2016年翻译硕士考研解析世界上最大的宫殿是:(A)故宫白宫爱丽舍宫克里姆林宫482.电度表上的一度电表示耗电量为:(B)1百瓦/小时1千瓦/小时1瓦/小时10瓦/小时483.郭沫若的诗集有:(C)《死水》《野草》《女神》《红烛》484.根据有关规定,职工的试用期最长不得超过:(B)3个月6个月一年两年485.中国民间为什么要吃腊八粥?(B)迎接春节纪念释迦牟尼纪念小寒来临纪念冬天来临486.发射第一颗人造卫星的国家是:(A)前苏联美国中国日本487.《新人口论》的作者是哪国人?(A)中国人英国人美国人俄国人488.下列行星中,卫星最多的是:(C)水星地球土星火星489.太阳的年龄约有多大?(B)30亿岁50亿岁80亿岁100亿岁490.男子竞技体操项目不包括:(C)单杠鞍马高低杠吊环491."食色,性也"是谁说的?(A)孟子孔子老子韩非子492.被称作东方威尼斯的是:(A)杭州苏州桂林上海493.下列哪一个不是我国的领海?(C)黄海东海北海渤海494.山东山西的"山"是指:(B)泰山太行山沂蒙山恒山495.中国在国际货币基金组织中属于:(B)观察员正式成员准成员非成员496.人的心脏共有几个心房和心室?(D)1个2个3个4个497.我国第一部在国际电影节上获奖的影片是:(B)《定军山》《渔光曲》《祝福》《红高梁》498.亡羊补牢中的"牢"指的是:(B)牢房牲口圈院子栅栏499."打蛇打七寸"的七寸是指:(B)咽喉心脏头部尾巴500.以下哪个不属于使馆馆长的级别?(D)大使公使代办临时代办501.下列名称不属于二十四节气的是:(C)谷雨芒种大伏霜降502.国画《愚公移山》的作者是:(D)张大千李可染赵无极徐悲鸿503.Internet最初用作:(A)军事工业民用商业电信业504.最清洁的能源是:(B)石油太阳能煤气沼气505.世界上最深的海沟位于:(A)太平洋大西洋北冰洋印度洋506.康熙皇帝的庙号是:(D)仁宗太宗穆宗圣祖507."五角大楼"是美国哪个机构的代称?(B)中情局国防部信息工程部劳工部508.四大名茶之一的龙井茶产地是:(B)浙江绍兴浙江杭州福建安溪509.我国的海岸线有多少公里?(B) 17000180001900020000510."二人转"是:(A)东北曲艺陕北曲艺河南曲艺山东曲艺一、关于MTI学硕和专硕的区别可以百度,目前的形式是国家要把学硕和专硕的比例变为3:7(今年已经是这样)。
=============================================================================================================一、英汉互译短语翻译(30分)IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)GNP(Gross National Product)Gini coefficientcarbon taxresource recyclingquantitative easinggenetically modified foodurbanization ratio核心竞争力资源配置绿色增长可燃冰社交网络雾霾碳交易二、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)In1992,Deng underscored the need to follow through on the“modernisation”course that heinitiated in the1980s and he emphasised the need for the economy to strengthen investment and become far more export-oriented.These policies,pursued by Deng’s successors,spurred extraordinary overall economic growth including the emergence from poverty into the mainstream of hundreds of millions of Chinese.Now,however,Xi and Li accept that the era of double-digit annual GDP growth has ended.They are building Communist Party support—and this is why the forthcoming plenary session is important—for rapid action on an economic agenda that they hope can deliver sustained annual growth of between7and7.5per cent.三、将下列短文译为汉语(35分)Seven years ago Beijing’s government set a target of making the city a“liveable”one by2020, with“fresh air and a beautiful environment”.Few praise its plaints abound about its congestion,pollution,desperate shortage of water and hugely expensive housing.Even in the state-controlled media,suggestions are sometimes made that it is time to build a new capital. Beijing has been China’s capital for most of the past600years.Since the Communist victory in 1949,the Chinese have been taught to revere the city as an embodiment of China’s power,the party’s might and their country’s glorious history.To propose a move strikes many as heretical.In recent years,however,some have broken ranks.In2000even China’s then Prime Minister,Zhu Rongji,joined the sceptics.The capital,he declared,might have to move if measures to curb its sandstorms failed.Since then officials have claimed some success in reducing the frequency of these lung-clogging calamities.But other problems have grown.Beijingers fed up with traffic gridlock sometimes pronounce the word“shoudu”,meaning capital,in a different tone so that it sounds like“the most congested”.For much of the year a grey blanket of pollutants shrouds the city.The rate of birth defects has doubled over the past decade.The environment is thought to be a contributory factor. Several scholars have suggested,in newspapers as well as online,that these and other problems would best be solved by relocating the central government.Beijing’s bureaucrats are unlikely to be persuaded.Their privileges,common to all those registered as Beijing citizens(ie,not migrants from other provinces),include readier access thanmost other Chinese have to some of the country’s best educational and medical facilities.Some local officials in places favoured by scholars as potential capital sites have been proclaiming their merits.But given the allure of Beijing’s amenities,it is little wonder that the central authorities keep quiet.四、将下列段落译为英语(25分)今年是中国发展进程中不平凡的一年。
