

2023年新高考数学临考题号押题第3题 平面向量(新高考)(解析版)

2023年新高考数学临考题号押题第3题 平面向量(新高考)(解析版)

押新高考卷3题平面向量考点3年考题考情分析平面向量2022年新高考Ⅰ卷第3题2022年新高考Ⅱ卷第4题2021年新高考Ⅰ卷第10题2021年新高考Ⅱ卷第15题2020年新高考Ⅰ卷第7题2020年新高考Ⅱ卷第3题高考中平面向量均是以小题的形式进行考查,难度较易或一般,纵观近几年的新高考试题,分别考查了平面向量的基本定理,平面向量的坐标运算,平面向量数量积与夹角公式,可以预测2023年新高考命题方向将继续围绕平面向量数量积运算、坐标运算等展开命题.向量的运算(1)两点间的向量坐标公式:()11,y x A ,()22,y x B ,=AB 终点坐标-始点坐标()1212,y y x x --=(2)向量的加减法()11,y x a =,()22,y x b =()2121y y x x b a ++=+∴,,()2121y y x x b a --=-,(3)向量的数乘运算()y x a ,=,则:()()y x y x a λλλλ,,==(4)向量的模()y x a ,=,则a 22y x +=(5)相反向量已知),(y x a =,则),(y x a --=-;已知(6)单位向量()⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-+-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=22222222,,,y x yy x x y x yy x x y x a 反向单位向量为同向单位向量为(7)向量的数量积[]πθθθ,0,,,cos ∈⋅⋅=⋅且的夹角,记作与为其中b a b a b a b a ()()21212211,,,y y x x b a y x b y x a +=⋅∴==,(8)向量的夹角222221212121cos y x y x y y x x ba b a +⋅++=⋅⋅=θ(9)向量的投影ab a ba b a b b a b b b a b a b a a a b a ⋅=⋅⋅⋅=⋅⋅=⋅⋅⋅=⋅θθcos cos 上的投影为在上的投影为在(10)向量的平行关系1221//y x y x b a b a =⇔=⇔λ(11)向量的垂直关系02121=+⇔=⋅⇔⊥y y x x b a b a (12)向量模的运算22aa =1.(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷高考真题)在ABC 中,点D 在边AB 上,2BD DA =.记CA m CD n ==,,则CB=()A .32m n-B .23m n-+C .32m n+ D .23m n+ 【答案】B【分析】根据几何条件以及平面向量的线性运算即可解出.【详解】的模为2,根据正六边形的特征,AP 在AB方向上的投影的取值范围是结合向量数量积的定义式,AB 等于AB 的模与AP 在ABAB的取值范围是()2,6-,A.【点睛】该题以正六边形为载体,考查有关平面向量数量积的取值范围,涉及到的知识点有向量数量积的定义式,属于简单题目.6.(2020·新高考Ⅱ卷高考真题)在ABC 中,D 是AB 边上的中点,则CB=()A .2CD CA + B .2CD CA - C .2CD CA - D .2CD CA+ 【答案】C【分析】根据向量的加减法运算法则算出即可.【详解】()222CB CA AB CA AD CA CD CA CD CA-=+=+=+-= 故选:C【点睛】本题考查的是向量的加减法,较简单.所以12m =,56n =,所以43m n +=,故选:D8.(2023·重庆·统考模拟预测)在正方形则λμ+的取值范围是()A .[]1,1-B .[]0,1【答案】B【分析】建立平面直角坐标系,写成点的坐标,分点【详解】以B 为坐标原点,AB ,BC 所在直线分别为设1AB =,则()()()(0,0,1,0,0,1,B A C D 当点E 在BC 上时,设()[]0,,0,1E m m ∈则()()()1,1,01,1m λμ-=-+-,即m λ--⎧⎨=⎩当点E 在CD 上时,设()[],1,0,1E t t ∈,则()()()1,11,01,1t λμ-=-+-,即λμ--⎧⎨=⎩故选:B9.(2023·湖南邵阳·统考二模)已知向量(1,3a = 值为()A .219B .411C 【答案】A【分析】根据向量的坐标运算,垂直向量的坐标运算,可得答案【详解】由题意,()14,51b c λλλ+=+- ,由a 即()143510λλ++⨯-=,解得219λ=.故选:A.10.(2023·安徽合肥·校考一模)已知非零向量a ,()A .45B .60CA .13BE CF --B .13BE - 【答案】C【分析】确定133222AD BD BE =- 【详解】13BE BD DE BD =+=- 23CF CD DF CD AD =+=- ,则 ①+②两式相加,3322AD CF =- 故选:C.13.(2023·重庆·统考二模)已知点34x y +=()A .5B .6【答案】C【分析】如图,点O 在AB 、AC 根据数量积的定义求出BC BA ⋅ ,最后根据数量积的运算律得到【详解】如图,点O 在AB 、AC∴E 是AM 的中点.分别过C ,N 作CH AM ∥,NF 因为AENF 为平行四边形,所以且12AE AM =,AF EN ==由此可得AN = 1528AM AB + .故选:C.15.(2023·福建泉州·校考模拟预测)理最早的证明是东汉数学家赵爽在为《周髀算经》作注时给出的,被后人称为A .4255a b +B .25【答案】A【分析】根据相似三角形,利用向量的分解可得解【详解】如图所示,过点E 分别作EM AB ⊥,则AME AEB ,AEN ABE ,所以AM AE AE AB = ,AN AE BE AB = ,AM 由已知得2AE BF BE == ,则在Rt AEB 中,tan BE BAE AE ∠== 所以25cos 5BAE ∠=,sin BAE ∠=即255AE AB = ,55BE AB = ,所以45AM AB = ,2255AN AB ==A .[]28,46B 【答案】C 【分析】利用已知条件,再根据PB 的范围便可求出【详解】如图可知,PE = 因为B 是EF 的中点,所以所以()PE PF PB BE ⋅=+ 即()(PE PF PB BE ⋅=+⋅ 所以22PE PF PB BE ⋅=- 由条件可得,3BE = ,因为P 为AC 边上的一个动点,故当P 为AC 中点时,PB 当P 为A 或C 时,PB 最大,所以[43,8]PB ∈ ,所以2[48,64]PB ∈ ,又因为A .2,23⎡⎤⎣⎦B .而ABC 是正三角形,则∠当点P 在弧BD 上时,0θ≤显然3,1,AO OP OAB ==∠所以(AB AP AB AO OP ⋅=⋅+ 32321cos 2θ=⨯⨯+⨯⨯=故选:B。



























2023年高考语文二轮复习专题训练 专题03 诗歌鉴赏之客观选择题专训(3) Word版含解析

2023年高考语文二轮复习专题训练 专题03  诗歌鉴赏之客观选择题专训(3) Word版含解析

专题03 2022高考新题型诗歌鉴赏之客观选择题专训(3)(教师版)时间:45分钟分值:30分得分:(2023优秀模拟)阅读下面这首词,完成后面问题。







1.下列对这首词的分析和鉴赏,不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.“雪晓清笳乱起”句突出了边地风光特色,也渲染了战争气氛。
















































