高考语文一轮复习专题公开课:文言文理解并翻译句子 方法与技巧
刘杳字士深,平原郡人。普通元年,又任建康县令, 提升为尚书驾部郎,几个月后改任署仪曹郎,仆射徐 勉将台阁文议交由刘杳负责。出任余姚县令,在任期 间清正廉洁,有人给他送礼,全都没有接受,湘东王 对他大加称赞和褒奖。回京后任宣惠湘东王记室参军 ,母亲去世后去职离任。服丧期满,恢复王府记室官 位,兼任东宫通事舍人。大通元年(527),提升为 步兵校尉,仍兼任东宫通事舍人。昭明太子对刘杳说 :“酒不是你所喜欢的,但任酒厨之官,完全是为了 不愧古人。”不久有诏令让他代替裴子野负责著作郎 的事务。昭明太子死后,新立太子,原东宫人员按旧 例都要离职调任,皇帝下诏只留刘杳仍在太子宫任职 。继续注释昭明太子的《徂归赋》,人称他知识广博 。。
后仕本郡吏,太守坐法诛,故人莫敢 往,恢独奔丧行服。归,复为功曹,选举
1.永为河东太守,恢随之官,闭庐精诵,不交 人物。
焦永做了河东太守,乐恢跟随他到了官府,( 他)闭门精心诵读,不与(外界)人物交往。
(得分点:“为”“之”“交”,省略句的 翻译。)
后仕本郡吏,太守坐法诛,故人莫敢往,恢独 奔丧行服。
古汉语较简约,省略现象是普 遍的。补即是补出省略内容。
判断句要补上判断词 1.师者,所以传道受业解惑也
老师(是)用来传授道理,教授学 业,解答疑惑的人。
省略主语、谓语、宾语要补上。 2.度我至军中,公乃入。
(你)估计着我回到军营啦,你再 进去(辞谢)。
补 省略介词于要补上 3.将军战河北,臣占河南
答案:圣人如果可以使国家强盛,不必效法 陈规;如果可以使百姓获利,不必遵循旧制 。 答案:法令在民间实行一年,秦人到国都 诉说新法不便利的数以千计。
2019年Ⅲ 卷
(1)文曰:“此乃吾所以居子之上也。”吴起乃自知 弗如田文。 (2)及悼王死,宗室大臣作乱而攻吴起,吴起走之王 尸而伏之。
第四章 汉译英的理解与表达
一、借助语言学理论,提高对文字各种意义的识别能力语言是一种符号,1920年代,奥格登和理查兹提出的符号三角理论,如图所示:图中符号(Symbol)指语言成分,如词语等;所指(Referent)指外部经验世界中的事物;思想或所指关系(Thought or Reference)指人们大脑中的概念。
译文1:Now open her rosy lip and her ivory white teeth shine, her song begins!译文2:Little Jade Wang then opened her vermilion lips, displaying her sparking white teeth, and sang several phrases.译文3:Little Jade then parted her lips and sang a few lines.原文用“启朱唇、发皓齿”描述小玉唱歌时口型优美,这是中国评书常见的表达手法。
如:贾母因笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹妹!”(《红楼梦》)显然这里的“脱了衣裳”指脱下外套、礼服之类,不能照字面译成“take off one's clothes”,所以译文是:With a smile at Pao-yu, the Lady Dowager scolded: “Fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor. Hurry up now and pay your respects to yourcousin.” (Tr. Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang)三、把握修辞特点理解时要留意原文的感情色彩、形象色彩及语体色彩,这些联想意义多用来达到修辞目的。
1.注意借代,比喻等修辞手法的处理。 如:
“想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎”,“金戈 铁马”,借代精锐的部队;
“谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭”,“樯橹”,借代曹 操战船,这里借代曹操水军;
★(2005湖南省高考试题)因乞李氏以归。 译文:于是(向)李氏讨取(这部书)回家。
5.调,将古今汉语不同的语序,按现代 汉语的规范调整。
如:安在公子能急人之困也! 译:公子能急人之困的美德表现在哪里呢!
★(2004年湖南高考试题)饮酒于斯亭而乐之 译文:在这个亭子里喝酒并以此为乐。
★(2002年全国高考试题)其李将军之谓也 译文:大概说的是李将军吧。
“金城千里”,“金城”在文中比喻坚固的城墙, 而不能译成“金属筑成的城墙”。 2.注意古人行文中一些委婉的说法。 如“方与将军会猎于吴”,“会猎”是决战的委婉 说法;再如“权起更衣”,“更衣”即上厕所。
3.注意准确翻译“互文”现象。 如:天下熙熙,皆为利来,天下攘攘,皆为利 往。(《货殖列传序》) 译:天下的人熙熙攘攘,都为利而来,为利而 往。 枝枝相覆盖,叶叶相交通。(《孔雀东南飞》) 译:枝枝叶叶相覆盖,相交错 。
从高考的特点来看,命题者一般来说总是立足于 要求考生采用直译的方式,只有在难以直译或直译后 表达不了原文意蕴的时候,才酌情采用意译为辅助手 段,如上文所举“波澜不惊”的例子。
例如:2002年全国语文高考试卷第16题(2)“及死之日, 天下知与不知,皆为尽哀。”
必须翻译成:“到死的时候,天下熟知和不熟知(他的 人),都为(他)竭尽哀悼。”
第四章翻译理论常识简介4 . 2 我国传统译论要点1) 严复的“信、达、雅”:信:“忠实”,即“意义不倍(背)文本”,忠实于原文意义。
雅:“古雅”,原本指当时能登大雅之堂的文言文,一种古雅文体,即“用汉以前字法、句法” ( 严复 ) 。
严复在其《天演论· 译例言》中对“信、达、雅”解释得非常清楚,就是“修词立诚”(信)、“词达而已”(达)、“言之无文,行之不远”(雅),“三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模,故信达而外,求其尔雅”。
……果然,不出数年,他的译作赢得了广大的读者,他的思想攻势取得了成功”(王佐良:关于文学翻译答客问,《翻译通讯》1983/10 )。
例如,他将原文中很平白的一句译为:It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in Southern Britain , the whole country-side visible from the windows of the room in which I write,…赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野。
正保远程教育旗下品牌网站 美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)自考365 中国权威专业的自考辅导网站官方网站: 高等教育自学考试辅导《消费经济学》第四章第二节讲义投资收益消费者在对众多投资方式进行选择时,会同时考虑自己的个人需要和投资对象的特征。
例如,假定某消费者在年初花10000元购买了A 公司的股票。
About the organization of this bookChapter 2initially adopts a naive building-block approach and explores the “meaning”of single words and expressions.Chapter 3the scope of reference in widened a little by looking at combinations of words and phrases:what happens when words start combining with other words to form conventionalized or semi-conventionalized stretches of language.Chapter 4 deals with grammatical categories such as number and gender.Chapter 5 deals with the role played by word order in structuring messages at text levelChapter 6discusses cohesion:grammatical and lexical relationships which provide links between various parts of a textChapter 5 and 6cover part of what might be loosely termed the textual level of language.Chapter 7 looks at how texts are used in communicative situations that involve variables such as writers, readers, and cultural context.Back-translation involves taking a text(original or translated)which is written in a language with which the reader is assumed to be unfamiliar and translating it as literally as possible into English.The author use the term back-translation because, since the source language is often English, this involves translating the target text back into the source language from which it was originally translated.。
该书是她在伯明翰大学(university ofbirmingham)任教期间完成并出版的,当时的编写目的是为译员培训提供有步骤、系统的教学模式,该书一经问世便受到了读者的广泛欢迎。
Chapter one: What is translation1. Eugene NidaTranslation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.Notes:l). Here, “equivalent” can not be taken as the “identity” of the source language.2). It is the message or information that is conveyed through translation not the formal structure of source language.3). Meaning is always the first consideration.4). Style is something that can not be ignored.Nida’s translation principle: Dynamic equivalence & Functional equivalenceNida: The translator is to produce as nearly possible the same effect on his reader as was produced on the reader of the original.2. Peter NewmarkTranslation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in other language. From the angle of contextual analysis, he put forward 2 translation approaches.(l) Semantic translationA translation in which the translator attempts within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the target language to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author .It tends to strive to reproduce the form of the original as closely as target language norms will allow .It focus primarily on the semantic content of the source text.