



1: YMCA-VILLAGE PEOPLEVILLAGE PEOPLE(村民乐队)1978年经典劲歌,提起YMCA,估计8 0年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。


2:RASPUTIN-BONEY MBONEY M(波尼曼)乐队,70.80年代西德传奇DISCO组合,这首RASPUT IN30年来被无数人翻唱,高凌风翻唱为《心上人》,80年代初,国内青少年“地下DISCO”舞场热翻天的经典舞曲,保证你跳到脚软!3:ONE WAY TICKET- ERUPTIONONE WAY TICKET(单程车票),与BONEY M(波尼曼)系出同门的ERU PTION跳舞组合,80年代国内最风靡的一首西洋舞曲,1978年冠军舞曲。

4:GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!—ABBA瑞典一代传奇组合ABBA(阿巴乐队),中学时代的最爱,乐队在80年代虽已解散,但这首1979年的GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!却早已成为乐迷们心中永恒的经典,费翔在80年代把它翻唱为《恼人的秋风》,相信你还记得歌词“为什么一阵恼人的秋风,把你的人......”5:DISCO-OTTAWAN还记得当年舞场里一致齐吼“D!I!S!C!O!”吗?对了这就是OTTAWA N(奥塔万)在1981年的著名水晶球舞曲“DISCO”,加拿大著名二人组合,带给你前所未有的激情碰撞。


6:BED BOYS—WHAM1983年的英国金牌榜单曲BED BOYS(坏男孩),英国WHAM(威猛)乐队,当年带给我们的冲击和震撼,是我们这代人永远不会忘记的。

Medeli A100S 钢琴说明书

Medeli A100S 钢琴说明书




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目录面板控制与屏幕显示前面板..........................................................................4后面板..........................................................................4液晶显示......................................................................5演奏前的准备电源供电......................................................................6安装琴谱架...................................................................6外部连接连接耳机......................................................................7连接踏板......................................................................7连接电脑......................................................................7电源开关与主音量........................................................8示范曲..........................................................................8演奏音色......................................................................9播放节奏. (9)播放歌曲....................................................................10录音............................................................................10演奏各种乐器音色音色选择....................................................................11双音色........................................................................11下音色........................................................................11演奏各种风格伴奏演奏自动伴奏(只演奏打击乐声部).........................12演奏自动伴奏(所有声部).......................................12伴奏段落....................................................................12演奏不同的伴奏段落..................................................13渐强/渐弱...................................................................13伴奏音量控制.............................................................13和弦演奏指法. (14)速度调节....................................................................15功能菜单音调...........................................................................16分离点设置................................................................16节拍类型....................................................................17踏板定义....................................................................17均衡器设置................................................................17混响类型....................................................................17混响深度....................................................................18合唱类型....................................................................18合唱深度....................................................................18和声类型....................................................................18MIDI通道设置............................................................19自动关机设置.............................................................19调音台 (19)演奏各种音色效果八度...........................................................................20力度响应....................................................................20节拍器.......................................................................20延音效果....................................................................20弯音效果....................................................................21颤音效果....................................................................21数码效果....................................................................21移调...........................................................................21和声...........................................................................21面板注册记忆设置记忆库........................................................................22存储/调用注册记忆.....................................................22可存储的数据. (22)单触键设置................................................................22录音录音准备....................................................................23启动录音....................................................................23结束录音....................................................................23录音回放....................................................................24录音删除....................................................................24示范曲 (24)钢琴演奏模式.............................................................25歌曲歌曲播放....................................................................25歌曲控制....................................................................25歌曲学习....................................................................26和弦字典模式1 和弦学习模式...................................................27模式2 和弦测试模式...................................................27踏板功能多功能踏板.................................................................28MIDI功能什么是MIDI?..............................................................29MIDI的主要应用.........................................................29故障排除....................................................................30规格...........................................................................30附录音色表........................................................................31节奏表........................................................................38歌曲表........................................................................41示范曲表....................................................................43MIDI执行表. (44)面板控制与屏幕显示前面板后面板1.【电源】开关打开或关闭电源。



1: YMCA-VILLAGE PEOPLEVILLAGE PEOPLE(村民乐队)1978年经典劲歌,提起YMCA,估计8 0年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。


2:RASPUTIN-BONEY MBONEY M(波尼曼)乐队,70.80年代西德传奇DISCO组合,这首RASPUT IN30年来被无数人翻唱,高凌风翻唱为《心上人》,80年代初,国内青少年“地下DISCO”舞场热翻天的经典舞曲,保证你跳到脚软!3:ONE WAY TICKET- ERUPTIONONE WAY TICKET(单程车票),与BONEY M(波尼曼)系出同门的ERU PTION跳舞组合,80年代国内最风靡的一首西洋舞曲,1978年冠军舞曲。

4:GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!—ABBA瑞典一代传奇组合ABBA(阿巴乐队),中学时代的最爱,乐队在80年代虽已解散,但这首1979年的GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!却早已成为乐迷们心中永恒的经典,费翔在80年代把它翻唱为《恼人的秋风》,相信你还记得歌词“为什么一阵恼人的秋风,把你的人......”5:DISCO-OTTAWAN还记得当年舞场里一致齐吼“D!I!S!C!O!”吗?对了这就是OTTAWA N(奥塔万)在1981年的著名水晶球舞曲“DISCO”,加拿大著名二人组合,带给你前所未有的激情碰撞。


6:BED BOYS—WHAM1983年的英国金牌榜单曲BED BOYS(坏男孩),英国WHAM(威猛)乐队,当年带给我们的冲击和震撼,是我们这代人永远不会忘记的。


7.1、WTW-16P ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 7.2、WTW-28P(板号 V1.1) .............................................................................................................................................................................7 7.3、WTW-28P(板号 V1.2) ...................................................................................................................................................8 7.4、WT588D-32L ..................................................................................................................................................................................................9 7.5、WT588D-18P............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 7.6、WT588D-20SS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 8、引脚详细描述 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 9、电气参数...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 10、环境绝对极限参数................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 11、控制模式 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 11.1、MP3 模式 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 11.2、按键控制模式.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13