=============================================================================================================I.Vocabulary and Structure(30points,1point each,60minutes)Directions:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,or D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Write your answers on the answer sheet.1.It was nearly always organized by the government,although some club members acted_______their own initiative.A.byB.onC.withD.in2.He redesigned the process,thereby________the company thousands of dollars.A.savingB.to saveC.savedD.save3.Modern bodies are especially______to cancer,because technology produces waste thatinhibits their proper functioning.A.relevantB.invulnerableC.proneD.attractive4.Some of his plans were impractical and________good for his work,but he never wavered inwhat he considered just.A.too muchB.much tooC.so muchD.much so5.Supporters praised the action as a speedy and judicious solution,but critics condemned it as______and unfairly influenced by recent events.A.delayedB.indisposedC.hastyD.imperious6.It is odd that a person’s worth is measured by his wealth,______instead people’s charactershould be measured by their value to society.A.whileB.soC.becauseD.when7.During the17th century many artists became involved in color theory and______painting forenlightenment.A.looked up toB.looked outC.looked onD.looked to8.No government can meet the_______demand for ever more sophisticated medical technologyby an aging population.A.intransigentB.insatiableC.ingeniousD.inglorious9.It is difficult to distinguish between the things that celebrities do______and those that arecarefully contrived for effect.A.reluctantlyB.publiclyC.spontaneouslyD.prolifically10.The monkeys in the zoo are a group,because primates are inevitably______and build theirlives around each other.A.socialB.independentC.stableD.curious11.When economy,language,culture and history interact,people begin to view them as_______subjects rather than isolated ones.A.idiosyncraticB.integralC.synchronizedD.synthesized12.Retired people are often willing to_______their time to help with community project.A.give outB.give awayC.give ofD.give off13.Even though formidable winters are the norm in this region,people were unprepared for the_______of the blizzard that year.dnessB.ferocityC.inevitabilityD.probability14.The committee provides funding to_______artists like those of women and of color,in thehopes of rectifying a historical inequality.A.prolificB.prominentC.promisingD.marginalized15.All are in the_____stages,until architectural historians survey each house to determine whichhave historic value.A.preliminaryB.primaryC.prevalentD.predicative16.He has unusual insight and imagination,which has made him succeed in______new andfundamental principles well in advance of their general recognition.A.coordinatingB.discerningC.acknowledgingD.dispelling17.The storyline of the novel was extremely involved and included many lesser characters_______to the central events.A.consequentialB.peripheralC.indispensableD.permeating18.Once I finally_______finding a definition,I see that it was never any such thing.A.get across toB.get away withC.get round toD.get in with19.Despite the fact that the life span of animals is conveniently divided into separate stages,thoseperiods are not truly_______.A.distinctB.continuousC.reflexiveD.codependent20.In spite of_______among scientists,and years of contentious discussion,the claim thatearthquake can be predicted with great precision prevails.A.receptionB.popularityC.skepticismD.antipathy21.No dictionary can really capture something as fleeting and______as slang.A.equivocalB.equitableC.equableD.ephemeral22.They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them______as valuable antiques.A.outB.byC.awayD.off23.That reason was unique human has come_____increasingly skeptical scrutiny:moreresearchers at least entertain the notion that some animals can think.A.inB.underC.toD.with24.Sam was a complete country man,with a pronounced______with nature in all its forms.A.infinityB.conformityC.affinityD.fluidity25.It is no accident that most people find his book disturbing,for it is calculated to undermine anumber of beliefs they have long_______.A.cherishedB.deniedC.anticipatedD.misunderstood26.Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his poetry,even nowonly a few independent observers_______his works.A.neglectB.criticizementD.praise27.The exhibition,though small in scale,succeeded in_______its members with a firm sense ofself-worth and purpose.A.endowingB.imbuingdeningD.providing28.We were all impressed by the style of his books which is strongly________of Virginia Woolf’snovels.A.reminiscentB.symptomaticC.indicativeD.imitative29.Historian can_______“Augustan peace”only by failing to recognize that this peace in manyrespects resemble that of death.A.demandB.ridiculeC.applaudD.disapprove30.Everything becomes collectable in time,particularly when its history and date of manufacturecan be________.A.describedB.acknowledgedC.overlookedD.authenticatedII.Reading Comprehension(40points,2points each,60minutes)Section IDirections:In this section there are two reading passages followed by multiple choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage OneConstant vigilance:that is the task of the people who protect society from enemies intent on using subterfuge and violence to get their way.It is also the watch word of those who fear that the protectors will pursue the collective interest at untold cost to individual rights.Edward Snowden,a young security contractor,has come down on one side of that tussle by leaking documents showing that the National Security Agency(NSA)spied on millions of Americans’phone records on the internet activity of hundreds of millions of foreigners.The documents,published by the Guardian and the Washington Post,include two big secrets. One is a court order telling Verizon,a telecoms company,to hand over“metadata”,such as the duration,direction and location of subscribers’calls.The other gives some clues about a programme called PRISM,which collects e-mails,files and social-networking data from firms such as Google,Apple and Facebook.Much of this eavesdropping has long been surmised,and none of it is necessarily illegal.America gives wide powers to its law-enforcement and spy agencies.They are overseen by Congress and courts,which issue orders to internet firms.Barack Obama has responded to the leaks by saying that he“welcomes”a debate on the trade-off between privacy,security and convenience.Despite the president’s words,however,the administration and much of Congress seem unwilling to talk about the programmes they oversee; and the politicians and executives who do want to speak out are gagged by secrecy laws.Opinion polls show that Americans are divided about the merits of surveillance—which is partly because they know so little about what is going on.But spying in a democracy depends for its legitimacy on informed consent,not blind trust.You might argue that the spies are doing only what is necessary.Al-Qaeda’s assaults on September11th2001demonstrated to politicians everywhere that their first duty is to ensure their own citizens’safety.With Islamist bombers,there is a good case for using electronic surveillance: they come from a population that is still hard for Western security services to penetrate,and they make wide use of mobile phones and the internet.The NSA’s boss,Keith Alexander,says the ploys revealed by Mr Snowden have stopped dozens of plots.The burden on society of sweeping up information about them has been modest compared with the wars launched against Afghanistan and Iraq.And the public seems happy:if there were another attack on America,Mr Snowden would soon be forgotten.Yet because the spies choose what to reveal about their work,nobody can judge if the cost and intrusion are proportionate to the threat.One concern is the size,scope and cost of the security bureaucracy:some1.4million people have“top secret”clearances of the kind held by Mr Snowden. Is that sensible?A second worry is the effect on America’s ties with other countries.The administration’s immediate response to the PRISM revelation was that Americans have nothing to fear:it touched only foreigners.That adds insult to injury in countries that count themselves as close American allies:the European Union,in particular,fastidiously protects its citizens’data.Fears abound that the spy agencies practice a cynical swap,in which each respects the letter of the law protecting the rights of its own people—but lets its allies do the snooping instead.Lawyerly officials denials of such machinations fail to reassure because of the third worry:the governments acting outside public scrutiny are not to be trusted.James Clapper,America’s director of national intelligence,told Congress in March that the NSA does not gather data on“millions of Americans”.He now says he answered in“the least untruthful manner”possible.Trawls through big databases may produce interesting clues—but also life-ruining false alarms,especially when the resulting decisions are cloaked in secrecy.Those on“no-fly lists”,which ban an unknown number of people from most air travel,are not told what they have done wrong and cannot clear their names. In desperation,13American citizens,including some