一 高考题型的变化
普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲补充说明〈英语 科〉》提出了新题型“完成句子”,并有明确的 表述:“每题在一句话中留出空白,要求考生根 据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的单词完成 句子。本节测试的重点为英语语言知识的综合应 用。”这种题型对于高中学生而言并不陌生,该 题性不仅大量出现在现行英语课本中,在平时的 单元性或阶段测试中也是一个惯用的“老”题型。
“ Байду номын сангаас成句子”的应对
一. 审题须严
这种题型的题干由三个部分组成 汉语提示部分
英语单词提示 英语句子部分是主干,能提供重要的时态,语态甚至结 构暗示,是一个独立的语境,如:
1. It couldn‘t have rained (不可能下雨)last night, for the ground is still dry. (rain)) 2, Having been told (告知)many times, he still repeated the same mistakes. (tell)
玉米 玉米 ,保证抗倒性比较强、抗病性能好。抗倒性强的品种茎秆坚硬、根系发达。抗病性强的品种高群体下抗叶斑病,如东疏镇种植的郑单8、农大8、 登海号、鲁单8等。选用包衣的良种,种子纯度高于%,出芽率高于8%,净度高于8%。若实行单粒精播,种子出芽率应在%以上。 [] 精细播种随着机械化 程度的提高,为玉米套种改直播; 炒股配资 创造了条件,同时也有利于推广玉米机械化播种,保证一播全苗,苗匀苗壮,提 高均匀性、整齐度。适宜播种期为月-日,一般播种.-.kg/hm,单粒播.万-8.万粒/hm。采用单粒点播机进行精量直播,一次完成施肥、播种,行距cm,株距 8cm,播种深度为cm,播种后根据土壤墒情及时浇水。 [] 选用耐密型品种,在中等肥力地块定苗控制为万株/hm,如农大8和登 竿 竿(张) 海号等大穗型品种; 在高肥力地块定苗控制为.万株/hm,如郑单8等品种;高产攻关田、示范田还要适当增加种植密度。 [] 套种玉米采用直播方式,要缩短玉米与小麦的共生期, 尽量避免出现弱小苗。苗期需控制氮肥用量,增施磷、钾肥和有机肥;另外,根据需要控制浇水,夏玉米生长期降雨与生长需水同步,除田间持水量小于% 外,各生育期一般不用浇水。定苗防止过密,大穗型品种一般不能超过万株/hm,中穗型不能超过8.万株/hm,高密度容易造成空秆、病害重、倒伏等问题, 导致中后期管理困难,影响产量。 [] 定苗 玉米在三叶期丛苗疏开,叶时可按株距定苗,要拔除病苗、弱苗、异株,留健壮苗;若遇缺苗断垄的地方,相邻 处要留双株补苗。 [] 土肥水管理 定苗后及时中耕,清垄灭茬,促进根部下扎。其中,防倒的关键 性措施是增施钾肥、苗期控水和防止过密。玉米根深才能 株壮和抗倒能力强,土壤旋耕-年后要深翻次。深松土壤cm,分次施氮肥,增施有机肥。 [] 在测土掌握地力的基础上,根据目标产量kg/hm以上,施肥量为 速效氮kg/hm以上、速效磷kg/hm以上、速效钾kg/hm以上,有条件的增施硫酸锌.kg/hm作底肥。 [] 肥料运筹为轻施苗肥、重施穗肥、补追花粒肥。苗肥在 玉米拔节前沿幼苗一侧开沟,将全部磷、钾、硫、锌肥与氮肥总量的%左右深施-cm,以促根壮苗;在玉米大喇叭口期(叶龄指数%-%,第-片叶展开)重施 穗肥,追施控制在总氮量的%,以促进穗大粒多;在籽粒灌浆期追施花粒肥,控制在总氮量的%,以增加千粒重、增强叶片的光合作用。施肥方式为沟施或 穴施,施后埋土浇水,以提高肥料利用率。水分管理上,应均







在做这类题目时,考生需要注意以下几点:1. 语境推断:通过上下文的提示,推测出适合填入的词语。


2. 修辞手法辨析:作者有时会通过修辞手法隐藏一些信息,考生需要善于发现并理解。


3. 上下文连贯:考生需要确保填入的词语在上下文中形成合理的连贯性,避免产生语义断裂。


在解这类题时,考生可以参考以下几点:1. 理清问题:仔细阅读问题,将问题中的信息进行提取和整理。


2. 建立数学模型:基于问题的要求和给定的条件,考生需要将问题转化为数学模型,建立适当的方程或不等式。

3. 分析解决:通过利用数学方法解决问题。



考生需要注意以下几点:1. 段落概括:通读全文,以获取整体的理解。


2. 排除干扰选项:在选择答案时,注意排除那些与文章相悖的选项,保持逻辑的连贯性。

3. 抓住关键信息:准确把握文章的核心信息,理解作者的意图和观点。


在解答这类题目时,考生可以参考以下几点:1. 实验原理:理解实验操作的基本原理和步骤。



2024年高考考前信息必刷卷(新题型地区专用)03数学·答案及评分标准(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分)第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。


91011ACDABDACD第II 卷(非选择题)三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分。

