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language 语壽ke 蛇

kite 风筝st 森林

camp 扎营;搭 flyjufep 跳;跃



into 到 .... 里面;进入


shout at ........... 冲 .... 大声叫嚷 shout to ............ 对 ...... 大声喊叫up and down 上上下下;起伏

fly a kite 放风筝


1 s [go camping 去野营

camp out 露营

2S do/does/did 代替上文内容,避免重复

Unit12 名


lake 湖;湖泊 mouse 老鼠 moon 月売

visitor 游客;访働 India 印度 ear 耳朵 stay 停留;待 move 移动 wake 弄醒;醒

shout 呼叫;喊叫 start 开始;着手

natural 自然的 tired 疲倦的;疲劳的 scared 惊慌的;吓坏了的

away 离开;远离 ago 以前

baby abj 有效的n 婴畑 adj&adv 咼的(地)

surprise n 惊奇;惊讶吏吃惊 stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜 high school 中学

wake …• up 把 .... 弄醒 put up 搭起;举起 run away 跑开 each other 互相;彼此 beach 海滩;滩 sheep 羊;绵羊 as 作为;当作 get a surprise 吃惊

Who visit her grandma ?谁看望了她的奶奶?—

Betty did. Betty 看望了。Who break the window ?谁打破了窗户?一Tim does. Tom 打破的。

do/does/did 取决于问句中的慰

3、as +名词作为 .........

As a player, you should have a strong body.作为一名运动员,你应该有一个麓 She worked as a teacher in this school.她曾在学校里当过老师 4

Hc (w happy they look !他们看起来多么高兴啊! bow hard he is working !他工作地多么努力啊!


第2)what 引导的感闵

| What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数(+主语谓语!

多么……啊! ^jat a clever boy ( he is ) !他是多么聪明的一个小男孩啊! @ What +形容词+可数名词复数(+主语谓语! 多么……啊!

She is tired of this excuse.她厌烦了 这个借

She is tired of playing the violin. 她厌烦 了 拉小提琴 6、 shout out 大声说

shout at 冲 .... 大喊,生气愤怒

She s^out out for help. 她大声呼救 o

David is angry and he shouts at Tim. David 很生气,冲着 Tim 大喊。 Mary shouted to us to help her. Mary 大声喊我们帮助她。 7、 to one's surprise 让某人惊讶的是

'in surprise 惊奇地;惊讶地

< get a surprise 吃惊

To m>|surprise, he didn't pass the exam •让我惊讶的是,他没有通过遷

They look at each other in surprise.他们惊讶地看着对方 I got a surprise when I saw the bill. —看账单我吃了—惊。 8、 be scared of sth 害怕某物



th I

・s D

g n

••.01 • d vVhat beautiful flowers

shout to 对 ..... 大喊,距i


be scared to do sth 害怕做某事

red of snakes・我害怕蛇。

She is scared to climb the tree.她害怕爬树。

9、move to +地点搬至【J/移到某地 He wants to move to countryside ・ 他想搬到乡下。 10、 C start/begin to do sth 开始做某事

to start with 第—; 首先 =first of all

She starts to clean the room at 8:00.她在 8 点开女台扌丁扫房间。 To start with, you should open the door. 首先, 你应该扌丁开门。


When I heard the news, I got a great s

Tigers and mon keys like to live in the f

weather ! It's raining ! ——Who cleaned the room ?——Peter (作为)

a student, you should study hard. 1. We went to the

b and swam in the sea last summer. 2. Tom can speak three I

・ Thev ere Chinese, English and French. 3. 4. 5. The m and the sun both rise in the east and go down in the west. 6. The baby

(wake ) up and began to cry. How many

(sheep ) can you see on the farm ? 8. It is

(nature ) for parents to worry about their children. 9. The mountain is too

・ I think I can't climb it up. 10. Please your hands before you answer the teacher's question in class. 12. It*s not polite (礼貌的)to

(大声喊) your parents. 13. Don*t

lai^or you will feel tired next day. 14. Some girls

偉怕老鼠) 15. Tom

开)quickly. 16. We

(扌L 营) by the river last night. 17. 18.
