



1: YMCA-VILLAGE PEOPLEVILLAGE PEOPLE(村民乐队)1978年经典劲歌,提起YMCA,估计8 0年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。


2:RASPUTIN-BONEY MBONEY M(波尼曼)乐队,70.80年代西德传奇DISCO组合,这首RASPUT IN30年来被无数人翻唱,高凌风翻唱为《心上人》,80年代初,国内青少年“地下DISCO”舞场热翻天的经典舞曲,保证你跳到脚软!3:ONE WAY TICKET- ERUPTIONONE WAY TICKET(单程车票),与BONEY M(波尼曼)系出同门的ERU PTION跳舞组合,80年代国内最风靡的一首西洋舞曲,1978年冠军舞曲。

4:GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!—ABBA瑞典一代传奇组合ABBA(阿巴乐队),中学时代的最爱,乐队在80年代虽已解散,但这首1979年的GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!却早已成为乐迷们心中永恒的经典,费翔在80年代把它翻唱为《恼人的秋风》,相信你还记得歌词“为什么一阵恼人的秋风,把你的人......”5:DISCO-OTTAWAN还记得当年舞场里一致齐吼“D!I!S!C!O!”吗?对了这就是OTTAWA N(奥塔万)在1981年的著名水晶球舞曲“DISCO”,加拿大著名二人组合,带给你前所未有的激情碰撞。


6:BED BOYS—WHAM1983年的英国金牌榜单曲BED BOYS(坏男孩),英国WHAM(威猛)乐队,当年带给我们的冲击和震撼,是我们这代人永远不会忘记的。



A1 More Than A Kiss=不仅仅是个吻A2 You're My First, Youre My Last=只有你一个A3 Freedom /People Say It's In The Air=无章的自由/渴望A4 Love Spy=爱的“间谍”B1 Don't You Go Away=不要离去B2 It's Up To You=取决于你B3 Don't Loose Your Heart Tonight=今晚不要大意B4 Secret Eyes=神秘的眼睛1 Baby Dont You Break My Heart2 Heartflash Tonight3 I Need Your Love4 Yeti5 Crazy Rhythm6 Count on Me7 One More Time8 Master Mix Medley1 Fantasy boy=梦中的男孩2 Everybody does it=每个人都努力3 Love is the name of the game=爱是感情的名字4 Need your passion=需要你的热情5 I don't wanna lose you=我不能失去你6 Bye bye mi amour=再见爱你7 Loving all the time=永远爱慕你8 Run to me=回到我身旁9 Dreams of rio=梦中的尼奥10 My love my life=我的爱,我的生命1 The Perfume of love=香水爱情2 Don't Cry=不要哭3 Doctor for my heart=爱的医生4 Walkie talkie tanze=无线电通讯机5 Ussr=苏联6 Tracks in the snow=雪中的痕迹7 When will i=何时才可以8 Saving myself=将好的留给你9 So i know10 My hearts on fire=我的心在燃烧1 Heartbreak hotel=伤心的酒店2 I should be so lucky=我真幸运3 Bring me edelweiss=送盒雪绒花4 Dressed for success=扮作成功5 Straight up=快快说清楚6 I only wanna be with you=只想伴着你7 Little girl=少女8 Opposites attract=异性相吸9 Looking for freedom=寻找自由10 The look=有型有款1 Nothing's gonna stop me now=没法停止的爱2 Operator=接线生3 La bamba=森巴舞4 Hold on tight=拥抱我5 Live is life=生命之歌6 Funky town=跳跃都市7 G.T.O.8 Conga=康加舞9 Atlantic is calling=爱的呼救10 You can win if you want=成功需努力1 The Christmas Mix(Medley)=圣诞大联唱2 Please Don't Go=请别离开3 Woodpeckers From Space=天外啄木鸟4 Body Rock=摇摆身躯5 Ride On Time=把握时间6 Get Up=起来吧7 Say I'm Your No.1=我是你的No.18 Rock Me Amadeus=摇滚亚美特斯9 Swing The Mood=摇滚派对1 Dancin' on a saturday night=劲舞周末夜2 Those Were the days=往昔的日子3 Step by step=每一步4 Turn on the night=尽兴今晚夜5 The witch queen of new orleans=新奥尔良的女巫6 Ciao amore=爱情的三部曲7 Is this love=这就是爱吗?8 Rockola=洛歌拉9 Radio house=播音工厂10 Coming for your love=为你的爱而来1 Over again=重头开始2 Boys will be boys=男儿本色3 Face to face=面贴面4 Walkie talkie tanze=无线电通讯机5 Starlight=星光6 Down town beat=都市节拍7 Bachelor boy=小学士8 Touch me=触摸我9 The eyes of don johnson=当庄逊的眼睛10 Dynamite=火花1 Too many broken heart=太多破碎的心2 Only with you=只与你一起3 It's my life=我的人生4 I'm dreaming=梦幻般的爱5 I don't wanna be lonely=我不要再寂寞6 Electric youth=电子青年7 Don't you ever run away=请别再离开我8 IT's too late=太迟了9 Swiss boy=瑞士男孩10 Rio nights=丽奥之夜。



男高音吉利(Luciano Pavarotti)是一位享誉世界的意大利男高音歌唱家,他演唱过许多经典的歌曲和歌剧。

"Nessun Dorma"(《无人入眠》):这是吉利最著名的演唱之一,出自意大利歌剧《图兰朵》(Turandot)。


"O Sole Mio"(《我的太阳》):这是一首意大利民歌,也是吉利的代表作之一。


"La donna è mobile"(《女人心难测》):这是意大利歌剧《弄臣》(Rigoletto)中的一首著名咏叹调,吉利以其灵活的嗓音和表演力演绎了这首充满活力的歌曲。


"Ave Maria"(《圣母颂》):这是一首宗教音乐作品,吉利以其温柔、悠扬的声音演绎了这首充满神圣感和美妙旋律的歌曲。





【绝对劲爆】野人王的士高【绝对劲爆】野人王的士高[swf]暂不支持视频文件[/swf]角海涯天木子a的口袋推幽梦兰的口袋推同桌的你.的口袋推电脑书架的口袋推田野课堂的口袋推四毛Sunshine的口袋推天bog的口袋推阳光晓菲的口袋推观山听雨宁艺的口袋推秀秀球的口袋推易二玄的口袋推宁静¥致远的口袋推山青水秀!的口袋推藏在深山人不识的口袋推zhangxisheng52的口袋推别问我是谁lb的口袋推大浪爱沙u1000的口袋推点滴的爱的口袋推一剪梅606的口袋推凌波仙女的口袋推玉儿丫丫的口袋推平安喜乐才是真的口袋推缺氧的口袋推柳秀秀的口袋推水阔鱼沉慧儿!的口袋推王黄是一家的口袋推无价财富的口袋推yang..guang的口袋推祥梦缘的口袋推黑猫爱水晶心1001 的口袋推飘香的蒙古包的口袋推秋夜絮语星光乐的口袋推dwb132的口袋推xm阿康的口袋推陈卫刚02 的口袋推望虎声威的口袋推休闲收藏的口袋推吉普赛海鸥zxc4125的口袋推山城绝恋亮剑119的口袋推绿叶颂的口袋推岚妹儿的口袋推喜盈门啦的口袋推张冶涵的口袋推露水珠李谷二的口袋推北方的狼王是我的口袋推圣诞老人521的口袋推茶情书韵TiAmo007的口袋推天添行的口袋推为学益的口袋推欢乐的歌的口袋推LIDONGLANQIN 的口袋推三四一十二的口袋推mm佳的口袋推奇奇天天快乐的口袋推问道天宇恋歌1998的口袋推听雨点的口袋推雨过风轻的口袋推风雨中的雨蝶的口袋推lsj18188188的口袋推三巴的口袋推wqjhr的口袋推洁如皓月的口袋推源清流净望天888的口袋推笑容可掬的口袋推雷锋是我哥的口袋推爱心888大使的口袋推chaoyueshikong的口袋推周萧天的口袋推茸茸猫的口袋推风雪有情的口袋推悠悠飘香观千剑而后识器的口袋推清雨竹的口袋推诗珊的口袋推紫气云来的口袋推【妈妈的爱】的口袋推冬日寒阳的口袋推asd1589的口袋推白罗帕红酥手的口袋推列尾装置全腦股市陶朱公的口袋推熊航达的口袋推丫丫雅的口袋推爱就有可能的口袋推一唱三叹的口袋推学有用经验的口袋推lindu58的口袋推单芳的口袋推梦香香梦1358605748的口袋推西部将军的口袋推文化大观园的口袋推黑龙江齐齐的口袋推涓滈儴鐗涗粩的口袋推优秀的空间的口袋推※☆◇#←◎的口袋推汤胜龙的口袋推寒江独处晴-晴的口袋推智者乐的口袋推紫金美玉的口袋推推推_电脑的口袋推浪漫·奇缘的口袋推见你就有好心情的口袋推偶尔我空闲的口袋推莱米丝雅格布袋的口袋推白鹭丹枫Love★angel的口袋推陌离殇的口袋推昔梦竹的口袋推推推_视频的口袋推zsm.lmh的口袋推pullhan的口袋推净土佛士的口袋推qdgad的口袋推醉色粉蝶紫色的红玫瑰的口袋推029听茶的口袋推荣铭的口袋推推推_生活的口袋推lcs2715的口袋推很冷的夜晚的口袋推yangzao123456的口袋推简单所以快乐的口袋推至人无名guancw1949的口袋推彭措希亚的口袋推sixwom的口袋推庆福的口袋推壹秒拾数厘毫的口袋推缥缈意境的口袋推世界你和我的口袋推杀手无情的口袋推。



