 292 Halliford School/St David's SchoolLondon合校 35 28 31 59 103 57.28% 293 St David's School/Halliford School London合校 35 28 31 59 103 57.28% 294 Ratcliffe College Leics 合校 50 43 37 80 140 57.14% 295 Barnard Castle School Durham 合校66 51 61 112 196 57.14% 296 Wrekin CollegeSalop合51 48 46 94165 56.97%校297 King Edward VII and Queen Mary Sch Lancs 合校45 41 33 74130 56.92% 298 King's School Somerset 合校 72 77 53 130229 56.77% 299 Arts Educational School Herts 合校 50 31 34 65115 56.52% 300 St Bees School Cumbria 合校 50 43 45 88156 56.41% Davies Laing and Dick College L ondon 合校 186 121 143 264468 56.41% 302 Wycliffe College Glos 合校 63 40 76 116206 56.31% 303 Trent College Derbys 合校 90 79 70 149265 56.23% 304 Durham School Durham 合校 44 47 30 77137 56.20% 305 Worksop College Notts 合校 66 54 44 98175 56.00% 306 Royal Wolverhampton School W Mids 合校 56 59 46 105188 55.85% 307 Croham Hurst School London 女校 41 30 39 69124 55.65% 308 Ryde School IOW 合校 46 41 38 79144 54.86% 309 Woodhouse Grove School Yorks W 合校 76 63 60 123225 54.67% 310 Stowe School Bucks 合校130 116 97 213396 53.79% 311 William Hulme's Grammar School Manch 合校41 30 37 67125 53.60% 312 King's School Rochester Kent 合校 42 35 32 67126 53.17% 313 St Lawrence College Kent 合校 36 28 31 59111 53.15% 314 Downside School Somerset 男校 58 41 54 95181 52.49% 315 Queen's College London London 女校 45 40 34 74141 52.48% 316 St Mary's Hall Sussex E 女校 37 23 35 58112 51.79% 317 St Mary's College Mersey 合校60 55 41 96187 51.34%318 Rossall SchoolLancs合校 61 44 45 89 174 51.15% 319 Hulme Grammar School Manch男校64 47 55 102 201 50.75% 320 Duke of York's Royal Military School Kent合校41 29 32 61 122 50.00% 321 Princethorpe College W'Wicks合校 59 52 35 87 175 49.71% 322 Seaford College Sussex W合校 48 28 35 63 127 49.61% 323 Sutton Valence School Kent合校 63 43 52 95 192 49.48% 324 St Edmund's College Herts合校47 40 32 72 146 49.32% 325 Claires Court Sch and Maidenhead Coll Berks合校 42 18 39 57 116 49.14% 326 Cambridge Arts and Sciences Sixth Form College Cambs合校84 40 36 76 156 48.72% 327 Warminster School Wilts合校 52 41 36 77 160 48.13% 328 Aldenham School Herts合校 68 44 52 96 201 47.76% 329 Trinity School Devon合校 41 24 16 4085 47.06%330 Stonar School Wilts女校 45 33 31 64 136 47.06% 331 St Columba's College Herts男校 56 44 31 75 160 46.88% 332 Colston's Collegiate School Bristol合校 57 40 39 79 169 46.75% 333 Bethany School Kent合校 39 18 30 48 103 46.60% 334 Silcoates School Yorks W合校 59 26 55 81 177 45.76% 335 King's School - The Tyne合校 66 37 54 91 199 45.73% 336 Emanuel School London合校 61 31 48 79 175 45.14% 337 Abbotsholme School Derbys合校 36 27 19 46 104 44.23% 338 Scarborough College Yorks N合校38 21 32 53 120 44.17% 339 St Joseph's College Suffolk 合50 16 43 59 138 42.75%校340 Langley School Norfolk 合校45 19 31 50 118 42.37%341 Lincoln Minster School Lincs 合校39 12 30 42 107 39.25%342 Ellesmere College Salop 合校54 20 32 52 137 37.96%343 Shiplake College Oxon 合校45 20 16 36 122 29.51%344 Milton Abbey School Dorset 男校43 6 12 18 86 20.93%。



