12.{}113.28y x=14.②③④四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。

15.(13分)【解析】(1)易知()24f x x x m '=-+,依题意()211410f m '=-⨯+=,解得3m =,(2分)此时()()()24313f x x x x x '=-+=--,当1x <或3x >时,()0f x ¢>;当13x <<时,()0f x '<,即函数()f x 在(,1)-∞,(3,)+∞上单调递增,在()1,3上单调递减,(5分)因此函数()f x 在1x =时取得极值,所以3m =.(6分)(2)由(1)得函数()f x 在()2,3上单调递减,在()3,4上单调递增;所以()()32min 13323333f x f n n ==⨯-⨯+⨯+=,(10分)由题意可得2n n >,解得01n <<,所以n 的取值范围为()0,1.(13分)16.(15分)【解析】(1)记事件i A 为“该型号新能源汽车参加碰撞测试的得分为i 分(1,3,5)i =”,则()512P A =,()313P A =,()1112P A =--1136=.(2分)记事件i B 为“该型号新能源汽车参加续航测试的得分为i 分(1,3,5)i =”,则()525P B =,()325P B =,()1215P B =--2155=.(4分)记事件C 为“该型号新能源汽车参加两项测试仅有一次为合格”,则()()()()51311513()P C P A B P A B P A B P A B =+++1111102122535651563=⨯+⨯+=⨯+⨯,则该型号新能源汽车参加两项测试仅有一次为合格的概率为310.(7分)(2)由题知离散型随机变量ξ的所有可能取值分别为2,4,6,8,10,111(2)6530P ξ==⨯=,(8分)11122(4)356515P ξ==⨯+=,(9分)1112123(6)25653510P ξ==⨯++⨯=,(10分)12121(8)25353P ξ==⨯+=,(11分)121(10)255P ξ==⨯=,(12分)则离散型随机变量ξ的分布列为ξ246810P1302153101315所以数学期望123()2468301510E ξ=⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯11106103515+⨯=.(15分)17.(15分)【解析】(1)连接1AB ,交1A B 于点E ,连接,NE ME ,(2分)则E 为1A B 的中点,因为M 为AB 的中点,所以ME 1AA ,且112ME AA =,因为N 为1DD 的中点,所以DN 111,2AA DN AA =,所以ME DN ,且ME DN =,所以四边形EMDN 为平行四边形,(5分)所以EN DM ,又因为DM ⊄平面1,A BN EN ⊂平面1A BN ,所以DM 平面1A BN .(6分)(2)由题意(1)及几何知识得,在直四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,24AB AD ==,1,,AB AD AA 两两垂直,以A 为坐标原点,分别以1,,AB AD AA 所在直线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系.(8分)设12(0)AA t t =>,则()()4,0,0,0,2,0B D ,()()()10,0,2,2,0,0,0,2,A t M N t ,()()()114,0,2,2,2,0,0,2,B t DM A N t =-=-.设异面直线DM与1A N所成角为θ,则111cos cos,DM A NDM A NDM A Nθ⋅===⋅,解得:1t=,(10分)故()()()110,0,2,0,2,1,4,0,2A N B,则()()()1114,0,2,0,2,1,0,0,2A B A N BB=-=-=设平面1A BN的一个法向量为(),,n x y z=,1B到平面1A BN的距离为d.所以110,0,A B nA N n⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩即420,20,x zy z-=⎧⎨-=⎩取2z=,得()1,1,2n=.(12分)所以13B B ndn⋅==,即1B到平面1A BN(15分)18.(17分)【解析】(1)由题设得22223bcaa b c=⎧⎪⎪=⎨⎪=+⎪⎩,解得212a=,所以C的方程为221124x y+=;(5分)(2)由题意可设:(2)ABl y kx m m=+≠,设()11,A x y,()22,B x y,由221124y kx mx y=+⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,整理得()2221363120k x kmx m+++-=,()()()222222Δ36413312121240k m k m k m=-+-=-+>.由韦达定理得212231213mx xk-=+,122613mkx xk-+=+,由4PA PB ABk k k+=得1212224y y kx x--+=,(9分)即1212224kx m kx m k x x +-+-+=,整理得()22(2)24mk m m k -=-,因为0k ≠,得220m m --=,解得2m =或1m =-,2m =时,直线AB 过定点(0,2)P ,不合题意,舍去;1m =-时,满足()2Δ36410k =+>,所以直线AB 过定点(0,1)-.(10分)(3))由(2)得直线:1AB l y kx =-,所以1(1)x y k=+,由221(1)1124x y k x y ⎧=+⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩,整理得22221213120y y k k k ⎛⎫+++-= ⎪⎝⎭,21Δ3640k ⎛⎫=+> ⎪⎝⎭,由题意得12121212212F AF BS F F y y y y k =-=-=+因为2AF k =218k >,所以2108k <<,(13分)令t,(2,t ∈,所以12F AF B S t=-,在(2,t ∈上单调递减,所以12F AF B S的范围是⎝.(17分)19.(17分)【解析】[解](1)12a =,23a =,31a =;12b =,21b =,33b =.11a =,23a =,32a =;13b =,21b =,32b =.(5分)[证明](2)若k k a b =(1,2,,k n = ),则有1k k a n a =+-,于是12k n a +=.当n 为正偶数时,1n +为大于1的正奇数,故12n +不为正整数.(8分)因为1a ,2a ,…,n a 均为正整数,所以不存在满足k k a b =(1,2,,k n = )的数列{}n a .(10分)[解](3)(1)k c n k =--(1,2,,k n = ).因为(1)k c n k =+-,于是122(1)12[(1)2][(1)]n c c nc n n n n n +++=+-++-+++- 222(12)(1)(12)n n n =++++-+++ 2111(1)(1)(21)(1)(2)266n n n n n n n n =+-++=++.(17分)。



Not everyone is born with beautiful hair, but by learning a few about hair care , you can make your hair look its best. Healthy, attractive hair should look smooth, silky and shiny. Hair that is dull, dry, brittle or frizzy is unhealthy and unattractive. Everyday events such as shampooing, brushing and blow drying can do great damage to your hair, causing the dry, brittle, frizzy appearance.When you shampoo your hair, you should use a shampoo for your specific type of hair. If you have color treated hair, you should use a shampoo for chemically treated hair. If you are not sure what your hair type is or what type of shampoo to use, ask your hairdresser. Your hairdresser can recommend a specific shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair healthy and shiny.Brushing your hair can actually help improve the shine. If you have long hair that tends to tangle on the ends, you should start brushing on the ends to remove any tangles, and work your way up to the scalp. You should never brush wet hair. When hair is wet,it is much weaker than when it is dry. Wet hair will break very easily if it is not combed very gently. If you have long hair, you should squeeze the extra water from your hair with a towel. Never rub your hair between the towel to dry it, this can cause severe breakage. Before combing, a leave-in conditioner should be sprayed on the hair to help restore shine and help remove tangles. Using a wide tooth comb, comb hair from the ends and work your way up.Blow dryers are very convenient and many of us use them daily. If they are used incorrectly, they can cause severe heat damage to your hair. Blow drying can cause your ends to be dry, brittle and frizzy. You should allow your hair to air dry until it is about half way dry. Set your blow dryer on low or medium heat, and keep the blow dryer about six to eight inches away from your hair.If you follow these healthy hair practices, you should notice an improvement in the condition of your hair within two to four weeks, depending on how damaged your hair is. While you are working to improve the condition of your hair, see your hairdresser or visit your local beauty supply store for more information on available products.1. 1.A healthy hair looks like________, ________ and _________.2. Why should we never brush wet hair?3. You turn to ______________ or________________________________ for help if you aren’t sure which kind of shampoo is suitable for your hair.4. What mentioned above can damage our hair?_____________________________________________________________________Keys:1. smooth silky shiny2.Because it is much weaker than when it is dry. It breaks very easily.3. your hairdresser visit your local beauty supply store4. Everyday events such as shampooing, brushing and blow drying can do great damage to your hair. Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.A 69-year-old grandmother with no teeth of her own has eventually won a long legal battle to stop a Scottish regional council(政务委员会)adding fluoride(氟化物)chemical to the public water supply.In a case which has already cost the taxpayer £1,000,000, the judge ruled that it was beyond the powers of the local authority to add the chemical to the water in order to reduce tooth decay.At her home last night Mrs Catherine said fluoride to public drinking water made it into some kind of dirty soup. “Where would it stop?” she asked. “They mi ght come up with the idea of putting drugs into the water to keep the unemployed quiet.” It was a horrible poison, she said, that could have caused al kinds of diseases, including cancer.The judge, however, concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that the inclusion of fluoride in the water supply would have had a negative effect on pulpier health. Although the chemical might serve as an efficient and convenient means of achieving a beneficial effect on the dental health of consumers generally, he said, and its use was greatly favored by the dental profession, he could also understand why some members of the public, Mrs Catherin ,in particular, might be passionately opposed to the action of the Water Authority in assuming the right to improve public well-being without consulting the public in the first case. The Authority’s legal duty to provide “wholesome” water for public consumption which was both safe and pleasant to drink ,did not, he said, extend to their right to safeguard public health by chemical means.1.The local authority add the chemical to the water for the purpose of ________________.2.By saying “They might come up with the idea of putting drugs into the water to keep theunemployed quiet”, Mrs Catherine showed her ____________ towards the local authority.3. According to what the judge said in the passage, adding fluoride to the water .4. A 69-year-old grandmother with no teeth of her own stopped a Scottish regional council adding fluoride chemical to the public water supply by _______________________.Answers1.reducing tooth decay.2.anger and dissatisfaction3.wasn’t proved to be harmful4. taking the local council to court。