【绝对精品】猛士歌词大奉送——献给所有猛士迷2楼DON'T LOOSE YOUR HEART TONIGHT今晚不要大意By: Joy PetersAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart this wayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heartIn your eyes I can seeWhat it means loving secretlyHe's so cold, cold as iceAnd he knows that you pay the prizeAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart this wayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heartIn the rain, in the nightYou have wished that he takes your prideYou can't help feel this wayBut I know you'll regret one dayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart this wayAh-hah-ahDon't lose your heart(I know the darkness)(I know your way)(How could you leave me)(Don't lose your face)Call his nameWhat it meansYou can winAnd he knowsAh-hah-ahAh-hah-ahAh-hah-ahIn the rain, in the nightYou have wished that he takes your pride You can't help feel this wayBut I know you'll regret one day(I know the darkness)(I know your way)(How could you leave me)(Don't lose your face)Ah-hah-ahAh-hah-ah(Don't lose your heart)2010-4-24 21:133楼LITTLE GIRL少女By: StephenieVenice nightAt five o'clockThe station, hazy lightA sleepin' bum, a single girlShe's leavin' overnightAnd she knows that it's foreverAnd she'll never ever returnIn Italy, on holidaysShe had to see Da Vinci's styleAll the arts of credit cardsShe would forgive him for a smileAnd she knows that it's foreverAnd she'll never ever returnHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowThere she isInside a trainAnd now she's leaning backShe's got money for one day and nothing in her hand And she knows that it's foreverAnd she'll never ever returnHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowOhHey -- little girlHey -- little girlThey're all the same but they feel no sorrowHey -- Little girlDon't wanna 'cause you painBut t he big boys feel no sorrow…4楼COUNT ON ME走近我By: T·ArtYou want to know if I am in love with you Wherever I really careYou want to know am I gonna be true Would I be always thereHey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you see I come here to stay(Oh oh oh)Hey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you know that this is my way(Oh oh oh)No need to hesitate(Oh oh oh)No need to wait(You know that you can count on me) And the better that you'll be free(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me) This is what I want you to see(You know that you can count on me) And the glad you want it to be(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me) This is what I am going to seeYou say you are allowed for some security You don'na want to fight(Don't want to fight)You want to live your life harmlessWhy don't you start tonight(Let's start tonight)Hey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you see I come here to stay(Oh oh oh)Hey (Hey)Say (Say)Don't you know that this is my way(Oh oh oh)No need to be afraid(Oh oh oh)No need to wait(You know that you can count on me)And the better that you'll be free(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me)This is what I want you to see(You know that you can count on me)And the better that you'll be free(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me)This is what I want you to see(I see, I see)(You know that you can count on me)And the glad you want it to be(Oh oh oh)(You know that you can count on me)This is what I am going to see(You know that you can count on me, count on me) (Hey, say)(Count on me, count on me)(Hey, say)(Oh oh oh)Count on me(Hey, say)(Count on me, count on me)(Hey, say)(Oh oh oh)Count on me(Hey, say)(Count on me, count on me)(Hey, say)(Oh oh oh)5楼DRESSED FOR SUCCESS扮作成功By: Cindy LaurieTried to make it little by littleTried to make it bit by bit on my ownI quit the job, the grey believersAnother town -- Where I get close for my own (Whatcha gonna tell your brother)Oh oh oh(Whatcha gonna tell your father)I don't know(Whatcha gonna tell your mother)Let me goI'm gonna get dressedFor successShaping me up for the big time -- Baby -- Get dressed For successShaping it up for your loveFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveI'm not afraid, a trembling flowerI'll feed your heart and blow the dust from your eyes And in the dark, things happen fasterI love the way you sway your hips next to mine (Whatcha gonna tell your brother)Oh oh oh(Whatcha gonna tell your father)I don't know(Whatcha gonna tell your mother)Let me goI'm gonna get dressedFor successShaping me up for the big time -- Baby -- Get dressedFor successShaping it up for your loveThis's lieYeah yeah yeah(Whatcha gonna tell your brother)Oh oh oh(Whatcha gonna tell your father)Yeah yeah -- I don't know(Whatcha gonna tell your mother)I don't knowDressedFor successI'm gonna get dressedFor successI'm gonna get dressedFor successFitting a spot for the big time -- Baby -- I'm gonna get dressed For successShaping it up for your loveFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveYeah yeah yeahFor your loveYeah yeah yeah6楼I ONL Y WANNA BE WITH YOU只想伴着你By:Debbie BovenI don't know what it is that makes me love you so I only know I never want to let you go'cause of you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever since we met you've had a hold on me It happens to be trueI only wanna be with youIt doesn't matter where you go or what you doI want to spend each moment of the day with you But love has happened with just one kissI never knew that I could be in love like thisIt's crazy but it's trueI only wanna be with youYou stopped to smiled at meAsked if I cared to danceI fell into your open armsAnd I didn't stand a chanceNow listen honeyI just want to be beside you everywhereAs long as we're together -- Honey -- I don't care But you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever since we met you've had a hold on me No matter what you doI only wanna be with youI don't know what it is that makes me love you so I only know I never want to let you go'cause of you started somethingOh can't you seeEver since we met you've had a hold on meIt happens to be trueI only wanna be with youIt doesn't matter where you go or what you doI want to spend each moment of the day with you But love has happened with just one kissI never knew that I could be in love like thisIt's crazy but it's trueI only wanna be with youYou stopped to smiled at meAsked if I cared to danceI fell into your open armsAnd I didn't stand a chanceNow listen honeyI just want to be beside you everywhereAs long as we're together -- Honey -- I don't care But you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever we met you've had a hold on meNo matter what you doI only wanna be with youYou stopped to smiled at meAsked if I cared to danceI fell into your open armsAnd I didn't stand a chanceNow listen honeyI just want to be beside you everywhereAs long as we're together -- Honey -- I don't careBut you started somethingOh can't you seeThen ever since we met you've had a hold on me No matter what you doI only wanna be with youNo matter what you doI only, I only, I only wanna be with you7楼LOOKING FOR FREEDOM寻找自由By: David HasselhoffOne morning in June some twenty years agoI was born a rich man's sonI had everything that money could buyBut freedom -- I had noneI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be foundI headed down the track, my baggage on my back I left the city far behindWalkin' down the road, with my heavy load Trying to find some freedom of mineFather said you'll be sorry, sonIf you leave your home this wayAnd when you realize the freedom money buys You'll come running home some dayI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be foundI paid a lotta dues, had plenty to lose Travelling across the landWorked on a farm, got some muscles in my arm But still I'm not a self-made manI'll be on the run for many years to comeI'll be searching door to doorAnd even some timeSomeday I'm gonna findThe freedom I've been searchin' forI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be foundI've been lookin' for freedomI've been lookin' so longI've been lookin' for freedomStill the search goes onI've been lookin' for freedomSince I left my hometownI've been lookin' for freedomStill it can't be found -- Can't be found8楼MY LOVE, MY LIFE我的爱,我的生命By: Patty RyanSince you are an angle from the skyYou're full of my fantasyThe way you look takes me so high You everything to meAnd on my wonders you photograph How I am longing for your smileSo come and touch meCome and feel meHear me cryYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come trueI am only wonder night just come You are in my radioYes -- When you sing I feel the sun Now I can please the showSince for evermore you are my destiny Take my loneliness awaySo come and touch meCome and feel meHear me sayYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love)You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come true Since for evermore you are my destiny Take my loneliness awaySo come and touch meCome and feel meHear me sayYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come trueHear me sayYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)Is the rush (Is the rush)What I feel (What I feel)How I wish you would for meYou are my love (You are my love) You are my life (You are my life) Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)In my dreams (In my dreams)I with you (I with you)Will you make my dreams come trueYou are my love (You are my love)You are my life (You are my life)Everyday (Everyday)Every night (Every night)…9楼STRAIGHT UP快快说清楚By: Alexandra DavisDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyCome on, youDo, do you love meDo, do you love meI tell me bewareLost in a dreamI Don't know which way to goIf you are all that you seemThen baby I'm moving way too slowI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorHow about some information -- Please Straight up now tell meDo you really want to love me forever oh oh oh Or am I caught in a hit and runStraight up now tell meIs it gonna be you and me together oh oh oh Are you just having funTime's standing stillWaiting for some small clueI keep getting chillsWhen I think your love is trueI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorHow about some information -- PleaseStraight up now tell meDo you really want to love me forever oh oh ohOr am I caught in a hit and runStraight up now tell meIs it gonna be you and me together oh oh ohAre you just having funI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorAre you more than hot for meOr am I a page in your history-bookI don't mean to make demandsBut the word and the deed go hand in handHow about some information -- PleaseI've been a fool beforeWouldn't like to get my love caught-- in the slammin' doorHow about some information -- Please, please, please You are so hard to readYou play hide and seekWith your true intentionsIf you're only playing gamesI'll just have to say(Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye)Do, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyCome on, youDo, do you love meDo, do you love me, babyI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me bewareI tell me beware10楼THE LOOK有型有款By: Jason McMillanWalking like a manHitting like a hammerShe's a juvenile scamNever was a quitterTasty like a raindropShe's got the lookHeavenly bound cause heaven's got a numberWhen she's spinning me aroundKissing is a colourHer loving is a wild dogShe's got the lookShe's got the look(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la -- She's got the lookFire in the ice naked to the t-bone is a lover's disguise Banging on the head drumShaking like a mad bullShe's got the lookSwaying to the bandMoving like a hammerShe's a miracle manLoving is the oceanKissing is the wet sandShe's got the lookShe's got the look(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la -- She's got the look(Walking like a man)(Hitting like a hammer)(She's a juvenile scam)(Never was a quitter)(Tasty like a raindrop)(She's got the look)And she goes -- (Na na na na na na…)(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)She's got the look(She's got the look)What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la -- She's got the lookWhat in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue When everything I'll ever do I'll do for youAnd I go -- La la la la la(Na na na na na na na na…)She's got the look…11楼YETI雪人By: RadioramaI love your worldWhere the winners might be sweet all around Tell me you're the lightTell me what you'll be afraid of this night(If you wanna take a look around) (Please don't hit a man who understands) (As the story goes you are the one)(Run away in other place)(In the night you're looking for to meet) (And couldn't get the man for getting in fit) (Just the story goes you are the one)(Run away in other place)(Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, Yeti)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)I want your soulAnd I really like to seem to your heartI feel with youAnd I know that you are living apart(If you wanna take a look around) (Please don't hit a man who understands) (As the story goes you are the one) (Run away in other place)(In the night you're looking for to meet) (And couldn't get the man for getting in fit) (Just the story goes you are the one) (Run away in other place)(Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, Yeti)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, Yeti)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)(Looking a horrid man)(Yeti)(Living in other land)(Yeti)12楼FANTASY BOY梦中的男孩By: New BaccaraYou are just my fantasy boyI made you upYou were my toyAnd I found you as a dream inside my headYour eyes are like a mystic dreamThe deepest blue I've ever seenYou're a mixture of the new man and gypsyTell me whyTell me why you're so real When I dreamDon't you knowI have to face realityOh oh ohFantasy boyHas been my lover, not my toyCause I need you to be realTo be no fantasyI want to touch and feelMy fantasy boyCome on and step into my lifeIt's so much harder to survive without your love for me And take me to eternityI know some day I'm gonna meet fantasy boyI feel your heatWant to squeeze YouTease You hold you in my armsTell me whyTell me why you're so real when I dreamDon't you knowI have to face realityOh oh ohFantasy boyHas been my lover, not my toyCause I need you to be realTo be no fantasyI want to touch and feelMy fantasy boyCome on and step into my lifeIt's so much harder to survive without your Love for meAnd take me to eternityMy fantasy boyFantasy boyHas been my lover, not my toyCause I need you to be realTo be no fantasyI want to Touch and feelMy fantasy boyCome on and step Into my lifeIt's so much Harder to survive without your Love for meAnd take me to eternityMy fantasy boy13楼USSR苏联By: Eddy Hungtington(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)Day in the nightTaking places in the train to MoscowNow i'm coming back to drink some iced vodka Landscape in whiteSun is shining through the iciclesI'm dancing in the snow to balalaika(俄式三弦琴)Time can go byBut the Russian girls don't ever seem to leave my mind Fine, don't see why I should even try to leave my heart behind USSRI'm back into the USSRUSSRI'm back into the USSR(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)(Oh oh oh)Jumpin' is rightNow this time I'm on vacationAnd I'm going to have some fun rocking in Gorki parkYime can go byBut the Russian girls don't ever seem to leave my mind Fine, don't see why I should even try to leave my heart behind USSRI'm back into the USSRUSSRI'm back into the USSRUSSRUSSRUSSRUSSR14楼LOVE IS THE NAME OF THE GAME爱是感情的名字By: Patty RyanDon't think it's over when you say goodbyeYou think it's easy to break a heartBut don't forget the thousand tears I cryLove's game I knew it from the startLove is the name of the gameOh stop, let me feeling the game, this loveYou're a part of my heartSo leave me lonely in the heat of the nightOh ohLove is the name of the gameDon't stop, when you're feeling the same My love, I'm living just for youPlease make my dreams come trueThere're times I've changingBoy, why can't you seeNow it's your time o say the truthWas it a jokeWhen you said stay with meDon't bring me downDon't make me blueLove is the name of the gameOh stop, let me feeling the game, this love You're a part of my heartSo leave me lonely in the heat of the nightOh ohLove is the name of the gameDon't stop, when you're feeling the same My love, I'm living just for youPlease make my dreams come trueYou think it's easy when you say goodbye But don't forget the tears I cryLove is the name of the gameOh stop, let me feeling the game, this love You're a part of my heartSo leave me lonely in the heat of the nightOh ohLove is the name of the gameDon't stop, when you're feeling the same My love, I'm living just for youPlease make my dreams come true15楼TRACKS IN THE SNOW雪中痕迹By: Grant Miller(Find my tracks in the snow)Look out the windowI know I have to goBe all alone nowAnd feel the cold winds blowMaybe you'll be hereI'll never knowBut if you should show you'll have to follow my tracks in the snowFind my tracks in the snow, babe wherever I goYou'll never know until youFind my tracks in the snow, babe don't ever lose holdYou've got to keep on and never say no(I know it's just a dream)(But hurry up now the wind will cover my tracks in the snow)Looking behind meI feel the snowy freezeHoping to find youI know it's just a dreamMy path is waitin'Please don't deceive meBut hurry up now the wind will cover my tracks in the snowYou've got my tracksSo come and find meI'll be waitin' here I don't want to leave you there all aloneI can't relax (relax) without you near meI'll be waitin' here am I ever gonna see you againI knowOh baby yes I knowI know (I know)Oh baby yes I knowI'm gonna see you againFind my tracks in the snow, babe wherever I goYou'll never know until youFind my tracks in the snow, babe don't ever lose hold You've got to keep on and never say noYou've got my tracksSo come and find meI'll be waitin' here I don't want to leave you there all alone I can't relax (relax) without you near meI'll be waitin' here am I ever gonna see you againI knowOh baby yes I knowI know (I know)Oh baby yes I knowI'm gonna see you againFind my tracks in the snow, babe wherever I goYou'll never know until youFind my tracks in the snow, babe don't ever lose hold You've got to keep on and never say no17楼ATLANTIC IS CALLING爱的呼唤By: Golden BoysLady, I know it'll must be hardBut it's much harder to ignoreThere is a chance in the townI won't hurt you anymoreHollywood nights we're romancingYou can trust me anytime Somewhere, oh babe, there is someone Oh, you're dancing in my mindOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, come onTeach me the rulesI will send an SOS for loveOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, you need loveLike I doI will send an S.O.S. for love(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)If lovin' you is wrong, babeOh, I don't wanna be rightI've got you under my skin, babeOh, baby hold me tightI'm ready for our romanceI wait a million years for youI love you more than I'm sayin'Baby, that's for me the truthOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, come onTeach me the rulesI will send an SOS for loveOh oh oh, little queenieI'm your fool, you need loveLike I doI will send an SOS for love(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)(Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- From the stars above) (Atlantis is calling -- SOS for love) (Atlantis is calling -- It's too hot to stop)18楼MORE THAN A KISS不仅仅是一个吻By: Michael BedfordCall my nameAnd show me how to save your loveI can't fight my feelingsMy feelings for youTurn the stoneAnd let me be the one you wantYou can light my darknessThere's no one like youTake my handAnd stay with meAnd stay with me tonightMore than a kissI always wanna be with youMore than a kissI like your certain style(No one else but you)More than a star(I want your love)I always wanna hear your voice (I want you near me day by day) Deep in my heart(Please hold me tight)There's no one else like youFirst I thoughtYou wouldn't mean so much to me How could I forget youForget you this wayYou're so farIs that the way it's meant to be You could change the wayI'm feeling insideCan't you seeThe way I'm goneThe way I'm gone for youMore than a kiss(I want your love)(I want you near me day by day) (Please hold me tight)There's nothing more than you There's nothing more than you There's nothing more than youMore than a kissMore than a kiss(I want your love)(I want you near me day by day) (Please hold me tight)(I want your love)More than a kiss(I want your love)I always wanna be with you(I want you near me day by day)More than a kiss(Please hold me tight)I like your certain styleMore than a style(I want your love)(I want you near me day by day) (Please hold me tight)19楼SECRET EYES神秘眼睛By: LaffairKnowing night is an illation(推论)Can't caps what I am sayingYour eyes can hide the beaches of the dream Never feel the stageNever fall in loveMeta to see the riding on the oneSecret eyes burning nightFire in the night(Would you Mr. night)Give me high a high in the sky(You are my special imagination)Secret eyes burning nightFire in the night(Would you Mr. night)Tell me whyWhy don't you by(You are the only one)Like a ship on the oceanThrough into the night。