贝勒比斯学院 Bellerbys College贝勒比斯学院是 SGI 国际学习集团在英国学术部门。

学院提供英国高中、大学预科、大学学位和研究生预科教育,学院校区在伦敦 London 、剑桥 Cambridge 、布莱敦与豪富Brighton & Hove 、牛津。

GCSE 课程: GCSE (以前称为 O Levels )是中等教育普通证书的缩写,也是英国学生完成第一阶段中等教育 ( 中学 ) 所参加的主要会考。


A Level 课程: A Level 是英国所有大学普遍接受的入学要求,也是医学及牙医学院唯一接受的学历资格。



每年有将近 250 位来自世界各地的学生选择这条捷径,以来进入英国顶尖大学就读。







学生所接受的是广泛的整体教学,包括学术及商业英语教学、学习技巧发展各大学所要求的 IELTS 与 GMAT 之准备。


圣 - 麦克尔学院 ST.MICHAEL‘S COLLEGE学院简介:该学校位于英格兰中部,靠近 HEREFORD 和 WORCESTER 市,是一所小规模、亲切而国际化的中学,男女混校,在校学生 100 多人来自不同的国家。





























1. St Paul's girls' School- Hammersmith 圣保罗女子学校-史密斯2. Wycombe Abbey School- Buckinghamshire威克姆阿贝学校3. North London Collegiate School - Edgware北伦敦学院4. St Paul's School- London圣保罗学校5. Westminster School- London威斯敏斯特学校6. Magdalen College School 莫德林学院学校7. Cardiff Sixth Form College卡迪夫学院8. Lady Eleanor Holles School - Richmond埃琳诺霍莉斯女子学校9. Oxford High School GDST牛津中学10. South Hampstead High School南汉普斯德高级中学11. Withington girls School- Manchester威辛顿女子学校12. Haberdashers' Aske's School for - Elstree 哈博戴斯阿斯克女校13. Haberdashers' Aske's boys' School - Elstree哈博戴斯阿斯克男子学校14. Royal Grammar School- Guildford皇家文法学校15. St Albans High School 圣奥尔本斯女子中学16. Eton College 伊顿公学17. Loughborough High School拉夫堡中学18. City of London School伦敦城市女子学校19. St Swithun's School- Winchester 圣斯威辛学校20. Brighton Colleg布莱顿学院21. Guildford High School吉尔福德女子高中22. St John's College- Cardiff 圣约翰学院23. Perse Upper School- Cambridge 佩斯学校24. Merchant Taylors'School - Northwood 麦钱特泰勒斯学校25. Latymer Upper School- Hammersmith 赖默中学26. St Albans School圣奥尔本斯中学27. Manchester Grammar School曼彻斯特文理学校28. Hampton School -Middlesex汉普顿学校29. St Mary's School- Ascot圣玛丽学校30. Tonbridge School- Kent汤布里奇学校31. 31 93.22 Alleyn's School- Dulwich艾琳学校32. Cheltenham Ladies'College切尔腾纳女子学院33. Harrow School哈罗公学34. University College School - Hampstead 汉普斯特德学院35. James Allen's School - Dulwich詹姆斯艾伦女子学校36. Manchester High School曼彻斯特女子高中37. Concord College- Shrewsbury协和学院38. Caterham School凯特汉姆中学39. St Helen's -Northwood 圣海伦学校40. School of St HelenandSt Katharine - Abingdon圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校41. Wimbledon High School GDST温布尔登中学42. Central Newcastle High School GDST中央纽卡斯尔中学43. Radley College - Abingdon拉德利中学44. Notting Hill &Ealing High School 诺丁山和伊林高中45. Dulwich College 德威学院46. St Catherine'sSchool - Guildford 圣凯瑟琳学校47. Godolphin & Latymer School - Hammersmith 戈多尔芬学校48. St Mary's School - Calne圣玛丽中学49. Royal Grammar School- Newcastle皇家文法学校50. Nottingham High School诺丁汉高中1.环境安全与美国的社会环境相比,英国是一个相对保守的国家,社会治安什么的都比较稳定,在这边生活很安全,且英国学校的校风也比较保守,更适合我们国内的中学生去学习生活。