who were exiled from their own country by the travel ban,are suing the government.Our point is not that America’s spies are doing the wrong things,but that the level of public scrutiny is inadequate and so is the right of redress.Without these,officials will be tempted to abuse their powers,because the price of doing so is small.This is particularly true for those who bug and ban.Spooks do need secrecy,but not on everything,always and everywhere.Officials will complain that disclosure would hinder their efforts in what is already an unfair fight.Yet some operational efficiency is worth sacrificing,because public scrutiny is a condition for popular backing.Even allowing for the need to keep some things clandestine,Americans need a clearer idea of what their spies are doing in their name.1.According to the passage,which of the following statements about vigilance is true?A.President Obama describes the spying as a defense of security.B.Americans differ in their attitude towards the government’s vigilance.C.The administration and Congress feel ashamed of the spying.D.America’s law-enforcement and spy agencies are not entitled to spy.2.The sentence in paragraph two“if there were another attack on America,Mr Snowden wouldsoon be forgotten”probably means________.A.Americans need divert their attention from the spying event.B.Mr Snowden matters little compared to America’s potential enemies.C.Vigilance would be accepted by the public if America was faced with danger.D.Mr Snowden’s revelation of PRISM would be forgotten sooner or later.3.Americans have the following concerns regarding vigilance EXCEPT_____.A.Spy agents leave Americans little privacy and less security.B.Spying will damage America’s relation with other countries.C.It is not sensible to devote much money and energy to vigilance.D.There lacks effective scrutiny of the government’s surveillance.4.The case that some citizens are banned from air travel in paragraph7is presented to illustrate________.A.the efficiency of spyingB.the absurdity of the banC.the inadequacy of the spying systemD.the interesting findings of spying5.What is the author’s stance on vigilance by the government?A.Vigilance does more harm than good to American citizens.B.Protection of society is merely an excuse for illegal vigilance.C.The legitimacy of vigilance is still open to discussion.D.Vigilance is necessary but should be better scrutinized by the public.英语热点词汇总裁助理assistant president综合治理comprehensive treatment安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents信息化information-based;informationization智力密集型concentration of brain power;knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation民族国家nation state台独"independence of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan authorities台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
=============================================================================================================I.Vocabulary and Structure(30points,1point each,60minutes)Directions:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,or D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Write your answers on the answer sheet.1.It was nearly always organized by the government,although some club members acted_______their own initiative.A.byB.onC.withD.in2.He redesigned the process,thereby________the company thousands of dollars.A.savingB.to saveC.savedD.save3.Modern bodies are especially______to cancer,because technology produces waste thatinhibits their proper functioning.A.relevantB.invulnerableC.proneD.attractive4.Some of his plans were impractical and________good for his work,but he never wavered inwhat he considered just.A.too muchB.much tooC.so muchD.much so5.Supporters praised the action as a speedy and judicious solution,but critics condemned it as______and unfairly influenced by recent events.A.delayedB.indisposedC.hastyD.imperious6.It is odd that a person’s worth is measured by his wealth,______instead people’s charactershould be measured by their value to society.A.whileB.soC.becauseD.when7.During the17th century many artists became involved in color theory and______painting forenlightenment.A.looked up toB.looked outC.looked onD.looked to8.No government can meet the_______demand for ever more sophisticated medical technologyby an aging population.A.intransigentB.insatiableC.ingeniousD.inglorious9.It is difficult to distinguish between the things that celebrities do______and those that arecarefully contrived for