BODY BUILDER’S DRAWINGSANDSUPPORTING DATALIT. No. LTE07001-ASEP. 2007INTRODUCTIONThis book has been designed to provide information for body and equipment manufacturers who mount their products on MITSUBISHI-FUSO FE chassis.We believe that all the detailed information which is essential for that purpose is contained in this book, but if you require any additional data or information, please contact:MITSUBISHI FUSO TRUCK OF AMERICA, INC.2015 Center Square Road,Logan Township, NJ 08085(Phone : (856) 467-4500)The specifications and descriptions contined in this book are based on the latest product information at the time of publication, but since the design of MITSUBISHI-FUSO truck is continuously being improved, we must reserve the right to discontinue or change at any time without prior notice.COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDSThe federal government has established Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for various categories of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment under the provisions of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966. The Act imposes important legal responsibilities on manufacturers, dealers, body builders and others engaged in the marketing of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment.Vehicles manufactured by Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corporation (MFTBC) for the subsequent installation of commercial bodies are classified as incomplete vehicles. These vehicles fully comply with certain applicable Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, and partially (or do not) comply with others. They cannot be certified fully because certain components which are required for certification are not furnished. Under present federal regulations, vehicles completed from these units are required to meet all applicable standards in effect on the date of manufacture of the incomplete vehicle, the date of final completion, or date between those two dates, as determined by their final configuration.MFTBC incomplete vehicles carry in the glove box a document, as shown on the next page, that provides the vehicle types (truck) into which they may appropriately be completed, and the degree to which the incomplete vehicles comply with each of the standards in effect on the date of its manufacture. The completing manufacturer must certify compliance with all applicable standards, but may rely on MFTBC certification for those standards so indicated in the instructions for completing the vehicle document, provided that the instructions for completing the vehicle are followed. Questions may be directed to the Engineering or Service Department of MFTBC.Alterations, modifications, or additions to the vehicle which affect compliance with FMVSS are not covered by MFTBC certification and are the responsibility of the completing manufacturer. Likewise the completing manufacturer must assume responsibility for compliance with changes in federal requirements that occur after the manufacture of the incomplete vehicle by MFTBC, if he elects to certify compliance as of a later date.INCOMPLETE VEHICLE DOCUMENTDO NOT REMOVETHIS DOCUMENT MUST REMAIN WITH THIS VEHICLEUNTIL IT IS CERTIFIED AS A COMPLETE VEHICLEList of FMVSS and CMVSS applicable to MFTBC trucks with GVWR of more than 10,000 lbs. manufactured after Jan. 1, 2007 is shown below.FMVSS/CMVSS NO. TitleDisplaysand101 Controls102 Transmission Shift Lever Sequence,Starter Interlock and Transmission Braking Effect103 Windshield Defrosting and Defogging Systems104 Windshield Wiping and Washing Systems105 Hydraulic Brake SystemsHoses106 Brake108 Lamps, Reflective Devices and Associated Equipment111 RearviewMirrorsIdentification Number (CMVSS ONLY)115 Vehicle116 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluids119 New Pneumatic Tires for Vehicles other than Passenger Cars120 Tire Selection and Rims for Motor Vehicles other than Passenger CarsSystems124 AcceleratorControlMaterials205 Glazing206 Door Locks and Door Retention ComponentsSystems207 Seating208 Occupant Crash Protection209 Seat Belt Assemblies210 Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages302 Flammability of Interior Materials1100 Vehicle Emissions (CMVSS only)1106 Noise Emission (CMVSS only)In addition to the Incomplete Vehicle Document, a Safety conformanceLabel as shown to the right is affixed to all the vehicles when shippedfrom the factory. This label contains all the FMVSS numbers applicablenot only to chassis-cabs but also to completed vehicles if they arecompleted in accordance with the Incomplete Vehicle Document.This label is affixed to the door latch post of the left-hand side door.DO NOT COVER OVER WITH ANY OTHER LABEL.NOISE REGULATIONSThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established noise emission standards applicable to medium and heavy trucks in excess of 10,000 lbs. GVWR manufactured after January 1, 1988 (40 CFR §205.52), requiring that they must conform to an 80 dB (A) maximum noise level when tested pursuant to EPA’s test procedures.MFTBC trucks are built in conformance with EPA Noise Emission Standards. Modified or altered vehicles may increase in noise emissions; compliance with applicable noise standards are the responsibility of the subsequent stage manufacturer.A sample of Noise Emission Conformity Label is shown below. This label is affixed to all the vehicles when shipped from the factory.DO NOT COVER OVER WITH ANY OTHER LABEL.This label is affixed to the left-hand side door panel.PART IIDRAWINGS AND TECHNICAL DATATABLE OF CONTENTS1. LINE-UP CHART ....................................................................................................................................... II-1-12. TYPICAL BODY LENGTH ......................................................................................................................... II-2-13. CHASSIS CAB DRAWING ........................................................................................................................ II-3-13.1 Chassis cab drawing ........................................................................................................................ II-3-13.1.1 FE8!DDZ (automatic transmission) ...........................................................................................II-3-13.1.2 FE85DDZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-23.1.3 FE8!DEZ (automatic transmission) ...........................................................................................II-3-33.1.4 FE85DEZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-43.1.5 FE8!DGZ (automatic transmission) ...........................................................................................II-3-53.1.6 FE85DGZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-63.1.7 FE84DHW (automatic transmission) ........................................................................................... II-3-73.1.8 FE8!DJZ (automatic transmission) ............................................................................................II-3-83.1.9 FE85DJZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................. II-3-93.1.10 FE85DKZ (automatic transmission) ............................................................................................ II-3-103.1.11 FE85DKZ (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-113.1.12 FG84DF6 (manual transmission) ................................................................................................ II-3-123.2 Cab front and rear view .................................................................................................................... II-3-134. CHASSIS FRAME ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................. II-4-14.1 FE8!DDZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-4-14.2 FE8!DEZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-4-24.3 FE8!DGZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-4-34.4 FE8!DJZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-4-44.5 FE85DKZ .......................................................................................................................................... II-4-54.6 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-4-64.7 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-4-75. CROSSMEMBER REAR VIEW ................................................................................................................. II-5-15.1 FE Series (Except FE84DHW) ......................................................................................................... II-5-15.2 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-5-25.3 FG Series ......................................................................................................................................... II-5-36. FRAME SECTION MODULUS DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................. II-6-16.1 FE8!DDZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-6-16.2 FE8!DEZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-6-26.3 FE8!DGZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-6-36.4 FE8!DJZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-6-46.5 FE85DKZ .......................................................................................................................................... II-6-56.6 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-6-66.7 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-6-77. FRAME HEIGHT ........................................................................................................................................ II-7-17.1 Tire radius ......................................................................................................................................... II-7-17.2 Front and rear springs ...................................................................................................................... II-7-27.2.1 FE83 ............................................................................................................................................ II-7-27.2.2 FE84 (Except FE84DHW) .......................................................................................................... II-7-37.2.3 FE84DHW ................................................................................................................................... II-7-47.2.4 FE85 ............................................................................................................................................ II-7-57.2.5 FG84 ........................................................................................................................................... II-7-67.3 Vehicle’s sprung weight .................................................................................................................... II-7-78. TIRE AND DISC WHEEL .......................................................................................................................... II-8-19. FRONT AXLE ............................................................................................................................................ II-9-110. REAR AXLE ............................................................................................................................................... II-10-111. REAR AXLE BOUNCE HEIGHT ............................................................................................................... II-11-112. FUEL TANK ............................................................................................................................................... II-12-112.1 FE Series .......................................................................................................................................... II-12-112.2 FE Series (Rear fuel tank) ................................................................................................................ II-12-312.3 FE Series (Spare fuel tank) .............................................................................................................. II-12-412.4 FG Series ......................................................................................................................................... II-12-513. BATTERY BOX .......................................................................................................................................... II-13-114. LICENSE PLATE LAMP ............................................................................................................................ II-14-115. REAR COMBINATION LAMP ................................................................................................................... II-15-116. BRAKES PIPING DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... II-16-116.1 FE83D, FE84D ................................................................................................................................. II-16-116.2 FE85D .............................................................................................................................................. II-16-216.3 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-16-317. PROPELLER SHAFT ................................................................................................................................ II-17-118. EXHAUST SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. II-18-118.1 FE8!DDZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-18-118.2 FE8!DEZ ......................................................................................................................................... II-18-218.3 FE8!DGZ ........................................................................................................................................ II-18-318.4 FE8!DJZ, FE85DKZ ....................................................................................................................... II-18-418.5 FE84DHW ........................................................................................................................................ II-18-518.6 FG84DF6 .......................................................................................................................................... II-18-619. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................... II-19-119.1 POWER, CHARGE AND GROUND CIRCUIT .................................................................................II-19-1POWER CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................................II-19-1RESERVE POWER CIRCUIT .............................................................................................II-19-13BATTERY CHARGING CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-14GROUND ............................................................................................................................. II-19-1519.2 STARTING CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................................ II-19-32ENGINE STARTING CIRCUIT ............................................................................................II-19-32ENGINE PREHEATING CIRCUIT .......................................................................................II-19-3419.3 LIGHTING CIRCUIT ......................................................................................................................... II-19-36HEADLAMP CIRCUIT .........................................................................................................II-19-36DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHT CIRCUIT ...............................................................................II-19-37TAIL, CLEARANCE AND LICENSE PLATE LAMPS CIRCUIT ..........................................II-19-39STOP LAMP CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................ II-19-40TURN SIGNAL AND HAZARD LAMP CIRCUIT .................................................................II-19-42BACKUP LAMP CIRCUIT ...................................................................................................II-19-43CAB LAMP CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................... II-19-45ILLUMINATION LAMP CIRCUIT .........................................................................................II-19-46IDENTIFICATION LAMP AND SIDE MARKER LAMP CIRCUIT ........................................II-19-47VAN BODY DOME LIGHT CIRCUIT ...................................................................................II-19-4819.4 METER CLUSTER ........................................................................................................................... II-19-49METER CLUSTER INTERNAL CIRCUIT ...........................................................................II-19-49TACHOMETER CIRCUIT ....................................................................................................II-19-51SPEEDOMETER CIRCUIT .................................................................................................II-19-52FUEL GAUGE CIRCUIT ......................................................................................................II-19-53WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE CIRCUIT .....................................................................II-19-5419.5 INDICATOR AND WARNING LAMP CIRCUIT ................................................................................II-19-55PARKING BRAKE INDICATOR CIRCUIT ..........................................................................II-19-55BRAKE WARNING CIRCUIT ..............................................................................................II-19-56ENGINE OIL LEVEL WARNING CIRCUIT .........................................................................II-19-58ENGINE OIL PRESSURE WARNING CIRCUIT .................................................................II-19-59OVERHEATING WARNING CIRCUIT ................................................................................II-19-60BRAKE PAD WARNING CIRCUIT ......................................................................................II-19-61CAB TILT WARNING CIRCUIT ...........................................................................................II-19-62FUEL FILTER WARNING CIRCUIT ....................................................................................II-19-63 19.6 CAB SIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT .................................................................................................. II-19-64CIGARETTE LIGHTER CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-64AUDIO CIRCUIT .................................................................................................................. II-19-65WIPER AND WASHER CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-66HORN CIRCUIT .................................................................................................................. II-19-67AIR-CONDITIONER CIRCUIT ............................................................................................II-19-68POWER WINDOW AND CENTRAL DOOR LOCK CIRCUIT .............................................II-19-70MIRROR HEATER CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................II-19-71 19.7 CHASSIS SIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ......................................................................................... II-19-72EXHAUST BRAKE CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................II-19-72 19.8 ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION SIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ......................................................II-19-74TRANSMISSION POWER TAKE-OFF CIRCUIT ................................................................II-19-74 19.9 OTHER CIRCUIT ............................................................................................................................. II-19-75JOINT CONNECTOR (J/C) .................................................................................................II-19-75DIAGNOSIS SWITCH AND MEMORY CLEAR SWITCH ...................................................II-19-79 SYSTEM CIRCUIT .................................................................................................II-19-80 COMMONRAILSYSTEM CIRCUIT ..................................................................................................II-19-87 AUTOCRUISETRANSMISSION CIRCUIT ........................................................................................II-19-89 AUTOMATICSYSTEM CIRCUIT ......................................................................................... II-19-93 ANTI-LOCKBRAKEMFTA suggests the X-marked body length of each model because of stability, commerciality and reliability.Rear body dimensions shall not exceed 96” wide (outside) and 96” from top of frame to top of body without prior approval from MFTA Applications Group.Dimensions, Inch (mm) Body Length (ft) Vehicle ModelWB CA UCA CB CE OAL HG 1214 16 18114.6 93.9 86 7.9 158.5227.224.0DX(2,910) (2,385) (2,185)(200)(4,025)(5,771)(610)134.3 113.6 105.77.9 178.1246.924.0X XE(3,410) (2,885) (2,685)(200)(4,525)(6,271)(610)152.4 131.7 123.87.9 196.3265 24.0X XG(3,870) (3,345) (3,145)(200)(4,985)(6,731)(610)176 155.3 147.47.9 219.9288.624.0XJ(4,470) (3,945) (3,745)(200)(5,585)(7,331)(610)189.4 168.7 160.87.9 233.3302 24.0K(4,810) (4,285) (4,085)(200)(5,925)(7,671)(610)165.4 105.3 103.4 1.9 147.8254.326.6X1 X1 FE84D HW(4,200) (2,675) (2,626)(49) (3,753)(6,460)(675)138.2 116.9 108.58.5 158.0224.928.3FG84D FX1 X1(3,510) (2,970) (2,755)(215)(4,013)(5,713)(720)X1: NOT APPLICABLE TO REAR FUEL TANK Variations to this chart require prior approval from MFTA Applications Group.Selection of the correct model and wheelbase is dependent on many factors. This chart can serve only as a quick reference guide. It does not preclude the necessity of performing a complete weight distribution analysis, particularly when equipment such as lift gates, reefers or others are required.MFTA assumes no liability whatsoever for any damage(s) to person(s) or property caused by utilization of this chart. Selection of the correct model and wheelbase is solely the responsibility of the selling dealers and final stage manufacturer. All weight distribution calculations herein are based on water level loading and a cab-to-body clearance on above table. When selection of the correct model and wheelbase is made, carefully follow the requirements below;(a) Individual GAWR’s and GVWR’s must not be exceeded.(b) It is advisable that front axle loading ratio be 33% of total vehicle weight or more for vehicle stability.(c) The length of the rear overhang must comply with state and local regulations, if any.The center of gravity of the completed vehicle with a full load should not exceed 60” above ground level and must be located horizontally between the centerlines of the front and rear axles.5.1 FE Series (Except FE84DHW)(F R O N T ) (R E A R )(F R O N T ) (R E A R )(F R O N T )(R E A R )(F R O N T ) (R E A R )(R E A R )(F R O N T )(R E A R )。



荷东第三集歌词荷东第三集曲目:01 Wings Of Love 爱的翅膀(Grant Miller 格兰特·米勒)02 La Isla Bonita Rap 依莎宝尼达(Madonna 麦当娜)03 Call Me Up 呼唤我(NEW BACCARA)04 Shadow 影子(ZITA 思蒂)05 Do It Again 再来一遍(Luca Coveri 卢卡·珂维利)06 I Don't Wanna Lose You Tonight 今夜我不愿失去你(Patty Ryan)07 I Cry For You 我为你伤感(Shy Rose)08 Tv Lovers 电视迷(Glen White 格林·怀特)09 Tonight 今夜(女声)(V.V.ANNE)10 California Train 加利福尼亚列车(Grant Miller 格兰特·米勒)01、Wings Of Love 爱的翅膀(Grant Miller 格兰特·米勒)歌词:Before I found you I was feeling so blueI didn't know what to doI need something to give me a footto leave my love to youknew I was closeryou weren't far awayI knew that this was the placeand when our eyesstarted playing a gamesI knew my days were no freeflying on the wingsI'm flying on the wings of loveI just can't believe our lovekeeps flying higher abovewings of lovewings of loveYou're my sunlightmy burning desireYou keep my love aliveDon't ever leave meit'd cut like a knifeI'm gonna hold on tightFlying in a clouds just you and meto a new melodysoaring highernow than ever beforewe're flying on the wings of loveI am on a wings of loveflying on your wingsI am flying on the wingsI just can't believe ourlove keeps flying higher abovewings of lovewings of love02、La Isla Bonita Rap 依莎宝尼达(Madonna 麦当娜)歌词:(spoken:)Como puede ser verdadHow could it be true?Last night I dreamt of san pedroJust like Id never gone, I knew the songA young girl with eyes like the desertDown Lyrics From It all see***ike yesterday, not far awayChorus:Tropical the island breezeAll of nature wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYour spanish lullabyThe beautiful islandI fell in love with san pedroWarm wind carried on the sea, he called to meTe dijo te amoI prayed that the days would lastThey went so fastHe told you, I love you(chorus)I want to be where the sun warms the skyWhen its time for siesta you can watch them go byBeautiful faces, no cares in this worldWhere a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girlLast night I dreamt of san pedroIt all see***ike yesterday, not far away(chorus twice)La la la la la la laTe dijo te amo Provides Song Lyrics DownloadLa la la la la la laEl dijo que te amaHe told you, I love youHe said he loves you03、Call Me Up 呼唤我(NEW BACCARA)歌词:You came to mea shadow in the NightA Love Connectionhiding from the LightIn Darkness here againtrue Agents of the WindConspiracy is never out ofnever out of sight.We'll rendezvouz in Paris or L.AIn secret Bars or in Midnight CafesBeneath the Velvet MoonThe time will pass real soonBefore we partI have to say to youCall me UpRight awayI'll do anything you want or saySecret LoveHidden DoorsAnd the Night Time will become our DayLet me into your Heartpromise me that we'll never part.Only you know that I am your undercover Love.德文部分In Gaslight avenues we have our FunWith Jungle Heat-and tigers on the RunIs Life too short to playThe secret Agent WayCan Lovers on the Airways be as oneCall me up...04、Shadow 影子(ZITA 思蒂)歌词:oh oh oh ohoh oh oh ohoh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohwhenever shing-ling bus through my life ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haAnd even cut my heart in two like a knife It's a magic in the aircrazy feeling anywhereeverything except youlife sound ringing youbefore rainny hard thereI was deep in thereeven just sing in wetand my heart can know it againjust to realizejust know the lifeoh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohwhenever shing-ling bus through my life ha ha ha ha ha ha haAnd even cut my heart in two like a knife In a room at nightfrom darkness to the lightthree druggers on the streetshe found dangerous thingI was stranger in my dreamIt's was not usual thingIn the morning with the sunI'll find my love have gonejust to realizejust know the lifeoh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohwhenever shing-ling bus through my life ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haAnd even cut my heart in two like a knife oh oh oh oh oh oh ohha ha ha ha ha ha haoh oh oh oh oh oh ohha ha ha ha ha ha hait's soft through you eyesif I know tell me liestalkie flash to Mr.gladmake my evening fight to drugheaven moonlights has downtake my bad night awayso my shadow disappearliving beings under herejust to realizejust know the lifeoh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohwhenever shing-ling bus through my life ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haAnd even cut my heart in two like a knife05、Do It Again 再来一遍(Luca Coveri 卢卡·珂维利)歌词:do it do itdo it do itdo it do it do it againIt could be how you smileIt could be how you talkoh,something in your walkI really couldn't saybut Everytime you smileTurns me onEverytime you laugh is like a songthere is nothing you can doto make it wrongNothing you can sayoh babyeverytime you movemy heart just breakseverytime you groovemy whole world shakessomething that you sulkseem so greatno one else could dobabe babe babedoo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..do it againdoo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..do it againand say you love mebut Everytime you smileTurns me onEverytime you laugh is like a songthere is nothing you can doto make it wrongNothing you can sayoh babyeverytime you movemy heart just breakseverytime you groovemy whole world shakes something that you sulk seem so greatno one else could do babe babe babedoo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..do it again doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..doo..do it again and say you love me06、I Don't Wanna Lose You Tonight 今夜我不愿失去你(Patty Ryan)Rainy weather,Where's the sunshine。