中学英国留学学校排名汇总一、英国中学前50名院校1. St Paul's girls'School- Hammersmith 圣保罗女子学校-史密斯2. Wycombe Abbey School- Buckinghamshire威克姆阿贝学校3. North London Collegiate School - Edgware北伦敦学院4. St Paul's School- London圣保罗学校5. Westminster School- London威斯敏斯特学校6. Magdalen College School 莫德林学院学校7. Cardiff Sixth Form College卡迪夫学院8. Lady Eleanor Holles School - Richmond埃琳诺霍莉斯女子学校9. Oxford High School GDST牛津中学10. South Hampstead High School南汉普斯德高级中学11. Withington girls School- Manchester威辛顿女子学校12. Haberdashers'Aske's School for - Elstree 哈博戴斯阿斯克女校13. Haberdashers'Aske's boys'School - Elstree哈博戴斯阿斯克男子学校14. Royal Grammar School- Guildford皇家文法学校15. St Albans High School 圣奥尔本斯女子中学16. Eton College 伊顿公学17. Loughborough High School拉夫堡中学18. City of London School伦敦城市女子学校19. St Swithun's School- Winchester 圣斯威辛学校20. Brighton Colleg布莱顿学院21. Guildford High School吉尔福德女子高中22. St John's College- Cardiff 圣约翰学院23. Perse Upper School- Cambridge 佩斯学校24. Merchant Taylors'School - Northwood 麦钱特泰勒斯学校25. Latymer Upper School- Hammersmith 赖默中学26. St Albans School圣奥尔本斯中学27. Manchester Grammar School曼彻斯特文理学校28. Hampton School -Middlesex汉普顿学校29. St Mary's School- Ascot圣玛丽学校30. Tonbridge School- Kent汤布里奇学校31. 31 93.22 Alleyn's School- Dulwich艾琳学校32. Cheltenham Ladies'College切尔腾纳女子学院33. Harrow School哈罗公学34. University College School - Hampstead 汉普斯特德学院35. James Allen's School - Dulwich詹姆斯艾伦女子学校36. Manchester High School曼彻斯特女子高中37. Concord College- Shrewsbury协和学院38. Caterham School凯特汉姆中学39. St Helen's -Northwood 圣海伦学校40. School of St HelenandSt Katharine - Abingdon圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校41. Wimbledon High School GDST温布尔登中学42. Central Newcastle High School GDST中央纽卡斯尔中学43. Radley College - Abingdon拉德利中学44. Notting Hill &Ealing High School 诺丁山和伊林高中45. Dulwich College 德威学院46. St Catherine'sSchool - Guildford 圣凯瑟琳学校47. Godolphin & Latymer School - Hammersmith 戈多尔芬学校48. St Mary's School - Calne圣玛丽中学49. Royal Grammar School- Newcastle皇家文法学校50. Nottingham High School诺丁汉高中二、英国中学留学优势1.环境安全与美国的社会环境相比,英国是一个相对保守的国家,社会治安什么的都比较稳定,在这边生活很安全,且英国学校的校风也比较保守,更适合我们国内的中学生去学习生活。



