专题二 第4讲特殊句式 答案

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1. At the meeting place the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_lies_(lie) Chong Qing, one of the ten largest cities in China.

2. John opened the door. There____stood_________ (stand) a girl he had never seen before.

3.—Is everyone here?—Not yet …Look, there___come__________ (come) the rest of our guests.

4. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away___fled_______ (flee) the thief.

5, For a moment nothing happened. Then___came___ (come) the voice all shouting together.

6. Here___are___________ (be) two tickets for tonight’s concert.

7. South of the river____lies_________ (lie) a small factory.

8. Such__is_______ (be) Albert Einstein, a simple man and 20th century’s greatest scientist.

9. Just in front of the bus _lay__(lie) an injured man,all covered with blood.

10. Down__jumped( jump) the robber from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him.

11. Yesterday, present at the meeting ____are_____(be) some scientists from China.一些来自中国的科学家出席了会议。

12.There _is_(be) an experienced teacher and many lovely students in the classroom.



---So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself._(转化为倒装句)


1.I hardly think it possible to finish the job before dark.

Hardly__do I think_ it possible to finish the job before dark.

2.We shall give up under no circumstances. _Under no circumstances_shall we give up.

3. He had no sooner taken office than he got down to carrying out reforms(改革)to the company.

No sooner had he taken office than he got down to carrying out reforms to the company.

4. He not only makes the most of his time to study, but also take an active part in all kinds of after-class activities.

Not only _does he make the most of his time to study, but also take an active part in all kinds of after-class activities.

5. ①He didn't stop working until he was tired out.

---Not until he was tired out did he_stop working.

②Not until the teacher came in did we stop talking.

---_We didn’t stop talking until the teacher came in._(还原为陈述语序)

---_It was not until the teacher came in that we stopped talking.(对not until结构强调)

6. He doesn't enjoy listening to pop music, I don’t enjoy listening to pop music, either.

He doesn't enjoy listening to pop music, neither_do I enjoy listening to pop music__.

7. He realized his mistake only when he was eighteen.

_Only when he was eighteen_did he realize his mistake.

8. Without your parents, you couldn't live a happy life; you couldn't have the chance to go abroad, either.

Without your parents, neither_could you live a happy life_, nor_could you have the chance to go abroad__.

9. He likes surfing the Internet . So do I_(我也一样)

10. If you don't attend the party ,_neither/nor will I. (我也不参加)


1. the more ,the more (more代表形容词和副词的比较级)

仿句:你学习越努力,取得的进步就越大The harder you study, the more progress you will make.

你登得越高,你就会看得越远。The higher you climb, the farther you will see._

2. whatever或however引导让步状语

①仿句:不管他回来多么晚,他母亲总是等他一道进餐_However late he comes back, his mother is always waiting him to have dinner together.

②仿句:不管她要什么礼物她的父母都会给她买_Whatever gift she wants, her parents will buy it for her.

3. as/ though引导让步状语

仿句:尽管他很努力,他考试不及格。_Try as he might, he failed the exam.

他虽然是我们班年龄最小的,但他的英语说的最好。Youngest as he is in our class, he speaks English best.

尽管他还是个孩子,他知道的很多。Child as he is, he knows much._

3.感叹句: What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语她是多么漂亮的一个女孩子!_What a beautiful girl she is!

What a/an+形容词+名词单数+主+谓他学习多么努力!__How hard he studies!

How+形/副+主+谓天气多好!__How fine it is!



1 Not until did 2.Not until did he realize 3. Never have 4. is 5. did 6. lies 7. stands 8. as/ though 9.so is 10. So tired was that 11. Not only will but also 12. Faced with 13. no sooner had