2.在理解文章大意基础上,对每道题所给的词语进行剖析,考 虑语境,上下呼应,运用逻辑思维进行推理,再根据自己最有 把握的、最熟悉的短语、习惯用语、动词形式和句子结构等, 先完成简单的,把难的留在后面。
用一个“错题集”本把自己或同学在书面表达中出现的错误归纳一下,以 便考前复习。
大家应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解,这样能对短文有个宏观把握, 对上下文有全面的了解。
在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的 准的题先做完,这样可以缩小包围圈,也有助于对全文的进一步理解。
从近几年的高考原题来看,近义词或词组的辨析正成为考试的热点。四个 选择项要么都是词义相近的名词单数或复数,要么都是近义动词的同一时 态等,只能根据上下文的语境作出正确的选择。
如果提供的四个选择项词义相差悬殊,则上文或下文肯定有答题提示,有 时第一个空格要读完全文才能回答。
1、理清句际间的关系 文章的内容是根据各层各段的大意有机地组合而成,各个层次,各个 段落之间不管怎样错落有致,但它所表达的内容都是要围绕中心的, 各句之间都有一定的语脉,从逻辑意义上来看,语段的句际关系可分 为平列、顺序、层递、转折、总分、解释、因果等关系。
本题型分两种情形: 一种为已给单词提示; 一种为不给单词提示。
此类题可以考查大家对单词形式变化的掌握水平。单 词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的形、数、式的变化, 一是词的派生变化。在判断出词的变化之后还应该进 一步审题,看是否需要应用复合的变化形式,这一点 是很重要的。



















英语新高考新题型读后续写详细微专题训练:专题03 情绪动作类表达升级——愤怒

英语新高考新题型读后续写详细微专题训练:专题03 情绪动作类表达升级——愤怒

情绪动作类表达是读后续写中最常见的、最 不可或缺的表达,通过以下的积累、背诵、训 练,考生定能在今后描写愤怒的情绪动作时, 更加地道,更加形象,更加传神。
本专题包括: (一)情绪类表达 (二)句子练习 (三)动作类表达 (四)句子练习 (五)相关句式积累 (六)小试牛刀 (七)读后续写练习
So, you can imagine my displeasure when l learned what my dad had planned for our family vacation that year. “This year,” my dad said, “we’ll be doing something special. We’re going camping!” His excitement was met with a disappointed sigh. It wasn’t my dream vacation, but I remained unbothered throughout the packing and planning. My mind was on my phone. I was so buried in the screen, in fact, that the first time I can remember truly looking up was when we drove across a bridge on the way to our campsite.
6.脸气地通红 flush with anger 7.怒气冲天 anger boils/sweeps over sb. 8.对某人大发脾气 rage at sb. 9.怒火万丈 flame high 10.勃然大怒 fly into a rage





下列与此相关的叙述,正确的是( )A.HIV-1的RNA与宿主细胞的遗传物质的元素组成不同B.HIV-1进入宿主细胞的细胞核依赖核膜的流动性C.HIV-1的RNA影响宿主细胞的细胞核的正常功能D.HⅣ-1不能通过核孔进入细胞核,说明核质之间的物质交换不能通过孔进行2.GLUT是人体某细胞的转运葡萄糖的载体蛋白,其作用过程如图1所示。


下列叙述正确的是( )A.GLUT顺浓度梯度转运葡萄糖,构象发生了改变,运输方式为协助扩散B.动作电位产生时钠离子内流也需要载体蛋白参与C.半乳糖的存在对葡萄糖的转运有抑制作用,原因可能是半乳糖与葡萄糖竞争性结合GLUTD.组织细胞膜上GLUT的数量减少,可能会引起机体内胰岛素的分泌量增多3.将刚采摘的新鲜蓝莓均分为两份,放在1 ℃的冷库内贮藏,其中一份用高浓度的CO2处理48 h,另一份则不做处理。

从采摘后算起每10 d取样一次,测定其单位时间内CO2释放量和O2吸收量,计算二者的比值得到如图所示曲线。

下列结论正确的是( )A.比值大于1,表明蓝莓既进行有氧呼吸,又进行无氧呼吸B.第20 d对照组蓝莓产生的乙醇量高于CO2处理组C.第40 d对照组蓝莓有氧呼吸比无氧呼吸消耗的葡萄糖多D.贮藏蓝莓前用高浓度的CO2短时处理,能抑制其在贮藏时的无氧呼吸4.WDR26蛋白在真核生物中广泛存在,该蛋白与调控细胞增殖的某信号途径密切相关。






一、语文新题型知识点及归纳总结1. 阅读理解题阅读理解题是语文高考中常见的一种题型。





2. 写作题写作题是语文高考中的重要部分,通常包括议论文、说明文、应用文等。





二、数学新题型知识点及归纳总结1. 客观题(1)选择题:选择题是数学高考中最常见的一种题型。






2. 解答题解答题是数学高考中较为复杂的一种题型,通常包括证明、计算和应用题。






如果 而且 那么 也
B 最好 当然 一旦
而且 就
C 一定

如果 并且 因此
D 尽量
因为 进而 所以 仍
答案 A 解析 本题综合运用确认法和排除法,可以快速确定答案。结
“如果”,这样就可以排除D项。再向下验证一下,④处表并列, 填“而且”或“并且”,⑤处与③处的“如果”呼应,填“那
D.由于路上堵车非常严重,我赶到约定地点的时候,对方 早已恭候多时。
答案 C 解析 A项,承蒙:敬辞。客套话,受到。表示受到别人的 某种帮助而心怀感激。只能用于自己,不能用于他人。B项,高 足:敬辞。称呼别人的学生。不能用于自称。D项,恭候:敬 辞。恭敬地等候。说别人等待自己时不能用“恭候”。
5.(2014·课标全国Ⅱ)依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语 句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )
马是中国人喜爱的动物,是人类最早驯养的家畜之一,是 极其温顺又充满野性魅力的动物。________,________, ________,________,________,________,马已经成为力量 与神奇的代表。
2.连贯是一个重要考点,全国卷2017年以前均单独设置题 目考查,并且在“语句补写”中也有明确要求。考查形式多样 化,2015年以前基本上是采用语句排序考查形式,2015年开始 采用语句复位考查形式,2016年又变成关联词语复位的形式。