effect.A.reluctantlyB.publiclyC.spontaneouslyD.prolifically10.The monkeys in the zoo are a group,because primates are inevitably______and build theirlives around each other.A.socialB.independentC.stableD.curious11.When economy,language,culture and history interact,people begin to view them as_______subjects rather than isolated ones.A.idiosyncraticB.integralC.synchronizedD.synthesized12.Retired people are often willing to_______their time to help with community project.A.give outB.give awayC.give ofD.give off13.Even though formidable winters are the norm in this region,people were unprepared for the_______of the blizzard that year.dnessB.ferocityC.inevitabilityD.probability14.The committee provides funding to_______artists like those of women and of color,in thehopes of rectifying a historical inequality.A.prolificB.prominentC.promisingD.marginalized15.All are in the_____stages,until architectural historians survey each house to determine whichhave historic value.A.preliminaryB.primaryC.prevalentD.predicative16.He has unusual insight and imagination,which has made him succeed in______new andfundamental principles well in advance of their general recognition.A.coordinatingB.discerningC.acknowledgingD.dispelling17.The storyline of the novel was extremely involved and included many lesser characters_______to the central events.A.consequentialB.peripheralC.indispensableD.permeating18.Once I finally_______finding a definition,I see that it was never any such thing.A.get across toB.get away withC.get round toD.get in with19.Despite the fact that the life span of animals is conveniently divided into separate stages,thoseperiods are not truly_______.A.distinctB.continuousC.reflexiveD.codependent20.In spite of_______among scientists,and years of contentious discussion,the claim thatearthquake can be predicted with great precision prevails.A.receptionB.popularityC.skepticismD.antipathy21.No dictionary can really capture something as fleeting and______as slang.A.equivocalB.equitableC.equableD.ephemeral22.They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them______as valuable antiques.A.outB.byC.awayD.off23.That reason was unique human has come_____increasingly skeptical scrutiny:moreresearchers at least entertain the notion that some animals can think.A.inB.underC.toD.with24.Sam was a complete country man,with a pronounced______with nature in all its forms.A.infinityB.conformityC.affinityD.fluidity25.It is no accident that most people find his book disturbing,for it is calculated to undermine anumber of beliefs they have long_______.A.cherishedB.deniedC.anticipatedD.misunderstood26.Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his poetry,even nowonly a few independent observers_______his works.A.neglectB.criticizementD.praise27.The exhibition,though small in scale,succeeded in_______its members with a firm sense ofself-worth and purpose.A.endowingB.imbuingdeningD.providing28.We were all impressed by the style of his books which is strongly________of Virginia Woolf’snovels.A.reminiscentB.symptomaticC.indicativeD.imitative29.Historian can_______“Augustan peace”only by failing to recognize that this peace in manyrespects resemble that of death.A.demandB.ridiculeC.applaudD.disapprove30.Everything becomes collectable in time,particularly when its history and date of manufacturecan be________.A.describedB.acknowledgedC.overlookedD.authenticatedII.Reading Comprehension(40points,2points each,60minutes)Section IDirections:In this section there are two reading passages followed by multiple choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage OneConstant vigilance:that is the task of the people who protect society from enemies intent on using subterfuge and violence to get their way.It is also the watch word of those who fear that the protectors will pursue the collective interest at untold cost to individual rights.Edward Snowden,a young security contractor,has come down on one side of that tussle by leaking documents showing that the National Security Agency(NSA)spied on millions of Americans’phone records on the internet activity of hundreds of millions of foreigners.The documents,published by the Guardian and the Washington Post,include two big secrets. One is a court order telling Verizon,a telecoms company,to hand over“metadata”,such as the duration,direction and location of subscribers’calls.The other gives some clues about a programme called PRISM,which collects e-mails,files and social-networking data from firms