逝去的是岁月,年轻的是记忆,猛士不倒,荷东不死,它是一个永久的传奇~专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.1专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第一集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1987年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. MORE THAN A KISS -MICHAEL BEDFORD 不仅仅是个吻02. YOU"RE MY FIRST,YOU"RE MY LAST -LINDA JO RIZZO 只有你一个 03. FREEDOM/PEOPLE SAY IT"S IN THE AIR -JEANNIE HERREY 无章的自由/渴望04. LOVE SPY -MIKE MAREEN 爱的"间谍" 05. DON"T YOU GO AWAY -CREATIVE CONNECTION FEAT LIAN ROSS 不要离去06. IT"S UP TO YOU -LIAN ROSS 取决于你07. DON"T LOOSE YOUR HEART TONIGHT -JOY PETERS 今晚不要大意08. SECRET EYES -LAFFAIR 神秘的眼睛- 1 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.2专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第二集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1987年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. BABY DON"T YOU BREAK MY HEART -ARGENTINA 请勿伤我心 02. HEARTFLASH TONIGHT -LINDA JO RIZZO 今夜心跳03. I NEED YOUR LOVE -PAPARRAZI 我需要你的爱04. YETI -RADIORAMA 雪人05. CRAZY RHYTHM -MARTINA 狂热的旋律06. COUNT ON ME -T.ART 走近我07. ONE MORE TIME –BIANCA 再来玩一次 08. MASTER MIX MEDLEY -VARIOUS ARTISTS 猛士狂龙- 2 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.3专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第三集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1988年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. FANTASY BOY -NEW BACCARA 梦中的男孩 02. EVERYBODY DOES IT -GLAMOUR STATION 每个人都努力03. LOVE IS THE NAME OF THE GAME -PATTY RYAN 爱是感情的名字 04. NEED YOUR PASSION -SWEET CONNECTION 需要你的热情 05. I DON"T WANNA LOSE YOU -DAVID LYME 我不能失去你06. BYE BYE MI AMOUR -DAVID LYME 再见爱人07. LOVING ALL THE TIME -ROGER MENO 永远爱慕你08. RUN TO ME -LENA 回到我身旁09. DREAMS OF RIO -LES MONTES 梦中的尼奥10. MY LOVE,MY LIFE -PATTY RYAN 我的爱,我的生命- 3 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.4专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第四集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. THE PERFUME OF LOVE -SCALA 香水爱情02. DON"T CRY -KEN LASZLO 不要哭 03. DOCTOR FOR MY HEART -GRANT MILLER 爱的医生04. WALKIE TALKIE TANZE -SARAH 无线电通讯机05. USSR -EDDY HUNGTINGTON 苏联06. TRACKS IN THE SNOW -GRANT MILLER 雪中痕迹07. WHEN WILL I -KAREN MICHELLE 何时才可以08. SAVING MYSELF -ERIA FACHIN 将好的留给你09. SO I KNOW -RADIORAMA 我知道 10. MY HEARTS ON FIRE -PATRICKL.MYLES 我的心在燃- 4 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.5专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第五集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子资源格式: ape发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. HEARTBREAK HOTEL -IRENE TURNER 伤心的酒店 02. I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY -SHIRLEY WHITE 我真幸运03. BRING ME EDELWEISS -JULIET 送盒雪绒花 04. DRESSED FOR SUCCESS -CINDY LAURIE 扮作成功05. STRAIGHT UP -ALEXANDRA DAVIS 快快说清楚06. I ONLY WANNA BE WITH YOU -DEBBIE BOVEN 只想伴着你07. LITTLE GIRL -STEPHENIE 少女08. OPPOSITES ATTRACT -RHYTHM RED 异性相吸 09. LOOKING FOR FREEDOM -WILLY WELSON 寻找自由10. THE LOOK -JASON MCMILLAN 有型有款- 5 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.6专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第六集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. NOTHING"S GONNA STOP ME NOW -DEBORAH HANSA 没法停止的爱02. OPERATOR -B.REITANO 接线生03. LA BAMBA -M.PHILINBERG 森巴舞04. HOLD ON TIGHT -ANNA CARR 拥抱我05. LIVE IS LIFE -T.LEWIS 生命之歌06. FUNKY TOWN -C.CLIMITE 跳跃都市07. G.T.O. -JULIE CASON08. CONGA -MORRISON HORIZON 康加舞 09. ATLANTIC IS CALLING -GOLDEN BOYS 爱的呼唤 10. YOU CAN WIN IF YOU WANT -E.BARRY 成功需努力- 6 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.7专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第七集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. The Christmas Mix(Medley) 圣诞大联唱02. Please Don"t Go 请别离开03. Woodpeckers FormXSS Space 天外啄木鸟04. Body Rock 摇摆身躯05. Ride On Time 把握时间06. Get Up 起来吧07. Say I"m Your No.1 我是你的No.108. Rock Me Amadeus 摇滚亚美特斯09. Swing The Mood 摇滚派对- 7 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.8专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第八集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑: 01. DANCIN ON A SATURDAY NIGHT -B.BLUE 劲舞周末夜02. THOSE WERE THE DAYS -RAMS HORN 往昔的日子03. STEP BY STEP -SILVER POZZOLI 每一步04. TURN ON THE NIGHT -LOIS&LANE 尽兴今晚夜05. THE WITCH QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS -T.TOLY 新奥尔良的女巫06. CIAO AMORE -JOE PARTY 爱情三部曲07. IS THIS LOVE -OSCARE 这就是爱吗08. ROCKOLA -DOUBLE TAKE 洛歌拉09. RADIO HOUSE -RADIO ZONE 播音工厂 10. COMING FOR YOUR LOVE -MITCH&MELANIE 为你的爱而- 8 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.9专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第九集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. OVER AGAIN -BRIANICE 重头开始 02. BOYS WILL BE BOYS -ALISHA 男儿本色03. FACE TO FACE -SOPHIE 面贴面 04. WALKIE TALKIE TANZE -SARAH 无线电通讯机05. STARLIGHT -LAUREN GREY 星光06. DOWN TOWN BEAT -CHRISS 都市节拍 07. BACHELOR BOY -STEVE BREAD 小学士08. TOUCH ME -LINDA ROSS 触摸我09. THE EYES OF DON JOHNSON -TWENTY.ONE 当庄逊的眼睛10. DYNAMITE -ANGELA 火花- 9 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.10专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第十集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1995年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑: 01. TOO MANY BROKEN HEART 太多破碎的心02. ONLY WITH YOU 只与你一起03. IT"S MY LIFE 我的人生04. I"M DREAMING 梦幻般的爱05. I DON"T WANNA BE LONELY 我不要再寂寞06. ELECTRIC YOUTH 电子青年07. DON"T YOU EVER RUN AWAY 请别再离开我08. IT"S TOO LATE 太迟了09. SWISS BOY 瑞士男孩10. RIO NIGHTS 丽奥之夜- 10 -《荷东全集》发行时间: 1987年-1995年地区: 大陆美国香港语言: 英语专辑介绍:《荷东》,全称《Hollyhood East Stars》,港译《荷李活东方明星舞会》,因为在香港等粤语地区好莱坞即称“荷李活”,故简称“荷东”,是喜爱电子音乐的年轻香港音乐制作人80年代中期的代表作品,1985年香港飞时Face公司出品,并由中唱广州公司引进到大陆。