英语高考新题型考卷 3

英语高考新题型考卷 3

(A)There is a photo hanging above my desk. Whenever I look at that photograph, it takes me back to those early years 25 every new experience was important for me.I can still remember the shouts of the spectators as I 26 (go) out onto the sports field with my classmates. Two days 27 (early). I had qualified for the finals of the 100 metres. Now 28 (look) around, I was determined to win.While I was walking across to the start, I began to feel more and more nervous. I looked around and saw my proud parents waving enthusiastically. My heart was beating fast when I lined up with the other eager competitors. I look some deep breaths and waited for the signal. Then the starting signal 29 (give) and I set off down the track.I ran as fast as I could, not looking at anything but the finishing line. By the time I crossed the line, I was so exhausted that I 30 hardly breathe. As soon as I heard the result 31 (announce), I realized I had won! Overjoyed, I collapsed on the soft grass with a broad smile on my face. “Well done!” said the Headmaster later, as I was presented with the winner’s certificate. I had never felt so happy and proud in my life.(B)One of the first questions young children ask is “Why?” It is human nature to want 32(find) out why things are the way they are. You can find out “Why” by turning the question intoa hypothesis (假设) for 33 experiment.34 example, suppose you have been trying to grow tomato plants, but insects keep destroying 35 . Someone tells you that 36 (put) large strips of colored cloth around the plants will keep insects away. Your question might be “Do certain colours of cloth keep insects away?” Then you’d begin your experiment. The first step would be to place different-colored strips of cloth around all of the plants except one. Then, as regular intervals, you would observe and record and note 37 the plant had any insect damage or not.This experiment may prove that the answer to your question is “No, it is not different-colored strips of cloth 38 keep away insects.” Or you may find that answer is “Yes, certain insects are kept away by blue cloth, but not yellow cloth.” ...... 39 you have found, you are well on your way to understanding how you can use scientific thinking to solve a problem in you own life.Keys:(A)25. when 26. went 27. earlier 28. looking 29. was given 30. could 31. announced(B)32. to find 33. an 34. For 35. them 36. putting 37. whether 38. that 39. Whatever(C)As Christopher Walsh saved his brother and then his sister from the water of a river, his mother shouted ho him:“I'm proud of you.”Christopher was in the car with his parents, sister Rosie, and brother Mac, (25) ____ his father drove into a metal barrier. The family's car fell down a hill (26) ____ the river, and landed with its wheels up.Christopher, then 12, swam through a broken window and got out into the freshair. But (27) ____ (see) the rest of his family were still in the car—in the water, he took a big breath and swam back to save first Mac, and then Rosie. Christopher said “I was frightened, but it was all happening so fast and I really had no time (28) ____ (think) about the danger.”Christopher freed Mac and then swam back to get Rosie, (29) ____was under the cold, cloudy water, in the car. Christopher had to feel for her seatbelt because he could not see anything. He took the seatbelt off her, and then went up for air. Finally he went back to pull her out of (30) ____ car.Beryl, the mother, said:“When I got to the side and looked back, I thought Christopher and Rosie had gone. I thought (31)____ were dead. Then I saw him come up out of the water like a dolphin, and I could see he had Rosie. I shouted across the canal, ‘I’m so proud of you.'”(D)I'm reading this brilliant book, (32) ____ (call) The Great Kapok Tree. It's by Lynne Cherry. My parents gave it to me as my birthday present and I just (33) ____ hardly put it down. The story (34) ____ (set) in the tropical Amazon rainforest. The author visited the rainforest (35) ____ she could find out about what was happening for herself. As I'm sure you know, man is cutting down so many of the forests and trees there. A lot of animals and plants are in danger (36) ____ this.So, here’s what happens in the story. The main character is the woodcutter. He comes into the wood with an axe in his hand. All the animals are chatting happily in the forest. As soon as they see the man, they stop (37) _____ (talk) and become quiet. They know what the woodcutter’s job is-to cut down the great kapok(木棉) tree. But it’s the (38) _____ (large) tree in the forest and the rainforest is very hot.The woodcutter soon gets tired and falls asleep under the tree. As he sleeps, all the animals come up to him and whisper in his ear. One of them says to the wood cutter,“What happens tomorrow depends on what you do today. IF you destroy our home, we (39) ____ (have) nowhere to live. Please think twice.”The woodcutter wakes up but I’m not going to tell you what happens in the end. You’ll have to read the book to see (40) ____ he cuts the great kapok tree down or not.Keys:25. when 26.into 27.seeing 28.to think 29.who 30.the31.they/both32. called 33.can 34.is set/was set 35.so that 36.because of/owing to /due to 37.talking rgest 39.will have 40.if/whether(1)The Internet has become part of young people’s life. ____1____ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _____2____ (use) information on the Internet ____3____ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it _____4____ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites ____5____ shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen ____6___ students spend too much time on the Internet._____7____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _____8____ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice.Some students also make ____9____ on the Internet. But if you want to have a face-to-face ____10_____ (meet) with your online friends, let your parents know and meet in a proper place.(2)Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the world’s great _____1____ are located on rivers, and almost ____2_____ country has at least one river flowing through it that plays _____3_____ important part in the lives of its people.Since the beginning of history, people _____4_____ (use) rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi, and the lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. _____5_____ transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for the people _____6___ live along their banks.However, large cities and industries that are located on rivers often make problems. As the cities grow ____7_____ size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes _____8_____ (pollute) with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the _____9_____ (important) of doing more to keep their rivers clean ____10______ they want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource.(3)Liu Xiang was the first Asian ______1_____ (win) the men’s 110m hurdles at the Olympics in Athens. ______2____ that he became an idol(偶像) to the young people.“I never thought I would run under 13 seconds and break the Olympic ____3____.”said Liu Xiang in tears, “I am very very excited. I’m proud not just for myself and for Chinese ____4____ for Asia. My race went ______5_____ (wonderful) from start to finish.”Liu added. “It is _____6_____ amazing experience being the Olympic champion. I want to thank my coach and my friends for _____7____their help. I think today we Chinese have showed the world we ____8_____ run as fast as anybody else.”Since his return from Athens, Liu Xiang has been at the center of a media circus and he has been to many press appearances and meetings. ____9____ Liu thinks 2004 is just the beginning, and he expects to be at his peak in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Liu said, “For some players, it’s just a job. For me, it’s ____10____ I love.”(4)Will _____1____ matter if you don’t take your breakfast? Recently a test _____2_____ (give) in the United Sates. Those tests included people of different _____3_____ from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got ______4______ breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see ______5_____ well their bodies worked and when they had eaten _______6_____ certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect _____7______ if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be ______8______ (especial) true if a person works _____9____ his brains. For example, if a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with _____10____ (much) attention in class.(5)Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep needed _____1_____ on the age of the person and the conditions in ______2____ sleep takes place. The young may need more sleep than _____3_____ old, but usually eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with _____4_____ than this amount, but others may need more. Every person knows his own need. _____5_____ is then a matter of good judgment to satisfy his need. Sleep _____6_____ always be enough to make one bring back his ______7____ (strong) and get ready for a day’s work.Fresh air is necessary to sound sleep. So it is not ______8_____ reason for some people to think that it is practicable to sleep in the open air. A bath at bedtime, _____9_____ hot nor cool but of body temperature, may be helpful to sleep. Sleepproducing drug(帮助睡眠的药物) should never be taken except when _______10_____ (suggest) by a doctor.