such as Google,Apple and Facebook.Much of this eavesdropping has long been surmised,and none of it is necessarily illegal.America gives wide powers to its law-enforcement and spy agencies.They are overseen by Congress and courts,which issue orders to internet firms.Barack Obama has responded to the leaks by saying that he“welcomes”a debate on the trade-off between privacy,security and convenience.Despite the president’s words,however,the administration and much of Congress seem unwilling to talk about the programmes they oversee; and the politicians and executives who do want to speak out are gagged by secrecy laws.Opinion polls show that Americans are divided about the merits of surveillance—which is partly because they know so little about what is going on.But spying in a democracy depends for its legitimacy on informed consent,not blind trust.You might argue that the spies are doing only what is necessary.Al-Qaeda’s assaults on September11th2001demonstrated to politicians everywhere that their first duty is to ensure their own citizens’safety.With Islamist bombers,there is a good case for using electronic surveillance: they come from a population that is still hard for Western security services to penetrate,and they make wide use of mobile phones and the internet.The NSA’s boss,Keith Alexander,says the ploys revealed by Mr Snowden have stopped dozens of plots.The burden on society of sweeping up information about them has been modest compared with the wars launched against Afghanistan and Iraq.And the public seems happy:if there were another attack on America,Mr Snowden would soon be forgotten.Yet because the spies choose what to reveal about their work,nobody can judge if the cost and intrusion are proportionate to the threat.One concern is the size,scope and cost of the security bureaucracy:some1.4million people have“top secret”clearances of the kind held by Mr Snowden. Is that sensible?A second worry is the effect on America’s ties with other countries.The administration’s immediate response to the PRISM revelation was that Americans have nothing to fear:it touched only foreigners.That adds insult to injury in countries that count themselves as close American allies:the European Union,in particular,fastidiously protects its citizens’data.Fears abound that the spy agencies practice a cynical swap,in which each respects the letter of the law protecting the rights of its own people—but lets its allies do the snooping instead.Lawyerly officials denials of such machinations fail to reassure because of the third worry:the governments acting outside public scrutiny are not to be trusted.James Clapper,America’s director of national intelligence,told Congress in March that the NSA does not gather data on“millions of Americans”.He now says he answered in“the least untruthful manner”possible.Trawls through big databases may produce interesting clues—but also life-ruining false alarms,especially when the resulting decisions are cloaked in secrecy.Those on“no-fly lists”,which ban an unknown number of people from most air travel,are not told what they have done wrong and cannot clear their names. In desperation,13American citizens,including some who were exiled from their own country by the travel ban,are suing the government.Our point is not that America’s spies are doing the wrong things,but that the level of public scrutiny is inadequate and so is the right of redress.Without these,officials will be tempted to abuse their powers,because the price of doing so is small.This is particularly true for those who bug and ban.Spooks do need secrecy,but not on everything,always and everywhere.Officials will complain that disclosure would hinder their efforts in what is already an unfair fight.Yet some operational efficiency is worth sacrificing,because public scrutiny is a condition for popular backing.Even allowing for the need to keep some things clandestine,Americans need a clearer idea of what their spies are doing in their name.1.According to the passage,which of the following statements about vigilance is true?A.President Obama describes the spying as a defense of security.B.Americans differ in their attitude towards the government’s vigilance.C.The administration and Congress feel ashamed of the spying.D.America’s law-enforcement and spy agencies are not entitled to spy.2.The sentence in paragraph two“if there were another attack on America,Mr Snowden wouldsoon be forgotten”probably means________.A.Americans need