英国公立中学GCSE排名TOP30如下:1亨丽埃塔 ?巴尼特学校The Henrietta Barnett School2堪德瑞克中学Kendrick School3赖特梅尔学校The Latymer School4提芬女子学校The Tiffin Girls‘ School5伊丽莎白女王学校(巴内特) Queen Elizabeth’s School6爱德华六世国王坎普山男子文法学校King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys 7圣迈克尔天主教文法学校St Michael‘s Catholic Grammar School8切姆斯福德郡女子中学Chelmsford County High School for Girls9培特文法学校Pate’s Grammar School10奥特林厄姆女子文法学校Altrincham Grammar School for Girls11科尔切斯特皇家文法学校Colchester Royal Grammar School12提芬学校Tiffin School13科利顿文法学校Colyton Grammar School14诺莎女子高级中学Nonsuch High School for Girls15瑞丁中学Reading School16科尔切斯特郡女子中学Colchester County High School for Girls17南威尔茨女子文法学校South Wilts Grammar School for Girls18纽斯特德伍德女子学校Newstead Wood School for Girls19圣奥莱夫和圣萨维尔文法学校St Olave‘s and St Saviour’s Grammar School 20沃灵顿女子中学Wallington High School for Girls21威尔逊学校Wilson‘s School22查洛纳博士中学Dr Challoner’s High School23伍尔弗汉普顿女子中学Wolverhampton Girls‘ High School24汤布里奇文法学校Tonbridge Grammar School25兰卡斯特女子文法学校Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School26爱德华六世国王坎普山女子学校King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls 27爱德华六世国王文法学校(切姆斯福德) King Edward VI Grammar School28伍德福德郡高中Woodford County High School29纽波特女子中学Newport Girls‘ High School30萨顿男子文法学校Sutton Grammar School for Boys。


48.Dulwich College达利奇学院
49.Benenden School博耐顿女校
54.Alleyn's School艾霖学校Day
55.Haberdashers' Monmouth School蒙默思女校
56.Rugby School拉格比学校
66.Tormead School托麦德学校Day
67.Bancroft's School班克罗夫特学校Day
68.Uppingham School阿宾汉姆学校













留学英国读高中如何选择合适的院校 英国留学读高中有哪些热门院校

留学英国读高中如何选择合适的院校 英国留学读高中有哪些热门院校

随着低龄留学热潮的兴起,很多家长选择把孩子(hái zi)送去国外读高中。


接下来我们就给大家介绍下应该高中留学院校的择校方法,快来理解下吧!英国高中留学(liú xué)择校方法1、看排名英国有近3000所私立中学,权威排名500之内都是公认(gōngrèn)的好学校。


每年GCSE、A Level出成绩后,?电讯报??泰晤士报?都会对学校进展排名,被认为具有相当的客观性和权威性。

















澳大利亚7000-14000元加拿大15000-20000元新西兰10000元左右荷兰12000元左右香港1.2-1.5万元左右日本1万左右,研究生在4万左右韩国8000-15000元左右法、意、德、西班牙1.6万-1.8万左右,其中含境外服务费 6000左右新加坡1.2万爱尔兰1.2万北欧16000元马来西亚8000元以上俄罗斯1万左右出国留学注意事项1 掌握应急联系方式行前请登录中国领事服务网和外交部网站,查询并保存旅行目的地中国使领馆的联系方式以及相关旅行提醒、警告等海外安全信息。