(6)Snake dishes have become popular _____1___ recent years. Snake meat in various flavors (风味) is often seen in restaurant ads. Eating snake seems to be now in vogue(盛行), and if you haven’t eaten snake yet, you ____2___(consider) “out of date”. But I wonder______3___ all the trends are worth following.Some people may defend themselves ____4_____ saying that snakemeat is nutritious. But these people don’t realize that many parasites(寄生虫),____5_____ do harm to our health, are found inside snakes.According _____6____ a survey, about 1000 tons of snakes are eaten every year in China and sometimes as ______7____ as 10 tons of snakes are served on dinner tables in Shenzhen in a single day!These figures warns us that if no action is taken, _____8____ number of snakes will drop and make an increase in mice and worms population, which will ____9_____ in a decrease(减产) of crop output. Who will see such tragedy happen?So let’s start not to eat snakes any more because “to protect the snake is to protect _____10_____.”(7)A few years ago, SARS ____1____ out in the mainland of China, causing some people _____2_____ (kill) or nearly got close to death. The situation was so severe that there was_____3___ time to debate who is to blame. The most important thing for the government to do is to find out the ______4____ of this deadly disease. They invited all the most _____5______ (experience) experts in this field to discuss and quite a few suggestions were put forward. Some of the top experts then tested them to see _____6____ they were available. Doctor Zhong Nanshan chose one patient who was seriously ill and had little hope_____7____ picking up and had the new medicine tested on him. _____8_____ his great joy, this patient recovered! He made his way to his office and telephoned the top official, _____9____ (tell) him this exciting news. For convenience, he moved to live in his office. His method did make sense. Not soon after that, the ____10____ hospitals also controlled this terrible disease and kicked it out finally.(8)I asked my uncle, who plays ____1_____ piano well, _____2____ he would assess (评定) the tone of a second hand piano I was hoping to buy. We arrived _____3____ the house and Uncle Frank looked the piano over, then _____4____ (sit) down and played a mixture of honky-tonk numbers and classical pieces. When he finished, we told the family that we would call _____5_____ in 15 minutes.Outside, Uncle Frank said that ______6_____ the wood was battered (坏掉的),the sound was good and we should buy it.When I phoned the woman back, she sounded as if she was crying. ______7____ (concern), I asked, “What’s the matter?”“We didn’t know the piano _____8______ play like that,” she replied. The piano wasn’t _____9_____ sale, and her daughter had to resume(重新开始) taking piano _____10_____.(9)In North America people are always in ____1____ hurry. Childrenhave special lessons or sports activities _____2_____ school. Parents often work late and ______3_____ get home until 7 or 8 o’clock at night. Most North American families don’t have time to prepare a meal. That is ______4_____ fast food is so popular in North America. People _____5_____ about 40% of their dollars on fast food.People usually buy fast food from restaurant chains such as Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, or KFC,_____6____ they can enjoy pizza, sandwiches, fried chicken, and so on. Fast food saves work and time, but it is not ______7_____ (nutrition).Fast food is popular in many countries. American fast-food companies now have restaurants all over the world. But not _____8_____ is happy about the spread(扩展) of North American fast food. A group of people in Italy want to fight _____9____ the spread of American fast food. They don’t like the idea of more fast food chains ______10______(open) restaurants in their country.(10)Many people keep small fish ____1____ pets. They keep them in a tank of water. The tank is made of glass. People can _____2____ through it. They can see inside the tank and watch the fish.The fish need room. They mustn’t be crowded. They need ____3____ to breathe.______4____ must be enough water for all fish. So the size of the tank is very important.In the tank people put small plants _____5_____ are good for fish. They give oxygen to the water. Plants help in other ways, too. They can hide _____6____ the plants and sleep, lay eggs there.The fish ____7____ be kept in water all the time. Some can jump high. So the tank should be covered. This keeps the fish _____8_____ (jump) out.The fish need food and should be fed every day. But ______9____ you give them too much food, it is very bad, for the extra food will fall to the bottom and make the water dirty. So the fish should get just enough food and finish _____10____ in ten minutes. Nothing should be left.参考答案(1) 1 A 2 useful 3 and 4 in 5 they 6 if 7 It 8 which 9 friends10 meeting(2) 1 cities 2 every/each 3 an 4 have used 5 Besides 6 who 7 in8 polluted 9 importance 10 if(3) 1 to win 2 After 3 record 4 but (also) 5 wonderfully 6 an 7 all8 can 9 But 10 what(4) 1 it 2 was given 3 ages 4 no 5 how 6 a 7 than 8 especially9 with 10 more(5) 1 depends 2 which 3 the 4 less 5 It 6 should 7 strength 8without9 neither 10 suggested(6) 1 in 2 are considered 3 if/whether 4 by 5 which 6 to 7 many8 the 9 result 10 ourselves(7) 1 broke 2 to be killed 3 no 4 cause 5 experienced 6 whether/if7 of8 To 9 telling 10 other(8) 1 the 2 whether/if 3 at 4 sat 5 them 6 though/although 7Concerned 8 could/should 9 for 10 lessons(9) 1 a 2 after 3 don’t 4 why 5 spend 6 where 7 nutritious8 everyone/everybody 9 against 10 opening(10) 1 as 2 look 3 oxygen 4 There 5 that/which 6 among 7 must/should8 jumping 9 if 10 it(1)Seventy years ago this month, ___1___ extraordinary mass escape happened from Nazi-___2___ (occupy) Denmark. In September that year, the Nazi secret police - the Gestapo - ___3___ (decide) to deport all Danish Jews to concentration camps, just as they'd done to millions of other Jews across Europe. Tipped off about German plans, to deport them to concentration camps, almost the entire Jewish population - several thousand people - fled their homes and left the country.As he stepped onto the fishing boat ___4___ was meant to carry them across the Baltic sea to ___5___ (safe), 14-year-old Bent Melchior feared he might never see his home again.A week ___6___ (early), he had left the home in Copenhagen he shared with his parents and four siblings. It was 8 October 1943 and Denmark was under Nazi ___7___ (occupy). Along with thousands of other Danish Jews, Bent and his family were fleeing the Germans."We were gathered in this boat ___8___ was supposed to carry herrings, but ___9___ it was now carrying ___10___ beings" he says.They set off after dark. There were 19 people on the boat, hiding below deck in case German planes ___11___ (spot) them from overhead. The night air was chilly and the sea rough."People ___12___ were on the boat started to be sick, and every minute felt ___13___ an hour". Danish Jews in a fishing boat on their way to Sweden, October 1943, Melchior and his family were ___14___ of a mass escape. That autumn night, 2,500 Jews set sail for neighboring Sweden from Danish beaches and ports, in rowing boats, canoes, as stowaways on ferries and cargo ships. Some even swam across.…___15___ 19 months in Sweden, the German occupation of Denmark was over. Liberation came on 4 May, 1945 and the refugees were free to return home. Melchior and his family moved ___16___ into their old apartment in Copenhagen.Key:1.an2. occupied3. had decided4. that5. safety6.earlier7. occupied 8. that /which 9. instead 10. human 11. should spot12. who 13. like 14. part 15. After 16. back siblings 同胞,兄弟姐妹herring 鲱鱼(2)James BrookeOctober 04, 2013SALEKHARD, RUSSIA —For centuries, polar bears have enjoyed Arctic waters in ___1___ (isolate). But now, they are getting company in the summer.Last summer, China sent its first icebreaker, the Snow Dragon, over the top of Russia, from Shanghai to Iceland.This summer, the Yong Sheng, a freighter ___2___ (operate) by China's COSCO shipping company, became the first Chinese merchant vessel to take the ___3___. It sailed from Shanghai to Rotterdam, cutting two weeks ___4___ the usual route, through Egypt’s Suez Canal.Satellite photos by the U.S. space agency, NASA, show that the white Arctic ice around the North Pole ___5___ every summer. It is replacedby more and more open water, ___6___ appears black in the photos.Even Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees with the American scientists."It is absolutely clear now ___7___ the climate is changing. Everyone is talking about this,” he told an Arctic Forum held here recently. “It is clear now that the northern latitudes can be open for shipping for 100 days or perhaps 150 days, and ___8___ new regions are opening up for economic activity."While Russia invests in more icebreakers, Arctic experts gathered at the forum say they see growing opportunities for trade.Felix Tschudi, chairman of a Norwegian ___9___ company, has shipped iron ore from northern Norway to China.