(2) Communicative translationA term used to refer to any approach which views translation as a communicative process which takes place within a social context. It will generally oriented toward theneeds of the TL reader or recipient. It is also defined by Network as one of 2 methods of translation in which "the translator attempts to produce the same effect on the TL reader as was produced by the original on the SL readers.Eg. 巧媳妇做不出没米的粥Semantic translation: Even the cleverest house wife can not cook a meal without nice. Communicative translation: Even the cleverest house wife can not make bread without flour.3.Huang LongTranslation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language.Chapter 2: What is translation theory about Translation theory’s main concern is to determine appropriate translation methods for the widest possibility of text or text-categories.It provides a framework of principle, restricted rules and hints for translation texts and criticizing translation a background for problem-solving.The theory demonstrates the possible translation procedures and the various arguments for and against the use of one translation rather than another in a particular context.Translation theory attempts to give some insight into the relation between thought, meaning and language, the universal cultural and individual aspects of language and behavior, the understanding of culture, the interpretation of texts that may be classified and even supplement by way of translation.Thus, translation theory covers a wide range of pursuits, attempts always to be useful, to assist the individual translator tools by stimulating him to write better and to suggest points of argument on common translation problems.Chapter Three: Types of translation 1. In terms of languagenative--foreign2. In terms of modeA. translationB. interpretationC. machine translation3. In terms of text genresA. scientific and technological translationB. news translationC. translation of practical writingD. translation of argumentative writing4. In terms of disposalA. Full-text translation全译B. Abridged translation摘译C. Adapted translation编译5. In terms of materialA. Intralingual translation语内翻译B. Interlingual translation语际翻译C. Intersemiotic translation符际翻译Chapter Four: Criteria of translation1.YanFu严复Faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance信,达,雅Faithfulness: the full and complete conveying of the original content and thought.Expressiveness: demands that the version should be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense,Elegance: refers to the use of classical Chinese before the Han Dynasty.2.Liu Chongde刘重德Faithfulness ,expressiveness .closeness 信,达,切Faithfulness: to be faithful to the content of the original.Expressiveness.to be as expressive and smooth as the original.Closeness: to be as close to the original style as possible.3.LuXun鲁迅A translation should be easy to understand and preserve the original flavour of the source text.Rather be faithful (in thought) than smooth (in language).宁信而不顺Liang Shiqiu梁实秋It is better to have a smooth version than a faithful one,4. FuLei傅雷Spiritual conformity/similarity in spiritTarget language should be similar to source language both in form and spirit.As to the effect, translation ought to be like copying a picture, the aim is not a resemblance of form but rather a semblance of spirit .5.Qian Zhongshu钱钟书Sublimed adaptation/sublimation化境The highest measure of literary translation) is transformation (化)A piece of writing taken from one language to another without showing strain inflicted by differences in language customs while perfectly preserving the original style can be said to be a transformation,6.Alexander Fraser Tyter 泰特勒三原则Essay on Principle of Translation:A. A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work,译作应完全复写原作的思想B. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of theoriginal.译作风格,手法应和原作属同一性质C. A translation should have all the case of the original composition.译作应有原创作品的通顺A good translation is one which the merits of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.7. Two unanimously accepted criteriaA. Faithfulness忠实Faithfulness refers to be faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style.B. Smoothness通顺Smoothness refers to not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expression in the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanical copying dictionaries.Eg, From there I could see the whole valley below, the field, the river, and the village, It was all very beautiful and the sight of it filled me with longings.从那里,我可以看到下面的整个山谷,田野,河流,村庄,这一切都非常美丽,见到后使我心里充满了渴望。
换言之翻译第一章讲义西外In Other Words:A Coursebook on TranslationMona BakerAn Egyptian professor of translation studiesat the University of Manchester in England,and an editor of "The Translator" andeditorial director of St. Jerome Publishing.She first arrived at UMIST (The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) in 1995 and became a professor there in 1997. She provides commentary on the Middle East conflict, and research in translation and intercultural studies. The site also has sections on the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, Israel and Palestinian universities, general opinions on the Middle East and calls for boycott of Israeli products and services.ScheduleWeek 1 Chapter1+2Week 2 3+4Week 3 5Week 4 6Week 5 7Each Week: Theory 2 hours + Practice 1 hourTERMINOLOGYBack translationWordMorphemeLexical meaningPropositional meaningExpressive meaningPresupposed meaningSelectional