2 检查护照有效期护照剩余有效期一般应在一年以上,否则可能影响您申请他国签证,或影响您在国外期间的行程安排。

3 办妥目的地国签证确保已取得目的地国的入境签证和经停国家的过境签证,签证种类与出国目的相符,签证的有效期和停留期与出行计划一致。


4 核对机车、船票信息仔细核对票面上所显示的登机车、船时间、地点以及联程票的前后衔接是否正确。

5 了解目的地信息全面收集目的地风俗禁忌、气候条件、治安状况、流行疫病、法律法规等信息,并采取相应预防措施。

6 购买必要保险国外医药等费用普遍较高,建议您根据自身经济条件,购买人身安全和医疗等方面的必要险种,以防万一。

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留学360(/)介绍,排名学校名称性质所在地类型平均每 1 圣保罗女子学校St Paul's Girls' School 私立伦敦地区女校 267.4 2 威斯敏斯特学校Westminster School 私立伦敦地区混校 266.3 3 皮尔斯女子学校Perse School for Girls 私立剑桥郡-伦敦北80km 混校 266 4 吉尔福德高中 Guildford High School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 265.1 5 威辛顿女子学校Withington Girls' School 私立曼彻斯特地区,奥尔德姆女校 265 6 莫德林学院学校 Magdalen College School 私立牛津郡男校 265 7 圣保罗学校St Paul's School 私立伦敦地区泰晤士河畔里士满男校264.7 8 伦敦城市女子学校City of London School for Girls 私立伦敦,格林威治女校 264.2 9 威克姆阿贝学校Wycombe Abbey School 私立白金汉郡女校 264.1 10 皇家文理学校Royal Grammar School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边男校 263.9 11 牛津中学Oxford High School GDST 私立牛津郡女校 263.8 12 詹姆斯艾伦女子学校James Allen's Girls' School 私立伦敦地区女校 263.1 13 北伦敦学院学校North London Collegiate School 私立大伦敦哈罗区女校 262.7 14 南汉普斯德高级中学 South Hampstead High School 私立伦敦卡姆登女校 262.3 15 伊顿公学Eton College 私立温莎和梅登黑德男校 261 16 乔丁汉女子学院The Cheltenham Ladies' College 私立格鲁斯特郡女校 261 17 温切斯特学院Winchester College 私立汉普郡男校 260.8 18 哈博戴斯阿斯克男校Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边男校 260.7 19 圣玛丽学校·阿斯科特St Mary's School Ascot 私立温莎和梅登黑德女校 260.5 20 哈博戴斯阿斯克女子学校Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 260.5 21 协和学院Concord College 私立萨罗普郡-英西部混校 260.422 埃琳诺霍莉斯女子学校The Lady Eleanor Holles School 私立伦敦地区泰晤士河畔里士满女校 259.523 汤布里奇中学Tonbridge School 私立肯特郡-伦敦东南边男校 259.2 24 诺丁山伊令中学Notting Hill and Ealing High School 私立伦敦地区伊令女校 259 25 麦钱特泰勒斯学校Merchant Taylors' School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边男校 258.7 26 圣玛丽学校St Mary's School 私立威尔特希尔-英西南部女校 258.6 27 圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校 The School of St Helen and St Katharine 私立牛津郡女校 258.6 28 曼彻斯特文理学校The Manchester Grammar School 私立曼城地区-英中部男校 258.5 29 曼彻斯特女子高中Manchester High School for Girls 私立曼城地区-英中部女校 258.4 30 唐屋中学Downe House School 私立西伯克郡女校 258.3 31 赖特梅尔学校The Latymer School 公立米德尔塞克斯, 恩菲尔德混校 258.1 32 博耐顿女校Benenden School 私立肯特郡-伦敦东南边女校 258 33 巴德明顿中学Badminton School 私立布里斯托尔-英西南女校 257.8 34 布莱顿学院Brighton College 私立布赖顿与霍夫混校 257.7 35 艾霖学校 Alleyn's School 私立大伦敦郡旺兹沃思混校 257.4 36 哈罗学校Harrow School 私立大伦敦哈罗区男校 257.3 37 德华国王学校King Edward's School 私立英中部伯明翰男校 256.9 38 女王门学校Queen's Gate School 私立伦敦地区萨瑟克女校 256.9 39 海格学校Highgate School 私立伦敦地区哈林盖混校 256.9 40 爱德华国王六世女子高中King Edward VI High School for Girls 私立英中部伯明翰女校 256.6 41 堪德瑞克中学Kendrick School 基金学校瑞丁女校 256.5 42 拉格比学校Rugby School 私立华威郡-英中部混校 256.4 43 拉德利学院Radley College 私立牛津郡男校 256.3 44 海丁顿中学Headington School 私立牛津郡女校 256.3 45 汉普顿学校Hampton School 私立伦敦地区泰晤士河畔里士满男校 256.1 46 伦敦城市学校City of London School 私立伦敦,格林威治男校 256 47 圣奥尔本斯女子中学St Albans High School for Girls 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 255.9 48 圣奥尔本斯学校St Albans School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校 255.8 49 亨丽埃塔•巴尼特学校The Henrietta Barnett School 