“We believe that the potential of the Northern Sea Route is large,” said Tschudi, a promoter of the route. “It will n ot be like an ___10___ (explode). In 2010, there were four ships using the transit route. In 2011, there were 34. And in 2012 there were 46. This year we expect around 50 ships.”Lawson Brigham was the captain of a United States Coast Guard icebreaker based in Alaska."Really, we're looking at a seasonal supplement to the Suez Canal, ___11___ (carry) natural resources,” he said. “We're not going to retool the global container ship traffic.”Environmental concerns Indigenous leaders and environmentalists worry about the potential for an oil spill in the fragile environment of the high north.Aqqaluk Lynge, from Greenland, is chairman of the Inuit Circumpolar Council.“You cannot use the Arctic ___12___ a laboratory. It's not a laboratory. The Arctic Ocean is not the last frontier. It's our home.People ___13___ to remember that people live there,” he said at the conference. “We are very concerned about the tourist liners' travel routes up to east Greenland and other parts of Greenland ___14___ there's simply no rescue possibility in those areas.”But his neighbor Olafur Grimsson, the president of Iceland, welcomes Chinese ships.He told forum attendees: "Next month the CEO of COSCO, ___15___ largest shipping company in China, will explain at the new Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik how China is preparing for a new era in global shipping when the melting of the Arctic sea-ice will connect Asia in a new way to America and Europe.”What may be bad for polar bears, may be good for shipping ___16___ China and Europe.Key:1.isolation2. operated3. shortcut4. off5.shrinks6.which7. that8. that9. shipping 10.explosion11. carrying 12. as 13. have 14. because 15. the 16. between (3)A.Everyone can live longer by allowing himself a little fun, according to research published in London. Two _________ (depend) scientific studies found that, regardless of background and circumstances, everyone tends to have the same “pleasure quota.” _________ , different groups of people get their pleasure in different ways. Researchers asked over 4,000 people in eight countries to assess their level of enjoyment from 13 everyday activities including sex, a glass of wine, a piece of chocolate, tea or coffee or watching TV. “There is ________ wealth of evidence to suggest that the cumulative effect of these little pleasures and happy moments can make us all live longer,” they said. People ________ low incomes get more fun of simple everyday pleasure such aseating a chocolate bar or watching television while those earning over US$ 100,000 a year prefer _______ (eat) out as an enjoyment Researchers advised us that no matter ________ our personal circumstances are, we can and should try to introduce as much happy moments as possible into our lives.B.William H. Gates, 40, is chairman and chief executive officer of MicrosoftCorporation, the leading provider of software for personal computers worldwide. With net revenues of $5.94 billion for the fiscal year _______ (end) June 1995, Microsoft employs more than 18,000 people in 48 countries.Gates began his career in _________ (person) computer software when he startedprogramming at age 13 while a student at the Lakeside school. In 1974, _________ an undergraduate at Harvard University, he developed BASIC for the first microcomputer, the MITS Altair, _________ started the era of hobbyist computing . ________ (lead) by the belief _________ the personal computer would ultimately be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, Gates formed Microsoft with Paul Alien in 1975 _________ (develop) software for personal computers.Gates early foresight about personal computing and his continuing vision have been central to Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively ________ (involve) in significant operating and strategic decisions at development and management of the company. A significant portion of his day is also devoted to ________ with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft’s employees around the world through e-mail. Gates is married and lives in Bellevue, Washington. Gates is interested in biotechnology and sits on the boards of Darwin Molecular and the IcosCorporation. He is an avid reader and enjoys playing golf and bridge. ________ technology, to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to use software. The company is committed to the long term by investing in new technology, state-of-the-art projects and new products for the further expansion of personal computing.Key: A1.independent2. However3. a4. on5. eating6.whatB1.ending2. personal3. while4. which5. Led6.that7.to develop 8. involved 9. meeting 10. Withrevenues 税收avid 渴望的Kip Keino (4)Kipchoge Keino is a modest man, and it takes some prodding to get the great Kenyan runner to recall _____1____ he felt on Oct, 20, 1968- when he won his first gold medal, in the 1,500 meters in Mexico City. The day hadn’t started out well, Keino ____2_____ (suffer) from stomach pains that later turned out to be a severe gallbladder infection. His doctors advised ____3_____ running; he ignored them. During the race, Keino was so focused on competing against American ace Jim Ryun _____4____ , in retrospect, “without watching a video, I wouldn’t know what happened at the finish.” He does remember what happened next. “I ran an____5_____ lap. I ran it to celebrate and to let my body recover.I felt overcome by the excitement.” It was not only memorable event in his life that day. Back home, his wife, Phyllis, gave birth ____6____ their third daughter, named Milka Olympia Chelagat in celebration of her father’s _____7_____.Keino went on to win a silver medal in the 5,000 meters in Mexico City and a gold and a silver four years later in Munich. He then becameKenya’s Olympic _____8____(run) coach from 1976 to 1986, furthering his nation’s ____9_____ (dominant) in distance events. Kenya runners have captured 32 Olympic ___10___ medals since 1964 and won the last six consecutive Boston Marathons. This summer, Keino will be in Atlanta as chief of the 120-athlete Kenyan delegation, which could include his son Martn, 23, a former NCAA 5,000-meter champion at the University of Arizona, ____11_____ (hope) to qualify for the 1,500 meters.But Keino’s athletic _____12_____ (accomplish) are not the ____13_____ reason he is a hero in the town of Eldoret in northwestern Kenya. Thirty years ago. Keino and his wife –who now have seven children of their own –began taking orphans into their home. Their house became so crowded that they raised ____14____ to build a dormitory and a dining hall on a nearby farm Keino owns. Income _____15____ (support) the facility comes from the farm, his sports shop and fees he has received from the Kenyan government over the years. Today, 73 children and young adults –aged 2 to 22 –live on the farm. “I think I have been lucky,” Keino says. “Now what is important is ____16____ I use what I have to help others.”Key:1.how2. was suffering3. against4. that5. honor6. to7. victory8. running9. dominance 10. track11. hoping 12. accomplishments 13. only 14. funds15. to support 16. howprod 刺激gallbladder 胆囊retrospect 回顾,回想consecutive 连续的,连贯的,顺序的(5) A Good Couple Supports Each OtherRodney Mace, 35, ____1_____ (marry) with two young children, and is a part-time teacher of _____2______ (architecture) history, “I am constantly surprised by other people’s surprise, when they come to the house and see me _____3_____ (clean) a floor or hanging out the washing. Their eyes open wide at the sight of it! Much of the comment comes frommen. But I am even more surprised ___4___ the number of women who comment too.”His wife Jane, an Oxford graduate in modern languages, has a ____5___ (demand) full-time job. She is director of the Cambridge House literacy scheme for adults in South London. Her working week involves several evenings and Saturdays, and at these times her husband is in sole ____6___ of home and family. ___7___ from this, they share household jobs and ___8___ a child-minder for the afternoons. This enables him to teach two days a week and to do ___9___ he considers his principal work: writing. He has written several books and spends much of his time in the British Museum Reading Room, cycling there from his home in Brixton.People ask the Maces ___10___ they think their children miss them. One can argue that ___11___ (satisfy) parents generally have satisfied children, but in any case the Maces are careful to reserve time and energy to play with their children. “And they have now develope d relationships with other adults and children.Previously, Rodney Mace worked full-time and Jane only part-time. Then 18 months ago, the director of the literacy scheme left. “It seems to me that Jane was very well suited to do this job. She was very doubtful about it. But I urged her to ____12___. She did, and she got it.” Jane Mace confirms that she needed this ___13___ (courage), as so many women initially do.Did his male ego suffer from the change-over? Nothing like that occurred. But he still seems amazed at the way it changed his thinking. “I felt that we were finally going to be partners. I felt enormous ___14___, I wasn’t avoiding responsibility, but changing it. Our relationship is so much better now. It has been a change for ___15___ good for both of us –think for all of us, in every aspect of our lives.I cannot overemphasize that: in every aspect, I think it is fundamental。