divert their attention from the spying event.B.Mr Snowden matters little compared to America’s potential enemies.C.Vigilance would be accepted by the public if America was faced with danger.D.Mr Snowden’s revelation of PRISM would be forgotten sooner or later.3.Americans have the following concerns regarding vigilance EXCEPT_____.A.Spy agents leave Americans little privacy and less security.B.Spying will damage America’s relation with other countries.C.It is not sensible to devote much money and energy to vigilance.D.There lacks effective scrutiny of the government’s surveillance.4.The case that some citizens are banned from air travel in paragraph7is presented to illustrate________.A.the efficiency of spyingB.the absurdity of the banC.the inadequacy of the spying systemD.the interesting findings of spying5.What is the author’s stance on vigilance by the government?A.Vigilance does more harm than good to American citizens.B.Protection of society is merely an excuse for illegal vigilance.C.The legitimacy of vigilance is still open to discussion.Vigilance is necessary but should be better scrutinized by the public.翻译硕士词汇辨析5award,rewardaward,reward的用法award v.指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。
(语料来源:/s2013/likonomics/2013-07-02)2.受“US government shutdown”影响,美国零售销售、消费者和经济信心,以及抵押贷款申请等都呈现出了疲软趋势。
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全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考 全国统考
朱*华 张* 夏*明 乔*洋 曹*民 于*建 孙* 李* 赵* 王*鹏 王* 王* 万* 诸*一 倪*原 郭* 王*鑫 张*芳 刘*柱 郭*明 韩* 刘*秋 侯*子 温*江 梁*阳 李*阳 石* 高* 伍* 刘* 余* 陈*浩 聂* 陈*强 温*
另_篇讲的是三种词典,牛津,朗文,还有BBC的吧,好像是,是关于三本字典的cultural element。
还有一篇讲的是美国的cultural blindness,还有就是外国人很注重对英语的发扬,哪哪都是英语。
英语作文写大概是这样的:digital technology发展很快,whether student are requred to read textbook和novel or not?给出自己的观点即可。
翻译基础考的是三十个词汇翻译,很简单,都是之前在论坛上见过大家分享过的,比如红楼梦,存款准备金率,春卷,寿桃,关贸总协定,CBD,gaza strip,但还是有几个拿不准的,比如温带大陆性气候,government procurement。
还有Blue-ray Disk:蓝光光盘,不会,但是照字面意思蒙对了。
北京科技大学翻译硕士考研信息院校名称报录比推荐参考书备注北京科技大学1:61-《实用英汉翻译教程》2002外语教学与研究出版社申雨平、戴宁编2-《实用汉英翻译教程》2002外语教学与研究出版社曾诚编3-《翻译研究百科全书》2004年上外出版社Mona Baker编4-《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》2001年清华大学出版社叶子南著5-《非文学翻译理论与实践》2004中国对外翻译出版公司李昌拴编著6-《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》,2013光明日报出版社李国正著7-《全国翻译硕士考研真题解析》天津科技翻译出版社口笔译12人。
作文的话我主张背好的范文,没有足够的input,哪来output.我推荐一本书《专业八级考试精品范文100篇》(Matthew Trueman著)这本书的选材好,题材新,句子很给力,熟练背诵30篇左右,作文无论是什么题目,半个小时我相信你no problem,不过前提是熟背。
2016年翻译硕士考研指导我国卫星火箭发射基地"西昌"位于:(C)西藏新疆四川青海62.称得上火炮的口径需在多少毫米以上:(C)510205063.枪弹的用途不同,弹头的颜色各异,燃烧弹弹头是什么颜色:(A)红色黄色绿色黑色64."粒子束武器"是指什么武器:(C)微波武器激光武器X射线激光武器次声武器65.美国第七舰队主要驻扎在哪里:(D)大西洋地中海东太平洋西太平洋66.二战时,日本偷袭美国珍珠港是在哪一年:(C)1939.121940.121941.121942.1267.我国古代"三十六计"中第3计是:(C)美人计空城计走为上计反间计68.下列将军中哪一位不是大将:(D)粟裕徐海东陈庚许世友69.新中国哪一年开始进行军衔授勋:(C)194919501955198070.下列哪一个城市是在1949.10建国后才解放的:(A)广州上海南京西安71.古代军事家曹操是哪个时期的人物:(B)西汉东汉三国南北朝72.信号弹白天也可以发射,只是要用什么样的信号颜色:(D)黄色白色绿色红色73.下列哪一种是舰艇装备最广泛的主力战舰:(B)驱逐舰护卫舰巡洋舰战列舰74.按吨位分,多少吨位才可算是大型航空母舰:(C)四吨五吨六吨十吨75.防弹衣是由什么材料制成的:(D)软不透钢钨合金钢镍合金钢陶瓷玻璃钢76.我国军队中一个连辖3-4个排,大约有多少人:(B)50-100100-120120-150150-20077.我国担负着北京的警卫和守备勤务的军队组织称为:(C)警备区要塞区卫戍区戒备区78.下列哪种奖章是授予抗日战争期间的有功人员的:(B)解放奖章独立自由奖章八一奖章独立功勋奖章79.成语"闻鸡起舞""中流击楫"是出自哪们古代将领的故事:(C)岳飞戚继光祖逖郑成功80.左轮手枪一共可装几颗子弹:(B)5颗6颗7颗8颗81.目前世界纪元(公元前后的划分)的方法是以什么为标准:(D)伊斯兰教佛教犹太教耶稣基督教82.下列世界奇迹哪个位于伊拉克:(B)金字塔空中花园宙斯神像太阳神像83.第一次世界大战开始的时间是:(B)191019141939194084.下列哪个尊称是对古代太子的尊称:(C)陛下阁下殿下私下85.下列四个著名代号哪个是二战时日本偷袭珍珠港的代号:(A)托拉巴巴罗沙霸王宝石86.美国第一任总统是谁:(B)林肯华盛顿罗斯福杜鲁门87."人不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨"是谁的座右铭:(C)孙中山李大钊徐悲鸿周恩来88.有"世界船王"之称的海外炎黄子孙是指:(D)王安王贞治杨小燕包玉刚89.第二次世界大战是哪一年爆发的:(C) 193719381939194090.著名史书《史记》是属于哪一类历史:(B)野史正史杂史稗史考研学习规划第一阶段:预热(3月1日至7月1日)预热原因:育明教育老师认为考研复习比较理想的时间长度是6-9个月,因此从3月开始比较科学。
是这片大陆上最高的山峰160、珍珠港是美国太平洋舰队的基地,在夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁市附近161、新教是与东正教、天主教并列的三大基督教派别之_,为16世纪宗教改革运动中脱离天主教而形成的各个新宗教162、斯诺多尼亚是威尔士的最高点163、美国最大的土著群落位于科罗拉多高原164、火奴鲁鲁是夏威夷的首府,朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府165、底特律被称作"汽车之都,奥马哈被称作农业之都166、芝加哥是五大湖最大最忙的港口,也是该地区最大的工商业中心167、中西部地区是美国最重要的农业区,也是主要的制造业区和最主要的重工业区168、新英格兰------耶鲁大学,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院都坐落于此169、影响美国气候的最主要的因素为:太平洋,和大西泮,墨西哥湾,五大湖170、苏必利尔湖为世界最大淡水湖,密歇根湖完全是美国境地内171、格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的天然界河172、太平洋沿岸有两大河:科罗拉多河及哥伦比亚河173、俄亥俄河被称作美国的鲁尔河,因其钢铁而著名174、阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉是美国的两座大山脉175、落基山脉是北美大陆的脊梁,也被成为大陆分水岭176、所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州177、就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国,就人口而言,美国是世界是第三大国178、高尔夫球的故里是苏格兰179、板球,是英国人最典型的体育运动180、足球(口语叫”soccer”),在英格兰和欧洲是最受欢迎的运动181、英国主要的节日有圣诞节,复活节,圣灵降临节182、英国非国教the Anglican Churches(圣公会),the Free Churches(自由教),the Roman Catholic Church (罗马天主教)183、英国有两大国教,在英格兰是英格兰国教,苏格兰是苏格兰教会(长老教)184、英国殖民扩张开始于1583年纽芬兰的殖民化185、辉格党人和托利党人------两个政党名称皆起源于1688年的光荣革命】86、英国法典来源包括:〇)成文法;(2)大量的“不成文法”或习惯法;(3)衡平法;(4)欧共体法。