荷东第四集歌词荷东第四集曲目:01、Wanna Make You Mine 你将属于我(Kim Johnson 吉米·约翰逊)02、Boom Boom 你觉得好吗(Michael Gray 迈克尔·格雷)03、Supersonic Level 超音速的时刻(Antonella 安东尼内尔)04、Your Love Just Came Too Late 迟来的爱(Eria Fachin 艾丽尔·秦)05、Friend 朋友(Terry Jaye 特里·杰)06、Lambada 森巴热潮(Ipanema 依巴拿马 1990年电影"伦巴达"热情森巴主题曲)07、That's What I Like 这是我所爱(Dancing Bunny 兔子舞乐队)08、Miss You Much 想念您(Melinda Gee 梅林达·吉)09、Me And The Saxophone 我和我的萨克管(Various Artist 群星)10、Adois My Love 爱迪奥丝, 我的爱人(Debbie En Andres)01、Wanna Make You Mine 你将属于我(Kim Johnson 吉米·约翰逊)hey baby oohWanna make wanna makewanna make you mineCan I laugh give it up tonight?no nogonna take my timecause you make me feel so good insideignore to all fashion dreamsyou think empty this dream for youIt waiting night for so loveand love true can be wrongI have to take my chance nowto break the dreamsI wanna make you mineCan I laugh give it up tonightno nogonna take my timecause you make me feel so good insideI wanna make you mineCan I laugh give it up tonightno nogonna take my timecause you make me feel so good inside(all right)Tell me hold you tight in my armsgonna fill you up with all my charmsI can feel your hearts given it inyou realize it is insaneoh babywe have to take our chance nowto break the dreamsI wanna make you mineCan I laught give it up tonight?no nogonna take my timecause you make me feel so good insideshe got to be minehey babyhoo hoowooshe got to be mineshe got to be mine(come on baby)I wanna make you mineCan I laught give it up tonight?no nogonna take my timecause you make me feel so good inside baby yeahcome on babygive me a sign to make you mine02、Boom Boom 你觉得好吗(Michael Gray 迈克尔·格雷)Hey baby I'd like to talk to youHow about coming back to my roomfor a little boom boomYou keep coming to meI can dig your dynamiteKnow the way you moveGet in the GrooveYou're driving me crazycrazy for youSecond time you moved meIt's time for us to Boom BoomYou can come right close to meAnd feel the burning fireAll the time you got meIt's fine for us to boom boomIf you see the spark in meAnd feel my strong desireBoom Boom BoomLet's go back to my roomSo we can do it all nightAnd you can make me feel rightLet's go back to my roomSo we can do it all nightAnd you can make me feel rightDo the honor to meDon't you know I like to biteGet to the viewCloser to youYor're driving me crazycrazy for youSecond time you moved meIt's time for us to Boom BoomYou can come right close to meAnd feel the burning fireAll the time you got meIt's fine for us to boom boomIf you see the spark in meAnd feel my strong desireBoom Boom BoomLet's go back to my roomSo we can do it all nightAnd you can make me feel right Let's go back to my roomSo we can do it all nightAnd you can make me feel right03、Supersonic Level 超音速的时刻(Antonella 安东尼内尔)on the down for diceyou're beting your lifeLucky kinds of manyou shaking handIt's crazy raceyou fill up laceif my love is neardon't disappeardon't surround herpose to girlswalking on the paradisewo wo wo wo wo wo wo woshe nobody elsetwo level rivalsupersonic leveltwo level rivalsupersonic leveltwo level rivalTo be wait aroundyou feeling is aroundif my love is neardon't disappeardon't surround herpose to girlswalking on the paradisewo wo wo wo wo wo wo woshe nobody elsetwo level rivalsupersonic leveltwo level rivalsupersonic leveltwo level rivalsupersonic level04、Your Love Just Came Too Late 迟来的爱(Eria Fachin 艾丽尔·秦)It's Lovers gone to knownsomething's fallenI know your feelings tooho, oh babywhat happendI've get no more time to wastewe just like youplay again with my heartand making the smilesoh babylet them understandthis will be the last timeI am telling youoh you, your love just come too lateIt could been so breakI just can sit and waitoh you,your love just come too lateIt could been so breakwhy do you hesitatethis will be the last time I am telling youoh you, your love just come too lateIt could been so breakI just can sit and waitoh you, your love just come too lateIt could been so breakI just can sit and waitI know onethe one who has forgotyour upder my skinand now it's never regretand now neverand my heart breakoh you, your love just come too lateIt could been so breakI just can sit and waitrepeat05、Friend 朋友(Terry Jaye 特里·杰)From the first time I saw you I knew I was love with youI love you more than any other for I ever knewI'll love you whenever you really wanted for meIt taste bitter friendsI can't believe you were leaving that way so I pretend friends It's sorry I ever beenfriends whenever lovers you and meoh baby someday I wannatill you say 'I love you'I really love youI lied when I said a words all for youKnow I so skinHow was hold backcause I still cancan't you see the tears fallen from my eyesthis my love just can diethis feeling but I deep inside my heartjust I'm so sadfriends It's sorry I ever beenfriends whenever lovers you and meoh baby someday I wannatill you say 'I love you'I really love youdeep in my heart under bottom of lifewhat in you feel ever be mydon't let you go till end of timeI'm asking myself whyfriends It's sorry I ever beenfriends whenever lovers you and meoh baby someday I wannatill you say 'I love you'I really love you06、Lambada 森巴热潮(Ipanema 依巴拿马 1990年电影"伦巴达"热情森巴主题曲)Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar曾让我哭泣的他留着泪离开Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar曾让我哭泣的他留着泪离开Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor满面泪痕的我想起那曾经的爱Que um dia não soube cuid ar拥有时却未能珍惜Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor满面泪痕的我想起那曾经的爱Que um dia não soube cuidar拥有时却未能珍惜A recordação vai estar com ele aonde for往昔的回忆将伴随着他A recordação vai estar pra sempre aonde for往昔的回忆也将跟随着我Dança sol e mar guardarei n o olhar太阳大海将永远相伴起舞O amor faz perder encontrar失去的爱却无法寻回Lambando estarei ao lembrar que este amor跳起伦巴达记起那失去的爱Por um dia um instante foi rei那一天那一刻曾是我的天下A recordaçao vai estar com ele aonde for往昔的回忆将伴随着他A recordaçao vai estar pra sempre aonde for往昔的回忆也将跟随着我Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor满面泪痕的我想起那曾经的爱Que um dia não soube cuidar拥有时却未能珍惜Canção riso e dor melodia de amor欢乐的歌声混合着苦恋的旋律]Um momento que fica no ar停留在那一刻I-I-IDançando Lambada起舞吧伦巴达07、That's What I Like 这是我所爱(Dancing Bunny 兔子舞乐队)Come on everybody, everybody, everybodyC C Come on everybodyI'm gonna sing my songIt won't take longWe're gonna do the twistWe're gonna do the twistWe're gonna do the twistAnd it goes like thisC'mon let's twist again like we did last summer Yeah let's twist again like we did last yearDo you remember when things were really hummin' Yeah let's twist again twistin' time is hereHey, hey, hey, hey hey baby won't you take a chance Say that you'll let me have this danceOh let's danceOh let's danceOh do the twist, the stomp, the mash potato too Any old dance that you want to doBut let's dance, oh let's danceYou shake my nerves and you rattle my brainToo much love drives a man insaneYou broke my will, oh what a thrillGoodness gracious great balls of fireGood golly, Good golly, Good golly Miss MollyYou sure like to ballGood golly Miss MollyYou sure like to ballWhen you're rockin' and a rollin'Can't hear your mama callC'mon C C C'mon baby, let's do the twistC'mon baby, let's do the twistTake me by my little handAnd do the twistOn your marks, get setOn your marks, get setOn your marks, get setOn your marks, get setWell I should have known it from the very start This girl'll leave me with a broken heartListen people what I'm tellin' youI keep away from runaround Sue yeahI miss her lips and the smile on her faceThe touch of her hair and this girl's warm embraceSo if you don't wanna cry like I doA-keep away from-a Runaround SueWoah Woah WoahOh baby that's the one I likeWho's that flyin' up thereIs it a bird (NO)Is it a plane (NO)Is it the twister (Yeah)Yeah let's twist again like we did last summerCome on let's twist again like we did last yearDo you remember when things were really hummin'Come on, let's twist again, twistin' time is hereYeah round 'n around 'n up 'n down we go againOh baby make me know you love me so and thenCome on twist again like we did last summerGirl, let's twist again, like we did last yearGreat balls, great balls, great balls, great balls of fire On your marks, good golly, get set, good gollyOn your marks, good golly, get set, good gollyOn your marks, good golly, get set, good gollyNow ready, ready, goOh baby that's the one I like, like, ike, ke08、Miss You Much 想念您(Melinda Gee 梅林达·吉)Shot like an arrow through my heartThats the pain I feelI feel whenever were apartNot to say that I'm in love with youBut who's to say that I'm notI just know that it feels wrong,When I'm away too longIt makes my body hot, so let me tell ya babyChorus:I'll tell your mama,I'll tell your friendsI'll tell anyoneWhose heart can comprehendSend it in a letter babyTell you on the phoneI'm not the kinda girlWho likes to be aloneI miss ya much (boy-oh-i miss you much)I really miss you much (m-i-s-s you much)I miss ya much (boy-oh-i miss you much)Baby I really miss you much (m-i-s-s you much)I'm rushing homeJust as soon as I canI'm rushing home to seeYour smiling faceAnd feel your warm embraceIt makes f-feel so g-g-g goodSo I'll tell you babyRepeat chorusI miss you muchI really really miss youYou muchI miss you muchIm not ashamed to tell the worldI miss youRepeat chorus09、Me And The Saxophone 我和我的萨克管(Various Artist 群星)the same mountainthe same Julythe radio even plays the same songfor thousand times I go your endit over and over again the samewhile I was a foolI am aloneIt is me and the saxphoneI know you will look over to meI know the season is changing softlynow that still this lonely roomIt over and over again except youand still left I am ownI am aloneIt just me and the saxphoneand it again that for me at alloh I left so longIt is just me and the saxphoneand it again that for me at alloh I left so longIt is just me and the saxphone10、Adois My Love 爱迪奥丝, 我的爱人(Debbie En Andres)la la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la laso long till the time I see you again ,my lovefarewell I'll return to hold you once more, my loveAdois,radiation your read after me ,please read for meAdois,I'll return once more from the ghost of the seaI'll remember all of the love you give menow and foreveryour member rise will save mesave me from lonelinesstill we come togethersave me from emptinessI'll wait foreveryou're the girl of my dreamsand do you know I love youso far until we meet once againI'm missing youthe bride adois my loveso long now the time is comfort the length cool winterbe stronge I miss you more than I can to telladois,say that you be true do I feel comfortableadois,I will dream of you as I sleep good,adoisdarling my love for you it will last forevereven we fall apart we again see togetherjust say that you'll remember the place I told youcontentness till once again I'll hold youyou're the girl of my dreamand you know I love youso far until we meet once againdarling I'm missing youthe bride adois my love。



2016年语文中考阅读 100天阅读第100 天年月日班级姓名评价一、古诗词阅读夜上受降城闻笛回乐峰前沙似雪,受降城外月如霜。




1.下列诗句运用的艺术技巧与画线句子不同的一项是()A.忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开 B.大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆C.杨花榆荚无才思,惟解漫天作雪飞 D.大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩【答案】B【解析】画线句子对景物的描写运用了奇异的想象,诗人采用比喻修辞方式将月下大漠比作白雪,将明月比作严霜,生动而形象地写出了大漠的荒寒和月色的凄冷。

























1: YMCA-VILLAGE PEOPLEVILLAGE PEOPLE(村民乐队)1978年经典劲歌,提起YMCA,估计8 0年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。


2:RASPUTIN-BONEY MBONEY M(波尼曼)乐队,70.80年代西德传奇DISCO组合,这首RASPUT IN30年来被无数人翻唱,高凌风翻唱为《心上人》,80年代初,国内青少年“地下DISCO”舞场热翻天的经典舞曲,保证你跳到脚软!3:ONE WAY TICKET- ERUPTIONONE WAY TICKET(单程车票),与BONEY M(波尼曼)系出同门的ERU PTION跳舞组合,80年代国内最风靡的一首西洋舞曲,1978年冠军舞曲。

4:GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!—ABBA瑞典一代传奇组合ABBA(阿巴乐队),中学时代的最爱,乐队在80年代虽已解散,但这首1979年的GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!却早已成为乐迷们心中永恒的经典,费翔在80年代把它翻唱为《恼人的秋风》,相信你还记得歌词“为什么一阵恼人的秋风,把你的人......”5:DISCO-OTTAWAN还记得当年舞场里一致齐吼“D!I!S!C!O!”吗?对了这就是OTTAWA N(奥塔万)在1981年的著名水晶球舞曲“DISCO”,加拿大著名二人组合,带给你前所未有的激情碰撞。


6:BED BOYS—WHAM1983年的英国金牌榜单曲BED BOYS(坏男孩),英国WHAM(威猛)乐队,当年带给我们的冲击和震撼,是我们这代人永远不会忘记的。




逝去的是岁月,年轻的是记忆,猛士不倒,荷东不死,它是一个永久的传奇!专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.1专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第一集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1987年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. MORE THAN A KISS -MICHAEL BEDFORD 不仅仅是个吻02. YOU"RE MY FIRST,YOU"RE MY LAST -LINDA JO RIZZO 只有你一个03. FREEDOM/PEOPLE SAY IT"S IN THE AIR -JEANNIE HERREY 无章的自由/渴望04. LOVE SPY -MIKE MAREEN 爱的"间谍"05. DON"T YOU GO AWAY -CREATIVE CONNECTION FEAT LIAN ROSS 不要离去06. IT"S UP TO YOU -LIAN ROSS 取决于你07. DON"T LOOSE YOUR HEART TONIGHT -JOY PETERS 今晚不要大意08. SECRET EYES -LAFFAIR 神秘的眼睛专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第二集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1987年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. BABY DON"T YOU BREAK MY HEART -ARGENTINA 请勿伤我心02. HEARTFLASH TONIGHT -LINDA JO RIZZO 今夜心跳03. I NEED YOUR LOVE -PAPARRAZI 我需要你的爱04. YETI -RADIORAMA 雪人05. CRAZY RHYTHM -MARTINA 狂热的旋律06. COUNT ON ME -T.ART 走近我07. ONE MORE TIME –BIANCA 再来玩一次08. MASTER MIX MEDLEY -VARIOUS ARTISTS 猛士狂龙专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第三集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1988年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. FANTASY BOY -NEW BACCARA 梦中的男孩02. EVERYBODY DOES IT -GLAMOUR STATION 每个人都努力03. LOVE IS THE NAME OF THE GAME -PATTY RYAN 爱是感情的名字04. NEED YOUR PASSION -SWEET CONNECTION 需要你的热情05. I DON"T WANNA LOSE YOU -DAVID LYME 我不能失去你06. BYE BYE MI AMOUR -DAVID LYME 再见爱人07. LOVING ALL THE TIME -ROGER MENO 永远爱慕你08. RUN TO ME -LENA 回到我身旁09. DREAMS OF RIO -LES MONTES 梦中的尼奥10. MY LOVE,MY LIFE -PATTY RYAN 我的爱,我的生命专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第四集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. THE PERFUME OF LOVE -SCALA 香水爱情02. DON"T CRY -KEN LASZLO 不要哭03. DOCTOR FOR MY HEART -GRANT MILLER 爱的医生04. WALKIE TALKIE TANZE -SARAH 无线电通讯机05. USSR -EDDY HUNGTINGTON 苏联06. TRACKS IN THE SNOW -GRANT MILLER 雪中痕迹07. WHEN WILL I -KAREN MICHELLE 何时才可以08. SAVING MYSELF -ERIA FACHIN 将好的留给你09. SO I KNOW -RADIORAMA 我知道10. MY HEARTS ON FIRE -PATRICK L.MYLES 我的心在燃专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第五集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子资源格式: ape发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. HEARTBREAK HOTEL -IRENE TURNER 伤心的酒店02. I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY -SHIRLEY WHITE 我真幸运03. BRING ME EDELWEISS -JULIET 送盒雪绒花04. DRESSED FOR SUCCESS -CINDY LAURIE 扮作成功05. STRAIGHT UP -ALEXANDRA DAVIS 快快说清楚06. I ONLY WANNA BE WITH YOU -DEBBIE BOVEN 只想伴着你07. LITTLE GIRL -STEPHENIE 少女08. OPPOSITES ATTRACT -RHYTHM RED 异性相吸09. LOOKING FOR FREEDOM -WILLY WELSON 寻找自由10. THE LOOK -JASON MCMILLAN 有型有款专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第六集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. NOTHING"S GONNA STOP ME NOW -DEBORAH HANSA 没法停止的爱02. OPERATOR -B.REITANO 接线生03. LA BAMBA -M.PHILINBERG 森巴舞04. HOLD ON TIGHT -ANNA CARR 拥抱我05. LIVE IS LIFE -T.LEWIS 生命之歌06. FUNKY TOWN -C.CLIMITE 跳跃都市07. G.T.O. -JULIE CASON08. CONGA -MORRISON HORIZON 康加舞09. ATLANTIC IS CALLING -GOLDEN BOYS 爱的呼唤10. YOU CAN WIN IF YOU WANT -E.BARRY 成功需努力专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第七集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. The Christmas Mix(Medley) 圣诞大联唱02. Please Don"t Go 请别离开03. Woodpeckers FormXSS Space 天外啄木鸟04. Body Rock 摇摆身躯05. Ride On Time 把握时间06. Get Up 起来吧07. Say I"m Your No.1 我是你的No.108. Rock Me Amadeus 摇滚亚美特斯09. Swing The Mood 摇滚派对专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第八集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. DANCIN ON A SATURDAY NIGHT -B.BLUE 劲舞周末夜02. THOSE WERE THE DAYS -RAMS HORN 往昔的日子03. STEP BY STEP -SILVER POZZOLI 每一步04. TURN ON THE NIGHT -LOIS&LANE 尽兴今晚夜05. THE WITCH QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS -T.TOLY 新奥尔良的女巫06. CIAO AMORE -JOE PARTY 爱情三部曲07. IS THIS LOVE -OSCARE 这就是爱吗08. ROCKOLA -DOUBLE TAKE 洛歌拉09. RADIO HOUSE -RADIO ZONE 播音工厂10. COMING FOR YOUR LOVE -MITCH&MELANIE 为你的爱而专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第九集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. OVER AGAIN -BRIANICE 重头开始02. BOYS WILL BE BOYS -ALISHA 男儿本色03. FACE TO FACE -SOPHIE 面贴面04. WALKIE TALKIE TANZE -SARAH 无线电通讯机05. STARLIGHT -LAUREN GREY 星光06. DOWN TOWN BEAT -CHRISS 都市节拍07. BACHELOR BOY -STEVE BREAD 小学士08. TOUCH ME -LINDA ROSS 触摸我09. THE EYES OF DON JOHNSON -TWENTY.ONE 当庄逊的眼睛10. DYNAMITE -ANGELA 火花专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第十集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1995年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目@道古青峰编辑:01. TOO MANY BROKEN HEART 太多破碎的心02. ONLY WITH YOU 只与你一起03. IT"S MY LIFE 我的人生04. I"M DREAMING 梦幻般的爱05. I DON"T WANNA BE LONELY 我不要再寂寞06. ELECTRIC YOUTH 电子青年07. DON"T YOU EVER RUN AWAY 请别再离开我08. IT"S TOO LATE 太迟了09. SWISS BOY 瑞士男孩10. RIO NIGHTS 丽奥之夜《荷东全集》发行时间: 1987年-1995年地区: 大陆美国香港语言: 英语专辑介绍:《荷东》,全称《Hollyhood East Stars》,港译《荷李活东方明星舞会》,因为在香港等粤语地区好莱坞即称“荷李活”,故简称“荷东”,是喜爱电子音乐的年轻香港音乐制作人80年代中期的代表作品,1985年香港飞时Face公司出品,并由中唱广州公司引进到大陆。