restrictionCollocational restrictionEvoked meaningDialectRegisterFieldTenorModeSemantic fieldLexical setsSuperordinateHyponymLoan wordFalse friendBack translation: a process in which a text that has been translated into a given language is retranslated into the source language. P8Word: the smallest unit of language that can be used by itself. P11Morpheme: the minimal formal element of meaning in language; a unit which cannot contain morethan one element of meaning and cannot be further analyzed. P11Lexical meaning: the specific value a word has in a particular linguistic system and the “personality”it acquires through usage within that system. P12Propositional meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which arises from the relation between it and what itrefers to or describes in a real or imaginary world, as conceived by the speakers of the particular language to which the word or utterance belongs. P13Expressive meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which relates to the speaker?s feelings or attitude rather than to what words and utterances refer to. P13Presupposed meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which arises from co-occurrence restrictions, i.e. restrictions on what other words or expressions we expect to see before or after a particular lexical unit. P14Selectional restriction: 1. a restriction on the choice of individual lexical units in construction with other lexical units. E.g. breath will typically “select” an animate subject, not an abstract or an inanimate. 2. A restriction imposed on the potential referents of a phrase, etc. related to it: e.g. pregnant will typically “select” a subject referring to someone or some animal that is female. P14 Collocational restriction: any restriction on the collocability of one individual word with another. P14 Evoked meaning: the meaning which arises from dialect and register variation. P15Dialect: A dialect is a variety of language which has currency within a specific community or group of speakers. P15 Register: a variety of language that a language user considers appropriate to a specific situation. P15 Field of discourse: An abstract term for “what is going on” that is relevant to the speaker?s choice of linguistic items. P16 T enor of discourse: An abstract term for the relationships between the people taking part in the discourse. P16 Mode of discourse: An abstract term for the role that the language is playing (speech, essay, lecture, instructions) and forits medium of transmission (spoken, written).Halliday (1964) identifies three variables that determine register:Field (the subject matter of the discourse),T enor (the participants and their relationships) andMode (the channel of communication, e.g. spoken or written).Semantic field: a distinct part of the lexicon defined by some general term or concept. E.g. in English the semantic field of colour includes words such as black and red. P18Lexical sets: the actual words and expressions under each semantic field. P18Superordinate: a word the meaning of which includes the meaning of another word or words. P20 Hyponym: a word whose meaning is included in that of another word. P20Loan word: a word imported by borrowing from another language. P25False friend: words or expressions which have the same form in two or more languages but convey different meanings. P25 Correspondence: a term used to refer to the relationship which exists between elements of SL and TL that are in some way considered to be counterparts of each other.Equivalence: (see correspondence)Domestication (domesticating translation): a term used by V enuti to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers.Foreignization (foreignizing translation): a term used by V enuti to designate the type of translation in which a TT is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.SL (source language): the language in which the text being translated is written.TL (target language): the language which is being translated into.ST (source text): the text (written or spoken) which provides the point of departure for a translation. TT (target text): a text which has been produced by an act of translation.SL-oriented translation: a translation which puts its emphasis on the close transfer of the source text. TL-oriented translation: a translation which puts emphasis on the response of the receptor of the TT.Chapter 2Equivalence at word levelOutline2.1 The Word in Different Languages2.1.1 What is a word?2.1.2 Is there a one-to-one relationship between word and meaning?2.1.3 Introducing morphemes2.2 Lexical MeaningPropositional meaning, expressive meaning, presupposed meaning, evoked meaning2.2.1 Propositional vs expressive meaning2.2.2 Presupposed meaningSelectional restriction & collocational restriction2.2.3 Evoked meaningRegister—field, tenor and mode2.3 The Problem of Non-Equivalence2.3.1 Semantic fields and lexical sets—the segmentation of experienceSemantic fieldLexical setsSuperordinate vs hyponym2.3.2 Non-equivalence at word level and some common strategies for dealing with it2.3.2.1 Common problems of non-equivalence1. Culture-specific concepts2. The source-language concept is not lexicalized in the target language3. The source-language word is semantically complex4. The source and target language make different distinctions in meaning5. The target language lacks a superordinate6. The target language lacks a specific term (hyponym)7. Differences in physical or interpersonal perspective8. Differences in expressive meaning9. Differences in form10. Differences in frequency and purpose of using specific forms11. The use of loan words in the source text2.3.2.2 Strategies used by professional translators1. Translation by a more general word (superordinate)—generalization2. Translation by a more neutral/less expressive word—undertranslation3. Translation by cultural substitution—domestication4. Translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation5. Translation by paraphrase using a related word6. Translation by paraphrase using unrelated words7. Translation by omission8. Translation by illustration提示:本题答案与例子可参考冯庆华《实用翻译教程》第三章“词法翻译”1. T ranslation by a more general word (superordinate)E.g.