她在冰河时代系列电影中献唱了一首英文歌曲,这首歌曲名为《Try Everything》。

1. 歌曲内容,《Try Everything》是一首充满活力和鼓舞人心



2. 歌曲在冰河时代电影中的角色,这首歌曲是冰河时代系列电


3. 歌曲的流行程度,《Try Everything》在电影上映后迅速走红,成为了士高的代表作之一。


4. 歌曲的音乐风格,《Try Everything》是一首流行音乐,融


5. 歌曲的影响力,这首歌曲不仅仅在电影中获得了成功,也成为了许多人在面对挑战时的励志歌曲。


总结起来,《Try Everything》是士高在冰河时代系列电影中演唱的一首英文歌曲,传达了鼓励人们勇敢尝试、不断追求梦想的积极信息。




【绝对精品】猛士歌词大奉送——献给所有猛士迷2楼DON'T LOOSE YOUR HEART TONIGHT今晚不要大意By: Joy PetersAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart this wayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heartIn your eyes I can seeWhat it means loving secretlyHe's so cold, cold as iceAnd he knows that you pay the prizeAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart this wayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heartIn the rain, in the nightYou have wished that he takes your prideYou can't help feel this wayBut I know you'll regret one dayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart this wayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart(I know the darkness)(I know your way)(How could you leave me)(Don't lose your face)Call his nameWhat it meansYou can winAnd he knowsAh-hah-ahAh-hah-ahAh-hah-ahIn the rain, in the nightYou have wished that he takes your pride You can't help feel this wayBut I know you'll regret one day(I know the darkness)(I know your way)(How could you leave me)(Don't lose your face)Ah-hah-ahAh-hah-ah(Don't lose your heart)2010-4-24 21:133楼LITTLE GIRL少女By: StephenieVenice nightAt five o'clockThe station, hazy lightA sleepin' bum, a single girlShe's leavin' overnightAnd she knows that it's foreverAnd she'll never ever returnIn Italy, on holidaysShe had to see Da Vinci's styleAll the arts of credit cardsShe would forgive him for a smileAnd she knows that it's foreverAnd she'll never ever returnHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowThere she isInside a trainAnd now she's leaning backShe's got money for one day and nothing in her hand And she knows that it's foreverAnd she'll never ever returnHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut t he big boys feel no sorrow…4楼COUNT ON ME走近我By: T·ArtYou want to know if I am in love with you Wherever I really careYou want to know am I gonna be true Would I be always thereHey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you see I come here to stay(Oh oh oh)Hey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you know that this is my way(Oh oh oh)No need to hesitate(Oh oh oh)No need to wait(You know that you can count on me) And the better that you'll be free(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me) This is what I want you to see(You know that you can count on me) And the glad you want it to be(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me) This is what I am going to seeYou say you are allowed for some security You don'na want to fight(Don't want to fight)You want to live your life harmlessWhy don't you start tonight(Let's start tonight)Hey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you see I come here to stay(Oh oh oh)Hey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you know that this is my way(Oh oh oh)No need to be afraid(Oh oh oh)No need to wait(You know that you can count on me)And the better that you'll be free(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me)This is what I want you to see(You know that you can count on me)And the better that you'll be free(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me)This is what I want you to see(I see, I see)(You know that you can count on me)And the glad you want it to be(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me)This is what I am going to see(You know that you can count on me, count on me) (Hey, say)(Count on me, count on me)(Hey, say)(Oh oh oh)Count on me(Hey, say)(Count on me, count on me)(Hey, say)(Oh oh oh)Count on me(Hey, say)(Count on me, count on me)(Hey, say)(Oh oh oh)5楼DRESSED FOR SUCCESS扮作成功By: Cindy LaurieTried to make it little by littleTried to make it bit by bit on my ownI quit the job, the grey believersAnother town -- Where I get close for my own (Whatcha gonna tell your brother)Oh oh oh(Whatcha gonna tell your father)I don't know(Whatcha gonna tell your mother)Let me goI'm gonna get dressedFor successShaping me up for the big time -- Baby -- Get dressed For successShaping it up for your loveFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveI'm not afraid, a trembling flowerI'll feed your heart and blow the dust from your eyes And in the dark, things happen fasterI love the way you sway your hips next to mine (Whatcha gonna tell your brother)Oh oh oh(Whatcha gonna tell your father)I don't know(Whatcha gonna tell your mother)Let me goI'm gonna get dressedFor successShaping me up for the big time -- Baby -- Get dressedFor successShaping it up for your loveThis's lieYeah yeah yeah(Whatcha gonna tell your brother)Oh oh oh(Whatcha gonna tell your father)Yeah yeah -- I don't know(Whatcha gonna tell your mother)I don't knowDressedFor successI'm gonna get dressedFor successI'm gonna get dressedFor successFitting a spot for the big time -- Baby -- I'm gonna get dressed For successShaping it up for your loveFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveYeah yeah yeah6楼I ONL Y WANNA BE WITH YOU只想伴着你By:Debbie BovenI don't know what it is that makes me love you so I only know I never want to let you go'cause of you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever since we met you've had a hold on me It happens to be trueI only wanna be with youIt doesn't matter where you go or what you doI want to spend each moment of the day with you But love has happened with just one kissI never knew that I could be in love like thisIt's crazy but it's trueI only wanna be with youYou stopped to smiled at meAsked if I cared to danceI fell into your open armsAnd I didn't stand a chanceNow listen honeyI just want to be beside you everywhereAs long as we're together -- Honey -- I don't care But you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever since we met you've had a hold on me No matter what you doI only wanna be with youI don't know what it is that makes me love you so I only know I never want to let you go'cause of you started somethingOh can't you seeEver since we met you've had a hold on meIt happens to be trueI only wanna be with youIt doesn't matter where you go or what you doI want to spend each moment of the day with you But love has happened with just one kissI never knew that I could be in love like thisIt's crazy but it's trueI only wanna be with youYou stopped to smiled at meAsked if I cared to danceI fell into your open armsAnd I didn't stand a chanceNow listen honeyI just want to be beside you everywhereAs long as we're together -- Honey -- I don't care But you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever we met you've had a hold on meNo matter what you doI only wanna be with youYou stopped to smiled at meAsked if I