Konica Minolta 服务手册说明书

Konica Minolta 服务手册说明书

SERVICE MANUALFunction Version 2.2Date: 2023/03/24Table of ContentsA SAFETY AND IMPORTANT WARNING ITEMS............................................................................A-11.IMPORTANT NOTICE..............................................................................................................................................A-22.DESCRIPTION ITEMS FOR DANGER, WARNING AND CAUTION.......................................................................A-32.1Description items in this Service Manual................................................................................................................................A-32.2Description items for safety and important warning items.......................................................................................................A-33.SAFETY WARNINGS...............................................................................................................................................A-43.1MODIFICATIONS NOT AUTHORIZED BY KONICA MINOLTA, INC.....................................................................................A-43.1.1Actions requiring special attention..................................................................................................................................A-43.2POWER PLUG SELECTION..................................................................................................................................................A-53.2.1Power Cord Set or Power Plug......................................................................................................................................A-53.3CHECKPOINTS WHEN PERFORMING ON-SITE SERVICE................................................................................................A-73.3.1Power Supply.................................................................................................................................................................A-73.3.2Installation Requirements.............................................................................................................................................A-113.3.3After Service.................................................................................................................................................................A-133.4Used Batteries Precautions...................................................................................................................................................A-193.4.1ALL Areas.....................................................................................................................................................................A-193.4.2Germany.......................................................................................................................................................................A-193.4.3France..........................................................................................................................................................................A-193.4.4Denmark.......................................................................................................................................................................A-193.4.5Finland, Sweden...........................................................................................................................................................A-193.4.6Norway.........................................................................................................................................................................A-193.5Laser Safety..........................................................................................................................................................................A-203.5.1Laser Safety.................................................................................................................................................................A-203.5.2Internal Laser Radiation...............................................................................................................................................A-203.5.3Laser Safety Label.......................................................................................................................................................A-213.5.4Laser Warning Label....................................................................................................................................................A-213.5.5PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING THE LASER EQUIPMENT....................................................................................A-224.WARNING INDICATIONS ON THE MACHINE......................................................................................................A-234.1Warning indications inside the machine................................................................................................................................A-234.2Warning indications on the boards........................................................................................................................................A-245.MEASURES TO TAKE IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT............................................................................................A-25B NOTATION OF THE CONTENTS..................................................................................................B-11.PRECAUTION ON HANDLING THIS MANUAL.......................................................................................................B-12.PRODUCT NAME....................................................................................................................................................B-23.BRAND NAME.........................................................................................................................................................B-34.FEEDING DIRECTION.............................................................................................................................................B-45.NOTE FOR THE SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................B-5C PRODUCT OUTLINE.....................................................................................................................C-11.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................................C-11.1bizhub C4000i/C3300i.............................................................................................................................................................C-11.1.1Basic specifications........................................................................................................................................................C-11.1.2Paper..............................................................................................................................................................................C-21.1.3Print volume...................................................................................................................................................................C-21.1.4Machine specification.....................................................................................................................................................C-31.1.5Print function..................................................................................................................................................................C-31.1.6Web browser function.....................................................................................................................................................C-41.2PF-P20/PF-P21.......................................................................................................................................................................C-41.3FS-P04....................................................................................................................................................................................C-51.4CU-202....................................................................................................................................................................................C-61.5i-Option....................................................................................................................................................................................C-61.5.1Available function for i-Option........................................................................................................................................C-62.OVERALL COMPOSITION......................................................................................................................................C-72.1SYSTEM CONFIGURATION..................................................................................................................................................C-72.1.1System configuration......................................................................................................................................................C-72.1.2Optional configuration....................................................................................................................................................C-72.2Section configuration...............................................................................................................................................................C-82.3Paper path...............................................................................................................................................................................C-8D SERVICE TOOL.............................................................................................................................D-1hub C4000i/C3300i..............................................................................................................................................D-12.Utility tool..................................................................................................................................................................D-22.1IC card information setting tool of card reader........................................................................................................................D-22.1.1Outline............................................................................................................................................................................D-22.1.2IC card information setting procedures..........................................................................................................................D-2E MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................................E-11.Concept of maintenance..........................................................................................................................................E-12.Periodical replacement parts list..............................................................................................................................E-32.1bizhub C4000i/C3300i.............................................................................................................................................................E-32.2PF-P20/PF-P21.......................................................................................................................................................................E-43.Periodical replacement procedure............................................................................................................................E-53.1bizhub C4000i/C3300i.............................................................................................................................................................E-53.1.1Replacing the tray 1 pick-up roller, tray 1 feed roller......................................................................................................E-53.1.2Replacing the tray 1 separation roller.............................................................................................................................E-53.1.3Replacing the manual bypass tray feed roller................................................................................................................E-63.1.4Replacing the manual bypass tray pick-up roller............................................................................................................E-63.1.5Replacing the manual bypass tray separation pad........................................................................................................E-73.1.6Replacing the toner cartridge.........................................................................................................................................E-83.1.7Replacing the imaging unit.............................................................................................................................................E-83.1.8Replacing the toner filter................................................................................................................................................E-93.1.9Replacing the waster toner bottle.................................................................................................................................E-103.1.10Replacing the transfer belt unit...................................................................................................................................E-103.1.11Replacing the transfer roller unit................................................................................................................................E-123.1.12Replacing the fusing unit............................................................................................................................................E-133.2PF-P20/PF-P21.....................................................................................................................................................................E-143.2.1Replacing the tray 2/3 pick-up roller, feed roller...........................................................................................................E-143.2.2Replacing the tray 2/3 separation roller........................................................................................................................E-154.Cleaning parts list...................................................................................................................................................E-174.1bizhub C4000i/C3300i...........................................................................................................................................................E-174.2PF-P20/ PF-P21....................................................................................................................................................................E-175.Cleaning/Lubrication procedure.............................................................................................................................E-185.1bizhub C4000i/C3300i...........................................................................................................................................................E-185.1.1Cleaning tray 1 pick-up roller, tray 1 feed roller............................................................................................................E-185.1.2Cleaning tray 1 separation roller..................................................................................................................................E-185.1.3Cleaning manual bypass tray pick-up roller.................................................................................................................E-185.1.4Cleaning the manual bypass tray feed roller................................................................................................................E-185.1.5Cleaning the manual bypass tray separation pad........................................................................................................E-185.1.6Cleaning the transfer belt unit......................................................................................................................................E-195.1.7Cleaning the PH window..............................................................................................................................................E-195.1.8Cleaning of the registration roller.................................................................................................................................E-195.1.9Cleaning of the area around the waste toner collecting port........................................................................................E-205.1.10Cleaning of the 2nd image transfer entrance guide...................................................................................................E-205.1.11Cleaning of the IDC sensor window...........................................................................................................................E-205.1.12Cleaning of the duplex transport rollers......................................................................................................................E-205.2PF-P20/PF-P21.....................................................................................................................................................................E-215.2.1Cleaning the tray 2/3 pick-up roller, feed roller.............................................................................................................E-215.2.2Cleaning the tray 2/3 separation roller.........................................................................................................................E-21F DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY.....................................................................................................F-11.Disassembly/adjustment prohibited items................................................................................................................F-11.1Paint-locked screws................................................................................................................................................................F-11.2Red-painted screws................................................................................................................................................................F-11.3Variable resistors on board.....................................................................................................................................................F-11.4Warnings for disassembly.......................................................................................................................................................F-11.5Warnings / Precautions during setup or transportation...........................................................................................................F-22.Units from which removing is prohibited...................................................................................................................F-33.Disassembly/assembly warning/caution items.........................................................................................................F-43.1Removal/installing of boards...................................................................................................................................................F-4hub C4000i/C3300i..............................................................................................................................................F-54.1Exterior parts...........................................................................................................................................................................F-54.1.1Front door.......................................................................................................................................................................F-54.1.2Left cover........................................................................................................................................................................F-54.1.3Rear cover......................................................................................................................................................................F-54.1.4Exit cover........................................................................................................................................................................F-64.1.5Control panel unit...........................................................................................................................................................F-64.1.6Control panel cover........................................................................................................................................................F-84.1.7Tray1..............................................................................................................................................................................F-84.2Units........................................................................................................................................................................................F-94.2.1Manual bypass tray unit.................................................................................................................................................F-94.2.2PH unit..........................................................................................................................................................................F-104.2.32nd transfer pressure unit............................................................................................................................................F-114.2.4Main drive unit..............................................................................................................................................................F-124.2.5Manual bypass tray roller unit......................................................................................................................................F-134.2.6Paper feed unit.............................................................................................................................................................F-144.2.7PWB box......................................................................................................................................................................F-154.2.8Fusing drive unit...........................................................................................................................................................F-164.3Boards...................................................................................................................................................................................F-184.3.1Base board (BASEB)....................................................................................................................................................F-184.3.2CPU board (CPUB)......................................................................................................................................................F-184.3.3microSD card................................................................................................................................................................F-204.3.4DC power supply (DCPS).............................................................................................................................................F-224.3.5Backup board (ERB)....................................................................................................................................................F-244.3.6High voltage unit (HVPS).............................................................................................................................................F-254.3.7Machine condition monitor board/Fr (MCMB/Fr)..........................................................................................................F-264.4Motors...................................................................................................................................................................................F-274.4.1Main motor (M1)...........................................................................................................................................................F-274.4.2Color motor (M2)..........................................................................................................................................................F-274.4.3Fusing motor (M3)........................................................................................................................................................F-274.4.4Toner supply motor/YM (M4), Toner supply motor/CK (M5)........................................................................................F-274.4.5Tray 1 lift-up motor (M6)...............................................................................................................................................F-294.5Clutches................................................................................................................................................................................F-294.5.1Bypass tray paper feed clutch (CL2)............................................................................................................................F-294.5.2Tray 1 paper feed clutch (CL3).....................................................................................................................................F-294.5.3Registration clutch (CL4)..............................................................................................................................................F-304.5.4ADU transport clutch (CL5)..........................................................................................................................................F-304.5.5ADU feed clutch (CL6)/ADU reversal clutch (CL7).......................................................................................................F-314.6Fan motor..............................................................................................................................................................................F-314.6.1Machine cooling fan (FM1)...........................................................................................................................................F-314.6.2Toner suction fan (FM2)...............................................................................................................................................F-324.7Others...................................................................................................................................................................................F-334.7.1IDC sensor (IDCS1).....................................................................................................................................................F-334.7.2Temperature/humidity sensor (TEM/HUMS1)..............................................................................................................F-334.7.3Exit path switch solenoid (SD1)....................................................................................................................................F-345.PF-P20/PF-P21......................................................................................................................................................F-355.1Rear cover (PF-P20).............................................................................................................................................................F-355.2Rear cover (PF-P21).............................................................................................................................................................F-355.3Tray 2, tray 3 (PF-P20/PF-P21)............................................................................................................................................F-355.4Paper Feed Unit (PF-P20)....................................................................................................................................................F-355.5Paper Feed Unit (PF-P21)....................................................................................................................................................F-375.6PC control board (PCCB) (PF-P20/PF-P21).........................................................................................................................F-385.7Drive motor (M1) (PF-P20/PF-P21)......................................................................................................................................F-395.8Drive assy (PF-P20/PF-P21).................................................................................................................................................F-395.9Lift-up motor (M2) (PF-P20/PF-P21).....................................................................................................................................F-395.10Paper feed clutch (CL1) (PF-P20/PF-P21)..........................................................................................................................F-405.11Transport clutch (CL2) (PF-P20/PF-P21)............................................................................................................................F-40-221...................................................................................................................................................................F-426.1Wireless LAN board (UK-221)...............................................................................................................................................F-42。

《的士够格》歌词 软硬天师

《的士够格》歌词 软硬天师

的士够格的士夠格- 林海峰曲/ 編:江志仁/林海峰詞:林海峰沒有激光節拍樂韻的士高暗格裡奔放起舞沒有分開你我大細中青老暗格裡等你到步原來雙方都要解決人群之中怎去解脫背脊有七個漢子神奇的風吹我左耳令我即刻沖廁我去錯公眾舞池人人都匿係wa ha每格有一個故事為何他匿係wo ho暗格裡快樂過日子wa ha ha ha ha ha ha wo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha到暗格比舞一次boy say no...boy say no...boy say no... boy say no...boy say no...boy say no...在這小小世界沒有分黨派我愛你口快手快讓我開開眼界射到出左界你這個乖乖太歪人群手交手要衝上人牆高呼起舞歌唱每格有一硬漢子靈魂之窗使我高漲但我怎麼舒暢我去錯公眾舞池人人都喜歡wa ha每格有一個故事為何他喜歡wo ho暗格裡快樂過日子wa ha ha ha ha ha hawo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha最怕你吹我左耳get off get offget off get offwo ho disco dancingwo ho disco dancing我看見左格有兩個黃伯四隻腳粗壯雪白靜默沒對白雙手正緊握這次看真無打格wa ha ha ha ha ha hawo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha最怕你打我主意wa ha ha ha ha ha hawo ho disco dancingwa ha ha ha ha ha ha慾望在對視你到了(我去錯)公眾舞池以上就是关于的士够格的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。