《关雎》参差荇菜:waterplants关关雎鸠:waterbirds2. T ranslation by a more neutral/less expressive wordNotorious—有名的Propaganda—宣传顽固不化—stubborn没完没了—persistent3. T ranslation by cultural substitution(adaptation)Jesus—老天爷Devil—阎罗王肉夹馍—Chinese hamburger作揖—shake hands4. T ranslation using a loan word or loan word plus explanationIpad:Ipad5. T ranslation by paraphrase using a related word农历:Chinese lunar calendar6. T ranslation by paraphrase using unrelated wordsRedshirt: 美国大学生中在体育方面有发展前途的学生7. T ranslation by omission (and addition)(例子见冯庆华第三章“词法翻译”:四增词译法、五省词译法) Examples for 2.2 Lexical MeaningPropositional meaningA. There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef.在地里放养的叫牲口,坐下来吃的叫牛肉。
评Mona Baker的《换言之:翻译教程》
评Mona Baker的《换言之:翻译教程》
【摘要】外语教学与研究出版社二○○○年八月出版了一本翻译专著《换言之:翻译教程》(In other words:A Coursebook On Translation),作者Mona Baker 女士是英国口笔译学会教育与培训委员会主席、英国文学翻译中心顾问,她多年从事翻译实践和理论研究工作,曾主编过《翻译研究百科全书》(Routledge Encyczopnedia of Translation Studies),著述颇丰。
1.彰显翻译目的重构译文框架——Mona Baker叙事理论视角下的林纾小说翻译[J], 权循莲
2.Mona Baker叙事理论视角下傅东华《飘》译本的翻译重构 [J], 宋燕青
3.彰显翻译目的重构译文框架——Mona Baker叙事理论视角下的林纾小说翻译[J], 权循莲
4.Mona Baker叙事理论视角下《浮躁》英译本的翻译重构 [J], 宋改荣;李芝蓉
5.Mona Baker叙事理论视角下《浮躁》英译本的翻译重构 [J], 宋改荣;李芝蓉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
英汉翻译原理第一讲:什么是翻译?英汉翻译原理第一讲:什么是翻译?【例1】The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used,would form an interesting and,in many instances,an exciting story.(“×”号表示译文有问题,下同)×树的历史开始于森林中,直到生产为木板后被使用为止,成为一个有趣且有许多事例的激动人心的故事。
【例2】There are two regulatory systems which interact.One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs,and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.×有两个调节系统相互作用。
如:【例3】I can see three different types of composers in musical history,each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion.×我能看到音乐史上有三种不同的作曲家,他们中每一个人以某种不同的方式创作音乐。
换言之翻译第一章讲义西外-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1In Other Words:A Coursebook on TranslationMona BakerAn Egyptian professor of translation studiesat the University of Manchester in England,and an editor of "The Translator" andeditorial director of St. Jerome Publishing.She first arrived at UMIST (The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) in 1995 and became a professor there in 1997. She provides commentary on the Middle East conflict, and research in translation and intercultural studies. The site also has sections on the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, Israel and Palestinian universities, general opinions on the Middle East and calls for boycott of Israeli products and services.ScheduleWeek 1 Chapter1+2Week 2 3+4Week 3 5Week 4 6Week 5 7Each Week: Theory 2 hours + Practice 1 hourTERMINOLOGYBack translationWordMorphemeLexical meaningPropositional meaningExpressive meaningPresupposed meaningSelectional restrictionCollocational restrictionEvoked meaningDialectRegisterFieldTenorModeSemantic fieldLexical setsSuperordinateHyponymLoan wordFalse friendBack translation: a process in which a text that has been translated into a given language is retranslated into the source language. P8Word: the smallest unit of language that can be used by itself. P11Morpheme: the minimal formal element of meaning in language; a unit which cannot contain more than one element of meaning and cannot be further analyzed. P11 Lexical meaning: the specific value a word has in a particular linguistic system and the “personality”it acquires through usage within that system. P12Propositional meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which arises from the relation between it and what it refers to or describes in a real or imaginary world, as conceived by the speakers of the particular language to which the word or utterance belongs. P13Expressive meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which relates to the speaker’s feelings or attitude rather than to what words and utterances refer to. P13 Presupposed meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which arises from co-occurrence restrictions, . restrictions on what other words or expressions we expect to see before or after a particular lexical unit. P14Selectional restriction: 1. a restriction on the choice of individual lexical units in construction with other lexical units. . breath will typically “select” an animate subject, not an abstract or an inanimate. 