cared to danceI fell into your open armsAnd I didn't stand a chanceNow listen honeyI just want to be beside you everywhereAs long as we're together -- Honey -- I don't careBut you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever since we met you've had a hold on me No matter what you doI only wanna be with youNo matter what you doI only, I only, I only wanna be with you7楼LOOKING FOR FREEDOM寻找自由By: David HasselhoffOne morning in June some twenty years agoI was born a rich man's sonI had everything that money could buyBut freedom -- I had noneI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be foundI headed down the track, my baggage on my back I left the city far behindWalkin' down the road, with my heavy load Trying to find some freedom of mineFather said you'll be sorry, sonIf you leave your home this wayAnd when you realize the freedom money buys You'll come running home some dayI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be foundI paid a lotta dues, had plenty to lose Travelling across the landWorked on a farm, got some muscles in my arm But still I'm not a self-made manI'll be on the run for many years to comeI'll be searching door to doorAnd even some timeSomeday I'm gonna findThe freedom I've been searchin' forI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be foundI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be found -- Can't be found8楼MY LOVE, MY LIFE我的爱,我的生命By: Patty RyanSince you are an angle from the skyYou're full of my fantasyThe way you look takes me so high You everything to meAnd on my wonders you photograph How I am longing for your smileSo come and touch meCome and feel meHear me cryYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come trueI am only wonder night just come You are in my radioYes -- When you sing I feel the sun Now I can please the showSince for evermore you are my destiny Take my loneliness awaySo come and touch meCome and feel meHear me sayYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love)You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come true Since for evermore you are my destiny Take my loneliness awaySo come and touch meCome and feel meHear me sayYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come trueHear me sayYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come trueYou are my love (You are my love)You are my life (You are my life)Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)…9楼STRAIGHT UP快快说清楚By: Alexandra DavisDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyCome on, youDo, do you love meDo, do you love meI tell me bewareLost in a dreamI Don't know which way to goIf you are all that you seemThen baby I'm moving way too slowI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorHow about some information -- Please Straight up now tell meDo you really want to love me forever oh oh oh Or am I caught in a hit and runStraight up now tell meIs it gonna be you and me together oh oh oh Are you just having funTime's standing stillWaiting for some small clueI keep getting chillsWhen I think your love is trueI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorHow about some information -- PleaseStraight up now tell meDo you really want to love me forever oh oh ohOr am I caught in a hit and runStraight up now tell meIs it gonna be you and me together oh oh ohAre you just having funI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorAre you more than hot for meOr am I a page in your history-bookI don't mean to make demandsBut the word and the deed go hand in handHow about some information -- PleaseI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorHow about some information -- Please, please, please You are so hard to readYou play hide and seekWith your true intentionsIf you're only playing gamesI'll just have to say(Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye)Do, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyCome on, youDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me beware10楼THE LOOK有型有款By: Jason McMillanWalking like a manHitting like a hammerShe's a juvenile scamNever was a quitterTasty like a raindropShe's got the lookHeavenly bound cause heaven's got a numberWhen she's spinning me aroundKissing is a colourHer loving is a wild dogShe's got the lookShe's got the look(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la -- She's got the lookFire in the ice naked to the t-bone is a lover's disguise Banging on the head drumShaking like a mad bullShe's got the lookSwaying to the bandMoving like a hammerShe's a miracle manLoving is the oceanKissing is the wet sandShe's got the lookShe's got the look(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la -- She's got the look(Walking like a man)(Hitting like a hammer)(She's a juvenile scam)(Never was a quitter)(Tasty like a raindrop)(She's got the look)And she goes -- (Na na na na na na…)(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la -- She's got the lookWhat in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la(Na na na na na na na na…)She's got the look…11楼YETI雪人By: RadioramaI love your worldWhere the winners might be sweet all around Tell me you're the lightTell me what you'll be afraid of this night(If you wanna take a look around) (Please don't hit a man who understands) (As the story goes you are the one)(Run away in other place)(In the night you're looking for to meet) (And couldn't get the man for getting in fit) (Just the story goes you are the one)(Run away in other place)(Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, Yeti)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)I want your soulAnd I really like to seem to your heartI feel with youAnd I know that you are living apart(If you wanna take a look around) (Please don't hit a man who understands) (As the story goes you are the one) (Run away in other place)(In the night you're looking for to meet) (And couldn't get the man for getting in fit) (Just the story goes you are the one) (Run away in other place)(Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, Yeti)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, Yeti)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)12楼FANTASY BOY梦中的男孩By: New BaccaraYou are just my fantasy boyI made you upYou were my toyAnd I found you as a dream inside my headYour eyes are like a mystic dreamThe deepest blue I've ever seenYou're a mixture of the new man and gypsyTell me whyTell me why you're so real When I dreamDon't you knowI have to face realityOh oh ohFantasy boyHas been my lover, not my toyCause I need you to be realTo be no fantasyI want to touch and feelMy fantasy boyCome on and step into my lifeIt's so much harder to survive without your love for me And take me to eternityI know some day I'm gonna meet fantasy boyI feel your heatWant to squeeze YouTease You hold you in my armsTell me whyTell me why you're so real when I dreamDon't you knowI have to face realityOh oh ohFantasy