荷东第五集歌词荷东第五集曲目:01、Venus 维纳斯(Robbie Van/Leeuwen 罗宾·王 & 利文)02、You Give Love A Bad Name 你给爱一个坏名字(J.Bon Jovi/D.Child J.乔维 & D.查尔)03、Follow Me 伴我同行(Ray Dixen/Cary Poland 雷·迪克森 & 凯利·波伦)04、Everybody Have Fun Tonight 大家一起欢乐(W.Chung/P.Wolf W.春 & P.沃尔夫)05、Cha Cha Cha 恰恰恰(G.Boido/Julisa G.波尔多 & 茱丽莎)06、Ole Ole Ole 凯歌(Armith/Deja 安米斯 & 戴杰)07、Day By Day 每一天(Jackie Moore 杰克·摩尔)08、New Attitude 新风格(S.Robinson/B.Hull S.罗宾逊 & B.霍尔)09、Take My Breath Away 带走我所有(G.Moroder/Whillock 柏林乐队)10、Maria Magdalena 玛莉亚(Kemmler/James 凯米勒 & 詹姆士)01、Venus 维纳斯(Robbie Van/Leeuwen 罗宾·王 & 利文)歌词:Goddess on the mountain topBurning like a silver flameThe summit of beauty and loveAnd Venus was her nameShe's got itYeah, baby, she's got itI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireHer weapons were her crystal eyesMaking every man a manBlack as the dark night she wasGot what no-one else hadShe's got itYeah, baby, she's got itI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireShe's got itYeah, baby, she's got itI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireGoddess on the mountain topBurning like a silver flameThe summit of beauty and loveAnd Venus was her nameShe's got itYeah, baby, she's got it I'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireI'm your VenusI'm your fireAt your desireYeah, baby, she's got it Yeah, baby, she's got it Yeah, baby, she's got it02、You Give Love A Bad Name 你给爱一个坏名字(J.Bon Jovi/D.Child J.乔维 & D.查尔)shot through the heart,and you're to blame.darling you give love...a bad name.an angel's smile is what you sell,you promised me heaven,and put me through hell.chains of love got a hold on me,when passion's a prison,you can't break free.oh... you're a loaded gun... yeah...oh... there's nowhere to run,no one can save me,the damage is done!shot through the heart,and you're to blame.you give love a bad name. (bad name)i play my part and you play your game.you give love a bad name. (bad name)you give love a bad name.paint your smile on your lips.blood red nails on your fingertips.a school boy's dream, you act so shy.your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye.oh... you're a loaded gun... yeah...oh... there's nowhere to run,no one can save me,the damage is done!shot through the heart,and you're to blame.you give love a bad name.i play my part and you play your game.you give love a bad name,you give love...(beatboxing)shot through the heart,and you're to blame.darling, you give love a bad name.i play my part and you play your game.you give love a bad name, (bad name) you give love a bad name!you give love a bad bad name!a bad name.you give love a bad name.you give love.... a bad name03、Follow Me 伴我同行(Ray Dixen/Cary Poland 雷·迪克森 & 凯利·波伦)Sometimes you're feeling aloneNothing left to do on your ownCould hard as turning to stoneNow you shouldn't wait so longTry to see every hour that we ownYou can't have it started againLook at me and you know that you've got a friendIf you wanna follow me, call on me anytimeThere's something that I wouldn't doWould that be family? I so prizeAnd tell that sun will shine on youFollow me, call on me anytimeThere's something that I would doWould be certainly I shall finduntil the sun will shine on youMoonlight night is the nightMany people in the streetWhy are there music aroundEverybody's on their feetSomeone's calling your name from afarYou're turning round and searching awhileAnd discover someone giving you a smileIf you wanna follow me, call on me anytimeThere's something that I wouldn't doWould that be family? I so prizeAnd tell that sun will shine on you(instrumental)Someone's calling your name from afarYou're turning round and searching awhileAnd discover someone giving you a smileIf you wanna follow me, call on me anytimeThere's something that I wouldn't doWould that be family? I so prizeAnd tell that sun will shine on youIf you wanna follow me, call on me, call on me...If you wanna follow me, call on me, call on me...If you wanna follow me, call on me, call on me...(until fade out)04、Everybody Have Fun Tonight 大家一起欢乐(W.Chung/P.Wolf W.春 & P.沃尔夫)I'll drive a million milesTo be with you tonightSo if you're feeling lowTurn up your radioThe words we use are strongThey make realityBut now the music's onOh baby dance with me yeah.Rip it upMove downRip it upMove it down to the groundRip it upCool downRip it upAnd get the feeling not the word.Ev'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody Wang Chung tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody Wang Chung tonightEv'rybody have fun.Deep in the world tonightOur hearts beat safe and soundI'll hold you so closeJust let yourself go down.Rip it upMove downRip it upMove it down to the groundRip it upCool downRip it upGet out what's inside of youEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody Wang Chung tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody Wang Chung tonightEv'rybody have fun.On the edge of oblivionAll the world is BabylonAnd all the love and ev'ryoneA ship of fools sailing on(Ev'rybody)Ev'rybody have fun tonight(Ev'rybody)Ev'rybody have fun tonight. Across the nationAround the worldEv'rybody have fun tonightA celebration so spread the word. Ev'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody Wang Chung tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody Wang Chung tonightEv'rybody have fun tonightEv'rybody have fun.Ev'rybodyEv'ryone.05、Cha Cha Cha 恰恰恰(G.Boido/Julisa G.波尔多 & 茱丽莎)Baby, get on my cadillacOh, no, I wanna dance my cha chaListen to this magic soundBaby, you just can't feel downRock'n'Roll, rhythm and bluesHoney, you don't need to chooseJoin me so in my dreamsShining fish and lovely scenesIf you know where to goStand by me in my fantasy{Chorus:}I wanna danceDo you like cha cha cha?Let's make a romance on my cha{x4}Everywhere it's spreading outPeople are moving at this soundStanding closeWe'll exciteIn this magic sweety night{Chorus}Honey, do you like my cha cha?It's fantastic{x2}Dance for meTonight{Chorus}06、Ole Ole Ole 凯歌(Armith/Deja 安米斯 & 戴杰)The name of the gameFootball!The name of the gameFootball!The name of the gameFootball!The name of the gameOle OLe OLe Ole we are the champ,we are the championsOle OLe OLe Ole we are the champ,we are the championsOle OLe OLe Ole we are the champ,we are the championsSoccer, soccer, soccer(Rap1)The name of the game is "football".Pass me a brewIt's about time for kick offOver the head kickLooking for that super Goalone,two,three!(Rap2)Tip your hat to the days!Inside out kick "Shoot:the bird!"throw your hands in the airset up then waveone,two,three!Ole Ole Ole Ole We are the champWe are the championsOle Ole Ole Ole......Ole Ole Ole Ole We are the champWe are the championsOle Ole Ole Ole......07、Day By Day 每一天(Jackie Moore 杰克·摩尔)Time flies when I think about youWhy baby why, I really really want youanother time I hear your lullabyIn your arms I feel so completeLove's the gameDon't lose your chance tonightDon't be afraid.I feel you by my side, boyTo take a breathBelieve in yourselfI'm only the girl that you needWhen I feel this kinda lonely you'll be by my sideAnd this natural be my heroEvery time you light a fire in my foolish heartMaybe for all the time or it just for one nightDay by day, losing my mindYou are the fog in the nightDay by day, don't waste your timeI am your sweet tooth cansTell me why, why baby you're so shyWith passion burnt inside you're hesitatingCan't avoid, leave worries behindNo rhythm is right for our loveWhen I feel this kinda lonely you'll be by my sideAnd this natural be my heroEvery time you light a fire in my foolish heartMaybe for all the time or it is for one nightDay by day, losing my mindYou are the fog in the nightDay by day, don't waste your timeI am your sweet tooth cansDay by day, losing my mindYou are the fog in the nightDay by day, don't waste your timeI am your sweet tooth cansLove's the gameDon't lose your chance tonightDon't be afraid. I feel you by my side, boyTo take a breathBelieve in yourselfI'm only the girl that you needWhen I feel this kinda lonely you'll be by my side And this natural be my heroEvery time you light a fire in my foolish heart Maybe for all the time or it is for one nightDay by day, losing my mindYou are the fog in the nightDay by day, don't waste your timeI am your sweet tooth cansTime flies when I think it might dowhy baby I really really want youI know the time I have your byin your eyes and I'm feel so creetlove is gamedon't loose you change tonightdon't be afraid I'm feel you by my side,boyto take a breathbelieve in yourselvesI'm only the girl that your needwhen I feel this kinds of lonely you be my side and this is not to be my heroevery time you light a fire in my foolish charge maybe for all the time are It's for one nightday by dayloose in my mindyou are the fire in my lifeday by daydon't waste your timeI am your free-to-choose catTell me whywhy baby you are so shybut passion burns me insideyou are hesitatingcan't fall leave worries behindno rhythm is right for our lovewhen I feel this kinds of lonely you be my side and this is not to be my heroevery time you light fire in my foolish charge maybe for all the time or It's for one nightday by daylost in my mindyou are the fire in my lifeday by daydon't waste your timeI am your free-to-choose cat08、New Attitude 新风格(S.Robinson/B.Hull S.罗宾逊 & B.霍尔)I'm feelin' good from my head to my shoesKnow where I'm goin' and I know what to doI tidied up my point of viewI got a new attitudeRunnin' hot, runnin' coldI was runnin' into overloadIt was extreme, ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-extremeIt took it so high, so lowSo low, there was nowhere to goLike a dreamSomehow the wires uncrossed, the tables were turnedNever knew I had such a lesson to learnI'm feelin' good from my head to my shoesKnow where I'm goin' and I know what to doI tidied up my point of viewI got a new attitudeI'm in control, my worries are few'Cause I've got love like I never knewOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeI'm wearing a new dress (New), new hair (New)Brand new ideas, as a matter of fact I've changed for goodIt must have been the cool night, new moon, new slight change ???More than to figure??? But I feel like I should, yes Somehow the wires uncrossed, the tables were turnedNever knew I had such a lesson to learnI'm feelin' good from my head to my shoesKnow where I'm goin' and I know what to doI tidied up my point of viewI got a new attitudeI'm in control, my worries are few'Cause I've got love like I never knewOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh...ooh...Somehow the wires uncrossed, the tables were turnedNever knew I had such a lesson to learnI'm feelin' good from my head to my shoesKnow where I'm goin' and I know what to doI tidied up my point of viewI got a new attitudeI'm in control, my worries are few'Cause I've got love like I never knewOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Mmm)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Mmm, mmm)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohI got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (From my head to my shoes)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (I got a new)I got a new attitude (I got a new)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (New attitude)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Everything about has changed) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Baby)I got a new attitude (I got a new)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (I got a new)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Feelin', feelin')Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (I feel it, I got a new attitude) I got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Oh...ooh...)I got a new attitude (I got a new)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Attitude)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Said I got a new)Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (New attitude)I got a new attitudeOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh09、Take My Breath Away 带走我所有(G.Moroder/Whillock 柏林乐队)Watching every motionIn my foolish lover's gameOn this endless oceanFinally lovers know no shameTurning and returningTo some secret place insideWatching in slow motionAs you turn around and sayTake my breath awayTake my breath awayWatching I keep waitingStill anticipating loveNever hesitatingTo became the fated onesTurning and returningTo some secret place insideWatching in slow motionAs you turn around and sayI KnowTake my breath awayThrough the hour glass I saw youIn time you slipped awayWhen the mirror crashed I called youAnd turned to hear you sayIf only for todayI am unafraidTake my breath awayTake my breath awayWatching every motionIn this foolish lover's gameHaunted by the notionSomewhere there's a love in flamesTurning and returningTo some secret place insideWatching in slow motionAs you turn around and sayTake my breath awayI KnowTake my breath away10、Maria Magdalena 玛莉亚(Kemmler/James 凯米勒 & 詹姆士)You take my loveYou want my soulI would be crazy to share your lifeWhy can't you see what I amSharpen the senses and turn the knifeHurt me and you'll understandI'll never be Maria Magdalena(You're a creature of the night)Maria Magdalena(you're a victim of the fight)(you need love)Promised me delight(You need love)Why must I lieFind any prizeWhen will you wake up and realizeI can't surrender to youPlay for affection andWin the prizeI know those party games tooI'll never be Maria Magdalena(You're a creature of the night)Maria Magdalena(you're a victim of the fight)(you need love)Promised me delight(You need love)。

Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 用户手册说明书

Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 用户手册说明书

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu-ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instru-ments GmbH.ASIO, VST, HALion and Cubase are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.All other product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their re-spective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.Document authored by: David Gover and Nico Sidi.Software version: 2.6.11 (11/2017)Hardware version: MASCHINE MK3Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product.NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30D-10997 Berlin Germanywww.native-instruments.de NATIVE INSTRUMENTS North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard5th FloorLos Angeles, CA 90028USANATIVE INSTRUMENTS K.K.YO Building 3FJingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001Japanwww.native-instruments.co.jp NATIVE INSTRUMENTS UK Limited 18 Phipp StreetLondon EC2A 4NUUKNATIVE INSTRUMENTS FRANCE SARL 113 Rue Saint-Maur75011 ParisFrance SHENZHEN NATIVE INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Limited 203B & 201B, Nanshan E-Commerce Base Of Innovative ServicesShi Yun Road, Shekou, Nanshan, Shenzhen China© NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, 2017. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1Welcome to MASCHINE (23)1.1MASCHINE Documentation (24)1.2Document Conventions (25)1.3New Features in MASCHINE 2.6.11 (27)2Basic Concepts (29)2.1Important Names and Concepts (29)2.2Adjusting the MASCHINE User Interface (32)2.2.1Adjusting the Size of the Interface (32)2.2.2Switching between Ideas View and Arranger View (33)2.2.3Showing/Hiding the Browser (34)2.2.4Minimizing the Mixer (34)2.2.5Showing/Hiding the Control Lane (35)2.3Common Operations (36)2.3.1Using the 4-Directional Push Encoder (36)2.3.2Pinning a Mode on the Controller (37)2.3.3Pinning a Mode on the Controller (38)2.3.4Undo/Redo (39)2.3.5List Overlay for Selectors (41)2.3.6Zoom and Scroll Overlays (42)2.3.7Focusing on a Group or a Sound (42)2.3.8Switching Between the Master, Group, and Sound Level (47)2.3.9Navigating Channel Properties, Plug-ins, and Parameter Pages in the Control Area.482.3.9.1Extended Navigate Mode on Your Controller (53)2.3.10Using Two or More Hardware Controllers (56)2.3.11Touch Auto-Write Option (58)2.4Native Kontrol Standard (60)2.5Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (62)2.5.1Differences between Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (62)2.5.2Switching Instances (63)2.5.3Controlling Various Instances with Different Controllers (64)2.6Preferences (65)2.6.1Preferences – General Page (66)2.6.2Preferences – Audio Page (70)2.6.3Preferences – MIDI Page (74)2.6.4Preferences – Default Page (77)2.6.5Preferences – Library Page (81)2.6.6Preferences – Plug-ins Page (89)2.6.7Preferences – Hardware Page (94)2.6.8Preferences – Colors Page (98)2.7Integrating MASCHINE into a MIDI Setup (100)2.7.1Connecting External MIDI Equipment (100)2.7.2Sync to External MIDI Clock (101)2.7.3Send MIDI Clock (102)2.8Syncing MASCHINE using Ableton Link (103)2.8.1Connecting to a Network (103)2.8.2Joining and Leaving a Link Session (103)2.9Using a Pedal with the MASCHINE Controller (105)2.10File Management on the MASCHINE Controller (105)3Browser (107)3.1Browser Basics (107)3.1.1The MASCHINE Library (107)3.1.2Browsing the Library vs. Browsing Your Hard Disks (108)3.2Searching and Loading Files from the Library (109)3.2.1Overview of the LIBRARY Pane (109)3.2.2Selecting or Loading a Product and Selecting a Bank from the Browser (114) by Product Category Using MASCHINE MK3 (118) by Product Vendor Using MASCHINE MK3 (119)3.2.3Selecting a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank (119) a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank on theController (124)3.2.4Selecting a File Type (125)3.2.5Choosing Between Factory and User Content (126)3.2.6Selecting Type and Mode Tags (127)3.2.7List and Tag Overlays in the Browser (133)3.2.8Performing a Text Search (135)3.2.9Loading a File from the Result List (135)3.3Additional Browsing Tools (140)3.3.1Loading the Selected Files Automatically (140)3.3.2Auditioning Instrument Presets (142)3.3.3Auditioning Samples (143)3.3.4Loading Groups with Patterns (144)3.3.5Loading Groups with Routing (145)3.3.6Displaying File Information (145)3.4Using Favorites in the Browser (146)3.5Editing the Files’ Tags and Properties (152)3.5.1Attribute Editor Basics (152)3.5.2The BANK Page (154)3.5.3The TYPES and MODES Pages (155)3.5.4The PROPERTIES Page (157)3.6Loading and Importing Files from Your File System (158)3.6.1Overview of the FILES Pane (158)3.6.2Using Favorites (160)3.6.3Using the Location Bar (161)3.6.4Navigating to Recent Locations (162)3.6.5Using the Result List (163)3.6.6Importing Files to the MASCHINE Library (166)3.7Locating Missing Samples (168)3.8Using Quick Browse (170)4Managing Sounds, Groups, and Your Project (175)4.1Overview of the Sounds, Groups, and Master (175)4.1.1The Sound, Group, and Master Channels (176)4.1.2Similarities and Differences in Handling Sounds and Groups (177)4.1.3Selecting Multiple Sounds or Groups (178)4.2Managing Sounds (183)4.2.1Loading Sounds (185)4.2.2Pre-listening to Sounds (186)4.2.3Renaming Sound Slots (187)4.2.4Changing the Sound’s Color (187)4.2.5Saving Sounds (189)4.2.6Copying and Pasting Sounds (191)4.2.7Moving Sounds (194)4.2.8Resetting Sound Slots (196)4.3Managing Groups (197)4.3.1Creating Groups (198)4.3.2Loading Groups (200)4.3.3Renaming Groups (201)4.3.4Changing the Group’s Color (201)4.3.5Saving Groups (203)4.3.6Copying and Pasting Groups (205)4.3.7Reordering Groups (208)4.3.8Deleting Groups (209)4.4Exporting MASCHINE Objects and Audio (210)4.4.1Saving a Group with its Samples (211)4.4.2Saving a Project with its Samples (212)4.4.3Exporting Audio (214)4.5Importing Third-Party File Formats (221)4.5.1Loading REX Files into Sound Slots (221)4.5.2Importing MPC Programs to Groups (222)5Playing on the Controller (226)5.1Adjusting the Pads (226)5.1.1The Pad View in the Software (226)5.1.2Choosing a Pad Input Mode (228)5.1.3Adjusting the Base Key (231)5.1.4Using Choke Groups (233)5.1.5Using Link Groups (235)5.2Adjusting the Key, Choke, and Link Parameters for Multiple Sounds (238)5.3Adjusting the Base Key (239)5.4Playing Tools (240)5.4.1Mute and Solo (241)5.4.2Choke All Notes (245)5.4.3Groove (246)5.4.4Level, Tempo, Tune, and Groove Shortcuts on Your Controller (248)5.4.5Tap Tempo (252)5.5Performance Features (253)5.5.1Overview of the Perform Features (253)5.5.2Selecting a Scale and Creating Chords (256)5.5.3Scale and Chord Parameters (256)5.5.4Creating Arpeggios and Repeated Notes (262)5.5.5Swing on Note Repeat / Arp Output (267)5.6Using Lock Snapshots (268)5.6.1Creating a Lock Snapshot (268)5.6.2Using Extended Lock (269)5.6.3Updating a Lock Snapshot (269)5.6.4Recalling a Lock Snapshot (270)5.6.5Morphing Between Lock Snapshots (270)5.6.6Deleting a Lock Snapshot (271)5.6.7Triggering Lock Snapshots via MIDI (272)5.7Using the Smart Strip (274)5.7.1Pitch Mode (274)5.7.2Modulation Mode (275)5.7.3Perform Mode (275)5.7.4Notes Mode (276)6Working with Plug-ins (277)6.1Plug-in Overview (277)6.1.1Plug-in Basics (277)6.1.2First Plug-in Slot of Sounds: Choosing the Sound’s Role (281)6.1.3Loading, Removing, and Replacing a Plug-in (281) Plug-in Slot Selection (287)6.1.4Adjusting the Plug-in Parameters (290)6.1.5Bypassing Plug-in Slots (290)6.1.6Using Side-Chain (292)6.1.7Moving Plug-ins (292)6.1.8Alternative: the Plug-in Strip (294)6.1.9Saving and Recalling Plug-in Presets (294) Plug-in Presets (295) Plug-in Presets (296) a Default Plug-in Preset (297)6.2The Sampler Plug-in (298)6.2.1Page 1: Voice Settings / Engine (300)6.2.2Page 2: Pitch / Envelope (302)6.2.3Page 3: FX / Filter (305)6.2.4Page 4: Modulation (307)6.2.5Page 5: LFO (309)6.2.6Page 6: Velocity / Modwheel (311)6.3Using Native Instruments and External Plug-ins (313)6.3.1Opening/Closing Plug-in Windows (313)6.3.2Using the VST/AU Plug-in Parameters (316)6.3.3Setting Up Your Own Parameter Pages (317)6.3.4Using VST/AU Plug-in Presets (322)6.3.5Multiple-Output Plug-ins and Multitimbral Plug-ins (325)7Working with Patterns (326)7.1Pattern Basics (326)7.1.1Pattern Editor Overview (327)7.1.2Navigating the Event Area (333)7.1.3Following the Playback Position in the Pattern (335)7.1.4Jumping to Another Playback Position in the Pattern (337)7.1.5Group View and Keyboard View (338)7.1.6Adjusting the Arrange Grid and the Pattern Length (341)7.1.7Adjusting the Step Grid and the Nudge Grid (344)7.2Recording Patterns in Real Time (349)7.2.1Recording Your Patterns Live (349)7.2.2The Record Prepare Mode (352)7.2.3Using the Metronome (353)7.2.4Recording with Count-in (354)7.2.5Quantizing while Recording (356)7.3Recording Patterns with the Step Sequencer (356)7.3.1Step Mode Basics (356)7.3.2Editing Events in Step Mode (359)7.3.3Recording Modulation in Step Mode (361)7.4Editing Events (361)7.4.1Editing Events with the Mouse: an Overview (362)7.4.2Creating Events/Notes (365)7.4.3Selecting Events/Notes (366)7.4.4Editing Selected Events/Notes (372)7.4.5Deleting Events/Notes (378)7.4.6Cut, Copy, and Paste Events/Notes (381)7.4.7Quantizing Events/Notes (383)7.4.8Quantization While Playing (385)7.4.9Doubling a Pattern (386)7.4.10Adding Variation to Patterns (387)7.5Recording and Editing Modulation (391)7.5.1Which Parameters Are Modulatable? (392)7.5.2Recording Modulation (393)7.5.3Creating and Editing Modulation in the Control Lane (395)7.6Creating MIDI Tracks from Scratch in MASCHINE (401)7.7Managing Patterns (403)7.7.1The Pattern Manager and Pattern Mode (403)7.7.2Selecting Patterns and Pattern Banks (406)7.7.3Creating Patterns (408)7.7.4Deleting Patterns (410)7.7.5Creating and Deleting Pattern Banks (411)7.7.6Naming Patterns (413)7.7.7Changing the Pattern’s Color (415)7.7.8Duplicating, Copying, and Pasting Patterns (416)7.7.9Moving Patterns (419)7.7.10Adjusting Pattern Length in Fine Increments (420)7.8Importing/Exporting Audio and MIDI to/from Patterns (421)7.8.1Exporting Audio from Patterns (421)7.8.2Exporting MIDI from Patterns (422)7.8.3Importing MIDI to Patterns (425)8Audio Routing, Remote Control, and Macro Controls (434)8.1Audio Routing in MASCHINE (435)8.1.1Sending External Audio to Sounds (436)8.1.2Configuring the Main Output of Sounds and Groups (441)8.1.3Setting Up Auxiliary Outputs for Sounds and Groups (446)8.1.4Configuring the Master and Cue Outputs of MASCHINE (450)8.1.5Mono Audio Inputs (456) External Inputs for Sounds in Mix View (457)8.2Using MIDI Control and Host Automation (461)8.2.1Triggering Sounds via MIDI Notes (462)8.2.2Triggering Scenes via MIDI (469)8.2.3Controlling Parameters via MIDI and Host Automation (471)8.2.4Selecting VST/AU Plug-in Presets via MIDI Program Change (479)8.2.5Sending MIDI from Sounds (480)8.3Creating Custom Sets of Parameters with the Macro Controls (484)8.3.1Macro Control Overview (485)8.3.2Assigning Macro Controls Using the Software (486)8.3.3Assigning Macro Controls Using the Controller (492)9Controlling Your Mix (494)9.1Mix View Basics (494)9.1.1Switching between Arrange View and Mix View (494)9.1.2Mix View Elements (495)9.2The Mixer (497)9.2.1Displaying Groups vs. Displaying Sounds (498)9.2.2Adjusting the Mixer Layout (500)9.2.3Selecting Channel Strips (501)9.2.4Managing Your Channels in the Mixer (502)9.2.5Adjusting Settings in the Channel Strips (504)9.2.6Using the Cue Bus (508)9.3The Plug-in Chain (510)9.4The Plug-in Strip (511)9.4.1The Plug-in Header (513)9.4.2Panels for Drumsynths and Internal Effects (515)9.4.3Panel for the Sampler (516)9.4.4Custom Panels for Native Instruments Plug-ins (519)9.4.5Undocking a Plug-in Panel (Native Instruments and External Plug-ins Only) (523)9.5Controlling Your Mix from the Controller (525)9.5.1Navigating Your Channels in Mix Mode (526)9.5.2Adjusting the Level and Pan in Mix Mode (527)9.5.3Mute and Solo in Mix Mode (528)9.5.4Plug-in Icons in Mix Mode (528)10Using the Drumsynths (529)10.1Drumsynths – General Handling (530)10.1.1Engines: Many Different Drums per Drumsynth (530)10.1.2Common Parameter Organization (530)10.1.3Shared Parameters (533)10.1.4Various Velocity Responses (533)10.1.5Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes (533)10.2The Kicks (534)10.2.1Kick – Sub (536)10.2.2Kick – Tronic (538)10.2.3Kick – Dusty (541)10.2.4Kick – Grit (542)10.2.5Kick – Rasper (545)10.2.6Kick – Snappy (546)10.2.7Kick – Bold (548)10.2.8Kick – Maple (550)10.2.9Kick – Push (551)10.3The Snares (553)10.3.1Snare – Volt (555)10.3.2Snare – Bit (557)10.3.3Snare – Pow (559)10.3.4Snare – Sharp (560)10.3.5Snare – Airy (562)10.3.6Snare – Vintage (564)10.3.7Snare – Chrome (566)10.3.8Snare – Iron (568)10.3.9Snare – Clap (570)10.3.10Snare – Breaker (572)10.4The Hi-hats (574)10.4.1Hi-hat – Silver (575)10.4.2Hi-hat – Circuit (577)10.4.3Hi-hat – Memory (579)10.4.4Hi-hat – Hybrid (581)10.4.5Creating a Pattern with Closed and Open Hi-hats (583)10.5The Toms (584)10.5.1Tom – Tronic (586)10.5.2Tom – Fractal (588)10.5.3Tom – Floor (592)10.5.4Tom – High (594)10.6The Percussions (595)10.6.1Percussion – Fractal (597)10.6.2Percussion – Kettle (600)10.6.3Percussion – Shaker (602)10.7The Cymbals (606)10.7.1Cymbal – Crash (608)10.7.2Cymbal – Ride (610)11Using the Bass Synth (613)11.1Bass Synth – General Handling (614)11.1.1Parameter Organization (614)11.1.2Bass Synth Parameters (616)12Using Effects (618)12.1Applying Effects to a Sound, a Group or the Master (618)12.1.1Adding an Effect (618)12.1.2Other Operations on Effects (627)12.1.3Using the Side-Chain Input (629)12.2Applying Effects to External Audio (632)12.2.1Step 1: Configure MASCHINE Audio Inputs (632)12.2.2Step 2: Set up a Sound to Receive the External Input (635)12.2.3Step 3: Load an Effect to Process an Input (637)12.3Creating a Send Effect (639)12.3.1Step 1: Set Up a Sound or Group as Send Effect (639)12.3.2Step 2: Route Audio to the Send Effect (644)12.3.3 A Few Notes on Send Effects (646)12.4Creating Multi-Effects (647)13Effect Reference (650)13.1Dynamics (651)13.1.1Compressor (651)13.1.2Gate (655)13.1.3Transient Master (659)13.1.4Limiter (661)13.1.5Maximizer (665)13.2Filtering Effects (668)13.2.1EQ (668)13.2.2Filter (671)13.2.3Cabinet (675)13.3Modulation Effects (676)13.3.1Chorus (676)13.3.2Flanger (678)13.3.3FM (680)13.3.4Freq Shifter (681)13.3.5Phaser (683)13.4Spatial and Reverb Effects (685)13.4.1Ice (685)13.4.2Metaverb (687)13.4.3Reflex (688)13.4.4Reverb (Legacy) (690)13.4.5Reverb (692) Room (692) Hall (695) Reverb (698)13.5Delays (700)13.5.1Beat Delay (700)13.5.2Grain Delay (703)13.5.3Grain Stretch (705)13.5.4Resochord (707)13.6Distortion Effects (709)13.6.1Distortion (709)13.6.2Lofi (711)13.6.3Saturator (713)13.6.4Analog Distortion (716)13.7Perform FX (718)13.7.1Filter (719)13.7.2Flanger (721)13.7.3Burst Echo (724)13.7.4Reso Echo (726)13.7.5Ring (729)13.7.6Stutter (731)13.7.7Tremolo (734)13.7.8Scratcher (737)14Working with the Arranger (740)14.1Arranger Basics (740)14.1.1Navigating the Arranger (743)14.1.2Following the Playback Position in Your Project (745)14.1.3Jumping to Other Sections (746)14.2Using Ideas View (748)14.2.1Scene Overview (748)14.2.2Creating Scenes (750)14.2.3Assigning and Removing Patterns (751)14.2.4Selecting Scenes (755)14.2.5Deleting Scenes (757)14.2.6Creating and Deleting Scene Banks (758)14.2.7Clearing Scenes (759)14.2.8Duplicating Scenes (759)14.2.9Reordering Scenes (761)14.2.10Making Scenes Unique (762)14.2.11Appending Scenes to Arrangement (763)14.2.12Naming Scenes (764)14.2.13Changing the Color of a Scene (765)14.3Using Arranger View (767)14.3.1Section Management Overview (767)14.3.2Creating Sections (772)14.3.3Assigning a Scene to a Section (773)14.3.4Selecting Sections and Section Banks (774)14.3.5Reorganizing Sections (778)14.3.6Adjusting the Length of a Section (779) the Length of a Section Using the Software (781) the Length of a Section Using the Controller (782)14.3.7Assigning and Removing Patterns (783)14.3.8Duplicating Sections (785) Sections Unique (786)14.3.9Removing Sections (787)14.3.10Renaming Scenes (789)14.3.11Clearing Sections (790)14.3.12Creating and Deleting Section Banks (791)14.3.13Enabling Auto Length (792)14.3.14Looping (793) the Loop Range in the Software (793)14.4Playing with Sections (794)14.4.1Jumping to another Playback Position in Your Project (795)14.5Triggering Sections or Scenes via MIDI (796)14.6The Arrange Grid (798)14.7Quick Grid (800)15Sampling and Sample Mapping (801)15.1Opening the Sample Editor (801)15.2Recording a Sample (802)15.2.1Opening the Record Page (802)15.2.2Selecting the Source and the Recording Mode (803)15.2.3Arming, Starting, and Stopping the Recording (806)15.2.5Checking Your Recordings (810)15.2.6Location and Name of Your Recorded Samples (813)15.3Editing a Sample (814)15.3.1Using the Edit Page (814)15.3.2Audio Editing Functions (820)15.4Slicing a Sample (828)15.4.1Opening the Slice Page (829)15.4.2Adjusting the Slicing Settings (830)15.4.3Live Slicing (836) Slicing Using the Controller (836) All Slices (837)15.4.4Manually Adjusting Your Slices (837)15.4.5Applying the Slicing (844)15.5Mapping Samples to Zones (850)15.5.1Opening the Zone Page (850)15.5.2Zone Page Overview (851)15.5.3Selecting and Managing Zones in the Zone List (853)15.5.4Selecting and Editing Zones in the Map View (858)15.5.5Editing Zones in the Sample View (862)15.5.6Adjusting the Zone Settings (865)15.5.7Adding Samples to the Sample Map (872)16Appendix: Tips for Playing Live (875)16.1Preparations (875)16.1.1Focus on the Hardware (875)16.1.2Customize the Pads of the Hardware (875)16.1.3Check Your CPU Power Before Playing (875)16.1.4Name and Color Your Groups, Patterns, Sounds and Scenes (876)16.1.5Consider Using a Limiter on Your Master (876)16.1.6Hook Up Your Other Gear and Sync It with MIDI Clock (876)16.1.7Improvise (876)16.2Basic Techniques (876)16.2.1Use Mute and Solo (876)16.2.2Use Scene Mode and Tweak the Loop Range (877)16.2.3Create Variations of Your Drum Patterns in the Step Sequencer (877)16.2.4Use Note Repeat (877)16.2.5Set Up Your Own Multi-effect Groups and Automate Them (877)16.3Special Tricks (878)16.3.1Changing Pattern Length for Variation (878)16.3.2Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (878)16.3.3Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (878)16.3.4Load Long Audio Files and Play with the Start Point (878)17Troubleshooting (879)17.1Knowledge Base (879)17.2Technical Support (879)17.3Registration Support (880)17.4User Forum (880)18Glossary (881)Index (889)1Welcome to MASCHINEThank you for buying MASCHINE!MASCHINE is a groove production studio that implements the familiar working style of classi-cal groove boxes along with the advantages of a computer based system. MASCHINE is ideal for making music live, as well as in the studio. It’s the hands-on aspect of a dedicated instru-ment, the MASCHINE hardware controller, united with the advanced editing features of the MASCHINE software.Creating beats is often not very intuitive with a computer, but using the MASCHINE hardware controller to do it makes it easy and fun. You can tap in freely with the pads or use Note Re-peat to jam along. Alternatively, build your beats using the step sequencer just as in classic drum machines.Patterns can be intuitively combined and rearranged on the fly to form larger ideas. You can try out several different versions of a song without ever having to stop the music.Since you can integrate it into any sequencer that supports VST, AU, or AAX plug-ins, you can reap the benefits in almost any software setup, or use it as a stand-alone application. You can sample your own material, slice loops and rearrange them easily.However, MASCHINE is a lot more than an ordinary groovebox or sampler: it comes with an inspiring 7-gigabyte library, and a sophisticated, yet easy to use tag-based Browser to give you instant access to the sounds you are looking for.What’s more, MASCHINE provides lots of options for manipulating your sounds via internal ef-fects and other sound-shaping possibilities. You can also control external MIDI hardware and 3rd-party software with the MASCHINE hardware controller, while customizing the functions of the pads, knobs and buttons according to your needs utilizing the included Controller Editor application. We hope you enjoy this fantastic instrument as much as we do. Now let’s get go-ing!—The MASCHINE team at Native Instruments.MASCHINE Documentation1.1MASCHINE DocumentationNative Instruments provide many information sources regarding MASCHINE. The main docu-ments should be read in the following sequence:1.MASCHINE Getting Started: This document provides a practical approach to MASCHINE viaa set of tutorials covering easy and more advanced tasks in order to help you familiarizeyourself with MASCHINE.2.MASCHINE Manual (this document): The MASCHINE Manual provides you with a compre-hensive description of all MASCHINE software and hardware features.Additional documentation sources provide you with details on more specific topics:▪Controller Editor Manual: Besides using your MASCHINE hardware controller together withits dedicated MASCHINE software, you can also use it as a powerful and highly versatileMIDI controller to pilot any other MIDI-capable application or device. This is made possibleby the Controller Editor software, an application that allows you to precisely define all MIDIassignments for your MASCHINE controller. The Controller Editor was installed during theMASCHINE installation procedure. For more information on this, please refer to the Con-troller Editor Manual available as a PDF file via the Help menu of Controller Editor.▪Online Support Videos: You can find a number of support videos on The Official Native In-struments Support Channel under the following URL: https:///NIsupport-EN We recommend that you follow along with these instructions while the respective appli-cation is running on your computer.Other Online Resources:If you are experiencing problems related to your Native Instruments product that the supplied documentation does not cover, there are several ways of getting help:▪Knowledge Base▪User Forum▪Technical Support▪Registration SupportYou will find more information on these subjects in the chapter Troubleshooting.1.2Document ConventionsThis section introduces you to the signage and text highlighting used in this manual. This man-ual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues. The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be expected:This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of poten-tial issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information can be expected:Furthermore, the following formatting is used:▪Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) in the software and paths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices is printed in italics.▪Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) in the software is printed in blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text appearing somewhere on the screen.▪Text appearing on the displays of the controller is printed in light grey. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text on a controller display.▪Text appearing on labels of the hardware controller is printed in orange. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text on the controller.▪Important names and concepts are printed in bold.▪References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g.,“Press [Shift] + [Enter]”).►Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.→Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.Naming ConventionThroughout the documentation we will refer to MASCHINE controller (or just controller) as the hardware controller and MASCHINE software as the software installed on your computer.The term “effect” will sometimes be abbreviated as “FX” when referring to elements in the MA-SCHINE software and hardware. These terms have the same meaning.Button Combinations and Shortcuts on Your ControllerMost instructions will use the “+” sign to indicate buttons (or buttons and pads) that must be pressed simultaneously, starting with the button indicated first. E.g., an instruction such as:“Press SHIFT + PLAY”means:1.Press and hold SHIFT.2.While holding SHIFT, press PLAY and release it.3.Release SHIFT.Unlabeled Buttons on the ControllerThe buttons and knobs above and below the displays on your MASCHINE controller do not have labels.1234567812345678The unlabeled buttons and knobs on the MASCHINE controller.For better reference, we applied a special formatting here: throughout the document, the ele-ments are capitalized and numbered, so the buttons above the displays are written Button 1 to Button 8, while the knobs under the displays are written Knob 1 to Knob 8. E.g., whenever you see an instruction such as “Press Button 2 to open the EDIT page,” you’ll know it’s the second button from the left above the displays.1.3New Features in MASCHINE2.6.11The following two new features have been added to MASCHINE 2.6.11 and are only aimed at MASCHINE MK3 users:▪Introduction of the General, Audio, MIDI and Hardware Preferences direct from the MA-SCHINE MK3 controller using the SETTINGS button. For more information on using the Preferences from the hardware, refer to each section of the following chapter: ↑2.6, Prefer-ences.。