2. A restriction imposed on the potential referents of a phrase, etc. related to it: . pregnant will typically “select” a subject referring to someone or some animal that is female. P14Collocational restriction: any restriction on the collocability of one individual word with another. P14Evoked meaning: the meaning which arises from dialect and register variation. P15 Dialect: A dialect is a variety of language which has currency within a specific community or group of speakers. P15Register: a variety of language that a language user considers appropriate to a specific situation. P15Field of discourse: An abstract term for “what is going on” that is relevant to the speaker’s choice of linguistic items. P16Tenor of discourse: An abstract term for the relationships between the people taking part in the discourse. P16Mode of discourse: An abstract term for the role that the language is playing (speech, essay, lecture, instructions) and for its medium of transmission (spoken, written). Halliday (1964) identifies three variables that determine register:Field (the subject matter of the discourse),Tenor (the participants and their relationships) andMode (the channel of communication, . spoken or written).Semantic field: a distinct part of the lexicon defined by some general term or concept. . in English the semantic field of colour includes words such as black and red. P18 Lexical sets: the actual words and expressions under each semantic field. P18 Superordinate: a word the meaning of which includes the meaning of another word or words. P20Hyponym: a word whose meaning is included in that of another word. P20Loan word: a word imported by borrowing from another language. P25False friend: words or expressions which have the same form in two or more languages but convey different meanings. P25Correspondence: a term used to refer to the relationship which exists between elements of SL and TL that are in some way considered to be counterparts of each other. Equivalence: (see correspondence)Domestication (domesticating translation): a term used by Venuti to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers.Foreignization (foreignizing translation): a term used by Venuti to designate the type of translation in which a TT is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.SL (source language): the language in which the text being translated is written.TL (target language): the language which is being translated into.ST (source text): the text (written or spoken) which provides the point of departure for a translation.TT (target text): a text which has been produced by an act of translation.SL-oriented translation: a translation which puts its emphasis on the close transfer of the source text.TL-oriented translation: a translation which puts emphasis on the response of the receptor of the TT.Chapter 2 Equivalence at word level OutlineThe Word in Different LanguagesWhat is a wordIs there a one-to-one relationship between word and meaningIntroducing morphemesLexical MeaningPropositional meaning, expressive meaning, presupposed meaning, evoked meaning Propositional vs expressive meaningPresupposed meaningSelectional restriction & collocational restrictionEvoked meaningRegister—field, tenor and modeThe Problem of Non-EquivalenceSemantic fields and lexical sets—the segmentation of experienceSemantic fieldLexical setsSuperordinate vs hyponymNon-equivalence at word level and some common strategies for dealing with it Common problems of non-equivalence1. Culture-specific concepts2. The source-language concept is not lexicalized in the target language3. The source-language word is semantically complex4. The source and target language make different distinctions in meaning5. The target language lacks a superordinate6. The target language lacks a specific term (hyponym)7. Differences in physical or interpersonal perspective8. Differences in expressive meaning9. Differences in form10. Differences in frequency and purpose of using specific forms11. The use of loan words in the source textStrategies used by professional translators1. Translation by a more general word (superordinate)—generalization2. Translation by a more neutral/less expressive word—undertranslation3. Translation by cultural substitution—domestication4. Translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation5. Translation by paraphrase using a related word6. Translation by paraphrase using unrelated words7. Translation by omission8. Translation by illustration提示:本题答案与例子可参考冯庆华《实用翻译教程》第三章“词法翻译”1. Translation by a more general word (superordinate).《关雎》参差荇菜:waterplants关关雎鸠:waterbirds2. Translation by a more neutral/less expressive wordNotorious—有名的Propaganda—宣传顽固不化—stubborn没完没了—persistent3. Translation by cultural substitution(adaptation)Jesus—老天爷Devil—阎罗王肉夹馍—Chinese hamburger作揖—shake hands4. Translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanationIpad:Ipad5. Translation by paraphrase using a related word农历:Chinese lunar calendar6. Translation by paraphrase using unrelated wordsRedshirt: 美国大学生中在体育方面有发展前途的学生7. Translation by omission (and addition)(例子见冯庆华第三章“词法翻译”:四增词译法、五省词译法)Examples for Lexical MeaningPropositional meaningA. There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef.在地里放养的叫牲口,坐下来吃的叫牛肉。
2.其次剔毛发、婴金铁受辱 通“剃”
译:第二是被剃去头发、用铁圈束颈而受辱 。
把文言句中的谓语前置句、宾语前置句、 定语后置句、介词结构后置句及其它特 殊句式,按现代汉语的要求调整过来。
凭着勇气在诸侯中间闻名 “雅”要求用简明、优美、富有文采的现代汉 语把原文的内容、形式以及风格准确的表达出 来。例:曹公,豺虎也。
文言翻译 的种类
文言文的翻译有直译 和意译两种。
应翻译,做到实词、虚词尽可能文意相对。 要求原文字字在译文中有着落,译文字字在 原文中有根据。
从高考的特点与考查要达到的目的看,文言文翻 译:直译为主,意译为辅,直译不便用意译。
A.庆历四年春,藤子京谪守巴陵郡。” (《岳阳楼记》) B.陈胜者,阳城人也,字涉。
“《水经》云:彭蠡之口有石钟山焉。郦 元以为下临深潭……”
“元封七年六月丁丑,余自齐安舟行适临 汝。”
•解析:(1)古今异义词“故事”要替换成现 代汉语使用的词语,即“旧例”。单音节词 “故”“问”要换成现代汉语中的双音节词 :“故”,变故、事故;“问”,责问、追 究。(2)“从”“宾”为通假字:“从”同“ 纵”,合纵;“宾”同“摈”,排斥、摒弃 。单音节词“害”“成”换成双音节词,即 “侵犯”“成功”。
翻 ●
郭 庆 生
一、留( 保留法) 凡 朝 代 、国 号 、年 号 、帝 号 、人 名 、地 名 、官 职 、器 物 名 、书 名 、某 些典章制度、部分度量衡单位等 专有名词或现代汉语也通用的 词, 都保留不译。例如: ① 庖 丁 为 文 惠 君 解 牛 。 (《 庄
量达到完美。 所谓直译, 是指用现代汉语的
也不能多余。换言之, 原文和译文必须是—一对 遵循“字字落实, 文从句顺; 直译为主, 意译为辅” 应的关系, 原文中有的意思, 在译 !!!!!!!!!!!" 的原则呢? 我们可以用“六方法”,
距: 通“拒”。)
译文: 生产物资有一定的时间, 但是消费起
以上两个例句中的“之”字都是介词, 用在主 来没有限度, 那么物力一定会缺乏。
语和谓语之间, 取消句子的独立性, 表示语意未
“亡”通“无”, 没有。( 通假字换成本字)
完, 让听者或读者等待下文, 均应删去不译。
④而世之奇伟瑰怪非常之观, 常在于险远,
的前面, 在动词与其宾语之间加代词“之”字、
译 文 : 再 说 水 聚 积 得 不 深 , 那 么 它 负 载 大 船 “实”字或“是”字复指。
⑥即不幸有方二三千里之旱, 国胡以相恤?