120、Memorial Day是美国的-----阵亡将士纪念日121、摩纳罗亚山----是世界上最大的活火山。
124、格兰德河----形成了美国与墨西哥的自然分界线125、美国民主党和共和党----分别以驴、象作为党徽的标记126、ABC,CBS,NBC,PBS,CNN,MTV,HBO等都是美国主要的新闻与有线电视网络127、约翰•史密斯(1580~1631)早期英国殖民者、探险家,在弗吉尼亚建立了第一个永久英国殖民地128、复活节彩蛋和兔子是“多产和新生”的象征129、路透社是世界四大通讯社之一,也是英国创办最早的通讯社130、“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam),“乔纳森大哥”和“扬基老”都是美国和美国人的绰号。
等三、作文how internet has transformed our traditional concept of friendship400词1、357英语翻译基础到了冲刺复习阶段,最好的就是考研历年的翻译真题和前期整理的笔记。
2016年翻译硕士考研指导2010年真题(原题)翻译硕士英语一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)Outside Europe,the most important powers in1939were undoubtedly Japan and the United States. Japan was at the time already deeply involved in hostilities with China.After seizing the northern provinces of that country in1931and organizing them into the puppet state of Manchukuo,Japan had tried to protect its rich loot and to expand its influence in China by a series of interventions, particularly in the rest of northern China.These steps had not surprisingly produced a rising tide of anti-Japanese sentiments in China,which in turn led the Japanese to embroil themselves even more deeply into Chinese affairs.When this tendency to interfere in China was combined with a degree of internal confusion and incoherence within the Japanese government that made the Chinese warlords of the time look well organized,new trouble was almost certain to follow.(141 words)二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分)Inflation:China’s least wanted export.When inflation starts to kill people then it is a serious problem.Three people died and31were injured on Saturday in a stampede to buy cut-price cooking oil in the western Chinese city of Chongqing.China can no longer explain away inflation as a short-term result of floods and epidemics of animal disease?nor can it ignore the strains its macroeconomic policies are producing.Cooking oil is a special case?its price influenced by demand from China’s glut of new biofuel refineries?but the broader price of food has risen in recent months by more than15per cent compared with a year earlier.Floods and other acts of God have had their effect,as has the global rise in wheat prices,but there are structural forces at work as well.Nor is inflation confined to food any longer:producer prices are creeping up.The PPI for manufactured goods was up3.2per cent in October?many steel products rose by more than10percent?and the PPI is likely to go even higher when the recent10per cent hike in the controlled pump price of diesel feeds through.Given the likelihood that more state-controlled prices will have to rise,and given that the official inflation data do not properly capture important prices, such as the cost of education,the real situation may be even worse.That is a worry for the rest of the world,used to enjoying the“China price”,a seemingly open-ended deflationary pressure on the world economy.The surge in Chinese inflation since June has barely fed through into export prices yet?but it will.China’s currency has also been gently appreciating,but so far improvements in productivity have meant that Chinese manufacturers have not needed to raise export prices.If currency appreciation speeds up,that will change.The renminbi may have to rise faster because the tools that China is using to tackle inflation have not worked.Bank reserve requirements were hiked again over the weekend,to13.5per cent, but the strain on the banking sector’s profitability will start to tell.Interest rates have risen repeatedly,but with CPI inflation above6per cent,and benchmark lending rates only slightly higher,real interest rates are low.There must now be a low,but non-zero,probability that China opts for a one-off revaluation of the renminbi in order to ease its domestic monetary problems.That would be the right move.The adjustment would be easier both for China and for the rest of the world if the renminbi had not been kept so low for so long.But the pain of unwinding global imbalances will only get worse the longer they are left.(551words)三、将下列段落译为英语(25分)科学发展观是协调的发展观。
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