《商务英语口语(基础篇)》课件 商务英语口语 第四章
I booked a double room five days ago.
1 Task
Project Four Hotel Accommodation
Part Ⅲ Language Expanding
What is the price of the room including tax?
My name is David. I'd like to cancel my reservation for Friday.
I made a reservation at your hotel for 16 people, now we'd like to check in. 我在贵酒店为16人预订了房间,现在我们想入住。
Project Four Hotel Accommodation
In the hotel industry, the front office welcomes guests to the accommodation
section: meeting and greeting them, taking and organizing reservations, allocating
2. Master the procedure of a. room reservation. b. check-in and check-out.
3. Have the ability to arrange accommodations for clients.
了解租车条件,包括驾照、保险、费用等。选择合适的车型,尽量预订提前。了 解当地交通规则,特别是左右行驶方向、速度限制等。
注意安全,遵守交通规则。不要超速、酒后驾车等。还车时按时归还,清洁车内 垃圾,检查车辆有无损坏。
赠送合适的商务礼品,表达自 己的尊重和谢意。
商务旅行中的酒店预订与安排选择酒店根据出差地点、预算和个人喜好 选择合适的酒店。可以通过在线 预订,或找当地的旅行社预订。
合理安排行程,安排好行程和会 议时间,避免重复安排。
到达酒店后,注意安全问题,如 遗失物品、交通指引、紧急联系 方式等。在享受酒店服务的同时, 注意控制费用。
商务旅行可以促进企业之间 的贸易合作,提高员工的技 能和经验,推动国际交流和 文化交流。
不同国家和地区的文化有很大的差异,包括饮食习惯、礼仪规范、商务礼品、时 间观念等。
如遇车祸、医疗问题等情况, 及时寻求并咨询当地的领事馆 或旅行社等,做好应急保障措 施。
如遗失护照、钱包、手机等物 品,要及时报警,并咨询当地 领事馆,重新办理相关手续。
如有其他突发问题,应冷静应 对,及时采取有效措施解决问 题。
需要了解目的地国家或地区的文化背景,遵守当地的习惯与规矩,尊重对方的文 化背景和信仰,提高跨文化交际能力。
Group Activities
Threats: The computer as appliance. Volume buying and selling of computers as products in boxes, supposedly not needing support, training, connectivity services, etc. As people think of the computer in those terms, they think they need our service orientation less. The larger price-oriented store. When they have huge advertisements of low prices in the newspaper, our customers think we are not giving them good value.
What is management?
•Planning Planning answers several fundamental questions for managers: What is the situation now? What is the state of the economy and other environments? What opportunities exist for meeting people’s needs? What products and customers are most profitable? Why do people buy (or not buy) our products? Who are our major competitors? What threats are they to our business?
模拟真实商务场景,进行对话练习, 提升沟通效果。
学习商务写作的技巧和结构, 提升写作表达的准确性和层 次感。
阅读商务材料,提高对商业 文本的理解和分析能力。
学习撰写商务邮件的要点和 格式,提升邮件沟通的效果。
学习主持和参与商务会议的技巧,提高会议 效率和议题讨论。
掌握商务谈判的策略和技巧,提升谈判成功 率和成果。
培养商务演讲能力,提高演讲表达和演讲影 响力。
了解商务场合的礼仪规范,塑造良好的商务 形象和人际关系。
期中测验 期末考试 课程总结
总结课程收获和学习成果,为学员的职业发 展提供指导。
学习常用的商务词汇和短语, 丰富商务沟通的词汇量。
掌握商务英语的语法规则和重 点,提高语言表达准确性。
通过实例演练和练习题,巩固 词汇和语法知识的运用。
《商务英语课程》PPT课 件
让我们一起探索《商务英语课程》的世界吧!本课程将帮助学员掌握商务英 语的核心知识和应用技巧,提升沟通能力和,培养学员的商务英语能力和职业素养。
商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business
Emotional intelligence
Manage your own emotions and identify the other party's emotional state during negotiation
03 Business Practice Cases
Case analysis of successful enterprises
Multinational Corporation Operations
To supervise or influence an audience's opinion or behavior
Business presentation skills
• To communicate a company's values, goals, and vision
Business presentation skills
Make offers and counteroffers to reach a consensus
Close the deal by agreeing on terms and conditions
Business negotiation skills
Key Skills
Listening: Listen actively to understand the other party's position and needs
• SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats affecting a business or organization
Manage your own emotions and identify the other party's emotional state during negotiation
03 Business Practice Cases
Case analysis of successful enterprises
Multinational Corporation Operations
To supervise or influence an audience's opinion or behavior
Business presentation skills
• To communicate a company's values, goals, and vision
Business presentation skills
Make offers and counteroffers to reach a consensus
Close the deal by agreeing on terms and conditions
Business negotiation skills
Key Skills
Listening: Listen actively to understand the other party's position and needs
• SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats affecting a business or organization
Letter of Credit
❖ Revocable/ Irrevocable ❖ Documentary/ Clean ❖ Confirmed/ Unconfirmed ❖ Sight/ Usance, or Time ❖ Transferable/ Non-transferable ❖ Revolving ❖ Reciprocal ❖ Back to Back ❖ Anticipatory (→Red Clause L/ C) ❖ Standby
Unit 4 Terms of Payment
Learning Objective
❖ To make clear terms of payment; ❖ To know the difference between the
three basic terms of payment.