公立伦敦,巴尼特女校 255.5 50 温布尔登中学Wimbledon High School 私立伦敦地区默顿女校 255.5 51 科尔切斯特皇家文法学校Colchester Royal Grammar School 基金学校埃塞克斯-伦敦东北边混校 255.4 52 艾森学院Eltham College 私立伦敦地区布罗姆利混校 255.1 53 佩斯学校The Perse School 私立剑桥郡-伦敦北80km 混校 255 54 圣卡瑟琳学校St Catherine's School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 254.9 55 班克罗夫特学校Bancrofts School 私立伦敦地区雷德布里奇混校 254.9 56 皇家文理学校Royal Grammar School私立纽卡斯尔-英东北部混校 254.7 57 瑞丁中学Reading School 基金学校瑞丁男校 254.2 58 大学学院University College School 私立伦敦卡姆登混校 254.2 59 钱宁学校Channing School 私立伦敦地区哈林盖女校 254 60 普特尼高中Putney High School 私立伦敦地区女校 254 61 女王学校The Queen's School 私立柴郡西&切斯特女校 253.8 62 切特豪斯学校Charterhouse 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 253.6 63 圣彼得学校St Peter's School (inc St Olaves and Clifton PrePrep) 私立北约克郡混校 253.4 64 萨顿高中Sutton High School 私立萨里 ,萨顿女校 253.4 65 赫特伍得豪斯学校Hurtwood House School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 253.4 66 达利奇公学Dulwich College 私立大伦敦郡旺兹沃思男校 253.3 67 不列颠演艺及科技学院BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology 城市工科学院伦敦地区克罗伊登混校 253.2 68 坎特伯雷国王学院The King's School Canterbury 私立肯特郡-伦敦东南边混校 253.1 69 坎福德学校Canford School 私立多塞特郡,普尔混校 253.1 70 科利顿文法学校Colyton Grammar School 基金学校德文混校 253 71 圣海伦学校St Helen's School 私立伦敦地区希灵登女校 252.8 72 彼谢普斯托福学院Bishop's Stortford College 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校 252.8 73 拉提默中学Latymer Upper School 私立伦敦地区混校 252.7 74 惠灵顿学院Wellington College 私立伯克郡布拉克内尔森林混校 252.7 75 奥多中学Oundle School 私立北安普顿郡混校 252.6 76 圣斯威辛学校St Swithun's School 私立汉普郡女校 252.5 77 诺维奇中学Norwich School 私立诺福克混校 252.5 78 伊曼纽尔学院Immanuel College 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校 252.5 79 圣玛格丽特学校St Margaret's School 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 252.4 80 三一学校Trinity School 私立伦敦地区克罗伊登男校 252.4 81 伍德福德县高中Woodford County High School 社区学校伦敦地区陶尔哈姆莱茨女校 252.3 82 奥尔顿科温特中学Alton Convent School 私立汉普郡女校 252.2 83 国王中学King's High School 私立华威郡-英中部女校 252 84 爱德华国王学校King Edward's School 私立巴斯与东北萨默塞特混校 252 85 圣詹姆士高级女子学校St James Senior Girls School 私立伦敦地区女校 251.6 86 伦敦城市弗里曼学校City of London Freemen's School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 251.5 87 阿宾顿中学Abingdon School 私立牛津郡男校 251.5 88 莱切斯特女子中学Leicester High School for Girls 私立来斯特女校 251.4 89 托麦德学校Tormead School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 251 90 伊丽莎白女王学校Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet 基金学校伦敦,巴尼特男校 251 91 圣弗朗西斯学院St Francis College 私立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 250.8 92 国王学校The King's School 私立柴郡西&切斯特混校 250.8 93 圣奥莱夫和圣萨维尔文法学校St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School 公立伦敦地区布罗姆利混校 250.6 94 培特文法学校Pate's Grammar School 公立格鲁斯特郡混校 250.5 95 博尔顿学校女生部Bolton School Girls' Division 私立曼彻斯特地区博尔顿女校 250.5 96 圣母爱丽丝欧文学校Dame Alice Owen's School 公立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边混校 250.5 97 沃丁翰学校Woldingham School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边女校 250.4 98 瑞盖特文法学校Reigate Grammar School 私立萨里-伦敦西南边混校 250.3 99 提芬女子学校The Tiffin Girls' School 基金学校萨里,金斯顿女校 250.2 100 沃特福德女子文法学校Watford Grammar School for Girls 公立赫特福德郡-伦敦北边女校 250.2。