boyHas been my lover, not my toyCause I need you to be realTo be no fantasyI want to touch and feelMy fantasy boyCome on and step into my lifeIt's so much harder to survive without your Love for meAnd take me to eternityMy fantasy boyFantasy boyHas been my lover, not my toyCause I need you to be realTo be no fantasyI want to Touch and feelMy fantasy boyCome on and step Into my lifeIt's so much Harder to survive without your Love for meAnd take me to eternityMy fantasy boy13楼USSR苏联By: Eddy Hungtington(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)Day in the nightTaking places in the train to MoscowNow i'm coming back to drink some iced vodka Landscape in whiteSun is shining through the iciclesI'm dancing in the snow to balalaika(俄式三弦琴)Time can go byBut the Russian girls don't ever seem to leave my mind Fine, don't see why I should even try to leave my heart behind USSRI'm back into the USSRUSSRI'm back into the USSR(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)Jumpin' is rightNow this time I'm on vacationAnd I'm going to have some fun rocking in Gorki parkYime can go byBut the Russian girls don't ever seem to leave my mind Fine, don't see why I should even try to leave my heart behind USSRI'm back into the USSRUSSRI'm back into the USSRUSSRUSSRUSSRUSSR14楼LOVE IS THE NAME OF THE GAME爱是感情的名字By: Patty RyanDon't think it's over when you say goodbyeYou think it's easy to break a heartBut don't forget the thousand tears I cryLove's game I knew it from the startLove is the name of the gameOh stop, let me feeling the game, this loveYou're a part of my heartSo leave me lonely in the heat of the nightOh ohLove is the name of the gameDon't stop, when you're feeling the same My love, I'm living just for youPlease make my dreams come trueThere're times I've changingBoy, why can't you seeNow it's your time o say the truthWas it a jokeWhen you said stay with meDon't bring me downDon't make me blueLove is the name of the gameOh stop, let me feeling the game, this love You're a part of my heartSo leave me lonely in the heat of the nightOh ohLove is the name of the gameDon't stop, when you're feeling the same My love, I'm living just for youPlease make my dreams come trueYou think it's easy when you say goodbye But don't forget the tears I cryLove is the name of the gameOh stop, let me feeling the game, this love You're a part of my heartSo leave me lonely in the heat of the nightOh ohLove is the name of the gameDon't stop, when you're feeling the same My love, I'm living just for youPlease make my dreams come true15楼TRACKS IN THE SNOW雪中痕迹By: Grant Miller(Find my tracks in the snow)Look out the windowI know I have to goBe all alone nowAnd feel the cold winds blowMaybe you'll be hereI'll never knowBut if you should show you'll have to follow my tracks in the snowFind my tracks in the snow, babe wherever I goYou'll never know until youFind my tracks in the snow, babe don't ever lose holdYou've got to keep on and never say no(I know it's just a dream)(But hurry up now the wind will cover my tracks in the snow)Looking behind meI feel the snowy freezeHoping to find youI know it's just a dreamMy path is waitin'Please don't deceive meBut hurry up now the wind will cover my tracks in the snowYou've got my tracksSo come and find meI'll be waitin' here I don't want to leave you there all aloneI can't relax (relax) without you near meI'll be waitin' here am I ever gonna see you againI knowOh baby yes I knowI know (I know)Oh baby yes I knowI'm gonna see you againFind my tracks in the snow, babe wherever I goYou'll never know until youFind my tracks in the snow, babe don't ever lose hold You've got to keep on and never say noYou've got my tracksSo come and find meI'll be waitin' here I don't want to leave you there all alone I can't relax (relax) without you near meI'll be waitin' here am I ever gonna see you againI knowOh baby yes I knowI know (I know)Oh baby yes I knowI'm gonna see you againFind my tracks in the snow, babe wherever I goYou'll never know until youFind my tracks in the snow, babe don't ever lose hold You've got to keep on and never say no17楼ATLANTIC IS CALLING爱的呼唤By: Golden BoysLady, I know it'll must be hardBut it's much harder to ignoreThere is a chance in the townI won't hurt you anymoreHollywood nights we're romancingYou can trust me anytime Somewhere, oh babe, there is someone Oh, you're dancing in my mindOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, come onTeach me the rulesI will send an SOS for loveOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, you need loveLike I doI will send an S.O.S. for love(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)If lovin' you is wrong, babeOh, I don't wanna be rightI've got you under my skin, babeOh, baby hold me tightI'm ready for our romanceI wait a million years for youI love you more than I'm sayin'Baby, that's for me the truthOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, come onTeach me the rulesI will send an SOS for loveOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, you need loveLike I doI will send an SOS for love(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)18楼MORE THAN A KISS不仅仅是一个吻By: Michael BedfordCall my nameAnd show me how to save your loveI can't fight my feelingsMy feelings for youTurn the stoneAnd let me be the one you wantYou can light my darknessThere's no one like youTake my handAnd stay with meAnd stay with me tonightMore than a kissI always wanna be with youMore than a kissI like your certain style(No one else but you)More than a star(I want your love)I always wanna hear your voice (I want you near me day by day) Deep in my heart(Please hold me tight)There's no one else like youFirst I thoughtYou wouldn't mean so much to me How could I forget youForget you this wayYou're so farIs that the way it's meant to be You could change the wayI'm feeling insideCan't you seeThe way I'm goneThe way I'm gone for youMore than a kiss(I want your love)(I want you near me day by day) (Please hold me tight)There's nothing more than you There's nothing more than you There's nothing more than youMore than a kissMore than a kiss(I want your love)(I want you near me day by day) (Please hold me tight)(I want your love)More than a kiss(I want your love)I always wanna be with you(I want you near me day by day)More than a kiss(Please hold me tight)I like your certain styleMore than a style(I want your love)(I want you near me day by day) (Please hold me tight)19楼SECRET EYES神秘眼睛By: LaffairKnowing night is an illation(推论)Can't caps what I am sayingYour eyes can hide the beaches of the dream Never feel the stageNever fall in loveMeta to see the riding on the oneSecret eyes burning nightFire in the night(Would you Mr. night)Give me high a high in the sky(You are my special imagination)Secret eyes burning nightFire in the night(Would you Mr. night)Tell me whyWhy don't you by(You are the only one)Like a ship on the oceanThrough into the night。