Background Information
❖ 3) RMB¥898 in total. ❖ 4) The results of the investigation of the
financial standing of the Malaysian Trading Company.
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
D/ P
D/ A
D/P at Sight
D/P after Sight (D/P. T/R)
L arrangement with a bank by which the bank will accept and pay bills of exchange for the customer.
Letter of Credit
❖ Revocable/ Irrevocable ❖ Documentary/ Clean ❖ Confirmed/ Unconfirmed ❖ Sight/ Usance, or Time ❖ Transferable/ Non-transferable ❖ Revolving ❖ Reciprocal ❖ Back to Back ❖ Anticipatory (→Red Clause L/ C) ❖ Standby
Unit 4 Terms of Payment
Learning Objective
❖ To make clear terms of payment; ❖ To know the difference between the
three basic terms of payment.
Background Information
❖ 3) RMB¥898 in total. ❖ 4) The results of the investigation of the
financial standing of the Malaysian Trading Company.
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
D/ P
D/ A
D/P at Sight
D/P after Sight (D/P. T/R)
L arrangement with a bank by which the bank will accept and pay bills of exchange for the customer.
• 3、 目标公众 ●政府高级官员、商界领袖、外交官、社会名流等上层社会人士, 他们具有很高的社会知名度。 4、主要传播信息 ●奥迪品牌理念的内涵——人性、激情、领先、远见。 ●奥迪A8的特性被概括为“时、空、安、静”: 时间魅力——奥迪A8的强劲发动机为旅途节省了大量时间;该车 配备了豪华的车载一体化办公系统,使车主可以充分利用旅途时 间; 空间魅力——奥迪A8轿车为乘员提供充裕的内部空间。内部除宽 敞外,还具有极高的舒适性和最豪华的装备。因此许多国家元首 和国宾车队都选用奥迪A8; 安全魅力——全铝空间框架结构、全时四驱系统等先进技术使奥 迪A8可提供超豪华轿车所能提供的最大程度的安全性能; 宁静魅力——奥迪A8的优秀隔音特性营造了车内非常宁静的氛围。
What is Marketing-----什么是市场营销
• Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfied individual and organizational objectives.
• 5、媒体选择 ●在汽车业界对公众舆论起主导作用的 各家报刊和电子媒体. ●宣扬高档生活风格的实力派刊物和电 视节目. ●部分面向大众的文字媒体.
• 3、 目标公众 ●政府高级官员、商界领袖、外交官、社会名流等上层社会人士, 他们具有很高的社会知名度。 4、主要传播信息 ●奥迪品牌理念的内涵——人性、激情、领先、远见。 ●奥迪A8的特性被概括为“时、空、安、静”: 时间魅力——奥迪A8的强劲发动机为旅途节省了大量时间;该车 配备了豪华的车载一体化办公系统,使车主可以充分利用旅途时 间; 空间魅力——奥迪A8轿车为乘员提供充裕的内部空间。内部除宽 敞外,还具有极高的舒适性和最豪华的装备。因此许多国家元首 和国宾车队都选用奥迪A8; 安全魅力——全铝空间框架结构、全时四驱系统等先进技术使奥 迪A8可提供超豪华轿车所能提供的最大程度的安全性能; 宁静魅力——奥迪A8的优秀隔音特性营造了车内非常宁静的氛围。
What is Marketing-----什么是市场营销
• Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfied individual and organizational objectives.
• 5、媒体选择 ●在汽车业界对公众舆论起主导作用的 各家报刊和电子媒体. ●宣扬高档生活风格的实力派刊物和电 视节目. ●部分面向大众的文字媒体.