2023年高考语文二轮复习专题训练 专题03 诗歌鉴赏之主观比较鉴赏题专训(3) Word版含解析

2023年高考语文二轮复习专题训练 专题03  诗歌鉴赏之主观比较鉴赏题专训(3) Word版含解析

专题04 2022高考新题型诗歌鉴赏之主观比较鉴赏试题专训(3)(教师版)时间:45分钟分值:48分得分:阅读下面的两首清代诗歌,然后回答问题。


























1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
高考语文复习新题型讲解学 习
26、机遇对于有准备的头脑有特别的 亲和力 。 27、自信是人格的核心。
28、目标的坚定是性格中最必要的力 量泉源 之一, 也是成 功的利 器之一 。没有 它,天 才也会 在矛ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 无定的 迷径中 ,徒劳 无功。- -查士 德斐尔 爵士。 29、困难就是机遇。--温斯顿.丘吉 尔。 30、我奋斗,所以我快乐。--格林斯 潘。
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Exercise 2Directions: Read the following sentences, for the blanks, there is a word given in the brackets. Fill in each of these blanks with the proper form of the given word.1. Some organizations work with government agencies to save and ________ (decrease) the numbers of threatened or endangered species.2. After a careful discussion, the two parties have made a rough plan but the details are ___________ (work) out later.3. In his attempt __________ (climb) the mountain, John fell and injured his backbone, which cost him the use of his legs.4. Independent learning give you the freedom _________ (tailor) your learning to your demanding lifestyle.5. At an Expo-themed forum in Shanghai's Yangpu District, Governments were also urged __________ (do) a good job in protecting local old buildings and culture while pursuing social and economic development.6. It is generally accepted that Chinese were the earliest ________ (play) football while the Europeans established the modern rules for football.7. If water becomes increasingly scarce in decades _________ (come), water shortage will become a hot issue all over the world.8. I will be surprised if you can get Calvin, who is a close-fisted man, _________ (buy) these donation draw tickets from you.9. _________ (calm) customers, the Hong Kong company said the amount of the chemical in the shampoo products wouldn't harm people's health.10. You will know what it is like ________ (spend) most of your time listening to dull reports in a meeting room.11. The children in Sichuan look forward with hope ________ (get) a chance to receive further education in their rebuilt hometown.12. We need to find out all possible ways ________ (reduce) the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.13. ___________ (continue) next time! In the meantime, e-mail your particular application questions to our college e-mail address.14. I felt very happy _________ (admit) into the Bird's Nest to watch the performances that Jackie Chan hosted.15. Schools across China arc expected to hire 50, 000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, ___________ (help) reduce unemployment pressures.16. __________ (extinguish) different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguisher have been invented.17. Around 15, 000 officials gathered in Copenhagen, trying to map out an effective strategy _________ (win) the battle against climate change.18. For the last two mornings, thousands of campaigners have queued for hours________ (gain) access to the conference venue (地点) manyunsuccessfully.19. Emily had the florist __________ (deliver) the bouquet directly to the church where the wedding would be held.20. The witness claimed __________ (see) a man outside the house, but he was not sure whether this was the man.21. Is this the best way you thought of __________ (stop) people getting into the dangerous areas?22. Mr. Green is said ___________ (do) the experiment which led to the new discovery in medicine.23. I have heard both teachers and students __________ (speak) well of him.24. Spread of 2009 HIN1 virus is thought ___________ (occur) in the same way that seasonal flu spreads.25. Hearing Shen Xae and Zhao Hongbo eventually won a gold medal after over ten years' hard work, I cannot but ___________ (admire) their courage and perseverance.26. The customers objected _______ (treat) unfairly in the course of shopping.27. At least 200, 000 people were reported ___________ (kill) in the ever recorded worst earthquake that struck Haiti last winter.28. Her husband and she.are now at work on a new dictionary ___________ (publish) next year.29. __________ (find) out more about Participant Service of Expo 2010, Shanghai China, call Hotline + 86 -21 - 962010.30.___________ (accommodate) the growing number of patients, the clinic has had to extend its service from five days to seven days a week.31. Ted and his friends established a website offering useful information about thunderstorms ___________ (prevent) similar accidents happening.32. ____________ (improve) his ability of speech, he has made use of each chance.33. Kathryn Bigelow, director of The Hurt Locker, was the first female ___________ (win) the best director Oscar.34. The 2010 World Expo __________ (hold) in Shanghai is expected to attract more than 70 million visitors from home and abroad.35. To our surprise, that top students in our class failed __________ (obtain) a scholarship.36. The vocabulary and grammatical differences between British and American English are so trivial and few as hardly ____________ (notice).37. We cannot help but ___________ (wonder) what unknown greatness human beings have has not yet been discovered.38. On my way back to the hotel last night, I lost my way in the complete darkness and, __________ (make) things worse, it began to pour.39. A high-tech park is announced _________ (build) in this area, but I don't know when the project will be put into practice.40. After the Arab states won their independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys __________ (encourage).41. Mr. Crossett was made __________(give) up his experiment because of his poor health and old age.42. The project __________ (accomplish) by the end of 2011, will expand the city's telephone network to cover 2, 000, 0O0 users.63. Qatar will be the first country in the Middle East __________ (host) the World Cup.44. ___________ (become) a successful fish scientist, you need to have a curious mind and be able to work on your own.45. To a high school student, going to university means a new leaf _________ (turn) before him and being independent is the starting point.46. After a day's tiring work, the manager prefers taking a walk along the river bank __________ (refresh) himself.47. Passengers on beard aren't allowed _________ (make) or receive calls during take-off.48. It took a long time for the human responsibility ___________ (build) on environment issues.49. If you "Look the other way" while something bad is happening, that means you choose _____________ (ignore) that thing.50. -- Will the plan ____________ (promote) the libraries nationally be carried out in the coming year?-- It all depends, I suppose.1. decrease2. to be worked3. to climb4. totailor 5.to do 6. to play 7. to come 8. to buy9. To calm 10. to spend 11. to getting 12. to reduce13.To be continued 14. to be admitted 15. to help16. To extinguish 17. to win 18. to gain 19. deliver 20.to have seen 21. to stop 22. to have done 23.speak 24. to occur 25. admire 26. to beingtreated 27. to have been killed 28. to be published 29.To find 30. To accommodate 31. to prevent 32. Toimprove 33. to win 34. to be held 35. to obtain 36.to be noticed 37. wonder 38. to make 39. to be built40.tobe encouraged 41. to give 42. to beaccomplished 43. to host 44. To become 45. to beturned 46. to refresh 47. to make 48. to bebuilt 49. to ignore 50. to promote。