这 里“水 之 积 ”是“名 词+ 之+ 动 词 ”作 主 语 , 卒然边境有急, 数千百万之众, 国胡以馈之? ( 贾
的巨大旋风飞上九万里的高空, 离开北海用六个
换言之 翻译教程 第七章 笔记
Chapter 7 Pragmatic equivalenceWe need to get away form the linguistic organization and look at reality, precisely because that reality is encoded in situations and texts for the translator and not in languages.The text cannot be considered as a static specimen of language, but essentially as the verbalized expression of an author's intention as understood by the translator as reader, who when recreates this whole for another readership in another culture.In this chapter we conclude our discussion of language and translation with a brief look at how a given text comes to make sense to a given readership. Here, we will be concerned with the way utterances are used in communicative situations and the way we interpret them in context, known as pragmatics.Pragmatics is the study of meaning, not as generated by the linguistic system but as conveyed and manipulated by participants in a communicative situation.Coherence and implicature explore the question of making sense and in highlighting areas of difficulty in cross-cultural communication.7.1. Coherence7.1.1. Coherence VS cohesionLike cohesion, coherence is a network of relations which organize and create a text:.cohesion is the network of surface relations which links words and expressions to other words and expressions in a text, and coherence is the network of conceptual relations which underlie the surface text.In the case of cohesion, stretches of language are connected to each other. In the case of coherence, they are connected by virtue of conceptual or meaning depdendencies as perceived by language users.Hoey sums up the differences between them as follows:We will assume that cohesion is a property of the text and that coherence is a facet of the reader's evaluation of a text. In other words,cohesion is objective,capable in principle of automatic recognition, while coherence is subjective and judgements concerning it may vary from reader to reader.We could say that cohesion is the surface expression of coherence relations, that it is a device for making conceptual relations explicit.Generally speaking, the mere presence of cohesive markers cannot create a coherent text; cohesive markers have to reflect conceptual relations which make sense.What actually gives texture to a stretch of language is not the presence of cohesive markers but our ability to recognize underlying semantic relations which establishing continuity of sense.The main value of cohesive markers seems to be that they can be used to facilitate and possibly control the interpretation of underlying semantic relations.7.1.2. Is coherence a feature of text or situation?No text is inherently coherent or incoherent. In the end, it all depends on the receiver, and on his ability on interpret the indications present in the discourse so that, finally ,he manages to understand it in a way which seems coherent to him.The ability to make sense of a stretch of language depends on the hearer's of reader's expectations and experience of the world.The coherence of a text is a result of the interaction between knowledge presented in the text and the reader's own knowledge and experience of the world.Even a simple cohesive relation of co-reference cannot be recognized, and therefore cannot be said to contribute to the coherence of a text.Blum-Kulka's definition of coherence as a covert potential meaning relationship among parts of a text, made overt by the reader or listener through processes of interpretation implies that she sees meaning , or coherence as a property of a ext, even though it is only accessible through processes of interpretation.Sinclair(personal communication) similarly states that processes such as the recall of past experience and knowledge of the world...are not part of the meaning of a text, but part of the human apparatus for working out the meaning of a text, which again suggests that meaning exists in texts but can only be accessed through various processes of interpretation on the part of the reader.Firth asserts that meaning is a property of the mutually relevant people, things, events in the situation.Kirsten Malmkjaer(personal communication) does not accept the view that meaning is in text and suggests instead that meaning arise in situation involving language.A reader's cultural and intellectual background determine how much sense she or he gets out of a text.Regardless of whether meaning is a property of text or situation, coherence is not a feature of text as such but of the judgement made by a reader on a text.A translator has to take account of the range of knowledge available to his or her target readers and of the expectations they are likely to have about.We can only make sense of new information in terms of our own knowledge, beliefs, and previous experience of both linguistic and non-linguistic events.7.2. Coherence and processes of interpretation: implicatureThe difference between supplemental interpretations and explanatory interpretations is that the former never lead to the explication of a thematic continuity, whereas the latter justify this continuity.One of the most important notions which have emerged in text studies in recent years is that of implicature, which refers to what the speaker means or implies rather than what she or he literally says.Grice suggests that a speaker can signal an implied meaning conventionally and non-conventionally. To signal an implied meaning conventionally, a speaker uses the textual resources which are conventionally understood to signal certain relationships between propositions. Grammatical structure is another.Grice suggests that discourse has certain important features:for instance, it is connected; it has a purpose; and it is a co-operative effort. These features give rise to a general principle of communication, the Co-operative Principle(CP).Implied meaning which is not signalled conventionally derives from the Co-operative Principle and a number of maxims associated with it: quantity, quality, relevance and manner.Grice's maxims provide a point of orientation for participants even when they are flouted, so that flouting them is recognized as a way os exploiting the convention in order to convey anintended meaning.Apart from observing the maxims, a language user can deliberately flout a maxim and in doing so produce what Grice called a conversational implicature.例证:do you know what time it is?分析:it may means"I don's know the time""I wish to know the time. Levinson calls this type of meaning a standard implicature. It could convey a meaning such as "you are very late", this is what Grice would call a conversational implicature.Conversational implicature can be conveyed by flouting any or several of the maxims.7.3. Coherence, implicature, and translation strategies7.3.1. The conventional meanings of words and structures and the identity of references7.3.1.1. The conventional meanings of words and structuresAs well as the conventional meaning of words, each language also employs conventionalized expressions and patterns of conveying implicatures. In other words, in every language there will be conventional associations between certain linguistic patterns and certain inferable meanings.Typographic features also play a role in conveying certain implicatures. The identity of any references that may be involvedThe English translator attempts to bridge the gap between the textual world and the world of the target reader by explaining the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar.Identifying reference is not just a question of identifying roughly who or what the referent is