.Arrive at the airport at least one hour before departure -some airlines require two hour pre-check in. It is best to check with your carrier or booking agent.
the other key ) . Just in case your luggage is misplaced or lost, I advise you to include
basic toiletries ( make- up, tooth paste & brush etc . ) , bathing suit,
Predetermine which seminars you would like to attend. Check their schedules and be there on time.
Business cards, brochures and samples of your products and services are all very important. Make sure you have enough of your marketing tools with you or ship materials well in advance of event. Just to make sure all has safely arrived, I suggest that you confirm the delivery of your products before you leave home.
Before a business travel, necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems. Usually a travel agency is needed for booking /reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary. The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel, but also to meet business associates, to organize some conferences, and to do business in other cultures, so as to make the visit successful.
the other key ) . Just in case your luggage is misplaced or lost, I advise you to include
basic toiletries ( make- up, tooth paste & brush etc . ) , bathing suit,
Predetermine which seminars you would like to attend. Check their schedules and be there on time.
Business cards, brochures and samples of your products and services are all very important. Make sure you have enough of your marketing tools with you or ship materials well in advance of event. Just to make sure all has safely arrived, I suggest that you confirm the delivery of your products before you leave home.
Before a business travel, necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems. Usually a travel agency is needed for booking /reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary. The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel, but also to meet business associates, to organize some conferences, and to do business in other cultures, so as to make the visit successful.
商务英语课件Chapter 4 shipment(1)
• in 1 lot • We will make shipment in 3 lots.
• 4.per prep.
• ①The material sells out at US$200 per m/t CIF Hamburg.
• ②Please reply per return post. • ③We advise that the goods under contract
Chapter 4 Shipment
• Introduction:
• The shipment clause is an integral and important part of a contract signed between buyers and sellers. It involves the time of shipment, the ports of loading and destination, means of conveyance, the shipping documents.
• Shipment covers rather a wide range of work, such as booking shipping space, chartering ships, making declaration,etc.
• 1.ship n.
• shipper→charter party←shipping company/
• Before shipment, the buyers generally send their shipping requirements to the sellers, informing them of the packing and mark, mode of transportation, etc., known as the Shipping Instructions.
• in 1 lot • We will make shipment in 3 lots.
• 4.per prep.
• ①The material sells out at US$200 per m/t CIF Hamburg.
• ②Please reply per return post. • ③We advise that the goods under contract
Chapter 4 Shipment
• Introduction:
• The shipment clause is an integral and important part of a contract signed between buyers and sellers. It involves the time of shipment, the ports of loading and destination, means of conveyance, the shipping documents.
• Shipment covers rather a wide range of work, such as booking shipping space, chartering ships, making declaration,etc.
• 1.ship n.
• shipper→charter party←shipping company/
• Before shipment, the buyers generally send their shipping requirements to the sellers, informing them of the packing and mark, mode of transportation, etc., known as the Shipping Instructions.
Functions of management
1. Planning: selecting a course of action - Strategic plans: long-range plans - Tactical plans: short-range plans
2. Organizing: structuring of resources - dividing work into small units - assigning tasks to individuals or groups - arranging jobs into specific departments - establishing lines of authority and accountability
machinery, raw materials, etc. - financial resources: money and other
valuable assets
What is management?
Management is the process of coordinating human, physical, and financial resources to achieve an organization’s objectives.
Functions of management
Top managers
Middle managers
First-line managers
Welcome to
Starting BusinesBusiness English Certificate(BEC) 剑桥商务英语证书是剑桥系列考试中 专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格 证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语 交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育 机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试 或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。
Word check
•Company structure
•A report to B •A向B汇报 •Boardroom •董事会会议室
•A range of products •一系列产品
•R&D workshop •研发部车间
Word check
• Existing • 现有的,现存的 • Product range • 产品系列/类别 • Prototype • 原型,样品(特指没上市的样品)
• 1. It is not common to use titles (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) when referring to yourself. However, it is polite to use titles with others in formal situations, unless they give you permission to do otherwise. Examples:
4.Q:What is the very new product at Bibury Systems?
A:A voice-actived electronic toy---Big Boss.