BODY BUILDER’S DRAWINGSANDSUPPORTING DATALIT. No. LTE07001-ASEP. 2007INTRODUCTIONThis book has been designed to provide information for body and equipment manufacturers who mount their products on MITSUBISHI-FUSO FE chassis.We believe that all the detailed information which is essential for that purpose is contained in this book, but if you require any additional data or information, please contact:MITSUBISHI FUSO TRUCK OF AMERICA, INC.2015 Center Square Road,Logan Township, NJ 08085(Phone : (856) 467-4500)The specifications and descriptions contined in this book are based on the latest product information at the time of publication, but since the design of MITSUBISHI-FUSO truck is continuously being improved, we must reserve the right to discontinue or change at any time without prior notice.COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDSThe federal government has established Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for various categories of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment under the provisions of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966. The Act imposes important legal responsibilities on manufacturers, dealers, body builders and others engaged in the marketing of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment.Vehicles manufactured by Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corporation (MFTBC) for the subsequent installation of commercial bodies are classified as incomplete vehicles. These vehicles fully comply with certain applicable Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, and partially (or do not) comply with others. They cannot be certified fully because certain components which are required for certification are not furnished. Under present federal regulations, vehicles completed from these units are required to meet all applicable standards in effect on the date of manufacture of the incomplete vehicle, the date of final completion, or date between those two dates, as determined by their final configuration.MFTBC incomplete vehicles carry in the glove box a document, as shown on the next page, that provides the vehicle types (truck) into which they may appropriately be completed, and the degree to which the incomplete vehicles comply with each of the standards in effect on the date of its manufacture. The completing manufacturer must certify compliance with all applicable standards, but may rely on MFTBC certification for those standards so indicated in the instructions for completing the vehicle document, provided that the instructions for completing the vehicle are followed. Questions may be directed to the Engineering or Service Department of MFTBC.Alterations, modifications, or additions to the vehicle which affect compliance with FMVSS are not covered by MFTBC certification and are the responsibility of the completing manufacturer. Likewise the completing manufacturer must assume responsibility for compliance with changes in federal requirements that occur after the manufacture of the incomplete vehicle by MFTBC, if he elects to certify compliance as of a later date.INCOMPLETE VEHICLE DOCUMENTDO NOT REMOVETHIS DOCUMENT MUST REMAIN WITH THIS VEHICLEUNTIL IT IS CERTIFIED AS A COMPLETE VEHICLEList of FMVSS and CMVSS applicable to MFTBC trucks with GVWR of more than 10,000 lbs. manufactured after Jan. 1, 2007 is shown below.FMVSS/CMVSS NO. TitleDisplaysand101 Controls102 Transmission Shift Lever Sequence,Starter Interlock and Transmission Braking Effect103 Windshield Defrosting and Defogging Systems104 Windshield Wiping and Washing Systems105 Hydraulic Brake SystemsHoses106 Brake108 Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment111 RearviewMirrorsIdentification Number (CMVSS ONLY)115 Vehicle116 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluids119 New Pneumatic Tires for Vehicles other than Passenger Cars120 Tire Selection and Rims for Motor Vehicles other than Passenger CarsSystems124 AcceleratorControlMaterials205 Glazing206 Door Locks and Door Retention ComponentsSystems207 Seating208 Occupant Crash Protection209 Seat Belt Assemblies210 Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages302 Flammability of Interior Materials1100 Vehicle Emissions (CMVSS only)1106 Noise Emission (CMVSS only)In addition to the Incomplete Vehicle Document, a Safety conformanceLabel as shown to the right is affixed to all the vehicles when shippedfrom the factory. This label contains all the FMVSS numbers applicablenot only to chassis-cabs but also to completed vehicles if they arecompleted in accordance with the Incomplete Vehicle Document.This label is affixed to the door latch post of the left-hand side door.DO NOT COVER OVER WITH ANY OTHER LABEL.NOISE REGULATIONSThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established noise emission standards applicable to medium and heavy trucks in excess of 10,000 lbs. GVWR manufactured after January 1, 1988 (40 CFR §205.52), requiring that they must conform to an 80 dB (A) maximum noise level when tested pursuant to EPA’s test procedures.MFTBC trucks are built in conformance with EPA Noise Emission Standards. Modified or altered vehicles may increase in noise emissions; compliance with applicable noise standards are the responsibility of the subsequent stage manufacturer.A sample of Noise Emission Conformity Label is shown below. This label is affixed to all the vehicles when shipped from the factory.DO NOT COVER OVER WITH ANY OTHER LABEL.This label is affixed to the left-hand side door panel.PART IIDRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL DATATABLE OF CONTENTS1. LINE-UP CHART ....................................................................................................................................... II-1-12. TYPICAL BODY LENGTH ......................................................................................................................... II-2-13. CHASSIS CAB DRAWING ........................................................................................................................ II-3-13.1 Chassis cab drawing ........................................................................................................................ II-3-13.1.1 FE8!DDZ (automatic transmission) ...........................................................................................II-3-13.1.2 FE85DDZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-23.1.3 FE8!DEZ (automatic transmission) ...........................................................................................II-3-33.1.4 FE85DEZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-43.1.5 FE8!DGZ (automatic transmission) ...........................................................................................II-3-53.1.6 FE85DGZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-63.1.7 FE84DHW (automatic transmission) ........................................................................................... II-3-73.1.8 FE8!DJZ (automatic transmission) ............................................................................................II-3-83.1.9 FE85DJZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................. II-3-93.1.10 FE85DKZ (automatic transmission) ............................................................................................ II-3-103.1.11 FE85DKZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-113.1.12 FG84DF6 (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-123.2 Cab front and rear view .................................................................................................................... II-3-134. CHASSIS FRAME ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................. II-4-14.1 FE8!DDZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-4-14.2 FE8!DEZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-4-24.3 FE8!DGZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-4-34.4 FE8!DJZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-4-44.5 FE85DKZ .......................................................................................................................................... II-4-54.6 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-4-64.7 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-4-75. CROSSMEMBER REAR VIEW ................................................................................................................. II-5-15.1 FE Series (Except FE84DHW) ......................................................................................................... II-5-15.2 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-5-25.3 FG Series ......................................................................................................................................... II-5-36. FRAME SECTION MODULUS DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................. II-6-16.1 FE8!DDZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-6-16.2 FE8!DEZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-6-26.3 FE8!DGZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-6-36.4 FE8!DJZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-6-46.5 FE85DKZ .......................................................................................................................................... II-6-56.6 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-6-66.7 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-6-77. FRAME HEIGHT ........................................................................................................................................ II-7-17.1 Tire radius ......................................................................................................................................... II-7-17.2 Front and rear springs ...................................................................................................................... II-7-27.2.1 FE83 ............................................................................................................................................ II-7-27.2.2 FE84 (Except FE84DHW) .......................................................................................................... II-7-37.2.3 FE84DHW ................................................................................................................................... II-7-47.2.4 FE85 ............................................................................................................................................ II-7-57.2.5 FG84 ........................................................................................................................................... II-7-67.3 Vehicle’s sprung weight .................................................................................................................... II-7-78. TIRE AND DISC WHEEL .......................................................................................................................... II-8-19. FRONT AXLE ............................................................................................................................................ II-9-110. REAR AXLE ............................................................................................................................................... II-10-111. REAR AXLE BOUNCE HEIGHT ............................................................................................................... II-11-112. FUEL TANK ............................................................................................................................................... II-12-112.1 FE Series .......................................................................................................................................... II-12-112.2 FE Series (Rear fuel tank) ................................................................................................................ II-12-312.3 FE Series (Spare fuel tank) .............................................................................................................. II-12-412.4 FG Series ......................................................................................................................................... II-12-513. BATTERY BOX .......................................................................................................................................... II-13-114. LICENSE PLATE LAMP ............................................................................................................................ II-14-115. REAR COMBINATION LAMP ................................................................................................................... II-15-116. BRAKES PIPING DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... II-16-116.1 FE83D, FE84D ................................................................................................................................. II-16-116.2 FE85D .............................................................................................................................................. II-16-216.3 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-16-317. PROPELLER SHAFT ................................................................................................................................ II-17-118. EXHAUST SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. II-18-118.1 FE8!DDZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-18-118.2 FE8!DEZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-18-218.3 FE8!DGZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-18-318.4 FE8!DJZ, FE85DKZ ....................................................................................................................... II-18-418.5 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-18-518.6 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-18-619. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................... II-19-119.1 POWER, CHARGE AND GROUND CIRCUIT .................................................................................II-19-1POWER CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................................II-19-1RESERVE POWER CIRCUIT .............................................................................................II-19-13BATTERY CHARGING CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-14GROUND ............................................................................................................................. II-19-1519.2 STARTING CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................................ II-19-32ENGINE STARTING CIRCUIT ............................................................................................II-19-32ENGINE PREHEATING CIRCUIT .......................................................................................II-19-3419.3 LIGHTING CIRCUIT ......................................................................................................................... II-19-36HEADLAMP CIRCUIT .........................................................................................................II-19-36DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHT CIRCUIT ...............................................................................II-19-37TAIL, CLEARANCE AND LICENSE PLATE LAMPS CIRCUIT ..........................................II-19-39STOP LAMP CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................ II-19-40TURN SIGNAL AND HAZARD LAMP CIRCUIT .................................................................II-19-42BACKUP LAMP CIRCUIT ...................................................................................................II-19-43CAB LAMP CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................... II-19-45ILLUMINATION LAMP CIRCUIT .........................................................................................II-19-46IDENTIFICATION LAMP AND SIDE MARKER LAMP CIRCUIT ........................................II-19-47VAN BODY DOME LIGHT CIRCUIT ...................................................................................II-19-4819.4 METER CLUSTER ........................................................................................................................... II-19-49METER CLUSTER INTERNAL CIRCUIT ...........................................................................II-19-49TACHOMETER CIRCUIT ....................................................................................................II-19-51SPEEDOMETER CIRCUIT .................................................................................................II-19-52FUEL GAUGE CIRCUIT ......................................................................................................II-19-53WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE CIRCUIT .....................................................................II-19-5419.5 INDICATOR AND WARNING LAMP CIRCUIT ................................................................................II-19-55PARKING BRAKE INDICATOR CIRCUIT ..........................................................................II-19-55BRAKE WARNING CIRCUIT ..............................................................................................II-19-56ENGINE OIL LEVEL WARNING CIRCUIT .........................................................................II-19-58ENGINE OIL PRESSURE WARNING CIRCUIT .................................................................II-19-59OVERHEATING WARNING CIRCUIT ................................................................................II-19-60BRAKE PAD WARNING CIRCUIT ......................................................................................II-19-61CAB TILT WARNING CIRCUIT ...........................................................................................II-19-62FUEL FILTER WARNING CIRCUIT ....................................................................................II-19-63 19.6 CAB SIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT .................................................................................................. II-19-64CIGARETTE LIGHTER CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-64AUDIO CIRCUIT .................................................................................................................. II-19-65WIPER AND WASHER CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-66HORN CIRCUIT .................................................................................................................. II-19-67AIR-CONDITIONER CIRCUIT ............................................................................................II-19-68POWER WINDOW AND CENTRAL DOOR LOCK CIRCUIT .............................................II-19-70MIRROR HEATER CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................II-19-71 19.7 CHASSIS SIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ......................................................................................... II-19-72EXHAUST BRAKE CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................II-19-72 19.8 ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION SIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ......................................................II-19-74TRANSMISSION POWER TAKE-OFF CIRCUIT ................................................................II-19-74 19.9 OTHER CIRCUIT ............................................................................................................................. II-19-75JOINT CONNECTOR (J/C) .................................................................................................II-19-75DIAGNOSIS SWITCH AND MEMORY CLEAR SWITCH ...................................................II-19-79 SYSTEM CIRCUIT .................................................................................................II-19-80 COMMONRAILSYSTEM CIRCUIT ..................................................................................................II-19-87 AUTOCRUISETRANSMISSION CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-89 AUTOMATICSYSTEM CIRCUIT ......................................................................................... II-19-93 ANTI-LOCKBRAKEMFTA suggests the X-marked body length of each model because of stability, commerciality and reliability.Rear body dimensions shall not exceed 96” wide (outside) and 96” from top of frame to top of body without prior approval from MFTA Applications Group.Dimensions, Inch (mm) Body Length (ft) Vehicle ModelWB CA UCA CB CE OAL HG 1214 16 18114.6 93.9 86 7.9 158.5227.224.0DX(2,910) (2,385) (2,185)(200)(4,025)(5,771)(610)134.3 113.6 105.77.9 178.1246.924.0X XE(3,410) (2,885) (2,685)(200)(4,525)(6,271)(610)152.4 131.7 123.87.9 196.3265 24.0X XG(3,870) (3,345) (3,145)(200)(4,985)(6,731)(610)176 155.3 147.47.9 219.9288.624.0XJ(4,470) (3,945) (3,745)(200)(5,585)(7,331)(610)189.4 168.7 160.87.9 233.3302 24.0K(4,810) (4,285) (4,085)(200)(5,925)(7,671)(610)165.4 105.3 103.4 1.9 147.8254.326.6X1 X1 FE84D HW(4,200) (2,675) (2,626)(49) (3,753)(6,460)(675)138.2 116.9 108.58.5 158.0224.928.3FG84D FX1 X1(3,510) (2,970) (2,755)(215)(4,013)(5,713)(720)X1: NOT APPLICABLE TO REAR FUEL TANK Variations to this chart require prior approval from MFTA Applications Group.Selection of the correct model and wheelbase is dependent on many factors. This chart can serve only as a quick reference guide. It does not preclude the necessity of performing a complete weight distribution analysis, particularly when equipment such as lift gates, reefers or others are required.MFTA assumes no liability whatsoever for any damage(s) to person(s) or property caused by utilization of this chart. Selection of the correct model and wheelbase is solely the responsibility of the selling dealers and final stage manufacturer. All weight distribution calculations herein are based on water level loading and a cab-to-body clearance on above table. When selection of the correct model and wheelbase is made, carefully follow the requirements below;(a) Individual GAWR’s and GVWR’s must not be exceeded.(b) It is advisable that front axle loading ratio be 33% of total vehicle weight or more for vehicle stability.(c) The length of the rear overhang must comply with state and local regulations, if any.The center of gravity of the completed vehicle with a full load should not exceed 60” above ground level and must be located horizontally between the centerlines of the front and rear axles.5.1 FE Series (Except FE84DHW)(F R O N T ) (R E A R )(F R O N T ) (R E A R )(F R O N T )(R E A R )(F R O N T ) (R E A R )(R E A R )(F R O N T )(R E A R )。