but, crucially, of knowing enough about the referent to interpret the particular associations it is meant to trigger in our minds in a given context.It is the ability to interpret the significance of a given reference and the way it links with other features of the context and co-text that contributes to the continuity of sense or coherence of a text and enables us to draw any intended implicatures.The ability to identify a referent may also be influenced by one's perspective.7.3.2. The Co-operative Principle and its maximsGrice suggests that the CP and its maxims are not arbitrary but are a feature of any rational behaviour, be it linguistic or non-linguistic.CP and its maxims are universal, on the assumption that linguistic behaviour is just one type of rational behaviour and that all human beings are rational.A certain type of implicature, say quality implicature, is never used by the speakers of a particular language, or that the contexts in which a type of implicature will be used will differ from one language community to the next.Even within the same cultural and linguistic community, there are sometimes special contexts in which one or more of the maxims do not apply.The four maxims do not represent an exhaustive list and suggested that other maxims such as "be polite" may be added. It would suggest that the maxim of quality and manner are easily overrien by considerations of politeness in some cultures.Hatim and Mason's comment on quantity that what is required for any given communicative purpose within a TL cultural environment is...a matter for the translator's judgement.An important factor which seems to override Grice's maxims and support the possibility that they are both language- and culture-specific relates to norms of discourse organization and rhetorical functions in different languages.Weakness of definition aside, it is interesting that Grice's maxims seem to reflect directly notions which are known to be valued in the English-speaking world, for instance sincerity, brevity, and relevance. These do not necessarily have the same value in other cultures, nor should they be expected to represent any ideal basis for communication.A more plausible suggestion would be that all discourse, in any language, is essentially co-operative and that the phenomenon of implicature(rather than the specific maxims suggested by Grice) is universal. In other words, the interpretation of a maxim or the maxims themselves may differ from one linguistic community to anther, but the process of conveying intended meaning by means of exploiting whatever maxims are in operation in that community will be the same.7.3.3. The context, linguistic or otherwise, of the utteranceThe context in which an utterance occurs determines the range of implicatures that may sensibly be derived from it.Sperber and Wilson suggest that the context does much more than filter out inappropriate interpretations; it provides premises without which the implicature cannot be inferred at all.The inability to relate a piece of information to his or her own context can lead the reader to draw the wrong inferences from a text.When a person describe something, recounts an event, or lists a number of items, she or he will normally follow a preferred sequence rather than a random one.Levinson relates the question of normal ordering of events in the real world to the sub-maxim of manner, “be orderly”. He suggests that it is because we expect participants in a discourse to respect the maxim"Be orderly" that we expect them to recount events in the order in which they happened.T emporal order may be a widespread or universal ordering strategy, but there are other types of preferences for ordering strategies which tend to be language- and culture-specific.The "sense of apropriateness" could provide the context for interpreting the additional maxim 'Be polite' posited earlier.7.3.4.. Other items of background knowledgeThere is a great deal of overlap between identifying reference and accessing relevant background information.The study of implicature may provide a practical solution to the well known problem of deciding what parts of the original shared context should be built into the text of the translation and what should be provided separately, for example in footnotes. Information essential to the success of conversational implicatures should be included in the text if the translation is to be coherent and sensible. It is unrealistic and working against the pragmatic nature of language to put such information into footnotes.As well as expanding a text to provide the necessary background information, a translator may decide to delete information that the target readership can be assumed to be familiar with .In any act of communication, a text does not necessarily have to conform to the expectations of its readership. Readers' versions of reality, their expectations, and their preferences can be challenged without affecting the coherence of a text, provided the challenge is motivated and the reader is prepared for it.7.3.5. The availability of all relevant items falling under the previous headingsIn order to convey an intended meaning, the speaker or writer must be able to assume that the hearer or reader has access to all the necessary background information, features of the context...The less the writer assumes that the reader has access to the more she or he will provide in the way of explanation and detail.In translation, anything that is likely to violate the target reader's expectations must be carefully examined and, if necessary, adjusted in order to avoid conveying the wrong implicatures or even failing to make sense altogether.Unless motivated, a deviant configuration at any linguistic level may block a participant's access to the conventional meaning of the words and structures used and can directly affect the coherence of a text.Any disturbance to the normal organizational patterns of language must therefore be motivated, otherwise the reader will not be able to make sense of it.Most professional translators appreciate the need to fulfil a reader's expectations about the organization of the target language in order to maintain the coherence of a text and avoid giving rise to unwanted implicatures.Reader's expectation do not necessarily have to be fulfilled.We are normally prepared to accept a great deal of unusual and even bizarre linguistic behaviour provided it can be justified, for instance on the basis of poetic creativity or humour.The suggestion that deviations form normal patterning have to be motivated implies that they have to occur in a context that is interpretable by the hearer or reader.Blackmore suggests that a speaker or writer who wants his or her utterance to be interpreted in a certain way must expect it to be interpreted in a context that yields that interpretation.in order to maintain coherence translators often have to minimize discrepancies between the model of the world presented in the source text and that with which the target reader is likely to be familiar. The extent of intervention varies considerably and depends in the final analysis on 2 main factor:①The first is the translator 's ability to access the knowledge and expectations of the target reader--the more the target reader is assumed to know, the less likely that the translator will be inclined to intervene with lengthy explanations likewise, the more harmony is assumed to exist between the model of the world presented in the source text and the target culture's version os the world, the more inclined the translator will be to remain invisible, i.e.refrain from direct intervention.②The second factor is the translator's own view of his or her role and of the whole question of where his or her loyalties ought to lie--whether they ought to lie with the source text or with the target reader.The main difficulties seem to be concerned with the ability to assess the target reader's range of knowledge and assumptions about various aspects of the world, and to strike a reasonable balance between, on the one hand, fulfilling their expectations and, on the other hand, maintaining their interest in the communication by offering them new or alternative insights.Brown and Y ule suggest that the principle of analogy and local basis of the assumption of coherence in our experience of life in general, hence in our experience of discourse as well.In attempting to fill gaps in their reader's knowledge and fulfil their expectations of what is normal or acceptable, translator should be careful not to 'overdo' things by explaining too much and leaving the reader with nothing to do.。