Language summary:
Starting BusinesBusiness English Certificate(BEC) 剑桥商务英语证书是剑桥系列考试中 专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格 证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语 交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育 机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试 或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。
Word check
•Company structure
•A report to B •A向B汇报 •Boardroom •董事会会议室
•A range of products •一系列产品
•R&D workshop •研发部车间
Word check
• Existing • 现有的,现存的 • Product range • 产品系列/类别 • Prototype • 原型,样品(特指没上市的样品)
• 1. It is not common to use titles (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) when referring to yourself. However, it is polite to use titles with others in formal situations, unless they give you permission to do otherwise. Examples:
4.Q:What is the very new product at Bibury Systems?
A:A voice-actived electronic toy---Big Boss.
Language summary:
Group Activities
Threats: The computer as appliance. Volume buying and selling of computers as products in boxes, supposedly not needing support, training, connectivity services, etc. As people think of the computer in those terms, they think they need our service orientation less. The larger price-oriented store. When they have huge advertisements of low prices in the newspaper, our customers think we are not giving them good value.
What is management?
What is management?
•Planning Planning means defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them. Planning is a task that each manager must do every day. It is a continuous process. Planning is basically mental. It requires thinking things through logically.
商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business
Sure, that’ll help us understand better about what we are
asked to do.
1. Business Travel
Before a business travel, necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems. Usually a travel agency is needed for booking /reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary. The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel, but also to meet business associates, to organize some conferences, and to do business in other cultures, so as to make the visit successful.
( ) 1) Passengers can only hand-carry a small bag aboard the plane. ( ) 2) Children under 5 needn't buy a ticket. ( ) 3) People who haven't got an ID card cannot board the plane. ( ) 4) Passengers mustn't carry dangerous articles such as compressed gases,
Sure, that’ll help us understand better about what we are
asked to do.
1. Business Travel
Before a business travel, necessary precautions should be taken to minimize potential problems. Usually a travel agency is needed for booking /reserving flights and accommodations according to the itinerary. The traveler is supposed not only to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations during the travel, but also to meet business associates, to organize some conferences, and to do business in other cultures, so as to make the visit successful.
( ) 1) Passengers can only hand-carry a small bag aboard the plane. ( ) 2) Children under 5 needn't buy a ticket. ( ) 3) People who haven't got an ID card cannot board the plane. ( ) 4) Passengers mustn't carry dangerous articles such as compressed gases,
• the size of a nation's money supply • the availability and cost of credit • the foreign exchange value of its currency
• issuing notes to be used as legal tender • supervising the operations of the commercial
• verb • to imagine something by making an image
in your mind • Tom, picturing the scene, smiled. • Picture the scene - the crowds of people and
• a cheque for £200
• pay by cheque
• cash the cheque (= exchanged it for cash )
• stop the cheque (= tell the bank not to pay it ) .
• bank cheque = banker's cheque
• Central banks act as the fiscal agent of the government,
• By increasing or decreasing the supply of money and credit, they affect interest rates, thereby influencing the economy.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Middle management
Responsible for certain areas, departments or divisions. Making plans to implement strategic decisions made by top management (doing things right). Making operating plans for their particular area.
What is an organization?
An organization is any group of individuals who work together for the achievement of some stated or implied objectives.
Two major types of organizan - nonprofit organization
managers of various divisions
supervisor, foreman, group leader
Top management
Having overall responsibility for the organization. Concentrating on making strategic decisions or “doing the right thing”. Top managers generally have many years of varied experience.
Functions of management
5. Controlling: evaluating and correcting activities to keep the organization on course
Functions of management
1. Planning: selecting a course of action - Strategic plans: long-range plans - Tactical plans: short-range plans
2. Organizing: structuring of resources - dividing work into small units - assigning tasks to individuals or groups - arranging jobs into specific departments - establishing lines of authority and accountability
Functions of management
3. Staffing: hiring people to do work - Recruiting: attracting qualified applicants
- Selection: choosing the best candidate
4. Directing: motivating and leading employees to achieve objectives
Management and managers are found wherever people are working together to achieve some common objectives.
Levels of management
CEO, president, vice president
machinery, raw materials, etc. - financial resources: money and other
valuable assets
What is management?
Management is the process of coordinating human, physical, and financial resources to achieve an organization’s objectives.
What resources do organizations have?
To achieve its objectives, every organization must have resources, which generally fall into three types.
- human resources: people (employees) - physical resources: equipment,
First-line Management
Responsible for implementing plans established by middle management. Supervising workers and managing dayto-day operations. Providing leadership that is appropriate for the situation.
A Basic Business Reader
Chapter 4 Management Principles
After studying this chapter you will be able to: Define management and understand its role in achieving organizational objectives. Identify three levels of management and explain how the focuses of managers at each level differ. Describe the major functions of management.