marantz PM8004 PM7004 说明书

marantz PM8004 PM7004 说明书









HDAM-SA3 技术V/I 转换器电路是电流反馈式前置放大器和功率放大器的关键模块,它相当于为更高级别的型号(如 PM-11S2)而开发的 HDAM-SA3 放大模块。

CD 直接缓冲放大器在 CD 输入插孔的旁边安置了一个专用于 CD 的输入缓冲放大器。


增强的瞬间电流供应能力 众所周知,即使放大器具有同样的规格,声音质量也不一定相同。


该设备的功率放大器可以提供 25 A 甚至更高的瞬间供应电流,能够强劲地驱动扬声器。



按钮位于主机和遥控器的两侧 按键名称按键仅位于主机上 <按键名称>按键仅位于遥控器上 [按键名称]本手册中用于指示按键的符号<SPEAKERS A/B><INPUT SELECTOR>VOLUME SOURCE DIRECT <POWER AMP DIRECT>输入指示灯。



NAME PLATE LOCATION: The graphic below indicates the location of the name plate. The model number, serial number, power requirements, etc., are located on this plate. You should record the model number, serial number, and the date of purchase in the spaces provided below and retain this manual as a permanent record of your purchase.
Warning: Do not attempt to recharge, disassemble, or incinerate this type of battery. Keep all batteries away from children. Dispose of used batteries promptly and as regulated by applicable laws. Note: In some areas, the servicer is required by law to return the defective parts. However, you do have the option of having the servicer dispose of these parts for you.
The above warning is located on the rear of the unit.
Explanation of Graphical Symbols

《的士够格》歌词 软硬天师

《的士够格》歌词 软硬天师

的士够格的士夠格- 林海峰曲/ 編:江志仁/林海峰詞:林海峰沒有激光節拍樂韻的士高暗格裡奔放起舞沒有分開你我大細中青老暗格裡等你到步原來雙方都要解決人群之中怎去解脫背脊有七個漢子神奇的風吹我左耳令我即刻沖廁我去錯公眾舞池人人都匿係wa ha每格有一個故事為何他匿係wo ho暗格裡快樂過日子wa ha ha ha ha ha ha wo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha到暗格比舞一次boy say no...boy say no...boy say no... boy say no...boy say no...boy say no...在這小小世界沒有分黨派我愛你口快手快讓我開開眼界射到出左界你這個乖乖太歪人群手交手要衝上人牆高呼起舞歌唱每格有一硬漢子靈魂之窗使我高漲但我怎麼舒暢我去錯公眾舞池人人都喜歡wa ha每格有一個故事為何他喜歡wo ho暗格裡快樂過日子wa ha ha ha ha ha hawo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha最怕你吹我左耳get off get offget off get offwo ho disco dancingwo ho disco dancing我看見左格有兩個黃伯四隻腳粗壯雪白靜默沒對白雙手正緊握這次看真無打格wa ha ha ha ha ha hawo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha最怕你打我主意wa ha ha ha ha ha hawo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha慾望在對視你到了(我去錯)公眾舞池以上就是关于的士够格的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。

















































荷东(Hollywood East Star Trax):荷东全称《Hollywood East Star Trax》,又译作“荷李活东方明星舞会”,是80年代中期香港音乐制作人将欧美流行电子舞曲进行重新混音编辑后推出的一系列专辑。



猛士(Master Mix):猛士系列舞曲与荷东类似,也是对欧美元素舞曲进行混编后的产物,但它可能在音乐风格上或是在选曲上更加注重多元化和情感表达,包含了更多抒情成分。





















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A1 More Than A Kiss=不仅仅是个吻
A2 You're My First, Youre My Last=只有你一个
A3 Freedom /People Say It's In The Air=无章的自由/渴望A4 Love Spy=爱的“间谍”
B1 Don't You Go Away=不要离去
B2 It's Up To You=取决于你
B3 Don't Loose Your Heart Tonight=今晚不要大意
B4 Secret Eyes=神秘的眼睛
1 Baby Dont You Break My Heart
2 Heartflash Tonight
3 I Need Your Love
4 Yeti
5 Crazy Rhythm
6 Count on Me
7 One More Time
8 Master Mix Medley
1 Fantasy boy=梦中的男孩
2 Everybody does it=每个人都努力
3 Love is the name of the game=爱是感情的名字
4 Need your passion=需要你的热情
5 I don't wanna lose you=我不能失去你
6 Bye bye mi amour=再见爱你
7 Loving all the time=永远爱慕你
8 Run to me=回到我身旁
9 Dreams of rio=梦中的尼奥
10 My love my life=我的爱,我的生命
1 The Perfume of love=香水爱情
2 Don't Cry=不要哭
3 Doctor for my heart=爱的医生
4 Walkie talkie tanze=无线电通讯机
5 Ussr=苏联
6 Tracks in the snow=雪中的痕迹
7 When will i=何时才可以
8 Saving myself=将好的留给你
9 So i know
10 My hearts on fire=我的心在燃烧
1 Heartbreak hotel=伤心的酒店
2 I should be so lucky=我真幸运
3 Bring me edelweiss=送盒雪绒花
4 Dressed for success=扮作成功
5 Straight up=快快说清楚
6 I only wanna be with you=只想伴着你
7 Little girl=少女
8 Opposites attract=异性相吸
9 Looking for freedom=寻找自由
10 The look=有型有款
1 Nothing's gonna stop me now=没法停止的爱
2 Operator=接线生
3 La bamba=森巴舞
4 Hold on tight=拥抱我
5 Live is life=生命之歌
6 Funky town=跳跃都市
7 G.T.O.
8 Conga=康加舞
9 Atlantic is calling=爱的呼救
10 You can win if you want=成功需努力
1 The Christmas Mix(Medley)=圣诞大联唱
2 Please Don't Go=请别离开
3 Woodpeckers From Space=天外啄木鸟
4 Body Rock=摇摆身躯
5 Ride On Time=把握时间
6 Get Up=起来吧
7 Say I'm Your No.1=我是你的No.1
8 Rock Me Amadeus=摇滚亚美特斯
9 Swing The Mood=摇滚派对
1 Dancin' on a saturday night=劲舞周末夜
2 Those Were the days=往昔的日子
3 Step by step=每一步
4 Turn on the night=尽兴今晚夜
5 The witch queen of new orleans=新奥尔良的女巫
6 Ciao amore=爱情的三部曲
7 Is this love=这就是爱吗?
8 Rockola=洛歌拉
9 Radio house=播音工厂
10 Coming for your love=为你的爱而来
1 Over again=重头开始
2 Boys will be boys=男儿本色
3 Face to face=面贴面
4 Walkie talkie tanze=无线电通讯机
5 Starlight=星光
6 Down town beat=都市节拍
7 Bachelor boy=小学士
8 Touch me=触摸我
9 The eyes of don johnson=当庄逊的眼睛
10 Dynamite=火花
1 Too many broken heart=太多破碎的心
2 Only with you=只与你一起
3 It's my life=我的人生
4 I'm dreaming=梦幻般的爱
5 I don't wanna be lonely=我不要再寂寞
6 Electric youth=电子青年
7 Don't you ever run away=请别再离开我
8 IT's too late=太迟了
9 Swiss boy=瑞士男孩
10 Rio nights=丽奥之夜。
