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n. a.
be satisfied with be pleased with 对……满意,满足 我们对你们产品质量很满意。 We’re satisfied with the quality of your goods. make delivery deliver or ship the goods to some place 交货 我方保证能在截止日期前交货。 We are sure that we can make delivery before the deadline. deliver 交付交运 take delivery of 提货 effect v. fulfill make 实行,实施 effect shipment 装运 effect insurance 投保 effect payment 支付款项 谨通知贵方尽快开立信用证以便我们及时装运。 It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L/C as early as possible so as to enable us to effect shipment in time. effect 效果 effective 有效的
Re Ladies’ Blouses We thank you for your quotation of October 6 and the samples of Ladies’ Blouses . We are satisfied with the quality and take pleasure in enclosing our Order No. 322 for the sizes mentioned in your latest catalogue. We note that you can supply these items from stock and hope you will make delivery by the end of November. Our company will reserve the right to cancel this order or reject the goods for any delay in shipment. For your reference we wish to effect payment by D/P at 60 days sight. Please kindly let us have your confirmation. Yours faithfully (signature) G.P.Johnson G.P.Johnson Manager Encl. As stated
新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编 主编 刘杰英
Unit 3
Specimen 1
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Placing an Order
Northeast Import and Export Trade Corp.
35 Youth Street Shenhe District Toronto Canada
this trial order will result in repeat orders in the near future.
Yours sincerely
(signature) Huang Kai Huang Kai Manager
Unit 3
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
AnBaidu NhomakorabeaOrder
Unit 3
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Make Yourself Skilled I. Basic Training Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words.
satisfy dispatch
refer purchase
Unit 3
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Make Yourself Skilled I. Basic Training Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words.
satisfy dispatch
refer purchase
acceptable adj. can be accepted (to sb.) 可接受的
用即期信用证支付我们可以接受。 Payment by sight L/C is acceptable to us.
result in lead to 导致
供大于求,导致价格下跌。 The supply exceeds demand resulting in the declining price.
Unit 3
Arm Yourself 4 e.g.
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
5 e.g. e.g. 6 e.g. v. n. n.
purchase v. buy 购买; n. buying 购买 你方的产品质量优良,我们想向你方购买。 Your goods are of high quality and we would like to purchase from you. make a purchase 购买 perchase sth. from sb. 从……处购买 dispatch v. send ship 运送,派遣;n. sending 运送,发送 我们将按照你方的要求发送货物。 We will dispatch the goods as per your request. 三套机器的发运保证了工厂的顺利运行。 The dispatch of 3 sets machines ensures the smooth operation of the factory. consignment n. goods for delivery 发运,发运的货物;寄售,寄售货物 这批货物很易受天气影响。 The consignments are subject to weather change. consign 发运 consignee 收货人 consigner发货人
Ladies’ Blouses
GBP 45.00
GBP 50.00
Unit 3
Specimen 2
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Confirming the Order
Huaxin Trading Co. Ltd. 14th Floor Kingstar Mansion 676 Jinlin Road Shanghai China
payment D/P at 60 days sight 60 dispatch department repeat orders
付款 天期付款交单 发货部门 续订
Unit 3
Arm Yourself 1 e.g. 2 e.g. v. 3
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
effect accept
regard consign
result deliver
dispatched by you is (1)We would like to claim beforehand that if the quality of the goods _____ not in accordance with the contract we have a right to refuse the goods. (2)Owing to heavy commitments the goods for ____ delivery by the end of this year have been sold out. purchase is made on FOB basis you are to ship the goods from Liverpool on a (3)Since the ____ steamer to be designated by us. (4)With ____ reference to our previous letters and cables we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment. (5)You may rest assured that we shall ___ effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit.
October 28 2010
Northeast Import and Export Trade Corp. 35 Youth Street Shenhe District Toronto Canada Dear Sirs Re Ladies’ Blouses
Thank you very much for your Order NO. 322 dated October 15 and we’re pleased to confirm your purchase of Ladies’ Blouses. Our dispatch department is working on your order and will let you know when the consignment is ready.
Unit 3
Arm Yourself 7 e.g.
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
as regards 关于 关于目录与价目表,我们将另邮寄给你方。 As regards catalogue and price list we will send you by separate mail. 同义:regarding with regard to inregard to concerning
Unit 3
Specimen 1
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Placing an Order
NO. 322 Please supply the following items
Unit Price (Per doz.) CIF Toronto GBP 35.00
Quantity (doz.)
October 15 2010
Huaxin Trading Co. Ltd.
14th Floor Kingstar Mansion
676 Jinlin Road Shanghai China
Dear Sirs
Unit 3
Specimen 1
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Placing an Order
effect accept
regard consign
result deliver
regards sole agent we would like to go into details. (6)As ___ (7)The negotiations between us have ____ resulted in a conclusion of a transaction of $3000. (8)We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date can be acceptable to us we shall place our order with you immediately. _____ (9)Mr. Wood guarantees that Mr. Li will be ____ satisfied with their equipment。 consignment covering our Order No. 872 arrived last Sunday. (10)The ______
Unit 3
Specimen 2
8 Lesson 8
Lesson 9
An Order
Confirming the Order
As regards the payment terms it is acceptable. We will send the documents
through our bank to you as soon as the shipment is effected. We sincerely hope