第二章:词汇对等●如果语言只是对于世间万物的命名,那么一种语言一定对应于另一种,但事实并非如此,语言之间千差万别,各个语言都用自己特有的方式来组织(articulate and organize)语言,理解概念。
词是语言的最小单位(the smallest unit),是两个空格之间的字母组合,但词并不是最基本的意义单位(the basic meaningful element)。
●词的词汇意义(lexical meaning)被当做词的特有价值,或者词的“个性”。
为了便于分析,Cruse提出了一种分析意义组合的方法,他将意义分为四种:命题意义(propositional meaning),表现意义(expressive meaning),前提意义(presupposed meaning),激发意义(evoked meaning)。
高考文言文翻译专题 课件(53张PPT)
2、对句子本身进行整体理解,注意句 间的逻辑关系。
字、一词多义等都必须换用现代汉语的词 语,绝大部分单音词换作双音词。换言之, 留的留下,删的删去,其他的都是“换” 的对象了,这是字词翻译的重点所在。
翻译句子,说说这些句子有何共同特点?翻 译时要注意什么? 省略主语:蛇
凡国名、地名、人名、官名、帝 号、年号、庙号、谥号、器物名、朝 代、书名等专有名词和古今同义词, 皆保留不动。
பைடு நூலகம்
结构助词,主谓之间取消 句子独立性,删去
语气助词,句中表停顿, 以舒缓语气,删去
译:从师的风尚不流传已经很久了 。
音节助词,无义, 删去
(王冕)七八岁时 ,父命牧牛垄上,入学 舍,听诸生诵书;听已,辄默记。暮归,忘其
牛 。父怒挞之 。已而复如初。母曰 :“儿
痴如此 ,曷不听其所为 ?” 冕因去 ,依僧 寺以居 。夜潜出 ,坐佛膝上 。执策映长明 灯读之 ,琅琅达旦。
(王冕)七八岁时,父亲让(他)在田埂上 放牛,(他)跑进学堂,听学生们读书;听完, 就默记在心。晚上回家,忘了牵牛。父亲愤怒 地打了他,但不久又像以前一样了,母亲说; “儿子像这样一心一意,何不听凭他去干想做 的事!”于是王冕离开家投靠和尚庙而居住。 晚上偷偷出来,坐在佛的膝盖上,用佛像前昼 夜不熄的灯照着书读,响亮的读书声一直到天 亮。
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6 T extual equivalence: cohesionCohesion:衔接A network of lexical, grammatical, and other relations which provide links between various parts of a text, and which organize and create a text; a surface relation which connects together the actual words and expressions that we can see or hear.(p180)[The connection between successive sentences in texts, conversations, etc., in so far as it can be described in terms of specific syntactic units.]Cohesive devicesHalliday and Hasan:five main cohesive devices in English:reference,substitution,ellipsis,conjunction,lexical cohesion.These devices are probably common to a large number of languages. However, different languages have different preferences for using specific devices more frequently than others or in specific combinations which may not correspond to English patterns of cohesion. For instance, pronominalization is very frequent in English but is rarely used in Japanese and Chinese. Lexical repetition is far more frequent in Hebrew than it is in English. p211Cohesion is also achieved by a variety of devices other than those mentioned by Halliday and Hasan and discussed above. These include, for instance, continuity of tense, consistency of style, and punctuation devices such as colons and semi-colons, which, like conjunctions, indicate how different parts of the text relate to each other. It is worth noting here that unmotivated shifts in style, a common pitfall in translation, can seriously disrupt the cohesion and coherence of a text. p2116.1 ReferenceDefinition: the relationship of identity which holds between two linguistic expressions. P181E.g.Mrs Thatcher has resigned. She announced her decision this morning.Mrs. Thatcher has resigned. This delighted her opponents.p181Coreferencea matter of realworld knowledge--Hoey (1988: 162)e.g.There‟s a boy climbing that tree.a. The boy‟s going to fall if he doesn‟t take care. (repetition)b. The lad‟s going to fall if he doesn‟t take care. (synonym)c. The child‟s going to fall if he doesn‟t take care. (superordinate)d. The idiot‟s going to fall if he doesn‟t take care. (general word)e. He‟s going to fall if he doesn‟t take care. (pronominal reference) p182-183Reference—differences between English and ChineseChinese: repetition, zero reference; fewer or zero pronouns;English: pronominal reference; obligatory pronounse.g.“But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavor to conceal it, he must find it out.”“Perhaps he must, if he sees enough of her.”(Pride and Prejudice)?“如果一个女人爱上了一个男人,而又不故意瞒着它的话,他一定会发现它的。
”1a “假如一个女人爱上了一个男人,只要女方不故意瞒住男方,男方一定会看得出来的。
”(上海译文版)1b “假如一个女人爱上了一位男子,只要她不着意隐瞒自己的感情,那位男子就一定能察觉到。
”(太白文艺版)1c “一个女人爱上一个男人,只要女方不有意隐瞒,男方准能看得出来。
”(译林版)6.2 Substitution and EllipsisSubstitution: the case of an item being replaced by another item (or items).Ellipsis: the omission of an item.p186-187SubstitutionPro-nominals (代名词): one, ones, the same, etc.Pro-verbals (代动词): do, etc.Clausal substitution (代句词): so, not, etc.E.g. 1“Perhaps I can get a guide among your lads, and he might stay at the Grange till morning—could you spare m e one?”“兴许我可以从你的仆人中找一位向导,他可以在田庄住到明天早上——能给我派一个吗?Substitution—substitutionE.g. 2…and I am certain I heard a laugh, and a strange one.我肯定听到一声笑,而且是一声怪笑。
Substitution—lexical cohesion (repetition)E.g. 3Miss Cathay and he were now very thick; but Hindley hated him! And to say the truth I did the same. 凯茜小姐和他很要好了,但是欣德利却恨他,而且说实话,我也恨他。
Substitution—lexical cohesion (repetition)E.g.4“One would almost say that, if there were a ghost at Thornfield Hall, this would be his haunt.”“So I think. Y ou have no ghost then?”“None that I ever heard of,” returned Mrs Fairfax, smiling.“Nor any traditions of one? No legends ot ghost stories?”“I believe not.”“差不多可以说:如果桑菲尔德符有鬼的话,那这儿就是闹鬼的地方。
“也没有任何关于鬼的传说吗?没有传奇或者鬼的故事吗?”“我肯定没有……”Substitution—substitutionEllipsisE.g.Here are my two white silk scarves. I used to have three.我这有两条白色的丝巾。
Ellipsis—ellipsisE.g.She kissed me, and I her.她吻了我,我也吻了她。
Ellipsis—lexical cohesion6.3 ConjunctionConjunction involves the use of formal markers to relate sentences, clauses and paragraphs to each other. Unlike reference, substitution, and ellipsis, the use of conjunction does not instruct the reader to supply missing information either by looking for it elsewhere in the text or by filling structural slots. Instead, conjunction signals the way the writer wants the reader to relate what is about to be said to what has been said before. Conjunction expresses one of a small number of general relations.Main relations :a. additive: and, or, also, in addition, furthermore, besides, similarly, likewise, by contrast, for instance;b. adversative: but, yet, however, instead, on the other hand, nevertheless, at any rate, as a matter of fact;c. causal: so, consequently, it follows, for, because, under the circumstances, for this reason;d. temporal: then, next, after that, on another occasion, in conclusion, an hour later, finally, at last;e. continuatives (miscellaneous): now, of course, well, anyway, surely, after all.E.g.For the whole day he climbed up the steep mountainside, almost without stopping.And in all this time he met no one.Y et he was hardly aware of being tired.So by night time the valley was for below.Then, as dusk fell, he sat down to rest.Points :First, the same conjunction may be used to signal different relations, depending on the context. Second, these relations can be expressed by a variety of means; the use of a conjunction is not the only device for expressing a temporal or causal relation, for instance.Third, conjunctive relations do not just reflect relations between external phenomena, but may also be set up to reflect relations which are internal to the text or communicative situation.p191老黄老了,人称“黄老”。