SINUMERIK MC Safety Integrated 开机调试手册说明书

SINUMERIK MC Safety Integrated 开机调试手册说明书
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6 驱动集成的安全功能的控制方

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为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。人身安全的提示用一个警告三角表示,仅与财产损 失有关的提示不带警告三角。警告提示根据危险等级由高到低如下表示。
3 基本原理 ........................................................................................................................................ 35
F-PLC 的安全功能......................................................................................................... 35
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87版经典的高-荷东1. 三十二步舞厅专用经典荷东节奏 part2. wings of love 爱的翅膀荷东猛士的士高3. 荷东猛士的士高梦中的尼奥4. 荷东猛士的士高我需要你的爱5. tonight 今晚荷东的士高6. 荷东猛士的士高经典恰恰7. 荷东的士高 hey you8. lady of ice 冰山美人荷东猛士的士高9. love spy 爱的间谍荷东猛士的士高10. 荷东的士高如你所需你可赢取11. 的士高 colder than ice disco 荷东的士高12. 荷东猛士的士高邦宝娜13. 荷东中文的士高太刺激 200714. 荷东的士高dj精选 happychildren15. 荷东的士高连锁反应dj16. 荷东猛士的士高葵花宝典dj17. you re my heart sou 荷东荷东的士高精选18. 荷东的士高dj do you realy need me19. atlatis is calling 荷东荷东的士高精选20. 冰冻的女人dj 荷东中文版绝佳荷东中文版21. 荷东的士高dj 劲爆的士高22. let's go 荷东 m 15s23. colder than lce 冷若冰霜荷东猛士的士高24. dj 舞曲荷东的士高25. 荷东旋律女声 dj 舞曲点点收藏喜欢就好26. dj 版串烧荷东猛士的士高27. 荷东的士高劲歌狂舞dj28. vampires 吸血鬼荷东猛士的士高29. 荷东迪士高爆炸dj版30. dj 荷东猛士的士高只有你一个dj31. 荷东霹雳舞曲dj32. 荷东的士高午夜接角触dj33. 荷东的士高野狼王的士高dj ii34. 胜者为王dj - 荷东的士高荷东的士高35. 荷东猛士的士高今晚不要大意36. dj 荷东的士高 byebyebaby37. 荷东的士高 tonight 今宵dj38. happy children disco 荷东的士高39. 荷东猛士的士高梦中的男孩dj40. dj 荷东的士高在你眼中41. my lonely girl 荷东荷东的士高精选42. 荷东的士高你是女人dj43. dj 荷东的士高经典44. doctor for my heart 荷东荷东的士高精选45. 荷东猛士的士高走近我dj46. 荷东的士高嘿!小伙子47. 爱是感情的名字dj 荷东猛士的士高48. 荷东的士高精选 12首49. venus 维纳斯dj 荷东猛士的士高50. 荷东的士高舞曲狭窄空间何音社区51. 荷东猛士的士高硬碰硬52. 荷东猛士 youcanwinifyouwant53. you're my heart you're my soul 荷东54. 交谊舞曲十六步十六步荷东五55. dj 荷东的士高路易兄弟56. dj 荷东舞曲57. dj 2009 荷东的士高今宵58. 荷东猛士的士高路灯下的小姑娘59. dj - disco 欧美 dj 荷东的士高60. 荷东 no mr boom boom - body heat61. dj 现场热舞 dj 连播荷东舞曲原创制作人62. 荷东的士高荷东 disco63. dj 荷东的士高 more than a kiss disco64. 劲爆 dj 荷东的士高65. let's go 我们去约会荷东猛士的士高66. the night valenrie dore 荷东荷东的士高精选67. 荷东系列东方好莱坞明星舞会 i`m younr lover68. 荷东的士高猛士狂龙热门劲歌69. 荷东的士高野狼王的士高爱情摇滚版70. 的士高舞曲欧美 dj 荷东的士高71. club force 自我控制荷东猛士的士高72. 路灯下的小姑娘荷东超棒伴奏73. dj 极乐门精选荷东的士高路易兄弟74. 荷东说你从未离去75. dj 荷东你是我的始终76. 荷东猛士的士高娇羞天使77. dj 荷东眼镜男人78. 荷东猛士的士高狂热的旋律79. dj 荷东的士高 rocket man 火箭人80. 荷东王大西洋的呼吸81. dj 荷东的士高你是女人中文混音82. 荷东的士高 club dance83. lambada 人生嘉年华荷东猛士的士高84. 荷东的士高今夜85. 劲爆 dj 荷东的士高86. 荷东的士高精选 tonigth - kenlaszlo87. 新绣荷包广东兴宁山歌88. say you'll never 荷东89. 荷东的士高慢嗨精品90. wings of love 荷东荷东的士高91. 荷东的士高无限迪斯科迪厅音乐92. the best of italo 最好的意大利荷东猛士的士高93. 荷东的士高你是我心你是我灵魂94. 中文荷东猛士路灯下的小姑娘95. 荷东第二集 scandal eyes 迷人的眼睛96. 东方好莱坞荷东猛士的士高97. 荷东经典迪厅舞曲 it is up t98. 加利福尼亚列车荷东荷东的士高第三集99. 迪斯科路易兄弟荷东100. dj 荷东兄弟情101. z3219moonlight affair 月下情歌荷东的士高102. dj 呼唤我荷东荷东的士高第三集103. 新连锁反映荷东中文版 remix 舞曲104. dj - brother louie 荷东的士高105. dj 荷东的士高最佳搭档106. you can win if want 荷东荷东的士高精选107. don't you go away 不要离去荷东猛士的士高108. 纯粹蓝动物世界片头曲荷东猛士的士高109. after your love is gone 荷东荷东的士高精选110. 荷东好莱坞明星舞会第一集 say you'll never 111. dj 荷东的士高摇舞派超弦电子热身舞112. 荷东猛士的士高今夜心跳113. dj 荷东的士高荷东 disco114. 荷东猛士的士高恰恰恰115. gigolo 舞女荷东猛士的士高116. 荷东猛士的士高117. i like chopin 我爱肖邦荷东猛士的士高118. 荷东的士高 fancy! archiver 美国119. dj 荷东的士高 disco - you'er my love。

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逝去的是岁月,年轻的是记忆,猛士不倒,荷东不死,它是一个永久的传奇~专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.1专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第一集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1987年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. MORE THAN A KISS -MICHAEL BEDFORD 不仅仅是个吻02. YOU"RE MY FIRST,YOU"RE MY LAST -LINDA JO RIZZO 只有你一个 03. FREEDOM/PEOPLE SAY IT"S IN THE AIR -JEANNIE HERREY 无章的自由/渴望04. LOVE SPY -MIKE MAREEN 爱的"间谍" 05. DON"T YOU GO AWAY -CREATIVE CONNECTION FEAT LIAN ROSS 不要离去06. IT"S UP TO YOU -LIAN ROSS 取决于你07. DON"T LOOSE YOUR HEART TONIGHT -JOY PETERS 今晚不要大意08. SECRET EYES -LAFFAIR 神秘的眼睛- 1 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.2专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第二集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1987年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. BABY DON"T YOU BREAK MY HEART -ARGENTINA 请勿伤我心 02. HEARTFLASH TONIGHT -LINDA JO RIZZO 今夜心跳03. I NEED YOUR LOVE -PAPARRAZI 我需要你的爱04. YETI -RADIORAMA 雪人05. CRAZY RHYTHM -MARTINA 狂热的旋律06. COUNT ON ME -T.ART 走近我07. ONE MORE TIME –BIANCA 再来玩一次 08. MASTER MIX MEDLEY -VARIOUS ARTISTS 猛士狂龙- 2 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.3专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第三集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1988年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. FANTASY BOY -NEW BACCARA 梦中的男孩 02. EVERYBODY DOES IT -GLAMOUR STATION 每个人都努力03. LOVE IS THE NAME OF THE GAME -PATTY RYAN 爱是感情的名字 04. NEED YOUR PASSION -SWEET CONNECTION 需要你的热情 05. I DON"T WANNA LOSE YOU -DAVID LYME 我不能失去你06. BYE BYE MI AMOUR -DAVID LYME 再见爱人07. LOVING ALL THE TIME -ROGER MENO 永远爱慕你08. RUN TO ME -LENA 回到我身旁09. DREAMS OF RIO -LES MONTES 梦中的尼奥10. MY LOVE,MY LIFE -PATTY RYAN 我的爱,我的生命- 3 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.4专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第四集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. THE PERFUME OF LOVE -SCALA 香水爱情02. DON"T CRY -KEN LASZLO 不要哭 03. DOCTOR FOR MY HEART -GRANT MILLER 爱的医生04. WALKIE TALKIE TANZE -SARAH 无线电通讯机05. USSR -EDDY HUNGTINGTON 苏联06. TRACKS IN THE SNOW -GRANT MILLER 雪中痕迹07. WHEN WILL I -KAREN MICHELLE 何时才可以08. SAVING MYSELF -ERIA FACHIN 将好的留给你09. SO I KNOW -RADIORAMA 我知道 10. MY HEARTS ON FIRE -PATRICKL.MYLES 我的心在燃- 4 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.5专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第五集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子资源格式: ape发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. HEARTBREAK HOTEL -IRENE TURNER 伤心的酒店 02. I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY -SHIRLEY WHITE 我真幸运03. BRING ME EDELWEISS -JULIET 送盒雪绒花 04. DRESSED FOR SUCCESS -CINDY LAURIE 扮作成功05. STRAIGHT UP -ALEXANDRA DAVIS 快快说清楚06. I ONLY WANNA BE WITH YOU -DEBBIE BOVEN 只想伴着你07. LITTLE GIRL -STEPHENIE 少女08. OPPOSITES ATTRACT -RHYTHM RED 异性相吸 09. LOOKING FOR FREEDOM -WILLY WELSON 寻找自由10. THE LOOK -JASON MCMILLAN 有型有款- 5 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.6专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第六集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1990年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. NOTHING"S GONNA STOP ME NOW -DEBORAH HANSA 没法停止的爱02. OPERATOR -B.REITANO 接线生03. LA BAMBA -M.PHILINBERG 森巴舞04. HOLD ON TIGHT -ANNA CARR 拥抱我05. LIVE IS LIFE -T.LEWIS 生命之歌06. FUNKY TOWN -C.CLIMITE 跳跃都市07. G.T.O. -JULIE CASON08. CONGA -MORRISON HORIZON 康加舞 09. ATLANTIC IS CALLING -GOLDEN BOYS 爱的呼唤 10. YOU CAN WIN IF YOU WANT -E.BARRY 成功需努力- 6 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.7专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第七集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. The Christmas Mix(Medley) 圣诞大联唱02. Please Don"t Go 请别离开03. Woodpeckers FormXSS Space 天外啄木鸟04. Body Rock 摇摆身躯05. Ride On Time 把握时间06. Get Up 起来吧07. Say I"m Your No.1 我是你的No.108. Rock Me Amadeus 摇滚亚美特斯09. Swing The Mood 摇滚派对- 7 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.8专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第八集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑: 01. DANCIN ON A SATURDAY NIGHT -B.BLUE 劲舞周末夜02. THOSE WERE THE DAYS -RAMS HORN 往昔的日子03. STEP BY STEP -SILVER POZZOLI 每一步04. TURN ON THE NIGHT -LOIS&LANE 尽兴今晚夜05. THE WITCH QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS -T.TOLY 新奥尔良的女巫06. CIAO AMORE -JOE PARTY 爱情三部曲07. IS THIS LOVE -OSCARE 这就是爱吗08. ROCKOLA -DOUBLE TAKE 洛歌拉09. RADIO HOUSE -RADIO ZONE 播音工厂 10. COMING FOR YOUR LOVE -MITCH&MELANIE 为你的爱而- 8 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.9专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第九集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1993年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑:01. OVER AGAIN -BRIANICE 重头开始 02. BOYS WILL BE BOYS -ALISHA 男儿本色03. FACE TO FACE -SOPHIE 面贴面 04. WALKIE TALKIE TANZE -SARAH 无线电通讯机05. STARLIGHT -LAUREN GREY 星光06. DOWN TOWN BEAT -CHRISS 都市节拍 07. BACHELOR BOY -STEVE BREAD 小学士08. TOUCH ME -LINDA ROSS 触摸我09. THE EYES OF DON JOHNSON -TWENTY.ONE 当庄逊的眼睛10. DYNAMITE -ANGELA 火花- 9 -专辑英文名: Master Mix Vol.10专辑中文名: 《猛士》的士高第十集歌手: Various Artist音乐风格: 电子发行时间: 1995年地区: 大陆语言: 英语专辑曲目 @道古青峰编辑: 01. TOO MANY BROKEN HEART 太多破碎的心02. ONLY WITH YOU 只与你一起03. IT"S MY LIFE 我的人生04. I"M DREAMING 梦幻般的爱05. I DON"T WANNA BE LONELY 我不要再寂寞06. ELECTRIC YOUTH 电子青年07. DON"T YOU EVER RUN AWAY 请别再离开我08. IT"S TOO LATE 太迟了09. SWISS BOY 瑞士男孩10. RIO NIGHTS 丽奥之夜- 10 -《荷东全集》发行时间: 1987年-1995年地区: 大陆美国香港语言: 英语专辑介绍:《荷东》,全称《Hollyhood East Stars》,港译《荷李活东方明星舞会》,因为在香港等粤语地区好莱坞即称“荷李活”,故简称“荷东”,是喜爱电子音乐的年轻香港音乐制作人80年代中期的代表作品,1985年香港飞时Face公司出品,并由中唱广州公司引进到大陆。
